Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Psychology of chronic fatigue: how to overcome it? How psychological fatigue sets in. Do not wait! The problem will not be solved by itself! You need to help your body

Psychological fatigue is a state when physical strength it seems there is, the body is rested, but the person cannot do anything. He simply doesn't have the psychological strength.

This can manifest itself in the following symptoms: laziness, apathy, irritability.

When a person starts a task, he begins to experience a strong aversion to it, although at the level of reason he understands that this task is necessary and useful.

This feeling should not be confused with emotional burnout, although certain parallels can be drawn. Both are associated with overvoltage.

Causes of psychological fatigue

What happens if you don't give a muscle a rest? First there is pain, and then the muscle simply refuses to work. However, the same thing happens not only with muscles, but also with what we cannot see, our cognitive functions.

So, if a person needs to decide every day a large number of tasks, or very complex tasks, then the brain structures that are responsible for their implementation begin to get tired. At first this manifests itself in growing irritation from the task, then the irritation continues to grow and eventually stupor and lack of thoughts sets in.

The person does not understand the nature of his sensations and begins to think that it is because he is lazy or incapable, while he simply needs rest. The main causes of psychological fatigue include insufficient rest and mental overstrain. Let's take a closer look at them.

Lack of rest as a cause of psychological fatigue

The main reason for psychological fatigue is that a person does not give his brain a rest. Someone might think that this is not about him. He rests as much as he wants, but at the same time, when he needs to do something important, he immediately feels irritated. The reason for such irritation is that people do not actually rest, but only think that they are resting.

What is rest?

Let's think about what we mean by rest? IN best case scenario This is watching TV or reading a book, and at worst, a furious drinking session in some nightclub. Unfortunately, for our body this is not rest, but, on the contrary, overstrain of all body systems.

The reason is that people confuse relaxation with increased happiness. For example, when a person dances the night away in a nightclub, he may experience a short-term increase in life satisfaction. This happens because physical activity and other factors increase the levels of endorphin, dopamine and serotonin. The person seems to feel better.

At some point, a person feels the same vigor and cheerfulness as from a good rest. Because of this, an unconscious conclusion arises, the illusion that “relaxing” in a nightclub is equivalent to sleep or genuine inactivity. Actually this is not true.

What do we do when we have a free moment? Few people close their eyes and try to relax. Usually a person immediately looks at the monitor, the phone, the book, smokes, and so on. Which means he doesn’t rest.

Not only do people not give their brains a rest during the day, they also shorten their night's rest by going to bed too late.

It is not surprising that during the day our brains refuse to work under such operating conditions.

Psychological fatigue from mental overstrain.

When a person faces too much difficult task, for the solution of which he does not have ready-made action algorithms, then this is like a person who is trying to lift a weight that is too heavy for him.

This often happens to young people during adolescence. At this time, a person is faced with more and more adult tasks that the young mind is not trained to cope with.

However, a person does not understand that he cannot cope because he lacks knowledge and skills. It seems to him and everyone around him that he (she) is just lazy. The person begins to hear various examples“like me at your age.” This also causes his self-esteem to drop.

You wouldn’t give a person who just came to the gym a 100-kilogram barbell right away, would you? After all, it will overstrain and fail for a long time. And when it comes to life tasks, then people stop understanding it.

Spiritual muscles need to be trained gradually. When a person tries to pull “beyond his weight,” he does not develop, but simply exhausts his strength.

Therefore, when it occurs psychological fatigue, then the first thing you need to do is work on how a person carries out his daily responsibilities. It may well be that a person is using his mental strength ineffectively.

What to do when psychological fatigue occurs?

The first thing to do when things aren't going well is to rest. But this must be just a dream or complete inaction. There should be no “simple things” like reading. You should close your eyes and try to relax. This is what rest is. It’s good if a person can detach himself from thoughts. In fact, this is called meditation.

After a person has replenished his reserves a little, he should direct them to search for more effective solution tasks that brought him to psychological fatigue. For example, break the case down into its elementary components.

Imagine that you need to drag a 100-kilogram barbell 100 meters. If we try to drag it entirely, it will deplete our strength. If we take it apart, we can easily drag it in parts.

It's the same with business. If you do not break a complex matter into simple and understandable elements, then it will only deplete our mental strength. A person is not able to fully understand most of life’s tasks at once. It is necessary to break everything down into clear and simple elements.

There are many other ways to optimize our activities, but more on that in other articles.

Hello, Sergey Fominykh is with you and today I want to talk about monotony, fatigue and patterned life. Very often we deceive ourselves, and at the same time we deceive our loved ones when we talk about our fatigue. But in fact, there is no fatigue as such, I just want to complain about my life.

We are not talking about some kind of physical fatigue that hits you at work or when playing sports, but about fatigue with psychological point vision.

As soon as you indulge in monotony and follow your life patterns, then the so-called psychological fatigue comes. Those. you live within limits that you have created yourself. For example, your daily routine:

  • get up at 7 am
  • getting dressed
  • having breakfast
  • taking your child to kindergarten or school (if you have children)
  • go to work
  • sit there until lunch
  • going to lunch
  • then work again
  • and after 6 pm you go home, where you sit in front of the TV until midnight, and then go to bed

This is how your every day goes on weekdays. This sample schedule day for the average person. But there are still two days of the weekend that you use to sleep off or do something else that is not very stressful.

How can you diversify your life?

There is nothing complicated here, everything is banal and easy. For example, you can change your route to work. If you use public transport, then take a different route that will take you along other roads. If you drive a personal car, then even better. You can choose any path to your work.

If you drive along the usual route, almost doing everything automatically, then this is where fatigue overtakes you. The moment you perform monotonous actions, satiety sets in. Therefore, it is worth changing your habits, for example, leaving your car and getting there some other way. There are a lot of options here, but main goal is to knock yourself out of your own monotonous pattern.

Change your life and turn it upside down, and only then will you feel alive and energetic. The understanding that your life depends only on you should visit you more often.


This is very important aspect interesting life because everyone has their own hobbies and interests. This has been going on since childhood; I’m not saying that your hobbies don’t change as you develop as a person. I'm just saying that you should feel them, and understand what is really interesting to you, and allocate more time for this. In the process of studying interesting things to do your senses become heightened, and these feelings are as intense as possible. With this method we can easily overcome any boredom.

Take up new hobbies, look for some interests in yourself, and do it with passion. Grab your friends and go skydiving or go karting - it's a really cool way to unwind and have fun while getting an adrenaline rush. Maybe you don't love active species entertainment, then take a camera and go into nature, photograph great landscapes. For example, I am fond of fishing, which is a good distraction from the monotony.

I also recommend traveling more often. If you don’t have the opportunity to travel to another country, then at least set aside a couple of days to travel around nearby cities. You don’t need any special money for this, just one desire is enough. The desire to get rid of the framework that limits you, from psychological fatigue.

Of course, I understand that living according to a pattern is comfortable and familiar. In this state, there is no need to strain or make any psychological efforts. It is enough to live in balance. But it turns out that you are a slave to your beliefs and habits. This is precisely what makes you unhappy, and your body succumbs to fatigue.

If you have children, then I recommend that the sooner the better, show them that comfort zone is bad. “Push” your children, let them not get hung up on patterns. Teach your children to explore the world, show them interesting places- after all, this is an excellent means of combating boredom and monotonous everyday life, both for you and for children.
The monotony of life negatively affects you, especially when you live where there is little sun (lack of vitamins).

One great way to combat fatigue is workout. Make it a habit to jog in the morning. Find yourself a partner, make an agreement with your spouse, and start running or cycling. If possible, visit the pool at least a couple of times a week and go to the gym.

Read more books, look interesting movies, you can even play cards sometimes to take your mind off the monotony.

P.S. The other day, my girlfriend and I released the first free video course “Sew easily and simply” if this topic If you are interested, you can check out the course here Here. And I would like to hear comments, suggestions and even criticism from you in order to understand what to pay attention to in the future.

Live in modern world full of stress and anxiety. Every day we meet a huge number of people and are forced to adapt to other people's moods. This puts a lot of emotional pressure. Therefore, quite often there is a desire to escape from this huge noisy world into a quiet, secluded corner. The inability to fulfill such a simple desire causes a feeling of irritation and anger towards the people around. Every little thing, words or actions of other people begin to irritate us. I want to howl in despair and destroy everything left and right.

The world around us is oversaturated with information – it literally envelops us. And we are forced to endlessly choose and make decisions. And this greatly depletes our willpower, because choosing is always difficult, and decision-making implies awareness and acceptance of all the consequences of our choice. Life is becoming more and more unnatural. Natural lighting, warmth and coolness are replaced by artificial ones. Working and living in artificial conditions, a person moves more and more away from nature and his nature.

The lack of stability has made life less safe. Have to live in constant voltage, and this contributes to the development of paranoia and constant anxiety. The concept of trust in other people, especially close ones, is gradually being replaced by mistrust. In every action or word we are looking for hidden meaning or a catch. And this is even more draining. Simple politeness on the part of a stranger causes surprise and sometimes irritation. On kind smile increasingly they respond with malicious, sarcastic remarks. Therefore, communication with people increasingly causes negative emotions.

Another important factor The thing that suppresses everything beautiful and bright that is in the world is the lack of meaning in life. Before early XIX centuries, people believed that they needed to lead a righteous lifestyle, help their neighbors and do universal and universal good. In the modern world, the very concept of righteousness is distorted, and good deeds most often hide a clear calculation and thirst for profit.

What is psychological fatigue

Physical fatigue is a consequence of heavy stress on the body, muscles and joints. Our body tells us that physical resources are already running out and it’s time to rest, replenish internal reserves, and give the body time to relieve tension. Getting rid of physical fatigue is quite simple: get enough sleep, rest - and that’s it. But with psychological fatigue, not everything is so simple.

An unpleasant inner feeling, irritability, depression and apathy - all this is psychological fatigue. This is the so called emotional burnout. And a simple, even complete, rest will not be able to overcome it.

First, a feeling of indifference to the world around you appears, then your favorite things and activities begin to cause irritation and no longer seem so attractive. You want to protect yourself as much as possible from communicating with people, and any attempts to talk to you cause unmotivated attacks of anger. And you take out your irritation on everything that surrounds you. And it is the people close to you who suffer the most in this situation.

If you don’t stop in a timely manner, then this state will gradually become a habit and you will cease to realize what exactly is happening to you, why everyone around you is so annoying and everything only causes a feeling of disgust.

How to get rid of fatigue

Getting rid of psychological fatigue is not easy. Simple walks alone, sleeping until lunch on weekends will not improve the situation. And if you also start avoiding people in order to limit your communication with them, then everything can only get worse. A feeling of loneliness will begin to appear; it will seem to you that everyone has abandoned you and no one needs you.

First of all, you should realize what exactly causes negative emotions in you and understand the reasons for their occurrence. Once you decide on these two points, you can begin to work on the technique of restoring your psychological state.

Most often, the sources of psychological fatigue are certain character traits of a person. Perfectionists suffer from the slightest mistake made or the inability to do everything perfectly. The same applies to proud people - they cannot forgive others for inappropriate behavior or erroneous judgment, which is at odds with their own judgments and opinions.

Learn to forgive and ask for forgiveness

In general, intransigence with the wrong actions or judgments of other people is the main source of irritation. Unsuccessful attempt imposing or proving your opinion causes a whole storm negative emotions. And the inability to forgive or come to terms with someone else’s opinion settles as a heavy burden and is a constant source of irritability.

In such a situation, the most in an effective way getting rid of negative emotions is forgiveness. Made a mistake? Correct her and don't beat yourself up. After all, in this world everything can be fixed. And if you feel guilty, ask for forgiveness. It won’t hurt you, but you will feel free without the heavy burden of guilt. Did someone make a mistake? Don't be angry, give him the opportunity to correct it and forgive him. Everyone will benefit: you - because the work is done, the guilty one - he will not be tormented by doubts and guilt.

Learn to say no

Sometimes it is quite difficult to refuse someone's request, especially if we are asked very persistently. If you are confident in your strengths and capabilities, then agree. If you doubt anything, refuse. There is no need to torment yourself with unnecessary doubts and thoughts. By doing work under pressure, you will get tired faster, and the end result will not be pleasing.

You need to learn to say “no” to yourself. Excessive demands on others will put pressure on them. Your presence will only cause irritation among people around you, and all negativity will manifest itself in actions and words addressed to you. Therefore, it is not worth motivating your demands with the phrase “I can, therefore others can too.” Every person has their own potential and strengths. This is exactly what should be taken into account when approaching him with a request. Then the result of the work performed will please you, and general impression the communication will be positive.

Do good and be generous

Shows of kindness or simple politeness already carry positive charges of energy. Even a little kindness will arouse in your opponent positive emotions, and in return you will receive your portion of positive energy in return. Commit good deeds without demanding anything in return. Reciprocal gratitude will be a pleasant reward for you.

Perform daily rituals

Each of us has our own habits. Some people like to drink a cup of coffee in silence in the morning, others take daily walks. In order to improve your psychological condition, turn your favorite habits into a sacred ritual. The realization that you are performing some kind of sacrament causes a whole storm of positive emotions.


You need to dream every day, it’s like exercise for the imagination and mind. You dream, you hope, you anticipate—and you heal your depression. And even if your dream is difficult to achieve, don’t stop dreaming. This world is full of miracles, and perhaps someday it will come true.

Treat yourself to little joys. Even ordinary bath procedures can be turned into an unforgettable pastime. Allow yourself more positive emotions– and your condition will improve.

Have you ever felt like you just can't do it anymore? If so, you are experiencing the effects of mental fatigue. These symptoms of brain fatigue sound familiar when you are experiencing the effects of stress and hectic environment.

We've all experienced physical fatigue, so these signs are quite familiar to us. Compared to how your brain controls the processes occurring in the body, mental fatigue is quite a serious phenomenon. In this article, we'll look at the signs of mental fatigue, as well as several ways to help combat it.

1. You know there's too much going on at once.

Are you overwhelmed with emotions? You're probably in literally overloaded with sensory sensations. Sounds, smells, sights, mental activity, changes at the physical level. Sometimes all this happens in a busy environment and can cause too much mental clutter.

When there is too much input from all your senses, your brain begins to show signs of stress and mental fatigue. You may find that you have to ask people to repeat themselves to you. In addition, in this state you may make spelling mistakes.

Try turning off any noisy devices that you can control, such as fans, music, TV, buzzing lights, etc. Turn to the source of information and observe him to bring him into full understanding. Limit yourself from doing as much as possible. huge amount tasks.

2. You don't have free time

Don't remember the last time you went on vacation? Research in the journal Environment and human behavior" showed that there are two strategies that can help in more effective management with your mental fatigue. To do this, you should avoid those things that cause mental fatigue and tension.

One strategy is to avoid unnecessary costs in terms of attention management. In other words, you should limit thought processes. If you can, assign some tasks trusted persons or delay making decisions unless they are urgent.

Otherwise we're talking about about increasing efficiency recovery processes. They include restorative environments, reflective spas - all of which will help refresh your mind so you can think clearly again. Indeed, even short exposure to the sun is what you need to be able to continue moving.

3. You have some kind of mental block

A mental block is when you are so exhausted that you cannot continue to think. You simply stop thinking until you can calm down enough to regain your strength and continue again.

Researchers from the Journal of Psychology studying mental fatigue found that mental blocking acts "as an automatic defense that prevents a person from working continuously." In other words, you can't use your brain because it will simply stop working the moment you are truly tired.

4. You feel more emotional lately.

Depression or anxiety can be symptoms of mental fatigue because a person may feel hopeless about how they will be understood by others. Being mentally tired can feel a lot like a type of depression because your mental energy levels are quite low. For example, you may feel anxious that the situation will not improve.

If the situation that is causing you mental fatigue is the cause of your lack of control, you may feel angry emotions towards the person you see as the cause of all your suffering.

5. Physical symptoms

Headaches, stomach discomfort, intestinal problems, loss of appetite, insomnia and nervousness are some physical symptoms, which you may experience and which, in turn, are signs of mental fatigue. Of course, you can consult your doctor if they worry you. The therapist can provide you with helpful advice.

6. You forget little things that are quite important to you.

Forgetfulness and memory lapses are a sign of mental fatigue. Your brain processes a lot of information at once, but memories don't work in the same way. In more late time When you rest, your brain remembers.

You will find it difficult to remember as well as concentrate on anything for a long period of time. If you can avoid anything that could harm people when using your mental abilities(like driving a car), that would be better. Avoid such activities until you have rested from your mental fatigue.

7. One question can make you explode.

After answering questions and making decisions all day long, you become exhausted and unable to answer anymore. People will need to do without you because you avoid answering due to mental fatigue.