Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Burime - what is it? Description and features of the burime genre. Burime as a new genre of literature

Burime as a fun, exercise, competition in versification for more than three centuries. "Rhyming endings" is the name of this game in French. Love for poetry XVII-XIX centuries was reflected in salon entertainment: it was fashionable not only to read poetry, write them in albums, but also play in burim.

Educated people of that time had to be good at drawing, dancing and writing poetry. humorous or lyrical poetic lines in different poetic sizes and forms written by several people are burime.

What is burime for an aspiring poet? A kind of training, a test of one's strength in versification, the basics of rhythmic stanzas. For schoolchildren, this is one of the active ways to memorize the rules of the Russian language in amusing verses.

History of Burime

It is said that the creator of this game was the Frenchman Dulot, a poet who believed that 300 rhymes prepared for sonnets had been stolen from him. It happened in the 17th century. Since then, it has become known to many what burime is.

And in 1762, this term was recorded in the French academic dictionary. In 1864, Alexandre Dumas organized a competition, which resulted in "Rhymed Ends" (compositions by 350 authors).

Writers were fond of Burime not only in France. The game was considered an enjoyable parlor pastime in many countries. And even if today funny rhymes are forgotten, how many wonderful poets the game in burim taught the basics of versification!

In Russia, V. L. Pushkin, A. A. Golenishchev-Kutuzov, D. D. Minaev were known for their love for rhymed endings. In 1914, the magazine "Spring" held a mass competition for lovers of this type of versification.

What is burime

This is a word game. Sometimes it is called literary, but in essence it is fun that can make you laugh, cheer, let you pass the time on a trip or when waiting for something boring. It can be played in a company, as well as with the whole family. It brings together several generations for great entertainment.

With the right approach, burime will bring undoubted benefits to schoolchildren, since words that are difficult to pronounce, spell and remember can be rhymed. Even introducing children to a new word is easy with the help of such a game.

Burime is a collective composition of poetry, which is subject to certain laws. Basic Rules not so much: rhymes cannot be inclined, interchanged, and they must be varied, sometimes even unexpected.

Further, the conditions of the game vary from the wishes of the participants and their skills. Rhymes can be taken ready-made or composed by yourself. Each next player may read what was written before him, or may not know the contents of the previous line.

Set the shape of the poem, choose the size, determine the theme or suggest fantasizing in each line based on their own mood - the choice is up to the participants.

Rhymes are everywhere

Look up rhymes on the Internet - please. There are sites on which rhymes are selected for many words. And in parallel, there is a composition of poems with the words chosen for the end of the lines.

Someone well remembers the verses of the classics, their lines will be useful if the players are interested in ready-made rhymes to begin with.

Isn't it more interesting to come up with the end of the line yourself? Kids love Dunno Nikolai Nosov. How great he composed under the guidance of Tsvetik: "I am a poet, my name is Dunno. From me to you - a balalaika."

Examples of burime can be found on many forums. Participants in the game on the Web do this: they ask each other two pairs of rhymes. The next participant, with their help, composes a coherent quatrain.

For example, rhymes for burime "palette - music stands, wrist - happiness" are given. And the next player got sweet poem:

Outside the window of rain is a palette,

In the hall, notes on music stands,

Beam of light on the wrist

To music in bad weather,

Brought happiness to people.

Better sooner

When can I start playing Burim? The earlier the better. Three to five year olds have a wonderful sense of humor. They love to memorize new words, to invent them. For starters, suggest the simplest rhymes: "goal - football", "city - cold", "general - won." Give an example of how to write a simple poem.

Kids remember rhymes instantly. One sure way to teach children to memorize poetry is to ask them to suggest rhymes. This is available even to very small ones. What is burime, children will understand easily.

After three or four years, it is worth connecting the child to writing poetry. Children love to imitate everything: dolls, guns, ships and cars - everything from the world of adults. Books and poetry too.

Benefit and entertainment

Isn't the benefit of burime for young minds obvious? Trying your hand at versification (even comic) is a step towards creativity.

There is also a more utilitarian approach: memorizing words, their spelling and stress. Here such examples of rhymes for burime may come in handy: "more beautiful - happier", "Fekla - beets", "cakes - courts", "disputes - contracts" and so on.

Burime as a new genre

Prepared by the teacher

Russian language and literature

Kalinina N.N.


(from the French. bouts rimes - "rhymed ends") - the composition of poems to predetermined rhymes, usually of a comic nature. The burime form originated in France in the first half of the 17th century. The history of the emergence of Burime is due to the French poet Dulot, who stated that he wrote 300 sonnets, but lost the manuscript. After massive public doubts about such a large number of written poems, Dullot admitted that he did not write the poems themselves, but only prepared rhymes. After that, his colleagues in the pen wrote sonnets to blank rhymes, and a new poetic game became fashionable in the 17th and 18th centuries. was quite a popular salon entertainment. It is also known that A. Dumas in the 19th century was the organizer of the competition for the best burime and published a book of the best poems.

Rules of the game. Burime's game is a poetic rhyme. Ideal conditions for the game - from ten people. A leader is appointed, everyone sits down at the table. The facilitator determines and announces to everyone the topic, on which there will be rhyming.

Everyone has pens and sheets of paper of the same size, most often they are A4 type. On command, work begins. Everyone composes and writes the first line from the verse and passes it to the person sitting next to him. He composes and writes down the second line under the first and wraps a piece of paper so that the next participant cannot read the first line.

And he had only one line in front of his eyes. He, in turn, invents and writes his own poetic line, rhyming with the previous one. Now wraps two lines and passes to the next player.

Then the leader at some stage (when each of the participants wrote an equal number of lines), when the first paper reached the last player, the leader gives a signal that the rhyming ends and everyone hands over the sheets to him.

He straightens them and begins reading what happened. Most often these are such ridiculous texts! Everyone laughs! Everyone is extremely happy, because the result is very funny.

given rhymes: air - rest game - ax

illness - leisure land - ruble

A hut cannot be built without an ax friend, And sometimes other work is just rest, Work is my joy fun game, When in the face - good luck fresh air.

I rejected illnesses, I don’t know illness. I do not spend a single ruble on medicines. Road under my feet the earth spreads: Nature for me is medicine and leisure.

The lines must end with the given words, but the rhyme can change: it can be cross, paired or encircling. That is, pairs of rhyming words can be spread over a quatrain.

For example:

given the following rhymes:

gourd razor


The kids were preparing a pumpkin for the holiday,

To make a face, they took a sharp razor,

An awkward movement cut an eyebrow,

Crimson blood gushed to the floor.

The section is very easy to use. In the proposed field, just enter right word, and we will give you a list of its values. It should be noted that our site provides data from different sources- encyclopedic, explanatory, derivational dictionaries. Here you can also get acquainted with examples of the use of the word you entered.


The meaning of the word burime

burime in the crossword dictionary

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov


neskl., cf. (fr. bouts-rimes, lit. rhymed ends) (lit.). Poems on given rhymes (literary game).

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova.


[me], indistinct, cf.

    A poem written in predetermined rhymes.

    A game consisting in writing such poems. Play b.

New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.


cf. non-cl.

    Poems on given rhymes.

    A game that consists in compiling poems to given rhymes (usually funny in content).

Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998


BURIME (French bouts rimes - rhymed ends) verses to given rhymes; a popular form of secular "light poetry" of the 17th and 18th centuries.


(French bouts rimés ≈ rhymed ends), a literary game; a poem, more often an impromptu comic character to predetermined and unexpected rhymes (rhyming words). Sometimes a subject is also given for B. Originated in France in the first half of the 17th century. In Russia, V. L. Pushkin, D. D. Minaev, and A. A. Golenishchev-Kutuzov were famous for their ability to write letters. Examples of B. are in the book of N. F. Ostolopov “Dictionary of ancient and new poetry» (1821). In 1914, the St. Petersburg magazine Vesna held a mass competition for B.

Lit .: Shulgovsky N. N., Entertaining versification, L., 1926.



Burime- a literary game, which consists in composing poems, often comic ones, on given rhymes, sometimes also on a given topic. Sometimes another game is also referred to as burima, also called the “nonsense game”: they write down several lines or even stanzas and pass the sheet to the partner to continue, leaving only the last of them visible. You can also start drawing a creature, say, from the head, turning a piece of paper so that the partner sees only the neck and draws the torso, and so on.

Examples of the use of the word burime in the literature.

Literary games were regularly arranged: burime, an acrostic, poems of a given size on a given topic, and so on.

We played charades burime, acrostics, which even developed poetic talents.

The poets whispered loudly: they planned to play burime in the secret hope of creating a poem about the modern Icarus, who turned into a bird.

However, Friday night puzzles should be pure and easy, as burime menu.

Marie Antoinette from the embankment, trying in her old age to maintain the same posture of the goddess Coisevox, who once long ago fascinated elegant youth and who was now glorified by the virshepets in burime, - and also due to the fact that she developed in herself the prim, comforting arrogance inherent in all who, having fallen into disgrace, are forced to always be helpful, - with royal coldness slightly inclined her head and, immediately turning away, no longer paid any attention to attention, as if I wasn't there.

But, apparently, the young man was deprived of a sense of humor, as he answered: - Because rumors reached me that, speaking in one military unit of our district, you composed in five minutes burime on a given topic, and this made such a deep impression on the audience, and especially on the political staff, that.

- (French bouts rimes - rhymed ends),
poems to given rhymes; a popular form of secular "light poetry" in the 17th and 18th centuries.

Burime - playfully hone the sharpness of the mind!

The history of the emergence and rules of the game Burime

Burime is one of the most fun table (table) literary games that have ever been invented by man. Mind game it is difficult to call a burime, but she cannot be denied wit and an exercise in the flexibility of the mind.

Many young people are now engaged in self-development and self-improvement. Burime will not only help to pass the evening cheerfully and culturally (in the style of French secular parties of the 17th century), but also to practice wit and ingenuity.

The history of the game burime.
The game was born in France in the secular society of the 17th century. The author is the French poet Dulot, popular at that time. At 19, the Burimes were abandoned and forgotten. Alexandre Dumas raised the second wave of fashion for the literary game by organizing a competition through a literary magazine. According to the results of the competition, the enterprising Dumas published a book with the works of 350 poets who responded to the competition and sent their rhymed lines.

Rules of the game.
Burime's game is a poetic rhyme. Ideal conditions for the game - from ten people. A leader is appointed, everyone sits down at the table. The facilitator determines and announces to everyone the topic, on which there will be rhyming.

Everyone has pens and sheets of paper of the same size, most often they are A4 type. On command, work begins. Everyone composes and writes the first line from the verse and passes it to the person sitting next to him. He composes and writes down the second line under the first and wraps a piece of paper so that the next participant cannot read the first line.

And he had only one line in front of his eyes. He, in turn, invents and writes his own poetic line, rhyming with the previous one. Now wraps two lines and passes to the next player.

Then the leader at some stage (when each of the participants wrote an equal number of lines), when the first paper reached the last player, the leader gives a signal that the rhyming ends and everyone hands over the sheets to him.

He straightens them and begins reading what happened. Most often these are such ridiculous texts! Everyone laughs! Everyone is extremely happy, because the result is very funny.
It is possible to make the second round after the first round and, thus, the people sharpen their minds and get a charge of positive and optimism!
A more lightweight (and common) version of the game is an essay on given rhymes. That is, the participant’s sheets are handed out with the endings (rhymes) already recorded in each line.

AT modern world the lack of lively positive communication complicates life and adversely affects mental health. The Burime game is a good fun pastime not only at feasts, but also with a simple tea party.

Have fun with Burime friends, train your wits! Very often it is wit that helps to cope with the difficulties in life!

Interesting Facts about burim:
V.L. Pushkin (Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin’s uncle), D.D. Minaev, Golenishchev-Kutuzov were famous for their ability to play burim in Russia.
Examples of burime can be found in N.F. Ostolopov's book Dictionary of Ancient and Modern Poetry (1821).
In 1914, the St. Petersburg magazine Vesna held a mass burime competition.

Burime it verse, often humorous, based on given unpredictable rhymes; French literary game, which consists in compiling poems on pre-created rhymes, sometimes on a pre-selected topic.


Burime arose in the middle of the 17th century in France and was a kind of literary game. The founder of Burime is considered French poet Dulot. In 1648, Dulot informed his friends that he had lost valuable manuscripts, in particular three hundred sonnets. Surprisingly close so a large number works, the poet explained that these are not actually poems, but rhymes prepared for them. Dulot's friends themselves began to compose sonnets to rhymes created by the poet. Everyone found this idea amusing and exciting.

The game soon spread throughout French society and became a popular pastime alongside board games, card games, and even sports. Composing poems based on given rhymes was widely used in aristocratic salons. The term "burime" (French "bouts-rimes" - rhymed ends) first appeared in 1762 in the fourth edition of the dictionary of the French Academy.

Development in literature

Soon, poets began to use not only sonnets, but also other poetic forms to create burime. Thus, burime entered the secular "light poetry" of the 17th-18th centuries. A significant contribution to the development of burime was made by the French poetess Antoinette Desulière, known for writing sonnets to ready-made rhymes. Burime sonnets are also found in Molière's work.


After disappearing at the end of the 18th century, in the 19th century, the Burim fashion returned again. Interested in the literary game French writer Alexandre Dumas, inviting the French rhymers to demonstrate poetic skill and improvisational talent in competition. Having compiled a list of rhymes selected for this purpose by the poet Joseph Meri, A. Dumas in 1864 organized a burim competition in France. The compositions of 350 participants of the competition were included in the publication "Rhymed Ends, published by A. Dumas" (1865).
The French tradition of composing burime was continued famous poets XX century - L. Aragon, A. Breton, P. Eluard.

Burime in Russian poetry

In Russian literature, D. D. Minaev, V. L. Pushkin, A. A. Golenishchev-Kutuzov were famous for their talent for writing Burime. The first mass Burim competition in Russia was held in 1914 at the initiative of the Vesna magazine.

Burime example

The hut cannot be built without a circle-axe,
And sometimes work is just rest,
Work is my joy: a fun game,
When in the face - good luck fresh air.
(burime of the Russian artist Yuri Gorny on the proposed newspaper " Soviet Russia» set of rhymes)

Modern meaning

The literary game "burime" has not only survived to our time, but also received other ways of expression. Modern samples of burime are presented mainly in the form of a quatrain of a comic nature, composed according to clearly established rules.

Burime are impromptu. The essence of burime is that from incomparable, unrelated in meaning, often compound, rhymes (for example: either Jeannette - or not), a complete semantic verse is obtained. Moreover, the more complex the rhyme, the more ingenuity is required to create a compositionally integral text. For fans of Burime, there are special sites that provide the opportunity for an interactive game. Thus, burime in a broad sense is an exercise in wit, the development of improvisational abilities, resourcefulness, a sense of humor and poetic talent.

The word burime comes from the French bouts-rimes, which means rhymed ends.