Biographies Characteristics Analysis

What is the name of the station in Antarctica. Polar stations in the Arctic

Mirny: the first Soviet Antarctic station

The Mirny polar station was founded in Antarctica on the shores of the Davis Sea as part of the First Soviet Antarctic expedition(1955-1957). It became the main base for our country’s exploration of the continent, from where all other stations were controlled.

The name “Mirny” is taken from the legendary sloop, one of the ships of the expedition of Bellingshausen and Lazarev, which discovered Antarctica in January 1820. The second ship, Vostok, also gave its name to a Soviet and then Russian polar station.

IN best years Mirny station was home to 150-200 polar explorers, but in Lately her team numbers 15-20 researchers. And the function of managing all Russian bases in Antarctica has moved to more modern station"Progress".

Vostok: the most famous Soviet station

The Vostok-1 station was founded on May 18, 1957 in the interior of Antarctica, 620 kilometers from the Mirny base. But already on December 1, the facility was closed, and the equipment was transported even deeper into the continent, to a place that eventually became known as the Vostok station (its date of birth was December 16, 1957).

Vostok became the most famous Soviet and Russian Antarctic station thanks to the record low temperature recorded there in 1983 - minus 89.2 degrees Celsius. It was “beaten” only thirty years later - in December 2013 at the Japanese Fuji Dome station, where a temperature mark of minus 91.2 degrees was observed.

Aero-meteorological, geophysical, glaciological and medical research, they study “ozone holes” and the properties of materials at low temperatures. And at a depth of three kilometers, it was under this station that the largest subglacial lake in Antarctica was discovered, which received the same name - Vostok.

The place where “Vostok” is located is one of the most severe from a weather point of view. The events of Vladimir Sanin’s heroic books “72 degrees below zero”, “Newcomer in Antarctica” and “Trapped” take place at the station. According to these works in Soviet times popular feature films were made.

Pole of inaccessibility - the most distant station

The Pole of Inaccessibility station, which existed for just under two weeks in December 1958, went down in history for two reasons. Firstly, it is located at the same point in Antarctica, the farthest from the coast of the continent. The discovery of an object in this place was the response of Soviet polar explorers to the appearance of the American Amundsen-Scott base at the South Pole.

Secondly, the “Pole of Inaccessibility” was decorated with a bust of Lenin installed on the top of the pyramid that crowned the station building. This figure still towers over the icy plains of Antarctica, even when the structure itself is covered with snow.

Novolazarevskaya – polar station with a bathhouse

Having replaced the Lazarev station, which was closed in 1961, Novolazarevskaya thundered throughout Soviet Union became a legendary event when the doctor Leonid Rogozov performed a unique operation - he cut out his own inflamed appendicitis.

"While you're here in the tiled bathtub
Wash, bask, warm up, -
He's in the cold with his own scalpel
There he cuts out the appendix,” Vladimir Vysotsky sang about this human feat.

And in 2007, Novolazarevskaya again appeared on the front pages Russian newspapers and news sites. The first and still only Russian bathhouse in Antarctica was opened there!

Bellingshausen – polar station with church

Bellingshausen is not just a Russian research station in the southern latitudes, it is the spiritual center of Russian Antarctica. After all, on its territory there is the Church of the Holy Trinity, brought there disassembled from Russia in 2004.

Since Bellingshausen is located in close proximity from the Chilean, Uruguayan, Korean, Brazilian, Argentine, Polish and Peruvian stations, employees of the latter regularly go to services in the Russian church - after all, there are no others nearby.

Molodezhnaya - the former “capital” of Antarctica

For a long time, the Molodezhnaya station was considered the capital of Soviet Antarctica. After all, it was the largest object of its kind. There were about seventy buildings at the base, lined up into streets. There were not only residential complexes and research laboratories, but also an oil depot and even an airfield capable of receiving such large aircraft as the IL-76.

The station has been in operation since 1962. Up to 150 people could live and work on it at the same time. But in 1999, the Russian flag was lowered; the once year-round base was first completely mothballed, and in 2006 transferred to seasonal operation.

Progress is the center of Russian presence in Antarctica

Nowadays, Progress is considered the main Russian polar station. It was opened in 1989 as a seasonal one, but over time it “built up” its infrastructure and became permanent. In 2013, a new wintering complex was opened at Progress with a gym and sauna, sports equipment, modern hospital equipment, tennis and billiard tables, as well as living rooms, research laboratories and a galley.

IN last years“Progress” took over most of the functions that were performed by those experiencing better times“Peaceful” and “Youth”. So now this is where the administrative, scientific and logistics center Russian Antarctica.

Stations in Antarctica: seasonality of travel, life at the stations, reviews of tours to Antarctic stations.

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Evidence of the resilience of the human spirit, able to withstand such harsh conditions itself southern continent planets, stations in Antarctica - live and figuratively oases of warmth on the endless icy expanses of the continent. Antarctica is explored by 12 countries, and almost all have their own bases - seasonal or year-round. In addition to scientific research work, Antarctic stations also carry out other, no less honorable and difficult task, - reception of polar tourists. Whether as part of an Antarctic cruise or on the way to the South Pole, travelers have a unique opportunity to get acquainted with the life of polar explorers, live for several days in tent camps and make exciting excursions across the nearby expanses of Antarctica.

The main attraction of Union Glacier is the amazingly beautiful runway that receives multi-ton “Silts”.

Amundsen-Scott Station

Amundsen-Scott Station is the most famous Antarctic station. Its popularity is due to one simple fact: the station is located exactly at the South Pole of the Earth, and upon arriving here, you actually perform two tasks - to stand at the pole and get acquainted with polar life. In addition to its unique location, Amundsen-Scott is also known for being the first base in Antarctica, founded 45 years after Amundsen and Scott achieved South Pole planets. Among other things, the station is an example of high-tech construction in extremely difficult Antarctic conditions: the temperature inside is room temperature, and jack piles allow the Amundsen-Scott to be raised as it becomes covered with snow. Tourists are welcome here: planes with travelers land at the local airfield in December - January. A tour of the station and the opportunity to send a letter home with a South Pole stamp are the main features of the base.

Vostok station

The unique Russian station “Vostok”, founded in 1957 among the pristine snow-white expanses of inner Antarctica, unfortunately, does not accept tourists. To put it bluntly, there are no conditions for frivolous entertainment here: the distance to the Pole is about 1200 km, the most heat throughout the year - just under -30 °C, as well as a total lack of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the air due to its location at an altitude of almost 3 km above sea level - these are just some of the details of her difficult life. However, the exclusivity of this place makes us talk about the station even beyond the possibility of visiting it: it was here that the lowest temperature in Antarctica was recorded - minus 89.2 °C. The only way to get to Vostok station is by signing up as a volunteer at the Institute for Arctic and Antarctic Research - so for now let’s dream...

Walking to the station in Antarctica

Union Glacier Station

Strictly speaking, Union Glacier is not a station, but a tent base, operating only in the warm season. Its main purpose is to serve as a home for tourists arriving in Antarctica with the help of an American company through the Chilean Punta Arenas. The main attraction of Union Glacier is the amazingly beautiful runway that receives multi-ton “Silts”. It sits right on the impressive thickness blue ice, which doesn’t even need to be leveled - its surface is so perfectly smooth. The logical name “Blue Ice” once again convinces you that you are in Antarctica - where else on the planet can a plane easily land on ice like that! Among other things, at Union Glacier tourists will find individual tents and utility modules, a canteen and toilets - by the way, the rules for using them invariably act as the main photographic attraction of the station.

The network of polar hydrometeorological stations is the basis for monitoring (observations–assessment–forecast) natural processes flowing in the ocean and Arctic region, knowledge about which needs to be improved. The creation of the network in the 30s of the last century is associated with the formation of the Main Directorate of the Northern Sea Route, and its status at that time was determined by the need information support navigation on the routes of the national transport route of the Northern Sea Route and aviation flights in high latitudes.

The spatial coverage and number of observation platforms and points were very significant. Complexity of parameter measurements natural environment achieved due to the extensive system topology.

In 1985, 110 main ones were operating. Of these, 24 were carried out aerological, 24 - actinometric, 80 - sea (and river) hydrological observations. 32 polar stations were correspondents of the World Meteorological Organization. In addition, in the Arctic, other observation platforms (drifting stations, expeditionary and transport ships, ice reconnaissance aircraft, etc.) were sources of information. Systemic nature observations provided information needs government activities while.

The new economic environment that has formed over the past 15 years has presented different approaches to organizing economic activity. Northern sea ​​route actually ceased to exist, having lost state status. Modern requirements to the information network are more closely related to the level economic development polar regions, other content public services, as well as with differentiation of sources of financing for work in the field of hydrometeorology and environmental monitoring.

In the 90s of the last century, a massive reduction in the network was caused by a lack of funding for the Arctic Hydrometeorological Service Departments. Since 2000, there has been positive dynamics in the development of the network.

Currently, 52 polar stations of the Murmansk, Northern, Yakutsk and Hydrometeorological Service Directorates operate and transmit information to the automatic weather stations of Roshydromet, where standard meteorological (52 polar stations), marine hydrological (44 polar stations), actinometric (10 polar stations) are carried out. , aerological (7 polar stations) observations. 32 polar stations are difficult to access, 27 are reference stations, 23 are correspondents of the World Meteorological Organization.

In network operation there are serious problems. The distance between meteorological points is 2–2.5 times, and between aerological points 3–4 times higher than permissible limits, and departmental density standards are not met. Due to the lack of observations in high latitude areas of the archipelagos New Earth, Anjou Islands, De Longa - the network configuration is unfavorable. From the point of view of the criteria for climate monitoring and long-term weather forecasting, even the level of minimum sufficiency, which, as a result of special studies, was determined at 63–68 polar stations, is not achieved.

Insufficient resolution of the observation system negatively affects the quality of hydrometeorological forecasts, often making forecasting activities ineffective.

The shortage of primary information has already led to the fact that meteorological forecasts often began to be based on data from foreign centers: the European Center for Medium-Range Forecasts (ECMF), the English Weather Center (Bracknell), etc., received through international exchange. The accuracy of ice forecasts has decreased due to a lack of information about ice thickness and the onset phases of critical ice processes.

Instrumental observations of sea level, ice drift, and waves have almost completely stopped. Actinometric observations are carried out mainly according to an abbreviated program.

The receipt of operational meteorological information in the automatic weather stations of Roshydromet (and the Sever center) on average for the Arctic is estimated at 70%, for aerology at 30%, for hydrology at 50%.
However, in recent years there has been an obvious stabilization of the network and 5 polar stations have been restored. They carried out the construction and renovation of office premises, provision of new energy equipment, satellite communications, vehicles; The instrument park is being updated.

Completed First stage implementation of ARO NOAA proposals to organize climate observatories in the Arctic. The Tiksi polar station was chosen as the first point of the base network.

Positively assessing the role international cooperation in maintaining the observation system in the Arctic, one cannot fail to take into account the factor of possible adverse consequences of the intersection of the national interests of Russia, as well as the United States, in the Arctic region. Sovereignty disputed Russian Federation over the Arctic straits, the status of some Arctic seas as internal territorial ones. A modern information Center monitoring ice and hydrometeorological conditions in the western Arctic.

Existence of a problem international relations in the Arctic in terms of delimitation of the shelf zone and sea spaces is obvious, therefore the presence of a geopolitical factor should be taken into account when developing measures to ensure hydrometeorological security in the Arctic.

Cramped conditions due to a lack of funds and time determine the feasibility of directing the main efforts to maintaining, first of all, polar stations included in the global climate network, for which the following is necessary:

  • reconstruction of basic infrastructure: major repairs of residential, utility rooms and devices; installation of energy-saving equipment, replacement of heat and water supply systems, etc.;
  • satisfactory provision of the network with standard meteorological instruments and auxiliary equipment;
  • installation satellite facilities communications type APK-VIP "Gonets", "Globalstar" "INMARSAT".

The legendary Russian polar station “Vostok” in Antarctica was created in 1957. It is located in the center of the continent, among ice and snow. Just like 59 years ago, today it is a kind of symbol of the pole of inaccessibility.

The distance from the station to the South Pole is less than to the sea coast, and the population of the station does not exceed 25 people. Low temperatures, an altitude of more than three kilometers above sea level, complete isolation from the world in winter time turning it into one of the most inconvenient places for a person to stay on Earth. Despite the most difficult conditions, life in the “East” does not stop even at -80 °C. Scientists are studying a unique subglacial lake, which is located at a depth of more than four kilometers.


The Vostok scientific station (Antarctica) is located 1253 km from the South Pole and 1260 km from the sea coast. Ice sheet here the thickness reaches 3700 m. In winter it is impossible to get to the station, so polar explorers have to rely only on own strength. In summer, cargo is delivered here by plane. A sleigh-caterpillar train from the Progress station is also used for the same purpose. Previously, such trains also came from the Mirny station, but today, due to the increase in hummocks along the train route, this has become impossible.

The Vostok polar station is located near the South geomagnetic pole of our planet. This allows for change research magnetic field Earth. IN summer time There are about forty people at the station - engineers and scientists.

Vostok station: history, climate

This one is unique science Center was built in 1957 for research and observation of the Antarctic ecosystem. Since its founding, the Russian Vostok station in Antarctica has never stopped operating, and its activities continue today. Scientists are very interested in the relict subglacial lake. In the mid-nineties, unique drilling of glacial deposits was carried out at the station. First, thermal drills were used, and then electromechanical ones on a load-carrying cable.

Drilling teams of the AARI and the Leningrad Mining Institute jointly discovered a unique underground lake"East". It's hidden ice sheet more than four thousand meters thick. Its dimensions are presumably 250x50 kilometers. Depth more than 1200 meters. Its area exceeds 15.5 thousand square kilometers.

New projects are now being developed to survey this deep lake. "Vostok" - a station in Antarctica that took part in the target federal program"World Ocean". In addition, scientists are studying human life in such extreme conditions.


The Vostok polar station is famous for its harsh conditions. The climate of this place can be briefly described - colder place not on Earth. The absolute minimum temperature recorded here is 89 °C. Average temperatures throughout the year range from -31 °C and - 68 °C, to the absolute maximum, which was recorded back in 1957 - -13 °C. The Polar Night lasts 120 days - from the end of April to the end of August.

The most warm months at the station - December and January. At this time the air temperature is -35.1 °C -35.5 °C. This temperature is comparable to the cold Siberian winter. The coldest month is August. The air temperature drops to -75.3 °C, and sometimes even lower than -88.3 °C. The coldest maximum (daily) is -52 °C; during the entire period of observations in May, the temperature does not rise above -41.6 °C. But low temperatures- this is not the main climate problem and difficulty for polar explorers.

The Vostok station (Antarctica) is located in an area with almost zero air humidity. There is a lack of oxygen here. The station is located at an altitude of more than three thousand meters above sea level. Such difficult conditions Human acclimatization lasts from a week to two months. This process is usually accompanied by flickering in the eyes, dizziness, nosebleeds, ear pain, a feeling of suffocation, increased blood pressure, sleep disturbances, loss of appetite, nausea, severe muscle and joint pain, and weight loss of up to five kilograms.

Scientific activity

“Vostok” is a station in Antarctica, whose specialists have been conducting research here on mineral and hydrocarbon raw materials and reserves for more than half a century drinking water, carry out actinometric, aero-meteorological, glaciological and geophysical observations. In addition, they conduct medical research, study climate change, conduct research " ozone hole" etc.

Life at the station

"Vostok" - a station in Antarctica where they live and work special people. They are endlessly devoted to their work, they are interested in exploring this mysterious continent. This obsession is in the best sense this word allows them to endure all the hardships of life, long separation from loved ones. Only the most desperate extreme sports enthusiasts can envy the lives of polar explorers.

Vostok station (Antarctica) has many features. For example, in ordinary life We are surrounded by some insects - butterflies, mosquitoes, midges. There is nothing at the station. There are not even microorganisms. The water here comes from melted snow. It contains neither minerals nor salts, so at first the station workers experience constant thirst.

We have already mentioned that researchers have been drilling a well to the mysterious Lake Vostok for a long time. In 2011, at a depth of 3540 meters, new ice was discovered, which had frozen from below. This is frozen lake water. Polar explorers claim that it is pure and very pleasant to the taste; it can be boiled and made tea.

The building where the polar explorers live is covered in a two-meter layer of snow. There is no daylight inside. There are two exits leading outside - the main one and the spare one. The main exit is a door behind which a fifty-meter tunnel is dug in the snow. The emergency exit is much shorter. It consists of a steep staircase leading to the roof of the station.

The residential building has a mess room, a TV hanging on the wall (although there is no terrestrial television at the station), and a billiard table. When the temperature in this room drops to sub-zero, everyone tries not to go there. But one day, polar explorers discovered a faulty game console in a warehouse. It was repaired, connected to a TV, and the wardroom came to life - now polar explorers gather here. Wearing warm jackets and trousers, felt boots and hats, they come to play fist fights and races.

Polar explorers note that in recent years the Vostok station (Antarctica) has changed in terms of everyday life. A warm residential module, dining rooms, a diesel unit and other buildings necessary for the life of the station made life here quite acceptable.

Fire at Vostok station in Antarctica

On April 12, 1982, Vostok did not contact the mainland. No one could have guessed what happened. A day, according to schedule, the station contacted nine times. When there was no connection even at the second agreed hour, it became clear that something extraordinary had happened. Lack of communication is an emergency in any case. No one could have foreseen the extent of the trouble at the station at that time.

The Vostok station (Antarctica) had a separate room where a diesel-electric station was located. There the fire started on the night of March 12. This was the very beginning of winter. There was a small house attached to the power plant where the mechanics lived. They were awakened at four in the morning by the acrid smell of smoke.

When they went outside, they discovered that the fire was blazing on the roof. A couple of minutes later, all the winterers, hastily dressed, ran out into the cold. The spotlight that illuminated the area went out. The only light was from the fire.

Fighting fire

They began to throw snow at the fire, then they tried to cover it with a tarpaulin to prevent the access of oxygen. But the tarpaulin ignited instantly. The people who climbed onto the roof soon had to jump down. The roof burned completely in thirty minutes.

Fifteen meters from the station there were tanks with diesel fuel. It was impossible to pull them away - they were too heavy. Luckily the wind was blowing the opposite side. It also helped that the diesel fuel was too cold; in the cold it became viscous. It had to get very hot to ignite.

The polar explorers did not immediately notice that there was not one mechanic among them. His remains were found in the ashes. Immediately after the fire, the station premises were left without heat and light, and it was -67 °C outside...

How to survive?

A real disaster has happened. Two diesel generators that supplied electricity to the station and two backup ones were completely out of order. There was no light in the rooms, scientific instruments were de-energized, the batteries and the stove in the galley were cooling down. There was even a problem with water - it was obtained from snow in an electric melter. An old kerosene stove was found in the utility room. She was transferred to one of the residential barracks.

Meanwhile, Moscow was frantically looking for a way out of the current situation. They consulted with pilots and sailors. But none of the options could be implemented in the harsh polar night.

Life after the fire

The polar explorers decided to survive on their own. Courageous guys did not wait for help with Mainland. A radiogram was sent to Moscow: “We will survive until spring.” They understood perfectly well that the icy continent does not forgive mistakes, but it is also merciless towards those who fall into despair.

Wintering continued under force majeure conditions. The polar explorers moved into one tiny living space. Five new stoves were made using gas cylinders. In this room, which was a bedroom, a dining room, and a kitchen, there were also scientific instruments.

The main disadvantage of the new furnaces was soot. It was collected in a bucket a day. After some time, thanks to the ingenuity of the aerologist and the cook, the winterers were able to bake bread. They glued portions of the dough to the walls of the oven and thus obtained completely edible bread.

In addition to hot food and warmth, light was needed. And then these strong people started making candles using existing paraffin and asbestos cord. The “Candle Factory” worked until the end of winter.

Work continues!

Despite the incredible conditions, polar explorers increasingly began to think about continuing scientific activity. But this was due to a huge shortage of electricity. The only surviving engine satisfied only the needs of radio communications and electric welding. They were simply “afraid to breathe” on him.

However, the meteorologist only interrupted his weather observations during the fire. After the tragedy, he worked as usual. Looking at him, the magnetologist also resumed his work.

The rescue

This is how the winter passed - without sunlight, with a lack of oxygen, with enormous everyday inconvenience. But these people survived, which in itself is a feat. They have not lost their composure and “taste” for work. They held out for 7.5 months, as promised to the Moscow curators, in extreme circumstances.

At the beginning of November, an Il-14 plane arrived at the station, which delivered a new generator and four new winterers from the next, 28th expedition. There was also a doctor among the passengers on the long-awaited plane. According to him, he expected to see demoralized and exhausted people at the station. However, these guys were fine.

And fifteen days later a sleigh and tractor train arrived from Mirny. He delivered building materials and products, as well as everything for the construction of the power plant. After that, time at the station went faster: everyone was trying to make up for the accumulated “debts” on scientific research.

When the shift arrived, the courageous polar explorers were sent by plane to Mirny. The remains of the deceased were also delivered on the same board. He was buried at the Antarctic "Novodevichy" cemetery. The rest of the polar explorers boarded the motor ship "Bashkiria", which took them to Leningrad. Today they are all alive and well, and some of them managed to take part in the Antarctic expedition once again during this time.

Vostok station: visiting rules

Tourists, as well as trained travelers, are not invited to the station - this is exclusively a scientific center. Nevertheless, it is still possible to visit the “East”. To do this, those interested must contact the Institute and convincingly prove why the station needs them. The minimum requirements for applicants are good health and many useful skills.