Biographies Characteristics Analysis

September 1st class time. Knowledge Day: historical notes

September 1, 2017-2018: First lesson, the theme for this year is about a healthy lifestyle in general. Just last year the President Russian Federation Vladimir Putin signed a decree according to which the once widespread norms and standards of the GTO have again entered into modern school reality.

It is for this reason, for the ceremonial return, that the first lesson on September 1 can be held on the topic of the GTO and a healthy lifestyle in general. Although teachers are free to choose a topic for the first lesson, you can devote the lesson to the world, the Second World War. Although, as for the Great Patriotic War, this topic was most relevant in the last academic year, if we take into account round date at 70 years of victory.

Education system readiness

September 1, 2017-2018: the first lesson, topic and presentation are selected depending on the age of the students and the city or village where the educational institution itself is located. Back to top school year many newspapers summarize the results and provide statistics on how prepared each region and the country as a whole are for the new school year. For example, in children's preschool institutions, schools and colleges in Moscow should go on the first of September, about 1.3 million people.

Many institutions have already accepted and noted their readiness for the start of the school year. Moreover, this year the number of general students in the education system of the Russian capital alone will increase by 200 thousand people. Total There are 850,000 schoolchildren, 600,000 college students, and 400,000 preschoolers.

Also from educational facts, which were given by the Moscow authorities on the eve of knowledge days, it can be noted that about 80% of parents prefer to send their children to educational establishments at the place of residence. Enrolling children in kindergartens and first grades of schools this year has also been simplified to a minimum, as many parents note. In honor of the holiday it will be relevant.

Interesting! On Knowledge Day in 2017, 22 new buildings will open their doors to children. These are 11 school buildings for 5,000 places, as well as 11 kindergartens for 3,000 places. Major renovations have been carried out in 24 buildings, and all schools are staffed with professional staff.

First lesson on Knowledge Day

In the 2017-2018 school year, the recommended topic for the first lesson is “Ready for Labor and Defense.” Traditionally, this lesson, regardless of the year, is called the “All-Russian Peace Lesson,” but the topic is already chosen at the district level. This year the topic is dedicated to the GTO, because since 2014, the GTO standards and the corresponding badges for their implementation have again been adopted at the state level.

GTO standards prepare schoolchildren for active physical activity and healthy work. As they say, in healthy body located healthy mind. Therefore, it was decided to return the motivation to young people to engage in various physical exercise and comply with standards.

During September 1, 2017-2018: the first lesson, the topic “Ready for Labor and Defense,” teachers must tell students what this system is. For timely completion of standards, students will be able to receive gold, silver or bronze badges. But these badges will not just lie on the shelf; there is a motivation for receiving them: they will give certain points and bonuses for further admission to higher educational institutions of the country.

In order to conduct Knowledge Day on September 1 for your students according to all established rules, you need to talk about how personally prepared they are for work and defense. Despite the fact that the GTO system was liquidated in 1991, it existed in the Soviet Union for quite a long time. The reward system not only united and helped in life, it contributed to the spiritual and physical health of every student. Isn't this the main thing? modern system education? Even though this system has stepped far forward.

September 1, 2017-2018: the first lesson, its topic is devoted to readiness for work and defense. There is an example on our website open lesson on this topic, we also suggest that you familiarize yourself with it in detail. After all, the more active and better teacher will recruit schoolchildren to healthy life, the better it will be for society as a whole.

Prepared and conducted: class teacher of 2nd grade Kravchenko N.V.

Target: promote rapprochement, develop the ability of joint activities of parents and children.


Educational: introduce students to the concept of " profession", expand students' knowledge about professions.

Developmental: promote the development of the ability to think logically, analyze, summarize received information, develop speech, attention, memory, imagination.

Educational : cultivate interest in the world of professions, awaken interest in self, develop a positive attitude towards learning, the ability to work in a team, Team work with parents.

Methods : verbal (presentation of new material), visual (study of visual material), exercises, poems, games.

Equipment: PC, projector, professions poster, PowerPoint presentation.

Target group: 2nd grade students and their parents.

Progress of the lesson.

Introductory part.

— Hello guys, hello dear parents. Summer is over. I hope you have had a good rest and gained strength over the summer. I congratulate everyone on the beginning of the school year, good health and good studies to everyone.

- Today we will have an unusual lesson, there will be a lesson-game. And today not only children, but also your parents will be engaged.

Main part.

There are many professions in the world,

But you must choose only the one

What is dearer to you than anyone in the world,

To devote yourself to work.

— Today we will talk about professions. A profession is an occupation, a favorite thing, the work of a lifetime. But how difficult it can be to choose a profession! After all, I want to become a doctor, a driver, an astronaut and a diver, a teacher and an artist. That’s why you can now prepare for a serious choice. And what do you know about professions, we will find out today.

1. Game “Say the Word.”

Which ones can you name?

The train is driven by... (driver)

Plowing in the field... (tractor driver)

The plane is controlled by... (pilot)

Glues books... (binder).

At school he teaches us... (teacher).

The tables are made by ... (carpenter).

Sings songs to us... (singer).

Busy with trade... (seller).

He weaves fabrics on the loom... (weaver).

Treats diseases ... (doctor).

Paints the walls for us... (painter).

Medicines will be given to us by ... (pharmacist).

The bread will be baked in the bakery ... (baker).

Will draw for us... (artist).

He will sew boots... (shoemaker).

He will put down our stove for the winter... (stove maker).

Will serve us on the train... (conductor).

Will put out the fire in an instant... (firefighter).

On Far North works... (polar explorer).

Will translate from another language... (translator).

Fix the tap... (plumber).

The watch is repaired by... (watchmaker).

Loading with a crane... (crane operator).

Catches fish... (fisherman).

Serves at sea... (sailor).

The car carries a load... (driver).

The bread is removed... (combine operator).

The lights were installed in the house... (fitter).

Works in the mine... (miner

In a hot forge... (blacksmith)

Who knows everything - well done!

2. Game for attention.

Funny company,

Double your attention!

Rhyme used to help,

And now she has become insidious.

Don't rush, my friend.

Don't get hooked!

All black, like a rook,

Climbing from our roof... (chimney sweep)

Rolls for us and rolls

Every day they bake... (bakers)

Cooks porridge and broth

Kind, fat... (cook)

Arius, opera composer

Called... (composer)

They talk about paired sounds

At school you and I... (teachers)

I've already planted hundreds of roses

In the city garden... (gardener)

Who grazes the cows and sheep?

Well, of course... (shepherd)

Sweeps the yard clean

At six in the morning, of course... (janitor)

A knight and a rook move across the squares -

Preparing his winning move... (chess player)

Under the circus big top on a dangerous flight

Brave and strong set off... (gymnast)

There are countless wonderful professions in the world,

And to every profession - glory and honor!

A profession should be chosen to one’s liking, it should interest a person, then it will bring joy to the person, and the matter will progress.

What is a profession? Can a person get a profession right away, without preparation?

That's right, first you need to study at a technical school, institute or other educational institutions.

Now let's look at explanatory dictionary How the word "profession" is explained

PROFESSION is a type of work that requires a person to have certain training, knowledge and skills .(slide 2)

Physical education minute

- And the next one and The game is called “Who Works How”. (The teacher asks questions, the children show the action with their hands, feet, and facial expressions.)

— What does the janitor do?

- What is the driver doing?

— What does the painter do?

— What does a hairdresser do?

— What does the cook do?

- Now let's play game "Guess the profession". (Based on a few words read, children and parents guess the intended profession.)
- Cat, syringe, medicine. (Vet.)
— Mirror, scissors, comb. (Hairdresser.)

- Book, form, reader. (Librarian.)
— A set of needles, threads, fabric. (Seamstress.)
— A stack of student notebooks, a pointer, cool magazine. (Teacher.)
— Counter, products, scales. (Salesman.)
- Yard, broom, trash can. (Street cleaner.)
— Plane, helm, crew. (Pilot.)
Water tap, wrench, pipe. (Plumber.)
— Bag, newspaper, letter. (Postman.)
— Camera, film, receipt. (Photographer.)
- House, brick, cement. (Builder.)
- Bus, money, ticket. (Conductor.)

- Well done. Everyone did it. How many professions do you know?

Game "Find a profession."

Now listen to S. Mikhalkov’s poem. And when you hear the name of the profession, clap your hands. Be careful!

“And our fire went out - This time.

“The truck brought firewood - That’s two.

"And fourthly,

Our mother is getting ready to fly

Because our mother

Called pilot.

Vova answered from the stairs:

"Mother - pilot, what's wrong?

Here at Kolya, for example,

Mother policeman

And Tolya and Vera have both mothers engineers

And Leva’s mother - cook,

Mom is a pilot, so what?

And Nata said sternly:

"More important than everyone else" carriage driver,

Because up to the hooks

Mom drives two trailers.

And Nina asked quietly:

"Is it bad to be dressmaker?

Who sews panties for the boys?

Well of course not pilot.

Pilot flies planes

This is very good,

Cook cooks us compotes,

It is also good.

Doctor cures us of measles,

Eat teacher At school.

We need different mothers

All kinds of mothers are important"

  1. Name the professions, explain why they are necessary. (slides 3-6)

— And today Maxim’s mother wants to tell you all about her profession. What kind of profession is this, try to guess. (Ashikhina Elena Aleksandrovna talks about her profession - nurse.)

- Well done everyone! They guessed the profession.

  1. Guess the person what profession needs these items. (slide 7)
  2. Explain how professions are related to each other. (slide 8)

Bottom line.

Every person on earth - from young to old - must work, since it is impossible to live without work. Labor was, is and will be the basis of life on earth. Every morning your moms and dads go to work. They perform different tasks and assignments, have different professions. You are sitting at your school desk today. Teaching is also work and difficult work. Each of you has probably wondered what he will be when he grows up. You still have a lot of time ahead to choose a profession. Today we talked only about some professions. But even now we can conclude that all the works are good - choose according to your taste!

I think when you grow up, you will choose the profession that you like, but always remember that all professions are needed, all professions are important!

There is a lot of work on earth
Hunt to try everything.
To have a profession
We need to overcome laziness.
Very good to study
So that we can be proud of you.


  1. Maznin I. 500 riddles for children. – M.: Sphere shopping center, 2002
  2. Teachers' council plus. 2005. No. 8
  3. Ageeva I. D. Funny riddles - folds and riddles - tricks for all school holidays. - M.: Sphere shopping center, 2002
  4. Dumanskaya S.N. Class hours.-Kh.: Publishing house. group "Osnova", 2008

September 1, 2017: the topic of the class hour should be devoted to the GTO. People who studied at Soviet time, still remember how this abbreviation stands for. But about modern schoolchildren you can't say that. To promote a healthy lifestyle and achievements in sports and personal growth, since last year the GTO has been reintroduced in Russian schools.

Since not everyone knows what GTO means, it is necessary to tell schoolchildren about it. Moreover, to do this in the most accessible and beautiful view. So that they really want to be ready for both work and defense. Today, they plan to once again popularize the GTO so much so that schoolchildren want to receive badges and are purposeful and active not only in physical education lessons at school, but also outside of them. In honor of the holiday, you can cook.

First lesson: mindset for the next year

More than 16 million students across the country will return or re-enter school in the 2017-2018 school year. September 1, 2017: topic of a class hour in Moscow or elsewhere Russian city should be devoted to the readiness of youth for work and defense. For some, this still sounds like an old Soviet slogan. But, as you know, everything new is only well-forgotten old.

Of course, in addition to what is recommended by the Ministry of Education, teachers can choose their own topics for creating scenarios and presentations for the first Classroom hour. These could be themes of war and peace, a healthy lifestyle, respect for elders. If you search on the Internet, even within our portal, you can find many interesting options holding ceremonial first lessons.

Of course, it is especially important that the first lesson on September 1 is memorable for first-graders. Many say that this day is, first of all, a holiday for first-graders. They came to school for the first time and this, indeed, is not just their first lesson in the new school year, but their first school lesson in life. This is not forgotten, especially if the teacher and parents did everything to make the lesson interesting and unusual.

September 1, 2017: class topic for class teacher It is recommended to devote to readiness for work and defense. But you can choose various topics and presentations at your discretion. Depending on the region, the interests of the class. The main thing is that the lesson is unusual, festive and, of course, carries a lot of new interesting information.

So, as of September 1, 2017: the topic of class for 3rd grade or another grade can be anything. The Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation has provided a list of recommended topics, but teachers do not set strict limits. At will and in agreement with the school administration, the topic of the first lesson in the new school year for any class can be anything. It is important that it bears an educational and patriotic character. Do you know which ones to cook?


We want to congratulate schoolchildren, their parents and, of course, teachers on the advent of the new 2017-2018 school year. May this year bring new successes and achievements. Perhaps someone will like the standards and rules of the GTO so much that at the end of this year they will receive a gold, silver or bronze distinctive badge.

Readiness for work and defense

A lot of words have already been said about the GTO and schoolchildren should understand that such an incentive system physical activity it is not introduced just for the sake of a catchphrase. Students who receive gold, silver and bronze badges will have special benefits and bonuses in the future when applying to various higher education institutions in the country.

September 1, 2017: The topic of the class hour is recommended by the TRP, but topics can be changed at the discretion of teachers and in agreement with the local school administration. the main task The goal that teachers face is to interest students so that they start the school year positively and end it with special successes and achievements. Congratulations on September 1st!

Many people remember the first day of September, the first time they came to school. Agree that the event is important in the life of every person. It's a holiday with big amount flowers, beautiful shape, brightly shining sun. He is so emotional that he does not allow him to go straight to teaching subjects. On this day, children meet and meet new teachers. Previously, September 1 began with the main lesson, which was called the “Lesson of Peace.” They talked about the importance of knowledge in life, bringing benefits to society, and helping loved ones and friends. The tradition is long-standing, representing a general trend for schoolchildren of any age. But over time, a lot has changed, including the topic of classroom activities on the first day of school. So, September 1, 2016 - 2017: the topic of the class hour.

What to focus on

  • Schoolchildren are divided into categories. Accordingly, the topics for the class hour differ. In first grade they are more like orientation sessions. After all, there are also children who have not had the opportunity to go to kindergarten; a noisy group is a new thing for them. Teachers should treat them more attentively, have special approach. Help, give.
  • Older children are eager to tell about their summer vacation, shares his impressions. Such groups are considered established, capable of planning a pleasure trip to the forest belt, a circus, or a vacation during the winter holidays from the first day.
  • Particular attention is paid to holding competitions, developing creative talents. This is another topic for the age category from nine to thirteen years old - “I am talented.” It is during this period that a person’s abilities and inclinations for something are revealed.
  • For seventh graders, a relevant activity will be discussing the rules of behavior, compliance with the law, and communication with older people. This period is difficult, as it is considered transitional and requires special monitoring of children. adolescence. After all, it is precisely at this time that pronounced attempts at realization and self-affirmation appear; there is a great risk of becoming a victim of a bad environment.
  • For the ninth grade, the topic “Ready for Labor and Defense” is recommended. Begin to form life positions, thoughts appear with which you want to connect your whole life. This is the age when, without any problems, you can understand what a student can become.
  • More thoroughly about future life should be talked about in senior year, graduation.

Remember that the topic of the class hour is not a dogma or part of some program. It is not given instructions by higher-ups, but rather by recommendations that enable the teacher to make his own decision when choosing a topic.

Convenient forms for conducting a class hour

  1. There is no need for a class period to resemble a regular lesson. It is possible to approach this issue creatively by preparing a small holiday or an exciting event.
  2. Organize a discussion or debate in the form of a conference, round table. You shouldn't be in class if weather allow you to teach a lesson in the schoolyard.
  3. Organize competitions, an exhibition or even KVN. After all, there are creative children in the class who are ready to help the teacher in organizing and conducting such an event. Take smart initiative.

The first lesson of the new school year is organized and conducted in an atmosphere of fun and joy, thoughts about the future. The main task of the school is to educate the child good man which will benefit society.

Why will the All-Russian peace lesson on September 1, 2016 be dedicated to the First World War? This is what the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation decided. Of course, this decision was not made by chance. It is dedicated to the centenary of the outbreak of the First World War.

There is the Russian Military Historical Society, which is often hidden behind the abbreviation RVIO. Within the framework of this material about the school, this society is mentioned due to the fact that it prepared certain guidelines, as well as video materials. These materials were approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and can be found on the official website of the Russian Military Education Society.

What materials have been collected?

As part of the All-Russian Peace Lesson 2016, a forty-minute film was developed on the theme “The First World War. Unknown War" The Russian Pobeda Organizing Committee, which was assisted by the Moscow government, took part in the creation of this film. Everyone together prepared a 19-minute film called “Russia in the Great War.” In particular, the short film is recommended for viewing for schoolchildren in Moscow and the region.

Courage and Honor

The Ministry of Education and Science agreed in advance that the All-Russian peace lesson on September 1, 2016 (see presentation) should tell schoolchildren about the courage of citizens and tragic event which happened exactly one hundred years ago.

Author of many teaching materials Mikhail Myagkov emphasizes that the lesson is aimed at transformation social creation modern man. We talk a lot about the Second World War, but we forget that it was preceded by the bloody First World War. Consider these historical events follows exactly in the correct order and historically correct context.

The younger generation does not always even know the dates of the First World War, let alone the names of the heroes who fought for the Fatherland. It is also necessary to teach schoolchildren to understand the causes of this war. After all, although a hundred years have passed, many questions remain relevant to this day. In order to prevent new wars, it is imperative to take lessons from history and learn from the mistakes of others. In honor of the holiday, recipes are relevant.

So, methodological recommendations for the All-Russian peace lesson on September 1, 2016 can be found on the website indicated in this material organizations. But you should pay attention that you can conduct a class hour on September 1 not only on the topic of peace, but also on the topic of the GTO.

Readiness for work and defense

Modern schoolchildren no longer know what GTO is. But since September 2014, by decree of the President of the Russian Federation, the standards have returned again. Soviet system physical education and activity is again relevant on the territory of modern Russia.

To tell schoolchildren what GTO is and what advantages badges provide in the future, how to get them, you can conduct an appropriate lesson on this topic.
At the initiative of teachers, the topics of the first lesson on Knowledge Day may be different. The First World War is important world event. But, as you know, the Russian Empire withdrew from participation in this war ahead of schedule, therefore, this episode is not often remembered. Although, many Russian soldiers died on the fronts of the First World War and without contribution Russian Empire in the matter of victory, it would, of course, be more difficult for the rest of the world to win.