Biographies Characteristics Analysis

What can you do on the first lunar day? Dreams and omens

1 day lunar calendar differs from other days by its short duration. It may only last a few hours. It begins with the moment of the new moon (the time when the Moon is not visible and is between the Earth and the Sun) and ends with the rising of the Moon.

Affairs. It is not recommended to start new businesses and projects on the 1st day of the lunar calendar. During this period it is difficult to accept rational decisions, because it is difficult to concentrate and perceive new information. The day is favorable for routine matters and solving current problems.

Job. Today it is advisable to work independently. The day is not favorable for any communication, so working in a team can bring negative result. It is also not recommended to discuss important matters with management.

Housework. There's no point in starting big changes at home. You can clean out your closet and get rid of unnecessary things. This will free up physical and energetic space in the home. It is undesirable to undertake renovations, since any radical changes can disrupt home harmony.

Money. On this day it is not advisable to carry out any transactions with money. Everything that was spent in 1 lunar day, risks never paying off. Therefore, you should not make large purchases, borrow or lend, or take out a loan.

Love, relationships. It is advisable not to sort things out and not plan for this day important events- meeting parents, wedding. Since this period is not favorable for communication, all endeavors may be unsuccessful. You can limit yourself to a date alone, without visiting crowded places. Proximity on the 1st lunar day can lead to a hormonal surge and prevent the body from smoothly entering a new phase of the lunar calendar.

Communication. You should not make new acquaintances or plan meetings with friends on the first day of the lunar month. If you cannot completely eliminate social contacts, it is better to limit communication with close friends and family.

Trips. The day is favorable for travel and business trips. But it’s better to plan your trips in advance and make them together with good friends or on your own.

Haircut and hair care. On day 1 of the lunar calendar, cutting your hair is highly undesirable. When painting, it is recommended to use natural paints. You should not leave your hair loose on this day. It is better to collect them in a ponytail or braid them. Hair is weakened during this period, so it is useful to take care of its health: make a mask, start a course of vitamin therapy.

Beauty and health. 1 lunar day is not a suitable period for nail care and cosmetic surgery. Manicure, pedicure, depilation and skin cleansing are best postponed until later. favorable time. The body is weakened on these lunar days, so it is advisable to avoid physical and emotional overload. It is not recommended to load yourself with heavy foods: fatty, fried foods, flour products. You should not drink alcohol.

1st lunar day. Time to build a model of your future well-being

The first lunar day is one of the most powerful in the lunar month. This is the time for laying down information that will later bear material fruit. Despite the short duration - sometimes the day lasts only a few hours, it contains colossal power, which manifests itself more clearly the shorter the day. This force is like a tightly twisted spiral. If you put information into it, then, when it unfolds, the spiral will manifest it on the physical plane in the form of specific events. That is, everything planned on the first lunar day comes true - quickly and with minimal effort on your part. Its energy makes it possible to realize the wildest plans and dreams. Therefore, it is reasonable to devote this day to building a mental (or energetic, because thoughts are nothing more than energy) model of your future, as you want to see it. Try to make the most of this day, don’t waste it. It gives you a real chance to get money literally “on a silver platter”!

How to build a model of the monetary future

We will create a model of the future by constructing a mental image, or visualization. Exactly mental image Your monetary desire today will lay a solid foundation for wealth. Not a word, but an image, a picture! Visualization works no matter what lunar day it is used on, but it is especially effective today, when our thoughts have special power. By drawing “pictures” in our imagination, we thereby create an energetic image of the desired event. And if you do this for a long time and persistently, the “picture” is saturated with our psychic energy and, in the end, comes to life, that is, it manifests itself on the physical plane. There is nothing surprising or supernatural about this. After all, thoughts are nothing more than clots of energy. And if we didn’t “spread our thoughts over the tree,” but were able to concentrate on one thing, all our desires would come true, and quite quickly. The practice of visualization requires persistence and a fair amount of patience. But the first lunar day is magical! If you don't miss the few hours it is limited to and have a quality visualization session, that will be enough - until the next first lunar day, of course. How to do this is described below. In the meantime, I want to warn you that the first lunar day falls on the new moon, when we are energetically weakened due to gravitational disturbances and usually feel not the best in the best possible way. Painful thoughts and premonitions, fear, anxiety, restlessness for no apparent reason - this is an incomplete list of “side effects” of fluctuations in gravity. These sensations indicate that the psyche is being spontaneously cleansed: all the “dirt” that has accumulated in the subconscious strives to come out. Therefore, before visualization, you should do exercises to unload the mental space. Otherwise, negative thoughts will not allow you to concentrate and build a mental image.

How to remove interference

To calm your mind, do one of the exercises below. For those in whose mental space there are no disturbances today, these exercises are not necessary. The flame “burns” fears and obsessions. Fears and obsessions burn out when we focus on the fire. It will be wonderful if today you sit for half an hour by the fire or fireplace, looking at the flames. If this is not possible, use a candle. Light it and place it in front of you so that an accidental draft does not extinguish it. Turn off the lights and close the curtains, sit on your knees or cross-legged at a distance of about a meter from the candle. Focus your gaze on the top of the flame and think only about it. If extraneous thoughts come up, mentally throw them onto the flame - let them burn. The exercise time ranges from 20 to 40 minutes.

Breathing meditation, which is especially useful on the first lunar day

Lie down and relax. Observe your breathing: notice to yourself how the air enters through the nose, passes through the larynx, fills the lungs, expanding the chest, and then exits the same way. In a word, you simply concentrate on a process that you usually don’t notice. Take a calm, deep breath and exhale completely, and then hold your breath. While holding your breath, observe your body. You will find that your chest continues to rise and fall slightly even though you are not breathing. Observe this process and listen to your feelings: you feel good, and you don’t feel like breathing at all. Holding your breath should continue as long as it feels good to you, that is, no more than 15–30 seconds. During this time, the chest will rise and fall 2-3 times. Take several slow breaths in and out without pausing to balance your breathing. Repeat the exercise again. It is very effective, so you need to perform it no more than three times. A person thinks only when he breathes. If we stop breathing, the train of thought stops. It is on this principle that the effect of this exercise is based.

Relaxation – important condition successful visualization

Visualization is carried out in a state of relaxation. Why is this necessary? So that the “pictures” are imprinted in the deep layers of the psyche, and this is easiest to achieve in a relaxed state. If you don’t have time, you can move on to visualization, bypassing the relaxation phase, but be sure to relieve yourself of excess tension and discard extraneous thoughts. If you have time, neglect complete relaxation not worth it. Choose any of the techniques below.

Relaxation using the blue glow method

Take a comfortable position. It is better to close your eyes so as not to be distracted by the outside world. Breathe with your stomach, slightly deeper than usual. Imagine that you have a ball in your stomach that inflates when you inhale, and deflates when you exhale. While you continue to breathe in this manner, begin to slowly count in your mind. reverse order– from ten to one, tracking your feelings:

10...Imagine a blue glow above your head. It penetrates into the body through the crown, relieves tension in the upper part of the head and forehead, cleanses, frees the head from thoughts. You feel how this glow pushes out everything unnecessary, tense, and negative from you, leaving you with pleasant relaxation.
9...Imagine the glow blue color envelops the eyes, relaxes them. Then it drops lower, relaxes the muscles of the face, lips, and jaw. You take a deep breath, exhale slowly and relax even more.
8... The glow goes lower, relaxes the neck and shoulders. You feel the tension leaving your muscles. The warm blue-white glow is soothing, and you fall deeper and deeper into a state of relaxation.
7... A relaxing glow penetrates your hands. Feel how they relax: elbows, wrists, hands. The palms are filled with a pleasant heaviness. You feel warmth and a slight tingling sensation in your fingers. Feel how the blue glow pushes tension out of your body, and it flows through your fingers, leaving you pleasantly relaxed.
6... Your body is increasingly filled with a blue glow, now it rises again to the shoulders and neck and creates a feeling of soft pressure massaging the neck and shoulders. The glow penetrates inside the chest, and you feel how the lungs, heart, and entire chest relax.
5... A relaxing glow descends even lower through the body, enveloping the stomach, liver, intestines, and abdominal organs.
4. Imagine how the blue glow fills the thighs, passes through the kidneys, genitals, relaxing them and filling them with warmth. The feeling of relaxation spreads through the thighs, lower and lower, pushing out everything unnecessary, negative, and tense from the body.
3. The relaxing glow moves into the knees. You sink deeper and deeper into a state of peace and complete relaxation.
2. Now your calves, ankles, feet are also filled with a blue glow and are completely relaxed. You feel how the remaining tension leaves the body through the feet. The toes and feet feel warm and slightly tingling. You sink deeper and deeper into a state of peace and relaxation.
1. You are completely immersed in a blue glow. You are completely relaxed.

Relaxation using the yoga method “shavasana”

Lie on your back, place your arms along your body, place your feet approximately palm-width apart, and close your eyes. It is difficult to relax all the muscles of the body at once; work with them one by one, moving from bottom to top and repeating relaxation formulas to yourself three times each. Try not to think about anything other than the pleasant feeling of bliss and relaxation.

My focus is on the left leg. All muscles from ankle to thigh soften and relax. My left leg is completely relaxed.
My attention is on the right leg. All muscles from ankle to thigh soften and relax. My right leg is completely relaxed.
My focus is on the left hand. The entire arm from shoulder to fingertips is relaxed. My left hand is completely relaxed.
My attention is on the right hand. All muscles from the shoulder to the fingertips are relaxed. My right hand completely relaxed.
My attention is on the back. All back muscles are completely relaxed.
My attention is on my stomach. My stomach is completely relaxed.
My focus is on my shoulders. My shoulders are relaxed.
My focus is on the neck. All neck muscles are completely relaxed.
My focus is on the face. The forehead is smooth, like the surface of a mirror pond. Cheeks, lips, tongue are relaxed. All facial muscles are completely relaxed.

A sign of complete muscle relaxation there will be a feeling of weightlessness of the body, as if you are floating in the air. Stay in this state for a few minutes, and then, without changing your posture or opening your eyes, remaining in a state of relaxation, begin to create an image of your dreams in your mind.

Ways to Instantly Relax

If you are limited in time, or the first lunar day finds you at work or in another place where there is no opportunity to lie down, use quick relaxation methods.

Sit in a comfortable position, straighten your back, place your hands on your knees, close your eyes, breathe slowly. As you inhale, imagine that they are pouring into you vitality, and as you exhale, tension comes out of you in the form of dark smoke. Drive away all extraneous thoughts, focus only on breathing. Do 5-7 such breathing cycles.

Take a comfortable position and imagine that your body is made of concrete or filled with lead and has become so heavy that you are unable to move your arm or leg. If there is anything blue nearby, look at this item: Blue colour promotes relaxation.

Sit in a comfortable position and concentrate your attention on your body. There is no need to try to feel warmth, lightness, heaviness, etc., there is no need to imagine anything. Just sit and listen to your body, feel what really is. When we focus on the body and feel the tense muscles with our attention, they relax on their own.

Visualization! Imagine your dream in every detail

Draw a mental “picture” directly in front of you - in the space opposite the center of the forehead - that’s where energy center, called the “third eye,” responsible for creating the future. Imagine your wish as already fulfilled. There is no need to organize the entire process of making your dream come true in your head. This will almost certainly create doubts about the feasibility of your desire, which will confuse you and ruin everything. The wish has already come true, and your task is to draw the end result, that is, yourself with money or surrounded by things that you would like to have. I draw your attention: it is imperative to include yourself in the “picture”; you must connect yourself with your dream. If the objects of your aspirations are located separately from you, then they will come not to you, but to someone else. But dream about what is actually achievable, because you are not playing in a fairy tale, but creating your future. If you imagine something that is obviously unattainable, you will be tormented by doubts, and they will distort the effect of visualization. Try to keep the “pictures” bright, clear and vibrant. If you can't build clear images, don't be discouraged. After all, the true purpose of visualization is not the “pictures” themselves, as many mistakenly believe, but the emotional uplift they cause. “Pictures” are nothing more than a shell, a form that needs to be filled with content - emotions; they are needed only to help you “get fired up” by your dream, to be imbued with it, to believe in it. Therefore, image quality is of secondary importance. Any, even schematic, abstract “picture” will be “correct”. It is important that it is imbued with the joyful feeling that your wish has come true. Events are created not by mental images and words, but emotional states who follow them.

Express visualization

For those who don’t have time - the day is short after all - I recommend doing express visualization. In a few seconds, imagine:

A large banknote. You take it in your hands, and suddenly, in some mysterious, magical way, it begins to multiply - it turns into two, three, ten, one hundred bills. And now you have a whole suitcase of money in front of you. And the bills keep multiplying, and already fill two suitcases, three, ten, thirty, a hundred;

Myself in Ali Baba's cave. There's gold all around gems, chests with gold coins. Everything shines, sparkles, and it’s all yours! And you can always come to this cave and take as much money and jewelry as you can carry;

Money rain: you are sitting or standing, and bills with a slight rustle fall from above and lie on the floor. And now they have already covered the entire space around you. Everywhere you look, you see money. The rain of money gets stronger and stronger, and now you are literally swimming in money. Experience the joy of feeling what surrounds you great amount money, and all of it is yours!

We send an order to the “space kitchen”

Enclose the image of the fulfilled desire in a shining blue oval to affirm your intention (it’s the same as saying “so be it” or “amen”) - and mentally send it upward. Let the desire fly like balloon, to the “cosmic kitchen”. For a dream to come true, you must let it go, push it away, send it “in free flight.”

So, on the first lunar day, we are given the opportunity to build a phantom of our future, which, if imbued with appropriate emotions, will continue to live independently - the necessary events will begin to attract themselves. Since this day is the most important in the lunar month from the point of view of fulfillment of desires, make your wishes globally, on a large scale, and do not waste your time on trifles. You will be frivolous the rest of the days. And today, wish for something that will qualitatively transform your life, something that you passionately dream about. Those who have little idea of ​​what they want, let them hold lapis lazuli, tourmaline or beryl in their right hand during visualization - these stones will turn on a happy occasion for your desires.

By observing all the commandments of fasting. One of the most powerful days in the lunar month is considered to be 1 lunar day. This is due to the fact that it represents the time when information should be laid down that will bear fruit in the future. Even though the duration of a given day small, it concentrates within itself enormous power and potential that can be used for the benefit of man. The main thing is to use the first lunar day correctly, understand what its advantages are and how to apply them in life.

Characteristics of 1 lunar day

The characteristics of 1 lunar day are based on the fact that this period of time is the basis of the entire future monthly cycle. It is worth paying attention to following features these days:

  • symbol: lamp or lamp;
  • stones: diamond or rock crystal;
  • meditative actions: on a candle;
  • parts of the body: face and brain;
  • energy: active;
  • Guardian angel: Vadal is the messenger of victories and good luck.

The description that 1 lunar day has requires their perception as the foundation of the entire subsequent monthly cycle. This time should be devoted to planning for the future.

During the period of 1 lunar day, the emphasis of the next month should be placed. At the same time, the wording “what if...” should fade into the background. You should think about the future as if it will happen.

The features and properties of the 1st lunar day indicate that no decisive action should be taken at this time. Experts also do not recommend starting something new. It is best to perceive this period like a vegetable garden. It is necessary to sow grain in it, but not to care for it - do not water or fertilize it. Everything should happen as usual.

Lunar relationships

The first lunar day is a time of planning, which is why experts do not recommend getting married during this period. It is best to think carefully about this most important event in a person’s life. You should weigh all the pros and cons in order to ultimately make the decision that will be as correct and correct as possible. Only in this case will it be possible to find family happiness in the future. The main thing is to understand whether marriage is a whim, behind which there are no true feelings between spouses. The first lunar day is good for figuring out the possibility of living together. People are not always suitable for each other, so this aspect of their lives must be checked.

Family life is not only about romance and happy time together. The rigors of everyday life after marriage can turn couples into two people who long for some alone time. Therefore, on the first lunar day you should plan later life, having thought through what we have in common, how we can fill the day and how not to start annoying each other.

There is nothing wrong with planning, as it allows you to avoid many quarrels in the future, which result in divorce. The more thoughtful details there are in life, the stronger and more reliable the union of two people in love will eventually become.

If the application is already in the registry office, it is worth taking care of it on the first lunar day. This applies to the celebration, its location, invited guests, decorations, festive clothes, etc.

Sex on this day is undesirable. This is due to the fact that the body is engaged in self-correction during this period. Any interference harms and interferes with this process, which ultimately leads to errors in the human biocomputer.

In addition, sex on the first lunar day leads to the occurrence of diseases of the genital area. This in turn can lead to rapid aging, which many Eastern practitioners agree with. It is believed that the beginning of the lunar calendar is a time for love, not for making love. During this period, you can share erotic fantasies, fears and doubts. Such dialogues can diversify future life and increase the level of trust in each other. For spouses, such changes play a role important role, as they help strengthen their connection. This may ultimately affect the unborn child as well.

Conceiving a child

The process on the first lunar day is considered successful, since the unborn child in this case will be protected by Heaven. This concerns primarily its physiological state, development in the womb and comfort throughout the entire pregnancy.

People born on the first lunar day are distinguished by the fact that they have good strength will, which ensures a long and lasting life. If a boy was destined to appear in this world during a given period of the lunar calendar, he would have the prerequisites to become a priest. It is worth understanding that the path to this profession is difficult, both emotionally and physically. Every person should prepare for it in advance and for a long time -

Work on this lunar day

1 lunar day is not suitable for working. Therefore, all important matters should be postponed for the future at this time. This applies to signing contracts, meetings with partners, concluding agreements and terminating cooperation.

On the 1st lunar day, bosses should set the company's priorities and clearly distribute all responsibilities between subordinates. They must understand what goals stand between them. To do this, you can slightly reduce the number of tasks required to be completed by a day.

On the first lunar day, subordinates can reformat their activities and correctly distribute responsibilities. In addition, this period is good for requesting a salary increase from your boss. Most often, this takes some time, so you shouldn’t expect changes right away. But at the same time, in the near future the salary may change upward.

1 lunar day is not suitable for leaving work. This is due to the fact that conflicts need to be avoided at this time. It is best to postpone such changes to a more favorable period. To change jobs, you should consider future plans. The beginning of the month is suitable for this.

Getting a job on the first lunar day is also a bad idea. Experts do not advise doing this due to the lack of energy support from the Moon. New work during this period can be thought out in detail in fantasies. This approach to the future is considered rational and correct.

Health on a lunar day

The first lunar day in terms of health is a very dangerous time when you should be extremely careful. This is due to the fact that the body is completely unprotected during this period. Therefore, he may get sick or injured.

The body is created in such a way that on the first lunar day it adjusts its rhythms to the rhythms of the Cosmos. This ultimately affects not only physiology, but also the psyche. Because of this, experts advise being as calm and relaxed as possible during this period.

Today, it is good to strengthen your health on the first lunar day by walking in the forest or relaxing near a pond. If carried out purposefully active image life, there is a risk of developing urolithiasis or other ailments associated with the human genitourinary system.


1 lunar day is absolutely not suitable for cutting hair. This is due to the fact that their circumcision can shorten their life. At this time, it is best to pay attention to painting. It is allowed to be carried out if natural rather than synthetic dyes are used.

Cutting your hair on the 1st lunar day prevents alignment with the Cosmos. During this period, there is no strength or desire for something new, since the Moon cannot provide a person with the proper level of energy. There is uncertainty and a certain apathy around each person. If you wait out the last one, you can stock up on energy for the next monthly cycle.

If the first lunar day is today, hair cutting should be postponed. At the same time, it is not prohibited to care for them using a variety of masks, essential oils and cosmetics. In addition, a new interesting hairstyle increases self-confidence. It also allows you to relax and unwind, because after changes, relaxation most often occurs.

Hairstyles are typical for the first lunar days, as they allow you to preserve a person’s own energy. This applies not only to all kinds of braids, but also to many other ways to use your own hair.

Characteristics of people born on the 1st lunar day

On the 1st lunar day they receive the additional beneficial influence of the Moon. Therefore, they are always ready for new heights. Because of this, such people are constantly waiting for their finest hour. Most of them want to accomplish some feat, but in the end not everyone manages to do this.

If your birthday falls on the 1st lunar day, you should expect this person constant action and control. However, if a mistake is made, he will not draw a conclusion from the situation. The accumulation of wisdom is not for him.

People born on the 1st lunar day attract wealth. Material goods become a priority for them. Therefore, they do not have any problems supporting their own family.

Dreams on the 1st lunar day

Often, on the 1st lunar day, situations that happen to a person throughout the next month are displayed. But at the same time, it is important to correctly understand all the images, since most of them are sketches that the brain makes up. These images are by no means final, which is why the repetition of events from dreams in life does not always occur.

Dreams on the 1st lunar day, what they mean, are of interest to many people. There is no consensus on this matter, but experts have created a theory according to which any creations of Morpheus are the potential for what can happen. It doesn't always happen this way in life.

Everything that happens in a dream should be perceived as certain reference points, and not final events. Correct interpretation and use of information from dreams is the key to the correctly chosen direction in life.

Ritual of the 1st lunar day

The lunar day ritual has been used by magicians and priests for centuries different cultures. Its essence is to create an astral imprint of the desired event. It will flow into it after a certain amount of time, when events contribute to this. At the same time, what happens in life will not always correspond to what was planned, but most often it will have the essence that was originally laid down.

The peculiarity of the ritual is as follows:

  1. Initially, you need to mentally imagine the event that will occur in the future. In this case, you need to pay attention to all the details of the future. For example, if you want to get a new position, you should imagine how your boss calls you into his office and tells you this news.
  2. You should pay attention to details. In the case of a promotion, they are the smell of the boss’s perfume, the texture of work clothes, the factor of the table in the office, the sensations and feelings of new pleasant news, etc. The more vivid the fantasy, the greater the likelihood that everything will happen.
  3. No less important nuance The thing worth paying attention to is the perception of the future. Fantasy should not be something that can happen, but one that is already happening. It will inspire inner confidence in what is happening.

Such rituals are used today even by those who are not interested in the lunar calendar. This is due to the effectiveness of such future planning. The explanation here is quite simple: after meditation and imagination, a person begins to believe that something will happen to him. This belief ultimately turns into real actions and appropriate behavior that leads to achieving the goal.

An excellent moment for any form of activity. In the morning, it’s better to think about the future, and leave all important matters for the second half of the day. Find time for household chores, pay off debts and improve relationships with friends. Don't get angry and worry less about trifles.

Influence of the Moon March 19, 2019

13th lunar day

On the 13th day of the lunar calendar, you should not start new things. It is worth completing current tasks. It is advisable to not work alone. The chances of success in business increase with teamwork. The day is suitable for any communication, including a serious conversation with your superiors. This is not the best time to change jobs. During this period, any financial transactions are allowed. Housework is not recommended. It is better to refrain from traveling.

Waxing Moon (2nd phase)

The second phase of the Moon is a favorable period for starting new things, making decisions complex issues, conducting business negotiations and concluding transactions. It is advisable to implement the plans before the Moon enters the third phase. This is a good time to meet people, go to new level relationships with a loved one, communication with family. When communicating, you need to control your emotions.

Moon in Virgo

The Moon in Virgo is not the best time for new beginnings. This is a favorable time for performing current routine tasks that require significant concentration. It’s better not to start big things. It is not advisable to lead serious conversation with superiors and change occupation. This is a good period for small monotonous homework. Optimal time for financial transactions. This is an unfavorable time for any communication - it can be unpleasant due to the pickiness and pettiness of the environment. Inappropriate period for travel.


Tuesday is a favorable day for new beginnings, continuation of old things, new job. This is not the right time to perform routine tasks. good time for homework. Not a good day for dating.

The lunar calendar for today helps you find out what lunar day, phase of the Moon, and what zodiac sign the Moon is in. It indicates the time of moonrise and sunset, the degree of its illumination.

He contains general characteristics day. The lunar horoscope for today takes into account the influence of the lunar day, the phase of the Moon, the position of the Moon in relation to the zodiac constellations, and the day of the week. He will tell you what activities are best to do on this day, whether it is worth planning a serious conversation with your boss, sorting out relationships with people, making large purchases, starting to clean or renovate the house, or going on a trip.

Using the Feng Shui forecast for each day, determine which lunar day rules today and read the recommendations.

1 lunar day.

Symbol of the day: lamp.

Key words: birth, thought.

This day differs from others in that it has different lengths in different lunar months. It can be very short, just a few minutes, or it can have the usual length for a lunar day.

But no matter how long the first lunar day is, it cannot be missed.

Correct actions on the first lunar day can significantly affect our future life.

The fact is that at this time the scheme of events for the entire coming month is emerging and it depends only on us what events we will attract into our lives.

By leaving time to plan and dream, we will drop a seed into the ground that will germinate in the next 30 days. Everything planned on the first lunar day tends to be attracted into our lives practically without our participation.

This is the day of push, impulse, when what must grow is born. And the seed from which the harvest will come is precisely our thoughts.

This is the very day that is the fulcrum for the lever with which you can raise Earth. What you can raise depends on your personal energy, purity of thoughts and strength of desire.

It is very good when on the first day of the month the Moon is under the influence of the sign Aries. During such a period, our ability to attract the necessary situations into life and the speed of fulfillment of our desires become simply fantastic.

The most important thing is to try to imagine in great detail everything you dream about, what is important to you, and also clearly set goals and objectives for the upcoming lunar month.

Give this enough time, as the created images and plans must be clear, clear and real.

It will be very useful to write down what you plan to accomplish or receive in the upcoming lunar month on paper. Make it a habit to have a monthly ritual of writing down your plans for the upcoming lunar month in your diary.

However, you need to remember. That any unkind thoughts, making plans for revenge or wishing harm to someone, self-pity or digesting grievances are very undesirable on the first lunar day and can even be dangerous, and not for the one at whom they are directed, but for the owner himself negative thoughts and emotions.

You should not start any important business on this day or be too active. The day does not provide support in business. A large number of Contacts may also prevent you from using the favorable trends of the day to make plans.

It is not advisable to overload your body with heavy and rough food, overload the liver and kidneys, or engage in heavy physical exercise, since after the new moon the body is weakened and requires a more careful attitude towards itself.

If you get sick on this day, the illness will not last long and does not pose a great threat to health and life. But allow yourself to get sick a little, lie down: treat yourself with medications only as a last resort.

As for treatment, for quick relief from ailments it is necessary to work out and eliminate the spiritual causes of their occurrence. Pure thoughts, getting rid of grievances, mental tensions, anger and envy will help you get on the path to recovery. About how our illnesses are related to negative emotions and experiences, you can find a lot of information on the Internet or books. We recommend, for example, reading the books of L. Viilma, V. Sinelnikov.

For those who are planning a child, it makes sense to consider lunar horoscope for conception.

A child conceived on the first lunar day- very lucky. A long and happy life, he will be kept and protected by Heaven. Most often, people on the first lunar day become priests, preachers, and guides of the Light Forces. However, not every parent will be able to conceive a child on this day. You need to prepare for this both physically and spiritually.

Dreams of the first lunar day usually light and warn of joyful events. If you dream about something bad, let go of the dream and don't worry.

Do not schedule a visit to the hairdresser if the world is ruled by the 1st lunar day: cutting your hair on the first lunar day shortens your life.

Memo: make plans, think about the good!

Memo for every lunar day. Key phrases that will help you quickly remember the peculiarities of each lunar day.

Lunar horoscope. We choose a favorable time for important meetings, romantic dates, and surgical interventions. We plan things in accordance with the passage of the Moon under the signs of the Zodiac.

Moon in Aries. Time for some quick work.

Moon in Taurus. Time to make money.

Moon in Gemini. Time to be friends.

Moon in Cancer. Time for family.