Biographies Characteristics Analysis

"Woe from Wit" - a wonderful comedy (A. Kushner)

Woe from Wit - Chatsky - famous aphorisms,
famous Chatsky quotes, catchphrases said by Chatsky:

I would be glad to serve, it is sickening to serve! (look - do not confuse:)

Carriage for me, carriage!

And who are the judges?

A little light - already on your feet! And I am at your feet.

Blessed is he who believes, he is warm in the world!

When you wander, you return home, and the smoke of the Fatherland is sweet and pleasant to us!

Fresh legend, but hard to believe.

ranks people are given and people can be deceived.

I'm strange, but who's not strange? The one who looks like all the fools

O! if someone penetrated into people: what is worse in them? soul or language?

Fools believe, they tell others, old women instantly sound the alarm - and here is public opinion!

Houses are new, but prejudices are old, rejoice, neither their years, nor fashion, nor fires will destroy them.

Why not a husband? There is only little mind in him; but to have children, who lacked intelligence?

When I'm in business, I hide from fun, when I'm fooling around, I'm fooling around, and mixing these two crafts is the darkness of craftsmen, I'm not one of them.

And yet, he will reach certain degrees, because today they love the dumb.

Listen! Lie, but know the measure.

Old women are all angry people

Silencers are blissful in the world!

I go to women, but not for this.

I climb into the noose, but it's funny to her.

Where is better? // Where we are not

What new will Moscow show me?
Yesterday there was a ball, and tomorrow there will be two.

In Russia, under a great fine,
We are told to recognize each
Historian and geographer!

A mixture of languages ​​prevails:
French with Nizhny Novgorod?

And who are the judges? - For the antiquity of years
To a free life their enmity is irreconcilable,
Judgments draw from forgotten newspapers
Ochakov times and the conquest of the Crimea.

Women shouted: hurrah!
And they threw caps into the air

Get out of Moscow! I don't go here anymore!
I'm running, I won't look back, I'll go looking around the world,
Where there is a corner for the offended feeling!
Carriage for me! Carriage!

Woe from Wit - Famusov - famous aphorisms,
famous quotes
Famusova , catchphrases spoken by Famusov:

If evil is to be stopped:
Take away all the books and burn them.

Ba! familiar faces!

Who is poor, he is not a couple for you.

No other model is needed when the example of a father is in the eyes.

Signed, so off your shoulders.

Read not like a sexton, but with feeling, with sense, with arrangement.

To teach our daughters everything, everything - and dance! and foam! and tenderness! and sigh! As if we are preparing buffoons for their wives.

Learning - that's the plague, learning - that's the reason that now more than ever, crazy divorced people, and deeds, and opinions.

I'm not cheerful!.. At my age, you can't squat on me!

What does he say! and speaks as he writes!

You, young people, have no other business // How to notice girlish beauty

He fell painfully, got up great

French romances are sung to you
And the top ones bring out the notes,
They cling to military people,
Because they are patriots.

To the village, to the wilderness, to Saratov!

The door is open to the invited and the uninvited,
Especially from foreign ones.

With me, employees of strangers are very rare;
More and more sisters, sister-in-law kids

Woe from the mind - Sophia - aphorisms,
Sophia famous quotes
, catchphrases spoken by Sophia:

Happy hours are not observed.

You can share laughter with everyone.

Fate seemed to take care of us,
And grief awaits from around the corner ...

Went to a room, got into another.

He didn’t utter a smart word,
I don't care what's for him, what's in the water!

What is my rumor? Who wants to judge.

The hero... Not my novel.

I don't remember anything, don't bother me.
Memories! Like a sharp knife.

Woe from the mind - Lisa - aphorisms,
Lisa quotes
, catchphrases spoken by Lisa:

.You are a prankster, these faces suit you!

And the golden bag, and marks the generals.

Bypass us more than all sorrows
And the lord's anger, and the lord's love.

Like all Moscow ones, your father is like this: he would like a son-in-law with stars, but with ranks.

Tell me better, why are you modest with the young lady, but with the maid's rake?

A smile and a few words
And who is in love is ready for anything.

Sin is not a problem, rumor is not good

Woe from Wit - Molchalin - aphorisms,
Molchalin, catchphrases spoken by Molchalin:

Oh! evil tongues are worse than a gun.

In my years one must not dare to have one's judgment.

Day after day, today is like yesterday.

Winged aphorisms of other heroes of Griboyedov:

Yes clever man cannot but be a rogue (Repetilov)

Everything lies calendars (old woman Khlestova)

* * *
And now all together (and a little more :)

1. Carriage to me! Carriage!
2. Silencers are blissful in the world!
3. Happy hours are not observed
4. I would be glad to serve, it’s sickening to serve
5. Fresh legend, but hard to believe
6. Ranks are given by people, but people can be deceived
7. And the smoke of the Fatherland is sweet and pleasant to us!
8. Houses are new, but prejudices are old
9. And who are the judges?
10.Where, tell us fathers of the fatherland, which we should take as samples?
11. Who in Moscow did not stop their mouths at lunches, dinners and dances?
12. Blessed is he who believes - he is warm in the world!
13. Evil tongues are worse than a gun
14. Bypass us more than all sorrows and master's anger, and master's love
15. On tiptoe and not rich in words
16. And for sure, the light began to grow stupid
17. Signed, so off your shoulders!
18. Often there we find patronage, where we don’t mark
19. In my years, one should not dare to have one's own judgment
20. And yet, he will reach certain degrees, because now they love the dumb
21. Like all Moscow ones, your father is like this: he would like a son-in-law with stars and ranks
22. Why not a husband? There is only little intelligence in him, but in order to have children, who lacked intelligence?
23. When in business - I hide from fun, when fooling around - I'm fooling around, and mixing these two crafts is the darkness of craftsmen, I'm not one of them
24. No other model is needed when the example of a father is in the eyes
25. Nothing but pranks and the wind on my mind.
26. I'm strange, but who is not strange? The one who looks like all the fools.
27. Why not a husband? There is only little intelligence in him, But in order to have children, Who lacked intelligence?
8. More number, cheaper price...
29. That's it, you are all proud!
30. And he speaks as he writes!
31. Laughing at old age is a sin.
32. Will we ever be resurrected from foreign power?
33. Sin is not a problem, rumor is not good.
34. I don't care what is for him, what is in the water.
35. Tell me to go into the fire: I'll go for dinner.
36. The janitor's dog, so that it was affectionate
37. Hey, tie a knot for memory
38. Found protection from judgment in friends, in kinship, Building magnificent chambers, Where they overflow in feasts and extravagance?
39. There are many artisans, I am not one of them.
40. What new will Moscow show me? Yesterday there was a ball, and tomorrow there will be two.
41. In Russia, under a great fine, We are ordered to recognize everyone as a Historian and a geographer!
42. A mixture of languages ​​​​dominates: French with Nizhny Novgorod?
43. How to compare and see the current century and the past century.
44. The meanest features of the past life.
45. The fate of love is to play blind man's blind man.
46. ​​I have fun when I meet funny people, And more often I miss them.
47. In addition to honesty, there are many joys: They scold here, and there they thank.
48. Here's something by chance, take note of you.
49. Let your soul go to repentance!
50. I went into the room, got into another.
51. Learning is the plague, learning is the reason!
52. Think how capricious happiness is!
53. A smile and a couple of words, And who is in love is ready for anything.

* * *
You read quotes and aphorisms from the work "Woe from Wit" by Griboedov A S, we hope that these famous phrases will benefit you and make you a little smarter(or vice versa - happier :)
Copyright: woe from wit: quote aphorisms

Compassion is grief for someone else's misfortune, envy is grief for someone else's happiness.

Fate is a naughty minx,
Defined it myself
All stupid - happiness from madness.
All smart - woe from the mind.

Epigraph to "Woe from Wit"

A hamster stands on the mountain, he is tormented by a waste.

Luck runs from tears and crying, and whoever laughs in grief succeeds in everything.

Luck runs from tears and crying, and whoever laughs in grief, everything succeeds!

Fate is a naughty, minx
I defined it myself:

And smart - woe from the mind.


Fate is a naughty, minx
I defined it myself:
All stupid happiness from madness,
And smart - woe from the mind.

Alexander Griboyedov

Mark Twain

Grief can be experienced alone, but joy - in order to fully know it - must be shared with another person.

Mark Twain

Woe to him who loved only bodies, forms, appearances! Death will take everything from him.
Learn to love Souls and you will find them again.

Victor Hugo

Woe to him who loved only bodies, forms, appearances! Death will take everything from him.
Learn to love Souls and you will find them again.

Victor Hugo

Woe to him who loved only bodies, forms, appearances! Death will take everything from him.
Learn to love Souls and you will find them again.

Victor Hugo

When grief visits you, look around and console yourself: there are people whose fate is even harder than yours.

It is hard not to endure grief, but to endure it all the time.
Seneca Lucius Annaeus (the Younger)

It is not difficult to taste joy, it is better to be strong in grief!
Shota Rustaveli

Grief can equally bind and untie the tongue of the sufferer.
Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra

Talking about your grief often relieves it.
Pierre Corneille

To be afraid of grief is not to know happiness.
Johann Wolfgang Goethe

Real grief is shameful.
Christian Friedrich Hebbel (Gobbel)

What grief does not take away time? What passion will survive in an unequal struggle with him?
Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol

The grief of one cancer only paints.
Nikolai Semenovich Leskov

The only salvation in spiritual grief is work.
Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky

There is no grief in the world that youth cannot heal.
Washington (Washington) Irving

Grief is the most enduring of all our feelings.
Honore de Balzac

Everything wears out, even grief.
Gustave Flaubert

Until you know grief, you will not become an adult. But even as an adult, you can’t cope with any grief.
Konstantin Alexandrovich Fedin

They don't mourn for strangers.
Elias Canetti

Happiness is good for the body, but only sorrow develops the faculties of the spirit.
Marcel Proust

Grief is the teacher of the wise.
D. Byron

Woe to him who would take it into his head to realize the ideal of justice on earth...
L. Shestov

The most incurable grief is imaginary grief.
M. Ebner-Eschenbach

When a stone falls on a jug, woe to the jug. When a jug falls on a stone - woe to the jug. Always, always woe to the jug.
L. Feuchtwanger

Fate, naughty minx,
I defined it myself:
All stupid happiness from madness,
All smart - woe from the mind.
A. Griboyedov

One year in the school of grief will teach you more than seven years devoted to the study of the great doctrines of Aristotle; for rightly to judge human affairs is possible only after you have experienced the blows of fate and know the disappointments of life.
author unknown

Those eyes that weep the most look deepest into the hearts of people.
E. Ozheshko

All of us, whether we like it or not, are participants in a huge lottery of misfortunes.
Anthony Slonimsky

No one is unhappy only from external causes.

Everyone is as unhappy as he thinks he is.

Troubles usually come in pairs - pair after pair, pair after pair, pair after pair...
"Cohn's Corollary of Murphy's Law"

Many disasters happened right on schedule.
Wiesław Brudzinski

Misfortunes are of two kinds: firstly, our own failures, and secondly, the good fortunes of others.
Ambrose Bierce

The misfortune of our neighbor consoles us in our misfortunes.
Lucian of Samosata

In all my life I have never met a person who would not bear the sorrows of his neighbor like a true Christian.
Alexander Pop

Other people's dramas are always unbearably banal.
Oscar Wilde

What is the difference between accident and misfortune? If, say, Sir Gladstone fell into the Thames, it would be an accident. But if they pull him out of there, it will already be a misfortune.
Attributed to Benjamin Disraeli

Misfortune is the most difficult when the matter, it would seem, can still be corrected.
Karol Izhikovsky

We invite misfortunes to which we pay too much attention.
George Sand

Unhappiness, like piety, can become a habit.
Graham Green

People who believe in their own merits consider it their duty to be unhappy, in order to convince others and themselves that fate has not yet repaid them as they deserved.
François La Rochefoucauld

If people have nothing to boast about, they boast about their misfortunes.
Arturo Graf

Most of all, a person is offended if they question his sense of humor or his right to be unhappy.
Sinclair Lewis

If you can laugh at your troubles, you will always have something to laugh at.

Literary tournament based on the comedy by A. S. Griboedov "Woe from Wit"

Nomination "Extracurricular event"

Terzi Alla Ivanovna

Mailing address:

Belgorod, st. Kalinina, 3 apt. 12,

House. tel. – 33-88-29,

mob. tel. – 8.9511580794

Email: [email protected]

"Woe from Wit" is a wonderful play "(A. S. Kushner)

literary tournament based on the comedy by A. S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit"


educational - expanding and deepening students' knowledge of comedy;

developing - the formation of reader interest among students, the development of aesthetic and moral guidelines, skill development interpersonal communication, development of attention, will, memory;

educational - fostering interest in reading, learning literary works, education of honesty, decency, active life position and the ability to work collaboratively to solve problems.

Members: two teams (6 people per team), fans - students of the 9th grade.


Portrait of A. S. Griboyedov,

Exhibition of various editions of A.S. Griboyedov and books about him.

Posters for the play "Woe from Wit", made as homework team members.

Students' reviews about the comedy by A. S. Griboedov "Woe from Wit", about the performance of the Belgorod Drama Theater. M. S. Shchepkina (director B. A. Morozov).

Epigraph:The immortality of comedy began immediately,

as soon as Russia learned "Woe from Wit".

Yu. M. Lotman


I. opening speech teachers.

Dear Guys! You studied the comedy by A. S. Griboedov "Woe from Wit", visited the Belgorod Drama Theater. M. S. Shchepkina, where they watched a performance based on a comedy. I think this work did not leave you indifferent.

Today we have a literary tournament on the comedy "Woe from Wit". Let's check how attentive and observant you were when working with this wonderful work. Two teams take part in the game, the fans watch the game, the jury evaluates the answers of the teams.

The conditions are simple: you are offered tasks based on knowledge and understanding of the text of the work, you complete them, receiving points and trying to score the largest number points. Whichever team answers the question the fastest gets points for the correct answer. If the answer is incorrect, then the right to answer passes to the opposing team. If the teams cannot answer the questions, the fans of the teams join the game. Points in this case are awarded to fans, they are also participants in the tournament. At the end of the game, the most active fans are rewarded.

We are starting our tournament! Good luck!

Introducing the jury (the chairman of the jury is a teacher of Russian language and literature, the jury members are 2 students of the 9th grade (from among those who want to try themselves in this role)).

II . literary tournament.

1. "Imagine yourself" (this was one of the homework: to present the team in verse - artistic interests and tastes of team members).

Rating - 5 points (if the team is presented in the spirit of the Griboedov era, it receives an incentive point - up to 2 points).

2. Warm up.

Condition: Whichever team answers the question faster gets 1 point for the correct answer.


1. Who said about Griboedov: “In the spirit of the time, he hated the word “slave”? (Answer: A. S. Pushkin).

2. Who said about the comedy "Woe from Wit": "I'm not talking about poetry: half should be included in the proverb"? (Answer: A. S. Pushkin).

3. What role did our countryman M. S. Shchepkin play in the play “Woe from Wit”? (Answer: the role of Famusov).

4. Staged by the Belgorod Drama Theater. MS Shchepkina in the play "Woe from Wit" waltzes sound. Who is the author of these musical works?

(Answer: A.S. Griboyedov).

5. Name at least three off-stage characters in the comedy Woe from Wit.

(Answer: cousin Skalozuba, nephew of Princess Tugoukhovskaya, Prince Grigory, Madame Rosier, Maxim Petrovich, Praskovya Feodorovna, Kuzma Petrovich).

6. How was the comedy of A. S. Griboyedov originally called?

(Answer: "Woe to the mind").

3. "Griboyedov sayings."

Condition: complete the sentence. For each correct answer - 1 point.(Questions are given to the teams in turn.)

    And the golden bag, and(points to the generals).

    Who is poor(that one is not a match for you).

    Bypass us more than all sorrows(both master's anger and master's love).

    Get out of Moscow! Here(I don't ride anymore).

    Not a human,(snake).

    Would be happy to serve(serve sickeningly).

    Silences are blissful(in the world).

    happy hours(not watching).

    He fell hurt(get up great).

    To get the rank(there are many channels).

    I'm strange and(who is not strange?).

    And the smoke of the Fatherland(we are sweet and pleasant).

    Because now they love(wordless).

    The hero is not mine(novel).

    Ba! Familiar(all faces!).

    Listen, lie(Yes, know the measure).

4. "Epigraph". (Announced without a title).

Condition: find out, firstly, what these quotes have in common. Each team receives all citations in the form of printouts. The first team to name the topics of statements is awarded 1 point for the correct answers. The second stage is to formulate the topics of essays on the comedy "Woe from Wit", where it would be appropriate to use the proposed quotes. For accuracy, correctness of statements, teams are awarded one point for each wording. The third stage is to indicate quotes that could be used to formulate essay topics. For this stage, 1 point is also awarded for correct answers. Teams are given five minutes to prepare for the answer.


"current age"

"past century"


Now let one of us

Of the young people, there is an enemy of quests,

In science, he will stick the mind, hungry for knowledge ...


You were not given ranks, failure in the service?


Ranks are given by people,

And people can be deceived.


Uniform! One uniform! He is in their former life

When covered, embroidered and beautiful,

Their weakness, reason poverty ...

Where? Show us the fathers of the fatherland,

Which we must take as models...

Famusov about Skalozub

A famous person, solid,

And he picked up the darkness of distinction;

Not flying and an enviable rank,

Not today, tomorrow General.


Yes, in order to get ranks, there are many channels ...


Be poor, yes, if you get enough

Souls of a thousand two tribal, -

That groom


Tatyana Yuryevna!!! well-known, and

Officials and officials -

All her friends and family...

After all, you have to depend on others.


And that consumptive, relative to you, enemy of books,

In the scientific committee that settled

And with a cry demanded an oath,

So that no one knew and did not study literacy?


Tell me that it's not good for her eyes to spoil,

And in reading, the use is not great:

We take tramps, * both to the house and by tickets, *

To teach our daughters everything, everything -

And dancing! and foam! and tenderness! and sigh!

As if we are preparing buffoons for their wives. *

Learning is the plague, learning is the cause

What is now, more than ever,

Crazy divorced people, and deeds, and opinions.

Princess Tugoukhovskaya:

No, in St. Petersburg the institute

Pe-da-go-gic, * that seems to be the name:

There they practice in schisms and in unbelief

Professors!! - our relatives studied with them,

And left! even now in a pharmacy, as an apprentice.

Runs from women, and even from me!

Chinov doesn't want to know! He is a chemist, he is a botanist,

Prince Fedor, my nephew.


If evil is to be stopped:

Take away all the books and burn them.


What new will Moscow show me?

Yesterday there was a ball, and tomorrow there will be two.

He got married - he managed, but he gave a miss.

All the same sense, and the same verses in the albums.

Yes, and who in Moscow did not clamp their mouths

Lunches, dinners and dances?

Houses are new, but prejudices are old.

Rejoice, they will not exterminate

Neither their years, nor fashion, nor fires.


Ah, father, admit that you barely

Where is the capital found, like Moscow ...

Take you from head to toe

All Moscow ones have a special imprint.

Take a look at our youth

For young men - sons and grandchildren.

We chew them, and if you make out, -

At fifteen, teachers will be taught!

What about our old people? - How will enthusiasm take them,

They will judge about deeds, that the word is a sentence ...

And sometimes they talk about the government like that,

What if someone overheard them ... trouble!

Not that novelties were introduced - never,

Save us God! No. And they will find fault

To this, to this, and more often to nothing,

They will argue, make some noise, and ... disperse.

Direct chancellors * retired - on the mind!

And the ladies? - put someone in, try, master;

Judges to everything, everywhere, there are no judges over them ...

And whoever has seen daughters, hang your head ...

And for sure, is it possible to be more educated!

They know how to dress themselves up

Tafttsa, marigold and haze, *

They won’t say a word in simplicity, everyone with an antics;

French romances are sung to you

And the top ones bring out the notes,

They cling to military people.

Because they are patriots.

I will say emphatically: hardly

Another capital is found, like Moscow.


Let Molchalin have a lively mind, a brave genius,

But there is in him that passion, that feeling, that ardor,

So that besides you he has a whole world

Was it dust and vanity?

So that every beat of the heart

Has love accelerated towards you?

So that thoughts were everything, and all his deeds

Soul - you, pleasing to you? ..

I feel it myself, I can not say

But what is now boiling in me, worries, enrages,

I wouldn't want to personal enemy


Sin is not a problem, rumor is not good!


And here's the lover I assume

To please the daughter of such a person ...


Now let one of us

Of the young people, there is an enemy of quests,

Not demanding either places or promotions,

In the sciences, he will stick the mind, hungry for knowledge;

Or in his soul God himself will excite the heat

To creative arts, lofty and beautiful, -

They immediately: robbery! fire!

And they will be known as a dreamer! dangerous!!


Would you ask how the fathers did?

Would learn from the elders looking:

We, for example, or the dead uncle,

Maxim Petrovich: he is not on silver,

I ate on gold; one hundred people at your service;

All in orders; he drove forever in a train; *

A century at the court, but at what court! ..

BUT? how do you think? in our opinion - smart.

He fell painfully, got up great.

The deceased was a respectable chamberlain,

With the key, and he knew how to deliver the key to his son;

Rich, and was married to a rich woman;

Married children, grandchildren;

Died; everyone remembers him sadly.

Kuzma Petrovich! Peace be upon him! -

What aces live and die in Moscow!

Answers: 1) attitude to wealth, ranks; 2) attitude towards education, sciences, knowledge; 3) attitude towards Moscow customs and pastimes; 4) attitude towards love; 5) the ideals of heroes.

5. "Poetic".

Condition: according to the proposed rhymes, restore Griboyedov's lines. For a correct answer - 1 point. Teams respond in turn. Each team gets their own worksheet. You have 2 minutes to prepare for your answer. An encouraging point is awarded if the participants name the comedy hero who says these words.(Teams only receive a printout with words in bold).

1 team:

(Is not the one, you to whom I still)from the sheets

(For some ideas)incomprehensible

(Child was taken)to bow?

(That Nestor *bastards)noble ...

(Where? Show us Fatherland)fathers,

(which we must accept)for samples? (Chatsky)

2 team:

(Then not that)now,

(Served under the empress)Catherine.

(At that time, everyone matters!)forty pounds ...

(Bow - get dumber *)don't nod.

(nobleman in case of *-)even more so

(Not like the other, and drank and ate)otherwise. (Famusov)

6. "Black box".

Condition: according to the description, find out the item that is hidden in the black box. Remind what event in the comedy it is associated with. For a correctly named object - 1 point, for an event - 1 point.

1 team. This item is in the living room of Famusov's house. It is necessary for every person, in every home. It can make sounds and is quite easy to use. People invented it in ancient times and still use it.

( Watch. They are in Famusov's living room. At the very beginning of the comedy, Lisa moves the clock to give a signal to Sophia).

2 team. This item is a collection of numbers and words. It was invented in ancient times, and people still use it. One of the main characters of the comedy asked to bring him this item.

( Calendar. Famusov asked the servant Petrushka to bring him a calendar to remind him of what events and when he should be).

7. Blitz poll.

Condition: one of the team members participates. Participants are asked questions in turn, which must be answered immediately. For each correct answer - 1 point.

Who said and to whom are the following remarks addressed?

1. Out of years and an enviable rank,

Not today, general tomorrow.(Famusov about Skalozub).

2. And reading is good - from small,

She has no sleep French books,

And it hurts me to sleep from the Russians.(Famusov about Sophia).

3. And most importantly - go and serve. (Famusov Chatsky).

4. Compliant, modest, quiet,

Not a shadow of worry on your face

And there are no sins in my heart.(Sofya about Molchalin).

5. What he says and how he writes.(Famusov about Chatsky)

6. Constellation of maneuvers and mazurka (Chatsky about Skalozub)

7. And a golden bag,

And aims at generals.(Liza about Skalozub).

8. Orders are given by people, but people can be deceived. (Chatsky Molchalin)

9. And yet, he will reach certain degrees. (Chatsky about Molchalin).

10. Do not need another sample,

When in the eyes of an example of a father. (Famusov Sofya )

11. When in business, I hide from fun,

When I'm fooling around, I'm fooling around.

And to mix these two crafts

There are plenty of artisans, I'm not one of them. (Chatsky about himself) .

12. Friend! Is it possible for walking

8. Acrostic. (Creative task).

Condition: Teams are invited to pull out a piece of paper with a task. The names or surnames of the heroes of the comedy are written on the leaves (written vertically). It is necessary to compose a story about a comedy hero in 5 minutes, giving him a description. The phrase must begin with the first letter that is indicated in the line. Fans can help. If the text is written in poetic form, then the team receives 2 encouraging points.

The names of the heroes on the sheets : Skalozub, Molchalin, Famusov, Sofia, Chatsky .

9. Homework.

Condition: team members present their playbill based on the comedy by A. S. Griboedov “Woe from Wit”. Estimated creativity, originality, artistic design, content of the work. Maximum amount points - 5.

III . Summing up the results of the literary tournament (work of the jury).

At the same time, it isfan competition . Fans are invited to read their favorite comedy lines or talk about interesting facts related to comedy or from the life of A. S. Griboyedov.

IV . Announcement of results, awarding of winners, encouragement of active fans.


1. Alieva L. Yu., Torkunova T. V. Literature. Tests. Grade 9 – M.: Rolf, Iris-press, 1998. – 224 p.

2. Blokhin VN Literary games and activities. Gorky book publishing house, 1960. - 234 p.

3. Griboedov A. S. Woe from Wit. /Comment by S. A. Fomichev. - St. Petersburg: Humanitarian Agency "Academic Project", 1994. - 294 p.

4. Zolotareva I. V., Belomestnykh O. B., Korneeva M. S. Lesson developments on literature. Grade 9 - M.: VAKO, 2003. - 399 p.

5. Kurganova L. A. Through the pages of literary works. 5 - 11 grades. Quizzes. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2009. - 201 p.

6. Lipina E. Yu. Literature. Grade 9 – M.: Bustard, 2011. – 137 p.

7. Romashina N. F. Literature. Grades 5 - 11: tests for current and generalized control. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2008. - 221 p.

8. Svirina N. M. Methods of construction and content interesting lesson literature. Lectures 1 - 4. - M .: Ped. University "First of September", 2010. - 54 p.

9. Chernykh O. G. Workshop on literature: grade 9. - M.: VAKO, 2010. - 176 p.

10. Chertov V. F. Tests, questions and assignments at the rate of Russian literature XIX century: 10 cells: A book for the teacher. - M.: Enlightenment, 2001. - 143 p.