Biographies Characteristics Analysis

The relevance of changes in Russian education in the present period. Current problems of Russian education

Some 20-30 years ago Russian education considered one of the highest quality in the world. Today, only the lazy do not criticize our education system, and the overwhelming majority of graduates of educational institutions demonstrate such a low level of knowledge that it becomes “offensive for the state.”

Some 20-30 years ago Russian education considered one of the highest quality in the world. Today, only the lazy do not criticize our education system, and the overwhelming majority of graduates of educational institutions demonstrate such a low level of knowledge that it becomes “a shame for the state” (in particular, according to statistics, the knowledge of about 80% of first-year students paid branches Russian universities corresponds to the knowledge of 8th grade schoolchildren of the Soviet period).

And what is most upsetting is that, despite the regular implementation of reforms to improve the domestic education system, “things are still there”: the quality of modern Russian education is not so much improving as it is rapidly deteriorating. If in 1990 the Soviet Union ranked 33rd among 174 states in terms of knowledge and literacy, then already in 1998 Russia dropped to 62nd place. And the “fall” of our positions continues and continues.

In many respects, this situation is due to the fact that the well-proven Soviet school collapsed, and the new model educational system, corresponding to modern European trends, our specialists have still not been able to create.

Fortunately, our society understands that not only the prestige, but also the fate of the state depends on the state of the education system. Therefore, both the Russian government and the public are making every effort to identify relevant problems of Russian education and find effective ways to eliminate them. What are these problems? Let's look at the most obvious and relevant of them.

Decline in the social status of the teacher

In the Soviet Union, teachers had a special status: parents did not doubt the professional suitability of teachers and did not question their recommendations for the upbringing and development of children, and schoolchildren and students perceived teachers as certain “celestials” who should be treated with exceptional respect and respect.

What are we seeing today? Students and schoolchildren allow themselves to barge into the classroom during a lesson or lecture, argue with the teacher and insult him, go about their own business during the learning process (for example, play the mobile phone or “wander” on the Internet), do not respond to the teacher’s comments. At the same time, some parents not only justify this behavior of their children, but also do not behave in the best way themselves.

It should be noted that in the current situation, the government is largely to blame, as it is unable to offer teachers a decent level of salary, as a result of which the quality of education has deteriorated. teaching staff, but also the teachers themselves, who allow themselves to discuss personal problems in front of their students and “take out” their bad mood on them.

Inconsistency between labor market requirements and the range of diplomas

Experts are increasingly saying that Russian universities place their main emphasis on preparing “money” majors (that is, those that are popular among applicants and for which they are willing to pay). And the specialists who are really required for economic development our country, they prepare according to the residual principle.

In addition, the current education system is simply not able to quickly respond to changes in the labor market, the content of in-demand specialties of which changes every 5 years. As a result, a young specialist leaves the university with outdated knowledge, which is why he has to “spend” the first years of his working life on acquiring necessary knowledge and skills through experience.

Educational services

But the most important mistake made, according to the public Ministry of Education, began the retraining of the training system into a system of providing educational services. The same opinion is shared by many experts who claim that such concepts as “training” and “services” are incompatible.

The fact is that the provision of services implies the performance of work in a volume corresponding to the amount of payment. And if we take it as an axiom that educational organizations provide educational services to the population, then there is no need to talk about any high-quality and accessible education for everyone. In addition, such a consumer attitude towards education gives participants educational process full right to make such statements as “I don’t want to study, but my parents pay you, so try to teach me something” or “until you pay me for additional classes, your child will not get high grades,” etc. d.

As a result, we have graduates with “bought” diplomas and certificates, behind which there is only the minimum required amount of skills and knowledge. To understand what this approach to training can lead to, you don’t need to think long: we will be treated by doctors who do not see the difference between, for example, hypertension and physical inactivity, and the country’s economic development strategy will be developed by specialists who confuse debit with credit.

Ways to solve problems in the education system

From all of the above, it is obvious that solving the problems of modern Russian education is impossible without restoring the status of the teacher as the country's elite and the most respected member of society. Naturally, such a status must be confirmed by an appropriate salary and respect, both from the public and the bureaucracy.

In addition, it is very important not just to try to introduce Western models of the educational system, many of which, by the way, are not adapted to the Russian mentality, but to make every effort to return the country to the natural path of development, which, whether we like it or not, is inextricably linked with the socialist the past of our state. In other words, today Russia needs education system Soviet type, equipped modern technologies and teaching methods.

The problem of first-graders adapting to school directly concerns many parents, as well as teachers. primary classes who encounter it all the time.

Adaptation is traditionally interpreted as adaptation to a particular environment, setting, situation, particular activity, etc. It seems that the term “adaptation” does not accurately reflect the essence of the concept of “adaptation”, since adaptation implies a passive attitude towards reality. A more accurate synonym for the term “adaptation to school” would be the phrase “inclusion in school life” (incorporation), which implies an active position.

“Your child is stealing”! Such a sentence from a teacher produces the effect of a bomb exploding on parents. “I’m a bad teacher”, “what will others think of me if they find out”, “what a shame in front of the teacher”- these thoughts fly like fireworks through the minds of confused adults, and the reaction is often immediate. The father takes out a belt, the mother, in tears, begins to appeal to the child’s conscience. And here, before parents use radical methods of education, a teacher or psychologist should come to the rescue, who will help answer the eternal Russian question: “Who is to blame, and what to do?”

A child is a rational being,
he knows the needs well,
difficulties and obstacles in your life.
Janusz Korczak

The three most carefree months of the year flew by like one day, giving us bright adventures, fantastic discoveries and unforgettable acquaintances. And very soon the calendar will turn the last page of summer to begin the countdown to a new one. school year. Many people are familiar with the exciting feeling you experience when an ironed uniform weighs on your hangers, and a bouquet of chrysanthemums is waiting in a vase for its special moment. The night before September 1 lasts forever, and the alarm clock rings especially pleasantly this morning. Similar emotions overwhelm students after the summer holidays on the eve of the first day of school.

Today in the curriculum of many Russian schools you can find a mysterious subject called “valeology”. It is not included in the category of compulsory general education disciplines, but is included in the category of a variable component of the educational process. This means that valeology can be taught at school, based on the decision of the pedagogical council. Goals and objectives of this school course, are declared as manifest healthy image child's life. In practice, a variety of unimaginable things happen during these lessons: from an introduction to occult teachings and practices, to meditation and entering a state of trance.

Who grumbles against his teachers,
For those, the learning is a hundred times harder

School is the place where a child spends half of his life. Here he not only gains new knowledge, but also gains his first experience of communicating with other children and teachers. And how successfully he manages to get along with classmates and teachers often determines his attitude towards the educational institution itself. There are cases when a child flatly refuses to go to school just because the teacher is biased towards him, unreasonably criticizes his work, or makes excessive demands. Such conflicts with the teacher may lead to the search for a new educational institution. To prevent this from happening, both parents and children need to know simple rules that will help establish a relationship with the teacher.

Childhood is a time of many questions, possibilities and consequences.
Alfred Adler

Almost all of us, being young, and later having children of our own, were faced with the classic scheme: “3 years - we go to kindergarten, 7 years old - hello “native school”. Some people went to kindergarten and school with pleasure, while for others it remained a painful memory, but now we understand that it was there that our skills to interact with the outside world were formed, there we developed and received our first knowledge and experience. And it was difficult to come up with another scenario for the development and education of a healthy child... then. Today Russia has made a huge step forward in this matter.

"Formal Education
will help you survive.
Self-education will lead you to success"
Jim Rohn

When it comes to teaching, the first thing that comes to mind is pedagogy. However, recently, when we increasingly talk about education, we mean adult education. Research conducted by Knowles showed that pedagogical methods are not effective in teaching this category of “students”. In this regard, when talking about adult education, today you can often hear a new concept - “andragogy”.

In modern conditions, the chance to become a prosperous country is given to the state that provides maximum scope for the realization of human creative potential. Such a policy involves identifying talents, searching for people’s abilities, and the ability to use them for the benefit and interests of society.

This requires certain prerequisites, first of all, the creation of equal starting opportunities for the younger generation, providing opportunities to achieve an education of a higher quality and level. In countries with a market economy, the education sector is the same business as in any other area. Of course, competition plays an important role. It cannot be argued that competition is a phenomenon that in the modern era applies to the entire education system, both within a country with a market economy and on an international scale. Competition mechanisms make it possible to improve the mechanisms of educational services.

Whoever leads today in the production of knowledge, media, science and education is the world leader. For now, the United States is such a state. And many, if not most, researchers believe that this is quite natural: the United States

- the only superpower of our time. Its leading role in the information economy is a consequence of its leading position in the world. Or maybe, on the contrary, the leadership of the United States in the modern world

– a consequence of their leadership in knowledge production. What about Russia? Although Russia is rightfully proud of its traditions in the field of fundamental sciences, one cannot help but see that their foundations are laid in late XIX century and mid-20th century. In the last decade of the 20th century and in the first years of the 21st century, both in Russia are degrading, rapidly pushing the country to the level of indicators of the “third world”. It is impossible to fully enter the modern information society while sitting on oil and gas pipes. Let us note that the key idea of ​​the second presidential program of V.V. Putin (stated by him on May 26, 2004 in his annual message to the Federal Assembly)

– doubling the country’s GDP, increasing its competitiveness in the world. And not so much in the field of economics, but rather in the use of total competitiveness in all areas of life, including in the education system. It is known that in developed countries of the world, GDP growth of up to 80% is achieved primarily through the development of high technology. But the share of Russia, a country with the richest cultural, scientific, and educational traditions, in the world market, the level of development of high technologies is unusually low, reaching only 1%, according to this indicator our country is inferior even to small Hong Kong. Today in Russia, like the whole society, is going through a dramatic period, on the results of which not only the future of the country depends, but also, possibly, its existence as a state. If over the past 10-15 years developed countries have doubled their infrastructure potential and accessibility to education, then Russia, on the contrary, has reduced these indicators by 1.5 times. Destructive tendencies and short-sightedness of government policies have acquired dangerous proportions. Over the past 5 years, the real volume of allocations for education in Russia has decreased by approximately 5 times. Russia, in which a decrease in allocations for science has led to the loss of potential talents who do not have the opportunity to receive a decent education, leads to a “brain drain” from the country. Currently, Russia's economic losses from “brain drain” are very large.

This is especially true for young people who are prepared for highly qualified work, but have not yet given any return to their country, which raised and taught them. For example, the famous Institute of Physics and Technology has to some extent turned into a supplier of highly qualified labor in the United States, where they even established preferential entry rules for this category of people. Therefore, in principle, it is logical to raise the question of compensation for this leak. Partially, assistance from various Western funds can be considered as such compensation. Russian science and education.

Despite the negative trends, the Russian education system still remains one of the most effective. Its positive experience is being adopted in many countries. Our higher education is highly rated and has great international authority. In terms of the number of students per 10 thousand inhabitants, Russia is on a par with Japan, France, Great Britain, Germany and Italy. In terms of the number of university graduates per 10 thousand, it is in 4th place (after the USA, Canada, Japan). In terms of the absolute number of young people with higher technical education, it continues to rank first in the world. Of the 74 leading universities in Europe, 11 are Russian (MSU is in second place after the Sorbonne).

Education, which is focused on training specialists with specific knowledge and skills, is aimed at ensuring efficiency innovation process. Such a specialist must be a professional capable of comprehensively combining research, design and entrepreneurial activity. This is a researcher, a creator of intellectual values, capable of realizing them and on this basis creating new material values, as well as ensuring the transformation of the latter into goods. All over the world, specialists of this profile are considered the management elite. In 2004-2005, KSTU (KAI) began training in the specialty “physics and management of high-tech technologies.” Better late than never. These are the challenges of the time that require appropriate responses to these challenges.

The appointment of the new Minister of Education of the Republic of Tatarstan, an economist who came directly from the main university of the republic, Rais Falikhovich Shaikhelislamov, is fully consistent with the vector of reforms. Introducing Shaikhelislamov to employees of the ministry and heads of educational departments of the republic, Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan R. Minnikhanov noted: “The ministry will become the main implementer of projects for the implementation of innovative education in Tatarstan.” And at the traditional republican August pedagogical conference, R. Shaikhelislamov made a report “Innovative approach to education management in the Republic of Tatarstan.” Innovation, according to the minister, is not an end in itself, but a means and principle for solving assigned problems. The first of them is aimed at the reproduction and development of the main resource of the education system - teaching and scientific-pedagogical personnel. The process of growing a scientific succession maintains optimism in assessing the near future of domestic science. This process must be continuous. The intellectualization of society, the active inclusion of the most talented and creatively gifted part of the population, especially youth, in social transformations is one of the priority tasks of the state policy of the Republic of Tajikistan. The development of the intellectual potential of the republic depends not only on effective support and social protection of gifted youth, combined with psychological, pedagogical and professional help in the development of talent, but also on the level of intellectual development of the talented person’s environment. The intellectual potential of society is a product creative development and self-development of each individual. The more such individuals there are and the more harmoniously they are connected, the richer the society.

The realities of the present time objectively actualize the question of constant study state of intellectual potential and search for ways of its development. In the process of such a study, there is a dual task - identifying the level of the intellectual potential of the republic and identifying the reasons that hinder its development.

National intellectual potential actually becomes the engine of knowledge-intensive, intellectual-intensive economies, which can ensure rapid reproduction of “human capital” and social intelligence. According to the theorist and patriarch of modern management P. Drucker, “a knowledge worker is the most important resource and asset of any corporation. The result of such labor... is the most valuable capital of the 21st century.”

Realities of the 21st century – globalization and informatization, high technology and the Internet – are radically changing the world and human living conditions. In Russia, new technologies are still little used due to their extreme cost. We have 19 times fewer personal computers than in the USA. The Internet is used 144 times less than in the United States and 250 times less than in Sweden. Experts have calculated: if we move at this pace, then by 2050 only 20% of our population will have access to the Internet, while in Western countries ah - almost everyone. A breakthrough for Russia is hardly possible until the younger generation has developed the skills to actively influence the emerging information-technological reality. This is necessary for intellectual development youth, providing them with the opportunity to live comfortably in the conditions of the new century. The way to this is to transform the Internet from an elite technology into a universally accessible means of study and work. Only the state can solve this large-scale problem. Even in such an advanced country as Japan, the state considers it necessary to allocate considerable funds (93 billion dollars) for mass training of the population in using the Internet. Russian indicators are simply depressing: for 2000-2005. The government and business have allocated $1 billion each for the internetization of education.

To be effective, the education system must correspond to the realities of the 21st century, since specialists of the new century will have to solve the most complex global problems associated with the transition of the world community to a new technological structure(information) with the entry into the era of continuous education. To create a Russian school of the 21st century. It is necessary today to begin a broad experiment on the transition to compulsory 10-year education and free 12-year education. The substantive part of the reform is the creation of a specialized secondary school. The most important line of strategic development is changing the situation with computer literacy of the new generation.

This will improve the competitiveness of the education system. There will be an opportunity to bring Russian education in line with world standards and prevent the technological gap from Western countries from increasing. In addition, in our opinion, the existing educational potential should be preserved and enriched.

It is clear that politics Russian state in the field of education is not adequate to the real needs of the country, does not meet its strategic interests and, from this point of view, in the future can act as a destabilizing factor. Its main principle should be the age-old peasant wisdom: “Die, but plow and sow the land in the spring, starve all winter, but save the grain for sowing.” This principle will allow preserving the main capital of the nation - its human resources, its intelligence, and the highly educated population. And this, in turn, will make it possible to create a new, democratic and economic efficient type the Russian state and take the path along which the entire civilized world is now moving.

Abdrakhmanova R.Ya.,

Art. teacher of the Almetyevsk branch of the IEUP

Education as an integrative factor of civilizational development, part: 4.1. – Kazan: Publishing house “Taglimat” of the Institute of Economics, Management and Law (Kazan), 2005. – 284 p.

Russia is preparing another large-scale education reform. This time, the Ministry of Education and Science plans to transfer powers to manage schools from municipalities to the regions in less than three years.

Olga Vasilyeva believes that the subordination of schools to municipalities prevents the creation of a unified educational space. She made this statement at a committee meeting State Duma on education and science.

– In the 2000s, municipalities - cities, villages, districts - became the founders of schools. Then such decentralization justified itself, today it does not,” the minister quotes “ Russian newspaper" – It’s hard to imagine that 42 thousand schools in the country are in no way subordinate to the Russian Ministry of Education and Science. They also do not obey the region. This is a problem that worries everyone.

Olga Vasilyeva noted that the municipal subordination of schools leaves almost no direct leverage for the ministry. According to the ministry’s plan, reassignment will allow educational programs in different cities and villages to be brought into line with federal ones and will strengthen the vertical management with the Ministry of Education and Science at its head.

State Duma deputy Vera Ganzya, on the contrary, is sure that changes are useless and only break the established system. In her opinion, it would be better if the federal authorities allocated additional funds to cities to support the education sector.

“We are already under control,” says the parliamentarian. – Schools are not at all independent, although it is indicated that they are independent in choosing the content of education. I believe that in in this case there's no point in inventing. If the region had taken over the maintenance of the buildings, or allocated to schools not 30 thousand for two buildings to prepare for the new school year, but according to needs, according to estimates drawn up on the basis of defective statements, then it would have been a different matter. But I strongly doubt that the regions will take on this heavy burden. I believe that this reform is out of nowhere. It’s better to give money to municipalities to exercise their powers in the field of education, and there’s no need to break anything.

The deputy fears that transferring schools to the regional level will repeat the mistakes of health care - “they formally gave them away, but the regions did not take them, because resources are also limited.” Hence the endless queues, the reduction of “beds” and other disadvantages voiced by patients.

– Today we need to understand the Unified State Exam, look at the content of education, textbooks. How can I change final certification so that it becomes effective and really educates educated person. This is what we need to think about, but today we cannot allow this, because we are limited by the WTO and the Bologna education system,” comments Vera Ganzia.

Several regions are already implementing the program today, in particular the Samara and Astrakhan regions. According to Vasilyeva, governors of 16 more regions have expressed their readiness to implement pilot projects in this direction on their territory. Did it turn out Novosibirsk region the number of applicants is not yet known.