Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Where are the main water supplies located? Why are drinking water supplies disappearing on earth?

The lunar phases have an impact not only on the ebb and flow of tides, but also on a person’s well-being. The answer to the question why the moon affects a person lies in its effect on water and liquid media. The water in our body is also influenced by the gravitational field of the moon.

How does the moon affect a person?

The moon cycle is 29-30 days. It is divided into 4 phases:

  • new moon;
  • Waxing Crescent;
  • full moon;
  • waning moon.

The new moon is the period when fluid, under the influence of gravity, moves away from the head and rushes to internal organs. For this reason, some people may feel dizzy and slightly weak. This action is short-term, after which the waxing moon phase comes into force.

When considering how the waxing moon affects a person, it is important to note the following factors:

  • increase internal energy and a surge of strength;
  • body functions are improved and renewed;
  • blood rushes to the cerebral cortex;
  • in the middle of the phase, the respiratory system is activated;
  • the rush of blood and energy gradually descends from the upper organs to the lower ones.

Each phase has its own influence on the physical and emotional condition person. Even in ancient times, doctors distinguished how the full moon affected a person. During the full moon, people's health worsens, bleeding in the wounded increases, and overly emotional and mentally unhealthy people become more restless or, on the contrary, depressed.

Full moon and waning moon

The full moon is a busy time for doctors and employees law enforcement. Modern research show that during this period there is an exacerbation of chronic diseases, the risk of injury increases, and it is more difficult to tolerate stressful situations, the risk increases side effects from medicines.

According to statistics, 30% of heart attacks occur during the full moon, and it also increases number of suicides. British law enforcement officers increase the number of patrolling police officers and traffic inspectors during the full moon. The energy accumulated during the waxing moon phase can play a bad joke on a drunk person, so it is better not to drink alcohol during the full moon.

During the waning phase of the moon, the body’s energy decreases, as if it were compressed. A rush of fluid occurs to the head and feet, which causes heaviness in the legs, provokes exacerbation and changes in blood pressure. This is a period of moderation in all physical needs, very suitable for diets and therapeutic fasting.

The question of how the full moon affects people has worried humanity for many centuries. In earlier times, it was believed that the full moon gave strength to werewolves, vampires and other fantastic creatures.

But is this really so? What happens to us on a full moon? Let's try to understand in more detail the question of how the full moon affects a person.

The effect of the full moon on women

The moon hiding behind the clouds or shining brightly in the sky is a factor influencing a huge impact on human emotions and well-being. Most of all, this luminary influences women - it’s not for nothing that it personifies feminine.

During a full moon, the moon is at a 180-degree angle with respect to the sun. Simply put, two planets are located relative to each other with opposite sides. That is why during this period women experience a kind of confrontation between soul and body. Doctors know best how the full moon affects women, because these days ladies often turn to them, complaining of being unwell.

On a full moon, ladies have problems with:

  • stomach;
  • kidneys;
  • heart;
  • vision.

If you are a creative lady, your subconscious will definitely be activated during the full moon. In addition, sexuality awakens during this period. People say that on a full moon you can easily win the heart of the person you have feelings for.

In ancient times, healers and healers taught women how to use lunar energy to maintain beauty and health. They said that swimming in a river or lake on a full moon, when the water surface reflects the white apple of the luminary, allows you to recharge with energy and restore spiritual harmony.

The moon gives women strength and cleanses them. But if the luminary hides behind the clouds, night swimming must be ended, because otherwise it will have a negative effect.

How does the full moon affect men?

Gentlemen are most affected by the new moon. But a lot is also known about how the full moon affects men. During the full moon, their energy and feelings reach their maximum. Representatives of the strong half of humanity during this period can do what they previously did not have the strength to do.

However, increased emotionality also has Negative consequences. Thus, during the full moon the number of accidents increases, including those involving men. These days, the effect of alcohol on the body increases, which leads to unpredictable actions.

For millennia, the sky has attracted people's attention. In our solar system, the only source of its own light is the Sun. The Moon is the Earth's satellite and the brightest luminary in the night sky. The Moon itself does not glow, but only reflects sunlight. From the Earth, only one half of the lunar surface is visible, facing the Earth and illuminated by the Sun. The constantly changing appearance of the Moon aroused curiosity, surprise and even fear among our ancestors.

The full moon causes a special state for any person. Women cannot take their eyes off the beauty of the heavenly shining magic; they are overcome with awe and delight, feeling a surge of energy, happiness and joy. The rising of the full moon in its beautiful splendor literally fascinates, amazes, delights, enchants! It is no coincidence that many are dedicated to her poetic works, romances and songs! Names of the Moon in the languages ​​of the people various countries the world also sound delightful: “luminous”, “brilliant”, “light”, “radiant”, “majestic”.

But something mysterious, magical, mysterious is also connected with the Moon (ebbs and flows in the seas and oceans, sleepwalking, vampirism, etc.). There is a belief that it provokes a person to act inexplicably and even beyond logic. Since ancient times, people have noticed that the Moon “affects the lives of all living things,” and sometimes an invisible, inevitable threat emanates from it. There is an opinion that depending on the position of the Moon in relation to the Earth, a person’s reflexes, his intuition and inclination towards good or evil depend.

IN different cultures The moon (depending on its phase) was a symbol of rebirth, light or darkness. The Greeks named one of their goddesses Selene in her honor, which translates as light, radiance. In Roman mythology, the moon goddess Diana personifies feminine traits: caring, beauty, femininity, gentleness, maternal instinct, changeability.

Women's connection with the moon

Spiritual and scientific research has confirmed the influence of the Moon on the psyche, emotional and physical state person. It emits subtle (immaterial) frequencies that affect the subconscious part of the human mind. Women are most susceptible to the influence of the night luminary.

Feminine nature feeds on the energy of the Earth, Water and Moon. The energies of Earth and Water are stable and constantly fill you with health, strength and tranquility. Therefore, their daily presence in a woman’s life is desirable (walking on the ground barefoot, living on the ground, swimming in reservoirs).

The energy of the Moon is cyclical. The force of gravity causes the Moon to rotate in its orbit around the Earth. Its full turnover is 29.5 days. This is where the second name of the Moon comes from - month (from the word to measure). People used the month to measure time. Year (when the Earth makes full turn in its orbit around the sun) consists of 12 lunar months.

Pagan women knew well moon calendar: 28 days of each month and 13 full moons of each year. The monthly cycle has 4 phases of the moon:

  • The first is the new moon (1-7 lunar day)
  • Second - first quarter (waxing Moon 8-15 lunar day)
  • Third - full moon ()
  • Fourth - last quarter (waning Moon 23-30 lunar day)

Each Moon phase lasts 7.4 days. Moreover, every day the energy of the Moon is different. From its minimum (on the new moon) it gradually reaches its maximum (on the day of the full moon) and this desire is endless.

Many processes occurring in the female body are associated with lunar phases (cycles). The duration of a woman's menstrual cycle is equal to the lunar month. Pregnancy lasts 280 days, 40 weeks (10 lunar months), which corresponds to 9 calendar months. A woman is also dependent on the menstrual cycle, which also has minimums and maximums. The relationship of these two dependencies with each other determines its state.

When can you feed on lunar energy?

During the new moon, there is a loss of strength, depression, irritability, decreased immunity, dissipation of attention, and inadequacy. The energy of the Moon, which we feed on, is zero on this day.

As the Moon grows, its energy increases. The full moon is the period lunar cycle, at which the night star reaches its peak of growth and energy. At this time, the Moon is at an angle of 180° in relation to the Sun, and human health is immediately affected by the energies of these two planets. Energy overflows all life on Earth. At this time, plants grow very quickly, their recovery processes, metabolism is activated, brain activity reaches its peak.

Most of all, the full, brightly shining Moon influences emotions And well-being women - it’s not for nothing that she is the personification of the feminine principle. During the full moon, women may experience problems with the heart, stomach, kidneys, vision, and blood pressure. Some women experience a confrontation between soul and body. In ancient times, healers taught women how to use lunar energy for beauty and health. Swimming in the lunar paths is romantic and healthy. At this time the Moon sends positive energy, restoring harmony in the female body.

Conception according to the lunar calendar

Under the influence of the full moon, a woman cleanses herself, gains strength, becomes younger and more beautiful. There is a desire to do something meaningful, especially important, kind and even impossible. The main thing during this period is to direct the woman’s overwhelming energy, donated by the night luminary, to accomplish important, necessary and risky things, to demonstrate her creativity, solving family problems, complex tasks and achieving your goals. In all endeavors there will be a stunning effect.

During the full moon, a woman’s sensitivity increases and hidden attraction awakens. US researchers claim that the peak of conception occurs precisely on the full moon or the day before it, and most of the births are boys. There is a belief that on a full moon you can win the heart of the person you love.

Wise nature has provided an ideal combination lunar maximum(full moon) and female minimum(menstruation) cycles, which helps to even out women’s mood swings. But nowadays there are often “failures” in women’s cycles due to stress, fatigue, and excessive workload.

If there is a match minimums of cycles (new moon and menstruation) the woman’s state is anxious, depressed, hysterical, tearful. Mental problems and illnesses worsen, and the woman is overcome by deep depression.

When the maximums of the full moon cycles and ovulation (the release of a mature egg) coincide, then the woman becomes unpredictable and completely out of her mind, it is difficult for her to digest so much energy, emotional background is heated to the limit and it’s like a volcano - it’s about to explode.

Impact on the psyche

Many scientists were interested in Why does the moon affect the human body? Many observations have established that the closer to the full moon, the stronger the body’s reaction. The star of the night affects not only the physiology of our body, but also to a greater extent it affects psyche.There is an assumption that since human body consists of approximately 80% water and 20% organic and inorganic substances, That gravitational forces The moons exert “biological ebbs and flows” on it. They cause mood swings.

During the full moon, mental illnesses worsen, and unbalanced people mental abnormalities, excessive irritability, and aggression appear. It is widely believed that during the full moon the number of quarrels, conflicts, suicides, murders, road traffic accidents, accidents, and catastrophes increases. Despite the fact that people have already visited the Moon, much remains mysterious and inexplicable. For example, sleepwalkers who walk on roofs and balcony railings during the full moon and don’t remember anything about these walks.

During the full moon, a woman’s body furiously uses up accumulated energy. Processes in the cerebral cortex are activated, overloaded nervous system and the body as a whole. In this regard, many people have problems dream, Insomnia is exhausting. If during a normal period women fall asleep in 25-30 minutes, then during the full moon they can toss and turn for hours and have less time for deep sleep. The deep sleep phase is necessary for the brain to good rest and processing the entire volume of daily information.

Prophetic dreams

Under the influence of the Moon, the psyche can exhibit extrasensory perception abilities, giving warning dreams in the morning (in order to protect you from rash actions) or prophetic dreams that will definitely come true.

The moon doesn't work on some people

Despite general patterns, The moon affects each person differently. Some people want to cry on a full moon, while others want to sing and have fun. The full moon has a radical effect only on an organism weakened by disease and stress. Astrologers and scientists believe that if everything is stable in a woman’s life, there are no outbursts of emotions, a good family and job, she is healthy and happy - lunar manipulations are not scary. She may not even notice the full moon.

But there are people who are very sensitive to lunar rhythms. We are talking about women born in solar zodiac signs Pisces and Cancer.

How to make a wish on the moon,

Based on the above, I strongly advise every woman to have a calendar for the month, in which in two - in three words write down what the day was like in terms of emotions (irritability, sentimentality, desire to cry, anger at certain people, apathy and laziness, desire to love, hysteria, hatred, great efficiency, depression for no reason, etc.).

The calendar will look like this:

Date: 11/01/17 (Wednesday), Day after menstruation: 13; Lunar day: 13.14; Moon phase: waxing; Emotions: joy

You will do this observation for 3-5 months. Now you will know “what the coming day has in store for you,” what to be prepared for and “when to buy a chocolate bar.” In addition, based on the Moon, you will determine “dangerous” and “safe” days for conception. As ours stated distant ancestors, on the waning Moon the probability of conception is zero.

Enjoy life, the Sun and the Moon, every day, love, be loved and happy!

Do you think the moon can influence a person? Some people answer this question with a great deal of skepticism, while others try to adapt to the lunar calendar. Who is right in this situation? Let's figure out whether there really is an effect of the full moon on the human body, and if so, how it manifests itself.

First, let's remember geography lessons at school. We all know that sea ​​tides and the ebb tides are strictly subject to the phases of the moon. But humans also consist of about 80% water. This means that, regardless of his desire, he is, to one degree or another, subject to lunar influence. Moreover, it manifests itself most acutely during those periods when the full moon phases begin.

People have long noticed the effect of the full moon on their bodies. It is associated with a sharp aggravation of a wide variety of emotions - joy to despair. And statistics show that the highest percentage of suicide cases occurs during the full moon. The same can be said about exacerbations of diseases that are chronic in nature, primarily for mental illnesses. This is probably why time full moon V human consciousness has long been associated with witches, ghouls, werewolves, vampires and other evil spirits.

Moon calendar

The lunar month consists of four phases - full moon, new moon, waxing moon and waning moon. The first lunar day is the day the new moon begins. The first quarter of the month falls on the 7th-8th lunar days. The full moon is observed from 14 to 17 lunar day. The third quarter falls on the 22nd-23rd lunar days, and the fourth quarter marks the end of the month.

In order to try to analyze the influence of the moon on the human body or its emotional state, it is better to purchase a special lunar calendar. In it, all phases of the moon are clearly marked.

What to expect from the full moon?

Of course, with the onset of the full moon phase you are not in danger of unexpected meeting with a vampire or werewolf. And not every person can feel the influence of the full moon. In addition, all those who have the ability to feel the impact of the night luminary on the human body experience different sensations. However, some general points it can still be noted.

Our nervous system perceives the influence of the full moon especially acutely. First of all, this applies to people with a delicate psyche. Many experience exacerbation or change in reflexes, bursts of positive and negative emotions(from desperate joy to fatal doom), appear unexplained phobias. Even people with the healthiest psyches often complain of insomnia during the full moon.

The moon can influence not only the emotional and mental condition person. Many experiments, known since the time of the famous Hippocrates, allow us to conclude that during the onset of the full moon, a decrease in metabolic rate occurs in the human body, which negatively affects the condition of the blood. In this regard, there is an opinion that it is better not to prescribe surgical operations during the full moon, since during this period, firstly, bleeding occurs more often, which is difficult to stop; secondly, the healing process takes longer.

The full moon is difficult for people with cardiovascular diseases, in particular, hypertensive patients - they experience impaired heart function and an increase in the amount of fluid in the tissues.

The phases of the full moon are also associated with an increased risk of gastrointestinal diseases, as well as poisoning. This is explained by the fact that on full moon days the vital activity of microbes and viruses is activated, and the effectiveness of medications, on the contrary, decreases.

There is one more most interesting feature influence of the moon on the human body. During the full moon, the possibility of conception increases many times over. The fact is that the process of a mature egg passing through the phallus tubes and entering the uterus is accelerated. In addition, the attraction to communicate with the opposite sex during periods when there is a full moon increases. Therefore, those who wish to conceive should take this into account interesting fact and follow the lunar calendar.

How to protect yourself from the influence of the moon?

You shouldn’t rely on fate and justify all your problems by the influence of the moon, because a lot depends on life position and human behavior. During the full moon it is better to stop using alcoholic drinks, because the psyche reacts to everything quite sharply, and defense mechanisms organisms decrease. Therefore, if a feast cannot be avoided, you can try to limit yourself to a glass of wine.

In addition, on those days when the moon is full, it is better to take care of your own psyche and not watch horror films or crime news. The same goes for communicating with unpleasant people. If you cannot avoid it, it is better to reduce communication to a minimum, this way you can protect yourself from stress.

Beneficial effects of the full moon

The full moon is considered the time of artists and advertisers. Concerts, presentations, promotions and other similar events are successful.

Interestingly, the 13th lunar day is considered very unfavorable and even dangerous for human life, and at the same time, on this day it is best to resolve or smooth out family conflicts. But the 15th lunar day, considered the most deceptive and conflicting, gives hope for a speedy recovery to all patients.

In short, if you keep the situation under control, you can try to benefit from the onset of the full moon phase. For example, it has been noted that the full moon is the best time to settle matters that require a special approach to people. If you need to ask for something, ask, choose the right tone and get what you wanted.

It is known that in our solar system the only source of its own light is the Sun. All others celestial bodies Our systems are powered by solar energy, remaining in their position around the Sun and reflecting its light. The satellite of our Earth, the Moon, directing the light of the Sun towards our planet, is a kind of mirror for the Earth. The movement of the Moon around the Earth and its specific position relative to the Sun are usually divided into four phases of the Moon.

There are four main phases of the lunar month:

  • (1 - Moon phase)
  • (2 - moon phase)
  • (3 - moon phase)
  • (4 - moon phase)

Being in its movement around the Earth in the shadow of our planet, it reflects sunlight from one or the other half of the disk. On energy level Moon phases represent different kinds transfers solar energy, which influence all species and forms of life on our planet.
Each phase of the lunar cycle affects everything on earth in its own way, which is associated, first of all, with the degree of distance of the Moon from the Sun. Dramatic changes occur twice a month: when the lunar crescent either grows until it turns into a full disk, or decreases until it disappears completely. Not only our general well-being, but also the nature of various life situations depends on the influence of the moon phase.

The waxing phase of the Moon is the period that runs from the new moon to the full moon.

The waning phase of the moon is the period following the full moon.


During this time, we react more emotionally to situations and phenomena in the world around us. During this period, energy accumulates, and therefore any kind of planning is favorable. From the new moon to the full moon it is good to start new things, take important decisions, conduct responsible negotiations, etc.


On the contrary, emotions are inhibited; our sensitivity and receptivity are reduced. At this time, it is favorable to properly spend accumulated energy, and therefore it is good to continue what you started, to complete things. Both phases of the waxing and waning moon are further divided into two parts, with each of the four periods lasting about a week.
Features of each phase of the moon separately:


- this is a phase period during which the moon is not visible at all in the sky due to the fact that it is in line with the Earth and the Sun. At this time, the moon “shows” us its dark side, which is not illuminated by the Sun. The new moon can affect a person for several days. During this period, a person feels depressed, exhausted, and is often accompanied by headaches. At the same time, fluid removal from the body and metabolism accelerates. During the new moon, many people experience mental disorders, phobias and manias appear. It is very undesirable at this time to start developing something new and meeting suspicious people.

When the phases of the moon change, it affects a person in the same way as the changing cycles of the sun. Many astrologers are confident that there are points of contact between these two planets. The moon also has four phases. They are called quarters.

The first phase of the Moon is associated with the element EARTH

It begins with the appearance of the month in the sky and lasts exactly half the period from the new moon to the full moon, that is, 1-7 days of the lunar month, and ends in the first quarter. corresponds to spring solar calendar, that is, it means the beginning of everything. During this phase, a person's brain is very active. If you make plans during this period, they will be extremely clear and understandable and will certainly bring good luck. The overall activity and desire to create increases. But you shouldn’t rush too much either; it’s better to think through everything, calculate it and, slowly, start implementing the plan.

During this period there will be effective treatment eyes and heads. Also this period favors agriculture. All plants planted during this lunar phase, will grow well and bring a wonderful harvest.

It is characterized by gaining emotional balance. During this period, great opportunities open up before us. potential opportunities, which must be used to achieve your goal.

Second phase (First quarter) of the Moon, associated with the element of WATER

Duration: time from the first quarter to the full moon, which corresponds to from the 8th to the 15th.
At this time we will see half of the lunar disk in the sky. According to the solar cycle, this is summer. The most productive period, the period of filling with energy. Exactly this best time for changing jobs, traveling, public speaking.

This phase of the moon is well suited for the treatment of the gastric bladder, liver, and large intestine.

It is advised to plant and replant plants and root cuttings during this period.

This is a period of strong emotional stress. At this time, more than ever, we need spiritual comfort, and therefore we perceive indifference and alienation very painfully. This phase of the Moon is suitable for effectively resolving conflicts, solving pressing problems and overcoming discontent, conducting difficult negotiations and obviously unpleasant meetings, and the correct conduct of negotiations will certainly give a good result.

Full moon

At this time we see the Moon in full in all its glory. Moonlight, in this phase of the Moon, can affect people in different ways. Moreover, during this period the body furiously uses up its accumulated strength. Insomnia, increased irritability and emotionality may occur.

Drinking alcohol can be dangerous. At this time the most important thing happens a large number of traffic accidents, man-made accidents and disasters.

It is better not to undergo surgery at this time.

Also, there is no need to replant the plants; it would be much better to start weeding them and loosening the soil.

Third phase of the moon, associated with the elements AIR

It comes into effect after the Full Moon, when the Lunar disk begins to decrease. Its duration is from the 16th to the 22nd Lunar day. Autumn arrives according to the solar cycle. The period is characterized by balanced activity and maturity.

This phase is very suitable for completing your affairs.

At this time, energy is better spent and appetite decreases. That is why many nutritionists recommend starting the fight against excess weight and cellulite at this time.

It is advisable to plant root crops and bulbous crops during this phase.

At this time, we are most open to communication, openly express our feelings and make social contacts. During this period, we can easily overestimate our strengths, so we should not sort things out or raise children in a strong-willed way. There may be an effect of an overabundance of feelings for the most insignificant reasons, an inadequate perception of reality, when small things seem important and significant.

Fourth phase of the moon associated with the element of FIRE

comes into effect from the second week after the Full Moon, and lasts until the next new moon from 23 - 30