Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Chrome all types. Metabolism of chromium in the body

If you conduct a social survey on the topic “what is chrome,” then almost 80% of young people will answer that it is an Internet browser; older people think it's metal white. We would like you to know what chromium is, as a trace element that is important for the full functioning of your body.

Chromium is so important for our body that its lack provokes depression and high blood sugar levels.

Chromium is the element that makes blood sugar regulation. It is involved in the metabolism of fats, cholesterol and carbohydrates. Helps the pancreas produce and maintain normal insulin levels. In general, its main role is the regulation of enzymes.

If you have heard about the glucose tolerance factor (one of the mandatory tests for all pregnant women), then chromium is exactly the element that is included in the compound. It maintains the integrity of the RNA DNA structure. Among other things, chromium ensures normal heart function and elasticity. blood vessels. Hence the conclusion that chromium is one of the elements, thanks to its normal level, a person has good resistance to stress, feels toned and full.

Daily intake of chromium

Important! At elevated physical activity, severe stress, extensive burns or injuries, daily norm Chromium intake should be increased to 200 mcg.

Chromium is excreted from the body daily:

  • With urine.
  • Later.
  • With feces.

If not enough

We have already decided that chromium is very important for our body. Deficiency leads to:

Chromium deficiency leads to many unpleasant conditions.

  • Increased sugar levels;
  • Frequent urination;
  • Increased feeling of thirst;
  • Feelings of fear, panic, anxiety;
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • Low fertilizing ability of sperm;
  • Disturbance of sleep rhythms.

Symptoms of chromium deficiency occur in both men and women. However, women are still more prone to attacks of fear and depression.

Causes of chromium deficiency

  • Unbalanced diet.
  • Excessive sugar consumption.
  • A large number of refined foods in the daily diet.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Long-term anesthesia for surgery (more than an hour).
  • High consumption.
  • Intestinal infections, enteritis of various etiologies.
  • Prolonged stress.
  • Chronic lack of sleep.
  • Alcohol abuse.
  • Injuries.
  • Aging.

Eat to live

If you have discovered signs of chromium deficiency, in order to confirm or, conversely, dispel your fears, you should do a large screening of the elemental composition of your nails or hair.

In case of chromium deficiency, consult your doctor about dietary adjustments. But, in any case, you should remember which foods contain the most chromium. The table below will help you with this.

Chromium content in 100 grams of products, mcg

River fish
Animal products
Vegetables fruits
Tuna 90 Beef 32 Broccoli 22
Carp 55 Beef heart 31 Corn 22
crucian carp 54 Beef kidneys 31 Buryak 20
Pollock 54 Beef tongue 20 Peach 14
Flounder 53 Chicken breasts 20 Potato 10
Salmon 53 Chicken legs 19 Beans 10
Pink salmon 53 Pork 15 Peas 9
capelin 53 Goose 12 cucumbers 7
Carp 53 Rabbit 9 6
Shrimps 53 Duck 2 Cherry 6
Cod 53 Bulgarian pepper 6
Catfish 52

Obviously, seafood contains a lot of chromium. When creating a diet, make sure that your diet contains the average daily intake of zinc and iron, these two elements are chromium synergetics.

It is important to know that only 2% of chromium, which is part of the food consumed, is absorbed by the intestines and absorbed by the body.

Most often, people do not consume enough chromium-rich foods.

Four reasons to monitor your intake

  • Losing weight and maintaining a normal weight. Because chromium promotes good breakdown of fats and absorption of carbohydrates, and also maintains sugar levels, it prolongs the feeling of fullness. In addition, chromium helps to refrain from cravings for sweets.
  • Chromium helps the body absorb protein. As a result, the energy supply stabilizes in the intervals between meals.
  • Helps cope with headaches. Most often, a headache is a consequence of a jump in sugar levels, because... chromium controls this process, then if you consume the daily norm, such jumps are not scary for you.
  • Promotes regulation of fat and cholesterol. Which in turn has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart and liver. Blood pressure returns to normal.

The role of chromium in the treatment of diseases

As a result of numerous pharmaceutical studies, it was found that chromium plays a very important role in prevention and treatment.

You can often come across such a concept as a “chrome surface,” and stainless steel is familiar to almost every inhabitant of the planet. What do they have in common? The correct answer is chrome. Let's find out what chromium is and where it is used, what its properties are and its role in human life.

Chrome is a hard metal that has a bluish-gray color. Located in the 6th group of the 4th period of the periodic table. It has atomic number 24 and the symbol Cr.

Physical properties of chromium

The melting point of chromium is 2130 degrees Kelvin and the boiling point is 2945 Kelvin. The metal has a cubic crystal lattice and hardness 5 on the Mohs scale. Chromium is one of the hardest metals (in pure form) and is second only to uranium, beryllium, iridium and tungsten. Purified chrome is easy to machine.

Chemical properties of chromium

Chromium has several oxidation states that significantly affect its properties and color.

  • Oxidation state +2 - has a blue color and is a very good reducing agent.
  • Oxidation state +3 - amphoteric oxide green or purple.
  • Oxidation state +4 - a very rare compound, does not form salts and has a common color - silver.
  • Oxidation state +6 - a very strong oxidizing agent, hygroscopic and very toxic. The chromates of this oxide have yellow, and dichromats are orange.

As simple substance stable in air. Does not react with sulfur and nitrous acids. At temperatures above 2000 degrees Celsius, it burns and forms green chromium oxide.

There are compounds of chromium with boron, carbon, nitrogen and silicon.

Application of chromium

  • Chromium is used to create stainless alloys. The stainless steel we all know is created using chromium.
  • Chrome is used as an electroplating coating. You've probably seen chrome-plated metal surfaces. They can be recognized by their beautiful mirror shine. Chrome-plated products are less susceptible to atmospheric corrosion (do not rust).
  • Various chromium alloys are used to create nozzles for aircraft and rocket engines, as well as for the production of plasma torch nozzles.
  • Heating elements are made from an alloy of chromium and nickel.
  • Chromium compounds are used to make various dyes, as well as compounds for tanning leather.

If you are interested in the meaning of other terms, please visit

Chromium is one of the minerals required by the body in very small quantities. It is found in all living things: humans, animals and plants. The amount of chromium required by humans and animals is very small and is measured in micrograms. Therefore, the mineral is called a trace element.

It is needed to maintain health and ensure the normal physiological functioning of body systems. It cannot be produced independently and must come from food or dietary supplements. Those who lead active image life, must receive sufficient amounts of this mineral to maintain higher level energy and maintaining performance.

Chromium in the body and its importance

Chromium is a metal and its symbol is Cr. In the periodic table of Mendeleev it occupies 24th place. In nature, it is found mainly in the form of chromium iron ore, which is the most stable form.

Chromium was first discovered in the Urals in lead ore and is mentioned in the works of M.V. Lomonosov in 1763. At the end of 1797, it was isolated as a metal by the French chemist L. N. Volknen.

The predominant form found in the body is trivalent chromium (Cr3+).

The element also exists in another form: hexavalent (Cr6+). But such chromium, unlike trivalent chromium, is a toxic industrial product and is considered mutagenic.

Chromium, despite its small amount, is recognized as one of the most important minerals in the body.

It is a key element in the metabolism of carbohydrates and proteins and promotes muscle tone. It stimulates the synthesis of cholesterol and fatty acids necessary for the functioning of the brain and other processes.

This mineral is especially important for glucose metabolism and maintaining blood sugar balance, known as glucose tolerance factor. True, the mechanism of action is not yet completely clear to scientists.

However, it is thought to promote the uptake of cellular insulin by helping to move insulin across cell membranes. The ability to stimulate insulin absorption leads some scientists to suggest that chromium plays an anabolic role in the body.

Some studies have noted that it may prevent coronary artery disease.

For postmenopausal women, doctors may recommend a chromium-rich diet or supplements. It slows down calcium loss and may prevent osteoporosis.

The benefits of chromium for the human body

The benefits and effects of chromium on the human body were first discussed only in the late 1950s.

Initial research suggests that chromium supplementation may improve glucose tolerance in patients with Turner syndrome. This disease is associated with glucose intolerance, where cells are less sensitive to the action of insulin in transporting glucose across cell membranes.

The main functions of chromium include:

Helps control stable blood sugar levels in both diabetics and those with abnormally low blood sugar levels;

Enhances the action of insulin, which is needed for the metabolism and storage of protein, carbohydrates and fats, as well as for the utilization of glucose and energy production;

Takes part in metabolism nucleic acids, necessary for the construction of DNA;

Promotes the synthesis of cholesterol and fatty acids, which are necessary for normal function brain and many other processes in the human body;

Helps reduce high blood pressure.

Some chromium supplements may be helpful in lowering LDL cholesterol and increasing HDL cholesterol.

Chromium deficiency in the body: causes and symptoms

The amount of chromium in the body is very low and is defined as trace. But even with such a small value, most people experience a lack of it. Scientists say the main reasons for the deficiency are insufficient amounts of chromium in soil and water, as well as food processing methods that remove most of it.

The main symptoms of deficiency are:

Insulin resistance or glucose intolerance, which affects insulin's ability to regulate blood sugar levels;

High blood sugar, which can lead to type 2 diabetes in older people;

Increased levels of insulin in the blood;

High cholesterol levels, which can cause an increased risk of heart disease;

High blood pressure.

However, serious deficiency is very rare. Its main symptom is weight loss or brain damage, which leads to inflammation of the brain or mild numbness, tingling and burning sensation in the arms and legs.

People with diabetes or heart disease, trauma or severe stress, higher chromium intake may be required. Which in turn can lead to increased release of chromium from the body and an imbalance in blood sugar.

Calcium supplements, antacids, and some other medications that contain calcium carbonate can interfere with the absorption of chromium, which may also cause chromium deficiency in the body.

Older people are most vulnerable to chromium deficiency.

What foods contain chromium?

In many cases most of chromium in products is lost during refining. For example, chromium in whole grains is found primarily in the bran and germ. When grains are ground into flour, the bran and germ are removed, resulting in inevitable loss.

Trivalent chromium is found in a wide range of foods. However, most foods contain only small amounts (less than 2 micrograms per 100 grams). This can make it difficult to obtain adequate levels of this micronutrient.

The best source of chromium is brewer's yeast. But many people have difficulty digesting and absorbing them, which is accompanied by bloating and nausea.

Other good sources include:

Relatively good sources serve:

Whole grain products;

Brown rice;

Meat (turkey, chicken, beef);

Egg yolks;

Green bean;

Fresh onions;



Green pepper;

Romaine lettuce;

Ripe tomatoes;



Good sources can be wheat germ, basil, and some wines, especially red ones.

Chromium is present in trace amounts in other foods, including fruits, vegetables, and dairy products.

Up to 18 percent chromium can be present in canned foods stored in stainless steel jars. But this is a toxic form of this trace element.

Chromium supplements

Supplemental intake of vitamins and minerals is vital for the proper functioning of the entire body. They work synergistically, i.e. The effectiveness of any nutrient is required, and sometimes enhanced, by the presence of another. For this reason, it is always better to take a multivitamin that can provide the right balance of essential nutrients.

However, you should always remember that even the best complex will never replace proper balanced nutrition.

The most common chromium additive is chromium picolinate. Other vitamin supplements may include chromium chloride, nicotinate, and chromium citrate.

All these nutritional supplements different from trivalent chromium found in food. When taking them, you need to be careful and not exceed the recommended dose, which is 50-200 mcg per day, since chromium is toxic in high doses.

Fortunately, as mentioned above, chromium deficiency is very rare and usually does not require supplementation.

According to methodological recommendations MP standards of physiological need for energy and nutrients for various groups population of the Russian Federation, approved by Rospotrebnadzor in December 2008, the average consumption of chromium ranges from 25 to 160 mcg per day. Physiological need for adults it is 50 mcg per day, and for children – 11-35 mcg.

The average daily intake for an adult should be in the range of 30-100 mcg. The document does not establish an upper maximum permissible limit.

Infants 0 to 6 months 0,2
Infants 7 to 12 months 5,5
Children from 1 year to 3 years 11
Children from 4 to 8 years old 15
Girls from 9 to 13 years old 21
Boys from 9 to 13 years old 25
Women from 14 to 18 years old 24
Men from 14 to 18 years old 35
Women from 19 to 50 years old 25
Men from 19 to 50 years old 35
Women over 50 years old 20
Men over 50 years old 30
Pregnant women from 14 to 18 years old 29
Pregnant women from 19 to 50 years old 30
Breastfeeding women from 14 to 18 years old 44
Breastfeeding women from 19 to 50 years old 45

These are the minimum doses per day to prevent deficiency from developing. For therapeutic purposes, it can be increased depending on the disease, taking into account the toxic limit.

Metabolism of chromium in the body

When chromium enters the human body, only approximately 2 percent is absorbed. The rest is excreted in feces. A diet high in simple sugars increases its excretion in urine.

Absorbed chromium is stored in the liver, spleen, soft tissues and bones. Its absorption and absorption are influenced by vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6, C, E, amino acids and magnesium, potassium, zinc.

Excess chromium in the body

Research by scientists has not revealed any side effects from high consumption of chromium. This may be why there is no upper permissible consumption limit established anywhere.

However, people with kidney or liver disease may be more vulnerable and should avoid consuming more than recommended amounts of chromium as a precaution.

Excess chromium can accumulate in tissues and reduce, rather than increase, the effectiveness of insulin.

An excess may be accompanied by:

Stomach irritation;

Rapid heartbeat;

Paleness or rash on the skin.

This is more often observed when taking dietary supplements with chromium. Cases of liver and kidney damage have been reported due to excessive consumption of chromium picolinate supplement. Other forms of chromium did not cause such problems. As a precaution, do not take chromium picolinate in very high doses or choose another form of supplement.

When the first signs of overdose appear, you should stop taking them.

Chromium may lower blood sugar levels. Therefore, if you are taking medications that lower insulin or glucose levels, consult your doctor before taking supplements with them. The dosage of the medication may need to be reduced to avoid too much low level blood sugar.

When do you need extra chromium?

Chromium has long been of interest due to its possible links to various health conditions. Among the most active areas of research into the effects of chromium on the body is the possibility of supplementation with:

Intravenous feeding;

Type 2 diabetes;


Lipid metabolism disorders;

Losing weight.

Chromium deficiency impairs the body's ability to use glucose to meet its needs. energy needs and increases insulin requirements. It has therefore been suggested that supplementation may help control type 2 diabetes and glucose and insulin response in individuals at high risk of developing the disease. Unfortunately, the results of many studies on this topic are still contradictory and do not provide an exact answer.

In some studies additional dose chromium at a dose of 150-1000 mcg per day reduced general level cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein and triglyceride levels in patients with high cholesterol or atherosclerosis. However, other studies have not shown any beneficial effects. This may be due to the fact that scientists do not control diet, which affects blood lipid levels.

Some studies have shown that chromium supplements help with weight loss. But the results are not significant. It has been noted that taking biosupplements with this microelement reduces cravings for high-carbohydrate foods and regulates appetite.

To summarize, we can say that chromium is still important for the body and provides benefits. But its additional use must be agreed with the doctor. Of course, it is best to get it through diet, eating foods containing this element. No amount of supplementation can ever replace a balanced, healthy diet.

Chromium is a transition metal that is widely used in industry due to its strength and resistance to heat and corrosion. This article will give you insight into some important properties and the possibilities of using this transition metal.

Chromium belongs to the category of transition metals. It is a hard but brittle steel-gray metal with atomic number 24. This one shiny metal placed in groups of 6 periodic table, and are designated by the symbol “Cr”.

The name chromium is derived from Greek word chromium, which means color.

True to its name, chromium forms several intensely colored compounds. Today, virtually all commercially used chromium is extracted from the ore iron chromite or chromium oxide (FeCr2O4).

Properties of chromium

  • Chromium is the most common element on earth's crust, but it never happens in its pure form. Mainly extracted from mines such as chromite mines.
  • Chromium melts at a temperature of 2180 K or 3465°F, and the boiling point is 2944 K or 4840°F. its atomic weight is 51.996 g/mol, and on the Mohs scale it is 5.5.
  • Chromium occurs in many oxidation states, such as +1, +2, +3, +4, +5, and +6, of which +2, +3, and +6 are the most common, and +1, +4, A +5 is a rare oxidation. The +3 oxidation state is the most stable state of chromium. Chromium(III) can be prepared by dissolving elemental chromium in hydrochloric or sulfuric acid.
  • This metal element is known for its unique magnetic properties. At room temperature, it exhibits antiferromagnetic ordering, which is shown in other metals at relatively low temperatures.
  • Antiferromagnetism is where neighboring ions that behave like magnets attach to opposing or antiparallel mechanisms through a material. As a result, the magnetic field created by magnetic atoms or ions is oriented in one direction canceling magnetic atoms or ions aligned in the opposite direction, so that the material does not exhibit any gross external magnetic fields.
  • At temperatures above 38°C, chromium becomes paramagnetic, i.e. it is attracted to an externally applied magnetic field. In other words, chromium is attracted to an external magnetic field at temperatures above 38°C.
  • Chrome is not subject to hydrogen embrittlement, i.e., it does not become brittle when exposed to atomic hydrogen. But when exposed to nitrogen, it loses its plasticity and becomes brittle.
  • Chrome is highly resistant to corrosion. A thin protective oxide film forms on the surface of a metal when it comes into contact with oxygen in the air. This layer prevents the diffusion of oxygen into the base material and thus protects it from further corrosion. This process is called passivation, passivation with chromium gives resistance to acids.
  • There are three main isotopes of chromium, called 52Cr, 53Cr, and 54Cr, of which 52CR is the most common isotope. Chromium reacts with most acids, but does not react with water. At room temperature, it reacts with oxygen to form chromium oxide.


Stainless steel production

Chrome has a wide range of uses due to its hardness and corrosion resistance. It is used mainly in three industries - metallurgical, chemical and refractory. It is widely used for making stainless steel as it prevents corrosion. Today it is a very important alloying material for steels. It is also used to make nichrome, which is used in resistance heating elements due to its ability to withstand high temperatures.

Surface coating

Acid chromate or dichromate is also used to coat surfaces. This is usually done using an electroplating method in which a thin layer of chromium is applied to a metal surface. Another method is chrome plating, through which chromates are used to apply a protective layer to certain metals such as aluminum (Al), cadmium (CD), zinc (Zn), silver, and also magnesium (MG).

Preservation of wood and tanning of leather

Chromium (VI) salts are toxic, so they are used to preserve wood from damage and destruction by fungus, insects and termites. Chromium(III), especially chromium alum or potassium sulfate, is used in the leather industry as it helps stabilize leather.

Dyes and pigments

Chromium is also used to make pigments or dyes. Chrome yellow and lead chromate were widely used as pigments in the past. Due to environmental concerns, its use declined significantly and was then finally replaced by lead and chrome pigments. Other pigments are based on chromium, red chromium, green chromium oxide, which is a mixture of yellow and Prussian blue. Chromium oxide is used to give the greenish color to glass.

Synthesis of artificial rubies

Emeralds owe their green hue to chrome. Chromium oxide is also used to produce synthetic rubies. Natural rubies are corundum or aluminum oxide crystals that take on a red hue due to the presence of chromium. Synthetic or man-made rubies are made by doping chromium(III) onto synthetic corundum crystals.

Biological functions

Chromium (III) or trivalent chromium is essential in the human body, but in very small quantities. It is believed to play an important role in lipid and sugar metabolism. It is now used in many dietary supplements that claim to have several health benefits, however, it is controversial issue. Biological role chromium has not been adequately tested and many experts believe it is not important for mammals, while others view it as an essential micronutrient for humans.

Other uses

The high melting point and heat resistance make chrome an ideal fireproof material. It has found application in blast furnaces, cement kilns, and metal kilns. Many chromium compounds are used as catalysts for hydrocarbon processing. Chromium(IV) is used to produce magnetic tapes used in audio and video cassettes.

Hexavalent chromium or chromium(VI) is called a toxic and mutagenic substance, and chromium(IV) is known for its carcinogenic properties. Salt chromate also causes allergic reactions for some people. Thanks to health care and environmental problems, some restrictions have been placed on the use of chromium compounds in various parts peace.

Google Chrome - free program to view websites on the Internet (browser). Fast, convenient, modern. Knows everything you need for comfortable work and relaxation online.

What's good about Chrome:

  • Opens any sites
  • Automatically translates web pages
  • Protects against viruses and phishing
  • Self-updating

Chrome is a program created by Google, which is known to be the coolest company in the world. A lot of money has been invested in this browser, the best minds have worked and are working on it, the program is constantly being improved.

How to install the program

Download the program file, open it, install. Chrome is installed only on the system drive (usually Local Drive C).

After installation, the browser opens and you can use it immediately.

Also, a program shortcut appears on the Desktop, that is, an icon that opens it.

How to use Google Chrome

To launch the program, you need to open the Google Chrome icon. It is usually located on the Desktop and looks like this:

You can also find this icon if you open Start - All Programs - Google Chrome.

This is what the browser looks like:

As you can see, everything is very minimalistic. At the top right there are three standard buttons - minimize, minimize to window/maximize, close:

On the left are open tabs. The active one shows the site that is currently open.

Also the address open in this moment The site (page) is shown just below. This place is correctly called the “address bar”.

To open a particular site, you need to type its address in this line and press the Enter button on the keyboard. For example, I type the address of our website and press Enter.

The site opens inside the program. If you need to open another site without closing this one, then add a tab. To do this, click on the small curly rectangle next to the open tab.

A new tab opens with an empty address bar.

In it we also type the address of the site that we want to open and press the Enter button on the keyboard.

By the way, the address bar can also be used as a search bar, because it is “connected” with the Google search engine.

That is, you can type your question in Russian. Search suggestions will appear. You can select one of them or select nothing - just press Enter.

The results will be loaded inside the program Google search. That is, we are offered a choice of several sites on this topic.

To open any of them, you need to click on its title.

Back, forward, refresh

In each tab, next to the address bar (on the left), there are three buttons for managing content.

When you click on the first one, the browser will take you back one step. That is, to the site or site page that was opened in this tab before. Of course, provided that there was something open in the tab.

The adjacent button, on the contrary, will send you forward. This is possible if you have returned back at least once.

And the last button is needed to reload the page. For example, you opened a website, but for some reason it did not load. By clicking on this button you can reboot it, in other words, open it again.


There is a special asterisk at the end of the address bar (on the right). It is needed in order to remember your favorite sites or individual pages of sites. This feature is called Bookmarks.

For example, I want to add this page to the browser so that I can open it again later. I click on the asterisk at the end of the address bar. The Add to Bookmarks window appears.

You can click on the “Done” button in it, or you don’t have to click it - the page will still be added to the browser’s memory.

Now if you open new tab, there will be a bar immediately below the address bar gray. There will be a website or a website page on it that I remember.

That is, at any time I can open this page simply by clicking on it.

By the way, you can always remove it from this gray stripe. To do this, simply right-click on it and select “Delete” from the list that appears.

You can also find bookmarks added to Chrome by clicking on the button with three vertical stripes. It is located immediately after the address bar (far right) and is called “ Setting up and managing Google Chrome».

A list will open. If you hover over the “Bookmarks” item, an additional list will appear, at the bottom of which there will be all the bookmarks added to the browser.

If there are a lot of bookmarks, it makes sense to sort them into categories (folders). You can do this using the Bookmark Manager. It is located in the same place: the “Customize and manage Google Chrome” button - Bookmarks - Bookmark Manager.

Click on the “Arrange” button, add folders, and drag bookmarks into them.

As a result, the folders you created will appear on the bookmarks panel. Let me remind you that this panel is located immediately below the address bar when you open a new (empty) browser tab.

By clicking on a folder, a list with bookmarks folded into it will open. Very comfortably!

How to download files from the Internet

As you know, you can download various files on the Internet: documents, books, music, etc. Chrome, like all other browsers, can do this.

What does "download" mean? This means that some site has posted files that you can take for yourself. Or there are such files in your email box. Downloading them means saving them so that you can later open them on your computer without the Internet. That is, these will already be your files on your computer.

IN Google browser Chrome does this in the following way: You click on a file that can be downloaded, and it is automatically saved to your computer.

This is what it looks like. Immediately after clicking on a file that can be downloaded, a gray arrow appears for one second. Thus, the browser reports that the process has started.

The downloaded file is placed in bottom part browser.

This part with loading and already downloaded files can be closed by clicking on the cross on the right side.

You can control the downloading of a particular file by right-clicking on it at the bottom of the browser (on the file downloading bar). Or in the Chrome settings: button “Setting up and managing Google Chrome” (at the end of the address bar) - Downloads.

Where to look for downloaded files on your computer. In the "Downloads" or "Downloads" folder.

Start - the name of your computer (the first top button on the right side) - “Download”.

How to delete history

All sites that you open in your browser are recorded in a separate place. Unlike “Bookmarks”, which you add yourself at will, this happens independently of you.

Chrome also remembers your downloads, photos and pictures that you looked at on the Internet, as well as passwords and data that you entered.

All this information is called “History” and it is available in any browser.

It turns out that anyone who uses your computer can find out your browser history. See what sites you visited, open your email or social network page, and access other personal information.

Moreover, in Chrome, part of the history is shown immediately when you open an empty tab.

All other sites you visited can be found here: “Customize and manage Google Chrome” button - History.

You can erase this information there, in History. For this there is a special button “Clear history...”.

A window with cleaning settings will open. Birds indicate what the browser offers to delete by default. You can customize it your way - remove or add birds. You can also specify how long to clear the history.

Important! By checking the “Passwords” option, Chrome will delete those logins and passwords that it has remembered. This means that you will not be able to automatically log into your personal services (email, pages in in social networks etc.). To restore access, you will need to enter your login and password for each service. Therefore, before deleting passwords, check whether you remember this data.

After you configure what you want to delete, click the “Clear history” button. The information will be deleted.

However, all bookmarks, settings, themes and extensions will remain.

Extensions, themes, applications

Extensions are all sorts of gadgets for the browser. They are built into Google Chrome and help the user solve certain tasks.

For example, using the Adblock Pro extension, the browser will automatically block annoying ads on websites. And with the help of various gadgets for VKontakte, you can significantly expand the capabilities of this social network.

All these extensions are free. Everyone decides for themselves whether to install them or not. They are easy to add to the browser and just as easy to remove. Most users do not use these gadgets at all, because they simply do not know about them.

In order to find and install an extension, you need to open the Google Online Store.

By the way, you can open it directly from the browser itself: the “Customize and manage Google Chrome” button - Tools - Extensions - More extensions (below).

On the left side there is something like a menu. There are only three items in it - Applications, Extensions, Themes - but each has a bunch of sub-items. Open “Extensions” and select what suits you.

By pointing at a particular extension, something like an announcement will appear with brief information about him. To open more detailed information you need to click on it.

To install, click on the “Free” button and in the small window that appears, click on the “Add” button. You may have to wait a bit for it to load.

Installed extensions are automatically added to the browser. An icon for each typically appears at the end of the address bar.

To work with many extensions, you must be authorized, that is, logged into Chrome. This is done on a special page that will open when required.

You will need to provide an address Email, to which the Google account was created, and the password for this account.

If you do not have this data, you can get it for free by clicking on the “Create an account” link (under the login form).

To manage extensions (uninstall, disable/enable), you need to go to a special place in the browser: the “Customize and manage Google Chrome” button - Tools - Extensions.

The theme is the design of the browser: background image, color scheme. This is what Chrome looks like when you open a new tab.

Initially, Chrome had a standard theme - white and gray. But you can get a different design completely free of charge. Here are some examples of what a new tab looks like in different themes:

Selecting and installing a theme is the same as installing extensions. Opening the Google online store. You can do this through the “Customize and manage Google Chrome” button - Tools - Extensions - More extensions (below).

On the left side (in the menu) click “Themes” and select the appropriate design. To open detailed information about a topic, click on it. And to install it, click on the “Free” button and wait for it to download. After which the theme will be automatically installed.

Applications are programs that can be used directly in the browser.

Thanks to them, you can create documents, edit photos, listen to music, play games right in Chrome. There is no need to download or install anything on your computer.

The principle is the same as for extensions. We go to the Google online store.

You can get there through the “Customize and manage Google Chrome” button - Tools - Extensions - More extensions (below).

In the menu (on the left) click on the “Applications” item, select, install. Often you need to log in, that is, log into your account. If you do not do this, the application will not install.

One of the downsides is that most applications require high-speed Internet to work. At low speeds they will “crash” - glitch, not work.

How to open an installed application. Open a new tab and click on the “Applications” button under the address bar.