Biographies Characteristics Analysis

What photographs are carried in the immortal regiment. Immortal Regiment: do I need to register

1. "Immortal regiment" of his main task considers saving in every family personal memory about the generation of the Great Patriotic War.

2. Participation in the "Immortal Regiment" implies that everyone who remembers and honors his relative - a veteran of the army and navy, a partisan, an underground fighter, a resistance fighter, a home front worker, a prisoner of a concentration camp, a blockade, a child of war - on May 9 takes to the streets of the city from his (her) photo or if there is no photo - with his (her) name to take part in the parade in the Immortal Regiment column, or to pay tribute to the memory by bringing a banner with a portrait, name, or photo, to Eternal fire, another memorable place. Participation in the Immortal Regiment is strictly voluntary.

3. "Immortal Regiment" - Non-Profit, Non-Political, Non-State Civic Initiative. Every citizen can join the ranks of the Regiment, regardless of religion, nationality, political and other views. "Immortal Regiment" unites people. Anything that serves another is unacceptable to us. One country - one Regiment.

4. "Immortal Regiment" cannot be an image platform. The use of any corporate, political or other symbols * in everything related to the "Immortal Regiment" is excluded.

5. The regiment cannot be personalized in any, even the most respected person: politics, public figure(including historical), official. The regiment is the millions of the departed and their descendants.

6. Coordination and assistance in holding the parade of the Regiment on May 9 is carried out by the headquarters of the "Immortal Regiment", which, along with the organizers of the Civil Initiative on May 9, 2012, includes organizations and citizens who unconditionally share the provisions of the Charter and have expressed their readiness to become coordinators of the Regiment in their region.

7. In order to preserve the Charter, decisions contentious issues, the expression of the collective opinion of the cities of the Civic Initiative, the Open Council of the Regiment was formed. Each coordinator who has experience in holding the "Immortal Regiment" in his region in accordance with the principles of the Charter can enter it by declaring his desire.

8. Changes and additions to the Charter can be made by the decision of the majority of the cities of the Open Council of the Regiment.

9. Our ultimate goal is to turn the "Immortal Regiment" into a nationwide tradition of celebrating May 9 Victory Day.

* Symbols: logos, emblems, names, corporate identity, etc. on any media (including on the portrait of a soldier).

“Now I’m an elderly young man, and once I was an October. On May 9, counselor Ira took us to the monument to the fallen in the war, to give flowers to veterans. The whole class went. Then, in the yards, we still played “Germans” and “ ours". And they knew what the war was, with whom. And not only from books and movies.

Often they learned about her that which was not written in the books from her grandfather or grandmother, from her neighbor in the stairwell, who drank everything except the Order of the Red Banner, from strong men who came to schools every year for "lessons of courage", then not even old people, but simply very adult men of rare professions: gunner-radio operator, loader, sapper ... And they quite accurately imagined that this was a difficult Victory. For which my grandfather gave both legs, and many millions of Soviet soldiers - Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Georgians, Kazakhs, Armenians, Azerbaijanis, Moldovans, Estonians, Uzbeks, Jews, Kyrgyz, Tatars, Kalmyks ..., many other peoples - their own life. Therefore, it was not surprising to us when, in addition to living winners, at the Eternal Flame on May 9, we also saw photographs of fallen soldiers brought by veterans. And they drank "People's Commissar's" one hundred grams for both the dead and the living. For those who are not forgotten, and those who will not forget.

It was a long time ago. At a different time and in a different country. Where we live today. And now the yards are different and the games.

And Victory Day has also changed. There are almost no veterans left, two or three more years will pass, and whom will our children see at the Eternal Flame? That question, spoken aloud, began what is today the Immortal Regiment.

We did not and do not consider ourselves "authors of the idea". We didn't invent anything that didn't happen at least once. Then, in our childhood, or, as we found out after May 2012, in some cities of Russia before us, where people one by one or, as in Tyumen in 2007, with a whole column of schoolchildren, carried photographs of soldiers to the Eternal Flame. In 2006, in Ukhta, on Victory Day, the guys brought out portraits of soldiers.

In May 2009, in Sevastopol, a march “We will replace you in the ranks!” Was held.

Yes, not only in Russia, stories similar to the Regiment took place. In Jerusalem in 1999, on Victory Day, citizens carried out portraits of their soldiers. And there were also Omsk and Pskov, the villages of Stavropol and many others. In Solikamsk, back in 1985, women marched through the streets with portraits of their husbands and brothers on Victory Day.

The oldest of now famous stories related to the Immortal Regiment happened in Novosibirsk. In the first year of the official celebration of the Victory, in 1965, the guys from the 121st school came out with portraits of their fathers - front-line soldiers.

But how to make this impulse different people folk tradition? Such that our children would remember it, and pass it on to their own. And how to bring together on this day all of us, split by life into rich and poor, into parties and confessions, into right and left? As the answer appeared the Charter of the Immortal Regiment, ethical principles bringing together millions of people.

Of course, we started Polk with ourselves, with the media. Participation in the creation of the Regiment of our colleagues - radio operators, television workers, newspapermen - is not accidental. The fact that the Polk became an international movement is the merit of the first coordinators - journalists who told about the Polk in dozens of cities and villages in Russia. The Immortal Regiment, in principle, is a provincial story. Born in Siberia, grew up in the outback. Not top down. Thank you for those who supported Tomsk history The Immortal Regiment in Tula and Kostroma, Novosibirsk and Kurgan, Vologda and Volgograd, Irkutsk and Blagoveshchensk, Providence Bay and Krasnodar, wherever today Victory Day has become a day of family remembrance. Both in Russia and outside our Motherland.

We need to talk to people about what is really important. And it is important for us to be ONE people. At least once a year. Our grandfathers were connected by one trench. Let us, thanks to them, be alive and therefore different, let us rise on May 9 in ONE REGIMENT. Let us stand together with those whose bright faces should return to our streets on this day, with photographs of our relatives, near and far. Let's rise without party flags and pompous speeches of politicians, without ambitions. Humanly, proudly. In full growth. How THEY went on the attack, often the last one."

Sergey Lapenkov, on behalf of the coordinators civil initiative Immortal Regiment.

The appearance of Russian President Vladimir Putin at the head of the "Immortal Regiment" column caused a collective ecstasy of the patriotic public.

At the same time, no one was puzzled by the question - whose portrait is the president carrying?

In the photo - a relatively young man in a sailor's uniform and a peakless cap with the inscription "Squadron of submariners". According to one of the versions, which is considered official, this is the father of Vladimir Putin, Vladimir Spiridonovich Putin, who, according to the same version, sailed on some kind of submarine in the early 30s. According to a subsequent amendment to the version, it was in 1937, and he did not swim in a submarine, but studied at the Leningrad Diving School (now the S.M. Kirov Red Banner Diving Training Unit).

However, in 1937, Vladimir Spiridonovich Putin was 26 years old - at that age, military schools are no longer accepted. For the same official version, by this time he was already married, and he had two children - Oleg and Alik (who died during the blockade). In addition, in the annals of the school it is very modestly recorded that V.S. Putin studied there ... during 1937. Not four years, as expected.

Where Vladimir Spiridonovich Putin actually was during the hostilities of 1941-1945 is unknown. The President of Russia himself stated several times different versions that contradict each other.

In 2010, Putin, visiting the Nevsky Piglet, where, according to the official version, as part of the 330th rifle regiment his father fought, said that Vladimir Spiridonovich was seriously wounded on November 17, 1941 during the offensive, and no longer fought. Where he was until the end of the war - no one knows. However, one of the sentimental versions told by Putin says that his father was brought to the hospital in Leningrad (apparently through the blockade ring), and secretly from the doctors he gave his ration to Putin's mother, who survived the blockade only by this. However, in the next program “From the First Person”, Putin changed his testimony. This time, the mother was helped by her brother Ivan Ivanovich Shelomov, who held a high post in the Leningrad military flotilla and generously sharing his rations with her.

The third version, more reliable, says that Putin's father served in the NKVD fighter battalion for all four years of the war, having volunteered there. Putin himself in one of the "direct lines" gave a compromise version: from the first days of the war, his father was a saboteur, blew up german trains behind enemy lines near Kingisepp. He managed to survive, go out to his own people, and was sent to the Nevsky Piglet.

Note that not a single military source says anything about the landing of Soviet troops in the Kingisepp area. Around this town occupied by the group German armies"North" on August 14, 1941, only a powerful underground partisan formation which functioned until February 1944. In addition, there is only one in the area Railway- Oktyabrskaya, connecting Moscow and Leningrad.

The most curious thing about this story is that the photograph that Putin was carrying at the head of the Immortal Regiment column is apparently the only photo of his father or the person who is considered to be one. It is around him that the version of the detachment of submariners is deployed. There are no other military photographs of Putin's father, despite the fact that at that time people were very fond of being photographed for memory. And, of course, in the detachment of submariners there should have been group photos of graduates.

All this raises a lot of questions. From the answers to them, we are unlikely to know - at least in the near future.
(....... .)
A fake, propaganda, political event, repeatedly disgraced and vulgarized by numerous scandals related to forcing citizens to take part for show by administrative methods. Fake event, wake president. Putin, of course, cannot fail to appear at such an event, surrounded by an escort of beauties and guards.

The All-Russian campaign "Immortal Regiment" became part of the Victory Day holiday. In all cities of Russia on this day, columns of people walk through the streets, carrying in their hands photographs of fighters who did not come from the war. This is our memory of people who gave a bright future to their descendants at the cost of their lives. Many questions are connected with this action among those who are just going to take part in the procession. Our portal has not only developed a service for creating a pavement sign online and completely free of charge, but it will also answer all the questions that our visitors ask. If you did not find the answer to your question, write to the address [email protected] and we will definitely answer.

Who first came up with the "Immortal Regiment" in Russia?

The action "Immortal Regiment" was first invented in Russia in Tomsk. In 2012, it was proposed to take to the streets of the city on Victory Day with photographs of those relatives who died during the war years. A little earlier, in 2007, a “Parade of Winners” was organized in Tyumen on Victory Day. It's practically the same, only the name was different.

Since what year has the Immortal Regiment campaign been held in Russia?

The action "Immortal Regiment" in Russia is held annually on Victory Day. The parade of photographs in the city of Tomsk began its procession in 2012. It is under this name that the action now exists. All gradually added to it Russian cities, she has already passed abroad.

Who organized the first "Immortal Regiment"?

The initiator of the event "Parade of Winners" in Tyumen was Gennady Ivanov. First, he offered to take to the streets of his city with portraits of front-line soldiers, and then sent invitation letters to other cities. The action in Tomsk was organized by Igor Dmitriev, Sergey Kolotovkin and Sergey Lapenkov. They are historians, previously worked on the TV-2 channel. They also came up with the name for their action "Immortal Regiment".

How to take part in the Immortal Regiment campaign?

Anyone can take part in the now traditional Immortal Regiment campaign. It does not require any registration or invitation at all. It is enough to follow a few simple recommendations:

  • prepare a pavement sign with the last name and first name and a photo of a war participant (order or make it yourself);
  • come in your city to the place of gathering of the column;
  • walk along a certain route together with everyone.

What are the dimensions of the pillar, photos?

To participate in the action, a pavement sign is being prepared in advance. This is a symbolic banner, a poster, which shows a photograph of a war veteran and information about him. Standard frame size - 295 mm X 435 mm. Photo size - 245 mm X 345 mm. Handle length - 500 mm. You can make a banner from any material (from plywood to plastic).

What are the font sizes for the inscription on the pavement sign?

To design the inscriptions on the pillar, the font of the PT Sans group is used:

  • surname, name patronymic - 44 pt;
  • rank - 36 pt.

What did Vanga predict about the "Immortal Regiment" in Russia?

All Vanga's predictions are a little veiled. She said that Russia would become greatest power when the dead rise from their graves and line up with the living. It was difficult to understand the meaning of the words until the columns of the "Immortal Regiment" went through the streets. That made it clear what she was talking about.

Where can I download a pavement sign template to participate in the procession?

On our website, you can generate and print or save a pavement sign template by May 9 completely free of charge. Nothing needs to be downloaded and processed in the program Adobe Photoshop. Everything is done online. For this you need:

  • prepare a photo of a war participant in advance (if it has defects, scuffs, then you can resort to the services of the Photoshop program);
  • upload a photo to the site from your computer or flash drive using the review;
  • enter in the specified field the surname, name, patronymic of the fighter;
  • enter in the field below military rank;
  • choose a template option (screensaver-background) for designing a brand book;
  • generate a pillar;
  • print the result and paste it into the frame.

If it is not possible to immediately print the finished portrait, you can save it to your computer, download it to a USB flash drive and print materials in a photo studio, at work, or with friends.

How to create a frame for a pavement sign?

Many have already ordered a frame for the pillar "Immortal Regiment" and will use it for many years, keeping it at home until the next anniversary. Great Victory. Others can make the frame themselves by downloading it online. Even if there is no photo of the hero left at home, you can simply walk in a single column, writing only the name and surname of the warrior on the poster. To make the pillar look more solid, the stock emblem is placed in the frame, which can be processed in Photoshop.

What does a sample pavement sign look like from a photo?

The photo shows what a sample poster with a photo looks like, carried by participants in the Immortal Regiment action. This is a photo frame. established dimensions(295 mm X 435 mm) with handle-holder, 500 mm long. Since the weather can be unpredictable even on the day of the holiday, it is better to laminate the photo or place it in a frame under glass. The handle must be strong so that the banner rises above the column and is visible to others. After all, this is the essence of the action: to tell everyone about those who died.

How to make a banner?

Millions of people participate in the campaign, so you want to look decent and join the general system. To do this, uniform requirements have been established for the design of photographs and frames, for the implementation of inscriptions. Registration involves several mandatory steps:

  • choose from family archive best photo(portrait) of a hero;
  • generate a pavement sign on our website;
  • check for errors;
  • print or save the resulting image;
  • insert the finished photo with the inscription into the frame.

How to use the Immortal Regiment logo?

Many descendants of warriors do not have a photo of heroes. In this case, you should not be upset, because the pillar can be made without a portrait. And it will look no worse, because instead of a photo, the stock logo is used. It can be downloaded on a transparent background (vector), and uploaded instead of a photo, and add an inscription below.

What symbolism is used during the procession?

The organizing committee found that only certain symbols are used in the design of the column. The main symbol of the "Immortal Regiment" are photographs of heroes. In addition to the pavement sign, the procession participants do not carry anything in their hands. If someone wants to carry a banner, orders, flowers, balloons, other banners, you can do this outside the Immortal Regiment column.

What does the stock logo look like?

The emblem of the "Immortal Regiment" combined the memory of people of exploits and the belief that the war would not happen again. On the background five pointed star soaring cranes are visible. The star is considered a symbol of the invincibility of our army, and the cranes represent those soldiers who died. And immediately I remember the song to the words of R. Gamzatov "Cranes". The campaign emblem on a transparent background can be downloaded and placed next to the hero's photo.

only in Moscow. There are heated discussions on the Internet: the prosecutor of the Republic of Crimea, Natalya Poklonskaya, went to the procession with a portrait of Nicholas II, next to the martyr tsar - posters and flags with a portrait of Stalin. AT Nizhny Novgorod Deputy Vyacheslav Nikonov carried a portrait of his grandfather, People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs of the USSR Vyacheslav Molotov, for which he was severely criticized. With whose photo to go to the procession? Is it possible to raise the question of the "right" or "wrong" Immortal Regiment? The well-known Russian journalist, president of the All-Russian public organization media workers "MediaSoyuz" Elena Zelinskaya.

In my family, as probably in many families of blockade survivors, Victory Day is a day of remembrance and gratitude. Not a chain of accidents, but the lives and hard military labor of many people - this is the reason why my mother remained alive, and therefore I and our children live. The driver who drove the car on the breaking ice of Lake Ladoga, the militias who dug trenches around the city, soviet soldiers, who liberated the Kuban, where on the last line of survival there was an evacuee from besieged Leningrad orphanage… Strangers and relatives.

All my relatives shared the fate of the Fatherland, no one escaped and no one shied away: eight people are in mass graves on Piskarevka and two on Levashovsky. One with a burnt face, the other reached Berlin, the third was shell-shocked near Vyborg, on the day when a truce had already been declared. And that same aunt of mine, whom they say I look like, served as a doctor on an ambulance train and fought until the age of 47 ... None of them are with us anymore. Grandfathers from the paternal side, Siberian farmers, perished during collectivization, and how they would have fought along with their fellow countrymen when they defended Moscow ...

Immortal Regiment and Immortal barrack in the fate of one family. With whose portrait should I go along the Nevsky?

When asked whether it is necessary to make a sign “ Last address” on the wall of the house where grandfather was taken from, my mother answered: either everyone needs it here, or no one. And so many died, even if you hang all the walls ...

But here's what's important to me now. A noble impulse of gratitude swept up hundreds of thousands of people and brought them to the streets of the city with portraits of their relatives - so it should be so.

Not political chatter, not an imposed set of slogans, but the warmest, brightest thing that a person has - an appeal to his family, to his great-grandfathers, to his roots - that's what turned out to be important for everyone.

It turned out that it was important to be involved in something that is bigger than you, more significant, without which you are like a blade of grass for manipulation. And here you are walking with a portrait of your grandfather, among thousands and thousands of the same noble faces in old photographs - and you are not alone.

And all the disputes recede - about exact, inaccurate dates, about ticks of the state, about failures and lies of reports. The main place is taken by an ordinary person, with eyes similar to yours, who was on fire in a tank, so that today you and your children walk along the bright Nevsky.

Here's what you definitely don't need - it's to rank gratitude by rating. One will go to the procession, the other will quietly remember at home, the third will cry at the grave, the fourth will defend the liturgy, and someone will go to the Nursing Home with gifts, and another will write an angry text: behind the hype, they forget to provide those who are still with us with housing and decent medical care.

There is nowhere for us to escape from opportunists and manipulators, those who will try to use the people's experience to cut down dividends. And there is nowhere to hide from fools who will wind a ribbon around everything that moves. And it's hard to resist the militaristic frenzy - a contagious thing.
But I think we can handle it: our fallen ones will not leave us in trouble. There are so many of them - a whole Immortal regiment.

There are 54 days left until Victory Day.

On the hotline Headquarters of the "Immortal Regiment - Moscow" and through the form feedback Every day there are many questions about the procession on May 9 and preparations for it. We have collected for you the most popular of them and give detailed answers.

1. For those who want to participate in the project

1.1. "Immortal Regiment" and - the same project? Where to enter data if a relative is from Moscow?

The Immortal Regiment - Moscow project is the Moscow part of the Immortal Regiment project. Official website with information about social movement"Immortal Regiment - Moscow" -

Information about your relative, a hero of the Second World War, can be placed in the electronic Book of Memory "Immortal Regiment - Moscow". At the same time, the veteran does not have to be from Moscow. He could go to the front from here or live here, or he could even be from another city, but now his descendants live in the capital. So, they will add information to the site. There are no territorial restrictions.

1.2. My grandfather died during the Second World War, I want to participate in the Immortal Regiment - Moscow project. Where and how can you publish his data, a story about him?

The public movement "Immortal Regiment - Moscow" is waiting for everyone who wants to take part in the procession. From small to large ... With a banner made by one's own hands, and without it. You can take photographs, orders, flags, caps of fighters and helmets of tankers. With your presence, you say that you honor the Feat of the Soldiers of Victory 1945. But if you want to keep information precious to you forever, the My Documents public service centers and the electronic Memory Book are waiting for you.

Enter all the information in any of the 104 public service centers (without reference to the place of residence and registration in Moscow). All centers work 7 days a week, seven days a week, from 8.00 to 20.00. The specialist will fill out the questionnaire, scan all available materials and enter all the information into the electronic Memory Book "Immortal Regiment - Moscow". You will also receive a login and password to enter the site, so that in the future, if you wish, you can edit the page about “your” hero, enter new data, photos.

The second option is to enter information about the participants in the Great Patriotic War on your own, without leaving your home, through the electronic Book of Memory "Immortal Regiment - Moscow". When registering, the user receives a login, password and the ability to administer a page about "his" hero, supplement it with information and photos. Here you can also make a note about which photo you need to print for free at public service centers to participate in the Immortal Regiment procession on May 9 and in which of the centers it was convenient for you to pick it up.

While the site operates in the mode of filling out questionnaires. But soon it will work on full power and biographies of the heroes of the "Immortal Regiment" will be available to everyone.

You can also tell about your hero on the website of the Immortal Regiment - Moscow project in the section. We publish interesting stories, stories, memories of the war, front-line letters and photographs in the form of a news feed. All published stories can be found in the section.

1.3. Is it possible to edit a page on the site after publication?

1.11. Is it possible to find some of the information through public service centers?

Unfortunately no. AT this case public service centers act as platforms for collecting and preserving information about WWII veterans for future generations as part of the Immortal Regiment - Moscow project.

2. For those who want to participate in the procession

2.1. Do I need to register on the site to participate in the procession of the Immortal Regiment - Moscow column?

Registration is not required. But we need to know the approximate number of participants in the action to plan and organize the route. Also, everyone who registered on the site before the event will receive a notification by mail or via SMS about the place and time of the procession of the Immortal Regiment of Moscow.

Information on the site comes from the centers of public services, from educational institutions, cadet corps, just Muscovites. Your applications for participation are summed up and displayed on the general counter of participants in the action.

2.2. I don’t want to enter data on the site, bring materials to the MFC, can I just come to the procession?

Of course, you can just come to the procession.

2.3. Is it necessary to bring a banner?

No, a banner is not required. You can just hold the photo in your hands. If it is not there, take the veteran's awards, the flag. If you know how to accompany on the accordion (bayan, harmonica), and we sing a lot and from the heart, many participants in the procession will be grateful to you. An impromptu sing-along will be created around you. To the place there will be paraphernalia of the front-line years, the uniform of soldiers.

2.5. Do public service centers print photos for a banner for free or do they make the banner itself?

In the centers of public services, they will help you print a photo of a WWII hero for free only after filling out a questionnaire for the project eBook memory "Immortal Regiment - Moscow".

2.6. What are the requirements for the banner, what size should it be?

There are no strict requirements for the banner. There are only recommendations and exchange of experience in production. Public service centers do not act as project organizers and do not have such information.

2.7. What are the photo requirements for the banner? What if there is no photo?

The photo will be laminated and printed in A4 format. If there is no photo that you would like to enlarge with the help of public service centers, you can make an A4 text poster with the full name and rank of your soldier. You can use drawings of pilots, tankers, gunners without drawing a face. Find them in books about that era. If you have time - you can look for a photo in the personal file in the Podolsky archive of the Ministry of Defense (only for direct relatives of a soldier).

2.8. In what form do you need to bring photos for free printing at public service centers? Flash drive or paper?