Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Mr owner of steamboat newspaper factories. Russian-American stories

Let's talk about one poem today. Its author has never been to the USA, but the image of an American created in this children's poem is familiar to every Soviet child. But the mutual images of our countries is one of the main topics of our Saturday meetings.

The first edition of this poem was in 1933 - we have already discussed more than once that it was at that time in the USSR that the racism of white Americans was discussed, who (even members of the American Communist Party) could not get rid of it even in the Soviet Union.

Marshak recalled that he was able to publish the poem only thanks to the intervention of Maxim Gorky. Although its main content was to combat racism, the appearance of such a text seemed out of place. Subsequently, Marshak excluded from the text the key episode with the doorman calling his colleagues: as he wrote to one of his acquaintances, the editors convinced him, “ as if foreign tourists would stop coming to us if a few doormen could boycott Mr. Twister ... I very reluctantly agreed to the changes, but it was difficult to argue then ».

Cover of the magazine "Hedgehog", where the poem "Mr. Twister" was first printed

“In 1929 or 1930 (I don’t remember exactly), the late Academician Mushketov told me about how one of the American tourists was left in Leningrad without an overnight stay after he refused to settle in the same hotel with a Negro. This is how the idea of ​​Mister Twister arose "."

But Marshak worked on the poem for a long time before its publication, and continued to make corrections to it long after it became a textbook.

The first name of "Mr. Twister" was "Mr. Pork":

Here is the famous Mr. Pork.
His address is America, New York City.
101st Street, 30th floor
(you can write it down if you have a pencil).

What is Mr. Pork famous for?
The fact that Pork has a jingle in his pocket.
Makes Pork famous broth
However, of course, he does not.

Bulls graze somewhere on the prairies,
Necks like barrels, horns like bayonets.
A hungry cowboy grazes them in the steppe,
Then they are led to the slaughterhouse for slaughter.

Beaten and thrown into a huge pot,
Their bones are dried and ground into powder.
You put the meat powder in the broth,
And the owner puts a million in his pocket


The next name was "Mr. Priester" (later "Mr. Blister"), and the familiar rhythm appeared in the poem:

I decided to go

The initial stanzas of the poem, apparently, were written immediately (hereinafter - a reproduction of the first edition of the book with illustrations by V. Lebedev, the same 1933):

From the drafts, Marshak only excluded such stanzas about Cook, which looked frankly instructive, explaining what is clear to the reader and without explanation:

Here he is
Helpful Cook.
People without Cook
Like no hands.
Lots of coins
They pay Cook
To dispel
Green Boredom.

In the very first editions, this chapter ended in different ways: " Mr. Twister, a millionaire, decided to go to the USSR ", "Mr. Twister, businessman and banker, decided to travel around the world at his leisure ". AT the first edition, as we see, one more option:

I decided
Wife and daughter.
wife agrees,
and daughter
Do not mind.

Subsequently (in the 1951 edition), instead of this ending, a chapter appeared, where Suzy's daughter fluently retells "Western clichés about Russia":

Mister Twister,
former minister,
Mister Twister,
Dealer and banker
Factory owner,
newspapers, ships,
Decided at your leisure
Travel around the world.

- exclaimed
His daughter Susie.
- Let's visit
In Soviet Union!
I will eat
grainy caviar,
Live to catch sturgeon,
Ride on a trio
Over the Volga River
And run to the collective farm
For raspberries!

My friend, you have amazing taste!
Her father told her at dinner.
- Why would you go to Soviet Union?
Let's go to the Danes and Swedes.
Let's go to Naples, let's go to Baghdad!
- But my daughter said: - I want to go to Leningrad!
- And what the daughter requires,
Must be fulfilled.

By the way, do you know what Susie looked like? An unpublished play based on this poem has been preserved in the archives of S. Marshak. Here is the description from there:

Very similar
On Twister
Daughter -
Red-haired Susie.
Daughter to father
Born exactly the same
As if someone narrowed it down

Well, "Your Honor", this is Cook in vain - it seems that Mr. Twister was not a judge.

In subsequent editions, Marshak replaced " the ocean murmurs" on the " the ocean rumbles behind the high stern', explaining it this way:

"- I think that the meaning of the verb "murmurs", the usual about the brook and this case ironic about the ocean, could not reach the youngest readers. The mockery hidden here is more likely to be appreciated an adult than a child . Poems turned out a little without an address. "

There were several options for spending time on the ship in drafts and reprints:

Mister Twister,
former minister,
Mister Twister,
Banker and rich man
old businessman,
Famous in Chicago
On a steamship
Chasing the ball.

(famous in Chicago - isn't this Charles Crane? Probably, nevertheless, a coincidence - eh.)

jumping mister
And waving
ocean distance


Part of the steamer
Covered with mesh.
running mister
And swings a racket.

After this fast paced game
Twister, having run in plenty,
Drives bone balls with a cue
On the billiard field.

In the earlier version, there was also a more fun pastime:

Mr Blister
And Blister
On the ocean
All night long.

Then a stanza is added, which was not in the first editions of the book:

The waves are foaming and rushing forward
Multi-storey palace-steamboat.

Later instead of looking around"A more ironic appeared - "appreciating the Peter and Paul Spire..."

The only correction, which Marshak himself later regretted, was made at the insistence of the publishers in this stanza:

In the faces of passers-by

Marshak had "in the faces of passers-by ... " Indeed, it's better.

Here, in a later version, an elevator was added:

- There is, -
Mustachioed gatekeeper, -
And number
first staircase,
Third floor.
following you
Deliver luggage!

Here's to the doorman
With my wife
And daughter.
In a mirror cage
They enter.
flared up in a cage
colored lights,
And she drove smoothly and quickly

Up the family of a retired minister


The description of the "conspiracy of doormen" disappeared from later editions:

Number 59-4-00?
Is it possible to call
Hotel "Metropol"?

Give me an office
Hotel Moscow.

Illustration from a later edition, but the author is the same - V. Lebedev

Instead, Marshak added a comical scene of the Yankee's departure, and the doorman (did he work for the entire "reception" before?) now only reports on the vacant rooms:

Here is the replacement in the 1951 edition

In the new versions, Marshak describes in a little more detail the trip of Mr. Twister's family in search of another hotel. :

Next to the driver
sits reclining
On soft
Leather pillows.

Listens to the rustle of running wheels,
Tightly dressed in rubber
Watching it run
Silver dog -
Mark on the car.

We even know the brand of the car now - "Lincoln", it was his symbol that was the hound, and the streets were added, along which the Americans traveled:
Gogol street... Pestel street... Uprising Square...

Well, instead of " oppressed peoples congress "became" international congress is being prepared ", this is a small clarification

Regarding the rhyme in the final part, Korney Chukovsky quipped:
“This is such a skill, in which talent is not needed! And there are such pieces where there is no skill, no talent - "a Hindu is above you, a Zulu is below you" - and yet it is wonderful!

Marshak (who was probably given this review) in the following editions replaced these two lines with others:
Number above you
Removes the Mongolian.
The number below you
Mulatto and Creole!

There is a translation of the poem in English language(I'll just give you the beginning):

Do their touring
Through Cook.
The wanderlust
moves you
To book
A trip
Round the world
All its wonders to see
tower of Pisa,
The Kremlin
In a flash
Should you enjoy
the notion-
Will charter a ship
Or furnish a plane
For your personal use
Or send you a camel
Or maybe
a moose;
Reserve you
A room
In the finest hotel
With breakfast in bed
At the touch
Of a bell.

to highlands,
and lowlands,
To East
And to West-
To all lands
Takes you
Each dressed
In its best.

banker and broker,
owner of stocks,
Newspapers, steamers,
and real state block,
Opined that he needed
A rest from his labors,
A trip round the wide world
Without all his neighbours.

And so
He decided
To track with his wife
and Suzie,
His daughter,
The light of his life.
His Suzie
was willing.
And likewise his wife.

"Let's go!"
Whooped Suzie.
Call James!
Where's the car?
Let "s all go and visit the U.S.S.R.!"

"But darling daughter"
Her fond parent said,
"Who planted
Such nonsense
In your pretty head?

"There's Spain to visit,
There"s bullfights to see..."
Said darlingest Suzie:
"Then go without me!"
I want something different
fresh caviar
and shchi,
And loll
In the shade
Of a cranberry tree".

old twister,
He led
and fumed,
Cried "Pshaw!"
But Suzie was firm
And her word
was law.
( Sam Raphael Friedman)

In 1963, Marshak wrote a "sequel" to Mister Twister. The change in the place of residence of the hero is curious - if in the first poem his address was New York and he was "know in Chicago", now Mr. Twister is the son of Alabama. No wonder - in 1963, the USSR was already closely following the struggle American blacks for civil rights, against segregation. The poem also plays up the liberation of Africa from colonial status, it is not long, read:

Mr. Twister had a dream.
I dreamed that the case required
So that he flew to sultry Africa,
To the homeland of the negro Othello.

As he prepares, he tells his servant
Send a telegram soon
About sending him a visa
From Africa to Alabama.

And Twister thinks, engulfed in confusion:
"How can I spend the night in a hotel,
Where next to me blacks sleep
Or read a book in bed? ..

How to climb into a snow-white bath in the morning
And wash in it sitting and lying down,
When this very bath yesterday
Touched a black woman's back?

And if Meredith's student is at home
Killed my appetite all year
Then here I'll have to pay a visit
Merediths should go to the same! .. "

But what is it?.. Twister does not believe his eyes.
What are the surprises!
From Africa they write: "I'm sorry, but you
Visa denied."

And Twister thought... Here you go!
How much offensive irony
Conceals this politely firm refusal
Governments of the former colony!

"Over the years, everything is harder for us,
To the sons of Alabama, racists
Proud family, like horses,
What are famous for trotting! .. "

As an afterword, I recall two stories from the late 1980s or early 1990s There was no Internet yet, so I rely on memory (I can be wrong about something).

Illustration for Mister Twister by post-Soviet artist G.Baliev. The cartoon is gone...

One story - about how "Mr. Twister" was staged in some fashionable theater as a play about totalitarianism. The main plot was, of course, doormen who apparently worked for the NKVD. Anti-racist discourse at that moment seemed completely irrelevant, and the viewer sympathized with the unfortunate visiting American who could not spend the night in a hotel at his own expense (today, Mr. Twister's behavior again seems defiant, and already in America, and he will not be accommodated in a hotel under such conditions even in Alabama).

Another illustration by G.Baliev

The second story is about a visiting millionaire who could not get a hotel room in St. Petersburg , and even offered to buy it, - but alas, there were still a few years left before privatization. It was in the then press, and, of course, reminded of the classic text.

And another one...

Sources: , ,Boris Efimovich Galanov. MR BLISTER AND MR TWISTER , James Von Geldern; Richard Stites. Mass culture in Soviet Russia: tales, poems, songs, movies, plays, and folklore, 1917-1953, Yuri Leving. Mr. Twister in the Land of the Bolsheviks: Sketching Laughter in Marshak's Poem // Slavic Review, Vol. 70, no. 2 (SUMMER 2011).

There is
If a
will overcome
And you will want
See the world -
Tahiti Island,
Paris and Pamir, -

For you
In one minute
On the ship
Prepare the cabin
Or order
Submit a plane
Or a camel
After you
Will send

Give you
In the best hotel
warm bath
And breakfast in bed.

Mountains and bowels,
North and South,
Palms and cedars
Cook will show you.

former minister,
Dealer and banker
Factory owner,
newspapers, ships,
Decided at your leisure
Travel around the world.

Excellent! -
His daughter Susie. -
Let's visit
In Soviet Union!

I will eat
grainy caviar,
Live to catch sturgeon,
Ride on a trio
Over the Volga River
And run to the collective farm
For raspberries!

My friend, you have amazing taste!
Her father told her at dinner. -
Why do you want to go to the Soviet Union?
Let's go to the Danes and Swedes.

Let's go to Naples, let's go to Baghdad! -
But my daughter said: - I want to go to Leningrad! -
And what the daughter requires
Must be fulfilled. Dot.

At that very moment
Cracking device:

Four cabins
New York - Leningrad,
with bathtub,
living room,
And a garden.
Just look
To not be
And other things
Does not love
Colored people!

In phone
- There is!
Will be done,
Your Honor.

For ten
Before departure
On board the ship.

Beside -
Old woman
With huge glasses
Beside -
With a monkey in hand.

Twenty four
They carry suitcases.

The ship is sailing
On the green waves
The ship is sailing
From America to us.

He swims to the east
Dear direct.
The ocean thunders
Over high

former minister,
Banker and rich man
Factory owner,
newspapers, ships,
On the ocean
Plays ball.

Part of the steamer
Covered with mesh.
running mister
And swings a racket

At noon, tired of the game and the heat,
Twister, having run in plenty,
Drives bone balls with a cue
On the billiard field.

The waves are foaming and rushing forward
Multi-storey palace-steamboat.
In white cabins
steamboat palace
You won't find
Colored people:
And other people
Shaking in the sea
Another ship.

Wet and hot.
splashing wave,
And the stoker smokes.

Rides a tourist

Noise is coming
The city rises
Due to the right

gray waters,
Lots of columns.
Smoke factories
The sky is dark.

Hold on mister
Hand on the hat
To the pier
Runs away
Down the ladder.

Here, evaluating
sits down
To the car.

The ladies are seated.
Stacked things.
snapped ominously
And rolled
In the faces of passers-by

former minister,
Factory owner,
newspapers, ships,
Entering the hotel

Holds in the mouth
golden cigar
And says
In English

Whether there is a
In a hotel
Do you have numbers?
To you

There is, -
Mustachioed gatekeeper, -
And number
first staircase,
Third floor.
following you
Deliver luggage!

Here's to the doorman
With my wife
And daughter.

In a mirror cage
They enter.
flared up in a cage
colored lights,
And she drove smoothly and quickly
Up the family of a retired m

There is


And you will want

See the world

Tahiti Island,

Paris and Pamir

In one minute

On the ship

Prepare the cabin

Or order

Submit a plane

Or a camel

In the best hotel

warm bath

And breakfast in bed.

Mountains and bowels,

North and South,

Palms and cedars

Cook will show you.



former minister,

Dealer and banker

Factory owner,

newspapers, ships,

Decided at your leisure

Travel around the world.


His daughter Susie.

Let's visit

In Soviet Union!

I will eat

grainy caviar,

Live to catch sturgeon,

Ride on a trio

Over the Volga River

And run to the collective farm

For raspberries!

My friend, you have amazing taste!

Her father told her at dinner.

Why do you want to go to the Soviet Union?

Let's go to the Danes and Swedes.

Let's go to Naples, let's go to Baghdad!

But my daughter said: - I want to go to Leningrad!

And what the daughter requires

Must be fulfilled. Dot.


At that very moment

Cracking device:

Four cabins

New York - Leningrad,

with bathtub,

living room,


Just look

To not be


And other things

Colored people!

In phone


Will be done,

Your Honor.


R ovno

For ten

Before departure

On board the ship.

With huge glasses

With a monkey in hand.


Twenty four

They carry suitcases.


The ship is sailing

On the green waves

The ship is sailing

From America to us.

He swims to the east

Dear direct.

The ocean thunders

Over high

former minister,

Banker and rich man

Factory owner,

newspapers, ships,

On the ocean

Plays ball.

Part of the steamer

Covered with mesh.

running mister

And swings a racket

At noon, tired of the game and the heat,

Twister, having run in plenty,

Drives bone balls with a cue

On the billiard field.

The waves are foaming and rushing forward

Multi-storey palace-steamboat.

In white cabins

steamboat palace

You won't find

Colored people:


And other people

Shaking in the sea

Another ship.


Wet and hot.

splashing wave,

And the stoker smokes.




Rides a tourist

Noise is coming


The city rises

Due to the right

gray waters,

Lots of columns.

Smoke factories

The sky is dark.

Hold on mister

Hand on the hat

To the pier

Down the ladder.

Here, evaluating


To the car.

The ladies are seated.

Stacked things.


snapped ominously

And rolled


In the faces of passers-by




former minister,


Factory owner,

newspapers, ships,

Entering the hotel


Holds in the mouth

golden cigar

And says

In English


Do you have numbers?



mustachioed gatekeeper,

first staircase,

Third floor.

following you

Deliver luggage!

Here's to the doorman




And daughter.

In a mirror cage

They enter.

flared up in a cage

colored lights,

And she drove smoothly and quickly

Up the family of a retired minister.


M imo mirrors

According to the patterns of the carpet

Slow step

They go to the rooms

Strict doorman

in a frock coat

with galloons,


In a wide Panama

With travel glasses

With a monkey in hand.

Suddenly a foreigner

He exclaimed: - Oh my God!

God! - said

Old woman and daughter.

Up the stairs

There was a black man

Dark as the sky

On a moonless night.



From the room

One hundred ninety.


And in the mirrors

Each other




Refrain from anger.

And looks

Old woman and daughter.

Let's go from here

Get away immediately!

Where they sell

Black people

We are for a moment


Can not!

Step by step




In wide Panama.

With travel glasses

With a monkey in hand...

Got in the car

Angry Yankees

Tail pinched

To your monkey.

Strict doorman

Gives them respect

Goes to the booth

And basses into the phone:


Additional three hundred.

Who am I talking to?

With the office "Tourist"?

I will inform you

Good news:

At your service

There are two numbers

With bathroom, living room,

Reception, canteen.

We are waiting for visitors.

Be healthy!


The rushing down the street

Light dust.

Rushing down the street


Next to the driver

sits reclining

On soft

Leather pillows.

Listens to the rustle of running wheels,

Tightly dressed in rubber

Watching it run

silver dog

Mark on the car.

The old woman and daughter are shaking behind.

The wind flutters their veils.

The sun is setting and night is coming.

The ladies are very tired.

Gogol street,

Third entrance.

Neg, - they answer,

The hotel places.

Pestel street,

First entrance.

No, they answer

The hotel places.

Rebellion Square,

Fifth entrance.

No, they answer

The hotel places.

To the congress.

No, unfortunately

In hotel

The tire burst.

Not enough gas...


Mister Twister,

former minister,


Factory owner,

newspapers, ships,

Returned to the hotel


With travel glasses

With a monkey in hand.

Only they


Instantly lit up

Entrance to Angleterre.


Strict doorman

Pulled back the bolt.

told them



getting ready

There are no free

In hotel

What should I do?

I'm very tired!


The daughter whispered.

If overnight

We won't find

May be,



You're not in Chicago

My dear.

House above the Neva

I would be happy to buy...

Don't want to

Sell ​​Leningrad!

We'll have to sleep

In some park!

Twister said

And headed for the door.

Would have taken a hit

But calmed them down

Mustachioed doorman.

He laid

In a Swiss bed

He suggested

Buffet stand.

A Twister

In the hall


Tired from the road

Fell asleep on the doorstep

Soviet hotel


former minister,



C pit

He shudders:

He sleeps

Amazing dream.

He dreams

What a tramp


He wanders

Through the dark streets.


There's a knock

From heaven to earth



To Mr.

Presses on the fly

energetic hand,

sits down quickly

To him on the plane

slams the door

And floats to the sky.

Here in front of them

Native America

mansion house

At the green square.

old servant


No, he says

In America


Oak doors.

Woke up

Back at Angleterre.

Woke up with anxiety

On the very threshold

Soviet hotel


former minister,


He took off his jacket

And hung it on a chair.

sat comfortably

And fell asleep again.


In the morning


Drawer and brushes

Brought with you.

Cheerful and fun

Got busy with:

collected shoes,

Walking around the corridor

White shoes

Whitewashed with chalk

Rubbed with black ointment.

Brightly, brilliantly

Cleaned up with a cloth...

Suddenly on the platform

playing ball,

Left the room

Two blacks

Jenny girl

And her brother Tom.

On Twister

Silently looked:

Poor old man!

He sleeps on a chair...

Even the boot

He didn't take off

Before bedtime!

Quietly said

Thoughtful Tom.

The guy with the brush

Answered: - Guys,

It's not the poor old man

And rich.

He flatly

Refused yesterday

With you in the neighborhood

Take the numbers.

Very proud

He is white skinned

Here it sleeps

On a chair in the hallway!

So, guys!

The boy said


For shoe cleaning

yellow and red,

Wide and narrow





Cleaned out

At the appointed time

Multiple couples

Multicolored boots.

Just pointed

For the last


Looks around

Gets a cigarette case...

From the office

The doorman comes out.

He says

Two rooms side by side

with bathtub,

living room,


If you want to,

I will guide you

Only with this

Keep in mind:

room on the right

Filmed by a Chinese

The room on the left

Removed by a Malay.

Number above you

Removes the Mongolian.

number below you

Mulatto and Creole!


turned around

To the doorman

flung away

Dear cigar

And screamed

In English:

From rooms


Under the arm

And the monkey


By "Angleterre"

former minister,


And you will want

See the world

Tahiti Island,

Paris and Pamir

In one minute

On the ship

Prepare the cabin

Or order

Submit a plane

Or a camel

In the best hotel

warm bath

And breakfast in bed.

Mountains and bowels,

North and South,

Palms and cedars

Cook will show you.

former minister,

Dealer and banker

Factory owner,

newspapers, ships,

Decided at your leisure

Travel around the world.


His daughter Susie.

Let's visit

In Soviet Union!

I will eat

grainy caviar,

Live to catch sturgeon,

Ride on a trio

Over the Volga River

And run to the collective farm

For raspberries!

My friend, you have amazing taste!

Her father told her at dinner.

Why do you want to go to the Soviet Union?

Let's go to the Danes and Swedes.

Let's go to Naples, let's go to Baghdad!

But my daughter said: - I want to go to Leningrad!

And what the daughter requires

Must be fulfilled. Dot.

At that very moment

Cracking device:

Four cabins

New York - Leningrad,

with bathtub,

living room,


Just look

To not be


And other things

Colored people!

In phone


Will be done,

Your Honor.

For ten

Before departure

On board the ship.

With huge glasses

With a monkey in hand.


Twenty four

They carry suitcases.

The ship is sailing

On the green waves

The ship is sailing

From America to us.

He swims to the east

Dear direct.

The ocean thunders

Over high

former minister,

Banker and rich man

Factory owner,

newspapers, ships,

On the ocean

Plays ball.

Part of the steamer

Covered with mesh.

running mister

And swings a racket

At noon, tired of the game and the heat,

Twister, having run in plenty,

Drives bone balls with a cue

On the billiard field.

The waves are foaming and rushing forward

Multi-storey palace-steamboat.

In white cabins

steamboat palace

You won't find

Colored people:


And other people

Shaking in the sea

Another ship.


Wet and hot.

splashing wave,

And the stoker smokes.


Rides a tourist

Noise is coming


The city rises

Due to the right

gray waters,

Lots of columns.

Smoke factories

The sky is dark.

Hold on mister

Hand on the hat

To the pier

Down the ladder.

Here, evaluating


To the car.

The ladies are seated.

Stacked things.


snapped ominously

And rolled


In the faces of passers-by


former minister,


Factory owner,

newspapers, ships,

Entering the hotel


Holds in the mouth

golden cigar

And says

In English


Do you have numbers?



mustachioed gatekeeper,

first staircase,

Third floor.

following you

Deliver luggage!

Here's to the doorman




And daughter.

In a mirror cage

They enter.

flared up in a cage

colored lights,

And she drove smoothly and quickly

Up the family of a retired minister.

Past the mirrors

According to the patterns of the carpet

Slow step

They go to the rooms

Strict doorman

in a frock coat

with galloons,


In a wide Panama

With travel glasses

With a monkey in hand.

Suddenly a foreigner

He exclaimed: “Oh my God!

God! they said

Old woman and daughter.

Up the stairs

There was a black man

Dark as the sky

On a moonless night.



From the room

One hundred ninety.


And in the mirrors

Each other




Refrain from anger.

And looks

Old woman and daughter.

Let's go from here

Get away immediately!

Where they sell

Black people

We are for a moment


Can not!

Step by step




In wide Panama.

With travel glasses

With a monkey in hand...

Got in the car

Angry Yankees

Tail pinched

To your monkey.

Strict doorman

Gives them respect

Goes to the booth

And basses into the phone:


Additional three hundred.

Who am I talking to?

With the office "Tourist"?

I will inform you

Good news:

At your service

There are two numbers

With bathroom, living room,

Reception, canteen.

We are waiting for visitors.

Be healthy!

Winds down the street

Light dust.

Rushing down the street


Next to the driver

sits reclining

On soft

Leather pillows.

Listens to the rustle of running wheels,

Tightly dressed in rubber

Watching it run

silver dog

Mark on the car.

The old woman and daughter are shaking behind.

The wind flutters their veils.

The sun is setting and night is coming.

The ladies are very tired.

Gogol street,

Third entrance.

Neg, they answer

The hotel places.

Pestel street,

First entrance.

No, they answer

The hotel places.

Rebellion Square,

Fifth entrance.

No, they answer

The hotel places.

To the congress.

No, unfortunately

In hotel

The tire burst.

Not enough gas...

Mister Twister,

former minister,

Mister Twister,


Factory owner,

newspapers, ships,

Returned to the hotel


With travel glasses

With a monkey in hand.

Only they


Instantly lit up

Entrance to Angleterre.


Strict doorman

Pulled back the bolt.

told them



getting ready

There are no free

In hotel

What should I do?

I'm very tired!


The daughter whispered.

If overnight

We won't find

May be,



You're not in Chicago

My dear.

House above the Neva

I would be happy to buy...

Don't want to

Sell ​​Leningrad!

We'll have to sleep

In some park!

Twister said

And headed for the door.

Would have taken a hit

But calmed them down

Mustachioed doorman.

He laid

In a Swiss bed

He suggested

Buffet stand.

A Twister

In the hall


Tired from the road

Fell asleep on the doorstep

Soviet hotel


former minister,


He shudders:

He sleeps

Amazing dream.

He dreams

What a tramp


He wanders

Through the dark streets.


There's a knock

From heaven to earth



To Mr.

Presses on the fly

energetic hand,

sits down quickly

To him on the plane

slams the door

And floats to the sky.

Here in front of them

Native America

mansion house

At the green square.

old servant


No, he says.

In America


Oak doors.

Woke up

Back at Angleterre.

Woke up with anxiety

On the very threshold

Soviet hotel


Mister Twister,

former minister,

Mister Twister,


He took off his jacket

And hung it on a chair.

sat comfortably

And fell asleep again.


Drawer and brushes

Brought with you.

Cheerful and fun

Got busy with:

collected shoes,

Walking around the corridor

White shoes

Whitewashed with chalk

Rubbed with black ointment.

Brightly, brilliantly

Cleaned up with a cloth...

Suddenly on the platform

playing ball,

Left the room

Two blacks

Jenny girl

And her brother Tom.

On Twister

Silently looked:

Poor old man!

He sleeps on a chair...

Even the boot

He didn't take off

Before bedtime!

Quietly said

Thoughtful Tom.

The guy with the brush

Answered: - Guys,

It's not the poor old man

And rich.

He flatly

Refused yesterday

With you in the neighborhood

Take the numbers.

Very proud

He is white skinned

Here it sleeps

On a chair in the hallway!

So, guys!

The boy said


For shoe cleaning

yellow and red,

Wide and narrow





Cleaned out

At the appointed time

Multiple couples

Multicolored boots.

Just pointed

For the last


Looks around

Takes out a cigarette case...

From the office

The doorman comes out.

He says

Two rooms side by side

with bathtub,

living room,


If you want to,

I will guide you

Only with this

Keep in mind:

room on the right

Filmed by a Chinese

The room on the left

Removed by a Malay.

Number above you

Removes the Mongolian.

number below you

Mulatto and Creole!


turned around

To the doorman

flung away

Dear cigar

And screamed

In English:

From rooms


Under the arm

And the monkey


By "Angleterre"

Mister Twister,

former minister,

former minister,
Mister Twister,
Dealer and banker
Factory owner,
Newspapers, ships.
Decided at your leisure
Travel around the world.

In America and in many other countries, where there are millionaires and beggars, where a person is valued not on merit, but on the amount of money that he has, where people with yellow or black skin are not considered people, Mr. Twister is used to to flattery and obsequiousness, to the fact that any of his desires and whims is the law.
And once in the Soviet Union, a beautiful city Leningrad, at first he could not understand in any way that everything is different with us, as in the world of money, what for Soviet people skin color, important ranks, or the number of suitcases stuffed to the brim with foreign stickers are of no importance ...
While Mr. Twister is trying to get out of this unpleasant situation in which he got through his own fault, we will talk about the person who came up with this clever funny story.
You probably already remembered his name yourself. Well of course it's wonderful Soviet poet, playwright and translator, who loved children very much and created magnificent works for them, - Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak (1887-1964).
He was a man of a big and kind heart, and his talent was just as great and kind. Marshak became a poet very early.
Already at the age of thirteen he was composing good poetry. great writer Maxim Gorky helped him, as they used to say, "to break out into the people." Samuil Yakovlevich worked in children's magazines and newspapers, gained a lot of experience, visited England and Scotland. And from the end of the 20s, S. Ya Marshak became not just one of outstanding poets Soviet country. He headed the largest children's publishing house, through "his hands" passed many children's writers, now recognized as classics - Zhitkov, Ilyin, Mikhalkov ...
The satirical pamphlet "Mr. Twister" is read by Nikolai Vladimirovich Litvinov, an artist who captivates listeners with his kind, intelligent, bewitching voice. Today's adults probably remember A. Tolstoy's "The Adventures of Pinocchio" or Gaidar's "Blue Cup", read and played on the radio by then young Litvinov. The most important thing in his talent is the ability, remaining invisible to us, to create lively, interesting, sometimes surprisingly funny, sometimes a little scary or very touching images. A thousand-year-old "genie from a bottle" Old Man Hottabych, a cheerful wooden Pinocchio, a narrator in Gaidar's or Zhitkov's novels and stories ... Litvinov not only speaks "in different voices". He knows how to do much more: to become one, then another, then the third, - and all these people are different for him, each has his own character, habits, manner of speaking, laughing, upset or indignant.
And today, listening to Litvinov talk about the adventures of Mr. Twister in the Land of the Soviets, you seem to see the snobby rich man, and his capricious daughter Suzy, and the mocking doorman in the hotel - and many other heroes of the cheerful, witty and sonorous story in verse by Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak.