Biographies Characteristics Analysis

The highest TV tower in the world. place

This list contains the most towers in China, but even they cannot be compared with the absolute champion - the tallest tower in the world.

Incredibly tall towers are among the amazing architectural achievements that dot the skyline of some cities. Urban planners around the world are striving to push the limits of what is possible by building more and more high buildings. This is done both for commercial reasons, and out of a thirst for fame, and for the sake of solving environmental problems.

It seems that there has been a tendency among the builders of such structures to combine the height of the tower and its beauty. The splendor and sophistication of the towers testify to the fact that there is no limit to the ambitions and creativity of man. The following is about the ten tallest towers in the world, most of them are in Asia, 5 - in China.

10. Zhongyuan Tower, China - 388 meters

The tenth position in the list of the tallest towers in the world is occupied by a tower in Henan province. It is 388 meters high and serves as a communication and observation tower for the entire Zhengchou. The tower occupies special place in the Guinness Book of Records, thanks to the presence of an observation deck on the third and fourth floors, which offers the widest panoramic view in the world.

Inside, the tower is richly decorated with fabulous designs that combine the variety of cultural forms that influence and define modern China.

9. Beijing TV Tower, China - 405 meters

Rising into the sky to a height of 405 meters, the Beijing TV Tower is considered the ninth tallest tower in the world. The initial construction of the tower began in 1987 and was completed in 1992. Located in Beijing, the tower has an observation deck and a revolving restaurant where guests can admire the wonders of Beijing's architecture. The unique design and creative lighting of the tower is here distinctive features this miracle of modernity.

8. Tianjin TV Tower, China - 415.2 meters

This TV tower occupies the eighth position among the tallest towers in the world. It also occupies the eighth position in the list of the highest autonomous structures in the world. The construction of the tower was completed in 1991 and cost $45 million (in 2016, about $78 million). From afar the rest high-rise buildings, which define the skyline of the city of Tianjin, seem dwarfed in comparison with this tower.

In every sense, the TV tower has an exceptional aesthetic appeal that harmoniously combines the features of modern life.

7. Menara Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia - 421 meters

Menara Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia is the seventh tallest tower in the world. The dominant height of 421 meters provides a beautiful view of the skyline of Kuala Lumpur. The construction was completed in 1994, the tower is used mainly for communications, surveillance, and also for the development of tourism.

In addition, the Malaysians give the tower Special attention because of her symbolic meaning in the context cultural heritage countries.

6. Borje Milad, Iran - 435 meters

Borje Milad in the capital of Iran has a unique design, its height and style is far beyond the usual Iranian building height standard. The tower occupies position six on the list of the ten tallest towers in the world. In addition, the tower is on the seventeenth position in the list of the tallest autonomous structures in the world.

The twelve floors of the Milad Tower are used for various purposes, including shopping and telecommunications areas, cafes, places to admire the wonderful view, as well as hotel rooms.

5. Oriental Pearl, China - 468 meters

The amazing height of the Oriental Pearl TV Tower in Shanghai - 468 meters - is worth much more than many other skyscrapers with their architectural frills. The tower has 14 floors and 11 spheres, which are made in the traditional oriental style, which gives the tower originality and stability.

The tower was completed in 1994 and is widely used in most different purposes, there are houses, hotel rooms, cafes, an observation center, communication services are provided. Due to the many multi-colored LEDs, at night the tower hypnotizes with its beauty.

4. Ostankino tower, Russia - 540 meters

The Ostankino TV tower is the fourth tallest tower in the world, and in Europe - the most high structure. It is also the eighth tallest free-standing structure in the world. The building was built in the USSR in honor of the 50th anniversary October revolution 1917. The tower is used for radio and television broadcasting. The splendor of the tower is a symbol of architectural development Soviet Union. In some respects, the Ostankino TV Tower is one of the greatest buildings in Europe to this day.

3. CN Tower, Canada - 553.33 meters

Number 3 on the list of tallest towers in the world is the CN Tower in Toronto, Canada. When completed in 1976, the building was considered the tallest tower in the world and a free-standing structure. But three decades later, the CN Tower lost ground to the Guangzhou TV Tower.

The building has 147 floors which are used for various purposes including telecommunications, restaurant and surveillance. The tower cost 63 million Canadian dollars to build in 1976 (about $177 million today, adjusted for inflation).

2. Guangzhou TV Tower, China - 600 meters

The Guangzhou TV Tower in China has been ranked number one among the 10 tallest towers in the world for quite some time. This tower rises to a height of 600 meters and has 37 floors. For some time, this tower held the record for being the tallest building in the world.

The building provides an advantageous vantage point for astronomers as well as hikers who wish to see beautiful views from above of Guangzhou. The tower is also listed as number 5 on the list of the tallest free-standing structures in the world.

1. Tokyo Skytree, Japan - 634 meters

This tower is majestic and charming, with a façade that combines both postmodern architecture and traditional Japanese forms. The Tokyo Skytree is used as an observation tower, a radio hub, and home to world-class homes. The 29-story building was completed in February 2012 at a cost of $806 million.

Source: Santiago Calatrava

While in Baku they are thinking what to do with the empty ones and, in Dubai they continue to break records high-rise construction. A few days ago, in this city, they began to build the "Tower" according to the project of Santiago Calatrava. It will be ready in 2020, and its height, according to unconfirmed figures, will be 928 meters. That is, it will be 100 meters higher than the Burj Khalifa, the tallest (so far) skyscraper in the world, which, by the way, is also located in Dubai.

The foundation stone of the Tower was laid on 11 October. The ceremony was attended by many dignitaries, including the ruler of Dubai. In the UAE, the future "Tower" is taken very seriously, everyone expects that it will become a source of national pride, increase the prestige of the city and contribute to economic growth.

The shape of the "Tower" is a bit like a minaret - this expresses the synthesis of traditional Islamic culture and modern design. Calatrava himself spoke about this: “The construction of the building is inspired by the Islamic tradition.” He compares it to a Muslim architectural complex Alhambra and with the Córdoba Cathedral Mosque: "These architectural marvels combine beauty and elegance with mathematics and geometry."

Source: Santiago Calatrava

"Constructive and architectural features towers will require unique engineering solutions. Before starting construction, we carried out extensive research, and our experience will be a valuable contribution to the knowledge base of mankind,” said Santiago Calatrava.

Source: Santiago Calatrava

The tower will have observation decks, cafes, restaurants, venues for various events, a hotel and tourist facilities. But the most important thing is the balconies that will be put forward from the facade of the building.

"The construction of the tower is important technological achievement. But throughout my career, I have used technology as a means of expressing beauty and art. So this project is also an artistic achievement... It is a symbol of faith in progress.”

Architecture has always fascinated humanity. Since ancient times, people have sought not only to build a building with a certain functionality, but also to give it a certain aesthetic property. Towers remain very popular and attractive to this day. All over the world buildings of this type are business cards certain cities.

In this article, we will answer the question: “What is the tallest tower?” Let's talk about the ten tallest buildings.

First place - Burj Khalifa (United Arab Emirates)

Dubai is known for its picturesque buildings. One of the greatest projects was the construction of this tower, which started in 2004. Six years later, the Burj Khalifa was opened to visitors in Dubai. This building is located in the middle of numerous hotels and shopping centers. The tower even has its own official website.

The building is made in the form of a stalagmite, its shape is easily recognizable and original. The tower has 163 floors, despite the fact that few buildings in the world have more than a hundred floors. Initially, the designers wanted to embody with the help of this structure a “city within a city”, where even own parks. In addition, it was originally planned that this building would be the tallest. The developers kept the final height secret in order to make adjustments to the construction plan in the event of the appearance of competitors.
The height of the tower is 818 meters.

Second place - Guangzhou (People's Republic of China)

China is also showing great interest in construction amazing skyscrapers. The Guangzhou TV Tower is the second tallest tower in the world. Its construction started in 2005 and was completed five years later.

The purpose of the TV tower is to broadcast a radio signal and television. In addition, at the top there is a special platform with which you can observe the panoramic picture of the Chinese metropolis. It is designed for ten thousand visitors daily!

At an altitude of 419 and 426 meters there are special restaurants that are placed on rotating platforms. At an altitude of 406 meters there is a cafe for VIPs. The building can receive up to 10 thousand tourists daily.

The height of the tower is 610 meters.

Third place - CN Tower (Canada)

The CN Tower is located in Toronto, Canada. The Tower is not just part of the city. She is his symbol. The CN in the building's name stands for Canada's National. Construction began in 1973 and was completed in 1975.

An interesting fact: at least seventy lightning strikes the tower every year. The elevators that are installed inside move at a speed of twenty kilometers per hour. They are able to lift a person to the very top in one minute. At an altitude of 350 meters there is a restaurant up to the visitors. At the top there is an observation platform, with the help of which visitors can see the hills, located at a distance of 120 kilometers from the Tower. In addition, it is possible to pass with insurance on an open ledge.

The mass of the tower is 130 tons. Height - 552 meters.

Fourth place - Freedom Tower (New York)

Another tall tower in the world, the most recognizable in America, is the Freedom Tower. The history of the building dates back to tragic events September 11, 2001, when two skyscrapers of the world shopping center were destroyed by terrorist attacks. As a result of the competition, it was decided to build the Freedom Tower in their place, which today is a symbol of the democratic world. The building opened to the public in 2013.

Its height is 541 meters.

Fifth place - TV tower "Ostankino"

The fifth tallest tower in the world and the tallest in Russia is the Ostankino TV tower. The building is located on seven special legs. It was designed literally for centuries. According to technological calculations, Ostankino should last no less than 300 years. Inside, in addition to television studios, there is a restaurant "Seventh Heaven" at an altitude of 300 meters. There is also a special Observation deck. It allows people to look at Moscow from a great height. The platform is protected by three layers of thick glass to prevent accidents.

The height of Ostankino is 540 meters.

Sixth place - Willis Tower (United States of America)

The list of the tallest towers is continued by the Willis Tower, which is located in the state of Illinois, the city of Chicago. Construction started in 1970 and lasted three years.

The building has one hundred and ten floors, the total area of ​​​​which is 410 thousand square meters.

The tower is built from nine pipes square shape, which converge to a square at the base. There are 104 elevators inside, with the help of which visitors move through the three zones into which this building is divided.

The Willis Tower is the second tallest building in the United States. The TV tower also transmits a radio signal. At the very top, appropriate transmitters are installed for this.

characteristic feature structure, resulting from its asymmetric design, is that it is slightly tilted to the west (by 10 degrees). This happened due to the fact that the building creates a different load on the foundation in different parts.

The height of the Willis Tower is 527 meters.

Seventh place - Pentominium Tower (United Arab Emirates)

Dubai is the only city on this list that has two big towers. The construction of this structure began in 2011 and has not been completed at the time of writing. The cost of construction is declared at four hundred million dollars. Also, the tower is a leader in another rating. The construction site has one of the deepest pits in the history of mankind.

Designed by Andrew Bramberg. Inside the tower will be placed residential apartments luxury class. The cost of one apartment is at least three million dollars. There is only one apartment per floor.

The formation of the building's name is also interesting: Pentominimum is a combination of the words "penthouse" and "condominium".

The height of the building is 516 meters.

Eighth place - Taipei-101 (Taiwan)

Erected in 2004 in the Taiwanese city of Taipei, the building has one hundred and one floors (plus five more underground), which is reflected in its name. Below are numerous trading platforms, and above - office rooms. Construction began in 1999 and was completed in five years. The building also leads in terms of the speed of movement of elevators. It is 60 kilometers per hour. You can reach the very top in just half a minute.

The tower is made of glass, steel and aluminum and has several hundred concrete pillars eighty meters deep. To protect against strong earthquakes or hurricanes, a special round pendulum is placed between the 87th and 90th floors. According to the designers, Taipei-101 is able to withstand the most strong earthquakes, which occur no more than once every several thousand years.
The height of Taipei-101 is 509 meters.

Ninth place - Burj Al Alam (United Arab Emirates)

Ghost building. The project was very ambitious. Burj Al Alam is a large tower, the third largest in Dubai, but its construction was not completed. The construction was launched in 2006, and at first everything developed quite successfully, the crossing of the finish line was announced for 2009.

However, the project was soon closed, construction was stopped. On this moment the site of the tower ceased to function. No news about her future fate does not exist, but it is obvious that sooner or later the project will be resumed in one form or another. If the project is completed, then the UAE will have three large towers.

Estimated final height - 501.

Tenth place - Eiffel Tower (France)

The tallest tower in Europe and the tenth largest is called the Eiffel Tower in honor of its chief designer Eiffel. He himself called it the "three hundred meter tower" - simply and concisely.

The Eiffel Tower is famous all over the world. She is a constant symbol of France and Paris. Every year it is visited by several million tourists from all over the world. It is very interesting that Eiffel was initially criticized for such a daring design solution. However, subsequently the tower did not have any critics.

It is symbolic that during the retreat German troops A personal order was received from Hitler to destroy the masterpiece of architecture. However, General Choltitz did not fulfill it, realizing its greatness.

Height eiffel tower- 324 meters (initially 300, but a new antenna was subsequently installed).

In many cities, TV towers are not only broadcasters of television and radio signals, but also observation decks, respectively, and full-fledged attractions. We offer you to look at the lesser-known ones, by following the links you can go to the page of the object and read more about it.

Ostankino Tower

The Ostankino TV Tower is one of the architectural symbols of Moscow and Russian television. The tower not only provides television coverage for the entire country, but also accommodates many television studios. In terms of technical performance, it has no equal. The height of the tower is 540 m, it has 45 floors. The design of the television tower in Ostankino is unique: it is created in the form of a huge elongated cone, the walls of which are made of monolithic metal-reinforced concrete. The tower is supported by 149 ropes. The total weight of the structures, not counting the foundation, is about 32,000 tons.

Tokyo Sky Tree

Tokyo Sky Tree is the tallest TV tower in the world (634 meters) in Tokyo's Sumida district, built to replace the old Tokyo TV tower, which is almost half the height of the new one. Tokyo Sky Tower received its name as a result of a competition held in April-May 2008. As a result, it was its winners who were the first to climb the observation decks of the tower on May 22, 2012.

CN Tower

The CN Tower is a symbol of Toronto and the tallest building in the world in 1976-2007. The height of the CN Tower is 553.33 m. To date, the tower remains the tallest building in Western hemisphere, it is twice as high as the Eiffel Tower in Paris and 13 m higher than the Russian Ostankino TV tower. It was built on April 2, 1975 - the construction of the tower began in 1973 and was completed in a couple of years.

Guangzhou TV Tower

The Guangzhou TV Tower is the tallest building in the city and one of the tallest in the world, utterly futuristic and exotic, but at the same time subtly dear and close to every Russian person, especially a Muscovite, due to the similarity of the design with the Shukhov Tower. It is impossible not to notice the Guangzhou TV Tower, it is clearly visible from almost any area of ​​the city, and the observation deck, raised almost half a kilometer above the ground, allows you to see the city and its environs in all details. In addition to viewing platforms, the TV tower boasts a restaurant that also offers an incredible view, a kilometer-long transparent spiral staircase, an exhibition telling about the structure of the tower and the history of its creation, Sky Drop attraction, thanks to which you can enjoy the feeling free fall, as well as large-scale cultural and sports events periodically held in it.

Shanghai TV Tower "Pearl of the East"

The Pearl of the East is one of the outstanding modern monuments of the city, a landmark of Shanghai, a symbol of China's rapid development. The construction of the Tower was completed in 1994. The height of the "Eastern Pearl" - 468 meters - is one of the tallest structures in Asia, although the Zhemchuzhina is still inferior to the Ostankino TV tower.

Berlin TV tower

The TV tower, towering over the center of Berlin, can be seen on many postcards with images of the German capital. It was built in 1965-1968 on the territory, which is noteworthy, of East Berlin, located on the famous Alexanderplatz square . The Berlin TV Tower is the highest building in the whole of Germany, reaching a height of 368 meters. Originally, it was three meters lower, but in the 90s a new antenna was installed, which made it possible to reach today's figure.

Kaknes TV Tower

Kaknes is the tallest tower in Scandinavia and Northern Europe. The height of the tower is 155 meters. You can take a look at the metropolitan panorama from the 30th floor, that is, from a height of 128 meters. After sightseeing, you can have a good meal by visiting a restaurant located eight floors below.

seoul tower

Seoul N-Tower is one of the main tourist sites Korean capital. The 479 m high tower is located on the top of Namsan mountain (243 m). The tower was opened to the public on October 15, 1980. After an expensive reconstruction in 2005, the tower received the letter N in its name, which means new - “new”. As a result of this reconstruction, the building acquired new system lighting and illumination, working today every night from 19:00 to 24:00. At the top of the tower is the N-Grill, a revolving restaurant. western style making one revolution in 48 minutes. The observation deck of the tower, called the observatory, which offers stunning views of the surroundings, is equipped with telescopes with which you can see all the quarters of Seoul. In addition, the N Seoul Tower has a cinema, an exhibition center, there are many souvenir shops and recently open museum teddy bears.

Macau TV Tower

The tower, whose height is 338 meters, is located in the Nam Wan area of ​​the new drained territory (new bulk land in the sea area). It is a comprehensive facility for tourism, tours, performances, gatherings, exhibitions, shopping, dining, entertainment and, of course, communication. On the main floor of a four-story tower at a height of 223 meters, a glass floor was laid. From here you can take a look at Macau, even the Jujia Delta, a decent piece of the Hong Kong Islands. There is a revolving restaurant for 250 people, from which you can view the territory up to 50 kilometers.

Dragon Tower in Harbin

Heilongjiang TV Tower is one of the tallest in Asia. Its height is 336 meters (for comparison, the height of the Ostankino TV tower is 562 meters). The construction of the 336-meter tower began in 1998, and in October 2002 the tower was opened to the public. There is a TV center and a meteorological station, as well as all kinds of entertainment for tourists. At around 181 meters there is an observation floor, where tourists are offered to get acquainted with the gallery of handprints famous people China, an exhibition of terracotta warriors of the Qin dynasty and wax figures"Descendants of Dragons"

Zizkov TV tower in Prague

The Zizkov TV Tower is one of the recognizable symbols of Prague. Built in 1985 - 1992, the Zizkov TV Tower is the tallest building in the Czech Republic, it has a height of 216 meters. The tower is decorated with the sculptural composition "Infants" by David Cherny (2000). At a height of 66 meters there is a restaurant, at around 93 meters there is an observation deck, from where a great panorama of Prague opens.

The world's first TV tower was built in Berlin in 1926. By modern standards, its dimensions were very modest: a height of 150 meters, and a weight of "only" 600 tons.

Of course, these parameters cannot be compared with the size of modern television towers. In today's report, let's get acquainted with the tallest TV towers in the world.

Height: 375 meters
Location: Uzbekistan, Tashkent
Year of construction: 1985

It is the tallest TV tower in Central Asia. It was built over 6 years and was put into operation on January 15, 1985.

Height: 385 meters
Location: Ukraine, Kyiv
Year of construction: 1973

The Kiev Tower is considered the tallest structure in the world of buildings with a lattice structure. The tower is entirely made of steel pipes different diameter and weighs 2,700 tons.

In the central part there is a vertical pipe with a diameter of 4 meters. It serves as an elevator shaft and smoothly passes into the antenna part.

Kyiv TV Tower is the most high design Ukraine. The tower is 60 meters higher, but weighs 3 times less.

Height: 405 meters
Location: China, Beijing
Year of construction: 1995

At the top of the tower is a revolving restaurant.

Height: 421 meters
Location: Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur
Year of construction: 1995

The construction of this structure with a height of 421 meters lasted about 5 years.

For the original lighting, the Menara Tower received the unofficial name "Garden of Light".

Height: 435 meters
Location: Iran, Tehran
Year of construction: 2006

There are 6 panoramic elevators in the tower, and at a height of 276 meters there is a panoramic revolving restaurant. The gondola of the tower has 12 floors with a total area of ​​12,000 square meters, which is the most large area TV tower premises in the world.

This is the tallest building in Iran:

Height: 468 meters
Location: China, Shanghai
Year of construction: 1995

The Oriental Pearl is the second tallest TV tower in Asia. The sphere at the top of the tower has a diameter of 45 meters and is 263 meters above the ground.

At an altitude of 267 meters there is a revolving restaurant, at an altitude of 271 meters there is a bar and 20 karaoke rooms.

At an altitude of 350 meters - a penthouse with a viewing platform.

Height: 540 meters
Location: Russia Moscow
Year of construction: 1967

The project of the tower was invented by the chief designer Nikitin overnight, the image of the tower was an inverted lily. (Photo by Yuri Degtyarev):

The mass of the tower together with the foundation is 51,400 tons. Ostankino TV tower on Victory Day 2010. (Photo by Dmitry Smirnov):

On August 27, 2000, a strong fire broke out in the Ostankino tower at an altitude of 460 m. 3 floors were completely burned out. Long repair and construction work and landscaping were completed by February 14, 2008. Infrared photo of the Ostankino TV tower:

Height: 553 meters
Location: Canada, Toronto
Year of construction: 1976

The CN Tower is almost twice as tall as the Eiffel Tower and 13 meters taller than the Ostankino Tower.

It is able to withstand winds of 420 km/h and is struck by more than 80 lightning strikes a year.

From 1976 to 2007 it was the tallest structure in the world.

Height: 610 meters
Location: China, Guangzhou
Year of construction: 2009

The mesh shell of the tower is made of steel pipes of large diameter. The tower is crowned with a steel spire 160 meters high.

The design of the mesh shell of the Guangzhou TV tower corresponds to the 1899 patent of the Russian engineer Shukhov.

Height: 634 meters
Location: Japan Tokyo
Year of construction: February 29, 2012

The construction of the TV tower was completed quite recently, and on May 22, 2012 it was opened. The tower houses more than 300 boutiques, restaurants, an aquarium, a planetarium and a theater.

It is the tallest building in Japan and the most high TV tower in the world.