Biographies Characteristics Analysis

List of countries in south africa. Number of poor people in Africa

brief information

Even in the 21st century, Africa is an incomprehensible and mysterious continent for many travelers from Europe. North America and Asia. Indeed, even scientists who have lived for many years on the “Dark Continent” do not always understand the traditions, customs and cultural characteristics African peoples.

It should be concluded that Africa is as mysterious a continent for modern Western people as its name itself. Scientists still cannot say with certainty where the word “Africa” came from. Most historians believe that the ancient Romans called “Africa” the northern part of modern Africa, which was once part of the Roman Empire.

We all know about the famous ancient Egyptian pyramids. However, it turns out that there are even more pyramids in Sudan than in Egypt (and some of them are more beautiful than the Egyptian pyramids). On this moment 220 pyramids have been discovered in Sudan.

Geography of Africa

Africa is washed by waters from the east and south Indian Ocean, in the West - Atlantic Ocean, in the northeast - the Red Sea, and in the north - the Mediterranean Sea. The continent of Africa includes numerous islands. The total area of ​​Africa is 30.2 million square meters. km, including the adjacent islands (this is 20.4% of the Earth’s territory). Africa is the second largest continent on Earth.

Africa lies on both sides of the equator and has a hot climate that ranges from tropical to subtropical. There are many deserts in northern Africa (for example, the world's largest desert, the Sahara), and in central and southern regions This continent contains savannah plains and jungles. The most heat in Africa it was registered in 1922 in Libya - +58C.

Despite the fact that in the popular consciousness Africa is considered “a hot land where it never rains,” there are a lot of rivers and lakes on this continent.

The most long river in Africa - the Nile (6,671 km), flowing through Sudan, Uganda and Egypt. In addition, some of the largest African rivers include the Congo (4,320 km), Niger (4,160 km), Zambezi (2,660 km) and Ouabi-Shabelle (2,490 km).

As for African lakes, the largest of them are Victoria, Tanganyika, Nyasa, Chad and Rudolf.

There are several in Africa mountain systems- Aberdare Range, Atlas Mountains and Cape Mountains. The most high point of this continent - dormant volcano Kilimanjaro (5,895 meters). Slightly lower altitudes are found at Mount Kenya (5,199 m) and Margarita Peak (5,109 m).

Population of Africa

Africa's population already exceeds 1 billion people. This is about 15% of the total population of the Earth. According to official data, Africa's population increases by about 30 million people every year.

Almost the entire population of Africa belongs to the Negroid race, which is divided into smaller races. In addition, there are several more African races - Ethiopians, Capoid race and Pygmies. Representatives of the Caucasian race also live in northern Africa.

African countries

At the moment, there are 54 independent states in Africa, as well as 9 “territories” and 3 more unrecognized republics.

The largest African country is Algeria (its territory covers 2,381,740 sq. km), and the smallest are the Seychelles (455 sq. km), Sao Tome and Principe (1,001 sq. km) and The Gambia (11,300 sq. km). km).


Africa is divided into 5 geographical regions:

North Africa (Egypt, Tunisia, Algeria, Libya, Western Sahara, Morocco and Mauritania);
- East Africa(Kenya, Mozambique, Burundi, Madagascar, Rwanda, Somalia, Ethiopia, Uganda, Djibouti, Seychelles, Eritrea and Djibouti);
- West Africa (Nigeria, Mauritania, Ghana, Sierra Leone, Ivory Coast, Burkina Faso, Senegal, Mali, Benin, Gambia, Cameroon and Liberia);
- Central Africa (Cameroon, Congo, Angola, Equatorial Guinea, Sao Tome and Principe, Chad, Gabon and Central African Republic);
- South Africa - Zimbabwe, Mauritius, Lesotho, Swaziland, Botswana, Madagascar and South Africa).

Cities began to appear on the African continent thanks to the ancient Romans. However, many cities in Africa do not have a long history. However, some of them are considered among the most densely populated in the world. Currently, the most populous cities in Africa are Lagos in Nigeria and Cairo in Egypt, each home to 8 million people.

Other largest cities in Africa are Kinshasa (Congo), Alexandria (Egypt), Casablanca (Morocco), Abidjan (Ivory Coast) and Kano (Nigeria).

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    Africa is the second most populous and largest continent after Eurasia. The area of ​​Africa (including islands) is 30,221,532 km². Africa occupies 6% of the total surface Earth, and 20.4% of full area sushi. Africa's population is 960 million... ... Wikipedia

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Within the Dark Continent there are 60 countries, including unrecognized and self-proclaimed states. Regions of Africa differ from each other according to many criteria: cultural, economic, demographic, etc. How many of them are there in total on the mainland? Which countries do they belong to?

Features of continental macrozonation: regions of Africa

Each African country is unique and distinctive. However, some common features between these states (natural, historical, social and economic) allow geographers to divide the continent into several large regions. There are five of them in total, according to generally accepted classification UN.

All regions of Africa are listed below:

  • Northern;
  • Central, or Tropical;
  • South;
  • Western;
  • East Africa.

Each of the listed macro-regions covers a number of countries in the corresponding part of the continent. Thus, the leader in the number of states is Western region. Moreover, most of them boast access to the World Ocean. But North and South Africa are the most large regions continent by area.

Most countries in the Eastern region last years demonstrate significant growth in GDP per capita. In turn, the central part of Africa concentrated in its vast expanses the poorest and most backward economically and scientifically states of the planet.

It should be noted that not everyone accepts the existing zoning scheme proposed by the UN. So, for example, some researchers and travelers highlight a region such as South-East Africa. It includes only four states: Zambia, Malawi, Mozambique and Zimbabwe.

North Africa

The region covers six sovereign states and one partially recognized one: Tunisia, Sudan, Morocco, Libya, Western Sahara (SADR), Egypt and Algeria. North Africa, in addition, also includes several overseas territories belonging to Spain and Portugal. The countries of this region have relatively large areas.

Almost all states North Africa have wide access to the Mediterranean Sea. This fact played a significant role in their development, indicating rather close economic ties with European countries. Most of The region's population is concentrated in a narrow coastal strip of the Mediterranean, as well as in the Nile River valley. The waters of the Red Sea wash the shores of two more states in this region: we're talking about about Sudan and Egypt. On the map of North Africa, these countries occupy the extreme eastern position.

Average GDP per capita in the region is not so high. However, according to IMF forecasts, they will only increase in the near future. Most poor country The macroregion is Sudan, and the most prosperous are oil-producing Tunisia and Algeria.

North Africa has a fairly developed (by African standards) agriculture. Citrus fruits, dates, olives are grown here. This region is also popular among travelers. Countries such as Egypt, Tunisia and Morocco are visited annually by millions of tourists from different parts of the world.

Largest cities regions: Casablanca, Tunisia, Tripoli, Cairo, Alexandria.

Algeria and Egypt on the map of Africa: interesting facts

Egypt is a state within which one of the world's oldest civilizations arose. This is a country of mysterious pyramids, secret treasures and legends. It is the absolute leader on the entire Black Continent in terms of the development of the recreational and tourism sector. At least 10 million tourists visit Egypt every year.

Not everyone knows that this country is one of the most industrialized on the mainland. Oil, gas, iron and manganese ores, gold, coal etc. In the industrial sector, the chemical, cement and textile industries operate effectively.

No less interesting state in North Africa is Algeria. This country is the largest on the continent in size. What's interesting is that honorary title she received it only in 2011, when Sudan collapsed. In addition to this record, Algeria is interesting for other facts. For example, did you know that:

  • about 80% of Algeria's territory is occupied by desert;
  • one of the lakes of this amazing country is filled with real ink;
  • there are seven objects on the territory of the state World Heritage UNESCO;
  • there is not a single McDonald's or Orthodox church in Algeria;
  • Alcohol here is sold exclusively in specialized stores.

In addition, Algeria amazes travelers with the diversity of its natural landscapes. Here you can see everything: and mountain ranges, and dense forests, and hot deserts, and cool lakes.

West Africa

This African region is the absolute leader in total number independent states. There are 16 of them: Mauritania, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Benin, Ghana, Gambia, Burkina Faso, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, Cape Verde, Cote d'Ivoire, Senegal, Sierra Leone and Togo.

Most of the countries in the region are underdeveloped states with low GDP. Nigeria can be called a certain exception from this list. The IMF forecasts for this region are disappointing: GDP per capita will not grow in the near future.

Almost 60% of the population West Africa employed in agriculture. Cocoa powder, wood, and palm oil are produced here on a large scale. The manufacturing industry is sufficiently developed only in Nigeria.

The main problems of the region include the following:

  • poor development of the transport network;
  • poverty and illiteracy;
  • Availability large quantity language conflicts and hot spots.

The largest cities in the region: Dakar, Freetown, Abidjan, Accra, Lagos, Abuja, Bamako.

Central Africa

Central Africa consists of eight countries of significantly different sizes (Chad, Cameroon, Gabon, Central African Republic, Republic of Congo, DR Congo, Equatorial Guinea, and the island nation of Sao Tome and Principe). The poorest country in the region is Democratic Republic Congo with an extremely low GDP: $330 per capita.

The leading position in the economy of the macro-region is occupied by Agriculture And mining industry, left to countries as a legacy from colonial times. Gold, cobalt, copper, oil and diamonds are mined here. Economy Central Africa was and remains a raw material industry.

A significant problem in the region is the presence and periodic military conflicts.

The largest cities in the region: Douala, N'Djamena, Libreville, Kinshasa, Bangui.

East Africa

This region covers ten independent Djibouti, Ethiopia, Somalia, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Burundi, a country with beautiful name Rwanda and newly formed South Sudan), as well as several unrecognized state entities and dependent territories.

East Africa is a region of young states, backward economies and a predominance of monoculture agriculture. In some countries, piracy is thriving (Somalia), and armed conflicts (both internal and between neighboring countries) are not uncommon. In some countries the tourism industry is quite well developed. In particular, tourists come to Kenya or Uganda to visit local National parks and meet the wild

The largest cities in the region: Juba, Addis Ababa, Mogadishu, Nairobi, Kampala.

South Africa

The last macro-region of the continent includes 10 Zambia, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, South Africa, as well as two enclaves (Lesotho and Swaziland). Madagascar and the Seychelles are also often included in this region.

Countries differ from each other in terms of development level and GDP indicators. The most economically developed state in the region is South Africa. South Africa - amazing country, which has three capital cities at once.

Tourism is quite well developed in some countries in the region (primarily South Africa, Botswana and the Seychelles). Swaziland attracts many travelers with its well-preserved culture and colorful traditions.

Largest cities in the region: Luanda, Lusaka, Windhoek, Maputo, Pretoria, Durban, Cape Town, Port Elizabeth.


All countries African continent original, extremely interesting and often so different from each other. However, geographers were still able to group them according to historical, socio-economic and cultural criteria, identifying five macro-regions: North, West, Central, East and South Africa.

Africa is the largest continent on the planet, which in terms of size and population ranks second after Eurasia. This occupies 6% of the Earth's area and more than 20% of the entire land area. The list consists of 62 units. Conventionally, this continent is divided into four parts - Eastern, Western, Northern and Southern. These borders coincide with the borders of the states that are located there. Some of them have access to the seas and oceans, others are located inland.

Geographical location of the continent

Africa itself is located, one might say, in the center of the planet. From the north it is washed by the waters of the Mediterranean Sea, from the northeast - the Red Sea and East End bathes in the waters of the Indian Ocean, and all the western coasts, among which there are both resorts and industrial cities, plunge into the waters of the Atlantic. Relief, as well as vegetation and animal world This continent is very diverse and mysterious. Most of this area is occupied by deserts, which are incredibly hot. all year round. However, in some regions there are mountains covered with eternal snow. A list of African countries cannot be fully imagined without some natural features each of them.

Countries and cities

Now we will look at the largest and most famous countries in Africa. A list with capitals, as well as languages ​​used, is given below:

  • Algeria - Algeria - Arabic.
  • Angola - Luanda - Portuguese.
  • Botswana - Gaborone - Setswana, English.
  • Guinea - Conakry - French.
  • Zambia - Lusaka - English.
  • Egypt - Cairo - Arabic.
  • Kenya - Nairobi - English, Swahili.
  • Democratic Republic of the Congo - Kinshasa - French.
  • Libya - Tripoli - Arabic.
  • Mauritania - Nouakchott - Arabic.
  • Madagascar - Antananarivo - French, Malagasy.
  • Mali - Bamako - French.
  • Morocco - Rabat - Arabic.
  • Somalia - Mogadishu - Arabic, Somalia.
  • Sudan - Khartoum - Arabic.
  • Tanzania - Dodoma - Swahili, English.
  • Tunisia - Tunisia - Arabic.
  • South Africa - Cape Town, Pretoria, Bloemfont - Zulu, Swati, English and many others.

This is far from being represented full list African countries. Among them there are also very poorly developed areas that are part of both other African and European powers.

Northern region closest to Europe

It is generally accepted that the most developed regions is Northern and a small part of Southern. All other states are in the so-called “safari” zone. Here one can see an unfavorable climate for life, desert topography, as well as the lack inland waters. Now we will briefly look at what they are. The list consists of 6 administrative units, which include: Egypt, Tunisia, Algeria, Libya, Morocco and Sudan. Most of this territory is the Sahara Desert, so local thermometers never drop below 10 degrees Celsius. It is also important to note that in this region, all countries were at one time or another under the rule of European powers. That's why local residents are very familiar with the Romano-Germanic family of languages. Nowadays, proximity to the Old World allows residents of North Africa to establish business relations with its representatives.

Other very significant regions of the continent

As mentioned above, the developed countries of Africa are not only in the north of the continent. The list of all the rest is much shorter, since it consists of one power - South Africa. This unique state contains absolutely everything you can imagine. At the height of summer, there is a peak influx of tourists from all over the world. People come to the region to see the unique shores, as well as to swim in the waters of the Indian or Atlantic Ocean. Along with this, fishing, boat trips, and excursions to local museums and attractions are very developed in the region. Along with this, local residents are actively engaged in the extraction of diamonds and oil, which are concentrated in huge quantities in the depths of this region.

Cities of South Africa that amaze with their beauty

Sometimes you get the feeling that the very center of world civilization is concentrated not in Europe, not even in America, but precisely in the very south of the African continent. Such world-famous cities as Pretoria, Cape Town, Johannesburg, Durban, East London and Port Elizabeth have grown up here. purple color jacaranda The territory of the cities is inhabited both by white settlers who have settled here for a very long time, and by the historical owners of these lands - black Africans. You can talk about these enchanting places for hours, because they are exactly what best countries and capitals of Africa. List southern cities and resorts given above will allow you to better navigate the area.


The cradle of all earthly humanity, the birthplace of minerals and jewelry, unique natural wonders and luxurious resorts that contrast with the poverty of the local population - all this is concentrated on one single continent. A simple listing of names - a list of African countries - cannot fully reveal all the potential that is stored in these lands and on their surface, and in order to get to know these territories, you need to go there and see everything with your own eyes.

In the east are the Cameroon mountains, in the south and west are the waves of the Atlantic, where the most western point Africa - Cape Almadi in Senegal. Such natural boundaries are outlined West Africa, which is conventionally divided into two regions: the arid Sahel adjacent to the desert and Sudan, which is more comfortable for living. This part of the continent is home to sixteen countries, the largest of which are Niger, Mali and Mauritania, and the smallest is Cape Verde (Cape Verde).

Climate features, flora and fauna

The most difficult climatic conditions- in the northern Sahel, which is covered by desert year after year. The region is officially recognized as one of the hottest on the planet - in winter the temperature rarely drops below +20 °C, and in summer it confidently stays at +40 °C. At this time, all the vegetation here dies, and the herbivorous inhabitants of the savannah (mainly antelopes and gazelles) migrate south.

West African countries, located in the Sahel, periodically find themselves on the brink of disaster due to monstrous droughts that can last up to five to six years. But in Sudan, agriculture is much better developed. In Togo, coffee, cocoa beans and cotton are grown and exported, in Gambia - peanuts and corn, in Mauritania - dates and rice.

Sudan receives much more rainfall than the Sahel - it is brought by the summer monsoons. In addition, many rivers flow here, so closer to the Atlantic the vegetation is more abundant (even lush tropical forests), and the animal world is much richer.

History and modernity

European colonialists were attracted to West Africa back in the 15th century - the British, Portuguese, and French created fortified outposts on the coast, imposing their conditions local tribes. Most states managed to completely free themselves from the tutelage of metropolises only in the second half of the last century.

As a legacy of such total dependence, the countries of West Africa received deep-rooted enmity with their neighbors, who were under the control of other European “patrons.” The region is famous political instability- military coups are not uncommon here, mass riots and civil wars.

Western Africa is rich in mineral resources. Ghana is one of the leading suppliers of gold, Nigeria's budget is 80% dependent on oil trade, Sierra Leone produces diamonds, and Niger produces uranium. At the same time, only raw materials are supplied to the world market; the processing industry is underdeveloped. Almost all countries in the region are included in the list poorest countries planets with a very unfavorable epidemiological situation and low level healthcare.

List of West African countries