Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Good mood club - funny greetings, songs, jokes, anecdotes. Video jokes and comic congratulations for a mobile phone

It's hard to imagine life modern man without social networks. Now, over a cup of morning coffee, many people look not at the news, but at the news feed on VK, Instagram or Facebook, like photos, repost their favorite notes or write their own. Virtual life dictates the rules that many diligently follow and regularly replenish their friend lists with new faces. However, this does not prevent us from forgetting real people, and it is for them that statuses about best friends are often posted. Just to say "thank you" for being there.

Cool statuses about friends

  • Only a true friend is not afraid to tell the truth, knowing that it can hurt.
  • A true friend better than any psychoanalyst: not only will he listen and give advice, but if necessary, he will prescribe a magic kick.
  • Friendship is like love, only without regard to size and status.
  • Even if you are far away, it does not change anything, because distance is not a barrier to true friendship.
  • Friends are measured not by quantity, but by quality. Better one, but real, than ten, but for a day.
  • Maybe 1000 friends on the friend list, but there is no one to talk to. Or one, in reality, but for life.
  • Who are the people who know more about you than you would like.
  • Even if I don't post funny friend statuses, I still love you guys.
  • A true friend is one with whom it is even comfortable to be silent.
  • A friend is a person who, in any unpleasant situation, will take your side, and then, in private, will punch you in the neck for all the “jambs”.

To old friends

Those who have known almost all their lives will be pleased with the following selection. So, cool statuses about friends:

  • There are no time limits for classmates: we are still one gang.

  • When our company gathers, we become those with whom our parents did not allow us to be friends and told us to stay away. Friendship is a terrible force.
  • True friends are people who know who you really are, but continue to be friends with you.
  • Friends don't have to be perfect, but they're always real.

With a friend for life

Fans of posting statuses on VK about friends may like something from this collection.

  • Best friends are ready to lend a helping hand in any trouble in life ... But when it comes to the last piece of pizza: "Go to hell, it's mine!"

  • Your best friend hates your ill-wishers, even if he has never seen them.
  • If I forget the details of the party, I will definitely ask my best friends: they will not only tell in their faces, but also show photos or videos.
  • It's good that I have real friends: they will help to throw out the Christmas tree, and to lower the offender down the stairs.
  • Everyone has a folder with well-hidden photographs on their computer, looking at which only one thing comes to mind: “Well, you have a face, Sharapov ...”
  • You can’t quarrel with my friends: they post this on Instagram ...

When a friend is not a friend

Sometimes there are situations when you don’t want to post cool statuses about friends at all. This small selection will help to speak out about sore.

  • With friends like that, you don't need enemies.
  • Friends are those who are there not only when it's bad, but also when it's really good.
  • A real friend cares about you, not about the car and your boyfriend's salary.
  • If friends appear when there is a desire to go somewhere to "sit", it is worth considering whether they are friends ...

  • When love is betrayed, one can still find an explanation when friendship is not.
  • If your best friend has not called or written for a long time, relax, this is not a friend, but just an acquaintance.
  • Friendship is a 24/7 service. No lunches, weekends or holidays.
  • The betrayal of a friend is more difficult to survive than the betrayal of a loved one.

Statuses for girlfriends

Don't know how to show your friend that you care about her? Write cool statuses about friends on your or her page, she will definitely appreciate your attention.

  • Just looking at your tear-stained face, he will say: “You are my beauty!”
  • True friends come to you as to their home. And they know not only where the slippers are, but also what is in the refrigerator.

  • When the world is bursting at the seams, you can get depressed, go to see a psychologist, or buy a bottle of wine and fall to your friend's with the words: "Well, are we walking ?!"
  • Even if I find and write out all the statuses about best friends, this will not be enough to show how much you mean to me.
  • I love my girlfriend. She will stop the horse, and enter the hut, and twist the offenders into a ram's horn, and bake cookies for tea. If I were a man, I would marry!
  • Only your best friend knows exactly what you write about in your status.
  • Even if I have a deadline, and it’s the end of the world outside the window and a space landing is landing in front of the office, I will find a couple of minutes to take a photo with the cutest alien and send it to my girlfriend. Maybe this will cheer her up and make her smile.
  • Those who think that female friendship does not exist, just do not know my girlfriend.
  • cool statuses about friends - just a reason to say again about the most important thing: thank you for being in my life.

Friends are known in trouble... or when you need guarantors.

Good friends, good books and a sleeping conscience: this is the ideal life.

If your friends haven't called you for a long time, don't be offended, they're just fine.

Sometimes you sit in the company of friends and you understand guys you will go to kindergarten tomorrow, and I have to work)))

It's good when you know that you have a friend, it's bad when a friend does not know that you have him.

If they ask - “What is more expensive? Love, parents, friends? You, silently, *baths in the face, you can’t ask such a thing!

Never say anything bad about yourself, your friends will do it for you!

I bought myself earrings in the form of mosquitoes ... so cool))) Today I already received a slap in the face from my friends twice.

You don't have to have wings to fly. You need to have people in your life who will not let you fall.

The blows of a friend are not as dangerous as the kisses of an enemy.

How much we do for our friends that we have never done for ourselves!

A four-legged friend, better than two-legged two!

Every time you give a friend a loan, you spoil his memory.

The best friend does not teach to live and does not read morality, if I'm wrong. He'll just say you're an idiot. And I will be grateful to him.

In addition to friends, buddies and acquaintances, there is also such a type of dating as “drunk together”

Good friends, good books, and a sleeping conscience are all components of an ideal life.

The best part of our life is made up of friends...

If life has become tight, look at the face of a friend, look at this snout - remember everything that happened to you!

I hate my boyfriend's friends. Fiercely. I would marry all of them, bastards!))

The most popular phrase when walking with friends: - Well, everything, be quiet, otherwise people are coming!

You ruined your life, help someone else!

It doesn't matter if you don't have friends. trouble if they are fake and corrupt.

We would have more friends if the page didn’t say: “Perhaps you know each other?”, But: “Perhaps you drank together?”))

About 20 thousand of my close friends said that I exaggerate too much!

There are a lot of friends online, but no one writes or answers ... Silence is Gold? You are my gold!!!

The best friend is like a husband, the only and beloved. This is the one with whom conversations do not bother. This is the one whose pain is like your own. This is the one who can cheer you up when you want to cry ...)))

Cocktail recipe "Three Little Pigs": A box of vodka and two friends.

Do I have friends? Of course! Especially when I have a good mood and desire to take a walk. When am I lonely? No, unfortunately they are not.

You have mixed feelings when you find your wife only in the "Friends of Friends" section.

It's so sad to see people unfriend each other when they almost broke the bed one day!

In order not to be betrayed and to have fewer enemies, do not have too many friends.

Against fate. Against the wind. Against the stream. All this is I. And whoever is walking next to me does not matter. If with me, then friends.

What is more important to you: boyfriend or best friend? If a friend is the best, then she will understand that he is loved.

I have with friends great relationship - me him in best friends, and he put me on the black list!

People get dogs, and cats get people. Apparently, they consider them useful pets.

Girlfriends are like bras - close to my heart and always support!

My friends are like stars. I don't always see them, but I know they are there.

Seeing a new friend - do not forget about the old one. Seeing an affordable girl - do not forget about your favorite.

The most interesting thing about beer is the company.

A girl with blue eyes is the most beautiful, and a girl with blue friends is the most faithful!!!

I had 6 bottles of beer. I met a friend and he asked me for two. How many bottles of beer do I have left?
- about 15 empty.

Friends, I will accept as a gift MEMORY, giga 2, with a connector for a bad head ...

Friends are people who sleep in your bed while you clean up all that pigsty that was left after their visit yesterday ...

If your friends doubt you, then they are not friends, they are bullshit, comrades.

Books are the most silent and the most faithful friends; they are the most accessible and wisest advisers, and they are the most patient teachers.

A wife can be a friend, but a husband, unfortunately, cannot be a friend.

Hello! I wanted to tell you something! Firstly, I met your wife on vacation, secondly, I slept with her, and thirdly, how do you like secondly?
- Firstly, I divorced her a year ago, secondly, she has syphilis, and thirdly, how do you like it secondly?

-let's go for a walk?
- somehow you pronounce the word "swell" strangely !!!)))

Do not share your joys with your friends, take care of their nerves!

I live for those who need it… I make friends only with those in whom I am sure… I communicate with those who are pleasant… And I am grateful to those who appreciate!!!

Statuses about friends are cool

The most interesting, unusual and creative statuses about friends are a great opportunity to jokingly show their minor flaws, and present their virtues in a completely different light. Just looking at funny statuses about friends, your classmates, who once shared school pranks together, will grin and for a moment return to the carefree world of childhood. Many cool statuses about friends will remind you of quarrels from scratch, and of different sides your friendship, just try to avoid the most offensive caustic phrases. But kind, harmless statuses about friends, about the best will only strengthen relations, reminding you of joint decision all school and adult problems.

You learn more from children than they learn from you.

A true friend is not the one who sympathizes in trouble, but the one who shares your joy without envy.

Friendship is like a puzzle. Each of your friends is a piece... Some are on the edge, others are closer to the center, but each one adds a piece of himself to us.

childhood friends. If you don't go to adolescence- it's for life.

I value and respect real friends, not their likeness...

Friendship is love without wings.

It's good when there is such a friend who cheers you up just by smiling at you.

Friend: a person who won't sell you for nothing

A friend cannot be bought, a friend can be sold.

To have many friends is to have none.

A friend is one soul living in two bodies

A friend is someone who knows your past, believes in your future and accepts you the way you are in the present))

Friends are when you can, for no reason at all, come to a person and settle with him.

Friends are family you choose

Friendship ... when you are completely different and complement each other perfectly

Friendship often ends love but love rarely ends in friendship

Live your own life! Go your way! Be completely successful! And when you get it, and you are alone, you will understand that friendship is more important!!!

You know, my girlfriend is dear to me! Than cosmetics and clothes!: D

A true friend is not the one who got drunk with you in shit, but the one who helped clean up after drinking.

Friendship is everything. Friendship is more than talent. Stronger than any government. Friendship means only a little less than family

A friend is a person who wants to be with you when you are having a hard time and wants you to be with him when he is well.

Friends leave forever, but remain in memory .. Friends leave somehow by chance, and we laugh with new friends and remember old ones with tears at night ...

True friends exist only in childhood. Such naive .... still do not know flattery, betrayal, envy ...

A true friend is someone who walks through your door...even if the whole world has walked out of it

Copy the status to a comment and it will immediately appear on your page

Love, friendship, respect do not connect like that as a common hatred for something.

After the intoxication of victory, there is always a feeling great loss: our enemy, our enemy is dead! Even the loss of a friend is not as deeply regretted as the loss of an enemy.

The best way to cheer up is to cheer up someone else.

The best pleasure, the highest joy in life is to feel needed and loved by people!

I defeat my enemies by turning them into friends.

All the honors of this world are not worth one good friend.

My best friend is the one who gave me a book that I haven't read yet.

Friendship is not a service, no thanks for it.

How to treat a person humanely cordially.

The most outrageous crime is the abuse of a friend's trust.

Do not try to embellish yourself for a friend: for the arrow and striving towards the Superman must be for him.

In joy, friends recognize us; in misfortune, we recognize them.

Peace, happiness, brotherhood of people - that's what we need in this world!

You can never do too much for a devoted friend.

Our faith in others betrays what we would like to believe in ourselves. Our longing for a friend is our traitor.

Chickens under one roof live in peace and harmony, and two roosters can never get along in one chicken coop - such is their nature.

A true friend is with you when you're wrong. When you are right, everyone will be with you.

People with an ardent character are rarely constant in friendship.

A dispute even between friends has something rude, hostile and contrary to friendly relations.

There is only one undoubted happiness in life - to live for another.

It’s even nice to be sick when you know that there are people who are waiting for your recovery, like a holiday.

And there is no wife or friend behind the coffin.

We are receptive to friendship, justice, humanity, compassion and reason. Is this not virtue, my friends?

In happiness it is easy to find a friend, in misfortune it is extremely difficult.

We are especially pleased with our friends if they, appreciating our good qualities allow themselves to notice our shortcomings as well.

All the inclinations of a living being can be reduced to two basic ones: to preserve life and to participate in the lives of others, to communicate with others.

Unity creates friendship.

friendship of one reasonable person dearer than the friendship of all fools.

Books have a special charm; books give us pleasure: they talk to us, give us good advice, they become living friends for us.

The most pleasant thing is to have friends who always tell you the honest truth.

Only the hand of a friend can tear the thorns out of the heart.

The eyes of friendship are rarely wrong.

In old age, the number of friends does not increase: all losses are then irretrievable.

And if a friend harms you, say this: "I forgive myself for what you have done to me; but how can I forgive the evil that you have done to yourself by this act?"

We will provide them with humanitarian assistance ... with weapons.

The greatest enemy hides where you least look for it.

After all, you can’t be an enemy of fire just because it sometimes burns, you need to remember that it always warms.

Earn the love of your neighbor!

If you are a slave, you cannot be a friend. If a tyrant, you cannot have friends.

Never enter into friendship with a person whom you cannot respect.

The highest criterion of the civilization of a given race is its willingness to extend a helping hand to less fortunate peoples.

Cradle personal success in life is the preservation of friendship, trust and respect from your closest neighbor.

I love pigs. Dogs look up at us. Cats look down on us. Pigs look at us as equals.

Where there is no complete frankness, complete power of attorney, where even a little bit of it is hidden, there is not and cannot be friendship.

A weak person is better to have as an enemy than as a friend.

A bad friend is like a shadow: on a sunny day, run - you won’t run away; on a cloudy day, look - you won’t find it.

Friendship, like love, is a rose with a luxurious color, an intoxicating aroma, but also with prickly thorns.

My friend is the one to whom I can tell everything.

Friends are thieves of time.

Stupidity and vanity always go hand in hand.

It's not good to turn your back on your friends when you've reached more high position in society. This is called snobbery.

A person whose fame thunders will never lack friends, friendliness and benevolence of people.

There is nothing more precious than friends; lose no opportunity, therefore, to acquire them whenever you can.

Politeness is a sign of benevolence and willingness to serve, especially in relation to those with whom we are not yet in a close relationship of acquaintance or friendship.

Of those who are near you, encourage not those who exalt everything you have done, but those who scold you severely for your mistakes.

Only golden mediocrity enjoys the enviable privilege of not annoying anyone and not having enemies and adversaries.

Just as love has no closer friend than jealousy, so it has no greater enemy.

Asking for advice is the greatest trust one person can place in another.

Slander is not always an act of malice: most often it is the fruit of an innocent desire to be dispelled by an entertaining conversation, and sometimes the fruit of goodwill and participation as sincere as it is awkward.

Real self-respect lies in not thinking about yourself.

What, in fact, is wrong in the fact that my friend loves himself more than me?

Oh my friends! There are no friends in the world!

A moral person does a lot for the sake of his friends and for the sake of the fatherland, even if he had to lose his life in the process.

Sincere friendship is based on the proximity of minds and secret laws, and not on visible signs.

Because of each offense, one cannot renounce a friend.

Compassion will heal more sins than condemnation.

Both in friendship and in love, sooner or later the time for settling accounts comes.

Who asks why we like to hang out with beautiful people, he is blind.

The meaning of life is only a life lived for the sake of others.

Together you are sometimes more lonely than alone with yourself!

A person who does not trust himself does not really trust anyone.

We consider sane only those people who agree with us on everything.

To entrust someone else's secret to another is betrayal, to entrust one's own is stupidity.

Sincere people are loved, but deceived.

We willingly forgive our friends shortcomings that do not hurt us.

Cruelty and fear shake hands.

True friendship is true and courageous.

There are people whose indifference and neglect brings more honor than their friendship and praise.

Do not appreciate the one who never objects to you - this does not speak of his love for you, but of his love for himself.

Don't wish your friends great luck if you don't want to lose them.

Never make excuses. Your friends don't need it, and your enemies won't believe it anyway.

Friendship is love without wings.

Friendship is the most necessary thing for life, since no one wants to live without friends, even if he had all the other benefits.

Enjoy communication - main feature friendship.

In face-to-face conversations between close friends the wisest people very often they make very weak judgments, because talking with a friend is the same as thinking aloud.

Who belongs to everyone does not belong to himself. Limit yourself even in friends.

Without constancy there can be no love, no friendship, no virtue.

Appreciate a fair person more than your own.

Reprimand does not prevent hearing from the first person you meet; praise from a person is good to hear, only looking at him closer.

Only complete strangers tell about the most secret.

The least noisy, most modest friendship is often the most useful. Therefore, I would prefer a reserved friend to an overzealous one.

Happiness is the highest friendship, based not on habit, but on reason, in which a person loves his friend through loyalty and good will.

The fraternal closeness of like-minded people is stronger than any walls.

Friends, flattering, corrupt, and enemies, scolding, usually correct.

Do not neglect your enemies: they are the first to notice your mistakes.

An immodest person is often more dangerous than an evil one, for the latter attacks only his enemies, while the former harms his enemies and his friends.

There is no respect dearer to me than the respect of the person whom I myself respect the most on merit.

It is better to have one friend of great value than many of little value.

What you hide from the enemy, do not tell your friend, because there is no guarantee that friendship will last forever.

When friendship suddenly arises between a dog and a cat, it is nothing but an alliance against the cook.

Great and good deeds always unite people.

Friendship is like a race - while in equal positions - people communicate when they are behind or ahead of others - the connection is broken. But on the way there are also owners of rescue fireballs. Appreciate them, even if you hear the growl of the engine ahead of you.

Rejoice in your enemy - this will make you stronger and give you the strength to fight.

True friends are closer than relatives.

The more friends you have, the less likely you are to meet them.

Friendship is broken on the rocks of envy and hatred.

Are you proud that you have three hundred friends in contact? .. And I'm proud of two ... but real ones!

A true friend is not the one who sympathizes in trouble, but the one who shares your joy without envy.

Only real friends can understand that something is wrong with you, even when you smile

Best friends are ready to give their lives for each other.. but when it comes to gum…. fuck you, she's the last one

Good friends congratulate you early in the morning. The best call at 3 am, yelling into the phone: Happy Birthday! - and then they ask: Well, am I the first?

And y yesterday another server broke me in five minutes. - Is he a hacker??! - He's an asshole!!

childhood friends. If you do not disperse in adolescence - this is for life.

I’ll get a dog and call it Good .. You return home, and there it’s always Good ...

I won't tell you what the word Friendship means. I think words are superfluous here. You ask for what you need, and I will come when others do not come.

It's hard to be friends when you want to kiss.

A true friend is not the one who got drunk on shit with you, but the one who helped clean up after drinking.

The three girls are friends so that when the third one leaves, they can talk about what kind of sheep she is))

The best friend is the person with whom even silence is interesting!)))

Live your own life! Go your way! Be completely successful! And when you get it, and you are alone, you will understand that friendship is more important!!!

The question is not why my friends are crazy. The question is, why do I feel comfortable in the company of patients in the head!?

I decided to fuck a friend, went to a gay site, register it, write his email ... everything would be fine if it were not for the message: "This user is already registered"

A friend is a person who wants to be with you when you are having a hard time and wants you to be with him when he is well.

I go into the entrance, and there ... A path of carved emoticons to my apartment, and at the threshold there is an inscription “Smile! We love you! ”, I open the door ... And there they are! Friends! So nice!

Only the oldest and hilarious friends can give a GIRL a BOX OF BEER for a GIRL's birthday)))))))) I love YOU, my boogers)))))

A true friend is someone who walks through your door...even if the whole world has walked out of it.

Once Love asked Friendship: - why do you need when I am? - to leave smiles where you leave tears!

Friends are people who will remind you all your life of your jambs and freak out over them.

Friends are those people with whom there is something to be silent about.

Friends are people whose phone numbers you know by heart.

Friends are without whom a lot of things in your life would not be so good ...))))

Van, what did they give you for your birthday? ... - Do you see a turquoise 600 Mercedes under the window? Yes, great car! - That's exactly the color of the cap

Know how to appreciate the one to whom you are dear. And do not chase those who are happy without you.

It's good when there is such a friend who cheers you up just by smiling at you.

How did you meet your wife? - Yes, friends called, invited to the wedding. They said, they say, you will be the groom. Thought it was a joke...

Lech, we decided to go to your country house this weekend! Will you come with us?

Only best friends sitting a meter apart, write tender words to each other in the agent * _ *

An SMS came from the operator: "Communicate with friends 3 times more." Either my liver will fail, or they will kick me out of the house!

A friend is not the one who jumps out of the window after you, but the one who catches you from below.

I can't be angry with those who make me laugh)

No longer a friend ... and not even an enemy ... you are now like everyone else ... you are now just like that

Friends are when they listen, understand, do not condemn, but in difficult moments help.

Truly man's best friend is a dog. Don't believe? Try locking your wife and dog in the trunk of a car. Open in an hour. Who will make you more happy?

A friend is someone who knows your past, believes in your future and accepts you the way you are in the present))

A real friend won't say, "Ugh, she's creepy." A true friend will say: "Brother, if you love her, then she is the best!"

I have such friends that sometimes I'm ready to shoot them. But if not for them, she would have shot herself a long time ago.

Only best friends know better than you what else is delicious in your fridge =)

Friends help us to live and interfere with work.

Your best friend will always hate your ex even more than you do.

A friend is a friend. You call her at night, tell her that you fell in love. And she just says in a hoarse voice "Sleep!" and hangs up. Then he will call back and say: “Open the door for me. Just be quiet, I'm with a bottle!"

True friendship is when you receive a response to the message I got sick. Are you OHRINELA ??!

Friends are those people who sleep at your place while you clean up all the rubbish left by them after a fun evening.

Your girlfriend forgot about you and got a boyfriend? Set the status to "Damn! I think I fell in love with my best friend's boyfriend...

Friendship also has feelings. I am your friend.

Female friendship: the girl didn’t spend the night at home, the guy called all his friends in a rage, but he never found her ... Male friendship: the guy didn’t spend the night at home, the girl calls all his friends in a rage, as a result, he spent the night with two, but already left , and three are still sleeping ...

A friend is not the one who drags you home after drinking, but the one who crawls next to you.

If you want to know the whole truth about yourself, get your friends drunk.

Learn to distinguish friends from those with whom you drink beer on the weekends.

Only with a real friend you can walk all day, say goodbye for half an hour, and then talk to her on your mobile all the way ...

Love inspires, hate gives strength, and friendship is both.

It's nice when you are loved despite cockroaches in your head and an awl in your ass: D

We are best friends. Remember, if you fall, I will always pick you up. AFTER I FINISH THE LAUGHING.

Friendship is not needed for life, it is one of those things without which life is not needed ...

You are my friend… we are friends… you are such a fool just like me.

A friend is the person to whom you say "I don't want to live," and in response you hear "If you say that again, I'll kill you myself."

Women's tears need a pillow for women's holidays - flowers, and I need a girlfriend as cool as you!

If you want to know the shortcomings of a girl, praise her in front of her friends.

Friend - only person who can send you loving...

And my friend and I are two idiots who have been crying for us for a long time!!! =)))

My girlfriend knows so much about me that either she needs to be killed or be friends with her to death))

MORON. - an ideal friend and a great companion!

God!!! If you can't make me lose weight, make my friends get better!

You are day and night, you are darkness and light, you are the one who goes to the toilet with me at night))

SMS came from a friend: 1st SMS: -I'm going. 2nd SMS: -I'm drunk. 3rd: - Where to go?

Friends are those people who sit with you for a kilometer-long line to the doctor and at the end, as always, they say, "Go to hell, I will never go with you again!"