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The chord method is an example of solving an equation. Numerical methods for solving nonlinear equations

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Article subject: chord method.
Rubric (thematic category) Maths

Chord method - one of the common iterative methods. It is also called by the method of linear interpolation, by the method of proportional parts.

The idea of ​​the chord method is that on a sufficiently small segment, the arc of the curve at=f (x) is replaced by the chord and the abscissa of the point of intersection of the chord with the axis Ox is an approximate value of the root.

Figure 2 - Geometric interpretation of Newton's method.

Let, for definiteness, f" (x)> 0,f""(x)>0,f(a)<0,f(b)> 0 (Fig. 3, a). Take for the initial approximation of the desired root X* values ​​x 0 \u003d a. Through the points a 0 and B we draw a chord and for the first approximation of the root X* take the abscissa x 1 of the point of intersection of the chord with the axis OH. Now the approximate value X 1 root can be refined if we apply the method of chords on the segment [x 1 ; b]. Abscissa X 2 points of intersection of the chord A 1 B will be another approximation of the root. Continuing this process further, we obtain the sequence x 0 , x 1 , x 2 ,..., x k ,... approximate root values X* given equation.

So the chord method can be written like this:

, k=0, 1.2, …, (8)

AT general case the end of the segment of an isolated root will be fixed, in which the sign of the function f(x) coincides with the sign of the second derivative, and for the initial approximation x 0 we can take the point of the segment [ a; b], in which f(x 0)×f"’(x 0)< 0.

For example, when f (a)>0,f (b)<0,f "(x)< 0,f "(x)< 0 (Fig. .3, b) end b segment [ a; b] is fixed.

If f(a)>0, f(b)< 0,f"(X)< 0,f"( x)>0 (Fig.3, c), or f(a)<0,f(b)>0,f'(X)>0,f"'(x)<0 (рис. 3,G), point a is the fixed end of the segment [ a; b].

Sufficient conditions for the convergence of the method of chords are given by the following theorem.

Figure 3. Geometric interpretation of the chord method

Theorem. Let on the segment [ a; b] function f (X) is continuous together with its second-order derivatives inclusive, and f(a)×f(b)<0, а производные f" (x) and f" (X) keep their signs on [ a; b], then there is such a root circle X* equations f(x)=0, which for any initial approximation X 0 of this circle, the sequence (x k ), calculated by formula (8), converges to the root X*.

chord method. - concept and types. Classification and features of the category "Chord method." 2017, 2018.

  • - Chord method

    Let 1) the function y=F(x) be defined and continuous on the segment . 2) F(a)F(b)<0 Требуется найти корень на отрезке с точностью &... .


    When differentiating by this method, a number of points are marked on the drawn curve of the graph of the function, which are connected by chords, i.e. replace the given curve with a broken line (Fig. 2). The following assumption is made: the angle of inclination of the tangents at the points located in the middle ... .

  • - Chord method

    In some cases, the method of chords has a somewhat higher convergence rate, in which, at the second stage, when choosing the next approximation inside the segment containing the root, the residual value at the ends of the segment is taken into account: the point is chosen closer to the end where ... .

  • - Method of chords.

    The idea of ​​the method is illustrated in the figure. An interval is specified on which f(x0)f(x1) &... .

  • - Chord method

    In this method, not the middle of the segment is chosen as an approximation, but the point of intersection of the chord with the abscissa axis. The equation of the chord AB connecting the ends of the segment: (1) The point of intersection with the abscissa axis has coordinates, we substitute into (1) and find (2). Compare signs and... .

  • - Combined method of chords and tangents

    If and are approximate values ​​of the root in terms of deficiency and excess. 1. If on, then, at the same time. 2. If on, then, at the same time. Example. Separate the roots analytically and refine them by the combined method of chords and tangents with an accuracy of 0.001. , therefore, for calculations...

  • Iteration method

    Simple iteration method for the equation f(x) = 0 is as follows:

    1) The original equation is transformed into a form convenient for iterations:

    x = φ (X). (2.2)

    2) Choose an initial approximation X 0 and calculate subsequent approximations by the iterative formula
    x k = φ (x k -1), k =1,2, ... (2.3)

    If there is a limit of the iterative sequence, it is the root of the equation f(x) = 0, i.e. f(ξ ) =0.

    y = φ (X)

    a x 0 x 1 x 2 ξ b

    Rice. 2. Converging Iteration Process

    On fig. 2 shows the process of obtaining the next approximation using the iteration method. The sequence of approximations converges to the root ξ .

    The theoretical foundations for applying the iteration method are given by the following theorem.

    Theorem 2.3. Let the following conditions be satisfied:

    1) the root of the equation X= φ(x) belongs to the segment [ a, b];

    2) all function values φ (X) belong to the interval [ a, b],t. e. aφ (X)≤b;

    3) there is such a positive number q< 1 that the derivative φ "(x) at all points of the segment [ a, b] satisfies the inequality | φ "(x) | ≤ q.

    1) iteration sequence x n= φ (x n- 1)(n = 1, 2, 3, ...) converges for any x 0 Î [ a, b];

    2) the limit of the iterative sequence is the root of the equation

    x = φ(x), i.e. if x k= ξ, then ξ= φ (ξ);

    3) the inequality characterizing the rate of convergence of the iterative sequence

    | ξ -x k | ≤ (b-a)×q k .(2.4)

    Obviously, this theorem sets rather stringent conditions that must be checked before applying the iteration method. If the derivative of the function φ (x) is greater than one in absolute value, then the process of iterations diverges (Fig. 3).

    y = φ (x) y = x

    Rice. 3. Divergent Iteration Process

    The inequality

    |xk-xk- 1 | ε . (2.5)

    chord method is to replace the curve at = f(x) by a line segment passing through the points ( a, f(a)) and ( b, f(b)) rice. four). Abscissa of the point of intersection of the line with the axis OH taken as the next approximation.

    To obtain the calculation formula for the chord method, we write the equation of a straight line passing through the points ( a, f(a)) and ( b, f(b)) and, by equating at to zero, we find X:


    Chord Method Algorithm :

    1) let k = 0;

    2) calculate the next iteration number: k = k + 1.

    Let's find another k-e approximation by formula:

    x k= a- f(a)(b - a)/(f(b) - f(a)).

    Compute f(x k);

    3) if f(x k)= 0 (the root is found), then go to step 5.

    If a f(x k) × f(b)>0, then b= x k, otherwise a = x k;

    4) if |x k – x k -1 | > ε , then go to step 2;

    5) output the value of the root x k ;

    Comment. The actions of the third paragraph are similar to the actions of the method half division. However, in the chord method, the same end of the segment (right or left) can shift at each step if the graph of the function in the neighborhood of the root is convex upwards (Fig. 4, a) or concave down (Fig. 4, b). Therefore, the difference of neighboring approximations is used in the convergence criterion.

    Rice. four. chord method

    4. Newton's method(tangents)

    Let the approximate value of the root of the equation be found f(x)= 0, and denote it x n.Calculation formula Newton's method to determine the next approximation x n+1 can be obtained in two ways.

    The first way expresses the geometric meaning Newton's method and consists in the fact that instead of the intersection point of the graph of the function at= f(x) with axis Ox looking for the point of intersection with the axis Ox tangent drawn to the graph of the function at the point ( x n,f(x n)), as shown in Fig. 5. the tangent equation has the form y - f(x n)= f"(x n)(x- x n).

    Rice. 5. Newton's method (tangent)

    At the point of intersection of the tangent with the axis Ox variable at= 0. Equating at to zero, we express X and get the formula tangent method :


    The second way: expand the function f(x) in a Taylor series in the vicinity of the point x = x n:

    We restrict ourselves to linear terms with respect to ( X- x n), equate to zero f(x) and, expressing the unknown from the resulting equation X, denoting it through x n+1 we obtain formula (2.6).

    Let's bring sufficient conditions convergence of Newton's method.

    Theorem 2.4. Let on the segment [ a, b] the following conditions are met:

    1) function f(x) and its derivatives f"(X)and f ""(x) are continuous;

    2) derivatives f"(x) and f""(x) are different from zero and retain certain constant signs;

    3) f(a)×f(b) < 0 (function f(x) changes sign on the segment).
    Then there is a segment [ α , β ] containing the desired root of the equation f(x) = 0, on which the iterative sequence (2.6) converges. If as a zero approximation X 0 select that boundary point [ α , β ], in which the sign of the function coincides with the sign of the second derivative,

    those. f(x 0)× f"(x 0)>0, then the iterative sequence converges monotonically

    Comment. Note that the method of chords just comes from the opposite side, and both of these methods can complement each other. Possible and combined method of chord-tangents.

    5. The secant method

    The secant method can be obtained from Newton's method by replacing the derivative with an approximate expression - the difference formula:

    , ,

    . (2.7)

    Formula (2.7) uses the two previous approximations x n and x n - 1. Therefore, for a given initial approximation X 0 must be calculated next approximation x 1 , for example, by Newton's method with an approximate replacement of the derivative according to the formula


    Algorithm of the secant method:

    1) given initial value X 0 and error ε . Compute


    2) for n = 1, 2, ... while the condition | x nx n -1 | > ε , calculate x n+ 1 by formula (2.7).

    3. Method of chords

    Let the equation f(x) = 0 be given, where f(x) - continuous function, which has derivatives of the first and second orders in the interval (a, b). The root is considered separated and is on the segment .

    The idea of ​​the chord method is that, on a sufficiently small interval, the arc of the curve y = f(x) can be replaced by a chord and the intersection point with the abscissa axis can be taken as an approximate value of the root. Consider the case (Fig. 1) when the first and second derivatives have identical signs, i.e. f "(x)f ²(x) > 0. Then the equation of the chord passing through the points A0 and B has the form

    The root approximation x = x1 for which y = 0 is defined as


    Similarly, for a chord passing through points A1 and B, the next approximation of the root is calculated


    In the general case, the formula of the chord method has the form:

    . (2)

    If the first and second derivatives are different signs, i.e.

    f"(x)f"(x)< 0,

    then all approximations to the root x* are performed from the side of the right boundary of the segment , as shown in Fig. 2, and are calculated by the formula:

    . (3)

    The choice of the formula in each particular case depends on the form of the function f(x) and is carried out according to the rule: the boundary of the segment of root isolation is fixed, for which the sign of the function coincides with the sign of the second derivative. Formula (2) is used when f(b)f "(b) > 0. If the inequality f(a)f "(a) > 0 is true, then it is advisable to apply formula (3).

    Rice. 1 Fig. 2

    Rice. 3 Fig. four

    The iterative process of the chord method continues until an approximate root with a given degree of accuracy is obtained. When estimating the approximation error, you can use the relation:


    Then the condition for completing the calculations is written as:

    where e is the given calculation error. It should be noted that when finding the root, the chord method often provides faster convergence than the bisection method.

    4. Newton's method (tangents)

    Let equation (1) have a root on the segment, and f "(x) and f "(x) are continuous and keep constant signs over the entire interval.

    geometric sense Newton's method is that the arc of the curve y = f(x) is replaced by a tangent. To do this, some initial approximation of the root x0 on the interval is chosen and a tangent is drawn at the point C0(x0, f(x0)) to the curve y = f(x) until it intersects with the abscissa axis (Fig. 3). The tangent equation at the point C0 has the form

    Then a tangent is drawn through new point C1(x1, f(x1)) and the point x2 of its intersection with the 0x axis is determined, and so on. In the general case, the formula for the tangent method has the form:

    As a result of the calculations, a sequence of approximate values ​​x1, x2, ..., xi, ... is obtained, each subsequent term of which is closer to the root x* than the previous one. The iterative process usually terminates when condition (4) is satisfied.

    The initial approximation x0 must satisfy the condition:

    f(x0) f ¢¢(x0) > 0. (6)

    Otherwise, the convergence of Newton's method is not guaranteed, since the tangent will intersect the x-axis at a point that does not belong to the segment . In practice, one of the boundaries of the interval is usually chosen as the initial approximation of the root x0, i.e. x0 = a or x0 = b, for which the sign of the function coincides with the sign of the second derivative.

    Newton's method provides a high rate of convergence when solving equations for which the modulus of the derivative ½f ¢(x)½ near the root is sufficiently large, i.e. the graph of the function y = f(x) in the neighborhood of the root has a large steepness. If the curve y = f(x) in the interval is almost horizontal, then it is not recommended to use the tangent method.

    A significant drawback of the considered method is the need to calculate the derivatives of the function to organize the iterative process. If the value of f ¢(x) changes little over the interval , then to simplify calculations, you can use the formula

    , (7)

    those. the value of the derivative need only be calculated once at the starting point. Geometrically, this means that the tangents at the points Ci(xi, f(xi)), where i = 1, 2, ..., are replaced by lines parallel to the tangent drawn to the curve y = f(x) at the initial point C0(x0 , f(x0)), as shown in Fig. four.

    In conclusion, it should be noted that all of the above is true in the case when the initial approximation x0 is chosen sufficiently close to true root x* equations. However, this is not always easy to do. Therefore, Newton's method is often used at the final stage of solving equations after the operation of some reliably convergent algorithm, for example, the bisection method.

    5. Simple iteration method

    To apply this method to solve equation (1), it is necessary to transform it to the form . Next, an initial approximation is chosen and x1 is calculated, then x2, etc.:

    x1 = j(x0); x2 = j(x1); …; xk = j(xk-1); ...

    nonlinear algebraic equation root

    The resulting sequence converges to the root when executing following conditions:

    1) the function j(x) is differentiable on the interval .

    2) at all points of this interval j¢(x) satisfies the inequality:

    0 £ q £ 1. (8)

    Under such conditions, the rate of convergence is linear, and iterations should be performed until the condition becomes true:


    View criterion

    can only be used for 0 £ q £ 1. Otherwise, the iterations end prematurely, not providing the specified accuracy. If it is difficult to calculate q, then we can use a termination criterion of the form

    ; .

    Possible various ways transformation of equation (1) to the form . One should choose one that satisfies condition (8), which generates a convergent iterative process, as, for example, it is shown in Fig. 5, 6. Otherwise, in particular, for ½j¢(x)1>1, the iterative process diverges and does not allow obtaining a solution (Fig. 7).

    Rice. 5

    Rice. 6

    Rice. 7


    The problem of improving the quality of calculations of nonlinear equations using a variety of methods, as a discrepancy between the desired and the actual, exists and will continue to exist in the future. Its solution will be facilitated by the development information technologies, which consists both in improving the methods of organizing information processes, and their implementation with the help of specific tools - environments and programming languages.

    List of sources used

    1. Alekseev V. E., Vaulin A. S., Petrova G. B. - Computing and programming. Workshop on programming: Prakt.posobie / -M.: Vyssh. school , 1991. - 400 p.

    2. Abramov S.A., Zima E.V. - Started programming in Pascal. - M.: Nauka, 1987. -112 p.

    3. Computing and programming: Proc. for tech. universities / A.V. Petrov, V.E. Alekseev, A.S. Vaulin and others - M .: Higher. school, 1990 - 479 p.

    4. Gusev V.A., Mordkovich A.G. - Mathematics: Ref. materials: Book. for students. - 2nd ed. - M.: Enlightenment, 1990. - 416 p.

    The point of the approximate solution, i.e. successive approximations(4) are built according to the formulas: , (9) where is the initial approximation to the exact solution. 4.5 Seidel method based on linearized equation Iterative formula to construct an approximate solution of the nonlinear equation (2) based on the linearized equation (7) has the form: 4.6 Method steepest descent Methods...

    Numerical methods 1

    Solving non-linear equations 1

    Problem Statement 1

    Root localization 2

    Root refinement 4

    Root refinement methods 4

    Half division method 4

    Chord method 5

    Newton's method (tangent method) 6

    Numerical integration 7

    Problem Statement 7

    Rectangle method 8

    Trapezoidal Method 9

    Parabola method (Simpson's formula) 10

    Numerical Methods

    In practice, in most cases, it is not possible to find an exact solution to the mathematical problem that has arisen. This is because the desired solution is usually not expressed in elementary or other known functions. Therefore, numerical methods have acquired great importance.

    Under numerical methods implied methods for solving problems, which are reduced to arithmetic and some logical operations on numbers. Depending on the complexity of the task, the given accuracy, the applied method, a huge number of actions may be required, and here a high-speed computer is indispensable.

    The solution obtained by the numerical method is usually approximate, i.e., contains some error. The sources of error in the approximate solution of the problem are:

      error of the solution method;

      rounding errors in operations on numbers.

    The error of the method is caused by the fact that another, simpler problem, approximating (approximating) the original problem, is usually solved by the numerical method. In some cases, the numerical method is endless process, which the within the limit leads to the desired solution. The process interrupted at some step gives an approximate solution.

    Rounding error depends on the number of arithmetic operations performed in the process of solving the problem. Various numerical methods can be used to solve the same problem. Sensitivity to rounding errors significantly depends on the chosen method.

    Solving Nonlinear Equations Problem Statement

    The solution of nonlinear equations with one unknown is one of the important mathematical problems that arise in various branches of physics, chemistry, biology and other fields of science and technology.

    In general nonlinear equation with one unknown we can write:

    f(x) = 0 ,

    where f(x) is some continuous function of the argument x.

    Any number x 0 , at which f(x 0 ) ≡ 0 is called the root of the equation f(x) = 0.

    Methods for solving nonlinear equations are divided into straight(analytical, exact) and iterative. Direct methods make it possible to write the solution in the form of some relation (formula). In this case, the values ​​of the roots can be calculated using this formula in a finite number of arithmetic operations. Similar methods have been developed for solving trigonometric, logarithmic, exponential, as well as the simplest algebraic equations.

    However, the vast majority of nonlinear equations encountered in practice cannot be solved by direct methods. Even for an algebraic equation higher than the fourth degree, it is not possible to obtain an analytical solution in the form of a formula with finite number arithmetic operations. In all such cases, one has to turn to numerical methods that allow one to obtain approximate values ​​of the roots with any given accuracy.

    In the numerical approach, the problem of solving nonlinear equations is divided into two stages: localization(separation of) roots, i.e. finding such segments on the axis x, within which there is one single root, and clarification of the roots, i.e. calculation of approximate values ​​of the roots with a given accuracy.

    Root localization

    To separate the roots of the equation f(x) = 0, it is necessary to have a criterion that makes it possible to make sure that, firstly, on the considered segment [ a,b] there is a root, and, secondly, that this root is unique on the specified segment.

    If the function f(x) is continuous on the segment [ a,b], and at the ends of the segment, its values ​​have different signs, i.e.

    f(a) f(b) < 0 ,

    then there is at least one root on this segment.

    Fig 1. Separation of roots. Function f(x) is not monotone on the segment [ a,b].

    This condition, as can be seen from figure (1), does not ensure the uniqueness of the root. A sufficient additional condition ensuring the uniqueness of the root on the segment [ a,b] is the requirement for the monotonicity of the function on this segment. As a sign of the monotonicity of a function, one can use the condition of constancy of the sign of the first derivative f′( x) .

    Thus, if on the interval [ a,b] function is continuous and monotonic, and its values ​​at the ends of the segment have different signs, then there is one and only one root on the segment under consideration.

    Using this criterion, one can separate the roots analytical way, finding intervals of monotonicity of the function.

    Root separation can be done graphically if it is possible to graph the function y=f(x) . For example, the graph of the function in figure (1) shows that this function can be divided into three intervals of monotonicity over an interval, and it has three roots on this interval.

    Root separation can also be done tabular way. Let us assume that all the roots of equation (2.1) of interest to us are on the segment [ A, B]. The choice of this segment (the interval for searching for roots) can be made, for example, on the basis of an analysis of a specific physical or other problem.

    Rice. 2. Tabular method of root localization.

    We will calculate the values f(x) , starting from the point x=A, moving to the right with some step h(Fig. 2). As soon as a pair of neighboring values ​​is found f(x) , which have different signs, so the corresponding values ​​of the argument x can be considered as the boundaries of the segment containing the root.

    The reliability of the tabular method of separating the roots of equations depends both on the nature of the function f(x) , and on the chosen step size h. Indeed, if for a sufficiently small value h(h<<|BA|) on the boundaries of the current segment [ x, x+h] function f(x) takes values ​​of the same sign, it is natural to expect that the equation f(x) = 0 has no roots on this segment. However, this is not always the case: if the condition of monotonicity of the function is not met f(x) on the segment [ x, x+h] may be the roots of the equation (Fig. 3a).

    Fig 3a Fig 3b

    Also, several roots on the interval [ x, x+h] may also appear under the condition f(x) f(x+ h) < 0 (Fig. 3b). Anticipating such situations, one should choose sufficiently small values h.

    By separating the roots in this way, we, in fact, obtain their approximate values ​​up to the chosen step. So, for example, if we take the middle of the localization segment as an approximate value of the root, then the absolute error of this value will not exceed half the search step ( h/2). By reducing the step in the vicinity of each root, one can, in principle, increase the accuracy of root separation to any predetermined value. However, this method requires a large amount of computation. Therefore, when conducting numerical experiments with varying problem parameters, when it is necessary to repeatedly search for roots, such a method is not suitable for refining roots and is used only for separating (localizing) roots, i.e. determination of initial approximations to them. The refinement of the roots is carried out using other, more economical methods.

    chord method (method is also known as The secant method ) is one of the methods for solving nonlinear equations and is based on successive narrowing of the interval containing a single root of the equation. The iterative process is carried out until the specified accuracy is reached..

    Unlike the half division method, the chord method suggests that the division of the interval under consideration will be performed not in its middle, but at the point of intersection of the chord with the abscissa axis (X-axis). It should be noted that a chord is a segment that is drawn through the points of the function under consideration at the ends of the interval under consideration. The method under consideration provides a faster finding of the root than the half division method, provided that the interval under consideration is the same.

    Geometrically, the chord method is equivalent to replacing the curve with a chord passing through the points and (see Fig. 1.).

    Fig.1. Construction of a segment (chord) to the function .

    The equation of a straight line (chord) that passes through points A and B has the following form:

    This equation is a typical equation for describing a straight line in a Cartesian coordinate system. The slope of the curve is given by the ordinate and abscissa using the values ​​in the denominator and , respectively.

    For the point of intersection of the line with the abscissa axis, the equation written above will be rewritten in the following form:

    As a new interval for passing the iterative process, we choose one of the two or , at the ends of which the function takes values ​​of different signs. The opposite of the signs of the function values ​​at the ends of the segment can be determined in many ways. One of many of these ways is to multiply the values ​​of the function at the ends of the segment and determine the sign of the product by comparing the result of the multiplication with zero:

    or .

    The iterative process of refining the root ends when the condition for the proximity of two successive approximations becomes less than the specified accuracy, i.e.

    Fig.2. Explanation to the definition of the calculation error.

    It should be noted that the convergence of the chord method is linear, but faster than the convergence of the bisection method.

    Algorithm for finding the root of a nonlinear equation by the method of chords

    1. Find the initial uncertainty interval using one of the root separation methods. Wgive the calculation error (small positive number) and iteration start step () .

    2. Find the intersection point of the chord with the abscissa axis:

    3. It is necessary to find the value of the function at the points , and . Next, you need to check two conditions:

    If the condition is met , then the desired root is inside the left segment put, ;

    If the condition is met , then the desired root is inside the right segment, take , .

    As a result, a new uncertainty interval is found, on which the desired root of the equation is located:

    4. We check the approximate value of the root of the equation for a given accuracy, in the case of:

    If the difference between two successive approximations becomes less than the specified accuracy , then the iterative process ends. The approximate value of the root is determined by the formula:

    If the difference of two successive approximations does not reach the required accuracy, then it is necessary to continue the iterative process and go to step 2 of the algorithm under consideration.

    An example of solving equations by the chord method

    As an example, consider solving a non-linear equation using the chord method. The root must be found in the considered range with an accuracy of .

    A variant of solving a nonlinear equation in a software packageMathCAD.

    The calculation results, namely the dynamics of the change in the approximate value of the root, as well as the calculation errors from the iteration step, are presented in graphical form (see Fig. 1).

    Fig.1. Calculation results using the chord method

    To ensure the given accuracy when searching for an equation in the range, it is necessary to perform 6 iterations. At the last iteration step, the approximate value of the root of the nonlinear equation will be determined by the value: .


    A modification of this method is false position method(False Position Method), which differs from the secant method only in that each time not the last 2 points are taken, but those points that are around the root.

    It should be noted that if the second derivative can be taken from a nonlinear function, the search algorithm can be simplified. Assume that the second derivative retains a constant sign, and consider two cases:

    Case #1:

    From the first condition it turns out that the fixed side of the segment is - the side a.

    Case #2: