Biographies Characteristics Analysis

What are the drawings in the margins called? Mysterious crop circles - what are they?

As things progressed, I revealed the secret about crop circles. The repost is a bit glitchy, so I recommend going to the original material

Crop circles - the solution to the mystery V.0.9


One day, Hercule Poirot argued with Inspector Japp that he would solve a case without leaving his apartment, but we will try to take one of the most scandalous and mysterious cases - crop circles, almost without leaving the apartment, well, let's start. First of all, I would like to express my gratitude mysterious person and Frernflower F3 coordinator (in
Windows Explorer means search), a fighter of the invisible front Antidot, a partisan of the English fields Nekton, Vadim Chernobrov, Sergei Dmitrievsky, professors of Agricultural Institute, as well as simple agricultural workers who feed all of the above and to whom no one declares gratitude except Igor Rasteryaev. Without them, the case would not have been solved.
In our investigation, of course, we will not be able to completely dot all the i’s yet, but I think that for similar situation more than not bad. Actually, this material is already 2 years old, I thought that I would get to the circle in 2012, but, alas, in 2012 the circles were not observed, therefore, I am writing everything as it is with additions that were kindly provided by my friends and colleagues.

Where did this phenomenon come from?

Actually, the phenomenon is already 400 years old, and maybe more, since only then people began to pay attention to it.
The first known mention of circles in England dates back to 1618 (the chronicles contain a mention of circles miraculously appearing in grain fields), in Holland to 1503.
The earliest documentary and most interesting mention is considered to be an English pamphlet of 1678
called "Mowing-Devil" (devil-mower). From 16th to 19th centuries, Japan. Circles appear in rice fields (history material taken from

an attempt at scientific research was carried out on July 29, 1880. Where they were called “storm effects”, i.e. He associates the reason for its appearance with the storm. 1972, England. A UFO appeared and hovered over the field, released
a beam of colored rays towards the ground, a whistling noise was heard, and
in the eyes of eyewitnesses, the ears of corn fell in strict order, unfolding in
clockwise. . England is England, but what do we have in Russia? Unfortunately, clear documentary evidence has not been preserved; even Chernobrov and F3 themselves did not find them. But let us remember the famous Russian fairy tale “The Little Humpbacked Horse”. “Someone started walking in the field and moving the wheat.” Although perhaps we are not talking about circles, but about lodging under the influence of the wind, but,
however, in folk legends there are such things too.
According to Chernobrov, the first documentary evidence of crop circles dates back to 1950, Stavropol region. 1960s - in the North Caucasus and Belarus. 1970s - on the Medveditskaya ridge in Volgograd region and in
Gorky region. 1980s - in Tomsk, Perm, Voronezh, Ryazan, Tambov, Rostov regions, Tataria, Krasnodar Territory, Belarus, Ukraine, etc. The first study of crop circles
dates back to 1983. In 1989, a member of Cosmopoisk first witnessed the emergence of Circles.
In 1993, Kosmopoisk organized the first geoglyphic expedition to explore the Circles.

Since the early 90s, the history of crop circles has taken a very interesting turn. There were more and more of them. Thus, in England, more than 2000 cases were recorded in the territory of the former USSR, more than 150. It is at this stage that their form becomes more complex, which is also a very interesting fact.
Regarding the complication of the form: Until the end of the 1970s, Circles remained only simple circles, appearing singly; cereals in them
were always laid clockwise. Then they started appearing
groups arranged in a certain way. Started in 1986
meet outer rings around some of the circles and lodging
stems counterclockwise. Since 1987, circles began to appear,
surrounded by two rings; circles with four or more rings appeared
even later. Since 1990, after the appearance of a huge complex of circles with
branches there was another increase in the complexity of figures, which are increasingly
began to be called "pictograms", as well as the subsequent complex
formations. In 1996, the complexity of circles in Russia began.

So, what kind of circles are there?

Chernobrov has a very complex classification, it is discussed in the book, he divides them both by form and by the number of elements, but we will use a slightly different system, maybe not entirely correct, but at least consistent with the train of thought of the investigation. So there are circles

1. Classic or proper circles - when there is one circle, or 2 and 3, without additional elements that do not have the shape of a circle. (for reference, in history until the late 90s there is no mention of complex forms)
2. English pictograms, most of them were observed in England. It's very complex
formations consisting of many elements have different shapes.
For example

3. Krasnodar pictograms. The name is like this because most of such are found in the territory Krasnodar region, less often in other places, in particular in Tolyatti. Most of them are described by Vadim Chernobrov. Their structure is strikingly different from English ones; they are simpler. Fact: such complex formations as in England were not observed in Russia, meanwhile, there were similar formations in England.

4. Atypical - formations that did not arise on cereals, identical cases, with their own characteristics
5. Pseudo-pictogram or whatever else you can call them jokingly -
typical Voronezh - these are imprints from haystacks, tractor turns,
windy, etc., sometimes this is mistaken for circles, rumors spread, and
due to lack of proper information according to the “damaged phone” principle
they say that there was a circle there. Hence the legend about the circles in Voronezh
areas. There are no photos, no videos or anything else anywhere
evidence. If the reader has clear evidence (photos, videos, and
what would happen, what is really there) share.

A striking typical example

What are the supposed reasons for their formation?

There are a lot of reasons and hypotheses, but essentially they can be classified into 2 groups.
1. Some natural known causes- a game of nature.
Unnatural, i.e. not related to natural processes in natural
ecosystems, they are the real circles and our sought-after unknown.

The second group can be divided into 2 types

1. Mechanical or one might even call it short-range action
2. Field or so-called long-range action.

the point is that mechanical impact can come from people -
joke artists who deliberately make crop circles, well
the source of long-range action can be anything: a UFO, an anomaly, and even
some secret experiments. According to Pavel Poluyan, as well as
According to Richard Taylor, this is exactly how circles are made.

So, first, let’s note the unreliable versions.
phenomena. It’s clear that this version is very ridiculous, but mention it
necessary. It is known that wheat is susceptible to windfall and lodging from rain.
or hail, but this cannot lead to the formation of complex and regular
forms Here is an example of a typical severe lodging of wheat under the influence of

Based on this video, we understand that the circle makers
they have not made inaccurate fakes for a long time, but have long been supplied with high
technologies and do everything much more accurately, even in complete darkness.
2, or rather even a whole theory. The essence of the theory in brief: circles are formed under
exposure to microwave or some other radiation, which allegedly leads to
softening of the stems and a sign of their authenticity is the bend of the stem in

Here is a quote from one of the popular ufosites.
In the real figures, the ears are not broken, but only bent about an inch
from the ground, where the first knee of the ear is located. It looks like the plants
are exposed to a short period of heat, which softens them, and
forces them to bend towards the ground almost at a right angle, where they again
become tough.
So, first, a little natural history for a rural school. Actually, this is exactly what the cereal looks like.

One of 150 tasks in natural history for a rural school:
not only “covers the sky with darkness,” but also bends the stalks of wheat to the ground.
Lodging of wheat would threaten serious damage to agriculture if
wouldn't large stock strength of cereal stems. If the wheat stalks are still
are able to grow, then they rise like fabulous heroes. Main role
The nodes on the cereal stem play a role in this process.

Guess how exactly with the help of knots the stalk of laid down wheat can rise?

can grow not only at the top (as in dicotyledons), but also in areas
nodes In this case, the cells of the node begin to divide faster on the lower side,
than from the top. The node bends and lifts the stem.
this process is natural. There are two types of natural lodging:
basal and stem. If plants lodge early, then when they grow
straw knots they can still rise when lodging after
They can no longer get up after being knocked out.
Well, now, let's look at the photo:

we have several samples. One is from a crop circle - the rest are
recovery after lodging. And which one is from the circle? The answer is the most
far right. And here is a photo taken by our colleagues from fern-flower,
who came to the same conclusion as us.

There is even a right angle curvature here.

And here is a cross-section of the inside of the knot. Sample from crop circle.

We see that the fabric on the left is larger, i.e. intensive cell division is observed, which led to the bending of the stem at the site of the node.
Thus, this phenomenon cannot be considered as a sign of the authenticity of the circle. We all came to this conclusion independently.
Now, let’s debunk the myth about microwaves. Despite the fact that everyone writes about microwaves
whoever is not too lazy, not always understanding its physical nature, no one
I was never able to make at least some kind of installation that would somehow
served as a process model. And so, there were some craftsmen who
a similar experiment was carried out using a conventional microwave oven, but as ours found out
Dear allies from Fern-flower - their results are a complete deception. read the details of the experiment here. IN
in a nutshell, placing the stems in a microwave oven showed that the microwave did not
affects their flexibility, and even more so, bends do not form in the nodes and
additional nodes (where do they come from?).
By the way, you can
it would be better not to carry out such an experiment at all, since a simple
The question is, who will survive the microwave radiation that led to deformation?
Isn't this a contradiction?
For example, the critical upper temperature for winter wheat in summer is 40 °C. Another inconsistency.
quite an interesting thing that we noticed regardless of
others, if I’m wrong, please leave a link in the comments that
Someone else noticed this. Look at the bend. A break as such

More details in my report on circles in Kuleshovka.

Our observation

The most important thing is that there are no kinks at all. The most interesting thing is that
Chernobrov declared them fake. But this sign looks like
more convincing than the mythical false knots that formed
from mysterious microwave radiation.
But, even here the six beats the ace. To begin with, I will give the structure of the wheat grain.

grains of wheat: 1 - pericarp fused with the skin; 2 - endosperm; 3
- aleurone layer; 4 - embryo; 5 - spine; 6 - kidney; 7 -
stalk; 8 - shield; 9 - growth cone

So we see that
The embryo has a root, a stalk and a bud. Growth is due to
cell division. Growth is characterized by such a phenomenon as geotropism or
gravitropism is the ability of various plant organs to be located and
grow in a certain direction relative to the center of the globe.
The stalk tends to grow upward (positive geotropism), the root
downwards accordingly (negative geotropism). Stem aspiration
up, and the root down does not depend in any way on the position of the grain in the soil.

Thus, even if a grain is sown upside down, the stem will grow
up, spine, respectively down. This is precisely what explains
mysterious bend.
The conclusion we all came to from the above is
completely independently: current theories about the authenticity of the circles are cracking
seams, and unfortunately cannot be used to determine it
authenticity and anomalous origin.

So we've debunked
a few myths and let's return to the so-called short-range interaction and
long-range action. Everything is clear with mechanical action. If not, then
watch the video. How it's done.

Instead of an afterword

Marina Tagortseva “Devil the Mower”

The devil is a mower
Cuts the grass...
Liquid haze -
Like a waking dream.

There is fog in the morning,
Like an ambush, ripe...
The devil mows everything down...
But the world is still intact.

How many will it cut?
Tight braid?
Live alive
Works wonders.

If you are alive -
Peace to deeds

You will be holy
The purpose of blessings,

In the morning by the field -
Go to the side
The devil is a mower
Not friends with me;

The devil is a mower
Not friends with you
He's just waiting
So that anyone gets caught...

Your network
He's ready to catch us
Will be oblique
Cut the field

There will be dents
On grass-bushes...
The fallen will be forgotten -
Fear will also be forgotten.

The devil will disappear.
Living dawn
Will build the sky
And he will say: “Not in vain!”...

The sun is eating
Stigmata of shadows...
Bright life!
The best of the world is with her!

A new crop circle has recently appeared in Surrey. On this moment nothing is known about the drawing yet. Scientists cannot determine how it appeared there, but it can already be noted that its design cannot fail to impress.

Why are crop circles so interesting?

Why is this news even worth attention? Drawings on the margins are a unique phenomenon that simply cannot be ignored. They appear every year, and each time they are shrouded in mystery that even scientists cannot explain. Many people simply do not understand what is so amazing happening to plants in the field, why the theory of a tractor tied to a rope has no right to life. In fact, it is not only the drawings that attract attention, but also the technology of their creation itself. Nobody can explain it!
Some of the designs are incredibly complex. In addition, during all this time, not a single person was caught in the process of creating such a drawing. All this cannot fail to impress! UFO researcher Richard Dolan reports that scientists around the world are at a loss. Some believe that this is still the work of man, but created at the highest scientific level. Many even manage to find a detailed explanation, which, however, still causes controversy.

The Greatest Art Movement

Some experts believe that crop circles are the most significant secret movement of science-oriented artists. They are not going to reveal their secrets easily, they sneak into the fields and create their own unusual works. But what makes experts believe that all these drawings are of earthly origin? How serious are their assumptions? It's worth looking into the facts about crop circles to see how likely it is that there is a mysterious artist who likes hoaxes.

Information about crop circles

As soon as a person begins to be interested in the issue of crop circles, he understands that this phenomenon cannot be reduced to the fact that some person simply walked across a field with a rope and made drawings. It would be simply naive to think so. Let's take a closer look, for example, at a drawing that appeared in Wiltshire in 2001.
It has attracted a lot of attention for its complexity and beauty. The design consisted of 409 circles forming a complex symbol. It was so large that scientists searched for the center of the circle for about half an hour. Scientist Richard Taylor, who studied the circle, supported the opinion that this is the work of a mysterious artistic movement. After analyzing the grass in the laboratory, he found out that artists use lasers and microwaves. He came to this conclusion by examining stems bent on one side.
They get the same look when heated in the microwave! However, the scientist was unable to explain rationally how exactly the phenomenon was created; he was unable to explain how the artists came up with such a unique technology, or describe the device with which this effect can be achieved. Nevertheless, there is no doubt that this is the nature of the drawing. At least, this is what the scientist confidently states.

Conspiracy theory

It is worth mentioning that the electromagnetic field above the fields where the circles appear differs in charge level. Perhaps this is due to the influence of some electromagnetic energy, which is also called ball lightning. Interestingly, filming over the fields is carried out using military helicopters. Many already know that the military carefully hides all information about possible contacts with UFOs. This is a widely known fact. All this leads to certain thoughts. Perhaps that is precisely why scientific journals all researchers are so diligently looking for explanations that deny the extraterrestrial origin of the mysterious drawings. Yes, scientists admit that this phenomenon deserves detailed attention. At the same time, they persistently describe it exclusively as earthly phenomena. For example, according to Dr. Terence Meadon, patterns arise from a combination of wind and ball lightning. Another theory that seems scientific and completely rational, but at the same time does not explain many mysterious details at all. Perhaps science is simply unable to explain the reasons for such images, or perhaps scientists deliberately do not want to share their true thoughts on this matter.

Some crop circles are the artistic creations of people who had boards, ropes and their own rich imagination at their disposal. However, most of these compositions have a mysterious origin and an even more mysterious purpose.

Many people say that extraterrestrial civilizations are trying to communicate with us in this way. Others argue that the cause of these mysterious phenomena is the spirits or energy of the Earth itself, which, thus, wants to be heard by its children. Whether you believe these or more rational explanations is up to you to decide.

The earliest mention of crop circles dates back to a mysterious story that happened one night in Hertfordshire in 1678. A newspaper article about the mysterious phenomenon was published on August 22 under the headline "The Devil's Mower or Strange News from Hertfordshire."

The picture showed a demon carefully mowing a circle of crops, the text above read: “A farmer bargained with a poor mower for mowing three and a half acres of his oats. When the mower asked for too many oats, the farmer began to swear and said that he had better let the devil mow this field. And so it happened: that very night the field with the harvest looked as if it were on fire; but in the morning they saw that the oats were not burned, but neatly mowed, as if the devil or some kind of hellish spirit was mowing them down. No mortal could do such a thing."

The largest circle on record

This massive and meticulously executed composition was discovered in a wheat field on August 12, 2001 in the Milk Hills of Wiltshire (UK). It is the largest circle of all time, having a diameter of 267 meters and consisting of 409 smaller circles.

Solar System Glyph

These crop circles, representing the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Earth and Jupiter, appeared on crops in Longwood Warren, Hampshire (UK) on June 22, 1995. Most interestingly, this glyph depicts the planetary alignment that occurred on that day, as well as on November 6, 1903, when the Wright brothers proved that man could fly, and again during Mariner 9's journey to Mars on July 11, 1971.

Circles in the sand in the Middle East

One of the most mysterious phenomena actually happened in the desert in the Middle East. There were no traces or evidence of human intervention in this composition.

Trinity from Barbary Castle

This symbolic drawing was discovered on July 17, 1991. It depicts the creation of the universe by "three sources of light", also known as the Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Additionally, the composition includes the tree of life from the Book of Genesis, and the sum of the area of ​​each circle is 31,680 square feet, which corresponds to the Greek gematria of Jesus Christ. The sum of all the numbers is also divided by 3168, which gives the number 6660, which creates a connection between Jesus and the number of the Beast.

The most complex known drawing

In a field near the Barbary castle they observed another very complex education. The diameter of its circumference was 45.72 meters and was actually a coded message from the first 10 digits of the number π: 3.141592654.

Julia's set

Another very difficult circle is known as the "Julia Set" and is located in the field opposite Stonehenge. It appeared in July 1996, and was discovered from the air by a pilot at approximately 18:15 pm. Previously, the same pilot had crossed this area at 17:30 with a passenger, a doctor, who was taking pictures, and there were no circles there at that time, as they both claimed. Guards at Stonehenge also confirmed that they had not noticed anything suspicious earlier that day.

Later, another witness was found - a woman who claimed that, together with the taxi driver, she watched as large circles in the field formed by themselves, covered with a thick cloud of fog.

Strange circles on a field in Germany

In the town of Reisting in southern Germany, circles were discovered in a wheat field by an aeronaut crossing the area in a hot air balloon. Farmer Christopher Hutter denied his involvement in the mysterious phenomenon that occurred on his land, but at the same time refused to believe that it was the work of aliens, and blamed his children for everything. The diameter of the circle was about 76 meters. Among other things, the circle had an elaborate design that could not have been designed by the neighborhood kids.

Binary code face

This rectangular composition with a human face appeared in August 2001 next to the radio telescope in Chilbolton, Hampshire. With no sign of human involvement in its creation, the formation was eerily reminiscent of the famous face on Mars and was accompanied by a second formation that contained complex binary code. The encoded information, interestingly, is surprisingly similar to what we sent into space on spacecraft Voyager.

The author of the decryption of the encoded image is Michael Reed, an engineer from North Carolina and a former astrophysicist. In order to understand what a circle means, you need to divide it into 10 equal sectors, and then number the resulting parts, as shown in the figure. If you count from the center clockwise in a spiral, choosing the last number in the group, you get 3.141592654 - the first ten digits of Pi. The small circle at the center of the fourth sector (black dot in the figure) corresponds to the dividing point:

Moon phases

The meaning of many messages has already been confirmed in astronomical events.

The next circles appeared on the field on June 6, 2008 in West Kennett, Wiltshire (UK). They showed 40% solar eclipse, as it was then observed in exactly that place on August 1, 2008:

August 8, 2008 ( 08.08.08 ) circles appeared on the field in Milk Hill - Alton Barnes, Wiltshire. In the circle there is an indication of August 16, 2008 - the full moon:

Check your mail!

Most significant event, associated with circles and in general in the direction of UFOs, occurred in 2001. This was the first recognized fact of direct “postal” communication, a response to our message that we received from cosmic beings.

The first drawing appeared on a field near the Chilbolton Observatory, located near the town of Wherwell in Hampshire (England), on August 13, 2000:

The approximate dimensions of the "binary code" and "face" are 200 by 85 feet and 160 by 180 feet, respectively. Both designs are formed by ears of wheat arranged in almost the same way.

This kind of drawing is completely impossible to see from the ground. These drawings are done quite neatly and precisely, although up close they look like a complete mess. Looking at them, one cannot say that these are ordinary “crop circles and arcs.” They look like a random collection of dots. But looking at them from above - and they were undoubtedly designed to be viewed from above - they produce an incredible effect.

When Paul Vigay, director of the Independent Research Center unexplained phenomena(Southsey, Hampshire, England) saw aerial photographs of the "binary code", he immediately said that the image closely resembled the digital message that was sent to open space using the Arecibo radio telescope, built in Puerto Rico. The radio beam was aimed at the M13 star cluster, located at a distance of about 23,000 light years from Earth.

A radio broadcast made in 1974 from the Arecibo radio telescope shows double helix human DNA molecules in the form of two curved lines above a humanoid figure. The left side of the design that appeared on Chilbolton's field is different from its right side, and in general the design is somewhat different from the encoding of the radio message.

Shown at left is an excerpt from a black-and-white radio message sent in 1974 by the Arecibo radio telescope. The double helix of the DNA molecule is shown in the form of curved lines at the top. Below, between the binary information about the size of the Earth's population and the average height of a person, a humanoid figure representing people is shown. Below the image of a man in the form of a square the Sun and 9 planets are shown. The third planet is moved closer to the symbolic figure of a man. At the bottom above the line in the form of the letter M is a symbol depicting the Arecibo radio telescope, and the binary encoding below reports its diameter (300 m). For comparison, the image originating from Chilbolton is shown on the right.

Please note that the Arecibo radio telescope symbol and the letter M have been replaced with a design similar to the one that appeared on the field on August 13, 2000! (see above)

It can be assumed that in this way someone wanted to show a device for creating circles.

Below is an excerpt from an interview with Paul Vigay, Director of the Independent Center for the Study of Unexplained Phenomena (Southsey, Hampshire, England)

“It is possible that the spiral of their DNA molecule is uneven and contains some additional components. I can say more precisely only after deciphering the central stripe, which is located in the middle between the two curved lines. In the radio transmission made from the Arecibo radio telescope, this band corresponded to the number of nucleotides in a DNA molecule in binary form. In the picture on the field we see that this strip has some differences - in the middle there is one single dot, which means that one digit has been changed. Apparently, this may explain why the arcs on the left and right are different from each other. If their DNA molecule has a different number of nucleotide strands, then this would explain the imbalance.

When it comes to binary code, information is represented in the form of zeros and ones, or filled and empty squares, like the vertical stripe between the strands of DNA in the figure.

If you look at the images of the planets, then in our message it is clearly visible that our planet is the third from the Sun, since it is moved towards a humanoid figure with a head, two arms, two legs and a torso. If you look at the picture that appeared in the wheat field, you can see that after the first two planets, a group of three planets has been moved in the same way as was done in our message. The third planet in the row is raised. The fourth planet is elevated. And the fifth planet is not only raised, but also transformed from one point into four smaller points, forming something like a cross. This difference is really very interesting. It could mean that in their solar system three planets are inhabited and that they originate from the fifth planet. From the figure it is clear that three planets are indicated, with the fifth planet highlighted more than all the others. This could also mean that the fifth planet has three satellites.

In the resulting drawing you can see what appears to be a figure that has a very large head, very large, protruding eyes and a short, thin body. To the right of the person’s figure is his height. The message sent from Arecibo has three numbers that correspond to seven. Naturally, if you are transmitting a message to the other side of the galaxy, there is no point in using feet, inches or meters as units, so I consider this expression to simply be 7 units of something. If you look at the picture on the field, you can see that there is only one unit in this place. From this we can conclude that no matter what units of measurement are used, the height indicated here is much less than human.

There is another discrepancy that concerns atomic numbers. When I first saw the aerial photo (Paul Vigay), I thought it was just a defect in the photo. And that was one of the main reasons why I went there today to see for myself. I realized that this was not an error because the change was intentional and it was encrypted in the sequence.

Right at the top there is a row representing the numbers 1 to 10. Just below them are the atomic numbers of the basic elements, which are the building blocks that support life on Earth (labeled P.O.N.C.H in the figure). These are phosphorus, oxygen, nitrogen, carbon and hydrogen. Now you can decrypt. What corresponds to phosphorus is indicated by a long line, i.e. 1111, which means 15. The next element of the picture, if read vertically, gives 0001. This corresponds to 8, which of course means oxygen. The next element (1110) corresponds to 7, which means nitrogen. The next one (011) corresponds to 6, which means carbon. And finally, the last element is 1, which corresponds to 1 and means hydrogen.

The message sent from Arecibo shows 5 columns: hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and phosphorus. In the figure there are 6 columns on the field. This can only be seen if you examine the image in detail. Thus, this encoding contains an additional element. This element has been inserted between oxygen and phosphorus, i.e. instead of the row 1, 6, 7, 8, 15, there is another row containing the element which is designated 0111, which corresponds to 14. Thus the row is: 1, 6 , 7, 8, 14, 15.

Element 14 in the periodic table atomic number, called silicon. This is a very interesting discovery because many researchers say that if there are any other forms of life that, unlike terrestrial forms, are not carbon-based, then from all periodic table Almost the only element that could support life is silicon. It is theoretically possible that there is a planet in which silicon is the predominant element. If this is indeed a binary encoded message, then the presence of the additional element in the form of silicon is important information."


On August 14, 2002, at 8 a.m., tractor driver Sydney Collis, 62, found farmer Mike Burge of Vale Farm in the field near the village of Pitt (Hampshire, UK, about 5 miles east of Chilbolton Observatory). strange geoglyph. This image is 360 feet (about 110 m) long and 250 feet (76.2 meters) wide, as seen in the photo on the left. It is interesting that on the 12th of August everything was as usual on the field, on the 14th Collis did not see any circle, and you can see the photograph of August 16th for yourself... It is worth noting that the field is located on the top of a hill and the image area is not visible from anywhere one of the roads passing nearby. In fact, even at a distance of 50 m from the image it is hardly possible to see anything. At a distance of about 100 meters from the image there is a radio mast about 40 m high.

It is striking that the manner of constructing this image differs from the “Chilbolton face” of 2001. There, the dots were placed at the nodes of a regular grid and the brightness scale was formed by changing the size of the dots. Here, the image is created from horizontal lines, the width of which is modulated to form a brightness dependence, which is very reminiscent of the “interlaced scanning” of modern television.

Unlike the previous image, the icon is now directly linked to the image and very much resembles a CD with binary code and start and end markers. The information is presented in 8-bit segments separated by narrow synchronizer segments. The information is read in a spiral from the center to the edge and is a set of ASCII characters in the international English encoding. There is a blank separator between each data track. For those who work on a computer, I hope there is no need to explain what it is.

Details of the analysis of these 152 bytes can be found on Linda Moulton Howe’s website. The end result of these studies was a phrase that can be interpreted as a warning:

“Beware the bearers of FALSE gifts & their BROKEN PROMISES. Much PAIN but still time. BELIEVE. There is GOOD out there. We oPpose DECEPTION. CONDuit CLOSING\"

The translation into Russian looks something like this:

“Beware of bearers of FALSE talents (abilities) and their UNKEEPED PROMISES. A lot of PAIN, but it will last for a while. BELIEVE. Outside of this place is GOOD. We stand against DECEPTION. The channel is CLOSING\"

year 2012

Below is a field drawing that appeared on 15 July 2008 at Avebury Manor, Wiltshire. Notice that there is nothing to the left of the largest circle.

According to modeling using astronomical computer program, the location of the planets of our solar system on December 21, 2012 will look like this:

The positions of the planets are very similar. Many researchers of the crop circle phenomenon believe that this pattern indicates the positions of the planets at the end of the Mayan calendar - December 21, 2012.

Only the position of the solar system's most distant planet, Pluto, and its orbit are displayed differently than in existing planetary motion simulation programs. This may be due to the fact that Pluto's orbit stands out strongly from the plane of rotation of the other planets. And when the orbit is projected onto a plane, distortion occurs.

An interesting incident occurred a few days after this image was formed on the field. The farmer decided to harvest the crop or simply erase the drawing:

But he didn't have much time. On July 22, 2008, in place of the Sun, a new circle of larger diameter was drawn (up to the orbit of Venus), a new Sun, which smoothed out the unevenness of the drawing made by the combine. And on the same field, next to the image of the drawing of the solar system, another large drawing appeared, and closer to the corner of the field there is a new object in the form of a ball approaching the solar system (Nibiru?):

Such persistence suggests that the authors consider it very important to convey to us the meaning of this message.

The most interesting thing is that on December 21, 2012, there will be a parade of planets. Saturn, Jupiter, Mars and Earth will line up. Actually, similar parades of planets have happened before. How does the parade of planets on December 21, 2012 differ from previous ones? The fact is that on this day not only the planets will line up solar system, but also planets of other star systems, forming a line from the center of the galaxy. And this is a completely different matter. The process can be compared to the hands of a clock when the clock hands move to the 12 o'clock position. According to esotericists, this combination will mean the transition of the universe from one system to another.


Education in Secklendorf, Germany, June 23, 2008 can be interpreted as important prophetic dates:

Points marked on the image:

  • V1= March 27, 2009, inferior conjunction to the Sun, close to the Earth.
  • V3= October 29, 2010, inferior conjunction with the Sun, near the Earth.
  • V4= August 16, 2011, superior conjunction with the Sun, in opposition to the Earth.
  • V2= January 11, 2012, superior conjunction with the Sun, in opposition to the Earth.
  • V5= June 6, 2012, inferior conjunction with the Sun, solar transit (bright central six-pointed star).
  • V6= December 21, 2012, three months before the superior conjunction with the Sun, slightly to the right of the opposition with the Earth (end of the Long Count of the Mayan calendar).

- a system of calendars created by the Mayan civilization in pre-Columbian Central America. This calendar was also used by other Central American peoples - the Aztecs, Toltecs, etc. The civil, or solar year of the Mayans had a length of 365.2421 days, which more accurately corresponds to the period of the Earth's revolution around the Sun than the length of the year in the Gregorian (modern) calendar - 365.2424 days .

According to Mayan legends, each cycle ends with the almost complete destruction of the civilization that lived in this cycle. The Mayans believed that at the end of the current 5126-year cycle, which began on August 13, 3113 BC, and will end on December 21, 2012, some movement of the Earth would occur, which would entail the destruction of our civilization.

The conclusion is that we should be afraid of the vaunted “Zetas”, they fool our brains and hurt us. The civilization that is friendly to us, that draws circles, has the silicon composition of the body, which awaits us, though not soon. On this occasion, read the dialogue between the boy Sasha and Indigo, starting in 2006. The planet Nibiru really exists. And humanity should pay attention to the parade of planets.

Based on an article on the website

On the evening of the 30th, two friends drove past a field near the city of Salinas. They noticed strange flashes on the field, stopped the car and ran to the place where something strange was happening. Having arrived, they saw paths of crushed cereals - that is, the same circle from the ground.

Currently, the authorities have placed guards around the strange object and are trying to do everything possible to find out at least something regarding its origin.

What do we know about the origin of these circles?

Circles are appearing all over the world. There are reports that they were seen in Russia, Japan, America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Bulgaria, France, Spain, Germany, South Africa, Israel. And this list is far from complete.

The first mentions of circles appearing in grain fields were documented a very long time ago. In Holland they were described back in 1503, in Southern England - in 1618-1680. An ancient document was discovered in the British Museum, which indicated the “Diabolical” origin of the drawings.

In English folklore records of 1618 there is a mention of certain circles, as if trampled, in grain fields.

There are similar observations of miracles in documents dating back to 1680. And two circles discovered in England, in the Salisbury area, in 1914, remain to this day.

And in 1686, Robert Plot, a professor of chemistry at Oxford University, wrote a book, “The Natural History of Staffordshire,” in which he tried to find some kind of “higher principle” to explain the phenomenon of field circles.

Some researchers who lived during the time of the Raft assured others and, probably, themselves that the circles appeared as a result of: mating games of deer, urination of cattle, and the most incredible reason - due to the pranks of some demonic forces.

However, Professor Plot, proposing his theory, did not completely reject these myths, only noting that “the reason may well be the demons that are talked about so much.”
The cunning scientist also assumed that the circles were the work of human hands, and maybe “trampled by animals.”

However, after numerous discussions, Plot nevertheless wrote that “this must be a consequence of multiple circular lightning breaks in the clouds.” The cloud emits a beam of energy that “strikes the ground and leaves a circular shaped trail.”

But then what about non-circular marks? The professor also found an explanation for them - he explained their origin by the fact that sometimes lightning, breaking away from a cloud, takes on a rectangular shape.

The Slavic peoples also knew about “witch circles” and “devil’s spitting”. They knew, but did not think much about the origin of the incomprehensible drawings. Some of the knowledge about these phenomena has reached us in the form of myths, legends, tales and even fairy tales.

This circle in the form of the famous Mayan calendar was seen in 2004 in the English county of Wiltshire:

Let us at least remember “The Little Humpbacked Horse”: “Someone began to walk in the field and stir the wheat... So that devil began to gallop and knock down the grain with his tail...” Ershov explained this “disgrace” by the tricks of the Little Humpbacked Horse. But no one knew what it really was.

The science that studies the origin of crop circles is Cereology. Eat interesting myth about the origin of this name.
Ceres was the goddess of the Romans, personifying the Earth and fertility. Wheat and barley were sacred to her. She was always depicted with a crown made from ears of wheat.

Ceres' daughter Kore was the goddess of bread, who was the personification of the grain itself. As the legend says, she was abducted from the earth by Hades (Pluto among the Romans) while she was picking flowers in the field.

In Sicily, Crete, Arcadia and Attica they even said that craters or depressions in the fields were the place where the king of the underworld entered the earth.

In the 16th century, “crop circles” were associated with fear. They used to say that by stepping on such a ring, a person would fall into a trap and would be doomed to dance with the spirits forever, even after death.
It was believed that these were places where magical winds dumped their victims. These versions originate from the time of Aristotle.

Today, when the phenomenon became widely known to the public, Russian peasants and foreign farmers began to remember that the circles appeared a long time ago, even in the 30s of the 20th century.

And some see evidence of the antiquity of the phenomenon in medieval engravings depicting “witch rings.”

Many people talk about how they played among such circles as children - in the 30s, 40s, 50s and even in the 20s. And no one, as they recall, considered these circles to be something out of the ordinary.

Thus, Mona Beswick, whose childhood was spent in Ware in Hardforshire (England), recalls: “These crop circles were always there and no one paid attention to them. We children loved to play there, although the owners of the crops chased us away.”

John Huston also saw field patterns as a child. It was during the war, in Road (Wiltshire). This is how he conveys his impressions: “The circles had very clear outlines. The ears of corn inside the circles were pressed tightly to the ground, as if smoothed, and turned in one direction - parallel to the outer border of the circle. Local residents perceived their appearance as something inevitable.

And they also believed: if circles appear, it means “hard times” are just around the corner.” And then times were really difficult - war.

One Sussex woman recalls playing among field patterns during the war - “I am surprised when I hear the statement that these circles among the crops have only recently begun to appear. I clearly remember how fifty years ago we children played in the field on such circles. There were two fields on which these circles appeared every three or four years.

The circles were close to one another and connected by paths. The paths were very narrow and did not go straight, but twisted. We thought then that the wheat had been trampled by German paratroopers... The adults did not pay any attention to these strange places. No one even tried to photograph these circles or report them to the newspapers.”

The first such figure on the field appeared in Great Britain in 1966. And then, until December 1973, no figures were observed. Only later was a similar figure noticed in Australia, which was followed by 7 more circles. This was explained by the result of hurricane winds or kangaroo tracks.

Later, these figures began to be called “plate nests,” perhaps because of the burnt marks on the ground. While all these details were discovered, local residents noticed strange night lights and “screaming” sounds.

Soon circles were noticed in Switzerland. By that time, some local residents had learned to distinguish real circles from those depicted by fellow countrymen - jokers. Main criterion– bent but not broken plant stems.

The fact is that in so-called “man-made” circles, the stalks of wheat are always broken or cracked. Circles of a different origin contain plants with a changed inclination of stem growth. The plant is not broken, it continues to grow at an angle to the plane of the earth. This constitutes the main mystery.

Thus, the local population distinguishes the tricks of jokers from mysterious phenomena in the fields of cereal crops.

In this circle, which appeared in 2008 in England, the number “pi” is encrypted - 3.14.

Until the end of the 70s, the circles remained only simple circles, appearing one by one: the grains in them were always laid clockwise. Then, they began to appear in groups, located in a certain way.

In 1986, people began to see outer rings around some of them and (for the first time) counterclockwise lodging of stems. In 1987, a circle surrounded by two rings appeared; circles with four or more rings appeared subsequently.

At the same time, the first not-quite-circular design appeared - a branch on one side of a simple circle surrounded by one ring.

An explosion of interest due to numerous evidence occurred in the early nineties. Oval circles that appear in corn fields have a diameter from more than three to seventy meters or more.

Between 1980 and 1990, more than a thousand such circles were observed in just a few counties in England. In some cases, they are surrounded by several (up to four) outer rings.

In the 1990s, these circles became another tourist attraction. At this time, over 500 new circles appeared in Europe. Tourists from all over the world came to these places to see the miracle of nature. Some farmers even fenced their fields and sold tickets to this “mysterious show.”

However, often the mysterious circles turned out to be only a crude fake - the edges of the circles were uneven, the stems were broken at the bends, and the path-lines connecting the circles were crooked.

In 1987, in one of the fields, surprised earthlings discovered a whole message - “We are not alone.” However, skeptics immediately noticed that if aliens had left it, they would probably have written: “not alone.”

Fascinating geometric design. 2010, England, Westbury:

As for the circles themselves - real ones. The drawing in the margins has never been repeated before. In addition, the “patterns” always varied in size - from several tens or more meters in diameter.

And in 1990, there was a sharp leap in the transformation of crop drawings - huge complexes of circles with branches, called “pictograms,” appeared in several places on the planet.

Since then, pictograms have become more and more complex, moving further and further away from simple geometric shapes.

Ears of wheat were crushed into the shape of smiling faces, flowers and entire messages. Very often, crop circles “told” the plots of many ancient myths.

Over time, “field patterns” began to appear, based on the laws of mathematics.

After examining several field drawings, astronomer and Boston University professor Herald S. Hawkins noticed that circles, triangles, and other geometric figures arranged in accordance with mathematical calculations.

For example, in a drawing with inner and outer circles, the area of ​​the outer circle was exactly four times more area internal. This indicates that no matter who created these crop circles, he is very familiar with the hitherto little-known theorems of Euclid.

Usually crop circles appear without witnesses in deserted places. However, with the advent of civilization, there are fewer and fewer such places, and there is plenty of evidence of “spying” on the process of formation of intricate patterns on the field.

Huge drawing of a butterfly man, August 2009, Netherlands. This is the largest circle ever observed - its dimensions are 530 by 450 meters, and it appeared in just one night!

Kuban is a magnet for “field patterns”

Most of all Russian crop circles appeared and appear in the Krasnodar region. The most common routes are Yeysk-Novokubansk-Labinsk. Circles in local fields appear more “strict” in geometry and are often located in close proximity to roads. Perhaps this is why circles in these places are often discovered on the very first morning.

It is interesting that, according to the observations of scientists and researchers of the mysteries of circles, the “area of ​​circles” runs a little to the north and approximately parallel to the distribution strip of ancient Caucasian dolmens.

Moreover, a significant part of all circles discovered abroad, as a rule, also coincide with the distribution area of ​​dolmens.

It has been noted that in Kuban the peak of the appearance of crop circles is May-June. Moreover, back in 2001, Cosmopoisk found that most circles in the Krasnodar Territory are formed at the moment of local midnight (for Novokubansk it is 1.24 a.m. Moscow time).

Later, this information was repeatedly confirmed in practice (on the night of June 17/18, 2005, Kosmopoisk was even able to observe this moment from afar). Exceptions are possible, but what they are connected with is still unknown.

At the end of June 1999, a circle with a diameter of 18.5 m with an inner circle was discovered in a wheat field in Novokubansk.

Since June 17, 2004, in the village of Znamensky, the drawings in the fields turned out to be the largest ever discovered in Russia - they occupy 129x105 meters, and are the closest to human habitation.

On June 4, 2007, in Znamensky (Krasnodar Territory), the participants of the “Cosmopisk” again examined new drawings in the margins that arose on the site of a formation 3 years ago. This was the first case in Russia almost full repetition circles both in location and shape. A total of 5 new circles were discovered, which first appeared only on old fields.

The peculiarity of this season was that in terms of the number of laps per year, Russia for the first time took 1st place in the world (however, this happened also because the traditional record holder, England, was flooded with rain in 2007, and the failure of the cereal harvest also affected “ crop failure" circles).

But on May 24, 2011, “crop circles” were noticed near the village of Znamensky. This time the ears of corn were crushed not in the form of regular geometric shapes, but in chaotic patterns that did not form a single picture.

“We saw similar patterns not only near Starokorsunskaya. No matter how trite, it was all the wind and different soil moisture. I am not an agronomist, but I asked similar questions to knowledgeable people. It’s harder to explain smooth geometric shapes, but I haven’t seen anything like that,” a Krasnodar amateur researcher commented on the unusual patterns.

On the night of June 10-11 and on the night of June 21-22, 2009, circles appeared in the Tikhoretsky and Gulkevichi districts of the Krasnodar Territory.

As it turned out, the discovered pictogram consists of nine circles in a wheat field, the size of the circles ranges from 5 to 24 meters in diameter. The circles are connected by straight lines, rings, sinusoids and other incomprehensible signs.

Now that the appearance of circles has become known almost throughout the region, on the highway near the fields with a pictogram traffic jams. Thousands of people can visit this place every day.

And the excitement in all regions of the Krasnodar Territory sometimes reaches such a limit that every day people can report not only about allegedly observing flying saucers, but also more closely monitor the appearance of hooligans faking circles.

In this circle, which appeared in England in 2010, some see the face of Jesus Christ, others see a harp, and some see nothing at all. By the way, there were two such circles, and they were located very close to each other - the first “paired” circles in history.

Let's try to summarize the existing versions of the origin of circles.

UFOs and aliens

Probably the most popular version of the origin of crop circles is associated with the appearance of aliens from other planets who leave circles as their calling card.
Adherents of this theory believe that crop circles were left from arriving spaceships who wanted to convey some message to us.

As an indirect confirmation of this guess, some eyewitnesses claim that they saw with their own eyes luminous objects similar to a UFO and heard some strange sounds coming from the fields.

Moreover, sometimes inside the “circles” they find a mysterious jelly-like substance, characteristic of UFO landing sites, sometimes strange variations in the radiation background, they assure Russian researchers from the Cosmopoisk group.

Soon after the face of Jesus, the Holy Grail was imprinted on the English field - August 2010.

"Scorched by the Light"

In August 2001, two people in England claimed to have witnessed someone mysterious phenomenon. Late at night, they noticed “columns” of bright light descending onto a grain field. When the glow stopped, in the place where the light fell, they discovered a new pattern.

In June 2009, in the English county of Oxfordshire, a jellyfish about 180 meters long appeared in one of the fields, which local residents really liked. Crop circle experts say the jellyfish pattern is a rarity.


One of the most justified scientific theories is a theory about air vortices. Whirling wind currents pull trapped air toward the ground, bending the ears.
Each “circle” appears due to the spiral movement of energy following flying objects.

This goes some way to explaining why many “field patterns” appear in the southern part of England, where air vortices often form.

However, the question remains of how a microtornado creates such complex and symmetrical patterns in just a few seconds.

June 2010, England, Wiltshire - circle of eight

Traces from airplanes and helicopters

According to another theory, patterns in the fields appear as a result of air currents created by airplanes and helicopters, which crush plant stems when landing and taking off.

A circle spotted in 2011 in Indonesia, on the island of Magelang. Curious people from all the nearby villages came running to look at the curiosity.

Earth Energy

Some researchers of this strange phenomenon believe that the planet Earth itself creates an energy still unknown to the world, as a result of which these circles appear.

It could be something like electromagnetic radiation. Scientists have discovered that there is a strong magnetic field inside and outside the figure. In these places, the compass needle cannot determine which is north and which is south, and many people experience severe ringing in their ears.

Perhaps some energy comes directly from the earth. This may be natural energy when fungi damage plant stems, or "spillover energy" resulting from the explosion of many bombs during the first and second world wars.

Sometimes from within the “circles” they hear mysterious sounds: hum, buzzing, rattling, ultrasounds... Sometimes they can be recorded on a tape recorder, but there are often cases when the equipment in “circles” categorically refuses to work.

An amazingly beautiful circle in the form of the “flower of life” symbol. England, 2003.


Some researchers adhere to the hypothesis of the physical origin of crop circles. Let's say a certain discharge, like lightning, strikes the ground vertically. A microwave effect occurs, as a result of which the bases of plant stems soften. The stems bend towards the ground, but do not break.

In this case, the electromagnetic field penetrates into the plant and, if it is strong enough, creates “explosion holes” in the joints of the stems.

The same thing will happen if you put a jacket potato in the microwave without first piercing the skin - the potato will burst. These "blast holes" are clearly visible on the plant stems of many crop circles.

Mysterious asymmetrical circle on an English field, August 2010.

Smart wheat

Circles are collective meaningful actions of ears of corn?! Why do we deny plants the right to their own opinion?

The fact that there is a constant exchange of information between trees, bushes, and grass - few biologists argue with this. But how far can such an “exchange of information” go and could it not spontaneously or under some external influence result in the appearance of signals (information) already intended for “non-plants”?!

Perhaps the plant world is simply asking us not to destroy it in vain...

This funny circle, nicknamed by experts as the “alien with a pipe,” appeared in Wiltshire, England, in July 2011.

Intelligent ants

Circles are collective meaningful actions of ant civilizations?! If this is so, then mysterious crop circles are made by very smart ants of a species unknown to modern science in order to establish contacts with people.

WITH original version one of the leading entomologists in Great Britain, Professor Robert Eastwall, spoke. After testing soil samples in the areas where the Circles appeared, Robert Eastwall quickly found confirmation of his theory. Traces of ant activity were allegedly clearly visible on the ground. The complexity of the patterns they left indicated that these were not simple, but very intelligent creatures.

Entomologists have long known that some insect species, especially bees and ants, use body language and body language to communicate. However, previously there was not a single case known of them leaving on the ground written messages. For a whole year, Eastwall and several linguists worked to decipher these “letters.” One of them, already translated, supposedly reads: “Hello! Don't be afraid of us. We'll be there soon."

And again Wiltshire, July 2011 - a strange composition with five keys... or fish?

And here is the version with ordinary ants:

According to the Washington Post, Californian researcher Don Scott observed the appearance of mysterious circles in rye fields in southern England. Among his equipment were a radiation detector, infrared vision devices, cameras and movie cameras. Don Scott proceeded from the well-known fact that the presence of radioactive isotopes. Therefore, before installing his equipment, he used a radiation detector to identify areas of the rye field that exceeded the normal radiation level. After two weeks of searching, he found such an anomaly, and the wait began. A few days later, at 1:57 a.m., the automatic infrared camera turned on. Through the night vision device, Scott watched as the ears of rye began to bend, forming a circle. Having enlarged the image, the researcher saw small creatures scurrying between the ears of corn. These were not aliens from distant space, nor mystical creatures from ancient Celtic legends. The circle builders turned out to be ants, one of the insect species with primitive social organization. What makes ants walk in circles? According to Scott's assumption, the direction of movement of ants is determined by the Earth's magnetic field. The theory of the American scientist deserves attention, since ants, as well as crop circles, are found on all continents of the planet.

England, 2008, star circle

Kangaroos in trance

In 2009, the Australians surprised the world with their version, announcing that crop circles were being trampled by drug-addicted kangaroos...

However, the paradoxical (if not anecdotal) version does not explain in any way how drug-addicted kangaroos can make perfectly even figures in the fields, which, moreover, appear not only in their habitats, but also far all over the world.

New Zealand, January 2002 - either an insect, or some kind of scheme.

Made by man

The easiest way to explain the appearance of mysterious circles is the trick of an ordinary person who created them for fun or in order to further confuse scientists. Many people have repeatedly stated that they made these drawings with their own hands.

In September 1991, British residents David Chorley and Douglas Bauer admitted to creating circles. According to them, they made the first pattern in 1978, inspired by photographs of paths left in grain fields by agricultural machinery.

The crop circle group, founded by John Landberg, has demonstrated that it is possible to make almost any circle, including analogues of those recognized as authentic by cereologists]. There is a well-known drawing depicting the Firefox browser logo, made on a field by a group of students from the United States.

Joe Nickel, a senior researcher at the Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Suspected Paranormal Phenomena, claims that the circles have all the hallmarks of fakes: they are concentrated in southern England, they become more complex over time (the skill of the creators increases), the creators hide and remain anonymous.

Objections to this theory of origin are based on the fact that recent studies of some of the figures allegedly show some complex changes in the structure of plants that cannot be reproduced in the field. In addition, the complexity and large size of some of the formations are indicated, which does not correlate well with the short time period (one night) required for their creation.

To prove their involvement, they invited a BBC film crew to the field, where they used ropes and smooth boards to create a new design from the ears of corn.

Researcher Joe Nickel believes that Crop Circles are undoubtedly the work of man. Honing their skills, the creators each time created more and more complex figures. But nevertheless, man could not create all the circles of the world.

Cereologist Colin Andrews admits that 80 percent of all Circles may be man-made, but the remaining 20 percent are most likely created by some "higher power."

2003, Wiltshire, England - circle with Celtic pattern

Drawings in the margins - super business of the 21st century

Those who liked to joke, “having drawn “unearthly circles” on a local field, soon after the exposure suddenly became extremely popular people. Having confirmed in practice their talent to imitate “aliens,” the “field” artists continued their craft, but for a lot of money.

Thus, a group of “new art artists”, Rod Dixon, Wil Russell and John Lundberg, received several commissions around the world.
Their clients include manufacturers of computer chips, automobiles and digital technologies.

The creators do not disclose the cost of their works. However, it is known that each person's fortune is estimated at several hundred thousand dollars.

A few days later, there is a circle-“eye”, and next to it is something similar to a small planetary system.

How it's done: versions.

The luminaries of agricultural science assure that if in the fall a “loading dose” of ammonium nitrate is applied to a field of winter crops within a circle, then as a result of such overfeeding with nitrogen, the plants within the circle will begin to grow faster and reach such a height that the thin stems will fall at the slightest breath of wind. You can lay them in a spiral with a rope (this is exactly the picture observed in “crop circles”). This was demonstrated by Komsomolskaya Pravda journalists in one of the private farms in the Moscow region in 2001. However, it is not clear how this method can create figures with clear boundaries and several multidirectional layers of the substrate.

T. Meaden put forward his theory based on the weather factor: circles are made by unknown atmospheric phenomena, for example, electrified vortices.

According to Dr Colin Andrews, who has been studying crop circles for 17 years, approximately 20% of them are caused by vortex disturbances in the Earth's magnetic field, while the rest are man-made. He believes that some mysterious shift in the electromagnetic field is creating electricity, which bends the ears in a circle.

Physicists who studied the emerging drawing of a smoking “little green man” stated that local jokers and craftsmen had mastered a new way of “drawing” in the margins. The absence of guide ropes, bar stools and boards, with the help of which such drawings are usually made, indicates that earthlings have mastered high tech in the laborious task of fooling humanity.

As physicists explain, marks indicating the contours of the pattern are made with a laser. Then, with the help of directed microwaves, the grain stalks are heated and bent to the ground, and when they cool down, they remain in this position, writes Express Newspaper.

While scientists and ufologists argue, farmers clutch their heads.

These games just piss me off! - complains Tim Carson, owner of land in Wiltshire. - Unknown artists have chosen my fields: 125 drawings over 20 years. Each one brings me a loss of $1500 -2000. After all, they do not destroy the current crop - the thick layer of stems covering the soil worsens its quality. This means it jeopardizes the future harvest.
18 England, Oxfordshire, 2005. Amazingly beautiful circle ornament

19 Looks like a CD reflecting light, doesn't it? Another English circle from 2005

20. English circle-globe, 2007

21 Huge patterned cross - England, 2008

22 It seems like an owl - and what a very mystical bird! 2009, England.

23 Either fish or swallows. England, 2003

24 The creators of the circles are familiar with 3D technologies - this is the composition that appeared in 2010 on an English field

25 And this circle, which once appeared in England, shows the location of the planets in December 2012!

26 Famous English circle - an alien holding a disk with an encrypted message

27 Circle of 2002 from England, called “Peace and Harmony”

28 Another 3D circle from Oxfordshire

29 Switzerland, interesting spiral flower

30 Wiltshire circle in the form of a stylized bird. year 2009

31 Stunning circle butterfly from the English county of Oxfordshire. 2007

32 Circle-labyrinth. July 2011, Wiltshire

34 This amazing ornament, which appeared in England in 2001, consists of 409 small circles. Its size is 238 meters.

35 Bayern, 2006

36 2008, Switzerland, beautiful circle-flower

37 Impressive ornamental circle. England, Waden Hill, 2005

38 Another encrypted message from Wiltshire

39 England, Wiltshire, 2010 – crescent pattern

40 Similar drawing visible from high altitude in the Nazca Desert in Peru.

41 Slightly modified Mayan calendar

42 One of the most beautiful circles in the world - “star” from England

43 Another wonderful circle from England

These are the amazing messages someone leaves us while we sleep. By the way, some scientists believe that the “author” of the circles is the planet Earth itself!

Which versions did we miss? Which version do you think is more plausible?
