Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Table on the history of the eastern and western front. Main events of the First World War

1914 Campaign:

On August 1, Germany declared war on Russia
On August 2, German troops finally occupied Luxembourg, and Belgium was given an ultimatum to allow German armies to the border with France
On August 3, Germany declared war on France.
On August 6, Austria-Hungary declared war on Russia
On August 14-24, the Border Battle took place: in the Ardennes, near Charleroi and Mons
On December 15, the Serbs recaptured Belgrade
On August 10, the Dardanelles were entered German cruisers
On November 2, Russia declared war on Turkey
Battle of Cape Coronel (Chile) November 1, 1914

1915 Campaign
In the winter of 1914-1915 there was a battle between the Russians and the Austrians for the passes in the Carpathians. On March 10 (23), the Siege of Przemysl ended
battle of Ypres,
(Dardanelles Operation) February 19, 1915

1916 Campaign

February 21, 1916 Battle of Verdun
June 3, 1916 Brusilovsky breakthrough
The Battle of the Somme began in June

1917 campaign
On February 1-20, 1917, the Petrograd Conference of the Entente countries took place.

1918 campaign

Russia's exit from the war
The second Battle of the Marne took place in July-August.
In 1919, the Germans were forced to sign the Treaty of Versailles

As a result of the war:
annexation by England of Tanzania and South-West Africa, Iraq and Palestine, parts of Togo and Cameroon; Belgium - Burundi, Rwanda and Uganda; Greece - Eastern Thrace; Denmark - Northern Schleswig; Italy - South Tyrol and Istria; Romania - Transylvania and Southern Dobrudzha; France - Alsace-Lorraine, Syria, parts of Togo and Cameroon; Japan - German islands in Pacific Ocean north of the equator; French occupation of the Saarland. The annexation of Banat, Bačka and Baranja, Slovenia, Croatia and Slavonia, Montenegro to the Kingdom of Serbia with the subsequent creation of Yugoslavia.
The independence of the Belarusian People's Republic, the Ukrainian People's Republic, Hungary, Danzig, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Estonia, and Finland was proclaimed.
The Republic of Austria is founded. The German Empire became a de facto republic.
The Rhineland and the Black Sea straits have been demilitarized.

Military results
First World War spurred the development of new weapons and means of combat. For the first time, tanks, chemical weapons, gas masks, anti-aircraft and anti-tank guns were used. Wide use received airplanes, machine guns, mortars, submarines, torpedo boats. The firepower of the troops increased sharply. New types of artillery appeared: anti-aircraft, anti-tank, infantry escort. Aviation became an independent branch of the military, which began to be divided into reconnaissance, fighter and bomber. Arose tank forces, chemical troops, air defense troops, naval aviation. The role has increased engineering troops and the role of cavalry decreased. “Trench tactics” of warfare also appeared with the aim of exhausting the enemy and depleting his economy, which works for military orders.

World War I is a war between two coalitions of powers: the Central Powers (Germany, Austria-Hungary, Turkey, Bulgaria) and the Entente (Russia, France, Great Britain, Serbia, later Japan, Italy, Romania, USA, etc.; 34 states in total).

Causes of the First World War

The reason for the outbreak of hostilities in 1914 was the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo by Gavrilo Princip, a Serbian nationalist and member of the Young Bosnia organization. However, from the very beginning of the First World War, historians have been concerned with a more significant question: what were the reasons for its outbreak?

There are most likely many reasons for the outbreak of the First World War:

1. Weak peace-loving forces (weak labor movement).

2. The revolutionary movement is in a period of decline (except for Russia).

3. The desire to strangle revolutionary movement(Russia).

4. The desire to divide the world.

But most historians are inclined to consider the main one to be the competing interests of the largest European powers. What were these interests from the point of view of historians?

Great Britain (as part of the Entente)

Fearing a potential German threat, she abandoned the country’s traditional policy of “isolation” and switched to a policy of forming an anti-German bloc of states.

She did not want to put up with German penetration into areas that she considered “hers”: East and South-West Africa. She also wanted to take revenge on Germany for supporting the Boers during the Anglo-Boer War of 1899-1902. In connection with this, it has already waged undeclared economic and trade war and was actively preparing in case of aggressive actions from Germany.

France (part of the Entente)

She wanted to recoup the defeat inflicted on her by Germany in the Franco-Prussian War of 1870.

She wanted to return Alsace and Lorraine, separated from France in 1871.

She could not accept her losses in traditional sales markets due to competition with German goods.

She was afraid of new German aggression.

Russia (as part of the Entente)

She demanded a revision in her favor of the control regime over the Dardanelles Strait, because she wanted to have free passage for her fleet in the Mediterranean Sea.

Evaluated construction railway Berlin-Baghdad (1898) as an act unfriendly on the part of Germany. Russia saw this construction as an encroachment on its rights in Asia. Although, as historians note, in 1911 these differences with Germany were resolved by the Potsdam Agreement.

She did not want to put up with Austrian penetration into the Balkans and the fact that Germany was gaining strength and began to dictate its terms in Europe.

She wanted to dominate all Slavic peoples, so she supported anti-Austrian and anti-Turkish sentiments among the Serbs and Bulgarians in the Balkans.

Serbia (as part of the Entente)

Having gained full independence only in 1878, she sought to establish herself as a leader in the Balkans Slavic peoples peninsula.

She wanted to form Yugoslavia, including all the Slavs living in the south of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

Unofficially supported nationalist organizations that fought against Austria-Hungary and Turkey.

German Empire (Triple Alliance)

How developed in economically a country that sought military, economic and political dominance on the European continent.

Since Germany needed markets, and it entered the struggle for colonies only after 1871, it longed to gain equal rights in the colonial possessions of England, France, Belgium, the Netherlands and Portugal.

In the Entente she saw an alliance against itself in order to undermine its power.

Austria-Hungary (Triple Alliance)

Due to its multinationality, it played the role of a constant source of instability in Europe.

She tried to hold on to Bosnia and Herzegovina, which she captured in 1908.

It opposed Russia because Russia took on the role of protector of all Slavs in the Balkans, and Serbia.

USA (supported the Entente)

Here historians do not express themselves specifically, citing only the fact that before the First World War the United States was the world's largest debtor, and after the war it became the world's sole creditor.

These are the reasons given by historians for the First World War.

Main events of the First World War

June The assassination of the heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne, Archduke Franz Ferdinand.

July Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia. July 28 - Official start of the First World War.

August Germany declares war on Russia, France, Luxembourg, Belgium. The German and Ottoman Empires sign a secret alliance treaty. The British Empire declares war on Germany.

Montenegro declares war on the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Austria-Hungary declares war on Russia.

Serbia and Montenegro declare war on Germany. France and the British Empire declare war on Austria-Hungary. Austria-Hungary declares war on Belgium. Japan declares war on Germany. Japan declares war on the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

November Entente countries declare war Ottoman Empire. Great Britain begins a naval blockade of Germany.

February Germany begins major offensive operations in Eastern Front.

April During the Second Battle of Ypres, German troops used chemical weapons. London Agreement between the Entente and Italy.

May Italy declares war on Austria-Hungary.

October Bulgaria declares war on Serbia, in response to Bulgaria all Entente countries declare war.

March Germany declares war on Portugal.

June The Brusilov breakthrough begins. Arab revolution.

August Italy declares war on Germany.

September The Central Powers create a unified military command. The British are using tanks for the first time in history. The Brusilov breakthrough ends with the expected success of the Russian troops.

FebruaryApril German troops retreat to the Hindenburg Line.

March February revolution in Russia. Emperor Nicholas II abdicates the throne. Power passes to the Provisional Government. Soldiers' committees are created in the troops, which leads to the disintegration of the Russian army.

April The United States of America declares war on Germany.

June Greece enters the war on the side of the Entente.

July– October China, Siam, Liberia and Brazil declare war on Germany.

November, 7 October Revolution in Russia. The Bolsheviks who came to power immediately adopted the Decree on Peace.

December The United States declares war on Austria-Hungary. Soviet Russia signs an armistice with Germany.

February Ukrainian people's republic signs a peace treaty with the Central Powers. Germany, having failed to conclude a peace treaty with Russia, resumes military operations on the Eastern Front.

March, 3 In Brest-Litovsk, Leon Trotsky signs a peace treaty with Germany.

September– October Battle of the Hindenburg Line, phase of the Hundred Days Offensive. The Allies break through the German defenses. Bulgaria signs an armistice with the Allies.

November Revolution in Germany, a republic is proclaimed there.

November 11 At 5 o'clock in the morning, Germany signs the Compiegne Armistice. The end of hostilities at 11.00.

Austria is proclaimed a republic and announces its accession to Germany.

Czechoslovakia is declared a republic. Are running out fighting in East Africa.

10 September The Treaty of Saint-Germain was signed, prohibiting the unification of Germany and Austria.

January 10 Treaty of Versailles comes into effect. Official end of the First World War.

Results of the war

Political results

The results of the First World War were the February and October revolutions in Russia and the November revolution in Germany, the liquidation three empires: Russian, Ottoman Empires and Austria-Hungary. Germany was reduced territorially and weakened economically. The Civil War began in Russia.

Military results

For the first time, tanks, chemical weapons, gas masks, anti-aircraft and anti-tank guns were used. Airplanes, machine guns, mortars, submarines, and torpedo boats became widespread. The firepower of the troops increased sharply. New types of artillery appeared.

“Trench tactics” of warfare emerged with the goal of exhausting the enemy and depleting his economy, which worked for military orders.

Economic results

The scale and protracted nature of the First World War led to the militarization of the economies of industrial states. This resulted in: strengthening government regulation and economic planning, the formation of military-industrial complexes, the acceleration of the development of national economic infrastructures (energy systems, a network of paved roads), an increase in the share of defense production.

By the beginning of the twentieth century, a war was planned in the world for the redivision of territories. The Russian, Ottoman, German and Austro-Hungarian empires dominated. The reason for the war was the assassination of the heir to the throne of Austria-Hungary, Franz Ferdinand, by the Serbian terrorist Gavrilo Princip in the city of Sarajevo on June 28, 1914.

After the incident, Austria-Hungary nominated Serbia certain requirements which were accepted. But despite this, under the influence of Germany, Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia exactly a month after the murder, on July 28, 1914.

It is important to say that by this time two aggressive opposing blocs had formed in the world: the Triple Alliance and the Entente. The Triple Alliance was created in 1882, consisting of Germany, Austria-Hungary and Türkiye. The Entente bloc was created in 1907 and included France, England, and Russia.

Gradually, the rest of the European powers began to join the allies. Italy, for example, like America, declared neutrality, but in 1915 Italy still chose in favor of the Entente. Bulgaria joined the Triple Alliance, Romania considered the Entente an ally. In total, 38 countries took part in the war.

On August 1, 1914, Germany declared war on Russia. Already on August 20, the first victory of the Russian army at Gumbinnen occurred.

In the First World War, each state pursued its own goals. For example, France hoped to return those lost in 1871 as a result of Franco-Prussian War Alsace and Lorraine. Russia sought to open access to the Black Sea and support the peoples of Galicia. Great Britain set as its goal the suppression of its main enemy - Germany.

The plan to take over France was developed German general Schliefen. It was to get close to France from the side of weakly defended Belgium, break through the defenses and soon capture Paris. France was forced to turn to Russia for help, and it organized an attack on Germany on the Eastern Front. On September 2, 1914, the Battle of the Marne took place. Germany was defeated and was forced to abandon its intentions.

In 1915, Germany saw the destabilization of Russia and its exit from the war main goal. In the same year, it used submarines for the first time, as well as mustard gas, a chemical weapon prohibited by the Hague Conference, in the area of ​​Belgium.

In September, Bulgaria joins the Triple Alliance and it transforms into the Quadruple Alliance. It consists of Germany, Türkiye, Austria-Hungary, and Bulgaria.

In 1916, the Battle of Verdun lasted from February to December, which claimed about a million lives. The main objective of the battle was to block German troops' access to France. They tried to break through the German defenses with the help of the Battle of the Somme, which lasted all autumn. However, it also practically did not change the situation. For the first time, the British army used tanks. In the summer, under the command of General Brusilov, the Brusilov breakthrough of the front in Galicia was carried out. He helped the allies of the Entente bloc maintain their strength in the battles of the Somme and Verdun.

The Jutland battle of the fleets of England and Germany lasted only a few hours, but proved the dominance of the English fleet over the German one.

Defeats German fleet forced the country to desperate actions: it began to conduct unlimited submarine warfare, while sinking almost 3,000 English ships. The result was that the United States also declared war on Germany.

Position civilian population warring countries gradually worsened as the war progressed. There were practically no payments, the working day increased, food was issued on ration cards. The population rebelled and protested, most vividly in 1917.

The situation in Russia was especially critical: the February and then the October Revolution, the transfer of power into the hands of the Bolsheviks. The newly-minted Soviet government immediately began to appeal to the allies for peace, and on March 3, 1918, the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk. His conditions for Russia were very unfavorable: it had to give up part of its lands in favor of Germany, and also pay indemnity. As a result, a civil war began in Russia.

In 1917, France launched an offensive against German positions called the “Nivelle Massacre.” Desired result this did not bring, the army suffered losses of 500 thousand soldiers.

Germany's final strategy was to disunite the Entente army by driving the British back to the English Channel and striking the French positions. However, this plan was not destined to come true and weakness Triple Alliance became obvious.

The Entente counteroffensive at Amiens finally showed Germany's weakness. The participating countries of the Triple Alliance gradually began to withdraw from the war. Bulgaria and then Türkiye signed peace treaties. In 1918, as a result of the revolution in Germany, the monarchy was abolished. Emperor Wilhelm II fled the country. In less than a month, Austria-Hungary collapsed, and the Ottoman Empire also collapsed. Germany also turned to the United States for an armistice, presenting the “14 points” that the US President put forward in early 1918. There was no point for Germany to continue fighting, and on November 11, 1918, at 11 a.m., the Compiegne Armistice was signed. The First World War was over.

The war ended with the defeat of the Quadruple Alliance and was the most cruel and bloody in the entire history of mankind: according to basic estimates, about ten million people died in it. It showed the decline and crisis of the leading European powers. Four empires fell apart and a political revolution took place in the world.

Consider the main events of the First World War:

In June 1914, Franz Ferdinand, who was the immediate heir to the Hungarian throne, was assassinated. From this moment the chronology of the First World War begins

Consequently, in July, Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia.

The main events of the First World War began on the twenty-eighth of July 1914 (this date is the official start of hostilities).

In August, Germany declared war on countries such as Russia, France, Luxembourg, and Belgium. German and a secret alliance agreement is signed. The British Empire challenges Germany.

Montenegro announces the beginning of the war against the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Austro-Hungarian Empire, in turn, Russia.

Serbia and Montenegro declare war on Germany. France and British Empire war is declared on Austria-Hungary. Austria-Hungary - Belgium.

In November 1914, the Entente countries declared war on the Ottoman Empire. Great Britain begins a naval blockade of Germany.

February 1915 is marked by major offensive operations on the eastern front of Germany.

In April during the Second Battle of Ypres German troops started to use chemical weapons. This period was also marked by the London Agreement between the Entente countries and Italy.

In May, Italy declares war on Austria-Hungary.

In October, Bulgaria unleashes hostilities against Serbia, and in response, the Entente countries declare war on Bulgaria.

In March 1916, Germany declares war on Portugal.

The First World War, the main events of which had such devastating consequences, is remembered both for the victims and for the shaken economy and well-being of the countries.

The First World War is one of the bloodiest in human history. Armed conflict started in 1914 with Sarajevo murder. On June 28, Archduke Franz Ferdinand died at the hands of a terrorist, a student from Bosnia. This caused aggression in Europe, and more and more people were drawn into hostilities. more countries. As a result of the war, four empires were wiped off the face of the earth, 10 million soldiers and officers were killed, and five times as many were wounded. People remember the First World War as massive and merciless. The main battles of this European “meat grinder” are still striking in their scale and cruelty.

Tannenberg operation

It is also called differently Battle of Grunwald. During this battle, Russian troops, the first and second armies, in which there were 250 thousand military personnel, and 200 thousand soldiers, converged in the east of Prussia.

Constant discord and inconsistency of actions within the Russian army led to the fact that entire divisions were defeated and severely driven back. As a result, many died ordinary soldiers. Losses on the part of the Russians were larger: 150-200 thousand, which was almost 2/3 of the total number of military personnel based in this area. Germany lost 50 thousand of its citizens who fought under its flag.

The Russian army was defeated in the Tannenberg operation. And this led to the fact that the Germans were able to transfer significant reinforcements to the Western Front. At the same time, Russia's rapid offensive cut off German troops from their allies, the Austro-Hungarian soldiers. Having received no help from Prussia, they lost another important battle, Galician, for which the First World War is also famous. The main battles also include this fight in their bloody list.

Battle of Galicia

It happened in the summer, in August 1914. The main stage fell on the first days of this month. As historical archival records testify, Russian and Austro-Hungarian forces met in equal numbers: 4 armies took part in the battles on both sides.

These battles also stand out, which took place near Lvov, Galich and Lublin on Ukrainian-Polish territory. The fate of the Battle of Galicia was sealed when the Russians near Tarnavka broke through and launched an offensive. This greatly influenced further move events and became their trump card in obtaining the coveted victory.

The losses from Austria-Hungary were colossal: 325 thousand soldiers. This was a third of all the empire's forces on the Eastern Front. Subsequently, the fallout from this defeat was felt in the actions of the army. She was never able to get back on her feet after crushing blow, and only thanks to the help of the Germans achieved a handful of minor successes.

Sarykamysh battle

Speaking about the main battles of the Great Patriotic War(that’s what they called it before the start of World War II), one cannot fail to mention this operation. Russia and Türkiye competed in it on the threshold of the new year 1915. At that time, the Turkish command was developing a cunning plan: to capture Karas and completely destroy the army of the Caucasus.

The Crescent Forces advanced. The Russians were surrounded in Sarykamysh, but they continued to pin down the main forces of the enemy and impede their advance. Accustomed to a milder climate, their opponents could not withstand the harsh winter. From severe frosts and snowstorms killed tens of thousands of Turkish soldiers in just one day.

The Russians at this time were waiting to see what happened the right decision. Soon reinforcements approached Sarykamysh, and the Crescent Army was defeated. In total, about 100 thousand people died in this operation. The most major battles The First World War also includes this battle, since it played an important strategic role: the situation in the Caucasus was stabilized, and the Russians were able to curb their ardent enemy - Turkey.

Brusilovsky breakthrough

The main battles of World War 1 were not without the courage and strategic skills of General Brusilov. In the summer of 2016, under his leadership, the Russians broke through to Southwestern Front. The Austro-Hungarian army lost many soldiers and officers. The figure is astonishing - 1.5 million killed.

The Russians occupied Bukovina and Galicia. This forced the Germans to strengthen their positions here by transferring additional forces from the Western Front to this area. Despite this, Russia's allies strengthened in this territory, the Entente was also completed by Romania, which went over to the side of the Union.

Russian troops were also missing many valiant heroes. And therefore, a new wave of mobilization was announced in the country, calling on newcomers to join the thinning ranks of the army. This unpopular step by the government caused outrage and discontent among the common people. People didn’t want to be, because the First World War spared neither old nor young. The main battles show that there were many losses both on the part of the Russians and on the part of their opponents.

Kerensky's offensive

In 1917, the Bolsheviks overthrew the monarchy, and therefore the further course of the war was dictated by revolutionary events in the country. The Russians began their offensive in June 1917, but after two days of active advance they suddenly stopped. The soldiers considered that this was enough; they had completely fulfilled their sacred duty.

Newcomers also refused to take the front row. All this disorder and general disobedience occurred against the backdrop of regular desertion that the revolution provoked. The major battles of World War I had never seen such widespread chaos and panic among the military personnel.

At this time, taking advantage of the situation, Germany attacked and pushed the Russian units back to their old positions. The once strong and courageous Russian army has virtually ceased to exist as an organized force. Germany was no longer afraid of its enemy and was able to strengthen itself on all fronts. The Russians had to conclude the Brest-Litovsk Peace Treaty, which was unprofitable and humiliating for our country.

"Goeben" and "Breslau"

The First World War is also striking in its scale. With the start of the battles, the parties to the conflict turned their attention to the Mediterranean Sea. It was an important component for transporting the army, especially the French. In order to transport its soldiers through the waters of the Mediterranean without obstacles, France had to destroy the German cruisers Goeben and Breslau, which were cruising off the coast of Sardinia.

In August 1914, these two German ships shelled the ports of Algeria and headed for Constantinople. No matter how hard the British troops tried, the German ships reached the Sea of ​​Marmara. Having become part of the Turkish fleet, Goeben and Breslau fired at Russian positions in the Black Sea. This changed the course of the First World War. Russia declared war on Turkey, and at the same time British and French forces began a blockade of the Dardanelles. They also believed that it was necessary to neutralize Germany's Austrian allies. The Anglo-French fleet crossed the Adriatic more than once, hoping to challenge the Austrian ships to a duel, but this did not bring the desired result.

Operation Dardanelles

Another big one naval battle, stretched out over the whole year 1915. The campaign included the capture of the straits and the landing of Anglo-French troops. But the First World War was characterized by unforeseen situations. Major battles did not always go according to the plan, and sometimes operations failed. This is what happened with the name "Dardanelles". The parties suffered colossal losses: almost 200 thousand soldiers were injured, and the allies suffered 150 thousand. These are the wounded and killed, as well as the missing.

In May, Italy joined the Entente. At the same time, German submarines were able to penetrate the Mediterranean. They managed to sink 100 merchant ships, while simultaneously losing only one piece of equipment. Thus, despite Italian assistance, the Allies were unable to achieve superiority in the 1915 naval campaign. The only positive was the evacuation of the Serbian army, which was defeated by enemy forces in the fall.

Fighting in the Baltic

The parties called this sea secondary. The First World War, the main battles of which took place not only on land, but also on water, did not rely on the Baltic. The British considered the Russian fleet exhausted after Russo-Japanese War, so they didn’t count on his help. Only old ships plied the Baltic.

But in August 1914, on this calm and serene sea, an incident occurred that could influence the course of the war. The German cruiser Magdeburg ran aground in the Gulf of Finland. It was soon captured by the Russians. They found the signal book of this ship, handed it over to the British - this played a major role in breaking the German naval code. Using the knowledge gained, the Allies carried out many successful operations.

This is only part of the main battles of that time. And there were a lot of them. The main battles of the First World War, the diagram, table and graphics of operations, their detailed course are described today in history textbooks. Reading them, we understand how bloody that period of time became and how it influenced future fate countries involved in it.