Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Attention - new Highway Patrol! Traffic organization.

Traffic Organization or as they usually write in regulatory documents ODD is not just an established three-word concept, but much more.

ODD- this is a whole complex of organizational, legal, organizational and technical measures and administrative and control actions to control traffic on roads, adjacent territories and yards, main goal which is security traffic, and improvement of previously organized movement, if necessary.

One of the types traffic management is a design component that is aimed at rationalizing and optimizing the movement of pedestrians and cars Vehicle, with care for their integrity and safety.

Design is used in the construction of new roads, overpasses, interchanges, as well as in the implementation of repair, restoration and restoration work on old roads and sections already in operation long time. One of the main tasks of traffic control is not only safety, but also reducing accidents on dangerous sections of the road with subsequent control of such sections.

The ODD scheme includes several points. So let's look at what these points are:

  • artificial constructions
  • contours of the highway
  • markings (which include pedestrian crossings and sidewalks)
  • road signs
  • fencing
  • lighting
  • public and route transport stops
  • railway crossings
  • location of traffic lights

For each of the above points on the ODD diagram, there is its own established symbol. The faster development occurs settlement, the more road construction work and the development of transport interchanges are carried out in it.

As a rule, planning strategies for the development of large settlements and cities is carried out long before its implementation and construction. These strategies are aimed primarily at providing competitive advantages public ground transport in relation to vehicles used individually by motorists. This is achieved by, for example, allocating a separate lane for route vehicles. Although, there are always those who like to break traffic rules and drive into such lanes, which often leads to accidents and accidents. Many development strategies are taken abroad, mainly in Europe with its rich experience in developing the road situation and combating traffic jams. On this moment There are several such solutions:

  • Exploring the city territory. In megacities, historical areas and areas with high business activity and dense residential buildings, within which different restrictions are established. Restrictions such as the ban on entry by car, practiced in Finland.
  • Charging for the use of a personal car in the city. For entering the city, driving along the highway, parking. A fee is established, the amount of which depends on the distance from the center and time (at rush hour this fee increases). To implement this method it is necessary to solve whole line problems with parking spaces, transfer hubs, traffic management public transport, payment methods and other parking places. Distributed in a number of cities in Europe and America.
  • Development of public passenger transport. For public transport, special traffic lanes are allocated on the roadway to ensure high speed transportation of passengers. This decision was made in such foreign cities as London, Los Angeles, Tallinn, Japan.
  • Indoor development road network. Creating a high-capacity network of expressways and highways requires a significant investment of time and money, but is the most effective solution transport problems of the city. They also allow you to connect remote areas of the city with each other.

But not always traffic management may be effective. Every year the number of car owners increases exponentially. And road services do not have time to implement their improvement projects.

The idea of ​​creation special service, which provides assistance to motorists in different situations, not new. On the roads of the Avtodor State Corporation (which is in charge of toll roads), for example, for a long time. Something happens on the expressway toll road, and they are right there. Emergency control rooms are equipped with special equipment that allows you to provide necessary help. And prompt response is possible thanks to the constant monitoring of all sections of the highway by special centers. But this is on the highway. Until recently, we did not have such services in cities. And so the Traffic Management Center (TCOC) of the Moscow Government presented us with one. Meet the Highway Patrol.

So far these are five vehicles that conduct daily monitoring of traffic in the capital. It is clear that this is not enough for such a city. Due to heavy traffic, it is simply impossible to cover all city streets. Therefore, duty is now carried out in the most problematic areas. Patrolling takes place in different modes. Some crews are free-floating. They follow their route and check the condition of the road. Everything comes into view - from open hatches and incorrectly installed signs to emergency situations. I spent several hours with one of the crews.

For example, a small truck with emergency lights stopped next to us. At the same time, it occupied one lane of the already narrowed Garden Ring. As a result, traffic came to a standstill. The patrol stops, turns on the orange “chandelier”, and the inspectors put out cones. They approach the truck and ask the driver what the reason for the stop is and if they need help. The driver, it turns out, was trying to figure out how to get to the point of unloading the goods. The inspectors asked to move into a pocket so as not to interfere with the movement of cars. The problem was resolved in a few minutes.

Let's move on. Here the truck crane still stopped right in the traffic lane, at a construction site on the Garden Ring. This driver, seeing our special vehicle and uniformed inspectors, immediately ran up and said that he would leave right now.

Just don't fine me! - he asked.

By the way, Highway Patrol inspectors cannot, by definition, issue fines. They don't have such powers. And the tasks are completely different.

Help solve the problem - yes! For example, there was an accident. The inspectors will provide. Or they will help you move your broken or damaged car to a safe place. Got a flat tire and don't have a jack or keys? No problem. The car stalled in the middle of the road? The patrol will tow you to a safe place. The Highway Patrol vehicles have everything necessary for this, from a repair kit to special powerful cables capable of towing even multi-ton trucks.

“The other day, for example, a van stopped at an intersection,” says patrolman Oleg. - Traffic is blocked, cars are lined up in a multi-kilometer traffic jam. We stop the trucks and ask for help to pull the van away, but the drivers don’t have a cable. Then we give ours, and traffic resumes,” the inspector shares with pride.

In general, this is full-fledged technical assistance on the road. And it's free.

Another area of ​​interest is monitoring compliance by construction organizations with the conditions of work on the roadway. Patrollers make sure that builders do not pollute the road and that road signs are installed correctly. If they see something wrong, they will immediately notify the Data Center Situation Center, and there they will promptly notify the contractors of the need to eliminate all deficiencies.

Moreover, if the situation is serious, Highway Patrol officers are obliged to take measures to ensure the safety of all road users. Dangerous area indicated by special signs and cones. The road patrol does not leave such a place until the arrival of operational services (traffic police, Ministry of Emergency Situations, public utilities).

The Highway Patrol crews are always in touch with the Data Center Situation Center. If an emergency occurs somewhere in the city or an accident on the road blocks traffic, a nearby patrol will be able to come and help. But this is not at all a replacement for the traffic police. In no case! I repeat once again: the main task of the Highway Patrol is to help drivers and do everything possible to ensure smooth driving.



In order to improve the traffic management system in the city of Moscow, in accordance with the Decree of the Moscow Government of September 2, 2011 N 408-PP "On approval of the State Program of the City of Moscow "Development of the Transport System" for 2012-2016 and for the future until 2020" The government of Moscow


1. Approve the Regulations on the Integrated Scheme for organizing traffic on the road network of the city of Moscow (appendix).

2. To recognize as invalid:

2.1. Decree of the Moscow Government of December 5, 2000 N 971 “On measures to improve the organization of traffic in the city of Moscow.”

2.2. Decree of the Moscow Government of May 15, 2001 N 459-PP “On the main directions for improving the organization of road traffic in Moscow.”

2.3. Order of the Moscow Government of September 25, 2001 N 105-RP “On the competition for the publication of an analytical bulletin”.

2.4. Decree of the Moscow Government of May 14, 2002 N 364-PP “On conducting an annual survey of traffic conditions on the Moscow road network in 2002.”

2.5. Order of the First Deputy Mayor of Moscow in the Moscow Government dated April 14, 2003 N 192-РЗМ "On the creation of a working group to coordinate work on the implementation of the Integrated Traffic Management Scheme (CSOD) in the center of Moscow."

2.6. Decree of the Moscow Government of June 1, 2004 N 351-PP "On the organization of events according to the Integrated Scheme for organizing traffic in the center of Moscow."

2.7. Order of the Moscow Government dated July 23, 2004 N 1476-RP “On conducting an annual survey of traffic conditions on the Moscow road network in 2004.”

2.8. Clause 2 of the Moscow Government Resolution No. 248-PP dated April 26, 2005 “On amendments to the Moscow Government Resolution No. 351-PP dated June 1, 2004 and the Moscow Government Order No. 1613-RP dated August 10, 2004.”

2.9. Order of the Moscow Government dated August 8, 2005 N 1486-RP "On introducing amendments and additions to the order of the Moscow Government dated July 23, 2004 N 1476-RP".

2.10. Order of the First Deputy Mayor of Moscow in the Moscow Government dated August 10, 2005 N 203-РЗМ “On the creation of a working group on the projects “Conducting a study on the possibility of giving priority to buses over other road users”, “Preliminary study on the possibility of introducing a paid street parking regime in the center of Moscow” , "Preparation of recommendations for improving the organization of traffic on the 3rd transport ring in Moscow".

2.11. Decree of the Moscow Government of October 25, 2005 N 835-PP "On introducing amendments to the Moscow Government Decree of June 1, 2004 N 351-PP".

2.12. Decree of the Moscow Government of March 14, 2006 N 184-PP "On introducing amendments to the Moscow Government Decree of June 1, 2004 N 351-PP".

2.13. Order of the Moscow Government of August 21, 2006 N 1636-RP “On conducting an annual survey of traffic conditions on the road network of the city of Moscow in 2006.”

2.14. Order of the Moscow Government of March 21, 2007 N 469-RP “On conducting an annual survey of traffic conditions on the road network of the city of Moscow in 2007.”

3. Control over the implementation of this resolution is entrusted to the Deputy Mayor of Moscow in the Moscow Government, head of the Department of Transport and Road Development transport infrastructure city ​​of Moscow Liksutova M.S.

Mayor of Moscow
S.S. Sobyanin

Application. Regulations on the Integrated scheme for organizing traffic on the road network of the city of Moscow

1. General Provisions

1.1. The Regulations on the Integrated Traffic Management Scheme on the Moscow Road Network (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations) defines the tasks that the development of the Integrated Traffic Management Scheme on the Moscow Road Network (hereinafter referred to as the UDS) is aimed at, and the procedure for organizing development work and implementation of the Integrated Scheme for organizing traffic on the road network.

1.2. The following terms and definitions are used in these Regulations:

1.2.1. A comprehensive scheme for organizing traffic on the road traffic system (hereinafter referred to as KSODD) is documentation on the organization of traffic, reflecting long-term strategic directions for the development and improvement of activities in the field of traffic management, developed taking into account field surveys, transport modeling and promising development territories.

1.2.2. Road Traffic Management Project (hereinafter referred to as the Road Traffic Management Project) is documentation containing engineering, technical, technological, constructive and other solutions and measures for the organization of road traffic, developed for the purpose of project implementation of the Road Traffic Management Project and (or) adjustment of its individual proposals, or as an independent document without preliminary development of the KSODD.

1.2.3. Technical inventory - carrying out a set of works to determine absolute geographical coordinates technical means traffic management and peripheral equipment intelligent transport system of the city of Moscow (including traffic light objects, transport detectors, CCTV cameras, photo and video recording cameras, road information boards, controlled road signs), their topographic reference, as well as the collection, processing and systematization of information about their positioning, geometric parameters, design features, physical wear and tear in accordance with the attributes of the objects.

1.3. The developed road traffic agreements are approved by the Interdepartmental Commission for the consideration of issues of introducing temporary restrictions or stopping the movement of vehicles on road networks and traffic management projects, created by the Department of Transport and Development of Road Transport Infrastructure of the City of Moscow.

1.4. KSODD is taken into account when forming and adjusting the list of planned local reconstruction activities on the road network, preparing planning projects and design documentation for the construction, reconstruction and major repairs of capital construction projects.

1.5. In order to implement the CSDD, the corresponding TDS are being developed.

1.6. TAPs developed for the purpose of implementing the CSDD are sent to the Department of Transport and Development of Road Transport Infrastructure of the City of Moscow, the Department of Housing and Communal Services and Improvement of the City of Moscow, the Department of Capital Repairs of the City of Moscow, the Department of Construction of the City of Moscow, the Department of Development of New Territories of the City of Moscow, Prefectures administrative districts of the city of Moscow (hereinafter referred to as departments and prefectures) and are the initial documentation for the installation of technical means of traffic management (hereinafter referred to as TSODD), organization of parking space on the road network.

2. Requirements for the development of CSDD

2.1. KSODD is developed to solve the following problems:

2.1.1. Streamlining the movement of traffic flows with the formation of a stable speed regime and capacity along the entire length of the main routes of vehicle movement.

2.1.2. Optimizing the speed limit of vehicles, taking into account ensuring the safety of all groups of transport infrastructure users.

2.1.3. Creating conditions for the redistribution of trips by personal transport in favor of passenger transport common use, cycling and walking.

2.1.4. Ensuring the safety of road users, including reducing the number of road accidents.

2.1.5. Providing conditions for rational use vehicles width of the roadway.

2.1.6. Optimization of parking space.

2.1.7. Improving traffic conditions for public ground urban transport (hereinafter referred to as NGTOP) and high-speed off-street transport.

2.1.8. Promotion economic efficiency transport process, expressed through the total time spent on the movement of vehicles along the road network and through the total mileage of vehicles along the road network and calculated on the basis of those approved by the Mayor of Moscow methodological instructions on assessing the socio-economic efficiency of investment projects in the field of transport infrastructure development dated February 27, 2014 N 4-19-3178/4.

2.2. When developing the CSODD, the following are taken into account:

2.2.1. Results of field surveys of the road transport system in order to determine existing organization traffic.

2.2.2. Indicators of the intensity of traffic flows, passenger flows at NGTP.

2.2.3. Indicators characterizing the level of transport services for users of transport infrastructure in sections of the road network.

2.2.4. Indicators characterizing the stability of the functioning of the UDS.

2.2.5. Assessment of transport demand in accordance with the existing and planned development of territories, assessment of deferred demand for individual species movement, including using software and mathematical modeling.

2.2.6. The results of modeling road traffic facilities with the identification of loading areas exceeding the established critical level for the further development of measures to improve the existing road transport situation.

2.2.7. Indicators of emergency statistics provided by the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow.

2.3. KSODD is maintained in paper and electronic form.

2.4. The KSODD is reviewed and updated at least once every 5 years.

2.5. KSODD, as well as changes made to it, are approved by the Department of Transport and Development of Road Transport Infrastructure of the City of Moscow.

3. Organization of work on the development and implementation of the CSODD

3.1. The responsible person for ensuring the development of the KSODD, as well as the state customer for the development of the KSODD, is the State Treasury Institution of the City of Moscow - the Center for Traffic Management of the Moscow Government (hereinafter referred to as the GKU TsODD).

3.2. The implementation of work in accordance with the CSDD is ensured by departments and prefectures in accordance with the established distribution functional responsibilities and activities provided for government programs city ​​of Moscow.

3.3. The coordinator for all types of work related to the implementation of activities in accordance with the CSDD is the Department of Transport and Development of Road Transport Infrastructure of the City of Moscow.

3.4. GKU TsODD:

3.4.1. Provides a technical inventory of road transport infrastructure at road transport infrastructure facilities in order to verify their compliance with the approved road transport infrastructure at least once every 2 years.

3.4.2. Sends information about the identified discrepancy between the state of the road transport infrastructure at a road transport infrastructure facility and the approved road transport infrastructure to the Department of Transport and Development of Road Transport Infrastructure of the City of Moscow, the Department of Housing and Communal Services and Improvement of the City of Moscow, the Department of Major Repairs of the City of Moscow, and the prefectures of the administrative districts of the city of Moscow.

3.4.3. Informs departments and prefectures about changes to the road transport infrastructure at the road transport infrastructure facility, developed for the implementation of the road transport infrastructure, departments and prefectures within 10 working days from the date of approval of the new road transport infrastructure.

3.4.4. Directs current materials KSODD to the Committee on Architecture and Urban Planning of the City of Moscow, departments and prefectures.

3.4.5. Maintains an up-to-date electronic map of the city of Moscow displaying all TSODD.

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