Biographies Characteristics Analysis

English School Foundation ESF.

Why English school?

The best option for your family
One of only 4 international high schools in Moscow, Russia, our children learn to be global citizens by spending at least 30 hours a week studying English language and getting the most quality education with a Diploma that is recognized by the best Universities in the world.
The main specialization of the school is teaching natural science subjects: mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology and information technologies. Excellent technical equipment, modern laboratory complex, carefully designed syllabus make the English School (ESF) one of the most advanced schools in the world. Our teaching standards are held to the same academic standards as high quality private schools in the UK.

Training for the 21st century
The school's curriculum emphasizes the teaching of science, mathematics and information technology, which is certainly the most popular area modern world. However, we must point out a number of other key subjects in our curriculum, namely: English and Russian languages, classical and modern world literature, history, geography, French, design and technology, art, physical education and music.
At the English School, we unite project-based learning from the National curriculum England and Wales, taught by our experienced English teachers, which provides the most complete and dynamic primary and secondary school education.

What is project-based learning?
Project-based learning is modern approach to learning in which students explore real problems and tasks with practical application them in class. They learn to solve problems by formulating problems, asking questions and critical reasoning; that is, they learn while working. In an English school, students not only memorize numbers and facts, they learn to apply their knowledge to achieve their goals. As a result, students develop the right approach to learning, which, in addition to knowledge of basic subjects, includes the development creative potential and social skills.

Warm and welcoming atmosphere
Newly admitted families become part of an active and welcoming school community. Parents are the school's key partners in their children's education and we strongly encourage their involvement in the life of the school. This can be done by joining various school committees or taking part in various educational and social activities.
Any level of family involvement is welcome, from participation in literary readings with children, to work in the Parents Committee, visiting Creative clubs, Russian as a foreign language lessons for expat parents or an English group spoken language for parents learning English, or, for example, you can help with baking cookies and making crafts for charity fairs, take part in decorating the school for Christmas, and so on.

Educational program:
Primary School
high school

RT News


To make a decision about admission, parents can visit the English School and discuss the educational goals facing their child. You can make an appointment by email or by phone by calling the admissions office to arrange a convenient day and time for your visit. Most pupils start school in September, but we are happy to accept pupils throughout the year provided we have places available.

We have tried to make the admission process kindergarten and school in the most effective and positive way for students and their parents. There is no interview or testing for children entering kindergarten. For children entering grades 1-6, an interview in English is required. For children entering middle and high school, a science interview is required in English.

We expect all students we admit to be able to thrive in their mainstream class. The English School is ready to accept a number of students whose knowledge of English reaches intermediate level so that using the Program intensive training EAL to bring this level to the level required for learning in our school.

We draw your attention to the fact that selection committee may make a confidential request regarding the applicant to his or her current or previous school requesting additional information.

Before applying to an English school natural sciences and ICT we recommend that you read the School Admission Rules and Information for Parents (see below), as it contains all the necessary practical information and conditions for admission to the English School. Pupils enter classes according to their age. For kindergarten and Preparatory classes, we take into account the level of English language proficiency during admission.

Practical Information for Parents

Sometimes it happens that in order to understand whether the school’s operating style is suitable for their family, parents have to re-read the entire website, finding out the necessary information. English School always respects busy parents with children and understands that these families have very busy schedule. To make things easier, we've collected all the practical information about the school in one place, so you can quickly see what we offer and assess whether it will meet your family's needs.

    School time

    1. Preschool department:

    Nursery, Reception groups, children ages 3-4, 4-5 years: 8:30 am – 5:00 pm, classes start at 9:00

    Additional activities for preschoolers: 4:00 pm-5:00 pm

    2. School:

    1st grade (age 5 years) – 13th grade (age 18 years): 8.30am – 3:30pm
    3. Time of classes in the school’s Evening Clubs:

3:30 pm – 6:00 pm

4. Extended stay group: until 7:00 pm

  • Meals at school

    The school provides tasty and healthy eating, which includes a dietary and vegetarian option. Meals are provided 2 times a day for primary, secondary and high school and 3 times a day for kindergarten, pre-kindergarten and Evening Club students and those attending extracurricular activities. All students eat with their teachers in our cafeteria.

    Fruit for breakfast and fresh vegetables for lunch are compulsory and included in our school meals. We serve hot snacks in the afternoon for students staying for club and after-school activities.

    A typical lunch includes dishes such as soup and garlic bread, vegetables (carrots, cucumbers, cherry tomatoes)/vegetable salad, a main course which may include chicken/beef/fish or a vegetarian dish and a hot drink (tea or hot chocolate). Pork is excluded from the school menu in any form.

    For breakfast, students are offered dairy/dairy-free porridge, scrambled eggs, as well as a large selection of fresh fruit and natural yoghurt every day.

    Afternoon snacks include hot pancakes with berries, a piece of cottage cheese casserole with sour cream, apple strudel, cheesecakes, and a hot drink. For children with allergies and ovo-vegetarians, pasta, bean burritos, and polenta with vegetables are offered as an afternoon snack.

    We are very experienced in meeting students' individual dietary needs and are willing to create special menu options to meet specific needs.

    Sample school menu

    Education and good manners

    We make every effort to ensure the cultural education of each child, his physical and emotional development, as well as strengthen self-confidence, instill strong moral principles and a sense of responsibility.

    How can you rightly expect, in a school like ours, proper education and inculcation good manners students are truly ours strong point. Small classes, only one class per parallel, active extracurricular activities, - lead to the fact that each of our children is visible and, if necessary, our experienced teachers are ready to offer immediate help.

    In turn, students know that they are valued, cared for, and can easily find support from peers and teachers. The student can always choose with whom he wants to discuss a topic that concerns him: with a teacher, a senior school teammate who supervises the younger ones, with a nurse or even the Director: issues that concern the child never go unattended, and the school, together with the family, will provide all the help he needs.

    Medical care at school

    The school has a Medical Office and a staff nurse who is always ready to provide advice or assistance on any medical issue to students and their parents.

    If your child becomes ill while at school, they will be taken to isolation and our nurse will determine the necessary treatment and contact you immediately.

    To ensure that our medical staff knows your child's medical history, we ask parents to complete a medical questionnaire for each student upon admission to school. These medical questionnaires are confidential and are only available in the medical office. It is important that you inform medical staff and school officials of any changes in your child's medical history and your own contact details so that we can contact you in an emergency or if your child is unwell.

    Children's Health Policy is included in the school's Rules and Policies and can be obtained from the school administration.

    Letters from school

    We send a lot of correspondence to families regarding school trips, school holidays And sporting events, as well as student progress, so please check your email and a child's bag every day. You can also find relevant information in our newsletter, which is published and sent home at the end of each month.

    You can obtain copies of letters from the reception desk.

    School Transport

    We know how precious time is for busy families, especially when the logistics of school and parents' jobs involve traveling in different directions every morning. To solve this problem, we offer minibus services so that your daughter or son can get to school with a minimum of your participation.

    Schedule information and costs can be obtained from the school office, but please note that times and routes are subject to change as they are tailored to meet the needs of our families. All drivers undergo a thorough examination every morning, and minibuses are equipped with seat belts.


    Children of the World Kindergarten and the English School of Science and ICT have convenient parking in close proximity from their territory.

    If you are going to visit the Children of the World kindergarten on Minskaya Street for the first time, then you need to order a pass to enter the territory of the Golden Keys residential complex. Car and pedestrian passes can be ordered through our Administrator by calling +7-963-976-2228.

One of best schools in Northwestern Administrative Okrug. Individual approach to every child. Complete 4-5 meals a day. Spartakiads are held three times a year. Own recreation center. Unique approach to assessment of knowledge: children do not receive bad grades, only 4s and 5s. Delivery to school by school transport.


Mr Ross Hunter, Director of ESF.

Ross Hunter was educated at Cambridge University and worked for 40 years in rating schools England and in leading international schools.

We consider it a great success for everything international education in Moscow, which Ross undertook to build educational process at another international school.


School with international programs
A program with in-depth language learning. Provides the opportunity to continue studying abroad

Summer school
IN summer period is being organized summer camp at private school

An international school operating in English according to the educational program of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Accredited by the UK Department of Education, it issues an English national or international (for foreigners) diploma. The school specializes in natural sciences and computer science.

The school provides a two-year A Level university course, which is counted for admission to Universities in Europe and the USA as a base course, reducing the time spent studying at the University.

The English School of Natural Sciences and Information Technology accepts children of expats and Russian citizens, teachers and management from the UK. The school has a beautiful campus, is well equipped, and practices the most modern techniques training.

Additional information about the educational program

At the English School of Natural Sciences and Information Technology, the following subjects are studied in depth: physics, chemistry, biology, and computer science. The subjects are taught by certified teachers from the UK, the working language of the school is English. The school has a large number of different clubs and sections for additional classes. The school organizes a large number of social events and organizes academic, sports and creative internships abroad for students.

  • Baby Club

    Price 20,000 rub. per month

    Developmental program in English for the little ones. Allows the child to gain first knowledge of the English language through play, socializes him and helps him later adapt more easily in kindergarten.

    Study hours: Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 17:00 - 18:00 Age: from 2 to 3 years Meals: no Entry fee: no

  • International kindergarten

    Price 90,000 rub. per month

    Training on international program UK kindergartens, full immersion in English, English teachers. Friendly comfortable atmosphere. A large number of variety of additional activities, active social life, preparation for entering school.

    Study hours: Monday-Friday, 8:00 - 17:00 Age: from 3 to 5 years Meals: 3 times Entry fee: 100,000 rubles.

  • International comprehensive school

    Price from 90,000 to 120,000 rub. per month

    The school is accredited by the UK Department of Education and operates in the STEM education system (Science, Technology, Engineering, Maths). Children study at school foreign citizens and Russian children. Required for training good knowledge in English.

    Study hours: Monday-Friday, 9:00 - 16:00 Age: from 5 to 18 years Meals: 2 times Entry fee: 200,000 rubles.

  • English club

    Price 12,000 rub. per month

    English conversation club for schoolchildren aged 6-8 and 9-12 years. Fun English lessons with big amount fun games, songs, theatrical productions and classic children's literature quickly remove the language barrier and force participants to begin speaking English fluently. Classes are taught by British teachers.

    Study hours: Saturday, Sunday, 10:00 - 13:00 Age: from 6 to 12 years Meals: no Entry fee: no

Photo gallery


International school follows national program schools in the UK and prepares for entry into best Universities peace. At school, natural sciences, mathematics and computer science are studied in depth. Education is in English, qualified teachers from the UK, USA and Canada work, school management and directors are from the UK. Upon completion of school, graduates receive an international IGCSE diploma and take A-Level exams for admission to Universities.

Educational program
The school is accredited by the UK Department of Education and operates in the STEM education system (Science, Technology, Engineering, Maths). Children of foreign citizens and Russian children study at the school. A good knowledge of English is required for training.

Year founded: 2008 Average class size: 16 students Director: Ross Hunter Foreign languages: French, Spanish In-Depth Study: physics, mathematics, chemistry, biology, computer science Sports: volleyball, basketball, tennis, martial arts and martial arts, mini-football Creative development: art studio, choreography, music, theatre studio, choir studio, animation, erudite club, architectural and art workshop Infrastructure: swimming pool, football field, basketball court, playground, 4-story building, library, laboratories designed for studying natural sciences Additional services: preparation for school Additional staff: psychologist, pediatrician, speech therapist, transport, security

Contact Information



    • rating 5 /5

    Wonderful school! We came here on the recommendation of teachers from our previous international school. Our child could not study there, since, one might say, he “suffered” from a lack of knowledge. In the English school of science, on the contrary, they give a lot of knowledge, but all of it is useful. I had to catch up on the mathematics program on my own, since here it is taught in more depth, and I also had to study additionally in physics and chemistry. There are many foreigners at school, there are Arabs and Africans, so the child learns tolerance, communication with other people, and adopts their culture. I would also like to thank Principal Ross Hunter for creating such a wonderful school.

    • 29.06.2017

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