Biographies Characteristics Analysis

The largest peninsula on earth. What are the largest territories in Eurasia? Climate and inland waters

The earth's land has a wide variety of coastlines, including peninsulas: some of them are very long, stretched out in a narrow strip, and some are like a curved hook. The most expressive form - an elegant boot - has the well-known Apennine Peninsula. Peninsulas may be part big continent or a small island - this is the name given to stretches of land protruding far into the sea, connected to the “continent” by a wide or very narrow isthmus. To a certain extent, even the concept of a peninsula fits Western Europe, but it is too large and is therefore considered part of the continent of Europe.

1. Arabian Peninsula (3,250,000 sq. km)

The largest peninsula is located in southeast Asia, as if it shares it with Africa. From the west it is washed by the waters of the Red Sea, from the south by the Gulf of Aden and the Arabian Sea, from the east by the Gulf of Oman and the Persian Gulf. The lion's share of the Arabian Peninsula is under the control of Saudi Arabia, in addition to which there are others Arab countries: Yemen, Kuwait, Qatar, UAE, Bahrain.
On the Arabian Peninsula it is almost always sunny; during the day there is sweltering heat, literally driving all residents under their roofs. There is not much natural beauty here, since 80% of the land is desert, but there is a lot of oil and gas. In general, the typical landscape of the Arabian Peninsula resembles the deserts of East Africa. The main population of the peninsula are Arabs, slightly diluted with foreigners (Egyptians, Filipinos, Indians, Pakistanis), and there are very few Europeans there.

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2. Indochina Peninsula (2,413,620 sq. km)

On the southeastern side of Asia is the second largest peninsula - the Indochina Peninsula. This is the name given to him by Europeans. When the British and French plowed the waters between Asia and Australia, when they looked at the inhabitants of this peninsula, they found in them features of the Indian and Chinese ethnic groups, which is why they called this land Indochina. From the west this peninsula is washed by the waters Indian Ocean(Andaman Sea), and from the east - Pacific Ocean(South China Sea). Many rivers flow through the peninsula, since the local climate is very humid. Thanks to this, Indochina is much more picturesque than the Arabian Peninsula.
On the territory of this peninsula there are several states whose culture has quite a bit common features. These include Malaysia, Cambodia, Vietnam, Thailand, Laos, most of Myanmar and a piece of Bangladesh. There are similar religions and writing, and some peoples have common traditions. But more important for local residents what makes them special, unlike neighboring peoples. Therefore, life on the peninsula is replete with a variety of colors; an incredible synthesis of cultures is felt here, although residents tend to adhere to their clearly defined boundaries.

3. Hindustan (about 2,000,000 sq. km)

Since this peninsula is not connected to the mainland by a narrow isthmus, its boundaries, like its area, cannot be more or less accurately determined. It, like a stalactite, grows from the middle of the southern coast of Asia. Previously, the entire peninsula was occupied by India, but after the British divided their colony, Pakistan and Bangladesh also appeared there.
The climate here is not as humid as in Indochina, it is hotter and drier. On both sides, the coast of the peninsula is washed by the waters of the Indian Ocean - the Arabian Sea from the west and the Bay of Bengal from the east.
Large reserves discovered in Hindustan iron ore, coal and other minerals. India's own oil reserves have helped India develop a powerful oil refining industry. There are six million-plus cities on the territory of Hindustan. Beautiful, varied nature and ancient history This peninsula began to attract a huge number of tourists every year. Therefore for Lately The development of tourism infrastructure has also made significant progress here.

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4. Labrador (1,600,000 sq. km)

This peninsula is on the eastern side North America. It is quite picturesque, so travelers from different countries. Labrador is crossed by many rivers and is also very rich in lakes. There is a diverse flora, thanks to which the peninsula’s fauna (foxes, muskrats, lynxes) is also abundant.
Since Labrador is located in northern latitudes, it does not imply a beach holiday, because the climate here is quite harsh. In winter there are frosts below 35 degrees, while in summer the air almost never warms up above 15 degrees. The climate here is humid, the weather is often chilly, but at the same time, there is not much rainfall here. The north of the peninsula is covered with snow in winter, although in the south it can rain heavily at this time.

5. Scandinavian Peninsula (800,000 sq. km)

The Scandinavian Peninsula is the largest in Europe, located in the north of the continent. Its territory is mainly occupied by Sweden and Norway, partly Finland and even a tiny part of Russia are located here. The nature of the peninsula attracts with its northern beauty, so there are always many travelers here. The Scandinavian Peninsula is washed by the Barents Sea from the north, the Norwegian Sea from the west, the North Sea from the southwest, and the Baltic Sea from the south and southeast.
There are different climatic zones on the peninsula: while the south has a maritime climate, the north has a subarctic climate. The peninsula is mainly covered by coniferous forests (pine, spruce), but there are also broad-leaved and mixed forests. The fauna of the peninsula is rich, and there is a lot of fish in the surrounding seas. The Scandinavians created many parks and nature reserves.

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6. Somalia (750,000 sq. km)

This largest peninsula on the Dark Continent is also called the Horn of Africa. It is limited from the north by the waters of the Gulf of Aden, and from the east by the waves of the Indian Ocean. In the northeast, the peninsula ends at Cape Guardafui. The climate on this peninsula is harsh, arid, the local fauna and flora are represented by many species, but some of them are now on the verge of extinction. Of the 250 species of reptiles remaining on the planet, over 90 can be found on the Somali peninsula. In addition to the country of the same name, the peninsula contains part of Ethiopia, as well as Eritrea and Djibouti. International reserves were organized here and National parks. But local grasslands are severely depleted, so only 5% of the original habitat of many species remains.

7. Iberian Peninsula (600,000 sq. km)

It also has a second name - the Iberian Peninsula. There are 5 countries on the territory of the Iberian Peninsula: Spain takes the lion's share, followed by Portugal and, as inclusions, Andorra, Gibraltar (controlled by Great Britain) and a piece of France. The Iberian Peninsula was known to the ancient Phoenicians three thousand years ago. It is possible that they gave the name to this land. They called their Iberian colony "I-spannim", that is, "The Coast of Rabbits", from which the name Spain was born.
The peninsula is mainly covered with plateaus average height 1000-1500 m. It is located in climatic zone subtropics. Here warm winter(+8-12 degrees) and hot summer (+25-28 degrees).

8. Asia Minor (506,000 sq. km)

This peninsula at the western tip of Asia is also called Anatolia, and its territory is now completely occupied by Turkey. The ancient Greeks called this land Anatolia (sunrise, east) because it was from there that the sun rose for them. Name " Asia Minor"was first used by Paul Orosius, a Christian historian, in one of his works. By this, he sought to separate the region that the Apostle Paul converted to Christianity from the rest of pagan Asia.
WITH different sides Asia Minor is washed by various seas: the Black Sea - from the north, the Sea of ​​Marmara - from the northwest, the Mediterranean - from the south, and from the west - also the Mediterranean, but called the Aegean. Russians in last decades We studied the territory of Asia Minor well, since Turkey began to offer very high-quality and inexpensive holidays on its coasts. Many compatriots are familiar with the names of such resorts as Antalya, Alanya, Belek, Kemer, Side and others.
The climate here is quite mild: in January average temperature is at +5 degrees, but in summer it can be very hot here - up to 30 and even 35 degrees hot, and sometimes it can be +40 degrees. Most often the most heatwave observed on the southern coast of the Anatolian Peninsula.

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9. Balkans (505,000 sq. km)

In southern Europe there is a large Balkan peninsula. It is washed from different sides by the waters of the Mediterranean Sea (Aegean, Ionian, Adriatic Sea), Marmara and Black Seas. On the western coast of the Balkans coastline strongly indented, forming countless bays and bays, mostly with steep, rocky shores. On the contrary, on the eastern side the banks are flatter and straighter. Most of the peninsula is occupied by the Balkan Mountains, which have medium and low altitude.
The Balkan Peninsula has become home to many states: first of all, Greece, then Bulgaria, Romania and Albania, and former Yugoslavia, fragmented into a handful of small countries (Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina), and even a piece of northeastern Italy ended up in the Balkans. At one time, the Ottomans called the local mountains the word “Balkan,” which means “high mountain range covered with forests,” this name stuck, and the peninsula itself began to be called the same. In the central regions and in the north of the peninsula there is a temperate continental climate with rather cold and snowy winters and dry and hot summers. But in the west and south of the peninsula the climate is Mediterranean subtropical, where after a hot summer comes a rather mild winter. As for the northeast of the Balkans, the climate there varies from continental to subtropical.

10. Taimyr (400,000 sq. km)

In the very north of the Eurasian continent between the mouths of the Yenisei and Khatanga in the ice of the Northern Arctic Ocean an impressive piece of land juts out - the Taimyr Peninsula. To the north of it they were frozen in eternal ice archipelago islands Severnaya Zemlya, from where it’s just a stone’s throw away North Pole. Taimyr is the largest peninsula in Russia. It is limited to the north by the Kara Sea and the Laptev Sea. And the northernmost tip of Taimyr - Cape Chelyuskin is also the northernmost mainland point throughout Eurasia.
Even many adults have the vaguest idea where this peninsula is located. It really can’t be called a “tourist Mecca”. The polar region is dominated by a harsh arctic climate; even in summer it never gets warmer than +10 degrees. Administratively, Taimyr belongs to the same name national district, included in Krasnoyarsk Territory. The entire territory of the peninsula is occupied by rugged desert mountain ranges.

Or an island, while others are surrounded by water. It is often difficult to determine the exact boundaries and area of ​​this geographical feature. There are detached, attached and accumulative peninsulas. This article provides a list of the ten largest peninsulas in the world with brief description and location on the map.

10. Taimyr

Area 400,000 km². The peninsula is located in the north of central Siberia, between the mouths of the Yenisei and Khatanga. Located beyond the Arctic Circle, Taimyr is characterized by a harsh climate. Winter lasts 8 months. The landscape is presented and. Rocky lands with lichens and bushes give way to cedar forests. Taimyr is home to reindeer, musk ox, arctic fox, and sable. Walruses set up rookeries on the coasts. Internal and external reservoirs are rich in fish. The territory of the peninsula belongs to Russia.

9. Balkan Peninsula

Area 505,000 km². The peninsula is located in the south. It dominates here mountainous terrain, the climate is humid and cool. In the south there are pine and oak forests, the north is represented by broad-leaved forests. Animal world is diverse, there are many representatives of , and . Among the mammals you can find wild boar, roe deer, deer, and bear. The peninsula is shared by 13 countries, including Greece, Serbia and Bulgaria.

8. Iberian Peninsula

Area 582,000 km². The territory is located in southwestern Europe, washed by the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. Thanks to the Pyrenees, the climate in different parts of the peninsula has its own characteristics. The north and west are dominated by peat bogs and broad-leaved forests. To the south the flora takes on a Mediterranean character. There are groves of cork oak and dwarf palm trees here. In the interior, the landscape resembles a semi-desert. There are 25 species of birds. There are many reptiles and few have survived. You can meet deer, wild boars, mountain goats, and bears. The lands of the peninsula belong to Spain, France, Portugal, Andorra and Gibraltar.

7. Somalia

Area 750,000 km². The peninsula is located in the northeast. This area has an arid climate. Summer temperatures are +34˚C, which is why the flora is not very diverse. Tropical forests grow along the banks of water bodies. The rest of the land is covered with grass and bushes. The animal world has many faces, but some species are on the verge of extinction. Crocodiles, hyenas, lions, and buffalos live here. The peninsula belongs to the Federal Republic of Somalia and Ethiopia.

6. Asia Minor

Area 756,000 km². The land lies in the west. It is washed by the Black, Aegean, Marmara and Mediterranean seas. Most of the territory is occupied by mountains and plateaus. Climate, January temperatures average +10˚C. Evergreen and broad-leaved forests grow on the mountain slopes, which merge into the zone of alpine meadows. The fauna is rich in reptiles, birds and fish. The peninsula belongs to Turkey.

5. Scandinavian Peninsula

The area is approximately 800,000 km². The territory is located in the northwestern part of Europe. The north and west of the peninsula are famous for their fjords, which form many islands and archipelagos. In the south and east there are dangerous underwater rocks. The climate is mostly temperate. Almost half of the territory is occupied by forests. There are coniferous, mixed and broad-leaved forests. The fauna is represented by deer, elk, foxes and hares. There are bird colonies on the coasts. sea ​​waters rich in fish. Norway, Sweden and Finland are located on the peninsula.

4. Labrador

Area 1.4 million km². The lands are located in eastern Canada. On one side it is surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean, and on the other by several bays. Mountain ranges rise in the east. The climate is cool, average summer temperatures do not exceed +18˚C. Most of The territory lies in the forest-tundra zone. Vegetable world represented by firs, larches, white spruces. Labrador is home to martens, foxes and muskrats. The peninsula belongs to Canada.

3. Hindustan

The area is more than 2 million km². The territory is located in the southern part of Asia. Hindustan lies in the equatorial monsoon belt. 90% of the annual rain falls during the summer. The inland areas, covered by mountains, have a dry climate. The flora is alternating with light forests. It is observed along the river banks. Most of the tropical forests have been cut down, and the area is occupied by plantations. There are many representatives in Hindustan: tigers, spotted leopards. Amphibians, birds and reptiles are common. The peninsula is shared by India, Pakistan and Bangladesh.

2. Indochina

The area is about 2.4 million km². The peninsula is located in southeast Asia, between the Pacific and Indian water basins. The terrain of the territory is varied: mountainous areas give way to plateaus and lowlands. Indochina is located in the climatic zone. Tropical forests coexist with mangroves, but much of the natural vegetation has been crowded out cultivated plants. Animals include monkeys, tigers, rhinoceroses, and wild cats. Indochina is home to Vietnam, Laos, Malaysia, Thailand, Myanmar, Bangladesh and Cambodia.

1. Arabian Peninsula

The area is about 3.25 million km². The peninsula is located in southwest Asia. Under the influence of continental tropical air, the peninsula has low precipitation all year round. The relief is represented by deserts, lowlands, plateaus and mountain ranges. There are no permanent bodies of water here. The main plant crops are date palm and coffee tree. Savannah-type vegetation appears on the mountain slopes. The fauna is similar to the fauna of neighboring regions of Europe and Africa. Here you can meet jackals, antelopes, gazelles, fennec foxes, and leopards. The world of reptiles is diverse. The Arabian Peninsula is home to Bahrain, Iraq, Jordan, UAE, Yemen, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar and Saudi Arabia.

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For many people A big dream- this is to have your own house by the sea, to enjoy the quiet splash of the waves every day, and in a storm to admire the enchanting beauty of the powerful elements... But there are still lucky people for whom living on the ocean is nothing special, because they live like this all their lives! It's about about the inhabitants of the greatest peninsulas on Earth - some of them are completely wild, and some of them simultaneously combine highly developed infrastructure and natural beauty. Answering the question where is the largest peninsula in the world, we collected best places of our planet, located on the edges of the continents - but there really is something to see there!


This place is the most large peninsula on our planet, it occupies an area approximately equal to 2,750,000 square meters. kilometers. Only the figure itself looks impressive, and if we consider it geographically, then on the peninsula with the largest territory you can fit as many as ten Italys! The Arabian Peninsula itself is divided between Saudi Arabia, Yemen, and the United United Arab Emirates and several other countries in southwest Asia. The area of ​​the peninsula is mostly deserted, but this does not mean that there is nothing to do there - even though the sun mercilessly dries out the land, but in its depths lies a huge amount of valuable resources such as oil and natural gas, which makes the Arabian Peninsula a real treasure for those countries that have rights to it.

The peninsula is washed by several bays and two seas - the Arabian (which, however, is not difficult to guess) and the Red

West Antarctica

But these lands are not nearly as valuable for people, unlike the leader of our rating described above. The fact is that this is not only perhaps the largest peninsula in the world (its area is about 2,690,000 square kilometers), but, unlike the largest Arabian, this one is also the coldest. Most of the local beauty is covered with a centuries-old layer of ice, and to appreciate natural resources Only penguins are capable of this. In fact, there is a lot to see on one of the largest peninsulas - the Transantarctic Mountains are beautiful in their icy beauty, but few people are able to withstand the harsh climatic conditions, therefore there are no human settlements in West Antarctica. Of course, the landscapes of these lands are truly breathtaking and will leave an unforgettable impression, but still, tourist tours are not at all popular here.

Penguins are perhaps the only inhabitants of West Antarctica

These two peninsulas with similar names to Russian ears are the largest in Asia, with an area of ​​208,800 and 200,000 square meters. kilometers respectively. Both are characterized by a warm and humid climate, in fact, characteristic of the entire Asian region, and are also rich in tourist attractions, which attract guests from all over the world.

In Asia, the largest peninsulas belong to various states: Laos, Malaysia, Thailand, etc. (Indochina), and Pakistan, India and Bangladesh (Hindustan). By the way, it is on the territory of Hindustan that the famous area on the border of India and Pakistan is located - Kashmir, where many military clashes took place; now the image of Kashmir is often used as propaganda against violence.

Hindustan and Indochina are quite popular among tourists and travelers


This memorable name goes to the largest peninsula of Northern America, which is comfortably located in the eastern part of the state of Canada, among the waters of the Atlantic Ocean. It is popular among tourists: it’s all about a huge number rivers and lakes that are so valued by Canadian residents and visitors. In addition, among beautiful landscapes The peninsula is home to many animals that are of interest to tourists: many species of foxes, lynxes, muskrats and others.

Labrador is famous for its harsh climate.


It is worth saying that Scandinavia may not be the largest peninsula in the world, but it is certainly more popular than all the others. And in northern Europe it is the largest peninsula, not to mention the fact that it is home to countries that are very significant in the world community. Sweden and Norway are entirely located on the Scandinavian Peninsula, and there is only a part of Finland there, but this does not prevent the latter from being considered a Scandinavian country. There are many tourists here throughout the year: guests come not only to get to know the cultures of the countries better, but also to admire the amazing green and mountainous landscapes that the Scandinavian Peninsula certainly boasts. It will be especially exciting to visit here in winter: the mountains of Scandinavia, covered with a snow-white cap, are one of the most beautiful natural phenomena, and even their images immediately create a cozy winter mood.

The approximate area of ​​the peninsula is 800 square meters. km


On our tour of the largest peninsulas on Earth, we again returned to very hot places where the merciless sun constantly bakes.

We are talking about the Somali Peninsula, which ranks sixth in our ranking of the largest peninsulas in the world. In fact, Somalia lags behind Scandinavia by as much as 50 thousand kilometers, but despite this, Somalia is the largest in Africa (its area is 750,000 square kilometers).

It is interesting to note that in some ways this incredibly hot place has a lot in common with West Antarctica, the coldest peninsula.

The fact is that they are both almost lifeless and deserted, but only in the first case almost the entire nature of Somalia is depleted by the merciless sun, and in West Antarctica it is so deserted because an eternal harsh winter reigns there.

Many of Somalia's animals have become extinct, and the local fauna is mainly composed of reptiles

The Iberian (also known as Iberian) Peninsula is another treasure of Europe, which is shared between the neighboring states of Spain and Portugal. These lands received their second name from the Iberians who once inhabited them, but now only Europeans live there. It is noteworthy that although the Spaniards believe that one of the largest peninsulas on Earth belongs only to them, in fact, France, Great Britain and Andorra also have official rights to part of the territory (albeit insignificant). However, these pieces of territory are so small that most people do not even know that the British or French live in the Iberian Peninsula.

Spain grabs a much larger piece of the Iberian Peninsula than Portugal

Balkan Peninsula

Another European treasure is the Balkan Peninsula, which is one of the largest in the world and the third largest in Europe. We can say that these lands were literally “torn into pieces” by many states: of course, because Turkey, Bulgaria, Greece, Italy and Montenegro have rights to the Balkan territory - whatever one may say, this is a very impressive list of countries, and yet each has its own characteristics culture and tradition. Although the Balkan is not the largest peninsula in the world, it has certainly earned the title of the most attractive for tourists.

There really is something to see here - for example, the Turkish capital of Istanbul or the real stronghold of world culture - Athens, deserves attention, because it’s even difficult to imagine what a rich history this city has since the times Ancient Greece! It turns out that the Balkan Peninsula has always had great importance for the world community, many centuries ago it was the center ancient Greek civilization, in the 20th century it was here that the First World War, V modern world The European Union gives it special influence.

The Balkan Peninsula covers 505,000 square meters. km in south-eastern Europe

And again we are transported to the Asian part of the mainland - Asia Minor, although last on our list, is still one of the largest peninsulas on Earth. She also holds the record for the number of seas washing her. Asia Minor belongs entirely to Turkey, and due to the wonderful seascapes and developed infrastructure, the tourism industry, which is so important for this country, flourishes here.

This peninsula has four seas - Marmara, Black, Aegean and Mediterranean.

Having looked at our rating, where the largest peninsulas on the planet are collected, we can absolutely say: they are all different from one another, and each of these places deserves to be visited! Of course, each of them is left with a certain imprint by the country to which it belongs: for example, Somalia is covered with the spirit of African poverty, and in Asia Minor you can find all the delights of Turkish tourism.

At the same time, lands divided between several states are of particular interest - wouldn’t it be exciting to cross fine line between England and France on the Iberian Peninsula or find out how the Scandinavian countries differ from each other? And for lovers of extreme recreation and exotic things, we recommend visiting places that are so unpopular with traditional tourism, such as West Antarctica and Somalia - even though the climatic conditions there are more than difficult, the impressions of this trip will definitely remain unforgettable!