Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Games for conflicts in kindergarten. Conflict Prevention Training in Kindergarten with Presentation

Playing with peers essential role in the life of a preschooler. It is a condition for the formation of social qualities of the personality of a preschooler, the manifestation and development of the beginnings of the collective relationship of children. Prevention of deviations in the development of relationships at the very first stages of personality formation seems relevant and important, primarily because the conflict in the relationship of a preschooler with peers can act as a serious threat to personal and social development.

visitation by a child preschool does not always guarantee the motivation of communication and communication skills. On the contrary, serious violations in the field of communication with peers can become persistent as a result of early unfavorable relationships with children in the kindergarten group. Emotional distress associated with communication difficulties can lead to different types child's behavior. The stronger the emotional distress, the more likely it is that situations will arise that cause difficulties in his interaction with the outside world. The child becomes less contact, experiences a variety of persistent fears; he has poor self-esteem. Other children, on the contrary, begin to show aggressive behavior, which leads to serious violations in relationships with others. In milder cases, aggression is expressed in verbal form, in more severe cases, it is physical aggression (fight, destruction, infliction of damage to oneself or others, which poses a danger both to the child himself and to other children.

It should be noted that the sphere of relationships between children in the family and in the children's team is for them the main source of tension, conflict, psychological problems and difficulties, so it is very important to preserve mental health preschooler, his successful development, to create the necessary comfortable socio-psychological and pedagogical conditions that ensure his emotional well-being.

It is known that in childhood conflict situations There are so many and many of them are sometimes difficult to understand.

Moral teachings about justice, threats, suggestion of guilt do not lead to anything good. The task of adults (parents, educators) is to teach children some rules of life among other people, which include the ability to express one's desire, listen to the desire of another, and agree.

Observations of children in a conflict situation indicate that often its participants resolve the problems that have arisen in different ways. Some try to resolve the dispute by force to achieve their goals, while others are well versed communicative methods resolve their disputes and differences in a more peaceful, non-violent way.

However, in any conflict situation, the educator must express to the children his attitude towards it through the “I am the message”. Something like this: “I don’t like it when children quarrel and fight in a group.” There is no doubt that a calm discussion of the problem together with the children, in the end, leads to a peaceful solution to it. And here it is important for the educator to ensure that the children learn to explain to each other what they want, and then offer or consider a way out. Children's abilities in this respect should not be underestimated, already in early age it is quite possible to make a joint decision.

Conflicts in the children's team are easier to prevent than to resolve. The determining factor in the prevention of children's conflicts is the direction of the upbringing process. Education should be aimed at accustoming to certain social norms relationships and interactions, the observance of which is important aspect in social development child's personality.

Methods and techniques should not infringe on the dignity of the child, threaten his safety and prevent the formation of a self-image.

One of the areas of pedagogical activity of the educator should be the development of communication skills of children with peers, which provides for:

Firstly, instilling basic social skills: the ability to listen to another, maintain a general conversation, participate in collective discussion tactfully criticize and praise the other, teaching them to jointly search for mutually beneficial solutions in difficult situations learning to take responsibility.

Secondly, to teach the child not to apply the measure of perfection either to others or to himself, not to allow either accusation or self-flagellation. To instill in the child the ability to look at oneself from the outside, to objectively assess the behavior of the owl and the actions of others.

Third, teach children:

Techniques of self-regulation (which is based on the ability to relax) of one's state;

Ability to manage their feelings, understand and distinguish emotional condition other people;

To express friendly feelings, sympathy, sympathy and empathy for others.

A child can acquire all these skills if the teacher organizes training games, role-playing games, interactive games and exercises, individual and group discussions of the problem. As an illustration, I will give some options for individual and group discussions with children 5-7 years old. different problems faced by preschoolers.

The discussion of children's problems is based on the method of game design of problem situations.

- "Bridge" - any problem is created by two opposing sides, each of which strives to prove that it is the only right one in the dispute. The task of each participant is to take reciprocal steps, to build a "bridge" that will help unite people, their desires and aspirations, help bring them to a common goal, which then must be formulated. For example: Kolya and Misha (5 years old) want to draw with a red pencil, each strives to take it for himself. The "bridge" in this case is either their agreement to draw in turn, or the desire to give in to another. common goal: maintain friendly relations.

- "Two weights" - evaluating his desire, the child can express his assumptions based on the results of the implementation of the plan with positive consequences and with negative consequences. In this case, two weights are placed on the scales, the child lists on one "scale" the positive results of achieving the desired, and on the "second" negative consequences. What will the child choose?

Give a toy (+)

Don't give (-)

Sasha will be friends with me.

Sasha will not be friends with me.

Then he gives up his toy.

Will play with other children.

Will play with him.

Everyone will tease me.

- “Steps” - I discuss the problem, children can pronounce not only their own steps, but also anticipate the reaction of another person to them, the consequences of one or another of their steps. The discussion takes place in the form of a "ladder", climbing which the child can build a logical chain of logical reasoning from the bottom up. For example:

4. Misha will say: "Let's take turns carrying loads."

3. I will tell Misha: "Let's play together?"

2. Misha will say: “I won’t give it, I play myself.”

1. I will ask Misha for a typewriter.

By implementing pedagogical activity in MBDOU as a teacher-psychologist I devote Special attention development of communication skills, prevention and conflict resolution of children in kindergarten. Carrying out work in this direction I successfully use the benefits on which we will dwell in more detail:

1. peace rug


Teach children strategies for negotiation and discussion in resolving conflicts in a group. The very presence of a "rug of peace" in the group encourages children to abandon fights, arguments and tears, replacing them with discussing the problem with each other.

Game progress.

To play, you need a piece of thin blanket or fabric measuring 90 x 150 cm or a soft rug of the same size, felt-tip pens, glue, sequins, beads, colored buttons, everything you might need to decorate the scenery.

Educator. Guys, tell me, what do you argue about sometimes with each other? Which of the guys do you argue with the most? How do you feel after such an argument? What do you think can happen if different opinions clash in a dispute? Today I brought a piece of cloth for all of us, which will become our "rug of the world." As soon as an argument arises, the “opponents” can sit on it and talk to each other in such a way as to find a way to peacefully resolve their problem. Let's see what happens. (The teacher puts a cloth in the center of the room, and on it - a pretty picture book or a fun toy.) Imagine that Katya and Sveta want to take this toy to play, but she is alone, and there are two of them. Both of them will sit on the peace mat, and I will sit next to them to help them when they want to discuss and solve this problem. None of them has the right to take a toy just like that. (Children take a place on the carpet.) Maybe one of the guys has a suggestion on how this situation could be resolved?

After a few minutes of discussion, the teacher invites the children to decorate a piece of fabric: “Now we can turn this piece into a “world rug” of our group. I will write the names of all the children on it, and you must help me decorate it.

This process is very great importance because thanks to him children symbolically make the “rug of the world” a part of their lives. Whenever an argument breaks out, they will be able to use it to resolve the problem that has arisen, to discuss it. The "Peace Carpet" must be used exclusively for this purpose. When the children get used to this ritual, they will begin to apply the "mat of peace" without the help of a teacher, and this is very important, because. independent decision problems and there the main objective this strategy. "Rug of the world" will give children inner confidence and peace, will also help them concentrate their energies on finding mutually beneficial solutions to problems. This is a wonderful symbol of the rejection of verbal or physical aggression.

Issues for discussion:

Why is the "mat of peace" so important to us?

What happens when the stronger person wins the argument?

Why is it unacceptable to use violence in a dispute?

What do you understand by justice?

2. Benefit “Mirilka


Literary manual "Mirilka" for children 3-6 years old to develop in children the ability to establish and maintain contacts with peers and adults based on respect, acceptance and a fair approach of cooperation, social moral competence in children, promoting the formation of an atmosphere of trust and acceptance.

I option.

Mirilka-cushion with an applicative technique. If the children do not find agreement on something, Mirilka comes to the rescue. Children put their palms on the pillow and say the cherished words: “Peace, put up, put up and don’t fight anymore, just smile.”

II option.

“Mirilka” is a knitted, semi-flat toy, which consists of two funny “heads” with hands. One pair of hands is clasped and placed on a pad in the form of a glove. This toy is multifunctional and can be used in many kinds of children's activities.

3. Benefit “Friendship Box”


Develops non-verbal means communication. Helps to bring children closer together, stimulates the manifestation of attention to peers; anxious, insecure, makes it possible to take a step towards new contacts.

To play, you need a box with 4-6 holes cut on the sides according to the size of a child's hand.

I option.

“Who did I make friends with”

Children - 4-6 participants put their pens in a box (supported by the host), close their eyes, then find someone's hand, get to know it, and then guess whose hand they met and became friends with.


"I want to make friends with you"

Children stand around the box. The facilitator offers or without words only with the help of a glance to agree with whom they would like to make friends (each participant chooses one). Next, the guys are invited to stick their hand into the slot and by touch find the hand of the child with whom they agreed with their eyes.

4. Dolls dwarf Veselchak and dwarf Grustinka


Teaching children the skills of effective conflict resolution.

With the help of puppets, you can simulate various conflict situations and, together with children, find ways and means to resolve them.

Throughout childhood, children learn to understand and respect each other, but it’s good if they begin to gain such experience at the very first step of communication. The best thing that adults can do in such a situation is to teach children socially acceptable norms of behavior and communication.

Used Books

Zakharov A.I. prevention of deviations in the behavior of the child. 3rd ed. Correct. (Psychology of the child). St. Petersburg: Soyuz, Lenizdat, 2000.

Lyutova E., Monina G. Fundamentals of conflictology. Izhevsk: publishing house of UdGU, 2000.

Semenaka S.I. Lessons of kindness: correctional and developmental program for children 5-7 years old. 2nd ed. Correct. And extra. M: Infra-M., 1999.

Semenaka S.I. We learn to sympathize, to empathize. Correctional and developmental classes for children 5-8 years old. M .: Arkti, 2003. (development and education of a preschooler).

Target:to train teachers in games that reduce the level of conflict in the children's team. Build motivation to use these games.

Conduct form:a week before the seminar, teachers are given games that are selected according to the age of the children with whom the teacher works. The teacher prepares the attributes and equipment for these games. At the seminar, the educator presents these games to colleagues, and he loses 2 games (the ones he liked the most) on colleagues (he is the educator, the rest of the teachers are “children”)


Goals and main tasks:

  • To develop relationships built on equality or readiness (ability) to constructively solve problems related to the position (status) in the group, to help children feel unity with others.
  • Develop openness, the ability to express interest in each other and their attitude towards others.
  • Show children what mutual recognition and respect means.
  • Develop communication skills and the ability to resolve conflicts without violence.
  • Generate interest in a common goal.
  • Develop a willingness to contribute to the common cause.
  • Develop a willingness to go towards each other.
  • Learn to be patient with the shortcomings of others.
  • Learn to respect the interests of others.

Game "Good Animal"

Target: promote unity children's team to teach children to understand the feelings of others, to provide support and empathy.

Game progress. The host says in a quiet, mysterious voice: “Please stand in a circle and hold hands. We are one big kind animal. Let's hear how it breathes. Now let's breathe together! On the inhale we take a step forward, on the exhale we take a step back. And now on the inhale we take two steps forward, on the exhale - two steps back. So not only does the animal breathe, its big kind heart beats just as evenly and clearly, a knock is a step forward, a knock is a step back, etc. We all take the breath and beat of the heart of this animal to ourselves.

Game "Steam Train"

Target: creating a positive emotional background, group cohesion, development of arbitrary control, the ability to obey the rules of others.

Game progress. Children are built one after another, holding on to their shoulders. The "engine" is carrying the "trailer", overcoming various obstacles.

Mobile game "Dragon bites its tail"

Target: group cohesion.

Game progress. The players stand one behind the other, holding on to the waist in front of the one standing. The first child is the head of the dragon, the last is the tip of the tail. To the music, the first player tries to grab the last one - the “dragon” catches its “tail”. The rest of the children hold tightly to each other. If the dragon does not catch its tail, then another child is assigned to the role of the “dragon head” next time.

Game "Bug"

Target: disclosure of group relations.

Game progress. The children line up behind the leader. The driver stands with his back to the group, putting his hand out from under his armpits with an open palm. The driver must find out which of the children touched his hand, and leads until he guesses correctly. The driver is chosen with the help of a rhyme.

After three lessons in a group, 5 spontaneous roles can be distinguished according to observations:

  1. leader;
  2. fellow leader (" henchman");
  3. non-aligned oppositionist;
  4. submissive conformist ("ram");
  5. "scapegoat".

Game "Hugs"

Target: to teach children the physical expression of their positive feelings, thereby contributing to the development of group cohesion. The game can be played in the morning, when the children gather in a group, to “warm up” it. The teacher must show his desire to see in front of him a single close-knit group that unites all children, regardless of their level of sociability.

Game progress. The teacher invites the children to sit in one large circle.

Educator. Children, how many of you still remember what he did with his soft toys to express his attitude towards them? That's right, you took them in your arms. I want you all to treat each other well and be friends with each other. Of course, sometimes you can argue with each other, but when people are friendly, it is easier for them to endure insults or disagreements. I want you to express your friendly feelings towards the rest of the children by hugging them. Perhaps there will be a day when one of you does not want to be hugged. Then let us know what you want, for now you can just watch, but not participate in the game. Then everyone else will not touch this child. I'll start with a light little hug and I hope you can help me turn this hug into a stronger and friendlier one. When the hug reaches you, then any of you can add enthusiasm and friendliness to it.

Children in a circle begin to hug each other, each time, if the neighbor does not mind, intensifying the hug.

After the game, ask questions:

-Did you like the game?

-Why is it good to hug other children?

How do you feel when another child hugs you?

Do they take you home? How often does this happen?

Game "Applause in a circle"

Target: formation of group cohesion.

Game progress.

Educator. Guys, who among you can imagine what an artist feels after a concert or performance - standing in front of his audience and listening to the thunder of applause? Perhaps he feels this applause not only with his ears. Perhaps he receives applause with all his body and soul. We have a good group, and each of you deserves an applause. I want to play a game with you, during which the applause is quiet at first, and then it gets stronger and stronger. Get in a general circle, I'll start.

The teacher approaches one of the children. She looks into his eyes and gives her applause, clapping her hands with all her might. Then, together with this child, the teacher chooses the next one, who also receives his portion of applause, then the trio chooses the next applicant for a standing ovation. Each time the one who was applauded chooses the next one, the game continues until the last participant in the game has received the applause of the whole group.


Game "Ask for a toy"

Target: development of communication skills.

Game progress. A group of children is divided into pairs, one of the participants in the pair (with a blue identification mark(flower)) picks up an object, for example, a toy, a notebook, a pencil, etc. The other (No. 2) should ask for this object. Instruction to participant No. 1: “You are holding a toy in your hands that you really need, but your friend needs it too. He will ask you for it. Try to keep the toy with you and give it away only if you really want to do it. Instruction to participant No. 2: “Selecting the right words, try to ask for a toy so that they give it to you. Then the participants switch roles.

Good friend game

Target: develop the skill of building friendships.

Game progress. To conduct the game, you will need paper, a pencil, felt-tip pens for each child.

The teacher asks the children to think about their good friend and specifies that it may be real person or you can just imagine it. The following questions are then discussed: “What do you think of this person? What do you like to do together? What does your friend look like? What do you like the most about it? What do you do to strengthen your friendship? » The teacher offers to draw answers to these questions on paper.

Further discussion:

-How does a person find a friend?

-Why are good friends so important in life?

-Do you have a friend in the group?

Game "I like you"

Target: development of communication skills and good relationships between children.

Game progress. To play the game you will need a ball of colored wool. At the request of the teacher, the children sit in a common circle.

Educator. Guys, let's all together make one big colored web that connects us together. When we weave it, each of us can express his good thoughts and feelings that he has for his peers. So, wrap the free end of the woolen thread twice around your palm and roll the ball towards one of the guys, accompanying your movement with the words: “Lena (Dima, Masha)! I like you because... (it's a lot of fun to play different games with you)."

Lena, after listening to the words addressed to her, wraps her palm with a thread so that the "web" is more or less stretched. After that, Lena must think and decide who to pass the ball to next. Passing it to Dima, she also says kind words: "Dima! I like you because you found my bow that I lost yesterday. And so the game continues until all the children are entangled in the "web". The last child who received the ball begins to wind it in the opposite direction, while each child winds his part of the thread around the ball and says the words spoken to him and the name of the speaker, giving him the ball back.

Further discussion:

Is it easy to say nice things to other children?

-Who ever said anything nice to you before this game?

-Are the children friendly in the group?

-Why is every child worthy of love?

-Did anything surprise you about this game?


Main tasks:

  • to instill in the child new forms of behavior;
  • teach yourself to accept right decisions and take responsibility;
  • give the opportunity to feel independent and self-confident person;
  • correction of affective behavior;
  • acquiring self-relaxation skills.

Etudes: “A clown laughs and teases an elephant”, “Silence” (trainings of desirable behavior), “Here he is” (pantomime), “Shadow”, “Shy child”, “Captain” and “The right decision” (courage, confidence in himself), “Two Little Jealousies”, “So it will be fair”, “A deer has a big house”, “Cuckoo”, “Screw”, “Sun and cloud”, “Bushi got water”, “Playing with sand” (muscle relaxation). Games: "Birthday", "Associations", "Desert Island", " scary tales"," Fanta "(Ovcharova R. V., 2003).

Game "King"

Target: to form adequate self-esteem in children, to instill new forms of behavior.

move games.

Educator. Guys, which one of you has ever dreamed of becoming a king? What are the benefits of becoming a king? And what trouble can this bring? you know what good king different from evil?

After finding out the opinion of the children, the teacher invites them to play a game in which everyone can be a king for about five minutes. With the help of a counting rhyme, the first participant in the role of the king is selected, the rest of the children become his servants and must do everything that the king orders. Naturally, the king does not have the right to give such orders that may offend or offend other children, but he can order, for example, that the servants bow to him, serve drinks, be on his "parcels", etc. When the king's orders are fulfilled, according to the counting rhyme, another performer of the role is selected; during the game, 2-3 children can be in the role of the king. When the reign time last king ends, the teacher conducts a conversation in which he discusses with the children their experience in the game.

Further discussion:

-How did you feel when you were king?

-What did you like the most in this role?

-Was it easy for you to give orders to other children?

-How did you feel when you were a servant?

-Was it easy for you to fulfill the wishes of the king?

-When Vova (Egor) was king, was he a good or evil king for you?

-How far can a good king go in his desires?


Main tasks:

  • Reorientation of behavior through role-playing games.
  • Formation of adequate norms of behavior.
  • Relieve stress in children.
  • Moral education.
  • Adjustment of behavior in the team and expansion of the child's behavioral repertoire.
  • Learning acceptable ways to express anger.
  • Development of skills of response in conflict situations.
  • Teaching relaxation techniques.

Etudes: Carlson, A Very Thin Child. Games: “Who came”, “Blots”, “Guess what is hidden?”, “What has changed?”, “Guess who we are?”, “Ship”, “Three characters”, “Mirror shop”, “Angry monkey ”,“ Who is behind whom ”,“ Cunning ”(Ovcharova R. V., 2003).

In these studies and games, the teacher can simulate a conflict situation, and then analyze the conflict together with the children.

If there was a quarrel or a fight in the group, you can sort out this situation in a circle by inviting your favorite famous children to visit literary heroes, such as Dunno and Donut. In front of the children, the guests act out a quarrel similar to the one that occurred in the group, and then ask the children to reconcile them. Children offer various ways exit from the conflict. You can divide the heroes and guys into two groups, one of which speaks on behalf of Dunno, the other on behalf of Donut. You can give the children the opportunity to choose for themselves whose position they would like to take and whose interests to protect. Whatever specific shape no role-playing game was chosen, it is important that in the end, children will acquire the ability to take the position of another person, recognize his feelings and experiences, learn how to behave in difficult life situations. General discussion problems will contribute to the rallying of the children's team and the establishment of a favorable psychological climate in the group.

During such discussions, you can play out other situations that most often cause conflicts in the team: how to react if a friend does not give you the toy you need, what to do if you are teased; what to do if you were pushed and you fell, etc. Purposeful and patient work in this direction will help the child to be more understanding of the feelings of others and learn to adequately relate to what is happening.

In addition, you can invite children to organize a theater, ask them to play certain situations, for example, "How Malvina quarreled with Pinocchio." However, before showing any scene, the children should discuss why the characters in the tale behaved in one way or another. It is necessary that they try to put themselves in the place of fairy-tale characters and answer the questions: “What did Pinocchio feel when Malvina put him in a closet?”, “What did Malvina feel when she had to punish Pinocchio?” - and etc.

Such conversations will help children realize how important it is to be in the place of a rival or offender in order to understand why he acted the way he did and not otherwise.

Game "Quarrel"

Target: to teach children to analyze actions, to find the cause of the conflict; differentiate opposite emotional experiences: friendliness and hostility. Introduce children to constructive ways resolve conflict situations, as well as promote their assimilation and use in behavior.

Game progress. The game requires a "magic plate" and a picture of two girls.

caregiver (draws the attention of the children to the “magic plate”, at the bottom of which lies a picture of two girls). Children, I want to introduce you to two friends: Olya and Lena. But look at the expression on their faces! What do you think happened?


We had a fight with a friend

and sat in the corners.

Very boring without each other!

We need to reconcile.

I didn't offend her

I just held a bear

Only with a bear ran away

And she said: “I won’t give it back!”

(A. Kuznetsova)

Issues for discussion:

-Think and say: why did the girls quarrel? (Because of the toy);

-Have you ever quarreled with your friends? Because of which?

-How do those who fight feel?

-Is it possible to do without quarrels?

Think about how girls can make up? After listening to the answers, the teacher offers one of the ways of reconciliation - the author ended this story like this:

I'll give her a bear, I'll apologize, I'll give her a ball, I'll give her a tram And I'll say: "Let's play!"

(A. Kuznetsova)

The teacher focuses on the fact that the perpetrator of the quarrel should be able to admit his guilt.

Game "Reconciliation"

Target: Teach children non-violent ways to resolve conflict situations.

Game progress.

Educator. In life, people often try to solve their problems on the principle of "an eye for an eye, an eye for an eye." When someone offends us, we respond even more strong resentment. If someone threatens us, we also respond with a threat and thereby intensify our conflicts. In many cases, it is much more beneficial to take a step back, acknowledge your share of responsibility for causing a quarrel or fight, and shake hands with each other in a sign of reconciliation.

Phil and Piggy (toys) will help us in this game. One of you will speak the words of Fili, and the other - Piggy. Now you will try to act out the scene of a quarrel between Filya and Piggy, for example, because of the book that Filya brought to the group. (Children act out a quarrel between television characters, with a manifestation of resentment and anger.) Well, now Phil and Piggy are not friends, they sit in different corners of the room and do not talk to each other. Guys, let's help them make peace. Please suggest how this can be done. (Children offer options: sit next to them, give the book to the owner, etc.) Yes guys, you are right. In this situation, the book can be dispensed with without a quarrel. I suggest you play the scene differently. It is necessary for Piggy to invite Phil to look at the book together or in turn, and not to tear it out of his hands, or to offer something of his own for a while - a typewriter, a set of pencils, etc. (Children act out the scene differently.) And now Filya and Piggy must make peace, ask each other for forgiveness for offending each other, and let them shake hands with each other as a sign of reconciliation.

Questions to discuss with children playing roles:

Was it hard for you to forgive someone else? How did you feel about it?

What happens when you get angry with someone?

Do you think forgiveness is a sign of strength or a sign of weakness?

Why is it important to forgive others?

Etude with the content of the problem situation

Target: checking the degree of assimilation of the rules of behavior in difficult situations.

Game progress.

Educator. Guys, today during a walk there was a quarrel between two girls. Now I ask Natasha and Katya to act out for us the situation that arose during the walk. “Natasha and Katya played ball. The ball rolled into a puddle. Katya wanted to get the ball, but could not stay on her feet and fell into a puddle. Natasha began to laugh, and Katya wept bitterly.

Issues for discussion:

-Why did Kate cry? (She became embarrassed.)

-Did Natasha do the right thing?

-What would you do in her place?

-Let's help the girls make peace.

At the end of the conversation, the teacher makes a generalization:

- If you are the culprit of a quarrel, then be the first to admit your guilt. This will help you magic words: "Sorry", "Let me help you", "Let's play together."

- Smile more often and you won't have to fight!

Game "Sweet Problem"

Target: to teach children to solve small problems through negotiations, to accept joint solutions, to refuse quick decision problems in your favor.

Game progress. In this game, each child will need one cookie and each pair of children will need one napkin.

Educator. Children, sit in a circle. The game we have to play is related to sweets. To get cookies, you first need to choose a partner and solve one problem with him. Sit opposite each other and look into each other's eyes. There will be a cookie between you on a napkin, please do not touch it yet. This game has one problem. A cookie can only be received by a partner whose partner voluntarily refuses the cookie and gives it to you. This is a rule that must not be broken. Now you can start talking, but without the consent of your partner, you have no right to take cookies. If consent is obtained, then cookies can be taken.

Then the teacher waits for all the couples to make a decision and observes how they act. Some can immediately eat the cookies, having received it from a partner, while others break the cookies in half and give one half to their partner. Some people can’t solve the problem for a long time, who will get the cookies after all.

Educator. Now I will give each pair one more cookie. Discuss what you will do with the cookies this time.

He observes that in this case, too, children act differently. Those children who split the first cookie in half usually repeat this "justice strategy". Most of the children who gave a cookie to a partner in the first part of the game and did not receive a piece now expect the partner to give the cookie to them. There are children who are ready to give their partner a second cookie.

Issues for discussion:

- Children, who gave the cookies to their friend? Tell me, how did you feel about it?

- Who wanted to keep the cookies? What did you do for this?

- What do you expect when you are polite to someone?

- Was everyone treated fairly in this game?

- Who took the least time to reach an agreement?

How did you feel about it?

-How else can you come to a consensus with your partner?

-What reasons did you give for the partner to agree to give the cookies?

Game "Rug of the World"

Target: teach children strategies for negotiation and discussion in resolving conflicts in a group. The very presence of a "rug of peace" in the group encourages children to abandon fights, arguments and tears, replacing them with discussing the problem with each other.

move games. To play, you need a piece of thin blanket or fabric measuring 90 X 150 cm or a soft rug of the same size, felt-tip pens, glue, sequins, beads, colored buttons, everything you might need to decorate the scenery.

Educator. Guys, tell me, what do you argue about sometimes with each other? Which of the guys do you argue with the most? How do you feel after such an argument? What do you think can happen if different opinions clash in a dispute? Today I brought a piece of cloth for all of us, which will become our "rug of the world." As soon as a dispute arises, the “opponents” can sit on it and talk to each other in such a way as to find a way to peacefully resolve their problem. Let's see what happens. (The teacher puts a cloth in the center of the room, and on it a beautiful picture book or an entertaining toy.) Imagine that Katya and Sveta want to take this toy to play, but she is alone, and there are two of them. Both of them will sit on the peace mat, and I will sit next to them to help them when they want to discuss and solve this problem. None of them has the right to take a toy just like that. (Children take a place on the carpet.) Maybe one of the guys has a suggestion on how this situation could be resolved?

After a few minutes of discussion, the teacher invites the children to decorate a piece of fabric: “Now we can turn this piece into a “world rug” of our group. I will write on it the names of all the children, and you must help me to decorate it.”

This process is very important, because through it the children symbolically make the “rug of the world” a part of their lives. Whenever an argument breaks out, they will be able to use it to resolve the problem that has arisen, to discuss it. The "Peace Carpet" must be used exclusively for this purpose. Once the children get used to this ritual, they will begin to use the "mat of peace" without the help of a teacher, and this is very important, because problem solving on their own is the main goal of this strategy. The “Peace Carpet” will give children inner confidence and peace, and will also help them concentrate their energies on finding mutually beneficial solutions to problems. This is a wonderful symbol of the rejection of verbal or physical aggression.

Issues for discussion:

Why is the "mat of peace" so important to us?

What happens when the stronger person wins the argument?

- Why is it unacceptable to use violence in a dispute?

- What do you understand by justice?

Myrilka poems

Target: increase motivation for the peaceful resolution of conflicts in the group, create a ritual to end the conflict

1. Make up, make up, don't fight anymore.

If you fight

I will bite!

And nothing to do with biting

I will fight with a brick!

We don't need a brick

Let's make friends with you!

2. Handle by handle

We'll take it strong

We used to fight

And now for nothing!

3. We will not quarrel.

We will be friends

Let's not forget the oath

As long as we live!

4. Enough of us already angry,

Have fun all around!

Hurry, let's make up:

You are my friend!

And I'm your friend!

We will forget all insults

And be friends, as before!

5. I put up, put up, put up,

And I don't fight anymore.

Well, if I fight, -

I'll be in a dirty puddle!
6. Let's put up with you

And share everything.

And who will not reconcile -

Let's not deal with that!

7. To make the sun smile,

We tried to warm you and me,

You just need to get better

And put up with us soon!

8. Peace, peace forever,

Can't fight anymore

And then grandma will come

And kicks in the ass!

9. How to swear and tease

It's better for us to put up with you!

Let's smile together

Songs to sing and dance

Swimming in the lake in summer

And pick strawberries

Ice skating in winter

Bab sculpt, play snowballs,

Sharing sweets for two

All problems and secrets.

It is very boring to live in a quarrel,

Therefore, let's be friends!


  1. 1.Antsupov A.Ya., Shipilov A.I. Conflictology. – M.: Unity, 2000.
  2. 2.Zedgenidze V.Ya. Prevention and resolution of conflicts among preschoolers: a guide for practitioners of preschool educational institutions. – M.: Iris-press, 2009.
  3. 3.Klinina R.R. Training for the development of the personality of a preschooler: classes, games, exercises. - St. Petersburg: Rech, 2001
  4. 4.Klyueva N.V., Kasatkina Yu.V. We teach children to communicate. - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 1996
  5. 5.Fopel K. How to teach children to cooperate. Psychological games and exercises: - M.: Genesis, 2003

Andronova Olga Efimovna

educational psychologist

BDOU "Kindergarten No. 134 of the combined type"

Main tasks:
Relieve stress in children.
Formation of adequate norms of behavior in the team.
Teaching relaxation techniques.
Learning how to express anger.
Development of skills of response in conflict situations.

Game "Bug"
Purpose: Disclosure of group relations.
Game progress: Children stand in line behind the driver. The driver stands with his back to the group, putting his hand out from under the armpits with an open palm. The driver must find out which of the guys touched his hand. And he drives until he guesses correctly. The driver is chosen with the help of a rhyme.

After three sessions in a group, five spontaneous roles can be distinguished according to observations:
Leader's comrade.
Non-aligned oppositionist.
Submissive conformist.

The game "Arrange the posts"
Purpose: Development of attention, arbitrary control of behavior.
Game progress: Children line up in a row, choose a commander who becomes the head of the line. Then the commander starts moving. Everyone marches after him, repeating the movements. At some point, the commander claps his hands, then the last one walking should stop, and everyone else should continue to go. The commander arranges the children in the places where he considers it necessary (in a circle, around the perimeter of the room, etc.). When all the children are in their places, a new commander is appointed. The game continues until all the children have been commanders.
Comments: Additional rules can be added to the game.

The game "Filya and Piggy"
Purpose: To teach children how to resolve a conflict situation.
Game progress: Presenter: In life, people often try to solve their problems according to the principle: “an eye for an eye, an eye for an eye”. When someone offends us, we respond with even stronger resentment. If someone threatens us, we also respond with a threat and thereby intensify our conflicts. In many cases, it is much more beneficial to take a step back, acknowledge your share of responsibility for causing a quarrel or fight, and shake hands with each other in a sign of reconciliation.
Phil and Piggy (toys) will help us in this game. Some of you will speak in Fili's words, and the other in Piggy's. Now you will play out the scene of a quarrel between Filya and Piggy, for example, because of the book that Filya brought to the group (children play out a quarrel using resentment and anger). Well, now Phil and Piggy are not friends, they sit in different corners of the room and do not talk to each other. Guys, let's help them make peace. Suggest how this can be done (children offer options: sit next to me, give the book to the owner, etc.) Yes, guys, you are right. In this situation, the book can be dispensed with without a quarrel. I suggest you play the scene differently. It is necessary for Piggy to invite Phil to look at the book together or in turn, and not to tear it out of his hands, or offer something of his own for a while - a typewriter, a set of pencils, etc. (children act out the scene in a different way). And now Filya and Piggy must make peace, ask each other for forgiveness for offending each other, and let them shake hands with each other as a sign of reconciliation.
Questions to discuss with children playing roles:
Was it hard for you to forgive someone else?
How did you feel about it?
What happens when you get angry with someone?
Do you think forgiveness is a sign of strength or a sign of weakness?
Why is it important to forgive others?

Game "Sweet Problem"
Purpose: To teach children to solve small problems through negotiations, to make joint decisions, to turn out of a quick solution to a problem in their favor.
How to play: In this game, each child will need one cookie and each pair of children will need one napkin.
Leader: children, sit in a circle. The game we have to play is related to sweets. To get a cookie, you first need to choose a partner and solve one problem with him. Sit opposite each other and look into each other's eyes. There will be a cookie between you on a napkin, please don't touch it yet. This game has one problem. A cookie can only be received by a partner whose partner voluntarily refuses the cookie and gives it to you. This rule is. Which cannot be broken. Now you can start talking, but without the consent of your partner, you have no right to take cookies. If consent is obtained, cookies can be taken.
Then the teacher waits for all the couples to make a decision and observes how they act. Some people can eat cookies right away. Having received it from a partner, the others break the cookies and give one half to their partner. Some people can’t solve the problem for a long time, who will get the cookies after all.
Moderator: And now I will give each pair one more cookie. Discuss what you will do with the cookies this time.

He observes that in this case, too, children act differently. Those children who split the first cookie in half usually repeat this "justice strategy". Most of the children who gave the cookie to the partner in the first part of the game and did not receive a piece now expect the partner to give the cookie to them. There are children who are ready to give their partner a second cookie.

Issues for discussion:

Children, who gave the cookies to their friend? Tell me, how did you feel about it?

Who wanted to keep the cookies? What did you feel about it?

What do you expect when you are polite to someone?

Who took the least time to reach an agreement?

How else can you come to a consensus with your partner?

Purpose: Checking the degree of assimilation of the rules of behavior in a difficult situation.

Game progress: Presenter: Guys, today during a walk there was a quarrel between two girls. Now I will ask Natasha and Katya to act out for us the situation that arose during the walk. “Natasha and Katya played ball. The ball rolled into a puddle. Katya wanted to get the ball, but could not stay on her feet and fell into a puddle. Natasha began to laugh, and Katya wept bitterly.

Issues for discussion:

Why did Kate cry?

Did Natasha do the right thing?

What would you do in her place?

Let's help the girls make peace.

At the end of the conversation, the facilitator makes a generalization: If you are the culprit of the quarrel, then be the first to admit your guilt. Magic words will help you with this: “sorry”, “let me help you”, “let's play together”.

Game "Pull yourself together"

Goal: Relieve emotional stress.

Game progress: The child is told - as soon as you feel that you are worried, you want to hit someone, throw something, there is a very simple way to prove your strength to yourself: clasp your elbows with your palms and press your hands tightly to your chest - this is the pose of a seasoned person.

Game "Hugs"

Purpose: To teach children the physical expression of their positive feelings, thereby contributing to the development of group cohesion.

Game progress: The host invites the children to sit in one big circle: Children, which of you still remember what he did with his soft toys to express his attitude towards them? That's right, you took them in your arms. I want you all to treat each other well and be friends with each other. Of course, sometimes you can argue with each other, but when people are friendly, it is easier for them to endure insults and disagreements. I want you to express your friendly feelings towards the rest of the children by hugging them.

Resolution and prevention of conflicts

Purpose: understanding the nature of the conflict, the formation of attitudes towards conflicts as new opportunities for creativity and self-improvement. Development of the ability to adequately respond to conflict various situations. Development of "I-statements" skills that contribute to the resolution of conflict situations, demonstration of the style of cooperation as one of the main elements in the prevention of conflict resolution, identification of factors effective communication contributing to the achievement of mutual understanding between the participants, a positive statement of the individual.
People often picture conflict as a struggle between two sides fighting for victory. No one can avoid conflicts - they take important place in our life. However, it is much more effective to perceive the conflict as a problem in which both sides are involved. Conflict can be used to open up alternative opportunities and find opportunities for mutual growth.
There are three basic skills for resolving conflict and building peaceful relationships: encouragement, communication, and cooperation. Encouragement Means Respect best qualities conflict partner. Communication includes the ability to listen to a partner in such a way that it helps to understand what caused the conflict, what is most important to him, and what he intends to do to resolve the conflict, and the ability to give the same information from your point of view, when doing so, refraining from using words that could cause anger and distrust. Collaboration is based on giving another word, recognizing the abilities of another, bringing ideas together, without dominating anyone, finding consensus, mutual support and mutual assistance.

1. "What is conflict"
Participants are invited to write on small sheets of conflict definitions ("Conflict is..."). After that, the answer sheets are put into an improvised "basket of conflicts" (box, bag, hat, bag) and mixed. The facilitator approaches each participant in turn, offering to take one of the sheets and read what was written. Thus, it is possible to reach the definition of conflict.
2. Work in microgroups
To form microgroups of 5 - 6 people, the following game option is offered. Colored tokens are prepared in advance (the number of tokens is determined by the number of players, the number of colors of tokens is determined by the number of microgroups). Participants are given the opportunity to choose a token of any color. Thus, in accordance with the selected token, microgroups of participants with tokens of the same color are formed. For example, a micro group of participants with red tokens, a micro group of participants with yellow tokens, etc.
The task of the participants at this stage is to determine the causes of conflicts in their microgroups. After working in microgroups, participants come together to discuss developments. Expressed thoughts with some editing are written on a piece of drawing paper.
In the process of discussion, it is necessary to come to the idea of ​​three components that lead to conflict: the inability to communicate, the inability to cooperate, and the lack of a positive affirmation of the identity of the other. It is better to convey this idea to the participants through the image of an iceberg, a small, visible part of which - the conflict - is above the water, and three components are under the water. Thus, ways to resolve the conflict are visible: the ability to communicate, cooperate and respect, positively affirm the personality of another. This idea is also presented as an iceberg.
3. Rumor
Active players in this game are 6 participants. The rest are observers, experts. Four participants leave the room for a while. At this time, the first participant who remains must read to the second player the proposed leader short story or plot. The task of the second player is to listen carefully, in order to then pass the information received to the third participant, who will have to enter the room on a signal. The third player, after listening to the story of the second player, must retell it to the fourth, and so on.
After completing this task by the participants, the facilitator rereads the story for all participants in the game. Each player can compare his version of the retelling with the original. As a rule, in the process of retelling, the original information is distorted. It is desirable to discuss this fact with all participants of the seminar.
Possible history for the game "Rumors":
"I was walking around the market when I saw police cars stopping at all the doors. There were two people next to me who seemed suspicious to me; one looked very agitated and the other was frightened. The first grabbed my arm and pushed me inside the trading floor. "Pretend that you are my child,” he whispered. I heard the policeman shout: “They are here!” and the whole police ran in our direction. “I am not the one you are looking for,” said the man who held me, I just came shopping with my son." "What's his name?" the policeman asked. "His name is Sergei," one man said, while another said, "His name is Kolya." The men don't know me They made a mistake So the men let me go and ran away They bumped into a woman's counter Apples and vegetables rolled all over the place I saw some of my friends pick them up and put them in their pockets The men ran out the door on the side buildings and stopped. about twenty policemen. I was wondering what they did. Maybe it has to do with the mafia."
Discussion: What difficulties did you encounter in obtaining and transmitting information (if any)? What happens to people's communication in case of distortion of information? What are the storytelling options compared to?
4. "Communication options"
Participants are divided into pairs.
"Synchronous Conversation" Both participants in a pair speak at the same time for 10 seconds. You can suggest a topic of conversation. For example, "A book I read recently." On a signal, the conversation is terminated.
"Ignore". Within 30 seconds, one participant from the pair speaks out, while the other completely ignores him at this time. Then they switch roles.
"Back to back". During the exercise, the participants sit with their backs to each other. Within 30 seconds, one participant speaks, while the other listens to him. Then they switch roles.
"Active listening". For one minute, one participant speaks, and the other listens attentively to him, showing his interest in communicating with him with all his appearance. Then they change roles.
Discussion: How did you feel during the first three exercises? Did you feel like you were listening with an effort, that it was not so easy? What kept you from feeling comfortable? How did you feel during the last exercise? What helps you communicate?
5. "Hut"
The first two participants become close with their backs to each other. Then each of them takes a step (two) forward in order to establish a balance and a position that is comfortable for two participants. Thus, they should be the basis of the "hut". In turn, new participants come up to the "hut" and "attach" themselves, finding a comfortable position for themselves and without violating the comfort of others.
Note. If there are more than 12 participants, then it is better to form two (or more) teams.
Discussion: How did you feel during the "hut building"? What needs to be done to make everyone feel comfortable?
6. "Sharks"
Materials: two sheets of paper. The participants are divided into two teams. Everyone is invited to imagine themselves in a situation where the ship on which they sailed crashed, and everyone is in open ocean. But there is one island in the ocean where you can escape from sharks (Each team has its own "island" - a piece of paper on which all team members can fit at the beginning of the game).
The captain (leader), seeing the "shark", should shout "Shark!" The task of the participants is to quickly get to their island
After that, the game continues - people leave the island until the next danger. At this time, the leader reduces the sheet of paper by half.
On the second command "Shark!" the task of the players is to quickly get to the island and at the same time "save" the largest number of people. Anyone who could not be on the "island" is out of the game. The game continues: the "island" is abandoned until the next team. At this time, the sheet of paper is reduced by another half. On command "Shark!" the task of the players remains the same. At the end of the game, the results are compared: which team has more participants and why.
7. "Praise yourself"
Participants are invited to think and talk about those properties, qualities that they like in themselves or distinguish from others. It can be any features of character and personality. Recall that mastering these qualities makes us unique.
8. "Compliment"
Each participant is invited to focus on the merits of the partner and give him a compliment that would sound sincere and cordial.

9. "Downpour"
One of the participants plays the role of "conductor" of the shower and becomes the center of the circle. Like in an orchestra, the conductor takes each one in turn to play the symphony of rain. Facing one of the participants, the "conductor" begins to quickly rub one palm against the other. This participant picks up the movement, and as the "conductor" turns in place, everyone joins the action. Then, having reached the first participant, he (she) begins to snap his fingers, and the action is gradually picked up by the whole circle as the "conductor" turns. The next stage is clapping on the hips, the participants knock with their feet - a crescendo to the downpour. Gradually, as in a real thunderstorm, the volume decreases, the conductor goes through all the stages in reverse order until the last of the performers stops rubbing their palms.
10. "I-statements"
A scene is played out on a problematic topic (for example: a friend was late for a meeting and, after the claims made, did not apologize, but began to attack himself). The trainer then explains that the use of "I-statements" in communication is very effective in reducing the intensity of the conflict situation - this is a way of communicating to the interlocutor about your needs, feelings without judgment or insult.
The principles on which "I-statements" are built:
- a non-judgmental description of the actions that this person did (do not say: "you came late", preferably: "you came at 12 at night");
- your expectations (do not: "you did not bring the dog", preferably: "I was hoping that you will bring the dog");
- a description of your feelings (do not: "you annoy me when you do this", preferably: "when you do this, I feel annoyed");
– a description of the desired behavior (do not: “you never call”, preferably: “I would like you to call when you are late”).
Discussion: Why do you think the role players did this? What prevented them from taking the information calmly?
11. "Role-playing game"
A scene is played on the previous topic, using "I-statements", but the actors change roles: the role of the guy is played by the girl, and the role of the girl is played by the guy.
Discussion: What has changed with the use of "I-statements"? Under what circumstances would you use "I-speaking" skills in life?
12. "The Art of Worthy Refusal"
Participants are asked whether and under what circumstances Everyday life they have to say no and is it always easy. Under what circumstances, in what environment is it more difficult to do this? Then, skits are played on topics proposed by the participants themselves (refusal situations that cause difficulties).
Discussion: Together with the group, acceptable rules for dignified refusal are developed:

firmly, but kindly and calmly say "no", without entering into altercations, disputes;

agree with the arguments, but at the same time stand your ground;

gently end the conversation;

present your arguments to the interlocutor;

propose a compromise...

13. "Change of Accents"
Participants are asked to think of a minor conflict or minor problem and write it on a piece of paper in one sentence. Then, instead of the consonants used in this sentence, insert the letter "X" and rewrite the sentence cleanly. Read the result in a circle without naming your problem: (for example: hoheha ....)
Discussion: What has changed? Has the conflict been resolved?
14. "Friendly palm"
On a piece of paper, each outlines his palm, signs his name below. Participants leave leaflets on chairs, stand up and, moving from leaflet to leaflet, write something good to each other on painted palms (liked qualities of this person, wishes to him).


Main tasks

  1. Reorientation of behavior through role-playing games.
  2. Formation of adequate norms of behavior.
  3. Relieve stress in children.
  4. Adjustment of behavior in the team and expansion of the behavioral repertoire.
  5. Learning acceptable ways to express anger.
  6. Development of skills of response in conflict situations.
  7. Teaching relaxation techniques.

Phil and Piggy

Target: Teach children non-violent ways to resolve conflict situations.

Game progress:

Educator: in life, people often try to solve their problems according to the principle: "an eye for an eye, an eye for an eye." When someone offends us, we respond with even stronger resentment. If someone threatens us, we also respond with a threat and thereby intensify our conflicts. In many cases, it is much more beneficial to take a step back, acknowledge your share of responsibility for causing a quarrel or fight, and shake hands with each other in a sign of reconciliation.

Phil and Piggy (toys) will help us in this game. Some of you will speak in Fili's words, and the other in Piggy's. Now you will play out the scene of a quarrel between Filya and Piggy, for example, because of the book that Filya brought to the group (children play out a quarrel using resentment and anger). Well, now Phil and Piggy are not friends, they sit in different corners of the room and do not talk to each other. Guys, let's help them make peace. Suggest how this can be done (children offer options: sit next to me, give the book to the owner, etc.) Yes, guys, you are right. In this situation, the book can be dispensed with without a quarrel. I I suggest you play the scene differently. It is necessary for Piggy to invite Phil to look at the book together or in turn, and not to tear it out of his hands, or offer something of his own for a while - a typewriter, a set of pencils, etc. (children act out the scene in a different way). And now Filya and Piggy must make peace, ask each other for forgiveness for offending each other, and let them shake hands with each other as a sign of reconciliation.

Questions to discuss with children playing roles.

Was it hard for you to forgive someone else?

How did you feel about it?

What happens when you get angry with someone?

Do you think forgiveness is a sign of strength or a sign of weakness?

Why is it important to forgive others?


Target: Disclosure of group relations.

Game progress: The children line up behind the leader. The driver stands with his back to the group, putting his hand out from under his armpits with an open palm. The driver must find out which of the guys touched his hand, and drives until then. Until he guesses correctly. The driver is chosen with the help of a rhyme.

After three lessons in a group, 5 spontaneous roles can be distinguished according to observations:

  1. leader;
  2. fellow leader;
  3. non-aligned oppositionist;
  4. submissive conformist;
  5. "scapegoat".


Target: checking the degree of assimilation of the rules of behavior in a difficult situation.

Game progress: Educator: guys, today during a walk there was a quarrel between two girls. Now I will ask Natasha t Katya to act out for us the situation that arose during the walk. “Natasha and Katya played ball. The ball rolled into a puddle. Katya wanted to get the ball, but could not stay on her feet and fell into a puddle. Natasha began to laugh, and Katya wept bitterly.

Issues for discussion:

  1. Why did Kate cry?
  2. Did Natasha do the right thing?
  3. What would you do in her place?
  4. Let's help the girls make peace.

At the end of the conversation, the teacher makes a generalization:

If you are the culprit of a quarrel, then be the first to admit your guilt. Magic words will help you with this: “sorry”, “let me help you”, “let's play together”.

Smile more often and you won't have to quarrel.


Target: development of observation and communication skills.

Game progress: leader is selected. He becomes the center, children

encircle it in a semicircle. The host can show any

movements, the players must repeat them. If the child

is wrong. He's out. The winning child becomes the leader.

Target: to teach children to analyze actions, find the cause of the conflict, differentiate opposite emotional experiences: friendliness and hostility. To acquaint children with constructive ways of resolving conflict situations, as well as to promote their assimilation and use in behavior.

Game progress: The game requires a "magic plate" and a picture of two girls.

Educator: (draws the attention of the children to the “magic plate”, at the bottom of which lies a picture of two girls). Children, I want to introduce you to two friends: Olya and Lena. But look at the expression on their faces! What do you think happened?


We quarreled with a friend And sat in the corners.

Very boring without each other!

We need to reconcile.

I I didn’t offend her - I just held the bear,

Only with a bear she ran away And said: “I won’t give it back!”

Issues for discussion:

  1. Think and say: why did the girls quarrel? (because of the toy)
  2. Have you ever quarreled with your friends? Because of which?
  3. How do those who fight feel?
  4. Is it possible to do without quarrels?

After listening to the answers, the educator offers one of the ways of reconciliation - the author ended this story like this:

I'll give her a bear, I'm sorry

I'll give her a ball, I'll give her a tram And I'll say: "Let's play!"


Target: to teach children to solve small problems through negotiations, to make joint decisions, to turn out of a quick solution to a problem in their favor.

Game progress: In this game, each child will need one cookie and each pair of children will need one napkin.

Teacher: Children, sit in a circle. The game we have to play is related to sweets. To get a cookie, you first need to choose a partner and solve one problem with him. Sit opposite each other and look into each other's eyes. There will be a cookie between you on a napkin, please don't touch it yet. This game has one problem. A cookie can only be received by a partner whose partner voluntarily refuses the cookie and gives it to you. This rule is. Which cannot be broken. Now you can start talking, but without the consent of your partner, you have no right to take cookies. If consent is obtained, cookies can be taken.

Then the teacher waits for all the couples to make a decision and observes how they act. Some people can eat cookies right away. Having received it from a partner, the others break the cookies and give one half to their partner. Some take a long time to solve the problem of who gets the cookie after all.

Educator: And now I will give each pair one more cookie. Discuss what you will do with the cookies this time.

He observes that in this case, too, children act differently. Those children who split the first cookie in half usually repeat this "justice strategy". Most of the children who gave the cookie to the partner in the first part of the game and did not receive a piece now expect the partner to give the cookie to them. There are children who are ready to give their partner a second cookie.

Issues for discussion:

Children, who gave the cookies to their friend? Tell me how you

did you feel about it?

Who wanted to keep the cookies? what are you doing


What do you expect when you treat someone politely?

Everyone was treated fairly in this game.

Who took the least time to reach an agreement?

How did you feel about it?

How else can you come to a consensus with your partner?

What reasons did you give for your partner to agree?


Target: teach children strategies for negotiation and discussion in resolving conflicts in a group. The very presence of a "rug of peace" in the group encourages children to abandon fights, arguments and tears, replacing them with discussing the problem with each other.

Game progress: for the game you need a piece of thin blanket or fabric measuring 90 * 150 cm or a soft rug of the same size, felt-tip pens, glue, sequins, beads, colored buttons, everything that you may need to decorate the scenery.

Educator: guys, tell me, what do you sometimes argue about with each other? Which of the guys do you argue with the most? How do you feel after such an argument? What do you think can happen if different opinions clash in a dispute? Today, I brought us all a piece of cloth that will become our "rug of peace." As soon as a dispute arises, the "opponents" can sit on it and talk to each other in such a way as to find a peaceful way to solve their problem. Let's see what happens. (The teacher puts a fabric in the center of the room, and a beautiful picture book and an interesting toy on it.) Imagine that Katya and Sveta want to take this toy and play, but she is alone, and there are two of them. Both of them will sit on the peace rug, and I will sit next to them to help them when they want to discuss and solve this problem. None of them has the right to take this toy just like that. (Children take a place on the carpet). Maybe one of the guys has a suggestion on how this situation could be resolved?

After a few minutes of discussion, the educator invites the children to decorate a piece of fabric: “Now we can turn this piece of fabric into a “world rug” of our group. I will write on it the names of all the children, and you must help me to decorate it.”

This process is of great importance, because thanks to himchildren symbolically make the "rug of the world" part of theirlife. Whenever an argument breaks out, they canuse it to resolve a problem, discuss d children will get used to this ritual, they will beginapply the mat of the world without the help of a caregiver, and this is veryimportant, because independent problem solving is the maingoal of this strategy. "Peace Carpet" will give children an innerconfidence and peace, as well as help them concentrateefforts to find mutually beneficial solutions to problems. This isa wonderful symbol of renunciation of verbal or physical aggression.

Issues for discussion:

  1. Why is the "mat of peace" so important to us?
  2. What happens when the stronger person wins in an argument?
  3. Why is it unacceptable to use violence in a dispute?
  4. what do you understand by justice?



Game progress: they say to the child "as soon as you feel that you are worried, you want to hit someone, throw something, there is a very simple way to prove your strength to yourself: clasp your elbows with your palms and press your hands strongly to your chest - this is the pose of a seasoned person.


Target: removal of emotional stress.

Game progress: “When you are worried, try to breathe beautifully and calmly. Close your eyes, take a deep breath.

  1. mentally say "I'm a lion!" breathe in, breathe out.
  2. say "I'm a bird!" breathe in, breathe out.
  3. say "I am a flower!" breathe in, breathe out.
  4. say "I'm calm!" exhale.

You will really calm down"

Main tasks:

  1. development of arbitrariness;
  2. removal of negative experiences;
  3. development of teamwork skills;
  4. development of empathic abilities.


Target: development of attention, arbitrary control of behavior.

Game progress: children line up, choose a commander who becomes the head of the line. Then the commander starts moving. Everyone marches after him, repeating the movements. At some point, the commander claps his hands, then the last one walking should stop, and everyone else should continue to go. The commander arranges the children in the places where he sees fit (in a circle, around the perimeter of the room, etc.). When all the children are in their places, a new commander is appointed. The game continues until all the children have been commanders.

Comments: additional rules can be added to the game; it is stipulated that during the game you need to be silent. If necessary, the commander can be chosen by an adult.

Target: development of communication skills, gaining experience of interaction in pairs, overcoming the fear of tactile contact.

Game progress: children become in pairs, facing each other, pressing the right palm to the left palm and the left palm to right palm friend. Connected in this way, they must move around the room, bypassing various obstacles: a table, chairs, toys, a mountain (in the form of buildings), a river (in the form of an unfolded towel), etc.

Comment: in this game, a couple can be an adult and a child. You can complicate the game if you give the task to move by jumping, running, squatting, etc. The players need to be reminded that they cannot open their palms.


Target: building group cohesion.

Game progress:

Educator. Guys, who among you can imagine what an artist feels after a concert or performance - standing in front of his audience and listening to the thunder of applause? Perhaps he feels this applause not only with his ears. Perhaps he receives applause with all his body and soul. We have a good group, and each of you deserves an applause. I want to play a game with you, during which the applause is quiet at first, and then it gets stronger and stronger. Get in a general circle, I'll start.

The teacher approaches one of the children, looks into his eyes and gives his applause, clapping his hands with all his might.

Then, together with this child, the teacher chooses the next applicant for a standing ovation. Each time the one who was applauded chooses the next one, the game continues until the last section of the game has received applause from the whole group.

Target: development of communication skills.

Game progress. I The group of children is divided into pairs, one of the participants in the pair (with a blue identification mark (flower)) picks up an object, for example, a toy, notebook, pencil, etc. Another (#2) should ask for this item. Instruction to participant No. 1. “You are holding a toy that you really need, but your friend needs it. He will ask you for it. Try to keep the toy with you and give it away only if you really want to do it.

Instruction to participant No. 2: “Choosing the right words, try to ask for a toy so that they give it to you.” Then the participants switch roles.


Target: to teach children the physical expression of their positive feelings, thereby contributing to the development of group cohesion. The game can be played in the morning, when the children gather in a group, to “warm up” it. The teacher must show his desire to see in front of him a single close-knit group that unites all children, regardless of their level of sociability.

Game progress: The teacher invites the children to sit in one large circle.

Educator. Children, how many of you still remember what he did with his soft toys to express his attitude towards them? That's right, you took them in your arms. I want you all to treat each other well and be friends with each other. Of course, sometimes you can argue with each other, but when people are friendly, it is easier for them to endure insults and disagreements .. I want you to express your friendly feelings towards other children by hugging them.

Fairy tale game "ROCKING HORSE *

All children turn into "horses" and are freely placed on the carpet (they kneel, leaning on the floor with their hands). An adult reads the text of a fairy tale.

♦ Once upon a time there was a horse who was very fond of kicking and acting up. Her mother says to her: “Daughter, eat some fresh herbs.” “I don’t want, I won’t,” the horse screams and kicks its legs (children perform actions). Dad persuades the horse: "Walk, play in the sun." “I don’t want to, I won’t go!” - the horse answers and kicks again. Mom and dad could not persuade their stubborn daughter, they left her at home, and they themselves went on business. The horse thought and thought and went for a walk alone. And to meet her cunning Gray wolf. The wolf says to the horse: “Don’t go, horse, far into the forest, you are still small.” The horse will again be stubborn: “I’m not small, wherever I want, I go there!” And the wolf needed it. He waited for the horse to enter the very thicket of the forest and pounce on it from behind. Horse let's kick. First, she hit the wolf with one leg, then with the other leg. And then with two legs together she began to kick so much that the wolf ran away and no one saw him there anymore (the children perform all the actions). The horse has ceased to be stubborn and naughty, has grown up and now works in the circus, kicks its legs, throws balls high to the delight of the audience.

Aggression Correction Games

(only for mentally healthy children)

Game "Sparrow Fights"(removal of physical aggression)

Children choose a mate and "turn" into pugnacious "sparrows" (squat, clasping their knees with their hands). "Sparrows" bounce sideways to each other, push. Which of the children falls or takes their hands off their knees is out of the game (“wings and paws are being treated by Dr. Aibolit”). "Fights" begin and end at the signal of an adult.

Game "MINUTE OF FUCK"(psychological relief)

The leader, on a signal (hitting a tambourine, etc.), invites the children to be naughty: everyone does that. what he wants - jumps, runs, somersaults, etc. The repeated signal of the host after 1-3 minutes announces the end of the pranks.

Game "EVIL-GOOD CATS"(removal of general aggression)

Children are invited to form a large circle, in the center of which lies a sports hoop on the floor. This is a "magic circle" in which "transformations" will take place.

The child enters the hoop and, at the signal of the leader (clapping his hands, the sound of a bell, the sound of a whistle), turns into a feisty cat: hisses and scratches. At the same time, it is impossible to leave the “magic circle”.

The children standing around the hoop repeat after the leader in chorus: “Stronger, stronger, stronger ...”, and the child, representing a cat, makes more and more “evil” movements.

At the repeat signal of the host, the “transformation” ends, after which another child enters the hoop and the game is repeated.

When all the children have been in the "magic circle", the hoop is removed, the children are divided into pairs and again turn into angry cats at the signal of an adult. (If someone did not have enough pair, then the leader himself can participate in the game.) A categorical rule: do not touch each other! If it is violated, the game stops instantly, the host shows an example possible actions and then continues the game.

On a repeated signal, the “cats” stop and can exchange pairs.

On the final stage game host offers "evil cats" to become kind and affectionate. On a signal, the children turn into kind cats that caress each other.

Game "KARATE"(removal of physical aggression)

As in the previous game, the children form a circle, in the center of which lies a sports hoop on the floor. Only this time

in the "magic circle" there is a "transformation" into a karateka (foot movements).

As before, the children standing around the hoop, together with the leading choir, say: “Stronger, stronger, stronger ...”, helping these players to throw out aggressive energy with the most intense actions.

Game "BOXER" (removal of physical aggression)

This is a variant of the Karate game, and it is carried out in a similar way, but actions in the hoop can only be done with your hands. Fast, strong movements are encouraged.

Game "Stubborn capricious child"(overcoming stubbornness and negativism)

Children entering the circle (into the hoop) take turns showing a capricious child. Everyone helps with the words: "Stronger, stronger, stronger ...". Then the children are divided into pairs of "parent and child": the child is naughty, the parent persuades and reassures him. Each player must play the role of a capricious child and persuading parent.

Game "Stubborn Pillow"(removal of general aggression, negativism, stubbornness)

Adults prepare a “magic, stubborn pillow” (a pillow with a dark pillowcase) and introduce the child to a fairy tale game: “A fairy sorceress (or another favorite fairy tale character) gave us a pillow. This pillow is not simple, but magical. Children's stubbornness lives inside her. It is they who make you capricious and stubborn. Let's get rid of the stubbornness."

The child beats the pillow with his fists with all his might, and the adult says: “Stronger, stronger, stronger!” (the stereotype and emotional clip are removed).

When the child's movements become slower, the game gradually stops (the time is determined individually -

from a few seconds to 2-3 minutes).

An adult offers to listen to the “stubborn ones” in the pillow: “Have all the stubborn ones come out and what are they doing?” The child puts his ear to the pillow and listens. Some children say that "stubborn people whisper", others do not hear anything. “The stubborn ones got scared and are silent in the pillow,” the adult replies (this technique calms the child after excitement).

Game "CLOWNS CURRING"(withdrawal of verbal aggression)

“The clowns showed the children a performance, entertained them, and then began to teach the children to swear. Yes, yes, angrily swear at each other with "vegetables and fruits." For example: “You,” says the clown, “cabbage!” And the child answers ... (pause for the child to come up with an answer). “And you,” the clown continues, “strawberries.” The other child responds (scolds the adult). Attention is drawn to adequate, angry intonation. Children can choose pairs, change partners, "swear" together, or take turns "scold" all the children. An adult directs the game, announces the beginning and end of the game with a signal, stops if other words or physical aggression are used.

The game then continues, changing emotional mood children. "When the clowns taught the kids to swear, the parents didn't like it." Clowns, continuing the game, teach children not only to swear by vegetables and fruits, but also to affectionately call each other flowers. For example: “You are a bell ...” (a child affectionately calls an adult). The intonation must be appropriate. Children are again divided into pairs, etc. and affectionately call each other flowers.

Game "BUZZHA" (removal of general collective aggression)

The host chooses "Zhuzha", which sits on a chair (in the house), the rest of the children begin to tease "Zhuzha", grimace in front of her.

"Zhuzha, Zhuzha come out,

Zhuzha, Zhuzha, catch up!

"Zhuzha" looks out of the window of his house (from a chair), shows his fists, stamps his feet in anger, and when the children come in for " magic trait runs out and catches the children. Whom "Zhuzha" caught, he is eliminated from the game (becomes captured by "Zhuzha").