Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Psychology statuses about life. Cool statuses on Psychologist's Day

An excellent topic for a dissertation is the modern genre of folk art: women’s statuses in in social networks.

However, such statuses are almost always female, this is a female genre. Guys rarely publish such statuses, and even those to please girls.

An analysis of women's statuses can tell a lot about how the average (young) woman sees herself and how she sees her ideal partner.

Of course, as in any folklore, hyperbole reigns in poetic female statuses, everything is exaggerated to the point of caricature: and own merits and other people's shortcomings. This is an infantile genre, so an external locus of control is relevant for it (when all responsibility for oneself is shifted to others) and there is even reflection on this topic, that is, a certain amount of self-irony.

And yet there is a wealth of material for analysis.

For example, the study of women's statuses can reveal the mechanism of women getting stuck in the infantile stage.

If a woman is stuck in the infantile stage, she cannot begin independent life and build normal love relationship. Most women's problems "in love" are one way or another stuck in the infantile stage. A woman ages, but remains a girl, and a girl cannot be a full-fledged wife of an adult man.

Popular on this topic: (editor's note)

Men who have to deal with girls choose, firstly, the youngest and most innocent (and change them as they lose the freshness of their impressions), and secondly, they themselves are often not ready for close relationships (they perceive women as an impersonal object, and not a subject, therefore they are not able to get seriously carried away by one).

Those men who are capable of subjective relationships and deep love affection avoid female girls, that is, women stuck at the infantile stage, these are the stages:

1) internal contradictions;
2) the cult of one’s own weakness;
3) illusions of one’s grandeur;
4) claims to the outside world;
5) children's egocentrism.

While a woman-girl is young she can have romantic relationship(usually short, more like dating, not a relationship), but cannot build a marital relationship, since he is essentially a child (for all the needs, in terms of the level of responsibility, in terms of the state of the locus of control and will).

And when such a woman-girl leaves her tender age (at about thirty years old and beyond), she no longer becomes needed in any capacity. She did not become an adult, she stopped being young. She was stuck in infantilism and did not go through the initiation of maturity, but her body could not be preserved (despite all the preservation injections) and she is beginning to resemble a mummy more and more.

Being stuck in the infantile stage gives rise to the “Cinderella complex.” The world seems cruel to the girl, there is no place for celebration, just hard, dirty work. Other women are ugly, lazy and lucky, due to the fact that fate loves them more, which is the Evil Stepmother for the girl. Somewhere out there, far away, there are Princes, they sometimes throw balls, but to get there you need a fairy.

Modern Cinderellas believe that occasionally princes stroll through their slums, too, looking for a princess. The main thing is not to mistake for him (for a real man) some “asshole”, of which there are a dime a dozen.

The main signs of a real man, distinguishing him from an asshole (from statuses):

“A real man, if he is real, does not need to ask for anything, he is in fact obliged”

“Now I know exactly the difference between a Man and an asshole! A man solves problems, and an asshole creates them.”

“The ideal man is one who doesn’t ask if you need money, he just secretly puts it in your bag.”

"A man who wants to build strong relationships, will move mountains to keep the woman he loves"

“A man is when in moments of weakness HE makes decisions, in moments of despair HE hugs you tightly, in moments of anger HE silently grabs you in his arms and kisses you all over.”

“Real men never get offended by women. They just wait for them to calm down and continue to love them further.”

“The more she got on his nerves, the more he loved her, and he understood that people like her did not exist and that is why she should never be let go.”

“I always dreamed of finding a man with whom I would feel like a little girl. Until I realized that almost all men are like little girls themselves.”

“With a man I want to feel like a weak woman, but I can be strong without him”

"Three stages in a man's life: 1. He believes in Santa Claus. 2. He does not believe in Santa Claus. 3. He performs the duties of Santa Claus."

“A man is a magician, with just one look, a word, he can turn an ordinary woman into a goddess or overthrow a queen from the throne.”

“The reality is that today’s young ladies dream not that a man would be a prince, but that he would not be an asshole.”

There were many “suitors,” but only one person asked me: “Did you have lunch today? Do you have warm boots for the winter?” That's why I married him."

"A real man never cheats. He has no time for new women. He is busy looking for new ways to surprise the one and only one"

Let us summarize the preliminary results.

An infantile girl dreams of a man playing a parental role towards her: he forgave everything, took care of her needs better than she herself, considered daily care as his responsibility, provided financially, forgave a priori everything, never took offense, accepted all her whims with tenderness and vices, he loved unconditionally, never looked at them critically.

Some believe that the parental role described is Father. No, it's Mother.

This may be the father, but only if he is a widower father or a man to whom a surrogate mother gave birth to a child, that is, a father who took on the role of Mother. In traditional cases, the described ideal of a man is precisely Mother.

The father (ordinary, average) traditionally tells the child: “Don’t whine, wipe your snot” and does not pay too much attention to how warm the child’s boots are, or what exactly he ate for lunch. It is the Mother who traditionally oversees this. The father will give money if you tell him that his daughter needs boots, but he will not reach into her purse to check if the money is running out. The mother has physical custody of the baby. She is interested in the comfort of a child (even an older one) much more than the child himself, and often more than necessary.

By the way, little princesses (sometimes already under forty years old), in addition to various “asshole” men, most often have a main Asshole in their lives, this is their father. In her picture of the world, he was usually too weak, cold, violent and flawed in all respects. And the mother was strong, but a “fool” because she could not find someone else without being a “real woman.”

In reality, most of these fathers were ordinary people, no weaker than their mothers and clearly stronger than their princess daughters. But no weaknesses are forgiven to fathers, and most importantly, everything that cannot be used as a soft chair for your own lazy ass is considered weaknesses: lack of money, lack of household care, lack of unconditional admiration and understanding (= approval of everything).

Thus, the main bug (!) of female girls, that is, women stuck in infantilism, is the merging of the Animus (the image of an ideal man) with the figure of a caring Mother. Such an animus has a male body and face, but an absolutely maternal essence: caring, forgiving, patient, obsessed with serving her daughter and her comfort.

The Father traditionally puts other tasks in first place, more social ones (the soul hurts for the country, for the nation, for the surname, etc.), but the Mother is focused on the child, and often considers bodily comfort more important than everything else.

Because of this, any real father turns in the girl’s head into a classic “asshole”, who is an asshole only because he does not want to selflessly take care of her, and the image of an ideal man completely merges with the image of an ideal Mother.

In reality, the mother of such a girl may not be ideal at all (Evil Stepmother, selfish), other women (evil sisters) are also annoying by pulling the blanket over themselves, but the image of an ideal man, nevertheless, turns out to be a completely maternal archetype, because ( attention!) the girl cannot get out of that age when total parental care is still needed - about five years old. This is the same age when they don’t want to decide anything, but only want a dress. A condition that infants for some reason associate with “real femininity,” but is a disability for an adult.

Can they find happiness in personal life women who look in men not even for a Father, but for a Mother? Is any man ready to constantly wipe the snot of a young woman, change diapers, listen to nonsense with tenderness (“oh, what a girl!”), admire every gesture (“look, we yawn, we open our mouth”) and carry her in his arms?

Occasionally (in a strong minus) he is ready, but firstly, for a short period, secondly, from below, and a woman would like to be on top, from a strong superior position, thirdly, this is most often a man with a large gap in comparative objective significance (more poor, ugly, unpopular). “Girls” don’t want such a man, although having suffered with “assholes”, they are often ready to stop at such a thing (as in one given status).

Unfortunately, having come out of the minus, such a man quickly changes his behavior, that is, he turns into an “asshole.” It’s especially offensive that they received him condescendingly, pitied him, believed him, but he spat in his soul just like that.

An asshole is any man who does not want to be a protective mother to a woman-girl.

And pay attention here. If the term "asshole" means a man who is missing balls, it seems that "girls" are confusing a man's balls with a lactating mother's breasts. It’s a little similar in form, yes, but in essence it’s fundamentally different.

A man needs eggs not to feed his wife, but to make children. If we assume that thanks to the presence of eggs, men have male hormones, then, with all the allowances for the excessive romanticization of androgens, they do not encourage a nurturing role, but rather push them towards social competition.

To a feeding role in to a greater extent stimulates oxytocin - a maternal hormone, the highest level of which is in the body of a recently given birth mother. That is, the confusion of male eggs and mother's breasts at the level of archetypes in eternal girls is obvious.

The main myth about female initiation is the myth of Kore and Demeter. It is about the growing up of a woman who must finally escape from her Mother (stop looking for guardianship and stand on her own feet) and find a Man who will be daring, brave and strong like Hades, but his strength will be directed not to the guardianship of the girl, but to achieving some own goals, some of which can become common (shared children, for example), if an older woman finds them interesting and important for herself.

That is, a girl must become independent, stop being a child, and then she can be a man’s beloved wife. As long as she looks for a mommy in him, he will always look too “weak” and “an asshole” in her eyes. Weak - because he doesn’t want to carry her in his arms, an “asshole” because he doesn’t consider her happiness to be the goal of his life.

And some more wonderful female statuses about the “feminine essence”:

"Always be a WOMAN! So that every morning, when your foot hits the floor, even the devils say: “Oh damn, she woke up!”

“Girls should always walk with their heads held high. If they lower their heads, it’s only to admire their shoes.”

“To the girl’s question: “How many men have you had?”, she answered honestly, hand on heart: “Not a single one. But the goats...”

“In the end, each of us will understand our mistakes: you will understand that you were a fool, and I will understand that I was with a fool.”

"If she's great, she won't be easy. If she's easy, she's not great. If she's worth it, you won't give up. If you give up, then you're not worth it."

"Women are the ones who know that men are not as stupid as people think - they are stupider"

By the way, Lately Cinderellas believe less and less in princes, more and more often in statuses - gloomy nihilism and dull frustration: no one is needed, there are no normal men and there is no need, there is no happiness in the world and there never will be, well, let's all go to hell.

One cannot be sure that such frustration is a normal transitional stage from an infantile woman who dreams of climbing on her arms to a growing woman who stands on her own legs. Not always.

“Getting on your feet” means feeling the joy and pride of your strength, the pleasure of independence and mobility. If this is accompanied by resentment and hatred towards those who were obliged to lend their necks, but did not, there may never be joy and pleasure. Instead of strong woman it will turn out to be a Poor Nag who will barely crawl, do little, moan from the weight adult life and grumble about the unfair world in which you cannot be an eternal girl.

Psychology effect: acute pain caused by emotions and feelings lasts an average of 11.5 minutes. Further suffering is self-deception.

I explore and detail the temperature conditions and amenities of the territorial water area of ​​a home bath.

Cry into your vest with a family psychologist, so as not to burst into laughter soon with a psychiatrist.

Love is a pretext and a reason to live, enjoying the sunrise and every day.

Best status:
With lost love, the meaning of existence disappeared.

Daily moral trauma when I cross the threshold of the third school.

Psychological balance depends on eight lucky people whom I have to hug, or one loser who is destined by fate to get punched in the hard chin.

When I stupidly try in vain to object to a woman, I remember the dentist. Always expensive - sometimes painful and unpleasant.

When the mirror makes funny faces, trying to object to you, it’s time to think about visiting a psychotherapist.

It is not only the servants of psychiatry who heal human souls: psychologists and psychiatrists. Sometimes heroin and cocaine sellers consider themselves masters of souls.

The statistics are inexorable - men go into eternity before women, because of the habit of ladies to be late, even on their last journey to the cemetery.

Some people consider alcohol to be their friend, sometimes a news service or an emergency psychological aid room.

You have to live your life in such a way that everyone up there goes nuts and says: “Come on, repeat it!”

Don't kill mosquitoes! Your blood flows in them!

To give birth to an idea, you don’t have to fuck your brains!

If I want it, it will come true.

To avoid stepping on the rake a second time, attach an ax to its handle)))

There are those for whom even a Snickers can’t help...

Love is the most wonderful feeling in the world,

I am a creative person: I want - I create, I want - I create

In what year were you born? In what month? What date?... And what the hell?

I do not care what you think of me. I do not think about you at all!

[she likes to dream and talk about it out loud, she makes elephants out of very small flies. ]

Sometimes I look at this world and I really want to scream: “ahh, dudes! let's get out of here!”

A woman needs only one thing to be happy... but new every day!

Only joint activities of idiocy can indicate true spiritual and emotional intimacy

A woman is given the intelligence to hide her character...

I fucking love listening to lies, looking them in the eye... Especially when I know the truth...

I'm blonde - everything that's not purple is pink to me!!!

Take care men! They are suffering! Sometimes it’s a lack of attention, sometimes it’s too much, and most often it’s BULLSHIT!!!

There are a couple of mowers in our pocket, we are positive, there are many of us, we are reckless, drunk and immodest.

I must have gone crazy, I must have gotten it! When did it happen like this? And my cheerful laughter disappeared! Love has come, unexpected love, but you are not next to me! ((

Good always triumphs over evil; That means whoever wins is good.

If a person is bitten by a vampire, he becomes a vampire. It feels like so many people around were bitten by sheep...

Without you, the house never runs out of sausage...

They don't spend as long in prison as you do on the Internet.

I urge you to protect and appreciate

When you left me, I renamed you to NOBODY on my phone, but it’s a pity that you can’t do this with your heart...

Get up bunny, it's time for your exam! – Today I’m a fish, I don’t have legs, and I’m not going anywhere!!!

Where nature is to blame, cotton wool will always help...

Never be afraid to do something you don't know how to do. Remember: The Ark was built by an amateur. Professionals built the Titanic.

A cactus is a cucumber deeply disappointed in life.

Due to the disappearance of soap, video cameras have been installed in women's baths.

Are you out and about, darling? go for a walk... no one is holding you by the horns...

I dream of becoming a boomerang: they throw you, and you throw them back in the face.

A cigarette takes 4 minutes. from life, 100 g of vodka 8 minutes, and a lesson at school takes 45 minutes.

Vredina is complex socio-psychological work for which no one pays, but you get pleasure from it..

Leaving does not mean giving up, it is also a way to preserve what you have experienced, if you are smart enough to leave before it is too late...

When they tell you: “Just tell me honestly,” you begin to understand that now you’ll have to lie outright...

What is this idiotic desire to touch everything beautiful with your hands?

The best psychologist is a friend with a bottle of vodka!

The problem is not that I don't care about you at all. The problem is that I still love him! ???

if you know the meaning of life, tell me, and we’ll have a good laugh!)

Family is when you guess who is sitting on the toilet by the sound.

The hardest thing in life is knowing which bridge to cross and which to burn!!!

It’s better to remember me dashingly than to call me a sucker))) ???

They say that you have to throw a coin where you want to return. I will definitely shake your entire wallet down your collar.

Status in contact is a responsible step in your personal life!

Damn, you wait 5 days for the weekend... and when it comes, there’s nothing better than stupid sleep all day! .

– Yesterday the traffic cop fined me. And most importantly, I found something to complain about: the pillowcase on the airbag is dirty.

Of course, happiness does not depend on the amount of money... But it’s better to cry in a limousine than on a bus!

You don’t have your own brains, you can’t throw them with a shovel!!!

Love is tears at night

Either pay me for a psychologist, or accept me as I am..!!!

There are few fools in the world, but they are placed so cleverly that you meet them at every step.

Always choose the most difficult path - you will not meet competitors on it.

Who told me it won't work?

Of course, I am the sun, but nothing shines here for you!

And only we, just once, will be allowed to start all over again...

As soon as you find your soul mate, other halves start wandering around and make you doubt...

We are strong girls! We’ll take out the trash and brains if necessary!

On New Year's Eve I made a wish to see you this year. And so you came to my city, I was the happiest. But you flew away again and I’m lonely... Be careful what you wish for

It's bad to be a hedgehog, no one will pet you...

Life is like a zebra: black stripe, white stripe, black, white, black, white... and then a tail and a complete ass!..

Trust is like kidneys. They'll beat you back once and that's it!

Nature denied the woman physical strength, so the woman has perfectly mastered the art of psychological violence))

Who, while sitting at the computer, has time to listen to music, watch TV and eat? We are unique!

"List of psychological equivalents of diseases." Curious.

Blogs are one way psychological impact on the subconscious of people, or one specific person.

Love is a psychological experiment!
You never know how it will end!

At least one day, our own or someone else’s stigma will definitely deprive us of something bright and joyful in life. And even in such a way that we ourselves will not guess about it.

The goat essence of people hides from view, but sooner or later they stand up hind legs with an exclamation of “Beeee!” and their essence shows itself in all its unsightly form...
Don't expect mercy for the short-sighted!

Psychological test. Answer questions quickly. 1. What color is your refrigerator at home? 2. What does the cow drink? Milk! Or maybe water?

Death is not subject to logic and justice; it comes suddenly and in a timely manner.

Love, happiness, righteousness, truth, this is all that people have come up with to justify their miserable existence.

Verbal diarrhea as a remedy for mental stagnation...

Borders kill love. The boundaries you set to keep her. These are your conditions, demands and reproaches, rules and schedules. You bind the one you love with them, and then you wonder why the miracle disappeared from your life.

When a relationship ends badly, over time we convince ourselves that there were no real feelings.
Psychologists explain this as a defensive reaction - well, we couldn’t love the bad - it’s self-rehabilitative.)

Repeating a question twice indicates either depressive inhibition or manic suspicion))))

For many, calling someone else an idiot is the only way feel smart. This is sad…

Be afraid of your fears! Some of them are very contagious and dangerous! They subjugate and cause a lot of harm!

The Honest One lives in harmony with himself, the Believer in God lives in tolerance of the world and in harmony with himself.
Eternally rebellious and doubtful is the one in whom there is NO truth...

Girl, I don’t know what I want, but you have terrorized me.

We are looking for simple paths, but among them there are those that lead nowhere... They lead to a DEAD-END...

Having an imaginary friend is not scary. It's scary to imagine that you are surrounded by enemies.

When your heart and mind are full of love, the life you have always dreamed of begins.

I’m just an ordinary passerby in a crowd, but for some reason I see something that others don’t notice, I feel something that not everyone feels... I laugh when I want to cry...

There is only one way to force a person to do something (of course, not at gunpoint). This is to make it so that the person himself wants to do it. Voluntarily.

If you tell me how you achieve your own importance, I will tell you who you are! :)

By pushing a thought too deeply into ourselves, we run the great risk of losing its root.
What if we need to remove it? But the root was lost and went straight into the heart...

When we are beaten for no reason, we must respond blow to blow - I am sure of this, and with such force as to forever wean people from beating us.

If you open your heart to a person, his heart will automatically open to yours, because like is attracted to like.

There are no children - there are people, but with a different scale of concepts, a different store of experience, different drives, a different play of feelings.

The step may be slow and small, but it is taken forward and confidently. Gradually, a slow and small step is replaced by a wide and fast one.

How many people - so many psychos)

In the struggle between good and evil, the observer wins.

Sometimes a step back can only mean that a person is simply accelerating :)

Nowadays they write so much about visualization and neurolinguistic programming, I decided to try it. Three times I wrote “Fur coat” on my husband’s shopping list, three times I brought salad with herring...

It is difficult to feel and see the Devil in human likeness!

If you are asked a question that you don't want to answer, smile and ask - Why do you want to know?

An indecisive person is an easy prey for a manipulator.
It’s enough to plant a couple of doubts in his head and he’s already caught in a cleverly placed net!

All our actions are based on two motives: the desire to become great and sexual attraction.

“...the basic law of psychological assistance: what is important for a person is not what happens to him, but how he relates to it.”

“Perfectionism is the cause of all neuroses!”

There is a principle in psychology: the more expectations about an event, the higher the likelihood of crushing disappointment. If you wait more, you get less; if you wait less, you get more. The principle is reinforced concrete, no exceptions.

Introvert: a person who only minds his own business))))
Psychology is the expression in words of what cannot be expressed in words.

Many people cannot lose their temper because they are not themselves.))

Psychologically raped, morally stable.

May this day be whatever you want it to be. Just think about what you want... not what you don't want.

How our psychology changes over the years... In childhood, we tell tall tales about our lives so that our peers would respect us... And, as adults, we begin to hide a lot of what happens, so as not to lose this very respect...;)

Your partner's answer is programmed into your question.
If the answer suits you, then you asked the question incorrectly.

You can only adequately evaluate the person you broke up with.

When a person’s “I” is safe, when he has good energy and good head Everything is fine for him and he doesn’t need meaning in life. The meaning of life, like a psychotherapeutic crutch, is needed by those who have no direction and lack energy - who need recharge from the outside.

“There is neither good nor bad, only thought makes things the way they seem to us.”

Human souls are never naked. They are well wrapped in cunning, lies, and pretense. It's a pity! So sometimes you want to see someone’s soul naked.

Manipulation human souls, the most immoral part of the psychology of life...

A husband is almost always just a substitute for a beloved man, and not this man himself.

Smoking is a psychological need to fill the emptiness in oneself... at least with smoke...

The discouraged dies prematurely

A woman is one of the most terrible types of psychological violence...

There is a principle in psychology: the more expectations about an event, the higher the likelihood of crushing disappointment. If you wait more, you get less; if you wait less, you get more.

Learn to shine - and good people will come running to your light.

The reason for lordly habits is always a slave psychology)))

People with a slave mentality consider their shackles a guarantee of stability...

Be kind to unkind people - they need it most...

Girlfriend is a professional news service, alcohol store and psychological rehabilitation center.

Psychological statuses

It was not today or even yesterday that people began to feel sick in their souls. Those with a sick mind (the blessed and the insane) were often helped to survive by compassionate people, shelters, monasteries, almshouses, and hospitals. But not at all times and always they helped mentally ill people. In the Middle Ages Western Europe there were persecutions of witches and sorcerers, among whom there could be thousands of insane people. They were burned at the stake and disposed of.
In 1547, in London, from the hostel of the religious brotherhood “Our Lord of Bethlehem”, the Bethlem Royal Hospital arose - the first insane asylum (Bedlam).
Only during the Great French Revolution in 1798, Phillipe Pinel, appointed senior physician at the Salpêtrière hospital, ordered the mentally ill to be released from their chains.
In Russia, the writer A.P. Chekhov in the story “Ward No. 6” describes a psychiatric department of a hospital with obligatory sauerkraut in the outbuilding, a paramedic and abandoned patients.
“In the hospital yard there is a small outbuilding... and a gray hospital fence with nails. These nails, pointing upward, and the fence, and the outbuilding itself have that special sad, cursed look that we only have in hospital and prison buildings. And the outbuilding itself has that special sad, cursed look that we only have in hospital buildings and prison buildings. If you are not afraid of getting burned by nettles, then let’s follow the narrow path leading to the outbuilding and see what’s going on inside. Having opened the first door, we enter the hallway. Here, near the walls and near the stove, whole mountains of hospital rubbish are piled up. Mattresses, old tattered dressing gowns, trousers, shirts with blue stripes, worthless, worn-out shoes - all this rubbish is dumped in heaps, crushed, tangled, rotting and emitting a suffocating smell.
The watchman Nikita, an old retired soldier with reddish stripes, always lies on the rubbish with a pipe in his teeth. He has a stern, worn-out face, overhanging eyebrows, giving his face the expression of a steppe shepherd, and a red nose; He is short in stature, lean and wiry in appearance, but he has an impressive posture and hefty fists. He belongs to those simple-minded, positive, dutiful and stupid people who love order more than anything in the world and are therefore convinced that they must be beaten. He hits him in the face, on the chest, on the back, on anything, and is sure that without this there would be no order here.
Next you enter a large, spacious room that occupies the entire outbuilding, except for the entryway. The walls here are smeared with dirty blue paint, the ceiling is smoked, like in a smoke hut - it is clear that here in winter the stoves smoke and there is carbon monoxide. The windows from the inside are disfigured by iron bars. The floor is gray and splintered. It stinks of sauerkraut, wick burning, bedbugs and ammonia, and this stench at first gives you the impression that you are entering a menagerie. In the room there are beds screwed to the floor. People in blue hospital gowns and old-fashioned caps sit and lie on them. These are crazy people. There are five of them here. Only one is of noble rank, the rest are all philistines.”
What does a psychologist need to know about a person’s mental status?
Can't get to the basics psychological counseling without knowledge about the client - his ordinary life, his usual social circle in society, with friends and relatives. A psychologist needs to tune his soul into a wave of understanding with a client, which is generally very difficult to learn and understand.
Studying and then describing the psychological status of the client, the first thing we, psychologists, pay attention to is his appearance, his clothes, movements, facial expressions and various manifestations of the person’s experiences. mental processes. Many signs will tell you how the physical, psychological and mental status corresponds given to a person(a person’s age, his adherence to fashion or disregard for it).
Not only clothing, but also its use, the manner of dressing, walking, gesticulating can be illustrative example its connection with character traits.
When looking at a client, the psychologist first of all pays attention to the eyes. Eyes are the mirror of the soul.

Status (Latin status - state, position) is an abstract polysemantic term, in a general sense denoting a set of stable values ​​of the parameters of an object or subject.

What is a person’s mental status and how can a psychologist describe it?

Mental status is a description of a person’s mental state, including his intellectual, emotional and physiological capabilities. Mental status is descriptive and informative in nature with the reliability of a psychological (psychopathological) “portrait” and from the standpoint of clinical information (i.e. assessment)

Description of mental status.
1. Conversation in the office
2. Determination of clear or darkened consciousness (if necessary, differentiation of these states). If there is no doubt about the presence of a clear (not darkened) consciousness, this section can be omitted.
1. Appearance: neat, well-groomed, careless, makeup, appropriate (not appropriate) for age, clothing features, etc.
2. Behavior: calm, fussy, agitated (describe its character), gait, posture (free, natural, unnatural, pretentious (describe), forced, ridiculous, monotonous), other features of motor skills.
3.Features of contact: active (passive), productive (unproductive - describe how this is manifested), interested, friendly, hostile, oppositional, angry, “negativistic,” formal, and so on.
4. The nature of the statements (the main part of the “composition” of the mental status, from which the assessment of the leading and obligatory sign and symptom follows).
1. Mental status focuses on the client’s attitude towards his experiences. Therefore, it is appropriate to use expressions such as “reports,” “believes,” “convinced,” “affirms,” “declares,” “assumes,” and others. Thus, the client’s assessment of previous events, experiences, and sensations now, at the present time, should be reflected.
2. To begin the description of real experiences, it is necessary to be knowledgeable (that is, belonging to certain group) syndrome, which led to an appeal to a psychologist (client’s request).
For example: mood disorders (low, high), hallucinatory phenomena, delusional experiences (content), psychomotor agitation (stupor), pathological sensations, memory impairment, and so on.
4. The description of the leading symptom and syndrome must be exhaustive, that is, using not only the client’s subjective self-report data, but also including clarifications and additions identified during the conversation.
5. For maximum objectification and accuracy of description, it is recommended to use quotes (direct speech of the client), which should be brief and reflect only those features of the client’s speech (and word formation) that reflect his condition and cannot be replaced by another adequate (appropriate) speech pattern.
For example: neologisms, paraphasias, figurative comparisons, specific and characteristic expressions and turns, and more. You should not overuse quotations in cases where the presentation in your own words does not affect the informative value of these statements.
The exception is quoting longer examples of speech in cases of violation of its focus, logical and grammatical structure (slipping, diversity, reasoning)
For example: incoherence (confusion) of speech in clients with disordered consciousness, ataxia (incoherent thinking) in schizoids, incoherence of speech in clients with psychomotor agitation and clients with in different forms dementia and so on.
6.Description of the client’s attitude to the existing situation - as hostile, oppositional, angry (describe), forced, unacceptable.
7. Description of additional hidden features, that is, naturally occurring within a certain cluster, but which may be missing.
For example: low self-esteem, suicidal thoughts with depressive syndrome.
7. Description of optional, depending on pathoplastic facts (“soil”) symptoms.
For example: pronounced somatovegetative disorders in depressive (subdepressive) syndrome, as well as phobias, senesthopathy, obsessions in the structure of the same syndrome.
8.Emotional reactions:
1. The client’s reaction to his experiences, the psychologist’s clarifying questions, comments, attempts at correction, and so on.
2. Other emotional reactions (except for describing the manifestations of affective disorder, as the leading psychopathology of the syndrome).
1. Facial expressions ( facial reactions): lively, rich, poor, monotonous, expressive, “frozen”, monotonous, pretentious (mannered), grimacing, mask-like, hypomimia, amimia (loss of the ability to express by gestures and facial expressions), etc.
2.Voice: quiet, loud, monotonous, modulated, expressive and so on.
3. Autonomic manifestations: hyperemia, pallor, increased breathing, pulse, hyperhidrosis, etc.
4. Changes in emotional response when mentioning family, traumatic situations, and other emotional factors.
5. Adequacy (compliance) of emotional reactions to the content of the conversation and the nature of painful experiences.
For example: the absence of manifestations of fear, anxiety when the patient experiences this moment verbal hallucinations of a threatening and frightening nature.
6. The client maintains distance and tact (in conversation).
9. Speech: literate, primitive, rich, poor, logically coherent (illogical and paralogical), purposeful (with a violation of purposefulness), grammatically coherent (agrammatical), coherent (incoherent), consistent (inconsistent), detailed, “inhibited” (slow ), accelerated in tempo, verbose, “speech pressure”, sudden stops of speech, silence, and so on. Bring the most vivid examples speeches (quotes).
5. It is not necessary to note disorders that are currently absent from the client, although in some cases this can be reflected in order to prove that the psychologist was actively trying to identify other (possibly hidden, dissimulated) symptoms, as well as symptoms that the client does not consider to be a manifestation of a mental disorder, and therefore does not actively report on them.
However, you should not write in general terms: for example, “without productive symptoms.” Most often, this refers to the absence of delusions and hallucinations, while other productive symptoms (for example, affective disorders) are not taken into account.
In this case, it is better to specifically note what exactly the psychologist was unable to identify (perception disorders of hallucinations, delusions).
For example: “delusions and hallucinations cannot be identified (or not identified).”
Or: “no memory impairment was detected.”
Or: “memory within the age norm”
Or: “intelligence corresponds to the education received and lifestyle”
6. Criticism of one’s condition - active (passive), complete (incomplete, partial), formal. Criticism of individual manifestations of signs of inadequacy of one’s own state or lack of criticism of one’s inadequate state of “changes in one’s personality” in general.
It should be remembered that when detailed description phenomena such as “delusion” and the classification of the syndrome as “delusional”, it is inappropriate to note the absence of criticism (to delusion), since the absence of criticism is one of the leading symptoms of delusional disorder.
7.Dynamics mental state during the conversation - an increase in fatigue, an improvement in contact (deterioration), an increase in suspicion, isolation, confusion, the appearance of delayed, slow, monosyllabic answers, anger, aggressiveness, or, on the contrary, greater interest, trust, goodwill, friendliness.

John Sommers-Flanagan and Rita Sommers-Flanagan in the book “Clinical Interviewing” prescribed a study of the client’s mental status.
;"Mental status examination is a method of systematizing and evaluating clinical observations regarding the mental status and condition of the client. The main purpose of the mental status examination is to diagnose current cognitive processes. However, in recent years, mental status examination has become more extensive, some clinicians also include a psychosocial history here , elucidation of personal history, treatment planning and diagnostic impressions.<..>Any person who is going to work in the security field mental health, must be able to carry out competent professional communication with other specialists through mental status examination reports" [pp. 334-335].
knowledge about the client’s current mental functioning” (p. 335-337).

Main categories of mental status:
1. Appearance.
2. Behavior, or psychomotor activity.
3. Attitudes towards the interviewer.
4. Affect and mood.
5. Speech and thinking.
6. Perceptual disorders.
7. Orientation and consciousness.
8. Memory and intellectual abilities.
9. Reliability, prudence and understanding of the client’s problems.
During the study of the mental status, observations are systematized in such a way that, on their basis, a hypothesis about the current mental functioning of the client is developed.
Individual and cultural factors
Mental status examinations may be complicated by biases caused by the cultural sensitivity of the interviewing psychologist. The client's cultural background may be a determining factor in his mental status.
Sometimes certain beliefs associated with a culture, especially religious ones, seem like madness (or delusions) from other cultures. The same applies to beliefs and behaviors related to physical illness, entertainment, wedding rituals and family customs. The interviewer must consider the influence of individual and cultural factors. For example, there may be differences in culturally appropriate expressions of sadness, stress, humiliation, or the consequences of traumatic experiences. In addition, members of national and cultural minorities who have recently entered a new cultural environment may express confusion, fear and mistrust. Moreover, in extreme or stressful situations Disorientation may occur in people with limited mobility.

Observations are based mainly on physical characteristics and some demographic data.
Physical characteristics of clients include such aspects as neatness, clothing, dilation/constriction of pupils, facial expression, sweating, makeup, presence of tattoos, earrings and piercings, height, weight and body type. The interviewer must carefully observe not only the appearance of the clients, but also the characteristics of their physical reaction on yourself or communication with him.
Gender, age, race and ethnicity may be relevant to interviewing. “A client who looks older than his age may have experience with narcotic substances, suffer from an organic mental disorder or have physical illnesses. Appearance can also be an expression of his environment or the situation in which he finds himself.
Behavior and psychomotor activity
The interviewer must observe the client's behavior and record his characteristics. Attention is paid to both excessive or insufficient activity and the presence or absence of certain behavior patterns (for example, avoidance of eye contact (taking into account cultural influence), grimaces, excessive eye contact (staring), unusual or repetitive gestures and body positions). Clients may not admit to certain thoughts or feelings (such as paranoia or depression). And their behavior will contradict their words (for example, a tense posture and gaze or slow psychomotor and motionless face).
Excessive movement may indicate anxiety, substance use, or the manic phase of bipolar disorder. Excessive slowness may indicate organic brain dysfunction. catatonic schizophrenia or drug-induced stupor Depression can manifest itself either through agitation or through psychomotor retardation. Some paranoid clients sometimes look around warily, constantly looking around, constantly fearing an external threat. Constantly brushing imaginary fluff or dust from clothing is sometimes associated with delirium, drug or drug intoxication.
Attitudes towards the interviewer
Aggression: clients express aggression verbally, with gestures, and facial expressions. Clients may interrupt and respond aggressively to the question: “How idiotic” or “Of course I’m angry. Maybe stop imitating me?”
Indifference: Clients’ appearance and movements indicate indifference and lack of interest in the interview. Clients may yawn, drum their fingers, or be distracted by outside noise.
Hostility: Clients are sarcastic and indirectly display hostility (e.g., through sarcasm, eye rolling, sour facial expressions).
Ingratiation: Clients may become obsequious and overly solicit the interviewer's approval and support. They may try to present themselves in the best possible light or agree with everything the interviewer says. Clients may make too many gestures of agreement (nod their heads very often), smile, and keep looking the interviewer in the face.
Manipulation: Can use the interviewer's words to their advantage "He was being dishonest, wasn't he?"
Tension: constant or almost constant contact, the client leans his whole body towards the psychologist and listens to him intently. Clients may speak in a loud and tense voice.
Negativism: Clients resist literally everything the interviewer says. They may not agree with the absolutely correct paraphrasing, reflection of feelings, or generalizations. They may refuse to answer questions or remain silent altogether. This behavior is also called oppositional.
Impatience: Customers are sitting on the edge of their seats. Unable to tolerate long pauses or slow speech by the interviewer. They may express a desire to receive a recipe for solving their problems; they show hostility and consistency.
Passivity: Clients show neither interest nor resistance. They may use the phrase “As you say.” They can sit and wait. Until they are told what they must do.
Suspiciousness: Clients may look around suspiciously, give suspicious glances, or ask questions about what the interviewer is recording.
Seduction: Clients may touch or fondle themselves in a seductive or suggestive manner, move close to, and attempt to touch the interviewer.

Content of affect
Content of affect
First, you should determine what affective state you observe on the client's part.
What is it - sadness, euphoria, anxiety, fear, anger, anxiety, fright, guilt or remorse, happiness or joy, sadness, surprise, irritation?
Indicators of affective state may include the client's facial expression, body posture, movements, and tone of voice.
Range and duration
In some cases the client's affective range may be too variable, in other cases it may be quite limited.
Typically, obsessive-compulsive clients exhibit a limited affective range, while manic and hysterical clients exhibit an extremely wide range of emotions, moving quite quickly from happiness to sadness and back again. This pattern is called the labile effect. Sometimes during interviews clients show little or no affect, as if they emotional life stopped completely (flattened affect). Signs of a flattened effect in clients are an inability to establish emotional contact with people (when taking antipsychotic drugs, schizophrenia, Parkinson's disease).
The adequacy of affect is judged in the context of the content of the client’s speech and the life situation in which he finds himself. For example, the client talks about an obviously tragic incident and at the same time giggles or shows striking emotional indifference to his situation.
Depth or intensity
Some clients appear deeply saddened; others' sadness appears more superficial. Perhaps some clients may try their best to “put a good face on a bad game.” However, through careful observations of tone of voice, body posture, facial expression, and the ability to move quickly (or not) to a new topic, the interviewer can get some idea of ​​the depth and intensity of affect. Characteristics of affect can be: euphoric. labile, inadequate in relation to the content of speech and life situation, superficial.

When examining mental status, mood and affect are considered two different concepts.
The client's mood should be determined through simple non-directive open questions, for example: “How would you describe your mood?”, “How have you been feeling lately?”, rather than closed-ended directive questions such as: “Do you feel depressed?” When clients are asked about their condition, some begin to describe their physical condition or life situation. In this case, just listen to them and then ask: “What about emotions? How do you feel (about your physical condition or life situation)?
It is advisable to write down verbatim the clients' answers to your question regarding their mood. This makes it possible to compare the client’s descriptions of his mood in different time and compare with his description of his thoughts, since the latter can explain the dominant character of the former.
Mood differs from affect in several ways characteristic features: it is usually more long-term; does not change as spontaneously as affect; creates emotional background; Characterized by the client himself, while affect is elicited by the interviewer.
Figuratively speaking, mood is related to affect in the same way that climate is related to weather.

Speech and thinking

From the point of view of mental status research, speech and thinking are closely related. The interviewer observes and diagnoses the client's thought processes, primarily through speech, nonverbal behavior, and body language.

Speech is characterized using categories such as tempo (i.e. speed of speech), volume level and volume.
The tempo and volume level can be:
High ( fast pace, loud speech);
Average (normal or ordinary);
Low (slow tempo, quiet speech).
The client's speech is usually described as strained (high speed), loud, slow or halting (low speed), or quiet and inaudible.
If the client speaks freely, without being forced, it is easier for the interviewer to diagnose their speech and thinking. Speech that was not prompted by direct prompting or questioning by the interviewer is referred to in reports as spontaneous. Spontaneous speech makes it easier for the interviewer to work with the client and provides easy access to his internal thought processes. However, some clients avoid open conversation and may only respond briefly to direct questions. Such clients are said to have “impoverished speech.” Some clients are very slow to respond to questions. In this case, they speak of increased or prolonged response latency. TO characteristic features speech may include: accent, high or low tone, vocabulary defects. Speech disorders include dysarthria (violation of speech articulation; manifested in difficulty in pronunciation, especially with vowels, bradyphasia [slowing of speech], intermittency of speech), dysprosody (violation of the melody of speech, its rhythm and accents; manifested in muttering, merging words, or, conversely, long pauses and gaps between syllables and words), disordered speech (rapid, unstructured, unintelligible speech) and stuttering. All this may be associated with impaired brain activity or drug intoxication.

Thinking process
Observation and diagnosis of thinking usually includes two broad categories: mental content of thoughts. Thought process refers to how clients express their thoughts (orderly, organized, logical). Can clients “talk the talk”? The client may experience a “verbal vinaigrette,” neologisms, and thought blocking. , sudden stoppage of speech or thinking (as a symptom of anxiety, schizophrenia or depression).

Contents of thoughts
Thought content refers to the meaning of the client's messages. If thinking process- this is how, then the content of thoughts is what.
Characteristics of the thought process
Blocking speech. Sudden interruption of speech in the middle of a sentence. At the same time, there are no explicable reasons why the client stopped speaking; the client himself cannot explain this. Blocking can mean approaching an extremely painful topic. This may also indicate interference with delusional ideas or perceptual disturbances.
Detailed speech. Speech impairment is manifested by a slowdown in its tempo, phenomena of bradylogy (difficulty and slowdown in the flow of associative processes (thinking, speech)), excessive thoroughness, viscosity, and getting stuck on circumstances that are insignificant in meaning. The purpose of the utterance, the speech task, is preserved, but the path to them is significantly slowed down (typical in epilepsy and in people with highly developed intelligence, among scientists). In the end, they express their thoughts, but they do not do it as directly and clearly as they could. Elaborate speech can also be a sign of client resistance or an expression of paranoid thinking (or it may simply mean that the professor was not prepared for the lecture)
Phenotypic associations. The combination of unrelated words based solely on similar sounds appears through meaningless alliteration or rhyme. For example: “I am so vile, impudent, brutal, obstetrical” or “When I think about my dad, paw, paw, paw, tapa.” Of course, this phenomenon is not always talked about as psychopathology and it may be encouraged by a specific situation or subculture, for example among Rappers).
A race of ideas. The client does not stop at main idea or does not answer the question asked, are overly excited or hyperenergetic (in a manic or hypomanic state), or after taking an increased dose of caffeine.
Weakening of association. Lack or absence of logical connections between thoughts, phrases with their insignificant and abstract connection and events (with schizotypal personality disorders, schizophrenia). For example: “I love you. Bread gives life. I haven't met you at church before? Incest is terrible." In this example, the client thinks about sympathy and love, then the love of God for people, expressed through the sacrifice of Christ, whose body is transformed into bread in the sacrament of church communion, then the client thinks about the church and remembers the denunciation of the sin of incest during the sermon. The associations are rather weak, completely abstract.
Of course, some people with non-standard, creative thinking regularly experience weakening of associations.
Dumbness. Almost complete absence or limited self-expression (autism, catatonic schizophrenia).
Neologisms. Words invented by the client. Neologisms should be distinguished from clauses. They are created spontaneously in speech, i.e. are not a product creative thinking. For example, we heard such words as “diving” and “platypus” from our clients. It is very important to find out from the client the meaning and origin of the word. These can be drawn from songs, books, films and other sources (“musi-pusi”, “fuck”, etc.).
Perseverations. Involuntary repetition of a word, phrase, or action. Perseverations often indicate psychotic disorders and brain damage. Adolescents often exhibit this form of behavior when their requests and desires are denied; although normal teenagers are more likely to be persistent - if properly motivated, they can consciously stop.
Abstract speech. There is no consistency in the logic of words and sentences. Clients are unable to follow a sequence of thoughts. This highest degree thinking disorders.
Thought contents include delusions, obsessions, suicidal or homicidal thoughts (homicide, obsession with taking the life of another), phobias, or strong, long-lasting emotions, especially guilt.
Delusions are deep misconceptions of the client, indicating a loss of contact with reality; they are not based on facts or actual events. The interviewer should record delusional beliefs. You should not convince clients that their delusional ideas are wrong. Instead, you can ask questions that will help you understand the delusion better. For example: “How do you know that you really have [delusional idea description]?
Clients with delusions may suffer from persecutory delusions (paranoia), hypochondriacal delusions (believing they have a certain illness), delusions of self-blame, delusions of grandeur, etc.
Obsessive states.
Obsessions are repetitive and persistent ideas, thoughts and images. Actual obsessive states are always independent of the person's will and are usually perceived as meaningless or irrational even by those who experience them. If an individual loses control over certain thoughts, we can talk about an obsessive state (one client believed that he was “infested with bacilli and worms,” others performed meaningless rituals every day, or washed or checked something). Obsessive states are characterized primarily by a feeling of doubt and which do not interfere with their normal functioning at home or at work.
Perceptual disorders
Perception (from the Latin perceptio) is a sensory cognition of objects in the surrounding world, which subjectively appears as a direct reflection of reality by our senses (vision, hearing, smell, touch) and as an already structured reaction of the nervous system to the environment, in the form of already formed images or phenomena.
Perceptual disturbances include hallucinations and illusions. Hallucinations are false sensory impressions or perceptions that occur without corresponding external stimuli. Illusions are understood as false, distorted perceptions of real objects.
Orientation and consciousness
When examining mental status, it is usually diagnosed whether the client is oriented in the situation in which he finds himself (i.e., whether clients are aware of where they are, who they are, etc.).
When disoriented, the client may be unable to answer one or more of these orientation questions correctly. When disorientated, clients typically first lose a sense of time, then place, and finally identity. Orientation is restored reverse order(first person, then place, then time).
Questions about orientation may be perceived as offensive by clients with normal orientation. The most simple questions their orientation can humiliate them. Therefore, determining the client's orientation should be approached with sensitivity.
The interviewer asks simple questions.
What is your name?
Where are you from?
Where do you currently live?
What do you do in free time?
You are working? If yes, then by whom?
Are you married? What is your spouse's name?
Do you have children?
You have been through a lot in the last few days (hours). Interesting, can you describe where you are now (in what city, in what place)?
Can you name today's date? (If the client says that he remembers exactly, ask him to give at least an approximate date, this will help establish the degree of orientation).
Do you remember what day of the week it is?
What month (year) is it now?
How long have you been here?
Description of the state of consciousness:
Memory and intellectual abilities
Memory is broadly understood as the ability to remember the past. I usually diagnose three types of memory: long-term, memory for recent events and short-term.
Possibility of confabulation long-term memory means spontaneous falsification or distortion of memories. We've even found that some couples have serious disagreements when the husband and wife's memories of key events don't match. It is clear that human memory is imperfect, and over time the interpretation of events can change. This is especially true in situations where the client is forced to remember the past. The client may report some fragmentary memories, but when pressure is exerted on him to expand or clarify details, confabulation may occur. In this case, it is useful to contact the client’s relatives, friends and acquaintances (legal consent is required). In addition, friends and relatives may not be sincere, or memories will also be altered.
Clients may directly admit memory problems (but this is not a fact). Clients with depression often exaggerate the extent of their cognitive decline by complaining of abnormal brain activity.
The most common method for diagnosing short-term memory is counting back from one hundred to seven (100, 93, 86, 79). Anxiety should be taken into account. cultural environment and level of education of the client.
Clients are sometimes sensitive to the results of cognitive tests. Their reactions range from self-doubt to evasion and open admission of their anxiety.
Intellectual abilities
D. Wexler defined intelligence as “the general ability ... to act expediently, think rationally and interact effectively with one’s environment.”
Intelligence = this is a combination of several particular abilities, and not the general ability to adapt, according to R. Sternberg and W. Wagner. They propose a theory of the triple hierarchy of intelligence:
Academic Problem Solving;
Practical Intelligence;
Creative intelligence.
D. Goleman defined emotional intelligence as a person’s ability to recognize emotions, understand the intentions, motivations and desires of other people and their own, as well as the ability to manage their emotions and the emotions of other people in order to solve practical problems.
G. Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences states that there are seven or eight types of intelligence, manifested in different areas.
Several methods are used to determine a client's intellectual abilities during a mental status examination.
Firstly, the interviewer can judge the client’s innate intelligence based on the client’s level of education. In this case, special emphasis is placed on academic intelligence.
Secondly, the client's ability to understand and use language (vocabulary or word comprehension) is diagnosed. It has been proven that the characteristic vocabulary may serve as the only reliable indicator of potential IQ.
Third, intelligence is judged by the client's responses to questions designed to elicit knowledge.
Fourth, intelligence is judged by answers to questions designed to diagnose abstract thinking.
Fifth, questions designed to diagnose reasoning are used to diagnose intellectual functioning.
Sixth, the level of intellectual abilities is established based on the client’s answers to questions about orientation, consciousness and memory.
Reliability, prudence and understanding of the client’s problems
The client's reliability depends on it. how trustworthy he can be, whether the information he provides is trustworthy. A reliable informant is a client who tries to describe his personal history and current situation truthfully and accurately. Some clients are extremely unreliable; for one reason or another, they distort, falsify, or outright fib their personal history or current situation.
Reliability can be established based on a number of externally observable factors. Clients who are able to pay attention to detail and spontaneously develop questions from the interviewer. Conversely, clients who are evasive or resistant are likely to be unreliable informants. In some cases, it will be clear that clients are deliberately hiding or downplaying certain aspects of their personal history. In some cases, if you suspect unreliability, it is worth contacting relatives, employers or other persons who can confirm the client’s information. If there is any doubt about the reliability of the personal history, this should be noted in the client's mental status examination report.
Reasonable people are able to make constructive and adaptive decisions that have a positive impact on their lives. When studying activities, relationships and professional choice The client may be asked, for example, whether he is involved in any illegal activity or whether he has relationships that could be considered harmful. Does the client like to “tickle his nerves” or engage in life-threatening activities? Of course, consistent participation in illegal or life-threatening activities and the maintenance of destructive relationships will be evidence that the individual does not exercise discretion in his choice of activity or relationships. The interviewer can judge a client's specific behavior patterns by answering questions about their actions in hypothetical situations.
The client understands his problems
Clients with high level understanding their problems can discuss possible emotional or psychosocial factors contributing to their symptoms. Clients with a low level of understanding of their problems, on the contrary, when pointed out to them possible psychosocial or emotional explanations for the causes of their condition: in many cases, persistently deny the presence of any problems at all.
Interviewers use one of four descriptors to describe the extent to which a client understands their problems.
Absent. Clients who are perceived as lacking understanding usually do not admit that they have a problem. They may blame other people for being blamed for having psychosocial problems and being referred to a specialist or hospitalized.
Bad. Clients acknowledge minor problems or symptoms but rely solely on physical, medical, or situational factors to explain them. They do not want to accept the fact that health status can be determined emotional state. Such clients do not accept any personal responsibility for their psychosocial problems or the role of nonphysical factors in them. If they do admit that there is a problem, then, as a rule, they see its solution only in drug or surgical treatment, or in isolation from those people who are supposedly responsible for this problem.
Partial. Clients who acknowledge a problem and the possible need for therapy more often than deny it have partial understanding. However, such a position may give way to misunderstanding and non-recognition of one’s problem, which may result in premature termination of psychotherapy.
Good. Clients readily admit the presence of a problem, the solution of which requires adequate psychotherapy” [p.334-372].
References: Sommer-Flanagan, John, Sommer-Flanagan, Rita. Clinical interviewing. M.: Publishing House"Williams", 2006.

In which everyone can find a topic close to themselves. These words convey internal experiences and can make others understand a person’s attitude to what is happening and life in general.

Statuses with meaning, smart

  • “An opportunity to learn something should not be missed.”
  • "By turning to the past, we turn our backs on the future."
  • “A person is omnipotent as long as he is not busy with anything.”
  • “The meaning of success is moving towards it. extreme point does not exist".
  • “He who has conquered himself is not afraid of anything.”
  • “You can see a kind person right away. He notices the good in everyone he meets.”
  • “If they don’t reach your bar, this is not a reason to lower it.”
  • “Emotions come from thoughts. If you don’t like the state, you need to change your thinking.”
  • “It doesn’t take much effort to be pitied. But to be envied, you will have to work hard.”
  • “Dreams remain dreams if you don’t go for them.”
  • "Pain is a sign of growth."
  • "If you don't strain a muscle for a long time, it will atrophy. It's the same with the brain."
  • “As long as I don’t lose heart, I can handle any other downfalls.”
  • “It’s much easier to complain about the state than to throw trash in the trash.”

Smart statuses about life with meaning

  • “Don’t listen to those who say that you are wasting your life. Because while they are talking, you are living.”
  • "Thoughts shape a person."
  • "Whoever is given by nature to speak can sing. He who is given to walk can dance."
  • "The meaning of life is always there. You just need to find it."
  • "Happy people live here and now."
  • "Just having survived big losses, you begin to realize how few things deserve attention."
  • “There is a parable about a dog who whined while sitting on a nail. It’s the same with people: they whine, but they don’t dare get off this “nail.”
  • does not exist. There are decisions you don't want to make."
  • “Happiness is killed by regrets about the past, fear of the future and ingratitude for the present.”
  • “For something new to come into life, you need to make room for it.”
  • speak for the person themselves."
  • “Nothing will change in the past.”
  • "Taking revenge is the same as biting a dog back."
  • "It's worth chasing only for big dreams, which you won’t lose sight of along the way.”

Smart statuses with meaning are just a grain of centuries-old wisdom developed by people. Individual experience is equally important. In the end, a person’s vital right to act in accordance with his own worldview.

about love

Statuses with meaning, smart statements are also dedicated to the most celebrated feeling - love, the intricacies of the relationship between a man and a woman.

  • “In true love a person learns a lot about himself.”
  • "To be unloved is simply bad luck. Not to love is grief."
  • “The only thing a person cannot get enough of is love.”
  • “Love should open horizons, not keep you prisoner.”
  • “For a person in love there are no other problems.”
  • “No person can be understood and accepted as much as a loved one.”
  • “There are two phases in a woman’s life: first she must be beautiful in order to be loved. Then she must be loved in order to be beautiful.”
  • “It’s not enough to love. You also need to allow yourself to be loved.”
  • “Finding love is easier than becoming the person they are looking for.”
  • "A wise woman never scolds her man in front of strangers."

About relationships between people

For the most part, statuses with meaning, smart quotes reflect the world of human relationships. After all, this aspect is relevant at all times and is replete with its subtleties.

  • "You can't tell people about your failures. Some people don't need it, others are only happy about it."
  • "Don't be greedy - give people a second chance. Don't be an idiot - don't give a third."
  • "It is impossible to help someone who does not want it."
  • “Happy children are those of parents who spend their time on them, not money.”
  • "If our hopes were not met, it is only our fault. There was no need to raise high expectations."
  • “When judging another person, it’s worth thinking about - do you know everything about your own future?”
  • "Your people don't leave."
  • “Being able to let go of those who want to leave is the quality of a good person. We must give others the opportunity to make their choice.”
  • “It is much easier to understand others than to understand yourself.”
  • "Don't pay attention to those who undermine your self-confidence. It's just their problem. Great people inspire."
  • “It is much better to see the good in a person and be mistaken than to consider him a scoundrel and then regret it.”

Smart statuses with meaning about life do not have to be used for posts on social networks. You can find in these statements a rational grain for developing your personality, developing your own opinion and striving for harmony.