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Dontsova's novels. All posts by daria dontsova

Daria Dontsova was born on June 7, 1952 in Moscow in the family of the famous Soviet writer Arkady Vasilyev and the chief director of the Mosconcert Tamara Novatskaya. After graduating from the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University, she spent two years in Syria, translating from French at the Soviet consulate. After returning to Russia, she worked in the newspaper Vechernyaya Moskva, and then in the magazine Fatherland.

She wrote her first book in an oncological intensive care unit in order to somehow distract herself from the disease. Now the writer has more than 200 novels, the total circulation of which exceeded 200 million copies! In 2009, she was listed in the Russian Book of Records as the most prolific author of detective novels (100 detective stories in 10 years).

Each new book by Dontsova invariably becomes a bestseller. “Her works help us overcome life's difficulties, charge us with optimism!” readers say. According to the Russian Book Chamber, Daria Dontsova invariably tops the list of the most published authors in Russia.
Laureate of the "Book of the Year" competition, "Author of the Year", "Name of the Year", "Bestseller of the Year" awards, has a book "Oscar". In 2018, according to the results of the VTsIOM poll, the Russians chose Daria Dontsova as "Writer of the Year" for the twelfth time! The works of Daria Dontsova are translated and published in countries former USSR, Western Europe and China. Based on her novels, the series “Lover of Private Investigation Dasha Vasilyeva”, “Evlampia Romanova. The investigation is conducted by an amateur”, “Viola Tarakanova. In the world of criminal passions" and "Gentleman detective Ivan Podushkin".

Daria's inexhaustible optimism is so contagious that many readers believe that only her advice will help them solve problems. Her novels are called "pills for depression", and many are sure that Dontsova's autograph brings good luck. Daria Dontsova actively helps people who are faced with oncological diagnoses. In 2008, she became the Ambassador of the international charity program "Together Against Breast Cancer" in Russia.

In 2010, she took part in the "Protect what is dear to you" social campaign aimed at supporting the world's first vaccine against cervical cancer. In 2013, the book I really want to live, which became an absolute bestseller, was published. My personal experience written to support cancer patients and their families. In the spring of 2018, the Spas TV channel aired a program of the same name, hosted by Daria Dontsova. The program “I really want to live” is a very honest conversation, a confession of the most ordinary people, those who courageously walk or have already passed along the path of illness. This is a story about how to overcome fear and start your journey to recovery.

Dontsova successfully hosts programs on TV: “Earlier than everyone” (Channel One), “Cheap and cheerful” (Channel One), “You suit us” (Home), “Fashion sentence” (Channel One), “I really want to live " (Saved).

In September 2016, the first children's book by Darya Dontsova "The Amulet of Goodness" was published in the series "Tales of the Beautiful Valley". Each book in the series, in addition to the adventure fairy tale plot, contains instructive motives woven into the narrative without the slightest edification. The inhabitants of the Mopshouse, together with the readers of the Tales of the Beautiful Valley series, learn to make friends, help loved ones, recognize deceit and betrayal, make plans and bring them to life.

June 7, 2017, in honor of the birthday of the writer beloved by millions of readers, Minister of the Interior Russian Federation V.A. Kolokoltsev signed an order to award Daria Dontsova with the medal of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia "For Contribution to Strengthening Law and Order".

The main hobby of the writer is animals. Five dogs live in her house - pugs Musya, Fira, Kuki and Josie, pugl Mafi, British cat San Sanych and turtle Ge.

Married to Alexander Ivanovich Dontsov - doctor psychological sciences, Professor of Moscow State University, Academician of the Russian Academy of Education. Darya Dontsova has three children: Maria, Dmitry and Arkady, and three grandchildren: Mikhail, Anastasia and Arina.

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If you like the way Daria Dontsova writes, the novelties of 2017 are at your disposal. These are the author's new books. Below is a list of books in order for the entire year.

Gingerbread with black caviar

A new case has appeared for Evlampia Romanova. Now she needed to deal with the death of a neighbor in a very short time. Evlampia was sure that Nadezhda Vladimirovna had not committed suicide. The character of the neighbor is not the same. And the very place where this murder took place was strange. The feeling that someone specially created something like a detective story and arranged the situation for the house where Lamp and Max had recently moved in. And before the detectives had time to understand what happened to Nadezhda Vladimirovna, another neighbor died here. It seems that he did not live, but rented out housing, but apparently unknown people in a car knocked him down for a reason. Who needed an old woman and a summer resident so much? Further

Amulet from Spanish passion

Tatyana Sergeevna is preparing for the anniversary of her husband. But she has not yet decided where exactly she will organize a surprise party. And then music producer Nikita Igrov showed up at the office. He said that Anna Lavrova, his ward, is now in a coma due to swallowing pills. Rocker Chris Gumby is accused of this incident, who allegedly disguised everything as a suicide. The entire investigation is built on Chris's hatred for Lavrova because she easily moved him on a musical pedestal. However, Chris also ended up in the clinic due to a microstroke, but ran away from there in the end. The producer of the Games asks Tatyana Sergeevna to find the singer Chris so that all suspicions are removed from him. Further

Pedigree to the seventh log

Dasha Vasilyeva discovered that the so-called Count's ruins were located near her house. Studying them, she found tombstones, and next to them - a male corpse. Vasilyeva, of course, was not afraid of the corpse. However, this was the second appearance of the deceased today. Early in the morning, the corpse of another person was found near Dasha's house - an unfamiliar woman who, for some reason, came to visit her. Colonel Degtyarev did not want Dasha to start an investigation, but an amateur detective cannot leave the case to others. Further

Who lives in a suitcase?

Nicoletta Podushkina asks her son Ivan to accommodate a guest, Henry von Dupre. A foreigner arrived in Russia for a bride. And as soon as the stranger was in the office of their detective agency, a strange thing immediately happened: loud noises were heard, women's belongings fell, and some object attacked a dog named Demyanka. At this time, Galina Mikhailovna Lapina arrives. She asks to investigate the case of the kidnapping of her granddaughter. It turns out that Galina Mikhailovna is being asked for a ransom of 160,000 rubles. It seems to Ivan Pavlovich that the girl staged her abduction, but the truth is much more complicated. Further

Naked star dress

Stepanida Kozlova loves to help people, but she did not even suspect that she would face a set-up when she promised the girl to find her mother. Vera Chernova owns a real estate agency. She ended up in a pre-trial detention center, as she is accused of murder. According to the prosecution, she slipped poison to the clients and stole their money, which they were saving for an apartment. In the detention center, Vera Chernova meets with the ghost of Saltychikha, who forbade her to talk. In general, the story turned out to be very creepy, but Kozlova will cope with the riddles. Further

The law of the apple of youth

Viola Tarakanova is preparing for the wedding with Stepan. While her fiancé is on a business trip, Viola is on an adventure again. While having lunch in a restaurant, she becomes an eyewitness to the murder of the mother of a rich man, Ferin, who ordered a novel from the writer. It turns out that the shooter was also a former classmate of that businessman. It is not clear why the historian suddenly began to shoot? Viola Tarakanova did not even know what she would find when she plunged into the thick of things. Further

Phoenix bird horoscope

A friend of Evlampia Romanova asked her to take her father and a little chihuahua into her home. So Drum Sosisovich settled with Evlampia, as Evlampia's family called the guest. The lamp did not expect that now the entire refrigerator would be full of sausages, it was necessary to grow a strange plant, and even listen to melodies from music books. But she needs to work and catch criminals. A new case is already on the way: Elena Rylskaya turned to Lampa, in which all her relatives suddenly died. Further

Astral body of a bachelor

Nicoletta Podushkina - Ivan's mother - decided that it was time to leave her rich husband for the sake of new love Vani. This Vanya was a famous designer and owner of the Crazy Fred TV show. In the meantime, Ivan Podushkin was investigating the death of Father Dionysius, who was rector in a church in the small town of Boysk. A lot has happened here in 30 years, and some of the events turned out to be tragic. Further

Nightclub on Lysa Gora

Dasha Vasilyeva clutches her head, because a real commotion began in her house. Either guests die, or friends disappear. But how does all this relate to the society "Witches of the Moscow Region"? It turned out that Dasha was recorded as a witch, and her husband was dragged here. Although Dasha herself and Professor Manevin have no idea about this. But this story began long ago, when people in Russia did not yet know about such a holiday as Halloween. Further

The lion's share of the gray mouse

Tatyana Sergeevna was lucky to see the brownie. Outwardly, he looked like a huge shaggy mouse with square ears. But where such an incomprehensible miracle appeared in the house, she could not yet answer. Further

Incognito from Broadway

None normal person you don't want his name to be associated with theft, let alone murder. However, Viola Tarakanova's daddy is pleased with this. He thinks it's great PR. Although Viola herself does not like it at all that she is accused of the death of Baba Tosi, the healer. Of course, Viola is not involved in the murder of the sorceress, but so far nothing can be done about it and she has to investigate. Meanwhile, Viola's sister Faina appears at home with the same surname. However, she is not a sister at all, and besides, she was a very unpleasant person. Further

wish tower

Katya and Nikita met the toad Gustav. It turns out he needs help - he can't get out of the basement. Gustav asks his new friends to take the magic compass to Ivan Sergeevich, but at the same time he instructs them that if Ivan Sergeevich thanks them, then in no case should they take gifts from him. However, the guys didn’t have much good idea and they did a bad deed, as a result they had to go to the valley to the wishing tower. Further

Zephyrka has always been the best dressmaker in the Beautiful Valley, but now she has left her home to go to the human world and become Viktor Kuznetsov's keeper there. However, Ksyusha and Misha saw Zefirka, and thinking that the dog was lost, they took her home. Once in a family of cooks, the pug realized that the family needed help. Marshmallow will have to work hard so that her new familiar family finally finds happiness. Further

These were new works by such a famous writer as Daria Dontsova. New items of 2017 are now always at your fingertips. Bookmark the list of books in order so you don't miss anything. 😉

Biography and career

Born in the family of the Soviet writer Arkady Nikolaevich Vasiliev. Mother - Tamara Stepanovna Novatskaya, worked as a director of the Mosconcert. In 1974 Daria Dontsova graduated from the Moscow State University named after M. V. Lomonosov, Faculty of Journalism. After graduation, she worked for 2 years in Syria in Aleppo at the Soviet Consulate as a translator from French. After returning to Moscow, until 1983 she worked in the information department of the newspaper Vechernyaya Moskva. In 1983, she changed her surname (to her husband's surname) and went to work in the monthly magazine Fatherland. After the birth of her daughter (in 1986), she took up teaching German and French.

At the end of 1998, doctors made a diagnosis: oncology. The disease has passed into the fourth stage. Agrippina suffered four complex operations. However, there was no improvement. It was in the hospital that she wrote her first work in the genre of an ironic detective story - “Cool Heirs”, which later grew into the series “Lover of Private Investigation Dasha Vasilyeva”. She left the hospital having already written 5 novels. In 1999, she joined the Eksmo publishing house. And three months later she took the pseudonym Daria Dontsova. Currently, 100 novels, scripts for television series, radio plays have been written. The total circulation of books amounted to more than 100 million copies. The writer also acts as a radio and TV presenter.

Personal life

Daria was married three times. Twice divorced. Married for the third time in 1983 to Alexander Dontsov, psychologist, doctor of sciences, professor, dean of the faculty of psychology of Moscow State University. M. V. Lomonosov, academician, full member Russian Academy education. Daria has two children: Arkady (born in 1972) from her first marriage and Maria (born in 1986) from her third. Arkady has a son - Nikita (grandson of the writer). Husband Alexander has a son from a previous marriage - Dmitry.


The main characters are similar to the author. The novels come out in 5 episodes with the main characters. Dasha Vasilyeva is a wealthy woman, lives in the holiday village of Lozhkino with her family and animals, and is friends with police colonel Alexander Degtyarev. Has two children - son Arkady and daughter Masha. In the past, Dasha was repeatedly married, worked as a French teacher, received a modest salary, lived with her family in a small apartment in Medvedkovo on the outskirts of Moscow. This character is closest to the author. Daria's main hobby is pets. In the house of her heroine there are many cats and dogs, one of them is the pug Khuchik. The heroine of another series, Yevlampia Romanova, formerly Efrosinya Romanova, a late child and long-awaited daughter of a Soviet scientist general and opera singer, graduated from the conservatory in the harp class, was married once, changed her name after a divorce and learned to cook deliciously. Lampa opened her own detective agency, where she works as a private detective, and is friends with police major Vladimir Kostin. Received according to the plot: a cat Semiramide and a cat Klaus, pugs Ada and Mulya, Plush, Fenya and Kapa and two other dogs of Staffordshire terriers Rachel and Ramik, hamsters Kesha, Petya, Leonardo and a toad Gertrude. Viola Tarakanova inherited knowledge of the German language from the writer, the heroine was married to Major Oleg Kuprin, an investigator from Petrovka, 38, worked as a German tutor, but divorced, writes detectives under the pseudonym Arina Violova. Vilka is not indifferent to animals, the cat Cleopatra, the cat Sonny and the dog Dyushka live in her apartment. Ivan Podushkin - the son of a Soviet writer, worked as a secretary for a private detective, but left a rich mistress and left with a circus. Tatyana Sergeeva, has nothing to do with the writer, dark-haired owner of a full figure, intelligent and well-read, graduated from the philological faculty of a pedagogical university, a widow, worked as a school teacher of Russian language and literature. married to former actor Aristarkh Babulkin (nicknamed Gri), who is an employee of a secret group in which Tanya now works.

In 2008, Dontsova was accused of plagiarism. The story of Igor Chersky, published in the magazine "Karman" in March 2000, was included in the 19th chapter of Dontsova's book "Toad with a Purse", which was published in 2004.

Recently, Ivan Podushkin has been running around like a scalded man, investigating the cases of clients. And all because the business lady Nora, for whom Vanya serves as a secretary, decided to take up detective work. This time, Podushkin will have to establish which of the household regularly steals money from the table of the millionaire Kuzminsky. The businessman's mansion is full of household members, and, like in English detective stories, there is a family legend about the ghost of the owner's deceased mother, the artist Glafira. Once upon a time, she killed herself with scissors, and red appeared on her self-portrait ...

Crime story #10 (compilation)

Genre: Detectives

Ours especially for you best authors- Daria Dontsova, Anna and Sergey Litvinov, Marina Kramer - wrote their wonderful detective stories, which were included in the collection "Crime story No. 10"! Your favorite writers will enchant you with their original plot, light style and subtle humor. In each crime story you will find the most difficult investigation with a happy ending...

Crime story #3 (compilation)

Genre: Detectives

Detective fans will have a lot of fun reading short crime stories included in this collection! Favorite writers - Daria Dontsova, Anna and Sergey Litvinov, Tatyana Polyakova and other popular authors - are still true to themselves: it is simply impossible to tear oneself away from their action-packed stories, as well as from novels!

Crime story #4 (compilation)

Genre: Detectives

Daria Dontsova, Anna and Sergey Litvinov, Tatyana Lugantseva - these popular writers have long been known to readers as the authors of not only exciting detective novels, but also brilliant action-packed stories. You are holding in your hands a new collection of short crime stories by these and other talented authors that will surely captivate you and make you forget about all the problems!

Crime story #7 (compilation)

Genre: Detectives

The new collection of the best crime stories features the most big names modern action-packed prose! Daria Dontsova, Tatyana Ustinova, Marina Kramer and others famous authors again please with their brilliant detective stories. Original stories, bright characters and subtle humor will give you a minute of real pleasure! Contents of the collection: Natalya Alexandrova "Don't cry, Marusya!" Daria Dontsova "The Truth in Three Boxes" Daria Kalinina "Summer Palace" Marina Kramer "Twenty Minutes of Happiness" Tatyana Lugantseva "Face control for that ...

"Feng Shui without brakes"

Genre: Science, education

Death of a famous businessman live! The rating of the TV show "Interview" skyrocketed after such a sad event! But the wife of Oleg Vetrov is sure that her husband was killed. To investigate this mysterious case, she turns to our detective agency. Now I, Evlampia Romanova, will have something to do in the near future. The most interesting thing is that no one approached Vetrov during the TV broadcast, he only ate a couple of spoons of baby food from his own company ... and got a heart attack. Okay, I unraveled and not such intricacies, I'll figure it out. You…

Agent 013

Genre: Detectives

Tatyana Sergeeva is alone again: her beloved husband, Gri, has left for a new assignment, and there hasn’t been a word from him for a long time ... Only work will help Tanechka to distract herself from jealous thoughts! This time she went to the home of the extravagant old woman Tamara Kuklina, who is supposedly being slowly killed by mysterious sounds. But when Tanyusha felt dizzy and saw with her own eyes the mice evacuating from the apartment in a crowd, she realized: the client is not at all crazy! Behind the plinth, a black box was found - a source of ultrasonic vibrations. Who threw her...

Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves

Genre: Detectives

"My wife is a witch!" - said Kirill Potvorov, a new client of the Niro detective agency. Yes, this guy big problems head, without saying a word, decided the mistress of the agency Eleanor and her permanent secretary Ivan Podushkin. Now we need to somehow get rid of the madman. But it turned out to be not so easy to do so. Kirill agrees to leave Nora's apartment only if Ivan goes with him to Vacation home, where Kirill's wife Anya now lives with her businessman lover. As the detectives expected, the guy did not have all the houses ... Returning ...

Angel on a broomstick

Genre: Detectives

“There would be no happiness, but misfortune helped!” - Ivan Pavlovich Podushkin, the permanent secretary of the Niro detective agency, was convinced of the correctness of this proverb. Vanya became the owner new car, which he received as a fee from the editor-in-chief of the Rush Hour newspaper. He asks Podushkin to figure out an employee who leaks exclusive information to competitors. Ivan Pavlovich was lucky, on the very first day he learned the name of the traitor. This is Natasha Kapustina. However, a bummer came out! She had a solid alibi. In addition, Kapustina admitted: she is his ...

Butterfly in plaster

Genre: Detectives

Ever since I, Evlampia Romanova, had an affair with Max Wolf, my life has been full of surprises and practical jokes! This time, Max took a photo-montage where I communicate with the president in a friendly way, and decorated with this cute picture a rented house where I had to move during the renovation in Mopsino. It turned out fatal mistake! The new neighbors took the photo at face value and decided that Lamp was not just a dog lover and unemployed private investigator, she was on friendly terms with the mighty of the world this! So I had to solve another detective puzzle……

Pool with crocodiles

Genre: Detectives

Dasha Vasilyeva woke up in a burning room. On the sofa next to her lay a naked man. Looking closely, she realized that this was her boss, Igor Markov. He was dead... To prove her innocence in Markov's death, Dasha must find the real killers. Trying to cover their tracks, they remove everyone who could expose them. Dasha's entire family is under threat. But the killers still do not know that their opponent is not a fragile and defenseless woman, but an experienced private detective, who has more than one unraveled case under her belt...

Monomakh's Crazy Cap

Genre: Detectives

Just some kind of absurdity! Now, when I, Evlampia Romanova - you can just Lampa - found a job in detective agency, you have to die of boredom. No clients and that's it! But I wouldn't be me if I didn't invite adventure on my head. My first hard-earned client claims her husband died in a car accident, twice. So I'll have to check: is this true, or did I manage to contact a crazy woman! All one to one! It seems that my good friend also went crazy - he decided to try on Monomakh's crazy cap! ..

white horse on prince

Genre: Detectives

What to do if a mischievous brownie wound up in the house - important documents all the time disappearing to no one knows where? They need to be securely hidden!.. Before visiting the bank, Dasha Vasilyeva visited the doctor, who gave her “beauty shots”, and they didn’t let her into the hall for VIP clients - her face was monstrously swollen. In the meantime, they found out who this monster with the passport of Dasha Vasilyeva was, there was a robbery in the bank! The attackers took away the most precious thing - a folder with priceless documents. You can’t go home, tear your hair out and repent to your relatives for all sins! Otherwise you won't get ridicule...

March cat benefit

Genre: Detectives

Dasha Vasilyeva is catastrophically lucky for corpses!.. As soon as she agreed to go to a classical music concert with an imposing man Stas Komolov - and now he is already a corpse. During the intermission, Dasha ran for him to get water and drops, she thought he was sick from stuffiness, but he take it and die. And the next day, the cops came to her house. They clearly suspect Dasha of the murder. What to do? Of course, run! And now she is already at the Kursk railway station with a bag in one hand and the pug Khuch in the other. Behind the back of a lover of private investigation, there is more than one solved crime, and therefore ...

Daria Dontsova was born on June 7, 1952. According to Dontsova's passport, Agrippina Arkadyevna is the daughter of writer Arkady Vasiliev and director of the Mosconcert Tamara Novatskaya. Daria graduated from the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University, worked in newspapers and magazines, taught German and was considered a successful person. Then, in the stagnant years, Vasilyeva wrote the first literary opus - a story about steelworkers. The career of a writer-productionist, depicting the heroic workdays Soviet people, did not take place. The unlucky writer was thrown out of the editorial office of the Youth magazine in disgrace. Twice divorced. For the third time, she married Alexander Dontsov, a psychologist, doctor of sciences, professor, dean of the psychology faculty of Moscow State University, academician of the Russian Academy of Education. They have been together for eighteen years. They bring up, as they say, two sons from previous marriages, a common daughter, daughter-in-law, grandson, dogs, cats. There are no mansions, apartments in Paris, fancy jeeps in the family. Daria Dontsova has written 43 books in five years and has already published 34 books, that is, an average of one book per month. To constant questions about how this can be, the writer always answers: “It’s very simple: from eight in the morning until two in the afternoon you need to write ten pages, and from nine to eleven in the evening - five more. And so - every day, regardless of holidays and other valid reasons."

Agrippina began to write ironic detective stories in order to survive. In 1998, she went to the hospital, where she underwent three most difficult operations, and there was no hope for a speedy recovery. Resuscitation, tubes, wires, sensors, groans, wheezing. Time stops, and the whole world of people and things begins to rotate in some kind of orbit. And then an authoritative voice: “If you are going to die, then you will not succeed. You have three orphan children at home, a mother, three dogs, a cat and also me. If you do not make humanity happy with some literary masterpiece, it will not work for you.” forgive." With these words, Agrippina Vasilyeva's husband Alexander Dontsov, Dean of the Faculty of Psychology, handed his wife a pen and paper. He couldn't drag a computer into the emergency room! And that his wife has been writing "to the table" for a long time, he knew from the moment they met.

Either out of resentment, or out of self-pity, or out of spite of death, or out of fear of missing out last chance to write a detective story - Agrippina dreamed about this all her life - she finished writing the novel "The Steep Heirs" by the evening of the fifth day. And at night I woke up from the Homeric laughter that was heard from the corridor. This is her first reader, a nurse on duty, who got acquainted with the ups and downs of the life of a lover of private detective Dasha Vasilyeva, a rich, eccentric, exalted lady, living with an equally cheerful family, consisting of a son and daughter-in-law, daughter, girlfriend and pit bull, Rottweiler, noble dog blood, a pug, a Yorkshire terrier, a poodle, two cats, three guinea pigs and a parrot.

Since then, Dontsova has continued to write - half-sitting on her wide Italian bed, covered with a soft fawn bedspread, in the color of the skins of her favorite pugs. She invariably puts the book "The Twelve Labors of Hercules" of a huge format on her bent knees, and Ada and Mulya settle comfortably under her knees and snore in their sleep. For some reason, pugs always go out for a walk like real writer's dogs - all in ink. But the ace of the detective genre categorically denies that in thoughtfulness he wipes the ever-flowing pens of "Karvin" on soft skins for 1 ruble 50 kopecks. The manuscript is being typed on the computer already at the publishing house. And when the compositors laugh it's good omen. The thing will go.

“When I write,” Dontsova admits, “I am in some kind of semi-conscious state. If the novel is cold, snowing, windy, I start to freeze, despite the fact that the heat outside the window is utter. At a certain moment, my heroes come out from under control and start to live independent life. Once one of the characters winked at me and said: "I killed something, but you didn't even guess!" Well, they got really pissed off."

There are certain indicators of a successful career inherent in a particular profession. For a writer, these are circulation, fans and ratings. In the ratings of the newspaper "Book Review" Daria Dontsova balances between 7th and 1st place. At a party where the Biblio Globus store was presenting awards to the best-selling writers of the year, Boris Akunin told her that it was very interesting for him to look at a lady with whom you constantly grapple in hand-to-hand combat for ratings. They went neck and neck, but now they were scored by Harry Potter, who took 1st place.

And another undoubted indicator of popularity are attempts to "outbid" a successful writer from other publishing houses. Dontsova received tempting offers repeatedly, but each time she refused. “I feel like a mess who was married by a successful man of age. He gave money, and his own house, and clothes, and position in society. He loves you and appreciates who you are. And then a gigolo turns up, seduced by external gloss. Is it really possible to respond with black ingratitude to the good that has been done for you?

Now Dontsova has 52 books, including "Cookery" with branded family recipes. The shooting of the series based on her works will begin soon.

Agrippina Vasilyeva still does not believe in her fantastic luck: “I wake up, look at the shelves and think: where did all this come from? I!"