Biographies Characteristics Analysis

An evening candle in the camp is a spiritual end to the day. What are the evening events like?

Themed days at day camp with descriptions

Nugaeva Irina Sergeevna, primary school teacher.
Place of work: Staromostyakskaya secondary school - municipal educational institution, village. Stary Mostyak, Starokulatkinsky district, Ulyanovsk region.
Job description: I propose holding a themed summer health season in a day camp. The material may be useful to preschool teachers, counselors, and class teachers.
Target: Organization of recreation and health improvement for students in summer period.
Tasks:- selection of relevant topics and effective forms for carrying out summer holiday children;
- creating conditions for organized recreation and unleashing the creative potential of children;
- formation of interest in various types of activities;
Preparatory work:
1. Conducting a survey among children.
2. Selection of current topics.
3. Drawing up a work plan.
Expected results: unleashing the natural creative potential of each child; developing children's skills of independence, self-esteem, and self-government; formation of new knowledge, cultural and moral values; improvement of psychological and social comfort in a single educational space camps.
Forms and methods: quizzes, competitions, contests, relay races, theatrical performances, holidays, gatherings, games, shows, tournaments, meetings, etc.
Description: Vacations are every child's dream. A dream about favorite activities, adventures, discoveries, interesting meetings, new friends, impressions, about finding a “new you”, revealing oneself, and just games, reading, walks, etc. Organizing the child’s free time, conducting entertaining, original, unconventional, memorable, varied activities is the task of the teachers accompanying summer child health improvement. And every year in the summer, when the school is preparing for the start of a school camp with day stay, the question arises: how to surprise and interest children this time? Having analyzed the work of the camp last year, based on the interests of the children, it was decided to draw up a work plan based on thematic days. After all, every new day at camp, in our opinion, should have its own interest, its own meaning, its own idea and its own content for the child. Where to start? Of course, with planning. And because we need the work plan to be interesting, we need to find out the interests and needs of the children. First, we suggest conducting a survey. (The children study at our school, and we already know who will attend the camp and are conducting a survey in the month of May). Of course, first the children need to be reminded what “Theme Day” is. A theme day is a form of general camp or squad event dedicated to an event or date. It requires deep content, serious organizational preparation, the participation of children and teachers, and the use of visual and musical design techniques.
1. Questionnaire.
a) Would you like it if every day at camp was themed?
b) What theme days would you like to see happen at the camp? Mark.
Record day.
Health and Sports Day.
Animation Day.
Chocolate Day.
Day of flowers.
Day of pranks and jokes.
Day of the Olympics.
Friendship Day.
Ice cream day.
Good Manners Day.
Russia Day.
Day of Remembrance and Sorrow.
Homeland Day.
Pushkin day.
Courtesy Day.
c) Suggest your own version of the name of the theme day.
See you at the opening of the camp shift. Don't forget to take it with you good mood, new ideas. We will be waiting for you.

So, after the survey, we carry out an analysis and select current topics and make a plan.
2.Analysis of questionnaires.
3. Drawing up a work plan.
We offer a plan for the work of the summer camp “Friendship”, with daytime stay for children, which we have succeeded in doing.
1 day. Opening of the camp shift
- Business game“Let’s get to know each other and live together!”
-Competition for the best squad name, motto, song.
- Concert and game program “Hello, summer!”
2nd day Fun Games Day
- Good old games “Hopscotch”, “Jumping”.
- Game hour: attention, attention logical thinking, chess and checkers tournament, etc.
- Fun starts.
- Ecological landing.
- Master class on making crafts from waste material “Spoon = Matryoshka”.
-Ecological costume competition.
Day 4 Pushkin Day
- Game “Chain” - reading poems by A.S. Pushkin.
- Travel to Buyan Island
- Drawing competition.
Day 5 Talent Day
- competition “Song shootout”
- Minute of fame
Day 6 Friendship Day
- Creative game “Share your smile.”
- Making surprises - wishes “All the best to you, my faithful, dear friend.”
Day 7 Health and Sports Day
- Fun exercise"Vizgculture."
- Outdoor games “Funny Ball Championship”
- Leaflet competition “We choose a healthy lifestyle”
Day 8 Dance Planet
- Master class on teaching dance movements.
- Orange disco.
Day 9 Russia Day
- Campaign “Know the symbols of your state”
- Educational and entertainment program “I love you, Russia!”
-Poetry competition about Russia.
10day. Courtesy Day
- Contest of polite words “We are polite guys.”
-Competitive program “Connoisseurs of Etiquette”
11th day Masters Day
- Game - journey “In the world of beauty”
- Workshop “Very Skillful Hands”.
12day. April Fool's Day
- Comic football
- Competition of jokes and funny stories “Laughter through Tears”.
- “Jumble-Carnival”
Day 13 Knights Day
- Quiz “Who is the knight? That’s the question?”
- Competition of daredevils - well done “Heroic Fun”.
14th day. Homeland Day
- Kaleidoscope of national outdoor games
-Drawing competition “My native land is my cradle”
-Quiz “Do you know your land?”
15day. Fairytale Day
-Quiz for experts on the Russian fairy tale “Lukomorye”.
- Literary improvisation theater “Old fairy tale in a new way”
Day 16 Memorial Day of Sorrow
- Action “In memory of those who fell in great battles.”
- Competition of poems and songs on military themes.
“Dedicated to the memory of heroes...”
Day 18 Farewell day
- Labor landing “We weren’t here.”
- Creative concert “In memory of summer!”
- Closing the shift.
I will describe in more detail several thematic days that we spent.
Russia Day
This day began in the morning with the action “Know the symbols of your state.” Children painted the symbol of our state – the flag – on their faces and hands.

Then, during the morning assembly, an auction of proverbs about the Motherland was held.
And after breakfast, all the children and adults went to the main street of the village, where the educational and entertainment program “I love you, Russia!” took place, which began with the choir singing the Russian Anthem. Then, as part of the educational and entertainment program, there was a poetry competition about Russia, a flash mob “I, you, he, she - together a friendly family!”

A theme day is a program of meaningful activities for children and adults around a topic or problem.

Thematic days, as a rule, have a name, for example: Birthday Day, Mothers Day, “The Saved World Remembers...”, “His Majesty theatre”, etc.

The daily program may include various areas of activity:

Intellectual (quizzes, games);

Labor (labor troops, work in creative workshops);

Creative (competitions, concerts);

Sports (competitions, relay races);

Organizational (case councils, presenters, organizing committee, jury members).

Themed days for the entire camp . The content of the day includes activities for the children different ages, as well as programs for everyone.

The development of planning and organization of such a thematic day is undertaken by the coordination council, which includes the chairmen of the councils of individual affairs of the day.

Theme day for every day . The central activities of the day are planned, for the organization of which one or another squad or creative group (organizing committee) from among the children interested in a particular topic is responsible. Such days can be both in general camp and squad plans. For example: “Sports Day” (competitions, awards stand). “Tourist Day” (hiking, tourist relay race, competition “Forest Fantasy”), “Day of the Watchers” (a detachment is on duty in the camp), “Memory Day” (laying wreaths at the monument on June 22, line), “Day of the Merry Craftsmen” (work in workshops, competition-exhibition “With Your Own Hands”, awards, impromptu concert), “Baron Munchausen Day” (competition for the best fable story, task to find errors in the baron’s story, etc.), “Sherlock Holmes Day” (competitions, games for attention, observation), "River Day" (swimming competitions, water games), "Martial Law Day" (war game), "April Fool's Day" (laugh panorama), "Day of Dreamers" (fantasy project competition), "Day of music" (concert "Melody"), "Village Day" (meeting with rural children, labor affairs).

Thematic days included in the camp schedule . Responsibility for organizing such days may lie with:

Duty squad;

Council of Action (representatives of different groups);

Organizing Committee.

Below we offer you several sample programs holding thematic days in the camp:

My native Novosibirsk

Theatrical beginning: “Novosibirsk speaks.”

Competition of speakers “Come to the city to see us”, competition of singers - “Melodies of Siberia”, folk craftsmen - “Siberian Souvenir”, advertising - “Made in Novosibirsk”, drawings - “Corners of the native city”. Competitions are held at various sites.

Demonstration best works, awarding performances, introducing the laureates.

Peace Day

Procession and solemn meeting at the monument “The Saved World Remembers.”

Competition of drawings on asphalt, posters “We live by the dream of peace” (junior teams participate).

Military sports relay race “Brave. Strong. Nimble." Teams of different ages participate.

Meeting hour “Our guests are war veterans, home front workers.” The event takes place by squad or age group.

Program “And the song goes to war...”: military song theater, soloist with a guitar, music quiz, guests of the program.

His Majesty the theater!

Viewing the performance.

Artist competition “Poster” - draw a poster for the performance you watched.

Competition of expressive reading and stage movement “My role...” (in costume).

Theater costume competition.

Gala concert Rewarding.


Travel game “Secrets of the Green Forest”

(senior teams conduct training for junior teams)

Forest relay:

game tasks,

quizzes (older ones give to middle ones)

Exhibition “Forest Fantasy”:

Collection of materials and design

Jury work

“The Forest Concert Hall invites...”:

music videos

Auction of forest gifts


Walk in the forest:

Preparing for an exhibition of flower arrangements

Competitions at the exhibition:

- “Come up with a name”

- “The most attentive visitor”

- "Flower Experts"

“Tsvetik-seven-tsvetik”: Games, relay race for everyone

Concert-daisy(performance of junior squads)

Carnival of Flowers: senior squad costume performance



Fabulous exercise(conducted by fairy tale heroes)

Journey to the Fairytale Forest

Competition program “Visiting Princess Nesmeyana”

Heroic nursery rhymes

(sports competition for boys)

Brain-ring “In a certain kingdom”

Evening program “House of Fairy Tales”

(theatrical performance with games, undertakings, fun)


"Surprise in the morning":

song by the window

Gentleman's line:

Creative congratulations

Souvenirs (hearts, suns) as a gift for girls

Relay competitions:

“Come on, girls!”, competition of fashion designers, hostesses, dance competition, literary tournament(jury - boys only)

Show program “At the Lyudmila cafe”:

Awards by nomination


Dance and entertainment breaks


Morning surprise:

Songs about boys

Colorful newspapers

Posters, photo collages

Holiday order “We want to tell you for sure...”


“Master”, “Erudite” (jury - girls only)

Show program “At the Ruslan Cafe”:

Demonstration performances (only girls on stage)

Awards by nomination

Boys Parade



Press wall “Congratulations...”:

Congratulatory telegrams

Postcards from children, fairy-tale characters, pop stars, etc.

Gift table:

Festive lunch (special table for birthday people)

Congratulatory toasts from friends

Show program “Under the sign of the birthday boy”

Concert-cabbage “We dedicate to you...”

(music program upon request)

Name lottery

The birthday boy's response: “Thank you...”

Dancing, games, activities

Sports stand at summer camp

It is no secret that the quality of any business depends, not least of all, on how it is executed, i.e. we're talking about about such visual aids as posters, signs, stands, etc. We offer you our design option sports stand for the entire camp shift (see figure).

The following sections may be presented at the stand:

Sportinformburo presents . This is a sports shift calendar - information about the sports activities of the squads, for example: “Runner’s Day”, “Fun Starts”, “Sports Around the World”, “Pioneer Ball Meeting”, “Football Cup Draw”, etc.

Sports stars of the season. Photos (or signs with names and surnames) of the children who became prize-winners of sports competitions (indicating the squad and type of sport) are posted. It could be:

Podium: updated information based on the results of competitions in various sports held at the camp (individual, team championships).

The flag is raised in honor: stand with flags different colors; with the emblems of certain competitions; a nameplate indicates in whose honor the flag was raised.

Heroes of “Neptune Day”: names and surnames of the children who won competitions or competitions on the water.

Chess Throne: A place of honor for information about the winners of a chess tournament.

Summer Games . The shift may include the following four rounds:

. "Forest Stadium"

. “In a sunny meadow”;

. "Ball School";

. "Blue Wave"

The names of the winners of each round are placed on the free petal of the flower (see figure). In the middle of the flower you can mark the names of those who became winners based on the overall results of past games.

From start to finish. This is a kind of competition screen made in the form of a poster. Competitions can take place in various gaming areas. For example.

Topic of the day or shift

  • Allows you to fill old events with new meaning and make them more interesting. A topic close to children will arouse their interest in everything that is somehow connected with it.
  • It requires one way or another to tie everything that happens to the topic.

Thematic days

A thematic ("Theme") day is a day on which events related to a single theme are held from morning to evening. A themed day can be held for the entire camp or for one squad. Participating in a themed day is much more interesting for children than playing regular everyday games, especially if the day is well thought out. How to do this?

It all starts with choosing a topic. The success of the entire event largely depends on this choice, since the counselor good topic easier to develop, and more interesting for children to play. Choosing a theme for the day is a bit like coming up with a squad name.

For simplicity, you can take a list of holidays and memorable dates and select the most suitable one from it. interesting holidays, to the celebration of which the whole day will be devoted (according to the calendar, they may not necessarily take place in the summer). In addition, on interesting topic you may be triggered by some events, for example, a solar eclipse, Friday the 13th or it rains for the third day in a row. You can also take as a basis a popular cartoon, a historical event, geographical region or whatever.

When a topic is chosen, write down on a piece of paper as many associations associated with it as possible. Select the most striking associations from this list. For example, for Railwayman's Day it could be: railway stations, rails, semaphores, depot, hump, orange vests... And for the Day Navy: St. Andrew's flag, parade of ships, signal flags, sea battle, sea charts, etc.

Try to come up with a twist. Non-standard solutions are always very much appreciated. Moreover, one unconventional idea can point to a whole bunch of other good ideas. Instead of holding a simple Olympics, try to do a better Winter Olympics. Children will be much more interested in playing hockey in the summer than just running on a treadmill.

It is better to break the theme day into three parts (time after breakfast, after afternoon tea and after dinner). For each part you need to choose a typical game scenario. For example, station game, quiz, sports competition, stage play, etc. If a stage production is chosen, then it is better to hold the performance itself in the afternoon, and spend the first half of the day preparing for it.

Next, the typical scenario is developed in more detail using the compiled list of associations. For a station-based game, this will include developing the setting (for example, on Railway Day, teams will move from station to station as a “train”) and detailed development of each station (what exactly children will do at the “Sorting Hill” and “Laying Rails” stations). If you're lucky, you'll come up with some very interesting little games.

Here we need to think about what to make orange vests for the railway children, and caps and jacks for the sailor children.

When working through the day, you should not forget about the design of the camp or its individual sections (scenes, lines, etc.), and it is also worth considering alternative scenarios for bad and good weather.

But coming up with a themed day is not enough. Any most good idea can be ruined by poor implementation. A themed day should also be had well.

How to create a themed day

  • Select a topic
  • Atmosphere (costumes, vocabulary, tricks, roles...)
  • Come up with activities based on the theme, you can even try food/exercise... tie into the theme.
  • Think through their logical connection between activities
  • Come up with a connecting thread (plot, goal, logic...)
  • The idea (thought) of the day may also be present

It is important to be able to insert a standard event into a theme day.

A themed day can be a squad day or a general camp day. In the latter case, the theme is usually introduced by a theatrical show on the line-up.

The theme of the day is anything (day of the Indian, Neptune, aviator, day of beauty, love, science,...)

It is desirable that not only events are tied to the theme, but also routine moments (thematic exercises), various features related to the theme (not squads, but tribes, each with their own signature coloring, etc.)

For example Let's look at the same day of the Indian:

  • Exercises: warm-up for a young warrior/hunter (javelin throwing, overcoming obstacles, driving prey)
  • In the morning: Initiation into the Indians - a game at stations with tasks for dexterity, friendship, ending with a visit to the mysterious god of fire and drawing a magic symbol on the forehead.
  • Then you can go on the warpath and play lightning in the Indian style (instead of shoulder straps - a life-giving amulet, war paint, ...)
  • “However,” says the counselor, “war is not best way conflict resolution”, and therefore during the day: The Great Gathering of Tribes - creative competition: performance from the tribe, tribal song, competition of leaders, shamans, hunters, cooks,…
  • A collective hunt for a mammoth would be a good appetizer.
  • And in the evening: a big council around the fire with stories about Indians, good songs, in a word, just a fire.

Here is a plan - in some places it is approximate, in others it is redundant - think it out to your taste.

A couple more examples of special themed days:

  • Reverse Day
    • On Reverse Day, girls become boys and boys become girls. They dress up accordingly, and competitions like “anti-miss” are held. The counselors must also transform themselves in order to set an example for the children.
    • Advice: don't delay. On the contrary, a day that starts in the morning will most likely die out around quiet time. Even if you offer children more and more unexpected entertainment (it doesn’t seem like it should be boring!), they will want to return to their original gender identity (by the way, some children will not want to change clothes at all - be prepared for this). It's probably best to start dressing up sometime after quiet time, surprise the entire camp with your appearance at afternoon tea, have a fancy event after tea, and then give the kids the freedom to switch back to their gender whenever they want.
  • Understudy Day
    • On Understudy Day, counselors become children, and children become counselors. Of course, not all the children, but only 2 or 3 people who were chosen in advance by the whole squad.
    • Although the children seem to play the role of counselors, the counselors do not relax, but work twice as hard. It is still necessary to keep order in the detachment, but now do it not explicitly, but somehow gradually, so that everyone seems that it is the new counselors who are in charge of everything. However, if they don't cope at all, you may have to change them or stop the understudy's day altogether.
    • The Understudy's day, as a rule, begins with the curfew of the previous day, when new counselors beat the squad. Then, sitting with them in the counselor's room, you discuss the upcoming day. New counselors will have to hold events, share your counselor experiences with them. In the morning you wake them up earlier, and they go to the planning meeting with you, and then they get up, exercise, and away they go...

Development of a theme day

A thematic day is a pre-planned series of squad and/or squad events, united by goals, objectives, common name and theme, held in 1 or 2 days.

Thematic days are:

  • By the nature of the conduct - squad and detachment
  • By number of days - simple (1 day) and compound (more than 1 day).

Requirements for thematic days:

  1. The theme of the day somehow echoes the theme of the season
  2. Having a legend to match the season's theme
  3. In a simple thematic day there are at least 2 squad and squad events, in a composite day there are at least 6.
  4. All events have the same goals, but different tasks.
  5. It is important to anticipate the outcome of the theme day.

When developing a theme day you need to:

  • clearly formulate the goals and objectives of the day and individual events
  • select activities according to the type of day;
  • take into account that the weather does not depend on us;
  • know that two events of the same type are not held on the same day;
  • a static team event (with one plot or one task) should not last more than 1 hour, a dynamic event - no more than 1.5 hours;
  • remember that any element of a themed day requires design;
  • remember that any thematic day requires summing up.

Logic of the theme day

The logic of the theme day builds itself, the theme leads the team from one event to another. It is only necessary to include in the program something sporting, something educational, something creative, competitive, something from the conversational genre and some other ritual. For example, if you plan “Forest Day”, then the program of the day could be like this:

  • Zoological races (sports);
  • Quiz “Mysteries of the Forest” (educational);
  • Crafts competition from natural material(“nature and fantasy”) (creative);
  • Conversation “Man is a child of nature” (something from the conversational genre).

Another advantage of a theme day is that you don’t have to come up with a new design for each event. It is enough to make something thematically appropriate the night before, and it will fit for everything planned. Morning exercises, cleaning the area, afternoon snacks, etc. also become thematic. Usually there are 3-4 thematic days per camp shift. If you wish, you can make them themed at least every day. Here are the topics:

  • Flower Day, Health Day, Guinness World Records Day,
  • April Fool's Day, Indian Day, Day of Pranks and Jokes,
  • Sports Day, Girls' Day, Boys' Day, Rain Day.

Types of events:

  • Thematic lines. The flow chart is the same as for a regular line (formation, submission of reports, raising the flag), then the legend of the day is explained (you can hold a small theatrical performance) and the task for the event, which begins immediately after the line.
  • Concerts. Held on any theme day. Advance preparation is required, about a day in advance. Each group presents a presentation on a given topic. The organizers are required to design the stage, links between performances, games with the audience, and a developed reward system. At concerts, all participants are most often awarded according to nominations. (Cinema, The song remains with the person, TEFI)
  • Competitions. Held on any theme day. No advance preparation is required. They take place either on stage or in open areas. Those in charge must set up the stage, select competitions on a specific topic, a production system for elimination, and awards. Competitions can run in parallel with a neutral event, for example, a disco. (Love at first sight, Guinness World Records)
  • Stations. Held on any themed day, they are especially good on days dedicated to sports. It is advisable to alternate with static events. There are no two days in a row. Most interesting view because everyone takes part. Required: the number of stations must correspond to the number of units, well-designed route sheets, a well-thought-out rating system, and awards. Another option: follow the notes or identification marks. (Day of Horror: mental health station, paranormal agency, get a brownie, spell, etc.; Lightning: minefield, disguise, encryption, etc.)
  • Exhibitions, museums. They can take place on a single territory, or in buildings. Those in charge draw lots between teams, organize the work of the jury, and develop an award system. (Panic Room, Indian Village, Ikebana Exhibition, Zoo)
  • Games. Most often used on sports themed days. Linear. They have clearly defined goals and objectives for children. (Green Heel, Breakthrough, Attackers, Bomb, RVS, etc.)

Planning a theme day:

  • First you need to determine whether the day you are designing is simple or compound.
  • Clearly formulate the goals and objectives of the day and each event separately.
  • Select activities according to the view.
  • Keep in mind that the weather does not depend on you and cannot be planned.
  • Therefore, the best option would be to draw up a double plan - events in sunny weather and replacing them with events in the rain.
  • Two events of the same type are not held on the same day!
  • Remember that any element of a theme day requires design.
  • Nothing should be “just like that.” Summing up, rewarding and conclusions are required!


  • First of all, the planned thematic day is included in the plan - the season grid and is outlined step by step in the season program.
  • If the decoration requires any specific things that cannot be found or made at the camp, indicate their need in the program under the “props” section.
  • The design is usually done by the developers of the day. Exceptions are possible.

What and how to fill out:

  1. Concerts. Since they always take place on stage, you need to first decorate the stage. In addition, it would not be superfluous to prepare the viewing areas.

The awards usually take place according to nominations, so it is necessary to prepare in advance (according to the number of units) certificates or awards made by the counselors (Oscar, Ovation Award, Golden Cone, etc.). Certificates can be provided by the counselors of the units.

  1. Competitions. If they take place on stage, then the requirements are similar to point 1. If they are held in parallel with any other event, they are registered as stations. Awards are usually given to those who take 1st, 2nd and 3rd place. In this case, it is better to use certificates printed in a printing house. Now they are sold in any bookstore. Gifts (most often edible) 2 DAYS BEFORE THE EVENT are issued by the conductors at the warehouse.
  2. Games. Rarely do they need decoration, more often props are needed. But games such as “Green Heel”, “RVS”, “Ghost Catching” require registration. In the first case, it will be a “They are wanted” board with signs and portraits of “criminals”, in the second case - sheets for collecting information, in the third - cards with a task. Awards are given either according to nominations, or the first three places, or one winner.
  3. Stations. First of all, it is necessary to make route sheets (done by the organizers), and secondly, to register each station (name, necessary details). The station manager is responsible for decorating the station)
  4. Exhibitions, museums. If the event takes place on a single territory, it is designed as a stage. If in different buildings, it is necessary to make route sheets indicating the location of objects.

The award ceremony can take place on the same day directly at the event, at a thematic line, or the next day.


1) Squad themed days

  • Festival of the Sun. On this day, you can hold the following events: meeting and seeing off the sun, a competition for drawings of the sun on the asphalt or on building windows, a series of games whose titles contain the word “Sun” - “Don’t Burn in the Sun”, “Family of the Sun”, a quiz on the topic knowledge about the Sun, a musical duel - who will sing more songs about the sun, creation of a collective application. -
  • Tourist Day. On this day, you can hold a small competition KTD on the topic of tourism (example competitions: packing a backpack, drawing a map, lighting a fire, who will sing more tourist songs, etc.), the Evening of a bard song itself, and you can also go on a hike or hold a fire in forest by the fire.
  • Nature Day. Invite the squad to create a wildlife museum. The exhibits will be themselves, depicting animals, trees or plants. You can come up with and draw tickets, attract a “guide” and let other groups go on an excursion for a special fee. If there are any animals in the camp area, you can make feeders for them. You can bring perfect order to any corner of the camp together with the “Pile of Garbage” competition, you can organize a competition of crafts from pine cones and branches, or a competition of fairy tales about nature.

You are free to choose a topic. It is best if the events are tied to the theme of the season or to a themed friendly day.

2) friendly themed days

  • Love Day. Usually consists of 2-3 squad events and 1 mandatory squad event. The purpose of the thematic day: development of communication skills, development creativity, education in children of the basics of ethics and psychology of intersexual relations. Events: search for a soul mate, couples competition, registry office, disco, where slow dancing predominates. The post office is open throughout the day. The squad must conduct a thematic competition KTD “Love at first sight” to determine the participating couple in the squad event.
  • Horror Day. The purpose of the thematic day: children to overcome subconscious fears, develop imagination and artistic abilities, applied arts skills, familiarity with folklore different countries. 2-3 squad events, 1-2 squad events. Events: stations, concert, competition scary stories, room of panic.
  • Day of Leaders (Self-Government). The purpose of the thematic day: - introducing children to the lifestyle of counselors, promoting the student pedagogical movement, confirming the authority of counselors. Held at the end of the season. Events: Rally (concert on stage), Instructional seminar (stations), Bonfire.

Thematic shifts

Nowadays, any shift program should be thematic (at least have a bright name).

The longer the period, the more difficult it is to keep children on track with the topic (any topic gets boring sooner or later). Therefore, there is a difference between planning a short (autumn, winter, spring) and long (summer) shift.

Short shifts

On short shifts, every day is filled with thematic meaning. Each day can have its own sub-theme.

On the very first day, the children are presented with the legend of the shift, in the light of which all subsequent events will take on meaning.

For example: The evil sorcerer Pimply stole sunlight, and soon the earth will perish if we do not overcome all the trials and return the stolen light, and for this we will have to prove our friendship, cheerfulness, show knowledge, etc.

Or: You and I found ourselves at an abandoned base of aliens who flew to Earth many years ago and left the secret of super technology somewhere here. We are an expedition designed to find this secret, but to do this we need to piece together the alien map and generally overcome all the obstacles that the cunning aliens have left here for conspiracy.

The legend is presented in a theatrical form or in the form of a game.

At the end of the shift, a final event takes place, where by joint efforts the final goal is finally achieved: the evil sorcerer Lumpy is defeated, the stolen sun is found, etc. - in a word, ALL WELL DONE!

For example Let’s consider the “10 days until the end of the world” shift. The legend and how it is introduced: On the first day in the evening, when the first light seems to be coming to an end, a counselor suddenly bursts into the hall and shouts “Did you see that?!” There's a huge fireball there! No? They have already flown away, alas, but this is what they left behind!” He gives the children an envelope with a letter from the aliens, which says something like this: “By decision of the Great Council of the Galactic Management, your planet will be destroyed in 10 days. However, perhaps you can still save her if you read our encrypted message, the symbols of which we scattered throughout your building using an information laser.” Next, the children must collect the letters that were previously posted in different places in the case. When the letters are found, they are used to form a “Semi-animated Pseudomind”. These words are entered into the computer, after which a sound file is launched containing a mysterious voice of an alien, broadcasting that the life of the creatures inhabiting the Earth seems meaningless, and the creatures themselves are unreasonable, and that the earth will be cleansed and used for breeding nutritious and beneficial worms. But perhaps the aliens will change their minds if we prove to them that our life is filled with meaning and eternal values ​​(sound file attached).

After this, during each day we prove the presence and importance of different eternal values ​​in our lives, thus each day acquires its own theme:

  • Friendship Day (teaming games)
  • Truth Day (detective game, spark of truthful words)
  • Fantasy Wonder Day ( New Year(it was a winter shift!))
  • Beauty Day (snow drawings, costume competition)
  • Health Day (Super Olympics, demonstration “For a healthy lifestyle”)
  • Day of Purity and Whiteness (snow sculptures, “Tide or Boil” story)
  • Family Day (family competition)
  • Welfare Day (economic game)
  • Statehood Day (political game, presidential elections)
  • Day of Love (Love at 1st sight, couples competition) And so on...

Big shifts

Here we will talk about drawing up a general camp thematic program. Squad plan-grids are drawn up by squad leaders and, if possible, also adjusted to the theme.

On a large shift, it is already difficult to summarize each day under a theme, so only the main general camp events are tied to the theme

The legend of the shift begins to be introduced in the units from the very first day, but the real beginning occurs at the opening of the shift. There, again, the show on the line and the leader’s performance explain everything popularly.

Shift discos are held approximately once every 3 days and are tied to holidays and big games.

At the end of the shift, if the topic requires, a final event is held.

It’s also worth thinking about all sorts of thematic features that will appear during the shift and will not let the children forget that their camp is not an ordinary boring shift, but a SUPER-MEGA-...

Cycle game.

You can make a cyclic game, stretched over the entire period of the camp. This is done like this: choose a topic that interests you. Break it down into separate, meaningful pieces (game day). The volume of the game is 3-5 hours of play per day (it’s even more interesting to play it in chunks throughout the day). The rest of the time is preparation for the current or next game day. For example, crafts, reading. When the game is well thought out, every day is written down, the result of the current game day is always written down (you can sum up the day at the evening fire, you can continue the game at the fire), then the camp flies by in one breath. Any topic can be used for any game... no need to reinvent the wheel here. There is no need to invent a super-duper unprecedented game that will incredibly captivate children. This is impossible. The main thing is to live this camp side by side with them. Live this game with them.

Thematic change principle

  • We create children's group, i.e. a group of children who are friends with each other, treat each other like brothers and sisters. Therefore, with external competition, the main emphasis in everything is on the interaction of children in a team, mutual assistance and support (the counselor does not focus on winning, the children are doing well with this). We change teams every time.
  • Since life is a multifaceted subject, then when dividing we plan multifaceted, i.e. We try to cover as many different interesting moments of life as possible (or find such interesting points in the ordinary and familiar).
  • A tool was created with which any (even a novice) counselor could easily create a plan for the day and implement it. It didn’t work out that way, because if the counselor has a complex and doesn’t play into all the proposed circumstances, then it turns out to be quite boring. And if he plays, and even makes himself some kind of costume, it turns out very, very good.

Idea for a themed day

The idea of ​​the principle is used in some television programs and is as follows: when creating an information television program that was interesting for viewers, several identical blocks were taken and they were lost every day (sports, music, etc.), only their information content changed. Due to the fact that there were many blocks, their content changed, it became interesting to watch. This idea is now used in all morning news channels.

Transferring this idea to camp life turned out like this: we make the day themed. We have three periods “morning”, “day” and “evening” when we can do things with the children. Therefore, we do this: “morning” - studying some specific of a given day knowledge, acquiring skills and training, “day” - holding a thematic relay race around the camp and “evening” - holding a thematic KVN.

The word “relay race” refers to the passage of a team of children along a route along a map on which the places where the stages are located are marked. Teams simultaneously run out from the starting point and go through all stages in order, but initial stages are shifted and teams meet only during runs from stage to stage. One counselor runs with each team; at each stage, he explains the task and controls its implementation.

“KVN” is understood as an event in which several teams participate, they are given tasks, and either the entire team completes it, or part of the team, or one participant at a time. It is assumed that the teams are not running anywhere. The counselors carry out this activity, and at the time of preparation they help their teams. After KVN we leave KVN materials (crosswords, assignments, drawings, etc.) in the “corner”, so by the end of the shift there is a complete “corner” with the history of the shift. Teams retain their composition for one day. We usually have two, three or four teams, since everything is calculated based on the fact that there is no one except the squad leaders. Four teams are created when the counselors of two neighboring squads spend a themed day together (this way we get teams in which children from two squads are mixed and they become friends). On another day, the composition of the teams changes.

Thematic session ideas:

  • “Sea voyage” (ships with crews, sailors, captains, sea, anchor, bell, etc.)
  • "Children's Town" (city hall, streets, residents, enterprises, city currency...)
  • “Fairy-tale kingdom” (king, queen, retinue, fairy-tale heroes...)
  • “Forest State” (berendey, forest inhabitants...)
  • “Joint-stock company” (JSC, shareholders, shares, exchanges, board of directors...)
  • “Space flight” (galaxies, planets, spaceships, astronauts...)
  • "Indian tribe" (chief, wigwam, mascot...)
  • “Ecological camp” (green patrol, ecologists...)
  • "Children's television" (TV stations, TV shows, TV channels, director, producer...)
  • “Theater shift” (theater, troupe, actors, intermission...)
  • “Scientific laboratory” (research institute, professor, designer, engineer, inventor, model, layout...)
  • “City of Craftsmen” (masters, workshops, devices, tools...)

We present to your attention regular day schedule in our sports and recreational children's camp. Of course, every day fills him with exciting creative activities and specific content.


This includes sports, entertainment and animation events (competitions, games, quests, discos and creative evenings, work of sections, clubs, trainings, master classes, optional foreign language classes, swimming, horse riding, general squad and camp events)!

These programs are supplemented by various so-called. THEMATIC PROGRAMS, which are largely the result of collective creativity and the uncontrollable imagination of teachers and... the children themselves: for example, “Arts Festival”, “Battle of Thrones”, etc.

The time of classes in clubs and sections may vary - this depends on the profile of the camp and the topic of the session, as well as on the decision of the Children’s Council of the camp (after all, we have self-government!) And teaching staff. The weather is also taken into account. There is only one criterion - that the intended goals of each shift are fulfilled, that everyone has an interesting and great time!

8:30 rise
8:40 Fun exercises, procedures
9:30 Breakfast
9:45 Cleaning of beds, things in the rooms, examination by a doctor
10:00 Clubs, classes, workshops, outdoor events. swimming pool, horses
13:30 Dinner
14:00 Quiet hour (Rest, quiet games, reading)
16:00 Afternoon snack
16:15 Webcasts from the camp to our websites for parents
16:30 Squad time, classes, swimming pool, horses, sports, preparation for competitions
19:00 Dinner
19:30 Camp events at the club: concerts, disco, watching films, etc.
21:15 5th meal, tea club
21:40 Squad corners (results of the day for each and everyone)
22:00 Lights out for the younger ones
22:45 Lights out for seniors

The daily routine for younger groups is slightly different. They are given more time for morning and evening procedures, lights out at 10 p.m.

How is work organized at the “Planet of the Future” camp during the holidays:

  • A distinctive feature of organizing recreation in our camp is the opportunity for the child himself to become an active participant in all events, choose his favorite sections, attend classes, clubs and trainings that interest him, participate in camp self-government, discussing plans and daily routines on an equal basis with teachers and counselors.

  • Having tried himself in different activities, having become acquainted with the work of sections and circles in the first few days of his stay in the camp (during the so-called “organizational period”), the child subsequently gives preference to those that he likes.

  • Choice is always a “breath of freedom”; it is the absence of authoritarianism, psychological pressure, pressure from adults - everything that children experience to an increasing extent in the modern world.

    The pedagogical concept of the camp shift should exclude unnecessary prohibitions and dictates, be built on trust and an emphatically respectful attitude towards the child’s personality, on the development of partnerships between all members of the temporary camp team. It is not easy to fully implement such a program in practice. A constant appeal to conscious choice, the opportunity for a child to express free will has a positive effect on the growth of his self-awareness, forms in him, as a young citizen, an active life position, and in squad life it increases self-discipline and a sense of responsibility.

  • In addition to a well-thought-out plan of events and a scheme of intra-camp relationships, a trained team of professionals, enthusiasts and like-minded people is needed. During the training process at our School of Counselors, all candidates for the high position of Counselor undergo serious theoretical and practical training, internship and certification based on the results of their work.

  • Democracy in children's camp(however, like any democracy) only then is it worth something and can exist and develop when it is based on the strictest discipline, a refined mechanism for the interaction of all levels of management, control and self-organization.

  • In the camp, no more than 5-7 children are assigned to one teacher, which ensures an almost individual approach to each child and makes it possible not to leave children unattended for a minute. On the territory, constant operational communication is maintained via the director’s radio with the camp duty officer, doctor, other counselors and teachers, and security.

  • The main task is to keep the children occupied and captivated throughout the day: “From dawn to... until lights out” - with creative, interesting and useful activities. The camp program is not limited to a large number mass events, but is aimed at personal work, at comprehending creativity in the process of the activity itself. Then a specific, albeit small result for each “pioneer - discoverer” becomes his own great achievement!
    We hold squad and general camp championships, tournaments, personal competitions, competitions, games, and relay races. Winners are determined, but there are no losers here! Everyone gets their share of well-deserved applause and their prize!

  • We employ teachers, circle leaders and counselors with extensive experience and higher education. They are helped by interns, students and graduates of mainly pedagogical universities, many of whom themselves “grew up” in our camps. They provide everything educational process, holding sports, entertainment, cultural events, conduct trainings and conversations, are responsible for the life and safety of children, are always ready to help, support their younger friend in difficult moment in word and help in deed. For some disciplines, teachers and coaches regularly come to the camp to conduct classes according to the schedule.

  • We sincerely thank volunteers from different countries for their selfless daily work with children in our camps (as part of cooperation with international organization AIESEC). We invite them again this summer! Coming to our children at the call of their hearts, volunteers (these are students and aspiring teachers from leading universities in England, Canada, China, Bulgaria and other countries) introduce children to their culture, language and traditions, conduct sports and cultural events, competitions, quizzes, participate in the work International Club.


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    Our official sites: website of the parent non-profit public organization supervising the direction of sports and education, holding camps and field training camps (MOO "Federation of TiSU"). About the project "Planet of the Future". Children's holiday. Classes for children and parents in our Centers and Clubs.

    Children's camps of our Center. Children's holidays. Tourist portal (tours around the world, children's holidays). Pedagogical Center named after. V.A. Sukhomlinsky. Innovative educational project"Planet of the Future". All-Russian Portal of additional education. Advanced training courses, retraining, distance learning. School of counselors, senior counselors, animators, volunteers. Job. Employment. Official Portal of additional education. Professional training. Advanced training and retraining courses. Correspondence training. Distance learning. All-Russian Portal of distance learning for counselors, senior counselors, animators, volunteers (main site). Sports and information portal of the Federation.

  • In this publication, the author, a teacher with extensive experience working in summer health camps, reveals the specifics of classes with children on country holidays. How to make children’s leisure time varied and their rest complete? How can you interact more fruitfully with children, their parents, and health camp staff? How to learn to accept quickly right decisions? You can find out by opening our book. It is interesting not only to counselors, but also to all teachers working with children, as well as parents, since it contains large number various games, competitions and sweepstakes that will help make children's leisure time interesting and exciting.

    Chapter 3. First day at camp

    We know your lambs - let the three of you go and they will eat the wolf.

    R. Rolland. "Cola Brugnon"

    As a rule, the first day at camp sets the tone for the rest of the shift. This happens not only because you have the opportunity to get to know your wards better, but also because the wards, in turn, form a certain opinion about you and begin to have a rough idea of ​​what style of behavior they should choose.

    What style of behavior should a counselor choose?

    Before talking about counselor behavior styles, we should probably discuss very important point. Namely, that the counselor should not act alone. Different camps have their own rules regarding the number of counselors per squad. However, in any case, there will be at least two and no more than five people on your squad. In a word, you will have to one way or another share your powers with someone else. And in order to create a completely tolerable atmosphere in the detachment, the counselors must feel and, accordingly, act as one team, whose efforts are aimed at achieving a very specific goal.

    The correctness of this observation has been repeatedly confirmed by me in practice. Often I was faced with the fact that counselors of the same detachment could not establish relationships with each other. As a result, they spent a lot of time sorting things out and listing mutual grievances. The detachment at this time remained practically ownerless. He either simply existed on his own, or was divided into two camps and enthusiastically participated in leader feuds. Of course, it is better not to allow this to happen.

    Unfortunately, this cup did not pass me either, however, the counselors and I tried to do without loud showdowns. During one of the shifts in our squad, the counselor changed. Everything would have been fine if not for one circumstance - she singled out several people in the squad and devoted all her time and attention to them, while other children best case scenario ignored. In a word, as you probably already guessed, we have a problem with favorites in our squad. I was very upset by this injustice, since I am of the opinion that children should be treated on an equal footing from the very beginning. This is the only way to create a normal team, where the respect of peers and adults is earned through very real actions.

    Both the other counselors and I tried to talk calmly with the new girl. However, nothing changed. So we left her alone and redoubled our attention to neglected children. As a result, she punished herself. We suddenly began to notice that the new girl’s favorites were increasingly leaving her alone and joining the rest of the squad. Subsequently, it turned out that the children were simply tired of her constant complaints about other counselors, that is, about us. In addition, games and entertainment in big company much more interesting than washing bones for everyone.

    In other words, even if there are any disagreements between the counselors in the squad, I advise you to strain yourself and put common interests a little above personal ones, and at least for the duration of the shift put aside your claims against each other. Only mutual support and endurance will allow you to emerge from various situations with honor. difficult situations, which are so common in a health camp.

    Even before the children arrive, you and your partners should agree on three things:

    – firstly, all your requirements for children must be the same. In other words, the wards must clearly understand that if one of the counselors does not allow doing something, for example, leaving the camp territory without adult accompaniment, then others will certainly support him. If one of the counselors forbids something, and the other allows the same thing, there can be no talk of any discipline in the detachment;

    – secondly, if one of the counselors punishes one of the wards, he must also remove the punishment. Simply put, counselors should also be in an equal position in the squad, so that there are no superiors and subordinates among them. This will allow the children to avoid dividing the counselors into “evil” and “good”;

    – thirdly, counselors should never sort things out in front of children, moreover, the latter should complain about other counselors or management. In the latter case, children are simply deliberately drawn into leader feuds. This greatly undermines the authority, and first of all, of the hapless teacher himself. That’s why try to put off your arguments until after lights out or during a shift change.

    While working, avoid thinking that you are constantly overworking, and your partner is just resting. Such resentment not only corrodes from the inside, but also completely disorganizes. Don’t forget that not everyone is able to fit into the bustling rhythm of camp life right away. Everyone must do their job to the best of their ability. Moreover, the children themselves will certainly reward the most active and interesting counselor with their sincere trust, as well as gratitude and friendship. It can be very nice when children bring flowers almost every day, unless, of course, they are from a local flowerbed, they donate their drawings and crafts, or even dedicate poems.

    Sometimes the style of behavior the counselor chooses towards his children determines how fun and fruitful the interaction between children and adults will be. Many counselors, in the process of working with their wards, often confuse two concepts: “severity” and “tyranny”. Of course, this is typical for adherents of an authoritarian style of behavior. Sometimes we adults underestimate children, considering them weak and stupid. Nothing of the kind, the guys are an exact reflection of the adults. Among them there are smart and not so smart, strong and weak, self-confident and shy.

    If you want to find with children common language, then first of all try to get rid of the feeling that you are somehow superior to your charges. In my practice, it often happened that when extreme situations It was the guys who suggested the only right solution. Here, of course, the fact that children in most cases are still deprived of all kinds of attitudes and lessons learned from past sad experiences, compared to adults, plays a role. Therefore, it is much easier for them to look at a particular situation, assessing it from their side, and find an original and unexpected solution to the entire problem. So let's give them this opportunity. Moreover, in this case you yourself will not lose out, because you will be able to some extent see the world in a different light, through children's eyes.

    The authoritarian style of behavior, like others, has its pros and cons. Thus, counselors who are accustomed to giving orders will have significantly fewer problems with discipline than other representatives of the same specialty. With a clear routine and requirements that do not allow for minimal objections from the wards, by the end of the shift the child gets used to accurately acting on command. He does not discuss the orders of his counselors-bosses (precisely bosses, not friends), fearing punishment. As a rule, those units that use a similar style of communication between the counselor and the wards always arrive on time at various camp events, actively participate in all kinds of competitions and are free of problems associated with discipline. Everything seems to be fine, but even here the counselors face their own difficulties.

    First of all, you may encounter stubborn resistance from the children, and it will be especially stubborn if it adolescence. And this is completely justified. Few people, including children, will like to carry out only other people’s orders, which do not have proper justification, explanation of the purpose and objectives of this or that requirement. Your reluctance to meet your charges can lead to real military action. So, children will do everything against you, trying to prove their personal right to make certain decisions.

    If, due to your accumulated experience and personal energy, you still have enough strength to suppress an open source of indignation and discontent, you will still hear a threatening whisper behind your back throughout your shift. Of course, in this case there can be no talk of any informal relationships with children. You will be forced to be under martial law all the time. It should also be mentioned that many of today's children were brought up in relative freedom, so they will fight with you to the last.

    If you are a supporter of an authoritarian style of behavior, then get ready for the fact that a certain distance, or rather a wall of some kind of alienation, will always be maintained between you and your children. In other words, you will unwittingly be with the children on opposite sides of the barricades for the entire shift. In this case, the kids are unlikely to trust you and open their souls. That is why it is quite possible that you will be the last to learn about all the internal processes taking place in the detachment, unless, of course, you have your own spies. However, we will talk about the latter separately later.

    Believe me, this state of affairs only interferes with the counselor’s work. It deprives both adults and children of joyful and fruitful communication, the desire to understand and help each other. In addition, it gives rise to isolation and mistrust, on the one hand, and a formal attitude to the matter, on the other.

    When choosing an authoritarian style of communication with your wards, do not be surprised that you will have neither sleep nor rest for the entire shift. This is primarily due to the fact that you will also have to come up with all the skits, competitions and performances for participation in squad and general camp events yourself. The guys will not offer you anything of their own, for fear of not pleasing and falling out of favor. In addition, managing people, even if they are only children, based on a command-and-order tone, is unlikely to arouse in them enthusiasm and a desire to do their job efficiently. Therefore, do not expect altruism and maximum composure from your charges. In short, no matter how hard you try or punish your children, they will not do as well as they could. This will affect cleaning the area, duty, and performing on stage.

    The next thing we will talk about is the counselor’s liberal style of behavior when interacting with children. Among the advantages of this style, one can highlight the fact that all the efforts of the counselors will be aimed primarily at providing children with normal rest in accordance with the desires of the latter. In other words, you will be more likely to focus not on any medical and pedagogical recommendations, but on the opinion of your wards. You will do everything to ensure that the children are happy, even if this goes against the general camp requirements. Of course, such an approach to business can give certain positive results. Children will no longer feel pressured by all sorts of demands and pressure from adults. Although, perhaps, you should be warned, since often unlimited freedom can give a serious bias towards anarchist sentiments.

    Only a strong, fully self-confident and creatively gifted person can withstand such a style of behavior towards children. If you trust yourself one hundred percent and know that you can acquire unshakable authority from your students, and you also have enough endurance, strength and patience to attract the guys with you, then you have nothing to worry about. You can always imperceptibly, and sometimes unconsciously, influence them, either by personal example or by just looking at them.

    Unfortunately, among the counselors there are not so often people who possess all the qualities of a true leader. As soon as the children sense a weakness in the counselor and even see an opportunity to avoid completing some interesting, but difficult assignment, they will certainly try to take advantage of it. Moreover, this is typical not only for children. Man, as a rule, is designed in such a way that he always strives to live with maximum economy of his vital energy. If children, on top of everything else, are not burdened with a developed sense of responsibility and are not ashamed of their obviously wrong actions before any authority figure, they will most likely create an anarchist party in the detachment rather than begin to correct their mistakes.

    Advice to the counselor

    Never demand from the guys something that you yourself cannot or do not want to do. Otherwise, you may be accused of hypocrisy or abuse of power, which will undoubtedly leave an unfavorable imprint not only on your relationship with your children, but also with their parents.

    With this style of communication with children, you must take into account that in most cases they still need some control from adults. The absence of the latter greatly relaxes the guys, and makes the quality of completing tasks meaningless. Why try, because no one will check anyway. Unfortunately, a similar trait is also typical for adults, and this only once again confirms the fact that guys are a complete reflection of us.

    I'm on personal experience I was convinced that it was completely pointless to explain, for example, to a ten-year-old boy that wet cleaning of the room is necessary primarily for himself and his neighbors. At the end of the conversation, he will definitely ask: “Will you check?” If the answer is yes, there is no doubt that he will be exhausted - as long as everything sparkles. In addition, by showing the results of his work, he will deservedly expect praise.

    If you, relying on his conscience, say that you will not check him, but after some time you come to see how the work is progressing, you will probably find that the last one has not even begun. In response to all your complaints, the ward will make surprised eyes and say: “You said that you wouldn’t check?” Of course, in older detachments, people are distinguished by greater responsibility.

    Often, liberal counselors completely delegate the preparation for any detachment or general camp events to the children. Very often it all ends with such a detachment either disrupting one or another competition due to the fact that it is not ready for it, or in most cases it acts as a loser. The thing is that children, when preparing for a particular event, still need the advice and tips of an adult. No, not in pressure and not in the categorical “Do exactly as I said,” but in recommendations.

    The democratic style of managing children is probably the most acceptable for a counselor. In this case, an asset is often selected in the squad who helps the adults organize everyone else. Any child can fearlessly turn to a counselor for help, without fear of misunderstanding. In such units there is a friendly atmosphere of cooperation. The counselors do not hesitate to ask the children for advice and are always ready to support them.

    From my practice of working with children in health camps, I am convinced that a counselor must be a very flexible person. He needs to be able to quickly rebuild and adapt to new conditions. He must be freed from various kinds of clichés and negative attitudes. It is this circumstance that will allow him, depending on the situation, to make the right decisions, using elements of different styles of communication with his wards. So, for example, in one day you can act in a squad in completely different roles: a fair judge, sorting out a quarrel between one of your charges, a distant one when the matter is not so complicated that your participation is required, a tyrant when it comes to diving in a prohibited place, etc. The right decision Only a kind attitude towards children, intuition and your personal teaching experience will tell you.

    First squad meeting

    A good start to the first detachment meeting can be a tour of the territory of the health camp. This is especially necessary if most of your squad is here for the first time. Be sure to show your charges where the showers, toilets, first-aid post, and dining room are located, i.e., what may be useful to them immediately after arrival. Along the way, look into the library, games room and room where various clubs and sections are located.

    Try to make the excursion interesting for the children. Therefore, it won’t hurt you to remember some funny incidents from your practice as a counselor. In addition, you can agree with the leaders of the clubs operating in the camp so that they can also talk a little about what the boys and girls can learn during the shift. Be sure to show the children the places where various general camp events are held, for example, a stadium, an assembly hall, a dance floor. Along the way, be sure to explain to them why their presence outside the camp is undesirable.

    At the general meeting, you can familiarize the children with the daily routine, if, of course, you have not done this before, talk about the specifics and purpose of the mandatory events held at the camp. So, for example, if your camp is considered not just a health camp, but a therapeutic and prophylactic one, then the daily routine will probably include time for various medical procedures, which, according to the instructions, should be attended by everyone who rests at the camp. Try to convince your wards that a certain daily routine has been created to ensure the most exciting and useful rest for them, that early rise and bedtime were not invented in order to in any way infringe on their interests, but for their own health and well-being.

    The first squad meeting is a wonderful opportunity to get to know all the wards better. Ask them what schools and classes they attend and what they like and dislike about school. Ask how they would like to spend their holidays, what they would like to do at the camp, what interests them, what needs to be done to make the shift interesting and exciting. Perhaps one of your students will offer to organize some kind of competition or entertainment, and you will successfully implement them in the squad.

    It is at the first detachment meeting that it is necessary to develop a duty schedule for the room, familiarize everyone with the basic rules of staying on the territory of the health camp, and explain to the children why the presence of various perishable products in their bedside tables is undesirable.

    After organizational issues, you can play a series of games. Play with names again, which will help both you and the children more firmly understand who’s name is what. To set children up to be friendly towards each other, try playing another interesting game - “Compliments”. We begin to treat each other completely differently when we see some attractive features in the other. From day one, start teaching your students to notice only the good in others.

    To play the game you need to seat the guys in a circle. Give one of the participants a ball or some small soft toy that is not difficult to throw and easy to catch. The player throws the ball to one of the guys and tells him some compliment about his appearance, intelligence or spiritual development, ability to do something.

    Warn the guys that compliments must be sincere. The participant who received the ball, in turn, throws it to one of the players and compliments him. Make sure all players receive their compliments. To do this, you need to take part in the game yourself and, in the case when one of the players is ignored, give him well-deserved praise. I think this game should be repeated several times during the shift. Often it relieves tension in the squad and makes them look at this or that person from a completely different perspective.

    You can end the squad meeting by wishing the children to have a more fun and interesting time in the next 3-4 weeks. Give them time to organize their belongings, settle into groups, and get to know their roommates a little better. Then act in accordance with the daily routine and the previously drawn up schedule.

    Dating evening

    This celebration is a general camp event, however, I think it should be discussed separately, especially since it is often combined with the opening of the camp. This is the first formal event, other than the race, that a child attends at the camp. Therefore, it is precisely this that gives the wards very vivid memories of their stay in the health camp. The dating evening sets the tone for the entire future shift. If the holiday proceeds cheerfully and cheerfully, then there is a high probability that the entire shift will be permeated with the same atmosphere. In addition, children get the opportunity to continue their acquaintance with the camp staff.

    For this day, as a rule, the counselors of each detachment prepare one concert number. It is on this evening that they will be able to show their charges how artistic, witty and unique they are. Simply put, it is advisable to come up with and rehearse some number in advance together with other counselors. It could be a song, dance, skit or pantomime. A notebook always helped me at these moments, where I wrote down the most important things throughout the year. interesting scenes, pieces or texts when watching performances of KVN teams, “Full House”, “Gorodok” and other humorous programs that can now be seen in great abundance on various TV channels. Based on the jokes expressed, you can create magnificent concert performances, thematically close to relaxing in a camp.

    Sometimes even an ordinary Russian folk song, when interpreted by counselors, can look quite comical. So, at one of these celebrations I saw the following picture.

    Four young counselors appeared on stage, dressed as Russian beauties: in long dresses, with scarves on their heads and flashy makeup on their faces. They played out their seating on the chairs perfectly, especially since there were only three last ones. It’s probably not worth telling how hard it was for them to maintain a concentrated expression on their faces during a small brawl, while the entire camp was simply groaning with laughter.

    Finally, having seated themselves decorously, these “beauties,” a little shabby in the struggle for space, began to sing in thin voices. The composition was performed as follows. One of the participants sang the verse in turn, and all four “singers” took up the chorus. If you want to repeat this number, you can choose any suitable Russian folk song. Here everything depends not on words, but on execution, on how artistic and relaxed you are. At that time, the participants took as a basis for everything famous song“Mom told me...” I'll remind you of her first verse and chorus:

    Mom told me about deceptive love,

    Yes, I wasted my words.

    I didn’t listen to her, I covered my ears.

    Oh, mom, mom, how right you were.

    Chorus: Oh, mommy, I was sledding with the wrong person.

    Oh, why did I sit with Kolenka outside the outskirts,

    Oh, mommy, why?

    You can also make a great dramatization of a children's poem. So, one day the counselors and I quite successfully played out the poem “How an Old Man Sold a Cow at the Market” translated by Mikhalkov. What is typical, but the most difficult thing was to play a cow. At first we wanted to come up with some kind of cow costume and make a mask, but at the last moment we decided that we should have a cow with human face. This made it much easier for us to show what feelings the animal experiences at the time it is being sold.

    At first, our “cow” stood with a doomed look, periodically groaning tediously at the old man’s words. When a boy takes over the trade, everything changes dramatically, the cow is transformed before our eyes. As the volunteer assistant praises her, the cow acquires a proud posture, raises her head, and her “moo” now sounds much more confident than before. No less striking are the changes taking place in the old man himself. At first he gives the impression of a loser, the owner of a useless and half-dead animal. At the end of the work, the old man suddenly feels like the owner of a real treasure in the person of his cow. You can perform this poem with children, but this will require some patience and rehearsal from you. Just in case, I will give you the text of the poem itself:

    An old man was selling a cow at the market,

    Although many needed a little cow,

    But apparently people didn’t like her.

    - Master, will you sell us your cow?

    - I’ll sell it. I've been standing with her at the market since morning!

    “Aren’t you asking a lot for her, old man?”

    - Where to make money! I wish I could give it back!

    - Your little cow is too thin!

    - She's sick, damn it. It's really trouble!

    - Yes, we haven’t seen milk yet...

    The old man traded at the market all day,

    Nobody gave a price for the cow.

    One boy took pity on the old man:

    - Dad, your hand is not easy!

    I'll stand next to your cow,

    Maybe we'll sell your cattle.

    There comes a buyer with a tight wallet,

    And now he is bargaining with the boy:

    -Will you sell the cow?

    - Buy if you are rich.

    Cow, look, not a cow, but a treasure!

    - Yes, really! Looks too skinny!

    – Not very fat, but good milk yield.

    – Does a cow give a lot of milk?

    “If you don’t milk it in a day, your hand will get tired.”

    The old man looked at his cow:

    - Why am I, Burenka, selling you?

    I won’t sell my cow to anyone -

    You need such a beast yourself!

    In addition to the speech of the counselors, this evening should include time for the children to get to know the rest of the camp staff. So, in poetic form, you can introduce to children those with whom they will have to encounter and interact more than once during their shift. Performances in the form of remade popular pop songs are unusual and funny. Next, I present to you several fragments that were heard during one of the shifts at a dating evening at the Lesnoy health camp:

    Chefs introduction

    Someone came down from the hill,

    Probably our cook is coming.

    She is wearing a robe and a white cap,

    She will drive us all crazy.

    Could you, darlings,

    Should I give more portions?

    Not so from the neighbors' gardens

    We'll steal potatoes.

    Presentation of physical education teachers

    For a real athlete

    I have to get up early in the morning,

    Drive out the camp to exercise

    And shout commands.

    If you didn't wake up in time,

    Then the physical education teachers will wake you up,

    They will quickly bring you to your senses,

    If you got up on the wrong foot.

    Oh, the water is warm and slightly green,

    Ten detachments heavily polluted.

    Oh, nice tan, white Panama hats,

    They walk and wander around the pool

    Our Valera and Vanechka.

    Presentation of the police

    The sun will touch the edge of the earth,

    And the windows will burst into flames with crimson fire.

    And the cops will come out with a gun to hunt,

    In an ambush, one pretends to be a tree stump.

    The fist itches and itches,

    He was used to being in battle.

    And waits for the counselors to start their game.

    Leaning forward

    Cops, they need to sleep,

    But the counselor is chasing,

    How can they catch him?

    DJ performance

    Oh, Dima, Lekha,

    We feel very bad without you.

    And at least the equipment

    Doesn't want to serve you

    Let the microphones whistle

    And all the mafons are pulling.

    And yet we guys

    We can't live without you.

    Presentation of the methodologist

    Yulia Yurievna, my dear,

    Everything doesn't sit still.

    Goes to planning meetings early,

    At night children's sleep stores.

    If necessary, he will dance

    Or he will surprise you with a song,

    Well, if something goes wrong,

    He will shout angrily.

    There, there...

    When the verse itself does not contain the name of the person being represented, it must be named before or after the performance of the song. Still, this does not guarantee that children will remember all the names. It is very difficult for them to immediately accept so many new people. That is why, when you return to the squad, be sure to repeat who’s name is and what it is. In addition, it is very useful to hang up a list of health camp personnel in the unit. Then your charges will be able to contact any adult without hesitation, and you will not confuse the name, for example, of the camp director with the name of the carpenter.

    As you may have guessed, how interesting and exciting the holiday will be depends only on your creativity and imagination. Do not hesitate to offer something of your own; perhaps the entire success of this holiday will depend on this. Moreover, by showing your charges how fluent you are on stage, how witty and inventive you are, you will only significantly simplify the task of gaining authority from the guys, because it all starts with the sympathy of your charges for you.