Biographies Characteristics Analysis

When does the first lunar day begin? "Days from the Birth" of the Moon according to Albertus Magnus

Ruling planet IN esov: Venus.

Talismans IN esov: heart, cuppa, book.

Libra Personality: Noble, polite, honest, intuitive, harmonious, charming.

Libra has good feeling aesthetic values ​​and analytical mind. Loves order and justice, objectively needs balance and harmony. When defeated, he is often at odds with the surrounding reality, not finding harmony in it, and can become extravagant, challenging everyone around him.

Libra's desire for harmony and agreement leads directly to compromise and even the loss of one's individuality. With low development, Libra is an egoist, a liar, and an unreliable partner in business. The zodiac sign in question rules the area of ​​love and idealism. Libras have a great need for balance and harmony, but when they realize that this is impossible, they would rather retreat than make any effort to change things.

The Libra man is constantly forced to take into account the interests of other people, often sacrificing his own. Libras achieve success in the partnership business; they need to have a companion. They work well in a team. He can become a boss very unobtrusively, demonstrating a lack of special zeal and indifference to power. In the life of Libra huge role beauty plays - many artists and artists were born under this constellation.

They spare no ideas and efforts if they get a chance to realize a project they have long dreamed of. They get money easily, but they earn really large sums only in cooperation with other people. Having found their calling, Libra sometimes learns all their lives: they constantly improve their professional level, constantly travel to conferences, seminars, courses, including abroad.

They often have diplomas in different, unrelated fields of knowledge and manage to use all the knowledge they have acquired in their work. Libras are creative and enthusiastic people, so they often choose the profession of a freelance artist. Libras are often at odds with the surrounding reality, as they completely identify themselves with elegance and grace; they will go to great lengths to avoid contact with people who offend the laws of ethics and good taste.

When Libra is balanced, they are completely irresistible. Libras also like to undertake frequent rearrangements and make cosmetic repairs, which take very little time and do not bring a lot of dirt. Regarding the spending of family money, they plan it so that they also have money left to satisfy their own needs, and if the thing is very expensive, they will save money.

Features of the first lunar day:

  • activity and high energy charge of the day;
  • 1 is a lucky number;
  • in nature, the water element becomes the strongest;
  • various shades of red, as well as black, bring good luck on this day;
  • from precious stones It is better to give preference to diamonds and crystal;
  • V active work brain cells are turned on, as well as all areas of the face;
  • 1 lunar day harmoniously combine with the beginning of the week;
  • the northern direction is activated;
  • Of all meditative practices, the method of visualization using a candle acquires special power;
  • the first lunar day is characterized by a lack of symmetry and clear boundaries;
  • symbols are a candle, lamp and other sources of light, ajna, the altar of Hecate;
  • ideal time for planning, analysis and distribution of free time;
  • the first lunar day has a Guardian Angel, whose name is Wadal (this is Grand Duke Darkness, bringing good luck and victory, giving muscle strength and original thinking).

1st lunar day: main characteristics

The meaning that the first lunar day has can be defined as the beginning. The beginning of everything, as these are the first moments of a new month. The subsequent days of the month depend on how the first lunar day passes. This is the “foundation” that plays a major role in the planning and development of upcoming events.

This process can be compared with chain reaction: How successful the first lunar day is, the end of the month will be so successful. This is both fruitful mental work and physical work, and construction social relations. All areas of life are affected.

This is a very good time to daydream. There is no need to think about anything abstract and run away from details. More confidence and specifics will help you plan profitably for the next month. The image presented must be very reliable and detailed.

Although the first lunar day is favorable for planning and analysis, it is not advisable to start anything at this time. You should first think through all the details and forget about haste. Otherwise, failure is guaranteed.

Figuratively speaking, 1 lunar day is the spring period, when fields are sown. The grain falls into the ground and begins to get used to it. Without rushing things, the seed of the coming lunar month will grow stronger and bear very large fruits.

An important point is the mood on this day. Any kind of nervous experiences and disorders. Calmness and prudence will lead to a favorable outcome of events. At the same time, being in bad mood, you can bring everything into complete disarray. Everything that has been started will stand still, without development, as if it is stuck in a swamp.

If the first lunar day began with a quarrel or conflict with specific person, then unpleasant situations will arise throughout the month. Most likely, they will not be resolved until the end of the lunar period. New sides will emerge controversial issue, new claims and discontent. All attempts to correct the situation will be unsuccessful.

All thoughts, all actions on 1 lunar day are a life program for a month. It will be almost impossible to make any changes.

If you still overcome the desire to start a new business, then nothing worthwhile will come of it. On the way you will meet huge variety obstacles that arise suddenly and unexpectedly. Ordinary things will become difficult to do. If you suddenly manage to move forward, then soon there will be a huge leap back.

So, if you have a choice, it is better not to risk it. A little patience, and natural forces will again become your best helpers in difficult life situations.

Advice for 1st lunar day: “Don’t rush to start anything new”

On the first lunar day, it is better to give preference to a cozy homely atmosphere. Surrounded by family and friends, the mood will be good, and thoughts will flow in a calm direction. It is the absence of any force majeure and strong emotions that will preserve tolerance and prudence. Any negative spark can ruin the entire upcoming period.

It is believed that on the 1st lunar day, those who ask are lucky. This includes all types of statements. On this day there is a maximum opportunity to receive a positive response.

A good exercise is to return to pleasant memories. These can be moments from childhood, youth, moments student life, first love impressions. It’s easier to cope with the negativity inside when joyful moments come to mind.

With a slight smile on your face and freedom in your soul, start planning what you will do for the next month. You can include absolutely everything in this list: business issues, meeting with friends, going to the movies with your family. You just have to completely forget about envy and revenge. Under no circumstances should you make plans about how you will “dig a hole” for others. Cultivate courage and develop the ability to forgive. This will primarily be beneficial for your spiritual health and emotional maturity.

It is not recommended to exercise on the first lunar day social issues. You should not receive guests or visit friends. Such communication will require a lot of internal strength. And energy will be needed in the future to implement the plans.

Stop all unpleasant and annoying contacts once and for all. It will be easiest to do this on the 1st lunar day.

Silence and tranquility are the best atmosphere for this period. So that the city noise does not distract from a relaxing pastime, you can devote the day to working in the country or in the garden. Exchange of energy with the earth will be beneficial.

Aspects of the 1st lunar day

Household aspect

Mystical aspect

What is conceived on the first lunar day has incredible, mystical durability. All plans and creative ideas do not lose their effect.

Social aspect

You should not make new acquaintances or make appointments. This applies to both friendly contacts and business negotiations.

Medical aspect

You should refrain from taking alcoholic drinks. Eliminate all spicy foods from your diet. If a person is overtaken by illness on this day, it will bother him for a long time, but as a result the body will win. Those suffering from claustrophobia note the appearance of unreasonable anxiety on this day. Those born on the 1st lunar day have inner feeling its peculiarity and uniqueness. But, unfortunately, not everyone manages to accomplish anything truly worthwhile.

Physiological aspect

Conception and birth on the 1st lunar day

If conception occurs on the first day of the Moon, then the person born will have strong willpower and perseverance. Life path such people are very bright. It is noted that among them there are many long-livers.

Business and work

To ensure that the next month brings good profits, devote the first lunar day to developing goals. Planning paper work is the most suitable activity. But it is better to postpone meetings, signing agreements and contracts to a more favorable date. Business can suffer significantly if this important detail is missed.

A strategy thought out in advance and further development steps will lead office work to a successful result. As you know, only those who know what action will be next achieve what they want.

Trading operations must also be cancelled. If you sign the deed of purchase and sale on this day, then you can forget about the stability and strength of the company. Everything will go downhill, and the actions of employees will not bring any progress.

To ensure that your business continues to bear fruit, prepare all the papers, analyze upcoming meetings, and outline plans for cooperation with partners. Details and specifics will be most helpful in this case. As a result, the company will become a leader in the market and will get rid of all competing organizations for a long time.

Marriage and Marriage

As already mentioned, the first lunar day is ideal for making plans. That is why you should not set a wedding date for this date. Lovers get another opportunity to think through all the details of the upcoming life together. After all, more than one family was destroyed due to the harshness of everyday life. Everyday life is often the cause of disagreements and quarrels. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to once again understand how suitable you are for each other.

Details of family life planning will strengthen relationships. Joint activities have a beneficial effect on the reliability and stability of marriage.

If you are already waiting for a holiday, devote 1 lunar day to accepting important decisions that relate to the feast: place, time, number of guests, required amount of money.

Health and Wellness

On this day the body is very sensitive and open. Therefore, there is a high probability of getting sick or injured. Space offers no protection physical body and psyche. This is due to the fact that the first lunar day is intended for a relaxing pastime. Quiet and peaceful activities are suitable: a walk in the park, fishing, seaside recreation.

Nature is designed in such a way that on the first lunar day, human energy is spent on complete process preparation for the new month. All life processes and internal rhythms are adjusted and connected with external energy. Therefore, all loads can lead to undesirable consequences.

There is a very high probability of exacerbation of chronic kidney diseases, as well as the genitourinary system.

Intimate relationships

Intimate relationships (sex) are always associated with interference with the human hormonal system. With each sexual contact, the entire hormonal background changes due to huge amount produced endorphins and adrenaline. Consequently, the body does not have the ability to engage in self-correction and a problem arises in this process.

In order for the whole month to bring joy in all areas of life, a person must enter it smoothly - without violent outbursts of emotions.

Due to the insecurity of the genital organs, diseases may appear that will bother you for a long period of time. Therefore, avoiding contacts of a sexual nature on the first lunar day will be the most the right decision which will improve the health of both partners.

It will be helpful to simply talk about intimate relationships with your loved one. There may be some issues that need to be discussed. This period is suitable for establishing trust relationships. Don't be afraid to express your deepest fantasies and desires. Such a conversation will become a strengthening link between partners.

Sometimes married couples live their whole lives and never dare to have frank conversations. Meanwhile, all world psychologists strongly recommend not to conceal questions of a sexual nature. Dissatisfaction in bed and intimate problems can not only cause constant quarrels and scandals, but also have a detrimental effect on your overall health.

If you don’t be shy and share your thoughts with your other half, you can forget about mental stress forever. It is relaxation and liberation that removes all energy blockages and allows the body to fully function. On the first lunar day, you should learn to love each other and talk about this wonderful feeling.

Dreams and dreams

The dreams that a person has during this period carry a certain meaning. After all, in every night image seen lies a sketch or sketch of future events that will certainly occur in the lunar month. Don't take every dream literally. night world full of riddles and puzzles. The correct interpretation is a complex issue. A number of future events will depend on the attitude towards the image seen.

On the first lunar day, a dream can be a parting word or a warning. Perhaps you will receive a hint or advice. The picture you see in a dream will help you make the right choice.

Esoteric and spiritual aspect

The first lunar day is ideal for donations, for gratitude, for mercy, for charity.

This is a great time to start fasting. This is also the easiest time to make serious vows, such as abstinence from people or fasting.

If you are doing meditation practices, you can make a detailed plan for each day of the lunar month.

Magic rituals: 1 lunar day

Magical technique of the first lunar day

For a long time, great gurus have used this method with the sole purpose of creating a cell in which a certain event will develop. Its form and image may differ slightly from what is desired, but the inner essence will exactly coincide with what was intended. Used in magic tricks mental visualization the necessary images.

By touching the astral component of the Universe, the human mind sends a signal for the correct interpretation of an upcoming event. Interesting fact– a similar method is found in the cultures of many peoples of the world. This indicates its success and efficiency.

The essence of the technique:

  • Closing your eyes, draw a picture associated with desires and dreams. Detailed images will bring the event closer to execution. For example, you dream of a new car. Mentally visualize yourself entering a car dealership. A sales consultant approaches you. His shirt is snow white. When you open the car, you smell the new leather interior, creaking pleasantly when you touch it. It is precisely such nuances that are very important.
  • The important point is to realize that the event has already happened. Don't think of it as an opportunity. This has already happened. This is your reality.

Thus, you create a kind of box with your desire. It can choose its own path, but it will not be able to leave the box. This is like a built frame for the upcoming lunar month. The universal matrix will circulate around the constructed image. It will not be possible to collapse or go beyond the boundaries of the created mental space. What you want will come into your life.

This magical practice shows and proves that a person has the right to independently manage his fateful paths. No one can stop him from building his life along the desired line.

Surrendering to random circumstances is a wrong decision. You need to pick up a hammer and nails and gradually - plank by plank - build the temple of your own destiny.

What is important is that the first lunar days are specially created for the establishment of astral plans. The planet's satellite will accompany and help you at every stage. And the dream will be closer and closer thanks to the powerful energy of the newborn Moon.

Meditation on a candle

  • The location of the lesson should be calm and almost silent.
  • Prepare a new candle in advance. Light its wick and place it directly next to you. You quietly relax and close your eyes. Thoughts flow only in a positive direction. No malicious intent is allowed.
  • Imagine in detail all the upcoming events of the next month.
  • Draw images as moments that have already come true and experienced. For example, you are about to take a diploma. Feel like the grade is already in your grade book. Or your dream is to get a new position. In nuances, feel how you sit on a new chair and lay out important papers in the drawers of a new table.
  • When the visualization process is completed, release the picture into space. Do it easily and freely, without losing love in your heart.

1 lunar day (video)

In this short video (07:51 min) practical esotericist Olga Stepanova will tell you about the esoteric nuances of the first lunar day.

First lunar day: a brief overview

If you maintain a harmonious connection with external energy, with by natural forces and the Universe, yours inner strength will only work for your benefit. If events develop differently, you can forget about it forever quiet life, because every day will turn into struggle, resistance and disobedience.

It is important to feel balance within you. To do this, you need to devote a little time to analysis. own feelings. Feel what emotions arise in you certain periods lunar movement.

On the 1st lunar day, you should draw up a detailed plan for the desired development of events for the next month. This is the period when all creative resources are included in the work.

Don't let bad thoughts towards oneself or towards other people. The seed of negativity will grow stronger. And within a month you will be filled only with bad energy, which will turn against you.

It is very helpful to have a clear idea of ​​what you want to achieve this month. The first lunar day is ideal for such an activity.

Alena Golovina

The remaining days of the lunar cycle:

An excellent moment for any form of activity. In the morning, it’s better to think about the future, and leave all important matters for the second half of the day. Find time for household chores, pay off debts and improve relationships with friends. Don't get angry and worry less about trifles.

Influence of the Moon March 19, 2019

13th lunar day

On the 13th day of the lunar calendar, you should not start new things. It is worth completing current tasks. It is advisable to not work alone. The chances of success in business increase with teamwork. The day is suitable for any communication, including a serious conversation with your superiors. This is not for changing jobs best time. During this period, any financial transactions are allowed. Housework is not recommended. It is better to refrain from traveling.

Waxing Moon (2nd phase)

The second phase of the Moon is a favorable period for starting new things, making decisions complex issues, conducting business negotiations and concluding transactions. It is advisable to implement the plans before the Moon enters the third phase. This is a good time to meet people, go to new level relationships with a loved one, communication with family. When communicating, you need to control your emotions.

Moon in Virgo

The Moon in Virgo is not the best time for new beginnings. This is a favorable time for performing current routine tasks that require significant concentration. It’s better not to start big things. It is not advisable to lead serious conversation with superiors and change occupation. This is a good period for small monotonous homework. Optimal time for financial transactions. This is an unfavorable time for any communication - it can be unpleasant due to the pickiness and pettiness of the environment. Inappropriate period for travel.


Tuesday is a favorable day for new beginnings, continuation of old things, new job. This is not the right time to perform routine tasks. Good time for homework. Not a good day for dating.

The lunar calendar for today helps you find out what lunar day, phase of the Moon, and what zodiac sign the Moon is in. It indicates the time of moonrise and sunset, the degree of its illumination.

It contains a general description of the day. The lunar horoscope for today takes into account the influence of the lunar day, the phase of the Moon, the position of the Moon in relation to the zodiac constellations, and the day of the week. He will tell you what activities are best to do on this day, whether it is worth planning a serious conversation with your boss, sorting out relationships with people, making large purchases, starting to clean or renovate the house, or going on a trip.

Symbol:lamp, “third eye”, lamp.

Stones: rock crystal, diamond

1 lunar day is a very relative concept, since it can last from several minutes to several hours. But, no matter what the duration of the first lunar day is, it has a huge impact for our lives. The success of the whole month depends on how we spend this time.

This time is like a blank sheet in our book of life, on which you can write whatever you want. All your bright dreams and wishes, plans and expectations for the coming month. Figuratively speaking, today is the day of laying the foundation for the whole month, and what it will be like (solid, full of optimism and self-confidence, or flimsy, dull, joyless) depends only on each of us.

In order not to miss this day, I always mark it on the calendar mobile phone and set the alarm clock so that at this time I can throw away all my affairs, vain thoughts and maximum benefit spend this “day”. The images and thought forms created today are especially powerful and tend to be realized within a month, as if by magic.

On the first lunar day, everyone can become a wizard of their own life. To do this, make sure that your mental images are as specific and detailed as possible, imagine what you want in every detail. Writing down your plans for the next month on a piece of paper will have a good effect. The more detail you can visualize your dream, the more quickly it can come true. Try to catch the smell of your dream, be able to “touch it with your hands, hear it with your ears.” At the same time, imagine your dream not as possible, but as already realized, fill yourself with this feeling and you will soon notice its “materialization” in your life. Many people fail to make their dream come true the first time.

But, most importantly, do not despair and do not give up. After all, the more “complicated” your request to the Universe, the more time it requires to materialize. Visualize your wish on the first lunar day of the month, and it will definitely come true on right time and in the right place. Tested on own experience! Also very good results How to turn plans into reality can be achieved using meditation.

Take a comfortable position, turn off the phone, ask your household members not to disturb you for a while. Stop all your annoying thoughts that are buzzing and swarming in your head, light a candle and focus on what you would like to attract into your life in the coming month. The first thing you must do is believe that your thought is material! Concentrate on what you want as if it were reality. Have you had a fight with your chosen one and don’t know what to do? Imagine yourself with him, how you happily discuss your day together, plan the future together. Do you want a new job? Imagine a luxurious office, kind employees, an understanding boss and yourself happy among them. Detail what you see. Note all the touches, notice every little detail in your wardrobe and mood, catch the smell of your perfume. Do you want to get married, but your chosen one is still not there, or does he not think of proposing to you? Imagine yourself next to him in a white dress, with a wedding ring on your finger. Don't limit yourself in anything.

On the 1st lunar day, you are quite consciously able to attract what you want into your life.

True, it is worth noting that first of all, what is implemented is what directly depends on you personally. If you want to make peace with your lover, take the first step towards him. After all, he, too, can take a wait-and-see attitude and you both may not wait for each other.

And its meaning. The meaning and purpose of 1 lunar day is to give a person the opportunity to take fate into their own hands and achieve what they want. It's time to stop being a slave to chance and meekly go with the flow. Everyone is responsible for their own life and everyone creates their own life situations.

On the first lunar day, special energy vibrations come from the Moon, which help ensure that everything planned happens as if by itself, without tension. Don't miss your chance to change your life. After all, if you constantly neglect the opportunities that the Universe gives us, then they will begin to appear less and less often, since man is walking signal “I don’t need anything.”

It should be noted that on the 1st lunar day you need to limit yourself to dreams, and you cannot start new things, since they most often remain at the level of the plan. This is a day for making plans, not for implementing them, so it is better to refrain from active actions. Make plans for the future, forgive insults to friends and ill-wishers, remember your childhood, control your thoughts and fill this day with bright feelings and energies. Remember: any thought you have on this day is your application for the whole month.

Try to spend the 1st lunar day at home and especially avoid communicating with those who do not share your feelings with you. life positions. You shouldn't receive guests. Social life this day will take too much energy from you. Everything you do is best done by yourself, without outside participation, or, as a last resort, with people close to you in spirit. Necessary help and information can be obtained from books or the Internet.

The first lunar day is a very unusual and magical day. Its symbol is a lamp, denoting the image of eternal light, a spiritual connection with the Universe. Therefore, all actions aimed at spiritual cleansing and development will bring great benefit and relief. For example, you can turn to your past, think about your actions, forgive those who have offended you, and ask for forgiveness yourself if you have harmed someone or accidentally offended someone. If this cannot be done in person, then good effect will also come from a mental message. On this day you need to think only about good things. If you want to harm someone, you are 100% guaranteed to doom yourself to failure. And, on the contrary, all bright and pure thoughts will be successful.

The first lunar day is favorable for introspection, self-knowledge, psychological and spiritual practices. A great day to track the manifestation of your complexes and fears, remember your childhood and understand the causes of your current problems. Various little things and accidents that attract your attention can help you with this. For example, a phrase said on the radio or in a store, a traffic jam that will evoke memories from another’s childhood.

On the 1st lunar day, observing fire will have a very favorable effect. If possible, sit by the fireplace or light candles. Try to focus on the good, feel a sense of peace and love. Free yourself from what is weighing you down and focus your attention on the good things that really matter to you. This day is favorable for all good endeavors, especially for those that elevate the spirit, morality, and improve the personality.

Let's consider a more specific influence of the first lunar day on our lives.


On the 1st lunar day, solitude is best, so personal life you can only plan and “magnetize”, including during meditation. What's stopping you from imagining yourself in a wedding dress, next to your happy chosen one? Is it just the poverty of imagination? If you have a date on the first lunar day, then spend it alone and avoid visiting noisy crowded places. If this is a first date, it is better to arrange it in a quiet, nice cafe. If you are already together, spend this time so that no prying eyes are looking at you.


The first lunar day is suitable only for small household chores. But it is better to postpone large tasks, laundry, cleaning, washing windows and floors to another time. It is worth noting that the first lunar day is very favorable for creativity. Take up embroidery, knitting, drawing and other activities that you like.


On the 1st lunar day, you are strictly forbidden to drink alcohol and spicy foods. Health is worth paying attention to on this day more attention. The new moon and the first lunar day are a time when all energy is compressed, hidden, and the immune system is weakened. Physical and mental fatigue can further weaken your health. Irritability may occur. Diseases (especially viral ones) are easy to catch. They can last a long time, but end happily, without complications. On the 1st lunar day, the brain, eyes and facial part of the head are especially vulnerable. Therefore, therapeutic effects on these organs are contraindicated. You should also not undergo cosmetic procedures, especially plastic surgery for facial rejuvenation and hair transplantation. The resulting stress on this day can last quite a long time, so avoid those places where you cannot restrain your emotions. Heaviness in the stomach and dizziness may occur - this is also the influence of the first lunar day. It is worth noting that diseases of the first lunar day are a consequence of our mistakes, and, first of all, wrong actions. A particularly clear indicator of the wrongness of our actions is a headache that appears to arise against the background of complete well-being. But you can only cope with it with help medical knowledge will not succeed, because illness (any) is given as a hint: you urgently need to change something in your life. As soon as you realize that the disease is a well-deserved punishment, and understand what caused it, you will immediately get better.

It is very good to start a cycle of some kind of physical exercise on the 1st lunar day.

Business and money

On the first lunar day, cash receipts are delayed. It is better not to solve financial issues. You cannot sign documents or exchange currency. It is unfavorable to repay debts. Then all month you will be paying and not receiving. But you shouldn’t borrow on the first lunar day either. Symbolically, your debts will grow along with the moon, and you will then have to get out of loans throughout the entire lunar month.

On the 1st lunar day, it is recommended to postpone making serious decisions. In addition, this day is not the most suitable for solving business issues and conducting negotiations. It is difficult to reach an agreement by discussing important points. It is not recommended to register an enterprise or open your own business on this day, as this enterprise may remain on paper. You shouldn’t sign contracts, but you can sign a “contract of intent” with yourself.

General forecast

The symbol is the "third eye". A candle, a lamp, a lamp, a light, a lamp, but it could also be an altar of Hecate. Pallas Athena emerging in full armor from the head of Zeus.

On such a day it is not recommended to engage in any group work. It would be good to return to your beginning, remember your childhood, reflect on your actions, analyze your life. You can also take some time to read historical literature. We can say that this is a day of creative endeavors. It is advised not to take on new things on the 1st day of the moon, but planning them is allowed and even highly encouraged. From a medical point of view, this is a day that has a connection with the facial part of the head and the brain, so there is no need to abuse alcohol or spicy or hot foods, and generally overwork. Physiologically, dense churning occurs internal organs and such a day is quite difficult for a person.

To increase the effect individual work, you need contact with nature, advice from friends or relatives, you can turn to books. During this period, any overload, grandiose plans or risky activities are also dangerous. The implementation of such plans will be in jeopardy. There is a high likelihood of exacerbations of chronic diseases. On the 1st lunar day, deception, wrong actions, and indulging someone can have an extremely negative impact on your creative plans and business development.

Love and relationships. Solitude is best, so that your personal life can only be planned and “magnetized”, including during meditation. What's stopping you from imagining yourself in a wedding dress, next to your happy chosen one? Is it just the poverty of imagination? If you have a date on the first lunar day, then spend it alone and avoid visiting noisy crowded places. If this is a first date, it is better to arrange it in a quiet, nice cafe. If you are already together, spend this time so that no prying eyes are looking at you.

Housework. Only suitable for small household chores. But it is better to postpone large tasks, laundry, cleaning, washing windows and floors to another time. It is worth noting that the first lunar day is very favorable for creativity. Take up embroidery, knitting, drawing and other activities that you like.

Business and money. Cash receipts are delayed. It is better not to solve financial issues. You cannot sign documents or exchange currency. It is unfavorable to repay debts. Then all month you will be paying and not receiving. But you shouldn’t borrow on the first lunar day either. Symbolically, your debts will grow along with the moon, and you will then have to get out of loans throughout the entire lunar month. On the 1st lunar day, it is recommended to postpone making serious decisions. In addition, this day is not the most suitable for solving business issues and conducting negotiations. It is difficult to reach an agreement when discussing important points. It is not recommended to register an enterprise or open your own business on this day, as this enterprise may remain on paper. You shouldn’t sign contracts, but you can sign a “contract of intent” with yourself.

Dreams. If your sleep cycle falls on the 1st lunar day, then before you go to bed, you can set yourself up to ensure that your wildest dreams and desires come true in the next lunar month, but they must be creative, otherwise you will harm yourself. At this time, you may have dreams that will show you what awaits you in the next month, but these dreams are just sketches, if you don’t like the dream, don’t be upset, just try to analyze it, draw conclusions and let it go, it will dissipate by itself. As a rule, on the first lunar day from the new moon, difficult dreams rarely occur. If you dream of something good, it’s a sign of joy. If in a dream you saw what you want, do not forget to include it in your plan for the lunar month, which must be drawn up in the first lunar days. Some dreams may come true.

Health. Today is a day associated with the head, the brain, the face. Therefore, there is no need to overwork or stress today. Do not drink alcohol, spicy, bitter or very hot foods. Illnesses that begin on this lunar day are usually long-lasting, but with complete recovery. Stone diseases, as well as those associated with blockage of blood vessels, become worse. Claustrophobia may worsen. Signs of atherosclerosis and cancer may appear. Not the best time for brain surgery, manipulations and procedures on the facial area. Also, the energy of this day does not correspond to acupuncture and manual therapy.

  • The beginning of the 1st lunar day in 2019 in Moscow:
  • January 6 at 04:28
  • February 5 at 00:03
  • March 6 at 19:03
  • April 5 at 11:50
  • May 5 at 01:45
  • June 3 at 13:01
  • July 2 at 22:16
  • August 1 at 06:11
  • August 30 at 13:37
  • September 28 at 21:26
  • October 28 at 06:38
  • November 26 at 18:05
  • December 26 at 08:13
1st lunar day in other years


A haircut on the first lunar day will be marked by a reduction in a person’s life potential and life expectancy.


On this day people are born emotional people who have great internal energy, and therefore long-livers. The fantasies of these people can come true. Successful and enjoyable creative types activities.
Day 1 people should not make hasty decisions, as they can bring unexpected results and create problems. There may be many unforeseen situations in the lives of people on this day, but it is difficult to take them by surprise. They have developed intellect, it is difficult to deceive them, but in business matters everything is not so easy. They study easily, are organized, and have a good understanding of people. In general, life will be long and successful. For good health you need to give up alcohol and smoking, physical activity you need to be careful.
Advice: find an opportunity for energy work on the 1st lunar day: for such people, wishes made have special power. These people have a lot strong connection with the Moon.

Bathing in the sauna

On this day you need to focus on yourself, avoid communication and acquaintances, and take a bath alone. Face masks work well.


Usually the dreams are pleasant and not difficult. If you dream of something good, it’s a joy; if it’s bad, don’t pay attention, it will easily go away on its own if you don’t concentrate too much on your dream, but easily let it go from you.

Guardian stones

Diamond, rock crystal, quartz.

Conceiving a child

Conceived on the 1st lunar day will be born under protection higher powers. They will not allow a person to retreat in the face of obstacles that come in everyone’s way. A great variety of different events will happen in his life. The life of such a person is bright, unpredictable, eventful. He will live a long time. It will help him a lot on his way strong-willed character and in more to a greater extent- spiritual strength. The first lunar day is the best for conception if you want your child to become a priest, a spiritual teacher.

Weather forecast

At new moon and when it ends, the weather changes: wet to dry, warm to frosty, cloudy to clear.

Aromatherapy and home fragrances

Myrrh warms, eliminates confusion of thoughts and confusion of feelings. Cleanses the aura, stimulates energy growth, enhances vital energy. The aroma of Myrrh saturates with love, opens the heart to love, filling it with the pure energies of the Universe. Helps a person understand the actions of others, accept and forgive, teaches wisdom and prudence. Helps get rid of egocentrism and dependence. Increases self-esteem. Myrrh helps to build a bridge between the “heavenly” and the “earthly” in a person.


Since the first lunar day is the time of planning, it is best to refrain from getting married during this period. The most reasonable thing is to once again carefully weigh all the pros and cons of such an important and responsible event and think about whether your marriage is a whim, whether you really love each other.

This lunar day gives lovers another chance to figure out how suitable they are for each other in terms of living together. Family life is not only flowers and gentle cooing, but also harsh family everyday life. Luna suggests trying to plan future life, how to estimate, imagine an ordinary day in the family, when all the courtship and all the “honey” delights will be behind us. What will the couple's day be filled with? How will they live? What will they have in common?

Detailed planning for further married life will help you subsequently avoid unexpected disappointments, which are known to lead to divorce. And, conversely, the more detailed you plan your life together, the more reliable and stable your family’s “ship” will be in the ocean of everyday life.

For those who have already submitted an application to the registry office, the first lunar day is ideal for planning the wedding celebration itself, deciding where it will take place, how many guests there will be, how much money needs to be set aside, and so on and so forth.


On the first lunar day, you should refrain from any purchases, both large and small. It should be especially emphasized - do not register in this period loan, as this may entail serious problems. Even if it seems to you now that you are completely creditworthy and no financial problems are expected in the foreseeable future, still, do not do this. It’s better to do all this one day later, but be sure that nothing unexpected will happen.


symbols: “third eye”, lamp
stones: quartz, rock crystal, diamond
body part: frontal part of the head

Rituals that are prescribed to be performed on the new moon. Some love spells that are done only on the new moon (there are some). Rituals for opening roads, both vital and ordinary. Mental modeling of the desired situation: those who have good visualization have the opportunity to build a phantom of their desire on this day. This phantom then lives independent life and attracts the necessary events to you that will help your desire to be realized physically.

On this lunar day you cannot make sacrifices or carry out any practical operations within the framework of magic. The only exceptions are those actions that are aimed at internal self-improvement, that is, development exercises psychic abilities. This lunar day is also good for thinking through all the magical operations that you are going to perform in this lunar month. Also now you can begin making amulets and talismans that protect during the calling of spirits in order to learn from them about upcoming events.

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