Biographies Specifications Analysis

Unusual habits of stars. Strange habits of great people (14 photos)

Life of the Stars


23.06.14 15:31

Celebrities are not "celestials" at all (even though we call them "stars"). They are the same as us, only more talented and able to "catch fame by the tail." But even the most famous of them have their habits - harmful, strange, not aesthetic, funny or simply puzzling.

The most unusual habits of stars

Just like children!

For example, Britney Spears sometimes can not help biting her nails. Violently, to the point of blood, even an exquisite manicure does not interfere. This habit is common to many nervous people.

Probably, the situation with the nerves of the football player and recognized macho David Beckham is much better, but he sometimes sins the same. Can bite his nails, just like Small child and even on people. How his wife Victoria feels about this is unknown. Weaning a person from such a habit can be very difficult.

Justin Timberlake once admitted that sometimes he does not deny himself the pleasure of ... picking his nose. But there is nothing wrong with this if you do it alone, and unless, of course, the paparazzi is hiding in the bushes. They say that Brad Pitt has a similar sin. Haven't you ever stuck your finger up your nose?

Sarah Jessica Parker, getting excited, can bite her cheek hard (with inside). Which can be very painful and unpleasant, but this does not stop the actress.

Dustin Hoffman is able to scratch his crotch even in front of witnesses, in a public place. This does not cause any embarrassment in the star, although it would be strange to see this from the outside.

But the irresistible craving for sex - can this be considered an unusual habit? David Duchovny considered this feature of his as a serious addiction and even a disease and tried to get rid of it. However, he did not save his family.

culinary habits

The king of horror Stephen King would never eat oysters (they evoke some strange associations in the prose writer). But he loves cheesecake. It has already become a kind of ritual: before starting work, he must definitely eat a cheesecake.

Nicolas Cage is by no means a Muslim or a vegetarian, but he won't touch a pork dish.

Computer genius Steve Jobs I loved apples and carrots. And Mark Zuckerberg, who invented Facebook, had a period when he ate only what he himself grew or got on the hunt.

Renee Zellweger, who went to great lengths for the role of Bridget Jones, including gaining extra pounds, has her own habit-ritual. She fights hunger with an ice cube. While it slowly melts in the mouth, the feeling of hunger recedes.

A great original in food (he preferred soy products), auto magnate Henry Ford was not shy about eating weeds sometimes. Agree, bread with a “bush” of weeds is not quite ordinary food for a rich man?

little secrets

Many recognized beauties have their own habits and addictions in personal care: actresses, models, singers.

Gwen Stefani prefers to use baby lotions and creams - in them, according to the star, almost all the ingredients are natural, so there is a benefit!

Sophia Loren has always used perfumed water to wind her hair on curlers. This contributed to fixing the styling, in addition, the light fragrance “stuck” in the curls of the Italian diva for a long time.

Emma Watson is combing her hair for a very long time. At least 50 strokes of the brush - this is the norm for a young artist (this helps to strengthen the hair - the girl believes).

Hemorrhoid cream is a lifesaver for Sandra Bullock, if you need to remove bags under the eyes, unnecessary blueness and even wrinkles.

Many enjoy thermal water to give the skin freshness, especially in the summer heat. But model Cindy Crawford splashes her face with water and milk (it nourishes the skin and whitens it).

At one time, Heinrich Heine wrote that creativity is a virus of the soul, just like a small pearl is a disease of a mollusk. Some of the habits inherent in great people, creators, cannot be called widespread in our society.

Take, for example, Schiller. This man could only work if he had a few rotten apples on his chair.

But Haydn could not start work without putting on his finger, his family jewelry - a precious diamond ring. After all, his main habit was to consider this how much during work.

The great Wagner also had certain oddities. He believed that nothing more than shreds of bright silk, which he diligently laid out on all the attributes of furniture that were in the room in which he worked, helped him to compose another brilliant piece of music. In addition to contemplating the bright mosaic that formed around him, Wagner liked to take the fabric in his hands, examine it, crumple it and pull it in every possible way. Perhaps this helped him to forget and go headlong into creativity.

But the writer Emile Zola acted differently: when he wanted his work to be as productive as possible, he simply tied himself tightly with a rope to a chair. Apparently, this was done so that even the body of the writer realized that in this situation there was nothing left but to create something masterpiece.

Charlotte Brontë, known worldwide as the author of Jane Eyre, periodically interrupted her creative process to peel potatoes.

But the poet Edgar Allan Poe could torment himself for hours, watching clean slate lying in front of him on the desk. Perhaps it was some form of meditation?

Maeterlinck acted according to a similar algorithm. He discovered a very useful morning ritual for himself. If the generally accepted opinion in society is that morning exercises are useful, then this genius of the pen considered it more productive to spend the morning - to sit for three hours at a time. desk, even if not a single useful thought visited him. It probably helped him concentrate and tune in to great work throughout the day.

Dumas Jr. acted according to the well-known principle - Good work you have to start with a good lunch. Therefore, the first thing he liked to do was to have a good meal several times, sometimes in the morning he ate five breakfasts.

His father also had his own characteristics - he wrote his works exclusively on the leaves of a special square shape. Sometimes it even happened that he had to interrupt the process of creating a work, not because of the lack of an idea to continue the plot, but simply because there was no necessary paper at home.

But George Sand was different from most typical women and acted according to the classical principles of what is now fashionable to call time management - she worked exactly until 11:00. If at 10:30 she finished writing a novel, she immediately took on another, since she had to devote another half hour to work.

Even Schubert, who, unfortunately, lived only 31 years, for his unfair short life managed to develop an unusual habit - before bringing his next musical creation to the public, he would definitely reproduce it, but not in the usual piece of music, but on the comb.

Each of us has his own quirks, and great people can have great quirks. Nothing human is alien to them, and we offer you a selection interesting facts about the strangeness of great people.

Albert Einstein

The famous physicist very rarely cut his hair, and he had a habit of wearing whatever he had to. And he did not recognize socks at all. He considered it all nonsense, distracting from world problems.

Among other things, the Nobel laureate was perplexed: if the chaos on the table means the same mess in the head, then what does the empty table mean?

Ludwig van Beethoven

In the dwelling of the brilliant composer, that mess still reigned: what was not scattered around the corners of his apartment: notes, books, uncorked, with half drunk contents, and sealed bottles, as well as leftover food. Such was the situation in the house of the great musician.

In addition, he was quite sincerely sure that shaving extinguishes his creative impulses, and therefore, starting to work, he never shaved. Instead, the composer poured a bucket over his head cold water, in the belief that this procedure forces the brain to work much more efficiently.

The servants were forced to endure one more oddity of the genius: he always ordered that coffee be brewed exclusively from 64 grains, no more and no less.

Charles Dickens

The writer was so neat that he combed his hair a hundred times a day. He always got out of bed and went to bed at the same time, writing only strictly after breakfast until lunch.

And every 50 lines written, he always backed up with a sip of hot water.

Johann Wolfgang Goethe

The German poet could only work in stuffy rooms with stale air. So, according to him, he was often visited by the muse.

Hans Christian Andersen

Surprisingly, the wonderful storyteller was beyond measure illiterate. He made such an incredible number of mistakes that it was necessary to hire workers to rewrite his creations: otherwise, publishers would not accept them for publication. Andersen spent a lot of money on this, but he had no other choice.

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

At night, the composer used to compose music or play cards with friends. Already at dawn he fell asleep and usually stayed in the arms of Morpheus until late in the evening. For this reason, he did not see sunlight for several days.

Dmitry Mendeleev

In free from scientific papers time the scientist loved to make suitcases. About this hobby of Dmitry Ivanovich they even composed fables with songs.

Lev Landau

The great physicist also acquired a personal concept on the relationship between a woman and a man. She was very extravagant: marriage- this is nonsense, and if passion flares up, then you never need to restrain the flared feelings.

Alexander Suvorov

And here great commander got up, as they say, neither light nor dawn (at 4 am), had a bite of cold meat, washed down everything dark beer and dashingly rushed to exploits. Moreover, he liked to wake his subordinates on the run with an imitation of a cock's cry.

Nikola Tesla

Before the roosters got out of bed and a famous inventor. And then he began to work, spending the whole day in labor, almost without unbending, until 11 pm.

Winston Churchill

That's who, after breakfast, hurried not to the desk, but to bed, so this is the Prime Minister of Great Britain - Winston Churchill. There he preferred to correspond, sipping whiskey along the way. In the war period, however, he could not soak up in this way, but in parliament he was the happy owner of his own bed.

Great people have had habits that will seem strange to you, and in some cases, absurd.

Charles Dickens

Charles Dickens was one of the greatest writers in history, had a strange habit. He was annoyed by strands of protruding hair, so the writer always kept his comb nearby and combed it hundreds of times a day.

Benjamin Franklin

Every day before starting to work, Benjamin Franklin used to lie naked in his bath taking " air baths".

Leonardo da Vinci

Leonardo da Vinci did not believe in a regular sleep cycle and instead preferred a polyphasic cycle, meaning that he slept multiple times throughout the day.

Nikola Tesla

Nikola Tesla also had weird dream and he really rested only two hours a day. He also twisted his toes as hard as he could every night before going to bed because he thought it increased the nourishment of his brain cells.

Yoshiro Nakamatsu

Dr. Yoshiro Nakamatsu could become greatest inventor in history. He patented the floppy disk in 1952, as well as over 3,300 inventions during his lifetime.
Many of his greatest ideas hit him when he was close to drowning, as he believed that starving the brain without oxygen had many mental benefits. He also believed in brainstorm in a room with 24-karat gold, as this would block television and radio waves, which would impinge on the creative brain.

Thomas Edison

Thomas Edison, when selecting employees for himself, made them pass an unusual test. The inventor suggested that they eat a bowl of soup, if the subjects salted the soup before they started eating, they were considered to have failed the test. Since the test was aimed at finding out which of the candidates had too many assumptions.


The Greek mathematician Pythagoras had a very meager diet, he refused to eat beans and even forbade his followers to swallow or touch them. The popular belief is that Pythagoras even refused to run across the bean field when his attackers ambushed him and ended up killing him.

Anthony Trollope

Anthony Trollope was a prolific writer, but oddly enough, he limited his work time, writing only three hours a day, and could produce 250 words every 15 minutes, meaning he ended the day with 3,000 words. If he finished a book that he wrote before three o'clock, he still continued to write.

Honore de Balzac

Honoré de Balzac was a French novelist and playwright who drank up to 50 cups of coffee a day. This may have helped his creativity, but it was detrimental to his health, he suffered from stomach cramps, headaches and high blood pressure.

Friedrich Nietzsche

Friedrich Nietzsche liked to work, and he liked to criticize his colleagues if they took a break.

Albert Einstein

One of Albert Einstein's oddities was his habit of playing the violin while watching birds, with tears usually running down his cheeks.


Demosthenes was a respected ancient Greek statesman and speaker. His most famous oddity is rehearsing his speeches with stones in his mouth for clearer diction.

Edgar Allan Poe

Edgar Allan Poe always wrote his works only on thin sheets of paper and then assembled them together to make scrolls for easier storage, which he believed helped with productivity.

Igor Stravinsky

Russian-American composer Igor Stravinsky stood on his head for 15 minutes every night to clear his head.

Almost all great people had their little oddities - nothing surprising, because all these are character traits, and every person has them, regardless of his fame. Another thing is when it comes to genius: then small eccentricities and habits turn into a "calling card", and sometimes even into jokes.

· Ivan the Terrible in the mornings and evenings personally rang the bells on the main belfry of Aleksandrovskaya Sloboda. Thus, they say, he tried to drown out mental suffering.

Alexander Suvorov, famous commander, was a real lark: he got up long before dawn, at two or three in the morning. After that, drenched cold water, had breakfast and, if it happened on the battlefield, drove through the positions, crowing like a rooster and awakening the soldiers. At seven in the morning, the count was already having dinner, and at six in the evening he went to bed.

·Napoleon Bonaparte - the French commander is known for his maniacal love of hot baths. AT Peaceful time he could take a bath several times a day. A special servant had to ensure that the water in it was always at the required temperature. Napoleon soaked for at least an hour, dictated letters, received visitors. On military expeditions, he always took a camping bath with him. Towards the end of his life on the island of Saint Helena, the deposed emperor spent most of the day in hot water. In addition to the fact that Napoleon received hygienic benefits and pleasure from this, he considered baths an excellent remedy for hemorrhoids, which he suffered from from his youth.

Another characteristic habit of Bonaparte is to have breakfast very quickly, inattentively and untidy, always all alone (applicants or a wife with a child were allowed into the room, but Bonaparte did not invite any of them to the table). The emperor demanded that all dishes be brought at the same time, and ate from all plates at once, making no distinction between soup and dessert. Breakfast usually took no more than ten minutes. As for the famous cocked hat, Napoleon really wore it all the time during his campaigns. However, hats were often changed: in anger, the commander used to throw them on the ground and trample them underfoot. In addition, in the rain, the felt cocked hat got soaked rather quickly, its brim hung over the face and back of the head. However, Napoleon did not lose his dignity at all.

· Albert Einstein, one of the greatest minds of the 20th century, did not wear socks. In July 2006, a collection of personal letters from the scientist was made public, in which he confesses this little oddity to his wife: "Even on the most solemn occasions, I did without socks and hid this lack of civilization under high boots."

In addition, Einstein was fond of playing the violin and riding a bicycle.

Also, Einstein did not speak until the age of four. His teacher described him as mentally retarded.

Lev Davidovich Landau, Nobel Laureate in the field of physics, he constantly quoted some "chuckles, poems, rhyming lines that you can't even call poetry."

“For example, as soon as I hinted that I was going to Anapa, he answered: “I will put on a black hat, I will go to the city of Anapa, there I will lie on the sand, in my incomprehensible longing. In you, O abyss of the sea, a luxurious man will perish, who lay on the sand in his incomprehensible longing ... "

In our garden, in the very back,

all grass is crushed.

Don't think bad

all love is cursed!" Maya Bessarab wrote in her book "Thus Spoke Landau". ev Landau

In the summer at the dacha, the scientist was very fond of playing solitaire games, especially those where you have to calculate the options. Even the most difficult things always worked out for him. “This is not for you to do physics. You have to think here! he said.

· When Marconi came up with the radio and told his friends that he would transmit words at a distance through the air, they considered him crazy and took him to a psychiatrist. But within a few months, his radio saved the lives of many sailors.

· Winston Churchill, the habit of the British Prime Minister to smoke cigars and drink whiskey in the morning, is known to all. And the great politician was also an ardent admirer of the siesta. Usually he left the house only in the evening. In the morning, Churchill had breakfast and business correspondence right in bed, then he took a bath, dined, and then, after playing a game of cards with his wife or painting, he put on his pajamas and again retired to the bedroom for a couple of hours. During the war, the household routine had to be somewhat changed, but even in the parliament building, the prime minister kept a personal bed, on which he regularly napped in the afternoon, despite any news from the fronts. Moreover, Churchill believed that it was thanks to daytime sleep he managed to repel Hitler's air attack on Britain.

Churchill, changed the sheets every night. Moreover, in the hotels where he stayed, often even put two beds side by side. Waking up at night, Churchill lay down on another bed and slept on it until morning. Biographers see the reasons for this in the fact that he had a powerful excretory system, in other words, he often sweated ...

By the way, Winston Churchill also collected soldiers. It is known that he had several armies at home, which he enjoyed playing with.

· Charles Dickens every 50 lines of written text necessarily washed down with a sip of hot water.

Salvador Dali - the great painter tried to make his life more extravagant. He reworked the simple Spanish habit of napping after dinner in a surreal way. Dali called it "afternoon rest with the key" or "second siesta". The artist sat in an armchair, holding a large copper key between the thumb and forefinger of his left hand. An inverted metal bowl was placed next to the left foot. In this position, you should try to sleep. As soon as the goal was reached, the key fell from the unclenched hand, a ringing sounded, and Dali woke up. He assured that a second dream is incredibly refreshing, inspiring and gives amazing visions.

Modern research has proven that at the moment of transition between the nap, which is the first phase of sleep, and the deep second phase, a person’s creative potential is revealed, he is able to offer completely unexpected solutions to problems that seemed unsolvable. Unless, of course, someone will guess to wake him up.

· When we look at Ford cars, we mean that their creator Henry Ford has always been a rich, successful businessman. We see this huge empire that has been living for more than a hundred years. But few of us know that before achieving financial success, Ford declared himself bankrupt several times, went bankrupt clean - a man who changed the course of history, putting the world on wheels.

· Ludwig van Beethoven went constantly unshaven, believing that shaving hinders creative inspiration. And before sitting down to write music, the composer poured a bucket of cold water on his head: this, in his opinion, should have greatly stimulated the brain. Beethoven's teacher considered him a completely mediocre student.

· Johannes Brahms "for inspiration" constantly unnecessarily cleaned shoes.

Isaac Newton once boiled a pocket watch while holding an egg and looking at it.

In letters to friends great physicist complained of insomnia, which tormented him because of the habit of falling asleep in the evenings in an armchair by the fireplace. Waking up in this position in the middle of the night, it is completely useless to move to the bedroom: there will be no normal sleep.

· Benjamin Franklin - the founding father of the United States was famous, firstly, for early rises (at five in the morning he was already on his feet), and secondly, like Napoleon, for his love of hot baths. In the bath, Franklin preferred to work - to compose his scientific and journalistic articles, and even the US Declaration of Independence. Sir Benjamin also considered air baths very useful, that is, he simply sat naked and, again, pored over the texts. He loved, so to speak, that nothing hampered his thoughts.

And one more thing - Benjamin Franklin, sitting down to work, stocked up huge amount cheese.

· Johann Wolfgang von Goethe used to bathe every day in the river Ilm, which flowed near his house. Even Goethe always opened the window at night, and sometimes even slept on the veranda, while his contemporaries and compatriots considered drafts to be the main enemy of health.

Friedrich Schiller - German poet and the philosopher could not write unless his desk drawer was stuffed with... rotten apples. Goethe, a friend of Schiller, said: “Once I came to visit Friedrich, but he went away somewhere, and his wife asked me to wait in the office. I sat down in a chair, leaned on the table and suddenly felt a sharp attack of nausea. I even went to the open window to breathe fresh air. At first I did not understand the reason for this strange condition, and then I guessed that it was a pungent smell. Soon its source was revealed: in the drawer of Schiller's desk lay a dozen spoiled apples! I called the servants to clean up the disgrace, but they told me that the apples were put there on purpose, that otherwise the owner could not work. Friedrich returned and confirmed all this!

· Joseph Stalin was known for his addiction to the simple same clothes. If he got used to some thing, then he wore it all the way. “He only had one dress shoe. Still pre-war, - recalls the bodyguard of the leader A. S. Rybin. “Their skin is all cracked. Soles worn out. The shoes were terrible. Everyone was terribly embarrassed that Stalin was wearing them at work and receptions, everywhere. All the guards decided to sew new shoes. At night, Matryona Butuzova put them on the sofa, and took the old ones away ... ”However, the substitution did not work out. Waking up, the Secretary General made a scandal and demanded that he return the old shoes. He wore them almost until his death. And Stalin also had a habit of walking back and forth when he said something. At the same time, if he moved away from the listeners or turned his back on them, he did not care at all to raise his voice. Subordinates had to observe deathly silence, listen and grasp everything on the fly. They say that after long meetings, people almost swayed from the endured stress and fear of missing something important. The source of this habit is actually simple: due to polyarthritis, the leader was tormented by pain in his legs, which intensified if he sat in one place for a long time.

Nikolai Gogol was an excellent pasta cooker. Living in Rome, Gogol specially went to the kitchen to learn from the cooks, and then treated his friends.

·Alexander Pushkin, in addition to the famous habit of drawing all kinds of scribbles on the margins of manuscripts, Alexander Sergeevich was terribly fond of drinking lemonade while working. “It used to be like writing at night - now you put him lemonade for the night,” said the poet’s valet Nikifor Fedorov. Even Pushkin, a desperate duelist and an incredibly superstitious person who believed in the prediction that he was destined to die at the hands of a blond, constantly walked with a heavy iron stick, more like a club. “In order for the hand to be firmer: if you have to shoot, so as not to flinch,” the poet explained to friends.

Alexander Sergeevich was very fond of shooting in the bathhouse. They say that in the village of Mikhailovskoye, almost nothing authentic since the time of the poet has been properly preserved, but the wall that Pushkin shot at, surprisingly remained intact.

·Lev Tolstoy. Many contemporaries believed that Lev Nikolaevich had completely lost his mind on the basis of his religious ideas, which is why he walks in rags and hangs around with all sorts of rabble. However, the Yasnaya Polyana count explained his addiction to plowing and mowing by the usual habit of movement. If Tolstoy never left the house even once for a walk during the day, then in the evening he became irritable, and at night he could not fall asleep for a long time. He did not ride a horse - there were only exercises with a scythe and a plow. In this sense, autumn and winter were especially difficult for the count with their forced seclusion. However, Lev Nikolaevich came up with an occupation for himself - to chop wood. In winter, in his Moscow home, the writer did not allow anyone to do this work. Every morning he went out into the yard and chopped a pile of firewood, and then he brought water from the well on a sleigh.

Lord Byron came to extreme degree irritation at the sight of a salt-cellar with salt.

Honoré de Balzac, author of The Human Comedy, used to write almost exclusively at night and was an avid coffee drinker. “Coffee enters your stomach, and your body immediately comes to life, thoughts set in motion,” he wrote. “Images rise, paper is covered with ink…” In addition to ink, Balzac’s manuscripts were covered with traces of coffee cups: he drank them one after another, preparing them on a special spirit lamp, which stood next to the desk. It is estimated that during his life he drank about 50 thousand cups of coffee. Thanks to coffee, the writer could work for 48 hours in a row, but doctors believe that this habit largely caused his death: his heart could not stand it.

In addition, as a sign of deep respect for the brilliant man, he always took off his hat. Ask what's strange? Balzac did this when he spoke ... about himself!

· Physicist Walter Nernst, author of the third law of thermodynamics, bred carp. When asked why carps, and not any other fish or animals, he answered that he would not breed warm-blooded animals, because he did not want to heat the world space for his money.

Darwin, who had abandoned medicine, was bitterly reproached by his father: “You are not interested in anything but catching dogs and rats!”

To Mozart, one of the most brilliant composers, Emperor Ferdinand said that in his "The Marriage of Figaro" "too little noise and too many notes."

· Our compatriot Mendeleev had a triple in chemistry.

Walt Disney was fired from the newspaper for lack of ideas.

Edison's mentor said about him that he was stupid and could not learn anything.

· The father of Rodin, the great sculptor, said: “My son is an idiot. He failed three times in art school.”

Remember this when it seems to you that you will not succeed!

"It's not Gods who burn pots." I am sure you are capable of many positive deeds. All the best!!!