Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Where to get linguistic education. Linguistic universities in Russia

Among all humanitarian education, the specialty “Linguistics” is currently one of the most in demand. This direction stands out among others due to its connection with natural sciences and, as a result, a strong mathematical component. Linguistic patterns cannot be understood without deep knowledge mathematical algorithms, therefore, students are taught not only traditional language subjects, but also technical and natural science disciplines.

Due to the incredible demand among applicants for the specialty "Linguistics", very often any faculties that teach foreign languages ​​began to be called "linguistic". Meanwhile, a linguist is not a polyglot (although the knowledge of languages ​​for such a specialist cannot be underestimated), but a specialist who studies language as a system. Therefore, just a couple of years ago it was possible to get a real one only at Moscow State University, Russian State University for the Humanities and Moscow State Linguistic University.

Today linguists are being trained by 25 Moscow state universities. True, budget places are provided only in 15 educational institutions. In addition, 34 non-state linguistic universities in Moscow also provide the opportunity to obtain a diploma with the qualification “Linguist”. By the way, in one of them - International Institute LINK management - 19 are provided for linguists budget places.

It is difficult, very difficult or incredibly difficult to enroll in state linguistic schools on a budget, depending on the prestige of the educational institution. Learning is no easier. But certified linguists have no problems with finding employment. The doors of companies developing linguistic software are open to them. software, translation bureaus, language schools, universities, large companies, research centers and research institutes. In the worst case scenario, the salary of yesterday's students starts at 25,000 rubles per month, while the norm is a salary of about 35,000 rubles.

Linguistic education in specialized universities and classical universities in Moscow

The most popular among applicants are classical and specialized universities. This can be easily explained by the fact that for fundamental education good teachers with rich experience, traditions and proven teaching methods, as well as a rich technical base are needed. It is not surprising that the most desired educational institution for applicants for several years has been Moscow State University, which took first place in our ranking of specialized linguistic universities in Moscow.


Get free linguistic education at Moscow State University you can study at two faculties: the incredibly prestigious faculty foreign languages and regional studies (28.71 people per place) and philology (6.07 people per place). The possibility of paid training is also provided by the Higher School of Translation. At MSU everything is fair: they teach well, they ask strictly, it is mandatory to study at least two foreign languages, foreign internships are possible and, as a natural result, there is a demand for MSU graduates with a linguist diploma in the labor market.

Passing mark this year Linguistic University Moscow seems unattainable - 385 points: Unified State Exam results in a foreign language, Russian language, mathematics (for the Faculty of Philology) or history (for the Faculty of Foreign Languages) plus additional test in a foreign language directly at the university.

Faculty of Philology in to a greater extent aims to implement fundamental, comprehensive education: in syllabus ancient languages ​​included, a large number of hours devoted to literature and cultural studies, students can choose from 25 modern languages, almost all of which are provided by native speaker lecturers. The Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​prioritizes the international cooperation. For example, programs operate successfully here double diplomas, allowing you to receive not only a diploma from Moscow State University, but also at the same time a diploma from a foreign university.

Perhaps, this linguistic university in Moscow has only two drawbacks: a record passing grade and the same tuition prices - 320,000 rubles per year.


RUDN University has always been famous for its strong language training students. In almost all faculties, curricula are strengthened with additional hours in foreign languages ​​due to the reserve distributed by the educational institution. And studying at this linguistic university in Moscow is in itself an immersion in the language environment, because students from about 100 countries study at the university.

You can get a linguist diploma at RUDN at two faculties: philology and the Institute of Foreign Languages. In the first, they rely on the fundamental nature of education, in the second, they combine domestic teaching methods with foreign ones educational technologies. The passing score for both faculties is very high: 266 and 270 points, respectively. The cost of training on a contract basis is 190,000 rubles per year.


RSUH provides the opportunity to receive a linguistic education in one of two divisions: the Institute of Linguistics and the Institute of Philology and History (for a fee only). Last summer, the Institute of Linguistics was rocked by significant changes: the Ministry of Education declared the department ineffective, as a result of which the head of this linguistic institute in Moscow, Maxim Krongauz, left his post. However, this did not change the passing score too much: it is still high - 259 and 248 points in three subjects, depending on the profile.

Traditionally, RSUH provides students with very few budget places (in 2013 there were only 20), but the cost paid education in this educational institution are relatively small. Thus, you can study at the Department of Fundamental and Applied Linguistics for only 146,000 rubles per year.


Linguistic education can be obtained in all capital cities pedagogical universities. True, not all are free. The most popular in 2013 was MSUPU: the passing score for the “Linguistics” major was 246 points - this figure was a record for the university as a whole. However, when submitting documents to pedagogical educational institutions, you should understand that their graduates are in demand, first of all, in the education system.


Although Inyaz, as MSLU used to be called, is at the bottom of our ranking of linguistic universities in Moscow, you should not think that it is too easy to enter it. Yes, a passing score of 312 points in four subjects may seem quite realistic to some. But the point is that in addition to good results The Unified State Examination (foreign language, Russian language and history) applicants will have to pass additional exam in a foreign language, taken at a university. The applicant is given a choice from four languages: English, French, German and Spanish. The only difficulty is what to get in this exam maximum score almost impossible.

However, this linguistic university in Moscow boasts an unprecedented number of budget places: 272 for full-time training, 56 - for evening and 20 - for correspondence. With so many places, neither Olympiad winners, nor beneficiaries, nor target recipients will be able to take “Yours”. The latter, by the way, account for more than 10% of the university’s budget places.

Studying linguistics at MSLU is a complete plus. More than 200 years of tradition in teaching foreign languages, a choice of 35 languages ​​to study, good Teaching Staff, consisting of 70% people with academic degrees, lecturers from 20 various countries, the opportunity for internships on four continents, educational buildings in the center of Moscow, its own music chapel, in which you can sing in 12 foreign languages, and a theater that stages performances in English and French. The advantages of MSLU can be listed for a long time. It is no coincidence that this linguistic university in Moscow is among the ten best universities in the humanities in Russia.

Linguistic education in non-core universities in Moscow

Among the non-core state linguistic universities in Moscow I would like to highlight three:


In this educational institution, 40 budget places are allocated for the direction of “Linguistics” at the Faculty of Philology. It is very difficult to enroll here: not only is the passing score in three subjects 274 points, but the university must also provide not only the Unified State Exam results in a foreign and Russian language, which are usual for this specialty, but also in mathematics. Therefore, you need to be prepared for the fact that pure “humanities” students are not accepted into HSE. Get an education here on a paid basis relatively expensive - 220,000 rubles per year.

They teach well at this linguistic university in Moscow: many hours are devoted to mastering foreign languages, great attention focuses on the basics of programming and fundamental mathematics. Feature of HSE is that it does not aim to train unique specialists: the first language is only English, the second is German or French to choose from. And only the third language (in the third year) can you choose an Eastern or Slavic language. But, think for yourself, at what level will you be able to master, say, in two years? Japanese given that 95% of your free time will be spent on learning the first two languages?


This non-core linguistic university in Moscow with a low passing score - 234 - is of interest to those applicants who dream of connecting their lives with study and research different languages Slavic group. Students are given the opportunity to choose from four Slavic languages ​​(Bulgarian, Polish, Czech and Serbian), and in the Russian department of the philology department one of the popular ones is also required for studying European languages(English, German or French). The peculiarity of the academy are interesting educational practices(folklore, dialectological, production at the Institute of the Russian Language of the Russian Academy of Sciences and pedagogical in Moscow schools), which students undergo while studying at this linguistic institute in Moscow.


This university is ideal for those applicants who want to become military translators or connect their lives with government agencies. This linguistic university has two disadvantages. Firstly, not a single budget space has been allocated for the area under discussion. And, secondly, this education has almost nothing to do with linguistics - translators are trained at the Military University.

Before submitting documents to other non-core government or non-government agencies, we advise you to think twice. Yes, the cost of training in them, as a rule, is significantly lower than specialized institutes. But fundamental linguistic education will certainly pay for itself. But a certified linguist who has no idea about linguistics, does not have a good command of specialized computer programs, and even has difficulty speaking English, is unlikely to be able to find a well-paid job that would bring him a lot of pleasure.

State universities in Moscow providing training in the specialty “Linguistics”

University Faculty Speciality Passing score Number of budget places Form of study Cost of training on a contract basis (RUB per year)
Moscow State University them. M.V. Lomonosov Foreign languages ​​and regional studies Linguistics 385* 22 full-time 320 000
- // - Philological 385* 19 full-time 320 000
- // - Graduate School of Translation Linguistics - No full-time 320 000
National research university"High School of Economics" Philology Fundamental and applied linguistics 274 40 full-time 220 000
Peoples' Friendship University of Russia Linguistics 270 5 full-time 190 000
- // - Philological Linguistics 266 8 full-time 190 000
- // - University of the Foreign languages Linguistics - No part-time 112 000
- // - - // - - // - - No correspondence 112 000
- // - Philological Linguistics - No part-time 112 000
- // - - // - - // - - No correspondence 112 000
National Research University of Technology"MISiS" Institute basic education Linguistics 262 25 full-time 130 000
Russian state Humanities University Institute of Linguistics Fundamental and applied linguistics 259 10 full-time 146 000
- // - - // - Linguistics 248 10 full-time 171 200
- // - Institute of Philology and History Linguistics - No full-time 171 200
Moscow State open university named after V.S. Chernomyrdin Foreign languages ​​and translation studies Linguistics 248 7 full-time 77 000
- // - - // - - // - - No part-time 45 000
Moscow City Psychological Pedagogical University Foreign languages Linguistics 246 12 full-time 120 000
National Research University "MIET" Foreign languages Linguistics 244 20 full-time 150 000
State Academy Slavic culture Philology Linguistics 234 5 full-time 98 000
- // - - // - - // - 158 20 correspondence 88 000
Moscow State Linguistic University Linguistics 312* 272 full-time 175 000
- // - Linguistics 270* 56 part-time 155 000
- // - Linguistics 247* 20 correspondence 60 000
Moscow City Pedagogical University Foreign languages Linguistics 229 44 full-time 130 000
Moscow State Regional humanitarian Institute Foreign languages Linguistics 229 10 full-time 50 000
International University nature, society and man "Dubna" Social Sciences and Humanities Linguistics 227 25 full-time 78 000
- // - - // - - // - - No part-time 39 538
Moscow State Regional University Linguistic Linguistics 227 75 full-time 92 500
- // - Romano-Germanic languages Linguistics 206 75 full-time 92 500
- // - - // - - // - 171 25 part-time 63 500
Moscow Pedagogical State University Foreign languages Linguistics 141 90 full-time 67 000
- // - - // - - // - - No correspondence 52 000
Russian State Technological University named after. K.E. Tsiolkovsky Institute of Youth Policy and social technologies Linguistics - No full-time 70 000
Military University of the Ministry of Defense Russian Federation Off-budget Linguistics - No full-time 110 000
Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics Institute of Law Linguistics - No full-time 136 000
National Research University "MPEI" Institute of Humanities and Applied Sciences Linguistics - No full-time 114 000
Moscow State Regional Social and Humanitarian Institute Foreign languages Linguistics - No full-time 92 920
Moscow aviation institute Foreign languages Linguistics - No full-time 149 000
- // - - // - - // - - No part-time 119 000
Moscow State Transport University Institute of Economics and Finance Linguistics - No full-time 114 000
Russian state social university Foreign languages Linguistics - No full-time 119 000
- // - Foreign languages Linguistics - No part-time 84 000
Moscow State Humanitarian University named after. M.A. Sholokhov Foreign languages ​​and international communications Linguistics - No full-time 116 000
- // - - // - - // - - No part-time 58 000
Institute of Tourism and Hospitality Linguistics - No full-time 90 000
Moscow State Forest University Humanitarian Linguistics - No full-time 63 320

* in four subjects (three Unified State Exam result and an additional test at the university)

Language is one of the main means of understanding the world. With its help we learn, master culture, and communicate with others. Languages ​​are studied by philologists who graduated from the university with a degree in linguistics. They can either teach at a school or university, or work as translators, study the history of the language, compile dictionaries, and much more.

Graduate philologist - who is he?

One of the most common misconceptions is that people who study at philological faculties are obviously “assigned” to school. In fact, linguists are not necessarily teachers of Russian or English or translators.

A person who has graduated from the specialty “Linguistics” can and has the right to work:

  • A teacher at a university or secondary educational institution.
  • Translator.
  • Secretary-referent.
  • Do research work.
  • Work in the field artificial intelligence, especially if his specialty is applied linguistics.
  • Engage in the development of educational software and electronic dictionaries, abstracting systems.
  • Work as an editor or proofreader.
  • Work in the field of journalism.

Where to study?

You already know what to do as a linguistics major, but which university is the best to study at?

It doesn't matter which educational institution you choose. Almost all of them work according to more or less similar programs. During the training, students study the history of language development, dialects, phonetics, spelling, grammar and syntax of the language, vocabulary, and stylistics. Depending on the chosen specialty, you can enter additional courses. For pedagogical specialties A course on language teaching methods is required, and in applied courses the emphasis is on language statistics, and even mathematics.

In Russia, the following universities are considered the most prestigious:

  • Moscow State Linguistic University.
  • M. V. Lomonosov.
  • Moscow State Humanitarian University named after M. A. Sholokhov.
  • University of the Foreign languages
  • UNIK Institute.

It is believed that the specialty “Linguistics” in the universities listed above is taught in the most in-depth and complete manner, and graduates themselves can subsequently count on working in research institutes and laboratories, work as translators in embassies and government services. But it is important to remember that not only the university, but also the grades in your diploma, your knowledge, influence the possibility of getting a job in a prestigious firm or company.

Areas of training

Studying at the chosen university can take place in the following ways:

  • Philology.
  • Linguistics - both fundamental and applied.
  • Translation from any language. Moreover, not only people who know English and German and, Chinese, but and even Slavic languages, such as Polish, Czech.

Negative and positive aspects of the profession

The advantages of the specialty “Linguistics” include the following:

  • Demand in the labor market.
  • A high level of language proficiency, especially a foreign one, is a big plus, which further promotes career growth.
  • There is always the opportunity to earn extra money on the side.

  • Low level of payment in a number of regions.
  • Quite boring and monotonous work.
  • When teaching activities a graduate of the specialty “Linguistics” may encounter a problem: excellent knowledge of the language with minimal teaching skills.
  • Unstable work, especially for translators.

In general, the graduate, if he, of course, studied, has very bright prospects.

Quite often on forums you can find the topics “Specialty “Linguistics”: who to work with?” Reviews show that graduates are quite willing to answer questions and advise on areas of work.

Often, philologists work not only at their main place (for example, in a translation agency or magazine, at school), but also earn extra money through private language lessons, develop and sell own programs to study languages, they are freelance journalists for magazines and newspapers, and moonlight as copywriters.

In general, the profession is suitable for people with humanitarian warehouse a mind that has patience, loves to read and research, analyze certain processes occurring in language.

Who is a linguist?

A linguist is a specialist who studies languages. This is a sought-after profession, traditionally included in the top ten most popular specialties recent years. Linguists are often called both philologists and translators, but this is a mistake. Linguists study language in its development - formation, history, mechanism of emergence and change, even the connection between society and language. Students planning to connect their lives with linguistics will have to study the basics of anthropology, sociology, world literature, mathematics, as well as at least two foreign languages.

To become a true professional, you need to choose the educational institution that will give you the most complete knowledge and will allow the future specialist to develop his analytic skills And creative thinking required for successful work in this specialty.

- which to choose?

In Moscow there are universities specializing in linguistics, such as Moscow State Linguistic University or State Institute Russian language named after. A.S. Pushkin, and also linguistic departments at universities.

Among the most famous and well-established faculties is Department of Linguistics and intercultural communication . The faculty offers bachelor's, specialist and master's degrees. Students can choose different areas: theories and methods of teaching foreign languages ​​and cultures, theories and practices of intercultural communication, regional studies or linguistics. To become a translator, a foreign language teacher or a specialist in intercultural communication - if this is your dream, Moscow State University is waiting for you.

Institute of Linguistics at also has an excellent reputation in scientific circles. Created in 2000 on the basis of the Faculty of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, it annually graduates professionals specializing in Oriental, European, ancient languages, as well as those who prefer to study their native Russian language. Also here you can get an education as a linguist who specializes in intelligent systems in the humanities and computational linguistics.

- one of the most prestigious universities Russia, providing education in many specialties, one of which is linguistics. At the Institute of Foreign Languages ​​at RUDN University, students are trained in unique curriculum, study international public relations, communication theories, methods of teaching foreign languages ​​and cultures, and also comprehend all the nuances of the work of a translator.

For students wishing to receive quality education and become a sought-after specialist, we can also recommend , A whose authority and prestige is undeniable both in Russia and abroad.

The Faculty of Philology was opened at the State Institute of Russian Languages ​​named after. Pushkin in 1999 and immediately came to the attention of experts who paid tribute to him.

And in 2011, GosIRYa named after. Pushkin was recognized as the best humanitarian university in the country and entered the top six best universities Russia (based on Unified State Exam scores of applicants admitted to the Faculty of Philology).

Gorchagov Anton, graduate of GosIRYa named after. A.S. Pushkin 2012:

“As a graduate, I can confirm that my institute has created an excellent theoretical and methodological base that allows us to produce high-class specialists in the field of philology. Everyone for out-of-town students a dormitory is provided, located in the same building as academic building, and, according to students, our hostel is the most comfortable in Moscow. I am sure that with a diploma from GosIRYa. It is impossible for Pushkin to remain unclaimed. IN this moment I work as a RFL teacher at the “Russian Language School” at VSOSH No. 90, teaching migrant children. Day open doors at the Faculty of Philology is held on the first Saturday of April. But if anyone has a desire to learn about the life of the institute from the inside, I recommend visiting the International Student Day, solemnly celebrated at our institute on November 17.”.

, as the name suggests, it exclusively trains linguists. A large selection of specializations, a unique author’s method of teaching foreign languages, immersion in the profession - students will find all this at MSLU. Irina Ivanovna Khaleeva, rector of the university, is the author of numerous scientific works, recognized not only in Russia, but also in the CIS countries. MSLU actively cooperates with universities from near and far abroad, exchanges experience and participates in the creation of a unified humanitarian and educational space according to European standards.

From non-state universities who train linguists, the most popular is . This institute is famous individual approach to each student, as well as comprehensive support in the employment of graduates. Quality and integrity theoretical knowledge are supplemented practical exercises with native speakers, as well as internships in foreign educational institutions. On currently The institute has two departments - the department of European and Oriental languages.

Alexander Borisovich Zaitsev, Dean of the Faculty of Linguistics and Intercultural Communication at the Moscow Institute of Linguistics:

“The classes are taught by specialists in the field of economic, legal, literary, and medical translation. They will teach you how to carry out written and oral translation using modern technologies And computer programs. The curriculum also includes invaluable classes with native speakers from the USA, Great Britain, China, Spain (classes are also conducted throughSkype). Optional study of a third foreign language is possible.

We also organize internships in foreign educational institutions (Germany, China), we have established connections with the largest translation companies in the country, where our students undergo internships and have the opportunity to get prestigious, highly paid jobs.

Students of our faculty receiving education in the direction of "Linguistics" or " Philological education", can also receive a second diploma - o professional retraining in the direction of "Tourism". Knowledge of foreign languages, the ability to translate and possession of professional skills in the field of tourism business is a winning combination that gives great advantages in the labor market.”

Whatever university the future linguist chooses, with a diploma and knowledge in the field of study, he will certainly find something to his liking: scientific activity, work in international companies or a teaching career.


Institute of Foreign Languages ​​named after. Maurice Thorez:

All-Russian Linguistic Center for the training of highly professional teachers and lecturers in two or more foreign languages, a center for advanced innovative methods and technologies for teaching foreign languages, a scientific cluster of linguistic and linguodidactic research in educational organizations and scientific institutions language profile

The rich history of MSLU is inextricably linked with Institute of Foreign Languages ​​named after Maurice Thorez. Today it is an educational and scientific division of the university, uniting four faculties:

  • Faculty of English (FAL)
  • Faculty of German Language (FNL)
  • Faculty of French (FFL)
  • faculty distance learning(FZO)

For more than 85 years, the Institute has been producing specialists in the field of linguistics, who invariably enjoy the trust of employers and are in demand in various educational organizations countries, as well as in many government agencies and sectors of the national economy.

Rector Prof. Irina Arkadyevna Kraeva (left)
and director of the Institute prof. Galina Borisovna Voronina (right)

In the photo (from left to right): Dean of the Faculty of Physical Education Yulia Nikolaevna Sdobnova, Dean of the Faculty of Physical Education Ksenia Vladimirovna Golubina, Dean of the Faculty of Physical Education Galina Borisovna Voronina, Dean of the Faculty of Physical Education Danilova Nadezhda Nikolaevna

When the Institute of New Languages ​​was created in 1930, it consisted of three departments: English, French and German, which were later transformed into independent departments. In 1964, the Moscow State Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages ​​became the First Moscow State pedagogical institute foreign languages. He was also given the name of a prominent politician France - Maurice Thorez. At that time, the Institute had five faculties: English, German, French, translation faculty and the Faculty of Correspondence Studies, whose graduates, both teachers of foreign languages ​​and translators, were distinguished by their excellent command of two foreign languages. After 1964, the name of the Maurice Thorez Foreign Language Institute became a mark of quality for foreign language specialists.

Foreign Language named after Maurice Thorez is a time-tested sign of quality!

In 1990, the Institute was transformed into the Moscow State Linguistic University, where various educational programs. But the InLanguage Institute named after Maurice Thorez was and still remains the core of the university and a symbol of the quality of knowledge of foreign languages ​​in the field of training Linguistics. In order to preserve this famous brand in the field of education, the Academic Council of the University decided on April 24, 2006 to revive the Maurice Thorez Institute of Foreign Languages ​​at the university, consisting of three faculties. It can be said without exaggeration that Inyaz is real forge frames. Today, almost the entire teaching staff of the linguistic departments of MSLU are Inyaz graduates. Almost all universities in Moscow and the country employ Foreign Languages ​​graduates in their departments of foreign languages; moreover, many of them head departments, manage institutes within universities, or are vice-rectors of universities. They can also be found at foreign language departments in CIS member countries. The same applies to others educational organizations: schools, lyceums, gymnasiums, colleges, courses, etc.

Dean of the Faculty of Physics, Voronina G.B., Rector Kraeva, I.A., Dean of the Faculty of Physics, Sdobnova Yu.N.

Inyaz is famous for its traditions in training specialists in the field of Linguistics. These are, first of all, unique pedagogical and linguodidactic technologies, constantly supplemented innovative methods using multimedia tools to reveal the diversity of language and form professional competencies future foreign language teachers.

The history of foreign language is inextricably linked with the history Russian linguistics. Inyaz is the only one Russian university, where unique departments of phonetics of German, French and English have been preserved. These departments employ specialists who have created their own methods for staging pronunciation and intonation patterns. At the origins phonological school foreign language there were such luminaries as prof. O.A. Nork (German), Prof. K.K. Baryshnikova ( French), Prof. G.P. Torsuev ( English language). Today, the traditions of the Inyaz phonological school are continued by prof. T.I. Shevchenko, prof. L.M. Karpova, prof. T.V. Medvedeva, associate professor I.A. Lysenko.

World-famous linguistic schools of Doctors of Philological Sciences, prof. L.S. Barkhudarova, Prof. A.V. Kunina, prof. I.R. Galperina, Prof. I.P. Pototskaya, prof. E.Yu.Yuryeva, prof. O.I.Bogomolova, prof. L.I.Ilia, Prof. O.I. Moskalsky, prof. A.V. Reichshtein, prof. E.G.Riesel, prof. N.D. Stepanova, Prof. E.I. Schendels, prof. I.I. Chernysheva, prof. E.V. Gulyga. Today, the traditions of Russian German studies and novels are continued by their students and followers: Dr. Philol.. science prof. L.S. Nozdrina, Doctor of Philology. science prof. E.E. Anisimova, Doctor of Philology. science prof. I.A.Guseinova, Doctor of Philology. science prof. E.G. Belyaevskaya, Doctor of Philology. science prof. T.S. Sorokina, Doctor of Philology. science prof. G.G. Bondarchuk, Doctor of Philology. science prof. O.K. Iriskhanova, Doctor of Philology. science prof. E.E. Golubkova, Doctor of Philology. science prof. V.G. Kuznetsov, Dr. Philol. science prof. I.A. Semin - within the framework of various scientific schools in the field of linguistics: “Structure and functioning of Germanic languages”, “Structure and functioning of Romance languages”, “Cognitive linguistics”, “Text linguistics”, “Lexicology, phraseology, lexicography”, “Comparative historical typological and comparative linguistics”.

Textbooks, teaching aids and dictionaries developed by professors and associate professors of the Institute are in demand not only within the walls of their home university, but are widely used in universities across the country.

The departments of the Institute successfully train personnel highly qualified: candidates and doctors of philological sciences (more than ten per year), annually the Institute publishes up to nine “Bulletins of MSLU. Humanitarian sciences", included in the List of leading peer-reviewed scientific journals and publications.

In Inyaz, glorious traditions and bold innovation are harmoniously combined. Continuity and preservation of traditions is the basis on which one of the best linguistic schools countries.