Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Dynasty thousands on. The oldest dynasties in the world

Despite the fact that we live in a world where there is more and more talk about democracy and electoral systems, dynastic traditions are still strong in many countries. All the dynasties of Europe are similar to each other. Moreover, each dynasty is special in its own way.

Windsors (Great Britain), since 1917

The youngest

The British monarchs are genealogically representatives of the Hanoverian and Saxe-Coburg-Gotha dynasty, and more widely - the Wettins, who had fiefdoms in Hanover and Saxony. During the First World War, King George V decided that it was wrong to be called in German and in 1917 a proclamation was issued according to which the descendants of Queen Victoria, representing the Hanoverian dynasty, and Prince Albert in the male line, British subjects, were declared members of the new House of Windsor, and in 1952, Elizabeth II improved the document in her favor, declaring members of the house and her descendants who are not descendants of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert in the male line. That is, de facto, from the point of view of a normal monarchical genealogy, Prince Charles and his descendants are not Windsors, the dynasty is interrupted by Elizabeth II, and they belong to the Glücksburg branch of the Oldenburg house, which rules in Denmark and Norway, because Elizabeth's husband Prince Philip is from there. By the way, the Russian Emperor Peter III and all his offspring in the male line, too - from the Oldenburg house by blood.

Bernadotte (Sweden), from 1810

The most revolutionary

The son of a lawyer from Gascony, Jean-Baptiste Bernadotte chose a military career and became a general during french revolution. Relations with Napoleon did not work out from the very beginning, the ambitious Gascon considered himself better than Bonaparte, but he fought very successfully for the emperor. In 1810, the Swedes offered him to become the adopted son of a childless king, and, after he accepted Lutheranism, they approved him as crown prince, and soon as regent and de facto ruler of Sweden. He entered into an alliance with Russia and fought against the French in 1813-1814, personally led the troops. So the current ruler Carl XVI Gustav is very similar to the Gascon nose.

Glucksburgs (Denmark, Norway), since 1825

The most Russian

The full name of the dynasty is Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg. And they themselves are a branch of the Oldenburg house, the interweaving of descendants of which is extremely complex, they ruled in Denmark, and in Norway, and in Greece, and in the Baltic states, and even under the name of the Romanovs - in Russia. The fact is that Peter III and his descendants, according to all dynastic rules, are just Glücksburg. In Denmark, the Glücksburgs are now represented by Margrethe II, and in Norway by Harald V.

Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, from 1826

The most accommodating

The family of the dukes of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha originates from the ancient German house of Wettin. As was customary in the 18th-19th centuries, the descendants of various German offshoots of the ancient ruling houses were actively used in dynastic marriages. And so the Saxe-Coburg-Gothas did not spare their offspring for the common cause. This tradition was first laid by Catherine II, who married her grandson Konstantin Pavlovich Duchess Juliana (in Russia - Anna). Then Anna married her relative Leopold to the British Princess Charlotte, and his sister Victoria, married to Edward of Kent, gave birth to a daughter, Victoria, who would become the most famous British queen. And her son Prince Alfred (1844-1900), Duke of Edinburgh, married Grand Duchess Maria Alexandrovna, sister Alexander III. In 1893, the prince inherited the title of Duke of Coburg and it turned out that an Englishman and a Russian were at the head of the German family. Their granddaughter Princess Alix became the wife of Nicholas II. The Saxe-Coburg-Gotha dynasty is genealogically now on the British throne and completely without any reservations - in Belgian in the person of Philippe Leopold Louis Marie.

Orange dynasty (Netherlands), since 1815

The most power-hungry

The descendants of the glorious Williams of Orange regained their influence in the Netherlands only after the final defeat of Napoleon, when Congress of Vienna established a monarchy there. The wife of the second king of the Netherlands, Willem II, was the sister of Alexander I and the daughter of Paul I, Anna Pavlovna, so the current king, Willem Alexander, is the great-great-great-great-grandson of Paul I. In addition, the modern royal family, although it continues to consider itself a member of the Orange dynasty, is actually the grandmother of Willem Alexander Juliana belongs to the House of Mecklenburg, and Queen Beatrix to the Westphalian princely house of Lippe. This dynasty can be called powerless because the three previous queens abdicated in favor of their descendants.

Parma Bourbons (Luxembourg), since 1964

The most seedy

On the whole, the Parma line of the Bourbons was in its time a rather famous and ambitious Italian dynasty, but it fell into almost complete decline with the loss of its fiefdoms at the end of the 19th century. So she would have vegetated, being a more or less successful aristocratic family, but one of the offspring Felix married the Grand Duchess of Luxembourg Charlotte of Orange. So the Parma Bourbons became the ruling dynasty of the dwarf state of Luxembourg and lead a modest life, raising children, protecting wildlife and keeping the Luxembourgish language. The status of an offshore zone and 200 banks per microcountry allows them not to think about their daily bread.

Liechtensteins (Liechtenstein), from 1607

most noble

For all the time of its richest history - the house has been known since the XII century - they did not get into big politics, perhaps because at the very beginning they realized that you can quickly part with everything. They acted slowly, prudently, helped the powerful of this world - far-sightedly put on the Habsburgs, created successful alliances, easily changed religion, now leading the Lutherans, then returning to Catholicism. Having received the status of imperial princes, the Liechtensteins did not seek to intermarry with alien surnames, they strengthened their dynastic ties within the Holy Roman Empire. Actually, Liechtenstein was at first a secondary possession for them, which they acquired, since the emperor was their suzerain de jure in order to enter the Reichstag and increase their political significance. Then they intermarried with the Habsburgs, who confirmed their homogeneity, and until now the Liechtensteins are distinguished by great attention to dynastic ties, marrying only with pillar nobles. It is worth adding to the above that GDP per capita in Liechtenstein is the second in the world after Qatar - 141,000 dollars a year. It's not in last turn thanks to dwarf state is a tax haven where different companies can hide from the taxes of their countries, but not only. Liechtenstein has a thriving high-tech industry.

Grimaldi (Monaco), from 1659

The most rootless

Grimaldi is one of the four families that ruled the Republic of Genoa. Since there were constant skirmishes between the supporters of the power of the pope, the Ghibellins, and the emperor, the Guelphs, in the 12th - 14th centuries, Grimaldi had to periodically run around nearby Europe. So they found Monaco for themselves. In 1659, the owners of Monaco took the title of prince and received from Louis XIII the title of Dukes de Valentinois. They spent most of their time at the French court. But this is all in the past, and in 1733 the lineage in the male tribe ceased, and those that are now Grimaldi actually descend from the Duke of Estuteville, who, according to the marriage contract, was obliged by the rulers of Monaco to take his last name. The current Prince Albert with his sisters comes from the marriage of the Count of Polignac with the illegitimate daughter of Prince Louis II, who ruled in the principality in 1922-1949. But the lack of nobility Albert more than compensates for the publicity working for the principality.

Princes of Andorra - Bishops of Urgell, from the 6th century

The most ancient

Since 1278, Andorra has had two prince-rulers - the Bishop of Urgell and someone from France, first the Comte de Foix, then the King of Navarre, and now the President of the Republic. Episcopal government is a historical throwback to the secular dominion of the Catholic Church. The diocese of Urgell, or rather, the Urgell diocese, was founded in the 6th century, and since then the bishops have traced their genealogy. The current Prince is Bishop Joan Enric Vives y Sisilla, a theologian, practicing priest and public figure. But for us, of particular interest in the history of Andorra and the Bishops of Urgell is 1934, when they were removed from the throne by the Russian adventurer Boris Skosyrev. He came to Andorra, proclaimed himself king, and either the General Council of the country, either persuaded or bribed, supported him. The new king issued a mass of liberal documents, but when he decided to make a gambling zone there, the previously loyal bishop rebelled. And although King Boris I declared war on him, he still won, calling reinforcements from Spain from five national guardsmen.

Spanish Bourbons (since 1713)

The most branched

About what is in recent times the Spanish Bourbons are the most disgraced, everyone knows, but they are also the most branched of the Bourbons historically. They have as many as six lateral branches, including the most significant - Carlist - from the Infante Don Carlos the Elder. At the beginning of the 19th century, he was the clearest contender for the Spanish throne, but due to the pragmatic sanction of Ferdinand VII in 1830, who transferred the throne to his daughter Isabella, he remained out of work. A strong party formed behind Carlos, he unleashed two wars, called Carlist wars (his grandson Carlos the Younger already participated in the third). The Carlist movement in Spain was significant until the 1970s, formally exists now, but does not matter in politics, although they have their own contender for the throne - Carlos Hugo.

Although now the world, for the most part, is ruled by presidents and parliaments, and not by kings and kings, modern representatives of the famous world dynasties continue to remind of the times when the present and future of countries were decided by one the only person who was lucky enough to be born into the royal family.

Let us also remember the most famous dynasties of the world.

1. Bourbons

One of the most ancient and numerous dynasties. The Bourbons came to the throne of France in 1589. Its most famous representatives who ruled France are Henry IV, Louis XIV, Louis XVI, Louis XVIII. At one time, the Bourbons sat on the throne not only of France, but also of Spain, Sicily and Luxembourg.

2. Windsors

Until 1917, the Windsor dynasty was called Saxe-Coburg-Gotha. However, after the end of the First World War, King George V renounced the family name and German titles. Since that time, the dynasty was called Windsor, in honor of the royal castle. Formally, the Windsors still rule, since the current Queen of Great Britain, Elizabeth II, belongs to this dynasty.

3. Habsburgs

The powerful royal dynasty of Europe during the Middle Ages and the New Age. The Habsburgs ruled the Roman and Austrian empires, Hungary, Spain, Mexico, Portugal, Transylvania, Croatia and other smaller states. The name of the dynasty comes from the castle of Hamburg, which was built in 1027 in Switzerland.

4. Gediminovichi

The dynasty originates from Prince Gediminas. Representatives of this dynasty ruled the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. The legendary princes of the Gediminids - Vitovt, Sigismund, Keistut and Jagiello.

5 minutes

China was ruled by the great Ming Dynasty from 1368 to 1644. Despite the successful reign of the first two emperors, Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Di, who created strong fleet and a million-strong army, over time, corruption in the state apparatus caused a crisis of power, which subsequently led to China's accession to the Manchu Qing dynasty.

6. Romanovs

According to the genealogical rules, the full name of this imperial dynasty is as follows: Holstein-Gottorp-Romanovs. This dynasty ruled Russian Empire, Lithuania, Poland and Finland. the last king The Romanov dynasty was Nicholas II, who was overthrown in 1917 by the Bolshevik revolution.

7. Rurikovich

The Rurikids ruled predominantly over Kievan Rus. Famous rulers of the Rurik dynasty - Izyaslavichi of Polotsk Turov, Monomashichi, Rostislavichi, Svyatoslavichi. The last rulers of this dynasty were Tsar Fyodor the First Ioannovich and Vasily Shuisky.

8. Stewarts

Famous representatives of the Stuart dynasty are Charles I, Charles II and Mary Stuart. This is the royal dynasty of Scotland, which eventually began to rule the whole of Great Britain. The name of the dynasty came from the title of the position "High Steward (or Steward) of the Scottish Royal Court."

9. Tudors

Recently, thanks to the Hollywood series of the same name, many fans of historical dramas have learned about this dynasty. The Tudor dynasty ruled England from 1485 to 1603. The Tudors ushered England into the Renaissance. During their reign, active colonization of America began. One of the most famous representatives of this dynasty was Henry VIII, during whose reign the English Reformation(severance of relations with Rome) and Elizabeth, during whose reign there was a new return to Anglicanism.

10. Genghisides

Chingizids are the direct descendants of Genghis Khan. The famous Genghis Khan had four sons: Jochi, Tolui, Ogedei and Chagatai. The eldest son acquired not more, not less - 40 sons. And one of his grandchildren had 22 sons. Currently, according to preliminary estimates, there are about 16 million descendants of Genghis Khan in the male line.

The Japanese imperial dynasty, whose reign continues to this day, is the oldest in the world. According to legend, the emperors of the country rising sun descended from the sun goddess Amaterasu: her grandson Ninigi descended from heaven to rule the country, and became the first earthly emperor. The Japanese believe that this happened in 660 BC. But the first written references to the existence of a monarch in Japan date back to the beginning of the 5th century AD. It was then that the kings of the central part of the country subjugated other regional rulers and created a single state, starting a new dynasty. In the 8th century, the title "emperor" was adopted.

Until IX, Japanese monarchs were full rulers, but over time they began to lose power - the rule of the country passed to advisers, regents, shoguns while maintaining official power. After World War II, the dynasty Japanese emperors continued her symbolic rule, losing all rights to interfere in the affairs of the state.

Today, the 125th emperor in Japan (the only reigning emperor in the world) is Akihito, Prince of Tsugunomiya.

The Bernadotte dynasty of Swedish kings is only from 1818, but it is the oldest continuously ruling dynasty in Europe. Its ancestor was Marshal Bernadotte, who took the royal name Karl XIV Johan.

Today, the eighth representative of this dynasty, Carl XVI Gustaf, is the king of Sweden.

The Spanish Bourbon dynasty also continues to rule to this day, albeit with interruptions in power. It was founded in 1700, its reign was interrupted in 1808, and in 1957 the restoration of the Bourbons was carried out.

Now Spain is ruled by Juan Carlos I de Bourbon, the 76-year-old king is almost not interested in political life, he is a symbol of the country's national unity.

The English Windsor dynasty has ruled Britain since 1917, but it dates back to 1826 as the Saxe-Coburg-Gotha dynasty, so it can be considered one of the oldest.

The oldest dynasties in the world

The oldest, that is, the very first royal dynasty in Europe, which has not survived to this day, is the Frankish Carolingian dynasty, founded in 751 by Arnulf. She ruled for only 987, first in the Frankish Empire, then in the East Frankish kingdom and the West Frankish kingdom.

If we count all the world monarchical dynasties, then the most ancient can be called the ancient Egyptian - the first dynasty of the pharaohs of Ancient Egypt, founded 3 thousand years BC by Narmer Menes. Her reign lasted for about a year and ended in 2864 BC.

Dynasty - representatives of the same kind, who are successive successors to each other's work. The monarchical dynasty is connected by relatives of the royal, "blue" blood and a special system of succession of power.


Perhaps the most striking example of a monarchical dynasty in Russia is the last monarchical dynasty of the Romanovs. They stood from 1613 until the tragic revolutionary events, before them, the Rurikovichs succeeded each other on the throne. In England, the most notable monarchic dynasties were the Tudors, Stuarts, and Windsors.

In accordance with the rules of succession, the current monarch stays for life and gives a place to the next heir only in case of serious illness or death. The throne passes from the father to the eldest son, less often the daughter or other close relative, in the absence of a high-ranking person of direct heirs. In Russia, for example, for some period the law of Peter the Great was in force, according to which the monarch could transfer the throne, not based on established traditions, choosing any worthy successor. However, Paul the First managed to restore the legal right of direct descendants.

Today, most monarchical dynasties do not play a significant role in government, but are symbolic, demonstrating the loyalty of one or another people to their long-term traditions. There are in which the absolute royalty is preserved to this day.

The most ancient of all existing is considered the Japanese monarchical dynasty. Its first representative ascended the throne back in 660 BC, and the current emperor, Prince Tsugunomiya, is the 125th ruling.

But the dynasty of Swedish kings is in the world. The Bernadottes have ruled the country since 1818, despite this family still retaining the status of the most stable continuously ruling European kings.

There are dynasties that have undergone restoration. So, the Spanish Bourbons ruled in the country from 1700 to 1808, after which the line was interrupted and was resumed again in 1957. Now the seventy-six-year-old Juan Carlos the First is sitting on the Spanish throne, who is far from politics and is only a kind of symbol of unity.

The most ancient European dynasty is considered to be the Frankish Carolingian dynasty, which began its existence as early as 751. Regarding the issue of age, we can single out the oldest world monarchical dynasty. She, of course, is the dynasty of the Egyptian pharaohs, who was enthroned more than five thousand years ago.

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Dynasty- This is a form of government in which persons who are related by blood successively replace each other on the throne. Famous example in Russia - the Romanov dynasty, which ruled the country from 1613 to 1917. And before them, with the exception of the Time of Troubles, the Ruriks ruled. In the history of England, the dynasties of Plantagenets, Tudors, Stuarts, Windsors, etc. were left behind. Perhaps the most ancient dynasty rules in Japan: the current emperor Akihito is considered its 125th representative.

How is power transferred in a dynasty? It depends on the peculiarities of the law on succession to the throne, which operates differently in each country. In the vast majority of cases, the power of the monarch is for life, with the exception of cases of abdication due to serious illness or other serious reason. After the death of the monarch or his abdication, as a rule, the eldest son takes the throne. If former ruler had no sons, the throne passes either to the closest male blood relative or (in some countries) to the eldest daughter. There was a period in Russia when the law established by Peter the Great was in force: the monarch himself appointed the heir to the throne, and he could be not only his blood, but even a complete stranger. Peter issued this law, not wanting power to pass into the hands of his son, Tsarevich Alexei, who did not approve and did not accept his father's cruel methods. As a result, a significant part of the 18th century was marked by palace coups and conspiracies, when a convenient person was placed on the throne. And only at the very end of the century, Paul I returned the old order of succession to the throne, according to which power passes from father to eldest son. What is the role of dynasties today? It depends, first of all, on the laws and customs of each particular country where there is a monarchical form of government. There are countries where monarchs play a purely symbolic, representative role, mainly to demonstrate loyalty to centuries-old traditions. Their power is strictly limited by the laws. It is easy to understand that even if it is not the person who ends up on the throne, this will practically not affect the lives of the country's citizens. And there are states where the power of the monarch is still absolute. And here the arrival of such a person can turn into big problems both for the country and for its people. There is another "". For example, if a father, his son and grandson have chosen the same profession, they can say about them: " dynasty».

There are several contenders for the championship among board games. Since archaeologists cannot establish the exact date of origin of gambling finds, the most ancient board games are Mancala, the Royal Game of Ur and Senet, which appeared before our era.


Under the general name Mancala (from the Arabic naqala - moving) a whole family of games has been collected, the essence of which is to shift the pebbles. The first versions of this game found by archaeologists, dated to the 5th-3rd millennium BC, were holes hollowed out in parallel in two rows on a stone. The "chips" for the game were simple pebbles or grains.

The homeland of the Mancala games is considered to be the territory of modern Syria and Egypt. The peoples of Africa and Asia today continue to entertain themselves with games from this family, which have various names: oua, ovari, togyz kumalak, pallantuji, olinda keliya, gabata, bao, omveso, apfelklau, kalah. The latter was widespread in the countries of the USSR. The rules of different types of games can differ significantly. But the main goal of the game remains unchanged - you need to capture the largest number of opponent's stones or lead the game to such an outcome when the opponent is not able to make a move.

In addition to the entertainment function, the games of the Mancala family illustrate the transition of mankind from gathering to farming, because the main rule applies in them: whoever sows better, he will gather more. The movement of pebbles in a circle is considered a symbol of the cyclical nature of the year, the process of laying out "chips" - sowing and harvesting, and unfilled holes - hunger and crop failure. Notable is the fact that there is no element of luck in this game. Only the intelligence and attention of the players can determine its outcome.

Royal Game Ur

The game, which looks more like modern board games with portable game boards, was found in a royal tomb of the Ur Dynasty in Iraq. According to scientists, she is about five thousand years old. The game is a playing field with twenty squares, arranged in such a way that there are 12 squares in one part of the board, followed by a bridge of 2 divisions, which goes into a small block of 6 squares.

The royal game of Ur symbolizes a military campaign. The players had to move from a larger part of the field to a smaller one and return to their original position, collecting "war booty" - opponent's chips along the way. This game used as a fortune-telling about whether the upcoming military campaign will be successful or the army will be defeated.


A fairly common board game in Ancient Egypt was Senet. Archaeological excavations testify that Senet was played for more than five thousand years BC. This entertainment was associated among the ancients with a journey to afterworld, in which riddles and labyrinths await them, and victory symbolized unity with the god Ra.

The ancient rules of the game of Senet have not been preserved. Their reconstruction suggests that the game is characterized by a field consisting of 30 cells arranged in three rows of ten cells each. Each player had 5 pieces, which the ancient Egyptians called dancers. A feature of this game is that the cut chip did not leave the field, but changed places with the one that cut. Four wooden sticks were used as dice, with a mark on one side. The players tossed them and counted how many fell down. According to the rules, the opponents moved their chips along the route in the form of the letter s in reverse and took them off the board.

The Japanese imperial dynasty, whose reign continues to this day, is the oldest in the world. According to legend, the emperors of the land of the rising sun descended from the sun goddess amaterasu: her grandson ninigi descended from heaven to rule the country, and became the first earthly emperor. The Japanese believe that this happened in 660 BC. But the first written references to the existence of a monarch in Japan date back to the beginning of the 5th century AD.
. It was then that the kings of the central part of the country subjugated other regional rulers and created a single state, starting a new dynasty. In the VIII century, the title "Emperor" was adopted.

Until IX, Japanese monarchs were full rulers, but over time they began to lose power - the rule of the country passed to advisers, regents, shoguns while maintaining official power. After the Second World War, the dynasty of Japanese emperors continued its symbolic rule, losing all rights to interfere in the affairs of the state.

* Today, the 125th emperor in Japan (the only reigning emperor in the world) is Akihito, Prince of Tsugunomiya.

The Bernadotte dynasty of Swedish kings has ruled since only 1818, but it is the oldest continuously ruling dynasty in Europe. Its ancestor was Marshal Bernadotte, who took the royal name Karl XIV Johan.

* Today, the eighth representative of this dynasty, Carl XVI Gustaf, is the king of Sweden.

The Spanish Bourbon dynasty also continues to rule to this day, albeit with interruptions in power. It was founded in 1700, its reign was interrupted in 1808, and in 1957 the Bourbons were restored.

* Now Spain is ruled by Juan Carlos I de Bourbon, the 76-year-old king is almost not interested in political life, he is a symbol of the country's national unity.

The English Windsor dynasty has ruled Britain since 1917, but it dates back to 1826 as a Saxe-Coburg-Gothic dynasty, so it can be considered one of the oldest.

Over the years, Russia (from Rurik to Putin) has changed its political system many times. At first, the rulers had a princely title. When, after a period of political fragmentation, a new Russian state was formed around Moscow, the owners of the Kremlin thought about accepting the royal title.

This was done under Ivan the Terrible (1547-1584). This Grand Duke decided to marry the kingdom. And this decision was not accidental. So the Moscow monarch emphasized that he was the successor Byzantine emperors. It was they who bestowed Orthodoxy on Russia. In the 16th century, Byzantium no longer existed (it fell under the onslaught of the Ottomans), so Ivan the Terrible rightly believed that his act would have serious symbolic significance.

Such historical figures as this king had a great influence on the development of the whole country. In addition to the fact that Ivan the Terrible changed his title, he also captured Kazan and Astrakhan Khanate, starting Russian expansion to the East.

Ivan's son Fedor (1584-1598) was distinguished by his weak character and health. Nevertheless, under him the state continued to develop. The patriarchate was established. The rulers of the Russian state have always paid much attention to the issue of succession to the throne. This time he stood up especially sharply. Fedor had no children. When he died, the Rurik dynasty on the Moscow throne came to an end.

Surnames for DYNASTY. Great dynasties of the world or 10 most influential dynasties of the world

AT modern world everyone is accustomed to democracy, but there was a time when power was inherited. And although there are still countries where power belongs to a certain family, most of the powerful dynasties are long gone. This article talk about the most influential dynasties throughout history.

Rurik Dynasty Initially, the princely, and then the royal family of Rurik was divided into a large number of branches. The first prince of Novgorod was Rurik in the 9th century, who, according to the annals, is the founder of Great Rus'. The last rulers of the Rurikids include Vasily Shuisky and Fedor I Ioannovich. Many noble rulers came from this influential family: Rostislavovichi, Svyatoslavovichi, Izyaslavichi, etc. Romanov dynasty great dynasty Russian tsars and emperors, Polish tsars, as well as princes of Finland and Lithuania. The first tsar was Peter III, who bore the surname Holstein-Romanov, and last emperor from the Romanov family was Nicholas II, who lost power in 1917. The Bourbon dynasty A powerful dynasty that came to power in 1589. The Bourbon family was not only one of the oldest, but also one of the most numerous. One branch of the Bourbons still exists today. For several centuries, the Bourbons ruled Naples, France, Sicily and the Duchy of Parma. Today, the descendants of the Bourbons are in power in Spain and Luxembourg. The Habsburg dynasty Undoubtedly one of the most influential and powerful dynasties in Europe. The Habsburgs ruled in the Middle Ages and modern times for over 600 years. The dynasty owned a great Austro-Hungarian Empire, also at times the Roman Empire, Croatia, Spain, Transylvania, Tuscany, Mexico and other small states. The Windsor dynasty The current ruling dynasty in Great Britain. The United Kingdom is currently ruled by Queen Elizabeth II. Until 1917, the Windsors were known as Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, but everything changed after the First World War. George V renounced his family name and took new surname named after Windsor Castle. Ming Dynasty One of the most mighty empires Asia ruled over China from 1368 to 1644. During the reign of the dynasty was created powerful army with over a million soldiers. Perhaps the dynasty would have lasted longer if not for the rule of Zhi Yuanzhang and his son, who were not at all interested in politics. All this led to an increase in corruption and a weakening of the empire, and ended with China joining the Qing dynasty. Stuart Dynasty A Scottish dynasty, and later a British one. The representatives of the royal dynasty include Charles I and Charles II, Mary Stuart. The dynasty did not last long, but managed to make its contribution to history. The Tudor dynasty A more powerful family than the previous one, which was in power from 1485 to 1603. With the advent of the Tudors, England moved into the Renaissance, began to develop culturally and economically, and also participate in European politics. In addition, it was under the Tudors that the colonization of America began. The Tudor rule was distinguished by many repressions against Protestants, but under Elizabeth the country returned to Anglicanism. Genghisid dynasty Genghisides are the descendants of Genghis Khan, who had four sons. Then only the descendants of Genghis Khan could come to power. The eldest son had 40 sons, and one of his grandsons had 22 sons. Historians believe that Genghis Khan had over 16 million descendants. Gediminovich Dynasty Legendary dynasty that ruled the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, which included the lands of modern Lithuania, Belarus, Poland, Ukraine and Russia. The first representative of the dynasty was Prince Gediminas, but his grandfather was the ancestor. It was from him that such famous princes as Vitovt, Keistut, Jagiello, Olgerd and Sigismund went.

When the ruling dynasty in Russia of the Ruriks broke off. End of the Rurik dynasty

After the news of the death of the prince spread throughout the Russian Land, rumors spread among the people that the boyar Boris Godunov had a hand in the "accident". But there were daredevils who suspected of a "conspiracy", and the then tsar - Fedor Ioannovich, half-brother the deceased prince. And there were reasons for this.

40 days after the death of Ivan the Terrible, Fedor, heir to the Moscow throne, began to actively prepare for his coronation. By his order, a week before the wedding to the kingdom, the widow-tsarina Maria and her son Dmitry Ioannovich were sent to Uglich - "to reign." The fact that the last wife of Tsar John IV and the prince were not invited to the coronation was a terrible humiliation for the latter. However, Fedor did not stop there: for example, the content of the prince's court was sometimes reduced several times a year. Just a few months after the beginning of his reign, he orders the clergy to remove the traditional mention of the name of Tsarevich Dmitry during divine services.

The formal basis was that Dmitry Ioannovich was born in his sixth marriage and, according to church rules, was considered illegitimate. However, everyone understood that this was just an excuse. The ban on mentioning the prince during divine services was perceived by his court as a wish for death. There were rumors among the people about failed assassination attempts on Dmitry. So, the Briton Fletcher, while in Moscow in 1588-1589, wrote that his nurse died from the poison intended for Dmitry.

Six months after the death of Dmitry, the wife of Tsar Fyodor Ioannovich, Irina Godunova, became pregnant. Everyone was waiting for the heir to the throne. Moreover, according to legend, the birth of a boy was predicted by numerous court magicians, healers and healers. But in May 1592, the queen gave birth to a girl. Rumors circulated among the people that Princess Theodosia, as the parents named their daughter, was born exactly a year after the death of Dmitry - on May 25, and royal family almost a month delayed the official announcement.

But this was not the worst sign: the girl lived only a few months, and died in the same year. And here they already began to talk about the curse of Dmitry. After the death of his daughter, the king changed; he finally lost interest in his royal duties, and spent months in monasteries. People said that Fedor was apologizing for his guilt before the murdered prince. In the winter of 1598, Fedor Ioannovich died without leaving an heir. The Rurik dynasty also died with him.

1 Rurik Dynasty

An ancient princely and later royal family of Rurik's descendants, which then split into many branches. Rurik - Prince of Novgorod, who ruled in the 9th century, according to the annals - the founder of the statehood of Rus'. The last rulers of this venerable dynasty were Tsars Fyodor the First Ioannovich and Vasily Shuisky. Many eminent rulers came from the Rurikovichs: Izyaslavichi of Polotsk, Rostislavichi, Izyaslavichi of Turov, Svyatoslavichi, Monomashichi.

2 Romanov dynasty

The dynasty of Russian tsars, later - the emperors of Russia, as well as the tsars of Poland, the princes of Lithuania and Finland. In genealogical sources, representatives of the dynasty, starting with Peter the Third, bear the surname Holstein - Gottorp - Romanovs. Nicholas II, who was overthrown in 1917, was the last tsar of this kind.

3 Bourbon dynasty

European dynasty that entered french throne in 1589. This dynasty is not only one of the most ancient, but also one of the most numerous. The Bourbon-Busset branch still exists today. Representatives of this dynasty ruled over the following states and cities: France, Naples, Sicily, the Duchy of Parma. Now the descendants of the Bourbons rule Spain and Luxembourg.

4 Habsburg dynasty

One of the most powerful European dynasties in the Middle Ages and modern times. The Habsburgs were the rulers of the Austrian Empire, at one time ruled the Roman Empire, and also occupied thrones in Hungary, Croatia, Spain, Portugal, Mexico, Transylvania, Tuscany and other smaller states.

5 Windsor dynasty

Until 1917 it was called Saxe-Coburg-Gotha. After the First World War, George V renounced German titles and family name and took the surname Windsor, after the name of the castle. This is the current ruling dynasty in Great Britain, on the throne of which Elizabeth II is today.

6 Ming dynasty

The Great Ming Empire ruled over China from 1368 to 1644. Under this empire, a navy was created and strong army, numbering 1 million soldiers. Under the rule of Zhi Yuanzhang and his son Zhu Di, who were not interested in politics, all power was concentrated in the hands of those close to them. As a result, corruption increased greatly, signs of decay appeared, which eventually led to China's accession to the Manchu Qing dynasty.

7 Stuart dynasty

The royal dynasty of Scotland, and then the whole of Great Britain in the 14th-16th centuries. Its representatives are Charles I and Charles II, as well as Mary Stuart, great-granddaughter of Henry the Seventh.

8 Tudor dynasty
Royal dynasty of England from 1485 to 1603. Under the Tudors, England entered the Renaissance, actively participated in European politics, developed culturally and economically. Also at this time began the colonization of America. On the other hand, it was a time of repression against Protestants, and under Elizabeth there was a return to Anglicanism.

9 Chingizid dynasty

Genghisides are direct descendants of Genghis Khan. He had four sons: Jochi, Chagatai, Ogedei and Tolui. Only they and their descendants had the right to become khans. The eldest son had 40 sons, and one of the grandchildren had 22 sons. It is believed that today Genghis Khan has 16 million descendants in the male line.

10 Gediminovich dynasty

Dynasty ruling the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and common name princely families of Lithuania, Ukraine, Belarus, Poland and Russia, originating from Prince Gediminas. Historians consider Skolomend, Gediminas' grandfather, to be the ancestor of the dynasty. From him came such legendary princes as Vitovt, Olgerd, Keistut, Jagiello and Sigismund.

The oldest dynasty in the world. Ancient ruling dynasties

The Japanese imperial dynasty, whose reign continues to this day, is the oldest in the world. According to legend, the emperors of the land of the rising sun descended from the sun goddess Amaterasu: her grandson Ninigi descended from heaven to rule the country, and became the first earthly emperor. The Japanese believe that this happened in 660 BC. But the first written references to the existence of a monarch in Japan date back to the beginning of the 5th century AD. It was then that the kings of the central part of the country subjugated other regional rulers and created a single state, starting a new dynasty. In the VIII century, the title "emperor" was adopted. Until the IX, Japanese monarchs were full-fledged rulers, but over time they began to lose power - the rule of the country passed to advisers, regents, shoguns while maintaining official power. After World War II, the dynasty of Japanese emperors continued its symbolic rule, losing all rights to interfere in the affairs of the state.

Today, the 125th emperor in Japan (the only reigning emperor in the world) is Akihito, Prince of Tsugunomiya.

The Bernadotte dynasty of Swedish kings is only from 1818, but it is the oldest continuously ruling dynasty in Europe. Its ancestor was Marshal Bernadotte, who took the royal name Karl XIV Johan.

Today, the eighth representative of this dynasty, Carl XVI Gustaf, is the king of Sweden.

The Spanish Bourbon dynasty also continues to rule to this day, albeit with interruptions in power. It was founded in 1700, its reign was interrupted in 1808, and in 1957 the restoration of the Bourbons was carried out.

Now Spain is ruled by Juan Carlos I de Bourbon, the 76-year-old king is almost not interested in political life, he is a symbol of the country's national unity.

The English Windsor dynasty has ruled Britain since 1917, but it dates back to 1826 as the Saxe-Coburg-Gotha dynasty, so it can be considered one of the oldest.

In the Guinness Book of Records, a new record - the British family Bartletts (Bartletts) named the oldest family in the world.
Together, four sisters and a brother account for almost 500 years.
Kathleen, 102, Gladys, 100, Lillian, 94, Leonard, 92, and Courtney, 86, were all born in the early 20th century before electricity and gas stoves were common.
The sisters and brother experienced 19 prime ministers, five monarchs, and two World Wars in their native Great Britain.
Today Kathleen, Gladys, Lillian, Leonard and Courtney are living in the time of the Online Revolution and the birth of 3D TV.
In total, they are already 474 years old.
Four of the five closest relatives also claim the title of the oldest people in the world, listed in the Guinness Book of Records.
All family members claim that they managed to live so long thanks to hard work throughout their lives. All these centenarians worked at a chocolate factory in Bristol. Neither they nor their parents welcomed laziness and inactivity in this large family.
At the same time, the oldest people in the world remain active even now, despite their advanced age.
The sisters and brother have eight children and 11 grandchildren, as well as great-grandchildren and great-great-grandchildren.
In addition, they had a sister, Doris, who died when she was 75 years old, if she was still alive, she would have turned 97 this year.
Apparently, longevity is in the family's genes - their father, Ernest Bartlett, died when he was 98 years old.
Previously, the oldest were recognized by the Guinness Book of Records, the Thornton sisters from Shreveport, Louisiana, USA. Them general age was 325 years old.
All three died within weeks of one another this year.

Ruling dynasty in Great Britain.

In 1066 Duke William I of Normandy conquered England and became its king.

William I the Conqueror 1066-1087
William II the Red 1087-1100
Henry I Scientist 1100-1135
Stephen (Etienne) de Blois 1135-1154
Henry II Plantagenet 1154-1189
Richard I the Lionheart 1189-1199
John (John) Landless 1199-1216
Henry III 1216-1272
Edward I Long-legged 1272-1307
Edward II 1307-1327
Edward III 1327-1377
Richard II 1377-1399
DYNASTY OF LANCASTER (side of the Plantagenets), 1399-1471
Henry IV 1399-1413
Henry V 1413-1422
Henry VI 1422-1461, 1470-1471
from 1455 to 1485 - "The War of the Scarlet Rose and the White Rose"
YORK DYNASTY (side of the Plantagenets), 1461-1485
Edward IV 1461-1470, 1471-1483
Edward V 1483
Richard III of Gloucester 1483-1485
Henry VII 1485-1509
Henry VIII 1509-1547
Edward VI 1547-1553
Lady Jane Gray (9 days) 1553
Mary I the Bloody 1553-1558
Elizabeth I the Great 1558-1603
STUART DYNASTY (Scottish), 1603-1649
James I (James I) 1603-1625
Charles I (Charles I) 1625-1649
from 1642 to 1653 - the bourgeois revolution, which turned into a civil war; dispersal of Parliament. The country is declared a republic.
Oliver Cromwell 1653-1658
Richard Cromwell 1658-1659
In 1659, Richard Cromwell voluntarily relinquished power; restoration of the monarchy and the Stuart dynasty.
STUART DYNASTY (secondary), 1660-1688, 1689-1714
Charles II (Charles II) 1660-1685
James II (James II) 1685-1688
from 1688 to 1689 - "Glorious Revolution"; overthrow of James II.
William III of Orange 1689-1702
Mary II Stuart 1689-1694
Anna Stuart 1702-1714
George I 1714-1717
George II 1727-1760
George III 1760-1820
George IV 1820-1830
Wilhelm IV 1830-1837
Victoria 1837-1901
In 1840, Queen Victoria married Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha. Her heirs received the surname of their father, which is why the name of the ruling dynasty changed.
Saxe-Coburg-Gotha (since 1917 - Windsor (due to anti-German sentiments in society, as the First World War continued)) dynasty, since 1901.

The oldest ruling dynasties of Europe (versions)

INFO-GENEALOG Russian-language site about the genealogy of the aristocratic families of the world

Genealogy of the Franks from the Trojan Priam, through a later relationship with the Cimmerians.

Priam (Gift), king of Troy, w1 - Arisba, w2 - Laofoy, daughter of Alpha, king of the Lelegs, w3 - Castianir, w4 - Hecuba
1(1). Esak, w- Asterope
2(2). Polydar
3(2). Lycaon
4(3). Gorgifion
5(4). Ilion, m-Polymestor, king of Thrace
5.1. Deipila
6(4). Hector, f-Andromache, daughter of Eetion, king of Lyrness
6.1. Astyanax (Scamandrus)
7(4). Paris (Alexander), f1- Oenone, nymph, f2- Elena
7.1(1). Corif
7.2(2). Elena the Younger
7.3(2). Bunic
7.4(2). Agan
7.5(2). ideas
8(4). Creusa, m- Aeneas, king of Lavinius
9(4). Laodice, m1- Helikaon, son of Antenor and Theano, daughter of Kisseus, king of Thrace, m2- Acamant I
10(4). Polyxena
11(4). Cassandra, m- Agamemnon, king of Mycenae
12(4). Helen (Helen), king of the Molossians, w1-?, widow of Phoenix, king of the Molossians, w2- Andromache, daughter of Eetion, king of Lyrness, see From Helen of Troy to the Merovingians




Helen (Helen), king of the Molossians, w1-?, widow of Phoenix, king of the Molossians, w2- Andromache, daughter of Eetion, king of Lyrness
1(1). Genger
1.1. Franco
1.1.1. Esdron Helio (Gelio, Selio) Basabiliano (I) Placerio (I) Plesron (Plesron, Plasron) (I) Eliakor (Eliacor) Gaberiano (Gaberiano) Placerio (II) Antenor (II) Priam (II) Gelen (Helenus) (II) Plesron (Plesron, Plasron) (II) Basabiliano (II) Alexander (Alexander, Alexandre) Priam (III) Getmalor (Getmalor) Almadion (Almadion, Almodian) Diluglik (Dilulgic, Diluglie) Gelen (Helenus) (III) Placerio (Plaserio, Plasenio) (III) Diluglio (Diluglio) Marconir (Marconir, Marcomir) Priam, Driam (IV) Gelen (Helenus) (IV) Antenor (III) (+433 BC), king of the Cimmerians on the Black Sea, see Kings of the Cimmerians and Sicambri


Antenor (III) (+433 BC), king of the Cimmerians on the Black Sea
1. Marcomir I (+412 BC), king of the Cimmerians
1.1. Antenor (IV), king of the Cimmerians, f- Cambra, in her honor the Cimmerian tribe changed its name to Sicambri
1.1.1. Priam (Priamus, Priam, Prenus) (V) (+358 BC), King of the Sicambri Helenus (V) (+339 BC), king of the Sicambri Diocles (+300 BC), king of the Sicambri Bassanus Magnus (+241 BC), King of the Sicambri, f-?, daughter of Orcades, King of Norway Clodomir (Clodomir, Clodimir) I (+232 BC), king of the Sicambri (or husband of Sedanus, daughter of Bassan Magna) Nicanor (+198 BC), king of the Sicambri Marcomir (Marcomir) II (+170 BC), king of the Sicambri Clodius (Clodius) I (+159 BC), king of the Sicambri Antenor (V) (+143 BC), King of the Sicambri Clodomir (Clodomir, Clodimir) II (+123 BC), king of the Sicambri Nepodik (Nerodicus) (+95), King of the Sicambres Cassander (+74 BC), king of the Sicambri Antarius or Octavius ​​(Antharius, Octavius) (+39 BC), king of the Sicambri Frank (Francus) (+11 BC), king of the Sicambri, in her honor the Sicambri tribe changed its name to Franks, Claude (Clod) Clodius (Clodius, Clodie) II (+20 AD), King of the Western Franks
see First kings of the Franks



Clodius (Clodius, Clodie) II (+20 AD), King of the Western Franks
1. Marcomir III (+50), King of the Western Franks
1.1. Clodomir (Clodomir, Clodemir) III (+63), King of the Western Franks
1.1.1. Antenor (VI) (+69), King of the West Franks Ratherius (+90), King of the Franks Richemel (Richemel, Richemer) I (+114), king of the Franks, f- Ascyla (Ascyla) Odomar (Odomar, Odomir) (+128), King of the Franks Marcomir (Marcomir) IV (+149), king of the Franks, w- Atilda of Britain (90-129) Clodomir (Clodomir, Clodmir) IV (+166), king of the Franks, w- Hafilda, princess of Rugia Farabert (+186), King of the Franks Sanno (Sanno, Sunno, Huano) (+213), King of the Franks Hilderic (+253), King of the Franks Berther (Bertherus, Bartherus) (+272), King of the Franks Clodius (Clodius) III (+298), King of the Franks Walter (+306), King of the Franks Dagobert I (+317), King/Duke of the East Franks, see PART 2

Dagobert I (+317), King/Duke of the East Franks
1. Clodius (Clodius) IV, King of the Franks
2. Clodomir V, King of the West Franks
2.1. Richemel II, King/Duke of the West Franks, f- Matilda
2.1.1. Theodomir, King/Duke of the West Franks Clodius (V), King/Duke of the West Franks Dagobert (III), King/Duke of the West Franks Genebald, King/Duke of the West Franks Argotta, m-Pharamond (+425), King of the Franks
3. Genebad (Genebad, Genebald) (+358), Duke of the East Franks
3.1. Dagobert (II) (+379), Duke of the East Franks
3.1.1. Clodius (Clodius) (VI), Duke of the East Franks Marcomir (V) (+404), Duke of the East Franks Pharamond (+425), king of the Franks, w- Argotta Clodius (Clodius) (VII) (+445), king of the Franks, f-Basina of Thuringia (* 398), daughter of Wedelf of Thuringia Merovei (415-457), king of the Franks, w-Verica, see Merovingians Alberic (+491), f- Argotta, daughter of Theodoric of Verona Wambert, w- Lucilla Ansbert of Moselle (+570), f- Blitilda, daughter of Clothair I, King of the Franks Arnold (562-601), w- Ada of Swabia Arnold Saint Geristalsky, Bishop de Metz (582-641), f-c 611 Doda of Savoy Clodulf (615-718), Duke of Austrasia, see Dukes of Moselle Ansegizel (Angelik, Ansegiz), Maordomo of Austrasia (602-685/694), f- Begga Landenskaya (+698), see Carolingians Itta de Metz (597-652), m-Pipin I (591-639), Major of Austrasia, Duke of Brabant (father - Carloman (570-615), Major of Austrasia, son of Charles, Count of Brabant) Grimoald I (+656), Major of Austrasia Begga Landenskaya (+698), m- Ansegizel, Maordomo of Austrasia (+685) Gertrude (+615), m-Riquemer, Duke of the Franks Gerberga, m- Eggo (+646)



Flavius ​​Ardavur (the Elder), Consul of the East in 427
1. Flavius ​​Ardavur Aspar (+471), "ruler of the Eastern Roman Empire", consul of the West in 433, all-powerful patrician and commander under the emperors Marcianus and Leo I, f-? (sister (? or daughter) Triaria)
1.1. Flavius ​​Ardavur (the Younger), patrician, consul of the East in 447
1.1.1. Godysthea (Diagysthea), m- Flavius ​​Dagalaf, consul of the East in 461, son of Flavius ​​Areovind, patrician and consul of the East in 434 Flavius ​​Areovind Dagalaf Areovind, consul of the East in 506, emperor in 512, f-c 482 Julia Anicia Flavia Flavius ​​Anicius Olybrius Probus (+ between 524 and 527), consul of the East in 491, f- Irina Prob (+542), w- Avien Proba, Mr. Rogas, Committee of Libya Evdokia Fabia Proba (+13.08.612), m-imp. Heraclius I (575-11.02.641), see HERACLEAN DYNASTY Sample, m- Sample Juliana, m- Anastasius (possibly the grandson of Empress Theodora, wife of Emperor Justinian I) Areovind Sample, m- George Placidia, m- John Mistacon Dagalaf (maybe). Areovind (+546), w- Prejekta
2.2. Julius Patricius (+471), Caesar in 470, f- from 470 Leontius
2.3. Germanaric (Ermanarich, Hermineric) the Younger

News on this site ceased perpetual 2004. But there is a chance to have time to download some useful data from it. They must be checked over the Internet, taking into account modern scientific representations.

Russian-language site about the genealogy of the aristocratic families of the world
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Descendants of Chaos
1. Erebus-Darkness, w- Nikta-Night, see Descendants of Erebus and Nikta
2. Tartarus, w- Gaia-Earth, see Descendants of Tartarus and Gaia
3. Nikta-Night, m-Erebus-Darkness
4. Gaia-Earth, m1- Uranus-Sky, m2- Pont-Sea, m3- Tartarus, m4- Zeus, m5- Poseidon, m6- Hephaestus
4.1. Uranus-Sky, w- Gaia-Earth, see Descendants of Uranus and Gaia
4.2. Acheron, river god, w- Orphne, nymph
4.2.1. Askalaf
4.3. Python, dragon
4.4. Alp
4.5. Leleg (Lelex), king of Megara and Lacedaemon, w- Peridea
4.5.1. Miletus (Miles), king of Laconica Eurotant, river god, king of Laconica Sparta, m- Lacedaemon, king of Sparta
4.5.2. Cleson, king of Megara Kleso Tauropolis Pilas, King of Megara Pilia, m- Pandion, 8th king of Athens Skiron
4.5.3. Byant
4.5.4. Polikaon, king of Messenia, w- Messene
4.5.5. boomolch
4.5.6. Ferampa
4.6. Aktey, king of Aktey
4.6.1. Aglaura I, m-Kekrops I, 1st king of Athens
4.7. Cecrops I, 1st king of Athens, f- Aglaura I
4.7.1. Erysichthon
4.7.2. Aglaura II, m- Ares Alkippa, m- Evpalam
4.7.3. Gersa
4.7.4. pandrosa
4.8. Kranai, 2nd king of Athens, f- Pediada, daughter of Mines
4.8.1. Kranaichma
4.8.2. Attida
4.8.3. Crane, m- Amphiktion, 3rd king of Athens
4.9. Gill
4.10. damasen
4.11. Cres, king of Crete
4.11.1. Olympus
4.11.2. Melisseus, king of Crete Adrastea Amalthea Melissa Ida
4.12. fliy
4.12.1. Kelen Caucone
4.13. Anakt
4.13.1. Asterius
5. Eros-Love

Descendants of Erebus and Nikta
Erebus-Darkness, W-Nikta-Night
1. Hemera Day
2. Ether-Light, w- Gaia-Earth
2.1. Pont-Sea, w- Gaia-Earth, see Descendants of Pontus and Gaia
3. Chiron
4. Tanat-Death
5. Hypnos-Sleep
5.1. Morpheus Nightmare
6. Eris-Discord, m-Zeus
6.1. Ata Delusion
6.2. Lim-Hunger
6.3. Algos-Pain
6.4. Mania-Crazy
6.5. Lef Oblivion
6.6. Pon Punishment
6.7. Gork Oath
6.8. Anarchy
6.9. Lie
6.10. Murder
6.11. Battle
6.12. Dispute
7. Nemesis-Revenge
8. Mom-Taunt
9 Apata Deception
10. Geras-Old Age
11. Aglaia, the Hesperis
12. Erithia, Hesperis
13. Hesperaretus, hesperis

Descendants of Pontus and Gaia
Pont-Sea, w- Gaia-Land
1. Keto, titanida, m- Phorky, sea god
2. Thaumant, sea god-giant, f- Electra, oceanid
2.1. Keleno, the harpy
2.2. Gout, harpy, m- Zephyr, god of the west wind
2.3. Okipeta, harpy
2.4. Aella the harpy
2.5. Irida-Rainbow, messenger of the gods
3. Nereus, sea elder, f- Dorida, oceanid
3.1. Neritheus
3.2. Thetis, Nereid, m- Peleus, king of Thessaly
3.3. Psamatha, Nereid, m- Eak, king of the Myrmidons
3.4. Amphitrite, nereid, m- Poseidon
3.4.1. Bentecikima
3.4.2. Triton, sea god Pallant Tritia, sea goddess, M-Ares Melanippus
4. Phorky, sea god, f1- Keto, titanida, f2- Krateida, nymph
4.1(1). Stheno, the gorgon
4.2(1). Euryale, gorgon, m- Poseidon
4.2.1. Orion, w- Sedea Metiocha, coronida Menippe, coronida
4.3(1). Medusa, gorgon, m- Poseidon
4.3.1. Pegasus, the winged horse
4.3.2. Chrysaor, a monster, w- Callirhoe, an oceanid Geryon the monster Echidna, monster, m1- Typhon, monster, m2- Orff, dog, m3- Hercules
4.4(1). Toosa, nymph, m- Poseidon
4.4.1. Polyphemus, Cyclops
4.5(1). Enyo the harpy
4.6(1). Pemphredo, the harpy
4.7(1). Dino, harpy
4.8(1). Ladon, dragon
4.9(1). giant serpent
4.10(2). Scylla the monster
5 Eurybia, titanide, m- Crius, titan
6. Galia (Levkothea), m1 - Poseidon, m2 - Zeus
6.1(1). Rhoda, nymph, m- Helios-Sun
6.2(2). Demodica
6.3(2). Pactol
6.3.1. Evryanassa, nymph, m- Tantalus I, king of Phrygia

Descendants of Tartarus and Gaia
Tartarus, w- Gaia-Earth
1. Typhon, a monster, w- Echidna, a monster
1.1. Chimera
1.2. Orff, dog, w- Echidna, monster
1.2.1. nemean lion
1.2.2. Sphinx
1.2.3. Faey
1.3. Cerberus, hellhound
1.4. lernaean hydra
1.5. giant eagle

Descendants of Uranus and Gaia
Uranus-Sky, w- Gaia-Earth
1. Ocean, titan, w- Tethys, titanides, w2- Gaia-Earth, w3- Parthenope, w4-Argia, see Descendants of the Ocean and Tethys
1.1(2). Creusa (Filira), nymph, m- Peneus, river god
1.2(3). Europe
1.3(3). Thrace
1.4(4). Melia, nymph, m- Inah, river god
1.5(?). Caanth
2. Iapetus, titan, w- Clymene, oceanid, see Descendants of Iapetus and Clymene
3. Hyperion, titan, w- Teia, titanide, see Descendants of Hyperion and Teia
4. Crius, titan, f- Eurybia, titanide, see Descendants of Crius and Eurybia
5. Coy, titan, f - Phoebe, titanide, see Descendants of Koy and Phoebe
6. Kron, titan, zh1- Rhea, titanida, zh2- Filira, oceanida
6.1(1). Hestia
6.2(1). Demeter, m1- Iasion, m2- Zeus, m3- Poseidon
6.3(1). Hera, m-Zeus
6.4(1). Hades (Hades), w- Persephone
6.5(1). Poseidon, see Descendants of Poseidon
6.6(1). Zeus, see Descendants of Zeus
6.7(2). Chiron, centaur, f- Chariklo, oceanid
6.7.1. Hippa, m- Aeolus, king of Orchomenus and Thessaly
6.8(?). Nin, king of Nineveh and Babylon, f- Semiramis, queen of Nineveh and Babylon
7. Tethys, titanides, m- Ocean, titan
8. Rhea, titanide, m1- Kron, titanium, m2- Iasion, m3- Gordius
9. Theia, titanide, m- Hyperion, titan
10. Phoebe, titanide, m-Koy, titan
11. Mnemosyne, titanide, m-Zeus, see Muses and their descendants
12. Themis, titanides, m-Zeus
13. Bront, Cyclops
14. Steropes, cyclops
15. Arg, cyclops
16. Kott, hecatoncheir
17. Briareus, hecatoncheir
17.1. Etna, nymph, m-Hephaestus
17.1.1. Thaleia, m-Zeus
17.2. Sikan
17.2.1. polyphemus
17.2.2. Antifates, king of the Laestrigons
17.2.3. Cyclops
18. Guy, hecatoncheir
19. Tisiphon, Eriny
20. Alecto, Eriny
21. Megara, Eriny
22. Aphrodite, m1- Hermes, m2- Ares, m3- Hephaestus, m4- But
23. Calydn, king of Thebes

Descendants of Oceanus and Tethys
Ocean, titan, w1- Tethys, titanides
1.1. Kalliroya, oceanid, m1 - Nile, river god, m2 - Man, king of Lydia, m3 - Chrysaor, monster
1.2. Perseid, oceanid, m- Helios-Sun
1.3. Chariklo, oceanid, m- Chiron, centaur
1.4. Eurynome, oceanid, m1- Ophion, the serpent-lord of Olympus, m2- Zeus, m3- Orkham
1.4.1(3). Levkotoya, m- Helios-Sun
1.4.1. Asop, river god, king of Plataea, f-Metope, nymph, see Asopids
1.4.2. Thalia, Charita
1.4.3. Euphrosyne, Charita
1.4.4. Aglaya, Charita
1.5. Melia, oceanida, m-Apollo
1.5.1. Tener
1.5.2. Ismen strophy Dirka, m- Lik II, king of Thebes
1.6. Dorida, oceanid, m- Nereus, sea elder
1.7. Pleiona, oceanid, m- Atlant (Atlas), titan
1.8. Okirroya, oceanid, m- Helios-Sun
1.9. Klymene, oceanid, m1- Iapetus, titanium, m2- Helios-Sun
1.10. Meliboia, oceanid, m- Pelasg I, king of Arcadia
1.11. Pluto, oceanid, m-Zeus
1.11.1. Tantalus I, king of Phrygia, w1 - Dione, hyade, w2 - Evryanassa, nymph, see Tantalides
1.12. Metis, oceanid, m-Zeus
1.12.1. Por, w- Singing
1.12.2. Athena
1.13. Electra, oceanid, m- Thavmant, the giant sea god
1.14. Ladon, river god, w1 - Gaia-Earth, w2 - Stymphalida
1.14.1(1). Daphne, nymph
1.14.2(2). Themis, nymph, m- Hermes Evander Dirney Thomas Pallant
1.14.3(2). Metope. nymph, m- Asopus, river god, king of Plataea
1.15. Peneus, river god, w- Creusa (Filira), nymph, see Peneides
1.16. Mel, river god, w- Kriteida, nymph, daughter of Apella
1.17. Krimis, river god, f- Egesta (Segesta)
1.17.1. Egest (Akest), king of Drepanon
1.18. Cephis, river god, f- Lavriope, nymph
1.18.1. Narcissus
1.18.2. Diogenia, nymph, m- Thrasym Praxithea II, m- Erechtheus, 6th king of Athens
1.19. Nile, river god
1.19.1. Memphis, nymph, m- Epaphus, king of Egypt
1.19.2. Anchinoe, nymph, m1- Proteus, king of Egypt, m2- Bel, king of Egypt and Libya, m3- Siphon, king of Chersonese Cabiro, m-Hephaestus Cadmil Alcon Eurymedon
1.19.3. Europe, nymph, m- Danai, king of Argos
1.19.4. Khione, nymph
1.20. Asterion, river god
1.20.1. Prosimna, nymph
1.20.2. Euboea, nymph
1.20.3. Akrea, nymph
1.21. Eridanus, river god
1.21.1. Praxithea I, m- Erichthonius, 4th king of Athens
1.21.2. Zeuxippa, m- Pandion I, 5th king of Athens
1.22. Simoid, river god
1.22.1. Astyoch I, nymph, m- Erichthonius, king of the Dardani
1.22.2. Hieromnena, nymph, m- Assarak, king of the Dardani
1.23. Meander, river god
1.23.1. Kalam
1.23.2. Kyanea, nymph
1.23.3. Callirhoe, a nymph
1.23.4. Samia, nymph
1.24. Keakin, river god
1.24.1. Evfim
1.25. Aksiy, river god
1.25.1. Asteropaeus
1.26. Kebren, river god
1.26.1. Oenone, nymph, m- Paris (Alexander)
1.27. Aheloy, river god, w- Melpomene, muse
1.27.1. Kalliroea, nymph, m- Alcmaeon, king of Argos
1.27.2. Castalia, nymph, m- Delphi, king of Delphi
1.27.3. Lygia, nymph
1.27.4. Leukosia, nymph
1.27.5. Parthenope, nymph
1.28. Alpheus, river god, king of Far, f- Telegon
1.28.1. Ortilochus (Orsiolochus) I, king of Far Diocles (Diocles), king of Phar Anticlea, m1 - Swallowtail, m2 - Hephaestus periphet Crefon Ortilochus (Orsiolochus) II
1.29. Imbras, river god, f- Hesiada, nymph
1.29.1. Okirroya, nymph, m- Apollo Imbras
1.30. Sangaria, the river god
1.30.1. Nana, nymph, m- Agdistid
1.30.2. Nicaea, nymph, m- Dionysus Satyr Telet
1.30.3. ?(son) Dimantus, king of Phrygia, w- Evnoia, nymph Otraeus, king of Phrygia Asia Hecuba, m-Priam (Gift), king of Troy
1.31. Istres, river god
1.31.1. Aktey
1.31.2. Gelor
1.32. Spercheus, the river god, w-Polydora
1.32.1. Menestius
1.33. Sebef, river god
1.33.1. Sebefida, nymph, m- Thelon, king of Cyprus Ebal
1.34. Inach, river god, f- Melia, nymph, see Inahides
1.35. Evrat, river god
1.35.1. Pitana, nymph, m- Poseidon Evadna, m-Apollo I am
1.36. Filira, oceanida, m-Kron, titanium
1.37. Idia, oceanida, m-Eet, king of Colchis
1.38. Styx, oceanida, m-Pallant, titanium
+ Asopids
+ Aeacids
+ Tantalides
+ Atrids
+ Peneids
+ Inahids
+ Pelasgides
+ Epaphids
+ Aegyptides
+ Perseids
+ Heraclides
+ Danaids
+ Cadmids
+ Minosids
+ Aegialeidae
+ Descendants of Iapetus and Clymene
+ Lacedaemonides
+ Dardanides
+ Priamides
+ Descendants of Helen of Troy
+ Descendants of Memnon of Ethiopia
+ Aeneid
+ Descendants of Hermes
+ Nycteids
+ Hellenids
+ Sisyphides
+ Athamantides
+ Salmoneids
+ Deionides
+ Creteids
+ Amphictionides
+ Efliids
+ Descendants of Hyperion and Theia
+ Descendants of Crius and Eurybia
+ Descendants of Coy and Phoebe
+ Descendants of Poseidon
+ Descendants of Zeus
+ Descendants of Ares
+ Descendants of Hephaestus
+ Muses and their descendants
2nd dynasty
3rd dynasty
4th dynasty
5th dynasty
6th dynasty
11th dynasty
12th dynasty
13th and 17th dynasties
15th dynasty
17th dynasty
18th dynasty
19th dynasty
20th dynasty
21st dynasty
22nd, 23rd and 24th dynasties
26th dynasty
Lagids (Kings of Egypt)
Temenides (Kings of Argos)
+ Argeads (Kings of Macedonia)
+ Princes of Elimotia
Epitides (Kings of Messenia)
Agida (Kings of Laconica)
Eurypontides (Kings of Laconica)
Battids (Kings of Cyrene)
Kypselides (Tyrants of Corinth)
Orthagorides (Tyrants of Sicyon)
Alcmeonides (Archons of Athens)
Peisistratids (Tyrants of Athens)
Philaeides (Tyrants of Chersonese)
Silosonides (Tyrants of Samos)
Emmenides (Tyrants of Akragas)
Dinomenides (Tyrants of Gela and Syracuse)
Tyrants Rhegia
+ Tyrants Fer
Tyrants of Heraclea
Dionysiades (Tyrants of Syracuse)
Agathoclides (Tyrants of Syracuse)
Basilides (Kings of Ephesus)
Pyrrides (Kings of Epirus)
Kings of Pharsalus
Iolaids (Kings of Macedonia)
Lysimachides (Kings of Thrace and Macedonia)
Antigonides (Kings of Macedonia)
Orestids (Noble Macedonian family)
Parmenionides (Noble Macedonian family)
Odris kings
Kings of Mitanni
Mermnads (Kings of Lydia)
Phraortids (Kings of Media)
Achaemenids (Kings of Persia)
+ Mauryas
+ Mithridatides (Kings of Pontus and Bosporus)
+ Polemonides (Kings of Pontus and Bosporus)
+ Aspurgides (Kings of the Bosporus)
+ Ariartides (Kings of Cappadocia)
+ Ervantides (Kings of Armenia)
+ Ptolemais (Kings of Commagene)
+ Artashesids (Kings of Armenia and Iberia)
Tyrants of the Troad
Seleucids (Kings of Syria)
Kings of Bithynia
Spartokides (Kings of the Bosporus)
Pharnavazides (Kings of Iberia)
Arsacids (Kings of Parthia, Middle Atropatene, Armenia and Iberia)
Kings of Bactria
Sassanids (Shahs of Persia)

Aurelius Cotta
Arrecia (Arrecia)
Asparas and Areovindas
Calpurnia Pisona
Flavia 3
Flavia 4
Emilia Lepida
Junia Silane
Justin dynasty
Vandal kings
Surname Amal (Kings of the Ostrogoths)
Surname Balt (Kings of the Visigoths)
+ The first kings of the Burgundians
Kings of the Cimmerians and Sicambri
+ The first kings of the Franks
Suebi kings
Hun kings
Odoacer dynasty
Rugian kings
Leaders of the Saxons (Ancestors of Odin)
+ Offspring of Odin
+ Kings of Bernicia and Northumbria.

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(does not include earlier kings)
Godegisel (+409), king of the Vandals
1. Guntaric, king of the Vandals in 409-428
2. Heisaric, king of the Vandals in 428-477
2.1. Gunerik, king of the Vandals in 477-484, f1-?, daughter of Theodoric I, king of the Visigoths, f2- Evdokia
2.1.1. Gilderic (+532), king of the Vandals in 523-530
2.2. Genton
2.2.1. Guntamund, king of the Vandals in 484-496
2.2.2. Thrasamund (+523), king of the Vandals in 496-523, w- Amalafrida the Elder, daughter of Theodemir, king of the Ostrogoths
2.2.3. Geylaris Gelimar, king of the Vandals in 530-534

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PART 1 - Legendary Amals
Gaut (Gapt), "Father of the Goths and Gauts", the Scandinavian (Ans or As) god of warriors; leads military squads in Scandinavia and southern Germany, the ancestor of many peoples (c. 86/87 won the "initial" victory over the Romans); possibly the hypostasis of Odin-Wodan
1. Humal (Hulmul, Humil, Humli, Hulmul), "Father of the Danes", God of the Danes
1.1. Ogis (Augis, Avigis)
1.1.1. Amal, "Father of the Amals" Gizarnis (Hisarna, Khizarna) [Iron] Ostrogota (Ostrogotha) [Shining Goth], "Father of the Ostrogoths", king of the Pontic (Black Sea) Goths before 245-after 291 ("the first Ans-Amal king in South Russian Scythia"); c.291 defeated in the war a related tribe of the Gepids, whose king was Fastida (decisive battle on the Aukhe near the Galtis oppidum); under him, the "royal Scythians" began to be called grevtungs ["inhabitants of the steppes"], and the part that broke away from the kingdom of the Goths - Tervings or Vez Hunuil (Hunuil) (Hunuil) [Invulnerable to witchcraft] Athal (Athal) [Noble] Achiulf (Ahiulf, Agiulf) (Achiulf) Odulf (Oduulf) Ansila [Small Anse] Ediulf (Edivulf) Vulthulf (Vultuulf), see PART 2 - Royal Branch Germanaric (Ermanarich) (c. 265-c. 375), King of the Grevtungs and Ostrogoths, see PART 3 - Descendants of Germanaric
PART 2 - Royal Branch
Vultuulf (Vultuulf)
1. Valaravans
1.1. Vinitarius (Vitimir) [The winner of the Wends (Slavs)] (Vinitharius aequitas) (Vithimirius) (+376), the prince of the Goths in 375-376, attacked the country of the Antes and ordered to crucify their king God, his sons and 70 elders; a year later, the Hunnic king Balamber, in alliance with Amal Gesimund, opposed Vinitarius; in a long strife, Vinitarius won twice, but in the third battle, on the river Erak, he was killed by an arrow of King Balamber himself in the head
1.1.1. Vandalarius (Viderik) [Vandal vanquisher] (Vandalarius), king of the Grevtungs, in the fall of 376 his guardians, the dux Alatei and the leader of the Alans Safrak, delivered Vandalarius to the Lower Danube Valamir (+468/469), high king of the Pannonian Goths (until 451-468/469), together with the Gepid king Ardaric, belonged to a narrow circle proxies the Hunnic king Attila, in whose army, defeated on Catalaunian fields, Valamir commanded the Ostrogoths; under his command, Amali Andela and Andagis fought on the side of the Huns in 451, who, after the collapse of the Hunnic kingdom, separated from Valamir (?, Theoderich's cousin) Gizo (+487), m- from about 470 Feletey (Feva) (+487), king of the Rugians Theudimir (Theodemir) (Theudimir) (+474), king (pietas) of the Ostrogoths in 468/469-474, together with his brother Vidimir until 473, until 468/469 owned the territory of northeastern Croatia, the king is ready in Macedonia in 473-474 ; adopted the king of the Sueves Gunimund, f- Eriliva (Ereleuva, Erilieva, Eusebius), concubine Amalafrida the Elder (+525), her dowry to Thrasamund was the city of Lilibea in Sicily, m1- (?) Theodebert, king of the Lombards, m2- from 500 Thrasamund (+523), king of the Vandals in 496- 523 Theodatus (Theodahad, Theodebald) (Theodahas) (+536), king of the Ostrogoths in 534-536, w1- Gudeliva, w2- Amalasunta (+535), queen of the Ostrogoths Theodegisel (Teudegiskl, Theodegizd) (Theudegisklos) (killed at a banquet in Seville), Visigothic duke, expelled the Franks in 541, king of the Visigoths in 548-549 Theodenanda, m-Ebrimud ? (son) (+ c. 536, child) Amalaberga, m- Hermanfried (Herminafrid) (Herminafrid), king of the Thuringians Amalafrida the Younger (Amalafridas) ? (daughter), m- Avdoin, king of the Lombards in 540/547-560/561 Alboin, King of the Lombards ?(daughter) (+479) Theoderich (Theodoric) the Great (Theoderich Magn) (c.454-526), ​​king of the Ostrogoths in 474-526, consul in 484, 485 and 519; by order of Theoderic, noble Gothic comites were beheaded: in Rome, in the palace of Sessorio in 500 - Odoin (namesake of the Lombard king Avdoin), in Mediolanum in 514 - Pitz (Pitzia), w1-? (? concubine), w2- Odefleda, daughter of Childeric I, King of the Franks, w3- ? (? Concubine) Theodigota (Thiudigotho), m-Alaric II, king of the Visigoths in 484-507 Ostrogoto (Ostrogotho), m- Sigismund (Sigismund), king of the Burgundians Amalasuintha (+535), queen of the Ostrogoths, m1- Eutaric Kitilla (Eutharic) (Eutharich) (+522/525), m2- Theodatus (Theodebald) (+536), king of the Ostrogoths in 534-536 Athalarich (+534), king of the Ostrogoths in 526-534 Matasuntha, queen of the Ostrogoths, m1- Vitigis (+542), king of the Ostrogoths in 536-540, m2- Herman (+550) ? (daughter), m- Tuluin ? (daughter), m- Flavius ​​Maxim (adopted). Rodulf, King of the Eruli Theudimund, mentioned. in 479, as commander of his brother Theoderic Theodagunda (Theodagunda) Thrasamund Vidimir the Elder (+473/474, Italy), king of the Ostrogoths in 468/469-473/474, together with his brother Theudimir, owned the territory of Upper Slavonia until 468/469, invaded Italy in 473 Vidimir the Younger (Vidimir), identified with Vittimar, inherited the army of the Goths, under his control unsuccessfully fought in Italy; by order of Emperor Glycerius, he went from Italy to the Visigothic (Toulouse) king Eurychus, who was settled in Limousin ? (daughter), m- Theodoric (Theoderich) Strabo "Slanting"
1.1.2. ?(son), see PART 4 ​​- Junior branch
1.2. ?
1.2.1. Valdamerca, m- Balamber (Balimber), king of the Huns in 376
PART 3 - Descendants of Germanaric
Germanaric (Ermanarich) (c.265-c.375), king of the Grevtungs and Ostrogoths; created a great tribal power; conquered the "peoples of the North" (on the Upper Volga); subjugated in the Black Sea region (on the Lower Don) the king of the Eruls ["fast"] Alaric (a possible maternal ancestor of Alaric I, king of the Visigoths); executed the wife of the Rosomon king ["swift" or "red-haired"] Svanhilda (Sunilda), for which he was later mortally wounded by her brothers Ammii (Hamdir) and Sar (Sorli); at the end of his life he suffered a heavy defeat from the Huns; suffering from defeat and his wound, he sacrificed himself to the Gothic god Irmin
1. (?) Gunimund (Hunimund) the Elder
1.1. Gesimund (Gezimund) the Elder, the first king of the Goths under Hunnic rule; as a vassal of the Hunnic king Balamber, together with him waged war with the Gothic prince Vinitarius in 376
1.1.1. (?) Gesimund (Gezimund) the Younger, "Amal's son in arms", regent of the kingdom ready under the young brothers Valamir, Teudimir and Vidimir in c.430-c.440 Gunimund (Hunimund), king of the Danube Suebi c.467/468 (in North Pannonia and South Slovakia); raided the lands of the Gothic king Theudimir, but his Sueves, loaded with prey, were defeated by a chase near Lake Balaton, and the king of the Suevs himself was captured; being in captivity, he was adopted by King Teudimir as "Amal's son in arms"; lost his crown when the Suebi joined their kindred Alamanni
2. Gunimund (Hunimund) the Younger, the prince is ready from 376, defeated the Sueves in Pannonia
2.1. Thorismund (+ before 427, died in battle with the Gepids in Pannonia), prince ready until 427
2.1.1. Berimund, who followed the Vezigots to the west in 427, unsuccessfully tried to become king of the Toulouse Goths, i.e. heir to the Visigothic king Walia Veterik (Vidirich) (Vetericus), taken by his father to the Vezigots in 427 in the Kingdom of Toulouse; in 439 he took a pro-Roman position and showed himself as talented commander; wanted to overthrow the Visigoth king Theoderid with Roman help and become king himself Eutaric (Eutharic) (Eutharich) (+522/525), heir to the throne from 515, consul in 519 under the name Flavius ​​Eutaric Cilliga (Cilliga) (together with Theoderic the Great); adopted by Emperor Justin II as a "son-in-arms", f- Amalasunta (+535), queen of the Ostrogoths
PART 4 ​​- Junior branch
? (possibly son of Vinitarius)
1. Triarius (+455/459), leader of the Goths, subordinate to Constantinople
1.1. Theodoric (Theoderic) Strabo "Slanting" (+481), king of Thrace from 473, leader of the Goths, subordinate to Constantinople, wife (or sister) of Theoderic the Great
1.1.1. Rekitach, killed by King Theoderic the Great for killing his uncle
1.2. ? (son), killed by Rekitah
1.3. ?(son)
2. ? (sister (? or daughter) of Triaria), m- Flavius ​​Ardavur Aspar (+471), "ruler of the Eastern Roman Empire", consul of the West in 433, all-powerful patrician and commander under the emperors Marcian and Leo I
3. Germanaric (Ermanarich) the Elder
PART 5 - Amals and kings whose relationship to the main tree is unclear
Kniva, the king is ready, (?) Subordinate to the king of Ostrogot, his commanders are Agrait (Argayt or Argunt, "King of the Scythians", or, Argunt is a collective name from Argayt and Gunterich) and Gunterich
Andela (of the Amal clan)
1. Andagis, f-?, sister of Alan Kandak (Candac)
1.1. Gunthigis Baza
1. Aidoing (Aidoingus comes domensticorum)
2. ?
2.1. Sidimund
Erarich, King of the Ostrogoths in 541
1. Ildebad (Hildebad), king of the Ostrogoths in 540-541
2. ?
2.1. Totila, king of the Ostrogoths in 541-552
2.2. Fritigern
2.2.1. Teia (+552), comit, commandant of Verona, king of the Ostrogoths in 552; after the death of Teija, the Ostrogoths no longer chose a king for themselves, however, Agathius says that "the Goths were thinking of electing Butilin, the leader of the" Frankish Alamanni ", as their king, then the Goths split into groups led by various committees, the most significant of which were Aligern and the committee of Pavia ready Indulf (former buccellary of the Roman patrician and commander Belisarius)
2.2.2. Aligern, after the death of Teija, was the keeper of the royal insignia, but gave them to the representatives of the emperor and surrendered the city of Kuma
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PART 1 - First Balts
Alika, prince of Tervig, leader of the Goths, who fought in 324 on the side of Emperor Licinius against Emperor Constantine
Ariarich, judge of Tervig in 332
1. Aorikh, Tervigian judge, in 348 persecuted Christians
1.1. Atanaric, king of the Visigoths in 380-396
Fritigern, dux of the Visigoths before 380
Modaris (Modacharius), went over to the side of the Romans Emperor Theodosius in 378 and began to fight against Fritigern

PART 2 - The main tree of the Balts
Alaviv, dux of Tervig in 376-377, f-?, possibly daughter of the Erul king Alaric
1. Alaric (Alaric) I, king of the Visigoths in 396-411, f-?, sister of Ataulf, king of the Visigoths (f1-?, f2- c 414 Elia Galla Placidia)
1.1. ? (daughter), m-Valia, king of the Visigoths in 415-418
1.1.1. ? (daughter), m- ?, svev of the royal family Ricimer (+472), patrician, "Liberator of Italy", w- Alipia ? (daughter), m-Gundiok, king of the Burgundians, from the Atanaricus clan, i.e. Balt
1.2. Theoderidus (Theoderic I), king of the Visigoths in 418-451
1.2.1. Thorismund, king of the Visigoths in 451-452
1.2.2. Theoderic II, King of the Visigoths in 452-466, his son in arms - King Remismund of the Suebi
1.2.3. Friederich (+463)
1.2.4. Eureka (Evryh), king of the Visigoths in 466-484, f- Ragnachild Alaric II, king of the Visigoths in 484-507, w1-? (concubine), w2- Theodigota (Thiudigotho) Gezalik, king of the Visigoths in 507-511 Amalaric, king of the Visigoths in 511-531, w- Clothilde (Clodechild), daughter of Clovis I, king of the Franks Gosvinta, m1 - Atanagild, king of the Visigoths in 554-567, m2 - Leovigild, king of the Visigoths in 568-586 Brunhild (Brunegoth) (+613), m1- Sigebert I, King of Austrasia, m2- Merovei (+577) Galsvinta (+568), m- Chilperic I, King of Neustria Esther (+521), m- Thierry I, King of Austrasia
1.2.5. Retemer (Ricimer)
1.2.6. Himnerite
1.2.7. ? (daughter), m- Gunerik, king of the Vandals in 477-484
1.2.8. ? (daughter), m- Rekiar (+456), king of the Suebi in 448-456
PART 3 - Septiman branch of the Balts
Lewva I (+572), duke de Septimania, king of the Visigoths in 568-572 in Septimania
1. Leovigild, king of the Visigoths in 569-586 in Spain, son or brother of Lewy I, w1- Theodosius, w2- Gosvinta
1.1(1). Hermenegild the Saint (baptized John) (+585, killed in Tarragona), king of the Visigoths in Seville in 578-583, w- Ingonda (+ captured by the Byzantines on the way to Constantinople), daughter of Sigebert I, king of Austrasia, and Brunegoth
1.1.1. Atanagild, f- Flavius ​​Julian Verwandt Ardabast, w- Glaswind Erwig, king of the Visigoths in 680-687, f-Lubigothon Kiksillo (Kikisilona), m- Egika (+702), king of the Visigoths in 687-702, relative of Wamba Vitik (Vitica, Vittiza), king of Galicia in 698-701, king of the Visigoths in 701-710, tried to transfer power to his minor son, but was overthrown as a result of an uprising of the nobility (?) Agila II, king of the Visigoths in 711-714 Alamund (Olemundo) Sarah Romulus (?) Ardo (Ardabast), king of the Visigoths in Septimania in 714-721 Sisebut (682-734), count de Coimbra, see counts de Coimbra
1.2(1). Reccared I, king of the Visigoths in 586-601, w1- Boda (Bauda), w2- Chlodovinta, daughter of Sigebert I, king of Austrasia, and Brynegotes
1.2.1(1). Liuva (Lyuga) II (+605), king of the Visigoths in 601-603, fell victim to the Witterich conspiracy
1.2.2(2). Svintilla, duke, king of the Visigoths in 621-631, f- Theodora, daughter of Sisebut, king of the Visigoths in 612-621, and sister of Reccared II, king of the Visigoths in 621 Rekkimir (+631), (?) Sisenand, duke, king of the Visigoths in 631-636, overthrew Svintilla, fought with other pretenders to the throne - Judila and Geila Khintila (Chintila), king of the Visigoths in 636-639 Tulga (Fulco), king of the Visigoths in 639-642 Hindasvind (Chindasvind), king of the Visigoths in 642-653, f- Rekiberga Rekkesvint, king of the Visigoths in 649-672, he had to suppress the uprising of Froya in 653 in Zaragoza Wamba (+692), king of the Visigoths in 672-680, dethroned by Erwig Theodofred, Duke of Cordoba, w- Requilon de Cordoba Roderic (Rodrigo) (+711, in the battle against the Arabs led by Tarik), Duke of Betiki, king of the Visigoths in 710-711, f- Egilon Egilona, ​​m- Abdul-Aziz-al-Wallid Umayyad, Governor of Andalusia, son of Caliph Marwan I ben-al-Hakam Glaswinda, m1 - Ardabast, m2 - Fruela, count de Cantabria, see kings of Asturias (sideline). Favila, Count of Galicia Favila, Duke of Galicia and Cantabria (sometimes identified with his father), f- Lucia de Cantabria Pelayo (Pelagius) (+737), king of Asturias in 718-737, w- Gaudiossa of Galicia Favila (+739), king of Asturias in 737-739, w- Froiljuva Favinia of Asturias, m- Liutfred III, Duke of Sueven Hermencinda of Asturias, m-Alphonse I Catholic (+757), Duke of Cantabria, King of Asturias in 739-757 Lubigothon, m- Erwig, king of the Visigoths in 680-686
1.2.3(2). Gala, raised a rebellion against Sisenand
PART 4 ​​- Non-dynastic kings of the Visigoths
Sigeric, king of the Visigoths in 415
Theodes, king of the Visigoths in 531-548, was the squire of Theodoric the Great, married a noble Roman woman from Spain
Aguila I, king of the Visigoths in 549-554, unsuccessfully trying to conquer Cordoba, lost his son in battle, was killed in Mérida
Gundemar, king of the Visigoths in 610-612
Witteric, King of the Visigoths in 603-609, deposed King Lewu II
1. Ermenberga, m- Thierry II, King of Austrasia
PART 5 - Visigothic dukes and counts
Victorius, relative of Sidonius Apollinaris, comite and Gothic dux of Aquitaine I
Vincentius (+ c.474), Roman dux of Tarrakona, Visigothic dux of Spain
Goerich, Visigothic Count, executed by order of King Gezalich
Granista and Wildigern, counts of Septiman, together with Ataloch, Bishop of Narbonne, went over from Reccared I to the side of King Guntram of Burgundy
Claudius, Duke of Lusitania, commander of Reccared I
Argimund, duke, rebelled against Reccared I in 590
Hilderic, Count of Nimes, rebelled against Wamba
Paul, Duke of Septimania, sent to suppress the rebellion of Hilderic, Count of Nimes, himself was crowned in Narbonne on the Visigothic throne and began to wage war against Wamba, in which he was defeated
Ranosinde, Duke of Tarracon Spain, supported Duke Paul of Septiman at his coronation and in the war with Wamba
Sunifred, at the beginning of the reign of Egica, proclaimed himself king with the support of Sisbert, Metropolitan of Toledo
Theodemir, Duke of Spain of Carthage, desperately resisting the Arabs, earned their respect and received from them the administration of the principality, including Alicante and Murcia, under supreme authority Arabs
Atanagild, son of Theodemir, Duke of Spain of Carthage
PART 6 - The Episcopal Dynasties of the Visigoths
1. Paul, Bishop of Merida
2. ?
2.1. Fidelis, Bishop of Merida
Gregory, Bishop of Osmia
1. John, Bishop of Saragossa
2. Braulio, Bishop of Zaragoza
3. Phronimian, priest
1. Leander, Bishop of Seville
2. Isidore, Bishop of Seville
3. Fulgentius, Bishop of Aesich
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Gundiok, king of the Burgundians, from the clan of Atanaricus, i.e. Balt, f-?, daughter of the patrician Ricimer
1. Chilperic (+479), King of the Burgundians
1.1. Clotilde of Burgundy, m- Clovis I, King of the Franks
2. Gundobad (+516), King of the Burgundians
2.1. Sigismund (Sigismund), king of the Burgundians, f- Ostrogoto (Ostrogotho)
2.1.1. Sigerich (+522)
2.1.2. Suavegotta, m-Thierry I, king of the Franks in Reims
3. Godegisel, King of the Burgundians
4. Godomar, King of the Burgundians
Aletheus (descendant of Gundiok), rebelled in 613 against the Merovingians

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Hermerich, king of the Suebi in ?-after 441
1. Rehila (+448), king of the Suebi in 438-448
1.1. Rekiar (+456), king of the Suebi in 448-456, f-?, daughter of Theoderid, king of the Visigoths
Agriwulf of the Varn family, king of the Suebi in 456
Maldra, King of the Suebi
Framta, King of the Suebi
Frumar, king of the Suebi in 460
Rehimund (+465), King of the Suebi
Remismund, king of the Suebi from 465, son-in-arms of the Visigoth king Theoderic II, a Visigoth
Hararih, king of the Suebi around 550-558/559
Ariamir, King of the Suebi in 558/559-565
Theodemir, King of the Suebi 565-570
Miro, king of the Suebi in 570-after 576, w1-?, w2- Siseguntia
1. Eborich, King of the Suebi
2. ? (daughter), m-Audeka, king of the Sueves (2nd marriage with Siseguntia, Miro's widow)

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Balamber (Balimber), king of the Huns in 376, f- Valdamerca (Valdamerca)
1. Oktar, king of the Huns
2. Ruga (Ruya) (+ ca. 434), king of the Huns until 434
3. Mundzuk
3.1. Bleda (+447, by order of Attila), king of the Huns in 434-447
3.2. Attila (+453), king of the Huns in 434-453, f1- Kreka, w2- ?, daughter of Escamus, w3- Justa Grata Honorius
3.2.1. Ellacom
3.2.2. Hormidak, King of the Huns
3.2.3. Dengizikh (+470), king of the Huns
3.2.4. Erna (Ernach)
3.3. Ebarsius (Oebarsius)
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Edika (+469), King of the Skirs
1. Hunulf (+493), the commander of Odoacer, in 488 defeated the leader of the Rugians Frederic in the battle
2. Odoacer (+493), king of Italy in 476-493
2.1. Bodies (+493), Caesar
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Flaxciteus (+475), King of the Rugians
1. Feletey (Feva) (+487), king of the Rugians, w - from about 470 Guizot (+487)
1.1. Friederich (possibly +493, in a battle with his relative, Rugii Tufa (+493), former commander of Odoacer), leader of the Rugii; unsuccessfully tried in 488 to win back the kingdom of his father from the king of Italy Odoacer, but was defeated by Hunulf, brother of Odoacer, and fled to Theoderic the Great
2. Frederuch (+482), ruler of Faviana
2.1. (?) Tufa, commander of Odoacer
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LEADERS OF THE SAXES (Ancestors of Odin)
Scythian (Sceaf, Seskef), leader of the Saxons
1. Bedwig, leader of the Saxons
1.1. Praise (Hwala), leader of the Saxons
1.1.1. Atra (Athra, Hathra), leader of the Saxons Itermon (Itermon, Iterman), leader of the Saxons Heremod (Heremod), leader of the Saxons Skeldwa (Skeldwa, Skjold, Scyld), leader of the Saxons Beaw (Beaw, Bjaw), leader of the Saxons Tetva (Taetwa, Tecti), leader of the Saxons Jata (Geata, Jat), leader of the Saxons Godwulf (Godwulf, Gudylfr) (*80), leader of the Saxons Finn (Finn) (*130), leader of the Saxons Frithuwulf, King of Saxony Frialaf (Frealaf, Friallaf) (*c.160), leader of the Saxons Frithuwald (*c.190), leader of the Saxons, f-Beltsa (*c.194) One (Odin, Woden) (215-300), leader of the Saxons, f1- Friya (Friia, Frigg) (* c.219), daughter of Cadwalladr (Cadwalladr) (before 200-after 219), f2- Skadi, g3 - Rind (Rind), see the offspring of Odin Ve (Ve) (*c.217) Vili (*c.219) Hulmul
Hardwick (+90 BC), King of the Saxons
1. Anserich (+4 AD), King of the Saxons
1.1. Vike I (+30), prince of the Saxons
1.1.1. Svartike I (+76), prince of the Saxons Svartih II (+80), prince of the Saxons Sigvard (+100), prince of the Saxons Vitekind I (+106), King of the Saxons Vike II (+190), prince of the Saxons Harbod (+256), King of the Saxons One (Odin, Woden) (215-300), leader of the Saxons, f1- Friya (Friia, Frigg) (* c.219), daughter of Cadwalladr (Cadwalladr) (before 200-after 219), f2- Skadi, g3 - Rind (Rind), see the offspring of Odin
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One (Odin, Woden) (215-300), leader of the Saxons, f1- Skadi, f2- Friya (Friia, Frigg) (*c.219), daughter of Cadwalladr (Cadwalladr) (before 200-after 219), g3- Rind (Rind)
1(1). Yngvi (Yngvi, Yngvi-Frey) (* c. 235), king of Sweden, otherwise his parents are Njord (* c. 214), king of Sweden, and Skadi, see Ynglings
2(1). Skjold (Skjold, Skjoldr) (* c. 237), King of Denmark, w- Gefion (* c. 241), see Skjoldungi
3(1). Semingr, King of Norway
4(2). Vecta (Wecta)
4.1. Witta (Witta)
4.1.1. Wihgils
5(2). Balder (Balder, Baeldaeg) (*c.243), leader of the Saxons, f- Nanna (*c.247), daughter of Gevar (Gewar) (*c.217), king of Norway
5.1. Brond (Brandr), leader of the Saxons
5.1.1. Freydigar (Frjydigar, Frithogar) (*c.299), leader of the Saxons Freyvin (Freyvin, Freawine) (* c. 327), leader of the Saxons Wig (Wig, Uvigg), leader of the Saxons Gewis, leader of the Saxons Elsa, leader of the Saxons Elesa, leader of the Saxons Cerdic (+534), leader of the Saxons, 1st king of Wessex in 532-534, landed on the coast of Anlia in 495, see Kings of Wessex ?(daughter) Stuf Wihtgar (+544), king on Oth Island Oslak, king on the island of Of Osburg (810-846), m- Æthelwulf (806-857), king of Wessex
5.1.2. Beorn (*c.301)
5.1.3. Bernic (Bernic) Alok (Aloc) Angenwit Ingui (Ingui) Esa Eoppa (Eoppa) Ida (Ida) (+559), king of Bernicia in 547-559, w-Bearnoch, see Kings of Bernicia and Northumbria
6(2). Casere
6.1. Tytmon (Tytmon)
6.1.1. Trigils (Trygils) Hrothmund Whirl (Hryp) William Wehha Wuffa (+578), king East Anglia in 571-578, see Kings of East Anglia
7(2). Seaxneat
7.1. Gesek (Gesecg)
7.1.1. Antsek (Antsecg) Sweppa (Sweppa) Sigefugel Bedka (Bedca) Offa (Offa) Aescwine (527-587), King of Essex, see Kings of Essex
8(2). Wegdeg (Waegdaeg)
8.1. Vitgils (Vitgils)
8.1.1. Vitta Heingistr (Heingistr)
8.1.2. Siggar Swebdeg (Swebdaeg) Sigegeat Sebald (Saebald) Sefugle (Saefugl) Westerfalka (Westerfalca) Wilgisl Uxfrea (Uxfrea) Iffi (Yffi), see Kings of Deira and Northumbria
9(2). Wihtleg (Wihtlaeg)
9.1. Wermund, king of angels
9.1.1. Offa (Offa), the king of angels Angelteov (Angeltheow) Eomer (Eomer) Ikel (Icel) Knebba (Cnebba) Kinewald (Cynewald) Creoda (+593), king of Mercia in 585-593, see Kings of Mercia
10(2). Screw (Winta)
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Ida (Ida) (+559), king of Bernicia in 547-559, f-Bearnoch (Bearnoch)
1. Glappa (+560), king of Bernicia in 559-560
2. Adda (+568), king of Bernicia in 560-568
3. Ethelric, Aethelric (+572), king of Bernicia in 568-572
3.1. Ethelfrith (Ethelfrith, Aethelfrith) (+617), king of Bernicia from 592/593 and Deira from 588/590, 1st king of Northumbria (Bernicia + Deira = Northumbria), w1- Bebba, w2- Acha (Acha) , daughter of Elli, king of Deira
3.1.1(1). Enfrith (+634), King of Northumbria in 633-634, f-?, Pictish princess Talorcan (+657), King of the Picts ? (daughter), m- Bile (Bile), Viceroy of Fortrinn Bruid (Bruidhe) III (+693), king of the Picts in 672-693
3.1.2(2). Oswald (+642), King of Northumbria in 634-642, w- Cyneburga of Wessex, daughter of Cynegils, King of Wessex Ethelwald (Ethelwald, Aethelwald), King of Deira
3.1.3(2). Oswy (Oswy, Oswiu) (612-670), king of Northumbria in 641-670, w1- Riemmelth, w2- Eanfled, daughter of Edwin, King of Northumbria, w3- Fina (Fina) Alchfrith (+664), Viceroy of Deira in 654-664, w- Cyneburg, daughter of Penda, King of Mercia Osric (+729), King of Northumbria in 718-729 Alchfled, m- Peada (+656), King of Mercia Ecgfrith (+685), King of Northumbria in 670-685, w1- Ethelreda (+679), daughter of Anna, King of East Anglia, w2- Eormenburg (Eormenburg) Elfwine (+679) Osthryth, m-Ethelred (+704), King of Mercia Elfleda (+714), Abbess of Whitby Alfrid, King of Northumbria
3.1.4(2). Ebba, Abbess of Coldingham
3.1.5(2). ?(son)
3.1.6(2). ?(son)
3.1.7(2). ?(son)
3.1.8(2). ?(son)
3.2. Theobald (+603)
4. Theodric (+579), king of Bernicia in 572-579
5. Frithuwald (+586), King of Bernicia in 579-586
6. Hussa (+593), King of Bernicia in 586-593
7. Ogg (Ogg)
7.1. Aldhelm
7.1.1. Ecwald (Ecgwald) Leodwald Cutwine Coenred (+718), King of Northumbria in 716-718 Ceolwulf (+760), King of Northumbria in 729-737, monk from 737 This (Eata) Eadbert (+768), King of Northumbria in 737-768 Oswulf (+759), King of Northumbria in 758-759, f- Ricthryth Elfwald, Aelfwald I, King of Northumbria in 778-788 ?(son) (+791) ?(son) (+791) Osgyfu, m-Alchred (+774), King of Northumbria in 765-774 Egbert (+766), Archbishop of York in 732-766
8 Alric
8.1. Blackman (Blaecman)
8.1.1. Bofa (Bofa) Byrnhom Elvin (Eahlwine) Alchred (+774), King of Northumbria in 765-774, w- Osgyfu Osred II (+790), King of Northumbria in 788-790 Alchmund (+800)

For specific dynasties - Huns, Bulgarians, etc. - a lot of passes.
It is clear that Slavic dynasties appeared in Europe by 1000. But the authors didn't really care. Like the Scythian dynasties.

Project participants
Vladimir Veksler vba_f2 at
Ramil Kayumov the_who at
Dmitry Kudinov kuddinov at
Nikolai Kulbaka [email protected]
Dmitry Maksinev maksinev at
Konstantin Pogorely constantin at
Viktor Podshivalov gugukara2 at
Sergey Reshetov sergei at
Yuri Sinyugin prutkoff at
Vladimir Solovyov solovjev at
Sergey Trofimov strofimov at

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