Biographies Specifications Analysis

Give a description of the left-hander from the story of the left-hander. The image of talent from the outback

Which is given in this article - one of the most famous and popular works of the author. Its full title is "The Tale of the Tula Oblique Lefty and steel flea". The story was written in 1881, was included by the author himself in the collection "The Righteous".

The plot of the story

To give a full-fledged analysis of "Lefty" Leskov, you need to remember summary this work, in which real events mixed with fictional.

At the very beginning of the tale, the action takes place in 1815, when Emperor Alexander I is on an official visit to England. He is shown various curiosities, perhaps most of all, his imagination is struck by a miniature flea made of steel, which can even dance. He buys it and brings it to Petersburg.

Then, a few years after his death, under the new emperor Nicholas I, a flea is found among the personal belongings of the deceased sovereign. Cossack Platov explains to everyone that this is an example of the art of the British, who have mastered all the wisdom of mechanics, but immediately notices that among Russian masters there are those who will do no worse.

Nikolai Pavlovich, confident in the superiority of domestic craftsmen, instructs Platov to go to the Don, stopping by one of the Tula factories on the way. There, the ataman will have to find among the local craftsmen those who could challenge the British.

Arriving in Tula, Platov calls the three most famous gunsmiths, among whom is the artisan, whom everyone calls Levsha. He shows them a flea and asks them to figure out how to beat the British. On way back Platov takes Levsha with him, but he still continues to work on the order. It turns out that the Tula gunsmiths were able to shoe a flea with tiny horseshoes.

Lefty Award

The Petersburg court is delighted with the resourcefulness of Russian craftsmen. The left-hander is awarded an award, and the emperor sends a savvy flea to England. Master Levsha himself is also going to Britain. Abroad, he visits factories, learns about the organization of labor. He even offers to stay with them, but he refuses.

On the way back to Russia, Lefty makes a bet with the half-skipper who will outdrink whom. In St. Petersburg, half the skipper is promptly taken to a hospital for the rich, where they provide timely assistance, and Lefty, having drunk too much, dies in a hospital for the poor.

Just before his death, he gives the doctor the secret of cleaning trunks by the British, which he learned during the trip. The left-hander asks to tell the authorities not to clean the guns with bricks, otherwise they will not be suitable for shooting at all.

But the doctor failed to fulfill this order, the Minister of War does not want to listen to the doctor, advising him to mind his own business. Leskov concludes his work with a disappointing conclusion that it was precisely because of the improper cleaning of guns that the Crimean War. Listen to all Lefty, the outcome could have been completely different.

Analysis of the story

In the analysis of "Lefty" by Leskov, it should be noted that this work is dedicated to the most ordinary ordinary people. It was first published in the magazine "Rus". Leskov himself in the preface called it a tale and a "gunsmith's legend", but then removed these designations, as critics and readers took them too literally.

At the same time, the author deliberately stylizes his story like a tale. Leskov himself called "Levsha" a folk legend, probably because he tried to draw the reader's attention to the development of the plotline, making the hero look like the characters of ancient Russian epics. Most likely, the fact that Leskov tried to create the appearance of his non-involvement in this story in order to make it more popular and believable also played a role. This must be taken into account when analyzing Leskov's "Lefty".

Genre of the work

When compiling an analysis of Leskov's work "Lefty", you need to decide on its genre. Most literary scholars are inclined to believe that this is a clear critical realism, although in the story one can find fairy tale motifs.

In favor of the realism of the work is the fact that the author focuses on the problems national character Russian person. He refers to them the difficulties of the life of an ordinary worker, even highly qualified, like Lefty, autocracy, the opposition of the patriarchal world, in which the Russian tsar rules, Western civilization, which by that time had stepped far ahead. When analyzing Leskov's story "Lefty", it is necessary to note the main distinctive features works, and this is the interweaving of the tragic and the comic, reality and fairy tales.

writing style

In the analysis of the work of N. S. Leskov "Lefty" it is always noted that it is a real storehouse of Russian dialects. At the same time, in this story one cannot meet the elegant expressions with which Pushkin or Turgenev saturated their language. Leskov deliberately emphasizes simplicity so that the story is closer to the people. By the language of his characters, one can immediately distinguish a worker from a sovereign, he emphasizes the problem with this difference. social inequality, stratification between the bottom and top of society. That is the essence of this work.


In the analysis of Leskov's story "Lefty" it should be noted that the key compositional technique is opposition. For example, a prose writer makes it clear how different Russian and English life was, what difference existed in our country between ordinary people and the pinnacle of power.

Leskov gradually reveals the portrait of the sovereign, giving a sense of the attitude that the emperor has towards his subordinates.

Characteristics of heroes

In the analysis of "Lefty" Leskov, the main characters should be given Special attention. The left-hander personifies the main thing that is in a Russian person - this is talent and hard work. The author portrays his key character as national hero and a righteous man who is ready to sacrifice even his own life for the good of the Fatherland.

The main features that distinguish this person are patriotism, high morality and religiosity. He is not interested in the lucrative job offers that the British make, he does not stop thinking about the Motherland. But when he returns to native land, immediately becomes seriously ill and dies, being completely useless to anyone.

Giving a brief analysis of Leskov's "Lefty", it must be emphasized that not only the main character has received increased attention. In addition to the problem of the unhappiness of a gifted person, which Leskov raises in this story, he writes about the opposition of an ordinary worker to a sovereign. Evidence of this can be found in many episodes.

For example, in the scene of Lefty's conversation with the emperor, the head of state deliberately demonstrates that he is doing a great favor to the worker, condescending to talk with him. After that, the scene of the meeting of the main character with the English masters, who are simple Russians without a hint of arrogance, is indicative. In this antithesis, Leskov demonstrates the conflict of social strata, which had long been outlined in Russia by that time.

Problems of the story

Raises Nikolai Leskov and other problems in his work. This is the indifference of the authorities to their subjects, low level education of the majority of representatives of the Russian people, the economic and cultural backwardness of Russia from Western countries. All these problems were very relevant in our country in late XIX century, when the work saw the light. Leskov believes that it is in inattention higher ranks to problems ordinary people lies the main problem, because of which so many people in Russia live unhappily.

At the same time, many modern researchers note that most of the topics raised by Leskov remain relevant today, despite the fact that more than a hundred years have passed since the publication of this story. Leskov's story is very complex in content, but it provides answers to most of the most pressing questions.

First of all, Lefty is associated with a real Russian person. The author describes him very concisely, mentioning without unnecessary details only that he is a gunsmith, there is a small mole on his cheek, and torn hair on his temples, this happened during the exercises. He worked at a weapons factory and with him three more. All of them were very quiet and took their work very seriously, which is why they took on a special order in order to prove to the whole world that our specialists are the best.

The author writes about the main character, meaning the entire ordinary people of Russia. And he says that he is a working man who respects the authorities, is always ready to fulfill the instructions of his superiors, is patriotic, honest with everyone and, above all, with himself. Such was the time and, accordingly, people treated everything differently, in contrast to today. Lefty was a real patriot and respectful of his power. This is very clearly reflected in the last scene when he was dying. Last words he was: “Tell the sovereign that the British don’t clean their guns with bricks: let them not clean ours either, otherwise, God forbid, they are not good for shooting.” Yes, indeed, leaving for England, he managed to find out. AT last minutes of his life he could simply remain silent, but he spoke with the last of his strength and brought another benefit to the state. This once again confirms his love for his homeland and efforts. And this is how every Russian person should act, bringing his contribution to the development of the country.

Many of us got acquainted with Leskov's story "Lefty" at school, when we, while reading, did not understand the whole meaning of this masterpiece. But even then we have deposited in our memory main character The left-hander impressed me with his skill and calmness, which he showed every day and used it actively, thereby making his rather difficult life easier.

I was very surprised by this character after reading the story. After all, so many positive qualities can be found quite rarely in one person.

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Distinctive properties of N.S. Leskov - fairy tale motifs, the interweaving of the comic and the tragic, the ambiguity of the author's assessments of the characters - fully appeared in one of the most famous works writer "Lefty". The title character, who does not stand out in any way outwardly (“a birthmark on the cheek, and the hair on the temples was torn out during training”), is at the same time, according to the author himself, the most skillful among the Tula gunsmiths. However, Leskov does not idealize the hero, showing that, despite his excellent skill, he is not strong in the sciences “and instead of the four rules of addition from arithmetic, he takes everything according to the Psalter and the Half Dream Book.”

Lefty is a skilled artisan, one of those who participated in shoeing a flea, personifies the talent of the Russian people. But the savvy flea stops dancing: Russian craftsmen do not have the elementary technical knowledge that any English master has. Leskov does not give a name to his hero, thereby emphasizing the collective meaning and significance of his character (“Where “Levsha” stands, one must read the Russian people,” said Leskov). The left-hander, being in England, rejects the lucrative offers of the British and returns to Russia. He is disinterested and incorruptible, but he is “downtrodden”, feels his own insignificance next to officials and nobles. Lefty is used to constant threats and beatings.

One of the main themes in the story is the theme of the creative talent of a Russian person, which has already been depicted more than once in the work of Leskov (the stories “Dumb Artist”, “The Sealed Angel”). Talent, according to Leskov, cannot exist independently, it must necessarily be based on the moral, spiritual strength of a person. The left-hander, an unsightly little man, is not afraid to go to the sovereign, as he is confident in his rightness, in the quality of his work.

The image of the Lefty stands among other images of the righteous created by Leskov. He sacrifices himself for the sake of the Fatherland, in the name of the Cause. He travels to England without documents, hungry (on the road, “at each station, the belts were still tightened by one badge so that the intestines and lungs would not get mixed up”) to show Russian ingenuity and skill to foreigners, and earns the respect of the British with his unwillingness to stay in their country . The left-hander has a number of qualities inherent in the gallery of the righteous Leskov: he true patriot, a patriot at heart, gifted from birth, he is characterized by high morality and religiosity. He went through many trials, but even at the hour of his death, he remembers that he must tell the military secret of the British, ignorance of which negatively affects the combat capability of the Russian army.

In the inattention of the authorities to the fate of national talents, in the denseness and lack of education of the Russian people themselves, they constitute, according to Leskov, the reason for Russia's backwardness. It is interesting to compare Nikolai's conversation with Lefty, to whom the emperor condescends, and the meeting of the hero with the English, who respect the master in him, speak on equal terms. When Lefty returns to his homeland, he falls ill and dies, useless to anyone. Thrown on the floor in a "common" hospital, he personifies inhumanity, shortsightedness and ingratitude royal power- the reason for the disorder of Russia, according to the author.

From the whole story it becomes obvious that Leskov sympathizes with Lefty, pities him; the author's comments are filled with bitterness. Leskov's search was reflected in the image of Lefty goodie, and I think this image is closest to this goal.

Weapons Master Lefty - main character story by N. Leskov. An interesting tale, which became the plot of animated and feature films, theatrical performances, conveys the essence of the life of Russian talent.

The image and characteristics of Lefty in the story "Lefty" help to feel the events of the history of Rus', to understand how and what a simple Tula gunsmith lived.

Lefty's appearance

The master gunsmith Lefty remained known to everyone only by his nickname. Nobody knows his real name. The nickname is given for the skillful use of the left hand. It is even more convenient for the master to be baptized with the left. This ability surprised the British. Overseas engineers did not even imagine that it was possible to become a skilled craftsman without owning the right hand.

The left-hander suffers from strabismus. This feature is even more amazing. How did the oblique man manage to forge the smallest details for a miniature flea? What is the acuity of his vision that he works without any microscopes and complex magnifying instruments? Moreover, it performs the thinnest part of the product.

Other special features:

  • speck on the face;
  • lack of "hair" on the temples.

\"... one oblique Left-hander, a birthmark on the cheek, and the hair on the temples was torn out during the study...\"

The teacher fought for the boy's hair, which means that the guy managed to be not a particularly diligent and diligent student.

A peasant dresses modestly because of poverty:

  • peasant's shoes (buttons) worn down;
  • Cossack on hooks.

He wears what he was: in shawls, one leg is in a boot, the other is dangled, and the ozyamchik is old, the hooks do not fasten, they are lost, and the collar is torn; but nothing, do not be embarrassed.

The boy is not ashamed of his appearance. Get used to it. There is no feeling of discomfort in the story when the boy is being changed, that is, clothes mean nothing to him. It is terrible to read the pages where he is stripped in the hospital and left practically naked on the cold floor. Someone liked his new suit very much.

The image of talent from the outback

Lefty lives in the city of Tula in a small house. A close mansion - this is how the narrator characterizes it. The couriers who arrived with Platov tried to get into the hut, but failed. The doors were so strong that they remained standing, having withstood numerous blows of the heroic force. The roof of the house was removed quickly, on a log. The tightness is proved by the stuffiness of the air, which, when the roof was removed, rose so high above the house that there was not enough air for everyone around. The poor peasant loves his parents. When he is asked to stay in England, the first reason why he refuses new living conditions is his old parents. He affectionately calls his father "Attenka", his mother - "Old Lady". Lefty does not yet have his own family, he is not married.

I'm still single.

The character of a hero from the people

Lefty is one of the three most skilled craftsmen in the city of Tula gunsmiths. This means that among all gunsmiths ancient city selected only those who are very talented. It is even difficult to imagine how many real artisans live in the city of arms production. According to the narrator, the whole Russian nation hopes for Lefty and his friends. The task that the masters face is to prove that Russian craftsmen can do everything better than others, in this story, better than the British.

Masters are hardworking and persistent. They did not give up the work before completion, not fearing the anger of the chieftain, they brought everything to the end.

Special personality traits

The main character has many of his individual characteristics, but at the same time, his personality traits make Lefty a symbol of the entire Russian people, kind and talented.

Education. The gunsmith is not literate, not educated, like almost all the peasantry in Rus' in those years. His school consisted of two textbooks: "Psalter" and "Dream Book". Talent lives in the master by nature. He managed to open it.

Cunning. A simple craftsman does not betray the ideas that three gunsmiths had about an English craft. He is silent in England, not trusting his thoughts to overseas engineers. Cunning in a kind way, without evil and intent.

Faith in God. The masters did not start the work without the blessing of the higher divine powers. They went to the icon of Nicholas the Wonderworker. Gunsmiths hope for themselves and for help from above.

Decisiveness and courage. The master is not afraid to meet with the Russian emperor. Do not be embarrassed by torn clothes. He knows that, together with his friends, he fulfilled his order, he is ready to answer for the work. He boldly tells the king that they engraved their names on the horseshoes, what his work was.

It's no secret that a left-handed person differs from a right-handed person not only in that he writes while holding a pen in his other hand. Let's try to learn about the features, characteristics and qualities of a left-hander.

Today, about 8-15% of people in the world use the left hand as their predominant hand, they are called left-handers.

Interestingly, children choose the dominant hand at the age three years, it manifests itself in games, creative pursuits- for example, when drawing, decorating, sculpting. It is believed that in children who are left-handed, right hemisphere brain is predominant (dominant). His work is responsible for the perception of the location and orientation in space, artistic perception, creative, including musical, abilities, intuition, imagination, emotions.

Psychologists often point out that lefties are artistically gifted people They have an excellent ear for music. In addition, left-handed people have difficulty pronouncing certain sounds and sometimes a delay in the development of speech. Speaking about other qualities of left-handers, psychologists note stubbornness, the ability to draw, sculpt, sing, difficulties with reading and writing.

Left-handed children are often trusting, direct, subject to other people's influence, mood. They are also characterized by capriciousness, tearfulness, perseverance and perseverance in achieving the desired. The reasons for the difference between right-handers and left-handers are that the right and left hemisphere The brain is responsible for different areas of mental activity.

Also, experts note the connection of temperament with left-handedness. Left-handers are more emotional than right-handers, they have a problem with self-control. Left-handers can instantly get angry and lose their temper, but they have logical thinking, the ability to consistently process information, summarize it and analyze it. Left-handers are distinguished by excellent physical mobility, craving for sports, impressionability and vulnerability, they also have a tendency to fantasize and have an excellent memory.

In the past, most children who involuntarily preferred to use their left hand were intentionally retrained. Many parents perceive the news that their child is left-handed negatively, but one should not be so categorical in their judgments. To date, all experts agree that in no case should a left-hander be retrained. The process of retraining a left-hander is a difficult test for his psyche, which will only cause stress and neuroticism in the child.

After retraining, children often suffer from neurotic disorders, including sleep disorders, appetite, headaches, enuresis, and stuttering.

As recommendations on the behavior of adults with a left-handed child, there is advice not to focus on the fact that the child differs from other children in his left-handedness. In a situation where the baby feels that his feature is of increased interest from others, his self-esteem may decrease and shyness and self-doubt may develop.

Interestingly, when choosing a profession, one should take into account the left-handedness of a person. Left-handers have proven themselves in such areas as design, photography, painting, architecture, music, and sports. It is noted that among left-handed people there are a lot of creative people who have achieved success, as an example, we can name: Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Vladimir Mayakovsky, composers Bach, Beethoven, Charlie Chaplin, Marilyn Monroe. If a left-handed child has appeared in the family, you should not retrain him; rather, you need to give him a chance to express himself from the creative side and develop the features and skills that he is good at. Children need and need the support of their parents. Be healthy!