Biographies Characteristics Analysis

How to develop human superpowers. The amazing is near, no matter how incredible it may be

Clairvoyance is the ability to read information through visual images. Few are given this ability from birth, but it can be developed with the help of certain techniques and willpower.

Before developing the ability to clairvoyance, you need to learn how to receive information with the help of intuition. When the intuitive channel is sufficiently developed, you can begin to develop clairvoyance.

Good developed intuition sharpens extrasensory perception and opens the ability to clairvoyance.

Distinguish between direct and indirect intuition.

What is direct intuition?

Direct intuition is understood as ordinary intuition - our inner adviser, inner voice which we do not always take seriously.

How to develop intuition?

To do this, you need to sit comfortably in a quiet room, concentrate on the process of breathing and try to relax completely.

Then you need to remember the problem or situation that needs to be solved. Concentrate on it for a few minutes.

Aloud or mentally ask a question what this event (problem) will lead to in the near future. Then stop internal dialogue and wait a while. The answer may come suddenly in the form of a vivid image, thought, or inner conviction.

Perhaps not everything will work out the first time, but with practice, the answers will come faster and faster.

The more often you turn to intuition, the more you listen to its advice, the brighter and stronger it will become.

How to work with indirect intuition?

Indirect intuition is the ability of the brain to mark the key moments of events, analyze and capture mental symbols, and, based on them, assume further development situations.

An exercise for developing indirect intuition

You need to take paper and a pen (felt-tip pen). Ask a question: for example, “What do I need in my life right now?” The question should be repeated three times, each time imagining that the answer is getting closer and closer.

Then take a pen and draw on paper the first character that comes to mind.

Now you need to interpret the symbol and understand what it has to do with the situation?

Intuition can speak through dreams!

Human sleep has several phases that change each other. REM sleep occurs every 90 minutes. It is during this period that we can see vivid dreams and images through which our subconscious speaks to us. To get answers to questions in a dream, you can practice the following exercise:

In the evening, paper and a pen should be placed on the bedside table. Falling asleep, think about your question or problem, the solution of which needs to be found. It is necessary to think only about this, without being distracted by other thoughts, until sleep comes.

In the morning, immediately after waking up, you should write down the dream. Perhaps the dream will not be remembered immediately. Not scary. It can happen suddenly, during the day.

You can repeat this exercise every evening until the necessary information appears in a dream to solve the problem.

Many psychics claim that the biggest obstacle to activating clairvoyant ability is fear.

People are afraid to know what awaits them!

It is important to find the source of this fear, to understand what blocks the ability to clairvoyance. Perhaps this is some kind of fear from childhood or psychological trauma, which led to the denial of their capabilities.

Then you need to get rid of fear, for this, along with more strong methods getting rid of fear is recommended to pronounce the phrase: "I let go of my fear of the future."

What does visualization give for the development of clairvoyance?

In order to receive answers through the channel of clairvoyance, one must learn to see vivid images on one's psychic screen.

To develop visualization, the following exercise is suitable:

You need to imagine in your hand seven ribbons from balloons, moreover, all balloons are of different colors.

Then imagine that as one red ball (for example), breaks out and rises to the sky.

You need to try to see this picture as clearly and brightly as possible, follow the ball until it turns into a small red dot and disappears from view.

So you need to mentally release all the balls in turn, keeping the clearest picture of how each ball is removed.

How to activate the third eye?

After the question is formulated, you need to concentrate on the area between the eyebrows. This point is also known as the Ajna chakra or "third eye". It is she who is responsible for the ability to clairvoyance.

Focusing on the area of ​​the third eye, with your eyes closed, you need to take a few deep breaths and exhalations. So they continue to breathe until an oval figure appears in front of the inner eye - the outlines of the third eye.

When the image is bright enough, you need to mentally ask the third eye to open. Such a request is repeated until the chakra opens (when opening, you can feel how a wave of warm pleasant energy spreads through the body).

How to work with visual images?

Developing the ability to clairvoyance, you do not need to invent and think out anything on your own. The images should come by themselves. If the picture is not clear, mentally you need to order it to become larger and brighter.

Usually visions are placed within the outline of the third eye. Sometimes they are bigger and more like a movie being shown in your head. Images can be color or black and white, real or comic book-like.

If the vision is difficult to decipher, you should mentally ask the question: “What does this mean?” The answer will be intuitive. It can be a sudden thought, sensation, or sound.

Not always the first experiments immediately give results. Do not despair. As experience shows - the more practice, the better the result.

Some practitioners develop clairvoyance to such an extent that they can get answers to any questions just by closing their eyes.

Many, when they talk about superpowers, often think only about clairvoyance, but you can read information and predict the future in other ways.


clairvoyance The ability to know about something without knowing how you know it. For example, if you first know about some event, and later you are told that it happened, then this is claircognizance.

For the development of clairvoyance, you can use the same techniques as for the development of intuition. With practice, you need to force the brain to be an observer and not allow it to control the information received.

Clairaudience- receiving information through the organs of hearing.

To develop clairaudience, you need to increase your sensitivity to various sounds. To do this, you can try to hear sounds that were not perceived before. To develop this form of clairvoyance, you need to learn to distinguish between the most indistinct and quiet sounds. So over time, you can learn to hear the quietest sounds at a great distance, and later hear people's thoughts!

Clairsentience- reading energies and vibrations from objects or space. Empathy is an example of clairsentience.

People tend to improve, and this applies not only to mental, physical and creative data, but also to such hidden abilities as superpowers. There are a lot of people around us who have them, and as proof of this there is great amount examples, even in the Guinness Book of Records.

Many people think about whether it is possible to develop superpowers on their own? It is absolutely possible, you just need to program your brain to certain work.
There is an exercise to develop superpowers in yourself, these unusual and unexplored abilities called "Internal Clock". This exercise can develop a person's ability to wake up in certain time without any additional tools. The essence of the exercise is self-hypnosis, which is based on setting yourself up for a new beautiful day, saturated with mass positive emotions.
First you need to pick up the alarm clock and lie down on the bed, completely relaxing your body. Next, you need to touch your finger to the alarm clock on the present time figure. The next step is to rotate your finger on the alarm until the finger is on the digit of the time you want to wake up. An important point the entire exercise is a representation of the minute of awakening. You should see yourself happy, rested and fulfilled. good mood.

As practice shows, doing this exercise for five days leads to complete control over sleep, after which you can forget about the unpleasant sound of the alarm clock and wake up on your own, thanks to internal clock. Ideally, you should repeat the exercise until you fully master the ability to control your body and mind.

It is important to engage in the development of superpowers on your own, without the involvement of "teachers". Such specialists, as a rule, do not have any abilities and knowledge, they just want to get rich at the expense of gullible people.

Before engaging in self-development, you need to think carefully and be completely convinced that you really crave to become the owner of superpowers. After all, living with this is not easy and you need to be prepared for the fact that this is for life. Such changes in the mind, body and soul can lead to an unexpected reaction of the psyche and cause a loss of calmness, balance and spiritual harmony.

Of course, it is possible to discern unusual abilities on your own, without the use of special techniques and the influence of certain factors. It would be just amazing, because you would not have to spend a lot of time developing them for yourself.

A person is capable of much of what seems to most beyond. It's just that few people know how to use their superpowers.

It should also be noted that the person supernatural abilities do not fall on your head from nowhere - they need to be developed regularly and painstaking work. Often a person's superpowers are simply suppressed in early childhood.

The amazing is near, no matter how incredible it may be

Increasingly in the means mass media there are people with superpowers. They surprise everyone with their ability to do things that an ordinary average person cannot. These are the amazing superpowers of people, the list of which includes such supernatural qualities:

  • like the regeneration of the flesh in a few minutes
  • weather control
  • erasing a person's memory

Absolutely incredible superhuman abilities do not fit in my head! This, for example, chronokinesis- time travel telekinesis- instantaneous movement in space, the ability to reproduce light from nothing, which can blind a person, cause him unbearable pain, or, conversely, cure incurable ailments.

List super abilities man is great. But the main ones can be presented for discussion.

The simplest exercises for clairvoyance

Of course, not all supernatural abilities can be discovered in oneself without having a God-given gift. But developing clairvoyant abilities can be a very real task.

For example, rarely will anyone refuse such a skill as clairvoyance. It turns out that the seemingly incredible superpowers of a person to predict the future can and should be developed with special exercises.

Dream Diary

To begin developing the ability to anticipate what should happen, you need ... with keeping a diary! The page of the notebook is divided in half, on one half of the sheet they write down the dream they have seen, on the other, the bright events of this day should be briefly noted. Be sure to put the date.

Unfortunately, people often do not remember their dreams. This is because after waking up, other thoughts come to mind, which displace night images. Therefore, the diary should lie in such a way that it immediately catches the eye. And the recording should be made immediately, lying in bed, briefly rewriting some vivid images and impressions.

Later, after a few months, it is worth re-reading the notes in order to draw certain conclusions for yourself. Surely, in dreams there were recurring images that in reality corresponded to some events. The development of any person's superpower for clairvoyance - foreseeing the future - lies in the ability to project certain impulses sent from outside onto real matter - life.


The second exercise that develops a person's super abilities is daily meditation in combination with. At first glance, it may seem that there is nothing easier than to relax the body and rid the mind of thoughts. But in fact, this is a rather difficult exercise.

People who start to practice this simply cannot immediately learn to put their brains into “silence”. Somewhere in the background, in the subconscious, thoughts will still arise from time to time: “Am I doing everything right? Am I already doing it?” or “How long, I wonder, can I go without thinking?”

To learn how to meditate faster and more fully, you can imagine yourself lying on the seashore. You can mentally observe the wave running on the shore and ebbing. The syllable “om” or “a” should be sung to the beat of the waves, visualizing how this sound fills the head and “washes away” all thoughts.

If this exercise does not immediately begin to work out - do not despair! Gradually, a person who has set a goal for himself will learn to “turn off” the subconscious itself. And then, “against a clean background”, he may suddenly have absolutely abstract “pictures” or images, thoughts that are incomprehensible at first. These images, thoughts and pictures should also be recorded in a diary similar to the first "Dreams", but called "images during meditation."

Exercises for developing the skill of "seeing through"

Interesting people with such super powers as the ability to "see through" - this is only one of the sides of clairvoyance. That is, they easily guess the suit with the shirt turned upside down on the top of the card, the number of pencils in the box, the color of the pencil shown behind his back or by touch.

And these superhuman abilities can be developed. Actually, almost everyone knows the exercises for this - we all played games such as “stone, scissors, paper” in childhood, guessed which hand this or that object was hidden in. But, becoming older, people refuse these "silly children's" games - there are also more serious problems.

Meanwhile, it is precisely by continuing to practice guessing the card suit, determining the color of the pencil by touch and writing on reverse side sheet of numbers, who set himself a goal, develops incredible abilities to “see through”.

Exercises to develop the ability to listen to your inner voice

In scientific language, these guessings are called beautiful word"intuition". And these are not superpowers, because every homo sapiens has intuition. But over the years, people get so used to suppressing their inner voice within themselves with the help of reasoning, reflection, analysis, that for some these abilities fade, without even having time to develop properly.

With the super abilities of a person, you should work hard. The development of superpowers directly depends on data at birth, multiplied by daily activities. But you must first determine which paths the conscious and subconscious mind prefers to use.

The exercise lies in the fact that, having relaxed, the individual begins to think about the first idea that comes to mind. At this point, it’s worth asking yourself a few questions: “Do I see my idea and the way to implement it? Maybe I hear this idea? Or do I feel it, feel it? And, perhaps, at this moment several paths of consciousness are working at once?

This exercise should be done several times, 4 or 5, in order to draw accurate conclusions about exactly how the mind processes data and how the brain receives information after processing it. Each time it is worth drawing conclusions: the answer to the question came in the same way or in a different way.

Then you should determine your level of capabilities of the forces of the mind in each of the four areas: sensory, auditory, visual or analytical. To do this, you need to take a pencil and paper in your hands and mentally ask yourself the question: “How great is my visual thinking ability on a scale from 0 to 100?” The first number that comes to mind should be written down on a piece of paper.

The same is done to determine the level of auditory abilities to receive information, then the question is asked, what are the abilities to feel and feel the way to solve the problem. Finally, find the level analytical skills, that is, the interactions of all three types knowledge.

Training helps develop intuition and clairvoyance

Development unique superpowers a person to understand the impulses of his own intuition lies in daily training. Gradually, a person will develop the skill of a new attitude: he will have the ability to see or hear, feel or understand the voice of his own intuition at the time of making a serious decision. almost everyone can do it, but not everyone has the patience and perseverance to do daily exercises. And the secret lies precisely in regular and long-term training.

The development of the superpowers of an individual person should be based on individual characteristics personality. Therefore, it is precisely those super abilities that should be developed, the rudiments of which are genetically incorporated in the individual. It is ridiculous to try to develop such supernatural skills as levitation or teleportation, without having absolutely no predispositions of super abilities for this. But

Each person comes into this world with already existing creative, intellectual, physical and other abilities. What is given to him at birth can be subjected to changes, developed. However, there is also something higher. This article will help you understand how to develop superpowers and manage reality.

Superpowers are skills and qualities that only certain people possess. These traditionally include:

  • Telepathy - reading thoughts;
  • Clairvoyance - vision of the future, present, past individual people and even civilizations, their mental, physical condition, energy lesions in the form of "curses", "damage", "evil eye";
  • Clairaudience - the ability to hear sounds at a fairly considerable distance;
  • Far-sightedness - vision of what is happening at a great distance, for example, on a space or submarine ship, in a remote corner of the planet, etc.;
  • Levitation - a decrease in the weight of one's body, certain objects, the inclusion of antigravity forces with the creation of the effect of hovering in the air;
  • Teleportation - disappearance in one place and appearance in another, in other words, instantaneous movement;
  • Telekinesis - movement of objects with a glance, the power of thought.

The list of superpowers can be continued. Traditionally, they are considered to be some kind of special gift. However, in modern world there is an opportunity to develop superpowers with further management reality:

There is a large number of rules, techniques that help awaken the mysterious inner resources of a person. But the most important thing, without which such an awakening will not take place, is an unquestioning faith in own forces. With a skeptical attitude, a feeling of uncertainty, it is better not to get down to business:

  • So, the first and most important thing is a sincere and unconditional belief in the existence of superpowers and, of course, in the presence of it in oneself. Recall if you ever had internal "hints". For example, thanks to your inner instinct, you avoided an accident. If this has happened to you, then you can count on success;
  • Understanding that the developed superpower should be directed only in a positive direction. In the movie based on the novel by S. King "Carrie", the girl developed the ability to telekinesis in order to take revenge on the offenders. So this way is destructive. What is given from above should be used only for good;
  • Everyday study, analysis, comparison of information on the topic you need. This helps to delve into the learning process, to find the best trainings for you personally;
  • Constant training, application and honing of acquired skills in all areas of life. So, while learning telepathy, train both on people you know, and try to “read” the thoughts of strangers;
  • Fixing the results in a special diary, which allows you to see your own achievements. Specific examples will give you self-confidence.

The development of any superpower will require quite a lot of time and effort from you. Continuous improvement, practice, "polishing" of skills will lead you to the cherished goal:

Each specific superpower requires special development with the help of certain exercises. Consider, as an example, the practice of developing clairvoyance. The training system is not so complicated, but it takes a lot of time. After all, it will be necessary for you, developing the ability to clairvoyance, to activate parts of the brain that are not used in everyday life. It is known that in ancient times people used this ability without thinking. In India, even now there are ancient mantras that develop clairvoyance. This practice is common in temples where the secret arts are comprehended:

Paranormal researchers have put together a series of workouts aimed at developing internal forces. You shouldn't overexert your brain. At first, practices should take place 1-2 times in 7 days, then increasing to four. Let's consider some of them.


This is where every workout starts. It's easiest to focus on a point:

  • Draw a black dot on a sheet of white paper;
  • It is placed at eye level at arm's length;
  • Look exclusively at the point;
  • Don't blink because it breaks concentration.

This practice is carried out for 10-15 minutes. Gradually you will learn to relax the eyeballs. When doing the exercise, it is also important to clear the mind of extra thoughts. Think only of the black dot. After improving concentration, you can take more complex objects in the form of an apple, cup, pencil. Complete concentration involves such an inclusion in the subject when you can see its reverse side.

"Hidden Items"

The simplest is the envelope exercise:

  • A stranger prepares several thick envelopes with various images and figurines;
  • Having concentrated, start working with them, trying, without opening the envelopes, to tell about the object located.

It is believed that each color has its own temperature and a special glow.

"Working with photos"

This training is that, looking at the photographs strangers that gave you friends something that knows about them. Try to guess who is in front of you, where he is and so on. For this you need:

  • Focus on the image using the "black dot" method;
  • Allow the information flow to move freely in the mind.

This exercise requires perseverance. You may not succeed for 10-15 times. Continue your workout diligently. After all, the development of any abilities is not an easy task. When you decide to develop any superpower in yourself, remember that it will make a significant difference in your life and will not give you the opportunity to turn back.

Many people would like to have these or other superpowers. For example, the ability to predict the future or heal people. Someone wants to be able to influence the life events that happen to him and to other people by the power of thought. If you are a Seeker of knowledge, how to develop superpowers in yourself, remember: these skills do not just come if they are not given to you from birth. You will need time and perseverance to discover in yourself some of these amazing superpowers. But it’s not enough just to discover them in yourself - in order to use them for good, you will definitely need to learn how to consciously manage them.

The first step in the development of superpowers

Those who decide to pursue the development of superpowers often do not know where to start. After all, now there are many schools and teachers who promise to help with this. But few of them can really teach you, because there are a lot of charlatans divorced. Know on initial stage you can quite manage on your own. Just believe in your strength, because anyone can develop superpowers! If you are ready for daily workouts, then you will succeed.

The most important thing you will have to learn is the ability to right time enter an altered state of consciousness - a trance. It is in a trance that all healers and magicians work. There are many ways to enter this state, they are quite simple to master. For example, you can use Jose Silva method from his book Getting Help from the Other Side. Studying it, you can literally within a month learn how to enter a trance and gain contact with your higher self. It is truly powerful best teacher which can only be found. It will help you and guide you on your path.

Remember that if you want to actually develop superpowers in yourself, and not just know a lot about the world of magic, the most important thing is more practice trance states and work in them. It is not worth going deep into theory. Moreover, in almost every magical school there will be an explanation why and how their methods work. True, this explanation will be different every time.

Exercises that develop superpowers

After you have some experience of being in a trance, you need to start developing your intuition. It works for almost everyone, but we very rarely listen to it. It is very easy to develop it, no special techniques not required. Just get used to every day difficult situations listen to her. You can train on the simplest situations. For example, when the phone rings, ask yourself who it is and try to guess. Each time your intuition will sharpen, and little by little it will grow into the ability to foresee events.

And now you can try to learn to feel things at a distance. Just look at that other thing and try to feel its taste, smell, color, mass - perceiving the thing as a whole and in separate parts. This workout can be done anytime, anywhere, even when you're on the bus or just walking down the road.

Necessarily learn to control your emotional condition , without this it is impossible to develop superpowers in oneself. If you cannot contain your anger, be your own master, then you will not be able to control the new acquired abilities.

Can't do without ability to concentrate. This can be learned by meditating on the flame of a candle. Light a candle and focus all your attention on it. Discard all extraneous thoughts, try to turn off the inner mental dialogue. Does not work? Just start again over and over again when this or that extraneous thought crept into your head.

When you master these simple exercises, you will feel that you can already do a lot of things that are beyond your power ordinary people. And those around you will be amazed at your abilities.