Biographies Characteristics Analysis

How to deal with your anger. Basic characteristics of human psychological health

Leading classes in sacred geometry and mandala drawing, author of the blog "Life is like a miracle." I like to develop, learn something new, pass through myself, and then share the most interesting, strong and heartfelt with other people. I do yoga, body-oriented and breathing practices I dance, draw and cook.

  • “What if no one comes to me?” - my old childhood fear. AT school years I was afraid that none of my friends would come to my birthday, and I would be blowing out candles on a birthday cake, surrounded only by my parents and older brother. As an adult, I worked as a PR for ten years, and every time a couple of days before the event that I arranged, I started to panic: “What if no one comes”?

    Interestingly, my fears never came true. My birthdays were noisy and fun, events have always been popular both among journalists and among clients, partners and other guests. And so, when a month ago I announced a course of my mandala drawing classes, my old childhood fear, like a little evil devil, crawled out of the depths of the subconscious and asked my eternal crafty question: “What if no one comes to you?”. My reasonable-intelligent brain immediately began throwing up “convincing” evidence that he was right: “Yes, no one needs this now”, “The market is overloaded with various courses on creativity and self-development”, “To go far”, etc. etc.

    Driven by fear, I began to announce my classes with even greater enthusiasm, making mailing lists, posting ads on the Internet and inviting in person. A couple of weeks before the start of the course passed in active training. But the fear didn't go away. On the contrary, as the appointed date approached, he became stronger and more intrusive.

    Day X came. I arrived at the creative center, with which there was an agreement to conduct my classes, in advance. She unhurriedly prepared the space: she laid out sheets of paper, arranged cups with colored pencils and felt-tip pens, turned on the music, sat down at the table and waited, listening for anyone to come. But there was silence outside the door. My worst fears came true - no one came to me. At the table, prepared with such love by me, I sat alone, not hiding my annoyance and regret. It must have been a few minutes, but for me those minutes stretched into hours.

    And then suddenly I felt that in fact I have a choice: to wallow in self-pity and regrets about unfulfilled dreams, or to accept everything as it is, without drawing any conclusions, without making assessments and without blaming anyone for anything.

    Yes, no one came to class - that's a fact. But, oddly enough, the world did not collapse from this. And I didn't die either. Nothing terrible happened. I am sitting in a beautiful, comfortable room, around me are colored pencils, felt-tip pens, erasers, crayons, compasses, pleasant music sounds, smells of jasmine. Beauty, and only. And suddenly I felt wildly funny. It's just incredibly funny. My God! What I had been so afraid of for so many years, upon closer examination, turned out to be complete nonsense. Ghost! The fruit of a diseased imagination. No wonder they say that fear has big eyes.

    I suddenly looked at myself from the side and saw a little frightened girl who is afraid that no one will come to her, but for her it is like death. After all, in childhood it really is: rejection - real threat for life. And when in childhood we forbid ourselves to live out our fear (we simply don’t have the resource for it), it gets stuck inside us and sits long and hard until we consciously allow ourselves to give up. Those. “die” in your expectations, in your ideas about yourself, about how everything should turn out in life. Allow yourself to be defeated, defeated, unsuccessful. In short, the one who, according to her own conviction, “cannot be”. Let go of yourself, stop controlling the situation, trust life and accept what comes to us from a state of complete surrender.

    When there are difficulties in our lives, we tend to try to quickly deal with them. But not easy life situations are given to us not so that we change them, but so that we ourselves change in them. By changing ourselves, we change the world around us.

    I spit on all expectations and accepted the fact that yes, no one will come today, but this does not mean at all that no one needs my classes, or something is wrong with me. And as soon as I stopped tyrannizing myself, treated myself with tenderness, sympathy and slight irony, the door opened, and a woman entered the hall. It was Svetlana. And she came to my classes. Can you imagine? Just to me and to my classes! How cool!

    Frankly, I forgot that we wrote off the day before, and that between us there was an agreement to meet. If we have some kind of false belief or a program laid down by no one knows who, then we will adjust our reality to a ready-made template.

    Our session went great. Svetlana turned out to be a deep, sincere and talented woman. One person also came to my second lesson. But my feelings and sensations from this were completely different. No regrets or regrets. I was happy with everything and accepted everything with gratitude. I still have no guarantees that someone will come to me. But there is no fear either. Nothing spoils my mood and does not take strength before classes. By the way, three weeks later I held a master class for as many as twelve people. And this is just the beginning!

    How to deal with anxiety and fear? A few rules that I came up with for myself:

    Let go of control over the situation, and over life in general. Stop expecting things to happen the way you planned. Events happen that are beyond our control: we are not able to answer for other people, influence some external circumstances, etc. Accept any outcome of the case, without judgment, panic and indignation. Take it as a lesson, after passing which you will receive a new life experience, new opportunities, new perspectives will open before you, you will see the situation from a different angle.

    Let spontaneity into your life. Plan and organize your life process healthy. But be prepared to change and make adjustments. Life always offers us many other great ideas and opportunities that we often overlook behind our strict schedule, our rigid planning, our limited vision of how things should happen.

    Take off your crown. Do not strive to be always successful and prosperous. Forgive yourself for what you can’t do and what you don’t have time to do. Allow yourself to lose, fall and even crash. Having broken, you will see that the image of a “successful and prosperous person” no longer exists. And this image no longer needs to be maintained. The worst has already happened. Now you can relax, rest, catch your breath, get up and move on, easily and freely, concentrating your strength, attention and resources on something more important and worthwhile.

    Do not resist your fear, do not fight it, and in no case, do not say that you are not afraid. Fear is important to recognize. Without evaluations, judgments and sentencing. Approach it, consider it more carefully: how it manifests itself in your body, what sensations you experience while doing it, watch them. Breathe deeply and calmly. Live consciously all your sensations. Allow yourself to be afraid. After a while, you will feel how the iron grip of your fear has weakened, and you will feel better. And a little later you will see all the inconsistency and absurdity of your anxieties and fears.

    Xenia Chuzha

    Anger, in its purest form, originates in a situation of danger. When there is a threat to life, it helps a person to attack and defeat the enemy.

    Uncontrolled splashing of anger can negatively affect relationships and affect the well-being of the angry person himself. The same can be said about holding back feelings. The suppression of anger also carries with it a rather big bouquet: illnesses (anger is directly related to the condition of the kidneys, heart, stomach), violations of harmony in relationships up to the cessation of communication, lowering self-esteem, and so on.

    If you understand that the feeling of anger worries you (you cannot control your outbursts or you constantly suppress emotions in yourself), you need to start acting now. You can't wait for a situation to arise in order to practice the techniques for mastering direct anger.

    Wedge wedge or something else

    There are many techniques that help get rid of negativity. Some experts advise to throw out emotions in physical exercises and activities. active sports, others recommend doing relaxation, meditating, "reflecting in statics."

    What suits you best? Need to decide on your own. Most active angry people need physical release from the emotion. For this, dance therapy, swimming, any kind of oriental martial arts, tennis are suitable. Note that physical wrestling in anger needs additional work with psyche. It is necessary to master meditative techniques and auto-training.

    You need to work on bringing anger to consciousness. You must understand and accept what your anger is for given time you don't know how to control. You also need to remind yourself more often of how destructive this emotion is if left unchecked. Work also to eliminate the causes of anger.

    There are several types (stages) of relaxation that help to cope with anger:

    • verbal reflection. Come up with a story for yourself, a verbal formula that affects you. It can be, for example, a comparison: “I am calm. I know how to be like this in this feeling, like my coach.
    • Figurative reflection. A relaxing image, clearly presented and felt internally, helps visuals fight anger. People of this type calm down, imagining a warm stream of positive energy, morning evaporation from the earth, the sea surface or the flight of a bird in the clouds.
    • Erasure of anger. First you need to remember how angry you are, the situation that causes this feeling in you. Then mentally erase this emotion, imagine that it does not exist for you in this case.
    • Mental rewriting. After erasing, practice mentally rewriting your behavior. Design how you will behave when trouble happens. Think in detail about what and how you will do instead of anger, what feelings you will experience at the same time, and what image or verbal formula will be your support.
    • Emotional memories. Try to think of a time when you felt at peace. Remember down to the smallest detail everything that happened then. Now try to remove the feeling from the past time and situation and insert it into your present. Return to this feeling as often as possible so that it becomes an integral part of you. Make it brighter by saturating this peace in your imagination with color, smell, tactile experiences.
    • Reinforcing feelings. Imagine what a strong, good-natured, resilient and active calmness looks like. What does it smell like. What does it look like. What colors suit him. Feel how it permeates you, penetrates into every cell of the body and relieves anger, makes you an easy and pleasant person.

    Exercise for 5-10 minutes in the morning and evening.

    If you are determined to channel your anger in a peaceful direction, first observe the experience. Track your behavior, record observations on paper, in a video diary or using a voice recorder. Analyze the causes of anger and look closely at the precursors-signals, followed by negativity.

    Also get rid of muscle clamps. Anger tends to concentrate in certain areas of the body. Notice where you tense up the most when you're angry. It is with these areas that you need to work the most. Along with blocks and clamps, chronic uncontrollable anger also goes away. In a relaxed state, a person is simply unable to be angry.


    But what to do when the situation is tense, and the anger is already there.

    1. Breath. Calm deep breathing helps to calm down. The heartbeat normalizes, the level of hormones drops.

    2. Concentration. Look at something in the setting - a table, a window, a flower - and mentally describe this object as if a blind person asked you to.

    3. Action. Get up and quickly walk around the room, go to another room, move a chair or drink a glass of water. This switch of attention helps to cool off a little.

    It is not always possible to completely manage anger in this way, but at least it can be reduced a little.

    Good for working with impending anger visualization. So, you are an active observer. First you need to imagine yourself, for example, on top of a mountain. Below is your situation. What does it look like from below? Huge. What does it look like from the mountain? A small dot in the background of the rest of nature. Now imagine your anger in the form of a cloud that will wet not only a small point, but everything around. You can control this cloud by pushing it into the sky. Try to imagine how you see the cloud of your anger floating away and, finally, completely disappearing from view. Think from the height of your mountain how you can get out of the situation without a cloud of anger.

    Working on anger should not be one-time or situational. Only regular classes exercise and meditation techniques will help manage anger. It is impossible to completely get rid of this natural feeling, but the knowledge that even in the most unexpected situation you can control yourself makes life much easier. All rights reserved. Reprinting of the article is allowed only with the permission of the site administration and indicating the author and an active link to the site

    Internal indecision and uncertainty are inherent in both women and men.

    And although it is common for the beautiful half of humanity to be weak and need protection, it is not at all natural, due to obsessive tightness and constraint, to limit one's own life in many ways.

    Not knowing how to overcome self-doubt, fear and embarrassment, most notorious people continue to infringe on their needs for fear of doing something wrong. The causes of insecurity are quite extensive and individual for each, but the most common (which can give rise to other consequences) is the regular devaluation of any actions of a child or adolescent.

    Under rudeness, rudeness, swagger and arrogance, the stronger sex often tries to hide shyness and self-doubt, timidity. Fear of duties at work, reproaches at home and the inability to fight back or the indifference of friends ...

    All this is generated by self-doubt, which is reverse side low self-esteem. What reasons can give impetus to a person’s self-doubt and his fear of communication?

    Sources of uncertainty:

    • Exaggerated demands and expectations of others that did not materialize.
    • Conviction of parents in the worthlessness and mediocrity of their child.
    • Perception of any failure in the form of a large-scale tragedy.
    • Dependence on the opinion of society.

    Signs of a weak character:

    • The inability to answer a categorical "no".
    • Suspiciousness.
    • Subservience and subservience to other people.
    • General stiffness and depression in communication.
    • Fear of offending someone.
    • Inability to make decisions.

    Fight with yourself

    Modesty is not at all an obstacle to a full-fledged lifestyle, but insecurity is fraught with the fact that they do not pay attention to a person. Inside a person there is a constant struggle and unsettles him.

    He feels dependent on society and various situations, unable to become independent and self-sufficient in everything, while experiencing terrible psychological discomfort. The question of how to overcome self-doubt is considered by psychology from several points of view, based on what influenced the individual - upbringing or his behavior.

    It is quite difficult to change some character traits and one's perception, since the habits that began to have a bad effect on our existence were fixed for years, and the person considered this to be normal. Until I realized real problem faced with indecision and fears already in adulthood.

    If you start thinking about how to overcome shyness and self-doubt, you can be surprised to note that this is a completely solvable difficulty. But in no case should you continue to fuel this problem by driving yourself into depression and starting to get nervous, and then relieve tension with the help of pills or alcohol.

    What to do if self-doubt does not allow you to live in peace?

    Ways to get rid of self-doubt:

    • Do nice little things for loved ones to talk about your ideas and thoughts without fear of being misunderstood.
    • Workout and leave the comfort zone in the form of a cozy chair and a soft blanket.
    • Break down your plans and goals into step-by-step actions. So dreams become not so unattainable and scary.
    • Tune in positive emotions and don't take failure too personally. You need to understand that any bad luck is a valuable lesson that will give wisdom and help you achieve your goal more easily. Inspire yourself with a positive attitude and faith in own forces needed every day.
    • Stop reviewing your actions and words with the eyes of other people. Someone else's opinion is good. You can listen to him, but you always have to decide for yourself. Do not allow yourself to be pressured and manipulated. Defending your own point of view and not depending on others is the main rule of a confident and successful person.
    • Make new friends, get into that environment that will be homely, cozy and pleasant for you, get rid of communication with unsympathetic people. After all, the sphere social interaction greatly affects the worldview and thoughts.
    • self esteem- the best ally in the fight against insecurity and constraint. Love yourself.
    • Learn something new all the time not be afraid of the unknown and unknown. New facets will allow you to look at the world more broadly and not be afraid of change.
    • Take it easy on the things that matter. Depreciation important aspects will bring relaxation, and you will stop intimidating your subconscious mind with the eternal "what will happen if ...".
    • See a person in a similar situation that seems frightening and unrealistic to you, which in practice proves its experience and confidence in this issue. Then the fear will dissolve.
    • Awareness in the matter(whether new job or an exam) contributes to the fact that there is nothing to fuel the fear. Judge for yourself - why be afraid if you know how and know everything?

    Tests to help you become more confident

    In order to understand how to overcome fear and self-doubt, you can set yourself permanent tasks and complete them. different ways, noting for himself how easier and easier it is to act in a particular case. For example:

    • Walk into any store and ask the salesperson to advise you thoroughly on a particular product, then thank them and leave without buying anything.
    • Approach a passerby and ask for some information.
    • Come to a cafe and make acquaintance with the guy / girl you like by inviting to the cinema or offering a cup of coffee.

    To get rid of the uncertainty and take additional opportunity to become stronger, it is necessary to reveal fears, reminding ourselves that this is only a temptation that makes us defenseless and susceptible to negativity.

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    Let your psyche rest, stop winding yourself up with things that may not even happen. Start moving forward and repeat to yourself “I can do it!”.

    gall man

    Biliary refers to people who react sharply to external stimuli, but at the same time they do not splash out their emotions, but release caustic remarks. From a physiological point of view, the word "biliary" has quite direct meaning. Due to the fact that a person does not use the energy of anger for its intended purpose - for aggression, he redirects the adrenaline storm to the internal organs. The liver begins to produce bile, the stomach intensively throws out gastric juice. But the food is not coming. In fact, the stomach and duodenum begin to digest themselves. Therefore, people who are prone to anger, as a rule, suffer from gastrointestinal diseases: they develop gastritis, duodenitis, colitis, ulcers.

    When a tipsy subject steps on his foot, one would like to hint that he was born in vain. Can you give free rein to your anger or not? We decided to consider not the social, but the medical side of anger: what happens in our bodies when we sharply and uncontrollably hate others?

    Anger, irritability and anger are rooted in guilt. Sounds weird, right? But if you dig deeper, everything falls into place.

    Feeling of guilt is such a state of personality when it is split into two parts. Roughly speaking, one part of the personality does something, and the second one swears at it for it. It is relatively easy to deal with the feeling of guilt that arises as a result of a wrong act: you can apologize, buy a gift, pay a fine, confess, serve time in prison - depending on the situation, neutralize the wrong action with the right act.

    But there is a deeper sense of guilt that we cannot consciously explain to ourselves. In fact it is. But if before people with such deviations were put in the hospital, today it is considered the norm.

    Fight with yourself

    The pattern of feelings of guilt and anger at the physiological level completely coincides with the pattern of fear.

    When a person experiences fear, the sympathetic part of the autonomic nervous system. That is, as a result of a reaction to a negative event, the body is preparing to do something: run, fight, defend itself. This is an instinct inherited from our wild ancestors: danger - we must defend ourselves.

    The body begins to produce adrenaline, it is injected into the bloodstream and activates all combat-ready parts of the body. The blood flow to the muscles that are responsible for active physical actions increases, the heart rate increases, the pupil expands. Concentrating forces in the muscles, the blood flows from the skin, away from the internal organs of the abdominal cavity.

    If we took active physical actions, adrenaline would be split, used up, and the nervous system would come into balance. But after all this heroic preparation, we, unlike our wild ancestors, do not rush to tear the enemy with our teeth, but politely ask the tipsy subject to get off his feet and breathe in the other direction. Therefore, the nervous system is forced to stabilize in a different way.

    After the sympathetic part of the nervous system has been activated and the energy has not been used up, the swing swings towards the parasympathetic autonomic part of the nervous system. All those bodies responsible for "peaceful provision" are being activated. First of all, it is the skin and internal organs located in the abdominal cavity.

    Due to the fact that the energy was released a lot, it hits our internal organs. Most negatively, this affects the organs of the cardiovascular system and digestion. An active flow of blood to these organs makes the endocrine glands work hard, the secretion of gastric juice accelerates, and pressure jumps become more frequent.

    How are subconscious guilt and anger related?

    ♦ You are late for work because you cannot find your keys. You assume that because of being late, trouble will happen in which you will be to blame. Perhaps nothing terrible will actually happen, but inner voice turned off sanity and turned on jitters. Therefore, anything that makes you linger, . You're late for work because you can't find your keys. You assume that because of being late, trouble will happen in which you will be to blame. Perhaps nothing terrible will actually happen, but an inner voice turned off sanity and turned on the jitters. Therefore, anything that makes you linger causes irritation.

    ♦ A dearly beloved husband asks you to hem his trousers. But the last time you were hemming something was at school in a labor lesson. And they got a well-deserved three for the curvature of the seam. Plus, you need to cook dinner for the child and I would like to watch a movie. You are sure that if you refuse your husband's request, you will be guilty. And, without refusing and spoiling the trousers, even more so. Therefore, the request of the husband causes unconscious irritation: take it to the studio, I was not hired!

    ♦ As a child, your mother taught you that raising your voice is impolite. And then you see a woman who harshly reprimands something to her husband. You do not know which of them is right, and in general, someone else's life is none of your business. But the woman makes you angry. Why? The reaction works according to the mirror type: if I screamed loudly, I would feel guilty. A woman with her scream pushes you to feel guilty - and this is enough to awaken anger.

    5 ways to deal with anger

    1 . To "bleed" the energy generated as a result of an outburst of anger, you can run, shout, even beat the dishes. This will not solve the problems associated with guilt, but it will save your body from another devastating blow.

    2. Anger is accompanied muscle tension. Take it off! With your mind's eye, go through the entire body, making sure that each muscle relaxes. It is also necessary to relieve tension from the lips, jaws, forehead, around the eyes. If the body is relaxed, there is simply nothing to experience emotions.

    3. get busy breathing exercises. Ordinary deep breathing has magic power: It makes the muscles of the body relax. When breathing, track how the bottom of the lungs fills first, then the middle, and finally the collarbones rise.

    4. The method of "self-reflection". It is necessary to internally answer the question: what can I not afford myself? After the prohibitions are identified, you need to understand whether you are ready to remove them. For example, if you've been holding yourself back from enjoying life all your life, it might be time to give it a try. Thus, you will stop being annoyed about people who make noise and have fun, - after all, what is allowed to oneself is allowed to others.

    5. It is also interesting to examine yourself for "my" and "not my" decisions. We all have a set of unshakable principles. And who established these dogmas? For example, a person is sure that he is kind. But to the question “Why should one be kind?” cannot answer. So, this decision is not his, but his teacher. Perhaps it is better to recognize your own natural wickedness and consciously take control of it.

    And yet there are phobias, the origin of which can be traced. They were born in a situation that was very frightening. It is enough that an unpleasant event somehow reminds of itself or a similar atmosphere develops, and it works. conditioned reflex, and with it the habit of fear takes root.

    If you want to defeat phobias, “uproot” them by the roots, you will have to work hard. The first thing to do is to audit your fears and admit that you have them. Take a notebook and make a list of what is stopping you from living.

    You can create a kind of rating of fears. In the first place write giant phobias. It is not easy to cope with them, the only way is to avoid, for example: I am afraid to fly on airplanes, so I never fly. Fears of a smaller scale worry from time to time. Let's say I'm afraid that I didn't close the door, turned off the iron and keep coming back to check. And there are minor "horror stories", which we drive away like annoying flies, afraid of our own negative fantasies. Ask why you need to write minor fears? Firstly, it is easy to train on them - so to speak, weed out until they have grown. Secondly, the energy of anxiety tends to flow from one fear to another: and who knows what the little “stupidity” that crept into the head will turn into in the future.

    Next, write what Are you losing by following your fears? It is important not to play the role of a victim of your own phobia. Take responsibility for her, you yourself "raised" her.For example: fear of flying on airplanes ( aerophobia) deprives me of the opportunity to see new places and countries, to have a good rest. Let friends come so happy. And I will sit in the country and water the weeds of fear with tears of unfulfilled hopes. Do not say: "Yes, I do not need it." Just admit: "It is necessary, but I'm afraid!" The fact is that almost every step of a person is associated with the unknown, and this is alarming. As the Ph.D. said James Hollis: “Anxiety is the price of a ticket to the journey of life; no ticket - no journey; no travel no life. We can run from anxiety as long as we can, but that means we are running from our life, which we have only one.”

    Don't feed your fears

    List of fears before your eyes. It is clear that there are giant phobias that you need to work with for a long time and seriously. Here, of course, you should resort to the help of specialists - psychologists and psychotherapists. But you can try to do something on your own.

    According to statistics, 40% of people are afraid to fly on airplanes, but still do it, thereby depriving their fear of strength. And 10% avoid air travel, even being afraid to think about it. Escape from unpleasant emotions each time makes fear stronger, this is a kind of fertilizer for a phobia. You feed on fear. And he is growing. This law works here: running away from what causes horror, a person receives relief, akin to pleasure, which reinforces the habit of being afraid. Like any habit, it is based on moments of high. Let's say you're afraid to ride the elevator, and just thinking about doing it makes your hamstrings tremble. And you stomped 15 floors on foot - it's hard, but at some physiological level there is glee - but it's not scary! So, in order to neutralize fears - big and small - it is necessary, first of all, not to succumb to them, to go towards them with a raised visor. Any action contrary to one's own fears weakens them.. And you need to do this consciously: you felt how fear raises its head, say: "I'll do it anyway!" Rise above the clouds, ride in the elevator, enter this door ...

    It is important to feel stronger than fear, so it is useful to draw it (on paper or in imagination), give it a comical name, contact it as if it were a real object, and drive it away when it appears and interferes with your life.

    Train your imagination

    If you have set yourself the goal of defeating a phobia, begin to live out fears in a safe environment. get busy visualization 15 minutes a day, painting in your mind pictures and events in which you behave naturally. At the same time, you can choose affirmations- positive statements: “I walk the streets easily and freely, I succeed in everything, I am safe!” After all, what are fears - these are the same habits. And from any bad habit, according to a doctor of psychology Terry Cole Whittaker, you can get rid of in 21 days. Important condition- do not do what you are used to, but vice versa.

    There is another exercise that “knocks out” a phobia from its familiar place. Seek help from a person who is close and knows you, let him give arguments in favor of your fear. Your task is to convince him of this. For example, let's try to smash to smithereens " acrophobia» (fear of heights). A friend says: “Climbing high is dangerous, you can fall!” You: "That's not true!" And bring your counterargument. He puts forward another phrase, you answer your argument. Psychological game should take place at a brisk pace: in 5 minutes, find 10 replicas “for” and “against”. You won't notice how subconscious program will change.

    Paradox treatment

    There is a technique in psychotherapy: paradoxical intention. The client says: "Doctor, I'm afraid!", and the doctor says to him: "Couldn't you be a little more afraid." For example, a person must speak in front of an audience and is afraid of “failing” to the point of colic, his voice is trembling, his hands are shaking. What does it offer kind doctor? Reinforce these feelings. When suffering from a phobia, people are afraid of the symptoms, in the end, the fears themselves. And they are instructed: "Try to be afraid, expect fear, desire it!" It turns out that we take the phobia into a bridle, we begin to control it, and it disappears. In addition, a humorous approach always defuses the situation.

    Peace, only peace!

    When a phobia covers the head, a person experiences a state of panic: the heart jumps out of the chest, the arms and legs become cold, the breath is squeezed. What to do in such a situation? Important learn to relax and breathe properly in advance, while switching attention to another topic. Keep your mind ready best stories from your life, when you felt good, comfortable, you felt confident. Let's say you're afraid to ride the subway. The moment a panic attack creeps in, think, “How am I breathing?” And bring your attention to your breath, aligning it. At the same time turn on the "golden reserve" of impressions - beautiful pictures from the past, plunging into them down to sensations and poses. Smile! According to the theory of the American psychologist William James, emotions follow the body. Facial expressions, posture, gestures create the right wave and change the mood.

    Finally, I would like to say that you need to be a very brave person in order to defeat your own phobias. You will have to go through nightmares and horrors, overcome the feeling of anxiety. But life without fear is worth it!