Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Galileo Galilei theory about the earth. ThePeson: Galileo Galilei, biography, life story, facts

Galileo Galilei was born in western Tuscany in 1564 in the family of lutenist Vincenzo Galilei. There were six children in their family, but only four of them survived. In 1572, the Galilean family moved to Florence, where art and scientific discoveries were held in high esteem.

He mastered the first stage of education at a school at a monastery. Galileo even thought about becoming a priest, but his father was not happy with his son’s decision. At the age of 17, the young man was admitted to the University of Pisa by medical direction, where he became interested in geometry. Due to lack of funds, studies had to be stopped in the fourth year, and the son again went to Florence. In 1589, under the patronage of the Marquis Guidobaldo del Monte, Galileo came to Pisa to lecture on mathematical sciences. Two years later, the father died, and Galileo became the head of the family.

From 1592 to 1610, Galileo lectured on various subjects in Padua. This period is considered to be the most fruitful in scientific activity. During these years, he met Kepler and other scientific minds in Italy. In 1609, on the general wave of popularity of astronomy, Galileo invented the first telescope, with the help of which he saw previously unimaginable things: craters on the Moon, the Milky Way in individual stars, as well as the satellites of Jupiter. These discoveries were described by him in the work "Starry Messenger", which made Galileo the most famous scientist of the Old World. At this time Galileo concludes marriage with a girl from Venice, Marina Gamba, and becomes the father of two daughters and a son.

In 1610, Galileo was forced to return to Florence due to accumulated debts. Here he continued to explore the sky and discovered the phases of Venus and magnetic storms in the sun. Intoxicated by his popularity, he made a series of mistakes, speaking out openly in defense of the ideas of Copernicus, which attracted the attention of the Inquisition to his person. The heliocentric system of the world is declared heresy and Galileo decides to write a book with a neutral opinion on this issue. He has been working on the book for about 16 years, waiting for the right moment to publish.

After the church banned heliocentrism, Galileo published his Letters to Ingoli in 1624, part of which was later included in the Dialogue Concerning the Two World Systems. In 1631, Galileo moved to Arcetri, closer to his daughters.

In the winter of 1632, “Dialogue Concerning the Two Systems of the World” was published. Galileo sent 30 copies of the book to Rome, but miscalculated. Pope Urban VIII took the book as an insult to himself and Galileo was invited to Rome for trial Inquisition, which lasted until July 1633. The court decided on imprisonment and Galileo, bowing his head, uttered words of renunciation. The inquisitors did not leave the scientist until the end of his days; and at the death of Galileo there were two clergymen.

Galileo Galilei died on January 8, 1642, at the age of 77, in his bed. The Pope issued a ban on funerals with the rest of the family. It was decided to bury him in Arcetri without any frills.

For schoolchildren about the main thing, grades 5, 7

Biography of Galileo Galilei about the main thing

Galileo-Galilei was truly a great man. Today he is known not only as outstanding chemist and physicist, but also as an excellent designer, a wonderful inventor and a magnificent astronomer.

Galileo was born on February 15, 1564. His hometown- Pisa. Until the age of 11, he studied at a local school. After moving to Florence, he received his education in a Benedictine monastery. After completing his studies at the monastery, Galileo entered one of the universities of Pisa, where he actively studied medicine for three years. higher mathematics, philosophy and geometry.

The future physicist was no longer able to pay for his studies and therefore returned to Florence. Very soon he meets the Marquis of Monte.

It was thanks to him that Galileo got a job as a mathematics teacher. University of Bologna. After that great person He taught at the University of Padua and Pisa. It was here that the most fruitful period took place. For Galileo. The work “Mechanics” appeared in 1593, where the physicist described all the studies of falling bodies, as well as the pendulum. It was in these works that completely new and previously unknown principles of motion were put forward, which was a counterbalance to the dynamics of Aristotle.

His passion for astronomy was so great that he managed to prove the truth of the heliocentric model of the structure of the entire surrounding world. After that, he created the first telescope. His passion for the sublime allowed him to make great discoveries large quantities previously unknown celestial objects. At this time, fame and recognition embrace the great scientist.

Galileo's philosophy about how the world works is very contradictory to Holy Scripture. After he began to actively promote the teachings of Copernicus, Galileo ends up in an inquisitorial court, where he makes a speech of renunciation, of course, not according to at will. The scientist was in prison for a short time, after which he immediately went home.

5th, 7th grade and its opening

Interesting Facts and dates from life

But first he wanted to devote his life to medicine, entering the University of Pisa in 1581. However, after reading the works of Archimedes and Euclid, he left the university and studied mathematics on his own for four years.

  • Already in 1582, observing pendulums, Galileo discovered the law of isochrony - the independence of the period of oscillation of a pendulum from the swing of oscillations and the mass of the load - and put forward the idea of ​​​​using pendulums in clocks.
  • Applying mathematics not only to mechanics, but also to hydrostatics, he invented hydrostatic balances in 1586, which were used in weighing precious metals and their alloys.

Over the next 20 years, he experimentally and theoretically established the basic principles of mechanics. First of all, this is the principle of relativity for rectilinear and uniform motion and the principle of constant acceleration under the influence of gravity. The first principle later led to the concept of an inertial frame of reference, and the second to the concept of inertial mass. And, having extended Galileo’s principle of relativity to everything physical processes(in particular, to light) and interpreting its second principle as the equivalence of the forces of inertia and gravity, created general theory relativity.


In 1609, Galileo created his first telescope and began systematic astronomical observations. He discovers mountains on the Moon, four satellites of Jupiter.

Discovers that the Milky Way is made up of many stars. Reveals the sunspot and its rotation, the phases of Venus. These astronomical discoveries brought Galileo and his telescope such wide popularity that he even started producing telescopes. And in 1610−14, combining and selecting the distance between lenses, he invented the microscope. These two instruments served as powerful tools for scientific research in subsequent centuries.

And Galileo himself investigated the nature of light, color, and dealt with issues of physical optics. He formulated the idea of ​​the finite speed of light propagation and conducted experiments to determine it.


Galileo's astronomical discoveries were summarized by him in his treatise "Dialogue of Two" published in 1632. major systems world", which practically confirmed the correctness of the doctrine of the heliocentric system of the world. This book infuriated the churchmen.

The Inquisition banned the book, and in 1633 Galileo himself was forced to renounce his views and excommunicated. In the same church where in 1600 he was sentenced to burning, having never renounced his views, Galileo, kneeling, pronounced the text of renunciation offered to him.


Galileo Galilei died on January 8, 1642 at the age of 78. He was buried without honors or a gravestone. In 1737, 95 years later, his ashes were transferred to Florence, to the Church of Santa Croce. And in 1992, only 350 years after the death of Galileo, Pope John Paul II, after the work of a special commission, recognized heliocentric system peace and dropped the charges against.

Between his contemporaries was based mainly on the great discoveries he made with the help of a telescope. Indeed, they provided a lot of very important new knowledge about the celestial bodies, and almost each of them served as new proof of the truth of the system Copernicus. Spots on the illuminated part of the moon, broken outlines on the edge of the illuminated part of it, viewed through a telescope, turned out to be irregularities on its surface, and Galileo had already compared them with the mountains of our globe. Observing the sun, Galileo discovered spots on it, from the movement of which it became obvious that the sun was rotating around its axis. Observing Venus, Galileo saw that it had the same phases as the moon. (Copernicus already said that it must be so). Galileo discovered the satellites of Jupiter, and made many observations of them in order to determine the law of their rotation around their planet; he realized that the differences in time shown by clocks at different longitudes when observing an eclipse of one or another satellite of Jupiter could serve to determine the difference in these longitudes, and he tried to compile tables of the movements of Jupiter’s satellites that would have the accuracy necessary for this determination. The Dutch government understood the importance of this manual for navigation and asked Galileo not to abandon his work until it was completed; but death stopped it before it ended.

Galileo discovered the rings of Saturn. (Given the weakness of the telescopes through which he made his observations, this ring seemed to form part of the planet itself; the fact that it was separated from it by a distance was only seen Huygens). Galileo's discoveries also led to new important knowledge and about the stars. He saw that the Milky Way consists of stars, the faint radiance of which merges for a simple eye into a light stripe; similarly, many of the nebulous spots turned out to be composed of stars.

Portrait Galileo Galilei. Artist D. Tintoretto, ca. 1605-1607

But no matter how brilliant Galileo’s astronomical discoveries were, his discoveries in mechanics were no less important; Only his works raised it to the level of science. He dispelled previous erroneous concepts about the law of motion and found true ideas about it. Aristotle's false opinions about the essence of motion, while remaining dominant, greatly hindered the discovery of the laws of motion. Archimedes' concepts were the only basis for deducing truth. Guido Ubaldi and the Dutch mathematician Stevin already took the principles of Archimedes as the basis for their works and expanded some of them. But confused, completely erroneous concepts about movement continued to dominate. Before Galileo, there were almost no attempts to consider the facts of motion from mathematical point vision. Galileo laid a solid foundation for mechanics with his studies on the movement of falling and thrown bodies, on the swing of a pendulum, on the fall of a body along inclined plane. Laws of motion discovered by him and based on the concept of acceleration free fall, became the initial truths for all subsequent studies of the mechanical order of natural phenomena. Without Galileo's discoveries in mechanics, Newton's discoveries would hardly have been possible.

Galileo's students continued his work. One of them, Castelli (b. 1577, d. 1644), successfully applied the concepts of general laws of motion developed by Galileo to the movement of water and, thanks to this, successfully fulfilled the assignment given to him by Urban VIII to regulate the flow of rivers papal state. Another student of Galileo, Toricelli(born in 1618, died in 1647) became famous for the discovery that air has heaviness; This eliminated the erroneous opinion that nature abhors a vacuum (horror vacui).

Date of birth: February 15, 1564
Date of death: January 8, 1642
Place of birth: city of Pisa, Tuscany region, Duchy of Florence, Italy (Italy)

Galileo Galilei- scientist, physicist and astronomer. Galileo Galilei, which owns, perhaps, some of the most important discoveries in the field of astronomy, is less known for his achievements in the fields of mathematics, mechanics and philosophy.

Born on February 15, 1564 in Pisa (Italian Duchy of Florence) into a poor noble family. His father, Vincenzo, was a music theorist and lutenist. Mother's name was Julia. The family was large: six children, and Galileo was the eldest of them.

Galileo studied at the Vallombrosa monastery. He grew up exemplary and was the best academically in his class. As soon as he completed his studies, he seriously thought about the future of the priest, but his father was categorically against this.

At the age of 17 he entered the University of Pisa. He is interested in mathematics. Studying medicine. However, after 3 years of training, his father finds himself in very poor financial condition and the family can no longer pay for Galileo's tuition. For especially talented students there was a benefit that allowed them not to pay tuition. They submitted a request for it, but received a categorical refusal. Galileo never received his degree. Returned to Florence.

Galileo was very lucky and he met a true connoisseur of research and scientific discoveries. This was the Marquis Guidobaldo del Monte. They were friends, and the Marquis sponsored many of Galileo's discoveries. It was thanks to the Marquis that in 1589 Galileo returned to the University of Pisa, but now as a professor mathematical sciences. In 1590 he wrote a scientific work that changed the world of physics. It was a treatise “On Movement”.

In 1591, his father dies, and the young scientist takes full responsibility for the family onto his shoulders. A year later, he quits his first job and moves to the University of Padua in Venice, where Galileo was offered decent pay for his work. In addition to mathematics, he teaches astronomy and mechanics here. Students were happy to attend his lectures, and the Venetian government continuously orders various kinds of technical devices from him. He corresponds with Kepler and other authorities from the world of science and technology.

His next treatise was “Mechanics”. Galileo also builds the world's first telescope, which changes the entire understanding of environment. A serious step in science and further research. At that time, this was a real sensation, and all wealthy people began to order telescopes en masse, because Galileo’s stories about the celestial space seen through a telescope were like a fantastic fiction, and everyone wanted to see it with their own eyes.

Unfortunately, he did not make much money from this, as he was forced to give money as a dowry when his two sisters got married. Galileo finds himself in debt and accepts an invitation to work as an adviser at the Tuscan court from Duke Cosimo II de' Medici. Thus, in the life of a scientist, a turning point comes not at all better side, as he moves from Venice, where the Inquisition was powerless, to less hospitable Florence.

In general, the move to Florence itself did not promise any danger. Working as a counselor was very quiet and calm. But in 1611 the scientist leaves Florence and goes to Rome to intercede for Copernicus. He is trying to convince the Pope that the discoveries of Copernicus are a very important and useful contribution to the development of mankind. The priests organized a warm welcome and even approved of Galileo’s recent invention - his sensational telescope.

2 years later, Galileo continues to defend the point of view of Copernicus. He publishes several of his works, which do not veiledly hint that the church is intended to save the soul, and not to make or stop scientific discoveries. This greatly alarmed the Roman clergy.

In 1615, Rome openly accused Galileo of heresy, and a year later it completely banned heliocentrism. Instead of not escalating the situation, he releases another ridicule, after which the Inquisition begins a lawsuit against Galileo Galilei.

In 1633, the scientist was arrested and put on trial. was coming the death penalty, however, it was canceled given the fact that Galileo is an old and sick man who voluntarily renounced his own discoveries. Most likely, he was tortured to force him to do this. One way or another, soon the old scientist was sent to Arcetri (on its territory there was a monastery with daughters). Galileo's last years were spent there under house arrest.

All my life of galileo was so busy with his discoveries that he hardly spent time personal life. He didn’t even marry Marina Gamba, even though she bore him a son and two daughters.

On January 8, 1642, the world-famous scientist died, who made a real revolution in the world of astronomy and physics. He was not given a proper burial, but in 1737 his ashes were transferred to the Basilica of Santa Croce.

Achievements of Galileo Galilei:

The first astronomer to invent and use a telescope, making discoveries that were completely unknown at that time. He saw spots on the Sun, mountains on the Moon, satellites of Jupiter, stars in Milky Way, rotation of the Sun, phases of Venus and much more.
He preached a heliocentric system of the world.
Founded experimental physics, laid the basis for classical mechanics.
He invented not only the telescope, but also the thermometer, microscope, compass and hydrostatic balance.
Described the law of indestructibility of matter.

Dates from the biography of Galileo Galilei:

1564 – birth.
From 1581 to 1585 - studied at the University of Pisa.
1586 - invented hydrostatic balances.
1589 - returns as a professor at the University of Pisa.
1590 – published scientific work"About movement."
1591 – Galileo’s father dies.
From 1592 to 1610 he worked at the University of Padua (Venetian period).
1592 - invented the thermometer (at that time it had no scale).
1602 – invented the microscope.
1606 – invented the compass.
1609 – invented the telescope.
1610 - leaves for Florence (1610-1632 - Florentine period).
1611 - Visits the Pope for the first time to petition regarding Copernicus.
1613 – writes works that are designed to protect the interests of Copernicus.
1615 – The Roman priesthood accuses Galileo of heresy.
1616 – heliocentrism is prohibited.
From 1633 - arrest, trial, prison, later - House arrest.
1642 – death.

Interesting Galileo Galilei Facts:

When Galileo carefully observed the rings of Saturn, he thought that these were its moons. This discovery was encrypted as an anagram. Kepler deciphered it incorrectly, deciding that we're talking about about the satellites of the planet Mars.
Galileo himself sent his daughters to the monastery when they were 12 and 13 years old. One of the daughters, Livia, did not want to come to terms with the fate of a nun, but Virginia humbly accepted this fate.
Grandson of the scientist (his son only son) grew up to be a real religious fanatic. He was of the opinion that all of his grandfather’s works were heresy, and eventually burned all of Galileo’s manuscripts.
The Vatican admitted that it was wrong about Galileo only in 1981, and agreed that the Earth does indeed revolve around the Sun.

Italian astronomer and physicist Galileo Galilei is known as one of the greatest scientific minds. During his life, however, he was persecuted by the Catholic Church for his beliefs that the Sun, not the Earth, was at the center of the universe. Find out more about the iconic scientist, including whether he invented the telescope, what punishment he received after being tried by the Roman Inquisition, and how his middle finger ended up in a museum.

He was dropped out of college

Galileo, whose father was a lutenist and music theorist, was born in Pisa, Italy. Although his father was from a noble family, he was not rich. At the age of ten, Galileo began studying at a monastery near Florence and intended to become a monk. However, his father was against his son leading religious life, so he took Galileo from the monastery. At the age of 16, Galileo entered the University of Pisa to study medicine at the insistence of his father. Instead, however, he became interested in mathematics and focused on it. Galileo left the university in 1585 without receiving a diploma. He continued his mathematical research independently and earned money by giving private lessons, and then returned in 1589 to the University of Pisa to teach mathematics there.

He didn't invent the telescope

Galileo did not invent the telescope - this discovery is credited to Dutch lens maker Hans Lippershey. However, he was the first person to systematically use optical instruments to study the sky. Lippershey's 1608 telescope patent application is the earliest, but the Dutch government decided that the telescope was too easy to copy, especially since another scientist had already demonstrated a similar device the year before, so the patent was refused. In 1609, Galileo learned about the device and developed his own version, greatly improving the design. In the fall of that year, he pointed a telescope at the moon and found that it was covered with craters and mountains - thereby debunking the common belief that the surface of the moon is smooth.

His daughters were nuns

Galileo had three children with a woman named Marina Gamba, whom he never married. In 1613, he sent his two daughters, Virginia, born in 1600, and Livia, born a year later, to a convent near Florence, where they remained for the rest of their lives, despite their father's troubles with Catholic Church. Galileo supported close connection with his eldest daughter, known as Sister Marie Celeste. At the monastery, she sewed and baked for him when she was freed from her tasks. He, in turn, organized the supply of food and other necessary things to the impoverished monastery. Galileo's son Vincenzo, born in 1606, studied medicine at the University of Pisa, married and lived in Florence.

He was sentenced to life imprisonment

The heliocentric theory of how the universe functions poses a major challenge to the widely held belief that the Earth is the center solar system. In 1616, the Catholic Church declared the theory heretical because it was seen as contradicting certain passages from the Bible. Galileo received permission from the Catholic Church to study Copernicus' ideas as long as he did not promote or defend them. In 1632 he published his famous book, which presented the discussion between Ptolemy and Copernicus. The book was seen as supporting the ideas of Copernicus, resulting in Galileo being tried by the Roman Inquisition a year later. He was found guilty of heresy, forced to publicly repent, and sentenced to life in prison.

He spent his last years under house arrest

Although Galileo was sentenced to life imprisonment, his sentence was soon changed to house arrest. He lived his last years in a villa in his hometown of Arcetri, near Florence. He could not meet with friends and publish books, but nevertheless he was visited famous people from all over Europe, such as the philosopher Thomas Hobbes and the poet John Milton. In addition, he managed to transfer the manuscript of a new work, which was published in 1638 - the same year Galileo became completely blind. He died on January 8, 1642, aged 77.

His middle finger is in a museum

After his death, Galileo was buried in the chapel of the Church of Santa Croce in Florence. Almost a century later, in 1737, while the scientist's remains were being transported to a place of honor in the Basilica of Santa Croce, three fingers, a vertebra and a tooth were removed from the body. Two fingers and a tooth of Galileo were kept by one of his admirers - parts of the scientist’s body were passed down from generation to generation, at the beginning of the 19th century it seemed that they were lost forever, until they appeared at auction in 2009, where they were bought by one of the collectors. Meanwhile the third finger, which is the middle finger right hand, was part of the exhibition of many Italian museums. The stolen vertebra ended up at the University of Padua, where Galileo taught from 1592 to 1610.

NASA named a spacecraft in his honor

In 1989, NASA and a team from Germany launched spaceship, who received the name Galileo. Arriving on Jupiter in 1995, spacecraft became the first to study the planet and its moons over a long period of time.

The Vatican did not admit that Galileo was right until 1992

In 1979, Pope John Paul II initiated an investigation into the Catholic Church's condemnation of Galileo. Thirteen years later and 359 years after the trial of the Inquisition, the Pope closed the investigation and issued an official apology in which he acknowledged the mistakes made by the judges during the trial.