Biographies Specifications Analysis

Anomalous zone Nikitskoe. Nikitskaya Anomalous Zone

Quote from the encyclopedia of V. Chernobrov: “NIKITSKOE is a small village near Vereya in the Medynsky district in the north of the Kaluga region, next to which there is a large anomalous zone.

It seems that it was about such places that Pushkin wrote “There are miracles, there the goblin wanders ...” Although no one saw the goblin there, there are more than enough other miracles. The nearby village is still inhabited by a large number of healers, sorcerers and witches ("witches - through the hut").

At 4-5 kilometers, behind the village and the swamp, there is a cursed and never visited by the locals dark mossy forest, in which many trees are bent, grass does not grow and birds and animals do not live. Repeatedly nearby, random mushroom pickers observed strange red balls “landing” in the forest, once they saw an incomprehensible animal in the form of a white fluffy ball sitting on branches and rolling along the ground ...

Quote from "Peasant Russia", 01.12.2003, Moscow, n48, p.13.

... anomalous researchers discovered in the east of the same region three more "unclean zones" - in the vicinity of the small villages of Shchigry, Ogarkovo and Nikitskoye. People living here from time to time observe UFOs of various configurations: disc-shaped, triangular, spherical, and even in the form of cigars and pyramids ...
... a few kilometers from Nikitsky there is a forest, which the villagers definitely consider "enchanted" and therefore never go into it. Indeed, the tree trunks here are bent and twisted in the most unnatural way. Grass doesn't grow here. The chirping of birds is not heard. In a word, dead and terrifying forest. There were cases when vaguely distinguishable entities (but not at all similar to people) who inadvertently wandered here, blocked the way into the depths of the forest. He, of course, did not resist and hastily returned to where he had just come from. When it became known about this eerie-mysterious forest, many not only thrill-seekers, but also researchers visited it ...

Quoted from UFO Magazine 4,2003.

... Nikitskoye is a small village in the north of the Kaluga region, not far from which a rather large anomalous zone was discovered, in which all the phenomena noted in Ogarkovo and Shchigry appear, and even a few kilometers from Nikitskoye there is a forest that one would like to call enchanted. The trunks of the trees here seem to be bent on purpose, mutilated by some evil giant, the grass does not grow, the chirping of birds is not heard. Dead forest, scary!

Residents of the surrounding villages do not go to it. However, if someone, having lost his way, suddenly finds himself here, then he remembers this for a long time with fear. There are no animals in the forest, however, mysterious entities that do not look like either humans or animals suddenly block the path of the lost mushroom picker, scaring him almost not to death.

A few years ago, a summer resident who came from Moscow wandered into an "enchanted" forest and saw a bluish fluffy ball rolling towards her between the trees. Having rolled up to the woman's feet, the ball, as if in a fairy tale, turned into a shaggy old man with red watery eyes. The summer resident screamed wildly, and the old man, immediately again taking the form of a ball, continued on his way. Later, the poor thing said that she did not want to go into the forest, it immediately seemed scary and unfriendly to her, but some unknown force that could not be resisted drew her into the thicket ...

… The Nikitskaya zone has been studied very little yet. However, the observations that specialists managed to make in it are very valuable. People who have visited those places say that from time to time they begin to feel the approach of danger.

It seems that an ice block is hanging over your head, which should inevitably fall on your head, - says Sergey N, who visited the zone as part of the expedition - At such a moment, you have only one desire - to run away from here as far and as quickly as possible guys are uncomfortable. It happened that I alone felt the danger, it happened - several people Usually, when anxiety became especially strong, somewhere in the depths of the forest a sound arose, reminiscent of the roar of some animal.

This roar grew and finally became so loud that we covered our ears. Having reached its highest point, the roar ceased, and the sense of danger in us passed one of the signs of the anomalous zone - the presence of strange objects in it. Members of the expeditions exploring the Kaluga anomalous zones discovered in one of the caves located in those places, a mysterious object of unknown origin. It was in a stone monolith about 200 million years old! And this is not the first find, to unravel at least the purpose of which is impossible. By the way, it is the presence of strange objects there that is one of the signs of anomalous zones ...

In 2004, a group of enthusiastic researchers came to the village to check whether this information was true. What follows is their story.

“On the way, as elsewhere in Russia, we often came across abandoned villages and dilapidated houses. We were ready to see something similar in Nikitsky. Several residential buildings in an abandoned village on the edge of civilization, where the roads have not been repaired for the last 10 years. To our surprise, the road in front of the village improved significantly, quite normal houses stood on the edge of the village, then completely new buildings were visible, in some places they were even used modern methods finishing of external parts of buildings.

It was decided to try to find a local forester and learn everything about the local area from reliable sources.

At the forester's house we were met by his wife, at the moment the forester himself (Nikolai Sergeevich) was not there, he was, as it should be, in the forest. We didn’t particularly want to wait until the evening, and after asking where the huntsman (Nikolai Petrov) lives in the village, we went to his house. A man worked at the indicated house, this was the local ranger - Nikolai Petrov.

We introduce ourselves, tell what interests us and ask us to speak out as a professional and a person who is very often in the forest at work and should be aware of all anomalies. To all our questions, the huntsman shyly answered that he could not say anything. We list all conceivable and unimaginable anomalies, maybe he will remember something after a hint. But our efforts were in vain. There is nothing anomalous, no UFO flights, no prodigal forests, no crooked trees, no strange animals, no sorcerers, no witches, no Bigfoot, no unusual footprints.

We also learned that a couple of weeks ago, a group of researchers came from Obninsk, and just like we asked strange questions. This is the first time we come across such a complete opposite of preliminary information. "It can't be" - spinning in my head. How can a huntsman fail to notice a large anomalous zone, so colorfully described by the researchers who visited it.

We learn that in the village there is another forester, very young, Ivan Gusev. We decided to find him and ask him. Just in case, they asked, maybe we made a mistake with the area, maybe there are anomalies in nature in neighboring areas. Shaking his head and straining his memory heavily, the huntsman told us the same thing: "There is nothing, you will not find anything." The only thing that the huntsman told us on our topic is that there is a legend about the lake, which is now near the village of Sosnovitsy, crawled from the village of Yakushkino (~ 4 km). He heard about this from the old people, he cannot add anything more.

We did not find the forester Ivan Gusev at the indicated place, but we managed to communicate with 4 more residents of the village of Nikitskoye. At our retelling of the Moscow press, people only grinned and wondered how rich the fantasy of newspaper writers can be. It was decided not to look for the forester Ivan Gusev. After polling 6 local residents we made sure that the initial information was false.

As the day drew to a close, explorations in the area were all completed faster than we could have imagined. It was unanimously decided to go to the village of Shchigry, which is also mentioned as an anomalous zone with a bunch of unknown phenomena on the territory of the Kaluga region.

At the entrance to Kremenskoye, we saw 3 boys on the road, who were following in the same direction. Eugene decided to try his luck and finally ask local tomboys about mysterious places and anomalous zones. To our surprise, the guys told us that there is a forest beyond the village, which is called prodigal and where the locals are not particularly willing to go, and if they have to go through the prodigal area on the way from the forest, they try to bypass it.

We were a couple of tens of kilometers from the village of Nikitskoye, the forest described by the boys clearly could not be the prodigal forest described by the authors of the Moscow press. It turns out that digging one story, we got to the bottom of a completely new one, not yet known and most likely not studied.

On the other side of the village, at the turn to the prodigal forest, we met a shepherd, we decided to ask him for information and the way to the place. Fortunately for us, the shepherd turned out to be a former forester. He confirmed the information that in the area of ​​the old dam there is a piece of forest, which is called prodigal in the common people. There used to be a mint on the site of the old dam.

Three years ago (~2001), the current shepherd worked as a forester. In that area, he and 6 other people were working in a nursery. And everyone witnessed the flight of a luminous ball. The forester immediately made a reservation that they were all sober, and everyone saw the object too.

After the UFO flew over, people got a headache. At the end of the conversation, the shepherd advised us to go to the local teacher, Anatoly Ivanovich Krasnov. He was also the owner of the local museum of local lore.

It was easy to find a teacher, even though it was Sunday, he was at school. On the threshold of the school, we were met by his son, he was the director of the school. When we told who we were and what we were interested in, he immediately called his father. Despite his age, he turned out to be a very energetic and curious person. With early age became interested unusual things, even went to the cemetery at night to see how fresh graves glow. People turned out to be extremely valuable, during their lives they managed to climb all the unusual and interesting places in their area.

They have already dispelled many local legends on their own. Regarding the prodigal forest and the anomaly of that place, Anatoly Ivanovich did not confirm the information. They often visited the indicated site, carried out excavations there, but did not notice anything anomalous. People are quite educated and we have no reason not to believe them. He confirmed the flight of a UFO, in addition to observers in the forest, he was also seen by residents from the village. He also noted that this was not an isolated case.

They told us that they have a strange place on the road not far from the village, it is called - "crooked bridge". Cars are constantly beating there and people often die in accidents. The locals explain this by the fact that in the area of ​​​​this place there is an old burial of the Tatar-Mongol. They say the dead were not buried properly, and they are now taking revenge in this way.

Anatoly Ivanovich was asked about the village of Nikitskoye, in which we had just searched for an anomalous zone. He had not heard anything about the anomalous zone in that area in his entire life. As they say among learned people, a negative result is also a result. "

Paul ★☆☆☆☆


I rode on shnivy for the village of zonino along the arable land to the forest (a couple of kilometers). What seemed unnatural:
- a terrible attack of horseflies on a car. I have never seen such a cloud and such hunger in my life.
- separate strange trees with strange growths and strange structures among the branches, which could be considered nests.
- unnatural subconscious fear.
Headaches, otherworldly entities and space-time anomalies were not noticed. But in the evening, returning, they were forced to drive off the road blind from farts (more than a dozen). ... continuation src="/jpg/plus.gif">

Well, the same summer I smashed the car into the trash, miraculously surviving.



yeah, and I have a dacha there !!! but there are real oddities.



The husband's parents moved a few years ago to the Medynsky district, village. Glukhovo is a few kilometers from Nikitsky. They really have a dark forest there! The trees are ordinary there, but the locals do not go there, and if someone wanders by chance, there is a chance to get lost for a day or two, there were real cases when people did not return at all. Once the father-in-law and the eldest son went mushroom picking. It should be noted that the father-in-law is an elderly man with sore legs, and his son (already deceased) suffered from back pain and walked with a stick. ... continuation src="/jpg/plus.gif">

Let's go by car. Mushrooms scored apparently-invisibly, and overcame their greed. We decided to collect some more behind that ravine and go home. We crossed the ravine, saw a beautiful mushroom, decided to take a picture. After one photo, a fully charged phone was dead, charging was dead. They collected more mushrooms, walking along the edge of the forest, they wanted to go back, ops - but they don’t know where to go, neither the car, nor the road, everything is unfamiliar. At first they neighed, wandered. Then it started to get dark. And the forests there are full of living creatures, mostly wild boars. We hit the road. We decided to follow in the footsteps of the protectors. Only traces led .. one track in one direction, the other in the other, and the road runs into the forest. How this can be, I don't know. They began to call home from the second phone. Found their local familiar tractor driver deep in the night, intuitively, almost to the touch. The car was found about 25 km away. I remind you that both had sore legs, walked quietly, and physically could not go that far. The next day, they turned on the phone to look at a photo of a mushroom, and there was some kind of translucent creature the size of a mushroom, resembling an old man.

Huntsman73 ★★★★☆


I don’t know how to write beautifully, so I will express my thoughts plain language. Somehow the three of us got together to go to Nikitskoye. Gathered for a long time .... 2 years, but got together)) So, we left the house at lunchtime and in the evening, by 9 o'clock, we were in the village, more precisely, this is a village. They didn’t stray for a long time and asked the residents where this damned forest was, too, but all because we had exact coordinates. Many, by the way, confuse places and return disappointed. In fact, this fucking forest exists. ... continuation src="/jpg/plus.gif">

The car was left in the village, and then on foot. We passed a small forest area and stumbled upon some kind of swamp looking for ways around. In short, the whole journey took 1.5 hours. We've arrived! Glory to the eggs! In appearance, the forest seemed liquid and it was possible to stumble on an overnight stay anywhere. Then they hobbled with lanterns, because not a dick could be seen. Yes, the view here is abnormal, the trees are gnarled, the ground is dry. It's quiet in the forest. Yes, so quiet that it presses on the head. We found some clearing ... small. More precisely, artificial. Well, someone cut down the trees within a radius of 5 meters and there are only stumps. This is where we stuck. Settled down and lit a fire. I put the camera on the stump and we began to fry the meat. By the way, it was already 23.40. We sat quietly, but the bikes were poisoned for about an hour, maybe more. Then it started. I felt fear. I immediately told my guys that I'm going to put on my pants, but I don't know why. They supported me. Turns out I'm not the only one. We kept looking around as if someone was following us. The feeling is indescribable. It was very scary. And constantly thoughts came into my head ... ... something will happen right now, something will happen right now ... and it happened ... We heard a very low, somewhere very far, rumble. We did not understand why it was, because there was an oppressive silence. It takes about 10 minutes. We are sitting on the lookout, but we are trying to dilute the state with anecdotes. It is heard again, but already louder and it is clear that this is not a rumble, but a very low bass of a huge beast. He yelled so that it seemed that it was the forest sounds. The sound was very big. I felt cold, although it could be from fear)) We turned on the fantasy and estimated the dimensions of this garbage. It looks like she's from a 10 story building. Then we wanted to pack our things and leave as soon as possible. In less than 5 minutes, this op sounded very close and already in a certain direction, about 100 meters from us. The hair on my head stirred ... We rushed from that place, ran for a couple of minutes and dived into the ravine. By the way, they were not afraid to get lost, because. we had a Lawrence Endura navigator with us. We joined the ground and began to discuss a plan of action, they say we need to return, pick up things and leave, but all together, and not in a scattering. We sat for 30 minutes. Silence. It was scary to! All the time it seemed that someone was looking at you. Personally, I wanted to hide under a log and sit until the morning. I have never experienced such fear. We began to torment the navigator. A way out of the forest was drawn and the distance to the village = 15.4 km !!! This is complete bullshit. This bastard wanted to kill me for the first time. We couldn't go that far. It is useless to pick maps, we did not know our location. In short, we still decided to go on the navigator. We got out of the ravine (by the way, I heard that it has some name?! ... or maybe not it) looked around, deathly silence. We have already forgotten where we ran from. We hurried to get out of this whore. Even if it's 15 km. They walked and kept looking back. It was calm until we heard the crackling of trees behind our backs. Again a feeling of great terror. We again gave a fight, but did not lose sight of each other. Fortunately, we quickly got out of the forest. The navigator calculated the route for us at 6700m. Well, that was much better. The way back was different. There were no swamps on the way. We got to the car, pokemarized for 4 hours and got out. We later remembered that things were forgotten on the spot. Yeah, to hell with them. I don’t know how it would all end if we didn’t get off the ground))

A small trip that was spontaneously organized on an unremarkable Saturday

Since ancient times, there were places that our ancestors tried to bypass and not wander into forbidden thickets under any pretext. And if you wander into such a thicket and remember your name - the old-timers stray here, incomprehensible clouds fly in the sky, and maybe a glow will appear late at night. Generally bad places. Weird and ugly.

Well, in modern realities, such places are overgrown with "urban legends", which most often have no basis in real facts and so they remain. The inhabitants of megacities do not want to believe in all sorts of anomalies, enchantments and other paranormal things. In addition, the inhabitants of the Off Road Opposition forum ( thought the same way, to which we decided to join. Well, at the same time to provide all possible assistance and roll a "short" track with two of our crews.

As such, we didn’t see beauty in this race, because our task was to calmly, without fuss and haste, drive the entire route, explore possible ambushes, fords and impassability, so as not to drag the entire column of those who want to go along dead-end branches to impassable thickets. In general, the trip turned out to be like that - calm and unhurried, when the main goal is not to "collect" a large amount of waypoints, but simply to overcome a given route, simultaneously looking at the beauty around.

The beginning of the trip was very traditional, our greetings were short and businesslike, and the workload of the M1 to leave Moscow turned out to be unexpectedly low, so it was quite quick to get on the path of overcoming 80 kilometers. Overcoming these 80 kilometers was not memorable, and in the Mozhaisk region we went to the district roads in the direction of Vereya in order to reach the border of the Moscow and Kaluga regions through it.

The roads as a whole and in general did not stand out with anything remarkable. In the first half of the journey, in general, everything was quite simple and good - the weather pleased with the bright summer sun (although nominally it was still spring), the sky was blue, the roads were dry.

But now the asphalt creeping under the wheels was replaced by a grader rolled with gravel, pits began to come across more and more often, wet puddles in ruts pressed into the soft spring soil were replaced by dry and hard sandy crusted field roads. As they say - we do not have bad roads, but good off-road in the right season.

> The whole day we were surrounded by dandelion fields

> Roads meandered among the hills of the Kaluga region

> From time to time we dived into lowlands

>Sometimes looking for shortcuts

On the way we met one shallow ford, several puddles a little more serious, a few slopes, ravines and various other relief obstacles. As a result of overcoming all this beauty, we got out onto a well-packed grader, which we used to get to the second part of our route for today.

> Small ford on the way

> And the road continues to wind through dandelion fields

> Making small stops to get good shots

Actually, it was this part of the route that passed three kilometers east of the Nikitsky anomalous zone, so the main task of the passage was to find out the passability and the possibility of passing the shortest way to the right place.

> Starting point from which the main adventure began

> Often you have to visually control the trajectory of the machine

> Periodically pulling each other when the cars sit down

> Externally dense soil after the passage of the first car is instantly saturated with water

> The track is very narrow, so you have to give commands to the pilot from afar

> Thanks for the science to Lena Nemodny, who taught the pilot and navigator how to work correctly, and in general thanks for the fact that thanks to his lessons we were able to drive and leave

> Extraction of our hippo in one of the pits

The further way through the forest was not to say very easy. Periodically pulling each other with dynamic slings, carefully maneuvering between ruts and swamps, we crawled almost to the exit from the forest, but a log of a very decent thickness blocked our way. Actually, just in front of this place, we "dropped" our hippopotamus on the inter-track and, when the gas pedal was particularly successful, it could not stand it and the cross of the front cardan was torn - this is completely and completely my jamb, because during the passage of the extreme MOT I was not at all puzzled by injection node, for which I and our team paid the price.

Our hippopotamus has become rear-wheel drive, ahead of us is a treacherous slippery 90-degree turn to the right over two of the deepest ruts, a log blocking the road, 200 meters before leaving the forest - not the worst deal, we thought. After half an hour of walking from the log to our hippopotamus, a storm came to the neighborhood and to the woods where we were swarming. A real, serious storm, with strong gusts of wind, downpour and broken branches flying from trees. We were in the forest, our hippopotamus was still resting in limbo on the inter-gauge, and the weather only worsened. Dividing our problems as the complexity of the solution increased, we pulled the hippopotamus off the inter-gauge, cut the log with two axes (we had both chainsaws in a joke - that's what we are "well done") and began the evacuation path from the forest. In general, somehow this last short jerk did not stick in my head at all, so we came to our senses when we were standing on the edge, and the forest road from which we left darkened behind.

The further path was given to us with extraordinary ease. The road to civilization seemed to us a mere trifle, compared to what we had in the forest. As a small gift, we met a local resident Maxim, who, looking at us with great surprise, told us that where we came from, no one has been driving there for a long time, except for logging equipment, and even that hasn’t been there for a couple of years. In general, it is very surprising that we drove there. In order not to become too proud of ourselves, we said goodbye and began to taxi to the grader in search of a place for a small lunch that flows into dinner, bringing ourselves and cars into a divine form.

> The first tree we came across when we left the forest

> Small roadside picnic

> Pilots and navigators also indulge in rest

> Navigators are sadder than usual

The road home was a little longer, because on the way it turned out that our torn cardan cannot just lie in place and it must definitely separate somewhere. The separation of the cardan for us was fraught with the leakage of all the oil from the transfer case, so we stopped all the creeps of the cardan and carefully tied it to the bend of the exhaust pipe and drove home in this form. We jumped onto the track near the village of Yurlovo where we were several years ago on a winter trip to

Posted Mon, 02/05/2016 - 08:44 by Cap

The Kaluga region has many unusual and interesting places, which belong to the anomalous zones.
One of the most mysterious places is the Koltsovskie Caves, located within the Kaluzhsko-Aleksinsky Canyon. Their length is more than one kilometer. The long labyrinths of the rubble of these caves people call "Gases". It is noteworthy that it is here that many speleologists can hear the voices of their friends who are far from these places, sometimes children's or women's laughter is heard. Scientists speculate that mysterious phenomena causes a hallucinogenic gas that penetrates through the cracks of the caves, which causes changes in the psyche in people.

The place Kurgan, located in the Ferzikovsky district, also belongs to the anomalous zones of the Kaluga region. In this place, many could observe the phenomena of teleportation - instantaneous transfer from one place to another. Local residents claim that very often they mysteriously slipped through the asphalt road, finding themselves three kilometers from the village. Here, most often, all kinds of unidentified flying objects and light poles were noticed by local mushroom pickers. Similar appearances of flying luminous balls were noticed by residents of the Kaluga region at the Zikeevo station. In addition, active mutation of vegetation occurs in this place.

It should be noted that many anomalous zones of the Kaluga region are known for the fact that all their clues are accompanied by legends told by local old-timers about their appearance. That is how the anomalous zone Devil's settlement, located near Kozelsk, appeared. Here, too, frequent unusual atmospheric phenomena were observed that could not be explained. According to the existing legend, the devil himself wooed a peasant daughter living in these places, who promised her father to build a castle on a hill in one night. All night the evil spirits had to work, carrying huge boulders, but they did not have time and threw stones at the place where the castle should have been. The legend says that it was on this place that the Devil's settlement arose.

No less interesting is the legend associated with the appearance unusual phenomena at the Kanishchensky pond. They say that here in ancient times there was a house of a real witch, in which an enchanted guy lived. It is the image of this guy that many see on the shore of the reservoir, which he appears to some in the form of a nesting doll, and to some in human form. A similar legend is connected with the history of the building. medical school on Kutuzova street. They say that two centuries ago former owner building killed his wife and immured her body in the wall. Many students could observe the ghost of a woman in a brown dress. In addition, in the building of the medical school, nails crawled out by themselves.

Mysterious and inexplicable phenomena occur in the town of Verevka, Zhizdrinsky district, Kaluga region. Many years ago, two women walking in the woods in the middle of summer discovered that it somehow got colder, and the leaves on the trees instantly turned yellow, as if in late autumn. After walking a little, they found that everything fell into place and the trees were again covered with green leaves. Similar phenomena observed by a group of researchers who, having traveled twelve kilometers through the forest, found that only forty-five minutes were spent on the path. But such a distance can be overcome only in two and a half hours. Where "disappeared" two hours of their course remains a mystery.


Nikitskoye is a small village near Vereya in the Medynsky district in the north of the region, there is a large anomalous zone nearby. Many healers, sorcerers and witches live in the village. 4-5 km behind the village and the swamp there is a cursed and never visited by the locals dark mossy forest, in which many trees are bent, grass does not grow, birds and animals do not live.
Mushroom pickers randomly wandering here talk about the appearance of red balls "going to land" in the forest, once they saw a white fluffy ball sitting on a tree and then rolling along the ground.
In the early 1990s, there were three researchers here. One of them - Inna Bazulina - says that "at the same time everyone felt the approach of something invisible and terrible." The woman screamed in horror, and as if in response, a powerful roar was heard from the forest, reminiscent of the sound of a jet aircraft. At the same time, hail began to fall and all the moss in the forest was instantly covered with ice. The screams filled their ears and people ran away. In the village they were told that there was no thunderstorm or hail.

Ogarkovo - a village in the Ferzikovsky district, located nearby anomalous place. It is located on the rise of a well-trodden road leading towards Dugna, next to oaks. Here the most experienced tourists lose their bearings. Directions: by train "Kaluga-Tula" to Ferzikovo, then by bus 26 km to Dugna and on foot to the north-west. Or by river bus (if it still runs) from Kaluga or Aleksin to the Dugna pier and then on foot strictly to the west.

Careful - a village in the north of the region, near a possible anomalous zone. Fireballs are observed here at low altitude, including over the lake. Local researchers from Kaluga conducted research here, but they could not confirm the stories of the natives about the balls. Travel: from Kaluga by regular bus, then on foot with a guide from the Kaluga study group anomalous phenomena.

Popov Bridge is an anomalous place across the Pesochnya River in the southwest of the region. According to the stories of old-timers, motors often stall on the bridge, horses and dogs do not want to come here. Once, an old man allegedly got into a passing car, in which the driver recognized with horror an already deceased fellow countryman. The translucent old man disappeared from the car before reaching the village. The local librarian told about the meeting on the bridge of an amazing dog with a huge bow, which ran completely silently. Directions: by train "Moscow-Odessa" to the station Zikeevo, then by bus to Zhizdra, by bus to Korenevo and walk 5 km along the gravel road to the south-west past the cemetery. The bridge has no clearly visible railings and is therefore easy to miss in the dark or at high speed.

map of Kaluga region

Black Potok - a village in the Lyudinovsky district, a possible anomalous place. Many sorcerers live in the village, there have been cases of spontaneous combustion and other anomalous phenomena. Directions: from Moscow to Lyudinovo by bus (they run daily from the Kievsky railway station and the Yugo-Zapadnaya metro station), then from Lyudinovo from the bus station by local bus.

Devil's settlement - located near Kozelsk in the south of the region. Obscure atmospheric phenomena and incidents on the ground were observed. The area has not been surveyed. Travel: by bus or train from Kaluga to Kozelsk, then with a guide.

Shchigry is an anomalous zone 7 km southwest of the Zikeevo railway station. Observed light phenomena in the atmosphere and anomalous objects different forms. Directions: by train "Moscow-Odessa" to Zikeevo and then on foot 7 km to the south-west from the station.

In KREMENKI - on the border with Moscow, not far from the city of PROTVINO, there were cases of UFO sightings.

Medical School.
An unusual legend is associated with this beautiful building on Kutuzov Street. It is said that two hundred years ago the owner of this house killed his wife and walled her up in the wall. In the 1990s, watchmen saw the ghost of a woman in a brown dress here, and sometimes nails come out of the walls in the school.

In a special way, it had an inseparable connection with the Russian culture XIX- the beginning of the 20th century. A huge number of pilgrims of different ages, ranks and educations aspired to Optina. Meanwhile, before 1917 in Russian Empire there were more than 1,000 monasteries, about 100,000 temples, that is, temples and monasteries were everywhere. But a huge stream of pilgrims, bypassing "their" temples, rushed to the distant Optina, sometimes experiencing considerable difficulties of a long journey.
Optina is located approximately 300 km from Moscow (on), and much further from St. Petersburg and Kyiv. The railway to Kozelsk appeared only at the beginning of the 20th century, and there is still no direct railway connection between Kozelsk and Moscow, which is why the road to Optina still has considerable difficulties. But the flow of pilgrims does not dry out.

To understand Optina means to understand eldership. From now on, the experience of eldership is an integral element of the spiritual tradition of Russian culture.

The main shrine of the monastery was its illustrious God-loving elders, whose radiance of life continues to illuminate life path very many. The righteous unite the past and the future, the living and the dead, earthly and heavenly. Look at the rainbow and glorify the One who made it. She is beautiful in her radiance (Sir. 43, 12). Yes, verily, God is marvelous in His saints.

From the time of the appearance of eldership in Optina Hermitage (1829), the grace of the Holy Spirit and at the same time the "quiet light" of the purest flame of Holy Rus' has been abundantly poured on it. “Sarov and Optina are the two hottest bonfires around which all of Russia warmed itself” (G. Fedotov).

“Every soul seeks the warmth of the heart, affection, consolation, sinlessness. In the soul of a Russian person lives an endless thirst for righteousness, purity, a desire to touch sinlessness at least once in a lifetime. The very essence of Russianness includes the dream of perfection, the thirst to get closer to it, the thought of “saving the soul”, a sigh for God, the search for the City, the readiness to bow before the righteous, even if only before death” (I. Ilyin). And people went on a pilgrimage to Optina. Here everything was imbued with a blessed healing light. And the soul of the God-lover was not deceived, and saw with its own eyes those whom it yearned to see. Here are the impressions of N. V. Gogol about Optina: “I have never seen such monks anywhere. With each of them, it seemed to me, everything heavenly was talking. I didn't ask how they lived: their faces said it all. The servants themselves struck with the bright tenderness of the angels, the radiant simplicity of their manners; the very workers in the monastery, the very peasants and inhabitants of the environs. A few miles away, approaching the monastery, you can already hear its fragrance; everything becomes friendlier, the bows are lower and there is more sympathy for the person ”(Letter to A.P. Tolstoy, July 10, 1850).

Great Elder Rev. Gabriel (Zyryanov; September 24 / October 7, 1915), who initiated asceticism in Optina Hermitage (for 10 years), later recalled: “Yes, we felt like we were among the saints, and walked with fear, as if holy land ... I looked closely at everyone and saw: although there were different degrees, but they were all equal in spirit: no one was more or less, but they were all one: one soul and one will - in God. Indeed, all this God-gathered brotherhood represented one unanimous family. And “if you could open the doors of their hearts and see their soul and all their inner beauty, you would fall to the ground, you would not be able to bear the radiance of beauty, light and brilliance of their conscience” (St. John Chrysostom).

But the glory of the sun is different, the glory of the moon is different, the glory of the stars is different; and star differs from star in glory (1 Cor. 15:41). Just as the heavenly bodies have different strengths of light, so the saints are of different sizes. The holy elders in Optina Hermitage were suns.

“The holy people of God in their inner work appear to be listening to their inner Visitor and Doer — the Lord, reverent before Him, smiling from inner sweetness and bliss and inspiring heavenly peace”; “... in general, saints are sacred reservoirs, from which blessed water is communicated to other believers”; “... all holy light, all one fragrance, like the light of the sun, like the purest air” (St. Right. John of Kronstadt (December 20 / January 2, 1908). He had close spiritual ties with Optina Hermitage and the Shamorda Monastery) .

But “in Optina there were many completely inconspicuous monks, carrying out the most insignificant obediences all their lives and in the church standing somewhere in the corner, quietly turning over the rosary. No one has ever noticed any virtues in them, and meanwhile, the day of their death was revealed to many of them, which happened for sure ”(pr. Bishop Georgy (Lavrov)).

Many pilgrims left the warmest memories of their stay in Optina. “To those who have known this wonderful life in Optina, everything in comparison with it seems ugly” (one laywoman, 1918). “If anyone wants to hover between heaven and earth, he must live in Optina” (Archbishop Damaskin (Rosov; July 31 / August 13, 1855) Tula).
Rev. Anthony of Optinsky (August 7/20, 1865), head of the skete, at one time received a decree from the bishop to transfer him from the skete of Optina Pustyn to the post of rector of the Nikolaevsky Black-Ostrovsky Monastery. The elder mourned inconsolably, not wanting to part with his beloved monastery. Then, in a vision, St. Mitrofan of Voronezh with a host of saints in an indescribable radiance and says: "You were in paradise, and you know it, and now work, do not be lazy and pray." Here is the assessment given by the great hierarch, heavenly, heavenly messenger: the skete of Optina Pustyn is a paradise.
It is difficult to say with certainty whether there has ever been a place in Russia in its entire history where, to such an extent, a society of people has come so close to the ideal of Christian relations, to paradise living, to the Kingdom of Heaven already here on earth. And this kingdom lasted exactly one hundred years. Of course, there were trials, sorrows, mistakes, not everything is so rosy, but society has never reached such a spiritual height anywhere in Russia. Nowhere has the holy brotherhood had such a vast sanctifying influence over its people.

In that anomalous zone in the late 1990s, members of our informal research group "Labyrinth" spent many nights. And we saw something interesting. Even more interesting things were heard from local residents, and not only about anomalous phenomena, but also about Moscow adventurers, in no small number who came here in search of ghosts.
And, as a rule, leaving very disappointed. I told my interlocutors about this: anomalous phenomena in some places do occur more often than usual, but still not every day. And the real anomalous zones, to put it mildly, are far from the "zone" from the "Roadside Picnic" by the Strugatskys (or the film "Stalker", based on the story). What happened in the end? From my stories, as well as from reports found on the Internet, journalists chose the most impressive "horror stories", "in health", so to speak. Everything that was said “for peace” - that miracles in anomalous zones are not found at every turn and do not happen every hour, that most of the stories wandering on the World Wide Web are simply invented - “forgotten”. However, such an approach in modern Russian journalism, alas, is common (“Vest”, by the way, is one of the few media outlets that does not allow such “exaggerations”), and I was not even very upset.
To some extent, I was even delighted, especially after reading the comments: after a long break, interest in the topic of anomalous zones increased again. What is especially pleasant is that there were many young readers who were not burdened with mysticism and excessive skepticism, who sincerely wished to objectively understand the issue and personally hunt for miracles. This is understandable - a new generation has grown up that did not catch the "anomalous cymbal boom" of the late 1980s - early 1990s.
But, unfortunately, from my personal point of view, even qualitatively satisfying this interest is now more difficult than twenty years ago: there have been many publications and television programs, but almost all of them are created according to the methodology given above. Therefore, I will try to tell a little about one of the types of anomalous zones (and at the same time their "stalkers") with maximum objectivity. Let's agree on terminology. An “anomalous zone” can be called any area in which some things constantly exist or more often than average occur that go beyond the usual limits, and are difficult to explain. For example, this can be called incomprehensibly as a desert in the taiga or a grove of birches in the tundra.
The general reader, of course, is interested in cooler anomalous zones, with flying saucers or ghosts. There are those - but there are several types. For example, it is enough to talk with the old-timers of any five to ten villages, and in one they will tell, for example, about the place “where it scares”, “where it turns you on”, “where there are screams at night French soldiers are heard."
Stories about places like this have been passed down for generations, and we've seen time and time again that strange things do happen in these places. But we are interested in anomalous zones of a different type, "with flying saucers." There are some. Back in the 1950s, when UFO sightings first attracted wide attention, it was noticed that in some places the probability of seeing them is much higher. In the USSR in the 1980s everyone's attention attracted the "M-sky triangle" in Perm region: even books were published about meetings with "aliens" there. At first, such anomalous zones were explained simply: "aliens built, they say, research bases with underground garages on Earth."
However, it soon turned out that, according to the most conservative estimates, there are several hundred such "bases" in the former USSR alone, and they are usually not seen as alien ships, but all kinds of balls and flashes of light, similar to ball lightning. So most likely. aliens have nothing to do with it, the phenomena are of natural origin. There were similar "UFO bases" in the Kaluga region. In the newspaper Znamya, for example, in 1989 an article appeared (one of many in those years) about the observation of a “red ball” that descended into the forest, seen by residents of the Starki village of the Dzerzhinsky district. It has been mentioned that the observation is not the only one.
Five years later, when our amateur group for the study of anomalous phenomena was organized in Kaluga, we visited the village and talked with the residents. It turned out that in fact there were much more observations of luminous balls there, at least a dozen. In some cases, a hum was heard from the mysterious objects, that is, they were really close to the observers. Since the mid-1980s, UFOs have appeared there at least three times a year, and mostly of the same type (fireballs), but after ten years the sightings stopped ...
A little later, "Vest" and regional television told about the observation of a UFO in the form of a luminous different colors ellipse by residents of the village of Oktyabrsky, Ferzikovsky district. Site visits and interviews with villagers showed that the observation here is far from isolated: various anomalous phenomena in the atmosphere (“glowing balls”, “foggy cigars”, flashes of light) were seen by about 90 percent of permanent residents. They even observed not ghosts, not humanoids. Moreover, in the location of the villages with a large number eyewitnesses guessed a clear system - they were located in a strip from north to south twenty kilometers long, crossing the Oka.
Here we were also told about the many "small" anomalous zones such as "prodigal places where it scares." The inhabitants of the villages, located even two kilometers to the west or east, practically did not see UFOs (although, I note to those who consider all the “abnormalities” to be the consequences of immoderate alcohol consumption, the men there drink no less). We ourselves traveled to that area many times and observed anomalous phenomena ourselves, although not particularly impressive (once - light pillars in the field, several more times - lights moving in complex loops).
From the very beginning, I was interested in the question - how long have such phenomena been observed here? It turned out that legends about "unclean places" have existed "from time immemorial", but UFOs in the classical sense began to be noticed relatively recently. “In 1975, somewhere we were walking, well, I saw how a ball descended from the sky, sat on the ground and was enveloped in fog” - this was the oldest of the observations that we had a chance to hear here. After 2000, observations almost ceased here as well. When I visit those places, I always ask fellow travelers and just oncoming villagers: “How is it with UFOs?” “About ten years ago, they saw and talked a lot, but then they somehow stopped appearing.” Yes, apparently, anomalous zones are limited not only in space, but also in time. Or, at least, they can fall asleep for a long time. This is another reason for the failure of romantic stalkers, who make lists of anomalous zones from books like the Encyclopedia of Miracles and drive around them in search of adrenaline. But if the "zones" disappear, then perhaps they appear?
As with any "anomalous" question, there is no sure answer, but there are hints of a positive answer. Last spring, an elderly Muscovite called me: “I found your articles on the Internet, so I bought a house for a summer cottage in the Zhukovsky district and I myself have already seen a UFO twice, and the neighbors say. Maybe there is an anomalous zone and you need to leave?
I already turned to a psychic, he said that there is negative energy there. I don’t know about “negative energy” (and what it is), but the message interested me, and I decided to visit the place. Alas, it was not possible to get to the indicated village (transport communication, even not in the very outback, often leaves much to be desired), but I learned something interesting already on distant approaches. “It’s been a couple of years since I bought a dacha here, but I don’t seem to remember anything like that ...
Although once, in November, already, I was driving in the dark by a country road - I look, there is light from the side road. I stopped, I think: "I'll miss it." But no one entered the road. I even turned around, shone the light there - no one. And he couldn’t get away - there is a field there, everything is perfectly visible, ”said an elderly man digging in the yard of a rural house. The next interlocutor turned out to be a native inhabitant of a small village, which almost turned into a dacha: “Maybe four years ago I spent the night in the collective farm garage in the summer. At four o'clock in the morning I suddenly woke up, I look: because of the river, as it were ... I don’t know how to say, a UFO is not a UFO, a ray of light, or something.
He moved across the sky, touched the transformer box, the transformer buzzed, and - burned out! And we saw balloons in the sky in winter in the village. Even one of the Muscovites, they said, filmed them.” Is it possible to say that a new anomalous zone of the “UFO base” type has appeared in the Zhukovsky region? At least there are hints of it. Will it be studied at least by amateur methods?

Koltsovskie caves

We offer you a fascinating story about our trip to the Koltsovskie caves. Our school organized a boat trip along the Oka River to this amazing place. On the way we stopped at the village of Koltsovo, former estate General Carr. After getting acquainted with the local sights, the group continued their journey, moving further on the boat upstream, until a stream with a wide stony bed flows into the river. It is here, on the right side of the stream, that there is a vast flat clearing on which we decided to make a halt.
To get to the Koltsovskie caves, we had to go through the huge Lyubovets ravine, in which there is the largest four-meter-high waterfall in the Kaluga region. And finally, the Koltsovskie caves! Seeing a small crevice in the stones, we had a question: “What are the Koltsovskie caves? How and when did they form? Koltsovskie caves are catacombs - workings left on the site of the quarries that existed here from time immemorial. These are limestone exits in which there are open grottoes.
Previously, blocks of marble-like limestone were cut down here, which were used to build white-stone walls and temples of Russian cities. The guide divided us into two groups, and we went to the dungeon. Once there, we saw long corridors leading to the former mines. On the "floor" are the remains of wooden supports - thick logs. The ceilings have sagged and rest on stone ledges. Droplets of water that dotted the arches look impressive, forming a “starry sky” and curtains of roots hanging from cracks growing on the surface of trees. Underground, it is possible to meet with the inhabitants of these caves: bats and foxes. Of course, we did not see foxes, but we met bats!

The caves are very dirty and dusty. There you have to go bent over, and more often crawl in a plastunsky way. The guide told us some stories about the caves. It turns out that soldiers lived there during the war. This suggests that the caves are habitable. The Passage of Universal Pleasure (PVC) begins with a small hole - having successfully overcome it, we felt like real speleologists: because of an aquifer passing somewhere nearby, pools of liquid and extremely sticky clay constantly stand in the PVU, over which we have to crawl, and along -plastunsky - the low "ceiling" prevents you from rising ... A small grotto called Pivbar is a good place to place a camp. Here the temperature all year round constant: + 6 degrees. The Beijing Skyscrapers are a narrow vertical fissure that has torn apart a limestone massif. You can only move on it sideways. Up the same crack is visible about five meters. There were some adventures here! One of our group got stuck in this crack and we had to help him get out. On an exhalation, we crawl onto a huge mound of clay that blocked the corridor.
Having recovered our breath, we saw above us the domed vault of the most spectacular Koltsovsky grotto, the Cathedral. Apparently, for some geological reasons, a cavity filled with clay formed in the limestones. The adit passed right under it, and when the lining decayed, the clay crumbled down. This is how the Cathedral was formed, the walls of which are covered with colored clay and go up to five meters in height. The Koltsovskie caves also have their own Hell, more precisely, its gates: this is the name of a semicircular niche in the wall, clogged with a clay plug.
But, unfortunately, we didn’t manage to visit there, tourists are not allowed there because of frequent landslides. This place is considered mystical. According to the guide's story, stone mining is not at all the main reason for the formation of this system. It was built either by a count or prince Vorontsov, one of the associates of Peter I, a great sorcerer and warlock. Here he set up his underground magical laboratory, where he tried to gain power over the world. The system has six (according to another version, seven) ring tiers, with the lower ones passing under the Oka. Somewhere out there, in the Octagonal Room, the famous Black Book is walled up, and the entrance there is blocked Underground Lake with color changing water. Speleologists call one of the parts of the quarries "Gases". People entering here hear strange voices, as well as the voices of their friends and loved ones. According to speleologists, a hallucinogenic gas seeps through the cracks in the vaults and walls of the cave, causing mental changes in people. We really liked the trip to the Koltsovskie caves, and we advise everyone who loves extreme sensations to visit these amazing places.

Near the village of Voloe, Kirovsky District, in the middle of a field, a hole was mysteriously formed with a diameter and depth of 6 meters. Perhaps this is a natural anomaly, or perhaps the land was seized mechanically, Vladimir Bertrand, head of the department of civil defense and emergency situations of the administration of the City of Kirov and Kirovsky District, told KP-Kaluga. - We went to the place and examined the recess.
The diameter of the pit is six meters, and so is the depth.
The shape is an even circle, the bottom is flat. To be honest, I don't think it's a natural anomaly. If another such hole suddenly appears, then I will definitely incline to the opinion that this is due to natural processes.
I agree with Vladimir Anatolyevich and the director of MP "Kirov-TV" Nadezhda Lutseva:
- After examining the place where the anomaly appeared, traces of a mechanical fence of the earth were found along the edges of the pit. At the same time, we did not find a single sign of the export of land in the field. Grass grows just like everywhere else. The fact that the water did not go underground speaks in favor of the anomalous version, and not a blade of grass is crushed anywhere, there are no tire marks. At the same time, 180 tons of land disappeared without a trace! - On May 30, I pastured cows, - says the shepherd Semyon Volchkov, who discovered the anomalous pit. - Look, they butt heads in this place.
And they also refuse to eat grass. The field is located five kilometers from the village of Volovoe, and, according to the villagers, they are already used to such inexplicable phenomena. Thus, Nikolai Zemchenkov, chairman of the Lenin Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, saw a red balloon hovering in the air three years ago, which then changed its color to orange. He hung for about 15 minutes and disappeared.
The chairman of the Volovsky village council, Valentina Semkina, and her fellow villagers saw fireballs hovering in the air a few years ago. And it was very close to the place where the six-meter pit appeared. All residents of the village know the legend associated with the appearance of the "Angry Well". A couple of generations ago (as one of the old-timers said: "Mother told me") the village church went underground, and in its place a key was hammered. Now this place is considered holy by the villagers. Children are baptized in the well water, icons are hung up and they go to the spring to pray.
At the weekend, Andrey Perepelitsyn, the chairman of the public group for studying the secrets and mysteries of the Earth "Labyrinth", went to the place where the anomaly appeared, and shared his conclusions: - There are two versions of the appearance of this pit. The first: an anomalous phenomenon, the second: the failure of some cavity. AT currently we are more inclined to the second version.
But still many questions remain. For example, if it was a failure of the earth, then why did the water not go away, but accumulate? We surveyed the area for chronal anomalies, electrostatic norms.
No deviations were found. At the same time, we cannot speak with absolute certainty in favor of one version or another. Meanwhile, according to MP "Kirov-TV", the village of Voloe is located 20 kilometers from the regional center - Kirov. The population is 700 people. There is a car in every second yard. Old Believers live in the village. The church was recently rebuilt with donations. Volovtsy live at the expense of carpentry work on the construction of dachas. In the summer they collect and dry mushrooms for the winter.
A quarter of a century ago, the village of Voloe was considered a unique settlement in the USSR. And the reason for this is the amazing birth rate. One family had five children. There were 27 heroine mothers in the village who raised ten or more children. Meanwhile, the newspaper also talks about other anomalous zones and mystical places in the Kaluga region. The Korenevsky meteorite is a cosmic body that exploded during a fall on October 7, 1996 at 22:42.
It was observed on the section of the route "Moscow - Bryansk" from 230 to 138 kilometers. Drivers moving from Moscow, looking at the fireball, went blind for several minutes. Thousands of people witnessed the fall. The meteorite itself and the place of its fall have not been found so far. And on one of the forest roads near Zhizdra, jokers hung the world's only road sign: "Beware of low-flying meteorites!"

"Back in the spring, I promised to tell about the legends and traditions associated with the famous Devil's Settlement, but there was no time ...
But readers remember. And they remind: “In the very mystical place of the Kaluga region - on the Devil's settlement near Kozelsk, of course, have you been? Are there many anomalies there?
First, let us recall that the inhabitants of the Kozelsky district (district) have long called the Devil's Settlement (or Devil's City) a forest tract seven kilometers from the current village of Sosensky - a high hill with picturesque heaps of stones. Rare plants grow here, which, according to one version, have survived from pre-glacial times, and on the upper platform there is a settlement in the archaeological sense - an ancient fortified settlement protected by a swollen rampart and a moat. Its history includes at least two stages - at the beginning of our era, the Balts lived here, and the Slavs settled a few centuries later. Quite rightly, this place has been declared a natural monument since the 1970s, and now it is part of the Ugra National Park. There were many local legends here.
Classical - about the wedding castle line ... For a long time, a girl lived in the world. She was about thirty years old, and no one had ever wooed her. Meanwhile, the girl wanted to marry death. One day she says: "If only the devil would marry me." And he's right there. “Go, he says, marry me - I’ll make you rich.” “Well,” she replies, “I’m not averse, just let me consult with my parents and with reasonable people.” He promised to wait. After a while, the devil comes to her again and asks for an answer. “I agree,” the girl says, only now I don’t have okruta (smart dress). "Everything will be ready, the devil answers, when is the wedding?"
The girl made an appointment. From that time on, the devil began to wear gold, silver, diamonds and all kinds of dresses, some more beautiful than others, and at the same time build a house for the bride. By the appointed time, both the okruta and the house were ready. On the day of the wedding, the girl asked her parents and the priest for blessings, took the whole okruta, and on the advice of the priest, the rooster under her arm and went to the forest. Soon she found a house in the forest, beautiful as a palace. On the porch stood a dressed-down and joyful devil, who came out to meet the bride. With fear, the girl went up to the porch. At this time, the rooster freed its head and sang "crow!".
Suddenly thunder roared, there was a crack, the earth opened up, and Satan with a curse fell into the underworld. From that time until now, this house has stood in the Bryn forest, and no one dares either to live there or enter there. This legend was published in late XIX century in several versions at once, I present here one of the least known, recorded from the words of the peasant Pimen Nazarov and published by M. Sinozerov in the journal Zhivaya Starina in 1896.
And then, after all, some of our local historians agreed that, they say, the story of the devil’s castle among the people did not exist at all, but was invented by “intelligent people” who visited the ancient settlement (I was surprised to find this version in the recently published book by A. Vedenin, dedicated to Likhvin). Such statements only show that our "couch researchers" for the most part do not try to independently collect legends in the villages. In the records of the well-known researchers E. Markov and T. Rozhdestvensky, who worked at that time, the name of the devil's bride is called Lyubush, and it is said that she was the daughter of the robber Kudeyar, who sold her soul to an unclean one ... Having deceived the devil, Lyubush brought her father's curse upon herself.
She moans and cries at night, terrifying everyone who happened to come close to this accursed place. At present, the last years, on which the spell has been cast, are already reaching, and Lyubusha began to appear outside at night. “Our forest watchman,” said one old man, saw her twice: he would go up the mountain, sit on the stones and cry ... It’s hard for me, he says, give me a cross.
The monks of Optina twice put a cross here - yes, you see, he could not resist. (Proceedings of the Voronezh Scientific Archival Commission, issue 1, 1902). Back in the 1930s, local residents were afraid to visit the Devil's Hillfort. They stopped being afraid before the war, when, as we now know from eyewitnesses, stone was taken here for construction railway to Tula...
The stories and whole legends connected with the Devil's settlement continue to be added today. The well-known "Encyclopedia of the Unknown" by V. Chernobrov says: "In this area, the most diverse anomalous phenomena in the sky have been noted more than once." Elsewhere it is said about "fireballs". Having been studying UFOs for many years, I can say that the frequency of their appearance in the area of ​​the Devil's Settlement is not higher than average. But the invasion here of all kinds of mystics and contactees has intensified in recent years.
This summer, NTV journalists stubbornly refused to believe me that in the "anomalous" respect, the tract is nothing outstanding. And a little later, a specially arrived Oryol journalist called about the “mystical tract” ...
But what about the anomalous phenomena in reality? Once we ourselves saw a real ghost on the Devil's Hillfort. In the early 1990s, having arrived here in the evening (then we still naively hoped to find the surviving stones with ancient signs), we saw a twenty-year-old girl dressed in white, barefoot, silently wandering among the stones ... Despite the twilight and magical fog, they came closer, called out. It turned out that before us was not Lubusha, who had come out of underground imprisonment, but a resident of Moscow, Snezhana, a completely living person, “for the purpose of spiritual development”, visiting mystical places alone ...
It is quite possible here in summer to encounter in caves and crevices between stones with emeralds turning into clay: in the light of a lantern, some stones shimmer with amazingly bright greenish-blue light, and if you touch it with your hand - a wet stone!
And this phenomenon is explained trivially: on the stones there are almost microscopic seedlings of relic moss-shistostega, reflecting light. This plant is extremely vulnerable, and therefore you should not poke too hard at a luminous spot: you won’t catch anything anyway! Is there really nothing mysterious going on at the Devil's Hillfort? Personally, I am sure that there is no smoke without fire, and the legends that have been around for centuries must feed something. There can hardly be any doubt that in pre-Christian times there was a cult center here, a temple of gods unknown to us.
But I do not rule out that anomalous phenomena occur here from time to time. Just not a UFO. There are many stories about strange wanderings in the area of ​​the Devil's Settlement, inexplicable failures of time ("I left the tent for 15 minutes - and they were looking for me for several hours").
A national park ranger recently told us a strange story: “I’m walking along a forest road, I look - in front of it lies a birch across it. I think it would be necessary to remove it, but I came closer - and there is nothing! And yet there was a day." However, neither with me, nor with the members of our research group, anything like this has ever happened here, and in the 90s, in total, we spent several weeks on the site.
But if, as an anomalous zone, the Devil's Settlement is of no interest, in archaeological terms, I'm sure it will present many more surprises. The stories about stones with signs, about robber caves, of which there are many in the south of the region, should be treated very carefully.

And on one of the warm August days, during the regular work, an interesting find was made, which opens another page of Kaluga local history. On one of the historical sites, among modern graves, in a thicket of bushes, our attention was attracted by a monument of black marble, already adapted for someone's burial in the 1940s. A rare case: those who used the tombstone for the second time did not knock down the original inscription.

Unfortunately, most of the pre-revolutionary tombstones in our old city cemetery will no longer be able to say anything about those in whose honor they were erected and whose names they kept. AT Soviet time most of the pre-revolutionary monuments were reused, and the names of famous citizens were simply erased, at best they were covered with a marble tablet with a new name on top.

Interestingly, the “grateful” descendants realized that they were erasing the name of a famous Kaluga merchant or doctor not only from granite, but also from the pages of our local history? At least the "monitoring" of the cemetery of the XVIII - XXI centuries. showed that in the Pyatnitsky necropolis it is now almost impossible to find the graves of our countrymen of the 18th and 19th centuries: there are only a few of them left.

But Pyatnitskoe cemetery over the past centuries was the main resting place of Kaluga residents, not counting small cemeteries for honorary citizens and their families in the Lavrentievsky and Krestovsky monasteries of Kaluga. Until now, it was there, as previously stated by one of the young local historians who compiled the martyrology of the Krestovsky Monastery, that the name was listed, which we suddenly found on a monument in the Pyatnitsky necropolis!

for a conversation with the chairman of the public group for the study of the secrets and mysteries of the Earth "Labyrinth" Andrey PEREPELITSYN.

Andrey, tell me, how many UFOs were seen in the Kaluga region?

I am not ready to name the exact number, in any case, it is several hundred messages. When we analyze incoming messages, most of objects seen by people are easily identified. These are helicopters, satellites. Venus is often mistaken for a UFO. But still, a fairly large percentage of objects seen by people remain unidentified by us. This is about 20 percent of all messages.

How can an ignorant person identify a UFO in front of him, or a creation of human hands, an object known to man?

Let me remind you that a UFO is called an unidentified flying object. That is, it is not necessarily an alien spaceship, UFOs can be phenomena of a completely different nature. What unites them is that no one knows what it is. One of the main criteria of “unidentification” is behavior that is “impossible” from the point of view of the known laws of nature and the parameters of earth technology. For example, a satellite can only fly in a straight line, but a UFO can only maneuver. At the same time, satellites fly only from west to east.

You can talk for a long time on this topic and give a lot of examples, so I will only say that every year, due to scientific and technological progress, it becomes more and more difficult to identify true UFOs. It is impossible not to recall the UFO landing sites. There are several signs by which you can determine whether there was a landing at a given place or not.

For example, under the influence of UFOs, the course of time almost always changes, the clock goes either faster or slower. At the landing sites, the simplest microorganisms die, the roots of plants are charred.

Are there any places in our region that have been chosen by "plates"?

There are always places where the number of reports of UFO sightings is above average. In the Kaluga region - this is the following route: just west of Obninsk - Maloyaroslavets - the eastern outskirts of Kaluga - Przemysl - Kozelsk - Ulyanovsk region. The route is not traced further, since the south of the region is sparsely populated and communications from there are rare.

What should a person do if he does see an object behaving strangely?

First of all, fix the time. Observe and remember as many details as possible, the direction of movement, when and where he disappeared. Tell us: even ordinary observations help to look for patterns in the distribution of UFOs in space and time. The address: [email protected] or: 248030 Kaluga-30 PO Box 613

How is Ufologist Day celebrated?

I have a special opinion about him. I am a big skeptic about such holidays. More precisely, in relation to ufology, in which stagnation is observed - so there is nothing to celebrate. I haven't been to conferences and congresses of ufologists for a long time. I used to visit regularly, but I realized that the level of "scientific research" of most ufologists is quite low. There was no understanding of the nature of UFOs before, and there is none now. In my opinion, ufologists themselves do not know how to study UFOs. And there are objective and subjective reasons.

For example, what can be said about a tractor's engine from the trail of a tractor? Never mind. The same is true with UFOs. What can be said about the object itself, seeing only its trace? Only that there was an anomalous impact in this place. And that's it. Therefore, we know as much about UFOs as we did 50 years ago. So classical ufology is a rather passive and unpromising direction. And I'm not even talking about contactees who communicate with the Higher Cosmic Mind with the help of telepathic abilities ... Judging by their messages, it seems that they communicate with the mind not Cosmic, but rather comic. Alas, in Russia there is no single ufological organization. There are only a number of parties, each considers itself the main and only one. They are not always on friendly terms with each other.

Does this mean that ufology is a useless and unnecessary science?

I remember a fantasy story. According to its plot, the special services call in talented engineers and show them a top-secret film. On this tape, an unknown self-taught person invented an anti-gravity aircraft. He floated in the air as he pleased. But during one of the tests, the self-taught died. The servicemen gave the wreckage to the engineers and asked to restore the apparatus. In two years, engineers managed to create something similar to what the self-taught did, but much less perfect. And they were surprised that, like them, the luminaries of science failed to repeat the invention of a simple person. And a secret was revealed to them - there was no self-taught, the video was a fake, made to make the imagination of the designers work harder, to set a goal for them.

Here are UFOs, anomalous phenomena - the tool that awakens the imagination, shows that far from all the laws of nature are familiar to us. However, not everything is so sad - you can still study them. For example, in anomalous zones where direct instrumental observations can be made.

Here is a letter received by the “Kaluga Society of History and Antiquities” that existed in the 1920s and is kept in the archive (GAKO: R-324, op. 1 item 6):

... I hereby bring to your attention that I have obtained information, confirmed by many people, that in the Maloyaroslavetsky district of the Abramovsky volost there is a place called Lantsovka, and now one of the citizens of the village has an old letter in his hands, written on some sort of paper that came into a very rotten state of disrepair. It was written in an old language that we do not understand well, but still some people could translate it into a more understandable tariff. This letter indicates that there was once a city near this area of ​​​​Lantsovka, and during the Lithuanian invasion, all the jewels from this city were taken to this Lantsovka, where they were immersed in a deep stone cellar, which was covered with earth. This letter was written off from a stone slab, went through the hands of grandfathers hardened by antiquity for many years and finally got into storage in the church, from where it again falls into the hands of one grandfather of the late 19th century, who, having understood it, gathered people from four villages and began to dig this treasure Then they dug to the huge slabs and threw them away. This summer the citizens began to dig again, and again they come across the same objects that should be encountered on the way, as indicated in this charter. Citizens looking for the treasure are digging in secret and have stopped their work due to the fact that they were intimidated by arrest. And so I ask you to send me a representative from the Society to investigate this matter and who has the right to demand from that citizen an inventory of this huge Kurgan. If I do not receive any notifications from you, I will report to Leningrad, to the Main Academy of Sciences. I will expect an answer within 10 days.

The signature is illegible.

The answer came belatedly, and was not at all what the rural activist was counting on:

Dear comrade!

In response to your letter, I inform you that it would be very interesting for the Kaluga Society of History and Antiquities to get acquainted with the content of the letter you are writing about. The Kaluga Society of History and Antiquities, not being able to send its representative to the Maloyaroslavets Uyezd at the present time, asks you to contact the owner of the charter with a request to give you the above-mentioned charter on receipt for a while in order to send it by registered mail to the Kaluga Society of History and Antiquities to read and establish its origin. Try to persuade the owner to give this certificate for a while. If the letter is delayed by us, then, having a receipt in hand, he will be able to demand the return of the letter by the court. There are several such takers of letters about treasures in the Kaluga province. The actual existence of the treasure is doubtful, the letter is interesting, therefore, in a historical sense. The Society authorizes you to be its representative in this matter and sends the proper certificate. Just keep in mind that our association has no right to delegate any requisitions or compulsory seizures.

Chairman of the Society M. Sheremetyeva.

“They are terribly far from the people,” Vladimir Ulyanov-Lenin once said of the Russian intelligentsia. The answer of the head of Kaluga historians and local historians once again confirms the validity of the maxim of the leader of the proletariat - in naivete he is not inferior to the letter of the villager ... Which is proved by the fact that there was no continuation of the correspondence ... However, Sheremetyeva was right: all kinds of "letters" "where and how to find the treasure" went around among the people a lot. The content of one of them was retold at one time in a letter to the editors of Vesti (10/13/1992) by Vladimir Tolstikov, a resident of the village of Dolina, Khvastovichi district:

“Even before the revolution, we had leaflets “How to find the Kudeyar treasure”. A stream flows into the river Resset. The water is clean, but the people call that stream the Graveyard. Those leaflets said that the search should begin along the stream from the river, then up and further. The distance is four versts, and all into the forest, uphill. The advice was this: having reached the Thundering Well, it was necessary to find a huge oak tree ... There were lovers to look for treasure. They searched for him three times, but unsuccessfully. And yet this treasure awaits the lucky ones, I believe in it.

And the oral stories about the treasures of Kudeyar, robbers, the city treasury, hidden before the arrival of the Poles (Lithuanians, Tatars), are innumerable! They are associated with almost any objects revered by the people, such as stones, springs, trees. Traditions give precise indications of exactly where to dig. Here is what the villagers vyingly told us about the treasure near the Angry Spring (we talked about it in detail in last time):

- Mom told me about Napoleon's treasure. 12 hay shafts must be measured from the pit in the field at sunset of the Christmas Sun.

- And my grandfather told me how he went there to dig. He dug, dug, reached the slab and could not dig it up. We had drillers 30 years ago, and he went to them: “Guys, dig this slab for me.” They told him: "Grandfather, only in the evening." And in the evening the chief came and took them away ...

“Grandma told me. There lived a woman in our village, she grazed sheep, began to descend to the Angry Spring, looks: a cauldron full of gold sticks out in the hill. She left the sheep, ran after her husband, the husband harnessed the horse ... And they brought the treasure, then built three houses. It was for sure: the grandmother called the names. But that's not the whole treasure...

Despite the complete lack of logic (in fact, who will mark the treasure with a stone or, moreover, pour a mound over it?), people in our villages still sincerely believe in the legends about treasures, and not only believe, but also actively look for them , with the involvement of technologies of the twentieth century:

- We have a mound, I don’t know - Kudeyar or some other bandit ... The youth tried to open it. They dug, the excavator was driven. We had a teacher, so he drilled this mound five or six times. After a few meters, the drill rests - there is some kind of piece of iron. So nothing was found. There you have to dig and know where. There was an old uncle, so he said: “If you dig this mound, then everyone in your village would have enough for five years. The gold is there, the robbers dragged it.

This is a presentation of the stories of the inhabitants of one of the villages of the Ulyanovsk region.

Traces of hard work of many years of village treasure hunters sometimes make a strong impression. Near Zhizdra there is a spot where several archaeological sites are grouped at once: two settlements, a burial mound, and nearby is a Gremyachiy spring (“there is Kudeyar’s golden boat hanging on chains and rattling”). Everything here is pitted with digs. The defensive ramparts of the hillforts were especially hard hit - these purely defensive purpose earthen mounds are firmly revered by the villagers as mounds over mounds! And the fact that no one got the treasure does not bother our people - that means we need to dig deeper! And, of course, treasures can be spoken, not given to everyone - there are many such stories recorded, although we have not yet heard them live in the Kaluga region. And there are very few stories about the treasures found, and the values ​​in them are relatively modest - although, apparently, they are sufficient to maintain enthusiasm:

- They made a mill in Vizichi. Before Stolypin reform, with the barin. They dug up a “measure”, as they called it then, to measure the grain. From a barrel. Iron. There is money there - gold, silver ... And it says on it: "whoever takes it will die." Well, you want to take it, and you are afraid. Life, though hard, was, but who wants to die? Well, at first they didn’t want to, maybe, to speak, and then they said to the master: “Nikolai Ivanovich, so they say so.” He came, read, also thought, was afraid. And then his wife came and she took it. She was already sick. And she died soon after. Maybe it just happened. And the master built a lot with this money ... - a local old-timer Adelaida Arsentevna Sidorenkova told me recently.

Many more beliefs can be cited, but the question arises - do they have any scientific significance other than purely ethnographic? In our opinion, it's huge. Similar stories allow you to find interesting archaeological sites, including those unknown to specialists! But that's not all. The vast majority of the objects to which the treasures are tied - stones, springs, hills, certainly had a cult significance. That is, they were places of temples, and the “vociferous hills” and “terrible towns”, probably, were the settlements of the priests-sorcerers. This is part of our history and culture, almost nothing is known about it, only conjectures and assumptions. And with all the workload of archaeologists, it would probably be worthwhile for them to pay more attention to this kind of information, especially since it quickly disappears. A specific example is the story with which we started.

As follows from the letter received by local historians, the village treasure hunters most likely dug the rampart of the ancient settlement. However, as you remember, they did not get out to inspect it, limiting themselves to unsubscribing. Specialists did not leave later. Only at the beginning of the 21st century, after the discovery of correspondence in the archive, did the members of our group do it, exclusively on a voluntary basis. Upon arrival, it turned out that the village is now inhabited by Moscow summer residents, the only native resident born in 1940 heard only about the “Lantsev road” and does not know exactly where it passed. And it is now possible to look for a settlement (I remind you that it has not been explored) except by combing tens of square kilometers of the forest...

Residents of the Kaluga region found a pot with golden church utensils. After that, strange things began to happen to them.

Vyacheslav Agapov and Konstantin Chiliskin grew up and live near the Ugra River in the Kaluga Region. Twice a week, the guys go to Moscow - they work as security guards in a store. And when they have free time, they look for... ancient coins.

- In 1480, the Great Stand took place on the Ugra - the Russian army and the army of the Golden Horde under the command of Khan Akhmat were stationed on different banks of the river, - says Vyacheslav. “There was no big battle here, but when we were boys swimming in the Ugra, we took out rusty swords and outlandish oriental coins from the water.

So Kaluga residents were carried away by history. And when they grew up, they began to collect collections of coins. We bought metal detectors and began to rummage around.

- A friend, the same lover of antiquity, invited us to go to the Yukhnovsky district, - continues Vyacheslav. - We learned that in the village of Velino there was a rich estate, which means that coins should also be found ...

The searchers made inquiries: once there was an estate of the princes Shirinsky-Shikhmatovs here on the right bank of the Ugra. But now only the centuries-old lindens left from the park and a barely noticeable foundation remind of the princely estate: the building was dismantled brick by brick. Nearby is the Church of the Icon of the Mother of God "The Sign".

Huckster offered 700,000 rubles for the find

Vyacheslav and Konstantin found the treasure behind the church, in a ravine.

The metal detector beeped. A few strokes of a shovel - and the guys pulled out of the ground a cast-iron, covered with a gilded plate and covered with wax.

Inside were icons, fragments of the iconostasis, a bowl and a spoon for communion, fragments of the decor of the temple. Utensils sparkled with diamonds, emeralds, shimmered with turquoise. On the plate, treasure hunters found the inscription: “Belongs to the Assumption Church, which was built in the village of Velino in 1722.”
Church utensils, icons were hidden in an ordinary cast iron pot.

Vyacheslav and Kostya called a friend, Roman. He offered to sell the treasure and immediately dialed the number of the buyer on his mobile phone. According to the description of the find, the local huckster offered the searchers 700,000 rubles.

“But we had no right to sell the find,” says Vyacheslav. - Still, things have an owner - the Assumption Church. And with the guy who offered to drive the treasure, something strange began to happen that day. Roman twice imagined that someone touched him on the shoulder. He looks around - no one ... I thought it seemed from fatigue. But then it seemed to him as if someone's quiet voice was calling him by name, and suddenly— new blow on the shoulder. And again no one!

Frightened, Roman locked himself in the car and, without waiting for sunset, hastened to leave the village. He even then turned to grandmothers. They say: they say, your name is from the other world ... The guy was so scared that he gave up his hobby.

“We immediately decided to return the treasure to the church,” Vyacheslav continues the story. “The truth is, we didn’t know where. After all, the Assumption Church has already been destroyed. We turned to the one from whom we bought metal detectors - the treasure-hunting office of Vladimir Poryvaev. He advised me to contact Komsomolskaya Pravda.

The journalists of Komsomolskaya Pravda contacted the chairman of the commission of the Public Chamber for the Preservation of Spiritual and Cultural Heritage, Metropolitan of Kaluga and Borovsk Kliment. He met with Vyacheslav and Konstantin.

“The crisis is not a reason to indifferently contemplate the destruction of churches,” the metropolitan said, “they were built on donations even in more difficult times for Russia. This discovery near the Church of the Icon of the Mother of God “The Sign” is a good sign for all of us. It's a miracle that she fell into honest hands. It is part of our history and will be kept as a shrine.

Vladyka offered to solemnly hand over the relics during the annual Optina forum “The Heritage of Russia: the spiritual choice of the Russian intelligentsia” in the Kaluga diocese.

Anomalous zone Nikitskoe

Nikitskoye is a small village near Vereya in the Medynsky district in the north of the Kaluga region, next to which there is a large anomalous zone.

It seems that Pushkin wrote about such places: “There are miracles, there the goblin roams ...” Although no one saw the goblin there, there are more than enough other miracles. The nearby village is still home to a large number of healers, sorcerers and witches ("witches - through the hut"). 4-5 kilometers away, behind the village and the swamp, there is a dark mossy forest, cursed and never visited by local residents, in which many trees are bent, grass does not grow and birds and animals do not live. Repeatedly nearby, random mushroom pickers observed strange red balls “landing” in the forest, once they saw an incomprehensible animal in the form of a white fluffy ball sitting on branches or rolling along the ground ... Or maybe it was a goblin? One of the eyewitnesses, the girl Masha, from contemplating the "fluffy" received such a strong impression that for several years she could not fall asleep in a dark room and fell asleep only in the light.

In the early 1990s, three researchers entered the zone, and as one of them, Inna Bazulina, later said, “all at the same time felt the approach of something invisible and terrible.” The woman screamed in horror, and as if in response, a powerful roar was suddenly heard from the forest, "similar to a supersonic aircraft or a very large animal." At the same time, a large hail went down from the black sky, and the moss was instantly completely covered with ice. The scream filled their ears, and the frozen people rushed out of the forest. In the village, where people nevertheless got out a few hours later, they were told that there was no thunderstorm that day, and the cloudless hot sky did not allow doubting the opposite. As far as is known, after that no research was carried out in the Nikitskaya anomalous zone.

Three anomalous zones are known in the Kaluga region. These are the neighborhoods of the villages of Ogarkovo, Nikitskoye and Shchigry.

A small area located near Ogarkovo is known for the fact that even experienced travelers begin to get lost in it, although there is a wonderful landmark there - a road along which oaks stand.

South-west of the railway station Zikeevo is another "unclean" place. People living here claim that they have noticed unidentified flying objects in the sky many times various shapes: disc-shaped, triangular, in the form of a pyramid, cigars ... Sometimes it seems that the one who created these UFOs set up something like a training ground under Shchigry, where you can test (or just demonstrate to astonished eyewitnesses?) your imagination of inventors. Light atmospheric phenomena are also observed here, reminiscent of the weak northern lights, then lightning. One day, something like a festive fireworks appeared in the sky, but since it happened in the dead of night, few saw the anomaly.

Nikitskoye is a small village in the north of the Kaluga region, not far from which a rather large anomalous zone was discovered, in which all the phenomena noted in Ogarkovo and Shchigry are manifested, and even more than that - a few kilometers from Nikitskoye there is a forest that one would like to call bewitched. The trunks of the trees here seem to be bent on purpose, mutilated by some evil giant, the grass does not grow, the chirping of birds is not heard. Dead forest, scary! Residents of the surrounding villages do not go to it. However, if someone, having lost his way, suddenly finds himself here, then for a long time he recalls this with fear. There are no animals in the forest, but mysterious entities that do not look like either humans or animals unexpectedly block the path of a misguided mushroom picker, scaring him almost to death. A few years ago, a summer resident who came from Moscow wandered into an "enchanted" forest and saw a bluish fluffy ball rolling towards her between the trees. Having rolled up to the woman's feet, the ball, as if in a fairy tale, turned into a shaggy old man with red watery eyes. The summer resident screamed wildly, and the old man, immediately again taking the form of a ball, continued on his way. Later, the poor thing said that she did not want to go into the forest, it immediately seemed scary and unfriendly to her, but some unknown force that could not be resisted drew her into the thicket.

By the way, the researchers of the anomalous zones also noted that at the entrance to them, some especially sensitive people felt anxiety, they started to have a headache, weakness, sometimes shortness of breath ... The zone seemed to not want to accept those who are “unsympathetic” to it. Someone, on the contrary, feels an irresistible desire to enter the zone, and sometimes stay in it forever, and she does not resist this.

The Nikitskaya zone is still very little explored, however, the observations that specialists managed to make in it are very valuable. People who have visited those places say that from time to time they begin to feel the approach of danger.

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