Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Luule viilma causes of diseases table ucoz. and my body doesn’t need excuses

Let me remind you that thanks to the joints, the hard skeleton turns into a strong, mobile and elastic system that forms the basis of the human body. In other words, every joint is a mother who makes a father a man. The joint reflects true relationship between my mother and my father, no matter how they may seem from the outside. The leg joints characterize the economic advancement of my parents and the solution to these problems during my childhood.

A common illness is ossification of the hip and knee joints. The pelvis symbolizes family. The basis of the strength of the family is the husband, whom the wife makes a man with her love. The hip joint shows flexibility and mobility of economic life in the family. If the mother is unyielding in economic matters and this angers the father, then the left hip joint becomes ossified. The bone is also destroyed. If the mother, with her intransigence, begins to get angry with herself and the family, then the right hip joint ossifies. If the father shares the mother’s anger caused by dissatisfaction, then bone tissue is also destroyed. Knee joints signify economic advancement. If the child does not increase the mistakes of the parents, but, on the contrary, reduces them, then parental disagreements in economic life do not affect his health.

A person with X-shaped legs is stingy. The more developed stinginess, the more bent the knees. If during life the innate “X”-shaped legs become even crooked, this means that the stinginess inherited from the parents in the person has intensified. And if the legs hurt, then stinginess makes a person angry. If a person born with straight legs has one leg that takes on an “X” shape, then one of the parents is stingy, and this leg certainly hurts.

Crooked legs in the shape of the letter "O" characterize a generous person. The more he overdoes his generosity, the more painful his financial situation becomes. The more a person squanders his fortune, the angrier he becomes, and the more his knees hurt. Or his loved ones harbor a grudge against him, since he condemns them to material deprivation. If a person harbors anger towards the extravagance of the male sex, then his left knee gets sick. If a person believes that women are to blame for lack of money, then the right knee gets sick.

Straight legs indicate economic balance. But if economic equilibrium is achieved through stinginess, then the economy may begin to sag, and the narrowing of the joint spaces = sagging expresses the anger associated with the economic decline. The thinner the wallet becomes, the angrier its owner becomes, and the more his legs shorten. Gradually, the knee joints become compressed, then they thicken. The pain accompanying this makes a person stop and think about his mistakes.

We restore health from the spine

Diseases of the spine and joints

Healthy spine

Everything in this world is Energy.

Energy = Light = Love = Universe = Unity = God

If you don't like the word God, then you are a person who, not tolerating dirt, throws away the sparkling gem without understanding what it is.

Different types of energy provide diversity in the world.

Health energy provides health. Unity does not know a state of rest; the energy of health is also in constant movement. Just as blood flows through blood vessels, and lymph through lymphatic vessels, so energy moves through special channels. Blood circulation can be maintained in the body with the help of an artificial heart, but when the flow of energy is interrupted, the person dies.

Energy channels are invisible to the eye. them in human body an innumerable number, and the central part forms the main energy channel, which is located in the spine. That is why we can call the spine the support of the body, both literally and figuratively.

The human body also contains energy centers, or chakras, which are reservoirs of energy, the normal filling of which is ensured by the normal, that is, healthy, state of the spine.

Every person should begin restoring their physical health from the spine. Our physique is perfect in its expediency. All aids To restore the body, we are given from birth - eyes to see a mistake, and hands to correct it. The human skeleton + muscles is a finely regulated lever system, simple and universal if we keep it in working order.

Look at yourself in the mirror - how curved your body is. And don't look for excuses why it is like that. If you want to recover, you need to straighten your spine. Until a person understands that his health depends on his posture, it makes no sense to treat him further - he still won’t recover completely.

Sluggish body = sluggish soul = sluggish health

Don't forget that no vertebra in the spine can tolerate the slightest friction against another, and before you can begin to correct the curvature, you need to create space for the vertebrae. You should start by raising the vertebrae.


Sit on a hard chair (the exercise can be done standing or lying on the floor).

Place your palms on your upper thighs, resting your wrists on your lower abdomen. Focus your thoughts on your spine. Start lifting from the tailbone. Reinforce the physical recovery with a mental one. Imagine a cat raising its tail. Bend at the waist and mentally imagine that the sacrum is almost horizontal. Only in this way can the lumbar, thoracic and cervical vertebrae easily rise, since their backward curved position, reminiscent of laying tiles, and with it the enormous muscle tension in back.

Mentally imagine that each vertebra individually rises straight up to its correct place, and slowly, resting your hands on your hips, straighten your back and stretch up. You will soon feel an improvement in your condition, that is: your shoulders are straightened, your arms are freely straight, your breathing is free, your back is straight. There are no such things as too long arms, only a short back.

Now relax your shoulders and stretch your neck upward, more at the back of your head than your jaw, so that all the muscles in your upper torso are tense. Enjoy the stretching of your spine and experience the joy of it.

When, after such a stretching, you stand up, feel your body in a new way and feel that the spine is as if weightless and, if there were no restraining body, it would rush upward, then this will mean that you have reached the ideal and the main energy channel is open.

You are filled with a feeling of freshness. You will immediately feel better.

How often should you do this exercise? As often as quickly as you want to get well. Some once a day, and some a hundred. Everyone has their own goal and choice.

An ordinary person often cannot understand why he is forced to stretch his back if he came to be treated for a completely different disease. People don’t die from spinal ailments - that’s the usual motivation. And this is important because each vertebra corresponds to one organ or a pair of organs, the health of which is directly dependent on the condition of the vertebra. Looking at a diseased vertebra, you can determine, without seeing the organ itself, what is happening to it. For example, between the shoulder blades there is the 6th thoracic vertebra - the vertebra of the heart, a sharp shock of which, especially if the vertebra was previously injured, can even cause a heart attack. Damage to the 1st cervical vertebra – migraine, epilepsy, etc.

The longer the vertebra was damaged, the more serious the changes. Only when the critical point is passed does pain occur. If we had stretched our spine for prevention, then things would not have reached the critical point.

It has long been known that the cause of absolutely any disease in a person must be sought in his psyche. Not only psychologists, but also doctors are talking about this more and more often. And, when the true cause of the disease is found and eliminated, the disease itself ceases to exist at the physical level.

This is exactly what Luule Viilma (04/6/1950 – 01/20/2002), a doctor by training, parapsychologist and esotericist, spoke about in her books, trainings and seminars. In her practice, she did a lot of alternative medicine.

Based on the books of Luule Vilma, a kind of table of diseases and the causes that caused them was compiled. It is this table that I suggest you study today.

  • Adenoids in children Parents do not understand the child, do not listen to his worries - the child swallows tears of sadness.
  • Allergy Panic anger; fear of “they don’t love me.” Reluctance to suffer in silence.
  • Allergies (manifestations on the skin) Panic anger.
  • Allergies in children (any manifestations) Hatred and anger of parents towards everything; the child’s fear “they don’t love me.”
  • Allergy to fish products in children. Protest against the self-sacrifice of parents.
  • Allergies (manifestations on the skin in the form of scabs) in children Muffled or suppressed pity in the mother; sadness.
  • Allergy to the computer Protest against the transformation of man into a machine.
  • Allergy to dog hair Protest against slavery.
  • Alcoholism Fear of “no love”; fear “they don’t love me”; in a man, a feeling of guilt before a woman for his unreliability; self-flagellation.
  • Loss of meaning in life; lack of love.
  • Heartache caused by lack of feeling self-esteem, deep feelings of guilt.
  • Not wanting to be sad.
  • Alzheimer's disease (atrophic process of the brain) Absolutization of the potential of your brain. Maximalist desire to receive.
  • Amenorrhea (absence of menstruation) The presence of sexual problems hidden deep inside, the reluctance to admit the existence of such problems.
  • Sore throat Anger, expressed by screaming.
  • A feeling of unbearable humiliation.
  • Sore throat in girls under 1 year of age Problems in relationships between parents.
  • Anorexia Fear of coercion.
  • Feelings of guilt, helplessness, depression in life, negative fixation on one's appearance.
  • Anorexia Self-pity due to the inability to live a full life.
  • Anuria Reluctance to give vent to bitterness from unfulfilled desires.
  • Appendicitis Humiliation from a deadlock situation.
  • A state of physical impasse that arises as a consequence of spiritual impasse.
  • Appendicitis in children Inability to get out of a deadlock situation.
  • Appetite (increased, indiscriminate) The desire to compensate for the lack of vital energy.
  • Appetite when feeling full Anger against those who do not accept your kindness.
  • Arrhythmia Fear “no one loves me.”
  • Arteries (diseases) In men - the presence of anger towards women.
  • Asthma Suppressed fear.
  • Fear bad attitude to yourself.
  • Lack of courage to live a full life.
  • Shyness in showing love.
  • Asthma in children Suppressed feelings of love, fear of life.
  • Atelectasis Sadness due to the inevitable feeling of lack of strength for one's freedom.
  • Atherosclerosis Wrong attitude towards your body.
  • The unwavering, unshakable desire of a woman to become stronger than a man and vice versa.
  • Fear of “they don’t love me”; the sadness of a dull fossil.
  • Muscle atrophy Birth stress. Self-sacrifice.
  • Fear of interfering with the mother in her eternal rush, so as not to provoke her tears.
  • Aphthous stomatitis (disease of the oral mucosa) Blaming oneself, regretting one’s behavior.
  • Bacterial and fungal diseases Imbalance and balance.
  • Unspokenness and a group of other stresses.
  • Hips (problems) Problems of economic and material life.
  • Childlessness Stress in relationships with mother.
  • Ectopic pregnancy A woman’s reluctance to share her child with anyone.
  • Pregnancy, termination The fetus feels that it is not loved; subsidence of the 4th vertebra.
  • Infertility- male-female Having sex out of a sense of duty. Problems in your relationship with your mother. Submission to the mother in choosing a man - a sexual partner. Submission to the mother in the choice of girlfriends.
  • Myopia Fear of the future.
  • Bechterew's disease (spondyloarthritis deformans) Feeling of guilt before parents.
  • Pain: - acute - dull - chronic Acute anger, occurs immediately as soon as someone makes you angry, and you begin to look for the culprit; dull anger, a feeling of helplessness regarding the realization of one’s anger; long-term anger.
  • Borelliosis (tick-borne encephalitis) Anger towards money-grubbers who want to appropriate your material achievements.
  • Bronchitis Depression from relationship problems with mother or spouse, the feeling of love is infringed. Feelings of guilt and throwing it out in the form of accusations on others.
  • Bronchitis is chronic. Fighting a difficult and unfair life.
  • Bronchiectasis Imposing your goals on others.
  • Bronchitis of girls Problems of communication and love feelings.
  • Bulimia The desire to take possession of an illusory future, to which in reality a person feels disgust. The desire to live as best as possible and the reluctance to live the life that is at the moment.
  • Veins (diseases) Anger of a woman against a man and vice versa
  • Thymus gland (diseases) Fear of being “nobody”, desire to “pretend to be something”, to be an authority.
  • Viral diseases. Blame yourself.
  • Viral diseases in children The desire to leave home and die is a wordless struggle for one’s own survival.
  • Taste sensations(loss in children) Parents’ censure of the child’s sense of beauty, declaring him devoid of a sense of taste, tasteless.
  • Weight (overweight) The desire to be overly honest and express everything bad, and at the same time the fear of expressing this bad, so as not to appear bad in the eyes of others.
  • Forbidding yourself to have what you especially want to have.
  • Dropsy of the brain in children Accumulation by the mother of unshed tears, sadness over the fact that she is not loved, not understood, not regretted, that everything in life is not going the way she wants.
  • Inflammation of the vocal cords Expressing malicious criticism.
  • Inflammation of the vocal cords and larynx in girls Stress resulting from communication problems.
  • Pneumonia (acute) Acute anger towards accusations.
  • Double chin Selfishness, selfishness.
  • Own discharge - sweat, phlegm, urine, feces - (problems) Problems with each type of discharge are caused by different stresses: anger at insult, whining, helplessness, powerlessness; dissatisfaction with life in general, self-pity.
  • Miscarriage Shame about pregnancy.
  • Gases (their accumulation). The desire to change another person with your thoughts.
  • Sinusitis The desire to hide the offense.
  • Gangrene of the legs Humiliation, guilt; inability to get out of economic problems.
  • Gastritis (ulcerative) Forcing yourself. The desire to be good, modest, hard-working, while swallowing the bitterness of disappointment. Fear of “they don’t like me.”
  • Helminthiasis (enterobiasis, ascoridosis, diphyllobothriasis) Cruelty.
  • Hemophilia Deification of revenge. ^^^^
  • Genetic diseases The desire to be a good person in the eyes of others by hiding the bad in oneself.
  • Gynecological inflammation Neglect of male and sexual life. Women's humiliation.
  • Glaucoma Sadness.
  • Pharynx (diseases). Conceit, selfishness,
  • arrogance, the desire to prove one’s own rightness or another person’s wrongness at any cost.
  • Deaf-mute Disobedience is a protest against the orders of the parents.
  • Pus (in any organ of the body) Anger from humiliation.
  • Purulent processes. Pimples. Humiliated anger.
  • Festering eyes Resentment towards coercion (the desire not to be forced, the desire to live a free life).
  • Ankle joints (diseases) Desire to brag about one's achievements.
  • Headaches Fear “they don’t like me.”
  • Dislike for husband (fear, anger). Fear of “they don’t love me.”
  • - in the area of ​​the back of the head and neck Blaming others for their own mistakes.
  • Headache: - from tension. Repressed fear. A state of spiritual impasse.
  • - from a decline in tension Manifestation of anger after the resolution of a tense situation.
  • Headaches in children Inability to resolve
  • disagreements between parents; destruction by parents children's world feelings and thoughts. Constant grievances.
  • Vocal cords(inflammation) Unspoken anger.
  • Gonorrhea The gloomy anger of something missed.
  • Throat (diseases in children) Quarrels between parents, accompanied by screaming.
  • Fungal diseases The desire to get rid of one's own shame.
  • Fungal diseases (chronic) Chronic shame.
  • Flu Dejection, dissatisfaction with oneself.
  • Thoracic spine, pain Fear of being guilty, blaming others
  • Breast (breast disease from a benign lump to breast cancer) Blaming another for what he does not love. Pride, making a way for oneself at the cost of any effort.
  • Hernia (in the lower abdomen) An unrealistic desire that caused anger due to its impossibility of fulfillment.
  • Diaphragmatic hernia The desire to move from the past to the future in a single jerk.
  • Hiatal hernia The desire to break into society, where a person is not welcome.
  • Lips in a string Arrogance.
  • Farsightedness The desire to see far into the future. The desire to get a lot at once.
  • Down syndrome Fear of being yourself.
  • Depression Self-pity.
  • Deforming polyarthritis with progressive destruction of bone tissue in children. Shame and anger against the husband’s infidelity, inability to forgive the betrayal.
  • Gums (swelling) Powerless anger from unexpressed sadness to the perpetrator about the offense caused.
  • Gums are bleeding, periodontal disease. Revenge, the desire to sadden the culprit of your suffering.
  • Duodenum (diseases): - constant pain. Cruelty. Heartlessness. Anger at the team
  • - ulcerative bleeding - rupture of the duodenum Vengeance towards the team. Transforming anger towards the team into cruelty.
  • - discomfort Distrust of others, fear, tension.
  • Diabetes Demanding gratitude from others in return.
  • - sugar The destructive anger of a woman against a man and vice versa. Hatred.
  • Wanting others to make my life good.
  • Diarrhea Despair associated with a strong desire to immediately get rid of everything; The desire to be strong and demonstrate one’s strength.
  • Diaphragm (problems; diseases associated with the diaphragm) Fear of being guilty. Problems of discrimination, bias and injustice.
  • Esophageal diverticula Insisting that the person's plans be accepted unconditionally.
  • Dysbacteriosis Conflicting judgments regarding the activities of others.
  • Diphtheria in children Guilt for an act committed, which arose in response to the anger of the parents.
  • Daytime urinary incontinence in children. Child's fear for his father.
  • Dolichosigma Fear of the final result.
  • Flabbiness of the body Doom, the feeling that “I still won’t get what I dream about.”
  • Mental illnesses The desire to have spiritual values ​​- love, respect, honor, care, attention.
  • Respiratory tract (diseases, catarrh of children) Mother’s contempt for the male sex. Fear of “nobody loves me.”
  • Jaundice - jaundice in drug addicts Fear of anger. Anger against the state.
  • Cholelithiasis. Fierce fight against evil. Own bitterness. Bitter anger. Anger at one’s spouse. Reluctance to throw out bitterness (humiliation attracts the humiliation of others).
  • Stomach (diseases) Fear of being guilty.
  • Duty to start.
  • Forcing yourself to work; the desire to have a lot, to be an example.
  • Stomach (bleeding stomach ulcers) The desire to rise above others (“if I don’t do it, no one will do it”). Self-confidence, belief in one's own infallibility.
  • Stomach (prolapse of the stomach and gastritis) Fear “nobody needs me” (passive person).
  • Stomach (increased acidity) Feeling of guilt.
  • Stomach (low acidity) Forcing yourself to work out of guilt.
  • Stomach (pyloric spasm until complete blockage) Fear of trusting another.
  • Gallbladder (diseases) Anger.
  • Belly: - problems of the upper abdomen. The desire to remake oneself and others.
  • - problems in the middle of the abdomen The desire to make everyone equal.
  • - problems of the lower abdomen The desire to get rid of everything that could not be done.
  • - enlargement of the abdomen The desire to stick out your positive qualities, to boast of your hard work.
  • - belly fat Constant self-defense and willingness to defend your course of action.
  • Fluid (accumulation in organs and cavities) Sadness. Desire to change others.
  • Fat embolism Arrogance, selfishness, selfishness.
  • Addictions (alcoholism, drug addiction, smoking, gambling) Fear of “they don’t love me”; fear “I have no love”; a man feels guilty before a woman because he cannot be relied upon; self-flagellation, self-punishment.
  • Mental retardation in children Parental violence against the child’s soul
  • Anus: - itching Temptation by a sense of duty
  • - cracks own merciless coercion
  • Constipation Stinginess, stinginess.
  • Shame about the results of your work.
  • Wrist (problems) Anger at one’s own powerlessness, desire to punish others.
  • Conception (problems) Lack of love.
  • Vision (problems) Self-pity, shyness.
  • - myopia Fear of the future
  • Pity for the mother and women in general.
  • - farsightedness. Pity for the father and men in general. Reluctance to see little. The desire to get a lot at once.
  • - paralysis of the eye muscles Suffering of the mother and the female sex
  • - loss of vision caused by aging Reluctance to see the annoying little things in life.
  • - sclerotic changes in the eyes - worsening in children Desire to be above tears Shyness.
  • Teeth (diseases) Coercion, attempt to change one's neighbor, violence.
  • Teeth: - caries Disappointment when you don't get more than you have.
  • - decay of children's teeth. Father's inferiority complex (due to mother's anger).
  • - destruction of molars in adults. Dissatisfaction with one’s mind.
  • - front teeth break; dental growth defects in children. The desire to get more than you have. The desire to show one’s superiority (to show off one’s intelligence). A complex of stresses associated with parents.
  • Heartburn Compulsion out of fear.
  • Hiccups Fear about the lost meaning of life.
  • Immunity (violation) Fear of “they don’t like me.”
  • Impotence Fear that “I am accused of not being able to feed my family, of not being able to cope with my job, of being no good as a man”; blaming yourself for the same thing. Fear of economic problems.
  • A man feels guilty in response to a woman’s anger.
  • Feeling sorry for yourself because of your gender.
  • Stroke Thirst for revenge.
  • Fear of the evil discontent of others.
  • Myocardial infarction Sadness “nobody needs my love.”
  • Myocardial infarction in a man during sexual intercourse. Acute feeling of guilt.
  • Childhood hysteria Self-pity
  • Coronary heart disease Fear of being guilty, of being accused of lack of love; guilt.
  • Stones (gallstones and kidney stones) Fierce anger. Desire to rise above bad person
  • Cysts Uncryed sadness.
  • Intestinal gases. Belligerence.
  • Intestines (organ diseases - see digestion, organs)
  • Tick-borne encephalitis Malice towards selfish extortion.
  • Skin (defects) wounds, ulcers dryness Constant outpouring of anger. Shame of one's own honesty.
  • Skin diseases Malice. Protest against affection
  • Knees (diseases) Stress associated with moving through life.
  • Bones (damage, fractures) Poorly realized, vague anger towards a person.
  • Cat scabies Pickiness runs in the family.
  • Creutzfeldt - Jacob's disease. The desire to turn back the course of life, that is, militant conservatism.
  • - problems Thirst for revenge.
  • - decreased feeling of guilt.
  • Blood. Dysfunction of the hematopoietic system. Super-demanding sense of purpose.
  • Blood: diseases Selfish love.
  • problems Thirst for revenge.
  • blood thickening Passionate desire to be rich, thirst for profit, self-interest, greed.
  • - slow blood circulation Feeling of guilt.
  • - many blood cells - few blood cells The anger of struggle, revenge, anger towards men. The evil subordination of mother and wife to men.
  • Bloody discharge. The desire for revenge.
  • Blood pressure. — increase The habit of evaluating others and finding their mistakes.
  • - decreased feeling of guilt.
  • Bleeding internally The desire to be super positive.
  • Bleeding from the nose in a child. Helplessness, anger and resentment.
  • Palm (problems, painful sensations) Bitterness, excessive manifestation masculine qualities in a woman; or excessive flexibility, even to the point of servility
  • Laryngospasm Rage.
  • Laryngospasm in children Guilt for a committed act when the child is strangled by anger.
  • Lungs (diseases) Lack of freedom. Hatred of one's own slavery.
  • Blame yourself.
  • Pulmonary pleura Restriction of freedom.
  • Leukopenia (decrease in white blood cells) Fear of arrogance. Blaming yourself.
  • Lymph (diseases) A ​​woman’s anger at a man’s helplessness.
  • Resentment at not getting what you want.
  • Lymphogranulomatosis Mortal shame caused by the fact that a person was unable to achieve something that he did not actually need.
  • Frontal sinus (inflammation) Hidden inability to make decisions.
  • Elbows (problems) Desire to stand out from the crowd
  • The desire to prove the validity of your ideas, making your way in life with your elbows.
  • Macrocephaly The father of the child experiences great unspoken sadness due to the inferiority of his mind, which is overly rational.
  • Anemia in children Resentment and irritation of a mother who considers her husband to be a bad breadwinner for the family.
  • Senile insanity Thirst for an easy life, without barriers, without troubles.
  • Uterus (bleeding) Anger against those whom the woman blames for preventing her from being a good mother, whom she considers guilty of her maternal failure.
  • Uterus (fibroids) Fear of “they don’t love me.” Feelings of guilt towards the mother. Overinvolvement in motherhood. Anger. Warlike thoughts associated with motherhood.
  • Uterus (tumors) Excessive feeling of emotionality.
  • Uterus (cervical diseases) Dissatisfaction with sexual life.
  • Meniscus (damage) An attack of anger at stagnation in life: at the one who pulled the rug out from under his feet; deceit and betrayal of people around.
  • Heavy menstruation. The desire to cheat on your husband and thereby “punish” him. Large accumulation of stress.
  • Menstruation (absence) Presence of sexual problems hidden deep inside.
  • Migraine Inability to find the cause of the illness.
  • Sadness and fear “they don’t love me.”
  • Microcephaly The father of the child mercilessly exploits the rational side of his mind.
  • Brain (diseases) Neglect of one’s spiritual needs in favor of other people’s desires and whims.
  • Sputum Anger at whiners and whiners. Anger at accusations and accusers, and therefore at oneself.
  • Bladder (inflammation) Humiliation due to accumulated diseases.
  • The desire to win sympathy with your work; bitterness when ridiculed by others.
  • Urolithiasis Suppression of one's humiliation due to accumulated diseases to the point of stony indifference.
  • Muscle tissue (wasting, muscle atrophy) Sense of responsibility, sense of duty, sense of guilt. Thirst for fame and power, arrogance towards others.
  • Adrenal glands (diseases) Chronic fears.
  • Metabolic disorder Disturbance between giving and receiving.
  • Drug addiction and various types of addiction - work addiction, smoking, gambling. Fear of “no love”, “they don’t love me”, feelings of guilt. Fear and anger that everything is not the way I would like. Not wanting to be who you are, wanting to be in a world where there are no worries.
  • Disappointment in everything and everyone. The belief that no one needs a person and no one needs his love.
  • Not wanting to be anyone.
  • Runny nose (rhinitis) Anger due to resentment
  • Resentment.
  • Resentment towards the situation, lack of understanding of the reasons for this situation.
  • Neurasthenia The desire to be positive in everything, trying to please others.
  • Urinary and fecal incontinence. The desire to free yourself from life's disappointments.
  • Urinary incontinence in children is daytime and night (enuresis). The child's fear for his father. Mother's fear for father.
  • Neurosis Fear “nobody loves me” Suppressed aggressiveness
  • Nervousness, whims in children Mutual accusations of parents, more often - accusations of the mother in relation to the father.
  • Necrosis (tissue death) Anger at one's suffering.
  • Legs (problems and illnesses) Insincerity in communication related to economic issues. The desire to receive material gain, honor and glory in everything.
  • Nose (difficulty breathing) Sadness due to one's own failure. Sadness. The desire to hide the fact of striking.
  • Nose (noisy blowing of nose) Contempt for others.
  • Metabolism (disorder) Imbalance between giving and receiving.
  • Sense of smell (worse in children) Curiosity.
  • Baldness Fears, disappointments, stress “they don’t like me.”
  • Obesity Imposing one's will on others. Stress of dissatisfaction.
  • Self-defense. Thirst for hoarding, fear of the future.
  • The desire to be stronger, the internal struggle with one’s stress.
  • “I want good things.”
  • Tumor diseases (see also “Cancer”) Great anger against others or against oneself.
  • Tissue tumors (atheroma, lipoma, dermoid, teratoma) Malice.
  • Brain tumor in children Relationship between mother and mother-in-law.
  • Complications of viral diseases in boys The mother cannot cope with the father and therefore fights with him mentally and verbally.
  • - mumps - chicken pox - measles Maternal anger due to impotence. Maternal anger due to denial. Schadenfreude.
  • -flu Dejection.
  • Touch (disorder in children) Shame of a child when parents do not allow him to satisfy the need to touch everything with his hands.
  • Osteomalacia Long-term hidden malice.
  • Osteoporosis Long-term hidden anger.
  • Sadness at losing faith in one's own ability to regain one's former idealized and promising strength.
  • Osteitis (inflammation of bone tissue) A woman’s anger directed against a man.
  • Edema Malice exaggeration.
  • Constant sadness.
  • Swelling in the legs, calluses. Anger “everything is not the way I want it.” Unspoken reproaches to the husband regarding economic problems.
  • Deviations in child development. A woman’s fear that she will no longer be loved for her imperfections. Cultivating parental love as a desired goal.
  • Belching Imposing your opinion on others.
  • Containing anger.
  • Memory (impaired) Thirst for an easy life, without obstacles, without troubles.
  • Paralysis of limbs Thirst for revenge.
  • Inability to cope with life. Bad attitude towards life.
  • Parkinson's syndrome The desire to give as much as possible, but what is given does not bring the expected results.
  • Peritonitis (purulent inflammation of the peritoneum) Unbearable humiliation due to the fact that a person was not given enough. Shame.
  • Liver (diseases) Fear of being guilty. Anger.
  • Hatred of injustice; the desire to receive something from the state and a feeling of insult when not getting what you want.
  • Fear of the state and people who wish you harm.
  • Digestive tract (diseases) Sacrificing oneself against one’s desires, but in the name of a goal. Feelings of guilt about work, affairs.
  • Periodontal disease Book No. 6
  • Digestive tract (problems) Not getting what you want, swallowing resentment.
  • Forcing oneself to be guilty out of fear (that is, fear turns out to be stronger feelings guilt).
  • Esophagus (inflammation, scarring, damage to inflamed tissue, narrowing) Fear of not achieving what you want. Resentment and humiliation because of what you did not achieve.
  • Tearfulness Sadness. Shame and blame.
  • Pleurisy Anger against restriction of freedom.
  • Shoulder girdle: upper arms, shoulders, arms (injuries and diseases) Excessive demands.
  • Pancreas (diseases) The destructive anger of a woman against a man and vice versa. Hatred.
  • The desire to do good first of all to others out of fear that the person is not loved.
  • The desire to surpass oneself, selfishness, selfishness.
  • Pancreas (irritation) Protest against orders, prohibitions.
  • Spine (distribution of diseases and stress to the spine) Various stresses.
  • Spine (problems, diseases) - cervical thoracic region Fears. Over-demanding. Fear of being guilty, blaming others.
  • Redness in various parts of the body: Concentration of anger that seeks release.
  • - redness of the ears - redness of the eyes The anger of finding the culprit, listens poorly. The person sees life incorrectly.
  • Diarrhea (diarrhea) Despair associated with an acute desire to immediately get rid of all unpleasant matters; the desire to be strong and demonstrate your strength.
  • Losing weight The desire to give more to life.
  • Kidneys (diseases) Chronic fears.
  • Kidney stones Secret anger in the soul.
  • Pride.
  • Kidney failure Envy. Revenge.
  • Prostate gland (diseases) Fear of losing material security, wealth.
  • - inflammation Humiliation. Fear of fatherhood.
  • - tumor A man's inconsolable sadness due to his inability to be a good FATHER.
  • Proctitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the rectum) Negative attitude towards one’s affairs and the results obtained. Fear of demonstrating the results of your work.
  • Rectum (problems) The vicious struggle of life does not lead to the desired results.
  • The obligation to finish what you started at any cost.
  • Mental illnesses Fear of “they don’t love me,” guilt, fears, anger.
  • Excessive desire for spiritual values, the need to rise, the desire to surpass someone or something, arrogance.
  • Sadness and grief because one cannot achieve the best.
  • Spots: - depigmented - pigmented - hemangiomas Pride and shame.
  • Cervical sciatica Stubbornness.
  • Perineal rupture during childbirth Sense of duty.
  • Cancer
  • The malice of exaggeration, the malice of envy.
  • Malicious malice.
  • Contempt. Anger.
  • The desire to appear good is the fear of being guilty, which forces you to hide your thoughts towards your loved ones.
  • Unfulfilled goodwill, ill will and resentment.
  • Unkind malice.
  • Self-confidence. Selfishness. The desire to be perfect. Unforgiveness. Arrogance. Proving your superiority. Pride and shame.
  • Cancer in children Malice, bad intentions. A group of stresses that are passed on from parents.
  • Cancer of the maxillary sinuses Humble suffering, rational pride in oneself.
  • Brain cancer Fear “they don’t love me”
  • Despair over your own stupidity and inability to come up with anything.
  • Proving your benevolence by any means, up to and including consciously turning yourself into a slave.
  • Breast cancer Husband's accusation that
  • My family doesn't like me.
  • Suppressed shame.
  • Stomach cancer Compulsion.
  • Malicious anger at myself - I can’t achieve what I need.
  • Blaming others, contempt for those responsible for suffering.
  • Cancer of the uterus Bitterness because the male sex is not good enough to love a husband. Humiliation because of children or absence of children. Helplessness to change life.
  • Bladder cancer Wishing evil to bad people.
  • Esophageal cancer Dependence on one's desires. Insisting on your plans, which others do not give way to.
  • Pancreatic cancer Proving that you are an individual.
  • Prostate cancer Fear that “I will be accused of not being a real man.”
  • Anger at one’s helplessness due to women’s ridicule of manhood and fatherhood.
  • Rectal cancer Bitterness. Disappointment.
  • Fear of hearing critical feedback about the results of work. Contempt for your job.
  • Colon cancer Bitterness. Disappointment.
  • Cervical cancer The limitlessness of women's desires. Disappointment in sex life.
  • Cancer of the tongue Shame of being one's own own language ruined my life.
  • Ovarian cancer Excessive feelings of duty and responsibility.
  • Wounds ( different types) Different types of anger.
  • Multiple sclerosis Not getting what you wanted - anger and bitterness of defeat.
  • Sadness and a feeling of meaninglessness in life.
  • Vomiting Anger caused by disgust for life, anger against the outrages of others. Fear of the future.
  • The desire to get rid of grievances and injustices, fear for the consequences, for the future.
  • Rheumatism Fear “no one loves me.”
  • Accusation through allegory.
  • The desire to quickly mobilize oneself, to keep up with everything, to get used to any situation - the desire to be mobile.
  • Premature birth Lack of love for the fetus, the child feels that he needs to go away from the place where he feels bad.
  • Erysipelas. Cruelty.
  • Hands (problems of fingers, felons) Problems associated with giving and receiving in the course and as a result of doing work.
  • Greasy hair Resentment towards coercion (desire to live a free life).
  • Suicide Desire to be liked.
  • Sarcoidosis The desire to show your importance at any cost.
  • Diabetes mellitus Hatred of women and men towards each other. Protest against orders and commands.
  • Sexual problems in young men Sadness.
  • Vas deferens (blockage) Having sex out of a sense of duty.
  • Spleen (diseases) Fear of being guilty. Sadness associated with parents.
  • Heart (diseases) Oh? Fear that I don’t love enough. Feelings of guilt. The desire to please and earn love.
  • Heart (congenital or acquired defect in children) Fear “nobody loves me.”
  • Heart (myocardial infarction) Fear “I am accused of not loving.”
  • Heart (coronary artery disease) Sense of responsibility, sense of duty, sense of guilt.
  • Retina (rupture of blood vessels) Thirst for revenge.
  • Sigmoid colon (disease) Disappointment; an angry struggle that does not lead to the desired results.
  • Syphilis Loss of sense of responsibility towards life; anger.
  • Scarlet fever Sad, hopeless Pride.
  • Sclerosis A rigid, unyielding attitude towards everyone and everything in life.
  • The sadness of a stupid fossil.
  • General weakness. Constant self-pity.
  • Cecum, damage to the colon A large number of dead-end situations.
  • Blindness Seeing only the bad. Reluctance to see this terrible life.
  • Tears Sadness of anger at not getting what you want from life.
  • Mucous discharge (see nose, rhinitis) Anger due to resentment.
  • Mucous membranes. Dryness. Shame, proof that everything is fine.
  • Hearing (affected in children) Shame. Shaming a child by parents.
  • Salivation: - deficiency, dry mouth - excessive increase Fear of everyday problems. Desire to get rid of problems as quickly as possible.
  • Gender reassignment Complex stress.
  • Spasm of the larynx, suffocation. Rage, anger.
  • Adhesions (excessive thickening of tissue in organs, cavities and joints) Convulsive attempts to defend one’s ideas. Anger of exaggeration.
  • AIDS Lack of love, feeling spiritual emptiness. Anger at not being loved.
  • Feet (diseases) Anger due to the overwhelming heap of everyday affairs.
  • Cramps in the muscles of the lower leg. Confusion of will due to fear of moving forward.
  • Joints (loss of previous mobility, rheumatic inflammation) Fear of “they don’t love me.” Feelings of guilt, anger. The desire to “pretend to be” something and the desire to prove one’s worth.
  • Hip joints (painful sensations) Sense of responsibility. Shame.
  • Stooping in children Excessive dominance of the mother in the family.
  • Tobacco smoking Fear “they don’t like me”; a feeling of guilt, a man’s fear of a woman that he cannot be relied upon; self-flagellation.
  • Pelvis (diseases) Stress associated with
  • attitude towards men's problems.
  • Waist is painfully thin Fear of not achieving what you want.
  • - thickening, presence large quantity fat folds Inability to make do with little due to the desire to have only good things.
  • Temperature - high voltage in a quarrel with mother, exhaustion.
  • Strong, bitter anger. Anger when judging the guilty.
  • Overwhelmed by stress.
  • - chronic Old, long-term anger.
  • Teratoma (tumor) A desperate desire to respond to those responsible for one’s suffering in their own words, which, however, remain unspoken. A person’s fear of deciding for himself how to live.
  • Tissues (diseases): - epithelial - connective - muscular - nervous Accumulation of great anger against others or against oneself. Self-pity.
  • Small intestine (diseases) Responsibility to do small things when one would like to do big things.
  • Negative, arrogant
  • ironic attitude towards women's work.
  • Large intestine (diseases) Responsibility to do big things when I would like to do little things. Negative attitude towards men's work; problems associated with unfinished business.
  • Nausea Fear that nothing is working out.
  • Trauma Anger in the soul.
  • Trachea (diseases) Anger in the fight for justice.
  • Trichomonosis Desperate anger from one's frivolous behavior.
  • Trophic ulcers Accumulation of unexpressed anger.
  • Thrombophlebitis (inflammation and blockage of the veins) and phlebitis (inflammation of the arteries) Anger over economic problems.
  • Thromboembolism of the heart, lungs, brain. Exaggeration of the importance of the material, economic side of life.
  • Tuberculosis Fear of being accused of unloving. The disease of lamentation.
  • Tuberculosis in children Constant tension.
  • Tuberculosis of the genitals Complaints about the disorder of your sex life.
  • Brain tuberculosis Complaints about the inability to use the potential of your brain.
  • Pulmonary tuberculosis Fear of expressing anger, but at the same time constant lamentations.
  • Self-pity.
  • Complaining about an unhappy life.
  • Tuberculosis of the lymph nodes Complaints about male worthlessness.
  • Kidney tuberculosis Complaints about the inability to realize one’s desires.
  • Thyrotoxicosis (increased thyroid function) Internal, unspoken struggle against orders.
  • Reduced blood supply to tissues. A sense of responsibility, a sense of duty, a sense of guilt.
  • Phlebitis Anger due to economic problems.
  • Frontitis (inflammation of the frontal sinus) Resentment and the desire to hide it.
  • Chlamydia Powerful anger.
  • Chlamydia and mycoplasma Group of stresses.
  • Cholesterol (high or low levels) The desire to be persistent, strong or, conversely, a feeling of hopelessness from the struggle.
  • Snoring Despair from the inability to establish relationships with people.
  • Chronic diseases Shame. Fear of embarrassment.
  • Chronic runny nose Persistent state resentment.
  • Thinness Selfishness and self-confidence, but at the same time denying yourself what you want.
  • “I don’t want” stress.
  • Cellulite Anger, the desire to prove to everyone one’s importance: “you’ll see what I’m capable of.”
  • Cirrhosis of the liver Self-destruction. Destructive silent anger.
  • Sneezing Brief anger.
  • Neck (inflammation, swelling, pain, tumors) Discontent that humiliates, saddens, makes you angry. Sadness that a person suppresses.
  • Schizophrenia The desire for everything to be good.
  • Schizophrenia in children Obsessive thoughts in parents; obsession the wife to re-educate her husband.
  • Thyroid gland (functional dysfunction) Fear of being crushed by life.
  • Guilt. Communication problems.
  • Endometriosis Mother's curiosity.
  • Enuresis (in children) A child’s fear for his father, associated with the mother’s fears and anger directed at the child’s father.
  • Eczema Panic anger.
  • Right oviduct (problems) Depends on how the mother wants to see her daughter’s relationship with the male sex.
  • Left oviduct (problems) Depends on how the mother wants to see her daughter’s relationship with the female sex.
  • Oviducts (blockage) Having sex out of a sense of duty.
  • Ulcer of any kind. Suppression of sadness arising from the reluctance to be helpless and to show one's helplessness.
  • Bleeding ulcer Compulsion to take revenge.
  • Ulcerative colitis Suffering for one's faith, one's
  • beliefs.

A person, according to the books of Dr. Luule Viilma, is as healthy as he wants, since bodily diseases cannot be considered separately from the state of spirit and soul. Disease and life problems are an unconditional reflection of a chain made up of the wrong way of thinking and wrong actions. “Thought is action, and a bad thought hidden in a person always does evil, and the body does not need excuses.” In order for this negative connection to disintegrate, you need to learn to forgive, freeing yourself from stress. And this is real daily work, since a person is accustomed to “looking for someone to blame,” fighting against the bad and thinking little about what is really “good” and “bad” for him personally.

Based on the experience of a practicing physician, L. Viilma not only reveals the essence of his teaching about self-help through acceptance and forgiveness, but also shows how to apply the teaching in practice. For the first time, the ideas and provisions of the great teacher are collected in one book, which will help prevent and cure women's diseases. “Healing with the power of thought is the highest of all levels of treatment,” says L. Viilma. For a wide range of readers.

A series: Healing of soul and body

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The given introductory fragment of the book Women's diseases (Luule Viilma, 2010) provided by our book partner - the company liters.

Why do we get sick

Forgiveness formula

All-Unity = God = Energy.

This means that energy comes to us from the All-Unity of God. It is given to us by birthright. We have the highest receptivity in our sleep, because then our soul is pure. It depends on us how we use this energy - whether we increase it or destroy it.

Think about your life. There are so many events in it, remembering which makes your soul warm, and how many that make your soul feel heavy. And now imagine that you are connected to every event through an invisible thread, or energy connection. How many whites are positive and how many blacks are negative!

Some events give strength, while others take it away. They are called stress from everyday events, or stress. It is common knowledge that there are illnesses caused by stress, but can you believe that All Are illnesses caused by stress?

A simple example: someone once said one bad word to you as a child. Now, whenever

or so they tell you,

or you yourself say,

or in front of you they tell someone,

or even you hear from the screen how someone pronounces it or says to someone,

then this word is perceived as if it were your personal problem, since that same negative connection is put into action again. Or more clearly - each time a drop falls into the cup of your patience until the cup overflows.

The more negative the feeling, the larger the drop. And a puddle that spills over the edge is a disease. The larger the puddle, the more serious the disease.

With this interpretation, it should be clear why one word can cause a heart attack. A heart attack or any other disease is the crossing of a critical line; it is the last straw that overflows the cup. Here we are faced with the materialization of energy. From such a situation they usually conclude that someone caused the name to have a heart attack. This is followed by condemnation from others "culprit" in other words, to the negativity (heart attack) is added a lot of negativity (hatred, thirst for revenge). Can the patient recover from a heart attack in this case? Can not!

Let's explain the situation with a simple example.

Four people are standing, waiting for someone. Suddenly one of them says: "Silly". Three people hear it. The first one begins to swallow tears, thinking that what was said applies to him. The second one argues: “Why did he say that? What did I do to him? What if…" etc. And, probably, the tension increases. The third one starts laughing - it doesn’t concern him. In fact, this word came out of the man involuntarily, as he remembered something of his own.

What happened? Two people themselves created a negative connection for no reason, and a chain of stress began to work. Who was good and who was bad? The third one was good because it didn’t create stress for myself.

Is there absolutely good or absolutely bad? No. Everything is relative. What is good for one is bad for another. Depends on how I assess the situation. Don’t look for the guilty, but know - it all starts with yourself.

If I feel bad, then I myself chose this bad thing in myself.

Like attracts like– this is a cosmic law. If I have a fear of getting sick, then I will get sick. If I am afraid of a thief, he will come. If I am afraid of being deceived, then I attract deceivers. If I have anger, envy, guilt, disappointment, pity, then I attract anger, envy, guilt, disappointment, pity.

Consequently: if a person is sick, then he has already absorbed the bad

and thereby caused harm to his body.

A bad thought lurking in me always does evil,

and my body doesn’t need excuses.

There is only one way to get rid of this bad thing. HOW?


Forgiveness is the only liberating force in the universe. Forgiveness of the true cause frees a person from illness, life difficulties and other bad things.

How to forgive? Is it harder than you thought? Never mind, let's learn!

1. If someone did something bad to me, then I forgive him for doing it, and I forgive myself for absorbing this bad thing.

2. If I myself have done someone bad, then I ask him for forgiveness for what I did, and forgive myself for doing it.

3. Since I caused my body suffering by doing bad things to others or allowing someone to do bad things to me, then in any case I always apologize to my body for thereby causing harm to it (the body).

All this can be sentenced or pronounced mentally. The main thing is that it comes from the heart. This is the simplest forgiveness.

People usually understand such forgiveness without difficulty, although asking for forgiveness from oneself is an insurmountable problem for some. Asking forgiveness from a specific part of the body, say the hand, seems completely eccentric. “It’s my own business, whether I did something bad to myself or not,”- others object, although they wear his the body is the source of the disease.

If only forgiving another and asking for forgiveness from another seems acceptable to you, then ask yourself: "Who am I and who is he?"

I belong to myself equally to the same extent as I belong to the Divine All-Unity. Just like anyone else. Thus, my body is both me and him. I have no right to destroy it. Although my body is mine, I am not its owner.

Try to free your spirit from materialistic thinking. To do this, ask forgiveness from your thinking for collecting dogmas. Sometimes it can be very difficult to forgive another, sometimes even impossible, because he caused a lot of pain.

Although Christ’s teaching about salvation is not new, its deep understanding is new and therefore requires additional clarification.

The doctrine of forgiveness must be approached in the light following principles:

Everything that makes me feel bad is connected to me through an invisible energetic connection. If I want to free myself from the bad, then I myself must free both ends of the connection. This is done by forgiveness.

A person attracts to himself what is already in him.

If there is good, someone must come to do good. If there is bad, someone must come to do bad.

The one who appears will teach me a life lesson. He is like a performer of work to order. I want it and he will come.

All the negativity that is in a person and which he managed to free in a smart way - with the help of forgiveness, is undigested life lesson. Therefore, it will have to be learned through suffering. To do this, someone must appear and cause suffering.

Forgiveness comes with awareness. Awareness is wisdom.

A person remains stupid as long as he sees the cause of bad things in another person.

In a brief schematic form, the formula for forgiveness is as follows:

I forgive bad thought because she entered me. I ask her forgiveness for

that I didn’t understand that she came to teach me and didn’t think of freeing her,

but she placed her in prison (captivity) and nurtured her for a long time.

I forgive you for the bad things you did to me.

I forgive myself for absorbing this bad thing.

I apologize to my body (organ) that I did something bad to it.

I love my body (organ).

To release, that is, to forgive, you need both ends of the connection.

Each person must be aware of his actions. Everything I do to another, I get back doubly: I do good - I get doubly back, I do bad - I get doubly back. The fact that a person, having done something bad and falling and breaking a bone, means a small punishment for a small crime. He was lucky that the punishment came immediately. For a great sin, retribution comes later, sometimes even in the future life. Whoever complains about his difficult fate, let him think that this is atonement for the sins of a previous life. If a person, through thoughtlessness, commits a bad act, punishment will come, and if he does it consciously and deliberately, then great punishment will follow. Swearing, curses, gloating, and crimes are especially common nowadays. Punishment is waiting in the wings.

I repeat once again - the cause itself inevitably has an effect. Do not be angry at those who do evil; with anger you make yourself ill. Sooner or later they themselves will be punished.

If you ask for forgiveness for the sins of your previous life and forgive yourself for not having done so yet, then you can be freed from the sin of your previous life. The only problem is to find a clairvoyant who would look at the previous life.

The ideal situation is when a person thinks forward, not backward. You need to avoid doing bad things or immediately ask for forgiveness if you unwittingly did something or even just thought about it. You cannot live in the hope of correcting the mistakes of your previous life later with someone's help. Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today.

Health and illness

You are a patient, and I am a doctor. Let's talk now about health, about maintaining health, about curing diseases.

Do you know what health is? I don't think you know. Why do I say this? If they knew, they wouldn't get sick.

I was sick too, a lot and hard. More than once I was on the verge of death and I know what I’m saying.

A doctor cannot give health, no one else can give it. Your suffering may be relieved for a short time, but health will come when you understand the cause of your illness. Eliminate the cause, start living correctly, and you will recover. It's never too late to correct mistakes.

It's so simple and complicated. But you need to learn this.

First of all, we must speak in such a way as to understand each other. However, your nod of your head in agreement is not enough. Therefore, let us get acquainted with the basic concepts of spiritual sciences and the Divine laws of nature necessary for this purpose.

Do you feel like it requires too much effort? Did you hope that the illness would be removed by hand? Does waving your arms seem convincing to you, but the power of words is unconvincing? But you don’t believe that this is one and the same thing!

Sorry, but you have come to the wrong address - you need to go to the clinic. Oh, you're from there! Nobody wants to help you?

What is true is true - even God will not help if a person does not want to help himself.

Disease, human physical suffering there is a state in which the negativity of energy has exceeded a critical point, and the body as a whole was out of balance. The body informs us about this so that we can correct the mistake. It has long been informing us of all sorts of unpleasant sensations, but since we did not pay attention and did not react, the body became sick. Mental pain, from which no conclusions have been drawn, develops into physical pain. Thus, the body draws attention to a situation that needs correction. Suppressing the pain signal with an anesthetic means worsening the pathology. Now the disease must intensify for the person to become aware of the new alarm signal.

The root cause of every disease is stress, the degree of which determines the nature of the disease.

For example, when a person is tired, he needs to sleep. The most energy is gained in sleep. If sleep lasts an abnormally long time, then there is some kind of large energy leak. If you don't physically strain, stress accumulates. Excessive accumulation of stress causes insomnia, which means we no longer have physical fatigue - then sleep will not help, there is no point in taking sleeping pills. Release your stress and your illness will go away. Your body does not need to find someone to blame, and thus explaining the situation - self-deception

Each body has its own requirements. You cannot make a trotter out of every body, just as you cannot make a draft horse out of any horse.

Each body must perform its task. You need to calmly realize your capabilities. And with these opportunities you can live your whole life in health and peace, doing good. If you now object that you yourself would live content with little, but your family demands more, then – let’s be honest – your words are at odds with your deeds. You received a family in accordance with your ideas - one similar to yourself.

Illness is a consequence of a wrong action, in which the scales between good and bad are tipped in favor of the bad.

Imagine that you have a lover, the most dear in the world. And he loves you too. This most beloved, most expensive one is your own body.

Think and try to remember how often in your life you hurt him or allowed others to do it. How often they subjected him to senseless tests, sacrificed him, clenched their teeth in anger, and pretended to be a martyr. And how many times did they miss the opportunity to do good for him. You treated it worse than a car, like property to which you have no right.

It bent to the ground under this load of gravity. And yet, if it is still alive, then it is ready to immediately throw off this burden if it is helped in this. Try to sincerely prove to him that you do not want to deliberately test his endurance, and everything that happened before went from stupidity and ignorance and will not happen again!

Talk to your body! It will understand everything because it loves you. The body is the most faithful lover.

But how often do we value loyalty? true love We begin to appreciate only when we taste the bitter fruits of infidelity. This is how we learn.

If you now sincerely ask your body for forgiveness for the following:

caused him a lot of bad things (specifically), missed the opportunity to do good things,

ignored his signals,

If you didn’t know how to think about it correctly, it will forgive you.

Forgive yourself for not knowing and doing this before. Love your body and yourself.

If you feel a shiver running through your body, you will be overcome by a feeling pure love and you want to wrap your arms around your body and hug it, then this is a sign that the body has understood.

Only when you get used to constantly communicating with your body in this way can the disease disappear forever.

But if you grumble dissatisfied: “Who will do the work for me if I have to think all the time?” - it means you didn't understand anything.

If you think that this requires some special time, That devote pointlessly wasted time to putting your thinking in order.

For those who, in a forced situation (for example, in the throes of an illness), change themselves only for a while, the illness will then slowly return, and in an even more serious form. Because to whom more is given, more is asked. That person who has received a spiritual lesson, at least by reading these lines, deserves greater demand. A person should never stop; stagnation is the cessation of development.

Don't know how to walk correctly? Think about it and go.

And if you made a mistake, forgive the regret and mistake. They learn from mistakes.

Scheme of the cause of the disease

I know that Eastern philosophy teaches the opposite. Therefore, I tested my knowledge, I turned to my highest spiritual mentors. Only in case emergency I am given a short verbal answer. Usually they tell me: “You know it yourself! All!" The answer to this question was: “This is the highest level. Why don't you look yourself? All!"

Medium Hilja asked why I see the placement of energies differently than others. Here's what they told her:

“In a copy of the physical body, male energy is located on the right, female energy on the left. This is a form of cumulative energy, whose level is already surmountable for a person. Moreover, humanity needs such overcoming.

For Luule, the discovered form of energy is the highest level of man, without which the physical person does not exist. This is a projection of a person as a single whole at the level of subtle matter, a whole that never disappears, but is embodied again and again, if there is an order from the Cosmic Register.

Magnetism is a form of spirituality of every living and non-living unity. It determines the strength of the inescapability of physical unity. And it is already expanding to the level of gravitational fields.

The essence of magnetic energy becomes visible through forgiveness. Using magnetism for healing purposes will enable humanity to survive."

In the diagram below, you can find, if you think about it, the approximate cause of your body’s illness.

The left side of the body is masculine energy, or everything associated with father, husband, son, male gender.

The right side of the body is feminine energy, or everything associated with mother, wife, daughter, and the female gender.

The lower part of the body is energy associated with the past; the lower, the more distant the past. The closer to the ground, the more material the problem.

The upper body is energy associated with the future.

The back part of the body is will energy, or willpower.

The front part of the body is the energy of feelings accumulating in the chakras or energy centers:

I chakra - energy vitality, or vitality; located on the inner surface of the coccyx;

II chakra– sexuality, located at the level of the pubic bone;

III chakra– power and dominance, the so-called solar plexus; located at the level of the navel;

IV chakra - love is located at the level of the heart;

V chakra– communication, located at the level of the larynx;

VI chakra– hope or balance of the world of feelings, the so-called third eye; located at forehead level;

VII chakra– faith, located on the crown.

NB! If a person has faith, hope and love, then he has a future.

The spine is located at the back of the body. The spinal canal contains the main energy channel, from which energy moves into the lateral channels and from there to organs, tissues and other parts of the body. The spine plays a critical role in the functioning and performance of the physical body. By carefully examining the spine alone with the third eye, all diseases of the body can be identified.

From each vertebra, energy moves through an energy channel and enters a specific organ. If a vertebra is damaged, the corresponding organ becomes ill.

No vertebra is damaged without reason. The cause of any illness is blockage of energy caused by stress. If the flow of love energy slows down, then everything in life begins to go awry. If the flow of love energy stops, then the person dies. Then even the most powerful resuscitator will no longer help. The best doctor in the world cannot save you.

Here I would like to dispel the fears of many people suffering from sclerosis regarding the use of eggshells for medicinal purposes. Calcium does not increase, but reduces sclerosis. When the backbone is strengthened, the inner masculine side of a person is strengthened. Sclerosis is a rigid, unyielding attitude. By absorbing eggshells, you reduce your anger towards the male sex as the culprit of the economic collapse of the world. This happens even when you do not want to forgive men and do not know how to free yourself from ingrained ideas. The body will help you with this.

The movement of love energy is blocked by fear.

When fear attracts bad things to itself, anger begins to destroy the body.

Modern civilization has accumulated stress over many lives and generations.

Popular literature considers stress as a tense state of the body, a kind of defensive reaction to negative factors. In fact, stress is an invisible energetic connection with the bad.

Everything that's bad for specific person, is stress for him, while for another it is not necessarily stress.

The medical understanding of stress covers its physical level - the illness that occurs and its probable cause. Both medicine and people usually understand stress as mental tension, followed by illness. In fact, the accumulation of invisible negative energy occurs long before physical illness occurs.

Everyone has seen drawings depicting the human biofield; it is like a wreath of rays. The rays connect a person with the events of his current life, as well as previous lives. Each positive ray - white - is connected to a good event, each negative - black - goes back to bad event, which remained uncorrected. Everything can be fixed regardless of the time of the event, and corrects forgiveness. Only forgiveness contains the magical power that releases the bad.

Everything that is good for a person is bad learned in previous lives. Whatever is bad should be learned in this life. If we don’t do this, then we will still have a debt of karma, and in the next life it will be more difficult to redeem it - negativity is constantly doing its job.

The place to which the black ray is directed continuously loses its positivity and gradually becomes ill.

Every wrong thought attracts black to itself. If we want life and health to be good, we must break the black connection, or stress.

Let us briefly repeat the effect of stress:

- Fear they don't like me blocks the mind, and a person sees everything in the opposite light. Fear attracts bad things.

– Feelings of guilt make a person weak, it causes an avalanche of stress.

– Anger destroys.

All these are stresses inherent to any person, without them a person cannot exist. On Earth there are not only good or only bad people. A perfect person is balanced both externally and internally. All seemingly good people hide bad things inside because they dream of becoming ideally good.

The presence of anger attracts anger, and anger grows. There are three stages of anger:

Stage I – panic anger.

1. Fear of anger - fear that anger will destroy love.

This causes anxiety and panic.

The consequence is ALLERGY.

2. The fear that they don’t love me causes the need to suppress my panicky anger, not to protest, then they will love me = secret fear = suppression of feelings.

The consequence is ASTHMA.

Stage II – bitter anger.

1. Fierce struggle against evil, because it is evil.

The consequence is GALLSTONES.

2. The fear that they don’t love me causes the need to hide my anger at evil, then they will love me = secret anger.

The consequence is KIDNEY STONES.

Stage III – malicious malice.

1. If a bad person cannot be overcome in any other way, then they wish him bad things. When they speak directly to your face, a quarrel arises in which the truth becomes clear, but if the well-wisher is still not satisfied, since the enemy has not changed according to his desire, then malicious malice remains and accumulates strength for the next quarrel.

The consequence is a SLOWLY DEVELOPING CANCER.

2. The fear that I am not loved causes the need to hide my malicious malice, because everyone needs the love of others, there can never be too much of it.


These are all problems of sin. The heaviest malice is dogmatic malice, religious malice, which is called holy war. I also talk about her in my books.

What is anger? Anger is a negative emotion that destroys. Anger has five signs by which it can be recognized:

2. Temperature.

3. Redness.

4. Sprawl.

5. Destruction.

These are classic medical signs inflammation. If they appear together, then the body tells the person that a fire has broken out and something needs to be quickly corrected, because a fire is worse than a thief. If you do not put out the fire, you will forever lose something in your life.

These signs can appear individually, in combination, or all at once.

Pain sounds the alarm, informing better than anyone about destruction.

The uniqueness of pain characterizes anger:

With the help of the fear table, you can localize your pain even more precisely and find the correct definition for it.

Headache- anger because I am not loved, that I am neglected. Anger because things are not the way I want them to be.

Abdominal pain– anger associated with power over oneself or over others. This is the area of ​​guilt. Blame is malice.

Leg pain- anger associated with doing work, receiving or spending money - in a word, with economic problems.

Knee pain- anger that prevents progress.

Whole body pain- anger against everything, because everything is not the way I want.


Temperature shows how energetically the body is trying to help burn or destroy the negativity that a person has absorbed through his ineptitude, his stupidity.

Heat- strong, bitter anger.

Chronic temperature- old and long-lasting anger.

(NB! Don't forget about your parents!)

Septic temperature– anger is especially poisonous, which the body is not able to burn at once in order to survive. As you know, a person cannot tolerate more than 41° and dies.

If a person caught a cold and the cold worsened his situation, then for the stressed mass the cold turned out to be the last straw that overflowed the cup. If the reason were the cold itself, then all people would get sick from it.

Anyone who regards cold as a factor in increasing endurance receives hardening from the cold. Whoever sees only the bad in him, the cold will freeze his nose, so that a person can hate the cold.


Redness indicates how anger is being concentrated to be released. To accommodate anger, blood vessels dilate. The body knows that anger needs to be released. We see external redness, but similar inflammation is observed wherever anger accumulates until some blood vessel bursts.

People shouting angrily turn purple with anger. They do not know how to release their anger in a smart way, but throw it out on someone else. If he fails to avoid this, he will receive a lesson that reads: "Release your fear of the gorloders!" A person who is not afraid and does not hate evil people will not be affected by screams and will not cause pain.

But look at the one who listens to the screams of the loudmouth - he also turns purple. This is already more dangerous situation. He does not give vent to his anger, but accumulates it inside and destroys himself. If a screamer throws out the reason for his anger, then the silent one endures and stores it in himself.

The above also applies to inflammatory redness. All kinds skin diseases also accompanied by a rash with redness. Poorly healing wounds have a reddish tint.

Or, for example, redness from an insect bite, which becomes larger and larger and takes on such an appearance that surgical intervention is required. So, not a single insect or reptile will ever bite someone who is not angry.

An example from my life.

One afternoon I was picking berries from a bush. Then I remembered an unresolved little problem, as well as its culprit. I already know how to comprehend life, but there is more demand from me. It’s not for nothing that wisdom was given to me from above. What is a small mistake for someone who has not learned the wisdom of forgiveness, is a big mistake for me.

A bee flew in, buzzing angrily, to talk some sense into me. I ran away from her, and then returned and began to think further. This time there was no buzzing, but a sharp prick followed precisely in the place where fear lives, which, due to the intractability of the situation, grew into anger. I instantly realized the situation, my wrong attitude, my own inability to resolve it and, naturally, the correct way to resolve it. I asked forgiveness from all my respective fears for having nurtured them in myself to the point that a bee had to sacrifice its life for me. She also asked the bee for forgiveness. The pain went away as quickly as it came. No redness, no swelling, no general reaction to bee venom. This bee even did me good with its poison.

Blushing is an outburst of suppressed anger in the event of an awkward, shameful, humiliating situation.

Now about the redness caused sun rays. The sun is the light that mercilessly illuminates your essence. Anyone who becomes unnaturally red from a short stay in the sun must release his hidden anger, and next year his body will easily acquire a tan. And the one who confuses the sun with a frying pan becomes angry with his body and burns along with it.

Any heat makes anger visible.


The growth manifests itself in following forms:

2. Accumulation of fluid in cavities and organs.

3. Excessive thickening of tissues in organs, cavities and joints. Spikes.

4. Tumor.

6. Stone disease.

7. Obesity.

Regardless of location or degree, expansion is increase. Any excess leads to an increase. Any abnormal increase is due to the accumulation of anger.

A little anger means a little increase.

Greater anger means greater increase.

Secret malice is an increase invisible to the eye.

Open anger is a visible increase.

The more poisonous the anger, the more poisonous the disease.

The more malicious the malice, the more malicious the disease.

The more specific the anger, the clearer the disease.

The more stubborn the anger, the harder the source of the disease - for example, a stone.

If a person is irritated by everything, both personal and universal, and he cannot resolve it, or others do not resolve it, then obesity occurs.


1. Wounds:

- Incised wounds.

- Puncture wounds.

– Compression wounds.

- Burn wounds.

Whether the wound was from a sharp stem, a splinter, a kitchen knife, a surgeon's scalpel, or a criminal's bladed weapon, it was caused by my anger.

From abrasions to extensive traumatic injuries - the more extensive the fierce anger, the greater the wound.

Burning, vengeful anger leads to burn wounds.

2. Impaired restoration of tissue integrity:

– Poorly healing wounds.

If a person has not drawn a conclusion from his troubles and continues to be angry, then the wounds will not heal. If the child does not recover, then the anger of the parents contributes to this. The skin wound is symbolically identified with the gate of the body through which human anger is poured out. Discharge from a wound characterizes the essence of anger.

– Skin diseases.

Skin defects are openings that allow the constant outpouring of anger. When life becomes more nervous, the skin gives anger a greater outlet, otherwise the body would die.

– Trophic ulcers, regardless of the original disease.

– Peptic ulcer of the digestive tract.

3. Bone damage:

– Bone fractures.

– Thinning, softening of bones and other painful phenomena.

– Bone curvature.

– Dislocations, sprained joints.

A man's anger against a woman works through his physical strength. Soul Strength men are weakened.

If the father harbors anger within himself and from time to time erupts it like a volcano, then the child falls and breaks bones.

Fractures in old people occur from the layering of their own anger accumulated during life onto the parental background. As always, this anger is about the male sex and against the male sex.

All injuries, including those resulting from a car accident, stem from anger. Anyone who drives in an angry mood is a potential culprit for an accident. Anyone who chooses a car trip to sort out family disagreements to save time may find it their last.

If you are forced to get into a car or bus with an evil driver, then forgive him and send him the magical power that turns everything bad into good - your human heart love. You can be sure that you will reach your destination safely.

Those who have no malice will not suffer in a car accident.

Anyone who has not previously corrected their way of thinking, but after an accident immediately begins to reflect on their mistakes and asks the body for forgiveness for them, will recover, their body will recover surprisingly quickly. Even displaced bones or fragments slowly move back into place. Hemorrhages resolve surprisingly quickly, and wounds heal well. But if the victim of an accident and his relatives, especially parents, look for the culprit in others and hatch plans for revenge, then recovery is delayed for a long time, and residual effects can remain for life. Everything that happens to an adult is primarily his own mistake. The body expects the correct understanding from him.

If the victim of an accident is unconscious and cannot think, then the time has come for loved ones to concentrate the power of their love for the benefit of a loved one. Love, don't look for the guilty. Take care, don't worry. Rejoice at least in the fact that he is still alive and you can win him back with love for a full life. Leave the rest to the doctors and don’t interfere with them, they know their job. And remember, the patient needs silence and the opportunity to be alone with himself in order for his thoughts to work. Your tears are preventing him from getting better.

4. Discharge:

- Mucus from the nose.

- Sputum.

– Discharge of the genital organs.

Discharge, once it has already arisen, must leave the body through natural means. If they do not come out or do not come out as abundantly as necessary to remove anger, then the body becomes ill.

Think about each type of discharge, feel what emotion it evokes in you, and you will understand the specifics of the anger that caused it.

The fresher and bloodier the anger, the bloodier the discharge.

The longer the duration of anger and the longer it has settled, the purer the discharge - a tear. A tear of sad anger appears because a person does not get what he wants from life. But he wants things, people and everything else he doesn’t want. He wants to be healthy, but does not want to admit that health depends on himself.

Sometimes it goes to extremes, when, for example, they want the deceased to come to life. They even approached me with such a request, or rather a demand, since I, as a doctor, am obliged, in the opinion of the requester, to correct the mistake of other doctors, which was not a mistake at all. By the way, this visitor was by no means a stupid person, in the usual sense.

The one whose spirit seeks maximum peace of mind, which it did not have during life, dies. A mourned person has no peace even after death. But if behind the mourning there is a reluctance to continue the work and responsibilities of the deceased, then the mourner has a truly difficult time. After all, before he had someone who did all this.

The inability to cry and the unwillingness to cry are serious stresses that need to be resolved. If a person has not yet learned to manage life with the right thoughts, then he should have the opportunity to pour out the accumulated anger in the form of tears. Otherwise, tears collect in tissues and body cavities in the form of fluid accumulations.

Sweat It is similar to a tear and removes the most different types of anger from the body in greatest quantities. The smell of sweat can determine a person's character. You shouldn't use deodorants at all. Instead, anger must be released, then there will be no sweat. But since there is no such person who would be completely devoid of malice, then there are no people who do not sweat at all. Balance is the norm.

Saliva indicates how a person achieves his goals. He who thinks correctly and relies on himself receives good result. But if a person does not want to make an effort, but still wants to have it and regards this as a forced situation, then chain reaction negative results will follow.

Fear of everyday affairs dries up the mouth and forces it to open, like a fish caught on dry land. It's hard to even talk. But if a person wants, ahead of his time, to get rid of his problems, then, in accordance with his illogical haste, he may experience abnormal salivation to the point that saliva flows from his mouth. The rate of salivation and a person’s illogical desire are interconnected. And of course, everyone is familiar with the situation when, due to bad mood sometimes it’s tempting to spit.

End of introductory fragment.

The root cause of any disease should be sought in the person himself. Visible, physical illness originates in the subtle, spiritual level. A person creates an energetic prerequisite for the occurrence of diseases by attracting stress with his thoughts. If a person learns to “release” stress, the disease will recede. This amazing method was discovered and proven in practice by Dr. Luule Viilma. Throughout her teaching there is the idea that healing can only be done with Love.



Who are we? We humans are spiritual beings. And we come into this world to live and develop. In this physical, manifested world, we have a friend. The only one who will not abandon us for the rest of our lives. And this friend is our body. The body is a mirror of our spiritual development, says Luule Viilma. Everyone can deceive us, flatter us, tell us how good, kind and fair we are. We ourselves can convince ourselves and others that we are who we are. But the body will always tell us the truth about us; it cannot be bribed. And it will tell this truth very simply - through illness.

A disease is not just a malfunction of one organ or system that for some reason has failed. A disease, as Luule Viilma defines it, is “a condition in which the negativity of energy has exceeded a critical point, and the body as a whole is out of balance. The body informs us about this so that we can correct the mistake. It has long been informing us of all sorts of unpleasant sensations, but since we did not pay attention and did not react, the body became sick.” Thus, the body, through physical suffering, draws our attention to a situation that needs correction.


He writes that “the root cause of every disease is stress, the degree of which determines the nature of the disease. Stress is a tense state of the body that occurs as a defensive reaction to negative or bad stimuli. Stress is an invisible energetic connection with the bad. Anything that is bad for a particular person is stress.” Anything that is bad for a particular person is stress.

How does stress appear in a person? We ourselves attract stress with our thoughts. Attracting stress with their thoughts, people entrust the fight against it to doctors and medications, and try to overcome stress with sports and alcohol. People do not realize that stress is energy and cannot be overcome. So what to do?

Stress can only be released, released from oneself. And no one can do this for a person, only himself. What happens to our body is one hundred percent a reflection of what is happening in our soul. And we have to deal with this ourselves. You should not look for the causes of diseases outside of a person, everything is in him. The visible and invisible world form a single whole, being a mirror image of each other, no matter whether people admit it or not. The mistake is that most people do not perceive material life as part of spiritual life. A person needs to learn to find the root cause of his illness in order to understand its roots and release them. This the most important topic relationships between diseases, energies, spiritual growth man and is dedicated to the teaching amazing person– Estonian obstetrician-gynecologist-surgeon L. Viilma.


Understanding this complex relationship, I realized that you can talk to stress like people. Having realized this, she came to the conclusion that knowing the language of stress is more important than knowing any foreign language, because a person’s own life speaks the language of stress.

There is a lot of stress. But they all grow from three main ones:

These basic stresses have many variations. For example, in his books, the author very figuratively describes panicky, fierce, malicious anger. These different “types” of anger lead to diseases with different consequences. A person also has fears great amount, but the main stress of a person is the fear of “they don’t like me.”


It is surprising to many that “wanting to be a good person” is also stressful. People try to prove to others that they are good, and all for what? To be loved! But such a good person can, like a bulldozer, crush those around him with his goodness. And this stress stems from the fear “they don’t like me.”

This stress blocks the head, neck, shoulders, shoulder, upper arm, back up to and including the 3rd thoracic vertebra. Once established, it causes all physical diseases in that area and all mental illness and deviations. People wonder where imbalance, memory disorders come from, what is the reason for the low learning ability in children with mental retardation, indifference and excessive demands. The reason for all this is the fear “they don’t love me.” Congenital heart disease is also a consequence of this stress.


Thus, in order to begin to recover from the disease, it is necessary:
Understand what kind of stress caused the disease.
Forgive stress for coming into your life.
Ask the stress for forgiveness for the fact that it was you who attracted it. Stress is energy, any energy is free, and with your thoughts you have deprived it of freedom, attracting it to you.
Let go of stress. He is energy and will go where he knows he should go, to where you pulled him from.
Ask your body for forgiveness for attracting stress and thereby causing harm to it.
Forgive yourself for causing this stress with your thoughts.
Forgiveness does not mean that we justify what happens. It means liberation, because a person does not possess the gift of perfect love and therefore needs forgiveness.

EXERCISE "Release from stress"

Dr. Viilma gave an interesting and effective technique for releasing stress from the “chamber of your soul.” Imagine your soul, in which, like in a cell, the stress that caused your illness languishes.
Try to imagine an image of this stress. You can see it either as a clot of energy, or in the form of any person (stranger or acquaintance, relative), or a bird, or an animal, or a plant. This is only your personal vision, any image is correct.
Watch him: he can sit motionless, or rush from corner to corner, or break free. The way you see it is what is right for you.
Talk to him, because you already know that it was you who attracted this stress to yourself and locked it in the chamber of your soul. Say: “My stress, forgive me for pulling you and keeping you in the chamber of my soul. I'm sorry, I didn't know how to free you before. You are free".
Mentally remove the bolt and open the dungeon door. Watch how stress either stands hesitantly on the threshold before stepping over it, or immediately rushes away.
See how he, having acquired wings, joyfully rushes to freedom into the blue sky, towards the sun.
Ask your body for forgiveness for causing you pain.
Forgive yourself.
What will this liberated energy be? She will be love. Even the wildest anger, when freed, becomes love.


We spent all our time rushing, solving questions and problems. And they didn’t know how to stop to feel love, because when there is time, then there is love, there is feeling, and we develop as spiritual beings. In order to be spiritual beings, you don’t need to do anything, you just need to remember that we are such in our essence, and that between our hearts and God there is only one barrier - the veil of our ignorance.

People want to receive love so much that if they don’t get what they want, they can go crazy. You often hear the following words: “I love, but I don’t.” And such mental pain occurs in women, men, and children. There is a feeling that there is no love, and this feeling is correct. But it is correct not because there is no love in the world, but because people do not allow the energy of love into themselves and do not allow it to pour out of themselves.

It doesn’t occur to people that this free flow of love energy is blocked by fears, of which a whole wall has been built, and love cannot penetrate this wall, Luule Viilma writes in her books. And the main stone in this wall, the strongest obstacle, is the fear “they don’t love me.” The main problem is that in order to receive something, you must first give, because Love is not received, love is given.

In an effort to get a loved one, we are able to do any actions we want, but we don’t get what we want, because the basis is the desire to get (consume) a person. Until we release our desire, a person will not give us what we so desire. Humanity is now going through a very difficult stage in its development, in which it has a very limited understanding of love. People do not know how to love from the heart and therefore try to love as best they can.

What is the result? The result is people's incessant attempts to bind others to themselves. And now desire comes to the fore. The desire to please your neighbor is the desire to make him your property, in order to then use him and force him to fulfill your desires. Concern for the welfare of the “beloved”, like a fig leaf, covers up concern for oneself. People mistake their natural responsibilities towards the “beloved” person for love. And this is the kind of affection people call love.

The author teaches that everything we do (spiritual or material) must be done “out of love.” Not with love, but out of love - from your very essence, that same spiritual essence that is love. And if we do it in a hurry, we do it out of fear, guilt or anger, that is, out of a desire to prove something. To prove that we are good, that we love, that we are better than we are.


The task of a man, she teaches, is to go and never stop, for the one who stops in front of life’s difficulties perishes. If a man walks, then masculinity is inherent in his progress by nature, and he does everything that is masculine. What does masculinity include?

Masculinity is:
work of the mind,
arrangement of economic life,
conceiving children.

A man is the spirit of his children, and the spirit is the driving force. A man is able to walk when he has the strength to do so. Where does this power come from? From the heart of a woman. We are talking about spiritual love - perfect love between people, which people are increasingly stingy with and which they so lack.

A woman's job is to love her husband. Husband first of all. No one should stand above a husband, not even a child. The husband is not more important than the child, but he is the first person the wife should love. A woman who loves a man never has to waste her energy on a man's work. A woman who loves her husband never needs anything extra, because she owns the greatest treasure in the world - love. Love for a man is a sacred feminine need.

If a woman loves her husband, says Dr. L. Viilma, then their unity attracts only the perfect: they have healthy children and healthy life. And perfection is not just good, it is a constantly moving and improving balance of good and bad. The violation of the Divine law is that the female sex has forgotten how to love the male sex.

Modern women see the decline very clearly male and they are very willing to denigrate men. At the same time, they do not understand that this phenomenon is apparent, relative, and in reality, the state of affairs is completely different.

And “food” in in this case can be considered not only in the literal sense. A modern woman is concerned that her child has all the best: from a stroller and toys to clothes and college. And what kind of husband are you if you cannot provide your child with all this? In a woman’s worldview, a child, or more precisely, issues related to his life support, and even more precisely, the manifestation of her ego through these issues, move to the foreground, and somehow the fact that thanks to this man she became happy fades into the background mother. A child is the sum of his father and mother, and therefore love is the main food he needs, Luule Viilma believes.

Luule Viilma gives an amazingly illustrative example of how a child needs love. She writes: “Once a desperate woman came into my office with a child in her arms. He was unconscious and in convulsions. Medicine could no longer help him. And then I had to resort to extreme measures. I said, “Your child is sick because you don’t love his father. You hate this person.

If you now, right here, realize your mistake and learn to love first of all the father of your child, even if you are divorced from him, then the child will live. If you can’t, the child won’t make it until the morning.” The mother turned out to be smart; she did not deny her negativity. She had not read my books, she had no prior knowledge, but she learned. After a few hours, the child’s convulsions stopped, and in the morning we began a thorough and detailed analysis of the disease, which was also a treatment.” Women's hatred is the most destructive force in the Universe. She destroys everything. Women's love is the most creative force in the Universe.

An intelligent woman likes to emphasize her superiority at the slightest opportunity. An intelligent woman does not take into account either her husband’s abilities or his capabilities. Her wish must be fulfilled this very minute. She doesn’t give her husband time to think or act like a man. A wise woman does not require her husband to take more than one step forward.

When starting a conversation with her husband, she expresses, as if in passing, an idea and gives her husband time to think about it. When the husband is ready, he will implement the idea, not forgetting where the idea came from. After all, they forget what they are ashamed of as their own shortcoming. If a wife does not humiliate her husband with her idea, then the husband has nothing to be ashamed of.

Modern women try to fight a man with the help of their minds, become disappointed in this fight and do not forgive men for this. At the same time, they, for the most part, do not notice and do not use the enormous wealth that they possess - limitless wisdom.


January 24, 2002
And to you, my dears, who taught me and guided me on the path of life, I want to say thank you. My efforts were for your sake. I had a sincere desire to give you that part of myself that you needed, although you did not immediately realize it.

I was impatient and wanted you to understand me right away - this is my mistake. This is impossible because each fruit needs its own time to ripen. I tried to make you mature myself. The result was that I was unfair to myself and was upset that I was so inept.

Being here, I can see it clearly. This is the main thing that is included in my books in the hope that you will achieve a complete understanding of my work. I do not blame you for anything, even those who condemned me during my lifetime or are condemning me now, in retrospect. Being here, I understand this well and will do everything on my part so that the understanding of the world expands in human consciousness. This is a sacred duty.

I still love and will love all those whom I have met and come into contact with along the path of life. Tolerance and warm relationships in earthly life are very important, since they determine the local state. Although not all of you believe in the afterlife, it won’t hurt anyone, even if you are an unbeliever, to try to be more tolerant. These are very simple truths, and they existed at the dawn of life, but each subsequent generation must experience this again and again.

The human experience is not easy. That’s why not everything went smoothly for me. Don’t think that I made up these truths - they exist and have been for a long time. Now is the time when humanity must use them. Every era has its truths, and there is always someone who conveys them to humanity. Living on earth, we strive to recognize them as personal, and our souls ache for their implementation. It just so happened. The person who conveys these truths must have the ability to do so.

However, this ability does not come easily, since the physical body is very dense and does not allow high vibrations to pass through. The Mediator must go through many extremes to gain the ability to be an antenna. In an extreme situation, energy fluctuations are always very high and subtle; not everyone can withstand this. Now I understand why my life was full of suffering and ground me like a millstone.

Thanks to everyone who was next to me and who came into contact with me, because sometimes I made your life difficult, but you helped me complete my task. I am pleased. Thank you and love you all. I left, but I’m not sad, because there’s plenty to do here too. I'm happy because it was right. I know I caused you heartache, but it will pass. I'm with you. Being here, I ask myself if I really had to suffer for so long. It turns out she should have.

I'll see you soon. We will meet at the source of life, open and free. Future generations will be able to use it. Many interesting things await you ahead, but also difficult trials. Always be firm in your faith and tolerant of each other's deeds. This is the most important thing now. You are all different, and everyone goes in their own direction, considering it the most correct and doing their job. This is how it should be, because, in the end, the threads of all roads come together into one big road.

I always believed that I had to restrain myself in everything, which I succeeded in doing. But sometimes I had to pay the price - I couldn’t cry. Crying was something shameful, a sign of weakness. In my thoughts I often came to you and tried to be like you, cry and laugh. Sometimes I succeeded. There was a heavy burden on my soul. I tried to get rid of him with my teaching, but I couldn’t. Now I understand that the laws of the Almighty highest degree fair and, in our opinion, harsh. I have not yet found a solution to the problem related to my mother. Maybe it will happen next time.

We will surely meet physically and spiritually. I'll try to come to you in my dreams. Don't be afraid of anything, don't be afraid, don't run from life. This is the best it can be. See you. Hugs. There is no death, there is only change life situations. Love one another, you living ones!


    Fear of death is a measure of human stupidity and the inability of Western civilization to look at life correctly.

    Need physical world- being better does not represent any value in the spiritual world. There is no struggle for primacy, everyone has their own path, which they need and at the same time everyone needs.

    No misfortune comes without warning. Its predecessor is our bad thoughts.

    If a person wants to help the world, then he must help himself. This will help the world.

    Never deify or adore anyone.

    When we try to make all people happy, then we begin to hate these people.

    Help should only be offered when it is needed: prematureness causes resentment.

    The more one side of the family cries, the more the other side drinks.

    Your child is what you are. Or you yourself forced him to become this way by tightening the screws, and now you want to commit violence against him again and make him different. And again, for personal reasons - so that own mistakes Don’t get hurt so badly, and so that people don’t point fingers at you.

    The child must be raised until the age of 18. In the future, the wise mother leaves on time and comes on time.

    The more a woman wants to please, the more she is like a mousetrap chasing a mouse.

    Women are unpredictable creatures, even if you understand their nature. They are like the most mysterious life, which moves forward in its flow, not realizing what “forward” means.

    The more heartache your mother has in store for you, the greater the opportunity to rise in spirit she gives you.

    A person's health is a measure of his spirituality.

    He who knows how to rejoice in little things attracts great joy to himself. And whoever immediately strives for big things will be left without little, because he does not know how to appreciate and cherish happiness.

    You don't have to be smart, you have to be able to think.




Adenoids in children Parents do not understand the child, do not listen to his worries, the child swallows tears of sadness.
Allergy Panic anger; fear of “they don’t love me.” Reluctance to suffer in silence.
Alcoholism Fear "no love"; fear “they don’t love me”; in a man, a feeling of guilt before a woman for his unreliability; self-flagellation. Loss of meaning in life; lack of love. Mental pain caused by lack of self-esteem, deep feelings of guilt. Not wanting to be sad.
Alzheimer's disease (atrophic process of the brain) Absolutization of the potential of your brain. Maximalist desire to receive.
Amenorrhea (lack of menstruation) The presence of sexual problems hidden deep inside, the reluctance to admit the existence of such problems.
Angina Anger expressed by screaming. A feeling of unbearable humiliation.
Anorexia Fear of coercion. Feelings of guilt, helplessness, depression in life, negative fixation on one's appearance. Self-pity due to the inability to live a full life.
Arrhythmia Fear “nobody loves me.”
Asthma Suppressed fear. Fear of being treated poorly. Lack of courage to live a full life. Shyness in showing love.
Atherosclerosis Wrong attitude towards your body. The unwavering, unshakable desire of a woman to become stronger than a man and vice versa. Fear of “they don’t love me”; the sadness of a dull fossil.
Bacterial and fungal diseases Unspokenness and a group of other stresses.
Childlessness Stress in relationships with mother.
Infertility - male - female Having sex out of a sense of duty. Problems in your relationship with your mother. Submission to the mother in choosing a man - a sexual partner. Submission to the mother in the choice of girlfriends.
Myopia Fear of the future.
Pain: - acute - dull - chronic Acute anger sets in as soon as someone makes you angry and you start looking for the culprit; dull anger, a feeling of helplessness regarding the realization of one’s anger; long-term anger.
Bronchitis Depression from problems in relationships with mother or spouse, the feeling of love is infringed. Feelings of guilt and splashing it out in the form of accusations on others.
Bulimia The desire to take possession of an illusory future, to which in reality a person feels disgust. The desire to live as best as possible and the reluctance to live the life that is at the moment.
Veins (diseases) A woman's anger towards a man and vice versa
Sinusitis The desire to hide the offense.
Gastritis (ulcerative) Forcing yourself. The desire to be good, modest, hard-working, while swallowing the bitterness of disappointment. Fear of “they don’t like me.”
Headache Fear of “they don’t love me.” Dislike for husband (fear, anger).
Flu Dejection, dissatisfaction with oneself.
Diabetes Demanding gratitude from others in return. The destructive anger of a woman against a man and vice versa. Hatred. Wanting others to make my life good.
Diarrhea Despair associated with an acute desire to immediately get rid of everything; The desire to be strong and demonstrate one’s strength.
Dysbacteriosis Conflicting judgments regarding the activities of others.
Cholelithiasis Fierce fight against evil. Own bitterness Fierce anger. Anger towards your spouse. Reluctance to throw out bitterness (humiliation attracts other people's humiliation).
Stomach (diseases) Fear of being guilty. Duty to start. Forcing yourself to work; the desire to have a lot, to be an example.
Constipation Stinginess, stinginess. Shame about the results of your work.
Vision (problems) Self-pity, shyness. Fear of the future
Teeth (diseases) Coercion, an attempt to change one's neighbor, violence.
Heartburn Coercion out of fear.
Hiccups Fear about the lost meaning of life.
Impotence Fear that “I am accused of not being able to feed my family, of not being able to cope with my job, of being no good as a man”; blaming yourself for the same thing. Fear of economic problems. A man feels guilty in response to a woman’s anger.
Stroke Revenge. Fear of the evil discontent of others.
Myocardial infarction Sadness “nobody needs my love.”
Cardiac ischemia Fear of being guilty, of being accused of lack of love; guilt.
Stones (gallstones and kidney stones) Fierce anger. The desire to rise above the bad man
Cysts Uncryed sadness.
Bleeding from the nose in a child. Helplessness, anger and resentment.
Lungs (diseases) Lack of freedom. Hatred of one's own slavery. Blame yourself.
Uterus (fibroids) Fear of “they don’t love me.” Feelings of guilt towards the mother. Excessive involvement in motherhood. Anger. Warlike thoughts associated with motherhood.
Uterus (tumors) Excessive feeling of emotionality.
Uterus (cervical diseases) Dissatisfaction with sex life.
Heavy menstruation The desire to cheat on your husband and thereby “punish” him. Large accumulation of stress.
Menstruation (absent) Having sexual problems hidden deep inside.
Migraine Inability to look for the cause of the malaise. Sadness and fear “they don’t love me.”
Urolithiasis disease Suppressing one’s humiliation due to accumulated diseases to the point of stony indifference.
Adrenal glands (diseases) Chronic fears.
Metabolic disease Disruption between giving and receiving.
Drug addiction and various types of addiction - work addiction, smoking, gambling Fear of “no love”, “they don’t love me”, feeling of guilt. Fear and anger that everything is not the way I would like. Not wanting to be who you are, wanting to be in a world where there are no worries. Disappointment in everything and everyone. The belief that no one needs a person and no one needs his love. Not wanting to be anyone.
Runny nose (rhinitis) Resentment towards the situation, lack of understanding of the reasons for this situation.
Neurasthenia The desire to be positive in everything, trying to please others.
Urinary and fecal incontinence The desire to free yourself from life's disappointments.
Baldness Fears, disappointments, stress “they don’t like me.”
Obesity Self-defense. Thirst for hoarding, fear of the future.
Osteoporosis Sadness at losing faith in one's own ability to regain one's former idealized and promising strength.
Swelling in the legs, calluses. Anger “everything is not the way I want it.” Unspoken reproaches to the husband regarding economic problems.
Memory (impaired) Thirst for an easy life, without barriers, without troubles.
Pancreas (diseases) The destructive anger of a woman against a man and vice versa. Hatred. The desire to do good first of all to others out of fear that the person is not loved. The desire to surpass oneself, selfishness, selfishness.
Diarrhea (diarrhea) Despair associated with an acute desire to immediately get rid of all unpleasant matters; the desire to be strong and demonstrate your strength.
Kidneys (diseases) Chronic fears.
Kidney stones Secret anger in the soul.
Prostate gland (diseases) Fear of losing material security, wealth.
Cancers The desire to appear good is the fear of being guilty, which forces you to hide your thoughts towards your loved ones. Unfulfilled goodwill, ill will and resentment.
Cancer in children Malice, bad intentions. A group of stresses that are passed on from parents.
Brain cancer Fear of “they don’t love me” Despair over one’s own stupidity and inability to come up with anything. Proving one’s benevolence by any means, up to and including consciously turning oneself into a slave.
Breast cancer My husband's accusation that my family doesn't like me. Suppressed shame.
Stomach cancer Malicious anger at myself - I can’t achieve what I need. Blaming others, contempt for those responsible for suffering.
Uterine cancer Bitterness because the male sex is not good enough to love a husband. Humiliation because of children or absence of children. Helplessness to change life.
Bladder cancer Wishing evil to bad people.
Esophageal carcinoma Dependence on your desires. Insisting on your plans, which others do not give way to.
Pancreas cancer Proving that you are a person.
Prostate cancer Fear that “I will be accused of not being a real man.” Anger at one’s helplessness due to women’s ridicule of manhood and fatherhood.
Rectal cancer Bitterness. Disappointment. Fear of hearing critical feedback about the results of work. Contempt for your job
Colon cancer Bitterness. Disappointment.
Cervical cancer The limitlessness of women's desires. Disappointment in sex life.
Tongue cancer The shame of having ruined my life with my own tongue.
Ovarian cancer Excessive feelings of duty and responsibility.
Multiple sclerosis Not getting what you wanted means anger and bitterness of defeat. Sadness and a feeling of meaninglessness in life.
Vomit Fear of the future. The desire to get rid of grievances and injustices, fear for the consequences, for the future.
Rheumatism Fear “nobody loves me.” Accusation through allegory. The desire to quickly mobilize oneself, to keep up everywhere, to get used to any situation - the desire to be mobile.
Premature birth Lack of love for the fetus, the child feels that he needs to go away from the place where he feels bad.
Diabetes The hatred of women and men for each other. Protest against orders and commands.
Blindness Seeing only bad things. Reluctance to see this terrible life.
Thyroid gland (dysfunction) Fear of being overwhelmed by life. Guilt. Communication problems.