Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Blessed is the gentle poet of the Nekrasov. Analysis of Nekrasov’s poem “Blessed is the gentle poet

This poem is part of a satirical and civil lyrics Nekrasova. Here, of course, questions are raised about the purpose of the poet.

Almost the entire poem, the author “praises” the good poet, but this exaggeration in the description of his “good” qualities and actions creates a comic effect. And then the contrast with that “evil” poet, who Nikolai Alekseevich himself was, shows on whose side the truth is.

The main advantage of a kind poet is that he is convenient for everyone. Nothing (especially the injustice that Nekrasov himself denounced) worries or irritates him. He is not very smart, because doubts are born from the mind, but he does not have them. He lives a wonderful life, he is kind to everyone - everyone loves him. He even dominates the crowd, everyone is happy to praise him and help him. The monument to him is ready, as they say, during his lifetime.

It is clear that he does not create anything fundamentally new, he does not change life. Creative torment is also unknown to him. And all this is his conscious choice, since this poet loves peace and is afraid of satire. No conflicts, scandals or exiles - such a poet lives calmly and richly.

In the middle of the poem, with “but”, a description of the real poet begins, which before this the reader could only grasp through negation. It is said that fate does not spare this accuser. He shows people their mistakes and sins. Of course, this causes irritation and hatred. (But sometimes a doctor must hurt in order for the patient to feel better.) The poet himself hates, he himself arms himself against the crowd. He has a difficult path, everyone scolds him, he lives in poverty. He is all in doubt - sometimes he believes, sometimes he doesn’t, in his chosenness, and he suffers. And yet, with his anger and destruction, he brings love to the world. Nekrasov repeats himself, exaggerates, saying that every word of such a poet creates enemies for him. And they may not only be fools who just don't understand creative personality, but also smart people who see him as a threat to their world.

The tension in the poem continues to build. The main character is already being cursed from all sides... But in the last lines there is again a turning point and contrast. Seeing the corpse of a real poet, people understand how much he did for them. They will understand his love through all that hatred of their shortcomings.

The poem is somewhat outdated in vocabulary (“bile”, “alien”, “this”), but in meaning it is still very relevant. He has a lot of strength, indignation, anger, but at the same time understanding of life, smiles and wisdom.

Option 2

Eat famous phrase, which calls a poet in Russia something more than just a poet. However, this statement is almost always true, because a real poet is always something more. Such a person not only owns lines and puts together rhymes, he rhymes in various ways the very essence of existence, the millstones of his mind separate the wheat from the chaff, and his fiery gaze incinerates ignorance and disharmony.

Of course, for every real poet, a characteristic type of reasoning is reflection, an assessment of one’s own inner world and their position in society. In general, poets tend to distance themselves from reality and observe the essence of existence. Therefore, it is not difficult to look at yourself from the outside.

Nekrasov describes quite typical difficulties of a poet, the features of his inner world. The poem begins with the word blissful and this definition is further revealed throughout the poem.

It may seem as if the author is describing different types poets, first one who likes “carelessness and peace,” then one who “feeds hatred in his chest” and “armed his mouth with satire.” Nevertheless, we're talking about about the same poet, who appears in different guises, because the poet’s path is difficult and requires different reactions. His hands can be occupied with both the “peace-loving” and “punishing” lyre, while Nekrasov, at the conclusion of the poem, sums up this contradiction, which he resolves in the synthesis “he loved - while hating.”

This detail is incredibly significant, as it describes the poet as a man of great renunciation, capable of going beyond the boundaries of conventional understanding, but without rejecting high ideals. If the crowd demands denunciation, accusatory speeches, the poet loves while hating, his hatred becomes an instrument of love, which always remains in his soul. Various blasphemy and the like do not attract the attention of the poet, as well as praise; he is always blissful and gentle.

In this sense, we can easily compare the description that Nekrasov offers with the description of how a patient can protest against the actions of a doctor. For example, when it is necessary to remove pus from the body or stitch up a wound, pain appears and the patient may be against it, suffer, and blaspheme the doctor. However, the doctor, understanding how he hurts his patient, still fulfills his own mission in order to achieve a cure.

Nekrasov also writes about this, who talks about the “hostile word of denial,” which serves to preach love, just as a surgical device can serve to remove pus. If something becomes a boil for human existence, the poet acts as an accuser, although he may have absolutely no supporters, and society may find greater comfort in the opposite position. Of course, in the “dream of a high calling” there is no indulgence in personal interests and, especially, the interests of the crowd.

The poet is a kind of doctor for society. He uses different instruments, he is praised and blasphemed. Blessed is the gentle poet.

Analysis of the poem Blessed kindly poet according to plan

  • Analysis of the poem Akhmatova’s work

    The work is integral part poetry collection“Secrets of the Craft”, the main purpose of which the poet represents is the description creative process and an explanation of the appearance of poetic lines.

  • Nikolai Nekrasov, like many of his predecessors, often wondered what role was assigned to the writer in society. Reflecting on this topic, in 1852 he created the poem “Blessed is the gentle poet...” anniversary death of Nikolai Gogol. The addressee's name is never mentioned in this work, since by that time Gogol was in disgrace. However, Nekrasov was convinced that Russia had lost one of the greatest Russian writers, whose contribution to literature had yet to be appreciated by posterity.

    In his poem, the author draws a clear line between poets whose work is liked by ordinary people, and those whose poems cause a storm of indignation among readers. He calls the first kind and blessed, since they always live in peace with themselves and with others. Their poems are devoid of criticism and sarcasm, but at the same time they do not force people to think about the problems that everyone has. Such a poet “firmly rules the crowd with his peace-loving lyre” and at the same time can count on the fact that a monument from grateful admirers will be erected to him during his lifetime. But years will pass, and his work, which does not contain a grain of rationalism, is empty and devoid of true emotions, will sink into oblivion.

    The second category of poets are born rebels who not only see all the vices and shortcomings of society, but also reveal them in their works. Therefore, it is quite natural that no one likes their poems. Even sensible people, who realize that every line of such an accusatory poem is designed to change the world for the better, prefer to join the indignant crowd, in which the author is cursed “from all sides.” Moreover, he is not taken seriously at all, since the offense from fair, but sometimes very harsh criticism, prevents one from realizing that there is some truth in the poems.

    However, such a poet perceives blasphemy and curses addressed to him as “sounds of approval,” realizing that he managed to touch the soul of people with his poems, to evoke in them, albeit negative, but still vivid emotions. In his words, sometimes offensive and rude, there is much more love and justice than in the unctuous speeches of one who prefers laudatory odes to criticism. But, unfortunately, the fate of a rebel poet is always tragic: having spoken out against society, he can never count on recognition. And only after his death those who considered such a poet a troublemaker and an ignoramus, “will understand how much he did, and how he loved - while hating!”

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    Analysis of Nekrasov’s poem “Blessed is the gentle poet

    Blessed is the gentle poet,
    In whom there is little bile, a lot of feeling:
    Hello to him so sincerely
    Friends of Quiet Art;

    There's sympathy for him in the crowd,
    Like the murmur of waves, caresses the ear;
    He is a stranger to self-doubt -
    This torture of the creative spirit;

    Loving carelessness and peace,
    Disdaining daring satire,
    He firmly dominates the crowd
    With your peace-loving lyre.

    Marveling at the great mind,
    He is not persecuted, he is not slandered,
    And his contemporaries
    During his lifetime, a monument is being prepared...

    But fate has no mercy
    To him whose noble genius
    Became an accuser of the crowd,
    Her passions and delusions.

    Feeding my chest with hatred,
    Armed with satire,
    He goes through a thorny path
    With your punishing lyre.

    He is being pursued by blasphemers:
    He catches the sounds of approval
    Not in the sweet murmur of praise,
    And in the wild screams of anger.

    And believing and not believing again
    The dream of a high calling,
    He preaches love
    With a hostile word of denial, -

    And every sound of his speeches
    Produces severe enemies for him,
    And smart and empty people,
    Equally branding him ready.

    They curse him from all sides
    And, just seeing his corpse,
    They will understand how much he has done,
    And how he loved - while hating!

    Analysis of the poem “Blessed is the gentle poet” by Nekrasov

    Nekrasov repeatedly touched upon the topic of place and purpose in his works creative person in society. He polemicized with representatives of “pure” art, who called only for admiring contemplation of beauty. The poet himself believed that it was necessary to turn to the most pressing issues reality. He deeply respected people who shared such views. Nekrasov considered N. Gogol to be one of them. The poet’s response to the death of the great writer was the poem “Blessed is the gentle poet...” (1852).

    In the work, Nekrasov does not mention the name of Gogol and does not make any allusions to him. The image of the poet he depicts is collective and includes all the positive, in the author’s opinion, qualities.

    The poem is built on an antithesis. It begins with praise for the “kindly poet” with a “peaceful lyre” who calmly and confidently goes about his work. Such a person avoids harsh judgments and assessments. His destiny is to describe the beauty of the world around him, without trying to eradicate injustice. The merit of the “kindly poet” is fame and honor in society. For his obedient service to the crowd, he is recognized as having something that does not exist in reality. great mind. Absence own opinion becomes a sign of deep thought. Such a person enjoys the respect and recognition of his contemporaries throughout his life.

    The author sharply contrasts the “kindly poet” with the “accuser of the crowd” with the “punishing lyre.” His whole life is a constant struggle against the vices and delusions of society. He strives for truth and justice in everything. Such people are always perceived as rebels and troublemakers. Their fiery calls for good remain unanswered. The crowd showers them with ridicule and insults. But for a real poet, such a reaction only serves as confirmation of his rightness. Since the poet preaches love through denial, no one can understand him during his lifetime. Only the death of a truth seeker makes people take a different look at his life path.

    The poem “Blessed is the gentle poet...” will never lose its relevance. In the history of mankind, not only writers, but also major reformers most often did not find support in an inherently conservative society. People are often ready to erect lifetime monuments to temporary idols, but real geniuses receive recognition only after their death.

    “Blessed is the gentle poet” Nekrasov

    “Blessed is the gentle poet” analysis of the work - theme, idea, genre, plot, composition, characters, issues and other issues are revealed in this article.

    History of creation

    The poem “Blessed is the gentle poet” was written in February 1852 on the death of Gogol and published in the Sovremennik magazine No. 3 for 1852. The poem echoes lyrical digression in the first volume of Gogol's Dead Souls. Gogol's retreat is a kind of manifesto of the civil literary movement (the so-called “Gogolian”) against the direction of “pure art.”

    The prototype of the satirical poet was Gogol, but the image of the poet is generalized. This is the leading poet of his time. Nekrasov counted himself among these. It is not known who was the prototype of the kindly poet, perhaps Zhukovsky.

    Literary direction, genre

    The poem belongs to the genre civic poetry. Nekrasov, as a poet of the realistic school, proves that only a poet with a strong civic position, a denouncing poet, is the true essence of a poet.

    Theme, main idea and composition

    The poem consists of 10 stanzas and is conventionally divided into 2 parts. The first 4 stanzas are dedicated to a gentle poet, the last 6 - to an accusatory poet, a satirical poet. The composition is based on antithesis.

    The theme of the poem is traditional for Nekrasov - the theme of the poet and poetry, and more broadly - the creator and the subject of his work. This is a dispute about the genres of poems, a competition between intimate, landscape lyrics- and civilian.

    The main idea: the life of a civil satirist poet is devoid of glory and honors; only after time will they understand that the basis of his ridicule is love and the desire to change the world. But this is exactly what a poet should be.

    Paths and images

    In the poem, not only the first stanzas are contrasted with the last, the whole thing is entirely built on antitheses. Considering the work of a kindly poet, Nekrasov not only describes his benefits, but also contrasts them with the inconveniences of which he is deprived: little bile - a lot of feeling, crowd sympathy - self-doubt, carelessness and peace, peace-loving lyre - daring satire, monument during life - persecuted, slandered. Nekrasov does not mock the gentle poet. He even seems to envy him. Blessed means surrounded by goodness and happiness. The image of the poet is accompanied positive epithets: kindly poet, sincere greetings, peace-loving lyre, great mind. The irony is visible only in the mention of greetings from friends calm art(Nekrasov had a negative attitude towards “ pure art", as can be seen from this poem). With the help of comparisons and metaphors, Nekrasov depicts the greatness of the gentle poet: the sympathy of the crowd caresses the ear like the murmur of waves, “he firmly rules the crowd with his peace-loving lyre”. Nekrasov calls self-doubts, to which the poet is alien, torture of the creative spirit(metaphor). Nekrasov himself was inclined to this torture.

    Nekrasov talks about the gentle poet in one breath, in one complex sentence in three stanzas.

    The second type of poet is also described using contrasts: a noble genius is an exposer of the passions and delusions of the crowd, “the sounds of approval are not in the sweet murmur of praise, but in the wild cries of anger,” love in the hostile word of denial, loves while hating. But the antitheses of the second part are incomplete: the poet finds the positive in the negative, includes the good in the bad.

    Drawing creative path poet in the second part, Nekrasov uses metaphors: Fate has no mercy, he goes through a thorny path, he is pursued by blasphemers, the sounds of his speeches breed harsh enemies, he is cursed from all sides. The reason is this hard life- in the poet’s civil denunciatory position: a noble genius exposes the passions and delusions of the crowd, he feeds his chest with hatred, arms his lips with satire, his lyre punishes him(metaphors). Such opposition leads to doubts: he believes and does not believe again in the “dream of a high calling”.

    But the poet cannot remain silent, because the motive of denunciation is love: through hostile denial he preaches love, he loves while hating. It would seem that this is an oxymoron, a combination of incompatible things. But you can love people and hate their flaws. People scold the accuser because he touches the hidden strings of their souls, reveals the truth that they hid even from themselves. Severe Enemies multiply from smart, and from empty people(epithets) who hear the sounds of reproof. The poet is branded and cursed "from all sides", that is, even educated people are not inclined to gladly accept reproof. This is human nature.

    Nekrasov hopes that after the death of the poet All They will understand his noble motives, look at themselves from the outside, repent and honor the poet.

    Meter and rhyme

    The poem is written in iambic tetrameter. Male rhyme alternates with female rhyme. Cross rhyme.

    Reflecting on what role is assigned to the writer in the life of society, Nikolai Nekrasov in 1852 created his own brilliant poem“Blessed is the gentle poet,” dedicating it to the anniversary of the death of Gogol, whose name is not specifically mentioned in this work, since he was then out of favor. Nekrasov, however, was convinced that Russia had once again lost another great Russian classicist, whose contribution to literature had yet to be appreciated by his descendants.

    N. A. Nekrasov “Blessed is the gentle poet.” Analysis

    The author very clearly notes that being a poet is not a profession or even a vocation. If a person is given this true poetic gift from God, then he will not hide it in any way and will no longer be able to remain silent. But only those few who have not worked for praise and glory can be real poets. For others, who worked solely for profit, their contemporaries erected monuments during their lifetimes and, curiously, supported them in every possible way, since they did not annoy them in any way and did not talk about pressing problems. Such poets basked in the rays of their own glory, and they were even, to some extent, allowed to control the crowd, forcing them to think and worry about what would be commanded from above.

    Blessed indeed is the gentle poet. An analysis of the poem concludes that with the death of one of these frivolous poets, all his creations will very soon be forgotten by his contemporaries and will not be remembered by his descendants due to emptiness and uninterestingness, since in them there will be no reflection and struggle for those very human values ​​and priorities, on on which the life of society is based.

    Crowd accusers

    But the type of poets who are not so flexible and strong in spirit never stop talking and, therefore, become very inconvenient for powerful of the world this. They, as the conscience of the people, will always notice the existing injustice, deception and hypocrisy, all kinds of social atrocities and speak directly about pressing problems, criticize in a sharp and accusatory form.

    This is exactly what Nekrasov literally shouts about in his work “Blessed is the gentle poet.”

    True poets will not please anyone, and it will be impossible to hide from their sarcasm. Those who see themselves reflected in these works will condemn and scold them. It is precisely this reaction that will indicate that the author was able to touch human soul for the sick and reveal the true causes of the disease. And here is the manifestation of such negative emotions, living and real, will be anything better than the flattering praises sung to poets of the first type.

    Ungrateful poetic truth

    Usually the works of rebel poets are full of sarcasm, by the way, like the poem “Blessed is the gentle poet.” They tear away, albeit bitter, the truth, turning their attention to everything human vices society. However, instead of working on themselves, analyzing themselves and engaging in further self-improvement, people begin to become embittered. For them, bullying and hatred of the author become almost the meaning of their whole life. After all, in their opinion, the author crosses all boundaries of what is permitted, disturbing their peace.

    Poem "Blessed is the gentle poet." Nekrasov

    The poet Nekrasov writes that the fate of a kindly poet is easy, everyone recognizes and accepts him, but the question arises: “Is he satisfied with his fate, is he pleased with such human praise, which he deserved only by his humility and helpfulness?” But it is immediately added that after death his works will disappear with him, and after him change will come, which will begin to create new dust in exactly the same way.

    A deep analysis of the work “Blessed is the gentle poet” leads to the fact that, unlike the first type, the second type of poets fight for their truth all their lives, which will be full of tragedies, they will not be recognized, expelled and fiercely hated, but even despite this reaction, they will not be silent. And they will do everything in their power to ensure that society is corrected and the entire human world is filled with harmony, justice and goodness.

    Death as a reward

    After their departure from this life, they will always be remembered for this brave truth, and with each decade and century their fame will only increase and shine even brighter on the literary horizon.

    On the basis of the immortal creativity of such unrecognized geniuses, who, without sparing themselves, through their poetry, made the world cleaner, a new talented generation will rise.

    Very beautiful and in exact words Nekrasov ends his poem “Blessed is the gentle poet” about such poets. They talk about how as soon as the rebel poet dies, society immediately begins to understand how much this man did and how he loved while hating.