Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Student self-government - the limits of independence. Separate ways and forms of work

I want to start my story about the student self-government of the school from the background.

In the era of October-pioneer-Komsomol life, the presence in the school of the so-called organs student government in the form of the Council of the Squad, the Komsomol Committee, the Academic Committee was not discussed and did not cause any controversy - it was an integral part public life any school. The members of the then self-government bodies mainly performed inspection functions (controlled, checked, called, etc.), although in good and really interesting schools at the same time they were the organizers of interesting and necessary things.

When the perestroika that had begun intruded into school life for children and youth, student self-government somehow “died” at once, along with the Pioneer and Komsomol organizations, and for a certain period it seemed not to be required. Educational activities continued to be carried out by class teachers, next to whom there were always 2-3 assistants from the students of the class, and, in general, the absence of student self-government did not bother anyone.

AT last years they remembered him again and spoke at the top of their voices. And it is no coincidence: the strategic aspirations of the school, aimed at forming a person who knows how to build a decent life in a decent society, required the education and development of such qualities in students as:

  • creative initiative;
  • the ability to set goals and achieve them;
  • independence in solving personal and social problems;
  • responsibility for oneself and others.

And here student self-government again comes to the fore in the upbringing of these qualities.



Center for Science and Education

Vorobieva Julia 9b

Ilyin Nikolay 8b

Smirnov Alexander 9b

Rulev Artem 9b

Search group

Smazhko Mykola 10

Korbut Timur 10

Kiryanov Alexey 9a

Drobotov Alexey 9a

Center "Leisure"

Vlasova Alexandra 11

Andreeva Natalia 11

Goryacheva Ekaterina 11

Safuanova Evelina 11

Center "Labor and Headquarters of Order"

Kasitsyna Anastasia 10

Starostina Oksana 10

Karnaukhova Tatiana 10

Center "Care"

Bugreev Nikita 9a

Gurikova Alena 9a

Perikhanyan Suzanna 9a

Prokhorova Julia 9a


"Sports and health"

Gribkov Dmitry 10

Kiryanov Dmitry 10

Astapov Alexey 10

Iskanderli Ilkin 10

Press center

Nikonov Alexander 10

Eliseeva Alena 11

Domasheva Anastasia 11

Ivanova Xenia 11


School Council

Solomatina Julia

Grade 11

Deputy chairman

Ostakhova Anastasia

Grade 10


Student self-government at school

I want to start my story about the student self-government of the school from the background.

In the era of the October-pioneer-Komsomol life, the presence in the school of the so-called bodies of student self-government in the form of the Council of the Squad, the Komsomol Committee, the Academic Committee was not discussed and did not cause any controversy - it was an integral part of the social life of any school. Members of the then self-government bodies mainly performed inspector functions (controlled, checked, called, etc.), although in good and truly interesting schools they were also organizers of interesting and necessary cases.

When the perestroika that had begun intruded into school life for children and youth, student self-government somehow “died” at once, along with the Pioneer and Komsomol organizations, and for a certain period it seemed not to be required. Educational activities continued to be carried out by class teachers, next to whom there were always 2-3 assistants from the students of the class, and, in general, the absence of student self-government did not bother anyone.

In recent years, he was again remembered and spoken at the top of his voice. And it is no coincidence: the strategic aspirations of the school, aimed at forming a person who knows how to build a decent life in a decent society, required the education and development of such qualities in students as:

  1. creative initiative;
  2. the ability to set goals and achieve them;
  3. independence in solving personal and social problems;
  4. responsibility for oneself and others.

And here student self-government again comes to the fore in the education of these qualities.

I want to tell you about just such a student council with which I had to start working. They were amazing guys, almost all from the same class. They did not have to be taught, instructed, ordered, advised, all ideas came from them. They were easy and fun to work with. They could captivate all the children of the school with their ideas, they were respected, there was discipline and order in the school. Children from other classes rushed to the School Council. But the time came when my first Council left the school.

And then the problems began.

It seems that everything is fine, at the meetings the guys were burning with ideas, but after a while everything was forgotten and all the activities, unfortunately, were reduced only to checking changeable shoes, organizing class cleaning and school duty. There was no independence of the Council, only what I asked was done. The children have lost their understanding of the essence of student self-government. I had to start all over again.

So what is the essence of student self-government?

First of all, in the fact that the meaning of student self-government is not in managing some children by others, but in teaching all children the basics of democratic relations in society, in teaching them to manage themselves, their lives in a team.

Self-government can only exist where there is public life:

  1. club;
  2. circle activities;
  3. preparation and implementation of CTD;
  4. participation of all (students, teachers, parents) in the events of school life, the life of society.

School governmentis the mode of joint and independent living in which each student can determine his place and realize his abilities and opportunities.

I divided the development of student self-government into three stages.

At the first stage I have worked to instill in students self-respect, respect for team members, the desire and need to help the teacher, the desire for an active social activities. At this stage, the dynamics of the development of student self-government completely depends on the teacher. The main position of pupils in the life of primary and public groups is performing. The position of the teacher is to form students' knowledge, skills, skills of self-management activity by personal example, didactic methods. At the same time, in the process of collective affairs, pupils were being prepared for self-control and introspection. This further opened up the possibility of transferring the functions of managing individual cases from the teacher to the students. It is through collective form goes active preparation of students for full self-management activity.

At the second stage our Student Council has been constantly growing, and its rights and responsibilities have been expanded. The initiative in self-management activity at this stage came not only from the teacher, but also from a significant part of the children's team. Some activities of the team are completely led by students. Permanent self-government bodies have been formed (Leisure, Science and Education, Care Centers, Press Center, Labor Center and the Headquarters of Order, Physical Education and Sports). Members of these bodies became the organizers of work with students of interest.

Self-management becomes the leading condition for the approval of the student in the team. Teaching staff, relying on the highest self-government bodies - meetings and performing centers, tries to develop in students the need for introspection, self-esteem and self-organization. The content of students' activities has expanded and, accordingly, connections have become diverse, both at school and outside it.

At this stage in the development of self-government, the guys began to engage in legislative activity. This refers to the creation of laws, rules of life, symbols of the team (for example, Regulations on the duty class, Regulations on the Council of High School Students, Regulations on the school newspaper, etc.)

Now our Student Council is at the 3rd stage of development.

Self-government is not so much a means and form of team building as a principle. The principle of self-government is obligatory element content, organization and management educational process at school. Meaning public opinion is that the students themselves, regardless of their status in the team, support socially significant undertakings and, depending on their participation in them, evaluate the position of their peers.

Democratic self-government is taking shape, which changes the position of the teacher and pupil in the team. The teacher becomes a partner of students (for example, our teachers, together with students, take part in song festivals, Health Days, KVN, Tatyana's Day, tourslet, etc.).

Third stage - the final stage in the formation of a system of student self-government. It is characterized by the expansion of rights, duties and the complication of the functions of self-government bodies: a constant increase in the number of pupils participating in the organization of the life of the team; fulfillment managerial functions in order of priority; transfer of individual educational functions of teachers by the student team.

And in conclusion, I want to say.

Many schools have created School Dumas, Parliaments, Councils of Governors, etc. The essence of self-government is not in the names. Just like not in the days of self-government. Days of self-government are permissible and may be of interest only as a form of business game. And they are especially interesting when teachers are included in the game.

Student self-government is a complex and lengthy process. It cannot be taken from outside, adopted from another school (even if it is at a high level there) - it can be nurtured only in the school itself.

We offer you, dear colleagues, some of our documents on student self-government. I hope that they will be of interest to someone.




  1. General provisions

1.1 Self-management in the classroom is carried out on the basis of collective planning and distribution of cases between creative and initiative groups in the following areas:

  1. educational and cognitive affairs;
  2. socially useful and labor affairs;
  3. cultural affairs and organization of leisure;
  4. healthy lifestyle;
  5. self-determination and self-education.
  6. Information service.

1.2 Student groups independently determine the main directions of their activities.

1.3 Self-management in the classroom is based on the following principles:

  1. voluntariness;
  2. Cooperation;
  3. Alternation of creative affairs;
  4. Conscientiousness in carrying out assignments.

1.4 The highest self-governing body of the class is the general meeting.

  1. Organization of useful things in the classroom

2.1 The class is divided into creative groups on a voluntary basis.

2.2 In each creative group, a leader is elected for a period of an academic year.

2.3 Each group fulfills the assignment assigned to it by the Class Council.

2.4 Students have the right to move from one group to another.

  1. General meeting of the class

3.1 The meeting is the highest body of class self-government and provides each student with the right to participate in the preparation, discussion and decision-making on the most important issues class life.

3.2 The general meeting of the class discusses any issues of the life of its team and makes the necessary decisions on them:

  1. plans the life of the class team;
  2. expresses his proposals for improving the teaching and upbringing process in the classroom;
  3. elects the head of the class;
  4. distribute standing orders among students;
  5. forms permanent creative groups in the classroom;
  6. listens to the reports of responsible persons and self-government bodies of his team on the work done, on the implementation of instructions;
  7. hear information about the implementation of the decisions of the previous meeting and take appropriate decisions on it;
  8. nominates candidates for the Council of High School Students.

3.3 A class meeting is considered eligible if at least ¾ of the students in the class are present. Participation in the meeting is the responsibility of every student.

3.4 The decision of the meeting is considered adopted and binding on all students of the class if at least half of those present voted for it.

3.5 The general meeting of the class meets, if necessary, in a planned or operational manner, but at least once a trimester.

  1. class council

4.1 The class council is the highest executive and coordinating body of student self-government of the class, elected at the class meeting for one year.

4.2. The Class Council includes: headman, deputy headman, heads of creative groups, chairman of the parent committee, class teacher.

4.3 The class council has the following powers:

  1. leads creative teams;
  2. decides on the forms of participation of the class in various activities of the class and school;
  3. distributes assignments among creative groups;
  4. resolves the issue of encouraging and censuring individual students;
  5. considers conflict situations that arise in the classroom;
  6. monitors the implementation by students of the "Laws of the life of the school team."

4.4 The class council performs the following functions:

  1. organizational;
  2. representative;
  3. outreach.
  1. Class monitor

5.1 Head of the class - an authorized representative of the class at meetings and meetings of any level; protects the interests of the class, chairs Council meetings.

5.2 The head of the class must:

  1. monitor student attendance;
  2. carry out the assignments of the class teacher related to the educational process.
  1. Heads of creative or initiative groups

6.1 The heads of creative groups are obliged to:

  1. organize the work of creative groups;
  2. report to the Class Council or at a class meeting on the implementation and assigned assignments.
  1. Elections to the Class Council

7.1. The following are elected to the Class Council:

  1. class leader - general meeting;
  2. leaders of creative groups - at a group meeting.
  1. Documentation

8.1. All information about the life and activities of the class for the current academic year is collected in the Class Portfolio folder, which can include:

  1. name, motto and symbols of the detachment;
  2. class list with the distribution of assignments, division into groups;
  3. class plan;
  4. photos and reviews of events in which the class took part;
  5. certificates, diplomas and other class awards;

8.2. Maintaining the Class Portfolio is the responsibility of the students assigned to do so by the class.

8.3 At the end of the school year, the “Class Portfolio” is handed over to the Chairman of the Council of High School Students to summarize the activities of the class in the current academic year.

  1. Final provisions





MOU Yakhromskaya secondary school No. 1

  1. General provisions on the work of the Council of High School Students.
  1. The Council of High School Students consists of students in grades 9-11 and is a self-government body based on consent and cooperation.
  2. The activities of the Council are based on the universal principles of democracy, humanity, harmony, and openness.
  3. The Council of High School Students operates on the basis of the Law "On Education", the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Charter of the school, the principles of election and accountability.
  4. The Council of High School Students participates in the planning and organization of extracurricular and extracurricular activities of students.
  5. Elections to the Council of High School Students are held annually at the beginning of the school year at a meeting of students in grades 5-11.
  6. Members of the Council of High School Students can be selected in the classes of students (3-5 people) who have a desire to work in the Council.
  1. Tasks of the Council of High School Students
  1. The Council of High School Students initiates and organizes socially useful causes in the interests of the school community.
  2. The Council of High School Students covers its activities and events in the life of the school with the help of the media.
  1. The structure and organization of the work of the Council of High School Students.
  1. The Chairman of the Council of High School Students coordinates the work of the Council.
  2. The Chairman of the Council of High School Students is elected from the members of the Council by open voting.
  3. The Deputy Council of High School Students coordinates the work of the Council of Leaders in grades 5-11.
  4. The Deputy Council of High School Students is elected from among the members of the Council by open voting.
  5. The Council of High School Students includes the heads of the Centers: "Science and Education", "Care", "Leisure", "Labor and Order Headquarters", "Sport and Health", Press Center.
  6. The secretary of the Council of High School Students is responsible for the documentation of the Council, keeps minutes of meetings.
  7. The work of the Council of High School Students is organized on the basis of planning the current affairs of the Centers.
  8. At the meetings of the Council, each KTD conducted by members of the Council of High School Students is analyzed.
  1. Rights and obligations of the Council of High School Students

Members of the Council of High School Students are required to:

  1. Take an active part in the activities of the Council.
  2. Organize their activities solely for the benefit of the school community.
  3. Direct their activities to the development and strengthening of the traditions of the school.
  4. Bring to the attention of the administration, pedagogical and student team Council decisions.

Members of the Council of High School Students have the right:

  1. Take an active part in planning educational work schools, at their meetings to discuss and approve plans for the preparation and conduct of KTD.
  2. Have your own press organ (Press Center), your own emblem (badge) and motto.
  3. Listen to the reports of the heads of the Centers and take the necessary decisions on them.
  4. Petition for encouragement or punishment of school students to the administration, the pedagogical council or the School Council.
  1. Documentation and reporting of the Council of High School Students.
  1. Meetings of the Council of High School Students are recorded.
  2. The work plan of the Council of High School Students is drawn up for the entire academic year and is consistent with the educational work plan of the school.
  3. An analysis of the activities of the Council of High School Students is submitted to the Deputy Director for Educational Work at the end of the academic year.
  1. Final provisions
  1. This Regulation shall enter into force upon approval.
  2. Changes to these Regulations are made by the student meeting.

MOU Yakhromskaya secondary school No. 1

  1. General provisions

1. School duty is organized with the aim of developing self-service and self-government, attracting schoolchildren to participate in creating the conditions necessary for the normal course of academic life, maintaining discipline, ensuring order, observing the rules and norms of student behavior in accordance with the Charter of the school.

2. The class on duty under the guidance of the responsible duty officer and class teacher is responsible for school duty. The duties of the class on duty and the class teacher are regulated by the Regulations adopted by the school.

3. School duty is carried out by students in grades 8-11 for one week in accordance with the schedule approved by the director. Hours of duty are 7:50 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.

  1. duty class duties

1. Responsible class attendant:

  1. distributes duty officers;
  2. controls the timely exit of the duty officers to the posts and the quality of the performance of duties;
  3. makes appropriate permutations in the absence of one or another duty officer;
  4. report all violations to the class teacher, duty teacher or members of the administration.

2. Each person on duty during the prescribed period during the breaks is at his post and works in close contact with the teacher on duty.

3. Duty class:

  1. before the start of classes, checks that students in grades 1-11 have removable shoes and clothing that meets intraschool requirements;
  2. ensures order in the corridors and on the stairs, disciplined behavior of students during breaks;
  3. seeks careful attitude students to the property of the school, if necessary, requires the elimination of the violation by the culprit;
  4. maintains cleanliness and order at the posts;
  5. provides the necessary assistance in carrying out activities according to the school plan, in economic affairs.

4. Pupils of the class on duty must have an appearance corresponding to intraschool requirements and a distinctive sign of the duty officer (badge).

5. At the end of duty:

  1. each student hands over his post to the teacher on duty, who evaluates the duty of the class;
  2. remarks are recorded by the attendants in the Duty Log, and the results are announced daily on the school radio;
  3. at the end of school duty, a journal with grades for duty is handed over to the deputy director for educational work for summing up, in accordance with the “Class of the Year” regulation.
  1. Duty Class Rights

School students have the right to:

  1. in the correct form to make comments, present necessary requirements to students who violate the norms of behavior and to achieve their requirements;
  2. make suggestions on organizing duty and improving the routine at school.
  1. Incentive measures for conscientious duty

1.Declaration of gratitude to the class for conscientious duty with entry in the Duty Log;

2. encouragement of the best duty class at the end of the academic year.

  1. Duties of the class teacher on duty class

Classroom teacher duty class:

  1. organizes class duty during the week in accordance with the schedule approved by the director, is responsible for the quality of class duty, conscientious fulfillment of the duties established by the Regulations;
  2. accepts necessary measures to prevent violations of the order and norms of behavior by students;
  3. finds out the circumstances of damage to school property during class duty and takes measures to eliminate the consequences of violations;
  4. organizes summing up and transfer of duty to the next class on duty.




MBOU Zazerskaya secondary school

Essay on the topic "Student self-government - a school of life or a game."

It is known that the most complete disclosure of human abilities is possible only in social significant activities. said: “If a student does not learn to create anything himself at school, then in life he will always only imitate, copy.” Student self-government is a form of organizing the life of a group of students, which ensures the development of their independence in making and implementing decisions in order to achieve socially significant goals. School, of course, should teach us different sciences. But it must also teach us to be independent, to take actions and be responsible for them, to make decisions, to protect our rights. modern society we need people capable of cooperation, independent decision-making, mobility, dynamism, constructiveness, readiness for intercultural interaction, having a sense of responsibility for the fate of the country, its socio-economic prosperity.

Self-management at school promotes self-expression and self-disclosure. I believe that it allows you to use, display and develop your individual abilities and talents, provides the opportunity for self-realization of the individual while in educational process and then into adulthood. Self-management contributes to the development of such qualities as responsibility, sociability, diligence, perseverance, initiative, creativity, morality. Self-government instills in children patriotism, respect for human rights and freedoms, love for nature. In addition, these qualities are necessary for future professional activity, i.e. self-government contributes to the formation of experience and skills, prepares for life in the future work collective.

For our age, the main thing is communication, and student self-government provides a wide field for this type of activity, and this contributes to even greater cohesion of the team of schoolchildren, allows you not to isolate yourself in the circle of your classmates, but to interact with the majority of participants in the educational process. Today's students are tomorrow's leaders of society. Self-management is a powerful factor in the formation of self-education and self-assertion skills. Representing the interests of the entire student team, students can organize and carry out those cases that are of interest to them. In this case, not only the result of joint activity is important, but also the process itself.

When self-government appeared, school life became interesting, rich and exciting. For example, the election of the president of the school and the government. Here we get acquainted with the elements of conducting an election campaign. Our elections are held on a democratic basis (like the election of the President of Russia), that is, equal, direct, secret, and voluntary. The basics of democracy, of course, are studied in the lessons of social science. But today, in order to form holistic personality conscious of the responsibility for our destiny and for the future of Russia, we must study democracy not only in the classroom, but also master it in life practice. This contributes to the formation of an active life position, acquaints us with the rights and obligations of citizens of a democratic society, the work of democratic institutions. Through my practical activities we see that democracy requires joint efforts, compromises and tolerance towards each other.

Self-government makes school life the subject of joint creativity of all its participants. a huge role in self-government, collective affairs are played, during which planning, implementation, analysis and evaluation of cases, decision-making, control and regulation take place. The members of the team develop the need for self-organization, initiative, self-esteem and introspection. We love self-management days at school. When we ourselves draw up the schedule of lessons, we choose the director, the head teacher, we prepare for the lessons, and then we conduct them. Many students of our school, thanks to this, choose the profession of a teacher for themselves in the future. We arrange various events at the school (we independently write scripts, come up with amateur performances, competitions). We independently publish a school newspaper, where we talk about the life of the school, about our plans, ideas. Conducts various promotions. In the course of this, the ability to think independently, acquire and apply knowledge, carefully consider decisions and clearly plan actions is formed. The experience of participating in self-government also teaches this.

School self-government gives everyone a great opportunity to understand themselves, to realize who they really are. Conduct some introspection, after which a person becomes a person with great ambitions.

Self-management allows everyone to build relationships, listen and hear each other, understand and accept the opinion of everyone. Hence, I can say that the role of self-government is to reveal the personal qualities of a person, to help realize oneself in a team, to feel comfortable surrounded by people like you and to be one with those who want to change the world for the better, strive to achieve their goals. goals.

Gracheva Julia



Municipal educational institution

secondary school No. 3, Soltsy, Novgorod region

An essay about:

How do I see student self-government


Completed: student 11 "a" class

Gracheva Julia

Head: Volpert Yu.A.,

History and social studies teacher

Today we are still studying, and tomorrow we will become adults and “go out into life” ... To achieve success in life, a person needs not only knowledge from textbooks. The school, of course, should teach mathematics, physics and other sciences. But it should also teach a person to be independent, to take actions and be responsible for them, to make decisions, to protect their rights. And if student self-government does not work at the school, then it is unlikely that it will be able to keep up with the times.

Why is student self-government necessary?

The goal of school self-government is to create conditions for self-realization and joint activities of adolescents, to develop the creative potential of students, leadership and organizational skills, and mutual understanding. Participation in self-government forms independence, responsibility, and initiative among children. I believe that student self-government is a powerful factor in the formation of self-education and self-assertion skills. Representing the interests of the entire student team, students can organize and carry out those cases that are of interest to them. In this case, not only the result of joint activity is important, but also the process itself. The fact that we are aware of belonging to a common friendly team of students - the School Government - plays for us important role, but for me, as a leader, it also imposes additional responsibility. For our age, the main thing is communication, and student self-government provides a wide field for this type of activity, and this contributes to even greater cohesion of the team of schoolchildren, allows you not to isolate yourself in the circle of your classmates, but to interact with the majority of participants in the educational process. Today's students are tomorrow's leaders of society. old saying: "Leaders are not born - leaders are made" - today it is no less relevant than ever.

What should it be like - student self-government of tomorrow? Of course, if the school has such an organization, children say that school life becomes interesting, rich and exciting. But what does this student government look like now? It seemed to us that we had known the basics of school self-government for a long time: going instead of a teacher to the blackboard and holding a lesson on the day of self-government, organizing various events and publishing newspapers. We thought it was self-government! Children, as a rule, high school students, under the guidance or at the initiative of the deputy director for educational work, organize a body of school self-government. They arrange various events, disseminate information about the life of the school, publish school newspapers, decide who to encourage, who to note, and so on. But still, this activity cannot be called self-government…

Independent management of oneself, one's life, the surrounding reality - these are the three components of self-government. And at the same time, the ability to organize, control and direct others is the basis of any self-government. By the senior classes, we have almost learned to control ourselves, and it turns out, having stepped over the second component, we must begin to control the surrounding reality. Through events, concerts, actions, we try to manage our own lives. Of course, self-government is present here (it seems that we "self-govern" school life), but not the one that we would like to see in a modern school. Probably still childish school government while it remains a beautiful phrase, so far far from reality and not the way we would like to see it.

Firstly, it is necessary to develop management skills, and maybe even to teach "to be a leader". After all, they teach management, and this is also, to some extent, the "art of management." And this, in my opinion, is the first problem. It would be desirable that in the future competent persons in the educational environment would organize forums for the leaders of school self-government, or a kind of advanced training courses for participants in student self-government. After all, there are courses for teachers! Our beloved teachers give us knowledge, form various learning skills in us, prepare us for exams... And to be a leader and be able to manage the school community - we learn this by trial and error. We have fulfilled the primary task of the activity of the body of student self-government - an authorized School Government operates in our school. And now it's time to understand - how to participate in the management of the school, how to decide together with teachers school problems. I believe that we will definitely learn this, the school has such prospects.

Participating in the activities of our School Government, one has to face many difficulties. I have already highlighted one. The second is the lack of established communication with the public, with the leaders of other public organizations. Few take seriously the activities of such children's organizations, considering it just another whim of schoolchildren or the school itself. And how necessary is patronage and sponsorship in this sphere of society's life. Indeed, when organizing even the most insignificant event, the problem of rewarding, encouraging, stimulating always arises ... And here is a dead end. And if you need to go somewhere, then the problem with transport remains practically unresolved. It is difficult to try to do something alone, especially when adults are skeptical about such undertakings ... I wish that in the future there would be some kind of unified charitable foundation to take the edge off financial problems school government.

And one more desire about how I want to see school self-government. Today, our powers are quite extensive and, to be honest, almost all of them are realizable. But if the members of the School Government enthusiastically get down to business, then many students, for whom this is all done, ignore and do not help them in this. It seems to me that it is necessary to teach not only members of school self-government, but also to educate all students. Today, when the school implements democratic principles, many children believe that they are limited in their actions, that they cannot do much, or they will not be allowed to do it. And we need to break this stereotype, because our activity is bright to that example. We can do a lot, we just need to want. And in this direction, too, help is needed. Probably, if the children were explained several times, told how such an organization operates, what are the principles and the vertical of this activity, then many would change their minds about the role of children's self-government.

I hope that the grandiose reforms that are currently underway in the field of education will also affect one of its components - student self-government. And if, in my opinion, it is possible to solve at least the listed problems, then school self-government will cease to be just a beautiful, sonorous phrase, but will turn into an assistant and a full-fledged subject of the educational process!






Student government:Guidelines / - Novokuibyshevsk: GBOU SPO "NNHT" 2014.-27 p.


Kirdisheva N.V., teacher GBOU SPO "NNHT"


Shchelkova O.D. , Deputy Director for NMR GBOU SPO

Tarasova O.P. , Chairman of the PCC GBOU SPO "NNHT"

Guidelines for organizing student self-government as a democratic form of self-organization of students' activities that contribute to their civic and personal development are intended for teachers of educational institutions. Particular attention is paid to the methodology of holding meetings, the use of the method of public assignment in educational work, and the activation of attracting students to self-government activities.

© GBOU SPO "NNHT", 2014


Group meeting……………………………………….10

Student Council……………………………………….11

Institute of Commissioners

Ways to attract students to self-government

activities……………………………………………… 13

An indicative list of permanent and temporary

individual and collective assignments…………..16



The formation of a person who knows how to build a decent life in a decent society requires today the education and development of such qualities as:

    creative initiative;

    the ability to set goals and achieve them;

    independence in solving personal and social problems;

    responsibility for oneself and for others.

The upbringing of these qualities is largely facilitated by student self-government, which provides the necessary dynamics of democratic relations among adolescents, sets real opportunities for civil and personal self-determination of adolescents.

“Self-management is independence in showing initiative, making decisions and its self-realization in the interests of one's team. Self-management is realized through self-analysis, self-assessment, self-criticism and self-settings made by the student in relation to his activity or team. (V.T.Kabush. Student self-government. - Mn .: "Polymya", 1998).

"Children's self-government is a democratic form of organizing a team of children, ensuring the development of their independence in making and implementing decisions to achieve group goals." (Rozhkov M.I. Development of self-government in children's collectives. - M .: VLADOS, 2010).

Student self-government operates on the principle of self-organization by children of their activities based on their own interests and needs, in which each child can determine his place and realize his abilities and capabilities.

Self-organization opens up to students different ages the possibility of natural entry into the system civil society. Through various types of joint activities, students develop the necessary skills social interaction, skills are fixed, on the one hand, to take certain obligations and fulfill them, on the other hand, to obey collective discipline, to correlate personal interests with group and public ones. In a community of peers, where interaction is built on equal terms, where real status must be earned and able to be constantly maintained, a teenager develops the communication skills necessary both for today and in the future adult life, partnership and leadership skills. And the consciousness of belonging to a collective and solidarity gives the student an extremely important feeling. emotional confidence, psychological stability, forms a sense of responsibility for oneself and others.

Self-government cannot be taken from outside, adopted and transferred from another educational institution. You can grow it yourself. It arises where there are already prerequisites for joint activities that need to be organized.

Conditions for development (improvement)

student government

    Implementation of the principle of mutual respect and cooperation in relations between teachers and students, their self-government bodies.

    The presence of an atmosphere of creativity and psychological comfort as a condition for the development of initiative and independence of children.

    Activity approach in the organization of student self-government.

    Communication of permanent, temporary and authorized bodies of self-government.

    Collective introspection. Election, reporting and asset turnover.

    Encouraging the fulfillment of public orders.

    Pedagogical support student government.

According to V.A. Karakovsky, two levels of self-government are distinguished: personal and public: “First of all, “self” should be considered the defining part of the concept. And before referring it to social existence, I would understand it as the management of myself, my development, character, my personal life, finally. This is, so to speak, a personal level of self-government.

As for public life, the main thing in it is the self-governing activity of students for the common good, it is this activity that is primary, and the structures and organs are secondary. They are created as needed, and it is not at all necessary to have as many organs as there are activities. But it is also impossible to do without organs altogether, just as it is impossible to do without public assignments - individual, group, collective. Otherwise, the activity will be chaotic, unpredictable, and this is no longer self-government.”

The structure of self-government, although it has general fundamentals, but each one is built in its own way and is focused on specific children and their joint activities, it is determined by the level of development of the team. It assumes a wide variability and is carried out in different forms.

Self-government bodies should be sufficiently diverse and flexible, permanent and temporary, renewable and situational.

But for all their diversity, they are always secondary. Primary activity, on the basis of which self-government arises

The dynamics of self-government at different stages of the development of the team (according to Kabush V.T.)

Stage characteristic

Lack of an asset, common goals, interest in activities in a team

The formation of the asset, the interest of students in the affairs of the team

The presence of public opinion, a constantly changing asset in self-government bodies

Functions of self-government




Receiving a task, determining the execution mode, drawing up an execution plan, peer review, self-assessment, self-control, etc.

Determination of the goal and assimilation of tasks, provision of work (conditions, means), distribution of responsibilities, operational management, summing up

Evaluation, analysis, decision making, organization (planning), control, regulation

The development trend of self-government


The form


Elements of the system of student self-government

Task, order, placement, mutual control, etc.

Sector Council, Student Council.

Collective planning, conducting, case analysis

Ways to attract studentstowards self-government

Appointment of responsible persons

Democratically elected asset

Participation of everyone in the organization of affairs in order of priority

The position of the teacher




The nature of the teacher's activity

Provides students with knowledge about the meaning of self-government; forms positive motives among students in relation to self-management activities; develops students' skills of independent work

Transfers organizational experience to students, shows an example of participation in community service, acts as a bearer of the traditions that have developed in self-government

Collaboration on an equal footing equal grounds when performing common tasks

Self-management in a group

Option 1

Student self-government body of an educational institution

student meeting

Councils of groups (parallels) of an educational institution

class parent committee

Self-governing body of the student public association

permanent associations






    Educational and cognitive



Temporary formations

    case advice

    initiative and creative groups

    duty teams

    posts, patrols, brigades

Microcollectives of groups

(commonwealths, partnerships, teams, associations…)

Option 2

Student Council

Council of Commanders

duty commander

Team "Care"

Team " Business people»

Team "Watchmen"

Toddler Friends

political informants

On duty

Young correspondents

laboratory assistants

Good Services Managers


Labor associations

sociological group

Order Volunteers


lecturer group

medical service

Young local historians

group meeting

The highest body of self-government, which decides the most important matters, providing each student with equal rights to participate in the decision and discussion of all issues of the life of the team. The meeting is held on the basis of the principles of democracy, humanity and publicity and is considered as a legislative body and a form of student activity in the formation of public opinion and moral atmosphere in the team.

The Assembly, as the supreme body of self-government, is endowed with specific rights and obligations:

    determine the program of activities of your team and its moral and ethical basis (laws, rules, etc.);

    establish and elect the executive body of self-government, determine its structure (permanent and temporary divisions) and functional responsibilities;

    set specific tasks for the activities of the team for a certain period of time and adopt specific programs of work;

    delegate their representatives to student self-government bodies and recall them as necessary;

    hear reports on the work of permanent and temporary self-government bodies, individual students on the implementation of public assignments and evaluate their activities;

    resolve issues related to the life of the team;

    establish rewards and censures in the team; sum up the work;

    determine measures of participation in public life and work

The main purpose of the group meeting is to discuss issues of the life of the team, problems that arise in the organization of students' activities, the role of the primary team in the life of an educational institution. The main functions of a group meeting are stimulating and organizing. The result of the work of the meeting are concrete decisions aimed at positive transformations in the team.

The practice of the work of student groups shows that meetings of this type are most often held:

Thematic devoted to certain problems of students' life.

workers where organizational issues are discussed (approval of the plan, current issues, summarizing the results for a specific period of time, delegation of group representatives, discussion of documents regulating the life of students and the actions of children, etc.), the implementation of public assignments is heard and analyzed.

Traditional associated with the traditions of the group, educational institution annual reporting and elective meetings.

Joint with collectives of other groups, with parents (in solving, for example, issues of aestheticization, preparation for exams, excursions, hikes, determining the prospects for the activities of the collective).

emergency (extraordinary), when some issues need to be discussed and resolved immediately (an important socio-political event, an incident requiring overall assessment, the need to urgently do something to the team, participation in a large-scale company).

Group meetings are held approximately once a month. But if students gather outside the plan, to resolve issues, this indicates an informal holding of meetings and student self-government. It should be taken into account that not all issues submitted to meetings can be foreseen a year ahead, much will be prompted by current affairs.

A group meeting is a form of work of the student team itself, which is characterized by joint activities of students and a teacher, organized on the basis of equality of their rights as members of the team. At the meeting, students learn democracy, communication, cooperation, independence and responsibility.

The teacher teaches the children the order of the meeting, the ability to conduct it, listen to their comrades, ask for the floor, participate in the discussion of issues, develop collective decisions and vote for their adoption, i.e. teaches democratic meetings.

Executive body of self-government.

Student Council.

Elected at the meeting from the most socially active students or formed from representatives of microgroups. Elected by open vote, which contributes to the formation of the experience of civil legal behavior, the creation of conditions for the implementation of civil rights of students, incl. "to elect and be elected to governing bodies." Terms of functioning of the executive body of self-government, mode of operation, functional duties, structure are also determined at the meeting.

The name is determined on the basis of established traditions, specifics and creativity in the activities of the teacher and students; council, council of organizers, council of commanders, council of commonwealths, student council, etc. Its main purpose is to regulate the life of the team in the period between meetings and the implementation of decisions made.

When determining the structure of the executive body of self-government, its permanent and temporary formations, the structure (division into microgroups, the existence of public formations), the development of the main activities in the team (cognitive, socio-political, environmental, etc.), traditions, the level of development of the team are taken into account .

The Student Council must be given real powers:

    carries out the implementation of the decisions of the meeting of students;

    distributes assignments among team members;

    ensures collective planning and implementation of the plan;

    systematically analyzes the current work of the team;

    discusses operational matters;

    forms temporary executive bodies of self-government;

    determines the responsibilities of the profile (according to the areas of activity), replaceable (selected to help the permanent), temporary (for the preparation of one-time cases) asset;

    sends its representatives to headquarters, clubs, councils, commissions;

    evaluates the actions of team members, encourages and rewards distinguished children.

The activity of the Student Council is based on the work plan. The Council is responsible for the implementation of this plan and decisions of the meetings, and organizes their implementation.

Council meetings are held as needed or in accordance with established tradition (for example, once a week). They should be businesslike and short in time. The meeting is chaired by the commander or any member of the Council in order of priority or at will. At the meeting of the council, the guys talk about the implementation of instructions, the implementation of previous decisions, analyze the conduct of cases, plan future work, distribute tasks among students, individual micro-teams, groups for preparing the next dress, consider encouraging active students, etc. The whole team is informed about the decision taken by the Council, it is placed in the information corner, newspaper, website of the institution.

The Council reports to the collective as necessary or in accordance with accepted customs in the collective.

Under the executive body, permanent (temporary) divisions are formed to organize educational, labor, social, cultural, sports and tourism, environmental work and etc.

Along with the main structural divisions to prepare current affairs, organize various actions, temporary, mobile groups and micro-collectives (labor brigade, environmental intelligence, duty posts, charity service, sports teams, search groups, etc.) can be created.

Institute of Commissioners

In each team, the system of student self-government also includes authorized representatives. These are group leaders, members of permanent divisions under executive bodies. All of them are endowed with certain rights and act on behalf of those bodies. which they represent.

The final system and its important component are assignments that include students in the life of the team and in socially significant activities.

By fulfilling a public assignment, the student acquires the social experience necessary for the development of citizenship, the skills of social activity, and the lessons of democratic culture. All this, in turn, contributes to the formation of a socially active position of students, characterized by a civic orientation of the interests of the individual, initiative in leading activities for her, direct participation in the development of relations and ties in the team, based on the moral principles of society.

Public assignment is characterized by two features: on the one hand, they are in the nature of the authority that the individual receives from the team, and on the other hand, the nature of the obligation that the individual voluntarily assumes to the team. Both in the first and in the second case, it means, first of all, the moral meaning, because we are talking about the development of a sense of responsibility of the individual to the team for the entrusted garment. Fulfillment of a public assignment forms not only organizational skills, but contributes, first of all, to spiritual growth student, expands the range of his requests, increases social significance and personal responsibility.

Almost any public assignment carries a role function, gives the student a new, albeit temporary, role of a commander or subordinate, organizer or executor, authorized person in another team, etc. Through the system of these roles, the experience of various social relations is formed in students.

When distributing public assignments, it is possible to apply the following methodological techniques:

Appointment by a self-government body;

    election of an authorized person by open (closed) voting;

    collective trust;




    personal desire;

    adult advice.

Depending on the level of development of the team, you can first use the appointment, from the appointment to go to the election, from the elections - to the order, from the order - to voluntariness, desire.

When distributing assignments, it is necessary to take into account age and individual characteristics, the possibilities of adolescents, their interests and abilities, it is necessary to constantly and gradually complicate the content of assignments, expand the rights and obligations of students.

The order is vital if it is understandable, accessible, socially significant, interesting. And the turnover of children in various types of activity goes through a change in areas of work, re-elections, and the order in which things are done.

For the successful fulfillment of public assignments by students, constant pedagogical support is necessary:

    Bringing to the understanding of the child the essence and significance of the assignment, its final result. Organization of initial success.

    Determining the nature of the activities to fulfill the assignment (independently, collectively, deadlines; guidelines for activities, who can be contacted for help).

    Teaching children with assignments the necessary knowledge and skills.

    Performance real opportunities show independence in the execution of the task. Trust and reasonable demands on students.

    Development and strengthening of relations of comradely mutual assistance. Control over the implementation of the assignment taken, reporting the guys for the assigned work.

    Informing students about the progress of the assignments.

    Evaluation and stimulation of the execution of instructions (by the team that gave the instruction, self-assessment of the teenager who performed the instructions, the use of various forms and means of encouragement), taking into account individual approach to every student.

The system of public assignments allows the teacher to expand the understanding of students, to see in each individual in the most diverse, versatile social and age manifestations.

Analysis of assignments performed by students helps the teacher in diagnosing their development, determining the prospects for individual work with students.

Types of public assignments

There are assignments collective and individual, permanent and temporary, episodic, complex in content and simple. Group assignments are now fundamentally important, giving a sense of belonging to collective cause that encourage student activity.

According to the degree of social significance, assignments can be divided into several groups:

The first is assignments related to taking care of the educational institution, with the affairs of the student public association.

The second is assignments performed outside the educational institution, incl. at the place of residence.

The third - assignments performed in a group, team.

According to the degree and complexity of the organizational nature, we can distinguish:

    assignments of an executive nature;

    assignments that require certain abilities (drawing, photographing, etc.);

    assignments of a creative nature, which involve the ability to invent, develop, do something outside the box;

    assignments related to the leadership of the group;

    assignments of an instructive nature, when it is necessary to teach others.

The choice and distribution of assignments are determined by the need for a particular group of students, the tasks of educating the individual, the presence various kinds activities.

In the development of the self-government system, the implementation of the principles required for working with an asset, an institution of authorized representatives, is of great importance.

Principles of democracy and electivity : nomination of an asset for election to self-government bodies based on public opinion. The essence of the electoral principle is not to vote for the nominated candidate, but to give her an objective description, thereby expressing confidence.

The principle of turnover : A.S. Makarenko pointed out three main factors for its observance: so that the asset does not have an overestimated self-esteem, so that the assigned duties do not become a burden to him, in order to give everyone the opportunity to go through the school of a leader, organizer, performer. This principle involves not removal, but a change of activity, moving from one role to another, providing new functions in the team.

Accountability principle : properly organized reporting contributes to the development of personality, is a means of self-assessment moral qualities. Reporting should be considered as a systematic method of stimulating social activity and should not be reduced to one-time forms.

The principle of publicity : contributes to the awareness of the team about the work of self-government bodies, the implementation of public assignments. Here it is important to analyze the work of all members of the asset and inform all students about it.

In order for the child to feel a constant responsibility to the team and to know his rights and obligations, it is possible to give orders, memos, and advice to the activists in organizing the execution of the assignment.

Ways to attract students to self-management activities

One of the trends in the development of student self-government is an increase in the number of students participating in the organization of student life. It's being done different ways:

    constant expansion of the field of activity of the team;

    expansion of the rights and obligations of self-government bodies;

    the gradual expansion of ties with other teams (both in the educational institution and outside it);

    changing the ways of attracting students to perform organizational functions;

    change in the nature of relations in the team;

    changing the position of the teacher in organizing the activities of the team, etc.

True self-government is a lifestyle of a particular

team. Help create this style:

    • collective planning;

    • organization of temporary affairs councils (sectors, brigades, headquarters, groups) designed to prepare and conduct specific cases;

    • alternate performance of the duties of members of the meeting;

    • collective analysis and evaluation of all cases;

    • regular self-reports of students on the implementation of assignments.

Separate ways and forms of work,

which put the student in the position of an active participant in the self-organization of activities

Collective planning - one of the ways to involve all students in self-government. The planning process includes the entire methodology for activating the individual activity of students and various forms:

    competition for best deal into the plan;

    discussion of projects developed by microgroups;

    questionnaire to study the opinions of children;

    collective creative competition;

    thematic tasks for planning microgroups;

    public defense of projects and proposals;

    hour of questions and answers;

    exploration of useful cases;

    creation of a bank of ideas and proposals;

    auction of work forms;

    Business games "Impulse", "The house that we will build", etc.

In the planning process, the guys learn to analyze, compare, make decisions, which is necessary condition development of social activity of students.

Development of a model of self-government

In order to include students in the process of developing a model of self-government, discuss ways to improve the organization of life, increase the role of self-government activities, you can use such forms and methods as questionnaires, the work of the thematic center, the essay contest "Self-government, in which I would like to participate", KTD "Self-government : project competition”, tribunarium, discussion platform “Self-government: myth or reality”, technology “Workshop of the Future” and others.

Sample questionnaire for students

    How do you understand the word "self-management"?

    What do you think it could be?

    What is the role, in your opinion, of the class teacher, teacher in student government?

    What issues can the Student Council decide?

    What do you think the guys can organize on their own?

    What assignment would you like to carry out?

    Your proposals in the organization of student life.

Technology "Workshop of the Future"

(according to S.K. Kashlev)

Objectives: promote development value orientations, the acquisition by students of the experience of creative activity, the implementation of modeling ways to improve student life.

Necessary equipment:

    paper sheets and markers for each creative team;

    sheets of paper of any size (two for each participant).

Technology implementation procedure.

Introductory conversation . The teacher introduces students to the goals and objectives, the procedure and conditions for conducting. The problem that will be the content of the implemented technology is determined, or the problem is proposed by the teacher. For example, “Improving student life It is possible to take the problem of organizing specific activities, relationships in a group, and developing student self-government.

First stage. Criticism. Each of the participants is given 2 small sheets of paper, on which it is proposed to fix positive (“+”) and negative (“-“) aspects of the problem under discussion within 5 minutes (all “+” are written on one sheet, all “-” are written on the other ").

Then each of the participants names the results of their analytical work.

After the students' performance, the teacher fixes the sheets with "+" on one part of the wall (or board), and the sheets with "-" - on the other.

The stage of criticism ends with a generalizing commentary by the teacher (it is possible to create two analytical groups of participants to summarize the results).

Second phase. Construction of the ideal model. Participants are invited to create several creative groups of up to 7 people and develop (construct) an ideal model of the problem under discussion.

After the projects are prepared and designed on sheets of large format paper, each of the groups publicly presents and defends their model. During the defense or after it, you can organize a discussion of the models. The stage ends with the teacher's comment about ideal models problem solving.

To develop models, the teacher can set a certain algorithm or an approximate structure of the model. For example, goals, principles (possibly rules, laws), areas and types of activities, forms of work, self-government bodies for their implementation, public assignments, interaction in an educational institution and outside it, etc.

Third stage. Real actions. The same creative groups are invited to identify specific actions in solving the problem under discussion that can already be done today.

After the actions are agreed, each of the groups proposes them for a general discussion. The stage ends with the teacher's commentary.

Fourth stage. Reflective. In the "reflexive circle" each of the participants is given the opportunity to:

    fix your state of comprehension of the problem under discussion;

    determine the causes of this condition;

    to give a self-assessment of the effectiveness of the pedagogical interaction that took place for their development. The teacher completes the analysis and sums up the implementation of the technology.

Tribunary "Self-government: myth or reality?"

In this form, one of class hours or student meeting.

Purpose: formation of public opinion, determination of directions for the development of student self-government and the team.

The organizer of the tribunal may be the Council or a specially created Council of the Cause. He develops the order of the game, questions for discussion, attributes of the case, distributes tasks to creative groups or individual students.

Before the beginning of the tribunar in the information corner, it is advisable to place an announcement about it and the proposed questions. The day before, you can also conduct a special survey (options: essay “Self-government in which I would like to participate”, “Our team”; unfinished thesis “Self-government is ...”).

Sample announcement: “We invite everyone to take part in the work of the tribunal. During this time, each student becomes a free tribune, who has the right to:

    ask any questions to the class teacher, comrades, student activists;

    to express their opinion on the activities of self-government;

    suggest how to make the life of a student more interesting, what should be the real self-government of students.

Sample questions for discussion:

    Self-management is self-management or independent organization vital activity student team?

    In what areas of life do students have real rights? Why?

    What questions can the children decide on their own?

    What is the role of the teacher in student self-government? Why is this?

    What prevents you from being a cohesive team?

    Active life position: how do you understand it, is it relevant today?

    Your vision, your idea of ​​what real self-government should be.

Approximate forms of holding a tribunar: people's council, parliament, popular assembly in Ancient Rome, intergalactic rally, etc.

The selected form determines the creative intro, role distribution and terminology. In any case, six tribunes are established: criticism, questions, suggestions, the Student Council, the press sector, the presenters.

Tribunaria move.

    Creative splash.

    Suggestion by the facilitators of questions (problems) for discussion and rules for conducting the discussion.

    Discussion of issues (sequentially or all together). Performances of students - free stands - with the opinion of creative groups or their own.

During the speeches, the press sector works, which analyzes and summarizes the opinions of the guys, develops a draft decision, and, as necessary, asks questions to the speakers.

    Completion of the case in accordance with the chosen form of the tribunal. Summarizing. Decision-making.

General meeting

The meeting forms public opinion, promotes the development of the skills and abilities of a democratic culture of students, represents the right of everyone to take part in the discussion of existing problems in their team. The assembly becomes a school for the formation of a democratic culture, subject to certain pedagogical conditions:

    The subject of the meeting should meet the needs of the team, be interesting, expand the field of social activity of each student. The theme is not invented, it is the result of the analysis of the life of the team.

    Involving students in the preparation of the meeting:

    the work of the editorial board (press sector) on its information support;

    study of public opinion on issues that are submitted to the meeting (questionnaires, express polls, unfinished thesis ...);

    preparation of performances by children, self-government bodies, creative groups.

    Active participation of children in the meeting. Techniques for including students in the discussion of the topic of the meeting can be as follows:

    The proposals put forward at the meeting should be defended aloud, their significance and importance should be proved, and solutions should be shown.

    Selective interview in the process of discussing a specific issue, dress, proposal. Leading meetings ask questions to individual students, self-government bodies, teachers, parents.

    A specially trained group of “skeptics” operates at the meeting, which doubts, asks problematic issues, makes you look for evidence.

    During the meeting, the analytical group and the press sector (press center, press group) work. They collect written questions, write down the opinions and constructive statements of the guys, classify the proposals, ask counter questions to the speakers. The generalized opinions and suggestions of the guys are drawn up and posted for everyone to see. In the course of the meeting, slogans, appeals, posters, friendly cartoons, advertisements, express newspapers may “appear”.

    In accordance with the theme of the meeting, its holding includes, for example, the speech of the propaganda team, "Live Newspaper";

elements of such group forms of work as "Basket of walnuts", "Discussion swing", "Problems and arguments", "Envelope of friendly questions" (according to N.E. Shchurkova).

    At the meeting, creative (problem, thematic, initiative) groups are completed, which are given the task to come up with something, make proposals, distribute tasks, prepare a meeting decision, etc. To do this, you can take a short break or hold a creative competition, a game.

    At the beginning of the meeting, a competition is announced for best performance, non-standard offer, important, useful idea. The results are summed up by a special group of guys (Student Council) or all together by voting.

    A special group of “experts” (teachers, parents, social partners) can be invited to the meeting. They are the last to express their opinions, answer the questions of the guys.

    Collective discussion of meeting issues in micro-collectives, where everyone expresses his opinion, proposal. The general opinion of the group is represented by its leader (commander). Distribution possible specific issues by micro groups.

    Preparing a draft solution. It is desirable that it provides for the possibility of choosing solutions, expanding the proposed proposals. The discussion of the project can take place in microgroups, in the form creative competition on the original solution, auction of proposals, bank of ideas, etc. The proposals received are summarized analytical group(or a group of experts). The decision provides for specific activities, deadlines and responsible persons. The decision is posted in the information corner.

case council

This is one of the most effective ways to include students in the self-organization of activities. As a rule, each member of the collective must be included in one of these formations, regardless of his status and assignment. Thus, each student gets the right to take part in the development, implementation and analysis of several organizational and activity projects. They are created both at will, and on the basis of free election, and by appointment of the council. Councils of affairs give everyone the opportunity to take an active position in the life of the team.

The activity of business councils is built according to the management logic:

    planning and preparation of a specific case;

    organization and conduct;

    analysis and evaluation;

    making decisions about future activities.

When preparing a case, assignments can be distributed:

    business council commander;

    screenwriters - preparation of the plan and scenario of the case;

    suppliers - providing everything that is necessary for the conduct of the case;

    performers - participants in a theatrical performance, propaganda team, etc.;

    musicians - providing the musical part, musical arrangement;

    game technology - conducting game breaks, game programs;

    duty officers - organization of duty in the foyer, hall; receiving guests;

    management - ensuring links between groups, other teams, the progress of preparation and conduct of the case.


Allows you to involve students in the organization of student life. This is the most common type of self-management activity, which is explained by the relative simplicity of its organization and the need to involve the students themselves in the formation of a culture of behavior and the organization of a clear schedule of student life. In order for the duty to take place informally, it is possible for the Council to develop an instruction or regulation on duty. It defines general order watch organization. Duties and rights of the attendants, the ritual of the transfer of duty, its assessment and encouragement.

Development of documents that determine the social and legal foundations and moral and ethical values ​​of the team: the rights and obligations of students in the organization of self-government, the rights and obligations of student self-government bodies and children performing specific public assignments, a code of honor or a student code.

It is possible to hold a competition between microgroups for the best symbolic designation of their team (emblem, motto, rules, laws, commandments).

Collective analysis of student life

It can be carried out both after a specific case, and for certain period(semester, year). It helps to determine the personal significance of the case, its activities, the level of development and self-development, interaction and relationships in the team.

Summing up and analysis of the case and activities can first be carried out in microgroups, and then at a general meeting of the team.

The inclusion of everyone in the analysis of the case is facilitated by the use of reflection technology: “Reflexive circle”, “Reflexive target”, “Time for noise”, “Finish the phrase”, “Islands”, “Wish chain”, etc.

When summing up the results of activities, the level of interaction in the team, the express survey “Group Affairs. How I participate in them”, mini-essays, scaling and ranking methods, “Activity Target”, “Wonder Tree”, “Achievements” program, etc. (Appendix 3).

Awards and promotions

Each team can develop its own system of rewards for active participation in the life of the team, the fulfillment of public assignments: certificates, thanks, home-made medals, pennants and badges, awarding titles and ranks, letters of thanks to parents, photographing, etc.

For example, badges can be in various areas of activity: a young tourist, a local historian, an ecologist, a friend of kids; medals to the winners in various competitions and their organizers, as well as - "For helping comrades", "For invention and creativity", "For perseverance in achieving the goal", "For the most interesting ideas”, the titles (instructor, organizer, researcher, innovator) and ranks: tester, leader, adviser, master) can be assigned to active guys).

The symbolic badge of the team can be approved: smile, fidelity, trust, mercy, friendship.

Pedagogical support of student government

    Assistance in the development of a self-government system (what instructions, their content and functions, forms and content of meetings, diagnostic and analytical work) and intra-collective documents (memos, regulations, rules, etc.).

    Training in organizational skills and skills in carrying out assignments.

    Involving children in self-management activities (through temporary assignments, stimulating active participation in business, collective creative activity).

    Combining the efforts of all working teachers, as well as parents to solve common problems.

    Individual work with members of the asset.

    Assistance in the analysis of activities, making specific decisions and their implementation.

Indicators of the development of self-government

    Independence in making and implementing decisions.

    Equality of rights of team members.

    Initiative and creativity.

    The unity of the rights and duties of the members of the collective.

    The unity of words and deeds, the effectiveness of decisions made.

    Responsibility of members of the team for its affairs.

    The interaction of the collective and its self-government bodies.

    Criticality and self-criticism, self-control and mutual control of team members.

Indicative list of permanent and temporary individual and collective assignments

Public: political informant, political observer, political scientist, member of the lecture group, propaganda team (agitation theater), member of the council of the museum, club, headquarters, center, civil-patriotic society ("Politics and You", "Lawyer", "Patriot", "Your Worldview", "Mercy", "Care"), tour guide, member of the search group, KID, young tracker, Timurovite, peacemaker, member of the press center (editor board), information service, public opinion center (sociological group), radio, video, cinema -, television centers, junkor (own and special correspondents), photojournalist, member of the council of the just, young local historian, archivist (chronicler).

Labor : members of repair teams, labor associations, good offices, duty posts, nature conservation societies, historical and cultural monuments, member of the council of the school forestry, organizer of work at the place of residence.

Educational : subject consultants, librarian, organizer of educational competitions and subject Olympiads, club member intellectual games, scientific society, library council.

Sports and gaming : physical organizer, instructors in sports and tourism, member of a sports, tourist club, organizer, judge for various sports, member of the arts council, art center, jury of competitions and competitions, council of art lovers club, cinema, entertainer, game technician, culturologist, organizer.

Organizational : commander (chairman) and members of the Council, member of the student committee (council, organizers of various types of activities of the student team, commanders of specialized associations, specialized teams, member of the creative, initiative group, business council, organizer of work with the younger ones, leader of the mini-circle for younger children , commander on duty, head of the group.

Outreach Group (Service)

Depending on age, it may include:

    political informants (political observers, political scientists);

    young lecturers (propagandists);

    members of the propaganda team (campaign team);

    organizer of visual information (member of the editorial board or press sector);

    members of the sociological group for the study of public opinion;

The press sector organizes:

    the work of the advocacy group;

    preparation and holding of information hours, political information, oral journals, round tables, press conferences, etc.;

    subscription to youth periodicals;

    participation of students in social and political campaigns and actions;

    meetings with interesting people, specialists of state and public organizations;

    maintains contact with clubs, headquarters, centers of civil and patriotic orientation, a museum, a library, government agencies in society.

    acquaintance of children with the events of the state internal and foreign policy, public life of the Russian Federation;

    social and political events in the world;

    promotion of one or more of the most important issues for the ideological growth and civic development of students;

    their inclusion in socially useful activities, socially significant action, socio-political campaign;

    identifying opinions on topical issues youth policy of the state, problems of the world community;

    discussion of information and analytical television programs, materials of a socio-political nature;


    creation of relevant poster information, information and political publications of the student team, etc.


    Direkleeva N.I. Handbook of the class teacher. 5-11 grades. - M.: "VAKO", 2010. - (Pedagogy. Psychology. Management).

    Ivanov I.P. Methods of communal education. - M., 1990.

    Ivanov I.P. Encyclopedia of collective creative affairs. M., 1989.

    Ivanov V.D. Self-activity, independence, self-management. Book for high school students. – M.: Enlightenment, 1991.

    Kabush V.T. Student self-government: A guide for class teachers and teachers-organizers. - Mn .: "Polymya", 1998.

    Kashlev S.S. Modern technologies pedagogical process: A guide for teachers. – Mn.: Vysh. school - 2002.

    The class leader. Teaching aid/ Ed. M.I. Rozhkova. – M.: Humanit. Ed. Center VLADOS, 2010.

    Lutoshkin A.N. How to lead. - M., 1986.

    Pedagogical diagnostics / Ed. A.I. Kochetova. - Mn., 2009.

    Planning of educational work: Toolkit/ Ed. E.N. Stepanova. - M .: TC "Sphere", 2001.

    Prikhodko N.I. Pedagogical foundations of student self-government. The book for the teacher. – M.: Enlightenment, 1990.

    Rozhkov M.I. The development of self-government in children's groups: Educational and methodological manual. – M.: Humanit. ed. Center "VLADOS", 2002.

    Self-government at school / Comp. Vavulo V.V., Kryuchkova O.V., Khatkevich O.A. - Mn .: "Krasiko-Print", 2002. - (Series "Activity of the class teacher").

    Sergeeva V.P. Class teacher in a modern school. Practical guide. 4th ed. additional – M.: TsGL, 2002.

    Shmakov S.A. The magic word is "self". – M.: Mol. guard, 1988. - (For those who work with the pioneers).

Procession with balloons,

or we have enough controllers

Obviously, society has fully come to the understanding that student self-government is a serious force.

Another attempt to establish a dialogue between the Ministry of Education and Science and representatives of youth student organizations was the round table "Development of the system of higher professional education as the most important factor Scientific and Technological Modernization of Russia”, organized by the company “Park-media” and the Ministry, which took place in July this year. It was attended, on the one hand, by representatives of student organizations claiming all-Russian status, and, on the other hand, by high-ranking ministerial officials and representatives of a number of universities, mainly from the capital.

The number one question of the round table was, what are the limits of the field, in the field of which "self-governing" students can (and should?) carry out vigorous activity.

The position of the Ministry of Education and Science was convincingly presented by Tatyana DAVYDENKO, Director of the Department of Vocational Education, and Tatyana BARKHATOVA, Deputy Head of Rosobrnadzor. Interaction with student government bodies was named one of the key issues activities of the ministry, but “the creation of an external independent system quality assessment, in which representatives of student organizations can participate,” is one of the priority areas.

Representatives of student organizations, and these are the Russian Union of Student Organizations, the Russian Student Union, the Russian Union of Youth, the All-Russian Student Union and others, with varying degrees of "fundamentality" outlined their vision of participating in the modernization of the higher education system. Named possible directions On the whole, student representatives supported the interaction with the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, however, they stated that the clause on student self-government in the law on education should be specified, and nodded to the West, where students are actively involved in governance educational institution. The point of view was expressed that student self-government should be engaged in such areas of activity as the development of the quality of education, extracurricular life of students, science and innovation, work with young scientists on modernization, support for inventors, employment of graduates, self-realization of students.

A serious problem, according to student representatives, is that “student unions often come under pressure and do not have the right to organize anything more serious than balloon marches,” and “significant funds allocated to finance student government go into an unidentified pocket.”

However, you can’t throw words out of a song - for some reason they didn’t seem like a tub cold water assessments given to the goals and objectives of student organizations by representatives of universities, the quintessence of which is contained in the following quote: “The most dangerous thing is when they (representatives of student government) become controllers. Moreover, they have to pay for it - ... "give money, and we will control the administration." We have enough controllers, we need assistants.”

The discussion, fortunately, ended on a very positive note. Alexander STRADZE, Assistant Minister of Education and Science, summed up: “Today's round table is the minister's need to communicate with the student community. It is now completely clear to us how, in what areas and with what risks student organizations should and can integrate.

What is your point of view on where “student organizations should and can fit in”?

P.S. And on September 13, at the "very top" - the President of the Russian Federation held meeting on the social status of students, which was attended by rectors, representatives of student organizations, heads of a number of Russian regions. A representative of one of the all-Russian student organizations made a proposal to adopt a law "On student self-government", which Dmitry Medvedev supported.

In this regard, the question arises to which we hope to receive your answers!

At a meeting with the President of the Russian Federation on September 13, a proposal was made to adopt a law “On Student Self-Government”. However, the State Duma currently has a draft law “On Amendments to the Law Russian Federation"On Education" and the federal law"On higher and postgraduate professional education" (in terms of the creation and activities of student councils), which was submitted for consideration back in April 2009. Please name the main, in your opinion, problems that are associated with non-acceptance (at least for this moment!) of this bill? Will the law “On Student Self-Government” repeat this fate?