Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Fun grammar problems and exercises. I came to make peace with you, not at all for the sake of a quarrel



78. Find out what mistake, leading to a distortion of meaning, was made when arranging punctuation marks in each of the cases below.

A. Anatomical-arithmetic paradox.

He has twenty-five fingers: ten on each hand, only twenty on his feet.

B. Cattle?!

Our collective farm has a lot of cattle: horses, pigs.

IN. Hunters and hazel grouse.

Hazel grouse say: hunters like to doze in trees.

G. The sun was bleating?!

As the sun set, bleating and roaring, the herd passed by.

D. Was the bench waiting for a friend?

Olga was sitting on a bench that was located in the park and was waiting for her friend.

E. Who came?

– Is everyone here?
- No. Only Vanya, Misha, Masha, Kolya, Kostya, Dima, Nastya are here, they haven’t arrived yet.

79. Indicate how the sentences below differ from each other. Explain what changes in the meaning of sentences with different punctuation marks.

A. Comrades Petya and Mitya were waiting for him.
His comrades, Petya and Mitya, were waiting for him.

B. The houses and streets are filled with light.
The houses and streets are flooded with light.

Q. We were deeply moved at the sight of many hundreds, thousands of friends greeting us.
We were deeply moved to see the many hundreds of thousands of friends greeting us.

G. I already had difficulty distinguishing distant objects: the field was vaguely white around; behind him, approaching every moment, gloomy darkness rose in huge clouds. (I.S. Turgenev)
I was already having difficulty distinguishing distant objects: the field around me was vaguely white; behind it, looming in huge clouds every moment, rose the gloomy darkness.

D. They, the children, were taken to the camp.
Their children were taken to the camp.

E. In the following words it is written in the suffix e: hammer, leaf, flower...
In the following words the letter is written in the suffix e: hammer, leaf, flower.

J. The train left quickly, its lights soon disappeared, and after a minute the noise was no longer heard.
The train left quickly. Its lights soon disappeared. A minute later the noise was no longer heard.

80. Explain what is “motionless, mute” - fringe or life. Find out what indicates the correct meaning of the sentence.

The forest is bewitched,
And under the snow fringe,
motionless, mute,
He shines with a wonderful life.

(F. Tyutchev)

81. Explain why before the union And in the examples below there is a comma.

I listened, and it seemed to me that from the other side of the river, which was very narrow here, the careful pattering of hooves was rushing towards us. (V.G. Korolenko)

The adjutant told the prince that the general, having learned about Hadji Murad's departure, was very dissatisfied that he was not informed about this, and that he demanded that Hadji Murad be brought to him immediately. (L.N. Tolstoy)

82. Place the correct punctuation marks in the sentences below.

1. Misha often sat in the library leafing through magazines and taking notes.
2. Misha often sat in the library, leafing through magazines and taking notes.
3. Natasha worked in the laboratory, carefully selecting reagents and monitoring progress of the reaction and recording the results.
4. Natasha worked in the laboratory, carefully selected reagents and, monitoring the progress of the reaction, wrote down the results.
5. There stretches a cobweb shining in the sun.
6. The fox, having never seen the lion, met with him out of passion and remained barely alive. (I.A. Krylov)
7. Suddenly waking up in the middle of the night, he jumped out of bed in fright. (There are six ways you can place commas here.)
8. Having collected some dead wood in the sometimes cold winter, the old man, withered all over from need and labor, dragged himself slowly to his smoky shack, groaning and groaning under a heavy load of firewood. (I.A. Krylov)
9. The forest, unknown to the rays in the fog of the hidden sun, rustled all around. (A.S. Pushkin)
10. Hot resin glistened on the trunks of cherries pecked by sparrows. (A. Gaidar)
11. Small spruce trees scattered here and there along the birch tree with their coarse eternal greenery unpleasantly reminded of winter. (L.N. Tolstoy)
12. A student who never asks anything is unlikely to be one of the best students in the class.
13. According to hunters, the crane is a strong bird.
14. Uncle Yakov and Zina went to meet him.
15. Uncle Zina and Yakov went to meet him.
16. He also aged, but not too fat and a little flabby. (I.S. Turgenev)
17. Ivan put the horn to his lips, picked them up in a special way, pouted, blushed and began to play. (A.S. Serafimovich)
18. It was not the smug sophistication of an experienced talker that inspired his impatient improvisation. (I.S. Turgenev)
19. Then she sat down on the bench and again looked in the mirror and began to straighten her braids on her head. (N.V. Gogol)
20. In days Patriotic War In besieged Leningrad, sheltering the magnificent monuments of the city, the pride of the Russian people, from enemy shelling, we recalled Pushkin’s majestic poems. (From the newspaper)
21. Many people find that there is no content in “Eugene Onegin” because the novel does not end with anything. In fact, there is no death here, either from consumption or from a dagger, or the wedding of this privileged end to all novels, stories and dramas. (V.G. Belinsky)
22. Tell me who your friends are and I will tell you who you are.
23. Pyotr Ivanovich knew that he would not achieve anything and stopped bothering.
24. Pyotr Ivanovich knew that he would achieve nothing and that there was nothing more to bother about.
25. As usual, frosts began in December.
26. By the way the curly heads of the pine trees glowed red, it was guessed that the sun had risen and that it would be a clear frosty day.
27. I regretted that I had in vain destroyed a flower that was good in its place and threw it away. (L.N. Tolstoy)
28. Pavel Petrovich tried not to look at Bazarov, he still didn’t want to make peace with him, he was ashamed of his arrogance, his failure, he was ashamed of the whole business he had started, although he felt that it could not have ended in a more favorable way. (I.S. Turgenev)
29. Hadji Murat paused; not only did he never interrupt his speech, but he always waited to see if the interlocutor would say something else, then he raised his head, shook off his hat, and smiled. (L.N. Tolstoy)
30. The figure of Zherkov, familiar to the residents of Pavlograd with his shoulders raised high, he had recently left their regiment and drove up to the regimental commander. (L.N. Tolstoy)

83. snow put a comma.

And their curls are as white as morning snow over the glorious head of the mound. (A.S. Pushkin)

84. Find out what will change if you cross out the first comma in the given passage from the work of A.S. Pushkin.

The booths and women flash past,
Boys, benches, lanterns,
Palaces, gardens, monasteries,
Bukharians, sleighs, vegetable gardens,
Merchants, shacks, men,
Boulevards, towers, Cossacks,
Pharmacies, fashion stores,
Balconies, lions on the gates
And a flock of jackdaws on crosses.

85. Explain what will happen to the meaning of the sentence if a third comma is placed after the word faces.

As soon as I fix my memory on one of them, the faces of Mikheev, Egorov, Maksimov, Pavlov will appear before me from the darkness, as if alive. (I.A. Goncharov)

86. Indicate what will change in the sentence if after the word director put a comma.

Director Ivan Ivanovich and Zina went to the cinema. They bought two tickets.

87. Find out whether a comma is needed in the sentences below. Prove that the punctuation marks are correct. State what will happen to a sentence if it allows double punctuation.

1. The brothers, Petya and Misha(,) were waiting for him.
2. The sisters, Petya and Mitya(,) were waiting for him.
3. It is raining for the last(,) hundredth time.
4. One can only admire the unprecedented resilience of the Soviet troops who defended Sevastopol(,) and the city’s residents.
5. My poems! Living witnesses(,) for the world of shed tears! You will be born in fatal moments of spiritual dreams. (N.A. Nekrasov)
6. As a hunter(,) visiting the Zhizdrinsky district, I came across a field and met one Kaluga small landowner, Polutykin. (I.S. Turgenev)
7. Prince Andrei, standing somewhat behind, peered at them (,) and, wanting to ask the adjutant for a telescope, turned to him. (L.N. Tolstoy)
8. To Klim(,)’s surprise, a strange feeling was sometimes mixed in. (A.M. Gorky)
9. To Klim(,)’s surprise, he was overcome by a strange feeling.
10. Verb look perfect form, therefore(,) it is clear(,) that the present participle is not formed from it.
11. Verb look perfect form, therefore (,) it is clear (,) the present participle is not formed from it.
12. I am sure that he is already healthy(,) and will come in one of these days.
13. I am sure that he is already healthy(,) and he will come in one of these days.
14. I am sure that he is already healthy(,) and that he will come in one of these days.
15. The shafts rustle and foam, and above me the eagles scream (,) and the forest murmurs. (A.S. Pushkin)
16. You listen to the roar of thunder, and the voice of the storm and waves, and the cry of rural shepherds (,) and send an answer. (A.S. Pushkin)
17. Suddenly lightning flashed(,) and thunder roared.

88. Indicate how the punctuation in the sentences below could be changed and what would happen to the meaning of the sentences.

I see gardens and villages, beautiful, free people.
A lame Arina approached the interlocutors.
I must say, this is very good.

89. Come up with or find sentences for the following constructions in this book.

    A sentence with a participle phrase, where the participle does not appear at the beginning of the phrase.

    A sentence with two adverbial phrases relating to one predicate, with one phrase at the beginning of the sentence and the other in the middle or at the end.

    A sentence with two predicates and gerunds or participles, such that a conjunction could be placed And before and after the participial phrase. ( Example:He left the outskirts, looking back at his hut for the last time, and quickly walked along the dusty road. He left the outskirts and, looking back at his hut for the last time, quickly walked along the dusty road.)

    A sentence with two predicates and between them a subordinate clause relating to the first predicate.

    A sentence with two predicates and between them a subordinate clause relating to the second predicate.

    Two sentences composed of each other and between them a subordinate clause related to the first.

    Two sentences composed together and between them a subordinate clause related to the second.

    A sentence with a participial phrase and a subordinate clause related to this phrase.

    A sentence with an adverbial clause and a subordinate clause related to this clause.

    A complex sentence with a participial clause in a subordinate clause.

    A complex sentence with an adverbial clause in a subordinate clause.

90. Complete the sentences below.

The ship's whistle sounded and...
The ship's whistle sounded, and...

91. In students' essays, there are frequent errors in sentences when placing punctuation marks. This leads to the fact that the meaning contained in the sentences becomes unclear to the reader, and the logical connections between sentences are broken. Below are excerpts from essays and presentations by schoolchildren of different classes. Correct errors in punctuation so that the phrases are logically connected and clearly express the author’s thoughts.

1. Oblomov is afraid that if all his dreams and dreams turn into reality. This reality must definitely affect him.
2. The working day was over, blacksmith Ivan Boyko was still in the workshop, constructing a machine for making engraving washers.
3. The referee repeatedly stopped the game. The game took place in continuous bickering, playing with the referee.
4. From afar we could hear screams and laughter of children swimming happily in the pond.
5. Here he is walking somewhere, striding widely, looking at the ground, hiding his hands clenched into a fist behind his back, as if carrying an invisible weight on his shoulders.
6. The participial phrase standing after the next word is separated by commas.
7. She walked around the room with her arms crossed, sad and thoughtful.
8. Introductory words are those words that, without being members of the proposal, are inserted into a sentence to express the speaker’s attitude to the thought being expressed.
9. She loved Lopukhov as a liberator from her mother’s yoke.
10. You can already feel something soft, warm, fragrant in the air.
11. In 1933, in connection with my mother’s move to the city of N., I moved too.
12. The upper woodshed, naturally, in front of the hut seems like a comfortable mansion.
13. This can be explained by only one circumstance.
14. This can and will happen.
15. The dog was seriously frightened, and, not wanting to show his fear, barked loudly.
16. But this encouraging fact is connected with another sad phenomenon.
17. The car drove out onto a flat road, and having assumed its previous position, Comrade. Buriev indulged in sweet dreams.
18. The soldiers quickly approached the forest, breaking up into small detachments, and the enemy retreated.
19. Those who did not want to surrender mercilessly were destroyed.
20. Not understanding what this could mean and being lost in conjecture, Matveev decided to turn to the leader of the expedition for clarification.
21. Out of pity, one monk accepted a mountain boy, who was being carried by a Russian general, as a prisoner.
22. He noticed that she was no longer there only when she had left long ago.
23. The city takes a break from the heat in the evening and at night, when colder air flows down from the surrounding mountains. Thus, Stalinabad is ventilated every day.
24. During the period summer holidays When students are free, it is necessary to organize excursions to the mountains and valleys as often as possible.
25. He was the middle ground between them - an intelligent, lively, pleasant and decent person.
26. As soon as the hero’s car stopped at the factory yard, exciting news spread throughout the entire territory: “Chkalov has arrived”!

92. Determine what mistakes the students made when quoting passages from the works of Russian writers. Please fix these errors. Point out what changes in the meaning of the sentences if you read them as written in the students' works.

1. Sleep, lonely friend. Your old master outlived you at the funeral feast not too long ago.
2. Sensing it, the road horse snores and the traveler is cautious.
3. Along the blue waves of the ocean, only the stars will sparkle in the sky.
4. Nenila died on someone else’s land. The rogue neighbor has a hundredfold harvest.
5. Goes to the right - starts a song, tells a fairy tale to the left.
6. In the morning, he (the spider) descended more than once along a thin web, like a diver on a rope to some larva.
7. The dove coos, flying over the roof, young rooks scream...
8. The frog in the meadow, having seen Ox, decided to equal him in stature: she was envious.

To remember better

93. The following phrases are constructed in such a way that they use the names of punctuation marks and after these names there are corresponding punctuation marks. Notice the intonation with which these sentences are pronounced.

    In the middle of a complex sentence it is often placed comma, and at the end it is put dot.

    At the end of an independent sentence there is no comma, A dot.

    Between homogeneous members the student placed commas, commas, commas, and at the end of the sentence I put point.

    IN following cases is put colon: before enumeration, before direct speech, before a non-union causal sentence.

    It’s not for nothing that it’s placed here colon: after all, what follows is a non-union causal sentence.

    The teacher said while explaining the production colons:“This sign is placed before direct speech.”

Dash– a punctuation mark that is often used in the absence of a connective.
Dash put for display close connection words dash- in place of the missing word.

- You put question mark ?
- No, I just put point.
- And imagine, I put Exclamation point!
- And I doubted: maybe ellipsis...


94. V. Veresaev says in his “Memoirs”: “I knew “Borodino” by heart. One of the stanzas read like this:

We retreated in silence for a long time.
It was a shame - they were expecting a fight.
The old people grumbled:
“What are we? For winter apartments?
Don't you dare, commanders?
Tear other people's uniforms?
Oh, Russian bayonets!

Remember how it was said by M.Yu. Lermontov. What sense does it make if you read it the way V.V. told it? Veresaev?




78. The following sentences have incorrect punctuation. As a result, meaningless expressions appeared, contradictory to reality or unclear, unclear in meaning.
If you place punctuation marks correctly, then each sentence will be correct in terms of meaning.

A. He has twenty fingers: five on each hand, ten on his feet - twenty in total. Everything is in order here: both anatomy and arithmetic.

B. Our collective farm has a lot of cattle, horses, and pigs.

IN. Hazel grouse, hunters say, love to doze in trees.

G. As the sun set, a herd passed by bleating and roaring.(A.P. Chekhov)

D. Olga was sitting on a bench in the park, waiting for her friend.(That's how important the comma is!)

E. There should be a semicolon somewhere instead of a comma. But where exactly? There are five possible solutions here:

1) Only Vanya is here; Misha, Masha, Polya, Kostya, Dima, Nastya have not arrived yet.

2) Only Vanya and Misha are here. Masha, Kolya, Kostya, Dima, Nastya have not arrived yet.

79. A. In the left example, Petya and Mitya are comrades, but in the right example, Petya and Mitya are not comrades (maybe brothers). You can also write it like this: His comrades, Petya and Mitya, were waiting for him– then again we will talk about comrades Petya and Mitya.
Moreover, in the right example the word comrades can act as an appeal. Then Petya and Mitya were expecting someone, but who Petya and Mitya are and what their relationship is with each other is unknown.

B. In the left example, street houses are flooded with light, and in the right example, houses on the street are flooded with light.

B. In the left example there are hundreds and even thousands of friends, and in the right example there are significantly more than hundreds of thousands.

G. In Turgenev, the darkness rose in huge clouds, and with the changed punctuation it turns out that the darkness was approaching in huge clubs.

D. In the left example the pronoun their points to children, on the right - to parents. Of course, without context, one cannot say that this or that other sentence is correct.

E. In the left example the letter e is written not only in these three words, taken as an example, but also in others (the ellipsis here means the same thing as etc., etc.), in the right - only in these words. Students sometimes, when answering a rule with examples, read a list of examples with a dot instead of an ellipsis.

G. In the left example there is one picture consisting of three parts, in the right there are three separate pictures, although connected by the unity of the theme.

80. motionless, mute refers to the word fringed, that’s why there is a comma after this word. If the author wanted to attribute motionless, dumb by the way life, he shouldn't have put a comma after fringed.

81. Placing a comma before a conjunction And due to the fact that there are complex sentences here.

In the first case here I listened and it seemed to me– two independent sentences, so here before And a comma is needed.

In the second case, the union And connects two subordinate clauses: That the general is very dissatisfied with... And what does he require... between two subordinate clauses related to the same main clause, before And There is no comma. But the point is that here, with the subordinate clause that the general is very dissatisfied with there is also a subordinate clause that he was not informed about this, and after it you need a comma. In fact, eliminate this subordinate clause and write: The adjutant told the prince that the general, having learned about Hadji Murad’s departure, was very dissatisfied with this and that he demanded that...- and here before And no comma required.

82. In these examples, punctuation marks should be placed in such a way that the rules of grammar are not violated and the idea that the author wanted to express is clear. Here are these sentences with correctly placed punctuation marks:

1. Misha often sat in the library, leafing through magazines and taking notes.
2. Misha often sat in the library, leafing through magazines and taking notes.
3. Natasha worked in the laboratory, carefully selecting reagents, monitoring the progress of the reaction and recording the results.
4. Natasha worked in the laboratory, carefully selected reagents and, monitoring the progress of the reaction, wrote down the results.
5. There stretches a cobweb there, glistening in the sun.
6. The fox, not having seen the lion's birth, having met him, was left barely alive from her passions.(I.A. Krylov)
7. Commas can be placed in six ways:

One comma:

    Suddenly waking up, he jumped out of bed in the middle of the night in fright.

    Suddenly waking up in the middle of the night, he jumped out of bed in fright.

    Suddenly waking up in the middle of the night in fright, he jumped out of bed.

Two commas:

    Suddenly, waking up, he jumped out of bed in the middle of the night in fright.

    Suddenly, waking up in the middle of the night, he jumped out of bed in fright.

    Suddenly, waking up in the middle of the night in fright, he jumped out of bed.

8. Having picked up some cold dead wood in the winter, the old man, completely withered from need and labor, dragged himself slowly towards his smoky shack, groaning and groaning under the heavy load of firewood.(I.A. Krylov) Notice the outdated form winter and obsolete accent needs.
9. The forest, unknown to the rays of the hidden sun in the fog, was noisy all around.(A.S. Pushkin)
10. No signs are needed.
11. No signs are needed.
12. No signs are needed.
13. The crane, according to hunters, is a strong bird.
14–15. The fourteenth sentence can be left without punctuation (then Yakov - uncle), but you can also put a comma after the word uncle(Then Yakov is not an uncle). In the fifteenth sentence after the word uncle need a comma: Zina anyway not uncle.
16. He also aged, but not too much, he gained weight and became a little flabby.(I.S. Turgenev)
17. Ivan put the horn to his lips, picked them up in a special way, pouted, blushed and began to play.(A.S. Serafimovich)
18. It was not the smug sophistication of an experienced talker - it was his impatient improvisation that breathed inspiration.(I.S. Turgenev)
19. Gogol has no commas here. Here, then, there is not a connecting connection between three homogeneous predicates, but a connecting connection between two homogeneous predicates and one more predicate.
20. During the days of the Patriotic War in besieged Leningrad, sheltering the magnificent monuments of the city - the pride of the Russian people - from enemy shelling, we recalled Pushkin’s majestic poems.(“Literary newspaper”, 1949) You can put a comma after the word wars.
21. Many people find that there is no content in Eugene Onegin, because the novel does not end with anything. In fact, there is no death here (neither from consumption, nor from a dagger), nor wedding - this privileged end of all novels, stories and dramas...(V.G. Belinsky) There are two homogeneous terms here no death, no wedding, and the first of them includes homogeneous terms neither from consumption nor from the dagger, Therefore, it is difficult to do without brackets (or without two dashes equivalent to brackets) here.
22. Tell me who your friends are and I will tell you who you are.
23. Pyotr Ivanovich knew that he would achieve nothing, and stopped bothering.
24. Pyotr Ivanovich knew that he would achieve nothing and that there was no point in bothering anymore.
25. As usual, frosts began in December, or even: As usual in December, frosts began. The meaning in these two cases is not exactly the same.
26. By the way the curly heads of the pines glowed red, one could guess that the sun had risen and that it would be a clear, frosty day.
27. I regretted that I had in vain destroyed a flower that was good in its place, and threw it away.(L.N. Tolstoy)
28. Pavel Petrovich tried not to look at Bazarov: he still did not want to make peace with him, he was ashamed of his arrogance, his failure, ashamed of the whole business he had started, although he felt that it could not have ended in a more favorable way.(I.S. Turgenev)
29. Hadji Murad paused (he not only never interrupted a speech, but always waited to see if his interlocutor would say anything else), then raised his head, shook his hat back, and smiled.(L.N. Tolstoy)
30. Familiar to the people of Pavlograd, with his shoulders raised high, the figure of Zherkov (he had recently left their regiment) drove up to the regimental commander.(L.N. Tolstoy)

83. If after the word snow put a comma, it turns out that their curls are fluttering over the head of the mound (bad poetic image).

84. If you cross out the first comma in the above passage, it turns out that women, boys, shops etc. flash by booths. Word booths will then not be one of the subjects, but an addition, with a preposition by.

85. If you place a third comma after the word faces, then we will not be talking about Mikheev, Egor, Maximov, Pavlov, but about Mikheev, Egorov, Maksimov, Pavlov. Genitives plural proper names will become nominative cases singular surnames.

86. If after the word director If you add a comma, the meaning of the phrase will change. It turns out that you need to buy another ticket.

87. 1–2. In the first sentence, a comma is needed if Petya and Mitya are brothers; if Petya and Mitya are different boys, then there is no need for a comma. There is no need for a comma in the second sentence, since Petya and Mitya, of course, are not sisters.
3. This sentence says that it is raining for the last, hundredth time. A comma is needed. Without the comma, the meaning would be comical: the last rain has fallen for the hundredth time.
4. With a comma, the meaning will be this: to bow to the steadfastness of the Soviet troops and the steadfastness of the residents of Sevastopol. Without comma: Soviet troops defended Sevastopol and its inhabitants.
5. A comma is not needed, otherwise the meaning changes, and living witnesses will become an appeal.
6. Turgenev does not have this comma, therefore, as a hunter is included in the participial phrase. With a comma the meaning would be: While visiting Zhizdrinsky district, I became involved as a hunter...
7. A comma is not needed, since it is a conjunction And connects not two sentences, but two predicates of one sentence.
8–9. In the eighth example there is no need for a comma: there is no introductory word, but an addition. In the ninth example, a comma is needed.
10–11. In the tenth example, of the two commas placed in brackets, only the second is needed: here It's clear– predicate of the main sentence. In the eleventh example, both commas are needed: here It's clear- introductory word.
12–14. In all three sentences, a comma is not needed, although for different reasons: in the twelfth sentence the conjunction And connects two predicates, and in the thirteenth and fourteenth – two subordinate clauses.
15. The shafts rustle and foam, and the eagles scream above me, and the forest murmurs.(A.S. Pushkin) Obviously, the poet attributes the circumstance above me only to the predicate shouting and not to the predicate grumbles.
16. The comma in brackets is not needed, since the last conjunction And connects two predicates, and does not continue a series of previous conjunctions.
17. Lightning may flash unexpectedly, but after lightning thunder is no longer unexpected. Therefore here suddenly refer only to the first sentence and a comma before the conjunction And needed.

88. In the first sentence, you can cross out the first comma, then of people will not be a direct object in accusative case to the predicate, and the definition in genitive case to nouns gardens And villages

In the second sentence you can take the word limping into commas and thereby turn it from an adjective into a gerund.

In the third sentence you can after say insert a colon and thereby radically rearrange the relationship of words.

91. The sentences given in the assignment are punctuated incorrectly. Below are these suggestions with correct arrangement punctuation marks. Sometimes instructions are simply given on how punctuation marks should be placed.

1. Oblomov is afraid that if all his dreams and dreams turn into reality, this reality must definitely affect him.
2. The first comma must be replaced with a period.
3. A comma is not needed. The writer mistakenly accepted playing with the judge behind participial. The result is a comical meaning: the bickering plays with the judge.
4. A comma is not needed: the participial phrase here comes before the word being defined. A comma would be needed with this word order: From a distance you could hear the screams and laughter of children swimming happily in the pond.
5. After fist comma missing.
6. After words comma missing.
7.Arms crossed across the room - nonsense. The nonsense resulted from the omission of a comma after hands.
8. After which The participial phrase begins, a comma is needed.
9. The second comma is not needed.
10. The first comma is not needed. Probably the writer has memorized without understanding the rule that “before What a comma is added."
11. You need either two commas (in 1933, due to my mother’s move to the city of N, I moved too), or none.
12. The writer accepted Seems for the introductory word. Comma after Seems not necessary here.
13. No commas needed: May be This is not an introductory word.
14. Here you can see a spelling error: in the word will happen missing letter b. But you can, leaving this spelling, correct the punctuation: take Maybe in commas.
15. The first comma is not needed: a conjunction connects two predicates in one sentence.
16. It turns out that a joyful fact is a sad phenomenon. After others a comma is needed. Then the intonation and meaning will be different.
17. A comma is missing before the participial phrase.
18. It is unknown who split into small detachments - soldiers or the enemy; grammatically speaking, it is not known which sentence contains participial turnover- as part of the first or second. One of the commas must be replaced with a semicolon (or period). Which one depends on what the writer wants to say.
19. Those who did not want to surrender were mercilessly destroyed.
20. Before the union And comma missing.
21. The second comma is not needed.
22. After No a comma is needed.
23. Before as if extra comma.
24. Before extra comma.
25. Missing dash before smart.
26. As soon as the hero’s car stopped at the factory yard, exciting news spread throughout the territory: “Chkalov has arrived!”(Maybe you still haven’t noticed what the error is? Take a closer look!)

92. When quoting passages from the works of Russian writers, the students placed punctuation marks incorrectly and therefore distorted the meaning of the sentences.

1. U A.S. Pushkin's words the funeral feast is not far away refer to the following words: It’s not you who will stain the feather grass under the ax...
2. U A.S. Pushkin wrote: Smelling it, the road horse snores - and the cautious traveler rushes up the mountain...
3. U M.Yu. Lermontov wrote: Along the blue waves of the ocean, only the stars sparkle in the sky, a lonely ship rushes...
4. N.A. Nekrasov we read: Nenila died. On someone else's land, the rogue neighbor has a hundredfold harvest.
5. In the work of A.S. Pushkin’s “Ruslan and Lyudmila” it is written: He goes to the right - he starts a song, to the left - he tells a fairy tale.
6. In the work of N.A. Nekrasov's comma is after the word diver. If this does not happen, then it turns out that it is not the spider that descends to the larva, but a diver.
In the morning, he (the spider) descended more than once along a thin web, like a diver on a rope, to some larva.
7. In the work of N.A. Nekrasov “Peasant Children” is written: The dove coos; Flying over the roof, young rooks scream...
8. In the fable of I.A. Krylov’s “The Frog and the Ox” it is written: The frog, having seen Ox in the meadow, decided to equal him in stature: she was envious. Otherwise, it turns out that the Frog, being in the meadow, saw Ox, and Krylov writes that the Frog saw Ox walking in the meadow.

94. When reading by heart a poem by M.Yu. Lermontov “Borodino” V.V. Veresaev misread the last lines, turning the words Russian bayonets into circulation and breaking the last two lines into two sentences: one is interrogative, the other is exclamatory. These lines sound in the poem as follows.

Don't you dare, commanders?
Aliens tear up their uniforms
About Russian bayonets?

(We are finishing the publication, but we hope to return to the author’s biography)

(Wolf in the kennel)

The second intrusion of these words into modern dictionaries: “addressing an elderly man acquaintance” and “addressing an elderly woman acquaintance” - carried out with obsolete marks. and vernacular and is illustrated by a quote from Krylov:

“Great, godfather Thaddeus!” - “Great, godfather Egor!” -

“So, how are you, buddy?”

(Two men)

In the fable “The Dragonfly and the Ant” we apparently encounter the same meaning (“Don’t leave me, dear godfather”).

The third meaning of the word godfather: “About a friend who provides patronage in the service” - has the mark iron.

From Krylov:

Would you like some hay? Here's the whole stack:

I am ready to serve my godfather.

(Wolf and Fox)

The same dictionary notes that kuma is used as an “epithet” for Russian foxes folk tales", given the tag of folk poet. and an illustration from Krylov’s fable is given (2, p. 391):

The hungry godfather Fox climbed into the garden;

The bunches of grapes in it were red.

(Fox and Grapes)

The dictionary of 1847 records only two meanings of the words kum and kuma (which in modern language are reduced to one meaning): “godfather in relation to the parents of the godson and godmother; the child's father in relation to the godfather or godmother." Second and third modern meanings, entrenched in the language, are apparently firmly connected with Krylov’s fables.

Krylov also encountered the expressive godmother and godmother, which in the 1947 Dictionary were given with the same meanings as godfather and godfather, but had a special stylistic mark - caress. In fables, gossip is often found:

The Cat got amused and full,

And he goes to visit the gossip...

(Pike and Cat)

A crow from the roof looks at all this anxiety calmly, cleaning its nose.

- What about you, gossip, are you on your way? -

The Chicken screams to her from the cart.

(Crow and Chicken)

Already in Old Russian language word hut (khyzina) was a designation for a modest, often poor dwelling. This word is usually accompanied by a definition emphasizing poor quality housing: fragile, wretched. A hut is often contrasted with a rich home:

Look, do you see the magnificent palaces?

Are those miserable huts over there?

(Gout and the Spider)

The hut has a competitor: smoky, squalid shack :

Having collected dead wood sometimes cold, winter,

An old man, completely withered from need and labor,

Dragged slowly towards his

Smoky shack..

(Peasant and Death)

Word shack (Old Russian alachuga, olachuga) borrowed from the Turkic alacuk “tent, felt tent”, “hut made of bark, branches”. At first, in Russian chronicles this is what Tatar dwellings are called. Then this word began to be used to describe a small temporary structure for housing, a kind of hut: “In the city, all the huts burned out, because they were in no hurry to build a mansion after the spring fire.” Is there a difference between a hut and a shack? First in poetic language This full synonyms. Just like a hut and a hut, a shack denotes the hero’s habitat. And yet, the hut, becoming archaic and outdated, retains its picturesqueness in poetic language, and the hut turns into the unpleasant prose of life. If the word hgokina is outdated, then shack - with the same meaning of squalid, nondescript housing - is still used today.

The ancient Russian word has also been forgotten kolimag, kolimog "tent, cart." It comes from the Mongolian halimaq “Kalmyk”. Once upon a time it was known to our ancestors along with its derivatives: kolimagotvorets, kolimagotvets - these were the names of those who made tents. “I will go to my carts, I will go to the camp.” Apparently, these tent-carts were not very comfortable, because in modern language the word rattling cart refers to an uncomfortable, slow-moving cart, an old car (synonym: sob). (9, p. 111)

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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What mistake, leading to a distortion of meaning, was made when arranging punctuation marks. 1. He has twenty-five fingers: ten on each hand, only twenty on his feet. 2. There are a lot of cattle on our collective farm: horses, pigs. 3. Hazel grouse say: hunters like to doze in trees. 4. When the sun set with bleating and roaring, a herd passed by.

5 slide

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A. Comrades Petya and Mitya were waiting for him. His comrades, Petya and Mitya, were waiting for him. B. The houses and streets are filled with light. The houses and streets are flooded with light. V. They, the children, were taken to the camp. Their children were taken to the camp. G. In the following words the letter e is written in the suffix: hammer, leaf, flower... In the following words the letter e is written in the suffix: hammer, leaf, flower. 1 point for each correct answer.

6 slide

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1. I listened, and it seemed to me that from the other bank of the river, which was very narrow here, the careful pattering of hooves was rushing towards us. (V.G. Korolenko) 2. The adjutant told the prince that the general, having learned about Hadji Murad’s exit, was very dissatisfied that he was not informed about this, and that he demands that Hadji Murad be brought to him immediately . (L.N. Tolstoy) 2 points for each explanation

7 slide

Slide description:

The placement of a comma before the conjunction is due to the fact that here complex sentences. In the first case, here I listened, and it seemed to me that there were two independent sentences, so here a comma is needed before. In the second case, the conjunction connects two subordinate clauses: That the general is very dissatisfied with what... and that he demands... between two subordinate clauses relating to the same main clause, no comma is placed before or. But the fact is that here, with the subordinate clause that the general is very dissatisfied, there is also a subordinate clause that he was not informed about this, and after it a comma is needed. In fact, eliminate this subordinate clause, write: The adjutant told the prince that the general, having learned about Hadji Murad’s departure, was very dissatisfied with this and that he demands that ... - and here there is no need for a comma before.

8 slide

Slide description:

1. What will change in the sentence if you put a comma after the word snow. And their curls are white, like the morning snow over the glorious head of the mound. (A.S. Pushkin) 2. What will change if you cross out the first comma in the placed excerpt from the work of A.S. Pushkin. Booths, women, Boys, shops, lanterns flash past, Palaces, gardens, monasteries, Bukharians, sleighs, vegetable gardens, Merchants, shacks, men, Boulevards, towers, Cossacks, Pharmacies, fashion stores, Balconies, lions on the gates And a flock of jackdaws on crosses.

Slide 9

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3. What happens to the meaning of the sentence if a third comma is placed after the word person. As soon as I fix my memory on any of them, the faces of Mikheev, Egorov, Maximov, Pavlov will appear before me from the darkness, as if alive. (I.A. Goncharov) 4. What will change in the sentence if you put a comma after the word director. Director Ivan Ivanovich and Zina went to the cinema. They bought two tickets. 2 points for each explanation

10 slide

Slide description:

1. If you put a comma after the word snow, it turns out that their curls are fluttering over the head of the mound (bad poetic image). 2. If you cross out the first comma in the given passage, it turns out that women, boys, shops, etc. flash past the booth. The word booth will then not be one of the subjects, but an addition, with the preposition by. 3. If you put a third comma after the word person, then we will not be talking about Mikhey, Egor, Maksim, Pavlov, but about Mikheev, Egorov, Maksimov, Pavlov. Genitive plurals of proper names will become nominative cases singular surnames 4. If you put a comma after the word director, the meaning of the phrase will change. It turns out that you need to buy another ticket.

12 slide

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Commas can be placed in six ways: One comma: Suddenly waking up, he jumped out of bed in the middle of the night in fright. Suddenly waking up in the middle of the night, he jumped out of bed in fright. Suddenly waking up in the middle of the night in fright, he jumped out of bed. Two commas: Suddenly, waking up, he jumped out of bed in the middle of the night in fright. Suddenly, waking up in the middle of the night, he jumped out of bed in fright. Suddenly, waking up in the middle of the night in fright, he jumped out of bed.

Slide 13

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2. Having collected dead wood in the sometimes cold winter, the old man, withered all over from need and labor, dragged himself slowly to his smoky shack, groaning and groaning under a heavy load of firewood. (I.A. Krylov) 3. Many people find that there is no content in “Eugene Onegin” because the novel does not end with anything. In fact, there is no death here, either from consumption or from a dagger, or the wedding of this privileged end to all novels, stories and dramas. (V.G. Belinsky) 4. By the way the curly heads of the pine trees glowed red, it was guessed that the sun had risen and that it would be a clear frosty day.

Slide 14

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2. Having collected dead wood in the sometimes cold winter, the old man, all withered from need and labor, dragged himself slowly to his smoky shack, groaning and groaning under the heavy load of firewood. (I.A. Krylov) Notice the outdated form of winter and the outdated emphasis on need. 3. Many people find that there is no content in Eugene Onegin, because the novel does not end with anything. In fact, there is neither death here (neither from consumption nor from a dagger), nor wedding - this privileged end of all novels, stories and dramas... (V.G. Belinsky) There are two homogeneous members here, neither death nor wedding , and the first of them includes homogeneous members neither from consumption nor from dagger, so it is difficult to do without brackets (or without two dashes equivalent to brackets) here. 4. By the way the curly heads of the pine trees glowed red, one could guess that the sun had risen and that it would be a clear, frosty day. 1 point for each sign

15 slide

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HOW CAN I CHANGE THE PUNCTUATION IN THE SENTENCES BELOW AND WHAT HAPPENS TO THE MEANING OF THE SENTENCES? I see gardens and villages, beautiful, free people. A lame Arina approached the interlocutors. I must say, this is very good. 2 points for each sentence

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Slide description:

In the first sentence, you can cross out the first comma, then people will not be a direct object in the accusative case to the predicate, but a definition in the genitive case of the nouns gardens and villages. In the second sentence, you can take the word lame into commas and thereby turn it from an adjective into a gerund. In the third sentence, you can put a colon after the word and thereby radically rearrange the relationship of words.