Biographies Characteristics Analysis

How to leave a good impression of yourself. How to make a good impression when meeting someone

The importance of first impressions. Factors that determine a person’s perception when meeting them, as well as everything about how to form the right opinion about yourself. Effects that can distort reality during the first meeting.

The content of the article:

The first impression is the image that other people form when they first meet a person. This happens not only through receiving emotional and physical information, but also through developing your personal reaction to it. Thus, a certain set of characteristics of this individual is formed in the head, in accordance with which further communication will develop. For all of humanity, this process is very important, because it is it that predetermines any relationship between people. Therefore, everyone is trying to learn how to make the impression that he needs in a given situation.

Factors in forming a first impression

The process during which an impression is formed lasts only the first few minutes of acquaintance. Despite this, it fits into people’s heads as a guideline for building future relationships. How a person is perceived at this moment depends on many factors that influence the formation of the first impression. Majority modern psychologists tries to make a list of the most important points to which attention is drawn first.

Today among them are:

  • Appearance. This factor can be explained as an assessment of the overall picture. This refers to emotions that arise for the first time at the sight of a given person. They are not supported by conversations or manners, but are simply based on how his appearance during the meeting makes him feel.
  • Elements of appearance. No matter how anyone tries to argue, the most important point in forming the first impression of a person is the assessment of material qualities. This includes clothes and the condition of hair, nails, and skin. Everything that can be seen with the naked eye even before the conversation begins. Absolutely all people pay attention to this and take note long before recognition specific person as individuals.
  • Showing emotions. Only after assessing previous qualities are the intangible characteristics of a person taken into account. At this moment, attention is paid to the manifestation of feelings. What is important is how this person will behave in a given situation, whether he will smile during jokes and what views on life he shares. Thus, they evaluate moral qualities, which is also important when dating.
  • Features of behavior. Many people are able to determine many of his character traits from the first minutes of a person’s posture. To do this, they evaluate gait, the position of arms and legs during communication, gestures, movements of facial muscles, and even the nature of the smile. These and many other points make it possible to determine the opponent’s intentions and openness, his habits and attitude towards the company. This item It is also extremely important because it helps to find out a person’s character type.
  • Individual qualities. The last thing that is assessed when meeting a person is his personal characteristics. These are the qualities that set him apart from total mass. These may include both your outlook on life and the presence of a mole on your chin. In a word, something that can catch and attract the attention of those present.
Most often, the listed factors are used in this order. But despite this, each person tends to notice what is more important and interesting, changing this sequence.

Effects that distort first impressions

Considering that the first impression of a person is formed in an incredibly short period of time, it cannot be called objective. The thing is that its formation is influenced not only this moment, but also other factors. This various circumstances and information that may distort the resulting picture. It often happens that when an individual sees his opponent, he already has certain subconscious prejudices about him.

There are several effects that have this effect:

  1. Halo. This concept means exaggerating the importance of the first impression. After all, it can create a certain image that will be taken into account in all subsequent meetings. For example, if, when you first meet a woman, she likes and is interested in a man, then in the future she will justify all his bad actions herself. Exactly the same situation may develop and not in his favor. If he was late or made a bad joke on the first date, then there is no point in hoping for a second.
  2. Primacy. When evaluating a person, everyone tends to set their own priorities. And that’s why some people first look at eye color, while others look at neatness in clothing or generosity. It is the impression from the first point that can determine the attitude towards a given person in general. Therefore, someone can be conquered by a beautiful jacket or by uttering the desired phrase, even if, apart from this, the person cannot boast of anything else. Perception is shaped by what was initially presented.
  3. Boomerang. Almost every person knows what this phenomenon means. The thing is that people always tend to somehow resist influence on them. Therefore, in relation to those who immediately try to join the team, attract attention or put themselves above the rest, they develop negative emotions. Everyone perceives them as enemies and, despite their subsequent actions, they look for a catch everywhere.
  4. Condescension. This sign is exclusively a trait of a person who has to form an opinion about someone. There are people who tend to feel sorry for others, so they will initially have a good attitude towards everyone. Their opinion cannot be called objective, but this is how they see others.
  5. Stereotyping. A very common phenomenon that is observed in relationships between men and women. It is in such cases that people tend to perceive new acquaintances with a preconceived bad opinion. If a lady has been cheated on once, then each subsequent male representative will need to prove to her that he is not like that. And it doesn’t matter at all that she has no reason to think so, because here the stereotype that was formed earlier is in charge.
  6. Projection. This happens among people who very much dislike certain qualities in themselves. That is why they subconsciously try to discern them in others. Consequently, the opinion about a person will be initially bad, because it is supported by the most unloved habit or character trait. People rarely notice such problems themselves, but communication with them is still quite difficult.

How to make a good impression

To build any relationship, it is very important that a person is recognized on the good side. Not all people know how to show all their advantages, and this is quite capable of alienating others from them. To learn how to make a first impression, you don’t need to re-read millions of smart books and monographs. You just have to allow yourself to be yourself and take into account some facts about your opponent.

Peculiarities of behavior when meeting people

First you need to gather your thoughts and set a goal for this meeting. It is necessary to clearly understand how important it is for a person what they think about him. Having figured out these criteria for yourself, you can begin to prepare yourself.

Here are some tips to follow when dating:

  • Be natural. When a person has an important meeting, he tries to prepare for it as thoroughly as possible. But outwardly, such ideality may seem feigned and unreal, which will repel you even more. Moreover, the entire acquaintance will be spent on reflection, so as not to forget something and not say too much. Therefore, such long preparation will not lead to anything good. It is better to be yourself and communicate with a person sincerely, without unnecessary fuss.
  • Don't flatter. In order to please someone, you don’t have to completely imitate him. All people are individual in their actions and views. And availability own opinion I like it more than sycophancy and agreement with everything. Of course, you shouldn’t defend your point of view too fiercely, so as not to offend your opponent. Everything should be in moderation.
  • Enjoy the meeting. Regardless of which people will be present during the conversation, you need to calm yourself and approach this situation wisely. If a meeting should take place, then it is better not to resist it, but, on the contrary, to look for common ground with the person. You need to listen to it carefully and take it for yourself. useful information. Such a meeting can bring a lot of fruit for both parties while building a constructive approach.
  • Take a look at yourself from the outside. Sometimes this skill greatly helps a person to make life easier during important meetings. After all, we look at ourselves from a completely different angle. An individual's gestures and jokes may be understandable only to him alone, but outsiders can perceive them as an insult. Therefore, it is worth reconsidering your communication manners so that they are accessible and understandable to everyone.
  • Define your advantages. To interest someone, you must first determine for yourself exactly how this can be done. After this, it will be much easier to establish communication, because the person will know his main strengths. They are the ones who should attract attention from the outside and make communication interesting. Such attractive moments can be a sense of humor and friendliness. If a person cannot understand what interesting things he has to offer, he needs to carefully work on himself.

Rules for conducting a conversation with an interlocutor

Firstly, you always need to get to know your opponent as closely as possible, learn to understand his interests and views on life. This will help build a more constructive conversation without awkward moments.

Secondly, it is worth adhering to the universal rules of conversation, which are generally accepted:

  1. Listen. Every interlocutor requires this. It is very important and necessary for everyone that they pay attention, show tolerance and nod their heads in response to some phrases. If such an opportunity was provided, then the subsequent conversation will be very productive. At least out of a sense of politeness, a person’s requests will not be refused, they will be called good listener and interlocutor.
  2. Don't talk much. It is very important that the opponent does not feel out of place during the unique monologue that has developed. People who start a conversation by discussing their problems only scare those around them away. Do not bother your interlocutor with excessive attention and chatter. Any conversation should end before the person begins to hint about it or speak directly about it.
  3. Call by name. For some reason about this point in modern world Few people remember. But in fact, any person is always pleased to hear his name. Therefore, you need to try to do this as often as possible. Thus, respect for the interlocutor is shown and the first impression of his opponent also improves. Naturally, this does not apply to business meetings where it is necessary to address people by name and patronymic.
  4. Install eye contact . No matter how strange it may sound, the method really works. A direct look into the eyes indicates that to this person What really matters is his interlocutor. The maneuver will definitely be appreciated.
How to make a first impression - watch the video:

The psychology of first impression is extremely popular in the modern world. The influence on subsequent communication and the development of any relationship is almost always built on this principle. Therefore, it is very important to be able to not only express yourself correctly when meeting, but also learn to objectively evaluate your new acquaintances. This way, a person will never have problems with misunderstandings or underestimation of his personality, and all important conversations will become normal small talk.

The first impression of a person is formed in 7 seconds. Whether it's a party, a date, a job interview or a meeting with business partners, always be fully prepared, because there is no other chance to produce good first the impression will no longer be there.

How to leave a good impression about yourself?

Do you chronically make a bad impression on people or have trouble communicating when you meet someone for the first time? No problem - in this material we will tell you how to win over any person with whom chance brings you together.

Others are shy too

Constriction – main reason, in which the acquaintance may not go as you expected. But it works both ways - you have no idea how many people consider themselves shy. In 1995, 40% of respondents surveyed by statisticians considered themselves “shy”; by 2007 their number had grown to 58%. Remember that most people feel uncomfortable being in a room with strangers.

Down with selfishness

When contemplating the first contact, many people ask: “How to avoid awkward situations? How can you turn the situation to your advantage?” Psychologists advise that before the first dialogue with new acquaintances, change this attitude to “What can I do for these people?” Having to think about others first will distract you from your insecurities and defuse the situation.


Doctor social psychology From New York University, Peter Mende-Sedlecki proved that people generally trust “friendly” faces and reject “hostile” ones. At the same time, a person needs only 34 milliseconds to read facial expressions from the interlocutor’s face and decide whether he is trustworthy. So smile and make eye contact.

Match the occasion

Each event has its own atmosphere. Before you go somewhere where you will certainly have to communicate with strangers, analyze the nature of the event. This will help you get in the right frame of mind and not make mistakes with your choice of clothes and topics of conversation.

Prepare a 7-second story about yourself

No need to write out your biography from a toddler, just tell a couple of things about yourself: “Hi! I'm Christina, the sister of your friend Mitya. I came from Moscow to St. Petersburg this weekend, glad to meet you.” the main objective– help the interlocutor find common ground and start a dialogue (see point 2). “What do you do?” is perhaps the most popular question when meeting people after the question about their name. Try to interest your interlocutor in your answer and force him to delve deeper into the questions.

Instead of “I am a realtor,” say “I help people find peace of mind and a roof over their heads,” instead of “I edit school textbooks,” say “I show the younger generation the vector of development.” Don't be afraid to sound too pompous; in the end, everything can be reduced to a joke.

Four magic words

Let's say the conversation about your work lasted a minute or a minute and a half. A start has been made - what to do next? Show interest in the other person’s life: “What about you?” Find out about his work, hobbies, and main activities. Attention is always nice. But you shouldn’t feign interest if you don’t have it: you risk being branded a hypocrite in the eyes of another person.

Use body language

You can approach the theory of body language in different ways, but you should not deny the influence of nonverbal signals on your impression of a person. If the interlocutor “mirrors” your manners and postures, the speed and rhythm of speech, you unconsciously feel acceptance towards him - “Yes, he’s on board! We look alike and I like him.” At the same time, mirroring should not be obvious - this can cause rejection. Also watch your posture, facial expression and gestures: your back should be straight, your face should be friendly, your gestures should be relaxed.

Wear what you like

Fact: You feel more confident in comfortable clothes. This doesn't mean you should show up to a business meeting in stretchy sweatpants and a sweatshirt, but you shouldn't wear a tight suit or tight shoes with huge heels. It is important to find a balance between the dress code established at the event and your comfort.

Give continued compliments

“Amazing shoes!” - undoubtedly, your interlocutor will be pleased to hear this. But a much better “investment” for further conversation would be the phrase “Amazing shoes! I've been dreaming about something like this for a long time. Where did you buy them, if it’s not a secret?”

Read as much as possible

As a rule, well-read people are excellent conversationalists. Always be aware of the main latest events– from the release of the Blade Runner remake to the armed uprisings in Venezuela.

Don't wait for people to be interested in you

This is a common mistake many introverts make: “I’ll wait until someone starts talking to me.” Luck smiles when you take the first step. Be the first to make contact. Smile, stand up straight and look straight into the eyes - these are three things that inspire trust.

Talk to outsiders

You see lonely standing man at a lively party? Meet him! Most likely, he cannot overcome his shyness and will be very glad of your attention. “You look like an interesting person,” says such an act.

Give your full attention

When talking to a person, do not be distracted by calls, messages, etc. social media, do not look behind his back in search of acquaintances with whom you would be more willing to communicate. It's just plain ugly.

Don't be afraid of groups

A group of three or more people is more open to new “members” than two people having a one-on-one conversation. A large company rarely talks about anything personal, but by interfering in a conversation between two people, you can become a “third wheel.”

Be sensitive

If you're having a conversation with friends and you see someone trying to join in, take half a step back and invite them. Both this person and your friends will appreciate the nobleness of this gesture.

End the conversation wisely

Ending a conversation correctly is no less difficult than starting it. We propose the following scheme:
  • Interrupt yourself, not the other person.
  • Smile. Let them know that it was a pleasure meeting you and that you are grateful for their time.
  • “But, please excuse me, I need...” to give a ride to a friend from work, to pick up a child from school, to go to the store in time. The main thing is to make it clear that you are ending the conversation on important reason not because you got bored

We hope that these tips will help you feel more confident at any event and not be afraid to make new acquaintances. Below we will talk about how to behave on a date to impress a girl or guy.

How to make a first impression on a girl or guy?

If you are suddenly reading these lines in some cozy cafe and an attractive representative of the opposite sex comes into your field of vision, we offer a few tips that will help you smoothly turn an acquaintance into a first date.

Give a compliment

But don't overdo it. Think about what good things you can say about him/her so that your words sound sincere. You can compliment clothes or appearance, but this is too predictable. If you have a good sense of humor, don't be afraid to joke. Avoid vulgar jokes and hackneyed jokes, such as “They called me from heaven and said that their most beautiful angel was missing.”

Take care of your appearance

Alas, the phrase about meeting over clothes is more relevant than ever. Even if you shine with wit and put Cicero to shame with your eloquence, all your efforts will go down the drain if you are lax about your appearance.

Mind your manners

Girls really appreciate respectful signs of attention. Under no circumstances should you violate her personal space in the first minutes of meeting her, but you can hold the door for her, offer her your hand in front of the step, or treat her to a drink. Don't allow rude and obscene jokes obscene language. You shouldn’t wash the bones of those around you, even if the woman at the next table slurps very unpleasantly. Be polite to everyone around you.

Feel confident

Even if there is a fire raging inside you, remain calm and confident. In no case should you slouch, look from under your brows, take a closed pose (crossed arms) or use insincere gestures (hands near your face, shifting gaze).

Lead the conversation in the right direction

Don't reveal too personal details too early. Let your first conversation take place within the framework of things that are relevant, but general. Ask questions more than talk about yourself: what your interlocutor does, where he studied, how he likes to spend time, in a word, try to find common interests. Try to avoid awkward pauses: at this moment, both you and your interlocutor feel out of place, and who would want to continue communication on such terms?

Don't brag

Nobody likes a braggart, especially women. From the first minutes of acquaintance, there is no need to boast of connections, a highly paid position or a luxury car. By doing this you will declare yourself as a selfish and mercantile person.

a small test to find out what people think about you in the first minute of meeting you. If its results upset you, do not despair - everything is in your hands!
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There are many versions about first impressions. Is it important, can it be changed? This is discussed in the article.

  • The way we evaluate people is ours Subjective opinion about them, and depends on what we ourselves are like. As a rule, we see in people the character traits that we have in ourselves. At the same time, these are usually some negative qualities: envy, anger, laziness, pretense. That is, if a person has, for example, anger in large quantities, then he will also consider other people evil, cruel, aggressive
  • If a person often deceives other people, or dreams of deceiving, then it will seem to him that all the people around him want to “cheat” him in turn. If a person is honest with himself and those around him, then it will not even occur to him that he could be fooled somewhere. This is not a matter of naivety. Very often such people are not good-natured at all and do not live in “ pink glasses", but cannot foresee cases when they are taken advantage of or deceived
  • This is because we interpret a person's behavior in relation to our own behavior. In other words, our subconscious (or unconscious) always asks itself: “What would I do?” And we expect from other people the same actions that we could do ourselves.

What criteria are used to evaluate a person first?

People evaluate each other according to the following parameters:

  • appearance
  • level of education, diplomas, certificates
  • mental capacity
  • financial condition
  • social behavior and social circle
  • character (strengths/weaknesses)

This short list. It lists the main factors in how a person evaluates a person. Of course, it is now customary to say that appearance is not the main thing, but it has been scientifically proven that the first impression on a person is made by the appearance of the interlocutor.

Some people first of all pay attention to some individual features. It could be hair, nose shape, shoes, lipstick color, even the shape of eyebrows plays a role. Other people perceive the whole image at once.

  • First, in order to understand whether they like a person or not, just a second glance at what is paramount for them (hair, nails, shoes, jacket) is enough. After this, it usually becomes clear to them how communication will take place further, and whether it will happen at all.
  • It’s much easier for people who can perceive the entire image. For example, a person may have an imperfect nose shape, but have clean, ironed clothes from the latest collection of a fashion designer. Most likely, such a person will make an extremely positive impression.
  • There is a small percentage of people who do not have a definite impression until they interact with a person in person. They don’t care what a person looks like, what color his hair is, what he wears. Important for him intellectual abilities or character. But, people of this type It is enough to talk to a person for 5 minutes to understand who is in front of him
  • A person tends to judge other people based on the opinions of others. Someone said something to someone, and here comes a new opinion. Therefore, it turns out that without knowing a person, we already hate or adore him
  • Many people judge a person by their voice. In their opinion, a person’s voice contains his entire life path and character

Are people judged by their appearance?

  • As mentioned above, some people tend to evaluate other people solely by their appearance, without delving into their problems and intellectual capabilities.
  • Unfortunately for such people, a person's image can change greatly throughout the day. For example, in the morning a woman walks around the house disheveled, with a mug of coffee and an elongated T-shirt. If a neighbor sees her at this moment, he will consider this woman a slob and will be disgusted with her
  • But after an hour, the woman gets herself in order, puts on beautiful shoes, an office suit consisting of a fitted jacket and pencil skirt, puts her hair in a neat hairstyle, and puts on strict makeup. The same neighbor, seeing such a woman, will think that she is a real bitch with a snake-like disposition, cold and calculating
  • In the evening, a woman returns from work, puts on a luxurious short dress, loosens her curls, puts on bright makeup and goes to the club. This time the neighbor will think that his neighbor is too vulgar and superficial
  • And if, instead of going to a club, a woman goes on a date and puts on a more closed dress, puts her hair in a less voluminous hairstyle, and puts on less bright makeup, then the neighbor will say that she flaunts her wealth to the whole world or is looking for a rich companion, that she is usually sloppy and calculating bitch, and now she's dressed up for the occasion

From this example it is very easy to conclude that a person is judged by his appearance very, very often. However, this hardly has anything to do with the truth.

First impression of a person

  • There is an opinion that the first impression of a person is the most correct. But is it
  • From the examples given earlier in the article, it is clear that people do not always judge each other objectively. Therefore, there is no point in being upset if, in the first minute of meeting a person, he didn’t like you.
  • A certain part of people can easily change their impression within a few hours, or even days, of meeting

Appearance and first impression

  • Don't miss the opportunity to make a good first impression with your appearance. It is clear that each person has his own tastes and preferences. It's basically impossible to please everyone
  • Nevertheless, in order to form a good opinion about yourself when you first meet, it is enough to “join” the team if the acquaintance occurs with a group of people at once. It is useful to know what these people are interested in to show them that you are interested in their activities. Your appearance should also correspond to the general style
  • If you meet a person 1 on 1, you should not put pressure on him and show your “I”. Yes, even your appearance can scream, “Look at me! I’m in charge here!” There's nothing better than naturalness

A man's first impression

Making a positive first impression on a man is quite easy, despite public opinion.

First of all, men pay attention to:

  1. figure, especially in the “back view”
  2. manner of communication
  3. posture
  4. hair
  5. nails. Very long or dirty nails turn men off
  6. clothes

To produce good impression on a man, it is not at all necessary to jump near him for hours. It is enough to be direct and natural in communicating with him. Don't be vulgar or too rude. For men, it is useful to forgive help in some situations, even if you don’t really need it. But you shouldn’t ask them to calculate the cost of products for you, for example. You'll make yourself look stupid.

Many men don't like it very much bright colors in clothes and makeup. This causes corresponding associations for them. But the vast majority of men like grooming and femininity.

Changing a man's first impression of himself is very difficult. Unlike women, men are more logical and consistent. But they cannot think as flexibly as a woman. Therefore, it is very difficult for them to change their first impression.

How to create a positive first impression?

There are certain rules that will help you leave a good impression of yourself after almost every acquaintance:

In fact, you can change your impression of yourself. But this will already be the second, third or fourth impression. But the first impression leaves a mark on all further communication. Especially in its early stages.

Of course, people tend to change, but when hiring, the employer will judge you at a given moment in time, he doesn’t care much about what you will be like in 5 or 10 years. He chooses an employee now, which means he judges you in the present tense. Therefore, it is always important to look good, because there is no second chance to make a first impression.

First impression mistakes

It's worth remembering that what we see depends on how we look. It’s worth looking at a person a little differently, and from an arrogant, arrogant type, he turns into a sweet, smiling young man, always ready to help.

Due to lack life experience or knowledge, a person very often judges incorrectly. The article previously gave an example with a neighbor and a girl. Such a neighbor is precisely an example of a narrow-minded and petty person. Of course, you shouldn’t rely on the opinions of such people. If you recognize yourself in your neighbor’s face, immediately change your views on the world. First of all, evaluate your mistakes.

First impressions are deceiving

The first impression is deceiving for people who are accustomed to not changing their opinion about people. Those who have a flexible mind are able to evaluate a person correctly and see him for who he really is.

You can dress however you like. Dye your hair any color. The person will not change because of this. He won't become dumber or smarter. But the opinion about him with each of his transformations will change in the diametrically opposite direction.

Video: How to make the right first impression

Interview, party or date. The ability to quickly please others is much more useful than you might imagine. A great first impression allows you to achieve success in your career, making friends, and making connections. personal life. A good impression allows you to be popular among men and beautiful girls.

“Life never gives us a second chance to make a first impression” Mark Levy

They say that the first impression is the most accurate and true. The first impression is made in 7 seconds. This could be an interview, a party or a date. It often happens that there simply is no second chance. Some people manage to make a good first impression easily and naturally, while others find it more difficult. But making a good first impression is not at all difficult if you know some tricks of the professionals.

1. Be sure to smile
2. Don’t wait for people to be interested in you, but take the first step yourself
3. Shake hands firmly and confidently.
4. Don't be afraid to say hello to someone first.
5. Act confident, but not like an overconfident braggart.
6. Keep your back straight and your posture beautiful and confident.
7. Always look appropriate for the situation. Dress better than the situation requires
8. Your appearance should always be neat, neat and even impeccable.
9. Take care of your wardrobe, hairstyle, stubble, nails and body odor
10. Keep your teeth snow-white and your breath fresh
11. Be calm, don't fuss or get nervous
12. Remember the person’s name and call them by name a couple of times in conversation.
13. Look into the eyes of the interlocutor, do not get distracted and do not look away

14. Control your voice, intonation, timbre. Keep your voice confident and firm
15. Relax so that the interlocutor feels the naturalness of the situation
16. Behave nobly, help others and especially girls
17. Be friendly and positive
18. Look at yourself through the eyes of other people and correct your behavior
19. Good and positive mood guarantees a good conversation
20. Keep it simple, everyone is drawn to such people
21. Show a sense of humor, but don’t go overboard
22. Be interested in people: opinions, desires, hobbies, interests and life
23. Ask your interlocutor for advice, this will increase his self-esteem
24. Be punctual and don’t keep people waiting for you.
25. Choose topics for conversation that are interesting to the interlocutor, not to you
26. Avoid controversial topics and conversations (politics, religion, etc.)
27. Talk less and listen more to your interlocutor
28. Never interrupt your interlocutor
29. Use technology active listening, ask leading questions and assent
30. Search common points contact and what connects you
31. Don’t be intrusive, don’t drag out the conversation too much so that the interlocutor doesn’t get bored
32. Treat everyone with respect, even “little” people
33. Be sincere and trustworthy
34. Don’t complain, don’t talk about your problems and don’t burden your interlocutor

35. Try to present yourself in the best possible light.
36. Be yourself and don’t be afraid to act naturally
37. Speak clearly, clearly and slowly
38. While standing or sitting, lean slightly towards the interlocutor, this will show interest
39. Learn to love people and enjoy communicating with them

40. Try to look active and sporty - everyone likes it
41. Don’t be distracted during a conversation by calls, telephones or other people
42. Use body language: gestures, gaze, gait, facial expressions
43. Don't look closed off. Don't squeeze, don't cross your arms and legs
44. Be self-ironic and don't take yourself too seriously
45. Don’t be smart and don’t be uncompromising
46. ​​Mind your manners and behave with dignity
47. Mirror your interlocutor, unobtrusively repeating his posture, behavior and speech
48. Give compliments and slightly flatter your interlocutor
49. Let your interlocutor understand that she is important, valuable and interesting
50. End the conversation on a positive note.

These simple ways will help you make a good and excellent first impression. Too much depends on this in your career and personal life to ignore. Keep it as a keepsake so you can always be prepared.

Be friendly and confident. When people see these qualities, they find it much easier to communicate with such a person and are more welcoming. If you are still in school, then perhaps a handshake is not the most appropriate way to start communication, but for adults it is a good chance to show your openness. In some countries, traditions do not allow you to touch people of the opposite sex, so you may want to pay attention to this and choose a different way to greet someone. But most often it is quite appropriate to shake hands when meeting someone.

  • Don't be afraid to be the first to say hello to strangers.
  • Smile.

Watch your posture. Your posture can tell people around you a lot about your mood and self-confidence. Try not to slouch - this will make you seem like an introverted and insecure loser. Keep your back straight and stand with your head held high and your hand at hip level to create the impression of a strong, open and confident person.

Never fuss. Keep your arms relaxed along your body or rest them on your knees. Don't show your nervousness - don't bite your nails, tug at your hair, or wrinkle a napkin in your hands. On the other hand, don't try to appear overly self-confident - people may think that you are an arrogant and boastful person.

Relax. Of course, posture is very important, but you don't want to look like a robot. Sit up straight, but don't stiffen up. They say that animals can sense fear, so people can sense your insecurity. Just be yourself. You don't have to go out of your way to impress someone, let your personality speak for itself.

Smile. Especially when you first met a person. It is not necessary to show a Hollywood smile; a polite, friendly smile will be enough. Try to smile naturally; if the smile instantly gives way to a stony expression on your face, people get the impression of insincerity and falseness. Try to give your interlocutor the opportunity to say something, most people get annoyed when a person talks continuously without giving the other person a chance to get a word in edgewise.

Look into the eyes of your interlocutor. Try to constantly look at the person you are talking to. Don't be distracted and don't look away, otherwise the person will feel that you are not interested in him. Sometimes, if a person has some problems, such as squint, it is better not to focus your gaze on the person's eyes. In this case, it will be more natural to look at the mouth or nose of the interlocutor.

Dress appropriately for the setting. Always be yourself and show your personality. To do this, it is not necessary to dress in accordance with the latest fashion trends. You want to impress yourself, so be yourself. Think about the acceptable skirt length and neckline depth in this situation. It is also important to pay Special attention to keep your clothes clean and neat. Don't forget about accessories - they can say a lot about you.

Show a sense of humor. A person who tries his best to appear cheerful usually achieves exactly the opposite goal. People with good feeling humor, behave naturally and show their wit sincerely. You should not use flat jokes and ambiguous phrases.

Get the person interested. Use it common sense when choosing a topic for conversation. A man is unlikely to impress a woman if he starts talking about how much beer he can drink or describing a recent fight at a bar. Likewise, most men are unlikely to want to listen to a girl talk about how cute the puppy is in her house, or how she loves buying new shoes. Remember, you are trying to get the person's attention. Intrigue him, arouse interest in yourself. Here are some good topics for conversation:

  • Interesting facts or tips.
  • Music and cinema.
  • Questions.
  • Remember, never speak rudely about other people's beliefs or religious and ethical values.
  • Give your interlocutor the opportunity to talk about himself."Tell me what you like to do in free time?" When talking to a woman, it would be appropriate to compliment her appearance, for example: “This color suits you so well.” If you don’t know what exactly to say to a person, never give a compliment just for the sake of saying something. People will easily recognize your insincerity, and it will offend them.

    Find general theme for conversation. If you are at a party, you can ask your interlocutor if he knows other guests and talk about this topic.

    If you come for an interview, it is better to find information about this company in advance. In fact, the more you know about the business, the better. Try to hide tattoos if you have them. They rarely make a good impression on the company's superiors and clients. However, you shouldn't behave like that. as if you know everything in the world.

    If your teeth are in bad shape, find a way to get them in order. Unhealthy teeth are disgusting. You may need to find overtime work to be able to pay for the dentist - bad teeth will ruin any good impression!

    • If you have uneven teeth, you should consult an orthodontist and get braces. Remember to brush your teeth twice a day to ensure fresh breath.
  • Use perfume with great care. This says a lot about you. It is important not to overdo it here. You may really like the scent of a perfume, but the scent of the perfume may be unpleasant to other people or even cause allergies in them. Taking these considerations into account, it may be better not to wear perfume at all. If you still want to apply perfume, it is better to spray it in the air and, after waiting a few seconds, pass through the fragrant cloud.

    Take care of hygiene. This is very important, especially for teenagers. These tips may seem obvious, but shower daily and always wear clean, neat clothes. Remember to brush your teeth twice a day and always use antiperspirant deodorant, especially if you have an important meeting that makes you nervous.

    • Girls can apply a little concealer to their face. Do not overuse cosmetics, it looks unattractive. If you are going to solemn event You can apply light makeup using lip gloss or lipstick, mascara, and sometimes eye shadow and eyeliner.
  • End the conversation on the right note. Let the person want to pave it. Let me understand. that you had a good time and hope you meet the person again. You can even send short message when you return home. Even if people have a good impression of you. It is important for them to make sure that you also enjoyed communicating with them. It is important for them to receive confirmation of this. However, don't be too intrusive!

    Be yourself. Don't try to pretend to be someone else, otherwise you will be forced to continue maintaining a false image. Be yourself. This advice may seem trivial. but this is the honest truth! Never lie to people about yourself and be honest. If people discover that you have deceived them, they will feel bad and are unlikely to forgive you.