Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Samson is the main character of the story. "Station Master"

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"The stationmaster" A.S. Pushkin
Characteristics of Samson Vyrin:

Samson Vyrin is an ordinary stationmaster. Every day and night he changes horses at the post station, passing important and ordinary people, notes their data and provides accommodation or food, if necessary. Thankless work stationmaster, on whom people take out their irritation, fatigue, and sometimes boredom: "What is the position ...? Isn't it real hard labor? Peace day or night. All the annoyance accumulated during a boring ride, the traveler takes out on the caretaker."
People are all different and each master is a master for the stationmaster. Samson must please the guests, otherwise they will complain about him. take a break from the screams and pushes of an irritated guest."
Samson Vyrin - "a man of about fifty, fresh and vigorous", a combatant - "his long green coat with three medals on faded ribbons." He is a poor and simple man - "The poor man fell ill"
Former military man - "... stayed in the house of a retired non-commissioned officer, his old colleague ..." Samson Vyrin lives with his daughter Dunya, his wife died. "Is this your daughter?" didn’t I really love my Dunya, didn’t I cherish my child.” Samson’s character is calm, peaceful, he is a quiet and modest person: “so slandered overseers are generally peaceful people, naturally helpful, prone to community life, modest in their claims to honors and not too money-loving." Vyrin is a direct and open person, knows how to communicate: "the three of us began to talk, as if we had known each other for a century." He is kind and trusting, Samson leaves the simulator Minsky at home, and the hussar seduces and takes away his daughter "How to be! the caretaker gave him his bed, and it was necessary if the patient did not feel better. "The negative quality of the caretaker is a drunkard:" the old man did not refuse the offered glass .... he pulled out five glasses in the continuation of his story. "Samson Vyrin is kind to children , loves and spoils the neighbor boys: "Grandfather, grandfather! nuts! "- and he gives us nuts. Everything used to be messing with us." The runaway daughter, Minsky's immoral act, loneliness and grief turn the cheerful Varin into a decrepit old man: "The old man could not bear his misfortune; he immediately fell ill in that the very bed where the young deceiver lay the day before." "It was exactly Samson Vyrin; but how old he was! .. three or four years could turn a vigorous man into a frail old man." Dunya left her father alone, he is very worried and suffering: "For the third year now, I have been living without Dunya and how there is neither a rumor nor a spirit about her. Whether she is alive or not, God knows." Trying to see her daughter, Vyrin arrives Petersburg, but Minsky kicks him out. What do you need, that you are sneaking around me like a robber? Or do you want to kill me? Get out!" Samson returns to the station, but after a while it is closed. From loneliness, grief and longing for his daughter, Vyrin becomes an inveterate drunkard and dies: "the old caretaker died a year ago ..." Dunya decided to visit her father, but alas, it's too much late. Tears, forgiveness, but you can’t return your father: "... as they told her that the old caretaker had died, she cried and told the children:" Sit still, and I'll go to the cemetery.

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“The Stationmaster” is one of the stories included in famous work A. S. Pushkin “Tales of the late Ivan Petrovich Belkin”. In "The Station Agent" the author introduces us to the difficult, joyless life ordinary people, namely, stationmasters, during the time of serfdom. Pushkin draws the reader's attention to the fact that in the outwardly stupid and unsophisticated performance of their duties by these people lies hard, often thankless work, full of trouble and worries. Why don't they blame the stationmaster? “The weather is unbearable, the road is bad, the coachman is stubborn, the horses are not driven - and the caretaker is to blame ...”. Few people passing by take the stationmasters for people, more for “monsters of the human race”, and yet “these so slandered caretakers are generally peaceful people, naturally obliging, prone to community life, modest in their claims to honors and not too greedy”. Few people passing by are interested in the life of stationmasters, and yet, as a rule, each of them has - difficult fate in which tears, suffering and grief are abundantly enough.
The life of Samson Vyrin was no different from the life of stationmasters like him, who, in order to have the most necessary things for the maintenance of their family, were ready to silently listen and just as silently endure endless insults and reproaches addressed to them. True, Samson Vyrin's family was small: he and a beautiful daughter. Samson's wife died. For the sake of Dunya (that was the name of the daughter) Samson lived. At the age of fourteen, Dunya was a real helper to her father: she cleaned the house, cooked dinner, served the passerby - she was a craftswoman for everything, everything was arguable in her hands. Looking at Dunin's beauty, even those who made rude treatment of stationmasters as a rule became kinder and more merciful.
In our first acquaintance with Samson Vyrin, he looked "fresh and cheerful." Despite the hard work and often rude and unfair treatment of those passing by, he is not embittered and sociable.
However, how grief can change a person! Just a few years later, the author, having met with Samson, sees an old man in front of him, untidy, prone to drunkenness, dully vegetating in his abandoned, untidy dwelling. His Dunya, his hope, the one that gave strength to live, left with an unfamiliar hussar. And not with a father's blessing, as is customary among honest people, but in secret. It was terrible for Samson to think that his dear child, his Dunya, whom he protected from all dangers as best he could, did this to him and, most importantly, to herself - she became not a wife, but a mistress. Pushkin sympathizes with his hero and treats him with respect: honor for Samson is above everything, above wealth and money. More than once fate beat this man, but nothing made him sink so low, stop loving life so much as the act of his beloved daughter. Material poverty for Samson is nothing compared to the emptiness of the soul.
Pictures depicting the story of the prodigal son hung on the wall in Samson Vyrin's house. The caretaker's daughter repeated the act of the hero of the biblical legend. And, most likely, like the father of the prodigal son depicted in the pictures, the stationmaster was waiting for his daughter, ready for forgiveness. But Dunya did not return. And the father could not find a place for himself out of despair, knowing how often they end similar stories: “There are a lot of them in St. Petersburg, young fools, today in satin and velvet, and tomorrow, you see, they are sweeping the street, along with the barn of the tavern. When you sometimes think that Dunya, perhaps, immediately disappears, you involuntarily sin and wish her a grave ... "
Nothing good ended and the attempt of the stationmaster to return his daughter home. After that, drinking even more from despair and grief, Samson Vyrin died.
In the image of this man, Pushkin showed the joyless life of ordinary people, filled with troubles and humiliations, selfless workers, whom every passer-by and passer-by strives to offend. But often such simple people as the stationmaster Samson Vyrin are an example of honesty and high moral principles.

The life of Samson Vyrin was no different from the life of stationmasters like him, who, in order to have the most necessary things for the maintenance of their family, were ready to silently listen and just as silently endure endless insults and reproaches addressed to them. True, Samson Vyrin's family was small: he and a beautiful daughter. Samson's wife died. For the sake of Dunya (that was the name of the daughter) Samson lived. At the age of fourteen, Dunya was a real helper to her father: she cleaned the house, cooked dinner, served the passerby - she was a craftswoman for everything, everything was arguable in her hands. Looking at Dunin's beauty, even those who made rude treatment of stationmasters as a rule became kinder and more merciful.
In our first acquaintance with Samson Vyrin, he looked "fresh and cheerful." Despite the hard work and often rude and unfair treatment of those passing by, he is not embittered and sociable.
However, how grief can change a person! Just a few years later, the author, having met with Samson, sees an old man in front of him, untidy, prone to drunkenness, dully vegetating in his abandoned, untidy dwelling. His Dunya, his hope, the one that gave strength to live, left with an unfamiliar hussar. And not with a father's blessing, as is customary among honest people, but secretly. It was terrible for Samson to think that his dear child, his Dunya, whom he protected from all dangers as best he could, did this to him and, most importantly, to herself - she became not a wife, but a mistress. Pushkin sympathizes with his hero and treats him with respect: honor for Samson is above everything, above wealth and money. More than once fate beat this man, but nothing made him sink so low, stop loving life so much as the act of his beloved daughter. Material poverty for Samson is nothing compared to the emptiness of the soul.
Pictures depicting the story of the prodigal son hung on the wall in Samson Vyrin's house. The caretaker's daughter repeated the act of the hero of the biblical legend. And, most likely, like the father of the prodigal son depicted in the pictures, the stationmaster was waiting for his daughter, ready for forgiveness. But Dunya did not return. And the father could not find a place for himself from despair, knowing how such stories often end: “There are a lot of them in St. Petersburg, young fools, today in satin and velvet, and tomorrow, you see, sweeping the street, along with the barren tavern. When you sometimes think that Dunya, perhaps, immediately disappears, you willy-nilly sin and wish her a grave ... ”
Nothing good ended and the attempt of the stationmaster to return his daughter home. After that, drinking even more from despair and grief, Samson Vyrin died.
In the image of this man, Pushkin showed the joyless life of ordinary people, filled with troubles and humiliations, selfless workers, whom every passer-by and passer-by strives to offend. But often such simple people as the stationmaster Samson Vyrin are an example of honesty and high moral principles.

In the story "The Stationmaster" we are shown the image of one little man. We see how much he was humiliated fair man how cruelly they humiliated him and trampled him into the ground, they considered him low and poor in material prosperity.

In the image of such a person, the poor caretaker of the postal service Samson Vyrin was presented. This man received visiting guests from other countries at his home, provided them with food, drink and warm comfort, and in the morning harnessed the horses to long way. This man did his job with a clear conscience and soul, he never wished harm to anyone. In his address, he accepted low humiliations for his poor-quality work. Despite everything, he did not succumb to insults and was not disappointed in his work. After all, he had the meaning of life, there was something to live for. This is his own fourteen-year-old daughter Dunyasha. She reciprocated her father and did all the housework: cooking and cleaning. Samson raised her alone after the death of his wife. Dunya got all the love and care of her father, Samson gives himself completely and takes care of his daughter with all his might.

On the first visit of the narrator, Samson Vyrin was full of energy, fresh and cheerful, despite his hard work. For the second time after the arrival of the narrator, the mountain has changed a lot. He seemed to have lost the meaning of life, stopped taking care of himself and began to drink heavily. His only daughter Dunyasha went to live with a rich chosen one. Father was wounded by Dunya's departure from his life, he considered it a treacherous act. After all, her father did not deprive her of anything, but she betrayed him, even old age and poverty did not break him like this action.

Samson understood that Dunya was in the insulting situation of the mistress of the chosen one, that other equally ingenuous ladies were seduced by wealth, and then they were thrown out into the street. But in spite of everything, her father was ready to forgive her everything, but if only she would come to her senses, come back! But it would seem that Dunya no longer knew her father. Samson had already lost the meaning of life, he now had no one to work and live for. He began to drink and sink in his own eyes. Samson Vyrin is a man of honor and duty, for him in the first place clear conscience and soul, that's why it knocked him off his feet.

This story ended tragically. Samson was unable to bring his daughter home and, due to grief, began to drink even more, he soon died.

Characteristics of Samson Vyrin

"The Stationmaster" is one of the stories included in a series of works united by one common name"Tales of the late Ivan Petrovich Belkin". This story is about the hard fate of the most ordinary, ordinary people - stationmasters. The author emphasizes the point that, despite the seeming ease, the duties of these people are hard, and sometimes extremely thankless work. Often they are accused even of the fact that on the street bad weather, or that the horses refuse to ride, etc. It's always the caretaker's fault. Many do not consider them to be people at all, and yet they are peaceful, helpful, modest people by their character and disposition. And their fates are mostly difficult, filled with suffering, tears and regret.

The life of Samson Vyrin was exactly the same as that of other caretakers. Like the rest, he had to silently endure endless insults and claims in his direction, so as not to lose the only opportunity to support his family. Samson Vyrin had a very small family: he and a beautiful daughter. At the age of 14, Dunya was very independent and for her father she was an indispensable assistant in everything.

In the company of his daughter main character happy, and even the greatest difficulties have no power over him. He is cheerful, healthy, sociable. But a year later, after Dunya secretly left with the hussar, his whole life literally turned upside down.

Grief changed him beyond recognition. From now on, the reader is presented with the image of an aged, degraded and addicted to drunkenness person. Being a man for whom honor and dignity are above all, he could not accept the dishonorable act of his daughter and come to terms with what had happened. It just didn't fit in his head. He could not even allow in his thoughts that his own daughter, whom he loved and protected so much, did with him, and most importantly, with herself - in this way, becoming not a wife, but a mistress. The author shares the feelings of Samson Vyrin, respects his honest, sincere position.

For Vyrin, there is nothing more important than honor, and no wealth can replace it. Having endured the blows of fate many times, he was never broken by it. But this time something terrible and irreparable happened, something that made Vyrin fall out of love with life, sinking to the very bottom. The act of his beloved daughter turned out to be an unbearable blow for him. Even constant need and poverty were nothing to him in comparison with this. All this time, the caretaker was waiting for the return of his daughter and was ready to forgive her. What frightened him most of all was how such stories usually ended: when young and stupid girls are left alone, beggars and useless. What if the same story happened to his beloved Dunya? From despair, the father could not find a place for himself. As a result, the unfortunate father took to drink from inconsolable grief and soon died.

Samson Vyrin embodies the image of a bleak life filled with grief and humiliation of ordinary people, stationmasters, whom every passer-by strives to offend. While it was precisely such people who were a model of honor, dignity and high moral qualities.

The image of the little man Samson Vyrin in the story The stationmaster essay for grade 7

Roads, transfers. Anyone who had to ride and change horses at inns knows what it is. How disappointing it is that it is impossible to continue the journey due to the fact that there were no horses at the station. Wow, and the stationmasters got it for that. Especially if the traveler was in high ranks.

On duty, and not out of idle curiosity, I also had to travel a lot, everything happened. At one of these transit points, fate brought me together with one stationmaster, Samson Vyrin. A man of a small rank, responsibly relating to his duties. Dunya's daughter helped him in his difficult work. Many knew the inn, and even specially stopped by to look at Dunya. The caretaker understood this, and even in his heart he was proud of it.

But this couldn't go on forever. But no one imagined how life could change. Everything happened winter evening, of course, not without the consent of Dunya. The young man no doubt acted meanly, repaying his hospitality by kidnapping his daughter. No one began to reckon with the feelings of the old caretaker, neither the doctor, nor the officer himself, nor even his beloved daughter.

Left alone, Samson Vyrin could not come to terms with loneliness and ignorance, took a vacation and went in search of Dunyasha. In Petersburg, where the traces of the fugitives led, he stayed with a friend. In an unfamiliar city, it is very difficult to be alone, besides not having enough money and power, I had to humiliate myself in front of everyone I asked how to find captain Minsky.

Whether Dunya was intimidated or she herself did not want to communicate with her poor father, but the caretaker was kicked out. After that, he returned to his terribly worried about his daughter. Is it possible that Dunya didn’t have a drop of love for the person who raised her. Yes, he was not rich, but he gave all the warmth of his noble soul to his only girl. And she did not even want to give the news that she was doing well. He was advised to file a complaint against Minsky, but pride and pride did not allow him to humiliate himself in front of those who offended him. For the caretaker it was with great grief. But he was not so much worried about the insult inflicted on him, but about the future of his daughter. If he knew that Dunya was doing well, he would have come to terms with his position as an outcast.

It turns out that if a person is poor, who does not have a worthy rank, they do not put him in anything. Nowhere is he welcome

Option 4

Samson Vyrin is the protagonist of Pushkin's story "The Stationmaster". He is presented in the form of a "little man". He lives at his station and has no wealth. He is greatly humiliated by his life. He was constantly humiliated by people who came to the station. He was mistaken for a beggar. But he was honest, kind, and most importantly fair.

His work at the station did not give him any trouble. He received travelers from a long journey and arranged for them to rest. Samson always let people into his house. Then he watered the horses and gave them rest. And the next day, he accompanied the travelers on the road to the next station. He will do all his work honestly and with a pure soul. To those who left the station, he always wished Bon Voyage. But no one reciprocated him. After his warm words, he heard only insult and humiliation. To this Samson did not answer, but merely laughed softly in response. He did this in order not to lose the job he needed to raise his daughter Dunya. She helped her father cook and clean. She had to grow up without a mother. The father spent all his time on his only daughter and gave her all his love.

The whole story is based on the story. The story is about a man who arrived at the station. Samson did good first impression of yourself. The narrator described him as a kind and cheerful person. When the narrator arrives next year to the station, he finds Samson as a morally broken person. He stopped shaving and started drinking a lot of alcohol. The narrator also noticed that Samson was very old. When the narrator begins to ask Samson what happened in his life, he tells his life story. Turns out for Last year Samson faced the betrayal of his own daughter. A wealthy landowner came to Samson at the station and offered Dunya to go with him, and she agreed. This act turned Samson's life upside down. Even the poverty in which he lived before did not disturb him more than this act.

The works, united under the title "Belkin's Tales", were created. The writer's works show images typical of his era, whose features touch the reader and touch the finest strings of the soul. Samson Vyrin is the hero of the story "The Stationmaster". This is a simple person with a big heart and a narrow outlook, who becomes pity and as a person with complicated biography, and as a representative of the common people, for whom it was not easy to live in tsarist Russia.

History of creation

The autumn of 1830 in Pushkin's biography was called Boldinskaya. In 11 days the poet created prose works, which he combined into the famous Belkin Tales. Five stories retold fictional character, introduced the public to unpretentious stories from the life of commoners and told the history of modern Russia.

The tragedy of the stationmaster Samson Vyrin was told to Belkin by a titular adviser, whose name is not indicated in the narrative. The narrator reflected on the attitude towards such heroes, who remain invisible all their lives. Each gentleman passing by is free to decide the fate of this petty rank. Stationmasters constantly endure abuse and mockery, reproaches and accusations, remaining unable to defend themselves.

The main idea of ​​Pushkin, broadcast in this work, was how difficult the situation of those who are not burdened with power and rank in Russia.

Illustration for the story "The Stationmaster"

The characterization of Samson Vyrin's life shows that he was no different from representatives of his rank. Like other stationmasters, he endured insults and insolence from visitors in order to support his family. Vyrin's main pride was his daughter Dunya. An independent assistant turned out to be a real help in the life of a man.

Vyrin was a collegiate official of the fourteenth class, considered the lowest. Serving at the station, he recorded the data of passing people and changed tired horses. His work was hard and thankless. The hero lived his life for his daughter, and when she fled to the best conditions with a passing officer, lost faith in the future. He began to drink, lost interest in life and work. The daughter was the fire that illuminated the complex existence of a lonely man.

Like the hero of the story "The Overcoat", he does not see a happy existence in the absence of the meaning of life and does not understand why to do the usual things and maintain the same way. It hurts Vyrin to realize what is happening, and only a punch weakens his mental anguish. He is the same small person whose happiness is made up of little things.

Pushkin deftly describes the changes in the hero by describing the surrounding reality. At the first meeting of Belkin with the caretaker, it is noticeable that the station is clean and tidy, breathes with comfort and a pleasant atmosphere. All this thanks to Dunya. After her departure, a loving father ran the house. Flowers have disappeared from it, and now Vyrin lies down to sleep, covering himself with an overcoat.

Having drunk, Vyrin shares his grief with Belkin, talking about his daughter's escape with Minsky. He exposes the officer as a vile person, and this is confirmed in the house of Minsky, where the hussar lives with Dunya. Having not received an answer to Dunya's letter, the father went to St. Petersburg to see how his daughter lives. The girl bathes in expensive gifts, but did not marry, which means she became a mistress. Having met her father, the chosen one of the officer faints, either from shame, or from a surge of feelings. Later, Minsky offered banknotes to Vyrin to smooth things over and pay off. He was about to refuse them, but gave up the slack and returned for the money.

Belkin's third meeting with the stationmaster did not take place - there was no one else to talk to at the station, lonely old age brought Vyrin to the grave, he died of longing for his daughter. deeds loved one turned out to be unbearable for a hero who had lost his purpose in life. Dunya realized her mistake too late. Only after becoming a mother, she appreciated the degree of parental feelings.

Vyrin endured the vicissitudes of life for the well-being of Dunya. Quiet and peaceful, he is an example of a "little man" leading a modest and unpretentious life. Analyzing the meaning of the name of the hero, literary critics note his name. It belonged to a Jewish hero, which means that the character had great strength. The surname of the stationmaster is consonant with the Vyra station, which Pushkin repeatedly passed by. So the character combined simplicity and fortitude, which helped raise her daughter and endure the attacks of fate.

"Little man" in Pushkin's understanding is not a description social status, but a characteristic of the state of mind inherent in people of a certain warehouse. The life of such characters is unbearable, and its ending is tragic.

Screen adaptations

A simple and understandable work of Pushkin has inspired filmmakers more than once. The first appearance of the film based on the story "The Stationmaster" took place in 1918 thanks to director Alexander Ivanovsky. The main role in it was played by Polikarp Pavlov.

The next film adaptation was released in 1925 under the title "College Registrar". It was staged by Yuri Zhelyabuzhsky and Ivan Moskvin. The latter appeared in the frame in the image of the main character - Samson Vyrin.

Foreign directors also turned to Pushkin's work. Directed by Gustav Ucicki, he filmed The Station Agent in 1940, presenting Heinrich George as a simple Russian employee. Josef von Baki made a tape called "Dunya" in 1955 with Walter Richter as the stationmaster.

In 1972, a motion picture with Nikolai Pastukhov in the title role saw the light of day.


“And I, the old fool, don’t look enough, it happened, I’m not overjoyed; did I not love my Dunya, did I not cherish my child; didn’t she have a life?”
“It was definitely Samson Vyrin; but how old he is! ... I looked at his gray hair, at the deep wrinkles of his long unshaven face, at his hunched back - and could not be surprised how three or four years could turn a vigorous man into a frail old man.