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Social interaction concept, essence and types - general sociology - catalog of articles - socialinzhekon. Social interaction

Society does not consist of individual individuals, but expresses the sum of those connections and relationships in which these individuals are with each other. The basis of these connections and relationships is the interaction of people.

Interaction- this is the process of direct or indirect influence of objects (subjects) on each other, giving rise to their mutual conditionality and connection.

It is causality that constitutes the main feature of interaction, when each of the interacting parties is highly dulls as the cause of the other and as a consequence of the simultaneous reverse influence of the opposite side, which determines the development of objects and their structures. If a contradiction is discovered during interaction, then it acts as a source of self-propulsion and phenomena and processes.

Under interaction in domestic social psychology Usually, not only the influence of people on each other is understood, but also the direct organization of their joint activities, allowing the group to implement activities common to its members. The interaction itself in this case acts as a systematic, constant implementation of actions aimed at causing an appropriate reaction on the part of other people.

Usually a distinction is made between interpersonal and intergroup interaction.

Interpersonal interaction- accidental or intentional, private or public, long-term or short-term, verbal or non-verbal contacts and connections of two or more people, causing mutual changes in their relationships, etc.

The presence of an external goal in relation to interacting individuals, the achievement of which requires mutual efforts.

Explicitness (availability) for observation from the outside and registration by other people.

Situationalism is a fairly strict regulation by specific conditions of activity, norms, rules and intensity of relationships, due to which interaction becomes a rather changeable phenomenon.

Reflexive ambiguity is the dependence of perception on the conditions of implementation and the assessments of its participants.

Intergroup interaction- the process of direct or indirect influence of multiple subjects (objects) on each other, generating their mutual conditionality and the unique nature of the relationship. Usually it takes place between entire groups (as well as their parts) and acts as an integrating (or destabilizing) factor in the development of society.

Currently, in Western science there are many points of view that explain the reasons for human interaction.

The process of human interaction is divided into three main stages (levels).

At the first stage (initial level), interaction represents the simplest primary contacts of people. Between them there is only a certain primary and very simplified mutual or unilateral influence on each other for the purpose of exchanging information and communicating. Due to specific reasons, it may not achieve its goal and not receive further development.

The success of initial contacts depends on the acceptance or rejection of each other by the interaction partners. Differences between individuals are one of the main conditions for the development of their interaction (communication, relationships, compatibility, workability), as well as themselves as individuals.

Any contact usually begins with a concrete sensory perception appearance, characteristics of the activities and behavior of other people. At this moment, as a rule, the emotional and behavioral reactions of individuals dominate. Acceptance-rejection relationships are manifested in facial expressions, gestures, posture, gaze, intonation, and the desire to end or continue communication. They indicate whether people like each other or not. If not, then mutual or unilateral reactions (gestures) of rejection follow.

Contact is terminated.

And vice versa, people turn to those who smile, look directly and openly, turn to the front, and respond with a cheerful and cheerful intonation; to someone who is trustworthy and with whom further cooperation can be developed based on joint efforts.

Of course, the acceptance or rejection of each other by interaction partners has deeper roots.

The first (lower) level is the ratio of individual (natural) and personal parameters (temperament, intelligence, character, motivation, interests, value orientations) of people. Of particular importance in interpersonal interaction are the age and gender differences of partners.

The second (upper) level of homogeneity - heterogeneity (degree of similarity - contrast of participants in interpersonal interaction) is the ratio (similarity - difference) of opinions in the group, attitudes (including likes - dislikes) to oneself, partners or other people and to objective world(including to joint activities). The second level is divided into sublevels: primary (or initial) and secondary (or resultant). The primary sublevel is the initial correlation of opinions given before interpersonal interaction (about the world of objects and their own kind). The second sublevel is the correlation (similarity - difference) of opinions and relationships as a consequence of interpersonal interaction, the exchange of thoughts and feelings between participants in joint activities.

The congruence effect plays a major role in interaction at its initial stage, i.e. mutual confirmation role expectations, a single resonant rhythm, consonance of the experiences of the participants in the contact.

Congruence presupposes a minimum of discrepancies in the key points of the behavior lines of the contact participants, which results in the release of tension, the emergence of trust and sympathy on a subconscious level.

Congruence is enhanced by the partner’s sense of complicity, interest, and mutual search activity based on his needs and life experience. Congruence may appear from the first minutes of contact between previously unfamiliar partners, or it may not arise at all. The presence of congruence indicates an increased likelihood that the interaction will continue. In this sense, one should strive to achieve congruence from the first minutes of contact.

The experience of belonging that arises:
- when the goals of the subjects of interaction are interconnected;
- when there is a basis for interpersonal rapprochement;
- in the case of subjects belonging to one. Empathy ( emotional empathy interlocutor) is implemented:
- when establishing emotional contact;
- with similarities in behavioral and emotional reactions partners;
- if you have the same feelings towards some object;
- when attention is drawn to the feelings of partners (for example, they are simply described).

Identification (projection of one’s views onto the interlocutor), which is enhanced:
- with a variety of behavioral manifestations of the interacting parties;
- when a person sees his own character traits in another;
- when partners seem to change places and conduct a discussion from each other’s positions;
- when referring to previous cases;
- with common thoughts, interests, social roles and positions.

As a result of congruence and effective initial contacts, feedback is established between people, which is a process of mutually directed response actions that serves to support subsequent interaction, during which both intentional and unintentional communication is carried out to another person about how his behavior and actions (or their consequences) ) perceived or experienced.

Feedback can be of different types, and each of its variants corresponds to one or another specificity of interaction between people and the establishment of stable relationships between them.

Feedback can be immediate or delayed in time. It can be bright, emotionally charged and conveyed as a kind of experience, or it can be with minimal experience of emotions and responses. behavioral reactions(Solovieva O.V., 1992). In different types of joint activities, different types of feedback are appropriate. The inability to use feedback significantly complicates the interaction of people, reducing its effectiveness. Thanks to feedback during interaction, people become like each other, bring their state, emotions, actions and actions in accordance with the unfolding process of relationships.

At the middle stage (level) of interaction between people, which is called productive joint activity, gradually developing active cooperation finds increasing expression in effective solution problems of connecting mutual efforts of partners.

There are usually three forms, or models, for organizing joint activities:
- each participant does his part general work regardless of the other;
- common task performed sequentially by each participant;
- there is simultaneous interaction of each participant with all others. Their actual existence depends on the conditions of activity, its goals and content.

At the same time, the common aspirations of people can lead to clashes in the process of coordinating positions. As a result, people enter into “agree-disagreement” relationships with each other. In case of agreement, partners are involved in joint activities. At the same time, roles and functions are distributed between the participants in the interaction. These relationships give rise to a special focus volitional efforts among the subjects of interaction, which is associated either with a concession or with the conquest of certain positions. Therefore, partners are required to demonstrate mutual tolerance, composure, perseverance, psychological mobility and other strong-willed personality traits, based on intelligence and a high level of personality.

At the same time, at this time, the interaction of people is actively accompanied or mediated by the manifestation of complex socio-psychological phenomena, called compatibility - incompatibility (or workability - incompatibility). Just as interpersonal relationships and communication are specific forms of interaction, compatibility and workability are considered its special constituent elements (Obozov N.N., 1980). Interpersonal relationships in a group and the compatibility (physiological and psychological) of its members give rise to another important socio-psychological phenomenon, which is commonly called “psychological climate.”

Psychophysiological compatibility is based on the interaction of temperamental characteristics and needs of individuals.
Psychological compatibility involves the interaction of characters, intellects, and motives of behavior.
Socio-psychological compatibility involves the coordination of social roles, interests, and value orientations of the participants.
Social-ideological compatibility is based on common ideological values, similarities social attitudes(in intensity and direction) regarding possible facts of reality related to the implementation of ethnic, class and religious interests. There are no clear boundaries between these types of compatibility, while extreme levels of compatibility, for example physiological, socio-psychological and socio-ideological climate, have obvious differences (Obozov N.N., 1980).

In joint activities, control on the part of the participants themselves is noticeably activated (self-monitoring, self-checking, mutual monitoring, mutual checking), which affects the performing part of the activity, including the speed and accuracy of individual and joint actions.

At the same time, it should be remembered: the driver of interaction and joint activity is, first of all, the motivation of its participants. There are several types social motives interactions (i.e. the motives for which a person interacts with other people).
Cooperation - maximizing the total gain.
Individualism - maximizing one's own gain.
Competition - maximizing relative gain.
Altruism - maximizing the gain of another.
Aggression - minimizing the gain of another.
Equality-minimization of differences in winnings (Bityanova M.R., 2001).

Mutual control over each other carried out by participants in joint activities can lead to a revision of individual motives for activity if there are significant differences according to their direction and level, as a result of which individual people begin to coordinate.

During this process, there is a constant coordination of thoughts, feelings, and relationships of partners in joint life activities. It takes on various forms of influence of people on each other. Some of them encourage the partner to act (order, request, proposal), others authorize the partners’ actions (agreement or refusal), and others call for a discussion (question, reasoning). The discussion itself can take place in the form of coverage, conversation, debate, conference, seminar and a number of other types of interpersonal contacts.

However, the choice of forms of influence is more often dictated by the functional-role relationships of partners in joint work. For example, control function leader encourages him to more frequently use orders, requests and sanctioning responses, while the pedagogical function of the same leader requires more frequent use discussion forms interactions. In this way, the process of mutual influence of interaction partners is realized. Through it, people “process” each other, striving to change and transform mental states, attitudes and, ultimately, the behavior and psychological qualities of partners in joint activities.

Mutual influence as a change in opinions and assessments can be situational when circumstances require it. As a result of repeated changes in opinions and assessments, their stability is formed; the convergence of positions leads to behavioral, emotional and cognitive unity of the participants in the interaction. This in turn leads to a convergence of interests and value orientations, intellectual and characterological characteristics of the partners.

Under their influence, opinions and relationships of interaction partners change. Regulators of mutual influence are formed on the basis of a deep property of the psyche - imitation. In contrast to the latter, suggestion, conformity and persuasion regulate interpersonal norms of thoughts and feelings.

Suggestion is an influence on other people that they perceive unconsciously.
Conformity is a conscious change in opinions and assessments. Situational and conscious conformity allows one to maintain and coordinate ideas (norms) regarding ongoing events in people’s lives and activities. Of course, events have varying degrees significance for those who are forced to evaluate them.
Persuasion is a process of long-term influence on another person, during which he consciously learns the norms and rules of behavior of interaction partners.

The convergence or change of mutual points of view and opinions affects all spheres and levels of interacting people. In the context of solving specific current problems of life and activity, and especially communication, their convergence-divergence represents a kind of regulator of interpersonal interaction. If the convergence of assessments and opinions forms a single “language”, group norms of relationships, behavior and activities, then their divergence acts as the driving force for the development of interpersonal relationships and groups.

The final stage (highest level) of interaction is always the extremely effective joint activity of people, accompanied by mutual understanding. Mutual understanding between people is a level of their interaction at which they understand the content and structure of the partner’s present and possible next action, and also mutually contribute to the achievement of a common goal. For mutual understanding, joint activity is not enough; mutual assistance is needed. It excludes its antipode - mutual opposition, with the appearance of which misunderstandings arise, and then misunderstanding of man by man. At the same time, mutual misunderstanding is one of the essential prerequisites for the breakdown of human interaction or the cause of a wide variety of interpersonal difficulties, etc.

An essential characteristic of mutual understanding is always its adequacy. It depends on a number of factors:
- type of relationship between partners (relationships of acquaintance and friendship, friendly, love and marital relationships);
- friendly (essentially business relations);
- sign or valence of relationships (likes, dislikes, indifferent relationships);
- the degree of possible objectification, manifestation of personality traits in the behavior and activities of people (sociability, for example, is most easily observed in the process of communication interaction).

In adequacy, as accuracy, depth and breadth of perception and interpretation, an important role is played by the opinion, assessment of others more or less significant people, groups, authority figures.

For a correct analysis of mutual understanding, two factors can be correlated - sociometric status and the degree of similarity according to it. In this case, it is necessary to take into account:
- persons who have different socio-psychological statuses in the team consistently interact (are friends) with each other;
- reject each other, i.e. experience interpersonal rejection, heifers, who are similar in status and it is not high enough for them.

Thus, interaction is a complex multi-stage and multifaceted process during which communication, perception, relationships, mutual influence and mutual understanding of people are carried out.

The interaction, as already emphasized, is diverse. An indicator of this is its typology.

Usually there are several ways of interaction. The most common dichotomous division is: cooperation and competition (consent and conflict, adaptation and opposition). In this case, both the very content of the interaction (cooperation or competition) and the degree of expression of this interaction (successful or less successful cooperation) determine the nature of interpersonal relationships between people.

Additional interaction - partners adequately perceive each other’s position.
Intersecting interaction - partners, on the one hand, demonstrate an inadequate understanding of the positions and actions of the other participant in the interaction, and on the other, clearly demonstrate their own intentions and actions.
Hidden interaction includes two levels at the same time: explicit, expressed verbally, and hidden, implied. It involves either deep knowledge of the partner, or greater sensitivity to non-verbal means of communication - tone of voice, intonation, facial expressions and gestures, since they convey hidden content.

Interaction is always present in the form of two components:
Content - determines around what or about what this or that interaction unfolds.
Style refers to how a person interacts with others.

We can talk about productive and unproductive styles of interaction. Productive style is a fruitful way of contact between partners, contributing to the establishment and extension of mutual trust, disclosure personal potentials and achieving effective results in joint activities.

In other cases, having exhausted the adaptation resources available to them, having achieved some balance and trust in the first stages of development of interaction, people cannot maintain effective relationships. In both cases, they talk about an unproductive style of interaction - an unfruitful way of contact between partners, blocking the realization of personal potentials and the achievement of optimal results of joint activities.

The unproductiveness of an interaction style is usually understood as a specific embodiment in an interaction situation of an unfavorable state of the existing system of relations, which is perceived and recognized as such by at least one of the participants in the interaction.

The nature of activity in the position of partners:
- in a productive style - “next to your partner”, i.e. the active position of both partners as participants in the activity;
- in unproductive - “above the partner”, i.e. active position of the leading partner and complementary to it passive position subordination of the slave.

Nature of the goals put forward:
- in a productive style - partners jointly develop both near and distant goals;
- in unproductive - the dominant partner puts forward only close goals, without discussing them with the partner.

Nature of responsibility:
- in a productive style, all participants in the interaction are responsible for the results of their activities;
- in unproductive - all responsibility is assigned to the dominant partner.

The nature of the relationship that arises between partners:
- in a productive style - goodwill and trust;
- in the unproductive - aggression, resentment, irritation.

The nature of the functioning of the mechanism and isolation:
- in a productive style - optimal forms of identification and alienation;
- in the unproductive - extreme forms of identification and alienation.

To express a fragment of the content of an object, not the term “element” is used, but the term “component”.

The concept of form has many meanings. Form- This

1. way of external expression of content

2. type and structure of content (this means a relatively stable definite connection between the components of the content, as well as their interaction)

3. form represents the unity of internal and external:

1 as a way of connecting the components of content, form is something internal,

it enters into the structure of the object and itself becomes a moment of its content

2 as a way of connecting this content with the content of other things

form is something external.

Hegel (“Science of Logic”): “Form is at the same time contained in the content itself and represents something external to it.”

Relationship between form and content:

1. the inextricability of their connection => any object is always a unity of form and content

2. ambiguity in the relationship between form and content. This statement is controversial.

The same content can take on different forms (prove). The same form can occur with different contents (give an example from the field of jurisprudence).

3. contradictory unity of form and content

The leading party in the development of an object is the content. Content has a predominant tendency towards change, while form has a tendency towards stability. At the same time, up to a certain point, these trends are in harmony => stability of form contributes to variability of content.

The conflict between form and content is resolved by transforming the outdated form.

Thus, the unity of form and content presupposes the relative independence of form and its active role in relation to the content.

4. optimal development of an object with mutual correspondence of form and content (prove)

End of work -

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Introduction to Philosophy

Lecture worldview.. plan.. concept structure functions of worldview types of worldview mythology religion philosophy..

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Concept, structure, functions of worldview
Only humans have a worldview; it is a specifically human phenomenon. Marx, Engels “German Ideology”: “The animal does not relate itself to anything; for an animal its relationship to others

Types of worldview
In the history of human culture, 3 types of worldviews have developed: mythology, religion, philosophy. Mythology and religion are the prerequisites of philosophy. However, all 3 types of worldview were shaped by

2) cosmological - they tell about the origin of space and man, as well as about the first ancestors of man - the so-called “heroes”. 3) eschatological

Imperative (behavior modeling function)
3. function of integrating people, uniting people into a community. Thanks to myth, a person realizes and comprehends his belonging to a certain community. Myth

This possibility is realized only in connection with the entire totality practical activities man and his social relations. With every great historical revolution in society

Religion is the basis for communication (believers among themselves, with clergy, etc.) 4. regulatory - this is the function of legitimizing the social order through binding

Features of philosophy as a type of worldview
The worldview is formed objectively, outside and before philosophy (within the framework of everyday consciousness on the basis of general cultural material available to the individual, as well as one’s own life experience). 1. D

The concept of the life path plays a decisive role in this worldview. For any individual, it is important to understand not so much a person’s place in the world in general, but rather his own place in specific life

It is represented in art (in fiction). At this level, philosophical problems are posed and revealed through artistic images: through the thoughts and actions of heroes, through cars

Theoretical philosophy
She is connected with professional activity, with vocation, talent. It is characteristic of all 3 levels of philosophizing that philosophizing people are interested not so much in the objects of the world themselves.

Types of philosophizing
A type of philosophizing is an explanatory principle (or attitude) underlying the picture of the world formulated by a person. Historically it happened somewhat like this

Features of theoretical philosophy as a form of consciousness
The uniqueness of theoretical philosophy: 1. It represents independent form public and individual consciousness. Consciousness is the sphere of function

Subject and methods of theoretical philosophy
The concept of the subject of philosophy was given by V. Windelband (beginning of the 20th century): “Philosophy received in the Hellenistic period (late antiquity) what had already been outlined earlier (by the Sophists and Socrates) practically

Structure of philosophical knowledge
The structure of a person’s relationship to the world sets and internal structure philosophical knowledge. Philosophical knowledge includes: 1. philosophical anthropology - in in a broad sense words are

Materialist philosophers
Supporters of the philosophy of materialism. Materialism is one of two fundamental directions, according to which the material, bodily-sensual principle is primary, active, defining

in relation to epistemology
Is reality knowable as such (objective and subjective)? Is true knowledge achievable? All philosophers are divided into those who recognize and those who deny knowability.

In axiology
The main question of philosophy: are moral and aesthetic criteria relative or absolute? Do spiritual values ​​have independent meaning (autonomy) or are they based on practical

Dialectical and metaphysical
(their opposite is revealed by F. Engels in his work “Anti-Dühring”) 2. with the development of humanitarian knowledge (we are talking about the development historical science at the turn of the 19th - 20th centuries,

The historical nature of ideas about man
One can distinguish between anthropology and anthropologism in the broad and narrow sense of the word. In a broad sense: anthropologism is a universal characteristic of a worldview, and therefore a universal character

This era understood man based on the following principles: 1. human and natural are one; man is a microcosm, i.e. small world, display and with

Middle Ages
It is believed that man is created in the image and likeness of God. Man must strive to maintain this godlikeness. The Fall destroys man's godlikeness, his unity with God. However divine

Modern era
Rene Descartes believed that the only reliable evidence of human existence is thinking, the act of thought. The essence of man is the mind, and the body is an automaton, or mechanic.

Man is the highest level of development of living organisms on Earth, a subject of socio-historical activity and culture. When the word "man" is used, it means

Humanity is a global community of people, i.e. all people who once lived and are now living (this is the definition of humanity as a nominal community). Humanity within itself is very

Essence of Man
The essence of a person is a stable complex of interrelated specific characteristics that are necessarily inherent in the individual as a representative of the genus “man” (“humanity”), and also as

Human existence
The concept of “existence” in the classical philosophical tradition was used to designate the external existence of a thing, which (unlike the essence of a thing) is comprehended not by thinking, but by direct feeling.

The problem of anthropogenesis
ANTHROPOGENESIS is a historically long (from 3.5 to 4.5 million years) period of human formation. The origin of man and the emergence of society are two inextricably linked

Within its framework, the problem of spiritual and moral criteria of humanity is raised; this is the problem of the formation of man as a spiritual and moral being in the history of the ancestral (i.e. humanity) and individual

Fundamental Human Characteristics
The originality of a person is reflected in his following traits: 1. universality This is the absence of hereditarily programmed species behavior 2. absolute n

The essence and trend of interaction
The concept of “nature” means: 1. the totality of natural conditions of existence of socially organized humanity 2. nature acts as the opposite of

Until sep. XX century (or before the beginning of the XX century)
Characterized by the following features: 1. yielding to the power of nature, man at the same time steadily increased his power, dominance over by natural forces

These concepts have their source: 1 partly in the Christian tradition 2 partly in vulgarized Marxism. Common features of these concepts:

Modern scientific approach to the problem
(main theses): 1. The individual as a natural being is endowed with natural forces that exist in him in the form of inclinations and attractions

Philosophy of gender
1. The concept of “sex” can be used in a purely biological sense, i.e. to denote the morphological and physiological differences on the basis of which people, like other living things

The concept of human individuality
The concept of personality has an interdisciplinary status. 1. Personality (in a formal, extremely abstract sense) is a person, i.e. the individual as a subject of activity and relationships.

The concept of individuality is very complex. IN literally individuality means the uniqueness of the indivisible. In the concept of human individuality about

Philosophical meaning of the concept of being
The category “being” distinguishes supersensible unity and completeness of reality. Being is the last thing it is permissible to ask about; this is the ultimate basis => being cannot be traditional

category of substance
If we understand being as the unity of essence and existence, then we can say that the concept of “substance” expresses the essential side of being. IN modern understanding(meaning) substance

The first attempt to reveal the meaning of existence conceptually belongs to the representative of the Eleatic school of Greek philosophy Parmenides (born in 515 (544) BC) Our thought is always a thought about something

OK. 460 BC Democritus was born. According to Democritus, being is plural, the unit of being is the atom. An atom cannot be seen, it can only be thought. All things are made of atoms. Atom Dem

The concept and problem of being in medieval philosophy
Medieval philosophy understands God as an uncreated being and as the source of any finite created being. I. The problem of proving the existence of God (in relation to

Extreme realism
Representative - Guillaume of Champeaux The position of extreme realism: a universal is a real thing that, as an unchanging essence, is entirely contained (is contained) in every

Representative - Pierre Abelard (1079 - 1142) Abelard starts from extreme nominalism, proceeds from the general position of nominalism (the position of Roscelin), that only individual things really exist

Concepts of being
In the philosophy of modern times (XVII - XVIII centuries), the problem of being was comprehended based on following settings: 1. being is reduced to objective existence, knowable

Irrationalistic concepts of existence
This expression is ambiguous, because since they are concepts, they cannot be rationalistic. Principles: 1. being at its core does not obey anyone

Superhuman (tragic)
Type of experience - aesthetic experience, the experience is tragic. 1) tragedy is always extra-scientific, i.e. the truth of the tragedy is inaccessible to science. 2) the tragic experience is supermoral: tragedy

Attributes and forms of existence of matter
The development of ideas about matter includes, by and large, the following stages: 1. characteristic of ancient Greek philosophy. Feature - understanding

The problem of the material unity of the world
The dialectical-materialist concept of the unity of the world was formulated by Engels in his work “Anti-Dühring”. Dühring's position: the unity of the world lies in its being; being is one,

The concept and characteristics of social existence
The content of social existence forms the life activity of people, i.e. the process of realization and development of the essential forces of individuals, as well as the process of interchange of these forces. Definition of essence

Human existence understood as existence. Existence is interpreted as true (authentic, my own) existence. The concept of “existence” indicates a unique

The concept and structure of materialist dialectics. Objective and subjective dialectics
Materialistic dialectics in the modern concept is the doctrine of natural connections, the formation and development of being and knowledge. According to Engels, dialectics -

The principle of objectivity and universal interconnection
This is the same principle. This is a requirement to consider an object in all its diversity and completeness of its relationships with other objects. 2. principle of self-propulsion (principle of development)

Abstractness and one-sidedness
This is the desire to consider things and concepts of the human mind (in which these things are reflected) in their isolation from each other, in a motionless state, not as essentially changeable, but as eternal

The principle of ascent from the abstract to the concrete
This principle plays the role of a method of scientific research and consists in moving from empirical facts to the top of the concrete theoretical concept, from one-sided and content-poor consciousness to

The principle of unity of the historical and logical
Implemented in Marx's Capital. Historical is the real process of formation and development of the object being studied (for example, capital). Logical - uh

The Problem of Progress Criteria
The concept of development is initially associated with the concept of a system (initially, the assumption is introduced that only system objects can develop) and the concept of “level of organization of the system.”

Systematic principle
Ludwig von Bertalanffy: A system is a complex of interacting elements. An element is a further indecomposable component of the system for a given method e

The principle of determinism
Determinism is associated with the recognition of the objective conditionality of all phenomena in their existence and development. The principle of determinism includes:

Dialectics of necessity and chance
Necessity is something that naturally follows from internal essential connections of this object and that, given certain conditions, happens inevitably. This kate

The relationship between necessity and freedom
Freedom is a characteristic of human activity, expressing a person’s ability to carry out his activities in accordance with his own (internally determined) goals

The concept of reflection. Consciousness as the highest form of reflection
Textbook "Introduction to Philosophy", volume 2, pp. 291 - 303. Reflection is the ability of some objects, as a result of interaction with other objects, to reproduce through change

Marxist doctrine of the emergence and essence of consciousness
In Marxist philosophy, consciousness is viewed as the highest form of reflection. Lenin: “It is logical to assume that all matter has a property essentially different from sensation - its

Consciousness is ideal, i.e. it is not identical
1) that which is reflected in its images (not identical to the objective world and its connections) 2) that with the help of which this process of reflection occurs, i.e. brain and physiological activity

Structure and functions of consciousness
(in relation to Marxist philosophy) The psyche is broader than consciousness, because it also includes unconscious mental phenomena and processes. Unconscious

Consciousness is a necessary prerequisite for the purposeful transformation of human reality. Lenin (“Philosophical Notebooks”): “Human consciousness not only reflects the objective world, but

The problem of the ideal in Marxist philosophy
Ideal is a philosophical concept that characterizes a specific way of being of an object. Marx: “The ideal is nothing other than the material, transplanted into man.”

Modern philosophical programs for the study of consciousness
The list of programs is not exhaustive. In the philosophy and science of the 20th century, a contradictory situation arises in relation to consciousness: in theoretical terms, the question of the specifics of consciousness

Here the concept of consciousness is concretized through its interpretation as a set of methods, means, and forms of optimizing human life. There is not a single area of ​​human life that

Intentionalist programs
Intention - lat. "intention", "direction". Within the framework of this type of program, primarily the intentional properties of consciousness are subject to study. From the point of view of phenomenology (phenomenol

Conditionalist programs
Konditsio - lat. "condition", "state". Within the framework of this type of program, the dependence of consciousness on 1 bodily organization (somatic states) 2 structure and function is studied

The problem of the unconscious in the psychoanalysis of Sigmund Freud
(1856 - 1939) Freud identifies 3 aspects of considering the psyche of an adult: I. topic - this is the construction of spatial

economics (economic factor)
Within this aspect mental processes are considered from the point of view of the distribution of mental energy. III. dynamics Within this aspect there are different

Secondary process
These include: 1 thinking 2 recollection - memory in action (the area of ​​the unconscious) 3 consciousness, which authorizes behavioral acts. Main function with



Once again about the essence and content of the interaction of troops (forces)


candidate of military sciences

REAR ADMIRAL V. G. Lebedko raised the pressing question of the essence of interaction and classification of troops. The proposals he made, in my opinion, are interesting and promising, as they make it possible to organize the interaction of troops in a more streamlined manner, as well as take the next step in clarifying these problems. After all, it is precisely in the lack of development of general theoretical principles that lies one of the reasons for the insufficient quality solution practical issues interactions. At the same time, the author, considering interaction as relationships and connections between objects, did not pay attention (or did not have the opportunity within the framework of this article) to one not very visible contradiction. To “manifest” it, let’s turn to practice.

When analyzing military operations, the reasons for victories and defeats are in many cases explained by the presence or absence of interaction. For example, Colonel General M. S. Khozin explains the reasons for the failure of the first operation to break the blockade of Leningrad in the winter of 1941/42 by the fact that interaction was not “established” both between and within units, units and formations; between infantry, artillery and tanks. However, it is quite obvious that relationships and mutual connections in the actions of various groupings of troops are present to one degree or another in all cases. In the example considered, the artillery destroyed the enemy and created more favorable conditions for the actions of the infantry, which in turn protected the artillerymen, etc. But these relations between them were not sufficiently worked out and did not have a specific focus on completing the assigned tasks.

Consequently, mutual connections in the actions of troops always take place, but there may not be organized and controlled interaction between them. Thus, this contradiction can be removed if target orientation is introduced into the definition of military interaction. Moreover, its essence will lie not just in relationships and connections, but also in their purposefulness. This, in my opinion, is the main difference between the categories “interaction of troops” and “interaction”. Through purposeful relationships and connections, the actions of troops are united into a certain integrity - types, methods and forms of their use. Considering that the target orientation of mutual connections in the actions of troops can only manifest itself in dynamics, we can say: the interaction of troops is the coordinated actions of units, units, formations and associations to achieve the goal of a strike, battle, combat operations, battle, operation.

This definition differs from others in the absence of a description of the specific nature of mutual connections: “By tasks (objects), directions (borders, regions), time and methods of action.”

In my opinion, it is inappropriate to indicate this character directly in the definition of the category. Firstly, the range of relationships in the actions of troop groups is much richer (besides those mentioned, mutual connections can be by purpose, location, zones, sectors, heights, theater of operations, etc.) and it is almost impossible to give them in one definition. Secondly, in each specific case, in the actions of troops, out of the entire possible set of relations, only a part of them will take place, which will determine the content of the interaction.

For utilitarian purposes, the content of military interaction is described in four main ways (types) or a combination thereof, based on the nature of mutual connections.

Interaction on tasks consists of concentrating (distributing) the efforts of groupings of troops to perform (with a certain probability, level or volume) one or several tasks.

Interaction in space (for individual groupings of troops - by dividing the space of action) involves the use of each of the interacting formations (formations, units, subunits) in a certain area (district, zone, at the turn, in the sector, strip, at height, depth, direction).

Interaction in time is determined by the prescribed temporary regimes for the use of troops and the functioning of their means.

Interaction by methods involves the use of mutually compatible and (or) complementary methods of using troops and their means.

Coordinated actions of troops in space and time - more simple ways(types of) interaction during their implementation. At the operational level, the division of space is one of the main methods (types) of interaction between formations, since many of them carry out combat missions within their boundaries (band) of responsibility. At the tactical level this method(type) is used primarily for mutual security purposes. For example, by separating the actions of the intelligence and anti-aircraft missile forces in time or space, the safety of fighters is ensured.

Interactions on tasks and methods of their implementation are more complex to implement. However, it is their organization that provides the most effective application heterogeneous troops due to mutual compensation of weaknesses. For example, long-range anti-aircraft missile divisions, destroying jammers, and short-range divisions - cruise missiles and other high-altitude missiles at low altitudes, compensate for each other's weak properties: the low efficiency of firing at low-altitude targets of some and the insufficient noise immunity of others.

The choice of methods (types) of interaction between troops is determined by the specific type, method and form of their use. But there is also a feedback connection: if interaction between troop groups or their means is disrupted, specific methods and forms of troop actions disintegrate. For example, the interaction of air defense and air defense units in zones and in time determines the general method of sequential destruction of enemy air defense systems: first by fighters in their zone, and then by anti-aircraft missile divisions in theirs. If their actions are not consistent, the method (type) of interaction by dividing space and time, as well as the method of sequential destruction of the enemy’s air defense systems, may be disrupted.

Thus, each type, method and form of using troops may have its own specific method (type) of interaction of troops or a set of them. The task of the command and staff will be to find the rational ones (along with the most effective methods of action).

Therefore, for the practice of organizing operations and other forms of military action, the classification of military interaction by methods can significantly complement the specific type. Thus, in the example given in the article by Rear Admiral V. G. Lebedko of the destruction of a convoy by the forces of the fleet and fighter-bomber aviation of the front, there may be following methods(types of) interaction. In the absence of purposeful coordination in the actions of the naval forces and the front troops, there will be no interaction between them, and accordingly there is no point in talking about its methods, however, the commensal connection will remain here. If the task of destroying a convoy is assigned to the fleet by a senior commander as one of the tasks of the operation, more high level, then there are mutualistic connections here, expressed by a combination of methods (types) of interaction on tasks and in space, as well as in time, if the time of destruction of the convoy is agreed upon. With the joint and simultaneous destruction of a convoy by the forces of the fleet and fighter-bomber aviation of the front, cooperative ties will obviously require coordination of their actions on the methods of performing tasks. The methods (types) shown make it possible to clearly define practical measures for their implementation and the content of interaction documents.

Thus, the given definitions of the categories “interaction of troops”, “methods (types) of interactions”, as well as the classification of these methods (types) make it possible, in my opinion, in each specific case to more purposefully find rational ones and increase the overall effectiveness of troop actions.

Military thought. - 1990. - No. 11. - P. 46-48.

Military-historical magazine. - 1966. - No. 2, - P. 45-^-46.

Military thought. - 1990. - No. 11. - P. 48.

The content of interaction is closely related to the form of interaction. Forms of interaction between the class teacher and parents are ways of organizing their joint activities and communication [Stepanenkov N.K., 2005]. The effectiveness of the influence itself sometimes depends on the successful choice of the form of influence. As part of our work, we will rely on this classification to develop a final lesson with parents.

A combination of collective, group and individual forms of interaction is important. The classification criterion is the number of parents involved in interaction with the class teacher or teaching staff. If the form of work is an element of the organization, then the method is a means of influence. They are organically connected with each other, condition each other, form such a close dialectical unity that it is often difficult to draw a line between them [Kapralova R.M., 2001].

The content of all forms of work between the school and the family is to organize their active educational interaction, aimed at the comprehensive development of the younger generation. This interaction is based on the school’s constant attention to the development of the child, timely and pedagogically sound specific recommendations from teachers, studying the characteristics and capabilities of each family, providing practical help family with difficulties in education [Volikova T.V., 2009].

Principles pedagogical interaction teachers and parents:

· trusting relationship between teacher and parents;

· personal interest, i.e. “no one can be forced to do anything

· to learn, a person must want and learn himself”;

· approach to parents not as objects of education, but as active subjects of the interaction process;

· affirmation of their self-worth, i.e. showing respect to each parent;

· emancipation of parents, i.e. awakening their desire to know themselves.

Let us list the most common collective forms of interaction between teachers and parents.

The parent meeting is the main form of work of parents, where the problems of life of the class and parent team are discussed [Lizinsky V.M., 2007]. The parent meeting should create spiritual support so that parents believe in the reality of their children’s successes, be in the nature of thinking about educational process formation and development of a person’s personality [Shchurkova N.E., 2008]. F.P. Chernousova notes that when holding a parent meeting, the following must be observed:

1. The parent meeting should educate parents, and not state the mistakes and failures of children in their studies.

2. The topic of the meeting should take into account the age characteristics of the children.

3. The meeting should be both theoretical and practical in nature: analysis of situations, trainings, discussions, etc.

4. The meeting should not engage in discussion and condemnation of students’ personalities [Chernousova F.P., 2004].

T.A. Stefanovskaya highlights the following types parent meetings:

Meetings and conversations on educational topics

Meetings to exchange experiences in raising children in families

Consultation meetings

Meetings in the form round table[Stefanovskaya T.A., 2006].

Each parent meeting should be thematic and instructive. The topics of the meetings may include the most pressing issues of teaching and educating schoolchildren. For example, on cultivating a conscious attitude towards learning in children, you can hold a meeting on the topics: “How to help children study well”, “Organization educational work schoolchild at home." At the meeting, issues of children's health, their rational nutrition, organization of work and rest are discussed [Stepanenkov N.K., 1998].

The parent lecture hall introduces parents to issues of education, improves their pedagogical culture, and helps develop common approaches to raising children. The topics of lectures should be varied, interesting and relevant for parents, for example: “ Age characteristics younger teenagers”, “What is self-education?”, “Child and nature”, etc.

An evening of questions and answers is held after a survey of parents or a grouping of problematic issues that arise in raising children and relationships with them.

Dispute - reflection on the problems of education - is one of the forms of improving pedagogical culture that is interesting for parents. Takes place in relaxed atmosphere and allows everyone to join in the discussion of the problem. A meeting with the administration and class teachers should be held annually. Teachers introduce parents to their requirements and listen to their wishes.

Especially important form is the interaction of teachers with the parent committee. Together they develop ways to implement the ideas and decisions adopted by the meeting. The class teacher and the parent committee are trying to form action councils to organize work taking into account the capabilities and interests of parents. The class teacher conducts group consultations, lectures, practical lessons for parents, involving teachers, specialists, for example, in helping children master skills mental activity, quick reading[Rozhkova M.I., 2009]. The main content of the work of the class teacher is working with the parent committee, pedagogical education of parents, involving parents in joint work on holding holidays, being on duty at school with students, organizing competitions, etc.

The University of Pedagogical Knowledge is a form of psychological and pedagogical education of parents. He arms them necessary knowledge, the basics of pedagogical culture, introduces topical issues education, taking into account the age and requests of parents, contributes to the establishment of contacts between parents and the public, families and schools, as well as the interaction of parents and teachers in educational work. The university program is compiled by the teacher, taking into account the number of students in the class and their parents. The forms of organizing classes at the university of pedagogical knowledge are quite diverse: lectures, conversations, workshops, conferences for parents, etc. [Slastenina V.A., 2004].

Group classes can be exploratory in nature. Also, group classes can be associated with teaching parents classes and skills in organizing the activities of clubs for children, club forms of work on weekends. Various conferences, special meetings, reflections and consultations are held in order to involve parents in educational work in the classroom and increase their role in raising the child. Collective and group forms of interaction permeate customized forms. These include conversations, intimate conversations, consultation-reflection, fulfillment of individual assignments, joint search for a solution to a problem, correspondence. Individual work working with parents requires much more effort and ingenuity from the teacher, but its effectiveness is much higher. It is in individual communication that parents learn the requirements the school places on students and become allies of the class teacher [Rozhkov M.I., 2009].

It is in the process of interaction with parents that teachers realize their role in raising children. If a teacher wants parents to be satisfied with the school where their child is studying, then he will take their opinion into account when building the educational process. The skills acquired in working with parents can extend to interaction with students, contributing to the democratization and humanization of school life.

Parents, in turn, need help that could provide them with a competent expression of interests, educational needs and orders. If teachers can find effective forms of relationships based on educational activities, then the emerging educational and spiritual space will contribute to the full development of children [Slastenina V.A., 2004].

A positive result of cooperation for teachers is increased respect from parents and society as a whole, improved interpersonal relationships with them, increased authority in the eyes of children, parents and school administration, greater satisfaction with their work, and a more creative approach to it.

For parents, the result of interaction is best knowledge children and school programs, confidence that their opinions and wishes are taken into account during teaching, a sense of their importance in school, strengthening the family and improving communication with children. For children, the result of interaction is best attitude to school, to study, development educational knowledge and skills, successful social position.

It should be noted that the patterns of interpersonal interaction have been the focus of attention of many domestic and foreign psychologists since the 60s of the twentieth century. The results of their research formed the basis for a number of relevant scientific theories.

The problem of patterns and content of interpersonal interaction in domestic psychology(Andreeva G.M., Dontsov A.I., Petrovsky L.A., etc.) is studied primarily within the framework of social interaction, in which behavior and social status each member is conditioned to a perceptible degree by the activities and existence of the other members. At the same time, the interdependence of the parties in the process of interaction in a group can be either symmetrical (equal) or asymmetrical. IN the latter case one side has a stronger influence on the other. In this case, one- and two-way interactions are distinguished (personal interaction in a social group), each of which can cover both all spheres of human activity (total interaction) and only one specific form or sector of activity (local interaction). In independent sectors of interaction, military personnel may not have any influence on each other.

In the considered approach of Russian psychology, organized and unorganized interactions are also distinguished. Interaction is organized if the relations of the parties and their actions have developed into a certain structure of rights, duties, functions and are based on a certain system of values. Disorganized interaction occurs when the attitudes and values ​​of military personnel are in conflict. amorphous state– their rights, responsibilities, functions and social positions are not defined.

The most popular foreign approaches to the problem under consideration are three theories - exchange, symbolic interactionism and psychoanalytic theory.

Exchange theory (J. Homans, P. Blau) considers social behavior how the interaction of people in continuous processes material and immaterial exchange with each other. They can be explained by provisions based on psychological behaviorism. According to its fundamentals, human behavior is subject to the basic rule: the more often social action the individual is rewarded, the more often he strives to perform this action. If a person expects a positive, desired result from interaction with other people, then the contact continues. At the same time, the authors of the theory believe that a social connection (interpersonal interaction) is established and maintained only if it corresponds to personal expediency and the payment for it does not exceed the reward; if mutual agreement and unity of criteria for payment and reward of all participants in social interaction have been achieved. Moreover, if one of the parties is infringed, then it will strive to reconsider these ties and adjust them anew. Otherwise, conditions for conflict are created.

The theory of symbolic interactionism (J. Mead, G. Bloomer) proceeds from the fact that people react not only to the actions of other people, but also to their intentions. It views interaction between people as an ongoing dialogue in which they observe, understand and respond to each other's intentions. Interactionists emphasize that speech is the main factor in human interaction. It has a symbolic nature and any linguistic symbol (word) acts as a private meaning that arose as a result of a single interaction and has a contractual nature. A similar understanding of words, gestures and other symbols facilitates interaction and allows you to correctly interpret each other’s behavior. In this case, people adjust their actions, adapt their own behavior to the actions of others, and strive to see themselves through the eyes of the group.

Psychoanalytic theory (S. Freud) assumes that in the process of interaction between people, their childhood experiences are reproduced and people unwittingly apply the concepts that they have learned in early childhood. The author of the theory believed that people form social groups and remain in them partly because they feel a sense of devotion and obedience to the leaders of the group, unwittingly identifying them with powerful individuals who were personified by their parents in childhood. In such situations, people seem to return to more early stage of its development. And if their interaction is initially disorganized and they do not have a clear plan of action, then this helps to strengthen the power of the group leader.

The considered psychological foundations of the formation of a team as a result of the establishment of interpersonal contacts between its members and subsequent interpersonal interaction create the necessary conditions for its study as a directly socio-psychological phenomenon. However, given the area of ​​interest to us, our main attention will continue to be focused on its psychological aspect.