Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Creativity plays a huge role in human life. Creative approach to life

Svirkova E.B., Pustynnikova Yu.M.
Office file, No. 55, 2003

Often one of the requirements for candidates when applying for a job is creativity or creativity. And many employees, in turn, when choosing a place of work, want creative self-realization. But, as a prerequisite, creativity is justified for such professions as designers, writers, advertisers, sculptors, architects, design engineers and others, that is, for creative workers and representatives of professions whose tasks include the development of new products and innovative technical solutions. In other professions, creativity can undoubtedly achieve more high results, but you can do without it. So what is so magical about creativity, why does everyone want it? Let's first define the concept of creativity.

What is creativity

Psychology says that creativity is not the privilege of only a select few, it is an essential part of the thinking process. L.S. Vygotsky writes that creativity is the combination, processing and creation of new positions and new behavior from elements of lived experience. "In the everyday life around us there is creativity. necessary condition existence, and everything that goes beyond the limits of routine and that contains even an iota of new, owes its origin to the creative process of man."

G. Wallace describes four successive stages of the creative process:

  1. Preparation.
  2. Frustration
  3. Incubation.
  4. Enlightenment.
  5. Examination.

At the stage " preparation“a person considers all the possibilities for solving a problem, turning to his old experience, and for some reason rejects many of the solutions as inappropriate. After intense work on a task, a turning point comes - nothing can be invented, a “stupor” sets in, called by psychologists stage of frustration, after which the person goes to incubation- it could be sleep, rest, he just doesn’t think about the task for a while. One of the hypotheses explaining the importance of incubation in the creative process suggests that during this period a person actually continues to work on a task unconsciously. Next stage - enlightenment(or insight) - usually occurs suddenly, when a person does not even think specifically about the problem and, it would seem, the solution comes by itself. Most vivid examples Enlightenment comes from the history of science - the discoveries of Archimedes, Newton, Poincaré, etc. And then a person checks and implements the solution.

So, any activity is open to creativity. Of course there are standard methods performance of work, but creativity helps to push the established boundaries, achieve the same result with less effort or change the result, in principle, make the work process more interesting. In general, the creative process can be compared to searching for a way out of a hopeless situation: a creative solution appears when the standard available solutions are not satisfactory, or they are simply absent. Good example for the latter situation - decision-making by a manager under conditions of uncertainty, lack of time or information.

Management and creativity

There are two aspects of creativity in management. The first is creativity in management activities (the creativity of the leader), and the second is the development by the leader of the creativity of his subordinates.

The creativity of a leader depends on “external” conditions - the tasks he solves, and on internal conditions- from him personal qualities, depending on the chosen management style.

In the process of managing a company, a leader solves problems of operational and strategic management, and we will look at how creativity manifests itself in both of these areas.

It would seem, what kind of creativity can there be in operational management, because an impressive base of management tools, methods, technologies has already been developed - there is no need to invent anything, you need to use the developments of predecessors well and skillfully. Indeed, developments in the field of management are an undeniable help in the work of a manager. But due to the fact that every day a manager has to deal with the need to solve new problems, and often look for a way out of non-standard or emergency situations and make decisions in constantly changing conditions, it is not always possible to take advantage of other people’s experiences. You won’t find the answer to some questions in books, and sometimes you simply don’t have time to look, so the manager, when making decisions, with the exception of standard ones, is constantly creative.

In relation to strategic management, the creativity of the manager is realized in the development of a “program for the future life of the company”: the mission and strategy of the company, determining its goals for the next year, three, five. Creating a marketing strategy, personnel management, production development strategy, creating new products - all this is “strategic creativity”. In fact, the manager at these moments “creates the fate” of his enterprise. Developing innovation and transformation programs in an enterprise also requires a creative approach from the manager.

But the most vividly creative moment in the work of a leader is manifested in entrepreneurial activity. Here the scope for creativity is truly limitless. The definition of entrepreneurship formulated by R. Hisrich is as follows: “Entrepreneurship is the process of creating something new that has value, a process that consumes time and effort, and involves taking on financial, moral, and social responsibility; a process that results in monetary income and personal satisfaction with what has been achieved.” The result of entrepreneurship can be the development of new technologies, entry into new markets, etc. Thus, the development of a company development strategy,

The manager can carry out the process of searching for ideas for the development of the company independently, or he can involve company employees in this work. After all, one head is good, but 100 is even better. For example, a company's sales are falling. The manager can think about the problem himself, or he can instruct the sales department employees to understand what is wrong and find a way out. Involving employees in the decision will facilitate the subsequent implementation of changes, because employees will not perceive the decision as hostile, but as their own. The role of the manager then is to manage the creative process in the organization.

Management style and creativity

Developing the creativity of subordinates is not an easy task. Undoubtedly, the leader has a great influence on the creativity of the organization, at least by what management style he chooses. What is decisive here is the manager’s attitude towards creativity. Let's see how management style affects the ability to express creativity. To do this, we will use the most popular classification of management styles, which distinguishes the following styles: authoritarian, democratic, passive (permissive).

Authoritarian style management is characterized by the fact that goals are sent down to subordinates from above, as well as instructions for performing work and a description of the final result. In other words, a step to the side means execution. The authoritarian style may suppress initiative, but it is indispensable in cases where the matter is urgent and there is no time to search for new solutions. Here creativity depends on the instructions of the leader; every step must be coordinated. Although the authoritarian style restrains creativity, it gives quick results. Faced with serious limitations, people are forced to invent ever more ingenious ways to solve the problems they face. It is no coincidence that it has been noted that in totalitarian states there is often a flourishing of culture and creativity.

Democratic style involves the delegation of some powers to subordinates and the division of responsibility - a subordinate can make decisions within the framework of his powers. The staff participates in management, information is exchanged from the manager to the subordinates and vice versa. In our opinion, this management style maximizes the creation of a creative atmosphere in the team. Here there is both the freedom necessary for creativity and the necessary framework that sets the focus of the efforts of all employees, allowing them to control the achievement of results.

At passive (permissive) style management, everyone does what they want and how they want. The manager interferes little with the activities of his subordinates and often follows their lead. Unprecedented space. But how does this affect creativity? In an organization where leadership is carried out in a permissive manner, creativity is more likely to be emasculated: everyone “plays his own tune,” and chaos gradually ensues. This is the riskiest management style in terms of getting results from the creative process.

Different managers have different management styles to one degree or another, it depends on personal preferences, the situation in the company, even the style may differ depending on the attitude towards different employees, some stricter, some softer.

For business, creativity is important not for the sake of creativity, but for the sake of results, so before you want creativity from your staff, you should decide on the tasks of creativity. The expected result of creative behavior of subordinates can be as follows:

  1. Employees solving a given creative problem.
  2. Employees' ideas for developing the company and improving the existing order.

Stimulating the creativity of subordinates

In order for employees to use their creativity for the benefit of the company, the manager should make an effort. The fundamental principles for stimulating the creativity of subordinates are as follows:

  1. Support for creative initiative.
  2. Purposeful organization of the creative process
  3. Feedback
  4. Inspiring example
  5. Inclusion of creativity in the system of moral and material incentives

The formation of corporate culture is greatly influenced by the leader and the values ​​that he declares. What is encouraged, what the manager pays attention to close attention, it will also be in the attention of the staff. Employees are more likely to be inspired to create if they know that this is what their manager expects of them. And a friendly atmosphere will remove the fear from employees that their proposals will be perceived as “wrong.”

Secondly, it is not enough just to compose an ode to creativity, we also need to organize this process. When instructing employees creative assignment For example, the marketing department is developing a system for attracting customers of a certain segment, it is necessary to identify the goal, describe the possible result (set the direction), and agree on the form of interim reporting. Although the creative process is creative, it cannot be left to chance. The implementation of a new proposal will not be possible without description and regulation. This process is less attractive than creativity itself, but without it creativity will remain castles in the air.

Collecting employee suggestions on any issue is possible different ways. In a small company, a special day may be set for these purposes, on which the manager will consider employee proposals. In the case of a large company, it is better to accept employee suggestions in writing, for example, e-mail. And for a one-time collection of ideas, a survey or organizing a competition is a good time.

Third important point stimulating the creative process - feedback on proposals put forward by employees in writing or orally. If an employee does not understand why his proposal cannot be implemented, he will most likely be offended and will not offer anything further. We talked about what principles should be followed when providing feedback in the article “The Genie in the Bottle” in the previous issue.

Fourth, to stimulate employee creativity, an example that inspires the generation of ideas is important. What inspires most is the personal example of a leader, the mechanism of influence of which we discussed earlier in the article about charismatic leadership.

Fifth, material or moral incentives for employees who put forward sensible proposals. Taking into account such merits in bonuses, in job differentiation, etc. Thus, in one trading company, bonuses are provided for proposals for the development of the company, the size of which depends on the degree of elaboration of the proposals: the proposals are at the level of an idea or there is also a plan for its implementation.

Methods for activating creativity

There are many methods for activating creative thinking. The most common of them and the most adequate for use in a business environment:

  • Brainstorm– a well-known method of group generation of creative solutions
  • Algorithm for developing innovative solutions – technique based on principles brainstorming, more complex, making it possible to generate ideas both in group mode and individually.
  • Coaching management – a management style close to democratic, in which the manager, in order for the employee to solve the assigned task, does not suggest an answer, but uses developmental questions (we also wrote in more detail about coaching in the fifth issue in an article specifically devoted to this method).
  • Action learning method– the group helps the employee in solving the selected task, also asking developmental questions.
  • Solution technique inventive problems(TRIZ)- a special technology developed in our country in the mid-20th century. We will not dwell on it in detail in this article, since it is quite complex and requires a lot of training to master.

Method brainstorming well known to many. The group is given a topic, for example, it is necessary to highlight the competitive advantages of the company. Everyone is given some time to think in silence and sketch out their thoughts on paper. And then everyone takes turns voicing one of their thoughts until they run out. If the named idea is still on someone else’s list, then it is not mentioned again. The leader's task is to compose common list ideas and ensure that brainstormers do not criticize each other's ideas. All ideas are accepted without exception, both sensible and crazy. The point is that with their ideas, employees stimulate the general creative process, for example, a crazy suggestion from one employee can lead another to some sensible idea. The group is then left to choose a solution. Let us emphasize once again that at the stage of generating ideas it is very important to follow the following rules:

  1. ban on criticism
  2. prohibition of justifications for proposed ideas
  3. encouragement of all ideas put forward, including unrealistic and fantastic ones

In the case when the task facing the group is complex, the basis of the analysis problematic situation There are many factors involved. The classic version of brainstorming may not give the desired result - the task will seem overwhelming for such elaboration. In this case, you can apply the algorithm for developing innovative solutions, which we present below:


Preliminary discussion

Think through and discuss all aspects of the problem. The most important ones are often so complex that identifying them requires the imagination

Select sub-problems to “attack”. Refer to the list of various aspects of the problem, carefully analyze them, highlight several goals.

Selecting information sources

Consider what data might be useful. You have formulated the problem, now you need very specific information. But first, give yourself over to creativity to come up with all kinds of data that can help best

Select your most preferred sources of information.

Finding a solution

Come up with all sorts of ideas - “keys” to the problem. This part of the thinking process requires freedom of imagination, unaccompanied or interrupted by critical thinking.

Select the ideas that are most likely to lead to a solution. This process is mainly associated with logical thinking. The emphasis here is on comparative analysis.

Checking the solution

Come up with all sorts of ways to check. Here again you need creative thinking.

Select the most thorough verification methods. When deciding how best to test, be rigorous and consistent. Select those methods that seem most convincing.


Imagine all the possible applications. Even if your final decision confirmed experimentally, you should have an idea of ​​what can happen as a result of its use in various fields.

10. Give a final answer.

As you can see, each of the stages of this brain algorithm includes a stage of generating ideas and a stage of their critical understanding and selection. This makes it easier to work with complex tasks.

Action learning method is not so widespread in our country, however, its use to stimulate individual creativity and overcome the “ideological crisis” gives a very good results. The essence of the method is as follows: an employee who is having difficulty solving a problem that requires creativity, generating new ideas and approaches, turns to his colleagues for help. When they get together, the employee voices the task and the difficulties that arose in the process of solving it. Colleagues ask him clarifying questions to clarify the situation, if necessary. When the task and problem are clear, colleagues begin to ask developmental questions. These are questions that do not suggest a solution, but stimulate the search for its ways. For example: “What would be a good option for you to solve this problem? Who or what can help you find a solution? What environment are you working in trying to find the answer? In what situation do you think this solution could be found faster? What sources did you turn to for inspiration? How can you get around the obstacles facing you?” and so on. It is strictly forbidden to give advice in the form of questions, such as “Have you tried doing such and such?” Such questions provoke resistance and objections, instead of encouraging creativity. After all the questions have been asked, the employee who put forward the problem says which questions seemed most useful to him, and makes a commitment to the group to implement the ideas that emerged.

The last point is very important. After all, we cannot limit ourselves to just stimulating the creative process, otherwise we will get creativity for the sake of creativity, a process for the sake of a process. The task of a leader is not only to awaken, if necessary, creativity in his subordinates, but also to “direct their energy in a peaceful direction.” Everything that is generated by the team must be documented and structured so as not to lose precious grains of innovation. An employee who has gone on a “creative flight” must present specific and tangible results. The boss must control that the subordinate does not “fly into the stratosphere”. And in this he is helped by the good old functions of management - monitoring the process and results of execution and adjusting the actions of the employee or the result obtained.

1. Vygotsky L.S. Imagination in childhood. SPb.: SOYUZ, 1997, 96s.

2. Soslo R.L. "Cognitive Psychology". "Translated from English" M., Trivola, 1996

Today we invite you to meet an inspiring woman, the organizer of the Northern Lights talent fair, a mother of five friendly children, who cannot imagine her life without creativity and in the daily bustle finds the strength and opportunity to bring grandiose ideas to life.

Anna Uppit

– Tell us a little about yourself and your family

My name is Anya Uppit, I'm 27 years old, I love learning new things and doing unusual, special things that transform everyday life. I am inspired when a new, bright goal appears; I like the state of enthusiasm, passion, in which you can, even if you are very tired, still get a return on the work you are doing. My first and main interest is children, activities with them, pedagogy as such, the second is type design and calligraphy. The process of organizing and preparing holidays - home and community - can also be identified as a special, separate hobby.

Since I love children and everything connected with them, I have big family: Oleg and I have five children. Oleg is my husband, he works in the IT field, and in addition to this, he is also involved in journalism: he writes articles for men’s online magazines and even not so long ago opened his own online magazine, called “Interest”. I see that he is very interested in this business, and I like it when he is passionate :)

It is very important that Oleg and I have the same views on the upbringing and education of children. We don’t have to argue about this - even during my first pregnancy, nine years ago, we thought about natural childbirth and home education. And our views expanded and deepened as younger children were born and older ones grew older. Now there are five of them: Agnes is nine years old, Anton is six and a half, Daria is four and a half, Ignat is two and Maria, the youngest, is exactly five months old :)

The last two were born at home because, having gained experience interacting with state system obstetrics and having formed our own opinion about it, which was largely critical, we studied the issue of natural childbirth quite deeply and came to the conclusion about the need for just such a path. Now we are very glad that we made such a choice, it was an invaluable experience, the birth was successful, without complications, the children were born healthy and are developing absolutely normally. For our entire family - both adults and younger children - these were, of course, very significant events.

– What place does creativity occupy in your family’s life and why?

Calligraphy class

It seems to me that all people bring creativity into their lives, because without it there is no way. It will be gray and dull. Many people take a creative approach to home improvement, cooking, and raising children. In our family, creativity plays a very important role.

Personally, I usually find it difficult to get creative with my home routine. Therefore, in our family we took a different path: we try not to turn our everyday life into creativity, but to bring as much varied creativity into our everyday life as possible. A simple example: during children's parties, we organize exhibitions of works by our children and the children of our guests, and organize home performances in which both we and our guests prepare acts. This always captivates and pleases everyone.

However, I want, first of all, that not only festive, but also everyday life would be interesting to both the children and myself. Therefore, we specially devote time to creativity, art, creating beautiful things so that they are part of life both for an occasion and just like that - according to the mood.

My biggest creative passion is calligraphy. It all started in 2008, when my children and I went to the first international exhibition of calligraphy at the Academy of Arts and I myself was so inspired that I wanted to learn as much as possible about this art. I learned about the calligraphy courses “From Aza to Izhitsa”, and since then I have not stopped interacting with them. We can say that calligraphy has changed my life in many ways - I have decided on what I love, which I would like to do and in which I will improve as much as possible.

As for the children, they study with me from an early age different types drawing and crafts. I think that young children need to be shown as much as possible more possibilities creation (or creativity?). They are able to put a lot of effort into creating some interesting things. And they are truly happy when they succeed.

In addition to drawing, music and dance occupy a large place in the lives of children. But not with me anymore, because I don’t have the appropriate skills. Although I myself want to study music and dance and I hope that I will be able to realize these dreams of mine - over time, when I have more time.

My eldest daughter Agnes is a person of movement, she is a pronounced kinesthetic learner, and even at home, while doing homework, she sometimes hangs upside down or sits on the splits. Knowing this, we first sent her to the section on rhythmic gymnastics. We had to leave from there due to the departure of our beloved coach, and as a full replacement for these classes and for further development Based on our daughter’s talent, we chose classical ballet, and, as it turned out, it was very successful. Now Agnes goes to a ballet studio, which is conveniently located next to our house.

The girl really likes it, she has excellent contact with both the teacher and her peers, and, in my opinion, she is making progress, although she did not become a soloist. But this was not the goal - the main thing for me was to develop the child’s talents. Anton, the next oldest child after Agnes, is now learning to play the flute, but most of all he is now interested in space.

Every year, from 4.5 years old, older children take part in theatrical productions, which our Christian community organizes for Christmas and other holidays - we can say that they are no longer beginners and they have accumulated quite significant experience in this area for their age.

And, of course, with children it is best to do what you like most. And that’s why I take special pleasure in doing calligraphy with them. We even have a home group, which now includes four children: two of my eldest and two of my friends’ children. Once a week we study the history of writing and different historical fonts. This is reflected in children: they learn to notice the subtleties and nuances of writing, small artistic details, which usually go unnoticed even by adults. These classes train their attention, develop their diligence, concentration, patience, diligence - very useful skills in learning, which are then transferred to other classes.

In our classes we pay much attention to the development of children’s aesthetic taste: we consider works of art, natural forms, compare them with each other... I am very happy when children suddenly begin to notice and find beauty in the world around them. This gives me hope that my efforts are not in vain.

– How do you deal with this? Where does strength come from? Who or what helps you?


To cope, we have to organize our lives very strictly: we usually have the whole week planned out with things that need to be done every day. Not minute by minute, of course (I have not yet risen to such heights of organization), but in general. Some things, for example, children's activities, are time-bound, while others I can do freely. I can’t say that I manage to do everything - that’s not true at all, of course, something is missed, and there is minimal time left for something. To cope with everything, I involve children, they help me from an early age: with cleaning, and with cooking, and with the younger ones - but only when they themselves want to play with them. Specially sit with the younger ones, as is customary in large families, I don't ask them. For me, it’s better if they help me with the housework, and I can handle the kids myself. The elders play with them only at their own request, which, fortunately, happens often.

Strength comes from inspiration - when you do what you like, what captivates you this moment. In such cases, strength appears as if out of nowhere: straight out of thin air. I feel very clearly this energy that suddenly begins to flow when you do what you like. And I always complete such things to the end, no matter what the cost. Even if I don’t get enough sleep, even if I fall off my feet.

When I’m completely exhausted, a hot bath, favorite music, delicious coffee or tea helps. Sometimes I really want to be left alone and not see anyone - then my husband helps out, he takes the children and goes for a walk with them alone for several hours, for which I am very grateful to him. I think it is very important to be able to please yourself and from time to time give yourself at least a small break or find a new creative impulse, which gives a new portion of strength.

– Tell us about your projects and plans

Anya's husband with their youngest son

I plan to continue to study calligraphy and fonts, invite new students to our classes, and make handwritten books with them different topics, organize an exhibition... I would like to learn to play the piano, practice vocals and dance. I would especially like to learn to dance tango.

Well, the most important of my current projects is, of course, participation in the organization of the Talent Fair

Task No. 7
Communication training

1. Take time for creativity. It's as simple as that.

Creativity, I almost never asked this question. IN Lately I was interested in aircraft modeling. I like working with drawings and creating something new. So I bought the material to make a radio-controlled model of an airplane. We've got the craft supplies, let's get started!

There are drawings and there is a desire. The opportunity to assemble the model will only be at home, but now I’m on shift at work. Here are photos of the foam that I bought (held by my daughter Nika) and photos of the drawings and the model that will turn out.

Task No. 7
Communication training
I’m returning from the city of Aktau, this is how I remember it this time, how not to draw the shore of the Caspian Sea. I don’t have a good camera at hand, so I played a little with filters

Report on the 7th task!
Communication training
It's been a while since I worked on my creativity. I remember I also visited the children's creativity center. Children's! How long ago it was!

The essence of my creativity is singing, I love singing very much, I used to turn on my favorite songs and sing for days on end, but somehow for the last six months I gave up on this because of criticism from the outside, like, I don’t have a voice, and I’m not pulling in the right direction . And I, fool, believed these envious people (I say, precisely the envious people, because now I understand that they were jealous of me, that I could sing without a voice, but they couldn’t). So, closer to the point, today I sang one of my favorite songs, which really touches the soul. The emotions are as always indescribable!

But there is a way out! Try it yourself! Today I became even happier after I remembered something that brings me a lot of pleasure! May my neighbors forgive me! Happiness to everyone!

It's just a paragraph, there's no other way to describe it.

Task 7. Communication training

The task of doing something creative immediately seemed to me not the fastest thing. At first I thought of making a couple of sketches of the view from the window (I had previously graduated from art school, and music school too). These genres of creativity are well known to me not only in theory.

But somehow it didn’t go very well. My friend Alexey, who is also participating in this training, decided to write a story. Well, that was already really funny. Since we're basically having a little fun here, and this training is kind of fun, I decided it would be really cool to write something. This is peculiar, and new, and unconventional, and frankly uncomfortable. Therefore, it is indeed daring to some extent, which cannot but attract.

And I decided to write a fairy tale!

For extra credit, the text itself is confirmation, but I still decided to insert a photo.

I still doubt that this kind of training will not backfire on me, since this page can still be read not only by my close friends and training participants, but also by other users. But for now it’s difficult for me to foresee the consequences. Ultimately, this is my personal space, and not the profile of an employer or employee. In general, let's burn!

Read if you feel like it. In the meantime, I will be in a state of being “wanting and injecting.” So, a fairy tale!

I’ll say right away that I wrote it in one go, didn’t rewrite it, didn’t really correct anything, just re-read it once. Having previously composed a small idea, in the form of a fairy tale-parable with black humor. In general, there will be a lot of mistakes! I already lost 3-4 hours of time. The work of a brilliant artist.

The story of a hamster.

There lived in one bright and green valley a hamster named Hamster. He had many friends, was moderately well-fed, and did well in agricultural affairs. That is, he was such a wealthy hamster, he grew beans, peas and other products that were healthy and popular in their area. A hamster lived in a comfortable hole on the edge of the forest. In the evenings he liked to run after grasshoppers and butterflies, and often arranged meetings with other hamsters in his clearing. The beans and peas grew on their own, so he didn’t exert much during the day, but walked around, stuffed his sides and thought about upcoming events with friends. One beautiful sunny day, the idea came to his mind to celebrate another successful harvest. Yes, the other hamsters loved him for that. Because he threw interesting parties. This time our hamster decided to arrange another grain party, at which the hamsters usually filled their cheeks with grain and happily rolled on the ground. This time the hamster decided to exceed all expectations. And he invited all the famous hamsters in his valley to a meeting. A real hamster party was in the offing.

On the eve of the evening party the weather deteriorated greatly. The wind began to blow and the air smelled of approaching rain. In addition, it began to get colder, which hamsters don’t particularly like. Our hamster Hamster began to be indignant, rush at the grasshoppers in the clearing, and when he jumped into the hole, he scattered grain all over the floor. Our Hamster was so unhappy. He began to whine and lament that the weather was so bad.

He says to himself: “What kind of bad thing is going on, what kind of bullshit is this!” (censorship, think for yourself what kind of muinya the text will go on) “It should have been like this, the rain is completely crazy!” The rain was harsh, but sentimental. He was responsible for everything related to wind and rain at that time. His position was such a rainy one.

The hamster was not stupid and the beaver was cunning, even though he was a hamster. After several hours of whining, I went to write a complaint to the “heavenly office” - the place where all sorts of hamsters and beavers could be connected with the forces of nature. In general, our hamster gave a normal “cart” to Dozhd, for which he soon fucked unpleasant conversation with higher management and was punished. We won’t go into the affairs of hamsters and the bureaucratic system of heavenly government, but we can only assume that the hamster pretty much embellished the story with a complaint about Rain.

While the proceedings began, Rain temporarily ceased to perform his duties. The hamster was happy. The party was supposed to go well. And so it happened. The hamsters took a walk, took a fair amount of grain, on average half a kg per brother, which is why our hero fell asleep before the end of the party. The hamster friends thanked the owner, although he no longer heard them, and ran away. In general, everything went well.

In the morning, the Hamster went out into the clearing to chew some grass, stuffed his cheeks with grain and other edibles, as always, and then rested. It became hot, then he realized that the sun was descending towards him. The sun, in his mischievous manner, crept up to the hamster and said: “Hey, good hamster, tell me, be merciful, have you written a complaint about Rain?” The hamster responded affirmatively. The sun continued:

Maybe we should put the brakes on this matter, otherwise things are turning out badly. Rain is dissatisfied and believes that this is all unnecessary and even more like slander.
“Let him be responsible for his actions,” the hamster answered, grinning ironically.

Yes, our hamster was such a sweetheart. He was angry with Rain, something could have interfered with him like that, although it was his job. But what the hamster didn’t like more was that Rain didn’t take his opinion into account. For this he harbored a grudge. After all, Hamster personally asked Rain to stop what he was doing! In general, the conversation did not go well and the sun flew away.

The next day it became very hot. The hamster felt a little uneasy from the sweltering heat. He himself already wanted Rain to quickly get to work, otherwise it was unbearably hot. He considered his frantic statement a success, but in his soul there was no longer a desire to torment Rain. “If only they would let him go quickly and start watering the ground, the old bastard,” thought Hamster. But it was somehow inconvenient for him to go and withdraw the case. He hoped that he would be asked to do this again, and then he would forgive Rain from his master’s shoulder.

At lunchtime, Hamster, as always, sat and hamstered, lost in his thoughts. And then the sun appeared.
- Well, Hamster, Rain has been given some pretty good luck, maybe you can call off your case? – said the Sun, smiling softly.
The hamster was happy. Everything he wanted came true. He nodded affirmatively. The sun replied: “Who needs this case, it’s nothing, call it off, and everything will be fine.” Here we need to make it clear, our Hamster was a hero of foreign origin, and his nods had a completely different meaning.

Maybe you can call me back? – the Sun asked again.
The hamster nodded again, he understood that he was misunderstood, but out of habit his answer was again received incorrectly.
- Yes, I see, Hamster, you’ve completely confused the shores! - the Sun answered dissatisfiedly (he was unpleasant that the hamster was behaving so badly, because he and Dozhny are good friends, and have worked together for many years). The sun turned around and flew back to itself, in an indignant mood.

The hamster wanted to say something after that, but he stuffed so much grain into his cheeks that he couldn’t utter a word. And spitting it out was not at all interesting. He was such a redneck.
“Okay. I'll go and pick up the application. - the hamster decided. “Should I talk to you again during lunch, no, to warn you in advance?”

A couple of hours later the hamster went to pick up the cart. He said that, even though Rain is a rare bastard, the hamster is ready to forgive him and withdraw his application. “Let him work already, old miser,” said our hamster. So it was decided.

The next morning, the hamster went out onto the porch of his hole, hoping to stretch and breathe in the fresh morning air, but he smelled only the smell of dry grass and lack of oxygen. It seemed like there was simply nothing to breathe. During the day it became completely unbearable. While our hero went to buy a portion of spices, onlookers and gossips gathered in the market square. There was a lot of talk about the current drought. From one very poorly dressed and, frankly speaking, foul-smelling hamster, he heard that Rain had gone on the run, offended by everyone for some reason, and disappeared behind the High Mountains.

Let's say by the way that the High Mountains were a mysterious place for hamster offspring, and many hamsters were afraid of those places. There was a lot of gossip and wonderful stories about them in hamster circles.

On the way home, he heard someone talking about how all this was because some asshole wrote a statement in the “heavenly office.” Many people criticized the unknown, which is what our Hamster had to do so as not to look suspicious. As a result, our hamster became a little scared that he would be found out and then he would no longer be able to find any respect in the valley. And his harvest was threatened by the complete and laconic root of one useful plant.

Our hamster decided to go look for Rain. And not to tell long history about his campaign, since the author himself was already pretty sure that his short story It was no longer short at all, but the idea was quite simple. I decided to skip all the thoughts and other arguments of our Khomyachina. And even more so to deal with the description of all the delights and other space surrounding him.

In general, Khomyak went to the “High Mountains”. On the way he met a bean. Yes, a real talking bean. Our hamster has never seen anything like this before. Bob's name, oddly enough, was Bob, as one of our Hamster's old grain-addicted and bosom friends. Bob and Khomya quickly found mutual language. Bob was a lonely cowboy bean, you probably know them. These beans smile constantly and talk a lot. This was our new acquaintance. In general, in every sense of the word. The most you can't get enough of a real talking bean is BOB.

They decided to go together to the “High Mountains”. Since Bob enjoyed chatting with the hamster, and having learned about the cause of the impending drought, he confidently volunteered to help his new friend Hamster in his business.

They walked cheerfully and chatted, even though it was already unbearably hot. Then someone's shadow flashed past. Our heroes were scared, but gathering their fears into their fists, they decided to see what it was. It turned out that it was a large bun. Yes, and the bun talked too. Bulka introduced herself and said that she loves to walk through the fields and pick mushrooms. In general, the bun gave the impression of being a kind and peaceful representative of the cereal breed. Our heroes had nothing to fear.

Hamster had some questions. Previously, he had never encountered talking beans, rich and funny buns. He had no idea that they could talk.

But then Bob made things clear. “You, Hamster,” said Bob, “Hamster from the 10th generation of Jedi hamsters, you have many special talents, including the ability to talk with people like us.”

Wow! - Hamster thought - so, that means I’m a super hero?
- You are the chosen one! You are the Chosen One! “I have been waiting for you for many years to help you in this decisive matter,” answered Bob
- In what other case?
- You must save the valley from drought.
- Never mind the irony! - thought Hamster.
- Such is fate. I will help you, Khomya, especially since I really like you.
Bun also wanted to help, but Hamster pulled her back:
“We don’t need any buns in such an important matter.” I am a 10th generation Jedi hamster with extraordinary abilities, and this is my friend Bob, Talking Bob, who was specially waiting for me here to help in a great cause. And you're just a bun. Go on, walk further through your fields.

Bulka had to leave the funny company.
“You’re a racist,” Bob said.
- I'm not a racist, I just don't like cereal and oatmeal cookies. I especially hate potatoes. And so I treat everyone the same.
- Okay, let's move on. - Bob suggested.

They walked for a long time, but the story seemed quite long to the author, so let’s skip their good conversations on the topic of racism and other things, the main impression about the Hamster has already been formed. (The author continues his applied creativity in the field of fantasy stories).

Ultimately, our heroes were tired; there were a couple of hours left to reach the “High Mountains”. They found themselves in a rocky desert. The hamster was exhausted, he asked Bob to go to Rain and convey his apologies. Bob flew off and returned.

How did it go? – asked Hamster.
- Rain didn’t understand anything, I’m BOB. Only you understand me. You're a 10th generation Jedi hamster. You'll have to go.

Everything would be fine, but they were already very tired, and Bob and Hamster lost their strength while one was walking, and the other was pointlessly playing zombie hamsters on his mobile.

There is only one way out of life - to eat your faithful friend Bob, who offered to put himself on the altar for the good great mission. For the first time in the hamster's life, he faced such a cruel choice. Taste a faithful friend or return back to the field, and there, refreshed with new strength, go to the mountains. But Bob said that Rain would soon dry up completely because of the insult, crying himself out. Therefore, there is no time for this. The hamster had to come to terms with Bob's terrible fate. (Then creativity for children ends - author's note).

Before being eaten, Bob gave advice: “Promise not to be such an eccentric with the letter m again, if you had not been offended in vain, then none of this would have happened. If you knew how to forgive, you would immediately give your consent to the Sun, if you weren’t such a redneck, you would answer him a second time, and if you weren’t such a proud contagion, then the bun would be with us (it was big, and if he took a bite out of it, nothing would happen), and also so lazy that he would still have enough strength to get to the point of playing “zombie beans”. And now you are forced to eat me. Don't be like that anymore! - friend Bob said sadly.

The hamster cried and repented, eating the remains of his friend, he promised that he would never again be such an eccentric with the letter m. Through pain and suffering, he understood everything. Ultimately, he got to Rain and asked for his forgiveness. Everything in the valley was as good as before.

The moral of the story is – don’t be a selfish pretzel! Otherwise it will be worse. And if it’s already gotten worse, it’s still better not to be an eccentric with the letter m and solve the problem, even if the hard way, but still acceptable until I had to tear up my acquaintances.

After talking with Rain, Hamster fell asleep. He woke up in his house hugging a pod of beans. The application for Rain has not yet been sent to the “heavenly office”. It was a dream. But Khomka was now a completely different hamster. Instead of a busy party, it was raining that evening, Khomka planted a bean and talked to him for a long time. The other hamsters thought it was strange, but it was tolerable. The main thing is that he understood everything! - Don't be a shit!

Now it’s definitely the end, whoever read is well done!
Phew. I don’t know, I won’t even re-read it. Whatever happened the first time, so be it. Although I re-read it and corrected it a little. Do not judge my works of creativity strictly, I write from the heart!


Creativity in human life


creativity personality self-improvement

When we talk about creativity, we first of all mean great people - writers, artists, scientists. However, every person is engaged in creativity in his life - when he tries not only to perform his work mechanically, but also to bring something of himself into it, to improve it in some way. Wherever the purpose of activity is born from the depths of the human spirit, creativity takes place. Wherever a person works with love, taste and inspiration, he becomes a master.

People have long been faced with the question: where does something new come from? new idea, new thought? After all, a new thought does not consist of the sum of old ones, otherwise there would be no problem of creativity at all, everyone could create new ideas on the fly.

You can go through the knowledge acquired at school and read from books as much as you like, but you will not create anything new. You need to change yourself. You need to become capable of creativity, learn to be surprised by the world all the time, all the time to see secrets and problems where others see nothing of the kind. Creativity is a way of life.

The purpose of my essay is to explore the role of creativity in human life. To achieve this goal, the following tasks are solved in the abstract:

The attitude towards creativity in different eras is characterized;

Possible occurrences of creativity in human life are analyzed;

Conclusions are drawn about the importance of creativity and its existence in the life of every person.

In my essay, I tried to reveal creativity not only as a form of interaction between society and the individual, but also as a phenomenon and concept that are considered at the level of either philosophical psychological research and generalizations, or in relation to specific areas human activity. I tried to reveal creativity, precisely as the essential strength of a person, as the basis of life.

1. Creativity. Attitudes to creativity in different times

Creativity is a process of human activity that creates qualitatively new material and spiritual values. Creativity is the ability of a person to create, arising in work, from the material provided by reality (based on knowledge of the laws of the objective world) new reality, satisfying diverse social needs. Types of creativity are determined by the nature of creative activity (creativity of an inventor, organizer, scientific and artistic creativity, etc.).

Attitudes towards creativity have changed dramatically in different eras. In Ancient Rome, only the material and the work of the bookbinder were valued in a book, and the author had no rights - neither plagiarism nor forgeries were prosecuted. In the Middle Ages and much later, the creator was equated with a craftsman, and if he dared to show creative independence, then it was not encouraged in any way. The creator had to earn a living in a different way: Moliere was a court upholsterer, and the great Lomonosov was valued for his utilitarian products - court odes and the creation of festive fireworks.

And only in the 19th century. artists, writers, scientists and other representatives of creative professions were given the opportunity to live from the sale of their creative product. As A.S. wrote Pushkin, “Inspiration is not for sale, but you can sell a manuscript.” At the same time, the manuscript was valued only as a matrix for replication, for production mass product.

In the 20th century, the real value of any creative product was also determined not by its contribution to the treasury of world culture, but by the extent to which it can serve as material for replication (in reproductions, television films, radio broadcasts, etc.). Therefore, there are differences in income that are unpleasant for intellectuals, on the one hand, representatives of the performing arts (ballet, musical performance, etc.), as well as businessmen popular culture and, on the other hand, creators.

Society, however, has always divided two spheres human activity: otium and oficium (negotium), respectively, leisure activity and socially regulated activity. Moreover, the social significance of these areas has changed over time. In Ancient Athens, biostheoretikos - theoretical life - was considered more “prestigious” and acceptable for a free citizen than biospraktikos - practical life.

In ancient Rome, vitaactiva - active life (negotium) - was considered the duty and main occupation of every citizen and head of the family, while vitacontemplativa - contemplative life - and leisure in general were little valued against the background of civil service. Perhaps that is why all the brilliant ideas of antiquity were born in Ancient Greece, and the Romans embodied them in articles of Roman law, engineering structures and brilliantly shaped manuscripts popularizing the works of the great Greeks (for example, Lucretius).

During the Renaissance, at least in the minds of the ideologists of humanism, the primacy of leisure dominated practical activities, which was supposed to serve only as a source of means for personal development in the time free from performing social and practical tasks. New times put the Cause in first place (in particular, through the mouth of Goethe’s Faust), and narrowed otium to a bourgeois hobby.

Interest in creativity, the personality of the creator in the 20th century. connected, perhaps, with the global crisis, the manifestation of man’s total alienation from the world, the feeling that through purposeful activity people are not solving the problem of man’s place in the world, but are pushing its solution even further away.

The main thing in creativity is not external activity, but internal activity - the act of creating an “ideal”, an image of the world, where the problem of alienation of man and environment is resolved. External activity is only an explication of the products of an internal act. The peculiarities of the creative process as a mental (spiritual) act will be the subject of further presentation and analysis.

Highlighting the signs of a creative act, almost all researchers emphasized its unconsciousness, spontaneity, the impossibility of its control by the will and mind, as well as a change in the state of consciousness.

A number of other features of creativity are also associated with the leading role of the unconscious, its dominance over consciousness in the process of the creative act, in particular the effect of “powerlessness of will” during inspiration. At the moment of creativity, a person is not able to control the flow of images, to arbitrarily reproduce images and experiences.

Spontaneity, suddenness, independence of the creative act from external reasons- one of its main features. The need for creativity arises even when it is undesirable. At the same time, the author’s activity eliminates any possibility of logical thought and the ability to perceive the environment. Many authors mistake their images for reality. The creative act is accompanied by excitement and nervous tension. All that remains for the mind is processing, giving a finished, socially acceptable form to the products of creativity, discarding the superfluous and detailing.

Creativity is what helps people achieve great success in their lives. It is creative people who become world celebrities and the first historical figures. Leonardo da Vinci, A. Suvorov, A. Einstein, L. Tolstoy, G. Heine, S. Prokofiev, B. Gates, an unknown baker from a nearby bakery and a great many famous and unknown names, representatives of various professions, this list can be continued - the list people who have shown a creative approach in any type of activity and have realized their abilities in any field.

As a rule, relatives and friends, bending over the baby’s cradle, catching his first movements and reaction to the world around him, prophesy a great future for the newborn. The imagination of parents in this area has no limits. Here, hypotheses are fruitfully put forward about who is in front of them. Most likely, this is a future great (great): scientist; commander; composer; variety performer; athlete; fashion model; entrepreneur; religious figure, etc. But these assumptions remain only assumptions, nothing more, because the field of personality realization is limitless and involves two extremes achieved by man level of self-realization is genius and mediocrity, a mediocre and spontaneous personality.

2. Creative abilities as a person’s companion from birth. Creative abilities as a result of self-improvement

The question of a person’s presence of creativity and the need for self-realization has been and is relevant from ancient times to our time. The ability to create - what is it, a given or the result of enormous efforts of the individual on the path of development and self-improvement? There is no clear answer to this question and it is unlikely that anyone will ever be able to answer it comprehensively.

An animal or plant adapts to its surrounding nature purely biologically; either for this he develops the necessary organs, or develops the necessary behavior, or with the help of special physiological processes etc. Man, along with biological adaptations, received from nature another, purely social adaptation. It consists in the fact that a person purposefully changes the surrounding nature, adapting it to himself, while making it possible to realize the development potential of nature. In this way he becomes a significant and powerful factor in its development (more significant and powerful than animals). The process of such transformation is usually called creativity.

Such creativity is a human need. If it were not inherent in us, we, being weak biological beings, would not be able to adapt to the physically strong world around us and would inevitably die. People are forced to oppose their strength to the force of the surrounding world, and this force is created in the process of their creative activity.

These forced actions, as in the case of acquiring new knowledge, are supported by the enormous pleasure and joy that a person receives during the period of creativity and upon the successful completion of a creative task, regardless of whether this task is performed in the process of mental or physical labor. The power of satisfaction from creativity is even stronger than the pleasure obtained from acquiring new knowledge, which was discussed earlier. In this satisfaction is the pleasure of triumph over the world around us and cooperation with it, the pleasure of struggling with the difficulties that life puts before us, the joy of a pioneer on a path that others have not been able to take so far, the pleasure of achieving new heights, new achievements, the joy of your contribution to improving the lives of others. This is an exciting feeling of competition with fellow creators and with myself (I couldn’t do this before), a feeling of pride in the results of my creative work, what people need. All this has a beneficial effect on the condition of each person and society as a whole.

But in addition to the beneficial effect, there are also adverse effects. The unfavorable influence of creativity occurs when it is not aimed at the benefit of society, but only at obtaining personal pleasure from it. And this happens when satisfaction from creativity takes on the form of pleasure from domination over the surrounding world, which one can supposedly change at will. We’ll tell you a little later what this kind of creativity leads to.

Because of the satisfaction, pleasure that a person who performs a creative act receives, work based on creativity, out of obligation for the sake of survival, profit, etc. turns into pleasure. Anyone who has even a little contact with creativity knows this. So the authors of these lines, by creating this brochure, also receive great satisfaction, which, without any coercion, encourages them to engage in this creative work.

At the same time, the direction and quality of creativity significantly depend on the nature of society’s interest and its ability to provide initiation, the process of creativity, bringing the results of creativity to the level of readiness for their perception and use, and, finally, to ensure their use itself.

Creativity is based on the knowledge and skills available to the creator. Knowledge and skills are a social product. Creativity is also not the work of just one person, but the work of the whole society, especially since people often create not alone, but by entire teams. Creativity is also a social phenomenon.

Moreover, since creativity is associated with the transformation of the world around us, and therefore is a factor in its change, its development, its evolution, and has an impact on the whole world, it can be considered not only a social, but a universal phenomenon.

Thus, a human ancestor could be considered a human only when he developed the ability to create, and he realized this ability. Animals have almost no such ability; as far as we know, in contrast to the ability to obtain and use knowledge, they actually do not even have the rudiments of creative activity, which is what makes humans different from them. Since the emergence of creativity in human society, it continues to delight and sadden us throughout our history. Moreover, the scale of creative activity increased exponentially based on the same growth in knowledge, skills and previous creative achievements.

The rapid growth of creativity, on the one hand, generally improves people's lives, but on the other hand, it becomes dangerous for it. The danger is this.

Creatively transforming the world around him at will, trying to adapt it to himself, a person, willy-nilly, interferes with the course of natural processes that occur independently, independently of him and do not need outside intervention. By doing this, he forces the world around him to change, regardless of its readiness for change, thereby committing an act of violence against the surrounding nature, the scale of which has already increased to alarming proportions with the growth of human power.

He interferes in the affairs of other people and entire nations, interferes with processes occurring inside organisms, cells, molecules, in processes occurring in water bodies, in soil, in the atmosphere, in space, etc.

Intoxicated by the success of such violence inflicted by him, man imagined himself almost as God, believing that he could subjugate everything to himself. It's just a matter of time: some processes can become subject to his will today, and others - tomorrow. Is this really so? Is man omnipotent in nature? Is the expression attributed to Archimedes true: “give me a point of support, and I will turn the world upside down”?

It turns out not. It has long been noted that forced transformation and change does not bring the desired success. On this occasion, back in 1883, F. Engels expressed a thought in “Dialectics of Nature”: “Let us not be too deluded by our victories over nature. For every such victory she takes revenge on us. Each of these victories, however, has, first of all, the consequences that we were counting on, but secondly and thirdly, completely different unforeseen consequences, which very often destroy the significance of the first ones.” . Earlier, Hegel called this effect in relation to social processes “the irony of history.” And this happens because such interference disrupts the natural course of processes that the creator wants to change at will, regardless of their objective independence from human desire, with the possibility of changing only an object ready for this, without complete knowledge possible consequences, which is fraught with an unfavorable outcome, both for the process itself and for the human creator who changes it.

The denial of human omnipotence and the punishment of people who do not take this reality into account is also indicated by any religion that imposes a taboo (ban) on attempts to change the environment and interfere in processes beyond its control. According to various religious beliefs, they are subject only to a certain deity who does not allow a person to invade a world that is alien to him and punishes him for this invasion. Such beliefs, naturally, were based on the experience of a person who at every step felt his weakness in front of the forces of nature, the personification of which was God, good and evil spirits, etc. They already then - at the time of their emergence, even at the dawn of the development of mankind - warned man: your attempts to forcibly change the world independent of you will be unsuccessful and will end in disaster for you (God's punishment).

We live in a class society in which domination and violence of some over others is natural. The person in him constantly feels competition and dictate over a person from other people in determining his social behavior: children - from their parents, students - from teachers, workers - from their bosses, soldiers - from their commanders, the poor from the rich and so on. And dictators, small and large, having this or that power over others, inevitably use it for violent actions against the latter. Violence in our society is universal. So our creator-dictators are growing up, from whose creativity, its violent nature, everything around us suffers, and with today’s manifoldly increased opportunities, such an unreasonable, violent transformation of the environment can lead to the complete destruction of humanity.

Others may say (and do say) that since humanity is so unreasonable that it is ready to commit suicide, then let it destroy itself. Nature will not suffer from this. Having said this, they would be completely wrong. Nature will still suffer from the death of humanity and, perhaps, this will be a real catastrophe for the world around us and even a catastrophe on a universal scale. There is only one way out in this situation: the destruction of the system of domination of some over others, the power of some over others, which gives rise to violence, including the violent nature of creativity. It is not domination that should rule in human society. It is not found anywhere in nature, except for us humans; nowhere is there dominance of some over others. Mutual assistance, cooperation, and interdependence of everyone on each other should rule, as is the case between the mentioned pairs of integral objects. These objects are integral because they are interdependent. Because of this, it is impossible to destroy them, since each part of this pair cannot exist separately without the other for a long time. And they exist only in pairs. The destruction of one component of the pair automatically leads to the disappearance of the other. In the case of the elimination of domination in human society, the same rule applies: if there is no master, there will be no subordinate serving as an object of violence on the part of the master. And in the absence of the phenomenon of domination in society, it will naturally disappear from creativity.

In manifestation creativity There is nothing unexpected or surprising: these abilities are inherent in everyone since childhood. They are often simply forgotten. Remember your childhood, when you, using the pictures you saw, heard or read from someone else’s life stored in your memory, purely intuitively, from your imagination alone, composed such stories that adults, if they managed to hear them, were amazed. It is not for nothing that children are considered the greatest dreamers. Unfortunately, as people grow up, in their activities they increasingly use logical operations with gradually accumulating false information, and with this they drive their former creative abilities deeper and away from real knowledge, problems and opportunities. But they can be extracted if you neutralize thinking and give free rein to intuition, uncontrollable human fantasy and imagination - mental intuitive actions, as suggested above (for example, seclude yourself or leave the environment that prevents you from listening to the “inner” voice, or by an effort of will, isolate yourself mentally).

Most often, a person does not have complete knowledge about the interdependencies of the created object with its environment, although ideally it is desirable that they exist in order to avoid negative effects from creativity. And since there is no complete knowledge, then one should not expect the result planned the day before from the creative act, or at least expect the result immediately. In order not to be disappointed in your activities or to avoid doing something stupid, you need to know some rules of creativity that must be followed in this case.

Rule 1. You cannot expect the same results with the same impacts on different objects to be transformed (objects of transformation).

Rule 2. In this case, do not try to forcibly change the objects of transformation in order to still get what you need, since such violence will not only not give the desired result, but can also become a source of danger, both for those around you and for the creator. In order to still achieve one’s goal, it is necessary, with the help of appropriate purposeful actions and the creation of appropriate conditions, to first bring the objects of education to the desired state (“maturity”), and then only transform it.

Rule 3. Creativity lies in creating qualitatively new elements in our environment - objects with new relationships to the surrounding world, i.e. with new properties.

Rule 4. An object of transformation can be considered qualitatively changed only when it has at least two opposite properties (qualities) and for the manifestation of each of them it is enough to change the environment in which the object of transformation is located.

Rule 5. If at the first stage of creativity the object of transformation has acquired undesirable properties, then changes continue in the direction of eliminating the shortcomings obtained at the first stage until the planned results are obtained.

Rule 6. Creativity should be aimed at results that are positive for the person and surrounding nature.

3. Creativity in each of us

Since creativity is a property of a person that distinguishes him from an animal, it should be inherent in all people. Creativity plays a huge role in everyone's life. With an intense creative process, a person has a great desire to live and be happy. Every person should let creativity into their life, because creative person cannot follow the beaten path. He must find his own. And he must go alone - to break out of the collective mind, collective psychology.

Most people would like to realize themselves in creativity, but for some reason it remains at the level of a dream. These people can buy tickets to the theater, concerts and exhibitions. Spend hours discussing other people's work - books, plays, paintings or music, being true connoisseurs of art. But at the same time remaining in the shadow of the more successful and fortunate ones.

Why do most talented people bury their abilities, coming up with all sorts of excuses, thereby justifying the fear of their own creativity? As Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky said: “The impulse to creativity can fade away just as easily as it arose if it is left without food.” But one day the realization comes that life has turned into an endless pursuit of money and has lost any other meaning.

Envy appears towards those who were not afraid to begin the creative process and achieved recognition.

The classic excuse of such people is lack of time. But all it takes is for a person to change his daily routine just once, spend an hour thinking, philosophizing, and he will understand that there will be time to implement creative ideas on its own.

Creativity in a person's life requires inspiration, but many are discouraged by the lack of inspiration. And once they try to create, they themselves will catch the appropriate mood. Having plunged headlong into something interesting, the next day they will be looking forward to the moment when they can continue creating.

After all, the theme of creativity plays a huge role in the lives of each of us. Thanks to creativity, a person is able to express his emotions and experiences, convey his mood. Of course, it’s stupid to hope that your hobby will bring you millions, to become Coco Chanel or Paulo Coelho not so easy.

However, all your work can be more than compensated if, instead of regular meaningless entertainment that relieves you of boredom and a certain amount of money, you spend part of your time on implementing an idea that has long been nurtured. But you shouldn’t waste potential creativity time on overtime work. Perhaps in this way you can replenish the family budget, but this will not add joy to your soul.

And yet, sometimes doubts arise about how important the role of creativity is in a person’s life - does anyone need it? But first of all, you need it and sometimes it’s even simply necessary. Since plunging into the world of one’s own ideas, a person eliminates the possibility of experiencing constant stress from real events happening in the world.

Moreover, not everyone modern man, devoting 8-12 hours a day to his work, can see the results of his work. A person may not even see piles of documents processed during the working day in reality; they are replaced by some virtual electronic files. And only creativity can allow you to experience pleasure from the result of your work.

And as George Prince said, “Another word for creativity is courage.” Courage in creativity is the ability to make a decision in a situation of uncertainty, not be afraid of your own conclusions and bring them to the end, taking risks. personal success and your own reputation.

And it is certain that every person - creative person. The life of each person is individual; no one will ever repeat the life path of another person. This means that life is creativity, and creativity is life.


In conclusion, I would like to say that there are not many people on Earth who never experience a state of complete apathy, when there is neither the strength nor the mood to do anything. It's hard to get out of this state.

But all the failures that befall you will not last forever. A month will pass, another - and everything will seem petty and funny, at least a little sad, but not tragic. We need to create our future happy life, dream about her, paint with bright colorful paints. Requires maximum concentration and positive attitude.

If you scold yourself for not doing this and that today, you won’t do it again tomorrow! It’s better to forgive yourself from the bottom of my heart and tune in to the next day - I will definitely do everything I need, I have enough strength...

What can help maintain a sense of healthy optimism for a long time? What has motivated a person in his life at all times? Creation! Creativity plays a huge role in human life. It is this that can save us in trouble, lead us out of the most dead-end situations in life, support us when we have no strength, show us the way if we are lost in a difficult life. It is creativity that gives meaning to our existence. If a person is able to approach life creatively, he will live!

Creativity is an action, and an independent action. Very often creative people are not understood by those around them, but this should not affect the actions of the creator. A creative person should create for himself, and not for the sake of society. And the most important thing is that a creative person lives in each of us.

The purpose of my essay was to study the role of creativity in human life. The work says more than once that the role of creativity in human life is enormous. Creativity is the basis of life. Thus, the purpose of the abstract has been achieved.

List of used literature

1.Druzhinin V.N. Psychology: textbook for humanitarian universities. 2nd ed. - SPb.: 2009. Chapter 35. Psychology of creativity.

2.Tutushkina M.K. "Practical psychology". 4th ed. / Publishing house "Didactics Plus", 2001. Chapter 3. Creativity in the development of individuality.


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“Whoever has experienced the pleasure of creativity, for him all other pleasures no longer exist.” A.P. Chekhov.

Creativity in our life.

“In the beginning God created heaven and earth.” - The Bible and the history of our world, the world in which we live, begin with these words.

In the life of every person, creativity occupies special place, since its manifestations are multifaceted. It played an important role in the development of history, and continues to do so to this day. Creativity is unique in that it is unique, cannot be copied, it is individual. This state is the highest gift for every intelligent inhabitant of the Earth. It is with its help that a person can demonstrate his abilities, express thoughts and feelings, and talk about his individuality.

Another thing is that creativity manifests itself in different ways. We notice its trend most clearly in culture and art. For cultural figures: writers, poets, sculptors, artists, musicians, creativity sometimes plays the most significant role in life, pushing everything else into the background. Creativity for such people becomes the key purpose of existence. And they realize this and are vocal about it. Creativity is nothing more than a state of mind, its disclosure for others, and first of all for oneself. An artist is able to express his inner world with colors, and the stronger at the moment of his creation emotional condition, the more he will tell us about himself, and the more sharply his picture will attract everyone's attention.

But we cannot say that creativity is just a part of culture and art. In fact, it is much more significant. Those who work day after day to create new projects and technologies can also be safely called creators: scientists, architects, geneticists. With the help of science, humanity is making giant steps forward. Take, for example, this exact science, like physics, where everything is presented in theorems and formulas. But even here, among the many numbers and calculations, creativity takes place. When a group of scientists begins to work on a new technical invention, one of the main questions is what exactly should be invented, for what purpose, what is it for, and what will it look like. And here, in this aspect, creativity manifests itself most clearly.

But, if a person is neither a poet, nor an artist, nor a scientist. For example, he is a simple worker, a loader or a janitor. Creativity is no less present in his life. It is only possible that its manifestations are not so bright and less noticeable to society as a whole. After all, even just to give your beloved girl a bouquet of flowers you need to apply a little imagination. A letter sent to a friend, a handmade card, even a sand castle built by a five year old is creativity.

Creativity, of course, should give a person pleasure and relieve stress. After all, it is better to express your grievances, anger, disappointment on paper, pour it all out in prose or poetry, than to take out your pain on your loved ones. Sometimes emotional shock can contribute to the manifestation of some creative gift. And then ordinary words written in crooked handwriting can, over time, turn into world classics, and paint splashed on canvas in a fit of anger can become an expensive masterpiece.

Thus, creativity is so necessary that humanity cannot do without it. It, like air, helps us breathe, exist, survive and enjoy life. It comes largely through inspiration. And in order for a person to learn to master it, he should listen to himself and the entire world around him.