Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Pain in the forehead - causes, diagnosis, treatment. Medium-height oval-shaped forehead

Mentally divide your forehead in half with a horizontal line. The upper part expresses a person’s attitude towards others, the lower part – his self-esteem. People with more developed bottom forehead (superciliary ridges) (Fig. 3.1) are accustomed to relying only on their own strength, however, it is unlikely that they will provide support to anyone other than themselves.
Such people are individualists, focused on personal problems, accustomed to dominating and imposing their opinions on others (they are often born under the signs of Leo and Aries).
Sloping Man top part forehead (Fig. 3.2) is often ambitious, not used to obeying someone.

Rice. 3.1. Forehead with a more developed lower part

Rice. 3.2. Forehead with sloping top

He elevates himself above others, strives to conquer and dominate, and even if he does not succeed, he will not put up with a subordinate position, but uses all his strength and means to achieve what he wants. Sometimes this shape of the forehead is found in extremely contradictory people, who, even in the absence of their own position, will always adhere to the opposite opinion in a dispute with other people. Relatively high prominent forehead indicates the ability to well assimilate and remember information, as well as receptivity, but the absence of suspiciousness.

The absence of a hollow between the right and left sides of the brow ridges almost always characterizes vain man. A religious, powerful person can always be recognized by the strongly pronounced upper part of the forehead: it is convex, although the forehead itself can be of any size (Fig. 3.3).
Great importance also has a groove separating the upper and lower parts of the forehead. If it exists, then this speaks of a person’s great moral and spiritual independence, which is subject to high cosmic law, as well as the ability to combine his own view with the opinions of other people. Such a person has objective views and judgments. It’s bad if the middle of the forehead is fixed and large. This is the "forehead of Jupiter". A person who has it often confuses good and evil and tries to teach others and preach. If, with other not very good indicators, a too smooth forehead stands out on the face, then this also blurs the line between good and bad. One large horizontal crease running down the middle of the forehead indicates an ambitious and self-confident person who loves to be listened to and obeyed. If such a person chooses an occupation for himself that does not contradict moral and ethical principles, he will subsequently become a wonderful mentor, capable of passing on experience to the younger generation.
In general, forehead shapes can be divided into several types. Each of them classifies a person according to certain moral qualities and strength of character. The shape of the forehead is determined by the hairline, for example, uneven (means that the hair on the forehead does not grow in a straight or rounded line, but along an uneven or curved line) or M-shaped (the hairline is shaped like the letter M).

Rice. 3.3. Forehead with a convex upper part

Uneven forehead line

It is characterized primarily uneven line hair growth Such people tend to doubt everything, and this primarily concerns life position, spiritual authorities, etc. People with an uneven hairline are more likely than others to ridicule the shrines and moral principles accepted in the society in which they live, and reject authorities.
If, in addition, such people have overgrown temples, this indicates a poor understanding of morality or a preaching of their own morality. A woman’s overgrown temples, especially on the right side, reveal her to be a prude and a “bluestocking.”

Round forehead

If the roundness of a high forehead commensurate with the head occupies the temples and forms a bulge not covered with hair, this is a sign of mental superiority, desire for honors, and pride (Fig. 3.4).
Such people are also distinguished by generosity. If there is a depression in the middle of the forehead and it is frowned, wrinkled, this is a sign of cruelty softened by virtues: courage, intelligence and sanity. Very big, but round forehead without hair means a brave person, but prone to lies.
A person with a smooth, convex and rounded forehead is superficial in receiving information. This most often concerns women who want to know “not much, but about everything.” Although there are also men with this type of forehead. Such people are attracted by everything new and unknown, and the need in-depth study what is already familiar causes melancholy and boredom.

Rice. 3.4. Round forehead

Trapezoidal forehead

Sometimes the hairline goes from the temples upward, tapering slightly, and then straight along the forehead or slightly rounding. This type of forehead is called a trapezoidal forehead or oval shape(Fig. 3.5)
People with this type of forehead have a tendency to depression due to the desire to think about lofty topics and try to understand some metaphysical processes. But such a person is not a manic-depressive type, but rather a philosophical nature.
In general, people with a trapezoidal forehead have many positive characteristics. They are inclined to charity, they have a high level of intelligence and willpower and a well-developed sense of humor. At the same time, such people lack self-confidence, which is why they sometimes have problems in communication or communication. career growth. You can’t call them losers, but, as I already said, the tendency to philosophical understanding of life and “soul-searching” often takes luck out from under their noses. By the way, uncertainty is often the cause of fiasco in the personal, especially sexual, sphere of relationships.

Rice. 3.5. Trapezoidal forehead

Square forehead

The square shape of the forehead is determined by the direction of the hairline straight up from the temples, and then the same straight line parallel to the eyebrows. The forehead looks like a square or rectangle (Fig. 3.6).
Such people, just like people with a trapezoidal forehead, are prone to thinking, only of a slightly different nature. They do not know sentimentality; they are accustomed not only to reason, but also to act. This is emphasized by their lack of desire for charity: they would rather help guide a person on the right path, help him figure out his problems himself. Therefore, a straight, square forehead is characteristic of religious people who are inclined to follow ethical standards and evaluate their actions from the position of justice and higher authorities.

Rice. 3.6. Square forehead

A high, square forehead is an indicator of a firm, authoritative, but not conservative person. He has a high level of intelligence, a well-developed sense of humor and self-control. They do not believe in luck, but prefer to achieve everything on their own, believing that hard work and determination are the main indicators of success.
Intelligence and willpower are also characteristic of people with a low, square forehead. At the same time, they have much less religiosity and their reasoning comes down to evaluating their actions. By nature, they are rather more conservative, rely on diligence and diligence and do not believe in random success. Nevertheless, to achieve their goals, people with low square foreheads can use not entirely legal methods, justifying this with the prospect of results.

Forehead with receding hairline and turning into bald spot

The appearance of bald patches (Fig. 3.7) often indicates some kind of complex. At the same time, it is generally accepted that they are a sign of excessive sexuality. This is motivated by the fact that, from a biological point of view, early bald patches are caused by the presence of a large amount of the male hormone testosterone in the body. So you can take note of this and not be upset that your husband started losing his hair early.

Jack Nicholson (Fig. 3.8) is an American actor who is rightfully considered a Hollywood legend. However, he became no less famous in love front. Personal life Nicholson's film career has been varied over the years. He has an actress daughter from his four-year marriage to starlet Sandra Knight. His affair with Anjelica Huston, with whom Nicholson starred in the gangster film “The Honor of the Prizzi Family,” lasted 17 years, and the actor also has many different intrigues and scandals. Nicholson's latest passion, actress Rebecca Broussard, his daughter's best friend, somewhat calmed him down: they had a child in 1990, and the actor lives with his new family.

Rice. 3.7. Forehead with receding hairline

Rice. 3.8. Jack Nicholson


The shape of a person's chin speaks of his strength, independence and temperament. There is a direct dependence of character on the chin: the rougher and more significant the chin on the face, the more dynamic, stubborn and tough a person’s character.

Protruding chin

A protruding chin often speaks of the cruelty and stubbornness of its owner (Fig. 3.9).

Rice. 3.9. Protruding chin
Such people, as a rule, are accustomed to achieving their goals by any available and inaccessible means, sometimes stopping at nothing. For them, the concept of mercy and empathy is limited to Have a good mood.
Vladimir Zhirinovsky (Fig. 3.10) – famous politician, deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, leader of the LDPR. He always knew what he wanted and consistently achieved his goals. Known for his tough and scandalous character, which is typical for people with protruding chins. Nevertheless, the dimple on the chin, which seems to bifurcate it, suggests that the politician is a little old-fashioned in his views and beliefs and strives for solitude and peace.

Rice. 3.10. Vladimir Zhirinovsky

Long and sharp chin

Long and a pointy chin(Fig. 3.11) are often drawn to cunning fairy-tale characters.

Rice. 3.11. Long and sharp chin

And not by chance. Such people stand out from others, on the one hand, with their insightful mind, and on the other, with cunning and sarcasm. Just like people with protruding chins, those with long chins are stubborn, which, combined with cunning, as well as determination and perseverance, allows them to achieve their goals with ease and confidence.

Weakly defined chin

A weakly defined, almost invisible chin (Fig. 3.12) is often called weak-willed. And for good reason. According to physiognomic characteristics, it indicates a soft, timid, indecisive and nervous nature. What actions can these qualities be expressed in?

Rice. 3.12. Weakly defined chin

Gentleness and timidity are most often expressed in a desire to make concessions, so you can agree on anything with people with such a chin.
At the same time, people with weakly defined chins often achieve their goals, but for this they use gentleness and goodwill rather than assertiveness, toughness and aggression. They are patient and go towards what they set out to do, slowly but surely. If your child has such a chin, try to instill in him independence and the ability to defend own position, do not abuse his humility, otherwise in the future he will turn into a weak, weak-willed, lack of initiative creature. And you will be primarily to blame for this.
Sometimes you can meet people with the so-called fish chin. This extreme degree its lack of expression: it seems that from lower lip the face smoothly goes straight into the neck. Such people can be called prototypes of Saltykov-Shchedrin’s fairy tale “The Wise Minnow.” They live by the principle “quieter than water, lower than the grass” and perceive the absence of events in their lives as a kiss of fortune. With a sudden change in environment, a change in the usual state, such a person can easily fall into depression.
On the other hand, such people cannot be called harmless either: they easily change their decisions and views, obeying the majority and using the principle of opportunism. Trying to avoid by any means possible conflict situations and become a third party in the dispute.
Such people are characterized by dependence and indecisiveness, but they really need to be loved, appreciated and needed, because this is the only way to avoid loneliness.

Fleshy chin

A fleshy chin (Fig. 3.13) indicates intelligence, sensuality and a strong character. No wonder the classic portrait of a thug - with a fleshy square chin. Such people are fighters by nature.

Rice. 3.13. Fleshy chin

In fact, the significant feature is not even the chin itself, but the massive wide jaw, which creates the impression of a square bottom of the face. Fighting qualities are most clearly expressed in people with a fleshy chin and a wide, massive face.
These people are always confident, strong and powerful. They are used to coming and taking what they like. At the same time, they almost never encounter obstacles on their way or simply do not notice them.

Strong chin

It is customary to call a strong-willed chin, as if bent upward (Fig. 3.14). Its owners are persistent in achieving their goals and at the same time possess such qualities as cunning, determination and inconstancy.

Rice. 3.14. Strong chin

The heavier the chin looks and the more it protrudes forward, the more strong-willed nature appears to us. It is difficult to come to an agreement with such a person, so you should use strength, determination and fearlessness when communicating with him.

Cleft chin

A cleft chin (Fig. 3.15) characterizes fickle and amorous people.

Rice. 3.15. Cleft chin

Despite their passionate nature, such people very often strive for solitude and peace. They are a little old-fashioned in their views and beliefs.


The shape of the cheekbones can determine a person’s degree of risk tolerance.
Pronounced cheekbones, located almost near the eyes, indicate determination and fearlessness (Fig. 3.16).

Rice. 3.16. High cheekbones

Often people with such cheekbones perceive risk as an integral part of life, without which it is impossible to exist normally. Adrenaline should always be boiling in the blood, and the air should be saturated with mysteries and danger - this is the motto of people with pronounced cheekbones.
The opposite characteristic can be given to people with cheekbones located below the eye line (Fig. 3.17) or not expressed at all (Fig. 3.18).

Rice. 3.17. Cheekbones below eye level

Rice. 3.18. Unpronounced cheekbones

Low cheekbones characterize a person’s desire to play it safe and take risks only as a last resort. The absence of cheekbones and their smoothness generally indicate a person’s reluctance to take risks under any circumstances.

If you dream about your forehead or chin...

Seeing a high, beautiful forehead in a dream promises respect and a good reputation, which will be achieved thanks to your prudence and desire for justice.
A low forehead warns of danger, that you will need to gather all your strength and be brave for a successful outcome.
An ugly forehead promises a decline in business for a short time.
A wrinkled forehead warns that you need to be sincere.
In a dream, stroking a child's forehead means fame and success, positive assessment your actions.
A young girl kisses her friend on the forehead - the dream foreshadows a short quarrel over the gossip of enemies.
To see a large, fleshy chin in a dream means expect quick prosperity; if you are thin, you should think about your own shortcomings.

Chapter 4
Windows of our soul...

Those who have bags under their eyes that look like they are hanging down are drunkards; this goes back to the corresponding condition, since many people who drink have bags under their eyes. Those who have this part swollen love to sleep; this symptom goes back to the corresponding condition, since those who wake up have a kind of swelling around the eyes. Those who have small eyes are cowardly; this goes back to the corresponding trait and monkeys. Big-eyed people are lazy; this relates to oxen. Therefore, it is proper for a noble-born to have eyes that are neither very large nor very small. Those who have sunken eyes are evil; this correlates with monkeys. Those who have bulging eyes are stupid; this goes back to the corresponding trait and donkeys. Therefore, the eyes should be neither bulging nor sunken, but the best is an average condition. Those whose eyes are slightly sunken are generous; this relates to lions; if strong - humble; this relates to oxen. Those who are downcast are sad; this goes back to the corresponding state, since the sad ones lower their eyes.

If you want to know a person, look into his eyes. This is centuries-tested wisdom. But what should we see when we look into our eyes? What should you pay attention to and how not to make a mistake when calling a person a friend or, conversely, accusing him of a serious crime? In this chapter we will talk about eye shape.
If you try to immediately classify eyes, the first thing that comes to mind is size: large or small. And it really has a special meaning.
Large eyes have always been considered more attractive than small ones. It seems that the huge eyes on a person’s face reflect his wonderful qualities; it is not for nothing that the metaphor “eyes like two diamonds” is so often found in literature.
Indeed, large eyes speak of the sensitivity of the soul and courage, intelligence and sophistication, artistry and the desire for leadership, receptivity and authority. At the same time, people with big eyes often tend to wishful thinking, embellish events and often do not realize the line between truth and lies. In addition, they are characterized by a certain natural laziness, which is reflected not only in everyday life, but also in many actions. On the other hand, it is often laziness that can explain the non-conflict behavior of big-eyed people. In general, much more good can be said about people with big eyes than bad. Such people know how to feel people and especially value sincerity and directness, even if it seriously hurts them. They are so natural that they often make a career thanks to their sincerity and trust from sometimes almost strangers. It’s just calm and reliable with them, and what manager wouldn’t want to have not only a valuable employee, but also a sincere, noble person nearby!

The big eyes of the French film actress Audrey Tautou (Fig. 4.1), her naive and sometimes defenseless look won many hearts around the world. Looking at her, I want to believe in all that is good, bright and pure...
And yet it is worth mentioning the shortcomings of people with big eyes. These include, for example, inconstancy. Such people are accustomed to being the center of attention, receiving compliments from numerous admirers and admirers - they are unlikely to be seduced for long by constant relationships and routine family life. Although here everything will depend on the partner. If he can give a fairy tale, it will last a lifetime. By the way, those with big eyes are also wonderful parents.
Quite often, big-eyed people face failures on the personal front. One of the reasons has already been described above, but the other is that big eyes are easily attracted - and often fans are captured by them, and when they figure it out, they simply run away. Those who stay stay for life.

Rice. 4.1. Audrey Tautou

Rice. 4.2. Small eyes

Sometimes their punctuality and scrupulousness can cause irritation, but you just need to get used to it and not try to change it - it’s useless and fraught with conflict. Sometimes those with small eyes overestimate own capabilities and then spend a lot of effort to correct their mistakes. But strangely enough, they do not even study for them, persistently trying to reach a high standard, even if they have to spend their whole lives on it.

Do not confuse small eyes with deep-set ones!
One of the biggest disadvantages of those with small eyes is jealousy. They are jealous of friends, business partners, loved ones, and lovers. It is likely that this is due to a sense of ownership. Such people should understand that every person, even the closest and most dependent, has the right to personal freedom. Jealousy is unlikely to help you realize the fullness of feelings and emotions. Close people will always be able to understand and appreciate loyalty and constancy; you just need to trust them more.
Steven Seagal (Fig. 4.3) is an American actor and martial artist. In life he is not sociable; in relationships with the opposite sex he is known as possessive and jealous.

Rice. 4.3. Steven Seagal

Eye location

The seating of the eyes, that is, their location, can tell quite a lot about a person. It is considered ideal when the eyes are on the same line. A rather favorable impression is always created about such a person. Slanted eyes speak of determination and recklessness, with raised pupils (Fig. 4.4) - of nobility, courage and loyalty.

Rice. 4.4. Eyes with raised pupils

If the outer corner of the eye is long and pointed, you are looking at an intelligent and insightful person.

The slightly different shaped eyes belong to a passionate person.
Eyes located close to each other mean idealism, often even fanaticism, devotion to one’s own ideas and reveal a person who knows how to listen and understand. Eyes that are far apart from each other, on the contrary, are characteristic of practical, principled and strong-willed people. If the widely spaced eyes are also large, then you have an energetic, reliable and sociable person, often with a pronounced ability for languages.
The look can be different: loving and indifferent, interested and empty, etc. Remember a few simple rules by which one can determine its character. A business gaze is fixed in the area of ​​the interlocutor's forehead, a secular gaze drops below the level of his eyes (to the level of the lips), an intimate gaze is directed not at the interlocutor's eyes, but below the face - at other parts of the body to chest level. A sideways glance indicates a critical or suspicious attitude towards the interlocutor.


Looking at the eyelids can also provide some information. So, if the upper eyelid is slightly drooping (Fig. 4.5), in front of you is a wise man, but tired of life.

Rice. 4.5. Eyes with drooping eyelids

A large lower eyelid (Fig. 4.6) is often found in dissolute people, and a too sagging one (Fig. 4.7) indicates an inability to control one’s own actions.

Rice. 4.6. Eyes with large lower eyelids

Rice. 4.7. Eyes with sagging lower eyelids

You should beware of such people. But the wrinkles in outer corners eyes speak of intuition and experience; it is not for nothing that such eyes are often called insightful.

According to legend, Hippocrates used physiognomy for therapeutic diagnosis (the concept of “Hippocrates’ mask” is still used in medicine, which means the characteristic facial expression of a patient with peritonitis). If the eyes are bright and clean, then there is no reason to worry. But when they are dull, without shine, their movements are slow, the pupils are constantly narrowed or dilated, and the eyelids are heavy - all this indicates some kind of disturbance in the body.

End of free trial

The forehead represents on the face:

  • career
  • intelligence
  • older generation
  • age from 15 to 30 years
  • good luck
  • inheritance
  • internal views
  • thoughts

The hairline also matters. If you divide your forehead into three equal parts, you can see the level of development of logic, memory and calculation.

Forehead width

Narrow forehead speaks of a quick reaction, but such a person is easy to anger and easily gets confused in love problems.

Broad forehead speaks of polite, quick-witted, smart person who thinks first and then acts.

If the forehead not smooth, this means career difficulties, hard work, difficult childhood, poor health. The owner of such a forehead is easy to get into an accident situation, easily confused in business matters and, most likely, he will experience difficulties between the ages of 15 and 30.

If the forehead smooth, he says he had a good childhood, good health, beautiful social life, high chances of promotion. Such a person will easily achieve his goals before the age of 30.

Forehead shape

High forehead- good chances for development, excellent logic, support from the older generation and ancestors, intelligence, anxiety and, alas, loneliness. A low forehead means, accordingly, poor chances for development, weak logic, stupidity and disappointment.

Square edge hairline indicates good abilities, realism, honesty and good fighting spirit.
Hair edge M shaped- reveals a pioneer with good intuition and self-control. Such a person is doomed to fame, especially if his forehead is also convex.

Round edge hair indicates a good memory, but an unstable (female) character. High bald patches on the forehead belong to travelers, people who love change and movement. They are distinguished by intelligence, logic, and strong self-motivation. Sometimes the hairline is not straight, it indicates insufficient parental care.

Forehead profile

If you look at the forehead in profile, you can see convex(aggressive) forehead, telling us about the mind, good communication skills and good chances for promotion. Flat forehead belongs to a wise man with good self-control and foresight. Negative, or concave forehead, indicates an unsuccessful career and problems with money.

I think it’s time to offer you a small express analysis of the face of a famous person.

Valentin Kataev

What can you tell about this person from the shape of his face?
Wise, understanding, has a keen memory, intuition, quick reaction, good fighting spirit, and luck. He has a keen sense of other people, is self-confident, a brilliant leader.

The most beautiful and most of faces are the forehead. He tells us about a good childhood, the ability to communicate well with older people, love for parents. This is the forehead of a pioneer and experimenter who loves change and movement. Innate intuition (6th sense), support of ancestors. A pronounced intellectual mindset. He is a thinker and tends to analyze everything. First he thinks, then he does. Bibliographic memory, excellent erudition.

As for COMMUNICATION, ( , ) - he was a man with an excellent sense of humor, healthy, one might say. Attention to detail is what characterizes these eyes. He loved order in everything. He loved to express himself and easily learned everything new. He had a special relationship with women. He was more lenient towards them. And in general, there was a lot of feminine in his character, hence, I think, the softness and beauty of the presentation.

Irina Danilina

The forehead is one of the secondary features of the face, since it frames its upper part and is the background for the perception of the main features. Determining character by the forehead is not particularly difficult, because it is the forehead that personifies its main features. Those people who claim that “everything is written on the forehead” are not so wrong! The forehead can tell about a person’s intellectual abilities, his career successes, intuition, etc.

Occupying the entire first stage of the face, the forehead characterizes a significant period of a person’s life: from thirteen to thirty years. It is during this period of life that a person’s character develops.

In order to learn how to determine character from the forehead, it is necessary to carefully study its shape and size, including the contour of the hairline.

Ideal forehead dimensions

According to ancient Chinese physiognomy, the ideal forehead should have the following dimensions:

  • the hairline along which they are guided when determining the height of the forehead should pass above the top point of the eyebrow by 5–9 cm;
  • the height of the forehead should be equal to the length of the nose;
  • the height of the forehead should be equal to the distance from the tip of the nose to the chin;
  • the forehead should have a width of 12.5 to 20 cm

Forehead and character

In profile, the forehead can be flat or convex, in front - in the shape of a quadrangle, circle, long or with a sharp top, and in size - the forehead can be low, medium or high, as well as narrow and wide.

1. High, rectangular forehead

Owners of this type of forehead are distinguished by their extraordinary intelligence, practical acumen, determination, calmness, common sense and prudence, and excellent organizing abilities.

2. High round forehead

Such a forehead indicates a hot temper, developed imagination, extraordinary judgments, abilities for exact sciences, but the spiritual callousness and coldness of its owner.

3. Medium-height, oval-shaped forehead

Owners of this forehead shape are romantics and dreamers, gifted creative imagination, extraordinary abilities and intuition.

4. Low, flat forehead

Forehead of this type speaks of perseverance, stubbornness of character, hard work of a person and difficulties in life, since in youth there will be no material support from parents and loved ones.

5. Low rounded forehead

Forehead holders similar type, as a rule, have a difficult childhood and difficulties in the initial period of their career.

6. Forehead, slightly sloping back

This type of forehead reveals an impressionable nature with a strong imagination, sharp mind and artistic abilities.

7. Backward Forehead

Such a forehead is evidence of the originality of the mind, creativity of thinking, ardor of imagination, eccentricity of behavior and independence of judgment.

8. Convex forehead

Owners of this type of forehead are distinguished by tenacity, stubbornness, silence, and limited thinking.

Hairline and character

Characteristics of a person can be identified by the hairline that borders the forehead from above.

Hair growing in a triangle on the forehead is called “widow’s peak” in the West because of the widespread belief that its owners are destined for early widowhood.

There is a completely different attitude towards this feature of appearance in China: this triangle on the forehead is called Peak of Beauty or Peach Bud. Owners of this element of appearance are characterized by such character traits as romanticism, self-centeredness, and the ability to stand up for themselves.

Bald patches on both sides of the forehead speak of the artistic nature, broad outlook, desire for creation and creativity of their owners.

A broken forehead line indicates a person’s ambition and organizational skills.

An uneven hairline indicates a person’s contradictory character. By removing stray hairs, you can make it smoother.

From a psychological point of view, an open forehead evokes trust and respect, so it is not recommended to cover it with bangs. If bangs are still necessary, it is better to keep them sparse.

Forehead color

A pinkish forehead is considered ideal, so women can apply a little blush to its central part. A forehead that is too high can be visually made lower by applying a darker shade of foundation along the hairline.

Usually the forehead is slightly shiny due to the large number of fat and sweat glands on the surface of the skin. Its shine is considered a lucky sign in Chinese physiognomy and indicates health and good character.

Moles on the forehead and character

Moles have always been given symbolic meaning.

The location of a mole on the forehead on the right side indicates a person’s desire to increase intelligence and comprehensive personal development.

A mole on the left side of the forehead indicates a person with a weak will, who can easily succumb to the influence of others and often commits extravagant acts.

A mole located in the area of ​​the right eyebrow indicates a person capable of deep feelings and long-term life together with your chosen one.

A mole located near the left eyebrow speaks of the sensual nature of a person who does not listen to the voice of reason and often makes rash acts and mistakes in choosing a life partner.

The owner of a mole in the third eye area has excellent intuition, logical thinking and a predisposition to study the occult sciences.

Character based on the forehead can be easily determined thanks to physiognomy - the art of reading the face, known back in the 5th century BC.

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Forehead pain- this is a variety headache. The reasons for its occurrence are varied. They can be divided into the following groups:
1. Injuries to the forehead area.
2. Pathologies of the cardiovascular system.
3. Infectious and inflammatory diseases.
4. Pathologies of the nervous system.

The nature of the pain in the forehead can be sharp, throbbing, pressing, stabbing. It can bother you for a short period of time or for a long time, occur independently or in combination with others. symptoms. The patient must tell the doctor about all this at the doctor’s appointment so that the correct diagnosis is made and effective treatment is prescribed.

Acute severe pain in the forehead due to injury

Bruise of the forehead area

A forehead bruise is a type of injury in which only soft tissue damage is noted (in this case, mainly the skin). Pain in the forehead area occurs immediately after the injury, and gradually goes away in the following days.

Often pain in the forehead area due to a bruise is accompanied by the appearance of a subcutaneous hematoma (bruise). It also resolves within a few days. If the hematoma is large enough, it can fester. At the same time, the pain in the forehead intensifies, the body temperature rises, and when touched there is severe pain.
The cause of severe pain in the forehead due to a bruise is determined during a direct examination. With head injuries, there is always a suspicion of a concussion, so an examination by a neurologist is mandatory, especially if there is a hematoma.

Frontal bone fracture

Fractures frontal bone– fairly severe injuries that usually occur upon impact. At this moment, very severe pain occurs in the forehead area. Such injuries are almost always accompanied by a concussion or bruise of the brain.

With fractures of the frontal bone, severe pain in the forehead is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • well-defined subcutaneous hematoma in the forehead;
  • deformation in the forehead area, which, as a rule, is also clearly visible;
  • general disorders: headache, dizziness, nausea and vomiting, loss of consciousness;
  • if the fracture affects the eye sockets, then blurred vision and double vision are noted;
  • There may be bleeding from the ears, discharge of a clear liquid from them - cerebral cerebrospinal fluid (this indicates severe damage);
  • if the paranasal air sinuses (maxillary, frontal) are affected, then there is an accumulation of air under the skin of the forehead and face - it seems a little swollen.
If there is even the slightest suspicion of a fracture of the frontal bone, then the victim is required to undergo a computed tomography scan. When the diagnosis is confirmed, the patient is immediately admitted to the hospital.

Concussions and bruises of the brain

With injuries to the forehead area, concussions and brain contusions may occur. If there is a fracture of the frontal bone, then one of these conditions will certainly be identified.

With a concussion, pain in the forehead is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, dizziness, and general weakness. There may be a short-term loss of consciousness at the time of injury (with a concussion, it usually lasts no more than 5 minutes). At the same time, sometimes with a concussion there is only severe pain in the forehead without any other symptoms. If this condition is suspected, the patient admitted to the emergency room must be examined by a neurologist.

Brain contusion is a more serious and severe condition. At the time of injury, severe pain in the forehead, nausea, vomiting, and dizziness are also noted. Loss of consciousness can last for quite a long time. Neurological manifestations such as double vision, uneven placement of pupils and their different widths, weakness in the leg or arm on one side may be detected.

With a brain injury, pain in the forehead and other symptoms not only do not decrease, but may even increase. X-rays and computed tomography scans almost always reveal fractures of the frontal bone.

Concussions and bruises of the brain are quite serious conditions that can have unpleasant consequences. Therefore, if the injury to the forehead and head in general is severe enough, it is necessary to take the victim to the emergency room for examination.

Abrasions and wounds of the forehead area

Pain in the forehead can occur as a result of damage to the skin and other soft tissues - wounds and abrasions. If the wound is deep enough, then it is necessary to visit a traumatologist and apply stitches. This will speed up healing and prevent the formation of unsightly scars.

Pain in the forehead with infectious and inflammatory diseases


Frontitis is a disease characterized by the development of an inflammatory process in the frontal sinuses, located in the thickness of the frontal bone, directly above the nose. Most often, frontal sinusitis is a complication of acute respiratory diseases and viral infections.

Patients with frontal sinusitis are bothered by severe pain in the forehead area, especially in the morning. Depending on which side the sinus is affected, pain in the forehead is noted mainly on the right or left. She may have varying degrees severity: from almost imperceptible to unbearable. Usually it subsides as the contents flow away from the frontal sinus, and then resumes again. Thus, sensations are cyclical in nature.

Pain in the forehead with frontal sinusitis is usually accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • general malaise, increased body temperature;
  • nasal congestion on the side where pain is felt;
  • in severe cases, loss of smell and photophobia may occur.
Frontitis and pain in the forehead on the right or left very often occur as a manifestation of influenza infection. In this case, the patient can often notice swelling above the nose due to impaired blood flow in the capillaries and swelling of the skin.

The diagnosis of frontal sinusitis is established after examination by an ENT doctor. Antiviral and antibacterial treatment is prescribed.


Sinusitis is a disease in which an inflammatory process develops in the maxillary sinuses, located on the sides of the nose. Often, pain occurs not in the immediate location of the sinuses, but in the forehead, on the right or left.

The remaining symptoms of sinusitis are quite characteristic:

  • pain occurs, as a rule, always at the same time of day;
  • body temperature rises, general weakness, malaise, chills are noted;
  • the nose is stuffy on one side, there is discharge from the nostrils.
Diagnosis of the causes of pain in the forehead and prescription of treatment are carried out by an otolaryngologist. Antibacterial drugs and physiotherapy are prescribed. In more severe cases, piercing of the maxillary sinus is prescribed.


Ethmoiditis is an inflammatory disease of the ethmoid sinus, which is located behind the nose, deep in the skull. At the same time, pain in the forehead is also noted periodically, in certain time days, accompanied by a runny nose, fever and other symptoms. Diagnosis and treatment of this condition is carried out by an ENT doctor.

Infectious diseases

Head pain in the forehead area is quite often observed with the following infections:
1. With the flu, pain in the forehead area is associated with the penetration of the virus into the blood and general intoxication of the body. Pain syndrome can also become a sign of a developed complication – frontal sinusitis. With the flu, pain in the forehead has some characteristics. It usually occurs at the very beginning of the disease, and spreads to the temples and brow ridges. At the same time, the patient feels weakness, chills, and muscle pain. At the same time, the main symptoms of the pathology may still be completely absent: they develop in a couple of days.
2. Headaches are very common with typhus and malaria. They are, as a rule, very intense, accompanied by a general disturbance of the condition, an increase in body temperature, and other manifestations characteristic of these diseases.
3. With meningitis, pain can be localized in the forehead area. The disease is an inflammation of the lining of the brain that contains a large number of nerve endings. The most common is purulent meningitis caused by meningococcal pathogens. This causes severe pain in the forehead or other areas of the head. The patient's condition deteriorates sharply: the body temperature rises, he loses consciousness, and various neurological symptoms are noted. The disease is treated in a neurological hospital, in intensive care wards. Contact with sick people is very dangerous in terms of infection.
4. Encephalitis is an inflammatory disease that can be caused by various pathogens. At the same time, the clinical picture may also differ and have different degrees of severity. The patient is worried about a headache in the forehead or other parts of the head, weakness, dizziness, nausea and vomiting, drowsiness. In more severe cases, hallucinations and delirium, coma develop.
5. Today Thailand and others southern countries have become a favorite travel destination for tourists. When you go on a trip for the first time, you can reschedule dengue fever– a viral disease that is somewhat reminiscent of the common cold. The patient is bothered by pain in the forehead, chills, fever, pain in muscles and bones. Pain in the forehead and elevated body temperature (up to 40 o C) bother the patient cyclically, appearing for 2–3 days and then disappearing for 1–3 days. To diagnose and treat such an “unusual cold,” you must contact an infectious disease specialist. In total, the disease can last 3–8 weeks.

Pain in the forehead associated with pathologies of the heart and blood vessels

In the cavity of the human skull there is great amount vessels that deliver nutrient-rich blood to the brain and surrounding tissues. One of the symptoms of impaired blood flow in the cranial cavity is pain in the forehead.

Increased intracranial pressure

The brain is located in a closed cavity of the skull, surrounded by dense bone walls. When the pressure in the cranial arteries and veins increases, many of those present here are irritated. nerve endings. As a result, a headache develops, in particular pain in the forehead.
Headache in the forehead with increased intracranial pressure is usually accompanied by the following symptoms:
  • dizziness;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • weakness, lethargy, pallor, lightheadedness and fainting;
  • a feeling of pressure in the eyes, throbbing pain.

The causes of pain in the forehead with increased intracranial pressure may be the following conditions:

  • Arterial hypertension, especially hypertensive crisis (an episode of severely elevated blood pressure).
  • Vegetative-vascular dystonia of the sympathotonic type, in which increased blood pressure is noted.
  • Skull injuries (concussions and bruises). Promotion intracranial pressure and pain in the forehead can develop even in patients who suffered an injury relatively long ago.
  • Impairment of blood flow in the vessels of the brain, for example, as a result of atherosclerosis, thrombosis or tumor.
  • Congenital malformations of the heart and blood vessels.
  • Poisoning with toxic substances and drugs.
  • Cervical osteochondrosis.
  • Sometimes pain in the forehead and other parts of the head in the evenings can be caused by simple overwork.
  • Pathologies of the endocrine glands: adrenal glands, thyroid gland, etc.

Reduced intracranial pressure

With a decrease in intracranial pressure, pain in the forehead may also be bothersome. They can have varying intensities, from mild to very strong and painful. Often the pain is of a girdling nature, that is, it occurs in the forehead, temples, and back of the head. They are accompanied by the following symptoms:
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • weakness, pallor, drowsiness, lightheadedness and fainting;
  • usually pain in the forehead with a decrease in intracranial pressure intensifies in the lying and sitting position;
  • tinnitus, "floaters before the eyes."
The reasons for decreased intracranial pressure and pain in the forehead may be as follows:
  • Narrowing of the arteries of the brain caused by atherosclerosis, thrombosis, congenital defects: in this case, fairly large vessels are narrowed, playing a leading role in the blood supply to the cranial cavity.
  • Brain tumors.
  • Hypotension (generally low blood pressure, which may be individual feature body, or caused by various pathological factors). Pain in the forehead area due to such reasons can be provoked and intensified by prolonged stay in stuffy room, excessive intense physical activity, stress, mental fatigue.
  • Vegetative-vascular dystonia of the vagotonic type: this form of the disease is accompanied by low blood pressure.
  • Endocrine pathologies: thyroid gland, adrenal glands, etc.
For pain in the forehead caused by an increase or decrease in intracranial pressure, to determine the cause of the symptom, an examination is carried out, which includes an X-ray of the skull, angiography (X-ray examination of the vessels of the cranial cavity with contrast enhancement), computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, ECHO. encephalography, general and biochemical blood tests. Treatment is carried out by a cardiologist or therapist.

Pain in the forehead caused by pathologies of the nervous system

Pain in the forehead can be symptoms of various pathologies of the nervous system.


Migraine is a chronic disease that occurs in 10% of people. It manifests itself in the form of periodic intense throbbing pain in the forehead, which covers the right or left half of the head.

Usually, at the beginning of a migraine attack, severe throbbing pain occurs in the temple, which spreads to the forehead, eye socket, and back of the head. There are also other characteristic symptoms:

  • weakness and dizziness;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • pain and discomfort increase significantly when the patient is exposed to bright light and loud noise;
  • if there are strong odors in the room where the patient is located, then he also perceives them quite painfully;
  • Some patients experience a disturbance in spatial orientation during a migraine attack;
  • sometimes indigestion may occur;
  • ringing in the ears, "floaters before the eyes."
Most often, migraine attacks recur at intervals of 2–8 times a month. Sometimes they bother the patient very rarely, and sometimes almost every day. On this moment The cause of pain in the forehead during migraine has not been fully established.

Most often, the patient feels the approach of a migraine attack: it is preceded by a complex of sensations called an aura. This could be certain smells or flashes of light before your eyes. Sometimes it's just a set of sensations that are difficult to convey in words.
For the treatment of pain in the forehead due to migraine, medications. At the same time, the patient must avoid all factors that can provoke attacks. Sometimes the pain becomes so severe and frequent that the patient has to be assigned a disability group.

Migraine is usually diagnosed and treated by a neurologist.

Cluster pain

Cluster (bundle) pain in the forehead area is a paroxysmal pain sensation that occurs spontaneously, for no apparent reason, and then goes away on its own.

Cluster pain is highly intense: sometimes it is so strong that the patient tries to commit suicide and attempts suicide.

In most cases, cluster headaches in the forehead area first appear between the ages of 20 and 50 years. The most typical age is 30 years. Usually a series of attacks follows, after which the patient is not bothered by any symptoms for 3 years. Then the headaches return. There is no heredity noted for cluster headaches. Usually the patient is the only person in the family suffering from this pathology.

An attack of cluster headache in the forehead area is characterized by the following features:
1. It arises spontaneously, on its own. It is not preceded, as with migraine, by an aura.
2. The pain in the forehead is unilateral. It usually occurs only on the right or left. Pain sensations spread to the temple, the corresponding part of the forehead and the back of the head. Sometimes they are localized only around the right or left eye.
3. The attacks are usually very short (15 minutes), but frequent. From 1 to 10 attacks may occur per day. An episode of headaches in the forehead can last from several days to weeks, or even months. After this, as described above, a 3-year period begins when the patient is not bothered by anything.
4. During an attack, symptoms arising from the eye are very characteristic. Pain in the forehead is accompanied by redness of the eyeball, constriction of the pupil, and blurred vision. The eyelid on the side of the same name is drooping and slightly swollen.
5. An increase in heart rate is typical.
6. Regular attacks of cluster headaches are provoked by smoking and drinking alcohol. They often occur in the spring or autumn seasons.

Treatment of cluster pain in the forehead area is carried out by a neurologist. Due to the short duration of attacks, their treatment is difficult. Today some are successfully used medications, but this should only be done under the supervision of a doctor.

Trigeminal neuralgia

Trigeminal neuralgia is a disease whose nature is not yet completely clear. It is accompanied by attacks of acute stabbing pain in the face, in the places where the corresponding branches of the trigeminal nerve pass. If the upper branch is affected, then acute, quite severe pain is noted in the forehead area on the right or left.

Attacks of trigeminal neuralgia are characterized by the following features:

  • They can occur independently, for no apparent reason, but are most often provoked by touching, shaving, or washing with cold or hot water.
  • There is a so-called trigger zone, when irritated, pain occurs with to a greater extent probabilities: it is located between the nose and upper lip.
  • Most often, acute pain in the forehead lasts no more than two minutes (in most cases the attack lasts several seconds), it is of a shooting nature.
  • The distribution of pain is very variable, and depends on how the branches of the trigeminal nerve pass under the skin: often patients complain of toothache, pain in the eyes, ears and nose. Sometimes there is pain in the left index finger.
Treatment of pain in the forehead due to trigeminal neuralgia is carried out by a neurologist. Medications are used. Sometimes, in severe cases, it is necessary to resort to surgical intervention - destruction of the trigeminal nerve ganglion, which is located on the inner surface of the temporal bone.


Pain in the forehead area can also be psychogenic in nature. For example, with neurasthenia, hysterical neurosis, pathologically increased suspiciousness. In this case, apart from the pain itself, no other pathological symptoms are detected.

The diagnosis of neurosis, the only manifestation of which is pain in the forehead, can be established only after all other causes of the symptom have been excluded.

Pain in the forehead due to diseases of the musculoskeletal system

Cervical osteochondrosis

Cervical osteochondrosis is a chronic degenerative disease of the spine, in this case the cervical spine. In this case, partial destruction of the intervertebral discs occurs, and the formation of bone outgrowths on the vertebrae - osteophytes. As a result, the openings between the vertebrae narrow, through which the spinal cord roots exit the spinal canal. Their compression leads to pain and other unpleasant symptoms.

Most often, cervical osteochondrosis manifests itself as pain in the back of the head. But sometimes there is predominantly pain in the forehead. By nature they can be pressing, pulling, aching or shooting.

Often, a headache in the forehead caused by osteochondrosis is provoked by cold, excessive physical exertion, and prolonged monotonous position of the head and neck, for example, during work. Morning pain that occurs after the head has been in a monotonous position is very common, especially if an uncomfortable pillow was used.

Pain in the forehead with osteochondrosis is characterized by other symptoms:

  • tinnitus, “floaters before the eyes”, darkening of the eyes;
  • dizziness, nausea, vomiting, pallor;
  • poor coordination of movements, unsteady gait;
  • tingling, numbness, “crawling” and other unpleasant sensations in the skin of the face, head, neck.
To diagnose osteochondrosis, radiography is used, CT scan, Magnetic resonance imaging. For the purpose of treatment, medications, physiotherapy, massage, and physical therapy are used. During an attack of headache in the forehead caused by osteochondrosis, painkillers, dry heat, and rest are used.

Tension headache

Pressing pain in the forehead area can be caused by excessive tension in the muscles of the head, face, and neck. The causes of such pain may be the following factors:
  • long-term stress, depression, increased level anxiety;
  • prolonged muscle tension associated, for example, with constant work in a monotonous position;
  • severe fatigue.
Head pain in the forehead area, associated with muscle tension and, as a consequence, exacerbation of pain sensitivity, is characterized by the following features:
  • along with it, symptoms such as dizziness, nausea, staggering may occur;
  • usually pain begins from the neck, and only then affects the head and forehead area;
  • there is pressing pain in the forehead;
  • most often the pain syndrome develops in the evening, in the afternoon;
  • Patients often compare their sensations to having their head pulled together with a hoop or a tight hat.
To treat tension headaches, rest and painkillers are prescribed. It is advisable to monitor blood pressure levels.

Eye pathologies

Pain in the forehead area can be a symptom of eye diseases. The nerves and vessels of the orbit pass directly into the cranial cavity, so pain and increased pressure in the ocular vessels are often transmitted to the intracranial vessels and nerves.

Pain in the forehead associated with tumor processes

Sometimes chronic pain in the forehead is associated with tumor processes. The most common cause of symptoms is the following types tumors:
1. Tumors of the frontal bone located on its inner surface.
2. Tumors of the frontal lobe of the brain. In this case, pain in the forehead can be accompanied by symptoms such as epileptic seizures, mental disorders, speech, smell, and movements.
3. Vascular tumors – hemangiomas. Pain syndrome can be caused by a hemangioma located in the frontal lobe of the brain.
4. Tumors of the paranasal sinuses: frontal, maxillary. Smokers are especially predisposed to such pathologies.
5. A tumor of the pituitary gland, the most important endocrine gland in the body, located at the base of the skull. In this case, pain in the forehead area is often combined with visual impairment.
6. Tumors located in the orbital cavity. They can originate from the eyeball, nerve, blood vessels, fatty and connective tissue. This is characterized by bulging eyes and double vision. Externally, one can identify the asymmetrical position of the eyeballs in the sockets.

Typically, patients suffering from long-term pain in the forehead caused by tumor processes initially see a neurologist. The oncologist then diagnoses and treats these conditions.

What to do if you have pain in the forehead?

As follows from the above, pain in the forehead can have various reasons. Sometimes it is simply a consequence of overwork, and in other cases it signals a serious pathology. If the pain syndrome occurred once, briefly and was not very severe, then, most likely, there was simply an episode of tension pain, and there is no reason for concern. If the pain is quite severe and recurs periodically, then you should consult a doctor, primarily a neurologist.

Painkillers help relieve symptoms, the most common of which is analgin. However, it is worth remembering that they only help for a while and do not eliminate the cause. Therefore, if pain in the forehead is caused by any disease, it is necessary for the doctor to prescribe special treatment.

Before use, you should consult a specialist.

It reflects the degree of sensitivity, spiritual depth and inner content.

On an ideal face, all three zones are balanced and proportional. This means that all facial features are not too long or short, not too small or large, and free from defects. But such faces are rare. Therefore, in order to correctly understand a person by their face, you need to figure out which of the three zones is reflected more clearly. And having learned this, we can assume what drives the personality - instinctiveness, sensitivity or intelligence. Moreover, we will get a more accurate description if we manage to rank the zones, that is, determine for each its place - first, second or third in size.

One of the specialists in the study of the face, K. Huter, at the beginning of the 20th century, proposed 9 options for the relationships of the parts of the face, by which one can determine the temperament and character of a person. Below we present these relationships, denoting each of the zones with letter symbols: I - intellectual, E - emotional, V - vital.

1.Forehead, middle and lower parts of the face of the same height:

I = E = V

A person with such a face has a harmonious balance between the physiological and emotional-intellectual spheres. Activity, the desire for pleasure and a feeling of joy are associated with the mental function. He is characterized by love of truth, cheerfulness and love of work. He is cordial, casual, but reserved, lively and sociable; has a developed sense of self-esteem.

2.The forehead and lower part of the face are equal, and the middle part is slightly longer:

I = B, E > I, E > V.

A long nose does not lead to disharmony of forms, since they are quite refined and distinguished by sensitivity and nobility. Such a person is representative, has self-control and talent, which forms, on the whole, a harmonious and noble essence.

3. The forehead is high, the middle and lower parts of the face are small:

I > E, I > V, E = V.

He is a man of thoughts and feelings. He is simple and modest, has intuition, is tender in his feelings, prone to selflessness, self-denial and sacrifice, and is true to his ideal. Activity and thirst for pleasure in such a person lag behind, and mental depth is combined with honesty.

4.The forehead is longer than the nose, and the nose is longer than the lower jaw:

I > E > V.

A person with such proportions is characterized by a high spirit, which intelligently regulates feelings and instincts and at the same time serves sublime ideals of life.

The first four variants of persons can be combined into one group - such people are distinguished by their desire for harmony, creativity and development, they are oriented towards success in any business they undertake, they are optimists.

5. The forehead is small, the middle and lower parts of the face are larger:

AND< Э, И < В, Э = В.

It's rude and impulsive person, whose strength and will prevail over feelings and reason. He shows courage and inquisitiveness, has aggressiveness and great power of persuasion, is prone to recklessness, and is very demanding of himself.

6. The forehead is short, the middle part of the face is slightly longer, the lower part is even longer:

AND< Э < В.

Massive and soft Bottom part face speaks of a thirst for pleasure. All mental and mental activity such a person is focused on this. He is practical, conservative in his views, and not inclined to change places. He has no spiritual or emotional highs. It is difficult to stir him up, but if he succeeds, then it is just as difficult to stop him.

The fifth and sixth variants of persons are combined into the second group (most likely these are pessimists), found in people focused on real life, these are people who are strong in everything - in activity, in peace, and in pleasure.

7.The forehead and lower part of the face are large, but the nose is small:

I = B, I > E, B > E.

This is a highly intelligent person who strives for pleasure. He is good-natured, kind-hearted and impressionable. He is characterized by warmth, emotional empathy and career difficulties.

This type of face occupies an intermediate position between the first two groups.

8.The forehead and middle part of the face are short, and the lower part is longer:

I = E, I< В, Э < В.

This strong-willed person with a sharp and cold intellect, achieving more than his physical abilities allow. He does not recognize tenderness, is strict and pedantic. Along with outstanding abilities, he exhibits negative tendencies.

9. The forehead and lower part of the face are long, the nose is too small and snub:

I = B, I > E, B > E.

This person's mind and feelings are strong and expendable. He is aggressive, arrogant and hot-tempered, has punching power and is internally anarchic. There is a lack of discipline and patience in work. Possessing high intelligence, he is quite sarcastic and critical, but he himself cannot eliminate shortcomings and create something better.