Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Life Selected Sayings of Paulo Coelho. quotes by paolo coelho

Evolution is constantly taking place on earth - we, nature, the world are changing. The earth is alive, its soul trembles when we feel bad. The earthly Soul protects and preserves us.

It's stupid to judge another - you'll waste it in vain mental strength. You won’t achieve any sense - you will turn others against yourself, you will lose peace. If you cross the invisible line of the depth of your suffering, you can imperceptibly lose the meaning of your being.

Crazy people live in their secluded world, not letting anyone in. According to the degree of insanity, these types of people are called schizophrenics, blissful, psychopaths or maniacs. - Paulo Coelho

Life guides you on the path of destiny. So that you don’t get lost, he throws you pieces of luck, rides on the wheel of fortune or demonstrates an attraction - luck.

Strong love is strong in weakness. Real passion takes precedence over jealousy, heals spiritual wounds, eases suffering, relieves pain, dissolving in beautiful love.

Paulo Coelho: I am a tiny particle of your destiny, which will invariably collect its fragments around the planet, pulling me to your heart.

Responsibility over feelings requires reflection. Shifting your mistakes to others is pointless.

Don't call me a body that has a soul. I feel like a soul, whose shell is a body.

Continuation beautiful quotes Paulo Coelho read on the pages:

I sank to the bottom of my own soul and now I know that there is much, much more beauty in this life.

A person must choose, not accept his fate.

Instead of buying something that you would like, I give you mine, which actually belongs to me. This is a gift. This is a sign of respect for the person who is next to me. This is a request to understand how important it is that he is next to me. I, of my own free will, from a pure heart, give you an object that contains a particle of myself.

If one leaves, then in order to make room for another.

When you love, you can neither stand still like the desert, nor rush around the world like the wind, nor look at everything from afar, like the sun. Love is the power that transforms and improves the Soul. When I penetrated it for the first time, it seemed perfect to me. But then I saw that she was a reflection of all of us, that her passions, her wars, were seething in her too. It is we who feed it, and the land on which we live will become better or worse, depending on whether we become better or worse. This is where the power of love intervenes, because when you love, you strive to become better.

And when the paths of these two converge, when their eyes meet, both the past and the future lose all meaning, and there is only this one minute and an incredible confidence that everything in the world was written by the same hand. This hand awakens love in the soul and searches for a twin soul for anyone who works, rests or looks for treasures. Otherwise, the dreams with which we overwhelm the human race would not have the slightest meaning.

She will never find what she is looking for until she can express what she thinks.

The secret of happiness is to see everything that is wonderful and glorious in the world, and never forget about two tablespoons of oil in a teaspoon.

It just so happened that in the year of her fifteenth birthday, Maria, in addition to what she learned - you need to kiss with your mouth open, and love brings only suffering, made another discovery. Masturbation.

When the same people are around you - ... - then it seems to happen by itself that they enter your life. And having entered your life, after a while they want to change it. And if you do not become the way they want to see you, they are offended. After all, everyone knows exactly how to live in the world. Only my own life for some reason no one can fix it.

To meet with suffering, no theater is needed - life presents us with this opportunity at almost every step.

Life is interesting because in it dreams can come true.

Life loves to escalate darkness in order to later shine brighter with its own bright side. - Paulo Coelho

Desire is not what you see, but what you imagine.

One happy day is almost a miracle.

People fight to live, not to commit suicide.

Love, indeed, like nothing else, is able from time to time to turn a person's whole life upside down. But in pursuit of love comes something else, which also forces a person to embark on a path that he had never thought of before. This is something called desperation. And if love changes a person quickly, then despair - even faster.

Maybe this is just a legend that you need to believe in order for at least some meaning to appear in human life.

The deepest, most sincere desire is the desire to be close to someone. Further already - reactions: a man and a woman come into play, but what precedes this - mutual attraction - cannot be explained. It is desire in its purest form.

When you love, you can become anyone. When you love, you absolutely do not need to understand what is happening, because everything happens inside us, so that a person is quite capable of turning into the wind.

For children, time passes more slowly than for adults.

If God's blessing is not accepted, it turns into a curse. I don’t want anything more from life, and you make me discover unknown distances in it. I look at them, realize my unheard-of possibilities and feel worse than before. For now I know that I can have everything, and I do not need it.

When you want something, the whole Universe will contribute to making your desire come true.

We are insane, as everyone who discovers love is insane. Love is the great madness of man and woman.

Gain strength, as befits a warrior before the battle. But do not forget that your heart is where the treasure is. And they must be found, because only in this way everything that you understood and felt on the way to them will make sense. - Alchemist

A dream is a very convenient thing, because we are not at all obliged to realize what we dream about. We are freed from risk, from the bitterness of failure, from difficult moments, and when we grow old, we can always blame someone - whether parents (this happens most often), spouses, children - that we did not achieve what we wanted.

It is impossible to say to spring: Come immediately and last as long as necessary. One can only say: Come fall over me with the grace of hope and stay with me as long as possible.

Life is too short to have the luxury of living it so badly.

Only one thing makes the fulfillment of a dream impossible - it is the fear of failure.

Time does not change a person, wisdom does not change a person, and the only thing that can rebuild the structure of his thoughts and feelings is love.

Life is a spicy, dazzling game, it's a parachute jump, it's a risk, you fall, but you get back on your feet, it's what is called getting out of your skin, it's longing and annoyance if you don't succeed in doing what you intended.

Life is very fast paced; in an instant we fall from heaven into the very underworld.

The wound in my heart, no matter how severe it may be, will heal, and the ability to comprehend the beauty of life will return to me.

In general, men are a very strange tribe. Yes, they threaten, scream, they can beat, but without exception, everyone goes crazy with fear of a woman. Maybe not in front of the one who was taken as a wife, but there will certainly be one who will subjugate them and force them to fulfill all their whims. Sometimes it's the mother.

There is one great truth on this planet: no matter who you are and what you do, when you truly desire something, you will achieve it, because such a desire originated in the soul of the universe. And that is your purpose on earth.

The roles are changing. One does not exist without the other. No one can humiliate until he himself is humiliated.

Here it is, true freedom - to have what is most dear to you, but not to own it. – Eleven minutes

Let's love each other, but let's not try to own each other.

Perhaps God created the desert so that man would smile at the trees.

Life is sometimes surprisingly stingy - for whole days, weeks, months, years a person does not receive a single new sensation. And then he opens the door - and an avalanche falls on him.

And Faith exists only because people have it. - Alchemist

And don't worry too much about love - at first I didn't love your father at all, but money can buy everything in the world - including true love.

him to marry, have children, live in a house by the sea.

The loss of those I fell in love with hurt my soul before. Now I am convinced: no one can lose anyone, because no one belongs to anyone. Here it is, true freedom - to have what is most dear to you, but not to own it.

Only one thing makes the fulfillment of a dream impossible - it is the fear of failure.

Open a book on any page, look at the hands of a person, shuffle a deck of cards, follow the flight of a hawk in the sky - you will certainly find a connection with what you are living at this moment. And the point here is not so much in the things themselves, but in the fact that people, looking at them, discover for themselves a way to penetrate the Soul of the World. - Alchemist

We never realize what treasures are before us. Do you know why? Because people don't believe in treasures at all.

No one can lose anyone, because no one belongs to anyone.

Many people talk about the misfortunes of others as if they would like to help them with all their might, while in fact they secretly feel some kind of gloating, because against the background of other people's suffering they feel happier, not deprived of fate.

Some events occur in our lives in order to return us to the true path of Destiny. Others are needed in order for us to apply our knowledge in life. And some events are meant to teach us.

We are all afraid of losing what we have, whether it is our crops or life itself. But this fear passes, one has only to understand that both our history and the history of the world are written by the same hand.

All nations have this saying: Out of sight, out of mind. I say that there is nothing more false in the world. The farther from the eyes, the closer to the heart. Being in exile and in a foreign land, we lovingly cherish in memory any little thing that reminds us of our homeland. Yearning in separation from those we love, in every passer-by on the street we see dear features.

There are people who were born into the world to go through life alone, this is not bad and not good, this is life.

I am exactly the same as everyone else; I take wishful thinking and see the world not as it really is, but as I want to see it.

If what you find is made of good material, no damage will touch it. And you can safely return. If it was only a momentary flash, like the birth of a star, then when you return you will not find anything. But you saw a blinding light. So it was worth it anyway.

Every day God sends us - along with the sun - the opportunity to change everything that makes us unhappy. And every day we try to pretend that we do not notice this possibility, that it does not exist at all, that today is in everything like yesterday and indistinguishable from tomorrow. But those who look closely at their day will find this magical moment.

No matter what a person says, no matter how verbally he rejects pain, he will always find a means and a way to find it, fall in love with it, make it become a part of his life.

When I had nothing to lose, I gained everything. When I stopped being who I was, I found myself. when I knew humiliation and still continued on my way, I realized that I was free to choose my fate

The original sin is not that Eve tasted the forbidden fruit, but that she understood that Adam should share with her what she tasted. Eva was afraid to walk her paths alone, without help and support, and therefore she wanted to share with someone what she felt.

Ever since we were expelled from paradise, we either suffer, or inflict suffering on others, or watch this suffering. And you can't handle it.

What does the world want from me? So I don't risk it? To return to where she came from and not dare to say yes to life?

When a person has extracted his dream from the bottom of his soul and fed it for many years with the power of his love, not noticing the scars and scars left on his heart after a hard struggle for its realization, he suddenly begins to notice that what he has been wishing for so long is already very close. and is about to come true - perhaps tomorrow; it is at this stage that the last obstacle awaits him: the fear of fulfilling the dream of his whole life.

Now that she had nothing to lose, she was free.

What happened once may never happen again. But what happened twice will certainly happen a third time.

Stop constantly thinking that you are in the way of everyone! If someone does not like it, he will complain. And if he lacks the courage to complain, then that's his problem.

Betrayal is a blow you don't expect.

If you want something, the whole universe will contribute to your desire came true.

Men are always scared when they hear from a woman: I want to depend on you.

Here it is, true freedom - to have what is most dear to you, but not to own it.

The Marquis de Sade argued that a person can know his essence only by reaching last line. To do this, we need all our courage - and only in this way do we learn something. – Eleven minutes

She liked to imagine herself as an experienced girl who once missed her lover, failed to save passion, knows how painful the loss is - and now she decided to fight with all her might for this man, for marrying

Sex is the art of harnessing the unbridled.

Every day is good to be lived or to be the last. - Alchemist

Santiago suddenly realized that he could look at the world as a poor victim of a crook, or maybe as a brave man who went in search of adventure and treasure. There was always a choice. - Alchemist

Everyone in the world wants happiness - and no one succeeds.

Two women coexist in me: one wants to get from life all the passion, joy, adventure that it can give. And the other wants to become a slave to a quiet everyday life, a family hearth, everything that can be planned and executed. I am a mother of a family and a prostitute at the same time, and both live in my body and fight with each other.

I guessed what a man pays a woman for: he wants to be happy.

Every moment is a meeting, Santiago told his heart. - While I was looking for my treasure, all the days were illuminated by a magical light, for I knew that with every hour I was getting closer to the realization of my dream. - Alchemist

Paulo Coelho (August 24, 1947, Rio de Janeiro) is a famous Brazilian writer. He has more than 15 popular novels. Paulo was born in the city of Rio de Janeiro in a very prosperous family Pedro and Lygia Coelho.

At the age of seven, Paulo was sent to study at the Jesuit school of St. Ignatius of Loyola, it was there that the desire to write first awakened in him. Which, however, did not find support in the circle of his family. Under pressure from his family, Paulo enters the faculty of law at the University of Rio de Janeiro, though he soon quits classes and starts doing journalism. Which led to even more conflicts between him and his family. As a result, Paulo, at the age of 17, was forcibly isolated in a private psychiatric clinic. A course of electroshock treatment and repeated treatment at the clinic failed to undermine Paulo's self-confidence. He ends up running away from the clinic and wandering around the country for a while, but eventually returns home.

A year later, Paulo Coelho joined the amateur theater movement, which in the 60s became a common art phenomenon and a special form of protest in Brazil.

Coelho's theatrical career again brought him to the hospital, and again he escaped from there, but the difficult financial situation forced him to return home. In the end, at the end of the 3rd course of treatment, Paulo's family came to terms with the fact that a "normal" job was not for their son. And Paulo Coelho continued his activities in the theater and in the journalistic field.

In 1970, Coelho began a long series of travels in Mexico, Peru, Bolivia, Chile, Europe and North Africa. Only two years later he returned to Brazil, where he took up writing lyrics for songs that later became very popular, working with famous Brazilian singers such as Raul Seixas.

In an interview, Coelho admits that it was at this time that he read the works of the English mystic, Aleister Crowley, which later influenced their collaboration. Coelho currently lives with his wife Cristina in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and Tarbes in France.

Aphorisms and quotes by Paulo Coelho

Here it is, true freedom - to have what is most dear to you, but not to own it.

Life loves to escalate darkness in order to later shine brighter with its bright side.

No one can lose anyone, because no one belongs to anyone.

The Marquis de Sade argued that a person can know his essence only by reaching the last line. To do this, we need all our courage - and only in this way do we learn something.

No one owns anything, everything in the world is illusory and unsteady - and this applies to both material wealth and spiritual values. A person who has happened to lose what he thought would be his forever (and this happened to me often), in the end, learns that nothing belongs to him.

You asked me what I want?

No, I didn't.

So know: the person next to you exists. Think about him. Consider offering him whiskey, gin or coffee. Ask.

Passion does not allow a person to eat, sleep and work, deprives him of peace. Many are afraid of her, because when she appears, she destroys and breaks everything that is old and familiar. No one wants to bring chaos to their organized world. Many are able to foresee this danger and know how to strengthen the rotten rafters so that the dilapidated building does not collapse. Such engineers are higher sense. And others do just the opposite: they rush headlong into passion, hoping to find in it the solution to all their problems. They put on the other person all the responsibility for their happiness and for the fact that happiness did not work out. They are always either in complete delight, expecting magic and miracles, or in despair, because some unseen circumstances and they destroyed everything. Detach from passion or blindly indulge in it - which is less destructive? Don't know.

The most important meetings are arranged by the souls, even before the bodily shells meet. As a rule, these meetings take place at the moment when we reach the limit, when we feel the need to die and be reborn. Meetings are waiting for us - but how often we dodge them ourselves! And when we despair, realizing that we have nothing to lose, or vice versa - we are too happy with life, the unknown appears and our galaxy changes its orbit.

Life is sometimes surprisingly stingy - for whole days, weeks, months, years a person does not receive a single new sensation. And then he opens the door - and an avalanche falls on him.

I am not a body endowed with a soul, I am a soul, a part of which is visible and is called a body.

Everyone in the world wants happiness - and no one succeeds.

Sex is the art of harnessing the unbridled.

Do you know who suffers the most from loneliness? This is a man who has made a successful career, receives a huge salary, enjoys the confidence of both superiors and subordinates, has a family with whom he spends his holidays, children whom he helps to prepare lessons, and one fine day someone like me appears in front of him and asks him a question: “Would you like to change jobs and earn twice as much?”

Love, indeed, like nothing else, is able from time to time to turn a person's whole life upside down. But in pursuit of love comes something else, which also forces a person to embark on a path that he had never thought of before. This is something called "despair". And if love changes a person quickly, then despair - even faster.

Life is a spicy, dazzling game, it's a parachute jump, it's a risk, you fall, but you get back on your feet, it's what is called "getting out of your skin", it's longing and annoyance if you fail to make intended.

The deepest, most sincere desire is the desire to be close to someone. Further already - reactions: a man and a woman come into play, but what precedes this - mutual attraction - cannot be explained. It is desire in its purest form.

The loss of those I fell in love with hurt my soul before. Now I am convinced: no one can lose anyone, because no one belongs to anyone. Here it is, true freedom - to have what is most dear to you, but not to own it.

My goal is to understand what love is. I know that when I loved, I felt that I was alive, but what is happening to me now may be interesting, but not inspiring.

But love is so terrible - I saw how my girlfriends suffered, and I do not want this to happen to me. And they used to make fun of me and my virginity, and now they ask how I manage to subdue men. I smile silently in response, because I know that this medicine is worse than the disease itself: I'm just not in love.

And although my goal is to understand what love is, and although I suffer because of those to whom I gave my heart, I see clearly: those who touch my soul cannot ignite my flesh, and those who touch my flesh powerless to comprehend my soul.

One happy day is almost a miracle.

Each of us is responsible for the feelings we experience, and we have no right to blame the other for this.

Instead of buying something that you would like, I give you mine, which actually belongs to me. This is a gift. This is a sign of respect for the person who is next to me. This is a request to understand how important it is that he is next to me. I, of my own free will, from a pure heart, give you an object that contains a particle of myself.

Life is very fast paced; in an instant we fall from heaven into the very underworld.

All peoples have such a saying: "Out of sight, out of mind." I say that there is nothing more false in the world. The farther from the eyes, the closer to the heart. Being in exile and in a foreign land, we lovingly cherish in memory any little thing that reminds us of our homeland. Yearning in separation from those we love, in every passer-by on the street we see dear features.

The strongest love is the one that is not afraid to show weakness. Whatever it is, if it is real love, then freedom will sooner or later defeat jealousy, take away the pain it causes, because pain is also in the order of things.

Desire is not what you see, but what you imagine.

Ever since we were expelled from paradise, we either suffer, or inflict suffering on others, or watch this suffering. And you can't handle it.

No matter what a person says, no matter how verbally he rejects pain, he will always find a means and a way to find it, fall in love with it, make it become a part of his life.

Life is too short to have the luxury of living it so badly.

A dream is a very convenient thing, because we are not at all obliged to realize what we dream about. We are freed from risk, from the bitterness of failure, from difficult moments, and when we grow old, we can always blame someone - whether parents (this happens most often), spouses, children - that we did not achieve what we wanted.

To meet with suffering, no “theater” is needed - life presents us with this opportunity at almost every step.

There are people who were born into the world to go through life alone, this is not bad and not good, this is life.

The original sin is not that Eve tasted the forbidden fruit, but that she understood that Adam should share with her what she tasted. Eva was afraid to walk her paths alone, without help and support, and therefore she wanted to share with someone what she felt.

What does the world want from me? So I don't risk it? To return to where she came from and not dare to say “yes” to life?

There lived a bird. A bird with strong wings, with sparkling multi-colored plumage. A creature created to fly freely in the skies, born to please the eyes of those who follow her from the ground.

One day a woman saw her and fell in love. Her heart was pounding, her eyes sparkled with excitement, when, with her mouth open in amazement, she watched this bird fly. And she called her to fly with her together - and they set off along blue sky in perfect harmony with each other. The woman admired the bird, revered and praised it.

But once it occurred to her - but this bird will surely someday want to fly away to distant distances, to unknown mountains. And the woman was frightened - frightened that with another bird she would never be able to experience anything like that. And envied - envied the innate gift of flight.

Also, I was afraid of loneliness.

And I thought: “Let me arrange the snares. The next time the bird will fly in, it won’t be able to fly away.”

And the bird, which also loved this woman, flew in the next day, fell into a snare, and then was put in a cage.

For days on end, the woman admired the bird, showed the object of her passion to her friends, and they said: “Now you have everything.” But strange things began to happen in the soul of this woman: she got a bird, there was no longer any need to lure her and tame her, and little by little interest in her faded. The bird, having lost the ability to fly - and this and only this was the meaning of its existence - became slick and lost its luster, became ugly, and the woman generally stopped paying attention to her: she only made sure that there was plenty of feed and that the cage was cleaned.

And one fine day the bird took it and died. The woman was very sad, she only thought about her and remembered her day and night, but not how she languished in a cage, but how she saw for the first time her free flight under the clouds.

And if she looked into her soul, she would understand that she was captivated not by her beauty, but by the freedom and power of her spread wings.

Having lost the bird, it has lost its life and meaning. And death knocked on her door. Why did you come? the woman asked her.

“So that you can again fly with your bird in the sky,” death answered. “If you let her leave you and always return, you would love her and admire her more than ever ....”

Time does not change a person, wisdom does not change a person, and the only thing that can rebuild the structure of his thoughts and feelings is love.

Betrayal is a blow you don't expect.

Everyone living on Earth is waiting for his treasure, - said the heart, - but we, the hearts, are used to keeping quiet, because people do not want to acquire them. We only talk about this to children, and then we watch how life guides everyone towards their Destiny. But, unfortunately, only a few follow the Path destined for them. For others, the world inspires fear and therefore becomes dangerous indeed. And then we, hearts, speak more and more quietly. We never shut up, but we try to make sure that our words are not heard: we do not want people to suffer because they did not heed the voice of the heart.

I am exactly the same as everyone else; I take wishful thinking and see the world not as it really is, but as I want to see it.

We never realize what treasures are before us. Do you know why? Because people don't believe in treasures at all.

The secret of happiness is to see everything that is wonderful and glorious in the world, and never forget about two tablespoons of oil in a teaspoon.

Life is interesting because in it dreams can come true.

- I love you because...

- You don't have to say anything. They love because they love. Love does not recognize arguments.

What happened once may never happen again. But what happened twice will certainly happen a third time.

If what you find is made of good material, no damage will touch it. And you can safely return. If it was only a momentary flash, like the birth of a star, then when you return you will not find anything. But you saw a blinding light. So it was worth it anyway.

There is one great truth on this planet: no matter who you are and what you do, when you truly desire something, you will achieve it, because such a desire originated in the soul of the universe. And that is your purpose on earth.

If you want something, the whole Universe will contribute to making your desire come true.

Perhaps God created the desert so that man would smile at the trees.

Life wants you to follow your destiny and whets your appetite with the taste of good luck.

When you love, you can become anyone. When you love, you absolutely do not need to understand what is happening, because everything happens inside us, so that a person is quite capable of turning into the wind.

When the same people are around you - ... - then it seems to happen by itself that they enter your life. And having entered your life, after a while they want to change it. And if you do not become the way they want to see you, they are offended. After all, everyone knows exactly how to live in the world. For some reason, no one can manage their own life.

Only one thing makes the fulfillment of a dream impossible - it is the fear of failure.

If God's blessing is not accepted, it turns into a curse. I don’t want anything more from life, and you make me discover unknown distances in it. I look at them, realize my unheard-of possibilities and feel worse than before. For now I know that I can have everything, and I do not need it.

We are all afraid of losing what we have, whether it is our crops or life itself. But this fear passes, one has only to understand that both our history and the history of the world are written by the same hand.

Everything that is on earth is constantly changing, because the earth itself is alive and also has a soul. We are all part of this Soul, but we ourselves do not know that it works for our benefit.

... And when the paths of these two converge, when their eyes meet, both the past and the future lose all meaning, and there is only this one minute and an incredible confidence that everything in the world was written by the same hand. This hand awakens love in the soul and searches for a twin soul for anyone who works, rests or looks for treasures. Otherwise, the dreams with which we overwhelm the human race would not have the slightest meaning.

... the myth of a beautiful young man who spent days admiring his reflection in a stream. Narcissus stared so hard that he fell into the water and drowned. When Narcissus died, the nymphs of the forest noticed that fresh water became salty in the stream. - What are you crying about? the nymphs asked. “I mourn Narcissus,” answered the brook. “No wonder,” said the nymphs. “After all, we also ran after him when he passed through the forest, and you are the only one who saw his beauty up close. - Was he handsome? the stream asked. Who can judge this better than you? Was it not on your shore, leaning over your waters, that he spent his days from dawn to night? The stream was silent for a long time and finally answered: - I cry for Narcissus, although I never knew that he was beautiful. I cry because whenever he came to my shore and bent over my waters, my beauty was reflected in the depths of his eyes.

If I am part of your Destiny, someday you will return to me.

When you love, you can neither stand still like the desert, nor rush around the world like the wind, nor look at everything from afar, like the sun. Love is the power that transforms and improves the Soul. When I penetrated it for the first time, it seemed perfect to me. But then I saw that she was a reflection of all of us, that her passions, her wars, were seething in her too. It is we who feed it, and the land on which we live will become better or worse, depending on whether we become better or worse. This is where the power of love intervenes, because when you love, you strive to become better.

When a person has extracted his dream from the bottom of his soul and fed it for many years with the power of his love, not noticing the scars and scars left on his heart after a hard struggle for its realization, he suddenly begins to notice that what he has been wishing for so long is already very close. and is about to come true - perhaps tomorrow; it is at this stage that the last obstacle awaits him: the fear of fulfilling the dream of his whole life.

“I would like to have a person next to me, in whose presence my heart would beat evenly and evenly, a person next to whom I would be calm, because I would not be afraid to lose him the next day. And time would then flow more slowly, and we could just be silent, knowing that we still have more to talk about. whole life…»

“Everything always ends well. If everything ended badly, then this is not the end.

The darkest hour of your life before the most beautiful dawn.

True love does not require reciprocity, and one who wants to receive a reward for his love is wasting time.

The loss of those I fell in love with hurt my soul before. Now I am convinced: no one can lose anyone, because no one belongs to anyone.

This is a strange thing, LOVE ... Yesterday you didn’t know a person yet ... and today you can’t live a day without him ... you think about him ... you are waiting for when you can say a few words to him, or write something ... and so day after day ... But you have never even seen this person once ... You just exchanged photos, gave some advice ... and then ... and then you suddenly realized that ... you need this person more than anything ... even more than you need yourself ... You probably remember the legend that at one time the Gods divided people into two halves ... and for a person to be happy, he must find his half ... Here is the very case ... You are the very half that I was looking for ... I searched for a long time ... and found … I LOVE YOU… Unfortunately, I can’t be around now… and it oppresses me no less than you… And yet imagine our first meeting… to this melody… stand on the bridge… hold hands… look into each other’s eyes… just stand, say nothing ... and so everything is clear ...

“Whoever you are, whatever you want, but if you really want something, you will certainly get it, because this desire was born in the soul of the Universe. This is your purpose on earth."

The fear of making a mistake is the door that locks us into the castle of mediocrity. If we overcome this fear, we will make important step towards our freedom

Love is the hard way. Difficult, because it will either take you to heaven or cast you down to hell

I am exactly the same as everyone else; I take wishful thinking and see the world not as it really is, but as I want to see it.

Chance is not the only one, life will surely provide another one.

Our angels are always with us and often they use someone's lips to tell us something.

Just because you've been discharged from an insane asylum doesn't mean you've been cured. You just became like everyone else.

Everyone will find happiness, one way or another, sooner or later

Appreciate things not for how much they cost, but for how much they mean ...

You think he wants to sleep with you, but he's just lonely, You think he's lonely, but he just wants to sleep with you. Often a man himself cannot say what he really wants ...

Man does the opposite. He hurries to become an adult, and then sighs about the past childhood. Spends health for money and immediately spends money to improve health.

He thinks about the future with such impatience that he neglects the present, because of which he has neither a present nor a future.

Lives as if he will never die, and dies as if he never lived.

Why do you need a revolver?

To learn to trust people.

Life is always waiting for that hour when the future depends only on your decisive actions.

Only one thing can make a dream unattainable: it's the fear of failure.

Even if love brings with it separation, loneliness, sadness, it is still worth the price we pay for it.

A child can teach an adult three things: to be happy for no reason, to always find something to do, and to insist on your own.

I love you. More than yesterday, but less than tomorrow ... (Quote from the work "Zaire")

“The universe always helps us achieve our dreams, no matter how stupid they may be. For these are our dreams, and only we know what it cost to dream them.

All nations have a saying: "Out of sight, out of mind." I say that there is nothing more false in the world. The farther from the eyes, the closer to the heart. Being in exile in a foreign land, we lovingly cherish in memory any little thing that reminds us of our homeland. Yearning in separation from those we love, in every passer-by on the street we see dear features.

“And although my goal is to understand what love is, and although I suffer because of those to whom I gave my heart, I see clearly: those who touch my soul cannot ignite my flesh, and those who touch my flesh, powerless to comprehend my soul"

Never give up on a dream! Dreams nourish our soul, just as food nourishes the body. No matter how many times in life we ​​have to go through a crash and see our hopes shattered, we must still continue to dream. If this fails, then indifference takes possession of us.

A person who has happened to lose something that, as he thought, will belong to him forever, eventually learns that nothing belongs to him.

“Every day God gives us the opportunity to change everything that makes us unhappy, and every day we try to pretend that today is in everything like yesterday and indistinguishable from tomorrow.”

You need to love in such a way that you can pass by a hundred of the best and never turn around.

I am not a body endowed with a soul, I am a soul, a part of which is visible and is called a body.

Nobody can manipulate anyone. Both are aware of what they are doing, even if one of them later complains that he was used

It doesn't matter what others think, because they will think something anyway. So relax.

How much have I lost because I was afraid to lose

At the moment when we least expect it, life challenges us to test our courage and our desire for change; and does not allow us to pretend that nothing is happening, or excuse ourselves by saying that we are not ready yet. The call must be answered immediately. Life doesn't look back...

If you have the courage to say goodbye, life will reward you with a new hello.

Forgiveness is a two-way street. By forgiving someone, we forgive ourselves at this moment. If we are tolerant of other people's sins and mistakes, then it will be easier to accept our own mistakes and miscalculations. And then, having renounced feelings of guilt and bitterness, we can improve our attitude towards life. When, out of weakness, we allow hatred, envy, intolerance to rage around us, then we ourselves involuntarily succumb to them in the end.

Each of us is responsible for the feelings that we experience, and we have no right to blame the other for this ...

As is always the case with dreams, their dreams came true, but in a completely different way than they imagined!

Love is a drug. At first, there is euphoria, lightness, a feeling of complete dissolution. You want more the next day. You have not had time to get involved yet, but although you like the sensations, you are sure that you can do without them at any moment. You think about your favorite being for two minutes and forget about it for three hours. But gradually you get used to it and get completely dependent on it. And then you think about it for three hours and forget for two minutes. If he is not around, you feel the same as a drug addict deprived of another portion of the potion. And at such moments, like a drug addict who, for the sake of a dose, is able to go to robbery, murder and any humiliation, you are ready for anything for the sake of love ...

The most important meetings are arranged by the souls, even before the bodily shells meet.

Some events occur in our lives in order to return us to the true path of Destiny. Others are needed in order for us to apply our knowledge in life. And some events are designed to teach us something.

Life is too short to have the luxury of living it so badly.

Love is not a habit, not a compromise, not a doubt. This is not what romantic music teaches us. Love - is ... Without clarifications and definitions. Love and don't ask. Just love.

What happened once may never happen again, but what happened twice will surely happen a third time.

Life is short. No time to leave important words untold.

The Lord, when closing the door, will certainly open the window.

An evil man, having died, met an angel at the gates of Hell. The angel said to him:

“It was enough for you to do one good deed in your life, and that would help you. Think well.

The man remembered that once, when he was walking through the forest, he saw a spider on his way and went around it so as not to crush it.

The angel smiled, and a web descended from the sky, allowing a person to ascend to Paradise. Other condemned to Hell, standing close to the web, also began to climb it. But the man saw this and began to throw them off in fear that the web would break. At that moment, it really broke off, and the person returned to Hell again.

“What a pity,” said the angel. “Your self-concern turned the only good thing you ever did into evil.

Once I found all the answers, the questions changed.

Man is the only animal that hurts others without any other purpose!

There are people who were born into the world to go through life alone, this is not bad and not good, this is life.

If you repeat every morning that you are satisfied with your life, there is no doubt: you will not only believe yourself, but also make everyone around you believe in it.

If I am part of your Destiny, someday you will come back to me

In any case, the decision is only the beginning. When a person decides on something, having made a choice, he seems to dive into a swift stream that will take him to where he did not think to be.

Love is known only by love. We must not forget that spiritual experience is first of all practical experience love. And there are no rules in love. You can try to study textbooks, curb spiritual impulses, develop a strategy of behavior - all this is nonsense. The heart decides, and only they decision important and necessary.

Of all the destructive weapons that man can devise, the most terrible and most powerful is the word. Daggers and spears leave traces of blood, arrows are visible in the distance. Poison can be detected in time and death can be avoided.

The word destroys imperceptibly.

Children renounce their dreams to please their parents, parents renounce life itself to please their children...

The best way to recognize and destroy an enemy is to become his friend.

Love, indeed, like nothing else, is able from time to time to turn a person's whole life upside down. But in pursuit of love comes something else, which also forces a person to embark on a path that he had never thought of before. This is something called "despair". And if love changes a person quickly, then despair - even faster.

Every warrior of light has experienced the fear of combat before.
Every warrior of light has had the experience of lying and betraying in the past.
Every warrior of light has already strayed in a way that is not his own.
Every warrior of light has already been tormented by mere trifles.
Every warrior of light has already come to the conclusion that he is not a warrior of light.
Every warrior of light has already had the chance to forgo his spiritual duty.
Every warrior of the light has already said “yes” when he wanted to say “no”.
Every warrior of light has had occasion to inflict wounds on those he loved.

That is why he has the right to be called a warrior of light, because he went through all this and did not lose hope of becoming better than he was.

…If we are able to love, then we will be able to be loved. It's just a matter of time...

She suffered a lot and was angry that these endless days give her only 10 minutes of love, and thousands of hours to think about her lover ...

Change is always scary. But no one will change your life for you. You understand what choice you have to make, but despite the fear, you move forward. This is the main rule of success.

Sometimes it's better to leave everything as it is... Walking in faceless loneliness among the empty streets wherever your eyes look... To envy the free wind, distant stars, the wise sun and the mute moon...

Sometimes we are afraid of losing and losing what we have, although everything that we don’t do, and everything that happens to us is written with one hand ... And if we learned to live in one present, we didn’t hide in ourselves ... Maybe that’s why there is a void so that a person I learned to be aware and smile with happiness...

Our loneliness is not in what is lost in the emptiness of our hearts, but in what comes out of it ... It seems to me that you are alone in wide world when I look into your eyes... And let the days do not differ from one another, just like the time from sunrise to sunset... And every day the emptiness becomes silent, its avarice does not care about either the past or the future... it is content with the fact that looks at people... But you will someday understand that the darkest hour in your life is before the most beautiful dawn...

And let people come into your life in search of something new, but leave remaining the same as they were ... They will understand that the old, the past is better than the present ... That life is interesting when the people around you are the same ... And how- then by itself it turns out that they enter your life, without noticing it, they want to change it ...

Time will pass, and you will read this letter again, and only then will you be able to understand it ...

And the more unusual a person is, the simpler he is in appearance, the more imperceptible to others, the easier it is to forget and lose him. And not everyone can understand the meaning of his words and the meaning of life ... Perhaps we will not see each other again and everything will remain a dream of a lonely person ... But I ask you never forget that the very wealth gives birth to the emptiness of your heart. It must be found, and only there, there, everything that you understand and read on the way to it will find its meaning. Exactly where the emptiness hides your heart, and the soul, the soul is true to the laws of life, your treasure is hidden - your LOVE ...

"Every morning is a time to start life again"

- How do I know your soul mate? “Only by taking risks,” she said. — At the risk of failure, disappointment, disillusionment, but never stopping the search for love!!! And the harder you search, the sooner you will find!

You can love the soul, not knowing the body, and then go crazy, touching the body of the beloved soul.

Love is always new. It doesn't matter how many times in your life you meet love - one, two or three. Every time we find ourselves in front of the unknown and unknown. Love can take us to heaven, it can cast us down to hell, but it will not leave us in the same place. Love cannot be rejected, for it is the food of our being. If we refuse it, we will die of hunger, looking at the branches of the tree of life burdened with fruits and not daring to pick these fruits, although here they are - just stretch out your hand. You have to look for love wherever you are, even if this search means hours, days, weeks of disappointment and sadness. The thing is that when we go in search of love, love moves towards us. And saves us.

The mirror reflects correctly; it does not err, because it does not think. Thinking is almost always wrong

The Lord hears the prayers of those who ask to forget about hatred. But HE is deaf to those who want to run away from love!!!

How can the impossible be done?
- With enthusiasm!

Centuries of partings are invented,
To cherish a minute of a brief meeting,
Lies for salvation, long years of wandering
It is given to drink ... They heal, treat.

Know the need and the tenacious captivity of diseases,
To know the price of wealth and health,
Get bogged down in the chaos of intricacies,
To say goodbye to the aching pain.

We will have to experience the fear of loss,
To start saving what was not stored,
Knocking for a long time on locked doors,
As a reward, to open a new one.

Take a step towards death, and, resurrecting again,
Understand that life is for once, albeit eternal,
Live as a recluse so that there is space
Love the scope - wide, endless!

Let not reach the heights, but know - in the name of
Why was he burning, or at least trying ...
… After all, the desert was created for this,
So that a person smiles at the trees.

The future is revealed to man for one reason only: if what is destined must be changed.

"Absolute freedom does not exist: there is only freedom of choice, and having made a choice, you become a hostage to your decision."

“When we are praised, we must especially carefully monitor our behavior”

Parable by Paulo Coelho
A wise old Chinese man was walking through a snowy field when he saw an old woman crying.
- Why are you crying? - he asked.
“Because I think about my life, my youth, the beauty I saw in the mirror, and the man I loved. God is cruel, that gave the ability to remember. He knew that I would remember the spring of my life and cry.
The sage stood on a snowy field and stared intently at one point and thought. Suddenly the woman stopped crying.
- What do you see there? she asked.
“A field of roses,” the sage replied. “God was generous to me when he gave me the ability to remember. He knew that in winter I could always remember spring and smile.

When the same people are around you - ... - then it seems to happen by itself that they enter your life. And having entered your life, after a while they want to change it. And if you do not become the way they want to see you, they are offended. After all, everyone knows exactly how to live in the world. For some reason, no one can manage their own life.

The one who surrenders to the feeling without looking back, the one who feels free, he loves with all the strength of the soul.
Lonely people lose their sense of time, for them the hours are long, and the days are simply endless.

All battles are needed in life in order to teach us something. Even the ones we lose.

A person enters your life after a while trying to change you. And if you do not become the way they want to see you, they are offended. After all, everyone knows exactly how to live in the world. But for some reason no one can fix his own life!

Once a mosquito asked a fly:
— Are there flowers in the neighborhood?
“I don’t know anything about flowers,” the fly answered him. - But there are a lot of cans, manure, sewage in the ditches.
And the fly began to list to the mosquito all the surrounding garbage dumps, which he definitely needs to visit.
A mosquito flew in the indicated direction and met a bee along the way.
Have you seen any garbage cans in the area? he asked her.
- Dumps? Impurities? No, I didn’t see it anywhere, the bee was surprised. But there are so many fragrant flowers everywhere.

… If you are able to see beauty, it is only because you carry beauty within yourself. For the world is like a mirror in which everyone sees his own reflection.

The risk of one adventure is worth more than a thousand days of well-being and comfort.

The strongest love is the one that is not afraid to show weakness. Be that as it may, if this is true love, then freedom will sooner or later defeat jealousy, take away the pain it causes, because pain is also in the order of things.

... was afraid to love for fear of losing love

We would like to have absolute control over every step, be aware of every decision we make, and be able to choose the object of worship ourselves. With love, this does not work - it appears, moves in, settles down in a businesslike way and begins to dictate its will. Only for real strong-willed allow themselves to be carried away recklessly.

Perhaps God created the desert so that man would smile at the trees.

People cannot be satisfied. Those who have little want to have a lot. And those who have a lot, want even more. And having received even more, they want to be happy with a small one, however, they are unable to make an effort for this.

... a person cannot fulfill his dreams in two cases: when they are completely unrealizable and when, after the wheel of fate makes a sudden turn, they turn into something quite feasible, but you are not ready for this. Then the fear of the road that leads to no one knows where, of life that throws you unknown challenges, of the possibility that everything familiar and established will rot without a trace and forever… People want to change everything and at the same time want everything to remain the same, so, like before…
("The Devil and Signorita Prim")

Not a single heart suffers when it goes in search of its dream, because every moment of this search is a meeting with God and Eternity.

When a person follows the path of his destiny, he often has to change direction. Sometimes external circumstances are stronger, and he has to give in. All this is part of the lesson.

"What's on the outside is harder to change than what's on the inside."

When one day is similar to another, people stop noticing the good things that happen to them every day after sunrise.

When you lose a person dear to you, only a shaky, but so necessary hope that maybe everything is for the best can serve as consolation in this tragedy.

The lesson is mastered when you are ready to comprehend, and if you pay attention to the signs and signs, you will certainly understand what is needed for the next step.

The deepest, most sincere desire is the desire to be close to someone

We, the rich, the powerful, the intelligent, the embellished, the credit cards, knew that in the end all this is done in search of love, tenderness, affection, in order to be with the one who loves us.

Don't try to explain emotions. Try to live each day to the fullest, to the fullest. Try to keep what seems to you to be God's gift. Most the right way to destroy the bridge between the visible and the invisible is to try to explain to yourself the feelings that you experience.

... and a dream is a very convenient thing, because we are not at all obliged to fulfill what we dream about.

If love is true, then it allows everyone to follow his own path, for he knows: nothing will ever separate Other parts in different directions!!!

This is freedom: to feel what one strives for your heart no matter what others say.

How does light enter the house? If windows are open. How does light enter a person? If the door of love is not slammed.

The earth produces enough to satisfy needs, but not enough to satisfy greed.

If a person is able to love his partner without placing conditions on him, without imposing restrictions, then by this he expresses his love for God. By showing love to God, he will love his neighbor. If he loves his neighbor, he will love himself. If he loves himself, everything will fall into place. The course of history will change. Neither politics, nor conquest, nor theory, nor war will change it, for it is only a repetition of the same thing, what we have seen from the beginning of time. History will change when we manage to use the energy of love, as we use the energy of the wind, the sea, the atom.

“The decisions of God are mysterious, but they are always in your favor”… “We go out into the world in search of our desires and ideals. Often we make inaccessible what is within our capabilities”… “God does not take revenge. God is love. single form the punishment that He can resort to is to force the one who interrupted the flow of Love to revive it again”…

A mortally wounded soldier will never say to a doctor: "Save me!" Usually it last words: "Tell your wife and son that I love them!"
In such a desperate moment, they talk about love.

He is wrong, I have been fighting with my heart for a long time with constant success. I won't fall in love with the unattainable...

A person replaces most of his emotions with fear.

No one will remember you for your thoughts.

People always kill what they love the most. We always know which way is the best, but we follow the most familiar.

There are no beautiful and ugly bodies, because they all have traveled the same path, and each is only a visible part of the soul that lives in it!!!

It is necessary to take risks. The miracle of life can only be fully realized when we are prepared for the unexpected to happen.

Tears disappear in the rain...

When you love, you can become anyone. When you love, you absolutely do not need to understand what is happening, because everything happens inside of us!

Love is not in another, but in ourselves, and we awaken it in ourselves. But in order to awaken it, this other one is needed.

All roads lead to the same place. Choose yours and follow it to the end without trying to turn to another.

... no one entrusts their dreams into the hands of those who are able to destroy them ...

Life is sometimes surprisingly stingy - for whole days, weeks, months, years a person does not receive a single new sensation. And then he opens the door - and a whole avalanche falls on him. That is exactly what happened to them. A minute ago there was nothing, and the next minute there was as much as you cannot accept.

"Loneliness is a destructive feeling, the feeling that no one in the whole world cares about you."

Fear ends where the inevitable begins. From this point on, fear becomes meaningless, and all that remains for us is the hope that we will make the right decision.

The meaning of my life will be the one that I myself will give it.

“Whenever you want to achieve something, keep your eyes open, pull yourself together and try to understand exactly what you need. You can’t aim for a goal with your eyes closed…”

You can try to study textbooks, curb spiritual impulses, develop a strategy of behavior - all this is a look. The heart decides, and only the decision made is important and necessary for them.

When we boldly seek love, love is revealed, and we attract more and more love to us. If one person loves you, then everyone loves you. And if you are lonely, then you will become even more lonely. So this is how life is funny.

He who interferes in someone else's fate will never pass his own.

There are people who grow wings for themselves, and there are those who take root.

“Many people are afraid of happiness. For them, living a fulfilling life means changing a lot of their habits and losing their sense of identity… We think, “It’s better not to drink from the cup of happiness, because when it is empty, we will seriously suffer.” For fear of shrinking,
we are not growing. Out of fear
cry, we don't laugh."

I began to understand that the lack of meaning in life is only my fault.

We, women, when we are looking for the meaning of life or the path of knowledge, consider ourselves to be one of the four classical archetypes:
- Virgo seeks herself in absolute independence, and everything that she has comprehended is born only by her ability to single-handedly respond to the challenges thrown to her.
- The martyr comes to know herself, passing through pain, suffering and self-denial.
- In boundless love, in the ability to give without asking for anything in return, the Holy One acquires the true meaning of her being.
- And, finally, the Witch justifies her existence by searching for the most complete, unfettered pleasure.

Witch of Portobello

… LIVE!!! if you live, God will live with you, if you refuse to take risks, He will return to distant Heaven and become only a topic of philosophical constructions...

In the world "to live" is more important than "to understand"!

If society condones crime, a person has every right to do what he considers the most correct.

"What is the "true self" - This is what you are, not what has been done to you."

Instead of thinking about how to live better, we obsessively struggle with being overweight. Eat in moderation, but with pleasure, evil is not in what enters the mouth, but in what comes out of them. Who got it into their head that everyone should remain thin throughout their lives?

If a man whom we, in fact, barely know, calls us, says a few words, without saying anything special, without hinting at anything, but in this way giving us the attention that we so rarely receive, then we are quite capable of falling in love with him. and that very night to be with him in bed. Yes, we are like that, and there is nothing like that: in the nature of a woman it is easy to open up towards love.

Love is a feeling that has no property to accumulate. New love takes nothing from past experience.

And if I sometimes complain, well, I'm a human heart, I
peculiar. We are all afraid to fulfill our most cherished
dreams, because it seems to us that we are unworthy of them or that it doesn’t matter
we will not be able to implement them. We, human hearts, freeze with fear at the thought of lovers parting forever, of minutes that could have become, but did not become happy ...

Here it is, true freedom - to have what is most dear to you, but not to own it.

Maybe Good and Evil have the same face. It all depends on when they meet on the path of each of us.

The sky, gloomy in the morning, will not rain!

Blessed are those who are not afraid to show their ignorance.

The secret of happiness is to see everything that the world is famous for, and never forget about two drops of oil in a teaspoon.

Naki and signs speak their own language, intelligible to us, and show us how to act in the best way. However, we often try to distort our own view of them so that they are consistent with what we intend to do by all means.

Life is very fast paced; in an instant we fall from heaven into the very underworld.

To meet with suffering, no “theater” is needed - life presents us with this opportunity at almost every step.

Time does not change a person, wisdom does not change a person, and the only thing that can rebuild the structure of his thoughts and feelings is love.

Quotes by Paolo Coelho

I think that everyone knows the name of Paolo Coelho, the Brazilian poet and writer, author of the book "The Alchemist". His works have been published not only in Brazil, but also in other countries of the world - these are novels, commented anthologies, collections short stories- parable. In this post you can get acquainted with his quotes, which I bring to your attention.

If you ask if I feel good with you, I will answer: "yes." But if you ask if I can live without you, I will answer the same

Only one thing makes the fulfillment of a dream impossible - it is the fear of failure.

Happiness sometimes descends to us as grace, but much more often it is victory and overcoming

Where they are waiting for us, we always find ourselves right on time.

When the same people are around you - ... - then it seems to happen by itself that they enter your life. And having entered your life, after a while they want to change it. And if you do not become the way they want to see you, they are offended. After all, everyone knows exactly how to live in the world. Only for some reason no one can fix his own life

When you love, you can become anyone. When you love, you absolutely do not need to understand what is happening, because everything happens inside us, so that a person is quite capable of turning into the wind

Love is the only thing that sharpens the mind, awakens creative fantasy, that which cleanses us and sets us free

Love is not a habit, not a compromise, not a doubt. This is not what romantic music teaches us. Love - is ... Without clarifications and definitions. Love - and do not ask. Just love

A child can teach an adult three things: to rejoice for no reason, to always find something to do, and to insist on

It doesn't matter what others think - because they will think something anyway. So relax.

Sometimes you need to go around the whole world to understand that the treasure is buried at your own house.
If you are able to see the beautiful, it is only because you carry the beautiful within yourself. For the world is like a mirror in which everyone sees his own reflection.
What happened once may never happen again. But what happened twice will certainly happen a third time.
When you really want something, the whole Universe will help to ensure that your desire comes true.
If I do exactly the things that people expect from me, I will fall into their slavery.

Life is always waiting for the right moment to act.

Getting lost is the best way find something interesting.

The darkest hour is before dawn.

If a person is yours, then he is yours, and if he is drawn to somewhere else, then nothing will hold him back, and he is not worth either nerves or attention.

Everything in the world is different manifestations one and the same.

Everyone says anything in the back, but in the eyes - what is beneficial.

If love changes a person quickly, then despair - even faster.

Where we are expected, we always find ourselves right on time.

Life is sometimes surprisingly stingy - for whole days, weeks, months, years a person does not receive a single new sensation. And then he opens the door - and a whole avalanche falls on him.

Waiting is the hardest part.

Our angels are always with us and often they use someone's lips to tell us something.

Feeling unhappy all the time is an unaffordable luxury.

There are people who were born into the world to go through life alone, this is not bad and not good, this is life.

Never give up on a dream! Dreams nourish our soul, just as food nourishes the body. No matter how many times in life we ​​have to go through a crash and see our hopes shattered, we must still continue to dream.

Sometimes you have to run to see who runs after you. Sometimes you have to speak softer to see who is really listening to you. Sometimes you have to take a step back to see who else is on your side.

Sometimes you have to make the wrong decisions to see who's with you when things fall apart.

Once I found all the answers, all the questions changed.

We say the most important words in our lives in silence
Sometimes you have to die to start living.

People want to change everything and at the same time want everything to remain the same.

What you are looking for is also looking for you.

Always say what you feel and do what you think! Silence breaks fate...

Man does the opposite. He hurries to become an adult, and then sighs about the past childhood. Spends health for money and immediately spends money to improve health. He thinks about the future with such impatience that he neglects the present, because of which he has neither a present nor a future. Lives as if he will never die, and dies as if he never lived.

Having reached the end, people laugh at the fears that tormented them at the beginning.

It happens sometimes that life separates two people - just to show both how important they are to each other.

Everything always ends well. If everything ended badly, then this is not the end.

“When we love, we always strive to become better than we are. When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us also becomes better.” – Alchemist

“If there must be pain, let it come quickly. Because I have a whole life, and I need to live it as best as possible, "-" On the banks of the Rio Piedra, I sat down and cried "

“Waiting hurts. Forgetting hurts. But not knowing what to do is the worst of suffering, "-" On the banks of the Rio Piedra, I sat down and cried "

"If you only go to sunny days, you will never reach the goal - "Untitled"

"The simplest things are also the most extraordinary things, and only the wise can see them." - The Alchemist

"When someone leaves, it's because someone else will come soon" - "Zaire"

“Whatever he does, every person on earth plays a central role in the history of the world. And he usually doesn't know about it." - "The Alchemist"

“Loneliness taught us how to live with other people. Anger has shown us the eternal value of the world. Boredom emphasized the importance of adventure and spontaneity. Silence has taught us to use words responsibly. Fatigue - so that you can understand the value of cheerfulness. Sickness - to underline the blessing good health. Fire - to understand the value of water. Earth - to understand the value of air. Death is to show us the importance of life.” – The Book of the Warrior of Light

“Don't give in to your fears. Otherwise, you won't be able to talk to your heart." - The Alchemist

“I can choose to be either a victim of the world or a traveler in search of treasure. It's just a matter of how I look at my life." - "11 Minutes"

"The secret of life is to fall seven times and get up eight times" - The Alchemist

“Don’t listen to the malicious comments of those friends who have never taken risks themselves, but can only notice the failures of others.” – “11 Minutes”

"Life is always waiting for some kind of crisis to happen before showing itself in all its glory" - "11 Minutes"

“People can survive a week without water, two weeks without food, many years without a home, but not loneliness. This is the worst torture of all, the worst of all suffering.” – “11 Minutes”

“When you want something, the entire universe comes together to help you achieve it.” – The Alchemist

“It is the possibility of a dream come true that makes life interesting”, - “The Alchemist”

“We all live in our own world. But if you look at the starry sky, you will see that everything different worlds gather in different constellations, solar systems and the galaxy" - "Veronica Decides to Die"

“When I have nothing to lose, I have everything. When I stop being myself, I find myself "-" 11 minutes "

"People want to change everything and at the same time want everything to remain the same" - "The Devil and Senorita Prim"

“You were in heaven, but you didn’t realize it. Likewise, most people in this world: they seek suffering in the most joyful places, because they think they are not worthy of happiness. ”-“ The Devil and Senorita Prim ”

Peru cult writer Paulo Coelho own no less than 18 books: novels, anthologies, collections of short stories, parables, and their circulation already exceeds 350 million copies. It is read and loved all over the world.

Paulo Coelho, like no one else, knows how to help you look at life from a different angle, find the great in the small, look at life with optimism and find the strength to love in yourself.

We have collected for you 30 best quotes Paulo Coelho about love and life, which may help you understand something important for yourself:

  1. Sometimes you need to go around the world to understand that the treasure is buried at your own house..
  2. If you are able to see the beautiful, it is only because you carry the beautiful within yourself. For the world is like a mirror in which everyone sees his own reflection.
  3. What happened once may never happen again. But what happened twice will certainly happen a third time.
  4. When you really want something, the whole Universe will contribute to making your wish come true..
  5. If I do exactly the things that people expect from me, I will fall into their slavery.
  6. Life is always waiting for the right moment to act.
  7. Getting lost is the best way to find something interesting.
  8. The darkest hour is before dawn.
  9. If a person is yours, then he is yours, and if he is drawn somewhere else, then nothing will hold him back, and he is not worth either nerves or attention.
  10. Everything in the world is a different manifestation of the same.
  11. Everyone says anything in the back, but in the eyes - what is beneficial.
  12. If love changes a person quickly, then despair - even faster.
  13. Where they are waiting for us, we always find ourselves right on time..
  14. Life is sometimes surprisingly stingy - for whole days, weeks, months, years a person does not receive a single new sensation. And then he opens the door - and an avalanche falls on him.
  15. Waiting is the hardest part.
  16. Our angels are always with us and often they use someone's lips to tell us something.
  17. Feeling unhappy all the time is an unaffordable luxury..
  18. There are people who were born into the world to go through life alone, this is not bad and not good, this is life.
  19. Never give up on a dream! Dreams nourish our soul, just as food nourishes the body. No matter how many times in life we ​​have to go through a crash and see our hopes shattered, we must still continue to dream.
  20. Sometimes you have to run to see who runs after you. Sometimes you have to speak softer to see who is really listening to you. Sometimes you have to take a step back to see who else is on your side. Sometimes you have to make the wrong decisions to see who's with you when things fall apart.
  21. Once I found all the answers, all the questions changed.
  22. We say the most important words in our lives in silence.
  23. Sometimes you have to die to start living.
  24. People want to change everything and at the same time want everything to remain the same.
  25. What you are looking for is also looking for you.
  26. Always say what you feel and do what you think! Silence breaks fate...
  27. Man does the opposite. He hurries to become an adult, and then sighs about the past childhood. Spends health for money and immediately spends money to improve health. He thinks about the future with such impatience that he neglects the present, because of which he has neither a present nor a future. Lives as if he will never die, and dies as if he never lived.
  28. Having reached the end, people laugh at the fears that tormented them at the beginning.
  29. It happens sometimes that life separates two people - just to show both how important they are to each other.
  30. Everything always ends well. If everything ended badly, then this is not the end.

Peru cult writer Paulo Coelho own no less than 18 books: novels, anthologies, collections of short stories, parables, and their circulation already exceeds 350 million copies. It is read and loved all over the world.

Paulo Coelho, like no one else, knows how to help you look at life from a different angle, find the great in the small, look at life with optimism and find the strength to love in yourself.

We have collected for you 30 best Paulo Coelho quotes about love and life, which may help you understand something important for yourself:

    Sometimes you need to go around the world to understand that the treasure is buried at your own house..

    If you are able to see the beautiful, it is only because you carry the beautiful within yourself. For the world is like a mirror in which everyone sees his own reflection.

    What happened once may never happen again. But what happened twice will certainly happen a third time.

    When you really want something, the whole Universe will contribute to making your wish come true..

    If I do exactly the things that people expect from me, I will fall into their slavery.

    Life is always waiting for the right moment to act.

    Getting lost is the best way to find something interesting.

    The darkest hour is before dawn.

    If a person is yours, then he is yours, and if he is drawn to somewhere else, then nothing will hold him back, and he is not worth either nerves or attention.

    Everything in the world is a different manifestation of the same.

    Everyone says anything in the back, but in the eyes - what is beneficial.

    If love changes a person quickly, then despair - even faster.

    Where they are waiting for us, we always find ourselves right on time..

    Life is sometimes surprisingly stingy - for whole days, weeks, months, years a person does not receive a single new sensation. And then he opens the door - and a whole avalanche falls on him.

    Waiting is the hardest part.

    Our angels are always with us and often they use someone's lips to tell us something.

    Feeling unhappy all the time is an unaffordable luxury..

    There are people who were born into the world to go through life alone, this is not bad and not good, this is life.

    Never give up on a dream! Dreams nourish our soul, just as food nourishes the body. No matter how many times in life we ​​have to go through a crash and see our hopes shattered, we must still continue to dream.

    Sometimes you have to run to see who runs after you. Sometimes you have to speak softer to see who is really listening to you. Sometimes you have to take a step back to see who else is on your side. Sometimes you have to make the wrong decisions to see who's with you when things fall apart.

    Once I found all the answers, all the questions changed.

    We say the most important words in our lives in silence.

    Sometimes you have to die to start living.

    People want to change everything and at the same time want everything to remain the same.

    What you are looking for is also looking for you.

    Always say what you feel and do what you think! Silence breaks fate...

    Man does the opposite. He hurries to become an adult, and then sighs about the past childhood. Spends health for money and immediately spends money to improve health. He thinks about the future with such impatience that he neglects the present, because of which he has neither a present nor a future. Lives as if he will never die, and dies as if he never lived.

    Having reached the end, people laugh at the fears that tormented them at the beginning.

    It happens sometimes that life separates two people - just to show both how important they are to each other.

    Everything always ends well. If everything ended badly, then this is not the end.