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The time of the solar eclipse is March 20th. Eclipse on the day of the vernal equinox

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Important astronomical and astrological event - complete Solar eclipse March 20, 2015.
Complete Sunny year will happen only once; March 20, at 13.45 by Moscow time. The maximum total Solar Eclipse can be seen in Murmansk, at 13.18 local time, but it will also be possible to see a partial Solar Eclipse throughout Russia.

Features of the total solar eclipse in March 2015.

In astrology, solar eclipses have long been considered great importance, attributing something mysterious and even frightening to this process. In mundane astrology (astrology of states), a Solar Eclipse is always an important event, especially when, at the moment of a total Solar Eclipse, the Sun is in exact conjunction with some stars or planets, signifying important events in the life of entire states and peoples of the world.
This year we will witness rare phenomenon– total eclipse of the Sun and The vernal equinox will occur within one day - March 20, 2015. Such a rare astronomical phenomenon is unusual primarily because the energies sent by the Sun to the Earth will undergo significant fluctuations, as a result of which our planet may be subject to various natural disasters, sudden changes in the behavior of all living beings. Man is no exception; Many people at this time may feel unwell, lack of strength, or, conversely, increased emotionality and excessive excitement.

Spring equinox and total solar eclipse; what to expect?

The March 2015 Total Solar Eclipse and Spring Equinox is a unique event in that the Sun forms an exact conjunction aspect with the star She'at, a dim yellow star that means "Shoulder of Pegasus" in Arabic. This star has a “Saturnian” nature, and often, connecting with the Sun during periods of eclipses, leads to various catastrophes and natural disasters. This time the Sun-Moon-Sheat Conjunction occurs in the sign of Pisces, which may be a warning of severe floods.
Starting from the day of the Spring Equinox, the world will experience a powerful surge of accumulated energy, which, after all, was still held back until this moment. This could mean an escalation of conflicts in hot spots globe. Solar Eclipse and Spring Equinox March 20 – 21, 2015 – especially hard times in order to negotiate peace.

At this time, under the influence of raging energies, people can commit the most unpredictable actions; the likelihood of significant provocations and terrorist attacks increases in order to provoke a response from opponents. Therefore, in the current political situation Events may occur in the world that act as a “trigger”, which, unfortunately, can mark the beginning of serious and irreversible changes and great casualties among the population.

And yet, if we all manage to be in harmony with ourselves and the world around us during the Spring Equinox and total Solar Eclipse, then many troubles can be avoided.
The effect of this astronomical event can be felt especially strongly by people with diseases of the cardiovascular system, who are prone to severe emotional experiences. Therefore, during this period, it is better for many to refuse to attend public events, avoid alcoholic beverages, and reduce the consumption of strong coffee and tea to a minimum. It is advisable not to overwork physically, not to expose your body to stress, and not to eat heavy food.

A total solar eclipse precedes the onset of the Year of the Ox according to the Avestan calendar. Tur, according to legend, was the first animal created by Ahura Mazda in our world. And the year of Tour brings energies of renewal and peace.

The eclipse just before the start of the year carries a dual connotation. It can become both a curse and cleansing, the eye of a needle through which the sufferer enters heaven - the point of zeroing and getting rid of karma.


At all times, a solar eclipse has been the most important event for astrologers. Knowledge about the influence of a solar eclipse on earth processes man has been accumulating for thousands of years. Also in Ancient Egypt The priests knew that an eclipse in the place where it was visible promised danger to the ruler of that place. Observations of the ancients made it possible to confirm this fact. The sun symbolizes the king, the moon the population. The Sun (king) is eclipsed by the Moon (people). The eclipse was seen as an omen popular unrest and dangers for the king.
Pharaohs and emperors, kings and tyrants wanted to know how a grandiose cosmic mystery could influence fate. Indeed, their concerns were not unfounded.

This is confirmed by recent events. Following the total solar eclipse observed in Japan in 2012, the ruling party, which had been in power for more than 50 years, lost its dominance.

A solar eclipse that coincides with the vernal equinox is a phenomenon special order. This is a terrible omen for the whole world. It becomes a symbol of grandiose changes in the life of all humanity in the coming year. Earthly events will develop where the solar eclipse will be maximum manifested.

The solar disk will be covered in Reykjavik by 97%, in Dublin by 92%, in Oslo by 89%, in London by 84%, in Brussels by 83%, in Stockholm by 82%, in Paris by 78%, in Helsinki by 78 %, in Berlin by 74%, in St. Petersburg by 73%, in Vilnius by 67%, in Moscow by 65%, in Kyiv by 52%.

Thus, it turns out that the capitals of all will be affected to one degree or another by the coming eclipse. European countries. By analogy with Japan, we can assume that the European Union will face difficult times and serious trials. The Russian capital Moscow is affected by the solar eclipse to a much lesser extent than the EU capital Brussels.

Although the lunar shadow covers Kyiv less than other capitals, nevertheless, in the horoscope of Ukraine this year is marked by dramatic circumstances. In a slow progression, Kyiv is created 4 days before the eclipse. exact aspect involving Mars, which is an indication of violent action. In combination with the influence of a solar eclipse, this aspect speaks of tense events in Ukraine that are bringing change. These events can be interpreted as the destruction of the old and the emergence of the new.
It is deeply symbolic that the eclipse occurs on the day when the Sun enters the sign of Aries, which is ruled by Pluto. This year... ends the last, Plutonian, period in the history of the development of earthly humanity.
The world is on the verge of great changes.

Shestopalov S.V.

Solar eclipse March 20, 2015 - throw away your illusions and make money

The Total Solar Eclipse of March 20, 2015 can easily be considered the main astrological event of this year. And, if you decide to accept his challenge, it can become the main event of your life that you will remember many years later, surrounded by Wealth or Poverty. And, telling your grandchildren the story of your life, you will say the cherished phrase, “You know, it was on this day that it all began.” Or tell them a different story, keeping silent about the fact that over the years you realized that it was this March, on the 20th, that you missed the great chance that fate gave you.

The eclipse on March 20 will be total, which means that it will have the greatest impact on geopolitical trends and set a new cycle global processes influencing the fate of states, peoples, the collapse political systems and the revival of social values, the changing roles and influence of countries and the collapse and creation of new state unions. And regarding these topics, I delicately remain silent. I know whole line astrologers with appropriate education who have chosen this area of ​​astrology and make very accurate and reliable political forecasts. If information about world processes is important to you, look for it from them.

I'm interested in people. The lines of their destinies, their opportunities and pitfalls, the stages of their lives, their professions and marriages, children and loved ones, goals and objectives, family secrets and the possibility of the highest achievements. And in every horoscope I decide eternal task- like each of us, in this human body, through the fabric of earthly affairs, to embody, to express the full potential of our Destiny, Mission, Destination, inherent in our horoscopes. I know for sure that this is possible and that there are special days in the timeline of our lives when this is not only possible, it must be done. These are the days of Solar Eclipses. when you, while continuing to remain in earthly reality, can not only look your Fate in the face, but also receive accurate and unambiguous advice from it. Without intermediaries.

And the eclipse on March 20 brings you an absolutely unambiguous message. Throw away illusions, make money. It puts a bold and final point in the endless debates and oppositions on the topic of choosing Spirituality or Money. It ends a long era of separation of values ​​and the need to choose which path to follow and what to worship, Spirit or Matter. All. The dispute is over. And from March 20, the time of our absolute freedom to be whole and combine these dualities begins.

This eclipse will be very happy! Therefore, discard illusions about harmfulness and troubles and misfortunes that lurk in your genetic memory and make your heart clench with anxious forebodings. They will not exist if you yourself do not feed them with the mists of your fantasies.
There are two traps that await you during this eclipse. Both of them are dangerous because they distract us from the real tasks and can easily create the illusion that you have completed the eclipse lesson.

Mercury and Neptune in Pisces will take you into the world of false spirituality and endless thoughts about subtle energies, service, altruism and the fact that it is and only in this area that the development of your soul occurs. If you fall into this trap, then every seven years a period of testing will await you and the lesson of this eclipse will be repeated until you learn it.

Olga Davydova

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From the mail.
Into the collection of forecasts.
On my own behalf, I’ll add that you need to be outside less at this time and you shouldn’t really admire the eclipse itself.

"There will be a solar eclipse on March 20. One of the sites says that it may be associated with natural phenomena along the line of the elements of water: tsunami, floods.
I am attaching another one of the astrological forecasts from the site.
All the Light!

Total Solar Eclipse March 20, 2015
(from 9.05 to 12.45 Moscow time).

This eclipse will be visible in Northern Europe, Northwest Asia, in the skies over the North Atlantic and Arctic Ocean, in part North Africa.

Residents of Norway will see the maximum phase, in Russian Federation– residents of the Murmansk region. In St. Petersburg, 0.78 of the full phase will be observed (peak at 10.13), in Moscow - 0.55 of the darkened solar disk.

Like every Solar Eclipse, the phenomenon of March 20 will bring global restructuring to many areas of human life and will draw attention to the importance of the role played by the Personality in the history of Humanity.

The outcome of difficult situations, a turn in the fate of people and states, and changes in the history of the planet will depend on the decisions and actions of each of us.

The peculiarities of the astrological picture of the eclipse situation are determined by the fact that the conjunction of the Sun and the Moon occurs in the last degree of Pisces, which is considered special and is called “Dead Fish”.

The sacred meaning of this image is in the dying and resurrection of everything, in the end of the cycle of life for rebirth at a new level. And thanks to this influence (the influence of this degree), we can experience spiritual catharsis, which will lead to unpredictable changes both in the spiritual essence of people, on the mental plane, and on the physical level, too.

Perhaps we will come to understand great mysteries and then begin to live again, perhaps we will experience destruction and loss, and we will have to start living from scratch.

Special influences destructive force will add a Pluto-Uranus square, which has previously strained us. On the day of the eclipse and three days before, the square will be most accurate, so disasters are likely - natural, man-made, social. Revolutionary uprisings and coups, radical changes in society and an extreme escalation of military confrontations are likely.

We need to be especially careful at home, at work and in transport, avoid areas of possible radiation or chemical hazards, follow safety rules when working with electrical equipment and try not to fly in airplanes.

Two aspects will bring particular specificity:
1. Harmonious interaction of the White Moon and Saturn and
2. Opposition Black Moon - Mercury.

Both of these aspects, operating simultaneously, show how important the moral position will be in solving acute situations and how significant spiritual foundations are in our lives.

Unfavorable results will result from obscene speech, distortion or distortion of facts, deception, lies and intrigue. Similar phenomena will attract a very rapid destruction of the hopes and aspirations of the “suffering” and inevitable retribution - with complete exposure.

Manifestations of honesty, fidelity to promises, altruism and spiritual orientation will be favorable. personal development. You need to make Truth the basis for life and sincerity and openness for your actions.

Thanks to additional aspects between Neptune and Mercury (conjunction), Jupiter and Proserpina (square), Venus and the White Moon (quadrature), we will change: we will become more irrational and intuitive in perception, we will radically change our worldview and, perhaps, we will reconsider our views on material addictions.

The destruction of all systems of religious beliefs is likely with the reformation of people's mentality and the acquisition of a more complete picture of the world (trine of Jupiter and Uranus); perhaps people will place emphasis differently and acquire different values.

Try not to base your happiness or define the criterion of your success material wealth. We can lose everything we have acquired overnight (or faster) and not only because of playing in the foreign exchange and oil markets. Life takes on a different meaning when you see how fragile it is.

I have to admit that our Humanity, in any case, modern European-American civilization has reached a certain limit in its development. We are standing at the precipice, and perhaps the next step will be fatal for us.

Therefore, it is so important to weigh everything that happens, make decisions and perform actions based on eternal, unshakable truths, on spiritual heritage and potential, on the principles of the irrational, on selfless, altruistic and humane service to people.

You need faith to maintain yourself in difficult situations, for an impetus to decision and formation of intention, and - for action. And gaining faith does not tolerate lies and deceptions.

I wish everyone relief from false illusions and receiving adequate returns for your achievements.

© L. Zhitnukhina, 2015.


The solar eclipse (as always) will be combined with the NEW MOON.
This time the solar eclipse will be total.
In general, the transformative effect continues, both BEFORE and AFTER the eclipse, for 7-14 days!
, the Moon, Mars and Ketu during this solar eclipse will be in the spiritual sign of service PISCES, and therefore our entire mood and rhythm of life must be in the tonality of this sign if we want to be in harmony with the rhythms of the Universe.


Immediately after the solar eclipse, 9 days of honoring the Mother will begin on March 21 - it is very favorable to work with FEMININE ENERGIES and MOTHER aspects.
The Lunar Year will begin on March 20th.
2 weeks after the solar eclipse, on April 4 (12:01 UTC), there will be a LUNAR eclipse.
The Vedic Solar Year will begin on April 14 (8:17 UTC).
And another 2 weeks after the lunar eclipse, April 21, there will be the most powerful day of the year in all respects - AKSHAYA TRITYA, when both the Sun and Moon will be in the strongest position of exaltation. And this year, Jupiter, Venus, and Mars will join in strong positions on this day. THIS IS THE MOST FAVORABLE DAY of the whole year FOR STARTING EVERYTHING NEW! Especially considering the previous CLEANING energy of two eclipses! You can already prepare for it, for example, I bought multi-colored threads and magnetize them with different energies - the energy of protective mantras, Reiki energy, my feminine and maternal energy, and on April 21 I will weave amulets from these threads for my Spouse, Daughter, Mom and myself :)

The period of eclipses is a very difficult time. And it is important to be in the most complete harmony with all the rhythms of Nature and the Universe set by this special time. The most important rule during the period of eclipses - to be a source of only good thoughts and desires. Give thanks for everything that fate sends you, wish everyone good, light, and then you will see that your thoughts create yours.

For those who have initiations into Reiki, I highly recommend this entire difficult period, from March 8 to April 21, 2015, to especially carefully devote time to Reiki practices, and COMBINE all other actions with Reiki and with CLEANSING AT ALL LEVELS, especially at the energy-informational and karmic level, this will greatly help to overcome strange states and psyches, will add strength, and will guide you towards balance and harmony.

Solar eclipses always occur on a new moon. SO DON'T MISS THIS ESPECIALLY POWERFUL DAY FOR ALL "SUBLE" PRACTICES - a special transformation will concern spiritual and energy-informational practices!.. This combination of ECLIPSE and NEW MOON is the most best time to go to NEW level in those aspects to which Life directs you!

A solar eclipse is considered an even more serious phenomenon than a lunar eclipse. Because a solar eclipse occurs on a new moon. At the moment of an eclipse, not only the energy of the Sun is weakened, but the energy of the Moon is also very weak (after all, it is “small” and therefore very “weak”). In Vedic mythology, at the time of a solar eclipse, Rahu devours the Sun, but since his head is separated from it, the Sun escapes by falling out of the demon's throat.

The sun is associated with our Ego, with our external manifestations, this is everything that surrounds us, this is the energy of life, and we do not always have the opportunity to influence the circumstances around us. The moon is the inner world, our subliminal programs, our emotions, what we live with is what is hidden inside and inaccessible to others. And at the moment of a solar eclipse, a person is in a very vulnerable state, since both in external and internal inner world human there is a disruption in the flow of energies.

On the day of eclipses, as well as 7-14 days before and after it, very serious changes can occur in the consciousness and behavior of people. I want drastic changes, some kind of revolution. Suddenly people realize that they can no longer live like this, and they begin to dramatically change their lives. Give in to emotional impulses. This behavior seems completely justified and necessary, BUT as soon as the eclipse passes, the mind calms down, it becomes obvious that all these changes were unfounded, thoughtless and could have been done with “little blood.” Therefore, all experts, from astrologers to doctors, unanimously say that during eclipses (the week before and the week after the eclipse) you should not make any serious decisions, do not succumb to the mass mood, try to avoid large crowds of people, seclude yourself, dedicate this time to working on yourself.

NOT DESIRED on days of eclipses:

✓ Do not start anything new at all, neither new things nor!
✓ Do not leave home 4 hours before and after the eclipse, and do not drive vehicles.
✓ But for hot countries in their southern part (India, Asia, Indonesia), that is, everywhere where it is hot and warm, as well as for those who know how to swim in any weather and temperature - IT IS GOOD ON THE VARIETY TO GO TO A RESERVOIR, especially a running one reservoir ( , ) - and SPEND the very moment of the Eclipse IN IT. Last year we practiced eclipses like this for the first time - and I want to note the colossal amount of qualitatively special energy, especially in the aspects of cleansing and transformation!!!...
✓ It is not advisable to eat at the time of the eclipse, as well as 3-4 hours before and after it;
✓ Do not cook food (immediately at the very moment of the eclipse);
✓ Do not pick up sharp objects, cut, saw, etc.;
✓ You should not sign important contracts or make deals;
✓ Operations cannot be performed;
✓ You cannot get married, get married, or have children;
✓ It is not recommended to sleep during the day;
✓ Do not leave it under open air food, water (it is believed that everything that was subject to an eclipse is no longer suitable as food);
✓ Do not dry clothes on the street or balcony;
✓ Do not wear new clothes;
✓ No need to be close large groups people, it is better to avoid any crowds of people;
✓ It is strictly NOT recommended to look at the eclipse!!! In general, on the day of a solar eclipse, you do not need to look at the Sun, at sunrise and sunset. And on the day of a lunar eclipse, you don’t need to look at the Moon at all.

FAVORABLE on days of eclipses:

✓ Take a bath or shower (it is better to do this immediately at the time of the eclipse);
✓ Fast (if it is difficult to completely give up food, limit yourself to light vegetarian food and juices);
✓ Engage in some calm activity that does not cause you strong emotions and stress;
✓ If you don’t know what to do at all, then do some general cleaning and take a break from all your activities, watch a good movie and relax;
✓ In general, it’s good to stay at home and be alone;
✓ It is favorable to do good deeds from the bottom of your heart to people in need (just not at the very moment of the eclipse) - for example, donations (of time, money, clothes, food).
✓ Seek help and support from Rod - during a solar eclipse it is better to contact Rod on your father’s side, and during a Lunar eclipse it is better to contact Rod on your mother’s side. And of course to God, within yourself and within every living being.
✓ It’s very good to meditate and read OUT LOUD a prayer, some special one, or just in your own words.

✓ You can work with affirmations, you can prescribe them, or work with Reiki energy.

✓ It is very favorable to read MANTRAS OUT LOUD, especially Protective or Purifying mantras - (Maha-, Mahamrityumjaya-mantra, Nrisimha-kavacha, Vajrapani mantra, Hayagriva mantra, 100-syllable mantra or it is also called the Vajrasattve mantra)
✓ The most powerful protective mantra DURING eclipses is the MAHAMRITYUMJAYA mantra; I personally read it on such days.
✓ AUDIO MANTRAS are good even just to turn on in the background in a room, even if it is barely audible - SOUND VIBRATIONS WILL ALSO CLEAN THE ROOM!...
✓ In general, read on this day those mantras that resonate most with you in your Heart, they all very well eliminate the negative influences of eclipses;

✓ There are also many practices that are carried out at the time of a solar eclipse. These help to cleanse yourself of old programs, free your subconscious from fears and feelings of guilt that prevent you from taking a step forward in order to get closer to your goal - to know yourself as a particle of God, to see the potential of the Creator in yourself and to discover the Unconditional in yourself.

✓ Here is one of the practices:
10 minutes before the eclipse, you should take a contrast shower (if you decide NOT to spend it in a natural body of water), then lie down, relax, close your eyes and imagine how fears, complexes, problems, bad habits and others negative programs the things you want to get rid of come out of you. Imagine them in front of you in the form of mental images, symbols (for example, fear - in the stomach, resentment - a lump in the throat) and send them the energy of love and gratitude for their lessons in your life. Then imagine that they fly far, far away from you and become a tiny dot on the horizon, and then this dot turns into light and dust. See and feel what happens to these fears or problems, how they change, become light and pure creatures or symbols. Then, be sure to fill the places in yourself where these images were with your love or these new pure images.

✓ For anyone who has the practice of ENERGY-INFORMATION CLEANING, I highly recommend doing it on the days of eclipses! And also at any moment before and after the eclipse, when you suddenly feel not very good states. In general, pay special attention to this cleaning great attention during these days. And of course, give yourself Reiki sessions as often as possible, charge yourself with this subtle supporting and harmonizing Power!

Patience, wisdom and awareness to all of us during this energetically powerful time!

Reiki Master Teacher,
Lydia Boyko

There will be a total solar eclipse on March 20, 2015. Its full phase can be observed in the north Atlantic Ocean and the Arctic. There are very few areas of land where the Sun will completely disappear from view: these are the Faroe Islands and the Spitsbergen archipelago. The maximum duration of the full phase will be 2 minutes 47 seconds. The next total solar eclipse will be almost a year later - March 9, 2016.

Total solar eclipses cause big interest even among people who are far from serious studies of astronomy. This majestic picture, when the Sun puts on a silvery crown for a few minutes and darkness sets in in broad daylight, and stars flash in the sky, cannot leave any of the inhabitants of our planet indifferent. This is the most spectacular and interesting astronomical phenomenon, but it occurs quite rarely, and there are years when there is not a single total solar eclipse. Therefore, those who are passionate about celestial science begin to prepare for the next total solar eclipse long before it occurs.

The stripe of a total solar eclipse has a very small width - only about a couple of hundred kilometers, and most of those who want to see this celestial show in all its glory have to travel to the area of ​​visibility of the total phase. You can find out how to prepare for this kind of trip in the article by S. Tsukanov “Hunting the Eclipse” (“Nebosvod” No. 7, 2014).

The next total solar eclipse will take place on March 20, 2015 - almost on the day of the spring equinox. This is a great gift for astronomy lovers at the beginning of astronomical spring. It is unusual, in particular, in that it can be observed even at the north pole of the planet (Fig. 2).

This eclipse is a repeat of the total solar eclipse of March 9, 1997, through saros (approximately 18 years and 11 days). The streak of the total phase of that eclipse passed through Mongolia and Eastern Siberia, and partial phases were observed throughout the eastern part of Russia. This year, the eclipse conditions are not so favorable and the continental part will not be affected by the total phase band at all (Fig. 3). Only residents of the Faroe Islands and the northern archipelago of Spitsbergen will be able to observe the Sun completely covered by the Moon, figuratively speaking, without leaving home. The maximum duration of the total 61st solar eclipse of 120 Saros will be 2 minutes 47 seconds off the coast of Iceland, and the maximum width of the lunar shadow will reach 462 kilometers.

The Moon's shadow will begin to move across the Earth at 9:09 UTC Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Canada and Greenland, and will end at 10:21 at the North Pole. In just over an hour, the lunar shadow will cross the North Atlantic, touching the Faroe Islands, and then pass across the North Atlantic. Arctic Ocean, covering the Spitsbergen archipelago (Fig. 4).

Since the Moon will be near its perigee during the eclipse (which will be on March 19), the apparent sizes of the lunar disk and the lunar shadow on the Earth’s surface are close to the largest. Therefore, the maximum width of the eclipse band will be large - more than 350 km, but the mainland of the planet will not be affected by the Moon's shadow. From that small amount settlements, where the total eclipse will be visible, the town of Barentsburg (Svalbard archipelago) is located almost on the central line of the eclipse, and it is likely that this time it will become a place of pilgrimage, including for Russian astronomy lovers. The total eclipse will occur here at 10:09 UTC and will last two and a half minutes, which is quite enough both for observing and photographing the eclipse itself, and for observing the starry sky and earthly effects caused by the onset of the total phase. The height of the eclipsed Sun will be only 11°.

The end of the total solar eclipse will occur almost at the north pole at sunrise. Although the concept of “sunrise” at the pole is quite loose, since at the “top” of the planet the daylight star rises only once a year - on the day of the vernal equinox, but this event lasts more than 30 hours (from the appearance of the upper edge of the Sun above the horizon until the separation its lower edge from the horizon line). This means that the sunrise looks like the sun's disk sliding along the horizon with a gradual increase in height, and it manages to go around the entire circumference of the horizon even before full sunrise. Thanks to refraction, which lifts the luminaries above the horizon, sunrise still occurs somewhat earlier than the vernal equinox, but this does not change the essence. At the North Pole, the Sun gradually appears from the horizon near the vernal equinox, reaches maximum height(23.5°) per day summer solstice and finally sets below the horizon around the autumnal equinox (and at south pole everything happens exactly the opposite).

On the territory of our country, the largest phase can be observed in the Murmansk region on the border with Norway. Here the eclipse phase will reach 0.91. Such obscuring of the Sun by the Moon already causes a noticeable thickening of twilight. In Moscow, the maximum phase of a partial eclipse will be 0.66, and the duration of the eclipse will be 2 hours 14 minutes. It will be possible to observe the phenomenon at a very convenient lunch time. The first contact, that is, touching the edge of the lunar disk with the edge of the sun, will occur in the Russian capital at 12:11 Moscow time, and an hour later (at 13:19) the partial eclipse will reach its midpoint, when about half will be covered daylight. After this moment, the lunar disk will begin its descent, freeing everything most Sun, and at 14:25 it will open completely.

Residents of the western part of Russia and the CIS countries will be able to observe partial phases. Eastern border The eclipse passes from north to south from the Taimyr Peninsula to Lake Baikal and the adjacent areas. Moreover, northerners will be able to see a phase greater than 0.8 at sunset, while residents of the Baikal region will only be able to see phases less than 0.4. In general, the further north the observation point is, the greater the phase of a partial eclipse can be seen, but the lower the height of the Sun above the horizon will be at the moment of the maximum phase. For example, a half-closed Sun (phase 0.5) will be visible to residents on the line from Crimea to Chelyabinsk and beyond, and a phase above 0.7 will be observed by residents from St. Petersburg to Salekhard. For St. Petersburg, the maximum phase will be 0.78, and the duration of the eclipse will be 2 hours 15 minutes (start at 12:05, middle at 13:12, end at 14:20). But the residents will be the luckiest Kola Peninsula, where the maximum phase will reach 0.8–0.9. The smallest phases (about 0.2) will be observed in the Altai Territory and in the south of the European part of Russia. Majority European countries fall into the eclipse band, limited by phases from 0.6 to 0.8. On African continent the eclipse will be observed in the Sahara Desert (phases from 0 to 0.65), and in Asia the phenomenon will be seen by residents of Central Asian countries, Mongolia and China (in the phase range from 0 to 0.2). You can find out the start, maximum phase and end times of the eclipse in your city on a special page on the NASA website.

Observations of a partial eclipse can be made with the naked eye through dark glass. If you decide to view the eclipse with optical instruments, be sure to use solar filters on the lenses of your binoculars or telescopes to avoid damaging your eyesight! You can read about how to observe solar eclipses in the magazine “Nebosvod” (No. 7, 2008). During a partial eclipse, the coverage of sunspots by the lunar edge is of interest, and with a device with high magnification, you can notice irregularities in the lunar limb, which indicate mountains and hills on the surface of the Earth's satellite.

What the sky will look like at the moment total eclipse March 20, 2015 in Svalbard? As can be seen in Fig. 5, almost all the planets are located near the eclipsed Sun: Mercury and Neptune - approximately two dozen degrees west of the luminary, Uranus - at an angular distance of 16° to the east, a little further - Mars, and a little further - Venus (elongation 34°) . Venus will, as always, be the brightest, so it will be the easiest to spot. At this time, Jupiter will be located at approximately the same height above the horizon as the eclipsed Sun, but on the opposite side of the sky from it. But Saturn will not be visible - during this eclipse it will be deep below the horizon in the constellation Scorpio. From bright stars to the right of the Sun will flaunt

date/time: 20-05-1966 12:39:02 Fri
start of phase: 20-05-1966 09:50:14
end of phase: 20-05-1966 15:26:14
times are for Moscow
eclipse type: Annular
Saros: 137
phase: 0.9991
shadow in km: 3
duration: 5 sec.
Max. visibility: 39°N, 26°E
Show on the map

General forecast

A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes between the Sun and Earth, obscuring part of the solar disk. This occurs when a new moon - a conjunction of the Sun and Moon - occurs near one of the Lunar Nodes. If the trajectory of the Moon passes near the center of the Sun, but the apparent angular diameter of the Moon is less than the solar one, then at the moment the centers align, the Moon cannot completely obscure the Sun and a glow in the form of a ring is created around it; such an eclipse is called annular, but in oral speech, traditionally seeking to express the meaning as briefly as possible, the expression annular eclipse was established. Annular (annular) solar eclipses are currently the rarest type of eclipses, accounting for only 5%. But, as we know, the Moon is gradually moving away from the Earth and annular eclipses will occur more and more often.

The influence of a Solar Eclipse actively manifests itself two weeks before the eclipse and two weeks after. During an eclipse, a fatal corridor opens for 18.5 years in advance, so your positive thought forms are very important. But, remember, your desires must be passionate, fiery. Thus, with the help of your personal Shakti energy for 18 years in the future, you yourself will create a powerful positive vector.

It is very important to meet the Solar Eclipse in a calm, happy, spiritual state, because on the days of eclipses, portals associated with the energies of Lucifer open, “dark forces” are activated, therefore, during Solar Eclipses (two weeks before and two weeks after) conflicts, quarrels, human mortality increases, crime increases, various cataclysms, car/plane accidents, etc. are possible.

During a Solar Eclipse, headaches, pressure surges, heart pain, and exacerbations of chronic diseases are possible. This is a time of provocations, illusions, delusions, however, if you meet the eclipse fully armed, in a positive way, then you can really influence the next 18.5 years.

During Solar Eclipses, you can create thought forms associated with programming your future. It is favorable to create thought forms of a socio-material orientation. For example, you want new friends, change jobs, implement interesting and important projects, i.e. Your wishes will be relevant in social vector. It is also favorable to wish happiness and prosperity to all your friends, children and loved ones. And the best thing you can do during an eclipse is to read appropriate mantras or prayers as often as possible, even if you do it mentally.

Practical tips for improving your life during a solar eclipse:
1. 15 minutes before the eclipse, lie with your head facing the East, placing candles in advance according to the cardinal directions (using a compass), light incense, etc.
2. Passionately project your positive thought forms and desires into the future (realization of yourself in society, in work, in profession, in creativity, in purpose, in relationships, etc. Speak and visualize!
3. End with prayer or mantra meditation. The most powerful mantra or prayer is the chanting of the Names of God, which is confirmed by all religions. By repeating the Names of God (aloud or mentally), we not only protect ourselves from bad influence negative energies of a solar eclipse, but we also cleanse ourselves of accumulated sins and various kinds of negativity. You can use those mantras or prayers that are closer and clearer to you, the main thing is that they contain the holy Names of God, because the Name of God is the most powerful cleanser.

Rules of conduct during an eclipse:
1. One of the important rules of behavior during a Solar Eclipse is to try to have minimal contact with sun rays. Try not to look at the Sun for at least a few days before and after the eclipse. It's best to stay home if possible.
2. Refuse to accept important decisions in all areas of life, especially if you are not sure of their correctness.
3. Limit your food intake on the day of the eclipse; it is better to take a fasting day. It will be very favorable to give up food of animal origin, alcohol, cigarettes, etc.
4. Avoid contact with crowds, postpone car/air travel.
5. It is not recommended to wash or hang clothes in the sun.
6. Don’t watch TV, don’t listen to the radio, don’t gossip, don’t judge anyone, etc.
7. For doctors, astrologers, psychologists, etc., consultations and appointments with patients must be postponed.
8. A very important rule is to spend the day in peace, prayer, it is favorable to light candles, incense, you can visit Temples and various services, it is favorable to read Spiritual literature, etc.
9. Half an hour before the eclipse, take a bath (contrast shower with 3-5 temperature changes) and put on clean clothes! An hour after the eclipse, do the same ablution.


Conceiving a child

Lunar and solar eclipses negatively affect not only physical properties body, causing weakness and activating diseases, but also causes a surge negative energy, therefore, children conceived during the eclipse are born sickly, have a complex and difficult character. They will have to live a difficult life, often very unhappy. Therefore, you should avoid conceiving within a week before or after solar or lunar eclipses.

Planning the gender of the child

Avoid conceiving within a week before or after any eclipses.


You should not undertake anything serious during the days of eclipses, much less something as important for life and health as surgery.

Dental treatment

Nothing serious should be done during eclipses.


Given the ambiguous nature of eclipses, it is better not to tempt your fate. Knowing about the upcoming eclipses, about 2 weeks before and after them, it makes sense to refrain from any active actions, especially such important event like getting married.


Solar eclipses are special psychological, energetic and magical days. The day of a solar eclipse is truly mystical: black sorcerers and magicians send damage that is almost impossible to remove, conduct rituals that change the fate of entire states and regions. Magic induced during a solar eclipse breaks a person’s spirit. It is difficult to recover from such a magical blow. This has serious consequences. The hours of a solar eclipse are used to influence physical body person. If you are a beginner and do not know how to control the flow, then refrain from strong, serious rituals, the power can turn back to you with great force.

List of eclipses solar eclipses lunar eclipses

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Comments (4):

Louise I would like to know this - why can’t you sleep during an eclipse? 08/14/2018 at 17:48 Alexey Hello, Louise! This is an ancient belief and it’s difficult to say for sure, but during an eclipse, various dark spirits and demonic creatures increase their influence on earth. In the body of all living beings Vital energy slows down its movement, all cells of the body experience stress, the performance of the mind decreases, diseases may worsen, the immune system is at a minimum of its activity. During an eclipse, a communication channel is formed between the subtle world and our physical one, so our thoughts become very influential. If you sleep, you are more susceptible to everything negative influence. 08/19/2018 at 14:06 Natalie And if a child was born during a solar eclipse, what fate will be destined for him 08/20/2018 at 21:56 Alexey Hello, Natalie! The period of eclipses does not go the same way for everyone. All this very much depends on the individual horoscope and personal behavior during the period of eclipses. It is believed that people born during a solar eclipse have a rather difficult fate and life circumstances. 08/21/2018 at 17:18