Biographies Characteristics Analysis

HSE National Research University. Master's programs at HSE: student reviews, master's programs

To be honest, the teaching of linear algebra at the HSE Faculty of Economics leaves much to be desired. In particular, seminarian E. B. Burmistrova does not teach the material at all, does not conduct consultations, and then arranges incomprehensible and overly complex session work. The result of which is that half of the groups do not receive credits, and the second half receives inadequate grades and with the help of which it is impossible to objectively assess students’ knowledge, makes mistakes in writing assignments exam paper, not interested...

I want to warn applicants and their parents! I entered MIEM HSE last year at a discount. I passed the first two modules with good grades, in the third module I passed two exams with high temperature- did not pass. In the fourth module, I received another failure, and more than half of the students failed this exam, since the examiner was not entirely adequate, it was just a “failure”. During school year didn’t miss a single lecture, met all deadlines on time, personal life there was none. This is doubly...

The strongest university in the field of economics for sure. All topics are studied in great depth, almost half of the subjects from the 3rd year are taught in English language top teachers. An excellent system of elective courses, that is, in the 3rd and 4th courses most You choose subjects from the area of ​​your field that interests you most. It’s quite difficult to learn, but you quickly get involved in the process. As for discounts: if you don’t do much, you certainly won’t get to the top of the rankings and won’t get the coveted...

Honestly, I don’t know who writes strange negative reviews about the National Research University Higher School of Economics. In my opinion, this is the most strong university in Russia. Before HSE, I studied at Moscow State University. And I can say that at Moscow State University the education is weaker. HSE is also much more liberal than Moscow State University in all respects. And it’s interesting to study here: the teachers are interesting, smart, and intellectually gifted. National Research University Higher School of Economics - best university Russia! And there is no doubt about it! Hooray!

Hi all! I studied at one of the humanities faculties National Research University Higher School of Economics in the master's program. I can say that the education there is worthwhile. Better than, say, Moscow State University (I graduated from Moscow State University). The knowledge is not just solid, but high-quality. Moreover, this is information that is relevant to the time and place, and not old, outdated information. At Moscow State University, for example, we were not really taught what a source is. But this is so important for a professional humanist who is engaged in research to know. I am very glad...

The Faculty of Law of the National Research University Higher School of Economics is a swamp where everything is bought. Only a few teachers are worthy of teaching students.

And I want to write about security. It's a shame! Always drunk, screaming, women who cannot speak normally, obviously with a dubious past. Please note that after 20.00 there are often drunk. My opinion is that another contingent should guard the Higher School of Economics because the first people we see when we come to the institute are guards and the first impression leaves much to be desired.

Information about the university

"graduate School Economics" (National Research University Higher School of Economics) was founded in 1992. It is located in Moscow, on Myasnitskaya Street. It is one of the most popular and sought-after universities today.

The profile of this university is different socio-economic and humanitarian sciences, and mathematical sciences and computer science. The university has more than 20 departments and faculties. There is also military department, as well as student dormitories.

In 2012, the Higher School included the Moscow state institute electronics and mathematics, and two more institutions of additional vocational education. The founder is the Government of Russia. HSE has several branches, namely in the following cities:

  • In Nizhniy Novgorod;
  • In Perm;
  • In St. Petersburg.

HSE University in our time

In 2011, HSE University was awarded the status of a National Research University. It should be noted that graduates of this university have the opportunity to obtain diplomas from European universities. The university has more than 130 international partners in different countries. Foreign languages ​​are taught to a large extent at all faculties, and in some faculties teaching is conducted entirely in English. In addition to training masters, graduate students and bachelors, the National Research University Higher School of Economics regularly organizes courses for schoolchildren of the most different levels Difficulty: from 7th to 11th grade. In these courses, university teachers prepare schoolchildren for the State Examination, Unified State Examination and Olympiads. It should also be noted that HSE has seven dormitories. In this educational institution a network of interfaculty and faculty basic departments has been created. Teaching is conducted only by experienced and highly qualified practitioners from non-profit and commercial enterprises of business and science, as well as government bodies.

The university has many different faculties that train specialists in almost all spheres of life.

Let us note the main faculties of the National Research University Higher School of Economics:

  • economics;
  • business informatics;
  • stories;
  • logistics;
  • management;
  • mathematics;
  • Faculty of Law;
  • applied political science;
  • philology;
  • Faculty of Sociology;
  • Faculty of Philosophy, as well as many other faculties.

I would also like to note that HSE became one of the few universities in which the military department was left after military reform. Today, the military department trains specialists in seven military educational specialties. And since 2011, the Main Command Ground Forces performs general management of the military department.

It should be noted that the Higher School of Economics publishes over 20 scientific journals:

  • education issues;
  • world of Russia;
  • issues of municipal and state administration;
  • foresight;
  • corporate finance;
  • demoscope Weekly;
  • economic journal;
  • economic sociology.

Since 1994, the formation has taken place library fund University. Currently, the total book fund is more than 500 thousand copies. However, electronic subscription is a priority: it includes a variety of databases of domestic and foreign scientific periodicals, newspapers, analytics, encyclopedias and dictionaries, e-books. Concerning periodicals, then here we cover almost a complete list of publications on the subject of the university. Access to the electronic subscription is available from all computers of the university, for students and employees also from outside.

Since 2000, the university has its own Publishing House. And already in 2009, he opened his own bookstore called “BukVyshka”, located in Moscow.

  • 2013 “4 International Colleges & Universities”, (3rd place)
  • 2012 “4 International Colleges & Universities”, (2nd place)
  • 2010 "Webometrics", (2nd place)
  • 2010 “RIA NOVOSTI”, ranking of universities Russian Federation according to average Unified State Exam score(3rd place)
  • 2008 Journal "Direct Investments", universities by level wages graduates (1st place)
  • 2008 Direct Investments magazine, the most prestigious and sought-after universities in the Russian Federation (2nd place)
  • 2007 "Kommersant", the most popular universities in the Russian Federation (1st place).

Thus, HSE University regularly takes leading positions in various prestigious rankings.

In 2009, Russia held a competition among universities that applied for the title of “national research university" HSE was one of the few winners and the only university among 14 Russian research institutions with a socio-economic profile. It should be noted that research activities is given in such areas as the history of economic doctrines, economic theory, instrumental and mathematical methods in economics, macroeconomics, law, sociology, psychology, education, public administration, political studies and information sciences.

Important projects started research projects together with leading universities: Peking University, Stanford University, Sorbonne, Shanghai University. The university has its own research institutes, a scientific foundation and a center basic research, various scientific centers, as well as laboratories.

The very first design and educational laboratory was created in the spring of 2009 in the Nizhny Novgorod branch, and today more than 10 such laboratories and groups operate at the Higher School of Economics. Currently there are twenty research institutes, as well as 11 scientific centers.

Summarizing the results, we can conclude that the Higher School of Economics is undoubtedly one of the most popular universities in Russia. IN this university Students study from a variety of cities and countries. Training is provided in a wide range of specialties. The enormous popularity and demand of the National Research University Higher School of Economics is evidenced by its leading places in various rankings, as well as the activities of the university.

The Higher School of Economics is a university that trains economists, sociologists, managers and lawyers and conducts active international research activities. Philosophy, mathematics, literary history, journalism, psychology, sociology and even design are taught here. Under the roof of this modern, authoritative university, leaders of Russian scientific schools, brilliant teachers, learning from whom is interesting and promising.

Features of the educational process:

During your undergraduate studies, you can study more than 30 various disciplines. Their set depends on the content of a particular educational program and the choice of the student himself. Curricula are drawn up in such a way that a student studies no more than five disciplines simultaneously (excluding foreign languages and physical education). In the first and second years, the classroom load and independent work are approximately equal shares. In the third and fourth years, the student is offered more independent work.

The academic year is divided not into semesters, but into modules. There are 4 modules in a year - thus, the duration of the module is approximately equal to school quarter. After each module there comes a week of session, during which, depending on the working curriculum, tests and exams may be held, or nothing may be carried out - in the latter case this week turns into an unofficial vacation.

The tower is more than 100 student organizations, thousands of events and your student government. student life The university is almost impossible to describe: too dynamic, diverse and something for everyone. The only way to know it is to become part of it.

Greetings to HSE applicants:

The Higher School of Economics is a research university that carries out its mission through scientific, educational, project, expert-analytical and sociocultural activities based on international scientific and organizational standards. We recognize ourselves as part of the global academic community; we consider international partnership and involvement in global university interaction to be key elements of our movement forward. Being Russian university, we work for the benefit of Russia and its citizens.

The basis of our activities is theoretical and empirical studies and dissemination of knowledge. Without compromising the quality of research and not limiting ourselves to teaching fundamental scientific knowledge, we strive to provide a practical contribution to the construction of a new Russia.

Our university is a team of scientists, staff, graduate students and students who are distinguished by an internal commitment to maintaining high academic standards in their activities. We strive to provide the most favorable conditions for the development of each member of our team.

Us, who sometimes occupy different positions in different problems modernity and the past are united by common values:

  • the pursuit of truth;
  • cooperation and interest in each other;
  • honesty and openness;
  • academic freedom and political neutrality;
  • professionalism, self-demandingness and responsibility;
  • active public position.

The Higher School of Economics was created by Decree of the Russian Government on November 27, 1992, initially as a center for training masters.

The starting period was marked by intensive “teacher training”: R. Entov read to the entire team of teachers - mostly former employees academic institutions and Moscow State University - course on key problems economic theory, and G. Kantorovich updated their knowledge of mathematics. Since 1993, HSE teachers have regularly trained at leading European universities.

The principle of the School from the first day of its existence is a combination of strict, even cruel training with discussion and solution of pressing problems Russian economy. Leading economists who worked in the Government - E. Yasin, A. Shokhin, S. Vasiliev, Y. Urinson, V. Kossov, E. Gavrilenkov, M. Kopeikin, V. Baranov - became HSE professors.

Since 1995, HSE began to transform into a university where, along with economists, they train sociologists, managers and lawyers. Effective scientific and pedagogical teams began to form around O. Shkaratan, L. Ionin, S. Filonovich and other leading teachers who came to the School.

At the same time, a system of HSE research centers is being created, focused on applied research on orders from the Ministry of Economy, the Central Bank, the Ministry of Education and Science, commercial enterprises and banks.

In 2015, HSE entered the “51-100” group of the QS ranking in the field of development studies social development). In this ranking category, the Higher School of Economics became the only Russian university. Also, HSE was the only Russian university, which was ranked in such subject groups as “economics and econometrics” and “sociology” (group 151-200). The fourth area of ​​the ranking that the Higher School of Economics was included in was philosophy (group 151-200).

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Students 10,123 (as of October 1, 2009) Master's degree 1922 (as of October 1, 2009) Postgraduate studies 576 (as of October 1, 2009) Teachers 1475 Location Moscow Legal address Myasnitskaya street, 20 Website



The idea of ​​creating the Higher School of Economics - an economic school of the European standard - was born at the turn of 1980-1990, when it became clear that the existing system of planned economic education in the country does not meet the requirements of the new political and economic situation. Then a group of teachers from the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University - Evgeny Yasin, Yaroslav Kuzminov, Revold Entov, Oleg Ananyin, Rustem Nureyev - after several attempts to introduce the foundations of market economic theory into educational plans existing universities realized the need to build a new economic school, which from the very beginning would be based on the principles of world economic science. This meant providing students with tools for analyzing and forecasting real processes, teaching them to work with statistics and economic models, giving them mutual language with the global community of professional economists.

The first real attempt to create HSE can be considered alternative departments of economic theory, organized at MIPT (1989-1990) and at the physics and history faculties of Moscow State University (1990-1991). Students could choose between courses taught by young teachers and recent graduates of the Faculty of Economics, and Marxist-Leninist political economy. Many of those who later formed the backbone of the State University-Higher School of Economics went through the school of these departments. There, the methodology for teaching economic theory in a country with a transition economy was worked out. The start of a new business was facilitated by the support of the Soros Foundation, which provided a one-year grant in 1989.

early years

The starting period was marked by intensive “teacher training”: Revold Entov taught the entire team of teachers - mostly former employees of academic institutes and Moscow State University - a course on key problems of economic theory, and Grigory Kantorovich updated their knowledge of mathematics. Since 1993, HSE teachers have regularly trained at leading European universities, primarily at the University of Rotterdam, whose Faculty of Economics, the largest in Europe, was a partner in the creation of the State University-Higher School of Economics within the framework of a grant from the European Union.

The principle of the State University-Higher School of Economics from the first day of its existence is a combination of strict, even brutal preparation with discussion and solution of pressing problems of the Russian economy. Leading economists who worked in the government became HSE professors: Evgeny Yasin, Alexander Shokhin, Leonid Vasiliev, Yakov Urinson, Vladimir Kossov, Evgeny Gavrilenkov, Mikhail Kopeikin, as well as scientists who came to the HSE from institutes of the Academy of Sciences and others research centers, as well as from Moscow State University: Lev Lyubimov, Igor Lipsits, Rustem Nureyev, Oleg Ananyin, Leonid Grebnev.

First vice-rectors L.M. Gokhberg V.V. Radaev A.T. Shamrin L.I. Jacobson

Faculties Economics (department of statistics, data analysis and demography)
business informatics (department applied mathematics and computer science department of software engineering)
state and municipal administration
stories *
management (logistics department)