Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Aryan languages. Andronovo Aryan language

About forty years ago it was thought that affinity of language implied kinship by blood, and it was customary to speak of the Aryan family and the Aryan race. Then the pendulum swung in the opposite direction, and Oppert established: “that there are Aryan languages, but there is no Aryan race at all.” You might ask yourself whether the reaction has gone too far. It may be admitted that the word "Aryan" must be regarded in principle as a linguistic term rather than as an ethnic one, and that although the Aryan languages ​​go back to common root, but the peoples speaking these languages, for the most part, are not related by blood at all. But since the Aryan language must have originated from one of the races among which it is currently in use, it would be right to investigate which of them most likely formed it.

Before the division, the Aryans wandered, no doubt, as nomadic hunters and shepherds over a very vast territory, little by little multiplying and gradually incorporating other tribes into their composition. A significant part of the changes in the original Aryan language is attributed to the fact that the Aryan language passed on to non-Aryan races. From anthropological and archaeological considerations we have seen that of the four Neolithic races of Europe two must be set aside as having no right to represent the original Aryans, and that of the other two the probability clearly leans in favor of the short-headed race of Central Europe. Linguistic indications must now be taken into account, and we have to examine the mutual relations of the Aryan languages ​​and ask ourselves how they differentiated, how the original Aryan language could have developed and whether it could have been the language of that race which, from another point of view , has, apparently, the main rights to represent the original Aryan race.

There are currently nine families of the Aryan language: Hindus, Armenians, Hellenes, Italians, Celts, Teutons, Lithuanians or Letts and Slavs. Moreover, there were many families, now extinct, such as the Phrygians, Dacians and Thracians.

The families having the closest relationships can be grouped together, giving six families instead of nine, these families being Indo-Iranian, Armenian, Hellenic, Celto-Italic, Teutonic and Lithuanian-Slavic.

Zend and Sanskrit are so closely related that we can assume the existence of a generative language common to both of these languages, which we will call, for convenience, Indo-Iranian. In the same way, Lithuanian, on the one hand, is closely related to Slavic and, on the other hand, less closely related to Teutonic.

The old traditions of classical philology, dating back to the time when only two Aryan literatures were known, led to the idea that the two classical languages, Latin and Greek, were two sister languages, very closely related to each other; but this opinion is currently inferior to the conviction that the closest affinity exists between the Italic and Celtic languages, that Greek is closest to the Indo-Iranian and Armenian languages.

Schmidt only lists ninety-nine words found in Greek and Indo-Iranian, and one hundred and thirty-two found only in Greek and Latin. Some of these latter are, however, words related to civilization, or names of animals and plants, in all likelihood, not original.

The more important fact is that accretion and aorist with doubling exist only in Greek and Indo-Iranian and that these languages ​​also have special forms of infinitive mood. The names of six Greek deities can be explained from Sanskrit, while only three names are common to Greek and Latin.

We have seen that while some words relating to pastoral life and rudimentary agriculture are common to Latin and Greek, the names of weapons are different; Greek coincides for the most part with Sanskrit, and Latin with Celtic. The relative terms of division are also indicated by numerals. The original Aryans could only count to one hundred. The word for thousand is common in Greek and Sanskrit, but not in Latin. Latin and Celtic have a common expression for thousand, and the same commonality exists for Lithuanian and Germanic.

From this we conclude that the division of Greek and Latin, and also Latin and Lithuanian, took place comparatively early, but that the division of Latin and Celtic, Greek and Indo-Iranian, Lithuanian and Germanic occurred in a comparatively recent era.

Based on other considerations, the Italic languages ​​appear to be much more closely related to Celtic than to Greek. The Umbrians, the northernmost of the Italic peoples, were geographically in contact with the Celts, but they were to be separated from the Hellenes by the Illyrians. The extinct Thracian and Dacian languages ​​probably formed a connection between Greek and Celtic.

Backmeister(230) identified by means of place names the former region of the Celtic language. It included the valleys of the Rhine, Main and upper Danube, as well as Belgium, Great Britain and parts of Switzerland and France. The Celtic territory formed the large central region of the Aryan languages. It extended east to the borders of Dacia, unless Dacia itself was a member of the Celtic group.

The characteristic Celtic name "Lugdunum" is repeated in the names of "Laon, Leiden" on the lower Rhine, "Lyon" on the Rhone and on the upper Garone at the foot of the Pyrenees. We find "Batavodurum" at the mouth of the Rhine and "Boiodurum" at the confluence of the Danube and the Inn.

Southern Germany, before it was Teutonicized by the conquerors who came from the north, was occupied by the Celts, as is proved by the Celtic names found in the Danube valley and even in the Sava valley (231). Through Carniolia, which served as a high road along which so many invasions of Italy took place, the Umbrians, a people whose language is closely related to the Celtic language, could reach the valleys of Northern Italy.

Some of the most ancient and profound morphological changes in the Aryan language are those that distinguish the Celto-Italic languages. This is the formation of a new passive voice, new future and new past perfect. Based on this, it is assumed that the Celto-Italic languages ​​may have already separated while the remaining Aryan languages ​​remained united. The Celto-Italic unity is less clear than the unity of the Indo-Iranian or Slavic-Lithuanian languages, since its origin dates back to a more distant era.

The affinity of the Celtic language with Teutonic is less profound than that of Celtic with Latin. It is observed chiefly in words pertaining to civilization rather than in morphological structure, and reveals political supremacy and geographical contact rather than primitive organic unity.

The affinity of the Teutonic family with the Slavic-Lithuanian family is more significant and more complete, since it exists not only in words related to civilization, but also in grammar. The final division of the Slavs and the Teutons should have occurred relatively late. The Slavic and Teutonic languages ​​generally coincide in terms of metallurgy, but differ in words relating to weapons, agriculture and navigation. There is a close relationship between the Slavic-Lithuanian and Teutonic languages, which is indicated by the fact that both change the original bh on m at the end of some cases; This change is not found in other Aryan languages. On the other hand, the similarity between the Slavic-Lithuanian and Indo-Iranian languages ​​is revealed in the fact that in approximately sixteen words they change the original k on s, which change does not occur in the Teutonic language. Iranian name bhaga, denoting the supreme deity, is also common to the Slavs and Phrygians, but is not found in either Greek or Latin. So, the Slavic-Lithuanian family forms a connection between the Iranian and Teutonic languages, while Greek, on the one hand, approaches the Iranian, and on the other, the Italic languages.

Currently, it is generally accepted that European languages ​​are no less archaic than Asian languages, taking into account that the literary monuments of Sanskrit go back to an era more distant than the monuments of European languages. Zend, as we have said, may go back to the sixth century B.C., and Sanskrit to the tenth. But modern Persian has retained much less of the original Aryan grammar than any other Aryan language except English. He freed himself from declensions and, although he retained some of the personal verb suffixes, he lost the old days. The New Hindu languages, which emerged from the dialects or Procrites around the tenth century A.D., lost most of the archaic features that distinguish Sanskrit. Neuter gender disappeared, new plurals and new endings replaced the old forms, and tense endings were replaced by new forms derived from participles. There can be no doubt that this differentiation of the old forms was accelerated, if not caused, by the adoption of the Aryan language by the Indian non-Aryan tribes.

The opposite happened to the Lithuanians. The language has not spread, and those who speak it today are, in all likelihood, direct descendants of people who spoke Lithuanian two, perhaps three thousand years ago. What came out of this was that grammatical forms it has survived to a degree far more noticeable than in any other existing Aryan language. Among the existing languages, one language, Lithuanian, has retained the dual number and the ancient declension. Its phonetic system is not inferior to that of Sanskrit; and in some respects even more archaic, although Sanskrit literature is almost three thousand years old older than literature Lithuanian, dating back only to the beginning of the eighteenth century.

As a result, Latin, Celtic and Lithuanian are the languages ​​that have moved the least away from the original system of consonances. The Slavic and Indo-Iranian languages ​​formed a large number of sibilants and other consonants.

The primitive Aryan language had only one sibilant and two nasals, but Sanskrit has four sibilants and five nasals. The head or lingual consonants which are a feature of the Hindu languages ​​are thought to have originated from ancient Dravidian influences. Previously it was thought that the original Aryan language had only one sound for R And l, but at present they think that there were two of them, since European languages ​​in this respect are more primitive than Asian languages; in the same way, it used to be thought that the Hindu vowel system was more primitive than the European system, but at present the opposite opinion is in circulation among scientists. Greek preserved the old tenses of the verb better than Latin, and retained the dual number. Sanskrit normally replaced the former instrumental found in Latin with the genitive senatu-d and in Oscan fruitu-d and disappeared in all other Aryan languages, with the exception of Zend. Latin, however, created three new tenses: future on bo, past imperfect on bam and past perfect on vi; example: amabo, amabam, amavi. The Italic languages, like Celtic and Lithuanian, also created a middle voice, which later became passive.

The Greek language is more archaic than Latin in that it has retained the ancient middle voice, the dual, the ancient tenses and the original declensions. The Dorian and Aeolian dialects are more archaic than classical Greek, no doubt because the Iranian Greeks were less pure Aryans in race. The loss of digamma and the tendency to Zetacism among the Ionians occurred, perhaps, as a result of mixing with the Pre-Aryan population, from which the Dorians were removed. Latin, however, was more faithful to the original consonant system than Greek. Thus, Latin retained the original laryngeal, which Greek often changes to p or t. Yes, Latin words quis And quinque correspond to the Greek τις and πέντε or πέμπε. Latin retains the initial sibilant, which Greek changes into an aspirate. Yes, Latin words sex, septem And socer in Greek they become έξ, έπτά and έκυρός.

We find the same change qv V p in Welsh and Gaulish, but not in Irish or Latin. Yes, Latin quatuor becomes in Irish cethir And pedwar in Welsh. The change also occurs in Oscan and Umbrian, where it says pan instead of quam And pis instead of quis. Latin also retains the ancient semivowel at(presented via j), which in Greek changes to h or in z. So we find jecur And jugum instead of ήπαρ and ζυγόν. So, contrary to the greater antiquity of Sanskrit literature, it would seem that some of European languages in their morphological structure, and even more so in their phonetic system, they are as archaic as the Asian languages.

In general, the languages ​​that have changed the least are Lithuanian, the languages ​​that have changed the most are Teutonic. In almost every respect the languages ​​of the short-headed peoples of Central Europe: Lithuanian, Slavic, Celtic, Umbrian, Latin and Greek-Dorian, approach closer to the original Aryan type than the Teutonic language of the long-headed inhabitants of the coast. Baltic Sea. Thus, it would seem that the Lithuanians have the greatest right to be representatives of the original Aryan race, since their language represents less phonetic losses resulting from the acquisition by various peoples of a language alien to them.

Indo-Aryan languages ​​(Indian) are a group of related languages ​​that go back to the ancient Indian language. Included (together with the Iranian languages ​​and closely related Dardic languages) in the Indo-Iranian languages, one of the branches of the Indo-European languages. Distributed in South Asia: northern and central India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Maldives, Nepal; outside this region - Romani languages, Domari and Parya (Tajikistan). The total number of speakers is about 1 billion people. (Evaluation, 2007). Ancient Indian languages.

Ancient Indian language. Indian languages ​​come from dialects of the ancient Indian language, which had two literary forms - Vedic (the language of the sacred “Vedas”) and Sanskrit (created by Brahmin priests in the Ganges valley in the first half - mid-first millennium BC). The ancestors of the Indo-Aryans left the ancestral home of the “Aryan Expanse” at the end of the 3rd – beginning of the 2nd millennium. A language related to Indo-Aryan is reflected in proper names, theonyms and some lexical borrowings in the cuneiform texts of the Mitanni and Hittite states. Indo-Aryan writing in the Brahmi syllabary arose in the 4th and 3rd centuries BC.

The Central Indian period is represented by numerous languages ​​and dialects, which were in use orally and then in written form from the Middle Ages. 1st millennium BC e. Of these, the most archaic is Pali (the language of the Buddhist Canon), followed by Prakrits (more archaic are the Prakrits of the inscriptions) and Apabkhransha (dialects that developed by the mid-1st millennium AD as a result of the development of Prakrits and are a transitional link to the New Indian languages ).

The New Indian period begins after the 10th century. Represented by approximately three dozen major languages and a large number of dialects, sometimes very different from each other.

In the west and northwest they border with Iranian (Baluchi language, Pashto) and Dardic languages, in the north and northeast - with Tibeto-Burman languages, in the east - with a number of Tibeto-Burman and Mon-Khmer languages, in the south - with Dravidian languages ​​(Telugu, Kannada). In India, the array of Indo-Aryan languages ​​is interspersed with language islands of other linguistic groups (Munda, Mon-Khmer, Dravidian, etc.).

  1. Hindi and Urdu (Hindustani) are two varieties of one modern Indian literary language; Urdu is the official language of Pakistan (Capital Islamabad), has a script based on Arabic alphabet; Hindi (the official language of India (New Delhi) - based on the Old Indian Devanagari script.
  2. Bengal (Indian state - West Bengal, Bangladesh (Kolkata))
  3. Punjabi (eastern Pakistan, Punjab state of India)
  4. Lahnda
  5. Sindhi (Pakistan)
  6. Rajasthani (northwest India)
  7. Gujarati – southwest subgroup
  8. Marathi - Western subgroup
  9. Sinhala – insular subgroup
  10. Nepali – Nepal (Kathmandu) – central subgroup
  11. Bihari – Indian state of Bihar – eastern subgroup
  12. Oriya - Indian state Orissa - eastern subgroup
  13. Assamese - Indian State of Assam, Bangladesh, Bhutan (Thimphu) - eastern. subgroup
  14. Gypsy –
  15. Kashmiri - Indian states of Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan - Dardic group
  16. Vedic is the language of the most ancient sacred books of the Indians - the Vedas, which were formed in the first half of the second millennium BC.
  17. Sanskrit is the literary language of the ancient Indians from the 3rd century BC. to 4th century AD
  18. Pali - Central Indian literary and cult language of the medieval era
  19. Prakrits - various colloquial Central Indian dialects

Iranian languages ​​are a group of related languages ​​within the Aryan branch Indo-European family languages. Distributed mainly in the Middle East, Central Asia and Pakistan.

The Iranian group was formed, according to the generally accepted version, as a result of the separation of languages ​​from the Indo-Iranian branch in the Volga region and southern Urals during the period of the Andronovo culture. There is also another version of the formation of Iranian languages, according to which they separated from the main body of Indo-Iranian languages ​​on the territory of the BMAC culture. The expansion of the Aryans in ancient times took place to the south and southeast. As a result of migrations, Iranian languages ​​spread to the 5th century BC. in large areas from the Northern Black Sea region to Eastern Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Altai (Pazyryk culture), and from the Zagros mountains, eastern Mesopotamia and Azerbaijan to the Hindu Kush.

The most important milestone in the development of Iranian languages ​​was the identification of Western Iranian languages, which spread west from Dasht-e-Kevir across the Iranian plateau, and the Eastern Iranian languages ​​contrasted with them. The work of the Persian poet Ferdowsi Shahnameh reflects the confrontation between the ancient Persians and the nomadic (also semi-nomadic) Eastern Iranian tribes, nicknamed Turanians by the Persians, and their habitat Turan.

In the II - I centuries. BC. The Great Central Asian Migration of Peoples takes place, as a result of which eastern Iranians populate the Pamirs, Xinjiang, Indian lands south of the Hindu Kush, and invade Sistan.

As a result of the expansion of Turkic-speaking nomads from the first half of the 1st millennium AD. Iranian languages ​​begin to be replaced by Turkic languages, first in the Great Steppe, and with the beginning of the 2nd millennium in Central Asia, Xinjiang, Azerbaijan and a number of regions of Iran. What remains of the steppe Iranian world is a relict Ossetian language(descendant of the Alan-Sarmatian language) in the Caucasus mountains, as well as descendants of the Saka languages, languages ​​of the Pashtun tribes and Pamir peoples.

The current state of the Iranian-speaking massif was largely determined by the expansion of Western Iranian languages, which began under the Sassanids, but gained full strength after the Arab invasion:

Spreading Persian language throughout the entire territory of Iran, Afghanistan and southern Central Asia and the massive displacement of local Iranian and sometimes non-Iranian languages ​​in the corresponding territories, as a result of which the modern Persian and Tajik communities were formed.

Expansion of the Kurds into Upper Mesopotamia and the Armenian Highlands.

Migration of the semi-nomads of Gorgan to the southeast and the formation of the Balochi language.

The phonetics of Iranian languages ​​divides many common features with Indo-Aryan languages ​​in development from the Indo-European state. The ancient Iranian languages ​​belong to the inflectional-synthetic type with a developed system of inflectional forms of declension and conjugation and are thus similar to Sanskrit, Latin and Old Church Slavonic. This is especially true of the Avestan language and, to a lesser extent, Old Persian. In Avestan there are eight cases, three numbers, three genders, inflectional-synthetic verbal forms of present, aorist, imperfect, perfect, injunctive, conjunctive, optative, imperative, and there is developed word formation.

1. Persian - writing based on the Arabic alphabet - Iran (Tehran), Afghanistan (Kabul), Tajikistan (Dushanbe) - southwestern Iranian group.

2. Dari - the literary language of Afghanistan

3. Pashto - since the 30s the state language of Afghanistan - Afghanistan, Pakistan - Eastern Iranian subgroup

4. Baluchi - Pakistan, Iran, Afghanistan, Turkmenistan (Ashgabat), Oman (Muscat), UAE (Abu Dhabi) - northwestern subgroup.

5. Tajik - Tajikistan, Afghanistan, Uzbekistan (Tashkent) - Western Iranian subgroup.

6. Kurdish - Turkey (Ankara), Iran, Iraq (Baghdad), Syria (Damascus), Armenia (Yerevan), Lebanon (Beirut) - Western Iranian subgroup.

7. Ossetian - Russia (North Ossetia), South Ossetia (Tskhinvali) - East Iranian subgroup

8. Tatsky – Russia (Dagestan), Azerbaijan (Baku) – western subgroup

9. Talysh - Iran, Azerbaijan - northwestern Iranian subgroup

10. Caspian dialects

11. Pamir languages ​​– unwritten languages ​​of the Pamirs.

12. Yagnobian is the language of the Yagnobi people, inhabitants of the Yagnob River valley in Tajikistan.

14. Avestan

15. Pahlavi

16. Median

17. Parthian

18. Sogdian

19. Khorezmian

20. Scythian

21. Bactrian

22. Saki

Slavic group. Slavic languages ​​are a group of related languages ​​of the Indo-European family. Distributed throughout Europe and Asia. The total number of speakers is about 400-500 million [source not specified 101 days]. They are distinguished by a high degree of closeness to each other, which is found in the structure of the word, the use of grammatical categories, sentence structure, semantics, a system of regular sound correspondences, and morphonological alternations. This closeness is explained by the unity of origin Slavic languages and their long and intense contacts with each other at the level literary languages and dialects.

The long-term independent development of the Slavic peoples in different ethnic, geographical and historical-cultural conditions, their contacts with various ethnic groups led to the emergence of differences in material, functional, etc. Slavic languages ​​within the Indo-European family are most similar to the Baltic languages. The similarities between the two groups served as the basis for the theory of the “Balto-Slavic proto-language”, according to which the Balto-Slavic proto-language first emerged from the Indo-European proto-language, which later split into Proto-Baltic and Proto-Slavic. However, many scientists explain their special closeness by the long-term contact of the ancient Balts and Slavs, and deny the existence of the Balto-Slavic language. It has not been established in what territory the separation of the Slavic language continuum from the Indo-European/Balto-Slavic occurred. It can be assumed that it occurred to the south of those territories that, according to various theories, belong to the territory of the Slavic ancestral homelands. From one of the Indo-European dialects (Proto-Slavic), the Proto-Slavic language was formed, which is the ancestor of all modern Slavic languages. The history of the Proto-Slavic language was longer than the history of individual Slavic languages. For a long time it developed as a single dialect with an identical structure. Dialectal variants arose later. The process of transition of the Proto-Slavic language into independent languages ​​took place most actively in the 2nd half of the 1st millennium AD. e., during the formation of the early Slavic states in the territory of the South-Eastern and of Eastern Europe. During this period, the territory of Slavic settlements increased significantly. Areas of various geographical zones with different natural and climatic conditions were developed, the Slavs entered into relationships with the population of these territories, standing at different stages of cultural development. All this was reflected in the history of Slavic languages.

The history of the Proto-Slavic language is divided into 3 periods: the oldest - before the establishment of close Balto-Slavic linguistic contact, the period of the Balto-Slavic community and the period of dialect fragmentation and the beginning of the formation of independent Slavic languages.

Eastern subgroup

1. Russian

2. Ukrainian

3. Belarusian

Southern subgroup

1. Bulgarian – Bulgaria (Sofia)

2. Macedonian - Macedonia (Skopje)

3. Serbo-Croatian - Serbia (Belgrade), Croatia (Zagreb)

4. Slovenian – Slovenia (Ljubljana)

Western subgroup

1. Czech – Czech Republic (Prague)

2. Slovak - Slovakia (Bratislava)

3. Polish – Poland (Warsaw)

4. Kashubian - a dialect of Polish

5. Lusatian - Germany

Dead: Old Church Slavonic, Polabian, Pomeranian

Baltic group. The Baltic languages ​​are a language group that represents a special branch of the Indo-European group of languages.

Total number speakers - over 4.5 million people. Distribution - Latvia, Lithuania, formerly the territories of (modern) northeastern Poland, Russia (Kaliningrad region) and northwestern Belarus; even earlier (before the 7th-9th, in some places the 12th centuries) up to the upper reaches of the Volga, the Oka basin, the middle Dnieper and Pripyat.

According to one theory, the Baltic languages ​​are not a genetic formation, but the result of early convergence [source not specified 374 days]. The group includes 2 living languages ​​(Latvian and Lithuanian; sometimes the Latgalian language is distinguished separately, officially considered a dialect of Latvian); the Prussian language, attested in monuments, which became extinct in the 17th century; at least 5 languages ​​known only by toponymy and onomastics (Curonian, Yatvingian, Galindian/Golyadian, Zemgalian and Selonian).

1. Lithuanian – Lithuania (Vilnius)

2. Latvian – Latvia (Riga)

3. Latgalian – Latvia

Dead: Prussian, Yatvyazhsky, Kurzhsky, etc.

German group. The history of the development of Germanic languages ​​is usually divided into 3 periods:

· ancient (from the emergence of writing to the 11th century) - the formation of individual languages;

· middle (XII-XV centuries) - development of writing in Germanic languages ​​and expansion of their social functions;

· new (from the 16th century to the present) - the formation and normalization of national languages.

In the reconstructed Proto-Germanic language, a number of researchers identify a layer of vocabulary that does not have an Indo-European etymology - the so-called pre-Germanic substrate. In particular, these are the majority of strong verbs, the conjugation paradigm of which also cannot be explained from the Proto-Indo-European language. The shift of consonants compared to the Proto-Indo-European language is the so-called. “Grimm's law” - supporters of the hypothesis also explain the influence of the substrate.

The development of Germanic languages ​​from antiquity to the present day is associated with numerous migrations of their speakers. Germanic dialects of ancient times were divided into 2 main groups: Scandinavian (northern) and continental (southern). In the II-I centuries BC. e. Some tribes from Scandinavia moved to the southern coast of the Baltic Sea and formed an East German group opposing the West German (formerly southern) group. The East German tribe of the Goths, moving south, penetrated the territory of the Roman Empire right up to the Iberian Peninsula, where they mixed with the local population (V-VIII centuries).

Within the West Germanic area in the 1st century AD. e. 3 groups of tribal dialects were distinguished: Ingveonian, Istveonian and Erminonian. The resettlement in the 5th-6th centuries of parts of the Ingveonian tribes (Angles, Saxons, Jutes) to the British Isles predetermined the further development in English Complex interaction West Germanic dialects on the continent created the preconditions for the formation of Old Frisian, Old Saxon, Old Low Frankish and Old High German languages. Scandinavian dialects after their isolation in the 5th century. from the continental group they were divided into eastern and western subgroups; on the basis of the first, Swedish, Danish and Old Gutnic languages ​​were later formed, on the basis of the second - Norwegian, as well as the island languages ​​- Icelandic, Faroese and Norn.

The formation of national literary languages ​​was completed in England in the 16th-17th centuries, in the Scandinavian countries in the 16th century, in Germany in the 18th century. The spread of the English language beyond England led to the creation of its variants in the USA, Canada, and Australia. The German language in Austria is represented by its Austrian variant.

North German subgroup.

1. Danish – Denmark (Copenhagen), northern Germany

2. Swedish – Sweden (Stockholm), Finland (Helsinki) – contact subgroup

3. Norwegian – Norway (Oslo) – continental subgroup

4. Icelandic – Iceland (Reykjavik), Denmark

5. Faroese - Denmark

West German subgroup

1. English – UK, USA, India, Australia (Canberra), Canada (Ottawa), Ireland (Dublin), New Zealand (Wellington)

2. Dutch – Netherlands (Amsterdam), Belgium (Brussels), Suriname (Paramaribo), Aruba

3. Frisian - Netherlands, Denmark, Germany

4. German – Low German and High German – Germany, Austria (Vienna), Switzerland (Bern), Liechtenstein (Vaduz), Belgium, Italy, Luxembourg

5. Yiddish – Israel (Jerusalem)

East German subgroup

1. Gothic – Visigothic and Ostrogothic

2. Burgundian, Vandal, Gepid, Herulian

Roman group. Romance languages ​​(Latin Roma “Rome”) are a group of languages ​​and dialects that are part of the Italic branch of the Indo-European language family and genetically go back to a common ancestor - Latin. The name Romanesque comes from the Latin word romanus (Roman). The science that studies Romance languages, their origin, development, classification, etc. is called Romance studies and is one of the subsections of linguistics (linguistics). The peoples who speak them are also called Romanesque. The Romance languages ​​developed as a result of the divergent (centrifugal) development of the oral tradition of different geographical dialects of the once united vernacular Latin language and gradually became isolated from the source language and from each other as a result of various demographic, historical and geographical processes. The beginning of this epoch-making process was laid by Roman colonists who settled regions (provinces) of the Roman Empire remote from the capital - Rome - during a complex ethnographic process called ancient Romanization in the period of the 3rd century. BC e. - 5th century n. e. During this period, the various dialects of Latin were influenced by the substrate. For a long time, Romance languages ​​were perceived only as vernacular dialects of the classical Latin language, and therefore were practically not used in in writing. The formation of the literary forms of the Romance languages ​​was largely based on the traditions of classical Latin, which allowed them to become closer again in lexical and semantic terms in modern times.

  1. French – France (Paris), Canada, Belgium (Brussels), Switzerland, Lebanon (Beirut), Luxembourg, Monaco, Morocco (Rabat).
  2. Provençal – France, Italy, Spain, Monaco
  3. Italian – Italy, San Marino, Vatican City, Switzerland
  4. Sardinian – Sardinia (Greece)
  5. Spanish – Spain, Argentina (Buenos Aires), Cuba (Havana), Mexico (Mexico City), Chile (Santiago), Honduras (Tegucigalpa)
  6. Galician – Spain, Portugal (Lisbon)
  7. Catalan – Spain, France, Italy, Andorra (Andorra la Vella)
  8. Portuguese – Portugal, Brazil (Brasilia), Angola (Luanda), Mozambique (Maputo)
  9. Romanian – Romania (Bucharest), Moldova (Chisinau)
  10. Moldavian – Moldova
  11. Macedonian-Romanian – Greece, Albania (Tirana), Macedonia (Skopje), Romania, Bulgarian
  12. Romansh – Switzerland
  13. Creole languages– crossed Romance languages ​​with local languages


1. Latin

2. Medieval Vulgar Latin

3. Oscian, Umbrian, Sabelian

Celtic group. Celtic languages ​​are one of the western groups of the Indo-European family, close, in particular, to the Italic and Germanic languages. Nevertheless, the Celtic languages, apparently, did not form a specific unity with other groups, as was sometimes previously thought (in particular, the hypothesis of Celto-Italic unity, defended by A. Meillet, is most likely incorrect).

The spread of Celtic languages, as well as Celtic peoples, in Europe is associated with the spread of Hallstatt (VI-V centuries BC) and then La Tène (2nd half of the 1st millennium BC) archaeological cultures. The ancestral home of the Celts is probably localized in Central Europe, between the Rhine and the Danube, but they settled very widely: in the 1st half of the 1st millennium BC. e. they entered the British Isles around the 7th century. BC e. - to Gaul, in the 6th century. BC e. - to the Iberian Peninsula, in the 5th century. BC e. they spread to the south, cross the Alps and come to Northern Italy, finally, by the 3rd century. BC e. they reach Greece and Asia Minor. We know relatively little about the ancient stages of development of the Celtic languages: the monuments of that era are very scarce and not always easy to interpret; nevertheless, data from the Celtic languages ​​(especially Old Irish) play an important role in the reconstruction of the Indo-European proto-language.

Goidelic subgroup

  1. Irish – Ireland
  2. Scottish – Scotland (Edinburgh)
  3. Manx – dead – language of the Isle of Man (in the Irish Sea)

Brythonic subgroup

1. Breton - Brittany (France)

2. Welsh – Wales (Cardiff)

3. Cornish - dead - on Cornwall - peninsula southwest of England

Gallic subgroup

1. Gaulish – extinct since the era of education French; was distributed in Gaul, Northern Italy, the Balkans and Asia Minor

Greek group. The Greek group is currently one of the most unique and relatively small language groups (families) within the Indo-European languages. At the same time, the Greek group is one of the most ancient and well-studied since antiquity. Currently, the main representative of the group with a full range of linguistic functions is the Greek language of Greece and Cyprus, which has a long and complex history. The presence of a single full representative in our days brings the Greek group closer to the Albanian and Armenian, which are also actually represented by one language each.

At the same time, there were previously other Greek languages ​​and extremely separate dialects that either became extinct or are on the verge of extinction as a result of assimilation.

1. Modern Greek – Greece (Athens), Cyprus (Nicosia)

2. ancient Greek

3. Central Greek, or Byzantine

Albanian group.

Albanian language (Alb. Gjuha shqipe) is the language of the Albanians, the indigenous population of Albania proper and part of the population of Greece, Macedonia, Kosovo, Montenegro, Lower Italy and Sicily. The number of speakers is about 6 million people.

The self-name of the language - “shkip” - comes from the local word “shipe” or “shkipe”, which actually means “rocky soil” or “rock”. That is, the self-name of the language can be translated as “mountain”. The word "shkip" can also be interpreted as "understandable" (language).

Armenian group.

The Armenian language is an Indo-European language, usually classified as a separate group, less often combined with Greek and Phrygian languages. Among the Indo-European languages, it is one of the oldest written languages. The Armenian alphabet was created by Mesrop Mashtots in 405-406. n. e. (see Armenian writing). The total number of speakers around the world is about 6.4 million people. During its long history, the Armenian language has been in contact with many languages. Being a branch of the Indo-European language, Armenian subsequently came into contact with various Indo-European and non-Indo-European languages ​​- both living and now dead, taking over from them and bringing to the present day much of what direct written evidence could not preserve. At different times, Hittite and hieroglyphic Luwian, Hurrian and Urartian, Akkadian, Aramaic and Syriac, Parthian and Persian, Georgian and Zan, Greek and Latin came into contact with the Armenian language. For the history of these languages ​​and their speakers, data Armenian language in many cases are of paramount importance. This data is especially important for urartologists, Iranianists, and Kartvelists, who draw many facts about the history of the languages ​​they study from Armenian.

Hittite-Luwian group. Anatolian languages ​​are a branch of the Indo-European languages ​​(also known as the Hittite-Luwian languages). According to glottochronology, they separated from other Indo-European languages ​​quite early. All languages ​​in this group are dead. Their carriers lived in the 2nd-1st millennium BC. e. on the territory of Asia Minor (the Hittite kingdom and the small states that arose on its territory), were later conquered and assimilated by the Persians and/or Greeks.

The oldest monuments of Anatolian languages ​​are Hittite cuneiform and Luwian hieroglyphics (there were also short inscriptions in Palayan, the most archaic of the Anatolian languages). Through the works of the Czech linguist Friedrich (Bedrich) the Terrible, these languages ​​were identified as Indo-European, which contributed to their decipherment.

Later inscriptions in Lydian, Lycian, Sidetian, Carian and other languages ​​were written in Asia Minor alphabets (partially deciphered in the 20th century).

1. Hittite

2. Luuvian

3. Palay

4. Carian

5. Lydian

6. Lycian

Tocharian group. Tocharian languages ​​are a group of Indo-European languages ​​consisting of the dead "Tocharian A" ("East Tocharian") and "Tocharian B" ("West Tocharian"). They were spoken in what is now Xinjiang. The monuments that have reached us (the first of them were discovered at the beginning of the 20th century by the Hungarian traveler Aurel Stein) date back to the 6th-8th centuries. The self-name of the speakers is unknown; they are called “Tocharians” conventionally: the Greeks called them Τοχάριοι, and the Turks called them toxri.

  1. Tocharian A - in Chinese Turkestan
  2. Tocharsky V - ibid.

In the modern world, we know about the existence of many languages, which are even divided into completely different language groups, and subgroups. Many nations have been unable to understand each other for centuries, and thousands and thousands of people are struggling to learn the languages ​​of other countries in order to help them communicate with foreign countries.

But we all probably remember the old fairy tale, described in the Bible, and in old legends, and in the legends of all nations. Everyone remembers her well from the legend of the Tower of Babel. It says that people had a single language, and everyone spoke it, from young to old, and from old to young. But one fine day, for one reason or another (different legends describe the reason differently), the languages ​​suddenly all stopped understanding each other. Ancient Slavic culture has lost its original appearance.

Previously, the language was one, since the people were practically one, and those Races that were not one with the Great People also communicated in that language, for it was all understandable and universal. This is what the Vedas tell us about this time.

The All-World Charter of Great Rus', discovered in 1979 by A.F. Shubin-Abramov, dates back to approximately 150,000 years BC. x., and the records they found approximately have an age (intentional replacement of the letter in the root with “o”, in the meaning Old Slavonic language) 7500 BC e.

Initially, there was one language, and it had several types of writing in a planar system, i.e. descriptive types - Old Slavic writing. There were four main types (two main and two auxiliary):

Da'Aryan Thragi— they conveyed multidimensional values ​​and diverse runes. Subsequently, some of these symbols formed the basis of the cryptograms of the Creto-Mycenaean Culture, as well as the hieroglyphic writing of Egypt, Mesopotamia, and subsequently Ancient China, Korea and Japan.

Kh'Aryan Karuna (runic)— Priestly writing consisting of 256 runes, which formed the basis of ancient Sanskrit and the Devanagari language (from the words “Virgin on the Mountain”, because thanks to him, the ancient priests of India and Tibet from the mountains conveyed their messages and knowledge to people, through priestesses demonstrating similar body language on the runes of the figure)

Rasenskie Molvitsy- Etruscan Letter of the Slavs and Aryans, which formed the basis of the ancient Phoenician alphabet.

Most common Holy Russian letter (Initial letter)— Possessing a figurative structure and different types of writing (Initial letter, Glagolitic alphabet, Traits and cuts), it formed the basis of many European languages, including Latin and English.

Glagolitic, or trade letter, which was used to formalize transactions and trade agreements.

Traits and Cuts, from the words to draw and cut, it was also called birch bark writing. It was simple and widely used for everyday records and messages.

The language was one, but there were many ways to write it. And later, various peoples diverged further and further from their fundamental principles and lost contact with their original ancestors. And now, having modified their languages ​​almost beyond recognition, they stopped understanding each other.

Cool, yeah? Our ancient language became the basis for all languages ​​of modern civilization.

Thousands of times we have said, for example, the word “beauty” and never thought about what it consists of, why and what is the meaning of its deep root, unchanged over many millennia. And all that was originally in this word was the sun, the light, because there is nothing more beautiful on earth.

Ra-arc, p-ra-vda, d-ar, ver-ra, k-ra-y, co-ra, rod-ina, people, rod-nick...

KARNA - translated from Sanskrit as “ear”, “hearing” (hence the words “karnaukhiy”, “to rob” existed in the Russian language), but the deep essence of the name “Karna” is completely identified with the mythical Valkaria and is literally deciphered as follows: K AR on , that is, “relating to the underworld.” It turned out that “Var Var” was interpreted as an exclamation, a battle cry of the ancient Aryans, preserved in Slavic tribes BC, where their name came from - barbarians. The concepts “RA” and “AR” - the sun and the earth - existed inextricably, which proved the distorted sound of these words, and collectively. The ancient Aryans put the meaning of the connection of earth and sun into the name of Mount ARARAT. Light and heat seemed to ignite the earth, making it like the sun, suitable for human existence, for the Aryans - the peoples of Ara - considered themselves literally children of the light of the sun. Therefore, their exclamation “Var” meant warmth, earthly fire, heat, and its synonym was the word “heat.” (This is where the verbs “cook”, “fry”, and the name “fire bird” arose in the Russian language.) The battle cry of the Aryans seemed to glorify this earthly fire. And after the victory they glorified the sun with a cry - HURRAY! - which has survived to this day and signified the triumph of light over darkness.

HURRAY - it means “by the sun” or “by the light”! The exclamation with which our soldiers went and are going on the attack. It is curious that among the Anglo-Saxons, and among the Germans, and among the Turks, the battle cry sounds almost the same: HURRA (HURRA). This fact is direct evidence of its antiquity and our closeness in those distant times.

ALAS is the antonym of HURRAY, because YOU is plural and means darkness. And people say: alas for me, alas, when everything is bad and something does not work out... Prince Svyatoslav proclaimed (and others repeated after him) - I’m coming to you! No, it was not the Khazars who respected him so much, but he went to war against the darkness. Therefore, God must be called “you,” because he is Light and you cannot call him “darkness.”

GOY – not belonging to a caste or sect; this is a special state of mind, which is why Baba Yaga asked the good fellow who he was - “you are a goy, a good fellow,” and she accepted, fed, gave water and put to bed only a goy, a man with dignity and nobility.

OUTGY – from the Goyim, that is, a former GOY. OUTGATE meant the loss of certain spiritual qualities - a renegade who left or was expelled from the World of the Goyim because he was unable to live according to his conscience.

MAN – MAN is the forehead, the mind. AGE - a period of life. “A being that realizes the work of the mind during its life.”

RA is the sun god of the ancient Egyptians. But the VOLGA River was once called RA, the River of the Sun, not in Egypt, but here! And there was also the river URA - a place of endless Light, or divine Light. RAO - the Etruscans called the sun god. The name RA was voiced by the Hyperboreans, Sumerians, and Egyptians.

PARADISE - that is, as being under the complete authority of the god RA.

ROD - Giver of joy. The action of the Sun in establishing life on Earth is described by the verbs “to do”, “to give”, “to give” - the Sun gives life to everything. ROD - the main Slavic deity, the Creator-Parent of the Universe; Supreme Almighty, VSEGOD (All-One God); The Beginning and Uncaused Cause of all things; The all-pervading Power of the World, the various directions of which are manifested in the Faces of ALL gods, united in the All-God Family. It was the Rod that gave birth to the Universe (and is also It) - countless star worlds, as well as our earthly world. Since Rod gave birth to everything that we see around us - everything that comes with Rod - we call Nature.

RACE - “sons of RA”, DEW - moisture on the grass, on the leaves, formed at sunset or dawn. The reason is also clear - growth is impossible without water, which, in turn, is a product of the sun.

URAL literally meant “Standing by the Sun.” And on the same meridian with it, but much to the south, in the “land of midday” there is Lake ARAL. This name was translated as a combination of earthly and heavenly fire. This is probably why you can’t live where two fires meet. It’s not for nothing that they don’t advise falling between them... In German there is a word URALT (URALT), meaning “ancient, very old.” And it’s unlikely that modern Germans know that we don’t need a translation here: URALT = URA - L(E)T(A), - i.e. it was “in the time of Ur.” And in German, if you think about it, this word means the same thing.

JOY means “to give sunshine.” And radiate it, because a joyful person begins to glow like the sun. When they say - the face lights up with joy - they are speaking incorrectly, this is a tautology. Everything is already contained in the word itself!

RAB - literally meant Work, “talk to the Sun”, that is, it had the meaning of understanding reality, thinking about our cosmic origin. The word BOTAT was used in Ancient Novgorod in the meaning of “to speak.” By the way, remember the camp saying: “Do you use a hairdryer?” An obvious later variation is the everyday “chat”, and “tales” - from the epic “bait”. With the advent of Christianity, the “man of God” began to “work.” In ancient times, WORK was not equivalent to the concept of WORK, i.e. “create real objects.”

AR, the inverted sound of RA, as its “other side”, the Light projected onto the Earth, is the Earth itself. ARCHE is literally BEGINNING in Greek. This is like A3, the beginning of all beginnings, fiery birth, since 3 is the sign of divine manifestation, light or fire; and YAZ, the end of all beginnings, but at the same time returning to the beginning, for the same sign is still present. And all together - a connection in a closed circle, in KOLO, in the CIRCLE OF LIFE, which is why it sounds similar. ARA – Earth under the Sun or CIRCLE. Hence ORAT or ARAT - literally, to live on the earth under the sun, naturally to plow the earth. AR, ARSHIN, AREAL - measures of land area or its length. ARKA - that which comes out of the earth and goes into it, ARAMEANS, ARMENIANS, ARABES, ARIES - people living on the earth under the sun.

RED - “inherent to Ra”, the color most inherent to the sun (like the English and German synonyms RED, ROT - “Ra given”, “Ra created”);

ANTIMONY, LEAD - correspond to “red”, i.e. sunny color: indeed, SURY = S - HURRAY. OXRA = OK(rug) - RA.

GREEN - SE - LE - NY - “he is earthly.” But what is surprising is that the English and German synonyms, although they sound different, also point to land, defined by its other property - as soil (ground): GREEN - GREEN (English "green") - GRAUND - GROUND (English . "Earth"). GRUN - GRUN (German “green”) – GRUND - GRUND (German “earth”).

GA - could only mean Movement - LEG, CART, TRAMP and everything that moves. (When I got to the Sanskrit dictionary, it turned out exactly - “movement”). Everything that stands and does not move, is in a state of relative rest, is certainly based on the words ST - TABLE, WALL, PILLAR, STAND, STUPA and so on. Then OLD, OLD, OLD MAN – literally, standing in the ground. It’s not for nothing that they say about an old man: he has one foot in the grave!

Sedition - TO THE SUN FOR THE PRAYERS. Those who pray to the Sun are seditionists!

TRUTH is knowledge of objective reality, including past events, as well as the purpose of life in general and, in particular, the tasks facing humanity.. P(memory) RA V(ed) YES(e). KNOW - know. DAE - give. Hence “RA, which gives knowledge to memory.” In no case should it be confused with the concept of TRUTH (FROM -TI -NA, i.e., “it begins from you”). “BEING DETERMINES CONSCIOUSNESS!”

ORTHODOXY is an ancient Russian word!, and therefore it has an original internal meaning. RIGHT TO GLORY = RIGHT TO GLORY.

FAITH – “Knowledge of the Sun”, “Knowledge of God”. A clear and perhaps the only definition of faith. And it is contained in the word itself. VERA (Italian) - “real”.

TIME – literally “I am moving in Ra through Matter” or “the beginning that gives birth by rotation.” For the original definition of time, see here and here.

FREEDOM is “giving connection in a circle”, i.e. “Total connection” - “INTERACTION”. For example, in physics they talk about the “free” fall of bodies in a gravitational field. But here there is no freedom in the accepted understanding - there is interaction. Let's say a person sincerely wants freedom in any emotional sense. Let's give it to him: let's create everything for him the necessary conditions for physical, biological and intellectual existence and completely and forever isolate him from society and from nature. The result will be obvious - his desires for freedom and ideas about his inner freedom will immediately, instantly disappear. As for the statement about “freedom of choice,” if you look at the essence, the first word in it will turn out to be superfluous: we have choice, and not “freedom” of choice, we have will, and not free will. There is personality, and not personal freedom, there is conscience, and not freedom of conscience, there are actions, and not freedom of action. To each his own.

IT'S TIME - a simple definition of time (by the sun), EARLY (before sunrise); quality, excellence, color – RED, BEAUTIFUL. TEMPLE - home, receptacle of the god RA. But in the word HOROMY the original meaning has almost been lost, such as ASHES (dust incinerated by the sun) and GUNDUP, DARKNESS and GLOSS...

ERA - This is RA. ER - Uzbek. - “Earth”, ERDE - German. - “Earth”, ERTA (Herta), HERA - Greek. “Earth”, ERS (English Earth), TERRA - lat. “Earth”, because in Russian TER - RA - “third from the Sun”.

FRAME – fundamental, backbone (ramo – shoulders), almighty.

MARA – absence of the omnipotent sun, darkness, death, literally the underworld.

RAINBOW - solar arc...
NETTLE – drinking the sun, that’s why it stings, burns like its rays...

EDGE - where the sun goes into the earth and stays all night, the southern hemisphere.

Finally, KARNA is earthly, devoid of space, related to earthly light - PARADISE; robkarnat - cut off the strands of sunlight - hair, bury them in the ground, karnaukhiy - a person with cut off ears...

COLD - that was the root cause of all movement, the need to search for or pave Paths on the Earth, and he, the inexorable and merciless ruler of the North, also became the reason for the development of technical progress.

Warmth and heat (which does not ache the bones) indulge thoughtlessness, mental laziness and bliss, the only worries are finding food and shade. The cold forces us to think in order to stay warm, to get fire, to find or build a dwelling, to obtain or grow food with incredible efforts and tricks, so Homo Sapiens could not appear in Africa or the Middle East.

His homeland is the North!

COLD - COLD. The letter O is like a moraine, dragged from God knows where by a glacier and covering fertile fields with stone. In the word COLD one can clearly read the root LAD - a well-organized world, harmony, goodness, in this case, what does the sign X mean, considering that there is nothing superfluous in the ancient language? Store, bury - bury in the ground, hide. Cold comes out - buried LAD. But they usually say and write, “the cold has come,” and before that a great cold has come... To advance - to move, that is, COLD in the literal sense of GLACIER!

This is what has preserved such a familiar word - cold...

BEAR knows honey, not how to eat it, but where to get it. In Ukraine, on the contrary - Vedmedic.

FROST - FROST - almost the same story. RAZ - solar fire (warmth, light, heat), M - exactly a sign of death, for there is no such word meaning death without this letter - death, Darkness, Deadman, Pestilence, Sea, Abomination. It turns out that MRAZ - the death of solar fire (but not the sun itself) - is also information about the great glaciation. SIZE is the measure of the sun in space. Note - without time there will be no measure.

It was the toponymy of the Northern and Subpolar Urals, and then the entire Russian North in general, that prompted the idea of ​​the existence of a Northern civilization, lying between the Eastern and Western, with its center on the territory of the Stone Belt.

A civilization that did not perish due to the glaciation of the continent!

The Great Migration of Peoples lasted for hundreds of years. As a result, the once densely populated North was deserted, but part of the tribes or just one tribe, the elite of peoples with a single linguistic and cultural community, remained in place. She then became the keeper of the names of mountains, rivers, lakes and localities, the keeper of that ancient toponymy that was linked to the Cosmos, and with it, from the depths of millennia, came our ancestors’ idea of ​​the world and their language.

KORA is the first reflection of Fate, Rock. ROOTS, BARK, CROWN, CROWN, EDGE - behind the Edge - Pitch darkness. Fate is movement, life, hence SPEED, ACCELERATION, HUMILITY, RECORD.

From Kora, when it’s not time, - KARA. KARMA is again a reflection of Fate

KORA - remove the superficial letter O (it didn’t fit into the word RED) and it turned out KRA (although k-O-RA also makes sense). Plain and simple, the part of the tree facing the sun. Then the SHIP will sound like a CRAB, that is, made from the surface part of a tree - a dugout boat! But not only that, there is also information in the B sign, meaning everything divine.

Most likely, the krabl was a funeral boat in which the remains were burned and ASHES were obtained. And what they rode along the rivers and seas was called BOAT.

And the BOX will be a CRAB - woven from bark, SCRATCH - KRASTA. In this case, COW will sound like KRAVA - and that’s what the Torbin stove maker, an exiled Pole, called it! He also said KRAL instead of KING. That is, the village name for KRAL’s girlfriend is QUEEN? And now it seems to sound insulting, call your girlfriend a stealer. CORONA - CRANE! Like the sun or literally solar corona during an eclipse! GATE - GATE, SPARROW - SPARROW (a brave bird striking the sun? beating the passage of time), CROW - VRANA, MILK - MILK (Milky Way), SIDE - COUNTRY, CITY - CITY.

Right there, in the Subpolar Urals, there was Mount NARODA (emphasis on the first syllable), the highest point of the entire Stone Belt - in normal speech it sounded like NARADA (on Soviet maps it generally became Mount Narodnaya) and was translated as “habitat, land of the giving God light", a kind of biblical ARARAT! This is a stunningly informative word, if you also consider that the T sign probably means “growing out of the ground and going as a seed into the ground,” as in the word GRASS - also a CIRCLE.

And the MOUNTAIN itself is TARA, movement towards the sun!

TERRITORY – “beaten ground”, TERRI - TORIA. Usually they limit themselves to the fact that it is lat. the word TERRITORIUM means “space of land with certain boundaries.” But its functional proto-linguistic meaning becomes clearer in Russian: TERRA - earth as “the third from the Sun”; TORIT - “limit space” - from the word TOR - internally “created periodic basis”, and functionally - a closed donut-type surface.

NIGHTINGALE - is this from SOLO? Nothing like that, the author of “The Tale of the Regiment...” calls the bird SLAVY, and this has a completely different meaning.

Or maybe it didn’t come - but it was there from the beginning, ABOUT – AGAIN the Russian language is the basis and every time again. Maybe there was a mixture of Slavic and Aryan languages? There are the words PRANA and DUST.

KOLO - KLA - a circle related to LA! And what is melodious, perhaps in second place after RA - LA? LAD? Harmony, order, peace, and then KOLO is the embodiment of LADA! On the other hand, harmony is equality; with complete equality there cannot be movement, that is, Life. Or is Life peace? To each his own, according to...

Despite everything, “O” still exists in Northern Russian dialects, when both the central part of Russia and the South say A. And we all say KAROVA together, but we write COW. But the toponymy in the same Vologda surrounding region remained practically unchanged, ancient, pre-glacial - TARNOG, VAGA, TER MENGA, ILEZA, PESYA DENGA, SUDA, SLUDA, RAMENYE, USTYUG (USTYUG - the river SOUTH in the North?), UFTYUGA, YURMANGA, SIVCHUGA, KUBENA, ELMA and the most amazing thing - the GANGA River!

VOLOGDA - O is repeated twice, but if it is shortened, then it comes out MOISTURE YES - giving MOISTURE (water), for YES - always GIVE (DAZHDBOG, “give us this day our daily bread”, GIFT, RENDER, JOY(A)ST), in the word RAIN you can hear the direct DASH, because people living with plows have always asked for it.

What happened? The expansion of those who returned from the South after the Ice Age and brought a new religion? Or did the SLOVES themselves, who lived from fishing (hence the deer cult and ornament), while waiting out the endless glacial winter, euphonized their language when they sang the same endless hymns to the sun that had disappeared under a thick layer of clouds? Anyone who has survived at least one polar night knows: sitting in the dark for a full three months will still make you start drinking! That is why the Sun Festival has been preserved in the Arctic.

SLOVEN, that is, living not from the plow, not from the ARAL, but from LOVA (that is, from hunting, since it was still impossible to plow the land, or rather, the tundra). They saw forgotten rituals, Temples of the Sun, words that had disappeared from the lexicon, they heard, but like any converts to a foreign religion (I believe they left the monotheism of RAD RAD - the god who gives light and life, and accepted that host of gods that would later enter Vladimir’s pantheon) , became devout, uncompromising, aggressive, and the seditious rituals were filled with negative meaning, they laughed at sacred hymns, and the essence of prophetic words was turned into curses.

This is what all the champions of foreign faiths did at all times. This is where the expression “filthy pagan” arose when the idol of Perunovo was overthrown in Rus' and Christianity was introduced. (LANGUAGE – LANGUAGE – PAGAN – professing not a religion, since one did not exist, but having a worldview of the CIRCLE OF LIFE, from A3 to LANGUAGE).

If you follow simple logic, then the Akai tribes could not be the custodians of Akka toponymy in the North. This means that they returned from “emigration”, and they also brought “euphony” to the Proto-Russian language?

When did it become so unpronounceable from RA? Herodotus called the Volga the river RA (perhaps he heard it from merchants or from wanderers), and the inhabitants of its banks called the river the same.

When did the SUN River turn into the completely faceless VOLGA (literally, Running Moisture or Moisture in general)? Who renamed it? Who made a primitive out of a deified symbol worthy of the undeveloped languages ​​of small, semi-wild peoples or the completely wild abbreviations of post-revolutionary perestroika?

No, after all, this is the expansion of people who brought a religion other than sedition. The destruction of symbols of the old faith is a very familiar situation: Sergiev Posad - Zagorsk, Bogorodsk - Noginsk and so on. In place of TEMPLES - pagan temples, then Christian churches were built on the temples, again called temples, and behind them - eternal flames, monuments to Lenin, clubs, dance floors or simply grain warehouses...

In general, “We will destroy the whole world of violence, to the ground, and then...”

Why do the sounds change so much - G to 3 and to Zh? There must be an internal semantic pattern. It is known that 3 is a sign of divine fire or light (A3 and YAZ). Prince, prince, princess... Burn, Heat, Heat, Burn - FIRE! F is also a sign of fire! Then G, since GA is movement, and it is LIFE. AND THE PRINCE? The more common form in ancient times is KNYAZHE, because his son is KNYAZHICH. K – NY – F... Nya, ny – me, to me.

So, it turns out: “carrying fire towards me”? Who was the prince? Keeper of the fire? Just fire or sacred? Then PRIEST! (And not from the word “eat”; however, it is quite possible that the ritual word was dressed in black clothes).

But why does the expression “resurrect fire” appear in ancient Russian literature? To ignite is understandable, but to resurrect? CROSS - A CROSS that knocks fire out of stone! Then the CROSS was the kindling of life, and by the way, the farmers were called CROSSES, that is, the kindling of life on earth!

And then PEASANT certainly does not come from the word “Christian”.

GOD - Bo - indicative, He - Existent. It turned out - HE IS FIRE, LIGHT.

DAZHBOG, DAZHDBOG - one of the most ancient Slavic gods, the god of this World, the solar god, the bearer of sunlight. “The giving god”, who creates conditions for life on Earth, “who sends good”; giver of heavenly moisture and harvest; the god who "gives life" to nature. “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” speaks of the Slavs as the grandchildren of the sun, Dazhbog. The son of Perun and the mermaid Rosya, the progenitor of the Russian people. Father of OREY (ARIA) - the legendary ancestor of the Slavs.

TO GIVE UP - or TO BIRTH in modern transcription, and has already become a verb, an action, with a simultaneous indication of the name of the deity who gives life - RA. And this word contains enormous information about the BEGINNING of the emergence of living matter.

DUST is a seed that does not have living fire, like the seed of wheat, for the time being hard and dry.

NEED - translated from ancient Aryan as “I want fire, give me fire.” The stronger form is "wait" and the strongest is "thirst"...

KARNA - something truncated from VALKARIA?
SHAFT - K - AR SHAFT - is always round, and can be earthen, metal, wooden, but it certainly turns, spins...

VALDAI – giving a turn! And that is why the glaciation is called Valdai - it was to this elevation that the cold wave of death reached and turned back, that is, it began to melt.

VALKARIA - returning to the earth! Or underground. That is, all the same duties as those of the Scandinavian VALKYRIE, who raises brave dead warriors from the battlefield and takes them to their dungeons for eternal life.

But the Russian Karna took her grandfather to the earthly paradise on the Ura River. It turns out there are two of them, on the Kola Peninsula and in the Urals! There is an earthly paradise and its mistress is Karna, here it is an underground one, and Valkariya reigns...

Once upon a time there were two concepts of peace: the first carried the meaning of “not war” and was written as PEACE. In the second, society was implied and therefore differed in spelling by the vowel sign - MIP. (By the way, Tolstoy’s novel was called “War and Peace”, that is, he meant “war and society”).

ENEMY – ENEMY – VRAZI (“destroy him and defeat him”) – ENEMY – HOSTITY.

ENEMY - literally, or rather, it will be literally “burning sunlight” or LIGHT in general.

ROB - kill the sun, the divine principle.

MIRACLE. The ending O was clearly introduced by the surrounding tribes, therefore it is unstable, unstressed, and its ancient sound is MIRACLE (just like LADA - LADO). The sign D, which never disappears, definitely highlighted the action - give, give, give - which was especially emphasized in the familiar (and tautological) phrase “wait for a miracle.”

But what is an unchanging BC? What did our distant ancestors expect? Some divine manifestation, grace?

WOW! - an exclamation meaning “attention”, although now almost forgotten. They said it when they wanted to stop someone, make them listen, take a closer look - listen. “Chu! A nightingale is whistling somewhere..."

Were you waiting for divine attention? Somehow it’s too unclear for such a specific and strong words.

FEELINGS is a complex word both in composition and in meaning, there are a lot of things layered in it, and therefore you should take only the first, more the ancient part, well expressed in the verb form SMELL. And that's already something!

YAT, YATI, SING - take, take. That is, the mysterious BC can not only be given, but also taken and received. However, there is a very vague, dual meaning, since one can smell smell, danger, joy, warmth, and in general everything that a person can perceive through the organs of smell, touch, and, in fact, feelings. That is, the totality of the mind and heart and also such a subtle matter as premonition, that is, the ability or gift to predict events.

CUR - CUR me! The amulet, which was later replaced and supplanted by the Christian “holy is holy.” Every amulet has a rigid basis of word combination, since it has a magical essence that can be lost even from a mechanical rearrangement of signs.

And again we have to pick it up from the end, because the sign P is a designation of divine light, the sun, which is clearly visible in the verb to shun (this is its fate, the verb, to reveal the truth). SHUNCH in the modern understanding, to disown, bypass or even disdain, but in that ancient understanding - “FUCK ME!” there is a call to a certain CHUR with a request for protection, one hears “cover, shelter me, save, save me.” This is where the curious and familiar word CHURKA comes to mind, derived from the little-used CHURA.

The current diminutive form CHURKA is a sawn-off part of a log of a certain size, in a figurative meaning, a motionless, hearing nothing, silent, but seeing everything person: “sits like a chock”, “chock with eyes”. And this is precisely what the ancient concept suggests - the image of an idol, a wooden sculpture of the protector deity, the intercessor CHUR.

A negative meaning is invested in the period of Christianization, as in all “filthy idols.”

Here, perhaps, we can turn to the word CHUB, where the sign B is God. The forelock itself is a crest, an oseledets, left on the parietal part of the head, has a very ancient origin and, most likely, is identification mark, a ritual accessory of the highest, initiated, or rather, enlightened priests, since hair or COSMAS have always been associated with rays, streams of heavenly light. So, in CHU there is a divine principle called to protect, defend, save and enlighten, but this is still not enough to unlock the MIRACLE.

PLAGUE is the first thing that comes to mind. M is a sign of death, and it turns out that CHU is not immortal, like everything divine, and can die! Many diseases associated with a disorder of the nervous and mental state were called the plague, and therefore they said “plague-ridden person”, “have you gone crazy?” This is probably where ChUM (a word of absolutely Russian origin) arose, a hastily built dwelling for those fellow tribesmen in whom the CHU died. (Whoever has been to the plagues of the northern peoples knows that it is impossible for an ordinary person to live there). That is, those who lost the mysterious Chu were isolated from society! But mental and nervous illnesses are always individual, personal, which means that the PE dies in specific person, and not at all.

CHUKHONETS is the Russian name of the nationality in northwest Russia, frankly speaking, is an offensive name, because a dirty, unkempt, degenerate person is called shabby. X – bury, store, hide, bury in the ground. It turns out that a Chukhonian is a man who buried his CHU! Not only does it die, but it can still be buried in the ground! And not far from the Chukhonians lived a MIRACLE white-eyed woman, and in her way of life she was not much different, but why was this tribe called that? Or is chud a self-name?

CHUMAK - a man who carried salt. Originally Goi, who carried the salt of knowledge to the Ganges River. The name of the profession probably comes from the common Slavic word PLAGUE. So what, it turns out that the plague people carried salt? No, they were in tents, but the Goyim, who carried and carried salt, could well be considered plague-ridden. Because they were not like everyone else! However, they still consider them the same.

SALT and SUN are the same root words, but what is their internal connection? Is it as impossible to live without salt as it is to live without the sun? No, without the sun everything will really perish, but you can do without salt in its pure form, they say there is enough of it in plants, vegetables, fruits... What if SALT once had a purely ritual meaning? If the root is the same as the SUN, then it could be its symbol! The same cult attribute as myrrh, oil, incense...

Where do the expressions – salt of the earth, salt of knowledge – come from? Or they say “you need to take the salt from this”, “do you understand what the salt is?” That is, SALT is the ESSENCE, the TRUTH?

The solution to NC must be sought in the field of knowledge! TRUTH can be given, it can be taken or received. TRUTH is always divine and with it you can protect yourself from all misfortunes and troubles, for there is no better amulet than Knowledge!

They enlighten with the TRUTH, and whoever has lost it is a mentally ill person and his place is in the plague.

But this is still speculation and speculation. We need to find words that express KNOWLEDGE and KNOW at the same time!

So, the sign B is LEAD, and the ancient word LEAD is to know. BE – GIVE, or give BE. That is, KNOWLEDGE itself is BE! Hence the PROPHETIC - the wise one who has cognized BE, NEWS - the communication of knowledge, FAITH - the knowledge of the god RA, VEDUN, SESHUN, WITCH - those who specifically give knowledge, AVEsta - the highest knowledge, or a pillar of knowledge, VESTA - the goddess of the hearth and the Vestals maintained the fire in temple of Vesta, as a symbol of the power of the state, and it is achieved by KNOWLEDGE, and Ancient Rome proved this.

BRIDE - that is, not knowing bitterness and sweetness, not yet knowing...

And what about the word LIGHT itself?! With knowledge!

VECHE - KNOWLEDGE OF THE TRUTH! CHU has lost the stable sign U, since it is in second place in a compound word, and this is natural for the Russian language. At the EVENING, wise elders searched for the TRUTH.

EVENING - sunset, EVENING - an ancient ritual when they sang hymns to the departing god RA and ate ritual food - SALT. EVENING is not a dinner at dusk, but the knowledge of God's truth. Moment of TRUTH! Very successfully used in Christianity, when Christ gathers the apostles for a secret supper, strongly reeking of cannibalism, in order to give ritual bread and wine, his own flesh and blood.

And finally, ETERNITY, which does not even require translation or interpretation!

WAIT FOR A MIRACLE - wait for revelation, the TRUTH.
MIRACLE - give the TRUTH!

STRAGA - translated as “moving under the standing sun.” Solstice is the zenith, the highest point in the sky, the celebration of the day on which the anthem was sung. The founder of the Stroganov dynasty - the undivided rulers of the Ural region - was a man named Straga. Probably, the Stragi watched when the sun reached its zenith, as if guarding time. Subsequently, the word “guard” came from here. And the guards on the fortress walls inherited the ancient duty of beating the time of day, changing time, moving things from place. Later, verb forms arose - severity, planing, pitying. The sundial of the ancient Aryans was a smoothly planed, perfectly level log or pole standing in a circle with marked divisions for the time of day. This is where the adjective comes from - “strictly”, strict, otherwise - chiseled, sharpened.

STRA waiting - waiting for the zenith of the sun.

KLAVRAT, KOLOVOROT – rise, elevation of harmony. Or the ability, the will to rise and develop?

COSMAS - women's hair was called kosmas and a ribbon was woven into the braids - a symbol of a ray, pouring light. But a married woman was obliged to put her hair under her hair in order to preserve cosmic light for the conception and birth of children. And the husband, who possesses the highest knowledge, was called “cosmos-minded,” like Yaroslavna’s father, Yaroslavosmomysl. Man was created in the image and likeness of the Universe: the head meant the cosmos, the mind, the legs (no ha) - movement in space, the body - the container of the soul of light, the region of the solar plexus.

SPACE - “a curved surface that gives birth to essence (energy, matter)”

CHAOS is “the guardian of the beginning of the foundation of existence.” HAUS – HOUSE - HOUSE - HOUSE (German, English “house”). To imagine that CHAOS “disorder” can lie at the “basis of existing things,” one will have to turn to numerous ancient myths in which gods and heroes created all things precisely from the original chaos. CHAOS-NUN - the primary ocean, began with the Egyptians.

OLGA - “fermenting intoxicating drink.” “ol” is an intoxicating drink made from barley, “ha” is movement.

DEVIL - literally translated as mad bull. “dya” – “stormy, furious.”

And they also said Devil. Di is the second in O, otherwise Ob, and from the left. s-Right then. And if Once is God, then the IMAGE appears, otherwise the Lord, otherwise the Trinity, but the whole world is built with the Trinity...

ROCK - literally translated from ancient Aryan as “light”: a ray that shines on every person, family, clan and people. Arab travelers, who occasionally wandered into Rus' or passed through it, argued that the Slavs do not know fate, that is, they do not know their fate, and therefore do not believe in it, do not try to know it, while the entire Arab world at that time worshiped fortune-tellers and astrologers and stargazers. Subsequently, this fact was interpreted by scientists quite definitely and uniformly: without thinking about the concept of FATE, they emphasized the darkness and ignorance of the Slavs, they say, even such a trifle as fate is unknown to them...

The blind - they don’t even know that Rock is Fate., s–Rock means It’s Time, Fate! U-Rock - Order and Punishment, Fate again! Ob-Rok - what it should according to Fate. By-Rock is the cross of Fate, For-Rock is the word of Fate,

From-Rock - one who is from Rock, otherwise young according to Fate.
Rock - prophet of rock, fate, fate, term, forty, forty (bird announcing fate), for rock, at rock, on rock (naming), from rock (evil eye, damage), rokot (voice of rock ), quitrent and many dozens of derivatives. A people who do not know fate do not have such a vocabulary. Another thing is that the Slavs did not need to know fate, for they remained in their Time and Space, and fate was given at birth. The Arabs, who left their ancestral homeland, did not have the Aryan cosmos above them and were forced to think about their fate, guess and predict. They lost the ability to move in space, to walk on the ground, and they had to look for new paths, coordinating them with the position of the stars, planets and celestial bodies. The Arabs inhabited a different space, as did the Indians who went south. And the North remained motionless, and shone above him polar Star, around which, according to the Vedas, all other stars revolved. The fate of an individual person lay in his name, regardless of time, state of society and fashion; The fate of the family is in the surname or nickname, and the fate of the people is in its self-name.

AIST - yai-eats - “eats eggs” (frog eggs in the swamps); GRASSHOPPER - smith(u)-nese - “carries an anvil”; WORM - worm-knitting - “connects the earth”; MAPLE - glue-on (thickened maple sap is an excellent glue); PLATE - container-tree - “surface that carries food”; BALLADA - ball - lada - “former way of life”; BURNUS - bur-ness - “bur (moonshine from beets) carries” (hence BURDA - “moonshine giving” - the mixture from which wine is made, or which remains after it is drained, hence BARDAK - a barrel with burda, as well as its subsequent figurative meaning)...

COLORADO (American) - it would seem that it couldn’t be simpler: COLOR-RED, - “color red” (English). However, the color is more of a brownish, creamy shade. But KOLO-RYADO - “rows of stakes” - is more precise: there are pillars at every step. HOLOCAUST - KOLOCAUST - “sacrifice”, which corresponds to the original ancient Greek meaning of this word - “fiery burning”. Why it has such a meaning in ancient Greek is not difficult to understand in Russian: KOLO - KOST - “solar fire”, because KOLO is one of the synonyms for the word sun (circle).

Finally, for many it will be paradoxical that SANSKRIT, the language of ancient Indian priests, linguistically almost coincides with Russian. There is no such intersection even in close Slavic languages.

Give me fire - dehi me agni, When should I wake you up? - where will you be?, Father-in-law and uncle were at home - lady bhu swakar and dada, This one set sail - etad departed

When - kada, one - adi; always - garden, listen - shru; two, two - two; everything, all - vish; drying - shushka, which is katara, winter - khima.

A more general statement is also possible: the ancient Indian and ancient Iranian epics (Vedas and Avesta - “Knowledge” and “First Message”), as well as the culture of some disappeared ancient civilizations that existed several thousand years ago and were localized along the border of the Eurasian fault platform earth's crust, can be considered stationary keepers of the memory of the culture of the Russian-speaking Aryan civilization. Dr.India - ARIANAARTA; Dr. Iran - ARYAMAN; Dr.Germany - IRMIN; Ancient Celts - EREMON; Dr.Ireland - EIRE; Dr.Afghanistan - AREYA; Dr. Middle Asia - MOVORAUNAHR; Dr. North - ARYANAM VAI-JA; Volga - RANKHA (Avest.) - RAKHA (Iran.) - RA (Russian). EXODUS (Russian) turned into Greek-lat. EXODUS, meaning “exodus”.

A rather abstract and seemingly non-Russian word MATRIX (an ordered set of elements) - where does it come from? Also clear evidence of the close relationship of languages: in Lat. MATRIX - MATRIX, - “uterus, source, beginning.” In Arabic MATARIKH - “places” where something is inserted or thrown. Mathematically accurate. Some code, source and repository. But the most deep meaning This word, as a set of basic elements, is clarified in Russian: MOTHER - RI - TSA, - “mother of the solar man.” Perhaps a person was created according to some code? This is already serious, so much so that in combination with other data (for example, that basic words contain information about the fundamental properties of space-time, which became known to us quite recently), it forces us to seriously raise the question of the universal function of intelligent life and the cosmic origin man and human civilization.

The world has long been divided into two civilizations - Western and Eastern, directly opposite to each other. And this dualistic concept was supported by all forces and means, although initially it could not exist in the world of the Trinity. Between West and East there were Slavic peoples led by Russia, who inherited the Aryan civilization, since they never left its area of ​​dispersion and remained in its outer space. She, Russia, was not like either the West or the East, although at different times one or another pole sought to attract her to itself, to capture her in its orbit. Great, White and Little Rus' had their own Northern attraction, and therefore it remained incomprehensible to both the West and the East. On the contrary, it itself attracted many other peoples wandering between the magnetic fields of civilizations, and constantly exerted a significant influence on its neighbors. And now, in order to balance the interaction of forces in the world, it was necessary to reconsider the existing concept and restore the harmony of the Trinity. And this means recognizing the entire Slavic world as the Third, Northern civilization. Only in this case could the imbalance, which threatens global catastrophe, be stopped.

Excavations began near the borders with Kazakhstan in the late eighties of the 20th century. An ancient Aryan city was discovered. It's called Arkaim. Our ancestors lived in it as early as 2500 BC. And they already knew how to smelt bronze! The West is at a loss. Did the Russians really have a history, and not just around the Mediterranean Sea?! Scientists from Europe fly to the Urals and cannot believe their eyes. They don’t understand how to squeeze Arkaim into the traditional framework of understanding history. Anyone can understand that if Arkaim was already there at that time, then there were other cities. So there were people! And he spoke the language that, again, traditional linguists consider the proto-language of the Indo-European group of peoples...

SWASTIKA - in Sanskrit - SUASTI means “happiness”, “giving”, “generating”, “fertilising”; “one who does good.” It not only means, but is a speech deformation of the word “happiness”. The deepest internal meaning becomes clear in Russian when the abbreviations are revealed: SWASTIKA - SVYA(ZA)-STI(KHIYA)-KA, - “connection of the elements of the spirit” (fire, water, air and earth).

Hitler and Nazi Germany, and especially Patriotic War as if they had imposed a black mark on the existence of an entire civilization. The swastika, a sign of light, has become a black symbol of misanthropy. It got to the point that museums began to hide towels with embroideries from two hundred and three hundred years ago, on which this sign was depicted, far away in storage rooms. The mention of the Northern, Nordic race became a sign of nationalism, fascism, and the memory of the Aryan origin of the vast majority of the peoples of the world was erased or dissolved in religions and ideologies that suit today. However, regardless of momentary dogmas and views, related peoples continued to be attracted to each other, and it was impossible to control this attraction. Because all thousand-year history, while fighting the Germans, Russia, although it defeated Germany, never beat its enemy to death, did not annex its territories and did not assimilate the people. Otherwise, the saving diversity of the Aryan world would gradually collapse and disappear.

The same applies to the Swedes, French, and Poles. And that’s why Russian people will always cry when watching Indian films and worry about the fate of the Muslim peoples of Iraq, Iran, the Arabs of Egypt and Palestine. This attraction lay outside the sphere of politics, religion, ideology, since it related to the spiritual connections of the cosmic order - the unity of ancient civilization and was represented in the form of a tree, with one inseparable root. And this root fed on the juices of the Northern Land, and no matter where the shoots of the tree took root, the North still remained the ancestral home of the Aryans, and therefore in India there is a legend that the gods live here, in the land of cold, and they are tall, white-haired and blue-eyed: Scandi is a god war, Kama - the god of love...