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Venevitinov's estate in the Voronezh region: address, opening hours, reviews. Castle of the Princess of Oldenburg VS D.V. Museum-Estate

Venevitinov, Dmitry Vladimirovich

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Dmitry Vladimirovich Venevitinov (September 14 (26), 1805, Moscow - March 15 (27), 1827, St. Petersburg) - Russian romantic poet, translator, prose writer and philosopher.

Dmitry Venevitinov was born on September 14 (26), 1805 in Moscow, in the parish of the now lost Church of the Archdeacon Evpla, which was located at the intersection of Myasnitskaya Street and Milyutinsky Lane. His father, retired ensign of the Semyonovsky regiment Vladimir Petrovich Venevitinov (1777-1814), came from a wealthy Voronezh noble family. Mother, Anna Nikolaevna, came from princely family Obolensky-Belykh. Through her, Dmitry Venevitinov was distantly related (fourth cousin) with A. S. Pushkin.
Venevitinov grew up in a preserved house in Krivokolenny Lane, where he received a classical home education, which was led by the mother (Princess Anna Nikolaevna Obolenskaya),. French and Latin, as well as classical literature, Venevitinov was taught by his tutor Dorer - a retired French officer, Greek - the Greek Beyla (Bailo), painting - the artist Laperche. Russian literature was taught by Professor of Moscow University A.F. Merzlyakov, and music, most likely, by I.I. Genishta.

In 1822, Dmitry Venevitinov entered Moscow University, where he became interested in German philosophy and romantic poetry. At the university he listened to individual lectures, in particular the courses of A. F. Merzlyakov, I. I. Davydov, M. G. Pavlov and Loder. Participated in student meetings literary circle N. M. Rozhalina. In 1823, he successfully passed the exam at the university course and in 1824 entered the service of the Moscow Archives of the Collegium of Foreign Affairs (“archival youths” - this is how Pushkin ironically called the employees of this archive in his novel “Eugene Onegin”). In August - September 1824, together with younger brother Alexey visited his Voronezh estates which is clearly reflected in his letters.

Together with Prince V. F. Odoevsky, Venevitinov organized a secret philosophical "Society of Philosophy", which also included I. V. Kireevsky, A. I. Koshelev, V. P. Titov, N. A. Melgunov and others. M. P. Pogodin and S. P. Shevyrev attended meetings of the circle, not formally being its members. The circle was engaged in the study of German idealistic philosophy - the works of F. Schelling, I. Kant, Fichte, Oken, F. Schlegel and others. Venevitinov took an active part in the publication of the magazine "Moscow Bulletin".

In November 1826, under the patronage of Princess Zinaida Volkonskaya, Venevitinov moved from Moscow to St. Petersburg, joining the Asian Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. At the entrance to St. Petersburg, the poet, together with F. S. Khomyakov and the librarian of Count Laval O. Voshe, who accompanied the wife of the Decembrist Prince. S. P. Trubetskoy, Ekaterina Ivanovna (nee Laval was arrested on suspicion of involvement in the Decembrist conspiracy. He spent three days under arrest in one of the guardhouses in St. Petersburg. Venevitinov was interrogated by the duty general Potapov. According to biographers, the arrest and interrogation had a strong effect on Venevitinov He spent three days under arrest, which exacerbated his lung disease.After that, in March, returning lightly dressed from the ball, Venevitinov caught a bad cold.

Venevitinov and Khomyakov settled in the Lansky house. Staying away from relatives and friends, away from his native Moscow oppressed the poet, although the social circle in St. Petersburg was quite wide: V. F. Odoevsky and A. I. Koshelev already lived here. A. Delvig was a frequent guest of Venevitinov.

The poet died on March 15 (27), 1827 in St. Petersburg, before reaching the age of 22. He was buried in the cemetery of the Simonov Monastery in Moscow. He bequeathed to put a ring on his finger at the hour of death - a gift from Zinaida Volkonskaya. When he fell into oblivion, the ring was put on his finger. But suddenly Venvetinov woke up and asked: “Are they going to marry me?” And died. A. Pushkin and A. Mitskevich were at the funeral. Reburied in the 1930s. at Novodevichy Cemetery...

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Another poet of the Pushkin era.

Dmitry Vladimirovich Venevitinov, who lived only 22 years old, remained in the memory of his contemporaries as a highly educated and unusually talented person. He successfully engaged in painting, as evidenced by the canvases painted by him in oil. Teaching music made him not only a singer and an excellent musician, but also a composer. He was seriously involved in music theory. At a young age, Dmitry read writers in the original ancient rome and Greece, translated by Sophocles and Horace. Acquaintance with the "History of the Russian State" prompted him to visit the ancient Russian cities and study the local antiquities. Venevitinov appreciated the work of N. M. Karamzin not only as a historical, but also as a literary masterpiece, and ranked it among epic poetry. Professors at Moscow University gave him and his friends Alexei and Fyodor Khomyakov private lessons in mathematics and the history of belles-lettres. People who knew him noted his philosophical mind.

The years of his life (1805-1827) partly coincided with the time when A.S. Pushkin, Vladimir Odoevsky, V.K. Kyuchelbeker, F.I. Tyutchev, A.A. Delvig, N.M. Yazykov, Denis Davydov, P.A. Vyazemsky, V.A. Zhukovsky. Someone was older than him, someone significantly outlived him. With someone he was friends, with someone he was just familiar, with someone he studied, with someone he was united by a common cause. M. Yu. Lermontov, who was 13 years old in the year of Venevitinov's death, 3 years later, at 16, wrote an epitaph.

Dmitry Vladimirovich is often compared with the most famous European poets of that time, Lord Byron, Goethe, Shelley. We are talking about the appearance of the poet. They called him handsome: he was tall, like a statue of marble. It was noted that his huge eyes with long eyelashes shone with intelligence. In 1826 Anselm Lagrenée, french artist, painted a portrait of D.V. Venevitinov, which is reproduced in publications about the poet and his poems and prose. It was the appearance that caused the birth of many myths about Venevitinov as an ideal, dreamy, handsome poet.

In Moscow, in Krivokolenny Lane, house number 4 is decorated with two memorial plaques. One of them says that this is the house of the Venevitinov family, and the second one was installed in memory of the fact that it was here, in this house, in 1826, A.S. Pushkin read Boris Godunov. When, at the request of Karamzin, Pushkin was returned from exile, he settled in Moscow, where he immediately became the central figure of the then cultural life. It was during this period that the reading of Boris Godunov took place. By then, Pushkin knew that Venevitinov had written an article about the first chapter of Eugene Onegin. He said: “This is the only article that I have read with love and attention. Everything else is either abuse or oversweetened game. Proof of Pushkin's sympathy for Venevitinov is Venevitinov's invitation to all the readings of Boris Godunov by the poet himself. It was with Venevitinov that Pushkin shared the idea of ​​writing The Pretender, Mozart and Salieri, scenes from Faust, and Count Nulin. Communication with Pushkin played great importance in spiritual development young poet. Many of his later works and ideas are the result of their discussion of Russian culture and literature, especially poetry. Their views did not always coincide, and they argued about the philosophical transformation of the entire Russian culture.

The Venevitinovs' house in Moscow was an ordinary noble nest. Their family was ancient and well-deserved. Dmitry's parents owned estates in Voronezh province. In Moscow, they were considered enlightened and hospitable people, and artists, singers, and musicians often gathered in their house. After the death of her husband, Anna Dmitrievna, the mother of the poet, managed to make her salon a Moscow landmark. Until the age of 8, she herself was engaged in the upbringing and education of her son, then she handed him over to tutors and teachers, whom she chose very carefully. It is known that at first the captain of the Napoleonic army Dorer worked with the boy, and then the Greek Bailo. Both of them were very educated people, and thanks to them Dmitry received classical education, loved literature, read ancient philosophers. Home education ended when he was 17, and a year earlier his first poems, pen test or poetic experiments appeared.

As a volunteer, he attended lectures and discussions on literature by Professor Merzlyakov at Moscow University. Venevitinov during these conversations was the main opponent of the professor. His judgments were logical and profound. Those present were struck by the dialectic of his arguments. It was not a desire to simply argue, it was a formed view of literature and an approach to it, because in a few years he would return to these disputes and write an article about the shortcomings of Merzlyakov's theory. He also attended lectures by M.G. Pavlov and I.I. Davydov, in which his attention was drawn to the deep truths of classical German philosophers.

At the university, like-minded friends gather around Venevitinov, each of them left a mark on Russian culture. This was a new generation of Russian romantics, who moved away from the imitation of Zhukovsky and young Pushkin. They feared one-sidedness and wingless aspirations. Romantics are wise. The Society of Philosophy was headed by Vladimir Odoevsky and Dmitry Venevitinov. The name of the society came from its goal - the love of wisdom, the diligent study of ancient and German philosophers and the work on the creation of an original Russian philosophy, from which a new Russian literature should emerge. Its members were young philosophers who aspired to higher knowledge about man and nature. The society was formed in 1823, and in 1826 Venevitinov wrote an article "On the state of education in Russia".

The Lubomirs deeply studied the writings of the German romantic thinker Schelling, which gave them themes for poetry: harmony between the world and man (between the ideal and the real). Venevitinov was convinced that this harmony should be the beginning of everything, and it becomes one of the main themes of his poetry. In the work of Venevitinov, nature appears, the value of which is equated to the self-valuable world of the individual. The poet himself said that the self-development of nature coincides with the movement of poetic consciousness. And the poet borrows from nature a form of art. Nature in Venevitinov is not abstract philosophical concept, she is Russian, from Moscow Region and Voronezh. In 1924, he made a trip to the Voronezh estates of the family to resolve material issues and issues related to the management of the estates. The trip turned out to be very fruitful for his work.

In 1826, D.V. Venevitinov and many of his Lubomir friends withstood the required public service exam and entered the Moscow Archives of the College of Foreign Affairs. In Moscow circles, they were nicknamed "archival youths", and A. S. Pushkin described them in the seventh chapter of "Eugene Onegin" as a capital attraction. In October 1826, under the patronage of Zinaida Volkonskaya, with whom, according to some contemporaries, he was in love, and Count Laval, Venevitinov entered the Asian Department of the Collegium of Foreign Affairs in St. Petersburg. Life in St. Petersburg was very eventful. Museums, concerts, passion for the East, meetings with the philosophers, Delvig, acquaintance with the Decembrists, which served as a pretext for his arrest, and at the same time, office success.

However, the Petersburg period did not last long. For his lungs, the Petersburg climate turned out to be disastrous. The old illness resumed, and in 1827 Venevitinov died. He felt that the end was near, the thought of this came through both in his poems and in letters to friends. Nevertheless, he did not leave his worries about his mother, friends, service. Pushkin and Mickiewicz walked behind the coffin of Venevitinov along with other writers. His death gave rise to a stream of poems that were included in the "wreath" collection.

Images and lines of D.V. Venevitinov are inherited by a variety of poets, up to Nekrasov. But there is one poet, whose themes and manner he seems to predict and determine, this is Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov. However, many Russian poets later generations find their own in his many-sided work, thereby defining his special place and significance in the life of Russian lyrical consciousness.

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    The noble nest of the Venevitinovs with a stone manor house and a beautiful landscape park is considered one of the oldest surviving estates in the Voronezh region. The estate was founded and developed in the village of Novozhivotinnoye over several decades of the 18th century and belonged to representatives noble family Venevitinov. It has been known in Voronezh since the 17th century, when its ancestor, "ataman of the Voronezh boyar children", Terenty Venevitinov, received several villages near the newly founded Voronezh fortress for good service.

    Manor history

    The estate in Novozhivotinnoye gained wide popularity thanks to one of its owners, a distant relative of Pushkin, the poet and philosopher Dmitry Venevitinov, who spent part of his childhood in the Don expanses. The construction of the manor house, according to researchers, falls on the years 1760-70, at that time the poet's grandfather, Pyotr Venevitinov, lived in Novozhivotinnoye. The estate was built in the classical style and had two floors with a mezzanine, which has not survived to this day.

    From April to August 1887, the functions of a governess in the Venevitinovs' estate were performed by Ethel Voynich. The writer, who became world famous thanks to her novel The Gadfly, taught the children of the Venevitinovs music and English.

    It should be noted that the building of the estate has undergone many changes in 250 years, associated with repeated repairs - even under the owners, and with redevelopment over the years. Soviet power. After the revolution former estate adapted first for school, then for Orphanage, during the war years - under military unit, which, of course, had a negative impact on the safety of individual parts of the building. Since 1994, after the restoration and improvement of the manor house, outbuilding, gates and park, the estate became a branch of the Voronezh Regional Literary Museum. In addition, the building is included in the list of objects of historical and architectural heritage federal significance.


    In 2012, the museum-estate of Venevitinov was radically transformed: a large-scale restoration was carried out here, which, while preserving the interiors of the 19th century, made it possible to organize the exhibition space in a new way. Now the museum hosts regular thematic tours that tell about the country estate culture of Russia, the life and work of representatives of the Venevitinov family. The updated exposition includes very valuable exhibits, for example, 12 decrees of Peter I and the caftan of ataman Terenty Venevitinov.

    It so happened that in one day we visited two quite famous and popular sights of the Voronezh region at once: Castle of the Princess of Oldenburg and museum-estate of D.V. Venevitinova. Therefore, each time, comparisons of one place with another involuntarily arose. Each turned out to be interesting and picturesque in its own way, but left completely different impressions and emotions. In one, we were looking for traces of ghosts and former splendor, recalling the many legends and mysteries with which the castle of the Princess of Oldenburg is fanned in large numbers. They didn’t really know anything about the rest, only the famous English writer Ethel Voynich, who for some time worked as a governess in the Venevitinov estate, popped up in her memory.
    This post will, of course, not be a battle of the titans of the estates, but rather an attempt to understand the historical significance of the people who lived in these places and left loud and not very famous about themselves. Perhaps my story about the castle of the Princess of Oldenburg and the museum-estate of D.V. Venevitinova will make you look at these places a little differently.

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    "What's in a name? ”

    What's in it? long forgotten...
    By the way, out of the entire ancient noble family of the Venevitinovs, it was Dmitry Vladimirovich who was chosen, after whom the estate was named. He was a distant relative of A.S. Pushkin himself was a poet and philosopher. Although Dima's wonderful childhood years just passed here.

    Why him? Probably, against the background of other relatives, his role in history turned out to be more significant. Indeed, if you read the history of the Venevitinov family, one thing becomes obvious that they all knew how to conduct a regular service to the sovereign, and some, having “sucked up” in time, make an excellent career. And, in general, that's all. Dmitry Vladimirovich is considered the founder of a new romantic trend in Russian poetry and an authoritative philosopher of his time.

    The most “obsequious” of the Venevitinovs turned out to be Anton Lavrentievich, who, in a rather ingenious way, managed to please Peter the Great himself. This story with the "beard" especially amused me.

    At a time when Peter began to introduce all sorts of European innovations on Russian soil, one of the innovations was the deliverance of the noble boyars from the most “valuable” thing - the beard. At the same time, the nobles did not want to part with her for anything, including those from Voronezh. But Anton Venevitinov decided to approach the matter not only with humor, but also with a long-range vision.

    Having shaved off his beard, he did not throw it away, but “ala Santa Claus” tied it to his chin. During the inspection of the boyars, Peter the Great, without suspecting anything, pulled Anton Lavrentievich by the beard, but she safely fell off and remained in his hands. The sovereign appreciated Venevitinov's joke and appointed him to state service with a good salary. So, thanks to the beard and not very strong principles in relation to ancient customs, Anton Lavrentievich made a very good career.

    But the names of Alexander Petrovich and Evgenia Maximilianovna of Oldenburg are unlikely to be forgotten by descendants. The contribution that they made to the development and prosperity of the Fatherland is very, very significant.

    Primarily Castle of Oldenburg associated with Evgenia Maksimilianovna, because it was she who developed the most vigorous activity in Ramon, which brought numerous fruits. And actually built the most important attraction - the castle.

    Having received an estate in the village of Ramon as a gift from the emperor, Evgenia Maksimilianovna, with her characteristic enthusiasm, set about arranging her possessions. Inefficient sugar factory equipped new technology, improved production and built a railway line to Grafskaya station for the needs of the plant. It subsequently transported not only cargo, but also passengers.
    A little later, a confectionery factory appeared. The sweets produced were wrapped not in simple candy wrappers, but in colorful wrappers, which were created by skilled artists. The factory brought the Oldenburg world fame, its products have won recognition and a large number of awards at the most prestigious European competitions. In 1911, Voronezh entrepreneurs bought and transported factory equipment from Ramon to Voronezh, where it continued the "sweet" business: the Voronezh confectionery factory exists to this day.

    Princess Eugenia built a hospital, a school, workshops, a stud farm, a free canteen for workers, and a water tower. There was running water and electricity. "Menagerie" Evgenia Maximilianovna was the beginning for the Voronezh biosphere reserve, which in our time is visited with pleasure by guests and local residents.

    The whole life of the princess was spent in labor and care for others. She personally visited all the production facilities, kept order and tasted the food prepared for the workers herself. She and her husband became godparents to almost every child born under them in the village.
    By the way, Alexander Petrovich of Oldenburg has no less merit than his wife. He was engaged in charity work, sanitary activities in the army, opened the Institute of Experimental Medicine in St. Petersburg, founded the first climatic resort on the Caucasian coast in Gagra.
    I think that I have not even listed everything that this married couple has done and left for us. And the most remarkable thing is that we still use the fruits of their labors.

    What is more attractive: ceremonial brilliance or mysterious semi-destruction?

    The Venevitinovs' estate is a classic noble estate. Having lost a little in the territory - in Soviet time it was a school, an orphanage, and during the war years it was used as a military unit - it still retained its historical features.

    At the entrance, everyone is met by Dmitry Vladimirovich Venevitinov, immortalized, already known to us from the monument to Vysotsky, by the local sculptor Maxim Dikunov.

    The estate is located on the picturesque left bank of the Don. The road to the river passes through beautiful park, where it is pleasant to stroll along the shady alleys, watch the frogs in the pond and rush your thoughts after fast waters dona,

    sitting comfortably where they open the best views to the river.

    Undoubtedly, it is pleasant to sit here in silence, trying to imagine how people lived here several hundred years ago, but there is no soulfulness and desire to return in all this. Probably, personally, I was not very touched by the Venevitinov family in order to want to continue delving into their history.

    Beautiful entrance gates with towers, powerful walls of the castle - everything speaks of the fundamental nature of the building.

    But inside, alas and ah ...

    In general, with all these restorations and restorations, constantly incomprehensible stories take place here. It seems that there are investors, and contracts are signed, and they even started to restore something, but every time everything stops and practically does not move from a dead center.
    Stories about mysterious phenomena taking place in the castle do not cease to drag on in a long train. They say that the workers who carried out the repairs were ghosts, then someone constantly interfered with the work. All these fascinating stories play well on the innate curiosity of tourists.

    And what are the stories about the princess herself. And she drank the blood of young girls, and kept her servants in the basement, giving them to be torn to pieces by predatory animals, and the Black healer, offended by Eugene, cursed the castle and a bunch of all kinds of horror stories.
    To be honest, going down to the basement, involuntarily and not in such a believe. Gloomy, dilapidated rooms, from which it breathes cold and all sorts of mysteries.

    Again, the question arises: if you do not belong to any community, why make such images in your house?
    Riddles, secrets and legends - all this unusually attracts and attracts the Princess of Oldenburg to the castle.

    Our natural curiosity did not give us rest, and we got into a conversation with the caretaker, trying to find out if there were unusual phenomena. The caretaker assured that they did not observe any ghosts, sounds, groans and rustles in the castle during their work. It's a pity…

    And yet, there is no smoke without fire. The only thing that we still managed to find out was that Evgenia Maksimilianovna was a very tough lady, and possibly cruel. Being a real business woman, she was very demanding of her workers in everything and always punished them for wrongdoing. Perhaps this quality has given rise to these many sinister stories.
    In general, walking through the dilapidated chambers of the castle, it is quite exciting to look at the details and speculate about unusual story the people who inhabited it.

    How the fate of the castle of the Princess of Oldenburg will develop is not known. The Venevitinov estate was again more fortunate: the museum belongs to the objects cultural heritage of federal significance and is sponsored from the same budget. But the castle under the "wing" of the regional budget and the result, as we see, is on the face.

    I also really liked the phrase of our friend: “Some built a hospital, a school, a factory and did a bunch of other good deeds, and the merits of others, to put it mildly, fade against their background. What do we see?

    Here's a paradox...

    Castle of the Princess of Oldenburg. How to get there?

    The castle is located in the village of Ramon, Voronezh region. Drive along the M4, turn right at the sign (if you are coming from Voronezh) and move for another 7 kilometers.
    Coordinates: 51.917805, 39.346161
    From Voronezh to the castle 47.5 kilometers, from Moscow - 495.
    Address: Voronezh region, Ramon settlement, st. School, 27

    Museum-estate of D.V. Venevitinov. How to get there?

    The homestead is located in Novozhivotinnoe, Voronezh region. It is located on the left side of the M4 highway (if you drive from Voronezh).
    Coordinates: 51.890331, 39.167831
    From Voronezh to the estate of Venevitinov is only 39 kilometers.


    Dmitry Venevitinov was born on September 14 (26) in Moscow in the parish of the now lost Church of the Archdeacon Evpla, which was located at the intersection of Myasnitskaya Street and Milyutinsky Lane. His father, retired ensign of the Semyonovsky regiment Vladimir Petrovich Venevitinov (1777-1814), came from a wealthy Voronezh noble family. Mother, Anna Nikolaevna, came from the princely family of Obolensky-Bely. Through her, Dmitry Venevitinov was distantly related (fourth cousin) with A. S. Pushkin.

    Venevitinov grew up in a well-preserved house in Krivokolenny Lane, where he received a classical home education supervised by his mother. Venevitinov was taught French and Latin, as well as classical literature, by his tutor Dorer, a retired French officer, Greek - by the Greek Beyle (Bailo), painting - by the artist Laperche. Russian literature was taught by professor of Moscow University A. F. Merzlyakov, and music, most likely, by I. I. Genishta. Excellently studied Venevitinov and German, apparently, under the leadership of H.I. Gerke, the tutor of his early deceased brother Peter.

    In 1822, Dmitry Venevitinov entered the Moscow University, where he became interested in German philosophy and romantic poetry. At the university he listened to individual lectures, in particular the courses of A. F. Merzlyakov, I. I. Davydov, M. G. Pavlov and Loder. In 1823 he successfully passed the exam at the university course and in 1824 he entered the service of the Moscow Archive of the Collegium of Foreign Affairs (“archival youths” - this is how Pushkin ironically called the employees of this archive in his novel “Eugene Onegin”). In August - September 1824, together with his younger brother Alexei, he visited his Voronezh estates, which was clearly reflected in his letters.

    Together with Prince V. F. Odoevsky, Venevitinov organized a secret philosophical “Society wisdom”, which also included I. V. Kireevsky, A. I. Koshelev, V. P. Titov, N. A. Melgunov and others. M. P. Pogodin and S. P. Shevyrev attended meetings of the circle, not being formally its members. The circle was engaged in the study of German idealistic philosophy - the works of F. Schelling, J. Kant, Fichte, Oken, F. Schlegel and others. Venevitinov took an active part in the publication of the journal Moskovsky Vestnik.

    Venevitinov bequeathed to put on his finger at the hour of death a ring from Herculaneum - a gift from Zinaida Volkonskaya. When he fell into oblivion, AS Khomyakov put the ring on his finger. Suddenly Venevitinov woke up and asked: "Am I to be crowned?" And died. In the 1930s, during the demolition of the Simonov Monastery, the body of D.V. Venevitinov was exhumed and reburied at the Novodevichy cemetery, 2 account. 13 row. The ashes of the mother and brother of D.V. Venevitinov Alexei were not reburied. The graves were destroyed. During the exhumation, the ring was removed from the poet's finger by the wife of the architect Pyotr Baranovsky, Maria Yurievna, and is now kept in Literary Museum. .


    In his literary activity Venevitinov showed versatile talents and interests. He was not only a poet, but also a prose writer, wrote literary and program critical articles(his controversy with N. A. Polev about the 1st chapter of Pushkin's "Eugene Onegin" is known), translated prose works German authors, including Goethe and Hoffmann (E. A. Maimin. "Dmitry Venevitinov and his literary heritage." 1980).

    Venevitinov wrote only about 50 poems. Many of them, especially the later ones, are filled with deep philosophical sense, what is distinguishing feature poet's lyrics.

    central theme last poems Venevitinov - the fate of the poet. They show the cult of the romantic poet-chosen one, highly exalted above the crowd and everyday life:

    ... But in a pure thirst for pleasure
    Entrust not every harp with hearing
    Not many true prophets
    With the seal of mystery on the forehead,
    With gifts of lofty lessons,
    With the verb of heaven on earth.

    A number of Venevitinov's poems of 1826-1827, written a few months before the poet's death ("Testament", "To my ring", "Poet and friend") can rightfully be called prophetic. In them, the author seemed to foresee his early death:

    ... The soul told me a long time ago:
    You will rush through the world like lightning!
    You can feel everything
    But you won't enjoy life.

    Venevitinov was also known as a gifted artist, musician, and music critic. When a posthumous edition was being prepared, Vladimir Odoevsky suggested including not only poems, but also drawings, and musical works: "I would like to publish them together with the works of my friend, who miraculously combined all three arts."