Biographies Characteristics Analysis

It's hard to be a god protagonist. It's hard to be a god

Strugatsky, It's hard to be a god.
The action takes place in the distant future on one of habitable planets, the level of development of civilization which corresponds to the earthly Middle Ages. This civilization is being watched by messengers from Earth - employees of the Institute experimental history. Their activity on the planet is limited by the scope of the problem posed - the Problem of Bloodless Influence. Meanwhile, in the city of Arkanar and the kingdom of Arkanar, terrible things are happening: gray stormtroopers catch and beat to death anyone who somehow stands out from the gray mass; a smart, educated person, and finally, just a literate person can die at any moment at the hands of eternally drunk, stupid and vicious soldiers in gray robes. The court of the King of Arkanar, which until recently was one of the most enlightened in the Empire, is now empty. New Minister protection of the king, don Rab (an inconspicuous official who recently emerged from the offices of the ministry, now - the most influential person in the kingdom) made monstrous devastation in the world of Arkanar culture: who, on charges of espionage, was imprisoned in a prison called the Merry Tower, and then, confessing to all atrocities, hanged in the square; who, morally broken, continues to live at court, writing poems glorifying the king. Some were saved from certain death and transported outside of Arkanar by Anton, a scout from Earth, who lives in Arkanar under the name of the noble Don Rumata of Estor, who is in the service of the royal guard.
In a small forest hut, popularly called the Drunken Lair, Rumata and Don Condor, the General Judge and the Keeper of the Great Seals of the Trade Republic of Soan, and the earthling Alexander Vasilyevich, who is much older than Anton, meet, in addition, he has been living on the planet for many years and is better versed in the local environment. Anton excitedly explains to Alexander Vasilievich that the situation in Arkanar goes beyond the limits of the basic theory developed by the Institute staff - some new, systematically acting factor has arisen; Anton does not have any constructive proposals, but he is just scared: here we are no longer talking about theory, in Arkanar it is a typical fascist practice, when animals kill people every minute. In addition, Rumata is concerned about the disappearance after crossing the Irukan border of Dr. Budah, whom Rumata was going to smuggle outside the Empire; Rumata fears that he has been captured by the gray soldiers. Don Condor also knows nothing about the fate of Dr. Budakh. As for the general state of affairs in Arkanar, Don Condor advises Rumata to be patient and wait without doing anything, remembering that they are just observers.
Returning home, Rumata finds Kira waiting for him - the girl he loves. Kira's father is an assistant clerk in court, his brother is a sergeant with stormtroopers. Kira is afraid to return home: her father brings papers spattered with blood from the Merry Tower for correspondence, and her brother comes home drunk, threatening to cut out all the bookworms up to the twelfth knee. Rumata announces to the servants that Kira will be living in his house as housekeeper.
Rumata comes to the bedchamber of the king and, taking advantage of the ancient privilege of the Rumat clan - to put shoes on the right foot of the crowned heads of the Empire with his own hands, announces to the king that the highly learned doctor Budakh, whom he, Rumata, ordered from Irukan specifically to treat the king who was suffering from gout, was obviously captured gray soldiers Don Reba. To Rumata's amazement, Don Reba is clearly pleased with his words and promises to present Budakh to the king today. Hunched at dinner old man, whom the bewildered Rumata would never have mistaken for Dr. Budakh, known to him only from his writings, offers the king to drink the medicine he has prepared right there. The king drinks the medicine, ordering Budakh to drink from the goblet himself.
On this night, the city is restless, everyone seems to be waiting for something. Leaving Kira in the care of armed servants, Don Rumata goes on night duty to the prince's bedchamber. In the middle of the night, a man half-dressed, gray with horror bursts into the guardhouse, in whom Don Rumat recognizes the minister of the court, shouting: "Budach poisoned the king! There is a riot in the city! Save the prince!" But it’s too late - about fifteen stormtroopers tumble into the room, Rumata tries to jump out the window, however, struck down by a blow of a spear that nevertheless did not pierce the metal-plastic shirt, falls, the stormtroopers manage to throw a net on him, they beat him with their boots, drag him past the door of the prince, Rumata sees pile of bloody sheets on the bed and faints.
After some time, Rumata comes to his senses, he is taken to the chambers of Don Reba, and then Rumata learns that the person who poisoned the king is not Budakh at all: the real Budakh is in the Merry Tower, and the false Budakh, who tried the royal medicine, in front of Rumata dies crying: "Deceived! It was poison! Why?" Here Rumata understands why in the morning Reba was so delighted with his words: it was impossible to think of a better reason to slip the false Budakh to the king, and the king would never have accepted any food from the hands of his first minister. Don Reba, who has carried out a coup d'état, informs Rumata that he is the bishop and master of the Holy Order that came to power that night. Reba is trying to find out from Rumata, whom he has been tirelessly watching for several years, who he is - the son of the devil or God, or a man from a powerful overseas country. But Rumata insists that he is "a simple noble don". Don Reba does not believe him and himself admits that he is afraid of him.
Returning home, Rumata calms Kira, frightened by the events of the night, and promises to take her away from here far, far away. Suddenly there is a knock on the door - it was the stormtroopers. Rumata grabs her sword, but Kira, who has come to the window, falls, mortally wounded by arrows fired from a crossbow.
The distraught Rumata, realizing that the stormtroopers were ordered by Reba, makes his way to the palace with a sword, neglecting the theory of "bloodless influence". A patrol airship drops bombs with sleeping gas on the city, fellow scouts pick up Rumata-Anton and send him to Earth.

For me, the works of the Strugatsky brothers are reading for the mind. It will not work to read "diagonally", you need to think. There are other books and other authors for easy reading. And the Strugatskys are intellectuals from science fiction

Grade 5 out of 5 stars from Nata Gradiva 14.06.2018 17:19

In my opinion, Rumata is the same Prometheus, the Greek god. The dude was clearly given the installation of non-intervention and just watching. No, he was carried away by something there to reform, to assess the time and the proposed circumstances. Divinity exam failed. Boasting of their superiority and progressiveness, from the point of view of the "Middle Ages".
Anton Malyshev is a loser in his paradise world of social justice; and in fact, for the correction and improvement of such individuals, they are sent to the planets of the 3rd world, such a punishment; because the passions of humanity are still seething too much inside, but it would be necessary to manifest God.

Grade 4 out of 5 stars from Natalie 05.01.2018 12:39

Mixed feeling after reading. Clever, precise, perspicacious, artistic, but ...... somehow "on the forehead" or something .... Everything is there and something is missing, Tolya is too chewed up in case the reader himself does not guess. Again, after Zamyatinsky "We", Bradbury with his "451" degrees Fahrenheit, Orwellian " Animal Farm"and" 1984 ", after Dostoevsky's "Grand Inquisitor", the feeling that all this has already been written, only other scenery was used. Undoubtedly talented, not devoid of originality, felt, but not an "explosion", "not a revelation" for me. 5 points for relevance, 4 points for execution.

Grade 4 out of 5 stars from Irina 02.12.2017 09:18

great book

Grade 5 out of 5 stars from eco.23region 30.03.2017 09:24

Bible of our time.

Grade 5 out of 5 stars from Victoria 12/20/2016 18:43

A penetrating and deep work. Let it be late, but I discovered it for myself, now the task is to convey everything to the children.
Where gray reigns, darkness comes to power.

Grade 5 out of 5 stars by Guest 19.12.2016 11:53

We still need to grow up to such literature. To understand the events and accept the picture of the world in this book, you need to know quite a lot, experience a lot, see a lot. As a rule, those who grew up on samizdat walkers do not like the book.

Grade 5 out of 5 stars by Guest 06.12.2016 10:05

Strugatsky = these books are not to pass the evening. These are books for the soul and for the mind. It's hard to read, especially to start... But it's just as hard to tear yourself away from a book. Must read. 5 points

Grade 5 out of 5 stars from serega.cuchkov 05.12.2016 19:03

Disgusting fantasy with a claim to philosophy. A couple of "smart", but rather primitive lines cannot justify this stupid entertaining nonsense. Too much extra stuff. Too much. Maybe just not mine .. these brothers. Third attempt to read their book and failed again. After Hesse, she found herself in a basement. And this is not so much to the gloom of the narrative as to the superficiality of this "work".

Grade 1 out of 5 stars by Veronica 05.12.2016 18:16

Grade 5 out of 5 stars by Alexey 09/19/2016 06:45

beautiful work! One of the best world masterpieces, classic.
Ah, if only the majority of today's youth read such books and instilled the taste of reading them in their children!
This would not change the World instantly (about this, in particular, in this work by the Strugatskys), but it became a little better, and the shift from darkness to light would go a little faster.
Alas! Today the pendulum has swung towards darkness! I really hope not too much and locally ...
Let them read, tell the story to your and not only children, interest them! And not only by this great creation, but also by another legacy of the great men of our World!

Grade 5 out of 5 stars by Vadim 08/06/2016 11:23

It would be possible to put more!

Grade 5 out of 5 stars from eminenkov 20.06.2016 22:07

Just do not judge the book based on the film adaptation of Alexei German. Yes this social fiction, not the easiest. But the book is not dark at all. A good intellectual read.

Grade 4 out of 5 stars from martyn.anna 15.05.2016 20:05

I love the work of the Strugatsky brothers! The story is strong. There are parallels with real problems in the world, because everything develops in a spiral and sooner or later ends up at the same point, only at a different level. Perhaps this is the most realistic story in the work of the Strugatskys. Worth reading, for sure!
The film is also worth watching, but only without children! He really conveys the "darkness" of such a medieval life, with petty, animal morals.
And the film is worth watching because of the fact that the history of its creation was by no means simple.

Grade 5 out of 5 stars from Maxim 04/26/2016 23:21


Grade 5 out of 5 stars from zevsena_st 18.04.2016 19:39

I don't even know why I started reading this book. That's what came to hand, opened it, read the first pages, decided to try to stop at this novel. For the first time, acquaintance with the Strugatskys was not successful, it did not go well, it did not hook. I didn't think I would react differently this time.
The beginning was embarrassing, too nasty and dirty world described in the book. I overcame myself, it seemed that at the very hand, eyes and thoughts were saturated with the smells of alcohol, sweat, sewage ... Disgusting ... I don’t know when everything went wrong. There was a sense of light and color in this black and white realm. And then I got involved, and then I realized that I would not quit reading, but I wanted to know what would happen next. Lights of goodness and wisdom flashed on an alien planet, not everyone turns into the surrounding gray mass. There have always been, are and will be those who keep in themselves better quality no matter what. Whether it be in other worlds or on planet Earth. The heroes of the book are so different, each with their own goals, their own ways of survival. But being God is really hard. Not a simple dialogue took place between Rumat and Budakh. There is something to think about.
The book, in my opinion, is strong and interesting. I won’t watch the movie for sure, I don’t want to spoil my impression of what I read. I don't think the director saw this story through my eyes. Everyone will have their own feelings. I want to keep in my memory only my perception of the world created by the Strugatskys. And now I will not be afraid to read other books by these authors.

Grade 4 out of 5 stars from Tanya_led 06.04.2016 15:42

Highly good book. It is not clear why it is in the dystopia section, but oh well. Classic fantasy, just the way I like it. It's just not ending, I'd like to know what's next

Grade 4 out of 5 stars by Guest 03/15/2016 09:13

As always, the Strugatskys talk about someone far away, but they talk about us

Grade 5 out of 5 stars from Alexander 03/06/2016 18:31

Hello. I appeal to those who know the text well. I did not see the Strugatsky phrases about the Renaissance, which scientists expected on the planet.
Is this phrase coined for the movie or did I miss it in the book?

Grade 5 out of 5 stars from ebrant05 13.01.2016 02:28

Finally I found a site where you can easily download to your phone, but only read online. Thank you! The Strugatskys have always been liked, both in style, and in content, and in meaning. But this book did not come across, so I read it with anticipation.)

Grade 5 out of 5 stars by Andrey K 04.12.2015 00:06

Outrageously cool!
I have loved the Strugatskys since my youth and re-read them from time to time.
Today's "science fiction writers" nervously smoke on the sidelines...
there is nothing even to compare with the works of the Strugatskys.
Someone will say - they say it is difficult, boring. And you just try to connect your mind when reading, to “jump out” a little from the usual modern stupid-fantasy rut ...

Grade 5 out of 5 stars from Lenuha 02.11.2015 11:52

A wonderful book. Of course, all of it is terrible hyperbole, but modernity is more and more recognizable in it.

Grade 5 out of 5 stars by K-84 21.08.2015 10:20

I don't really like the Strugatskys - they write tediously. But this book is one of those cherished few that you can't help but like...

Grade 5 out of 5 stars by Julius 10.08.2015 21:32

The book is unforgettable. I often re-read and quote.

Grade 5 out of 5 stars from Olga 07/13/2015 18:43

Expected more. I used to read it as a child. Didn't really like it either.

Grade 3 out of 5 stars from Vladimir 05/05/2015 10:41

Amazing storyline that gives you the opportunity to rethink own actions and intentions. Without fail, I will re-read this book more than once and slip it to my descendants ^^.

Grade 5 out of 5 stars by Guest 22.04.2015 20:34

Re-read many years later. I liked it, even if it was different.
That's just the inconsistencies hurt the eyes ...
You are completing a task. So, die, but do it! Otherwise, you will fail your task, and others will suffer because of you ... And then Don Rumata cannot master this or that lady and occupies agents by spreading rumors ... But you can also spread rumors about him - about bad inclinations, that he is a woman, etc.
Then (especially before the service) it was perceived differently... And now - since you came into this world... Does everyone remember about someone else's charter in the monastery? Or you will quickly fill up the cause of those who died for this cause before you.
Change everything abruptly? Are you ready to shed rivers of blood?

Grade 4 out of 5 stars from Odinets 04.04.2015 12:29

And dons, if they are really noble, it is advisable to try on the actions of a hero. Can you do that? The life and well-being of another is higher than one's own, pain the other is stronger your pain! These are the kind of books that real men need to be educated on.

Grade 5 out of 5 stars by Guest 03/06/2015 19:59

Grade 5 out of 5 stars by Guest 03/06/2015 07:32

I read with pleasure!

Grade 5 out of 5 stars by Vlad 11.02.2015 08:43

I read it 30 years ago, at school ... now I’ll re-read it, compare the sensations, unsubscribe

Guest 08.02.2015 16:11

Such a lot of rave reviews. Perhaps I'm hoping for more. There is good expression: "Do not be fascinated, so as not to disappoint later." This is just the case. I was not impressed, although the story makes sense ....

Grade 3 out of 5 stars from savchuk_tatyana 21.01.2015 09:03 Strugatsky, but in the mood

Grade 5 out of 5 stars from prilutsky.ludmila 08.01.2015 23:07

The most favorite book of the Strugatskys and one of the most favorite books in general. The farther, the more relevant such fantasy becomes, which in some ways turns out to be not so unreal ...

Grade 5 out of 5 stars from Olkano 28.10.2014 13:25

Best Novel

Grade 5 out of 5 stars by Ralf 28.08.2014 09:26

Grade 5 out of 5 stars from olympian79 27.08.2014 22:39

I was hoping for more, not enough, so the rating is three, on a five-point scale

Grade 3 out of 5 stars by sergey 21.08.2014 17:38

Magnificent book.

Grade 5 out of 5 stars from sergei.gru 21.08.2014 03:49

Excellent book!

Grade 5 out of 5 stars from newload 28.07.2014 20:51

Great thing!

Grade 5 out of 5 stars from supermick

The action takes place in the distant future on one of the inhabited planets, the level of civilization development of which corresponds to the earthly Middle Ages. This civilization is being watched by messengers from Earth - employees of the Institute of Experimental History. Their activity on the planet is limited by the scope of the problem posed - the Problem of Bloodless Influence. Meanwhile, in the city of Arkanar and the kingdom of Arkanar, terrible things are happening: gray stormtroopers catch and beat to death anyone who somehow stands out from the gray mass; a smart, educated person, and finally, just a literate person can die at any moment at the hands of eternally drunk, stupid and vicious soldiers in gray robes. The court of the King of Arkanar, which until recently was one of the most enlightened in the Empire, is now empty. The new minister of protection of the king, don Rab (an inconspicuous official who recently emerged from the offices of the ministry, is now the most influential person in the kingdom) caused monstrous devastation in the world of Arkanar culture: who, on charges of espionage, was imprisoned in a prison called the Merry Tower, and then, having confessed to all atrocities, hung in the square; who, morally broken, continues to live at court, writing poems glorifying the king. Some were saved from certain death and transported outside of Arkanar by Anton, a scout from Earth, who lives in Arkanar under the name of the noble Don Rumata of Estor, who is in the service of the royal guard.

In a small forest hut, popularly called the Drunken Lair, Rumata and Don Condor, the General Judge and the Keeper of the Great Seals of the Trade Republic of Soan, and the earthling Alexander Vasilyevich, who is much older than Anton, meet, in addition, he has been living on the planet for many years and is better versed in the local environment. Anton excitedly explains to Alexander Vasilievich that the situation in Arkanar goes beyond the limits of the basic theory developed by the Institute staff - some new, systematically acting factor has arisen; Anton does not have any constructive proposals, but he is just scared: here we are no longer talking about theory, in Arkanar it is a typical fascist practice, when animals kill people every minute. In addition, Rumata is concerned about the disappearance after crossing the Irukan border of Dr. Budah, whom Rumata was going to smuggle outside the Empire; Rumata fears that he has been captured by the gray soldiers. Don Condor also knows nothing about the fate of Dr. Budakh. As for the general state of affairs in Arkanar, Don Condor advises Rumata to be patient and wait without doing anything, remembering that they are just observers.

Returning home, Rumata finds Kira waiting for him - the girl he loves. Kira's father is an assistant clerk in court, his brother is a sergeant with stormtroopers. Kira is afraid to return home: her father brings papers spattered with blood from the Merry Tower for correspondence, and her brother comes home drunk, threatening to cut out all the bookworms up to the twelfth knee. Rumata announces to the servants that Kira will be living in his house as housekeeper.

Rumata comes to the bedchamber of the king and, taking advantage of the ancient privilege of the Rumat clan - to put shoes on the right foot of the crowned heads of the Empire with his own hands, announces to the king that the highly learned doctor Budakh, whom he, Rumata, ordered from Irukan specifically to treat the king who was suffering from gout, was apparently captured by gray soldiers Don Reba. To Rumata's amazement, Don Reba is clearly pleased with his words and promises to present Budakh to the king today. At dinner, a hunched-over elderly man, whom the bewildered Rumata would never have mistaken for Dr. Budakh, known to him only from his writings, offers the king to drink the medicine he has prepared right there. The king drinks the medicine, ordering Budakh to drink from the goblet himself.

On this night, the city is restless, everyone seems to be waiting for something. Leaving Kira in the care of armed servants, Don Rumata goes on night duty to the prince's bedchamber. In the middle of the night, a man half-dressed, gray with horror bursts into the guardhouse, in whom Don Rumata recognizes the minister of the court, shouting: “Budach poisoned the king! Riot in the city! Save the prince! But it’s too late - about fifteen stormtroopers tumble into the room, Rumata tries to jump out the window, however, struck down by a blow of a spear that nevertheless did not pierce the metal-plastic shirt, falls, the stormtroopers manage to throw a net on him, they beat him with their boots, drag him past the door of the prince, Rumata sees pile of bloody sheets on the bed and faints.

After some time, Rumata comes to his senses, he is taken to the chambers of Don Reba, and then Rumata learns that the person who poisoned the king is not Budakh at all: the real Budakh is in the Merry Tower, and the false Budakh, who tried the royal medicine, in front of Rumata dies crying: “Deceived! It was poison! For what?" Here Rumata understands why in the morning Reba was so delighted with his words: it was impossible to think of a better reason to slip the false Budakh to the king, and the king would never have accepted any food from the hands of his first minister. Don Reba, who has carried out a coup d'état, informs Rumata that he is the bishop and master of the Holy Order that came to power that night. Reba is trying to find out from Rumata, whom he has been tirelessly watching for several years, who he is - the son of the devil or God, or a man from a powerful overseas country. But Rumata insists that he is "a simple noble don". Don Reba does not believe him and himself admits that he is afraid of him.

Returning home, Rumata calms Kira, frightened by the events of the night, and promises to take her away from here far, far away. Suddenly there is a knock on the door - it was the stormtroopers. Rumata grabs her sword, but Kira, who has come to the window, falls, mortally wounded by arrows fired from a crossbow.

The distraught Rumata, realizing that the stormtroopers were ordered by Reba, makes his way to the palace with a sword, neglecting the theory of "bloodless impact". A patrol airship drops bombs with sleeping gas on the city, fellow scouts pick up Rumata-Anton and send him to Earth.

Please note that summary story "It's hard to be a god" does not reflect complete picture events and characters. We recommend you to read full version works.

The Strugatskys can be defined as constructors in the field of social design. Inheriting the aspirations of the left-wing Soviet intelligentsia to build a "super-society" consisting of "supermen" (remember the Era of Met Hands in Efremov's novel "The Bull's Hour"), the Strugatskys, however, put the emphasis not on technological advances progressed humanity, but on the essence of the moral foundations from which it proceeds. And in this regard, the Strugatskys are distinguished by critical irony, the cause of which is the lack of moral evolution of man. Here they continue the tradition of the Russian classical literature. It is the synthesis of traditional moralizing and Soviet engineering and design pathos that sharply distinguishes the Strugatskys from the cohort of contemporaries.

The plot of the story "It's hard to be a god" is built as an unfolding ethical dilemma, tied to the theme of a fair structure of society. A group of researchers from the Institute of Experimental History from Earth arrive on a planet whose inhabitants are in a state of the late Middle Ages. The task of researchers is limited to pure observation, excluding any interference. However, obscurant obscenities that they observe cause different reactions in progressive earthlings. The collision of the novel arises precisely from the mismatch of these reactions and the ideological confrontation of the main characters. Briefly describing the emerging conflict, we can say that technologically advanced researchers from Earth are a kind of gods in relation to the backward humanoids of Arkanar, arguing among themselves whether they have the right to interfere in natural development alien civilization.

As in many of their other works, in this story the Strugatskys start from the classical idea of ​​utopia. In fact, the question of the nature of the social in their work is always put squarely: either society relies on moral values or it is built according to the laws of immoral historical necessity, implying bloodshed and innocent victims. The problem is that a society based on morality is difficult to achieve and less viable; and a natural society is devoid of humanity and practically does not differ in any way from an animal pack. In the story "It's hard to be a god", behind the visible conflict of the individual (Rumats) and society (the inhabitants of Arkanar), eternally relevant social and ethical problems are hidden. For example, the problem of the role of violence in society, which, being immoral in its essence, is at the same time a factor in historical progress.

The attitude of the authors to those problems about which in question in the book, can be defined as tragic optimism. The protagonist, who is experiencing not only an external but also an internal conflict (because he, being an eyewitness to all sorts of atrocities, is nevertheless bound by the policy of non-intervention), eventually comes to a certain (albeit semi-spontaneous) decision - to actively fight against injustice (raise the sword against it). ). The conclusion of the authors is quite unambiguous - "good should be with fists." This is confirmed by two episodes with the main character Rumata, whom the authors clearly sympathize with.


The blacksmith perked up.
And I guess we'll get used to it. I guess the main thing is don't touch anyone and you won't be touched, huh?
Rumata shook his head.
“Well, no,” he said. - Those who do not touch, those most of all are cut.
“And that’s true,” the blacksmith sighed. - Yes, but where can you go ... One after all, like a finger, but eight jerks hold on to their pants. Oh, honest mother, if only my master was slaughtered! He was among the gray officers. Do you think, noble don, could he be slaughtered? I owe him five gold pieces.
"I don't know," Rumata said. - They may have been slaughtered. You better think about it, blacksmith. You are one, like a finger, but there are ten thousand such fingers in the city.
- Well? - said the blacksmith.
- Think about it, - Rumata said angrily and went on.


Nonsense! - said Rumata, reining down the stallion. - It would be boring to travel so many miles and never get into a fight. Don't you ever want to fight, Keun? All the talk, talk...

"No," Keun said. - I never want to fight.

"That's the trouble," muttered Rumata, turning the stallion around and slowly pulling on his gloves.

On reflection, it turns out that the option proposed by the authors (active struggle) is the most acceptable of all. The other two options lead one way or another to a dead end. For example, the variant of "non-intervention" is synonymous with connivance with the excesses of evil and violence. Rumata himself speaks about this as follows: “I don’t like that we have tied ourselves hand and foot by the very formulation of the problem. I don't like that it's called the Bloodless Impact Problem. Because in my conditions this is a scientifically based inaction ... I know all your objections! And I know the theory. But there are no theories here, here is a typical fascist practice, here animals kill people every minute! Everything is useless here. Knowledge is lacking, and gold is losing value because it is late.”

And the variant of the earthlings directly giving blessings to the Arkanarians threatens to deprive the latter of their freedom and independence. In the text we find next excerpt on this topic, a conversation between Rumata and Budakh:

“Then do it just so that people get everything and don’t take away from each other what you gave them,” said Budakh.

And this will not benefit people, - Rumata sighed, - because when they receive everything for nothing, without labor, from my hands, they will forget labor, lose their taste for life and turn into my pets, which I will have to continue to feed and clothe. forever.

Therefore, the only option that does not encroach on free will, but also does not allow evil, remains - this is an inspired struggle. A light push of the inert mass, the rise of the self-consciousness of the crowd with the aim of turning it into a society.

1. A. Skalandis - The Strugatsky Brothers.

2. Yu. Chernyakhovskaya - "Power and history in the political philosophy of the Strugatsky brothers."

"It's Hard to Be a God"- science fiction story by Arkady and Boris Strugatsky.

The action of the story takes place in the future on another planet in the state of Arkanar, where there is a humanoid civilization, whose representatives are physically indistinguishable from people. Civilization is at the level of development corresponding to the terrestrial late Middle Ages. Employees of the terrestrial Institute of Experimental History are secretly present on the planet, monitoring the development of civilization.

Earth agents are embedded in various strata of the society of Arkanar and other states. They are well equipped and prepared, their physical abilities many times exceed the capabilities of the natives, in principle, any of them alone could raise thousands of people to rebellion, organize wars, depose ruling dynasties and become the ruler himself, but such actions are strictly prohibited - the restriction is determined by the strategy of "bloodless impact", according to which the history of Arkanar society should have an independent course, and everything that is permissible for earthlings is "smoothing corners", protecting Arkanarians from obvious historical mistakes experienced in due time by the society of the Earth. Terrestrial agents are impeccably wielding weapons, but for them, as for all earthlings of the 22nd century, the killing of an intelligent being, even in self-defense, is unacceptable for moral reasons.

The protagonist is an earthling Anton, acting in the Arkanar kingdom under the guise of a nobleman Rumata of Estorsky. The Arkanar kingdom is going through a period of counter-cultural reaction - there is a persecution of "literate people", and one of Rumata's tasks is to save scientists and poets and transport them to safer regions. In fact, the persecution of "literates" is a red herring. There is a coup d'état led by the adviser to the king, Don Raba, the monarch and heir are killed, the dictatorship of the religious Order, the "blacks", is established. An extremely reactionary theocratic totalitarianism is being established. In the process of the coup, the professional rebel Arata Humpback appears on the scene, setting as his goal to start a new anti-government and anti-clerical uprising. Rumata's work in the conditions of the inhuman obscurantism and terror reigning in Arkanar leads him to a deep internal conflict: not having the right to actively intervene in events, he at the same time begins to consider such interference as his moral duty. But in the conditions of Arkanar, such interference inevitably leads to the need to kill, which is contrary to the moral code of an earthling.

The story begins with Anton's childhood memories, where he played "noble dons" with his friends Pashka and Anka.

Don Rumata returns to Arkanar, having met a fugitive with books on the way. He arrives at the Drunken Den, the home of Cabane's father, an inventor and alcoholic. Don Condor, the General Judge and Keeper of the Great Seals of the commercial republic of Soan, who is actually an earthling Alexander Vasilyevich, soon comes there for an arranged meeting. Anton / Rumata reports on factors unknown to the Institute that influence the history of the planet, giving rise to an essentially fascist state. In addition, Rumata is concerned about the disappearance of doctor Budakh after crossing the Irukan border, whom he does not yet know personally. Don Condor does not know anything about Budaha and advises Rumat not to interfere, since the earthlings are only observers here.

The next day, Rumata arrives at the port, where she finds the leader of various criminals in Libra Wheel. But even he did not hear where Budakh had disappeared. Returning home, Rumata finds his beloved girl Kira, who is afraid to return home. Her father brings bloody papers from the prison, nicknamed the Merry Tower, and her brother threatens to cut out all the "book lovers". Rumata announces to the servants that Kira will be living in his house as housekeeper.

Rumata arrives at the king's dock and reports that the doctor Budah, whom he ordered from Irukan to treat the gouty king, has apparently been captured by Don Reba's stormtroopers. Don Reba promises to present Budach to the king on the same day. At dinner, one of those present turns out to be Budach. He gives the king the medicine to drink.

At night, Don Rumata goes on night duty to the prince's bedchamber. The Minister of the Court unexpectedly comes running with the news that the king has been poisoned. Stormtroopers seize Rumat, it soon becomes clear that Budakh is in the Merry Tower, the king was poisoned by an impostor. Rumata understands that Reba betrayed the false Budakh at his request in order to poison the king. Don Reba informs Rumat that from now on, he, Bishop and Master of the Holy Order, has come to power. Reba says that he has been following Rumat for a long time, suspecting that he is not who he claims to be. But still he is afraid of Rumat, feeling that some people are behind him. powerful forces and releases it.

The leader of the rebellious slaves, Arata Humpbacked, whom he once rescued in a helicopter, comes to Rumaty. Arata, believing Rumat to be a god, demands that he be given lightning to continue the fight. When he refuses, Arata says that it is better for him to return to heaven, and not give empty hopes.

Returning home, Rumata reassures Kira and promises to take her away. But at this time, attack aircraft burst in, Rumata enters the battle, Kira dies from a crossbow shot. Rumata, realizing that the stormtroopers will not stop their crimes while Reba leads them, breaks into the palace, killing everyone in the way.

The story ends with a conversation between the adults Anka and Pashka. Employees of the Institute noticed the violation of Bloodless influence by Anton and sent an airship that dropped bombs with sleeping pills on the city. Colleagues took Rumat/Anton and sent him to Earth. Childhood friends remember how Anton, when he went along an anisotropic highway (which works in one direction) in reverse direction and found the skeleton of a fascist, and they see it as some hidden meaning. Anka is frightened when she sees something red in Anton's arms, who came out of the bushes, but it turns out to be only strawberry juice.

"It's Hard to Be a God" main characters

Anton, aka Don Rumata of Estor, from the Rumat Estorsky family, a noble nobleman up to the twenty-second ancestor - 35 years old, a historian from Earth, an IEI scout in Arkanar for 5 years.

pashka aka Don Goog - school friend Anton, historian-observer of the IEI, senior bed-keeper of the Duke of Irukan.

Alexander Vasilievich, aka Don Condor- IEI employee in the Republic of Soan, work experience 15 years.

Kira- Beloved of Don Rumata, 18 years old. The daughter of an assistant clerk in court, a commoner.

Baron Pampa- A friend of Don Rumata. Full name Pampa don Bau no Suruga no Gatta no Arkanara. Wealthy aristocrat from the province.

Dr. Budakh- Native Irukan. The largest expert in poison treatment in the Empire. Captured by Don Reba's stormtroopers, threatened to compose a poison to poison the King of Arkanar. Rescued by Don Rumata from the cellars of the Merry Tower.

don Reba- the first minister of King Pitsa VI of Arkanar, later viceroy of the Holy Order in the Arkanar region, bishop and military master of the Order.

Don Okan- Don Reba's mistress, after an affair with Rumata, was, on behalf of Don Reba, arrested, accused of espionage and tortured to death.

Arata Hunchback- revolutionary and professional rebel, leader of many uprisings. Previously rescued by Rumata using a helicopter. One of the few who know real person Anton.

Vaga Wheel- the head of all the criminal forces of the Transstrait. Collaborated with both Don Rumata and Don Reba.

Kabani's father is a local inventor and chemist suffering from alcoholism. Morally crushed by the fact that his inventions were applied by Don Raboy to the needs of the punitive system. Lives in the Drunken Den. From him, Anton does not keep his identity as a historian-observer a secret.

Uno- a servant boy of Don Rumata. Killed by gray stormtroopers during the capture of Don Rumata's house on the night of the landing of the army of the Holy Order.

Anka- a school friend of Anton and Pashka.