Biographies Specifications Analysis

Parable "Different people. How many wise men - so many opinions

Love yourself for the good of others.

A woman dies, and Death comes to her. The woman, seeing Death, smiled and said she was ready.
- What are you ready for? Death asked.
- I'm ready for God to take me to Paradise! the woman replied.
- And why did you decide that God would take you to himself? Death asked.
- Well, how? I suffered so much that I deserved the peace and love of God, the woman replied.
What exactly did you suffer from? Death asked.
- When I was little, I was always unfairly punished by my parents. They beat me, put me in a corner, yelled at me as if I had done something terrible. When I was in school, my classmates bullied me and also beat and humiliated me. When I got married, my husband drank all the time and cheated on me. My children exhausted my whole soul, and in the end they didn’t even come to my funeral. When I worked, my boss yelled at me all the time, delayed my salary, left me on weekends, and then fired me altogether without paying me. Neighbors gossiped about me behind my back, saying that I was a walking woman. And one day a robber attacked me and stole my bag and raped me.
- Well, what did you do good in your life? Death asked.
- I was always kind to everyone, went to church, prayed, took care of everyone, pulled everything on myself. I experienced so much pain from this world, like Christ, that I deserve Paradise ...
- Well, well ... - Death answered - I understand you. There remains a small formality. Sign one contract and go straight to Paradise.
Death handed her a piece of paper with one sentence to tick. The woman looked at Death and, as if she had been doused ice water, said she couldn't tick that sentence.
It was written on the piece of paper: "I forgive all my offenders and ask for forgiveness from everyone whom I offended."
Why can't you forgive them all and ask for forgiveness? Death asked.
- Because they did not deserve my forgiveness, because if I forgive them, it means that nothing happened, it means that they will not answer for their deeds. And I have no one to ask for forgiveness ... I didn’t do anything bad to anyone!
- Are you sure about that? Death asked.
- Absolutely!
- What do you feel for those who caused you so much pain? Death asked.
- I feel anger, anger, resentment! It is unfair that I should forget and erase from my memory the evil that people have done to me!
- What if you forgive them and stop experiencing these feelings? Death asked.
The woman thought for a while and replied that there would be emptiness inside!
- You have always experienced this emptiness in your heart, and this emptiness has devalued you and your life, and the feelings that you experience give meaning to your life. Now tell me, why do you feel emptiness?
- Because all my life I thought that those whom I loved and those for whom I lived would appreciate me, but in the end they disappointed me. I gave my life to my husband, children, parents, friends, but they did not appreciate it and turned out to be ungrateful!
- Before God said goodbye to his son and let him go to earth, he said one last phrase to him, which was supposed to help him realize life in himself and himself in this life ...
- What? the woman asked.
- What does it mean?
- So he did not understand what God told him about ... This is about the fact that only you are responsible for everything that happens in your life! You choose to suffer or be happy! So explain to me who exactly caused you so much pain?
- It turns out I'm on my own ... - the woman answered in a trembling voice.
- So who can't you forgive?
- Myself? The woman answered in a weeping voice.
- Forgive yourself - it means admitting your mistake! To forgive yourself is to accept your imperfection! Forgiving yourself means opening up to yourself! You hurt yourself and decided that the whole world is to blame for this, and they do not deserve your forgiveness ... And you want God to accept you with open arms?! Have you decided that God is like a soft-bodied stupid old man who will open doors for fools and evil sufferers?! Do you think he created the perfect place for people like you? That's when you create your own paradise, where first of all you, and then the rest, will feel good, then you will knock on the doors of the heavenly abode, but for now God has given me instructions to send you back to earth so that you learn how to create a world in which reigns love and care. And the one who cannot take care of himself lives in a deep delusion that he can take care of others. Do you know how God punishes a woman who considers herself an ideal mother?
- As? the woman asked.
- He sends her children, whose fates break before her eyes ...
- I understood ... I could not make my husband loving and devoted. She failed to raise happy and successful children. I couldn’t keep a hearth where there would be peace and harmony… In my world, everyone suffered…
- Why? Death asked.
- I wanted everyone to feel sorry for me and sympathize ... But no one took pity on me ... And I thought that God would definitely take pity on me and hug me!
- Remember that the most dangerous people on earth they are those who want to arouse pity and compassion… They are called “victims”… Your greatest ignorance is that you think that God needs someone's sacrifice! He will never let into his abode one who knows nothing but pain and suffering, for this sacrifice will sow pain and suffering in his world...! Go back and learn to love and take care of yourself, and then those who live in your world. And to begin with, ask forgiveness for your ignorance and forgive yourself for it!
The woman closed her eyes and started the journey again, but only under a different name and with different parents.

Eastern parable

At the foot of the mountain, a village spreads out in dense greenery. All around are meadows. There was a shepherd in the village. Should I just call him a shepherd? He did not undertake to graze restive cattle. A neighbor will come up to him, he will become ...
... mountains, I know all the yayls (summer mountain pastures), and I know animals well. Allah rewarded them with wool the same as the character of the owner
... milk, and he went after one cow. All this is good, but every cow cannot be his mother! cruel
... the rest! From all legs they rushed in all directions, fled in different directions. And since that day they call this mountain Witness Mountain

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    They are all the same Parable of unknown origin

    One day a middle-aged man came to the Teacher. - Dear, I ask you for advice. I have managed my life well enough: I have my own trading shop, I live in good home, I have...
    ... attention. In total, during our meetings, I brewed seven different varieties of tea. Will you drink tea with me tomorrow

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    Three suitors African parable

    Three friends lived: Tamme, Dombeu and Cambeu. Tamme was a Tesugu, Dombeu was a Gindo, and Cambeu was a Togolese from Kani Bonso. And although they came from different tribes, this did not interfere with their friendship. And so...
    ... them their gifts. And you will immediately know the price of all three. "Very well," replied the mother, "I will do so." She hid her daughter

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    zakko2009 vladimir Not allowed in the temple

    Our website of Andrei Yakushev has a huge number of parables of peoples of different faiths. But Man is One phenomenon! Therefore, if a Russian (Christian-Orthodox
    ... give a bunch of examples of Russian proverbs, the meaning of which is in the proverbs different peoples... And a foreigner who speaks Russian well, having entered the site
    ... Phenomenon. And suddenly, against the background of this huge number of parables, different peoples and religions, he reads the Esoteric parable “They are not allowed into the temple

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  • 127

    AndreyF Andrey grimr viking

    Grimr long dark time spends with friends. Different friends came to him ... ". The beliefs and values ​​\u200b\u200bof friends reflect several points at once - their
    ... it was pleasant to the hearts of friends.", "I was praised, and I felt good, but the words of friends did not come from the heart.", "I said this

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    two villages Parable from Andrey Yakushev

    There were two villages in the same country next door. And everything was similar in them, except for one thing: in one village there lived tactful people who weighed words so as not to offend another person, and in another ...
    ... and what lies behind his outward courtesy. The second village lived well, but in the first there were always some troubles:
    ... according to you? Yes, it's all by chance. Anything can happen - people are different ... Residents from the first village left for other places, to them

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    Two good people Parable from Victoria Pavlenko

    In one village lived two kind people and both were called Ivans. But people respectfully called one Ivan, and the second - Vanka. Everyone went to Vanka for help. Vanka did not refuse anyone. As they say, the last...
    ... there is such a toy. Why do you need another one? - This is already tired. - Okay, but then let's make a machine with you. Such
    ... And if you want, - says Ivan, - stay with me for a while. You will do different work, and I will teach you masterful tricks. Then you can

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    Why doesn't a cormorant have a tail? African parable

    Once upon a time there was a king, the ruler of all life on earth. People, animals, birds, and fish served at his court. And one of the courtiers was a cormorant. This bird was very proud of its beauty. Cormorant with...
    ... gudgeon feast. The cormorant arranged a feast and treated the gudgeon with various wines so cordially that he fell down and fell asleep. Then the insidious cormorant tore off
    ... the tail is stolen by thieves, of whom there are so many in the city. However, the minnow, knowing well the insidious habits of the cormorant, did not heed his arguments and turned

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    Who is whose fantasy? Parable from Alexander Bella about the wise He

    “It is impossible for God to stop being who He is”, Aks “Loksha” Someone told the wise He a parable about the grief of the Almighty - the impossibility of becoming different. The parable claimed that this is the only...
    ...longer, infinitely. Such, in fact, are the blessed or enlightened. They are good and so. But there is another type of people who also
    ... him countless Yes, we have very different fates there. Why not? And then our life, perhaps

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    Maksim Maksim Who is stupid?

    Probably, the paintings, in this way, turn from sketches into paintings. different colors. Only the artist argues with himself. And after that
    ... that the parable cannot be understood immediately (- I agree!), but we end up with roads in different directions. I didn’t write about roads :-) Of course, it’s good that the parable

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    Two fountains Parable from Elena Teletskaya

    By the day of the city, the residents decided to make themselves a nice gift that would bring a lot of joy not only to the townspeople, but also to the guests. Whole year initiative group worked with architects on...
    ... exceeded all their expectations. The fountain turned out to be beautiful, original, romantic and fit well into the architectural style cities. After that, they got down to business
    ... there was even a shadow of doubt that everything would be fine, because initially everything went like clockwork. Finally, the most
    ... now? - Because I think about the future! In order to live well later and enjoy everything, you need nothing at all: to behave

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    Before execution Parable from Fyodor Dostoevsky

    One man was once cocked, along with others, to the scaffold, and the sentence was read to him death penalty by firing squad for a political crime. Twenty minutes later, both the pardon and...
    ... and think about the last moment, so he made different orders: he calculated the time to say goodbye to his comrades, put
    ... and then, to look around for the last time. He remembered very well that he had made these three orders and

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    Joy of the Jackal Parable from the Bondarenko brothers

    Jackal grew in the reeds on the lake. Greedy grew and greedy grew. He rowed everything to himself, hid, took his wife into account in everything, reproached: either she sleeps for a long time, crumples the bed, then she eats a lot - for two at once. I need a lot...
    ... is it a pantry, is it not eating up my stocks, shameless ... ”And the Jackal had so many different stocks in the bins that during the winter
    ... paws: - Woe, what!

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    Yakushev Andrey Yakushev Women's Ministry

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    You have to swim up Parable from Alexander Schneider

    Something is happening at the very bottom of the great ocean. Let us take a closer look and we will see that two fish from among those that have never seen the light of day are talking. The conversation is between an experienced respected in the pack ...
    ... flowers, magnificent bushes called corals grow there, there are a great many different bright fish, but the most amazing thing is that she said that she swims there
    ... a huge red fish swims, the presence of which makes everyone feel good. A barely perceptible trembling passed along the fins of the older fish, speaking of
    ... other fish to get enough. How can it be good for everyone from the presence of a large predator? This is the most absurd story I have ever

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    The richest fiance Parable from Vladimir Megre

    Two neighbors lived in the same village. Families were friends, worked for their own pleasure on their land. In the spring, gardens bloomed in two plots, and a small forest in each grew. Everyone in the family had a son. When...
    ... they choose clothes, what kind of livestock and belongings they need - they decide for themselves. - Well, - answered the second, - let our sons become independent. And they will choose
    ... to live under the control of grown-up sons. But since then differently the life of two families. In one son became active
    ... I know that it may break soon in my car. - So, you know the technique well, that you can accurately imagine all future breakdowns

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  • Lived in the village an old man. He was very poor, but even the kings envied him because he had a beautiful white horse. He was offered fabulous money for a horse,

    but the old man said:"This horse is not a horse for me, but a person. How can you sell a person, a friend?"

    The man was poor, but never agreed to sell the horse. One morning he did not find the horse in the stall. The whole village gathered and everyone condemned the old man:

    "You are a stupid old man," they told him. "We knew that one day the horse would be stolen. It would be better if you sold it. What a bad luck!"

    The old man said:"I don't know the whole story. I don't know if he left or was taken away. There is a fact, everything else is judgment. Is it bad luck or a blessing, I don't know, because it's all just a part. Who knows what will follow this?"

    People laughed. They always knew he was a little crazy. But fifteen days later he unexpectedly returned, moreover, he brought four foals with him.

    The people gathered again and said:"You were right, old man, it wasn't bad luck, it was a blessing."

    And again the old man said:“I don’t know the whole story. I only know that the horse was gone, then he returned. Who knows if this is a blessing or not? Have you read single word in a sentence - how can you judge a whole book?"

    But people still decided that he was wrong, because there were more horses! The old man had an only son. He started to go around the foals and a week later he fell and broke his leg.

    People said:"That's bad luck! Your only son lost the opportunity to walk, and yet he was your only support! It would be better if you sold the horse then, if only there was money."

    And once again the old man answered them:"You're judgmental, don't go that far. All I know is that my son fell and broke his leg. No one knows if it's bad luck or a blessing."

    It so happened that a few weeks later a war broke out in the country, and all the youth were taken into the army. Only the old man's son remained because he was crippled. All the inhabitants wept because the battles were lost and most of the youth died.

    People came to the old man and told him: "You were right, it turned out to be a boon. Maybe your son is crippled, but he is with you, our sons are gone forever."

    Again the old man said:"You go on judging. I don't know the whole story, and nobody does. Judgment means a fixed state of mind. Don't judge, otherwise you will never become one with the whole."

    In reality, the journey never ends. One part ends, but another begins, one door closes, the other opens. You reach the top, but another higher one appears. Life is an endless journey!

    Short wise parables about life: Eastern wisdom

    Parable - little story, history, fable, with or without morality.
    The parable does not always teach life, but always gives a wise hint with a deep meaning.
    Hidden in stories life meaning- a lesson for people, but not everyone can see this meaning.
    A parable is not a fictional story, it is a story from life about real events. From generation to generation, parables were passed from mouth to mouth, but at the same time they did not lose their wisdom and simplicity.
    Many parables describe stories that take place in everyday life, many events described in parables are very similar to ours. The parable teaches us to look at things with different sides and act wisely and prudently.
    If the parable seemed incomprehensible or meaningless, this does not mean that the parable is bad. We are simply not prepared enough to understand it. Rereading parables, each time you can find something new and wise in them.
    So let's read Eastern parables, think and wiser!

    Three important questions

    The ruler of one country strove for all wisdom. Rumors reached him once that there was a certain hermit who knew the answers to all questions. The ruler came to him and sees: a decrepit old man, digging a garden bed. He jumped off his horse and bowed to the old man.

    - I came to get an answer to three questions: who is the most main man on earth, what is the most important thing in life, what day is more important than all the others.

    The hermit did not answer and continued to dig. The ruler undertook to help him.

    Suddenly he sees: a man is walking along the road - his whole face is covered with blood. The ruler stopped him kind word consoled, brought water from the stream, washed and bandaged the wounds of the traveler. Then he took him to the hermit's hut, put him to bed.

    The next morning he looks - the hermit is sowing the garden.

    “Hermit,” the ruler pleaded, “won’t you answer my questions?”

    “You already answered them yourself,” he said.

    - As? - the ruler was amazed.

    “Seeing my old age and weakness, you took pity on me and volunteered to help,” said the hermit. - While you were digging the garden, I was the most important person for you, and helping me was the most important thing for you. A wounded man appeared - his need was more acute than mine. And he became the most important person for you, and helping him became the most important thing. It turns out that the most important person is the one who needs your help. And the most important thing is the good that you do to him.

    “Now I can answer my third question: what day in a person’s life is more important than the rest,” the ruler said. “The most important day is today.

    Most valuable

    One person in childhood was very friendly with an old neighbor.

    But time passed, school and hobbies appeared, then work and personal life. Every minute the young man was busy, and he did not have time to remember the past, or even to be with loved ones.

    Once he learned that a neighbor had died - and suddenly remembered: the old man taught him a lot, trying to replace the boy's deceased father. Feeling guilty, he came to the funeral.

    In the evening, after the burial, the man entered the empty house of the deceased. Everything was the same as many years ago ...

    Here are just a small golden box, in which, according to the old man, was kept the most valuable thing for him, disappeared from the table. Thinking that one of her few relatives had taken her, the man left the house.

    However, two weeks later he received the package. Seeing the neighbor's name on it, the man shuddered and opened the parcel.

    Inside was the same golden box. It contained a gold pocket watch engraved with "Thank you for the time you spent with me."

    And he realized that the most valuable thing for the old man was the time spent with his little friend.

    Since then, the man tried to devote as much time as possible to his wife and son.

    Life is not measured by the number of breaths. It is measured by the number of moments that make us hold our breath.

    Time is slipping away from us every second. And it needs to be spent right now.

    Life as it is

    I will tell you a parable: in ancient times, a heartbroken woman came to Gautam Buddha who had lost her son. And she began to pray to the Almighty to return her child. And Buddha ordered the woman to return to the village and collect a mustard seed from each family, in which at least one of its members would not be burned on a funeral pyre. And going around her village and many others, the poor fellow did not find a single such family. And the woman understood that death is a natural and inevitable outcome for all living. And the woman accepted her life as it is, with its inevitable departure into oblivion, with the eternal circulation of lives.

    Butterflies and fire

    Three butterflies, flying up to a burning candle, began to talk about the nature of fire. One flew up to the flame, returned and said:

    - The fire is shining.

    Another flew closer and scorched the wing. Arriving back, she said:

    - He's stinging!

    The third, flying very close, disappeared in the fire and did not return. She learned what she wanted to know, but was no longer able to tell the rest about it.

    The one who has received knowledge is deprived of the opportunity to speak about it, therefore the one who knows is silent, and the one who speaks does not know.

    understand fate

    Chuang Tzu's wife died, and Hui Tzu came to mourn her. Chuang Tzu squatted down and sang songs, hitting his pelvis. Hui Tzu said:

    “To not mourn the deceased, who lived with you to old age and raised your children, is too much. But singing songs while hitting the pelvis is simply no good!

    “You are wrong,” Chuang Tzu replied. “When she died, could I not be sad at first? Grieving, I began to think about what she was in the beginning, when she was not yet born. And not only was she not born, but she was not yet a body. And not only was it not a body, but it was not even a breath. I realized that she was scattered in the void of boundless chaos.

    Chaos turned - and she became breath. The breath changed and she became the body. The body changed and she was born. Now a new transformation has come - and she is dead. All this changed each other, as the four seasons alternate. Man is buried in the abyss of transformations, as if in the chambers of a huge house.

    Money can not buy happiness

    The student asked the Master:

    - How true are the words that happiness is not in money?

    He replied that they were completely correct. And it's easy to prove it.

    For money can buy a bed, but not sleep; food, but no appetite; medicines, but not health; servants, but not friends; women, but not love; dwelling, but not the hearth; entertainment, but not joy; education, but not the mind.

    And what is mentioned does not exhaust the list.

    Walk straight!

    There was once a woodcutter who was in a very distressed situation. He subsisted on the paltry amounts of money earned from firewood, which he brought to the city on himself from the nearest forest.

    One day a sannyasin passing along the road saw him at work and advised him to go further into the forest, saying:

    - Go ahead, go ahead!

    The woodcutter heeded the advice, went into the forest and went on until he came to a sandalwood tree. He was very pleased with this find, cut down the tree and, taking with him as many pieces of it as he could carry, he sold them in the market for a good price. Then he began to wonder why the good sannyasin did not tell him that there was sandalwood in the forest, but simply advised him to go ahead.

    The next day, reaching a felled tree, he went further and found copper deposits. He took with him as much copper as he could carry, and by selling it in the bazaar he made even more money.

    The next day he found gold, then diamonds, and finally acquired great wealth.

    This is precisely the position of a person who strives for true knowledge: if he does not stop in his movement after he reaches some paranormal powers, then, in the end, he will find the wealth of eternal Knowledge and Truth.

    two snowflakes

    It was snowing. The weather was calm, and large fluffy snowflakes slowly circled in a bizarre dance, slowly approaching the ground.

    Two snowflakes flying side by side decided to start a conversation. Afraid of losing each other, they joined hands, and one of them cheerfully says:

    - How good it is to fly, enjoy the flight!

    “We don’t fly, we just fall,” the second answered sadly.

    - Soon we will meet the ground and turn into a white fluffy blanket!

    - No, we are flying towards death, and on the ground they will simply trample us.

    We will become streams and rush to the sea. We will live forever! said the first.

    “No, we will melt and disappear forever,” the second objected to her.

    Finally they got tired of arguing. They unclenched their hands, and each flew towards the fate that she herself chose.

    great good

    A rich man asked a Zen master to write something good and encouraging, something that would bring great benefit to his whole family. “It must be something that every member of our family thinks about in relation to others,” said the rich man.

    He gave a large piece of snow-white expensive paper, on which the master wrote: “The father will die, the son will die, the grandson will die. And all in one day."

    The rich man was furious when he read what the master wrote to him: “I asked you to write something good for my family so that it would bring joy and prosperity to my family. Why did you write something that upsets me?

    “If your son dies before you,” the master replied, “it will be an irreparable loss for your entire family. If the grandson dies before your son dies, it will be a great sorrow for everyone. But if your entire family, generation after generation, dies on the same day, it will be a real gift of fate. This will be a great happiness and benefit for your entire family.”

    Heaven and Hell

    There lived one person. And most he spent his life trying to figure out the difference between hell and heaven. He pondered this subject day and night.

    Then one day he had a strange dream. He went to hell. And he sees people there who are sitting in front of cauldrons of food. And everyone has a big spoon with a very long handle in their hand. But these people look hungry, thin and emaciated. They can scoop from the boiler, but they won’t get into the mouth. And they swear, fight, beat each other with spoons.

    Suddenly, another person runs up to him and shouts:

    - Hey, let's go faster, I'll show you the road leading to paradise.

    They arrived in paradise. And they see people there who are sitting in front of the boilers with food. And everyone has a big spoon with a very long handle in their hand. But they look full, satisfied and happy. When we looked closely, we saw that they were feeding each other. Man should go to man with kindness - that's paradise.

    The Secret of Happiness

    One merchant sent his son to seek the secret of happiness from the wisest of all people. The young man walked through the desert for forty days and finally came to a beautiful castle that stood on the top of a mountain. There lived the sage he was looking for.

    However, instead of the expected meeting with a holy man, our hero entered the hall, where everything was seething: merchants came in and out, people chatted in the corner, a small orchestra played sweet melodies and there was a table laden with the most delicious dishes of the area. The sage talked to different people, and the young man had to wait for his turn for about two hours.

    The sage listened attentively to the young man's explanations about the purpose of his visit, but said in response that he did not have time to reveal to him the secret of happiness. And he invited him to take a walk around the palace and come back in two hours.

    “However, I want to ask for one favor,” added the sage, holding out a small spoon to the young man, into which he dropped two drops of oil:

    - While walking, hold this spoon in your hand so that the oil does not spill out.

    The young man began to go up and down the palace stairs, keeping his eyes on the spoon. Two hours later he again came to the sage.

    - Well, how? he asked. Have you seen the Persian carpets that are in my dining room? Have you seen the park that the head gardener has been creating for ten years? Have you noticed the beautiful parchments in my library?

    The young man, embarrassed, had to confess that he had not seen anything. His only concern was not to spill the drops of oil that the Sage had entrusted to him.

    “Well, come back and get acquainted with the wonders of my universe,” the Sage told him. “You can't trust a man if you don't know the house he lives in.

    Reassured, the young man took the spoon and again went for a walk around the palace, this time paying attention to all the works of art hung on the walls and ceilings of the palace. He saw gardens surrounded by mountains, the most delicate flowers, the delicacy with which each piece of art was placed exactly where it needed to be. Returning to the sage, he described in detail everything he saw.

    “Where are those two drops of oil that I entrusted to you?” the sage asked.

    And the young man, looking at the spoon, found that the oil had spilled out.

    “That is the only advice I can give you: the secret of happiness is to look at all the wonders of the world, never forgetting two drops of oil in a spoon.


    One day the mullah decided to address the believers. But a young groom came to listen to him. Mulla thought to himself, "Should I speak or not?" And he decided to ask the groom:

    "There's no one here besides you, do you think I should speak or not?"

    The groom replied:

    “Sir, I am a simple man, I don’t understand anything about this. But when I come to the stable and see that all the horses have fled, and only one is left, I still give her food.

    Mulla, taking these words to heart, began his sermon. He talked for more than two hours, and when he finished, he felt relieved in his soul. He wanted to hear confirmation of how good his speech was. He asked:

    How did you like my sermon?

    I have already said that I am a simple person and do not really understand all this. But if I come to the stable and see that all the horses have fled, and only one is left, I will feed her anyway. But I will not give her all the food that is intended for all horses.

    Parable about positive thinking

    Once an old Chinese teacher said to his student:

    “Please take a good look around this room and try to note in it everything that has Brown color.

    The young man looked around. There were a lot of brown things in the room: wooden picture frames, a sofa, a curtain rod, desks, book bindings, and a host of other little things.

    Now close your eyes and list all the items... blue color asked the teacher.

    The young man was confused:

    But I didn't notice anything!

    Then the teacher said:

    - Open your eyes. Just look how many blue things are here.

    It was true: the blue vase, the blue photo frames, the blue carpet, the old teacher's blue shirt.

    And the teacher said:

    “Look at all those missing items!”

    The student replied:

    "But it's a trick!" After all, at your direction, I was looking for brown, not blue objects.

    Master sighed softly and then smiled, “That's exactly what I wanted to show you. You searched and found only brown. The same thing happens to you in life. You seek and find only the bad and miss the good.

    I have always been taught to expect the worst and you will never be disappointed. And if the worst doesn't happen, then I'm in for a pleasant surprise. And if I always hope for the best, then I will only expose myself to the risk of disappointment.

    We should not lose sight of all the good things that happen in our lives. If you expect the worst, then you will definitely get it. And vice versa.

    It is possible to find a point of view from which each experience will have positive value. From now on, you will look for something positive in everything and everyone.

    How to reach the goal?

    A great archery master named Drona taught his students. He hung a target on a tree and asked each of the students what they saw.

    One said:

    — I see a tree and a target on it.

    Another said:

    - I see a tree rising Sun birds in the sky...

    All the rest answered in much the same way.

    Then Drona approached his best student Arjuna and asked:

    — And what do you see?

    He replied:

    — I can't see anything but the target.

    And Drona said:

    Only such a person can hit the target.

    hidden treasures

    AT ancient india there lived a poor man, whose name was Ali Hafed.

    Once a Buddhist priest came to him and told him how the world was created: “Once upon a time, the earth was a continuous fog. And then the Almighty extended his fingers to the fog, and it turned into a ball of fire. And this ball rushed through the universe until the rain fell on the earth and cooled its surface. Then the fire, breaking the earth's surface, burst out. So mountains and valleys, hills and prairies arose.

    When the molten mass flowing down the surface of the earth cooled quickly, it turned into granite. If it cooled slowly, it became copper, silver or gold. And after gold, diamonds were created.”

    “Diamond,” said the sage Ali Hafedu, “is a frozen drop sunlight. If you had a diamond the size of your thumb, continued the priest, you could buy the whole district. But if you owned diamond deposits, you could put all your children on the throne, and all this thanks to huge wealth.

    Ali Hafed learned everything there was to know about diamonds that evening. But he went to bed, as always, a poor man. He lost nothing, but he was poor because he was not satisfied, and he was not satisfied because he was afraid that he was poor.

    Ali Hafed did not close his eyes all night. He only thought about diamond deposits.

    Early in the morning, he woke up an old Buddhist priest and begged him to tell him where to find the diamonds. The priest at first disagreed. But Ali Hafed was so insistent that the old man finally said:

    - OK then. You must find the river that flows in the white sands high mountains. There, in these white sands, you will find diamonds.

    And then Ali Hafed sold his farm, left his family to a neighbor and went to look for diamonds. He went further and further, but could not find the treasure. In desperation, he committed suicide by throwing himself into the sea.

    One day, the man who bought Ali Hafed's farm decided to water a camel in the garden. And when the camel poked its nose into the stream, this man suddenly noticed a strange sparkle coming from the white sand from the bottom of the stream. He put his hands into the water and pulled out a stone from which this fiery radiance emanated. He brought this unusual stone home, put it on the shelf.

    Once the same old Buddhist priest came to visit the new owner. Opening the door, he immediately saw a glow over the fireplace. Rushing towards him, he exclaimed:

    - It's a diamond! Ali Hafed is back?

    "No," replied Ali Hafed's successor. Ali Hafed didn't come back. And this is a simple stone that I found in my stream.

    - You're wrong! exclaimed the priest. “I recognize a diamond from a thousand other gems. I swear on all saints, it's a diamond!

    And then they went into the garden and dug up all the white sand in the stream. And in it they found gems, even more amazing and more valuable than the first. The most valuable is always there.

    The Student came to the Teacher and began to complain. Naturally, on your hard life. I asked the Teacher for advice on what to do, when one thing fell, and another, and a third, and in general, just hands down!

    The teacher silently got up and placed four pots of water in front of him. In one he threw a wooden chock, in another - a carrot, in the third - an egg, in the fourth - crushed coffee beans. After a while, he took out what he had thrown from the water. - What changed? the Teacher asked. Nothing…” the student answered. The teacher silently nodded and put the four pots of water on the fire. When the water boiled, he again threw a wooden chock into one, a carrot into another, an egg into the third, crushed coffee beans into the fourth. After a while, he took out a piece of wood, a carrot, an egg and poured fragrant coffee into a cup.
    The student, of course, did not understand anything again. - What changed? the Teacher asked again. - What should have happened. The carrot and the egg were boiled, the piece of wood did not change, and the coffee beans dissolved in boiling water,” the Student answered. “This is just a superficial view of things,” the Master replied. Take a closer look. The carrot boiled in water and from hard became soft, easily collapsing. Even outwardly, she began to look different. The tree hasn't changed at all. The egg, without changing externally, became hard inside, and the blows from which it had previously ... flowed out of its shell had already become fearless. Coffee colored the water, gave it a new taste and aroma. - Water is our life. Fire is change and adverse circumstances. Carrot, tree, egg and coffee are types of people. They all change in difficult moments of life in different ways.

    1. Man-carrot. Almost half of them are. These people are only ordinary life seem solid. In moments of life troubles, they become soft and slippery. They give up, blame everything either on others or insurmountable external circumstances. A little crushed and ... they are already in a panic, psychologically crushed. Such "carrots", as a rule, easily become victims of fashion, they want "everything to be with them, like people", it is on them that successful merchants, politicians and ...
    2. Tree man. These are a little less than the first. These people do not change, remain themselves in any life situations. They are, as a rule, cold-blooded, internally calm and whole, or something. It is these people who show everyone that they are difficult life circumstances- just life, and behind the black stripe there always comes a white one.
    3. Man-egg. These are those whom the hardships of life harden, make stronger! There are few such people. These are the people in ordinary life - no one, but in Hard times they suddenly "harden" and stubbornly overcome external circumstances.
    4. - What about coffee? exclaimed the Apprentice. - Oh - this is the most interesting! Coffee beans under the influence of adverse life circumstances dissolve into environment, turning tasteless water into a tasty, fragrant and invigorating drink! - answered the Teacher, sipping fragrant coffee from a cup with pleasure. - There is special people. Their units are not out of every hundred. They do not so much change under the influence of unfavorable circumstances, but rather change the very circumstances of life, change the established old obsolete ideas, changing or replacing them into something beautiful, benefiting from unfavorable situation and changing the lives of all people around: friends in better side, enemies and irresponsible in ... as always, everything should be in moderation ... sometimes for them this means: to act at the limit, at the limit that their friends, or real best friends. and this ... they respect responsible people, people who value the Truth, who respect the rights of others, because they themselves are like that.