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What is 1 n equal to? Units of force

To the question how many kilograms are in one newton asked by the author reset the best answer is These are different units. Kilogram - unit. mass, and Newton - units. strength. But Newton has a dependence on mass. , because this is a force that imparts an acceleration of 1 m/s2 (squared) to a body weighing 1 kg in the direction of the force. 1 N = 10 to the 5th power dyne = 0.102 kgf (kilogram force)

Answer from BlackApostle[expert]
Sixty kilograms, he was a skinny old man :)

Answer from Neuropathologist[master]
now probably not much, much is left of Isaac Newton

Answer from Gennady Petrov[newbie]
There cannot be any Russian kilograms in an English Nuton! But in our PUD these same newtons are a dime a dozen!

Answer from Suckers[newbie]
Can you give a normal answer and not get fucked?!

Answer from Karsakov Daniil[newbie]
there probably isn't much left of Isaac Newton

Answer from Yoma Romanenko[newbie]
Who is from the site with stupid questions?

Answer from Bukinist56[guru]
That's what we were taught at school

Answer from Algis Norgela[newbie]

Answer from Yergey Smolitsky[guru]
Ivan Safonov gave a completely correct and competent answer. I can add to it that until 1960, when the SI system began to be introduced, the kilogram of force (that’s how it was written then) was the basic unit of measurement of force. When I was at school (1957-1967), in physics it was necessary to have a good knowledge of both systems - SI and MKGSS, to easily convert units from one to another and not to confuse the units "g" and "G", as well as "kg" and " kg". In principle, some confusion in concepts still remains: weight (force) continues to be indicated in kilograms. One can, of course, assume that this is mass, because in the MKGSS the weight of a body and its mass are numerically equal, but on the scales it is the weight that is determined, not the mass. The units of pressure also cause some confusion among many: 1 atm = 1 kg/cm2. If you don’t know that what is meant here is kilogram-force (and many, unfortunately, today don’t know this), it’s easy to get confused.
And kilograms (force) in 1 Newton are approximately 0.102.

Answer from Ivan Safonov[guru]
There is no unit of measurement “kilogram”, there is a unit “kilogram-force”.
Defined as the force acting on a body of mass 1 kilogram under the influence of standard acceleration free fall. In the system, MKGSS was one of the main units.
Kilogram-force is convenient because the weight is obtained numerically equal to mass, so it’s easy for a person to imagine, for example, what a force of 5 kgf is.
1 kgf = 9.80665 newtons exactly
1 N ≈ 0.10197162 kgf
Less commonly used are multiple units:
* ton-force: 1 tf = 10^3 kgf = 9806.65 N
* gram-force: 1 gf = 10^-3 kgf = 9.80665*10^-3 N
Previously, kilogram-force was designated kg (kG), in contrast to kilogram-mass - kg (kg); similarly, gram-force was denoted by G (G) and gram-mass by g (g).

Answer from Omikron[guru]
On earth - 0.1 kg, on the Moon 6 times less!

Answer from Turtle Plowman[guru]
One tenth of a kilo approximately. Remember Newton's law: F=mg, where mg is mass times acceleration. Our free fall acceleration is approximately 9.8 m/s2.

Answer from Lyokha from St. Petersburg[guru]

Newton (symbol: N, N) SI unit of force. 1 newton equal to force imparting to a body weighing 1 kg an acceleration of 1 m/s² in the direction of the force. Thus, 1 N = 1 kg m/s². The unit is named after English physicist Isaac... ... Wikipedia

Siemens unit of measurement- Siemens (symbol: cm, S) unit of measurement electrical conductivity in the SI system, the reciprocal of the ohm. Before World War II (in the USSR until the 1960s), a unit was called Siemens electrical resistance, corresponding to resistance ... Wikipedia

Tesla (unit)- This term has other meanings, see Tesla. Tesla ( Russian designation: Tl; international designation: T) unit of induction magnetic field V International system units (SI), numerically equal to the induction of such ... ... Wikipedia

Sievert (unit)- Sievert (symbol: Sv, Sv) unit of measurement of effective and equivalent doses ionizing radiation in the International System of Units (SI), used since 1979. 1 sievert is the amount of energy absorbed by a kilogram... ... Wikipedia

Becquerel (unit)- This term has other meanings, see Becquerel. Becquerel (symbol: Bq, Bq) unit of activity radioactive source in the International System of Units (SI). One becquerel is defined as the activity of the source, in ... ... Wikipedia

Siemens (unit)- This term has other meanings, see Siemens. Siemens (Russian designation: Sm; international designation: S) a unit of measurement of electrical conductivity in the International System of Units (SI), the reciprocal of the ohm. Through others... ...Wikipedia

Pascal (unit)- This term has other meanings, see Pascal (meanings). Pascal (symbol: Pa, international: Pa) a unit of pressure (mechanical stress) in the International System of Units (SI). Pascal is equal to pressure... ... Wikipedia

Gray (unit)- This term has other meanings, see Gray. Gray (symbol: Gr, Gy) is a unit of measurement of the absorbed dose of ionizing radiation in the International System of Units (SI). The absorbed dose is equal to one gray if the result is... ... Wikipedia

Weber (unit)- This term has other meanings, see Weber. Weber (symbol: Wb, Wb) unit of measurement magnetic flux in the SI system. By definition, the change in magnetic flux through closed loop at a speed of one weber per second, it points at... ... Wikipedia

Henry (unit)- This term has other meanings, see Henry. Henry (Russian designation: Gn; international: H) unit of measurement of inductance in the International System of Units (SI). A circuit has an inductance of one henry if the current changes at a rate... ... Wikipedia

We already know that to describe the interaction of bodies we use physical quantity, called strength. In this lesson we will learn more about the properties of this quantity, the units of force and the device that is used to measure it - a dynamometer.

Topic: Interaction of bodies

Lesson: Units of force. Dynamometer

First of all, let's remember what strength is. When a body is acted upon by another body, physicists say that a force is exerted on the given body by the other body.

Force is a physical quantity that characterizes the action of one body on another.

Strength is indicated Latin letter F, and the unit of force is called in honor of the English physicist Isaac Newton Newton(we write with a small letter!) and is designated N (we write capital letter, since the unit is named after the scientist). So,

Along with Newton, multiples and submultiples strength:

kilonewton 1 kN = 1000 N;

meganewton 1 MN = 1,000,000 N;

millinewton 1 mN = 0.001 N;

micronewton 1 µN = 0.000001 N, etc.

Under the influence of a force, the speed of a body changes. In other words, the body begins to move not uniformly, but accelerated. More precisely, uniformly accelerated: over equal periods of time, the speed of a body changes equally. Exactly speed change bodies under the influence of force are used by physicists to determine the unit of force in 1 N.

Units of measurement of new physical quantities are expressed through the so-called basic units - units of mass, length, time. In the SI system they are kilogram, meter and second.

Let, under the influence of some force, the speed of the body weighing 1 kg changes its speed by 1 m/s for every second. It is this kind of force that is taken as 1 newton.

One newton (1 N) is the force under which a body of mass 1 kg changes its speed to 1 m/s every second.

It has been experimentally established that the force of gravity acting near the surface of the Earth on a body weighing 102 g is equal to 1 N. The mass of 102 g is approximately 1/10 kg, or, to be more precise,

But this means that a gravitational force of 9.8 N will act on a body weighing 1 kg, that is, on a body 9.8 times greater mass, at the surface of the Earth. Thus, to find the force of gravity acting on a body of any mass, you need multiply the mass value (in kg) by the coefficient, which is usually denoted by the letter g:

We see that this coefficient is numerically equal to the force of gravity that acts on a body weighing 1 kg. It's called acceleration of gravity . The origin of the name is closely related to the definition of force of 1 newton. After all, if a body weighing 1 kg is acted upon by a force of not 1 N, but 9.8 N, then under the influence of this force the body will change its speed (accelerate) not by 1 m/s, but by 9.8 m/s every second. IN high school this issue will be discussed in more detail.

Now we can write a formula that allows us to calculate the force of gravity acting on a body of arbitrary mass m(Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Formula for calculating gravity

You should know that the acceleration of gravity is 9.8 N/kg only at the surface of the Earth and decreases with height. For example, at an altitude of 6400 km above the Earth it is 4 times less. However, when solving problems, we will neglect this dependence. In addition, gravity also acts on the Moon and other celestial bodies, and on each celestial body the acceleration of gravity has its own meaning.

In practice, it is often necessary to measure force. For this, a device called a dynamometer is used. The basis of the dynamometer is a spring to which the measured force is applied. Each dynamometer, in addition to the spring, has a scale on which force values ​​are indicated. One of the ends of the spring is equipped with an arrow, which indicates on the scale what force is applied to the dynamometer (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Dynamometer device

Depending on the elastic properties of the spring used in the dynamometer (its stiffness), under the influence of the same force, the spring can elongate more or less. This makes it possible to produce dynamometers with different measurement limits (Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. Dynamometers with measurement limits of 2 N and 1 N

There are dynamometers with a measurement limit of several kilonewtons or more. They use a spring with very high stiffness (Fig. 4).

Rice. 4. Dynamometer with a measuring limit of 2 kN

If you hang a load on a dynamometer, then the weight of the load can be determined from the dynamometer readings. For example, if a dynamometer with a load suspended from it shows a force of 1 N, then the mass of the load is 102 g.

Let us pay attention to the fact that force has not only a numerical value, but also a direction. Such quantities are called vector quantities. For example, speed is a vector quantity. Force is also a vector quantity (they also say that force is a vector).

Consider the following example:

A body of mass 2 kg is suspended from a spring. It is necessary to depict the force of gravity with which the Earth attracts this body and the weight of the body.

Recall that the force of gravity acts on the body, and weight is the force with which the body acts on the suspension. If the suspension is stationary, then the numerical value and direction of the weight are the same as that of gravity. Weight, like gravity, is calculated using the formula shown in Fig. 1. The mass of 2 kg must be multiplied by the gravitational acceleration of 9.8 N/kg. With not very accurate calculations, the acceleration of free fall is often taken to be 10 N/kg. Then the force of gravity and weight will be approximately 20 N.

To depict the vectors of gravity and weight in the figure, you must select and show in the figure a scale in the form of a segment corresponding a certain value force (for example, 10 N).

Let us depict the body in the figure as a ball. The point of application of gravity is the center of this ball. Let us depict the force as an arrow, the beginning of which is located at the point of application of the force. Let's direct the arrow vertically down, since the force of gravity is directed towards the center of the Earth. The length of the arrow, in accordance with the selected scale, is equal to two segments. Next to the arrow we draw the letter, which indicates the force of gravity. Since in the drawing we indicated the direction of the force, a small arrow is placed above the letter to emphasize what we are depicting vector size.

Since the body weight is applied to the suspension, the beginning of the arrow representing the weight is placed at the bottom of the suspension. When depicting, we also respect the scale. Place the letter next to it, indicating weight, not forgetting to place a small arrow above the letter.

The complete solution to the problem will look like this (Fig. 5).

Rice. 5. Formalized solution to the problem

Please note once again that in the problem discussed above, the numerical values ​​and directions of gravity and weight turned out to be the same, but the points of application were different.

When calculating and depicting any force, three factors must be taken into account:

· numerical value (modulus) of force;

· direction of force;

· point of application of force.

Force is a physical quantity that describes the action of one body on another. It is usually denoted by the letter F. The unit of force is newton. In order to calculate the value of gravity, it is necessary to know the acceleration of gravity, which at the surface of the Earth is 9.8 N/kg. With such a force, the Earth attracts a body weighing 1 kg. When depicting power, it must be taken into account numeric value, direction and point of application.


  1. Peryshkin A.V. Physics. 7th grade - 14th ed., stereotype. - M.: Bustard, 2010.
  2. Peryshkin A.V. Collection of problems in physics, grades 7-9: 5th ed., stereotype. - M: Publishing House “Exam”, 2010.
  3. Lukashik V. I., Ivanova E. V. Collection of problems in physics for grades 7-9 educational institutions. - 17th ed. - M.: Education, 2004.
  1. Single collection digital educational resources ().
  2. Unified collection of digital educational resources ().
  3. Unified collection of digital educational resources ().


  1. Lukashik V. I., Ivanova E. V. Collection of problems in physics for grades 7-9 No. 327, 335-338, 351.

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1 newton [N] = 0.101971621297793 kilogram-force [kgf]

Initial value

Converted value

newton exanewton petanewton teranewton giganewton meganewton kilonewton hectonewton decanewton decinewton centinewton millinewton micronewton nanonewton piconewton femtonewton attonewton dyne joule per meter joule per centimeter gram-force kilogram-force ton-force (short) ton-force (long) ton-force (meter ical) kilopound -force kilopound-force pound-force ounce-force poundal pound-foot per sec² gram-force kilogram-force wall grav-force milligrav-force atomic unit strength

More about strength

General information

In physics, force is defined as a phenomenon that changes the motion of a body. This can be either the movement of the whole body or its parts, for example, during deformation. If, for example, you lift a stone and then let it go, it will fall because it is pulled to the ground by the force of gravity. This force changed the movement of the stone - from a calm state it moved into accelerated motion. When falling, the stone will bend the grass to the ground. Here, a force called the weight of the stone changed the movement of the grass and its shape.

Force is a vector, that is, it has a direction. If several forces act on a body at the same time, they can be in equilibrium if their vector sum is zero. In this case, the body is at rest. The rock in the previous example will probably roll along the ground after the collision, but will eventually stop. At this moment, the force of gravity will pull it down, and the force of elasticity, on the contrary, will push it up. The vector sum of these two forces is zero, so the stone is in equilibrium and does not move.

In the SI system, force is measured in newtons. One newton is the vector sum of forces that changes the speed of a one-kilogram body by one meter per second in one second.

Archimedes was one of the first to study forces. He was interested in the effect of forces on bodies and matter in the Universe, and he built a model of this interaction. Archimedes believed that if the vector sum of forces acting on a body is equal to zero, then the body is at rest. Later it was proven that this is not entirely true, and that bodies in a state of equilibrium can also move with constant speed.

Basic forces in nature

It is the forces that move bodies or force them to remain in place. There are four main forces in nature: gravity, electromagnetic force, strong force and weak force. They are also known as fundamental interactions. All other forces are derivatives of these interactions. Strong and weak interactions affect bodies in the microcosm, while gravitational and electrical magnetic influence They also operate over long distances.

Strong interaction

The most intense of the interactions is the strong nuclear force. The connection between quarks, which form neutrons, protons, and the particles they consist of, arises precisely due to the strong interaction. The motion of gluons, structureless elementary particles, is caused by the strong interaction, and is transmitted to quarks through this motion. Without strong interaction, matter would not exist.

Electromagnetic interaction

Electromagnetic interaction is the second largest. It occurs between particles with opposite charges that attract each other, and between particles with the same charges. If both particles have a positive or negative charge, they repel each other. The movement of particles that occurs is electricity, physical phenomenon which we use every day in Everyday life and in technology.

Chemical reactions, light, electricity, interactions between molecules, atoms and electrons - all these phenomena occur due to electromagnetic interaction. Electromagnetic forces prevent the penetration of one solid body into another, since the electrons of one body repel the electrons of another body. Initially it was believed that electrical and magnetic influences are two different forces, but later scientists discovered that this is a variation of the same interaction. Electromagnetic interaction can be easily seen with a simple experiment: lifting a woolen sweater over your head, or rubbing your hair on a woolen fabric. Most objects have a neutral charge, but rubbing one surface against another can change the charge on those surfaces. In this case, electrons move between two surfaces, being attracted to electrons with opposite charges. When there are more electrons on a surface, the overall surface charge also changes. Hair that "stands on end" when a person takes off a sweater is an example of this phenomenon. The electrons on the surface of the hair are more strongly attracted to the c atoms on the surface of the sweater than the electrons on the surface of the sweater are attracted to the atoms on the surface of the hair. As a result, electrons are redistributed, which leads to a force that attracts the hair to the sweater. In this case, hair and other charged objects are attracted not only to surfaces with opposite but also neutral charges.

Weak interaction

The weak nuclear force is weaker than the electromagnetic force. Just as the movement of gluons causes strong interaction between quarks, the movement of W and Z bosons causes weak interaction. Bosons - emitted or absorbed elementary particles. W bosons participate in nuclear decay, and Z bosons do not affect other particles with which they come into contact, but only transfer momentum to them. Thanks to the weak interaction, it is possible to determine the age of matter using radiocarbon dating. Age archaeological finds can be determined by measuring the content radioactive isotope carbon relative to stable carbon isotopes in organic material this find. To do this, they burn a pre-cleaned small fragment of a thing whose age needs to be determined, and thus extract carbon, which is then analyzed.

Gravitational interaction

The weakest interaction is gravitational. It determines the position of astronomical objects in the universe, causes the ebb and flow of tides, and causes thrown bodies to fall to the ground. The gravitational force, also known as the force of attraction, pulls bodies towards each other. The greater the body mass, the stronger this force. Scientists believe that this force, like other interactions, arises due to the movement of particles, gravitons, but so far they have not been able to find such particles. The movement of astronomical objects depends on the force of gravity, and the trajectory of movement can be determined by knowing the mass of the surrounding astronomical objects. It was with the help of such calculations that scientists discovered Neptune even before they saw this planet through a telescope. The trajectory of Uranus could not be explained by gravitational interactions between the planets and stars known at that time, so scientists assumed that the movement was influenced by gravitational force unknown planet, which was later proven.

According to the theory of relativity, the force of gravity changes the space-time continuum - four-dimensional space-time. According to this theory, space is curved by the force of gravity, and this curvature is greater near bodies with greater mass. This is usually more noticeable near large bodies such as planets. This curvature has been proven experimentally.

The force of gravity causes acceleration in bodies flying towards other bodies, for example, falling to the Earth. Acceleration can be found using Newton's second law, so it is known for planets whose mass is also known. For example, bodies falling to the ground fall with an acceleration of 9.8 meters per second.

Ebbs and flows

An example of the effect of gravity is the ebb and flow of tides. They arise due to the interaction of the gravitational forces of the Moon, Sun and Earth. Unlike solids, water easily changes shape when force is applied to it. Therefore, the gravitational forces of the Moon and the Sun attract water more strongly than the surface of the Earth. The movement of water caused by these forces follows the movement of the Moon and Sun relative to the Earth. These are the ebbs and flows, and the forces that arise are tidal forces. Since the Moon is closer to the Earth, tides are influenced more by the Moon than by the Sun. When the tidal forces of the Sun and Moon are equally directed, the highest tide occurs, called spring tide. The smallest tide, when tidal forces act in different directions, is called quadrature.

The frequency of tides depends on geographical location water mass. The gravitational forces of the Moon and Sun attract not only water, but also the Earth itself, so in some places, tides occur when the Earth and water are attracted in the same direction, and when this attraction occurs in opposite directions. In this case, the ebb and flow of the tide occurs twice a day. In other places this happens once a day. The ebb and flow of the tides depends on coastline, ocean tides in the area, and the positions of the Moon and Sun, as well as the interaction of their gravitational forces. In some places, high tides occur once every few years. Depending on the structure of the coastline and the depth of the ocean, tides can influence currents, storms, changes in wind direction and strength, and changes atmospheric pressure. Some places use special clocks to determine the next high or low tide. Once you set them up in one place, you have to set them up again when you move to another place. These clocks do not work everywhere, as in some places it is impossible to accurately predict the next high and low tide.

The power of moving water during the ebb and flow of tides has been used by man since ancient times as a source of energy. Tidal mills consist of a water reservoir into which water flows at high tide and is released at low tide. Kinetic energy water drives the mill wheel, and the resulting energy is used to do work, such as grinding flour. There are a number of problems with using this system, such as environmental ones, but despite this, tides are a promising, reliable and renewable source of energy.

Other powers

According to the theory of fundamental interactions, all other forces in nature are derivatives of the four fundamental interactions.

Normal ground reaction force

Force normal reaction support is the body's resistance to external load. It is perpendicular to the surface of the body and directed against the force acting on the surface. If a body lies on the surface of another body, then the force of the normal support reaction of the second body is equal to the vector sum of the forces with which the first body presses on the second. If the surface is vertical to the surface of the Earth, then the force of the normal reaction of the support is directed opposite to the force of gravity of the Earth, and is equal to it in magnitude. In this case, their vector force is zero and the body is at rest or moving at a constant speed. If this surface has a slope relative to the Earth, and all other forces acting on the first body are in equilibrium, then the vector sum of the force of gravity and the force of the normal reaction of the support is directed downward, and the first body slides along the surface of the second.

Friction force

The friction force acts parallel to the surface of the body and opposite to its movement. It occurs when one body moves along the surface of another when their surfaces come into contact (sliding or rolling friction). Frictional force also arises between two bodies at rest if one lies on the inclined surface of the other. In this case, it is the static friction force. This force is widely used in technology and in everyday life, for example, when moving vehicles with the help of wheels. The surface of the wheels interacts with the road and the friction force prevents the wheels from sliding on the road. To increase friction, rubber tires are placed on the wheels, and in icy conditions, chains are placed on the tires to further increase friction. Therefore, motor transport is impossible without friction. Friction between the rubber of the tires and the road ensures normal vehicle control. The rolling friction force is less than the dry sliding friction force, so the latter is used when braking, allowing you to quickly stop the car. In some cases, on the contrary, friction interferes, since it wears out the rubbing surfaces. Therefore, it is removed or minimized with the help of liquid, since liquid friction is much weaker than dry friction. This is why mechanical parts, such as a bicycle chain, are often lubricated with oil.

Forces can deform solids, as well as change the volume of liquids and gases and the pressure in them. This occurs when the force is distributed unevenly throughout a body or substance. If a sufficiently large force acts on a heavy body, it can be compressed into a very small ball. If the size of the ball is less than a certain radius, then the body becomes a black hole. This radius depends on the mass of the body and is called Schwarzschild radius. The volume of this ball is so small that, compared to the mass of the body, it is almost zero. The mass of black holes is concentrated in such an insignificantly small space that they have a huge gravitational force, which attracts all bodies and matter within a certain radius from the black hole. Even light is attracted to a black hole and is not reflected from it, which is why black holes are truly black - and are named accordingly. Scientists believe that big stars at the end of life they turn into black holes and grow, absorbing surrounding objects within a certain radius.

Do you find it difficult to translate units of measurement from one language to another? Colleagues are ready to help you. Post a question in TCTerms and within a few minutes you will receive an answer.

We are all accustomed in life to using the word strength in comparative characteristics speaking men stronger than women, a tractor is stronger than a car, a lion is stronger than an antelope.

Force in physics is defined as a measure of the change in the speed of a body that occurs when bodies interact. If strength is a measure and we can compare application different strengths, which means it is a physical quantity that can be measured. In what units is force measured?

Force units

In honor of the English physicist Isaac Newton, who did enormous research into the nature of existence and use various types force, the unit of force in physics is 1 newton (1 N). What is a force of 1 N? In physics, they do not choose units of measurement just like that, but make a special agreement with those units that are already accepted.

We know from experience and experiments that if a body is at rest and a force acts on it, then the body, under the influence of this force, changes its speed. Accordingly, to measure force, a unit was chosen that would characterize the change in body speed. And don’t forget that there is also body mass, since it is known that with the same force the impact on various items will be different. We can throw a ball far, but a cobblestone will fly away a much shorter distance. That is, taking into account all the factors, we come to the determination that a force of 1 N will be applied to a body if a body weighing 1 kg under the influence of this force changes its speed by 1 m/s in 1 second.

Unit of gravity

We are also interested in the unit of gravity. Since we know that the Earth attracts all bodies on its surface, it means that there is an attractive force and it can be measured. And again, we know that the force of gravity depends on the mass of the body. The greater the body weight, the stronger Earth he is attracted. It has been experimentally established that The force of gravity acting on a body weighing 102 grams is 1 N. And 102 grams is approximately one tenth of a kilogram. To be more precise, if 1 kg is divided into 9.8 parts, then we will get approximately 102 grams.

If a force of 1 N acts on a body weighing 102 grams, then a force of 9.8 N acts on a body weighing 1 kg. The acceleration of gravity is denoted by the letter g. And g is equal to 9.8 N/kg. This is the force that acts on a body weighing 1 kg, accelerating it by 1 m/s every second. It turns out that a body falling from high altitude, during the flight it gains very high speed. Why then do snowflakes and raindrops fall quite calmly? They have very little mass, and the earth pulls them towards itself very weakly. And the air resistance for them is quite high, so they fly towards the Earth at a not very high, rather uniform speed. But meteorites, for example, when approaching the Earth, gain a very high speed and upon landing, a decent explosion is formed, which depends on the size and mass of the meteorite, respectively.